Phi Sigma

Florida State University

Founding Date
Nov 3rd, 1967

The Phi Sigma chapter at Florida State University chartered on November 3, 1967. The chapter ceased Spring 2011 The chapter is located in Tallahassee, Florida. The chapter rechartered on March 19, 2016.

The 2016 Ritual Team included: President: Daniel Wind (University of Central Florida 2016); Treasurer: Sean Gura (University of Florida 2018); Recording Secretary: Keegan Hughes (Nova Southeastern University 2017); Corresponding Secretary: Troy Trask (University of Central Florida 2017); and Historian: Jacob Scheler (Nova Southeastern University 2016).

The Directors included: Kevin Hennessy (University of Central Florida 2016); Malik Barrymore (University of Central Florida 2018); and Alex Lorenzo (University of Central Florida 2015).

The Legate was Dennis LaRosa (Emory University 1969).

Chapter Information



