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1981 March Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
March 1981 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is four pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Iota Mu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1981 March Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
MARCH 1981
President's Report
Building Fund Status Report
The installation of a new cabinet t lota Mu has usually
In the 1980 Fall issue of the Iota Muse we reported
been a time to reflect upon the past year, reassess our
status of the capital improvements to 28 The Fenway: roof
accomplishments and set our goals for the coming year.
and chimney repairs, stonework and masonry renovations,
Through the strong leadership of Steve Fairbairn '81 much
addition of storm windows and roof insulation, and installation
has been achieved during the past year. The house has gone
of a sprinkler system on all floors. These improvements were
through many needed renovations; specifically, the establish-
funded by a low interest MIT IRDF loan (for the sprinkler
ment of a sprinkler system, repair of the roof and exterior
system), a modest reserve in the Development Fund, and gifts
stonework, and installation of storm windows. Now, for the
from alumni.
first time in 6 years, we are protected by a housing license.
Since the initiation of our "once in a generation" fund
Other minor house improvements include a new washing machine
drive, we have received more than $20,000 from alumni. We
and the purchase of a house stereo system for parties. During
thank all of you who have responded. However, we need the
work-week the freshmen installed new paneling in the pit hall-
additional support of those who have not. Although we have
way. The house has also increased it's financial stability
completed the high priority exterior work and the sprinkler
through the efforts of outgoing treasurer Greg Blahut '81 .
system, important interior renovations must be funded soon:
We have done extremely well in intramural athletics, winning
staircase, electrical wiring, walls, floors, and woodwork.
the A-league soccer and X-country titles. And, in addition,
We can not proceed without your help.
the house GPA has increased significantly.
You may recall that we proposed a gift-giving formula in
However, the strength of the Chapter is always being
our initial solicitation of March 1980: a contribution of
challenged by the many growing and ambitious fraternities at
$50.00 plus $10.00 for every year since your graduation. For
MIT. We must constantly strive to improve and meet the demand.
those who have not contributed we enclose a reply card. To
With this in mind, we have just begun to assert our position
those who have contributed, we extend our sincere thanks.
in the affairs of MIT, and a major goal of the new cabinet
will be to increase our involvement in such organizations as
Dan R. Test '50
the IFC, JudComm, FinBoard, NomComm intercollegiate athletics,
UA, and school paper.
Malcolm Cotton Brown Corporation
We are also in a time when there is a severe housing
shortage in the area. Many universities and private investors
are looking for property to develop into dormitories and
condominiums. Neighbors look unfavorably upon students because
their homes and neighborhoods are being converted to dormitories
(1) Pig Dinner will be held April 4 and the speaker
housing BU and Northeastern students. We need to improve our
will be John Martin '47, President and Chief
Executive Officer of Boeing Electronics. Invitations
relations and demonstrate our value to the surrounding
with full information were mailed earlier; let us
community. In an effort to start this we are planning a Run-a-
know if you have not received yours.
thon program to raise money for the a u Heart Fund.
(2) Fiji Island Party will take pl April 25.
The site and band are undetermined.
Communication with the House Corporation and graduates
(3) On March 14th we will be having the annual
will also be a major concern. We hope to put out more news-
Pledge Formal.
letters, and with the graduate support, have a well attended
(4) Sometime in the near future the house will be
and successful Pig Dinner (which, by the way, is April 4).
conducting a run-a-thon for the American Heart
continued on Page two
President's Report
continued from Page One
An outstanding effort on the part of Rush Chairman Owen
Fordham and a strong rush by the brotherhood resulted in the
Just as importantly, we must maintain a high quality of
pledging of eleven of the finest incoming freshmen this past
men at Iota Mu through our rush, pledge education, and post-
initiation programs.
Pledge training brought members of the class closer
Only through the work and hard efforts of the Brotherhood
together and taught them how to work as a unit. The pledges
will our goals be reached. From the leadership of the follow-
competed against their big brothers in a contest which included
ing cabinet and committee chairmen, we hope to realize our
a 20-legged race, a water-balloon toss and a house climb;
of course, the big costumes brothers won. The class put
on an Oktoberfest with German food, beer, music. The class
Brad Sackett
also provided a 45 foot Christmas tree and a funny skit for
Recording Secretary:
Rodney Robertson
the Christmas party.
Corresponding Secretary:
Jim Willard
The pledges returned to Iota Mu the last week of January
Bert Ashbrook
for freshman work-week. The class successfully completed work-
Rush Chairman:
Rob Spinner
week, with everyone giving their all. The entire class of
Tom Warren
1984 was formally initiated on February 1. The brotherhood
Bob Marinos
feels that each and every member of the class of '84 will be
Bob Voss
an asset to the fraternity. They are: (continued next page)
Greg Hughes
Mickey Goldberger
Athletic Report
Owen Fordham
Capital Improvements:
Bruce Calder
Dave Lerner
The A-league soccer team finally achieved a long-awaited
Bruce Fish
dream. During the season the team went undefeated; in fact,
Graduate Relations:
Dave Lebow
not a single goal was scored against the defense. The team
Community Relations:
John Taylor
went on to defeat SAE 3-1 in the semifinals and shut out the
Social Service:
Mike Ehrlich
Delts 4-0 in the finals, taking revenge on them for having
IFC Rep:
Malcolm Fairbairn
beaten us by one point last year in double over time. The
UA Rep:
Mark Fordham
victory was the result of a lot of hard work and practice by
House Corp. Liaison:
M. K. Ravel
the team members. In addition to a trophy, the brothers won
Iota Muse/Pig Dinner:
Bill Zabor
6 cases of beer that had been wagered on the game.
Paul Nahass
The cross country team, consisting of Owen Fordham John
Greg Blahut
Gilardi, Dave Cocke, Tom Warren, and John Taylor, won first
Dave MacIsaac
Before closing, I would like to encourage you to attend
The C-league soccer team was undefeated and won their
Pig Dinner, or at least get in touch and let us know how you
are doing. I am looking forward to the upcoming year and
The A-league football team had an undefeated season, only
hearing from you.
to loose by an overtime goal in the playoffs.
The basketball team is how 2 for 0, and the hockey team
is 1 for 2.
Bob Collins '82
The Iota Muse is published regularly by the
Iota Mu Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at MIT for
its members and friends. News contributions,
changes of address, and photographs are
without sending
welcome at all times and should be sent to
us your new address!
Phi Gamma Delta, Alumni Records Office,
Be sure to let us know
P.O. Box 900, Cambridge, MA 02139. All
when you move.
photos will be returned to the sender, upon
request, after publication in the Iota Muse.
(continued from page two)
Gregory Wayne Hughes
Los Angeles, California
HARRISON P. EDDY, JR. '17 lives in Manchester, MA (01944-
Malcolm Paul Fairbairn
Ridott, Ilinois
P.O. Box 186).
John Michael Taylor
Clifton, New Jersey
Retired, (Chairman of the Board of the Riegel Textile Corp./
Gregory Scott Herman
Springfield, Virginia
Riegel Pager Corp.) JOHN L. RIEGEL '19 lives at 555 W.
Michael Scott Ehrlich
Wilmette, Illinois
Hartsdale Ave., Hartsdale, NY (10530).
Cesar Dante Maiorino
Edgewater, New Jersey
Mark Jonathon Fordham
HARLAND ALEXANDER GRAY '20 retired in '61 from Aluminum
La Grange, Illinois
Gordon Haggott Beckhart, Jr.
Haddonfield, New Jersey
Company of America. "Dolly" lives at 4425 Coco Ridge Circle,
John Chingswei Chen
Parsippany, New Jersey
Sarasota, FL 33583.
Gayton Lee Silvestro
Cedar Grove, New Jersey
ALAN H. MCINTOSH '20 moved to 335 Brentwood Dr., York, PA
17403 because of his wife's illness. Alan writes his only
alumni contact is with EV DOTEN, '19 (415 Burns Dr., Detroit,
MI 48214).
Retired Professor HOYT C. HOTTEL '22 (27 Cambridge St.,
As part of their work week duties, the freshman are
Winchester, MA 01890) was awarded the Founders' Award of the
asked to write four essays describing their view of the
National Academy of Engineering in October.
Chapter, their opinion of pledge training, their suggestions
for improving the Chapter and their goals for the next four
CHARLES B. MILLER JR., '22 (168 Cherokee Rd., Charlotte, NC
years. These essays are put in a folder with those from
28207) retired from Duke Power Co. (vice president) and became
previous years. They provide us with feedback from new
a manufacturer's Agent for "The Mighty Midet" (Payne Saf-T-
faces on the state of the Chapter and how to improve it.
lock, Pheonix, Arizona), a door lock that can easily be
Just about everyone defined "brotherhood" as a close,
installed by anyone.
life-long bond between men based on mutual respect, cooperation,
trust and support, and on a feeling of unity and comraderie.
JOHN B. DRISKO '27 lives at 29 Hickory Dr., Maplewood, NJ
They strongly felt that these attributes characterized the
(07040). John writes: "gainfully unemployed since March
Chapter and that pledge education had developed these feelings
(1980). How sweet it is!
among them. The freshmen suggested that the Chapter get
Barbara and GEORGE MEYERS, '29 sent holiday greetings to
more involved in campus and community affairs, that brothers
us including a summary of the year's tennis, travel and
not be so sloppy, and that we be more respectful of people
traumatic experiences they shared. Write to them at 214
who have to study. Frshmen goals broke down as follows:
Wyomissing Blvd., Wyomissing, PA 19610.
seven stressed academics (of which four were interested in
post-graduate degrees), five mentioned a varsity sport, five,
Chairman of the Board for Pittsburgh Des Moines Steel Co.,
mentioned campus activities including student government,
WILLIAM R. JACKSON '30 lives at RD #5, Country Club Rd.,
two stated that they eventually wanted to start their own
Sewickley, PA (15143). Lucilla and Bill spend their winters
businesses and eight of the ten could see holding a particular
at Treasure Cay in the Bahamas.
office in the Chapter.
Retired JOHN H. DODGE '31 (706B E. Minnesota Ave., DeLand, FL
32720) occupies his time keeping up-to-date the Physics
textbooks Jack and his colleagues have on the market. Jack
keeps in shape by hiking and biking.
JOHN A. MYERS '36 (1660 Maryland St., Redwood City, CA 94061)
House psyche was high all term, and the brothers had
and his wife Jeanne are looking forward to the 45th Class of
enthusiasm for parties and other social events. A homecoming
'36 reunion in June (4th-7th).
dinner was held for local alumni; thirty graduates and their
families attended. Ten professors attended a faculty dinner
FLETCHER P. THORNTON '36 spends his winters at 91 Hilltop P1.,
here at the house in Nov. Theme parties included a Cowboy/
New London, NH 03257. Fletch and his wife are active in tennis
Square Dance with a real caller, and an Oktoberfest put on by
and skiing. In June they move to their old farm in E. Dorset,
the freshman class. Traditional events included a Christmas
VT. which they've had for 24 years. Golf, vegetable garden,
Party and dinner. A wine and cheese party was held with two
trout fishing and chopping wood keeps Fletch "out of mischief".
Simmons dorms; the girls who came were very pleased with the
Like JOHN MYERS and EL KOONTZ '36 (466 Main St., Old Saybrook,
atmosphere of the party. We had a band party with Deke; the
CT 06475) Fletch will be at Reunion Weekend.
term also included several mixers. The staff of an Italian
HUGH G. PASTORIZA, JR. '43 lives at 5 Legget Rd., Bronxville,
Restaurant in East Boston was given the rare opportunity to
NY (10708). Hugh travels to Washington a couple of days per
hear the singing talents of our chapter during last terms
month on Computor and Business Equipment Manufacturers
house dinner; hopefully they will invite us back. Overall
Association business while working with IBM.
the term was very successful.
JOHN K. FREEMAN '62 (4331 Reno Rd, NW, Washington D.C. 20008),
is a real Estate developer for Rosenberg, Freeman and Assoc.
John's firm deals with re-use of old buildings for housing.
After 15 years with Hughes Aircraft in Tueson, Arizona
CHRISTOPHER R. MILLER '65 moved back to the east to work as
a Staff Technical Advisor for HRB-Singer. His present
address is: 1756 High Ridge Circle, State College, PA 16801.
JOEL D. TALLEY '66 lives at 123 Stoney Creek, Houston, TX
ALF R. BJERCKE '44 is a Consul General at A/S Jotungruppen.
(77024). Joel is a Staff Business Representative for Shell
Alf lives at President Harbitz Gate 14, OSLO 2, Norway.
Chemical Co.
Other alumni in contact with Alf are: DICK HAAS '43 (3071
Harriet R., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44224); JIM MCCLELLAND
Working in Importing/Exporting with New Venture Enterprise
(1425 Westover Ln., Fort Worth, TX 76107); and CHUCK
Ltd., JOSEPH BARON '70 lives at No. 24 Lane 410, Sec. 2,
SMITH '63 (1713 Beckwith, Hudson, Ohio 44236). Alf's list
Pa Teh Rd., Taipei, Taiwan.
of avocations, hobbies, and amusements are too numerous to
RODERIC P. TAFT '74 lives at 254 Ocean St. #5 Lynn, MA 01902
list here.
Rodman just bought a house in Taftsville, VT but "intends to
JAMES B. WEAVER '44 and his wife Judy live at 4620 Weldin
stay in Boston, where the women are, and many Fijis as well."
Rd.., Wilmington, DE (19803). Jim was vice president of ICI
He's now a Sales Rep for Data General Corp.
America in March '73 and was elected director of ICI U.S.
Being a Production Engineer for four years at Shell Oil Co.
in 1974. Retired early, Jim now enjoys an active life and
has given RAMON J. VALLEJO '75 much field experience and a
hopes to "get to Boston more frequently" as a consultant to
lot of time to travel around the states. Through Ramon's
the chemical industry.
travels he has seen many alumni and we thank him for the
JAMES S. CRAIG '46 lives at 31 The Valley Rd., Concord, MA
current information he sent to us. "Whenever any of the
(01742). Jim is in Real Estate for Craig, Heath Assoc., Inc.
brothers are in the area give us a call" at 3833 Greenbriar
Just recently Jim ahd his partners purchased Denholm's Dept.
Lane., Harvey, LA 70058.
Store complex on Main St. in Worcester and are working to
PETE JASAK '73 lives at 5271 Heron Rd., Venice, FL 33595.
convert this into large-scale office space.
KIRK V. BLUNCK '76 (1612 31st St., Des Moines, IA 50311)
W. OLIVER KINCANNON, JR. '50 returned to the U.S. after 12
is an architect for Brooks, Borg and Skiles. "Burt" and
years in Europe as Director of Hercules' subsidiaries in
Doreen have been working on an older house for 2 years
Finland, Belgium and the United Kingdon. "Ozzie" and his
restoring it. Burt heard from VINCE MACONI '76 (4 Claimoor
bride (July '80) Margaret Scott live at RD #3 Box 250, E4A,
Dr., Nashua, NH 03060), now a communications consultant.
Hockessin, DE (19707).
JAMES DATESH '77 lives at 43 Wyoming St., Pittsburg, PA
A sales manager at Atlantic/Tracy Inc. ROBERT A. LINDQUIST '51
15211. "Dato" is a Product Coordinator for Dacar Chemical
is in the process of relocating into the Boston area. His
Co. He's recently visited with many of his brothers and we
address is 271 Dodge St., Beverly, MA 01915.
thank him for sending the information to us.
JOHN J. KOCH '53 lives at 44 Beach Park, Pewaukee, Wis (53072).
JOE EGAN '77 now works for the energy and environmental
He is a stock broker (Smith/Barney) and just bought a
systems division at Argonne National Laboratory doing energy
Chevrolet agency. "Still planting 150 acres of corn each
supply planning for Third World Countries. He lives at 5502
spring, duck hunting in the fall, and skiing in the winter."
S. Madison St., #2 Himsdale, IL 60521. He was published
Within the past year JOSEPH HARRINGTON '61 (4 Jefferson Rd.,
in May '80 Technology Review. He also reports STEVE MACONI
Westborough, MA 01581), became Chief Mechanical Engineer at
'77 (Noble Dr., Freeport, ME 04032), is engaged.
New England Electric. He also is involved with MIT's
LOUIS WELLS HEAVNER, II '78 lives at 427 Peake St., Lake
Educational Council and the Dept. of Humanities. Joe offers
Charles, LA (70601). Lou works for Olin Corp./Chemicals
"best regards to all the Fijis ".
Group as a Systems Development Engineer. STEVE SIFFERLEN'78
MONROE LABOUISSE '61 ('63) (2714 Coliseaum St., New Orleans,
passed though town on his way from Pensacola, FL to SanDiego,
LA 70130) founded an architect firm named Labouisse, Graeber
CA, where he is still in the Navy but switching from Desk
Ltd. two years ago and now employs 6 people. The firm
Jockey to Boat Jockey.
specializes in Historic restorations. Monroe has lost 35 lbs,
DAVID WESTENBERG '80 (45 Trowbridge St., 4B, Cambridge, MA
is training for the Boston Marathon, and of course is playing
02138) is enjoying his first year at Harvard Law School.
tennis. JOHN VLCEK '61 (378 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, NY
David says DOUG BARNARD '79 (4245 Woodale Ave., S.
11238) and NORM DORF '63 (September La., Glen Cove, NY 11542)
Minneapolis, MN 55414) is in his second year of Law School
both payed Monroe a visit last summer.
at the University of Minnesota.
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March 1981 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is four pages in length.