Chi Lambda

University of California San Diego

Founding Date
May 15th, 1993

The Chi Lambda chapter at the University of California at San Diego chartered May 15, 1993. Chapter ceased January 17, 2004. Chapter rechartered November 7, 2009. The chapter is located in La Jolla, California.

The 2009 Ritual Team included: Legate: Kenneth A. Sobel (Arizona 1975); Chapter President: J. B. Goll (Nebraska 2001); Chapter Treasurer: Robert A. Parks (Fresno State 2008); Recording Secretary: Sean D. Stringer (California at Riverside 2010); Corresponding Secretary: Eddie M. Lee (California at Irvine 2009); and Chapter Historian: Matthew D. Cessna (Knox 2008).

The Directors included: Michael P. Kennedy (Chapman 2010); William R. Miller (Indiana 1962, Purdue GA 1996); William A. Martin III (Mississippi State 1975).

Chapter Information



La Jolla
