Nu Delta

University of Delaware

Founding Date
Oct 17th, 2009

The Nu Delta chapter at the University of Delaware chartered on October 17, 2009. The chapter is located in Newark, Delaware.

The Ritual Team included: Legate: Donald R. Mighell (Texas 1956); Chapter President: Benjamin W. Little (NYU 2011); Chapter Treasurer: Joseph S. Cutrona (Richmond 2010); Recording Secretary: Matthew N. Walker (Vermont 2012); Corresponding Secretary: Michael A. Bowers (Richmond 2011); Chapter Historian: Ryan O. Sebastian (WPI 2010); and part of the President's role delivered by Jonathan P. Edelen (RPI 2009). 

The Directors included: Andrew E. Brochu (Johns Hopkins 2012); Peter B. Dalton (Johns Hopkins 2012); Kevin H. Strang (Johns Hopkins 2012); Eric F. Vicedomini (Vermont 2011); Alan J. DeLorenzo (Richmond 2011); Andrew B. C. Shult (Richmond 2011); Graham H. Williams (Virginia 2012); Taylor J. Scholz (Virginia 2012); Kevin S. Dowlen (Virginia 2010); and Daniel P. McHugh (WPI 2010).

Chapter Information



