Gamma Deuteron

Knox College

Founding Date
Apr 1st, 1867

The Gamma Deuteron chapter was founded at Knox College in April 1867. They then ceased in 1879 but were revived on November 28, 1885. The chapter is located in Galesburg, Illinois.

The chapter maintains an extensive online history and archives site.  Click HERE to view.


Gold Star Members

World War I

Robert Elwood Sinclair (Knox 1919)

World War II

George S. Adams (Knox 1943)
Warren C. Blim (Knox 1942)
Donald C.M. Bracker (Knox 1944)
Charles W. Hanna (Knox 1919)
Robert C. Omer (Knox 1936)
Stanley E. Schreiber (Knox 1940)
Richard B. Stanton (Knox 1943)
Robert C. Taylor, Jr. (Knox 1929)
Frederick T. (aka Fred Walsh) Weber (Knox 1937)
Donald E. Wardan (Knox 1943)
Max L. Wolf (Knox 1934)

Korean War

Eugene C. Anderson, Jr. (Knox 1953)


Chapter Information



