Deceased Members of Phi Gamma Delta

Deceased Members of Phi Gamma Delta through 2021
Peter J. Aiello (Adelphi University 1994)
Francesco P. Silveri (Adelphi University 1996)
Neal Vaupel (Adelphi University 1993)
Albert E. Acker (Allegheny College 1946)
Alfred B. Adams (Allegheny College 1872)
Peter J. Adler (Allegheny College 2016)
F. R. Agnew (Allegheny College 1954)
Russell B. Ahrens (Allegheny College 1956)
W. J. Aiken (Allegheny College 1942)
William J. Aiken (Allegheny College 1909)
Archibald D. Andrews (Allegheny College 1908)
Hugh L. Apple (Allegheny College 1893)
Judson Appley (Allegheny College 1880)
John J. Arcuri (Allegheny College 1959)
William J. Armstrong (Allegheny College 1916)
Turner S. Arnold (Allegheny College 1904)
I. C. Ayer (Allegheny College 1865)
Malachi C. Bailey (Allegheny College 1875)
John R. Bair (Allegheny College 1960)
John C. Bair (Allegheny College 1927)
Carson H. Baker (Allegheny College 1936)
Edison H. Baker (Allegheny College 1917)
Norman H. Baker (Allegheny College 1950)
Waldo E. Baker (Allegheny College 1949)
Arthur W. Baldwin (Allegheny College 1950)
George Ballantine (Allegheny College 1880)
James A. Ballantyne (Allegheny College 1882)
Thomas D. Ballinger (Allegheny College 1911)
Thomas A. Ballish (Allegheny College 1952)
Charles R. Barkley (Allegheny College 1939)
John C. Barkley (Allegheny College 1902)
John W. Barkley (Allegheny College 1911)
John W. Barkley (Allegheny College 1939)
Russell A. Barnhardt (Allegheny College 1929)
William S. Barnhart (Allegheny College 1940)
Glenn R. Barr (Allegheny College 1919)
Clermont C. Barris (Allegheny College 1870)
William G. Barrows (Allegheny College 1893)
Cecil E. Bartholomew (Allegheny College 1934)
Herbert C. Baum (Allegheny College 1925)
Herbert C. Baum (Allegheny College 1952)
William F. Bayle (Allegheny College 1905)
Harry A. Beach (Allegheny College 1904)
Dale T. Beatty (Allegheny College 1936)
John R. Beck (Allegheny College 1948)
John J. Beecher (Allegheny College 1923)
Patrick H. Beesley (Allegheny College 1864)
Clifford W. Behrhorst (Allegheny College 1930)
David H. Behrhorst (Allegheny College 1928)
Robert A. Beighel (Allegheny College 1945)
A. C. Beiler (Allegheny College 1933)
Ross C. Beiler (Allegheny College 1937)
Hugh S. Bell Sr. (Allegheny College 1921)
John H. Bell (Allegheny College 1943)
Paul R. Bellows (Allegheny College 1918)
Ron Bendekovic (Allegheny College 1993)
Orrin F. Benz (Allegheny College 1958)
Matthew A. Bergin (Allegheny College 1950)
Homer M. Berkhouse (Allegheny College 1895)
Datus W. Berlin (Allegheny College 1928)
William C. Berlin (Allegheny College 1892)
Robert A. Betz (Allegheny College 1950)
Samuel M. Beyer (Allegheny College 1904)
Aubrey M. Billings (Allegheny College 1929)
George L. Bird (Allegheny College 1922)
John C. Bird (Allegheny College 1922)
Guy C. Bittner (Allegheny College 1922)
Gilbert J. Black (Allegheny College 1945)
Lewis S. Blackwell (Allegheny College 1925)
Paul D. Blair (Allegheny College 1931)
Frederick W. Blaisdell (Allegheny College 1902)
Cassius C. Bliley (Allegheny College 1922)
Edwin B. Bodley (Allegheny College 1887)
Homer S. Bodley (Allegheny College 1885)
Charles Bonner (Allegheny College 1880)
Samuel Bonnifield (Allegheny College 1866)
William S. Bonnifield (Allegheny College 1866)
Howard W. Bosworth (Allegheny College 1920)
David C. Bovard (Allegheny College 1962)
John A. Brace (Allegheny College 1928)
Frederic H. Braggins (Allegheny College 1864)
Charles A. Brandt (Allegheny College 1941)
Louis A. Braun (Allegheny College 1924)
Charles F. Brenton (Allegheny College 1870)
Frank G. Brooks (Allegheny College 1915)
Benjamin R. Brown (Allegheny College 1933)
George M. Brown (Allegheny College 1899)
James R. Brown (Allegheny College 1945)
Manson Brown (Allegheny College 1934)
Mark C. Brown (Allegheny College 1918)
J. E. Brownell (Allegheny College 1924)
William N. Bryan (Allegheny College 1876)
Hugh H. Buchanan (Allegheny College 1922)
Paul W. Buell (Allegheny College 1952)
Robert E. Bugbee (Allegheny College 1931)
Warren A. Bugbee (Allegheny College 1933)
Lucius H. Bugbee (Allegheny College 1930)
Frank M. Bullock (Allegheny College 1874)
John C. Burgess (Allegheny College 1949)
Charles M. Burkhalter (Allegheny College 1883)
Clair J. Burns (Allegheny College 1949)
William W. Burt (Allegheny College 1910)
Charles S. Burwell (Allegheny College 1914)
Arthur B. Bush (Allegheny College 1938)
John W. Bush (Allegheny College 1966)
Edmund B. Byers (Allegheny College 1861)
Robert J. Byers (Allegheny College 1937)
Smith L. Byham (Allegheny College 1925)
Jack E. Bynane (Allegheny College 1951)
Clarence E. Callendar (Allegheny College 1907)
Markley C. Cameron (Allegheny College 1881)
Edward P. Campbell (Allegheny College 1910)
Herschel L. Campbell (Allegheny College 1879)
Loudon L. Campbell (Allegheny College 1920)
Milton S. Campbell (Allegheny College 1952)
Robert D. Campbell (Allegheny College 1876)
Hector A. Caravacci (Allegheny College 1942)
A D. Carlson (Allegheny College 1948)
Sidney H. Carlson (Allegheny College 1922)
Raymond C. Carper (Allegheny College 1944)
Elic S. Carroll (Allegheny College 1883)
Harry C. Carroll (Allegheny College 1882)
Jesse W. Cary (Allegheny College 1893)
Homer L. Castle (Allegheny College 1918)
John G. Castle (Allegheny College 1918)
James W. Chace (Allegheny College 1882)
William A. Challener (Allegheny College 1922)
Alton M. Chambliss (Allegheny College 1954)
Albert O. Chapin (Allegheny College 1899)
Henry Chapman (Allegheny College 1882)
Homer L. Clark (Allegheny College 1903)
Robert R. Clark (Allegheny College 1968)
Thomas J. Clarke (Allegheny College 1905)
Cyrus C. Clarke (Allegheny College 1867)
Charles H. Cochran (Allegheny College 1923)
Clifford J. Coggon (Allegheny College 1907)
Alton L. Collins (Allegheny College 1920)
Crawford J. Conrad (Allegheny College 1926)
Mark A. Copeland (Allegheny College 1896)
Samuel B. Craig (Allegheny College 1871)
Noble F. Crandall (Allegheny College 1929)
Thomas H. Crandall (Allegheny College 1931)
Clarence A. Crane (Allegheny College 1898)
Homer C. Crawford (Allegheny College 1877)
James A. Crawford (Allegheny College 1867)
John D. Cremer (Allegheny College 1947)
Hyatt M. Cribbs Jr. (Allegheny College 1919)
John F. Crichton (Allegheny College 1965)
Dale F. Croasmun (Allegheny College 1910)
Max Croasmun (Allegheny College 1913)
Nathan W. Croasmun (Allegheny College 1922)
Robert L. Crofoot (Allegheny College 1942)
Peter V. Croft (Allegheny College 1957)
Robert C. Crowthers (Allegheny College 1890)
Albert G. Curry (Allegheny College 1916)
Francis G. Custard (Allegheny College 1860)
Clyde A. Dahl (Allegheny College 1926)
Robert K. Daker (Allegheny College 1931)
Courtney M. Dale (Allegheny College 1924)
John W. Dale (Allegheny College 1942)
William J. Dale (Allegheny College 1925)
William J. Dale (Allegheny College 1955)
Edward W. Dame (Allegheny College 1949)
John L. Danforth (Allegheny College 1893)
Mitchell E. Daniels (Allegheny College 1944)
Chester A. Darling (Allegheny College 1921)
Richard W. Darling (Allegheny College 1936)
George F. Davenport (Allegheny College 1868)
Robert S. Davidson (Allegheny College 1935)
John L. Davies (Allegheny College 1940)
Charles W. Davis (Allegheny College 1877)
Clarence B. Davis (Allegheny College 1929)
Harry F. Davis (Allegheny College 1898)
Myron P. Davis (Allegheny College 1908)
Ralph J. Davis (Allegheny College 1946)
Verne W. Davis (Allegheny College 1922)
William H. Davis (Allegheny College 1891)
John L. Dawson (Allegheny College 1879)
Frank P. Deane (Allegheny College 1937)
Robert M. DeGaetano (Allegheny College 1944)
Edgar C. Dehne (Allegheny College 1926)
Theodore L. Dehne (Allegheny College 1927)
George W. Delamater (Allegheny College 1869)
Thomas A. Delamater (Allegheny College 1871)
Berton H. Delong (Allegheny College 1909)
Ralph H. Demmler (Allegheny College 1925)
George F. Dennison (Allegheny College 1941)
Harry A. Dennison (Allegheny College 1932)
Gerard M. D'Hont (Allegheny College 1962)
Floyd C. Diaz (Allegheny College 1937)
Francis H. Dickson (Allegheny College 1921)
William S. Diffenderfer (Allegheny College 1929)
Philip A. Dix (Allegheny College 1880)
Leon L. Doane (Allegheny College 1884)
Lee A. Donaldson (Allegheny College 1946)
Wesley E. Donaldson (Allegheny College 1944)
Roger F. Donodeo (Allegheny College 1957)
Charles M. Dotterrer (Allegheny College 1914)
Melvin A. Dotterrer (Allegheny College 1915)
William D. Dotterrer (Allegheny College 1913)
Homer E. Drake (Allegheny College 1916)
Lowell C. Drake (Allegheny College 1917)
John F. Dravo (Allegheny College 1858)
William L. Duda (Allegheny College 1970)
Samuel J. Dudley Jr. (Allegheny College 1928)
Lewis J. Dundon (Allegheny College 1916)
Lynn C. Dundon (Allegheny College 1922)
Roscoe C. Dundon (Allegheny College 1924)
Lewis J. Dundon (Allegheny College 1944)
Thomas R. Dunn (Allegheny College 1881)
Thos D. Dunn (Allegheny College 1880)
Ralph W. Dye (Allegheny College 1922)
Donald L. Eastman (Allegheny College 1922)
Oliver K. Eaton (Allegheny College 1900)
Paul Eaton (Allegheny College 1899)
Benjamin E. Edgell (Allegheny College 1861)
Newton S. Egbert (Allegheny College 1885)
James G. Ehrenfeld (Allegheny College 1891)
Robert H. Eighme (Allegheny College 1957)
Herbert H. Eighmy (Allegheny College 1930)
Robert L. Eisler (Allegheny College 1949)
Albert I. Eldred (Allegheny College 1908)
Guy D. Eldred (Allegheny College 1909)
Andrew C. Ellis (Allegheny College 1878)
William A. Ellis (Allegheny College 1916)
Richard G. English (Allegheny College 1901)
Guert W. Ensign (Allegheny College 1902)
Joseph T. Ewing (Allegheny College 1880)
Alphaeus J. Fahnestock (Allegheny College 1872)
George E. Fahr (Allegheny College 1903)
Herman H. Fahr (Allegheny College 1915)
Benjamin Fauver (Allegheny College 1942)
Charles Ferris (Allegheny College 1936)
Charles W. Ferry (Allegheny College 1908)
James L. Fickinger (Allegheny College 1928)
Frank E. Fickinger (Allegheny College 1931)
Richard H. Fisher (Allegheny College 1956)
Andrew Fleming (Allegheny College 1881)
George M. Fletcher (Allegheny College 1866)
Edwin G. Flint (Allegheny College 1926)
Willard L. Flint (Allegheny College 1950)
Wilson R. Flint (Allegheny College 1922)
Emory B. Flower (Allegheny College 1871)
Joseph R. Fogo (Allegheny College 1921)
John B. Ford (Allegheny College 1888)
William O. Forman (Allegheny College 1912)
George L. Foster (Allegheny College 1894)
Herriot W. Foster (Allegheny College 1898)
James A. Foster (Allegheny College 1961)
Stephen E. Foster (Allegheny College 1881)
Charles J. Fox (Allegheny College 1896)
Robert F. Fox (Allegheny College 1892)
Adelbert G. Fradenburgh (Allegheny College 1890)
David W. Frazier (Allegheny College 1922)
Harry S. Free (Allegheny College 1886)
William V. Freed (Allegheny College 1936)
Reuben C. Frey (Allegheny College 1862)
Robert R. Frey (Allegheny College 1945)
John R. Fridell (Allegheny College 1957)
Ernest L. Frisbee (Allegheny College 1883)
Clifford W. Fuller (Allegheny College 1886)
George H. Fuller (Allegheny College 1889)
Robert W. Funk (Allegheny College 1952)
J. H. Gardner (Allegheny College 1943)
Samuel L. Garvin (Allegheny College 1956)
Wendell B. Gealy (Allegheny College 1924)
Thomas H. George (Allegheny College 1951)
James S. Gibson (Allegheny College 1890)
John H. Gibson (Allegheny College 1927)
Walter S. Giele (Allegheny College 1905)
Allen J. Gilbert (Allegheny College 1883)
Robert J. Gilmore (Allegheny College 1936)
James H. Ginn (Allegheny College 1962)
Robert M. Ginn (Allegheny College 1908)
Alexander W. Gordon (Allegheny College 1949)
Alexander W. Gordon (Allegheny College 1922)
Harold J. Gordon (Allegheny College 1912)
John B. Gordon (Allegheny College 1926)
Lloyd M. Gordon (Allegheny College 1930)
Wendell B. Gordon (Allegheny College 1920)
John M. Grace (Allegheny College 1895)
Frank L. Graham (Allegheny College 1878)
Ralph E. Graham (Allegheny College 1919)
Robert G. Graham (Allegheny College 1872)
Fred L. Gray (Allegheny College 1890)
Nelson A. Gray (Allegheny College 1879)
Joseph M. Gray (Allegheny College 1944)
J. F. Green (Allegheny College 1933)
William H. Greene (Allegheny College 1936)
Ronald E. Gregg (Allegheny College 1933)
Samuel B. Griffith (Allegheny College 1873)
Ralph E. Grimm (Allegheny College 1931)
Matthew H. Grimmett (Allegheny College 1874)
Wayne P. Grogan (Allegheny College 1951)
Leon V. Grove (Allegheny College 1888)
William A. Guenon (Allegheny College 1931)
David P. Guthrie (Allegheny College 1865)
Louis A. Gvatsovsky (Allegheny College 1924)
Charles E. Hall (Allegheny College 1864)
Earl D. Hall (Allegheny College 1919)
Henry H. Hall (Allegheny College 1869)
William S. Hall (Allegheny College 1950)
Donald E. Hamilton (Allegheny College 1949)
Keith D. Hamilton (Allegheny College 1938)
Lewis M. Hamilton (Allegheny College 1862)
Thomas Hamilton (Allegheny College 1867)
V. O. Hammett (Allegheny College 1929)
Charles E. Hammett (Allegheny College 1925)
Charles E. Hammett (Allegheny College 1928)
Fletcher H. Hammon (Allegheny College 1919)
Milo E. Hammon (Allegheny College 1902)
William H. Hammon (Allegheny College 1881)
William M. Hammon (Allegheny College 1943)
David E. Hanaway (Allegheny College 1957)
John L. Hankins (Allegheny College 1960)
Albert W. Harbison (Allegheny College 1872)
Richard B. Harper (Allegheny College 1941)
Merriman C. Harris (Allegheny College 1873)
John S. Hart (Allegheny College 1899)
Stephen J. Hart (Allegheny College 1947)
Hartley J. Hartman (Allegheny College 1915)
Ralph T. Hatch (Allegheny College 1894)
Walter R. Haug (Allegheny College 1958)
David A. Hays (Allegheny College 1870)
F. W. Hays (Allegheny College 1861)
John B. Hays (Allegheny College 1858)
Roy W. Hazen (Allegheny College 1904)
Chester G. Hearn (Allegheny College 1954)
Chester G. Hearn (Allegheny College 1930)
Edward B. Heckel (Allegheny College 1887)
Fred L. Heilman (Allegheny College 1907)
Lynn S. Heiss (Allegheny College 1946)
Robert L. Helmer (Allegheny College 1970)
John D. Helminger (Allegheny College 1921)
Edward H. Henderson (Allegheny College 1863)
J. J. Henderson (Allegheny College 1862)
Livingston L. Henry (Allegheny College 1886)
Donald A. Heron (Allegheny College 1937)
Duane A. Herrick (Allegheny College 1929)
Robert T. Herrick (Allegheny College 1885)
William L. Hershelman (Allegheny College 1936)
Benjamin A. Heydrick (Allegheny College 1893)
Louis C. Heydrick (Allegheny College 1899)
William F. Heydrick (Allegheny College 1930)
James H. Hickernell (Allegheny College 1940)
Louis M. Hickernell (Allegheny College 1910)
D. A. Hillstrom (Allegheny College 1937)
John F. Hinckley (Allegheny College 1901)
Robert W. Hintz (Allegheny College 1927)
James Hoag (Allegheny College 1866)
Jack D. Hoeveler (Allegheny College 1937)
Enoch G. Hogate (Allegheny College 1872)
Charles L. Holley (Allegheny College 1932)
Charles W. Hollister (Allegheny College 1883)
Mark E. Hollstein (Allegheny College 1969)
Frederyck E. Holmes (Allegheny College 1930)
Nicholas H. Holmes (Allegheny College 1870)
Fred L. Homer (Allegheny College 1895)
James A. Honse (Allegheny College 1958)
R. Kenneth Horn Jr. (Allegheny College 1939)
Reuben K. Horn (Allegheny College 1907)
Richard H. Horn (Allegheny College 1936)
William F. Horn (Allegheny College 1933)
Simpson W. Horner (Allegheny College 1865)
Donald P. Horton (Allegheny College 1946)
Henry V. Hotchkiss (Allegheny College 1884)
Marcus Hotchkiss (Allegheny College 1858)
Sidney B. Hotchkiss (Allegheny College 1871)
Harold E. Houck (Allegheny College 1937)
Fred W. Hough (Allegheny College 1924)
Miles E. Hough (Allegheny College 1928)
Seth E. Hough (Allegheny College 1925)
John R. Howald (Allegheny College 1970)
Charles L. Howe (Allegheny College 1891)
Frederic C. Howe (Allegheny College 1889)
John B. Hudson (Allegheny College 1928)
William W. Hulin (Allegheny College 1918)
Forest Hulings (Allegheny College 1875)
Allen G. Hutcheon (Allegheny College 1919)
John J. Hutcheson (Allegheny College 1909)
Keith R. Hutchison (Allegheny College 1937)
Robert E. Iffert (Allegheny College 1922)
Wilbur S. Jackman (Allegheny College 1884)
William B. Jameson (Allegheny College 1884)
Ronald E. Janowsky (Allegheny College 1961)
Morey P. Jeffery (Allegheny College 1914)
James W. Jenkins (Allegheny College 1944)
Charles G. Johannesmeyer (Allegheny College 1940)
Andrew Johnson (Allegheny College 1861)
Bruce A. Johnson (Allegheny College 1976)
David D. Johnson (Allegheny College 1867)
Harry P. Johnson (Allegheny College 1892)
Henry S. Johnston (Allegheny College 1860)
Paul W. Johnston (Allegheny College 1914)
Paul W. Johnston Jr. (Allegheny College 1939)
Robert I. Johnston (Allegheny College 1969)
Frank L. Jolly (Allegheny College 1923)
Charles L. Jones (Allegheny College 1920)
Donald B. Jones (Allegheny College 1939)
Glenn R. Jones (Allegheny College 1952)
Harry A. Jones (Allegheny College 1917)
Harry M. Jones (Allegheny College 1905)
Hiram A. Jones (Allegheny College 1922)
John O. Jones (Allegheny College 1939)
Richard M. Jones (Allegheny College 1939)
William E. Jordan (Allegheny College 1922)
Malcolm L. Judd (Allegheny College 1954)
Warren R. Keck (Allegheny College 1935)
Jay E. Kelley (Allegheny College 1903)
Hiram W. Kellogg (Allegheny College 1894)
Charles C. Kelso (Allegheny College 1880)
Edward E. Kemble MD (Allegheny College 1934)
William B. Kennedy (Allegheny College 1935)
John W. Kephart (Allegheny College 1894)
Lee D. Kepner (Allegheny College 1916)
James W. Kester (Allegheny College 1970)
Norman D. King (Allegheny College 1960)
Russell B. King (Allegheny College 1965)
William T. King (Allegheny College 1957)
James W. Kinnear (Allegheny College 1882)
James W. Kinnear (Allegheny College 1920)
Jeremiah Kinniff (Allegheny College 1864)
Nathan P. Kinsley (Allegheny College 1868)
Lewis T. Kirk (Allegheny College 1871)
William M. Kirkpatrick (Allegheny College 1947)
Ralph H. Klinestiver (Allegheny College 1923)
Donald C. Knapp (Allegheny College 1931)
Frank L. Knapp (Allegheny College 1907)
H. B. Knapp (Allegheny College 1924)
William F. Knoell (Allegheny College 1909)
Edwin M. Knowles (Allegheny College 1892)
Homer R. Koen (Allegheny College 1894)
Earl J. Kohn (Allegheny College 1934)
Norman S. Kohn (Allegheny College 1930)
Frank B. Krimmel (Allegheny College 1936)
Irwin C. Krueger (Allegheny College 1921)
George H. Lamb (Allegheny College 1885)
George H. Lamb (Allegheny College 1949)
Harold H. Lamb (Allegheny College 1910)
Robert M. Landon (Allegheny College 1950)
Harry B. Laudenslager (Allegheny College 1944)
Lewis H. Lauderbaugh (Allegheny College 1876)
William A. Lawton (Allegheny College 1904)
James W. Lee (Allegheny College 1868)
Charles C. Leech (Allegheny College 1888)
Clifford S. Leet (Allegheny College 1897)
Doyle H. Leffel (Allegheny College 1912)
Alvin G. Leonard (Allegheny College 1890)
Robert W. Leuthner (Allegheny College 1943)
Theodore L. Levinson (Allegheny College 1955)
Scott W. Lewis (Allegheny College 1951)
William J. Lewis (Allegheny College 1870)
C. C. Leydic (Allegheny College 1937)
Frederick V. Lichtenfels (Allegheny College 1941)
Abner E. Linn (Allegheny College 1880)
Edgar C. Linn (Allegheny College 1886)
James W. Litzinger (Allegheny College 1976)
Neal M. Lombardo (Allegheny College 1964)
C. P. Long (Allegheny College 1946)
Wendell P. Long (Allegheny College 1915)
John H. Louthan (Allegheny College 1927)
William W. Lowe (Allegheny College 1952)
Geoffrey A. Lyon (Allegheny College 1906)
Samuel Mackey (Allegheny College 1878)
Newton B. Madden (Allegheny College 1896)
George L. Mahoney (Allegheny College 1863)
Arthur B. Marcy (Allegheny College 1916)
Charles H. Marcy (Allegheny College 1911)
Robert C. Marcy (Allegheny College 1931)
Joseph P. Marlatt (Allegheny College 1882)
Samuel S. Marquis (Allegheny College 1890)
Ralph K. Marshall (Allegheny College 1932)
Carl F. Martin (Allegheny College 1894)
John D. Martin (Allegheny College 1880)
William M. Martin (Allegheny College 1875)
William O. Mason (Allegheny College 1907)
Harry E. Massing (Allegheny College 1933)
Edwin L. Mattern (Allegheny College 1890)
De Forest A. Matteson (Allegheny College 1945)
Frank L. Matteson (Allegheny College 1900)
Marlen Matthews (Allegheny College 1947)
Allan J. Maxwell (Allegheny College 1879)
Franklin C. May (Allegheny College 1948)
Ira K. McAdam (Allegheny College 1933)
Frank L. McCafferty (Allegheny College 1950)
Thomas B. McCafferty (Allegheny College 1920)
William G. McCandless (Allegheny College 1959)
William V. McCarthy (Allegheny College 1952)
Frank B. McCartney (Allegheny College 1904)
Charles F. McCleary (Allegheny College 1931)
Thomas G. McCleary (Allegheny College 1938)
Charles Q. McClelland (Allegheny College 1942)
William McClelland (Allegheny College 1870)
William J. McClintock (Allegheny College 1878)
Norman H. McCormick (Allegheny College 1869)
William C. McCotter (Allegheny College 1940)
Caleb McCune (Allegheny College 1903)
William W. McDade (Allegheny College 1894)
William E. McDowell (Allegheny College 1877)
William P. McElwain (Allegheny College 1885)
Richard S. McEntire (Allegheny College 1860)
John R. McFarland (Allegheny College 1938)
Thomas M. McFarland (Allegheny College 1871)
Thomas McGough (Allegheny College 1872)
Eugene P. McIndoe (Allegheny College 1953)
Donald R. McKay (Allegheny College 1950)
Leo H. McKay (Allegheny College 1916)
Daniel McKee (Allegheny College 1871)
Russell A. McKinley (Allegheny College 1873)
Arthur W. McKinney (Allegheny College 1919)
David M. McLaud (Allegheny College 1963)
William B. McNair Jr. (Allegheny College 1889)
Sterling G. McNees (Allegheny College 1909)
John M. McNitt (Allegheny College 1952)
Theodore O. McQuiston (Allegheny College 1925)
Charles A. Mead (Allegheny College 1919)
Gilbert W. Mead (Allegheny College 1911)
Knighton T. Mead (Allegheny College 1884)
Bertram O. Meadowcroft (Allegheny College 1930)
Harold F. Meese (Allegheny College 1921)
Harold F. Meese (Allegheny College 1952)
Donald B. Megahan (Allegheny College 1918)
Howard D. Megahan (Allegheny College 1920)
James G. Megirt (Allegheny College 1919)
Webster D. Melcher (Allegheny College 1921)
Frank W. Merchant (Allegheny College 1895)
Willis Merchant (Allegheny College 1893)
George F. Meredith (Allegheny College 1920)
Frederic T. Mertens (Allegheny College 1956)
David S. Meyers (Allegheny College 1949)
Benedict J. Miceli (Allegheny College 1950)
Joseph W. Miles (Allegheny College 1874)
Alex R. Miller (Allegheny College 1862)
Andrew F. Miller (Allegheny College 1923)
Charles B. Miller (Allegheny College 1940)
Charles M. Miller (Allegheny College 1881)
Charles S. Miller (Allegheny College 1913)
David C. Miller (Allegheny College 1939)
Edwin M. Miller (Allegheny College 1879)
James M. Miller (Allegheny College 1913)
James S. Miller (Allegheny College 1894)
Stephen B. Miller (Allegheny College 1947)
William F. Miller (Allegheny College 1923)
Charles M. Miller (Allegheny College 1917)
John H. Miller (Allegheny College 1926)
Charles W. Mills (Allegheny College 1867)
Robert M. Mills (Allegheny College 1951)
George J. Mitchell (Allegheny College 1952)
Francis H. Mixsell (Allegheny College 1897)
Don P. Mohney (Allegheny College 1924)
Frederick C. Monks (Allegheny College 1883)
E. P. Montague (Allegheny College 1897)
James H. Montgomery (Allegheny College 1877)
Homer E. Moody (Allegheny College 1932)
Clayton L. Moore (Allegheny College 1887)
John W. Moore (Allegheny College 1881)
David W. Morey (Allegheny College 1954)
Carl D. Morneweck (Allegheny College 1921)
Joseph D. Morris (Allegheny College 1894)
David M. Morrison (Allegheny College 1965)
Paul C. Morrison (Allegheny College 1961)
Thomas D. Morrow (Allegheny College 1915)
William M. Morrow (Allegheny College 1950)
Oscar B. Moss (Allegheny College 1879)
S. R. Mountsier (Allegheny College 1923)
Edward M. Mucha (Allegheny College 1978)
Carl L. Mulfinger (Allegheny College 1915)
George L. Mulfinger (Allegheny College 1951)
Frank H. Mull (Allegheny College 1921)
George W. Mummert (Allegheny College 1962)
Robert L. Murphy (Allegheny College 1923)
William R. Murphy (Allegheny College 1894)
Frank E. Murphy (Allegheny College 1945)
John F. Murray (Allegheny College 1877)
John A. Myers (Allegheny College 1934)
Ralph A. Neasham (Allegheny College 1928)
Mark J. Nemetz (Allegheny College 1998)
John L. Nesbit (Allegheny College 1894)
Winfield S. Nesbitt (Allegheny College 1883)
Charles T. Nevins (Allegheny College 1936)
Clyde L. Nevins (Allegheny College 1913)
James E. Newton (Allegheny College 1958)
Charles W. Nichols (Allegheny College 1934)
James H. Nichols (Allegheny College 1939)
Richard H. Nichols (Allegheny College 1943)
Sumner E. Nichols (Allegheny College 1912)
Robert W. Nickerson (Allegheny College 1967)
William S. Nixon (Allegheny College 1979)
Paul R. Nutt (Allegheny College 1892)
Charles A. O'Brien (Allegheny College 1943)
William C. Oehmler (Allegheny College 1953)
Albert E. Ogilvie (Allegheny College 1939)
David O'Hanesian (Allegheny College 1956)
Isaac L. Ohlman (Allegheny College 1896)
Richard J. Okrasinski (Allegheny College 1966)
Bruce T. Olderman (Allegheny College 1961)
William F. Oldham (Allegheny College 1883)
William Onest (Allegheny College 1947)
James C. Ormes (Allegheny College 1868)
William R. Osborne (Allegheny College 1936)
Christian Ostergaard (Allegheny College 1951)
Herman H. Osthaus (Allegheny College 1874)
Richard C. Pantall (Allegheny College 1937)
David L. Parker (Allegheny College 1922)
Lee W. Parker (Allegheny College 1953)
Samuel H. Parker (Allegheny College 1926)
William J. Parker (Allegheny College 1923)
Rufus H. Patchin (Allegheny College 1893)
Earle J. Patterson (Allegheny College 1933)
Robert L. Patterson (Allegheny College 1931)
Samuel M. Patton (Allegheny College 1881)
Leroy A. Paul (Allegheny College 1945)
Henry L. Pentz (Allegheny College 1904)
Seth T. Perley (Allegheny College 1913)
Jacob A. Peters (Allegheny College 2017)
Guy M. Peterson (Allegheny College 1897)
William M. Peth (Allegheny College 1977)
Robert E. Petrequin (Allegheny College 1938)
Edward C. Petrie (Allegheny College 1949)
Thomas A. Pierce (Allegheny College 1909)
Harry H. Pierson (Allegheny College 1916)
John C. Pierson (Allegheny College 1914)
Felix C. Pifer (Allegheny College 1878)
Charles E. Piper (Allegheny College 1949)
Theodore H. Poister (Allegheny College 1927)
Harry R. Pore Jr. (Allegheny College 1933)
Harry A. Porter (Allegheny College 1899)
Leroy Porter (Allegheny College 1883)
James W. Poux (Allegheny College 1954)
Richard N. Poux (Allegheny College 1952)
William P. Powell (Allegheny College 1978)
William D. Powers (Allegheny College 1970)
Wayne H. Prather (Allegheny College 1931)
Grant C. Preble (Allegheny College 1965)
Tom Z. Pressel (Allegheny College 1929)
Emberson E. Proper (Allegheny College 1889)
John W. Prout MD (Allegheny College 1937)
Robert E. Pryde (Allegheny College 1950)
James J. Pysher (Allegheny College 1945)
Stephen A. Quinon (Allegheny College 1871)
Robert J. Ralston (Allegheny College 1937)
William G. Ralston (Allegheny College 1935)
Reuben F. Randolph (Allegheny College 1868)
Herbert E. Ransford (Allegheny College 1938)
John R. Ransom (Allegheny College 1860)
Frank P. Ray (Allegheny College 1862)
George S. Ray (Allegheny College 1892)
Robert M. Rea (Allegheny College 1897)
John R. Reasbeck (Allegheny College 1953)
Albert A. Reavley (Allegheny College 1908)
Marcellus A. Reid (Allegheny College 1879)
William A. Reider (Allegheny College 1944)
John B. Reinholdt (Allegheny College 1860)
George L. Reis (Allegheny College 1869)
Jared M. Reis (Allegheny College 1876)
William E. Reis (Allegheny College 1869)
Paul Reisinger (Allegheny College 1892)
Perry A. Reno (Allegheny College 1877)
Harry J. Repman (Allegheny College 1937)
James R. Rettew (Allegheny College 1880)
Frederick C. Reynolds (Allegheny College 1905)
Harry W. Reynolds (Allegheny College 1875)
Paul C. Reynolds (Allegheny College 1928)
George B. Richardson (Allegheny College 1874)
George B. Richardson (Allegheny College 1942)
Joseph B. Richey (Allegheny College 1889)
William H. Richey (Allegheny College 1922)
Almond G. Richmond (Allegheny College 1870)
Hiram L. Richmond (Allegheny College 1860)
Clyde E. Rickard (Allegheny College 1954)
Clifton L. Ricketts (Allegheny College 1929)
William N. Ridge (Allegheny College 1882)
Karl Riemer (Allegheny College 1926)
John T. Riley (Allegheny College 1868)
Charles E. Rimer (Allegheny College 1950)
Edward L. Ringer (Allegheny College 1929)
Alexander G. Robinson (Allegheny College 1952)
Jesse S. Robinson (Allegheny College 1911)
Samuel W. Robinson (Allegheny College 1907)
Gregory P. Rocha (Allegheny College 1966)
Paul W. Roese (Allegheny College 1953)
William E. Roos (Allegheny College 1933)
Sydney R. Root (Allegheny College 1912)
George D. Rose (Allegheny College 1940)
Samuel Y. Rossiter (Allegheny College 1910)
Harold J. Rowe (Allegheny College 1935)
Elmer G. Royce (Allegheny College 1902)
Jay G. Rudolph (Allegheny College 1957)
James A. Ruppert (Allegheny College 1970)
J. Robert Russell (Allegheny College 1923)
James O. Russell (Allegheny College 1921)
Hudson G. Samson (Allegheny College 1918)
Fred H. Sanner (Allegheny College 1916)
Joseph L. Sawyer (Allegheny College 1930)
Wilbert C. Schade (Allegheny College 1929)
Calvin P. Schaffner (Allegheny College 1946)
Perry B. Schaffner (Allegheny College 1909)
Stuart B. Schaffner (Allegheny College 1942)
Samuel P. Schiek (Allegheny College 1896)
William E. Scott (Allegheny College 1903)
Robert P. Scott Jr. (Allegheny College 1935)
John H. Seager (Allegheny College 1938)
Ralph B. Secor (Allegheny College 1922)
William B. Secrist (Allegheny College 1900)
Sidney G. Sedwick (Allegheny College 1939)
William C. Segmiller (Allegheny College 1954)
Frederic A. Shaffer (Allegheny College 1906)
William L. Shaffer (Allegheny College 1930)
Robert B. Shane (Allegheny College 1941)
James B. Sharp (Allegheny College 1926)
Charles C. Shaw (Allegheny College 1932)
Edison F. Shepler (Allegheny College 1953)
Louis W. Sherwin (Allegheny College 1908)
William R. Shields (Allegheny College 1950)
Frederick Shillito (Allegheny College 1880)
James D. Shoemaker (Allegheny College 1960)
R. K. Showers (Allegheny College 1931)
Milton W. Shreve (Allegheny College 1880)
John J. Shryock (Allegheny College 1876)
Robert C. Siemons (Allegheny College 1953)
Will L. Siling (Allegheny College 1890)
Thomas W. Simons (Allegheny College 1961)
Clyde H. Slease (Allegheny College 1902)
Theodore L. Slocum (Allegheny College 1866)
Joseph J. Smartz (Allegheny College 1957)
Nelson B. Smiley (Allegheny College 1864)
Thomas F. Smiley (Allegheny College 1894)
Arthur W. Smith (Allegheny College 1863)
Bascom B. Smith (Allegheny College 1869)
Donald E. Smith (Allegheny College 1958)
Gordon M. Smith (Allegheny College 1966)
Wesley L. Smith (Allegheny College 1891)
William W. Smith (Allegheny College 1863)
Zerah C. Smullin (Allegheny College 1860)
Guy E. Snavely (Allegheny College 1910)
Casper S. Spangler (Allegheny College 1921)
Thomas M. St John (Allegheny College 1876)
Charles C. Stanton (Allegheny College 1933)
Robert A. Stanton (Allegheny College 1946)
John R. Stenstrom (Allegheny College 1924)
Mayne R. Stevenson (Allegheny College 1887)
Charles H. Stevenson Jr. (Allegheny College 1916)
Edward J. Stewart (Allegheny College 1927)
John A. Stewart (Allegheny College 1912)
Don O. Stone (Allegheny College 1908)
George W. Stone (Allegheny College 1906)
Harry E. Stone (Allegheny College 1905)
John H. Stonefoot (Allegheny College 1953)
Jacob P. Strayer (Allegheny College 1878)
J. T. Streit (Allegheny College 1863)
Carl E. Strick (Allegheny College 1938)
Benjamin M. Stright (Allegheny College 1926)
Frank H. Stright (Allegheny College 1928)
James E. Stubbs (Allegheny College 1865)
William L. Sturdevant (Allegheny College 1908)
Paul Sturtevant (Allegheny College 1899)
Walter H. Summ (Allegheny College 1922)
Harry E. Sundgren (Allegheny College 1932)
Lester L. Swaney (Allegheny College 1903)
Walter P. Swanson (Allegheny College 1922)
E. C. Swartz (Allegheny College 1882)
Watson H. Swartz (Allegheny College 1877)
Martin J. Sweeney (Allegheny College 1890)
Derbe H. Swengel (Allegheny College 1904)
William C. Taft (Allegheny College 1936)
James B. Taylor (Allegheny College 1875)
H. R. Taylor (Allegheny College 1941)
Richard K. Terry (Allegheny College 1952)
Crawford B. Thoburn (Allegheny College 1919)
Crawford R. Thoburn (Allegheny College 1885)
David M. Thoburn (Allegheny College 1951)
Paul V. Thoburn (Allegheny College 1952)
Theodore Thoburn (Allegheny College 1914)
Thomas W. Thoburn (Allegheny College 1914)
Thomas W. Thoburn (Allegheny College 1948)
Paul A. Thoma (Allegheny College 1954)
Frank J. Thomas (Allegheny College 1885)
Paul E. Thomas (Allegheny College 1914)
Hugh S. Thompson (Allegheny College 1880)
John F. Thompson (Allegheny College 1880)
Ott Thompson (Allegheny College 1946)
William A. Thompson (Allegheny College 1865)
Robert C. Thompson (Allegheny College 1931)
Gustav K. Tillotson (Allegheny College 1907)
Harry H. Tolerton (Allegheny College 1898)
Lawrence H. Tompkins (Allegheny College 1950)
William L. Tomson (Allegheny College 1967)
John B. Townley (Allegheny College 1896)
Robert E. Trace (Allegheny College 1948)
Frank G. Travis (Allegheny College 1925)
Norman L. Treinish (Allegheny College 1957)
Charles G. Trussel (Allegheny College 1886)
Roy H. Uhlinger (Allegheny College 1939)
Jack D. Utley (Allegheny College 1934)
Joe P. Valentino (Allegheny College 1963)
William K. Vangilder (Allegheny College 1879)
Clare W. Virtue (Allegheny College 1894)
David L. Vogel (Allegheny College 1974)
Teunis H. Vosburgh (Allegheny College 1862)
Paul N. Waite (Allegheny College 1948)
Charles H. Waitz (Allegheny College 1956)
Byron P. Walker (Allegheny College 1907)
David R. Wallace (Allegheny College 1935)
Doyle H. Wallace (Allegheny College 1933)
Harold E. Wallace (Allegheny College 1948)
Edgar H. Ward (Allegheny College 1947)
Wilbur D. Warner (Allegheny College 1943)
R. T. Weaver (Allegheny College 1963)
Ford W. Weber (Allegheny College 1899)
David L. Wedekind (Allegheny College 1944)
Webb W. Weeks (Allegheny College 1909)
Harry M. Weeter (Allegheny College 1910)
Everett S. Weidle (Allegheny College 1914)
Stanton M. Weissenborn (Allegheny College 1917)
James M. Wells (Allegheny College 1862)
Robert A. Wells (Allegheny College 1946)
Thomas J. Wells (Allegheny College 1862)
James E. Wettach (Allegheny College 1930)
Olin D. Wheeler (Allegheny College 1873)
William J. Whieldon (Allegheny College 1932)
Wayne Whipple (Allegheny College 1877)
Allyn F. White (Allegheny College 1939)
Buell B. Whitehill (Allegheny College 1904)
Lewis A. Wible (Allegheny College 1942)
John L. Wiley (Allegheny College 1918)
Albert M. Williams (Allegheny College 1861)
Michael P. Williams (Allegheny College 1962)
Richard W. Williams (Allegheny College 1918)
Robert E. Williams (Allegheny College 1960)
Wilbur G. Williams (Allegheny College 1875)
Charles A. Wilson (Allegheny College 1906)
John K. Wilson (Allegheny College 1905)
Michael J. Wilson (Allegheny College 1982)
Samuel Wilson (Allegheny College 1905)
Wallace A. Wilson (Allegheny College 1896)
Wilford M. Wilson (Allegheny College 1882)
M. K. Winterbottom (Allegheny College 1931)
Benjamin F. Wolff (Allegheny College 1884)
James B. Wood (Allegheny College 1889)
John A. Wood (Allegheny College 1886)
Thomas H. Woodring (Allegheny College 1873)
James T. Wright (Allegheny College 1876)
Matthew V. Wright (Allegheny College 1924)
William V. Yates (Allegheny College 1882)
Richard J. Yeckley (Allegheny College 1976)
Franklin G. Yingling (Allegheny College 1956)
Robert L. Yost (Allegheny College 1917)
Russell R. Yost (Allegheny College 1910)
Harry M. Young (Allegheny College 1905)
Paul H. Younger (Allegheny College 1931)
Joseph A. Zahorchak (Allegheny College 1965)
Anthony C. Zambelli (Allegheny College 1965)
Winfield S. Zehrung (Allegheny College 1919)
Charles B. Adams (Amherst College 1896)
John B. Adams (Amherst College 1944)
Irving H. Agard (Amherst College 1909)
Arlon D. Albee (Amherst College 1922)
Homer E. Allen (Amherst College 1938)
John S. Alsop (Amherst College 1949)
Floyd E. Anderson (Amherst College 1913)
Edmund L. Andrews (Amherst College 1950)
Bernard R. Angleman (Amherst College 1933)
Sydney W. Angleman (Amherst College 1923)
Robert G. Armstrong (Amherst College 1912)
John F. Armstrong (Amherst College 1936)
J. H. Arnold (Amherst College 1943)
A. B. Aspinwall (Amherst College 1909)
George A. Athanason (Amherst College 1950)
Allen R. Atwater (Amherst College 1941)
Theodore S. Bacon (Amherst College 1942)
Harry E. Bailey (Amherst College 1914)
Jesse M. Bailey (Amherst College 1940)
George H. Baker (Amherst College 1874)
James D. Baldwin (Amherst College 1951)
Hamilton C. Ballagh (Amherst College 1915)
Benjamin D. Ballantine (Amherst College 1914)
Joseph W. Ballantine (Amherst College 1909)
Benjamin D. Ballentine (Amherst College 1914)
Charles E. Ballou (Amherst College 1904)
Bernard B. Bandel (Amherst College 1905)
Charles D. Barkwill (Amherst College 1953)
Harry E. Barlow (Amherst College 1907)
Lewis A. Barlow (Amherst College 1935)
Walter E. Barnard (Amherst College 1909)
Lakenan C. Barnes (Amherst College 1928)
Paul B. Barton (Amherst College 1920)
Raymond G. Barton (Amherst College 1914)
Paul L. Bassett (Amherst College 1941)
William C. Bates (Amherst College 1925)
Robert E. Bauser (Amherst College 1954)
Donald H. Bayles (Amherst College 1944)
Herman K. Beach (Amherst College 1936)
Frederic A. Beck (Amherst College 1946)
Hector A. Beck (Amherst College 1926)
John M. Bell (Amherst College 1920)
Harlow M. Bender (Amherst College 1925)
Richard A. Benedict (Amherst College 1939)
Max A. Bengs (Amherst College 1915)
Brainard T. Bennett (Amherst College 1934)
Charles E. Bennett (Amherst College 1905)
Oliver P. Bennett (Amherst College 1915)
Roger W. Bennett (Amherst College 1934)
Robert N. Benneyan (Amherst College 1954)
Richard V. Bergren (Amherst College 1955)
James S. Bernard (Amherst College 1909)
Miller R. Bernhard (Amherst College 1912)
John M. Betts (Amherst College 1942)
Richard N. Billings (Amherst College 1940)
Roswell G. Billings (Amherst College 1907)
Arthur P. Black (Amherst College 1921)
Craig C. Black (Amherst College 1954)
Robert L. Black (Amherst College 1921)
Stephen B. Blair (Amherst College 1955)
Alden H. Blanchard (Amherst College 1909)
Cecil K. Blanchard (Amherst College 1908)
Knowles Blanchard (Amherst College 1928)
Dwight B. Blossom (Amherst College 1934)
John J. Blumberg (Amherst College 1942)
Frederick H. Bodman (Amherst College 1899)
John A. Bookhout (Amherst College 1938)
Robert M. Bookhout (Amherst College 1943)
Austin W. Bouteiller (Amherst College 1927)
Griswold L. Bouteiller (Amherst College 1930)
George W. Bovenizer (Amherst College 1941)
Arthur B. Boynton (Amherst College 1910)
Harold H. Bracher (Amherst College 1950)
John F. Bradley (Amherst College 1941)
Morris R. Bradner (Amherst College 1943)
Charles G. Brainard (Amherst College 1896)
Robert M. Branigan (Amherst College 1956)
Robert S. Breed (Amherst College 1898)
William J. Brick (Amherst College 1945)
Raymond M. Bristol (Amherst College 1911)
John R. Brook (Amherst College 1928)
Thomas L. Brook (Amherst College 1929)
Russell C. Brown (Amherst College 1902)
Sumner J. Brown (Amherst College 1922)
Theodore E. Brown (Amherst College 1917)
William C. Bryan (Amherst College 1911)
Nathan C. Bulkley (Amherst College 1904)
Bradford N. Bunnell (Amherst College 1951)
George D. Burchell (Amherst College 1932)
Lawrence P. Burke (Amherst College 1950)
Charles S. Burnett (Amherst College 1922)
George B. Burnett (Amherst College 1910)
Henry W. Burnett (Amherst College 1913)
William A. Burnett (Amherst College 1919)
George B. Burnett (Amherst College 1936)
Dixwell T. Burnham (Amherst College 1930)
John N. Burnham (Amherst College 1942)
Harold S. Burr (Amherst College 1926)
F. A. Burt (Amherst College 1908)
John H. Burt (Amherst College 1940)
Lawrence W. Burt (Amherst College 1949)
Philip H. Burt (Amherst College 1908)
Jim N. Burton (Amherst College 1945)
Richard D. Bush (Amherst College 1939)
Alfred J. Callahan (Amherst College 1932)
Charles C. Campbell (Amherst College 1911)
Kleber A. Campbell (Amherst College 1897)
Robert B. Campbell (Amherst College 1951)
Don D. Canfield (Amherst College 1950)
John B. Canfield (Amherst College 1929)
Alfred V. Carr (Amherst College 1920)
Harold M. Carter (Amherst College 1918)
James B. Cauthers (Amherst College 1896)
William J. Cedarholm (Amherst College 1925)
Edward Chandler (Amherst College 1936)
Robert M. Chapin (Amherst College 1897)
Charles D. Chase (Amherst College 1949)
Reeve Chipman (Amherst College 1897)
J. D. Clare (Amherst College 1941)
Angus W. Clarke (Amherst College 1937)
William H. Claus (Amherst College 1937)
Robert S. Y. Clifton (Amherst College 1935)
Arthur C. Coe (Amherst College 1928)
Winsor O. Coleman (Amherst College 1942)
Fred R. Conant (Amherst College 1898)
William E. Conley (Amherst College 1907)
James F. Connor (Amherst College 1900)
Jack Conover (Amherst College 1951)
David P. Conroy (Amherst College 1946)
John F. Conway (Amherst College 1922)
William F. Conway (Amherst College 1943)
Calvin Coolidge (Amherst College 1895)
John Coolidge (Amherst College 1928)
Frederick L. Coombs (Amherst College 1927)
Edgar L. Coon (Amherst College 1935)
Dewitt T. Cope (Amherst College 1904)
George W. Cornell (Amherst College 1918)
George E. Cornwall (Amherst College 1903)
Walter W. Coyle (Amherst College 1913)
Robert L. Craig (Amherst College 1931)
James W. Craig Jr. (Amherst College 1952)
Langdon T. Crane (Amherst College 1952)
Roger D. Creelman (Amherst College 1953)
Philip G. Creese (Amherst College 1938)
Frederick K. Cressman (Amherst College 1954)
Kent Creuser (Amherst College 1931)
Philip M. Crippen (Amherst College 1925)
Kenneth R. Crittenden (Amherst College 1942)
Orman M. Crocker (Amherst College 1922)
Edward W. Cross (Amherst College 1897)
Robert P. Crouse (Amherst College 1950)
George L. Curran (Amherst College 1910)
Charles C. Cutting (Amherst College 1907)
Fred B. Dalzell (Amherst College 1944)
Millard S. Darling (Amherst College 1920)
V. B. Darling (Amherst College 1924)
Clarion A. Davis (Amherst College 1912)
John S. Davis (Amherst College 1951)
Kenneth M. Davis (Amherst College 1938)
John B. Dayton (Amherst College 1948)
John P. Deering (Amherst College 1895)
Judd A. Detterick (Amherst College 1911)
Palmer M. Dick (Amherst College 1922)
Ingram Dickinson (Amherst College 1926)
Robert O. Diephouse (Amherst College 1938)
William C. Dill (Amherst College 1936)
Lawrence L. Donahue (Amherst College 1919)
William R. Donaldson (Amherst College 1935)
Harold G. Donham (Amherst College 1897)
J. H. Doscher (Amherst College 1942)
James A. Doucett (Amherst College 1944)
Walter W. Dubreuil (Amherst College 1908)
James Dugan (Amherst College 1903)
Robert W. Dunbar (Amherst College 1895)
Robert H. Dunn (Amherst College 1936)
Herbert C. Durbur (Amherst College 1919)
Warren W. Dutcher (Amherst College 1904)
Stanley E. Eaton (Amherst College 1925)
Jacob B. Edwards (Amherst College 1900)
Thomas R. Edwards (Amherst College 1950)
Peter J. Eichler (Amherst College 1950)
Frank R. Elder (Amherst College 1911)
Thomas P. Elder (Amherst College 1928)
Allen D. Eldred (Amherst College 1909)
Arthur R. Ellert (Amherst College 1939)
Arthur H. Elliot (Amherst College 1915)
Charles J. Ellis (Amherst College 1943)
Calvin J. Ellis (Amherst College 1942)
Edward N. Emerson (Amherst College 1896)
Edward L. Engle (Amherst College 1898)
Leon H. Ensworth (Amherst College 1896)
Herbert A. Erf (Amherst College 1951)
Edward R. Ewer (Amherst College 1922)
Charles B. Fairman (Amherst College 1930)
Charles G. Fairman (Amherst College 1897)
Samuel D. Farber (Amherst College 1922)
Samuel S. Faris (Amherst College 1939)
George W. Fay (Amherst College 1913)
James H. Feasley (Amherst College 1941)
Paul P. Felt (Amherst College 1938)
Ronald H. Ferguson (Amherst College 1924)
Harry A. Ferreira Jr. (Amherst College 1922)
Robert S. Fichtel (Amherst College 1937)
Harry D. Fleck (Amherst College 1910)
John L. Fletcher (Amherst College 1939)
Richard B. Flynn (Amherst College 1955)
Allan W. Forbes (Amherst College 1908)
William T. Forbes (Amherst College 1906)
George M. Foskett (Amherst College 1878)
Elliot O. Foster (Amherst College 1909)
William J. Foster (Amherst College 1921)
Theodore F. Fowler (Amherst College 1951)
George D. Fox (Amherst College 1949)
Raymond H. Fox (Amherst College 1944)
Roswell D. Fox (Amherst College 1946)
Warren W. Fox (Amherst College 1904)
Sanders T. Frank (Amherst College 1959)
Arthur S. Freshman (Amherst College 1929)
John Fribbs (Amherst College 1905)
Lion Gardiner (Amherst College 1944)
Peter Gardiner (Amherst College 1958)
Charles A. George (Amherst College 1923)
John D. Gerhard (Amherst College 1938)
Robert H. Gibson (Amherst College 1953)
Lewis G. Gilliam (Amherst College 1921)
John S. Gillies (Amherst College 1918)
John S. Gillies (Amherst College 1950)
Frederic S. Gilman (Amherst College 1945)
John S. Gilster (Amherst College 1933)
James E. Glann (Amherst College 1917)
Perry B. Glann (Amherst College 1919)
Walter C. Gold (Amherst College 1908)
Glendon R. Good (Amherst College 1923)
Chester C. Graham (Amherst College 1907)
Roland B. Graham (Amherst College 1916)
Walter A. Grant (Amherst College 1925)
Merle D. Graves (Amherst College 1910)
Walter L. Graves (Amherst College 1908)
Joseph H. Gray (Amherst College 1950)
Paul S. Greene (Amherst College 1916)
Robert D. Gregor (Amherst College 1949)
Edward S. Gregory (Amherst College 1910)
Merton L. Griswold Jr. (Amherst College 1925)
Douglas A. Haddow (Amherst College 1946)
George H. Hafner (Amherst College 1927)
Roger W. Hager (Amherst College 1945)
Harold W. Haldeman (Amherst College 1911)
William Hale (Amherst College 1906)
Edward W. Hall (Amherst College 1939)
William E. Hall (Amherst College 1936)
Robert F. Halsey (Amherst College 1950)
Stanley P. Ham (Amherst College 1925)
George S. Hamilton (Amherst College 1915)
Earl E. Hanff (Amherst College 1930)
Linley C. Happ (Amherst College 1920)
Clarence E. Hardy (Amherst College 1908)
George E. Hardy (Amherst College 1907)
Rodney Harris (Amherst College 1940)
Hubert N. Hart (Amherst College 1925)
William Haseltine (Amherst College 1907)
Edward H. Hatton (Amherst College 1939)
William C. Haus (Amherst College 1950)
Richard P. Hauser (Amherst College 1956)
Walter E. Hawkes (Amherst College 1907)
Edouard F. Hebert (Amherst College 1932)
Turner M. Herr (Amherst College 1932)
Coleman F. Herrschaft (Amherst College 1915)
Samuel A. Hess (Amherst College 1943)
William R. Hill (Amherst College 1933)
John S. Hilliard (Amherst College 1906)
Rollin W. Hitt (Amherst College 1906)
Robert T. Hodgen (Amherst College 1954)
William C. Holdsworth (Amherst College 1942)
Walter H. Holthausen (Amherst College 1909)
Milton Hopkins (Amherst College 1930)
John D. Horst (Amherst College 1939)
Leonard B. Hough (Amherst College 1920)
Hervey F. Houghton (Amherst College 1896)
Dennett F. Howe (Amherst College 1930)
John P. Howe (Amherst College 1935)
Claude H. Hubbard (Amherst College 1912)
John H. Hubbard (Amherst College 1907)
Silas G. Hubbard (Amherst College 1914)
George W. Humphrey (Amherst College 1937)
George W. Hunt (Amherst College 1951)
William E. Hunt (Amherst College 1943)
Bernard Huppe (Amherst College 1933)
Perley C. Hyde (Amherst College 1902)
Peter C. Ivy (Amherst College 1943)
Frank S. Jackson (Amherst College 1914)
Corbet S. Johnson (Amherst College 1953)
Donald M. Jones (Amherst College 1935)
Sydney Jones (Amherst College 1929)
Morgan V. Jones (Amherst College 1929)
Robert R. Jones Jr. (Amherst College 1925)
Thomas H. Joyce (Amherst College 1953)
Sherman C. Kattell (Amherst College 1911)
Russell M. Keeney (Amherst College 1953)
Clayton E. Keith (Amherst College 1909)
Paul J. Keller (Amherst College 1949)
James Kelley (Amherst College 1905)
Lawrence W. Kelley (Amherst College 1944)
William A. Kellner (Amherst College 1948)
Emery C. Kellogg (Amherst College 1902)
Clarence A. Kelso (Amherst College 1927)
Frank M. Kelso (Amherst College 1926)
Warren F. Kendall (Amherst College 1940)
J. F. Kern (Amherst College 1905)
Arthur H. Keyes (Amherst College 1897)
Marcus P. Kiley (Amherst College 1919)
William D. L. Kiley (Amherst College 1933)
Kenneth H. Kiplinger (Amherst College 1927)
Willard Kitts (Amherst College 1942)
Vernon Knight (Amherst College 1928)
Carroll B. Knowlton (Amherst College 1950)
Edward G. Kothe (Amherst College 1938)
Frederick A. Kothe (Amherst College 1939)
Kenn Kreder (Amherst College 1935)
Paul C. Kresge (Amherst College 1923)
William F. Kreutter (Amherst College 1959)
Paul I. Kuniholm (Amherst College 1955)
William J. LaFleur (Amherst College 1944)
John F. Lally (Amherst College 1943)
John J. Lamb (Amherst College 1911)
Harold B. Lance (Amherst College 1904)
Arthur L. Lanckton (Amherst College 1934)
Elliott N. Lathrop (Amherst College 1928)
John S. Lathrop (Amherst College 1925)
Ernest J. Lawton (Amherst College 1940)
Ernest J. Lawton (Amherst College 1910)
Albert R. Lea (Amherst College 1943)
William H. Leary (Amherst College 1903)
John S. LeClercq (Amherst College 1943)
Donald A. Leet (Amherst College 1937)
Robert L. Leininger (Amherst College 1944)
Alexander C. Leonard (Amherst College 1942)
Franklin H. LePeyre (Amherst College 1930)
Joseph N. Lincoln (Amherst College 1915)
Orrin H. Lincoln (Amherst College 1938)
John E. Lind (Amherst College 1898)
Albert A. Livingston (Amherst College 1904)
Linus J. Lorimer (Amherst College 1920)
Paul G. Lund (Amherst College 1936)
John P. Lutz (Amherst College 1936)
Cornelius R. Lyle (Amherst College 1943)
James F. Macdonald (Amherst College 1913)
Alexander A. Mackimmie (Amherst College 1928)
George W. Mallory (Amherst College 1930)
John P. Maloney (Amherst College 1903)
John P. Maloney (Amherst College 1940)
William J. Maloney (Amherst College 1919)
Stephen J. Manhard (Amherst College 1933)
Richard G. Mannheim (Amherst College 1959)
Philip Mansfield (Amherst College 1896)
Ralph L. Mansfield (Amherst College 1916)
Arthur J. Manville (Amherst College 1915)
Eric K. Marks (Amherst College 1942)
Allison W. Marsh (Amherst College 1913)
C. Selby Mason (Amherst College 1929)
Carey Matthews (Amherst College 1944)
Charles S. Matthews (Amherst College 1918)
Edgar D. Mayhew (Amherst College 1935)
Harry H. Maynard (Amherst College 1911)
Frederick McCann (Amherst College 1931)
John J. McClelland (Amherst College 1907)
Douglas D. McCormick (Amherst College 1954)
William B. McCready (Amherst College 1939)
James H. McCune (Amherst College 1900)
George M. McHose (Amherst College 1927)
James W. McHose (Amherst College 1925)
John W. McInerney (Amherst College 1911)
Eppert R. McKay (Amherst College 1923)
Andrew T. McMillan (Amherst College 1929)
Bruce W. McMullan (Amherst College 1956)
Charles R. McNeill (Amherst College 1935)
James McPhee (Amherst College 1905)
George E. McPherson (Amherst College 1936)
Everett F. McTernan (Amherst College 1915)
David L. Mead (Amherst College 1945)
Harold G. Melville (Amherst College 1933)
Mylon D. Merchant (Amherst College 1910)
James H. Merrick (Amherst College 1921)
Charles A. Merrill (Amherst College 1897)
Randolph S. Merrill (Amherst College 1913)
Rolf T. Michelsen (Amherst College 1921)
Craig H. Miller (Amherst College 1950)
John M. Miller (Amherst College 1931)
Samuel D. Miller (Amherst College 1939)
Albert F. Miller Jr. (Amherst College 1937)
Harry B. Mitchell (Amherst College 1901)
Robert L. Mitchell (Amherst College 1943)
Theodore M. Mitchell (Amherst College 1922)
Charles W. Mooers (Amherst College 1929)
Edwin S. Mooers (Amherst College 1955)
Philip R. Mooney (Amherst College 1945)
Donald K. Morgan (Amherst College 1930)
Everett L. Morgan (Amherst College 1897)
Duane Morris (Amherst College 1950)
Frederic B. Morrison (Amherst College 1931)
Edward W. Morse (Amherst College 1917)
Allan L. Morton (Amherst College 1903)
John J. Morton (Amherst College 1907)
Walter H. Morton (Amherst College 1911)
Donald E. Moser (Amherst College 1946)
Richard C. Mount (Amherst College 1953)
Robert J. Murphy (Amherst College 1914)
Joseph J. Murray (Amherst College 1917)
William D. Murray (Amherst College 1928)
William J. Murray (Amherst College 1945)
David A. Nagle (Amherst College 1942)
Willard O. Nash (Amherst College 1916)
Donald L. Nathanson (Amherst College 1956)
Donald A. Needham (Amherst College 1928)
James M. Neil (Amherst College 1946)
Warren N. Nevius (Amherst College 1899)
David S. Newcombe (Amherst College 1952)
Norval P. Nichols (Amherst College 1896)
V. E. Nicklas (Amherst College 1939)
H. G. Nicol (Amherst College 1944)
Thomas M. Nisbet (Amherst College 1918)
Harold S. Niver (Amherst College 1923)
Edward J. Norstrand (Amherst College 1931)
Frederick S. Nutting (Amherst College 1902)
Walter W. Oakley (Amherst College 1934)
Ronald E. Ohl (Amherst College 1958)
Henry P. Outten (Amherst College 1943)
Ernest Palmer (Amherst College 1936)
John M. Parsons (Amherst College 1950)
John B. Patrick (Amherst College 1945)
Shirley G. Patterson (Amherst College 1906)
Randolph E. Paul (Amherst College 1911)
Horace B. Paulmier (Amherst College 1929)
Arthur M. Pearson (Amherst College 1898)
Frank A. Peltier (Amherst College 1937)
Murray B. Peppard (Amherst College 1939)
Walter F. Perkins (Amherst College 1929)
Charles F. Perry (Amherst College 1904)
John H. Peterson (Amherst College 1936)
Charles J. Phillips (Amherst College 1941)
John M. Phillips (Amherst College 1915)
William H. Pickford (Amherst College 1928)
William V. Pitt (Amherst College 1940)
Elmer D. Pope (Amherst College 1922)
Ernest E. Pope (Amherst College 1922)
George W. Porter (Amherst College 1906)
Burnap Post (Amherst College 1932)
Thomas F. Power (Amherst College 1908)
Thomas F. Power (Amherst College 1938)
John G. Prendergast (Amherst College 1931)
David M. Proctor (Amherst College 1930)
Thomas M. Proctor (Amherst College 1901)
Edward R. Proctor Jr. (Amherst College 1917)
Charles D. Prout (Amherst College 1914)
Gordon W. Pulver (Amherst College 1934)
Murray J. Quinn (Amherst College 1916)
Edward S. Rand (Amherst College 1931)
John S. Ransom (Amherst College 1944)
Theodore H. Rautenberg (Amherst College 1952)
George E. Rawson (Amherst College 1908)
Benjamin E. Ray (Amherst College 1895)
Russell L. Raynor (Amherst College 1933)
Judson M. Rees (Amherst College 1934)
William W. Reilly (Amherst College 1937)
William G. Reynolds (Amherst College 1946)
Harry O. Rhodes (Amherst College 1895)
Frank M. Richardson (Amherst College 1930)
George H. Richenaker (Amherst College 1906)
Joseph W. Richmond (Amherst College 1937)
Robert W. Riemer (Amherst College 1938)
Charles M. Rieser (Amherst College 1939)
George K. Ripley (Amherst College 1915)
Jay C. Rippard (Amherst College 1959)
Daniel B. Risdon (Amherst College 1930)
Albert Roberts (Amherst College 1899)
Ernest H. Roberts (Amherst College 1920)
Howard H. Rodefer (Amherst College 1932)
Gerrit H. Roelofs (Amherst College 1942)
H. M. Roelofs (Amherst College 1944)
Lawrence T. Romel (Amherst College 1950)
Harold M. Ross (Amherst College 1945)
Richard C. Rotherham (Amherst College 1937)
Theodore S. Rowland (Amherst College 1938)
Samuel H. Rugg (Amherst College 1952)
Thomas H. Rugg (Amherst College 1941)
Marshall U. Rumbaugh (Amherst College 1943)
Samuel E. Rump (Amherst College 1944)
Herbert J. Russell (Amherst College 1943)
Sandford M. Salyer (Amherst College 1904)
Louis B. Sands (Amherst College 1913)
Austin A. Savage (Amherst College 1904)
Perry A. Sawyer (Amherst College 1942)
Charles L. Sayre (Amherst College 1939)
George Scatchard (Amherst College 1913)
Harrison D. Schofield (Amherst College 1924)
John B. Schwemm (Amherst College 1956)
Arthur L. Scott (Amherst College 1919)
John I. Scott (Amherst College 1948)
Robert H. Scott (Amherst College 1907)
James A. Seaman (Amherst College 1913)
Chester G. Seamans (Amherst College 1918)
Elton H. Seamans (Amherst College 1916)
Martin C. Seham (Amherst College 1954)
James M. Selby (Amherst College 1937)
Halley D. Seller (Amherst College 1941)
Henry W. Seymour (Amherst College 1922)
Jeremiah D. Shanahan (Amherst College 1944)
John Sharpe (Amherst College 1903)
Charles F. Shaw (Amherst College 1933)
Frederick W. Shearer (Amherst College 1903)
Winfred C. Sheldon (Amherst College 1912)
Albert K. Sherman (Amherst College 1940)
Frederick R. Sherwood (Amherst College 1926)
James L. Shields (Amherst College 1935)
Gerald S. Silsbee (Amherst College 1945)
John S. Skeel (Amherst College 1920)
Gilbert L. Smith (Amherst College 1933)
Paul S. Smith (Amherst College 1924)
Philip M. Smith (Amherst College 1905)
Robert M. Smith (Amherst College 1908)
Sidney V. Smith (Amherst College 1924)
Wilfred R. Smith (Amherst College 1930)
Winfield S. Smyth (Amherst College 1954)
John W. Souther (Amherst College 1938)
Alfred W. Southgate (Amherst College 1901)
Joseph H. Sowers (Amherst College 1933)
Charles A. Sparrow (Amherst College 1906)
Arthur L. Spencer (Amherst College 1934)
Thomas A. Sperry (Amherst College 1946)
Robert W. Staats (Amherst College 1917)
Frederick H. Stamm (Amherst College 1940)
Howard L. Stebbins (Amherst College 1906)
John T. Stentz (Amherst College 1930)
Donald Stevens (Amherst College 1932)
Kenneth C. Stewart (Amherst College 1936)
Don S. Stiles (Amherst College 1950)
Lorren Stiles (Amherst College 1912)
Jacob H. Strong (Amherst College 1930)
Henry A. Sturm (Amherst College 1934)
John A. Swainbank (Amherst College 1937)
Henry L. Sweet (Amherst College 1907)
Waldo E. Sweet (Amherst College 1934)
Arthur J. Sylvester (Amherst College 1921)
Edgar F. Taber (Amherst College 1938)
Arthur M. Taylor (Amherst College 1902)
Charles E. Taylor (Amherst College 1931)
George B. Taylor (Amherst College 1910)
Seth U. Thaler (Amherst College 1958)
Arthur P. Thies (Amherst College 1951)
Lloyd T. Thomas (Amherst College 1896)
Paul F. Thomas (Amherst College 1942)
Ford W. Thompson (Amherst College 1939)
John E. Thompson (Amherst College 1951)
John J. Tierney (Amherst College 1914)
Roy E. Tilles Jr. (Amherst College 1937)
George O. Trenchard (Amherst College 1930)
William E. Trenchard (Amherst College 1933)
C. Robert Turner (Amherst College 1944)
David F. Tuttle (Amherst College 1934)
C. W. Tyson (Amherst College 1957)
Charles C. Vail (Amherst College 1922)
Richard H. Valentine (Amherst College 1943)
Arthur H. Vanauken (Amherst College 1909)
Sanderson Vanderbilt (Amherst College 1930)
Herbert G. Vaughn (Amherst College 1917)
Joseph F. Vielbig (Amherst College 1917)
William L. Vosburgh (Amherst College 1904)
Lucian A. Waddell (Amherst College 1925)
Ralph E. Wadleigh (Amherst College 1926)
William L. Wadleigh Jr. (Amherst College 1923)
Ward H. Wait (Amherst College 1936)
Horatio Wales (Amherst College 1915)
Lloyd R. Walker (Amherst College 1940)
George M. Waller (Amherst College 1941)
Thomas B. Walton (Amherst College 1945)
Arthur W. Warde (Amherst College 1924)
John C. Warren (Amherst College 1935)
William J. Warriner (Amherst College 1908)
Robert M. Watkins (Amherst College 1950)
Warren Weaver (Amherst College 1944)
Ernest A. Wedge (Amherst College 1935)
Benjamin W. Weisbach (Amherst College 1944)
Walter O. Weisbecker (Amherst College 1939)
Elisha E. Wells (Amherst College 1903)
Reuben F. Wells (Amherst College 1901)
Joseph V. Wells (Amherst College 1925)
Theodore E. Wentz (Amherst College 1953)
Walter U. Wescott (Amherst College 1931)
Frank W. Wessberg (Amherst College 1933)
Joseph T. West (Amherst College 1910)
Joseph T. West Jr. (Amherst College 1936)
Hosea D. White (Amherst College 1948)
Harold C. Whitford (Amherst College 1923)
George M. Whitney (Amherst College 1952)
William H. Whitney (Amherst College 1913)
Ernest A. Whittemore (Amherst College 1914)
G. S. Whittemore (Amherst College 1920)
Leonard D. Wickenden (Amherst College 1935)
William Wickham (Amherst College 1927)
Theodore L. Widmayer (Amherst College 1917)
Earl H. Widtman (Amherst College 1924)
John D. Willard (Amherst College 1907)
John D. Willard III (Amherst College 1937)
Frederic E. Williams (Amherst College 1910)
Frederick S. Williams (Amherst College 1914)
George W. Williams (Amherst College 1911)
Roger Williams (Amherst College 1941)
W. D. Wilson (Amherst College 1938)
George W. Witney (Amherst College 1912)
William R. Witney (Amherst College 1917)
George E. Wood (Amherst College 1906)
John H. Wood (Amherst College 1928)
Harry A. Woodman (Amherst College 1950)
Hastings A. Woolley (Amherst College 1948)
John W. Wright (Amherst College 1933)
Lawrence L. Wright (Amherst College 1938)
William K. Wright (Amherst College 1899)
Roger Wunderlich (Amherst College 1936)
Ralph S. Wyckoff (Amherst College 1911)
Richard L. Yake (Amherst College 1943)
Howell P. Young (Amherst College 1933)
Malcolm O. Young (Amherst College 1916)
Robert B. Young (Amherst College 1955)
Willis W. Young (Amherst College 1927)
Gordon Zeese (Amherst College 1939)
Hubert R. Zeller (Amherst College 1953)
Hubert R. Zeller (Amherst College 1920)
Larry H. Bainbridge (Arizona State University 1970)
Robert L. Beck (Arizona State University 1986)
Timothy H. Bellish (Arizona State University 1981)
Michael S. Blazevich (Arizona State University 1996)
John T. Conry (Arizona State University 1969)
William Cotton (Arizona State University 1970)
Bruce W. Crook (Arizona State University 1977)
James J. Curi (Arizona State University 1996)
William L. Dawson (Arizona State University 1966)
Larry F. Decker (Arizona State University 1965)
Daniel R. Driscroll (Arizona State University 1967)
Brian C. Fagan (Arizona State University 1984)
David Futrell (Arizona State University 1997)
Edward S. Gardner (Arizona State University 1967)
Michael A. Grimes (Arizona State University 1986)
Ryan B. Hadden (Arizona State University 2015)
James D. Harris (Arizona State University 1974)
Gene R. Holmquist (Arizona State University 2014)
Dwight W. Ipjian (Arizona State University 1978)
Thomas M. Jahn (Arizona State University 1970)
Richard L. Kidwell (Arizona State University 1966)
David A. Knutson (Arizona State University 1978)
Kraig A. Kobert (Arizona State University 1970)
Ted O. Mullen (Arizona State University 1969)
Bruce M. Pollard (Arizona State University 1977)
Steve L. Ryan (Arizona State University 1969)
Alan C. Soch (Arizona State University 1984)
Peter V. Sohren (Arizona State University 1986)
William A. Stern (Arizona State University 1969)
Roland E. Stricker (Arizona State University 2002)
William H. Swan (Arizona State University 1971)
Daniel R. Tarkington (Arizona State University 1979)
Thomas S. Vaughan (Arizona State University 1986)
Gary L. Volkman (Arizona State University 1974)
Scott A. Wallace (Arizona State University 1972)
Robert F. Whitman (Arizona State University 1984)
William M. Wingerning (Arizona State University 1980)
David M. Yearin (Arizona State University 1987)
John C. Alves (Auburn University 1976)
Robert B. Anderson (Auburn University 1964)
William H. Barker (Auburn University 1962)
Robert E. Bonner (Auburn University 1964)
James B. Bonner (Auburn University 1962)
John D. Braddock (Auburn University 1970)
Lonnie P. Cain (Auburn University 1972)
William F. Campbell (Auburn University 1970)
Horis R. Cook (Auburn University 1979)
Horace D. Corbett (Auburn University 1966)
R. James Cunningham (Auburn University 1964)
L. E. DeBrunner (Auburn University 1964)
John E. Dickinson (Auburn University 1963)
James R. Dowling (Auburn University 1977)
Ralph B. Draughon (Auburn University 1922)
James L. Ensminger (Auburn University 1964)
Benjamin H. Farley (Auburn University 2013)
Brian L. Felder (Auburn University 1990)
Myk R. Fenstermacher (Auburn University 1968)
Jeffrey B. Flynn (Auburn University 1982)
Tidwell Gamston (Auburn University 1970)
William E. Glasscock (Auburn University 1970)
Geoff D. Gordon (Auburn University 1997)
William D. Graves (Auburn University 1984)
Mark D. Greer (Auburn University 1973)
Wesley Gunn (Auburn University 1964)
Gary W. Guttry (Auburn University 1963)
John R. Guyton (Auburn University 1965)
Donald A. Haisten (Auburn University 1972)
John K. Harrell (Auburn University 1988)
Stewart A. Hartford (Auburn University 1977)
James B. Hill (Auburn University 1934)
James F. Holmes (Auburn University 1964)
A. B. Hope (Auburn University 1962)
Scott J. Humphrey (Auburn University 1977)
Frank D. Jenkins (Auburn University 1963)
Jay D. Kynerd (Auburn University 1992)
Aubrey T. Lanier (Auburn University 1965)
William P. Lardent (Auburn University 1964)
Lawrence Lenoir (Auburn University 1968)
John D. Lowrey (Auburn University 1973)
John N. Lukens (Auburn University 1925)
Michael G. Magill (Auburn University 1964)
Charles T. Mathews (Auburn University 1963)
Linn G. Melzer (Auburn University 1965)
Frank D. Meriwether (Auburn University 1966)
James K. Newell (Auburn University 1966)
Gary M. Norton (Auburn University 1968)
Eugene T. Oswalt (Auburn University 1978)
Robert G. Price (Auburn University 1972)
Amzi G. Rankin (Auburn University 1970)
John N. Rouse (Auburn University 1970)
Turner C. Seale (Auburn University 1997)
William S. Seymour (Auburn University 1971)
James E. Sheffield (Auburn University 1969)
F. M. Simpson (Auburn University 1965)
Robert P. Slaughter (Auburn University 1973)
Frank M. Smith (Auburn University 1974)
Charles J. Snook (Auburn University 1964)
Charles J. Snook (Auburn University 1926)
Robert L. Stewart (Auburn University 1978)
Ernest S. Strong (Auburn University 1966)
Thomas E. Warren (Auburn University 1966)
William T. Waters (Auburn University 1974)
David R. White (Auburn University 1964)
Bobby R. Wiggins (Auburn University 1965)
Henry H. Williams (Auburn University 1951)
L. D. Williams (Auburn University 1970)
James A. Wilson (Auburn University 1966)
Robert E. Wilson (Auburn University 1969)
Vann L. Witcher (Auburn University 1964)
Max J. Woodham (Auburn University 1972)
Carl D. Zaretki (Auburn University 1966)
Alpheus A. Cavaness (Baker University 1873)
James M. Cavaness (Baker University 1870)
Walter I. Dallas (Baker University 1870)
Asbury Keiffer (Baker University 1870)
Charles E. Lambert (Baker University 1873)
Draper A. Lindsey (Baker University 1873)
Albert R. Robinson (Baker University 1874)
John W. Robinson (Baker University 1870)
Joshua Robinson (Baker University 1874)
Josiah B. Siess (Baker University 1874)
Julius W. Thomas (Baker University 1870)
Charles J. Camp (Ball State University 2007)
Michael J. Grembowicz (Ball State University 2009)
Brett A. Adkins (Baylor University 1994)
Owen J. Aldridge (Baylor University 1856)
Richard J. Alexander (Baylor University 1884)
C. B. Anderson (Baylor University 1989)
James M. Arnold (Baylor University 1859)
Edwardo Arriola (Baylor University 1981)
William S. Bittel (Baylor University 1884)
James L. Bowers (Baylor University 1861)
Charles R. Breedlove (Baylor University 1858)
George W. Breedlove (Baylor University 1885)
Lucius H. Brown (Baylor University 1859)
Jacob C. Burkett (Baylor University 1886)
Madison M. Callaway (Baylor University 1856)
Asa J. Chandler (Baylor University 1861)
Thomas J. Chandler (Baylor University 1875)
John H. Cobb (Baylor University 1881)
James C. Collier (Baylor University 1859)
Royston C. Crane (Baylor University 1884)
John C. Dallas (Baylor University 1885)
James T. Daniel (Baylor University 1858)
Black H. Davis (Baylor University 1858)
William B. Denson (Baylor University 1857)
Jesse S. Eddins (Baylor University 1860)
Sumner N. Edwards (Baylor University 1883)
John A. Fortune (Baylor University 1856)
Thomas C. Foster (Baylor University 1857)
William B. Garrett (Baylor University 1882)
Michael W. Goode (Baylor University 1977)
Thomas J. Goree (Baylor University 1856)
George Hammann (Baylor University 1887)
Craig M. Hanking (Baylor University 1990)
Pinckney Harris (Baylor University 1860)
W. W. Harris (Baylor University 1860)
Stephen S. Hazelrigg (Baylor University 1981)
Matthew M. Hitchcock (Baylor University 1887)
Joseph H. Hunt (Baylor University 1886)
Judson C. Jenkins (Baylor University 1857)
Charles T. Kavanaugh (Baylor University 1856)
Mark A. Kelton (Baylor University 1861)
Frank Kiefer (Baylor University 1884)
W. F. King (Baylor University 1861)
Oscar H. Leland (Baylor University 1856)
Chad G. Lemons (Baylor University 2001)
Abner S. Lipscomb (Baylor University 1884)
William H. Long (Baylor University 1859)
Homer C. Lopez (Baylor University 1979)
Jerry W. Lynn (Baylor University 1977)
Charles F. Maxwell (Baylor University 1887)
Myron M. McCullough (Baylor University 1983)
Francis M. Newman (Baylor University 1885)
Hudson C. Oliphant (Baylor University 1856)
Henry F. Pahl (Baylor University 1861)
Charles T. Pelham (Baylor University 1859)
Curtis R. Pringle (Baylor University 1988)
Henry C. Renfro (Baylor University 1856)
John F. Smith (Baylor University 1857)
John T. Stanton (Baylor University 1886)
Denis T. Stone (Baylor University 1984)
W. L. Tatum (Baylor University 1988)
Benjamin H. Thompson (Baylor University 1860)
Daniel E. Thompson (Baylor University 1858)
Michael M. Vanderhurst (Baylor University 1861)
Herman C. Voss (Baylor University 1882)
Paul A. Warren (Baylor University 1989)
Charles H. Wedemeyer (Baylor University 1881)
Edwin M. Wiley (Baylor University 1981)
Van J. Wisdom (Baylor University 1988)
Madison E. Alderson (Bethel College 1871)
Albert S. Allen (Bethel College 1890)
Henry D. Allen (Bethel College 1898)
John T. Allen (Bethel College 1898)
Harry P. Anderson (Bethel College 1913)
Norton B. Anderson (Bethel College 1862)
Saxe D. Averitt (Bethel College 1893)
Frank D. Babb (Bethel College 1912)
William G. Baird (Bethel College 1872)
John B. Baldwin (Bethel College 1904)
Lewis D. Baldwin (Bethel College 1899)
Rodney H. Baldwin (Bethel College 1889)
Herbert L. Barbour (Bethel College 1908)
Roy B. Barbour (Bethel College 1914)
Rufus R. Barbour (Bethel College 1905)
T. P. Barclay (Bethel College 1860)
Wilbur F. Barclay (Bethel College 1872)
Stephen M. Barger (Bethel College 1879)
Robert N. Barrett (Bethel College 1889)
Clayton F. Becker (Bethel College 1858)
H. L. Becker (Bethel College 1859)
Otto R. Becker (Bethel College 1913)
Leo B. Bejach (Bethel College 1910)
John B. Benton (Bethel College 1896)
I. N. Bishop (Bethel College 1881)
George D. Blakey (Bethel College 1899)
William M. Blakey (Bethel College 1871)
Augustus Bogard (Bethel College 1896)
Benjamin M. Bogard (Bethel College 1890)
Daryl D. Bogard (Bethel College 1909)
Charles E. Boles (Bethel College 1906)
Herbert J. Bolin (Bethel College 1908)
J. Rora Bond (Bethel College 1899)
William W. Bond (Bethel College 1894)
James A. Bourne (Bethel College 1861)
S. M. Boyer (Bethel College 1880)
Walter H. Brengle (Bethel College 1894)
Roy H. Brooks (Bethel College 1909)
Robert T. Brown (Bethel College 1898)
Rorer Brown (Bethel College 1905)
Weston Bruner (Bethel College 1890)
Joe L. Brunot (Bethel College 1909)
Edgar D. Burnett (Bethel College 1899)
George J. Burnett (Bethel College 1894)
Joseph H. Burnett (Bethel College 1870)
Hardy Burton (Bethel College 1876)
Samuel F. Campbell (Bethel College 1889)
W. D. Chastain (Bethel College 1870)
John F. Cheek (Bethel College 1901)
John S. Cheek (Bethel College 1892)
John T. Christian (Bethel College 1876)
George W. Clark (Bethel College 1875)
James W. Clark (Bethel College 1874)
William A. Clarke (Bethel College 1909)
John H. Coblin (Bethel College 1877)
Theodore N. Compton (Bethel College 1892)
Zeph G. Conner (Bethel College 1908)
Benjamin A. Copass (Bethel College 1890)
John L. Dagg (Bethel College 1872)
Hardin Y. Davis (Bethel College 1870)
Herbert L. Davis (Bethel College 1909)
John T. Davis (Bethel College 1915)
Richard W. Davis (Bethel College 1893)
J. T. Dawson (Bethel College 1877)
Charles W. Dicken (Bethel College 1878)
Haiden T. Dickinson (Bethel College 1913)
John L. Dorsey (Bethel College 1875)
Clyde Downs (Bethel College 1910)
George S. Doyel (Bethel College 1913)
J. E. Dunford (Bethel College 1912)
Bolling J. Dunn (Bethel College 1871)
Charles V. Edwards (Bethel College 1896)
George M. Edwards (Bethel College 1898)
Henry W. Edwards (Bethel College 1894)
Russell S. Edwards (Bethel College 1901)
George A. Elliott (Bethel College 1899)
Mark Eslick (Bethel College 1899)
William L. Estes (Bethel College 1875)
Byrne A. Evans (Bethel College 1914)
Clement B. Finley Jr. (Bethel College 1900)
William F. Flowers (Bethel College 1888)
Samuel Frauenthal (Bethel College 1880)
Terah M. Freeman (Bethel College 1858)
John P. Fruit (Bethel College 1878)
James H. Fuqua (Bethel College 1858)
Moses H. Fuqua (Bethel College 1872)
Robert V. Fuqua (Bethel College 1906)
John J. Gaines (Bethel College 1870)
Walter P. Gaines (Bethel College 1869)
Jared C. Gant (Bethel College 1870)
Frank Gardner (Bethel College 1877)
Thomas S. Gardner (Bethel College 1866)
John K. Garnett (Bethel College 1878)
Joseph R. Garnett (Bethel College 1908)
William J. Garnett (Bethel College 1895)
Frank L. Garrott (Bethel College 1915)
George E. Garth (Bethel College 1860)
P. E. Gatlin (Bethel College 1905)
John L. Gaunt (Bethel College 1875)
Walter E. Gotcher (Bethel College 1896)
Posey B. Grant (Bethel College 1893)
W. Vaughan Grant (Bethel College 1891)
Henry E. Griffith (Bethel College 1890)
Guy D. Griggs (Bethel College 1909)
Church B. Hall (Bethel College 1894)
Benjamin F. Hampton (Bethel College 1896)
George A. Harrell (Bethel College 1862)
Erbie L. Harrison (Bethel College 1906)
Gilson E. Hart (Bethel College 1911)
Oscar P. Harvey (Bethel College 1908)
Ed O. Hawkins (Bethel College 1871)
J. W. Hiett (Bethel College 1890)
Clarence Hodge (Bethel College 1896)
Stanley Holt (Bethel College 1912)
Henry A. Hopkins (Bethel College 1895)
James P. Hughes (Bethel College 1904)
William G. Hughes (Bethel College 1909)
Claude J. Hunt (Bethel College 1910)
John R. Ingram (Bethel College 1909)
Luther E. Jackson (Bethel College 1911)
Joe P. Jacobs (Bethel College 1892)
Joseph W. Jagoe (Bethel College 1877)
Paul Johnson (Bethel College 1888)
Samuel A. Johnson (Bethel College 1898)
Samuel E. Johnson (Bethel College 1868)
James R. Jones (Bethel College 1896)
Robert A. Jones (Bethel College 1913)
T. H. Jones (Bethel College 1870)
John D. Jordon (Bethel College 1890)
William B. Kendall (Bethel College 1894)
David King (Bethel College 1877)
Ralph D. King (Bethel College 1910)
Raymond R. Kirkpatrick (Bethel College 1910)
Wilbur H. Kirkpatrick (Bethel College 1914)
Arthur D. Knott (Bethel College 1895)
Clarence A. Ladd (Bethel College 1898)
Scott A. Lamb (Bethel College 1915)
Berry T. Lannom (Bethel College 1897)
George S. Lannom (Bethel College 1902)
Paul A. Lasley (Bethel College 1907)
William Z. Leech (Bethel College 1908)
Kendrick G. Lockett (Bethel College 1909)
Herman M. Long (Bethel College 1896)
Frank Lovelace (Bethel College 1879)
William H. Lowe (Bethel College 1890)
Samuel J. Lowry (Bethel College 1861)
Squire M. Lowry (Bethel College 1859)
Jonathan N. Luce (Bethel College 1872)
Bronnie Lyon (Bethel College 1876)
Guy H. McChesney (Bethel College 1912)
Nelson P. McChesney (Bethel College 1908)
Samuel W. McComb (Bethel College 1889)
John A. McCord (Bethel College 1899)
Robert W. McCreary (Bethel College 1870)
John M. McDonald (Bethel College 1877)
John W. McDonald (Bethel College 1908)
Lee D. McElroy (Bethel College 1896)
James T. McGlothlin (Bethel College 1897)
William J. McGlothlin (Bethel College 1889)
James S. McLemore (Bethel College 1890)
R. P. McPherson (Bethel College 1891)
Charles A. Meeks (Bethel College 1896)
Elmer P. Merritt (Bethel College 1915)
Sory Merritt (Bethel College 1914)
Henry Miller (Bethel College 1890)
George D. Milliken (Bethel College 1909)
William E. Mimms (Bethel College 1908)
James C. Mobley (Bethel College 1893)
Minor Morton (Bethel College 1889)
Hal W. Moseley (Bethel College 1908)
Stewart M. Moseley (Bethel College 1914)
Eugene M. Murphey (Bethel College 1894)
David R. Murphey Sr. (Bethel College 1892)
Ernest J. Norton (Bethel College 1866)
John L. Norton (Bethel College 1862)
William F. Norton Jr. (Bethel College 1871)
Eugene M. Nourse (Bethel College 1910)
Clark Offutt (Bethel College 1890)
William C. O'Hara (Bethel College 1875)
James M. Palmer (Bethel College 1873)
A. F. Pearson (Bethel College 1877)
Edmund R. Peay (Bethel College 1899)
Richard D. Peay (Bethel College 1871)
William A. Peay (Bethel College 1875)
Russell H. Peck (Bethel College 1907)
H. L. Persons (Bethel College 1857)
N. Phillips (Bethel College 1892)
J. O. Pierce (Bethel College 1891)
John S. Pierce (Bethel College 1892)
Willis C. Pierce (Bethel College 1891)
Philip A. Pointer (Bethel College 1869)
Charles J. Pollard (Bethel College 1895)
Noel B. Pond (Bethel College 1899)
Benjamin F. Proctor (Bethel College 1873)
H. E. Reeves (Bethel College 1860)
John T. Rice (Bethel College 1899)
Owen Rice (Bethel College 1896)
Reginald D. Rice (Bethel College 1899)
William S. Rice (Bethel College 1896)
Yewell Rice (Bethel College 1902)
Henry C. Roberts (Bethel College 1879)
Thomas J. Roll (Bethel College 1880)
William L. Ronaldson (Bethel College 1897)
John F. Rowan (Bethel College 1914)
George M. Royster (Bethel College 1908)
William L. Royster (Bethel College 1903)
L. A. Scott (Bethel College 1879)
Daniel F. Shacklette (Bethel College 1890)
John B. Shelton (Bethel College 1891)
Charles P. Shields (Bethel College 1857)
Deen N. Shouse (Bethel College 1911)
Essel J. Sisk (Bethel College 1912)
Gabriel L. Slaughter (Bethel College 1868)
Glenn M. Smith (Bethel College 1905)
James A. Smith (Bethel College 1907)
H. C. Sparks (Bethel College 1900)
J. J. Stamps (Bethel College 1877)
George R. Stephens (Bethel College 1878)
Walter T. Stringer (Bethel College 1890)
R. S. Suggs (Bethel College 1897)
Ora T. Sutton (Bethel College 1891)
Samuel H. Tabb (Bethel College 1900)
J. A. Tate (Bethel College 1861)
Percy Taylor (Bethel College 1895)
Austin M. Thomas (Bethel College 1899)
George P. Thomas (Bethel College 1889)
Richard C. Thomas (Bethel College 1860)
T. E. Tiller (Bethel College 1889)
Henry L. Trimble (Bethel College 1887)
Selden Y. Trimble (Bethel College 1886)
Joseph M. Tucker (Bethel College 1904)
Ed S. Turpas (Bethel College 1892)
James D. Underwood (Bethel College 1880)
Daniel B. Vance (Bethel College 1898)
W. H. Vaughan (Bethel College 1890)
George S. Vaughn (Bethel College 1868)
Harry E. Vick (Bethel College 1906)
J. C. Vick (Bethel College 1876)
Macon C. Vick (Bethel College 1906)
Williams L. Vick (Bethel College 1905)
Rufus F. Wade (Bethel College 1902)
James R. Waggener (Bethel College 1868)
Leslie Waggener (Bethel College 1860)
James E. Wagner (Bethel College 1908)
David C. Walker (Bethel College 1858)
Jacob B. Walker (Bethel College 1869)
John H. Walker (Bethel College 1869)
Richard D. Walker (Bethel College 1902)
Algernon S. Walker (Bethel College 1872)
F. L. Waller (Bethel College 1874)
John M. Walters (Bethel College 1875)
Warren W. Walton (Bethel College 1908)
William B. Wash (Bethel College 1900)
Henry A. Watkins (Bethel College 1899)
Thomas D. Watkins (Bethel College 1895)
Robert H. Whited (Bethel College 1896)
William A. Whitlow (Bethel College 1899)
Dexter G. Whittinghill (Bethel College 1890)
Aaron F. Williams (Bethel College 1878)
Granville S. Williams (Bethel College 1874)
John B. Williams (Bethel College 1860)
Albert M. Wilson (Bethel College 1910)
Wm D. Wilson (Bethel College 1906)
W. D. Winston (Bethel College 1898)
Vernon K. Witt (Bethel College 1870)
W. M. Woltrip (Bethel College 1892)
Buford T. Wood (Bethel College 1872)
James S. Wortham (Bethel College 1871)
Raleigh Wright (Bethel College 1897)
Kevin D. Bender (Bowling Green State University 1998)
David M. Bezbatchenko (Bowling Green State University 2008)
Richard J. Garceau (Bowling Green State University 1988)
Eric T. Latz (Bowling Green State University 1991)
Dennis R. Myers (Bowling Green State University 1991)
Paul J. Shimelonis (Bowling Green State University 2001)
Terry J. Wakefield (Bowling Green State University 1984)
Kevin M. Godsill (Bradley University 2001)
Douglas A. Kuta (Bradley University 1985)
David L. Vessell (Bradley University 1990)
Forbes S. Adam (Brown University 1921)
George H. Adams (Brown University 1921)
Berton A. Aikens (Brown University 1925)
Lester J. Ainsworth (Brown University 1914)
John Alexander (Brown University 1915)
Leroy S. Allard (Brown University 1928)
Arthur E. Allen (Brown University 1913)
Donald B. Allen (Brown University 1938)
Edgar Allen (Brown University 1915)
Richard D. Allen (Brown University 1910)
Robert S. Allen (Brown University 1943)
Sherman A. Allen (Brown University 1903)
Arvid A. Alm (Brown University 1916)
Edward B. Almon (Brown University 1946)
Tracy W. Ames (Brown University 1920)
Frank R. Ames Jr. (Brown University 1918)
Wilbur R. Anderson (Brown University 1919)
Benjamin S. Andrews (Brown University 1944)
John C. Andrews (Brown University 1952)
Frank O. Antonsanti (Brown University 1963)
Norman M. Appleyard (Brown University 1936)
Richard C. Ashley (Brown University 1950)
William M. Aspinwall (Brown University 1912)
John D. Avery (Brown University 1919)
Robert Bacon (Brown University 1926)
Robert R. Bair (Brown University 1947)
Laurence M. Bairstow (Brown University 1939)
Percival R. Bakeman (Brown University 1903)
Adrian N. Baker (Brown University 1961)
Alfred W. Baker (Brown University 1917)
Robert R. Ballantyne (Brown University 1928)
Charles E. Banks (Brown University 1946)
Donald C. Barber (Brown University 1951)
Robert C. Barnes (Brown University 1946)
Charles S. Barton USNR (Brown University 1924)
Herman M. Battey (Brown University 1918)
Frederic A. Bauman (Brown University 1935)
James H. Beattie (Brown University 1911)
Edgar A. Beatty (Brown University 1905)
Herbert R. Beck (Brown University 1947)
Irving J. Beckwith (Brown University 1904)
Frederic N. Beede (Brown University 1923)
Peter E. Bergendahl (Brown University 1961)
Malcolm L. Berrian (Brown University 1924)
Bayard W. Bidwell (Brown University 1954)
Wayne E. Billings (Brown University 1935)
Edward A. Bilodeau (Brown University 1947)
Leroy F. Bliss (Brown University 1905)
William A. Blome (Brown University 1950)
William F. Bock (Brown University 1926)
Henry Bony-Gamard (Brown University 1931)
Ilsley Boone (Brown University 1904)
Wesley J. Bouchard (Brown University 1927)
Charles M. Boutell (Brown University 1924)
John V. Bowen (Brown University 1944)
Franklin B. Bowes (Brown University 1934)
Donald G. Boyd (Brown University 1923)
Douglas P. Boyd (Brown University 1922)
Frederick W. Brack (Brown University 1922)
Gerald W. Brady (Brown University 1950)
Don B. Bramley (Brown University 1945)
Earl E. Brant (Brown University 1942)
Edward J. Brassard (Brown University 1969)
Harris W. Breeden (Brown University 1905)
William P. Bright (Brown University 1969)
John R. Brokenshire (Brown University 1916)
Frederick B. Brooks (Brown University 1918)
Robert C. Brooks (Brown University 1934)
Archibald D. Brown (Brown University 1907)
Frederick D. Brown (Brown University 1940)
Hayward B. Brown (Brown University 1935)
James R. Brown (Brown University 1935)
Thomas W. Brown (Brown University 1927)
Walter P. Brown (Brown University 1929)
Adolph F. Bruenner (Brown University 1911)
Alfred Buckley (Brown University 1949)
David O. Buffett (Brown University 1958)
Robert W. Burgess (Brown University 1955)
Hudson C. Burr (Brown University 1910)
Leroy F. Burroughs (Brown University 1912)
Gerard N. Burrow (Brown University 1954)
William D. Burrows (Brown University 1927)
Arthur W. Bushell (Brown University 1907)
Leslie E. Bushnell (Brown University 1908)
Peter Butterfield (Brown University 1950)
Edwin R. Buttner (Brown University 1934)
Herbert I. Buttrick (Brown University 1941)
Edwin B. Cady (Brown University 1933)
Howard C. Cahoon (Brown University 1930)
Lionel P. Caming (Brown University 1944)
Donald Campbell (Brown University 1948)
Edward R. Campbell (Brown University 1914)
George Campbell (Brown University 1907)
Richard F. Canning (Brown University 1932)
Balie P. Cantrell (Brown University 1928)
G. R. Carpenter (Brown University 1928)
Russell H. Carpenter (Brown University 1932)
David W. Carter (Brown University 1952)
Victor R. Case (Brown University 1941)
Thomas H. Casewell (Brown University 1916)
Earle F. Caton (Brown University 1910)
Herbert F. Cawthorne (Brown University 1911)
Alfred B. Cenedella (Brown University 1940)
Nathaniel B. Chase (Brown University 1922)
James R. Cherry (Brown University 1925)
George A. Chritton (Brown University 1925)
Raymond E. Claflin (Brown University 1920)
Donald G. Clark (Brown University 1909)
Jeremy C. Clark (Brown University 1958)
D. B. Clayson (Brown University 1958)
Everett M. Codlin (Brown University 1928)
Herbert W. Codlin (Brown University 1930)
Daniel W. Coggeshall (Brown University 1919)
Charles E. Colbert (Brown University 1938)
Mark F. Coles (Brown University 1926)
Henry S. Colony (Brown University 1934)
Charles R. Conant (Brown University 1940)
John P. Connelly (Brown University 1945)
John J. Conway (Brown University 1918)
David G. Coogan (Brown University 1945)
Herbert L. Cook (Brown University 1912)
Richard H. Coolidge (Brown University 1921)
Abel R. Corbin (Brown University 1902)
John H. Corey (Brown University 1937)
Howard D. Corkum (Brown University 1917)
James E. Corvan (Brown University 1935)
Bartlett C. Coss (Brown University 1909)
Franklin T. Costello (Brown University 1936)
Bruce N. Coulter (Brown University 1920)
Clifford F. Counihan (Brown University 1931)
Laurence B. Cousins (Brown University 1941)
Quentin R. Cowman (Brown University 1935)
Paul S. Crandall (Brown University 1918)
Donald E. Creamer (Brown University 1947)
William H. Creamer (Brown University 1946)
Albert M. Cristy (Brown University 1909)
Edward I. Cristy (Brown University 1916)
George L. Cristy (Brown University 1914)
Bertrand M. Cromack (Brown University 1917)
Walter B. Crooks (Brown University 1949)
William R. Crosbie (Brown University 1964)
Charles W. Crowther (Brown University 1914)
Clifford T. Crowther (Brown University 1922)
George M. Crowther (Brown University 1913)
Windsor P. Daggett (Brown University 1902)
Curtis F. Dalton (Brown University 1924)
Thomas C. Dansie (Brown University 1931)
William R. Davey (Brown University 1902)
Walter T. Davol (Brown University 1937)
Wesley L. Dedrick (Brown University 1920)
Clark H. Denison (Brown University 1920)
Ralph T. Denison (Brown University 1917)
Albert K. Denman (Brown University 1947)
Arthur L. Denton (Brown University 1908)
Herbert F. DeSimone (Brown University 1951)
William G. Devanny (Brown University 1949)
William E. Devine (Brown University 1936)
Robert K. Dewey (Brown University 1920)
John B. Dick (Brown University 1922)
Alfred W. Dickinson (Brown University 1938)
Albert E. Dillingham (Brown University 1918)
Robert A. Doherty (Brown University 1943)
Gerald F. Donehue (Brown University 1933)
Marshall C. Dowe (Brown University 1944)
Arthur J. Dows (Brown University 1920)
Charles E. Drake (Brown University 1958)
Henry F. Drake (Brown University 1915)
Henry M. Drake (Brown University 1958)
Leland L. Eaton (Brown University 1931)
Theodore W. Eckstein (Brown University 1951)
Clarence M. Eddy (Brown University 1903)
William B. Eddy (Brown University 1934)
Franklin E. Edgecomb (Brown University 1907)
Fred A. Edgecomb (Brown University 1908)
James F. Edwards (Brown University 1939)
Thomas F. Egan (Brown University 1947)
Philip Eiseman Jr. (Brown University 1926)
Laurence C. Elmendorf (Brown University 1923)
Robert T. Engles (Brown University 1940)
Henry R. Erickson (Brown University 1928)
Oliver W. R. Erickson (Brown University 1919)
Elmer G. Ericson (Brown University 1924)
John Ervin (Brown University 1911)
James R. Esty (Brown University 1917)
Roger S. Everett (Brown University 1947)
Raymond E. Farnsworth (Brown University 1918)
Wayne M. Faunce (Brown University 1921)
Thomas A. Fenton (Brown University 1920)
Charles B. Fernald (Brown University 1901)
Ross W. Fishburn (Brown University 1906)
Richard A. Fitz (Brown University 1928)
John E. Flemming (Brown University 1906)
Alfred W. Fletcher (Brown University 1906)
James W. Fletcher (Brown University 1905)
Albert H. Flint (Brown University 1917)
Leo E. Fontaine (Brown University 1923)
Russell L. Foote (Brown University 1934)
Post Fordon (Brown University 1953)
Wendell C. Forsman (Brown University 1938)
Alan P. Fort Jr. (Brown University 1953)
G. G. Foshay (Brown University 1926)
Robert T. Fowler (Brown University 1935)
Frederick A. Fox (Brown University 1933)
William N. Fritsch (Brown University 1917)
Lloyd E. Gallup (Brown University 1922)
George T. Gates (Brown University 1947)
Kenneth W. Gavitt (Brown University 1947)
Melvin A. Gavitt (Brown University 1930)
Robert D. Gerstenlauer (Brown University 1922)
Ralph T. Gerstle (Brown University 1951)
Daniel R. Gillette (Brown University 1933)
William V. Golas (Brown University 1969)
Harry G. Gooding (Brown University 1944)
Russell J. Goodnow (Brown University 1951)
Alfred G. Granieri (Brown University 1950)
Colin R. Grant (Brown University 1913)
James S. Grant Jr. (Brown University 1945)
Wilton S. Gray (Brown University 1967)
Paul J. Greeley (Brown University 1954)
H. O. Green (Brown University 1903)
Winfield W. Greene (Brown University 1910)
Carl E. Griese (Brown University 1930)
Albert L. M. Gross (Brown University 1923)
Cameron Guiler (Brown University 1926)
Irving T. Gumb (Brown University 1944)
Chester B. Hadley (Brown University 1913)
Harrell G. Hall (Brown University 1933)
Raymond Halliday (Brown University 1920)
Albert J. Hamilton (Brown University 1906)
John A. Hammond (Brown University 1934)
Edwin R. Handy (Brown University 1912)
George L. Hanshaw (Brown University 1950)
Henry G. Harris (Brown University 1919)
S. Mills Harris (Brown University 1919)
Donald R. Hawkins (Brown University 1951)
Frank A. Healy (Brown University 1939)
William H. Heaviside (Brown University 1943)
Donald W. Height (Brown University 1920)
Clarence B. Heisler (Brown University 1931)
George H. Henderson (Brown University 1909)
Kenneth M. Henderson (Brown University 1925)
Samuel J. Henry Jr. (Brown University 1930)
Wallace H. Henshaw (Brown University 1923)
Thomas H. Hermann (Brown University 1940)
Edward L. Herrick (Brown University 1928)
Joseph Z. Heyer (Brown University 1911)
Gerald A. Higgins (Brown University 1926)
Richart T. High (Brown University 1942)
William A. Hill (Brown University 1902)
William J. Hines (Brown University 1937)
Henry R. Hobson (Brown University 1906)
William A. Hoffman (Brown University 1945)
Charles E. Hopkins (Brown University 1924)
Charles E. Hopkins Jr. (Brown University 1950)
John H. Howe (Brown University 1941)
James P. Howell (Brown University 1928)
Lawrence L. Humphreys (Brown University 1951)
Gordon G. Hurt (Brown University 1942)
Roland E. Hutchins (Brown University 1910)
Madison C. Hutchinson (Brown University 1927)
Charles H. Jackson (Brown University 1950)
Arthur L. Jansen (Brown University 1939)
M. James Jemail (Brown University 1918)
Wellington L. Jencks (Brown University 1912)
Harlow E. Johnson (Brown University 1937)
Howard B. Johnson (Brown University 1942)
Paul P. Johnson (Brown University 1929)
Tom L. Johnson (Brown University 1925)
Clare S. Johnston (Brown University 1911)
Joseph C. Johnston (Brown University 1953)
Emerson M. Jones (Brown University 1947)
Robert S. Jones (Brown University 1929)
Donald M. Joseph (Brown University 1944)
Vincent R. Keating (Brown University 1952)
Ira L. Keats (Brown University 1952)
Howard A. Kenyon (Brown University 1921)
Ronald R. Keppler (Brown University 1952)
Albert Y. Kevorkian (Brown University 1928)
Edwin A. Kevorkian (Brown University 1929)
Arthur E. Kilpatrick (Brown University 1926)
Charles M. King (Brown University 1911)
William J. Kittredge Jr. (Brown University 1933)
Albert G. Kovachik (Brown University 1949)
Joseph J. Kralik III (Brown University 1956)
Charles B. Krebs (Brown University 1932)
Arthur F. Kroeger (Brown University 1933)
Herbert A. Larrabee (Brown University 1915)
Ralph E. Larry (Brown University 1906)
Harold K. Larson (Brown University 1922)
Burton F. Latham (Brown University 1908)
Henry C. Lawson (Brown University 1928)
George T. Leddy (Brown University 1950)
Robert E. Lenker (Brown University 1951)
Leonard D. LeValley (Brown University 1939)
Joseph B. Lewis (Brown University 1928)
Edward W. Lincoln (Brown University 1923)
Ogden R. Lindsley (Brown University 1918)
Wallace H. Lineburgh (Brown University 1937)
William L. Linehan (Brown University 1947)
Frederick W. Lohse (Brown University 1948)
George B. Lomas (Brown University 1925)
Harold S. Lonergan (Brown University 1950)
Robert B. Longwell (Brown University 1903)
Edgar J. Lownes (Brown University 1950)
Edgar J. Lownes (Brown University 1923)
Jerrold I. Lupoff (Brown University 1954)
Murray K. Macaulay (Brown University 1929)
G. K. Macdonald (Brown University 1921)
Kenneth F. Macdonald (Brown University 1927)
Harry L. Mackenzie (Brown University 1922)
Joseph W. Mackenzie (Brown University 1922)
William M. Mackenzie (Brown University 1931)
Bentley MacKintosh (Brown University 1921)
Allan A. Mackrille (Brown University 1924)
Robley D. MacLean (Brown University 1930)
Stuart E. Macmillan (Brown University 1921)
James A. Maddock (Brown University 1958)
Paul L. Maddock (Brown University 1933)
Thomas L. Mahony Jr. (Brown University 1939)
John B. Malloy (Brown University 1949)
Earl N. Manchester (Brown University 1902)
Forbes Mann (Brown University 1940)
Paul F. Marble (Brown University 1929)
Alfred J. Marron (Brown University 1917)
Albert W. Marten (Brown University 1929)
Frank E. Martin (Brown University 1940)
George W. Maugans (Brown University 1967)
George L. Mawhinney (Brown University 1940)
Berton L. Maxfield (Brown University 1901)
Berton L. Maxfield (Brown University 1930)
Neil A. McEachren (Brown University 1958)
Albert F. McGee (Brown University 1951)
John F. McGee (Brown University 1935)
Robert J. McGinley (Brown University 1930)
Edward J. McGowan (Brown University 1947)
Robert E. McGowan (Brown University 1943)
Clifford W. McGuire (Brown University 1937)
James B. McGuire (Brown University 1938)
Donald B. McKay (Brown University 1941)
James R. McKay (Brown University 1911)
Raymond C. McKay (Brown University 1914)
James E. McKenna (Brown University 1947)
Warren P. McKenney (Brown University 1934)
Russell E. McKenzie (Brown University 1918)
Allen G. McKinnon (Brown University 1916)
Robert A. McKinnon (Brown University 1945)
Donald S. McNeil (Brown University 1940)
Clement S. McPhee (Brown University 1937)
John T. McQuaid (Brown University 1917)
John J. Mealy (Brown University 1945)
Arthur E. Miller (Brown University 1922)
Charles E. Miller (Brown University 1920)
Clarence W. Miller (Brown University 1912)
George Miller (Brown University 1959)
Harold E. Miller (Brown University 1907)
Joseph Miller (Brown University 1915)
William U. Miller (Brown University 1934)
Charles S. Mitchell (Brown University 1905)
John D. Mitchell (Brown University 1922)
William P. Mitchell (Brown University 1909)
Edward A. Moir (Brown University 1926)
Clyde R. Moody (Brown University 1909)
Edward L. Moore (Brown University 1947)
G. D. Moore (Brown University 1908)
Robert C. Moore (Brown University 1939)
Dudley R. Morean (Brown University 1946)
E. S. Morrison (Brown University 1954)
M. M. Morse (Brown University 1964)
Thomas E. Morton (Brown University 1942)
George E. Mosley (Brown University 1927)
Harold R. Moulton (Brown University 1919)
Jack D. Mulcahy (Brown University 1945)
William R. Mulford (Brown University 1947)
Alfred W. Murdock (Brown University 1941)
George C. Myers (Brown University 1946)
Charles P. Mylod (Brown University 1930)
Gordon H. Needham (Brown University 1926)
Kenneth M. Nelson (Brown University 1942)
George S. Newcombe (Brown University 1903)
Herbert N. Nicholas (Brown University 1915)
Harry Norcross (Brown University 1919)
Arthur W. Nordholm (Brown University 1936)
Sherwood W. Northrop (Brown University 1947)
George A. Northup Jr. (Brown University 1917)
Charles A. Nuttall (Brown University 1920)
William C. Oakes (Brown University 1910)
William R. Oakes (Brown University 1936)
Henry J. Obee (Brown University 1950)
Thomas C. O'Keefe (Brown University 1967)
Joseph S. Olcott (Brown University 1946)
Thomas N. Oliver (Brown University 1950)
Jasper L. Olmstead (Brown University 1944)
Dudley Onderdonk (Brown University 1938)
Thomas J. O'Neill (Brown University 1945)
Edward S. Ormond (Brown University 1960)
Allen F. Owen (Brown University 1952)
Chester H. Owrey (Brown University 1932)
John A. Padden (Brown University 1941)
Harlan L. Paine (Brown University 1937)
William N. Parker (Brown University 1943)
Samuel R. Parks (Brown University 1911)
Walter H. Partington (Brown University 1911)
Arthur L. Patch (Brown University 1904)
Earl P. Perkins (Brown University 1912)
George D. Phillips (Brown University 1922)
Herbert S. Phillips (Brown University 1934)
Roderick T. Phinney (Brown University 1949)
Charles W. Pigott (Brown University 1966)
Harold L. Pittenger (Brown University 1922)
Edward R. Place (Brown University 1924)
Charles M. Poor (Brown University 1893)
George T. Poor (Brown University 1941)
Seeley H. Powley (Brown University 1931)
Willard L. Pratt (Brown University 1905)
William C. Prout (Brown University 1937)
Lloyd Provost (Brown University 1953)
Charles G. Quinn (Brown University 1933)
Bruce A. Rae (Brown University 1962)
Wayne L. Randall (Brown University 1906)
John H. Ranges (Brown University 1931)
Harwood E. Read (Brown University 1927)
Harold J. Reeves (Brown University 1947)
William I. Reid (Brown University 1924)
William S. Reisman (Brown University 1939)
William F. Repp (Brown University 1932)
Harold A. Rice (Brown University 1914)
Sydney E. Richards (Brown University 1929)
Joseph W. Riker (Brown University 1922)
Joseph W. Riker (Brown University 1947)
Stephen Ring (Brown University 1942)
Walter S. Roberts (Brown University 1955)
Arthur H. Robinson (Brown University 1905)
Stanley S. Robinson (Brown University 1924)
Thomas H. Robinson (Brown University 1916)
Allan C. Robotham (Brown University 1928)
William F. Robotham (Brown University 1926)
John A. Roe (Brown University 1938)
Harold G. Rogers (Brown University 1927)
Edward H. Rogers (Brown University 1937)
Robert Rogerson (Brown University 1942)
John A. Root (Brown University 1958)
Randolph C. Rounds (Brown University 1934)
George Rowland (Brown University 1940)
Frank A. Russo (Brown University 1926)
James R. Rutherford (Brown University 1943)
Thomas T. Ryan (Brown University 1942)
Bowen P. Ryder (Brown University 1907)
James W. Safford (Brown University 1928)
John C. Sanderson (Brown University 1937)
Lowell W. Sanford (Brown University 1932)
Wilbert R. Sanger (Brown University 1949)
Charles L. Scanlon (Brown University 1920)
William K. Schanck (Brown University 1922)
Julius A. Scheibel (Brown University 1950)
Edwin J. Schermerhorn (Brown University 1934)
William H. Schofield (Brown University 1924)
Winfield A. Schuster (Brown University 1928)
Philip E. Scott (Brown University 1919)
Rust E. Scott (Brown University 1917)
Ulysses S. Scull (Brown University 1907)
Edward N. Selmer Jr. (Brown University 1946)
Dudley H. Seltzer (Brown University 1928)
Donald Seward (Brown University 1950)
Lester F. Shaal (Brown University 1929)
Milton S. Shaw (Brown University 1937)
George E. Shields (Brown University 1919)
Ellis A. Simmons (Brown University 1927)
Thomas G. Simmons (Brown University 1923)
Jackson H. Skillings (Brown University 1937)
Howard Sloneker (Brown University 1942)
Arthur K. Smart (Brown University 1933)
Richard P. Smart (Brown University 1933)
Earl R. Smith (Brown University 1908)
Henry R. Smith (Brown University 1914)
Irving G. Smith (Brown University 1917)
Roy R. Smith (Brown University 1907)
Rufus F. Smith (Brown University 1930)
Clarence J. Smith (Brown University 1950)
William A. Smith (Brown University 1945)
Maurice Y. Snyder (Brown University 1911)
Luther E. Stanhope (Brown University 1937)
Harry B. Stearns (Brown University 1909)
Tilden H. Stearns (Brown University 1903)
Douglas M. Stewart (Brown University 1931)
Henry J. Stitt (Brown University 1903)
Loue E. Stockwell (Brown University 1919)
Arthur R. Storm (Brown University 1924)
Martin H. Styles (Brown University 1945)
Harvey J. Swann (Brown University 1905)
Karl M. Sweet (Brown University 1932)
Harry R. Swicegood (Brown University 1959)
Eugene C. Swift (Brown University 1942)
Thomas R. Symmes (Brown University 1910)
Carl I. Taber (Brown University 1922)
Walter H. Taverner (Brown University 1931)
Amos L. Taylor (Brown University 1901)
Franklin V. Taylor (Brown University 1932)
Donald A. Thayer (Brown University 1940)
Walter J. Thomas (Brown University 1947)
Clarence M. Thompson (Brown University 1904)
J. H. Thompson (Brown University 1905)
Frederick H. Thompson (Brown University 1936)
Wallace N. Thurber (Brown University 1922)
Alfred E. Toombs (Brown University 1931)
George V. Treyz (Brown University 1929)
Albion F. Tripp (Brown University 1922)
Payson W. Tucker (Brown University 1913)
Eliott W. Turnbull (Brown University 1932)
Manning E. Vannostrand (Brown University 1903)
Leon E. Varnum (Brown University 1908)
Frederick Von Steinwehr (Brown University 1940)
Edwin W. Vreeland (Brown University 1933)
William L. Waddell (Brown University 1918)
Charles B. Waddell Jr. (Brown University 1918)
William H. Wagenknecht (Brown University 1925)
Donald S. Walch (Brown University 1954)
Clifton H. Walcott (Brown University 1910)
Samuel C. Wardwell (Brown University 1908)
John A. Washburn (Brown University 1947)
Raymond G. Watkins (Brown University 1913)
Lyman L. Watrous (Brown University 1946)
Willard A. Weaver (Brown University 1930)
Charles H. Weaver (Brown University 1928)
Miles C. Webb (Brown University 1924)
Wesley H. Webb (Brown University 1926)
William L. Wedemeyer (Brown University 1917)
William Welling (Brown University 1947)
Mortimer H. Wells (Brown University 1944)
William F. Wenning (Brown University 1959)
Ward Wetmore (Brown University 1914)
Alan Wetterau (Brown University 1941)
E. B. Wetzel (Brown University 1929)
Charles H. Whitaker (Brown University 1933)
G. G. White (Brown University 1945)
Maynard P. White (Brown University 1955)
Winter A. White (Brown University 1913)
Alfred E. Whitehouse (Brown University 1923)
Allen W. Whittemore (Brown University 1956)
Donald L. Whittemore (Brown University 1916)
Theodore P. Whittemore (Brown University 1914)
Willis C. Wilber (Brown University 1913)
Harold F. Wilcox (Brown University 1918)
Richard L. Wilkins (Brown University 1953)
Samuel E. Wilkins Jr. (Brown University 1924)
Robert A. Wilks (Brown University 1941)
Louis P. Willemin (Brown University 1909)
Earl H. Williams (Brown University 1910)
Norman H. Williams (Brown University 1909)
David B. Wilmot (Brown University 1939)
Charles E. Wilson (Brown University 1932)
Eugene M. Wilson (Brown University 1904)
Francis C. Wilson (Brown University 1941)
George A. Winn Jr. (Brown University 1931)
Clarence E. Winsor (Brown University 1922)
Edwin H. Wintermute (Brown University 1926)
Edward W. Wittpenn (Brown University 1933)
Ernest J. Woelfel (Brown University 1954)
Charles B. Wright (Brown University 1936)
Peregrine Wroth (Brown University 1935)
David O. Zenker (Brown University 1950)
Frederick R. Zulch (Brown University 1939)
Homer H. Adams (Bucknell University 1907)
William A. Affron (Bucknell University 1915)
Edwin F. Ahrens (Bucknell University 1922)
Harold N. Ake (Bucknell University 1938)
Charles W. Allen (Bucknell University 1892)
Howard E. Allen (Bucknell University 1947)
Manuel H. Allen (Bucknell University 1930)
Peter M. Allen (Bucknell University 1966)
William G. Allen (Bucknell University 1931)
Robert H. Allison (Bucknell University 1927)
Andrew F. Anderson (Bucknell University 1894)
Charles P. Anderson (Bucknell University 1912)
Frank Anderson (Bucknell University 1901)
John J. Androski (Bucknell University 1932)
Dale L. Armstrong (Bucknell University 1946)
Robert B. Armstrong (Bucknell University 1944)
Edward T. Ashman (Bucknell University 1919)
John M. Askey (Bucknell University 1912)
John M. Aulbach (Bucknell University 1947)
Jack F. Bailey (Bucknell University 1938)
John H. Baker (Bucknell University 1945)
Marc L. Baldwin (Bucknell University 1911)
George T. Ballard (Bucknell University 1937)
Floyd G. Ballentine (Bucknell University 1899)
George N. Ballentine (Bucknell University 1929)
Robert G. Ballentine (Bucknell University 1934)
Frederick R. Barnes (Bucknell University 1912)
Harold C. Barron (Bucknell University 1918)
Bruce W. Bassett (Bucknell University 1949)
Samuel Z. Batten (Bucknell University 1885)
William B. Bauerschmidt (Bucknell University 1943)
Stuart K. Bean (Bucknell University 1955)
Edwin A. Beaver (Bucknell University 1906)
Wilmer T. Beck (Bucknell University 1938)
Richard Becker (Bucknell University 1979)
Francis J. Beckley (Bucknell University 1917)
James H. Beckley (Bucknell University 1924)
Robert K. Bell (Bucknell University 1920)
Lester R. Benner (Bucknell University 1933)
William E. Bernarduci (Bucknell University 1989)
Eugene P. Bertin (Bucknell University 1917)
Walter H. Bertin (Bucknell University 1908)
Theodore L. Biddle (Bucknell University 1960)
George S. Blackmore (Bucknell University 1952)
Graham P. Blanton (Bucknell University 1965)
Henry H. Bliss (Bucknell University 1913)
Bernard L. Blockus (Bucknell University 1974)
Frank S. Boguszewski Jr. (Bucknell University 1953)
William D. Bontempi (Bucknell University 1945)
Robert N. Boucher (Bucknell University 1968)
Harvey H. Bower (Bucknell University 1896)
Earl H. Bowman (Bucknell University 1910)
James E. Brady (Bucknell University 1947)
James S. Braker (Bucknell University 1888)
William R. Branagan (Bucknell University 1941)
Charles F. Brandt (Bucknell University 1921)
Herman L. Brandt (Bucknell University 1909)
John J. Brandt (Bucknell University 1903)
Robert G. Brandt (Bucknell University 1925)
S. C. Braucher (Bucknell University 1928)
Thomas W. Brereton (Bucknell University 1934)
Walter B. Brinker (Bucknell University 1907)
L. Benson Bristol DDS (Bucknell University 1934)
Charles E. Brown (Bucknell University 1931)
Charles H. Brown (Bucknell University 1903)
G. H. Brown (Bucknell University 1921)
John H. Brown (Bucknell University 1970)
Henry S. Brownell (Bucknell University 1915)
Robert W. Bruce (Bucknell University 1935)
Richard A. Brumberger (Bucknell University 1940)
William M. Bucher (Bucknell University 1950)
John A. Buck (Bucknell University 1929)
Willard M. Bunnell (Bucknell University 1897)
James V. Burleson Jr. (Bucknell University 1960)
William R. Burns (Bucknell University 1957)
Edward Burrowes (Bucknell University 1902)
Ernest S. Burrows (Bucknell University 1907)
Walter W. Burrows (Bucknell University 1939)
Everett A. Bush (Bucknell University 1894)
Harvey H. Bush (Bucknell University 1951)
Edward M. Campbell (Bucknell University 1905)
Fred M. Campbell (Bucknell University 1923)
H. S. Campbell (Bucknell University 1952)
William R. Campbell (Bucknell University 1943)
William R. Campbell (Bucknell University 1947)
John H. Carter (Bucknell University 1921)
Harry S. Cassler (Bucknell University 1918)
James L. Cattell (Bucknell University 1899)
Ralph C. Catterall (Bucknell University 1891)
Philip F. Cerveny (Bucknell University 1957)
George B. Champion (Bucknell University 1917)
Kenneth G. Check (Bucknell University 1946)
H. M. Christ (Bucknell University 1904)
Robert W. Christian (Bucknell University 1953)
Clifford W. Clark (Bucknell University 1950)
Charles Coene (Bucknell University 1927)
Emile Coene (Bucknell University 1924)
Charles A. Coffey (Bucknell University 1960)
Joseph M. Cole (Bucknell University 1947)
Charles E. Coleman (Bucknell University 1914)
James R. College (Bucknell University 1931)
Robert C. Comer (Bucknell University 1956)
Paul C. Confer (Bucknell University 1934)
John J. Conway (Bucknell University 1916)
Frank H. Cooper (Bucknell University 1880)
Daymond W. Copeland (Bucknell University 1918)
George W. Correy (Bucknell University 1912)
Richard L. Coty (Bucknell University 1946)
Bram T. Courson (Bucknell University 1927)
William M. Courson (Bucknell University 1890)
William O. Courson (Bucknell University 1924)
John R. Crossgrove (Bucknell University 1954)
Maurice H. Cryder (Bucknell University 1917)
William J. Culbertson (Bucknell University 1943)
William H. Culler (Bucknell University 1933)
John P. Currin (Bucknell University 1885)
Robert F. Dailey (Bucknell University 1945)
William O. Daily (Bucknell University 1952)
Dennis J. Damaschke (Bucknell University 1976)
Howard T. Davenport (Bucknell University 1922)
William C. Davenport (Bucknell University 1951)
Charles H. Davies (Bucknell University 1919)
Frederic B. Davies (Bucknell University 1926)
J. N. Davies (Bucknell University 1926)
Raymond J. Davies (Bucknell University 1894)
Clarence A. Davis (Bucknell University 1919)
Frank A. Davis (Bucknell University 1951)
J. S. Davis (Bucknell University 1902)
John A. Davis (Bucknell University 1923)
Cecil P. Dawson (Bucknell University 1924)
Robert M. Dawson (Bucknell University 1923)
Ellis R. Defibaugh (Bucknell University 1924)
Carroll H. Deitrick (Bucknell University 1920)
Herbert S. Delong (Bucknell University 1920)
Arthur J. Denney (Bucknell University 1942)
Chester A. Dennis (Bucknell University 1938)
James C. Denton (Bucknell University 1925)
Ellsworth T. Derr (Bucknell University 1888)
James M. Devinney (Bucknell University 1954)
Charles E. Diffendafer (Bucknell University 1922)
John A. Diffendafer (Bucknell University 1952)
Willard T. Diffendafer (Bucknell University 1922)
Jonathan B. Dill (Bucknell University 1889)
Irving W. Distel (Bucknell University 1940)
Donald Dobbs (Bucknell University 1954)
James M. Dodson (Bucknell University 1925)
John L. Dom (Bucknell University 1935)
Herbert C. P. Donat (Bucknell University 1891)
Ralph T. Downes (Bucknell University 1945)
Alan C. Dreher (Bucknell University 1954)
Chester A. Drenning (Bucknell University 1924)
Donald E. Druckemiller (Bucknell University 1938)
William C. Dunham (Bucknell University 1964)
Alvin E. Duryea (Bucknell University 1956)
Charles R. Dwyer (Bucknell University 1922)
Paul U. Dyer (Bucknell University 1922)
Harry M. Eakeley (Bucknell University 1909)
Homer T. Eaton (Bucknell University 1921)
Ralph B. Ebbert (Bucknell University 1907)
Walter E. Eckhart (Bucknell University 1949)
Alexnader W. Edgar (Bucknell University 1924)
Robert E. Edmunds (Bucknell University 1947)
Daniel C. Edwards (Bucknell University 1931)
Merle M. Edwards (Bucknell University 1903)
Walter K. Elder (Bucknell University 1927)
Richard A. Eldridge (Bucknell University 1943)
James Elliott (Bucknell University 1907)
Reynolds F. Elliott (Bucknell University 1918)
Donald C. England (Bucknell University 1925)
George W. English (Bucknell University 1902)
Harold H. Evans (Bucknell University 1936)
William W. Eversmann (Bucknell University 1959)
Lewis A. Eyster (Bucknell University 1917)
William H. Eyster (Bucknell University 1914)
Paul M. Eyster (Bucknell University 1944)
William H. Eyster (Bucknell University 1939)
William A. Fairclough (Bucknell University 1943)
William C. Farrow (Bucknell University 1890)
Richard E. Fetter (Bucknell University 1947)
W. R. Fetter (Bucknell University 1946)
W. W. Fetzer (Bucknell University 1903)
Albert E. Finn (Bucknell University 1894)
Gerald Finsen (Bucknell University 1938)
Thomas T. Firth (Bucknell University 1943)
John H. Flood (Bucknell University 1905)
John M. Flumerfelt (Bucknell University 1933)
Brown Focht (Bucknell University 1928)
Henry L. Fonda (Bucknell University 1918)
John E. Foresman (Bucknell University 1929)
John H. Foresman (Bucknell University 1893)
Harvey S. Foringer (Bucknell University 1886)
Douglas R. Forsyth (Bucknell University 1960)
Alexander Foster (Bucknell University 1948)
Monroe K. Fowler (Bucknell University 1901)
Raymond T. Francis (Bucknell University 1914)
Warren T. Francis (Bucknell University 1945)
Norman A. Franks (Bucknell University 1949)
William R. Frich (Bucknell University 1913)
Frank H. Fritz (Bucknell University 1909)
F. H. Fritz (Bucknell University 1943)
Boyd M. Frymire (Bucknell University 1907)
Charles B. Furman (Bucknell University 1886)
Leander B. Furman (Bucknell University 1888)
Shawn G. Gaertner (Bucknell University 1986)
Norman K. Gallagher (Bucknell University 1940)
Arthur F. Gardner (Bucknell University 1893)
E. R. Gardner (Bucknell University 1905)
Harry C. Gardner (Bucknell University 1908)
Horace W. Gardner (Bucknell University 1927)
Robert Y. Garrett (Bucknell University 1926)
Abram J. Gaskill (Bucknell University 1925)
Albert G. Gibbs (Bucknell University 1920)
Francis H. Gibson (Bucknell University 1923)
John R. Gilbert (Bucknell University 1922)
Charles C. Gillette (Bucknell University 1917)
John R. Gilmour (Bucknell University 1927)
Herbert H. Gindele (Bucknell University 1946)
C. H. Godshall (Bucknell University 1907)
Leon W. Godshall (Bucknell University 1911)
Howard M. Goehring (Bucknell University 1913)
William I. Gold (Bucknell University 1897)
David R. Good (Bucknell University 1945)
George L. Good (Bucknell University 1941)
Robert A. Good (Bucknell University 1942)
Roy F. Good (Bucknell University 1944)
Roy M. Good (Bucknell University 1939)
Charles E. Goodall (Bucknell University 1902)
Frank M. Goodchild (Bucknell University 1884)
Earl Goodwin (Bucknell University 1928)
Myrl Goodwin (Bucknell University 1928)
Sidney W. Goodwin (Bucknell University 1927)
Frederick W. Gore (Bucknell University 1942)
H. L. Goughnour (Bucknell University 1932)
Charles H. Graeff (Bucknell University 1935)
S. M. Graff (Bucknell University 1894)
Lloyd R. Graham (Bucknell University 1947)
Albert D. Gray (Bucknell University 1914)
Robert W. Gray (Bucknell University 1924)
John W. Green (Bucknell University 1911)
Harold I. Grice (Bucknell University 1925)
Herbert C. Grice (Bucknell University 1918)
Edwin P. Griffiths (Bucknell University 1904)
John E. Griffiths (Bucknell University 1934)
John O. Griffiths (Bucknell University 1925)
Ralph F. Griffiths (Bucknell University 1905)
Paul S. Grittner (Bucknell University 1922)
Walker Groetzinger (Bucknell University 1934)
Charles E. Grove (Bucknell University 1887)
Howard L. Guss (Bucknell University 1897)
Francis B. Haas (Bucknell University 1947)
Edwin C. Hagemann (Bucknell University 1916)
Paul A. Hammond (Bucknell University 1960)
Hildred H. Hann (Bucknell University 1916)
Howard J. Hann (Bucknell University 1919)
Joseph H. Hann (Bucknell University 1946)
Thomas D. Hann (Bucknell University 1926)
George E. Harder (Bucknell University 1959)
Frank E. Harkness (Bucknell University 1892)
Coleman J. Harris (Bucknell University 1912)
George B. Harris (Bucknell University 1906)
George S. Harris (Bucknell University 1934)
Herbert F. Harris (Bucknell University 1896)
James P. Harris (Bucknell University 1912)
Reese H. Harris (Bucknell University 1903)
Spenser T. Harris (Bucknell University 1907)
Stanley N. Harris (Bucknell University 1918)
Walter W. Harris (Bucknell University 1914)
Steven C. Harry (Bucknell University 1889)
Edward S. Hartshorn (Bucknell University 1910)
William F. Hasselberger (Bucknell University 1940)
Berkeley V. Hastings (Bucknell University 1913)
Albert W. Hatfield (Bucknell University 1917)
Frank C. Hayes (Bucknell University 1918)
Warren J. Hayman (Bucknell University 1932)
Jonathan Heaton (Bucknell University 1886)
William D. Heaton (Bucknell University 1889)
E. M. Heim (Bucknell University 1893)
Edward F. Heim (Bucknell University 1921)
Herbert E. Heim (Bucknell University 1927)
Robert C. Heim (Bucknell University 1924)
Lewis S. Heinen (Bucknell University 1916)
William S. Heinen (Bucknell University 1913)
Walter G. Held (Bucknell University 1943)
John J. Hellewell (Bucknell University 1923)
George T. Henggi (Bucknell University 1925)
S. F. Hepp (Bucknell University 1929)
Frank E. Hering (Bucknell University 1897)
Charles W. Hermann (Bucknell University 1885)
Douglas D. Heyhoe (Bucknell University 1962)
Theodore Heysham (Bucknell University 1894)
Theodore Heysham (Bucknell University 1925)
Robert D. Hieber (Bucknell University 1943)
Barron F. Hilton (Bucknell University 1911)
Hayward J. Holbert (Bucknell University 1924)
Lewis C. Holby (Bucknell University 1912)
Winfield S. Holland (Bucknell University 1900)
William Hollister (Bucknell University 1956)
Alan B. Holmes (Bucknell University 1963)
Carlton B. Hooker (Bucknell University 1913)
Joseph F. Hooker (Bucknell University 1941)
James S. Hoover (Bucknell University 1950)
Samuel A. Hopkins (Bucknell University 1931)
Thomas O. Hopkins (Bucknell University 1937)
George C. Horter (Bucknell University 1894)
Alfred B. Howe (Bucknell University 1934)
Edward L. Howell (Bucknell University 1911)
J. K. Howell (Bucknell University 1963)
Charles M. Howell (Bucknell University 1906)
Frank W. Hower (Bucknell University 1931)
John D. Hubbard (Bucknell University 1929)
Benjamin D. Hubley Jr. (Bucknell University 1961)
John B. Huckin (Bucknell University 1949)
A. J. Hughes (Bucknell University 1886)
James P. Hughes (Bucknell University 1929)
Elkanah B. Hulley (Bucknell University 1907)
Elkanah Hulley (Bucknell University 1892)
Karl K. Hulley (Bucknell University 1918)
Lincoln Hulley (Bucknell University 1888)
William C. Hulley (Bucknell University 1941)
Harold L. Hunter (Bucknell University 1909)
Wallace B. Hunter (Bucknell University 1958)
Andrew J. Huston (Bucknell University 1911)
James R. Huston (Bucknell University 1910)
Samuel Iredell (Bucknell University 1892)
Calvin W. Irwin (Bucknell University 1945)
Carmault B. Jackson (Bucknell University 1949)
Frank W. Jackson (Bucknell University 1895)
Frederic B. Jaekel (Bucknell University 1903)
Richard A. Jeffery (Bucknell University 1952)
Thomas F. Jenkins (Bucknell University 1961)
Frank M. Jenner (Bucknell University 1910)
Walter R. Johnson (Bucknell University 1934)
Edward F. Johnson (Bucknell University 1951)
Edward E. Jones (Bucknell University 1927)
Everett T. Jones (Bucknell University 1918)
Franklin D. Jones (Bucknell University 1919)
Malcolm G. Jones (Bucknell University 1924)
Philip E. Jones (Bucknell University 1933)
Robert L. Jones (Bucknell University 1910)
Robert T. Jones (Bucknell University 1936)
Roland M. Jones (Bucknell University 1915)
William G. Jones (Bucknell University 1929)
Roy C. Jones (Bucknell University 1929)
William H. Jones (Bucknell University 1935)
W. Lambert Joseph (Bucknell University 1924)
Raymond Kabakjian (Bucknell University 1969)
Charles W. Kalp (Bucknell University 1929)
J. Lloyd Kalp (Bucknell University 1903)
Christian H. Kammire (Bucknell University 1931)
Don J. Kammire (Bucknell University 1930)
William A. Kauffman (Bucknell University 1895)
Donald H. Kaupp (Bucknell University 1926)
Chester S. Keefer (Bucknell University 1918)
Charles S. Keen (Bucknell University 1899)
Walter H. Kellogg (Bucknell University 1922)
James W. Kennedy Jr. (Bucknell University 1944)
Walter K. Kennedy (Bucknell University 1953)
Fred G. Kern (Bucknell University 1943)
John A. Kessler (Bucknell University 1940)
L. R. Kessler (Bucknell University 1935)
William M. Kieffer (Bucknell University 1904)
William R. Kiely (Bucknell University 1951)
Charles E. Kimball Jr. (Bucknell University 1929)
John M. Kingsbury (Bucknell University 1941)
John H. Kinsloe (Bucknell University 1933)
Richard D. Klaber (Bucknell University 1955)
John C. Koch (Bucknell University 1923)
Donald L. Koppes (Bucknell University 1957)
Charles W. Kramer (Bucknell University 1909)
Charles D. Kremer (Bucknell University 1922)
Robert J. Krieger (Bucknell University 1948)
Clarence M. Kriner (Bucknell University 1917)
Charles R. Kurtz (Bucknell University 1886)
William L. Kurtz (Bucknell University 1885)
Joseph E. Lackard (Bucknell University 1934)
Claude G. Langford (Bucknell University 1891)
Carter L. Larsen (Bucknell University 1940)
George W. Lawrence (Bucknell University 1911)
John M. Lawrence (Bucknell University 1941)
Lee W. Lawver (Bucknell University 1960)
George W. Lees (Bucknell University 1920)
Charles A. Lehman (Bucknell University 1903)
John V. Leighou (Bucknell University 1911)
Robert B. Leighou (Bucknell University 1906)
Charles A. Lemmon (Bucknell University 1907)
George S. Lenhart (Bucknell University 1885)
James R. Leo (Bucknell University 1956)
John V. Lesher (Bucknell University 1897)
William A. Lesher (Bucknell University 1911)
William M. Lesher (Bucknell University 1938)
Alvan E. Levesque (Bucknell University 1958)
Burton F. Lewis (Bucknell University 1916)
Lawrence D. Lewis (Bucknell University 1923)
William A. Lewis (Bucknell University 1886)
Ernest O. Lindberg (Bucknell University 1914)
Joseph B. Lippincott (Bucknell University 1926)
Richard Little (Bucknell University 1922)
Joseph E. Lockard (Bucknell University 1934)
Henry T. Lofft (Bucknell University 1917)
J. Richard Lofft (Bucknell University 1927)
William A. Lofft (Bucknell University 1918)
Howard J. Lonergan (Bucknell University 1942)
Arthur H. Long (Bucknell University 1953)
Edwin D. Lonie (Bucknell University 1964)
E. H. Loomis (Bucknell University 1907)
David M. Lucas (Bucknell University 1953)
Norman S. Lucas (Bucknell University 1936)
Victor B. Luchsinger (Bucknell University 1908)
James R. Mabee (Bucknell University 1928)
George R. MacCall (Bucknell University 1941)
Willard C. Macnaul (Bucknell University 1890)
Russell L. Magee (Bucknell University 1927)
William V. Mahaffey (Bucknell University 1925)
Michael L. Maher (Bucknell University 1910)
William T. Mahood (Bucknell University 1929)
Murvington H. Malaun (Bucknell University 1921)
Edwin R. Manchester (Bucknell University 1908)
Clay B. Mansfield (Bucknell University 1971)
John P. Marcinek (Bucknell University 1950)
Arthur O. Marsh (Bucknell University 1911)
Harvey B. Marsh (Bucknell University 1897)
Cyrus D. Marter (Bucknell University 1932)
David J. Martin (Bucknell University 1919)
William M. Martin (Bucknell University 1951)
Olin S. Marts (Bucknell University 1902)
Michael Mashurak Jr. (Bucknell University 1975)
Joseph S. Mason (Bucknell University 1952)
Christopher Mathewson (Bucknell University 1927)
Christy Mathewson (Bucknell University 1902)
Royden S. Matlack (Bucknell University 1917)
Harry E. McCormick (Bucknell University 1904)
James R. McCormick (Bucknell University 1917)
Oliver H. McFarland (Bucknell University 1916)
Fred W. McFarlin (Bucknell University 1900)
Edgar V. McGinley (Bucknell University 1960)
Richard J. McGinn (Bucknell University 1949)
Paul J. McGuire (Bucknell University 1920)
John L. McKay (Bucknell University 1924)
John E. McMahon (Bucknell University 1950)
Charles L. Meloy (Bucknell University 1969)
Samuel S. Merriman (Bucknell University 1886)
Carlton A. Michael (Bucknell University 1915)
Timothy W. Mikullitz (Bucknell University 1999)
John E. Miller (Bucknell University 1952)
Richard C. Mischinski (Bucknell University 1975)
Harold E. Mitchell (Bucknell University 1931)
Thomas G. Mitchell (Bucknell University 1966)
Charles J. Moon (Bucknell University 1894)
Stacy B. Moon (Bucknell University 1946)
Isaac D. Moore (Bucknell University 1888)
J. M. Moore (Bucknell University 1928)
Abram A. Morelli (Bucknell University 1929)
Herbert W. Morreall (Bucknell University 1937)
Gregory W. Morris (Bucknell University 1980)
Thomas J. Morris (Bucknell University 1900)
John C. Morrison (Bucknell University 1927)
Robert J. Morrison (Bucknell University 1941)
Earl A. Morton (Bucknell University 1905)
Robert W. Morton (Bucknell University 1945)
Gilbert B. Moyer (Bucknell University 1929)
Charles A. Mudge (Bucknell University 1896)
John W. Mueller (Bucknell University 1958)
Maurice B. Mulford (Bucknell University 1899)
Thomas E. Murphy (Bucknell University 1926)
Thomas J. Murray (Bucknell University 1976)
Ernest R. Myers (Bucknell University 1897)
Raymond I. Myers (Bucknell University 1961)
Paul F. Nedrow (Bucknell University 1927)
Ralph A. Neff (Bucknell University 1914)
Robert J. Nelsen (Bucknell University 1967)
Charles K. Newell (Bucknell University 1891)
H. W. Nice (Bucknell University 1896)
Charles A. Nicely (Bucknell University 1908)
Woods M. Nicely (Bucknell University 1914)
Chester A. Niple (Bucknell University 1908)
Harry K. Nissley (Bucknell University 1885)
I. O. Nissley (Bucknell University 1937)
John C. Nissley (Bucknell University 1883)
Joseph Nissley (Bucknell University 1931)
Eugene E. Noble (Bucknell University 1927)
Martin J. Nolan (Bucknell University 1942)
Robert J. Nolan (Bucknell University 1941)
John R. O'Connor (Bucknell University 1941)
Charles M. Ogg (Bucknell University 1948)
Thomas M. Orchard (Bucknell University 1919)
John R. Orr (Bucknell University 1930)
David N. Ott (Bucknell University 1959)
Archibald A. Owen (Bucknell University 1954)
Maxwell H. Parker (Bucknell University 1949)
Edwin R. Parsons (Bucknell University 1935)
John H. Patchin (Bucknell University 1891)
Tilman H. Paul (Bucknell University 1912)
Tilman H. Paul (Bucknell University 1935)
Jerome L. Paulhamus (Bucknell University 1913)
Emanuel E. Pawling (Bucknell University 1890)
William G. Payne (Bucknell University 1909)
Arthur J. Pearse (Bucknell University 1905)
Charles J. Pearse (Bucknell University 1901)
William H. Pearson (Bucknell University 1957)
Emmons L. Peck (Bucknell University 1900)
George L. Peck (Bucknell University 1945)
Ronald J. Pedrick (Bucknell University 1960)
Jesse A. Phillips (Bucknell University 1928)
John D. Plant (Bucknell University 1944)
George R. Plender (Bucknell University 1925)
Donald R. Plump (Bucknell University 1957)
Donald F. Post (Bucknell University 1960)
Roger Potdevin (Bucknell University 1983)
James R. Powell (Bucknell University 1948)
Robert J. Powell (Bucknell University 1901)
Abram V. Powelson (Bucknell University 1953)
John S. Purnell (Bucknell University 1923)
Edward F. Rabe (Bucknell University 1939)
William A. Ramage (Bucknell University 1943)
George H. Ramer (Bucknell University 1950)
Theodore S. Ratkus (Bucknell University 1965)
Glenn O. Raymond (Bucknell University 1927)
Francis F. Reamer (Bucknell University 1920)
Edwin R. Reeb (Bucknell University 1967)
John M. Reed (Bucknell University 1924)
Norman J. Rehman (Bucknell University 1916)
Robert C. Reicherter (Bucknell University 1976)
Richard K. Reider (Bucknell University 1939)
Grier Reimer (Bucknell University 1929)
Donald B. Renn (Bucknell University 1935)
George R. Rentz (Bucknell University 1922)
Charles L. Replogle (Bucknell University 1930)
James S. Replogle (Bucknell University 1926)
Barclay Reynolds (Bucknell University 1896)
Kenneth M. Rhoads (Bucknell University 1947)
Joseph Rhubright (Bucknell University 1935)
Danforth K. Richardson (Bucknell University 1942)
David T. Rickard (Bucknell University 1952)
Donald C. Rickard (Bucknell University 1951)
Samuel H. Rickard (Bucknell University 1946)
Samuel H. Rickard (Bucknell University 1923)
Joseph F. Rickards (Bucknell University 1937)
Guido C. Riemer (Bucknell University 1895)
Hugo B. Riemer (Bucknell University 1901)
Hugo Riemer (Bucknell University 1929)
Richard W. Riemer (Bucknell University 1970)
Donald L. Rigg (Bucknell University 1926)
Levi L. Riggin (Bucknell University 1894)
Richard C. Ringwald (Bucknell University 1949)
William E. Ringwald (Bucknell University 1943)
Romeyn H. Rivenburg (Bucknell University 1897)
John G. Rogers (Bucknell University 1947)
Stanley H. Rolfe (Bucknell University 1909)
Thomas S. Ross (Bucknell University 1968)
Harry M. Roth (Bucknell University 1898)
Robert B. Roth (Bucknell University 1946)
Robert D. Royer (Bucknell University 1905)
William S. Samuel (Bucknell University 1928)
Gregory J. Sauter (Bucknell University 1969)
Barton R. Savidge (Bucknell University 1908)
Myron B. Savidge (Bucknell University 1921)
Leonhardt W. Scheffler (Bucknell University 1935)
F. J. Schneider (Bucknell University 1934)
Joseph E. Schneider (Bucknell University 1934)
Larry M. Schoeneberger (Bucknell University 1975)
William L. Schreyer (Bucknell University 1922)
Richard L. Schroyer (Bucknell University 1890)
Charles L. Schulz (Bucknell University 1924)
Lorrain J. Schumaker (Bucknell University 1900)
George B. Schuyler (Bucknell University 1921)
Daniel J. Scocca (Bucknell University 1991)
John D. Scoutten (Bucknell University 1970)
Marvin A. Searles (Bucknell University 1922)
Cornelius E. Sedgwick (Bucknell University 1936)
William G. Seeburger (Bucknell University 1962)
Archie P. Seiler (Bucknell University 1929)
William H. Seiss (Bucknell University 1933)
Charles G. Shaffer (Bucknell University 1892)
Levi H. Shattuck (Bucknell University 1914)
Boyd R. Sheddan (Bucknell University 1926)
Ira S. Sheppard (Bucknell University 1904)
Robert H. Sheridan (Bucknell University 1922)
George P. Shields (Bucknell University 1911)
Harold L. Shimer (Bucknell University 1921)
Robert B. Shimer (Bucknell University 1946)
Lyman C. Shreve (Bucknell University 1911)
Milton W. Shreve (Bucknell University 1884)
John R. Sieber (Bucknell University 1950)
J. F. Sigel (Bucknell University 1903)
James S. Simms (Bucknell University 1966)
Ted R. Simpson (Bucknell University 1952)
Charles B. Sipley (Bucknell University 1917)
Louis W. Sipley (Bucknell University 1918)
Edouard B. Sisserson (Bucknell University 1922)
Arthur E. Sloat (Bucknell University 1951)
Bromley R. Smith (Bucknell University 1920)
Bromley Smith (Bucknell University 1895)
Donald R. Smith (Bucknell University 1923)
Frederick C. Smith (Bucknell University 1969)
Karl D. Smith (Bucknell University 1919)
Ralph R. Snow (Bucknell University 1894)
William T. Snyder (Bucknell University 1892)
Charles A. Soars (Bucknell University 1886)
Charles A. Soars (Bucknell University 1917)
Ralph W. Soars (Bucknell University 1923)
Louis L. Spafford (Bucknell University 1885)
Thomas H. Sprague (Bucknell University 1897)
Wendell L. Sprague (Bucknell University 1946)
Albert T. Sprankle (Bucknell University 1931)
Lawrence E. Sprout (Bucknell University 1912)
Frank W. Stafford (Bucknell University 1917)
Herbert C. Stanton (Bucknell University 1897)
Phillips Stanton (Bucknell University 1928)
Foster H. Starkey (Bucknell University 1891)
Dickson S. Stauffer (Bucknell University 1906)
Anthony J. Stavros (Bucknell University 1952)
Harry H. Steck (Bucknell University 1922)
Thomas E. Steele (Bucknell University 1941)
Harold F. Stefl (Bucknell University 1948)
Robert C. Stephan (Bucknell University 1974)
A. W. Stephens (Bucknell University 1896)
John S. Stephens (Bucknell University 1901)
Ernest A. Sterling (Bucknell University 1902)
Almon O. Stevens (Bucknell University 1891)
William R. Stevenson (Bucknell University 1907)
Byron B. Stilwell (Bucknell University 1936)
William C. Stinson (Bucknell University 1886)
Rex E. Stone (Bucknell University 1918)
Donald D. Streeter (Bucknell University 1928)
Louis K. Stuntzner (Bucknell University 1922)
Philip W. Swett (Bucknell University 1933)
James Taggart (Bucknell University 1905)
Charles M. Teufel (Bucknell University 1904)
Lewis E. Theiss (Bucknell University 1902)
Terry R. Thesieres (Bucknell University 1960)
Eugenio K. Thomas (Bucknell University 1893)
Alden S. Thompson (Bucknell University 1937)
Fred J. Thompson (Bucknell University 1934)
Hamilton O. Thompson (Bucknell University 1939)
David P. Thurston (Bucknell University 1962)
Carl W. Tiffany (Bucknell University 1903)
Gordon Titus (Bucknell University 1930)
William R. Toal (Bucknell University 1954)
Thomas A. Tosh (Bucknell University 1941)
Robert F. Trainer (Bucknell University 1896)
Harland A. Trax (Bucknell University 1901)
Roger L. Traxler (Bucknell University 1949)
Horace C. Treharne (Bucknell University 1930)
Selin D. Ulrich (Bucknell University 1922)
William H. Unger (Bucknell University 1948)
Gilbert H. Unruh Jr. (Bucknell University 1942)
Daniel Upton (Bucknell University 1927)
Robert H. Uskurait (Bucknell University 1948)
Harold J. VanArnam Jr. (Bucknell University 1954)
Robert P. VanNess (Bucknell University 1942)
Harold C. Waddell (Bucknell University 1935)
James P. Waddell (Bucknell University 1949)
Robert N. Waddell (Bucknell University 1920)
George O. Wagner (Bucknell University 1930)
William C. Wagner (Bucknell University 1908)
John H. Waite (Bucknell University 1911)
Thomas E. Walker (Bucknell University 1944)
David E. Walters (Bucknell University 1965)
Harry B. Wassell (Bucknell University 1900)
Alvin M. Weaver (Bucknell University 1905)
Albert G. Weidensaul (Bucknell University 1929)
August R. Weishaar (Bucknell University 1923)
Emanuel A. Weishaar (Bucknell University 1920)
Kenneth Y. West (Bucknell University 1935)
Raymond M. West (Bucknell University 1889)
Allan C. Whetstone (Bucknell University 1909)
Joseph A. Whipple (Bucknell University 1952)
Richard Whiteman (Bucknell University 1942)
Merle B. Whitney (Bucknell University 1908)
E. W. Wilkinson (Bucknell University 1929)
George N. Wilkinson (Bucknell University 1909)
William A. Wilkinson Jr. (Bucknell University 1932)
Amos T. Williams (Bucknell University 1898)
Robert H. Williams (Bucknell University 1948)
John M. Wilson (Bucknell University 1897)
Raymond H. Wilson (Bucknell University 1922)
Robert D. Wilt (Bucknell University 1940)
Albert B. Winter (Bucknell University 1913)
Charles R. Winter (Bucknell University 1931)
Edward W. Winter (Bucknell University 1946)
Paul A. Winter (Bucknell University 1943)
Don H. Witherspoon (Bucknell University 1937)
Guy E. Witman (Bucknell University 1962)
A. O. Wolfe (Bucknell University 1912)
Edwin F. Wood (Bucknell University 1933)
Harry P. Wood (Bucknell University 1939)
James S. Wood (Bucknell University 1942)
Thomas Wood (Bucknell University 1937)
William H. Wood (Bucknell University 1932)
Thomas Wood (Bucknell University 1905)
Robert T. Woodings (Bucknell University 1925)
John I. Woodruff (Bucknell University 1890)
Charles R. Wright (Bucknell University 1916)
Adam M. Wyant (Bucknell University 1894)
Andrew R. Wyant (Bucknell University 1892)
Chester L. Wynn (Bucknell University 1906)
Ronald B. Yothers (Bucknell University 1925)
Othmar L. Young (Bucknell University 1949)
William E. Zeller (Bucknell University 1889)
Charles A. Zeller (Bucknell University 1921)
Dorrance D. Zinn (Bucknell University 1914)
Steven H. Creber (California State University Long Beach 1991)
James H. Stellar (California State University Long Beach 1985)
George M. Vukazich (California State University Northridge 1996)
Henry L. Abbott (Case Western Reserve University 1938)
Robert A. Abele (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
Robert A. Ackeret (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
Clair S. Adams (Case Western Reserve University 1888)
Arthur A. Adrian (Case Western Reserve University 1962)
Robert W. Alexander (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
Samuel W. Allen (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
A. R. Allison (Case Western Reserve University 1906)
Fayette W. Allport (Case Western Reserve University 1917)
George F. Alton (Case Western Reserve University 1914)
Hugh C. Anderson (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
James P. Armbrecht (Case Western Reserve University 1934)
David R. Arnold (Case Western Reserve University 1952)
John S. Atwater (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
William E. Aurelius (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Joseph C. Avellone (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Clifford L. Ayers (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
Charles H. Ayres (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
Edward S. Babcox (Case Western Reserve University 1970)
John W. Badaczewski (Case Western Reserve University 1944)
Robert J. Baker (Case Western Reserve University 1936)
Thomas C. Ballou (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Elton R. Barber (Case Western Reserve University 1930)
James L. Barch (Case Western Reserve University 1959)
Robert A. Barclay (Case Western Reserve University 1959)
Harry L. Bard (Case Western Reserve University 1905)
Edwin A. Barnes (Case Western Reserve University 1903)
George F. Barnett (Case Western Reserve University 1905)
William J. Barnum Jr. (Case Western Reserve University 1952)
Thomas R. Barrett (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
George D. Bates (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
Lydon H. Beam (Case Western Reserve University 1920)
Henry A. Becker (Case Western Reserve University 1955)
Howard F. Bell (Case Western Reserve University 1908)
Charles Belsan (Case Western Reserve University 1922)
John C. Benagh (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Donald Bender (Case Western Reserve University 1952)
Robert G. Bensen (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Richard S. Benua MD (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
William L. Berry (Case Western Reserve University 1952)
Lachlau L. Bickle (Case Western Reserve University 1909)
Glenn G. Bigam (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
Matthew R. Biscotti (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Alvord L. Bishop (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
William A. Bishop (Case Western Reserve University 1927)
James A. Bixby (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
John A. Black (Case Western Reserve University 1913)
Henry W. Blackburn (Case Western Reserve University 1905)
Allan B. Blake (Case Western Reserve University 1919)
Orlando T. Blakeslee (Case Western Reserve University 1912)
Jack C. Bloom (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
Paul R. Bolin (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
Girard D. Bond (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Leonard C. Bowman (Case Western Reserve University 1919)
Henry S. Brainard (Case Western Reserve University 1922)
Rodger P. Brandt (Case Western Reserve University 1963)
Donald D. Brannan (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Milton C. Braun (Case Western Reserve University 1913)
Addison H. Brenan (Case Western Reserve University 1928)
Richard C. Bridges (Case Western Reserve University 1960)
Edward W. Brockett (Case Western Reserve University 1886)
Charles R. Brown (Case Western Reserve University 1914)
Edward K. Bruce (Case Western Reserve University 1908)
Frank F. Bruce (Case Western Reserve University 1881)
John E. Bruce (Case Western Reserve University 1876)
Arthur W. Brumer (Case Western Reserve University 1929)
Charles E. Brunner (Case Western Reserve University 1934)
Vernon Carlten Bryant (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
James A. Buchanan (Case Western Reserve University 1964)
Lloyd R. Bullock (Case Western Reserve University 1916)
John L. Bunnell (Case Western Reserve University 1980)
Robert D. Burdette (Case Western Reserve University 1958)
Herbert L. Burroughs (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Shepard A. Burroughs (Case Western Reserve University 1933)
Raymond S. Buzzard (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
Glen B. Cameron (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
Donald A. Campbell (Case Western Reserve University 1942)
Malcolm F. Campbell (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
Thomas A. Card (Case Western Reserve University 1929)
John E. Carhartt (Case Western Reserve University 1914)
John A. Carney (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
Charles F. Carr (Case Western Reserve University 1920)
John M. Carr (Case Western Reserve University 1916)
Gary L. Carrothers (Case Western Reserve University 1965)
George E. Carter (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
John W. Case (Case Western Reserve University 1958)
Theodore J. Castele (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Robert Cathcart (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
William J. Cermak (Case Western Reserve University 1906)
James J. Chae (Case Western Reserve University 2000)
Lester A. Chamberlin (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Albert B. Chapla (Case Western Reserve University 1929)
Charles A. Chapla (Case Western Reserve University 1923)
David J. Cisan (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Edmund D. Clapp (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
Robert B. Clapp (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Dwight E. Clark (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
Elbert H. Clark (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Harold J. Clark (Case Western Reserve University 1916)
Joseph A. Cleary (Case Western Reserve University 1923)
Robert L. Coe (Case Western Reserve University 1930)
Dewitt R. Cogswell (Case Western Reserve University 1915)
Francis J. Colgrove (Case Western Reserve University 1944)
Joseph H. Colgrove (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
Dale R. Collins (Case Western Reserve University 1964)
Thomas W. Conant (Case Western Reserve University 1955)
Joseph R. Cook (Case Western Reserve University 1915)
Walter H. Cook (Case Western Reserve University 1905)
James J. Coone (Case Western Reserve University 1955)
William C. Copeland (Case Western Reserve University 1966)
Alva R. Corlett (Case Western Reserve University 1906)
Spencer D. Corlett (Case Western Reserve University 1913)
Milton E. Cornman (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Charles P. Cory (Case Western Reserve University 1921)
John W. Coss (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
Charles R. Couch (Case Western Reserve University 1914)
James C. Cox (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Lawrence V. Cox (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
Melville M. Cox (Case Western Reserve University 1914)
Thomas H. Cox (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
Albert H. Crawford (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
Heber E. Crawford (Case Western Reserve University 1934)
Robert G. Crawford (Case Western Reserve University 1933)
Paul H. Cronenwett (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
John W. Crosby (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
James S. Crowell (Case Western Reserve University 1938)
James Crowl (Case Western Reserve University 1963)
Robert L. Crum (Case Western Reserve University 1934)
Henry M. Cryer (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
Charles A. Cunningham (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
William H. Cunningham (Case Western Reserve University 1927)
Horace C. Danforth (Case Western Reserve University 1940)
Edward W. Dann (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
David C. Davis (Case Western Reserve University 1963)
Donald K. Davis (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
Harry L. Davis (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
Howard H. Davis (Case Western Reserve University 1906)
Maize S. Davis (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
William B. Deal (Case Western Reserve University 1933)
Richard C. Deran (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Hal C. DeRan (Case Western Reserve University 1939)
Justin A. D'Errico (Case Western Reserve University 1962)
James T. Dewitt (Case Western Reserve University 1920)
John R. Dewitt (Case Western Reserve University 1923)
Lincoln C. Dickey (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Jay M. Dickinson (Case Western Reserve University 1933)
H. B. Dierdorff (Case Western Reserve University 1930)
Claude L. Difford (Case Western Reserve University 1902)
Arthur W. Dippel (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
Joseph M. Dittoe (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Raymond E. Dixon (Case Western Reserve University 1962)
Frank H. Dougherty (Case Western Reserve University 1914)
George H. Drach (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
Clarence E. Drayer (Case Western Reserve University 1902)
George E. Ducro (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
David L. Dugan (Case Western Reserve University 1903)
William E. Dwyer (Case Western Reserve University 1912)
William E. Dwyer (Case Western Reserve University 1941)
Harvey L. Eaton (Case Western Reserve University 1908)
Haven M. Eaton (Case Western Reserve University 1947)
Howard T. Eaton (Case Western Reserve University 1939)
Alfred D. Edgerton (Case Western Reserve University 1936)
Jon D. Elliott (Case Western Reserve University 1964)
Elmer J. Ellis (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
R. W. Erwin (Case Western Reserve University 1908)
David H. Eshner (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
John M. Evans (Case Western Reserve University 1878)
Charles D. Everett (Case Western Reserve University 1880)
Robert E. Eyssen (Case Western Reserve University 1936)
Charles K. Fankhauser (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
Burton P. Faragher (Case Western Reserve University 1928)
Horace B. Fay (Case Western Reserve University 1909)
Thomas H. Fay (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
Austin C. Fenton (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
William S. Fenton (Case Western Reserve University 1938)
Jack W. Ferguson (Case Western Reserve University 1953)
Howard E. Ferris (Case Western Reserve University 1909)
William F. Fiedler (Case Western Reserve University 1887)
John H. Finefrock (Case Western Reserve University 1939)
Charles P. Fishbaugh (Case Western Reserve University 1952)
Lloyd E. Fisher (Case Western Reserve University 1940)
James R. Fitzsimmons (Case Western Reserve University 1927)
William A. Flaugher (Case Western Reserve University 1956)
Leonard H. Fletcher (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
Glenn H. Florence (Case Western Reserve University 1909)
Richard L. Fohl (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
Marshall H. Ford (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
Clyde E. Ford (Case Western Reserve University 1936)
Richard M. Forsythe (Case Western Reserve University 1934)
William E. Forsythe (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
Clyde T. Foster (Case Western Reserve University 1917)
Coleman A. Foster (Case Western Reserve University 1953)
John C. Foster (Case Western Reserve University 1928)
Gary C. Fox (Case Western Reserve University 1957)
Augustus H. Fox (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
Douglas G. Fraser (Case Western Reserve University 1940)
Richard J. Freedman (Case Western Reserve University 1959)
Arthur W. Friebolin (Case Western Reserve University 1916)
Brookes Friebolin (Case Western Reserve University 1934)
Carl D. Friebolin (Case Western Reserve University 1899)
George S. Friebolin (Case Western Reserve University 1907)
Lyndon W. Frizzell (Case Western Reserve University 1920)
William N. Fronizer (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Randolph K. Fusselman (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
Lidney L. Galpin (Case Western Reserve University 1907)
Gary D. Garrett (Case Western Reserve University 1960)
Paul L. Garver (Case Western Reserve University 1916)
Frank M. Gentsch (Case Western Reserve University 1927)
Melvin P. Gerseny (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
Donald J. Gerstenberger (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
Clarence E. Gibbons (Case Western Reserve University 1905)
Donald E. Gilbert (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Bruce H. Gilboard (Case Western Reserve University 1977)
Paul F. Gillan DDS (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
Theodore A. Glidden (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
John R. Gluck (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Willis R. Godfrey (Case Western Reserve University 1908)
John G. Graham (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Robert A. Gray (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
Donald G. Greiner (Case Western Reserve University 1960)
Frederick A. Griesinger (Case Western Reserve University 1940)
Maurice Griffin (Case Western Reserve University 1904)
Raymond H. Griswold (Case Western Reserve University 1909)
Alan M. Gross (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
John F. Grove (Case Western Reserve University 1938)
George E. Guthery (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
James E. Hachen (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
William G. Hagan (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
Walter E. Hallock (Case Western Reserve University 1952)
Daniel F. Halter (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Edwin G. Halter (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
Edward S. Hamilton (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
Frank G. Hard (Case Western Reserve University 1906)
William R. Hardell (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
James R. Haring (Case Western Reserve University 1967)
Robert E. Hart (Case Western Reserve University 1941)
Carl W. Hartenfels (Case Western Reserve University 1920)
Robert S. Hartford Sr. (Case Western Reserve University 1936)
Lawrence E. Harvey (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
Jack E. Hathaway (Case Western Reserve University 1960)
Earl F. Hauserman (Case Western Reserve University 1907)
Richard M. Hauserman (Case Western Reserve University 1938)
Eugene V. Headline (Case Western Reserve University 1923)
Stephen W. Heath (Case Western Reserve University 1970)
Anton J. Hejl (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
Mart L. Helfrich (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
William E. Hemmings (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
William T. Hensge (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
Don P. Herron (Case Western Reserve University 1942)
Leslie E. Hertzer (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
Herman E. Heston (Case Western Reserve University 1925)
Carl L. Hintzelmann (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
Edward A. Hiss (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
Kenneth E. Hodgman (Case Western Reserve University 1905)
James H. Hofmann (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
Frederic W. Hogue (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
Willard M. Holden (Case Western Reserve University 1942)
Arthur E. Hood (Case Western Reserve University 1954)
Avery Hopwood (Case Western Reserve University 1905)
Erie C. Hopwood (Case Western Reserve University 1901)
Richard S. Hornack (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
William W. Hosler (Case Western Reserve University 1922)
Glenn E. Hotaling (Case Western Reserve University 1952)
John W. Houk (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
Frank G. Houle (Case Western Reserve University 1886)
James J. Hronek (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
Daniel J. Hrvatin (Case Western Reserve University 1957)
Edward J. Humel (Case Western Reserve University 1938)
John A. Hunter (Case Western Reserve University 1938)
Lee F. Hurshman (Case Western Reserve University 1964)
Clarence P. Huston (Case Western Reserve University 1917)
Frank E. Huston (Case Western Reserve University 1919)
John S. Ingham (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
John J. Jandinski III (Case Western Reserve University 1968)
Alfred A. Jenkins (Case Western Reserve University 1923)
Vincent H. Jenkins (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
William B. Jewitt (Case Western Reserve University 1939)
Charles H. Jobe (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
James K. Johnson (Case Western Reserve University 1955)
Russell A. Johnson (Case Western Reserve University 1942)
James T. Johnston (Case Western Reserve University 1930)
John V. Johnston (Case Western Reserve University 1933)
Joseph W. Johnston (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
Donald W. Junglas (Case Western Reserve University 1955)
David E. Kasunic (Case Western Reserve University 1954)
Carl M. Katila (Case Western Reserve University 1963)
Kenneth K. Keegler (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
Jack Kelley (Case Western Reserve University 1952)
Joseph M. Kells (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
Maxwell R. Kelso (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
Robert C. Kenan (Case Western Reserve University 1936)
Wilbur L. Kern (Case Western Reserve University 1954)
John H. Kester (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Ernest F. Kindt (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Hubert C. King (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
Raymond M. King (Case Western Reserve University 1915)
Grant E. Kirchhoff (Case Western Reserve University 1958)
Mason H. Kirkland (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Charles M. Knesal (Case Western Reserve University 1917)
Frank W. Knight (Case Western Reserve University 1912)
Gilbert C. Knight (Case Western Reserve University 1912)
George A. Knofler (Case Western Reserve University 1918)
Earl R. Kochheiser (Case Western Reserve University 1920)
James C. Koppe (Case Western Reserve University 1936)
Robert F. Kresge (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
Frank L. Kromer (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
Robert C. Kuenhold (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Donald D. Kuhlke (Case Western Reserve University 1930)
Joseph E. Kundtz (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
Jeffrey P. Laaff (Case Western Reserve University 1970)
Alva E. Lachance (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
James L. Lafler (Case Western Reserve University 1958)
Thomas D. Lamb (Case Western Reserve University 1914)
Daniel J. Lansell (Case Western Reserve University 1947)
Thomas H. Larkins (Case Western Reserve University 1922)
John H. Lathe (Case Western Reserve University 1944)
Jack H. Laubler (Case Western Reserve University 1958)
C. F. Lavender (Case Western Reserve University 1944)
Walter E. Lawrinson (Case Western Reserve University 1960)
Fred T. Lawton (Case Western Reserve University 1903)
Harold A. Leader (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Ronald F. Lear (Case Western Reserve University 1956)
William I. Leckie (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
Karl Lemmerman (Case Western Reserve University 1908)
Carl H. Lenhart (Case Western Reserve University 1901)
Edward T. Leonard (Case Western Reserve University 1887)
Seth A. Leonard (Case Western Reserve University 1912)
Michael W. Lewis (Case Western Reserve University 1956)
William V. Linas (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
Elwin Little (Case Western Reserve University 1880)
Raymond S. Livingstone (Case Western Reserve University 1959)
William J. Lober USA (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Loren M. Loebell (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
Edwin N. Lord (Case Western Reserve University 1912)
Robert C. Lowe (Case Western Reserve University 1904)
Richard W. Luther (Case Western Reserve University 1942)
Richard A. Luttenton (Case Western Reserve University 1944)
Wayne R. Makowski (Case Western Reserve University 1962)
George H. Malone (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
Theodore M. Mann (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
John W. Mannino (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
Robert S. Manos (Case Western Reserve University 1953)
Glenn H. Mapes (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
William T. Marquis (Case Western Reserve University 1918)
W. W. Marsh (Case Western Reserve University 1917)
Hugh R. Marshall (Case Western Reserve University 2001)
James E. Mathews (Case Western Reserve University 1905)
Ralph J. McCullough (Case Western Reserve University 1921)
John I. McDowell (Case Western Reserve University 1880)
William E. McFarland (Case Western Reserve University 1917)
William E. McFarland (Case Western Reserve University 1956)
Francis N. McGehee (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
William L. McGuire (Case Western Reserve University 1958)
Bruce W. McIntyre (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
William F. McIsaac (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Charles S. McKee (Case Western Reserve University 1902)
Samuel R. McKinney (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
Robert D. McLaughlin (Case Western Reserve University 1934)
William G. McMaster (Case Western Reserve University 1942)
Arnold E. McPhail (Case Western Reserve University 1952)
Ralph P. Means (Case Western Reserve University 1910)
Francis J. Menster (Case Western Reserve University 1938)
John W. Meyer (Case Western Reserve University 1928)
Harvey O. Mierke (Case Western Reserve University 1913)
Paul E. Miley (Case Western Reserve University 1928)
Roy A. Miley (Case Western Reserve University 1928)
Cedric H. Miller (Case Western Reserve University 1913)
Clarence W. Miller (Case Western Reserve University 1907)
Glenwood F. Miller (Case Western Reserve University 1941)
John T. Miller (Case Western Reserve University 1960)
Richard C. Miller (Case Western Reserve University 1958)
Donald J. Milliken (Case Western Reserve University 1956)
Colby T. Mills (Case Western Reserve University 1933)
Edward Miscko (Case Western Reserve University 1962)
John J. Moffitt (Case Western Reserve University 1952)
Tom O. Moles (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
Henry L. Mooney (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
Thomas R. Morgan (Case Western Reserve University 1956)
Robert P. Mortimer (Case Western Reserve University 1915)
Paul H. Motz (Case Western Reserve University 1915)
Herbert G. Muckley (Case Western Reserve University 1902)
Hans F. Mueller (Case Western Reserve University 1915)
James Mulholland (Case Western Reserve University 1916)
Robert J. Mulligan (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
Harold K. Myers (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Benjamin F. F. Needham (Case Western Reserve University 1916)
Robert L. Neuberger (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
Roy G. Nevling (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Robert E. Newcomer (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
Phil Nixon (Case Western Reserve University 1954)
Charles G. Nobis (Case Western Reserve University 1940)
Herman J. Nord (Case Western Reserve University 1902)
Walter G. Nord (Case Western Reserve University 1908)
Ross M. Norris (Case Western Reserve University 1918)
Edward E. Norton (Case Western Reserve University 1913)
Edmund G. Norwick (Case Western Reserve University 1942)
Norman T. Novak (Case Western Reserve University 1959)
Mauro A. Novello (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
George L. Nyerges (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Louis S. Nyerges (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
Benjamin G. Oberlin (Case Western Reserve University 1917)
Harold V. Oberlin (Case Western Reserve University 1912)
John F. Oberlin (Case Western Reserve University 1904)
Stanley J. Olstyn (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
John E. Orr (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
Carl N. Osborne (Case Western Reserve University 1906)
John D. Osmond (Case Western Reserve University 1906)
Leslie H. Osmond (Case Western Reserve University 1927)
Joel A. Otis (Case Western Reserve University 1960)
Conrad I. Ottelin (Case Western Reserve University 1921)
Jack E. Owens (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
Robert C. Padgett (Case Western Reserve University 1925)
Carl D. Paulsen (Case Western Reserve University 1933)
Myron A. Pearce (Case Western Reserve University 1961)
Robert J. Pease (Case Western Reserve University 1969)
Wayland B. Peck (Case Western Reserve University 1901)
Emmett A. Pedley (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
Dean F. Pelton (Case Western Reserve University 1941)
Charles F. Pennington (Case Western Reserve University 1929)
Guy S. Peterson (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
Robert E. Pettibone (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
Victor C. Pfizenmayer (Case Western Reserve University 1934)
Lawrence C. Phillips (Case Western Reserve University 1960)
Wilson H. Pixley (Case Western Reserve University 1881)
Efflo A. Plazer (Case Western Reserve University 1921)
Michael P. Pletikapich (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Harold P. Plummer (Case Western Reserve University 1902)
John W. Poffenberger Jr. (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Theodore H. Poister (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
Donald T. Popovich (Case Western Reserve University 1956)
Edward E. Portofe (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
Howard M. Potter (Case Western Reserve University 1907)
Raymond O. Prada (Case Western Reserve University 1958)
Stewart H. Prakel (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
Harrison W. Pratt (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
Lee W. Prazer (Case Western Reserve University 1974)
Bert D. Presley (Case Western Reserve University 1907)
Sterling C. Prestage (Case Western Reserve University 1927)
William R. Price (Case Western Reserve University 1929)
Herbert N. Putnam (Case Western Reserve University 1944)
Ralph L. Quass (Case Western Reserve University 1908)
Thomas S. Quinlin (Case Western Reserve University 1979)
Gerald W. Quinn (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
Thomas J. Raffa (Case Western Reserve University 1953)
Willard P. Rafferty (Case Western Reserve University 1913)
Gardner Ranney (Case Western Reserve University 1933)
Michael R. Ray (Case Western Reserve University 1961)
Charles P. Read (Case Western Reserve University 1880)
Will L. Redhead (Case Western Reserve University 1914)
Arthur H. Redrup (Case Western Reserve University 1924)
Omar H. Reeve (Case Western Reserve University 1885)
Fritz Reichmann (Case Western Reserve University 1902)
Albert J. Reid (Case Western Reserve University 1922)
Ross L. Reid (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
William E. Reimer (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
Charles E. Reimer (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Roland E. Remley (Case Western Reserve University 1958)
Harry A. Renz (Case Western Reserve University 1914)
Harold P. Retzler (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
Grant C. Ricksecker (Case Western Reserve University 1938)
Homer E. Ring (Case Western Reserve University 1922)
F. E. Roach (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Blanchard J. Robertson (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Emerson P. Roesch (Case Western Reserve University 1934)
Paul B. Roesch (Case Western Reserve University 1929)
Harold D. Rogers (Case Western Reserve University 1933)
John A. Rogers (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Glenn E. Roof (Case Western Reserve University 1940)
Thomas A. Rose (Case Western Reserve University 1953)
Thornton H. Round (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
Peter Rowe (Case Western Reserve University 1934)
James F. Ruegsegger (Case Western Reserve University 1962)
Bernhard P. Ruetenik (Case Western Reserve University 1908)
George C. Russell (Case Western Reserve University 1877)
Edward J. Ryska (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
George L. Sackett (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
Charles A. Sanders (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
William H. Santom (Case Western Reserve University 1882)
Ralph N. Sather (Case Western Reserve University 1938)
Elmer W. Saxe (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
George W. Saywell (Case Western Reserve University 1902)
Henry A. Scali (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Charles D. Scheff (Case Western Reserve University 1936)
Henry O. Schlenk (Case Western Reserve University 1942)
Henry E. Schuer (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
Thomas L. Schultz (Case Western Reserve University 1952)
Walter R. Schuster (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Benedict R. Schwegler (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
Carl Schwier (Case Western Reserve University 1920)
John C. Scott (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
John T. Scott (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
Bud J. Sears (Case Western Reserve University 1948)
John A. Season (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
Allen R. Sedory (Case Western Reserve University 1956)
Tony Selfridge (Case Western Reserve University 1956)
Jack H. Seltsam (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
Leonard R. Semple (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
Herbert M. Senseny (Case Western Reserve University 1906)
Charles L. Shafer (Case Western Reserve University 1920)
Harold W. Sheldon (Case Western Reserve University 1916)
William H. Shelton (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
Charles E. Sherer (Case Western Reserve University 1930)
Melville F. Sherlock (Case Western Reserve University 1922)
John W. Shinners (Case Western Reserve University 1938)
Richard W. Shrake (Case Western Reserve University 1969)
Hermon D. Shute (Case Western Reserve University 1927)
Charles R. Silk (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Carl F. Simmelink (Case Western Reserve University 1941)
William R. Simmermacher (Case Western Reserve University 1940)
Frank A. Sinkler (Case Western Reserve University 1943)
James L. Skaggs (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Roy H. Skinner (Case Western Reserve University 1888)
John I. Sloan (Case Western Reserve University 1928)
John D. Sloan (Case Western Reserve University 1968)
Lee J. Smallsreed Jr. (Case Western Reserve University 1941)
Beecher G. Smith (Case Western Reserve University 1910)
C. Garrett Smith (Case Western Reserve University 1917)
Edwin H. Smith (Case Western Reserve University 1930)
Firth W. Smith (Case Western Reserve University 1928)
Frederick K. Smith (Case Western Reserve University 1879)
Hugh L. Smith (Case Western Reserve University 1930)
James H. Smith (Case Western Reserve University 1925)
Neil A. Smith (Case Western Reserve University 1955)
Robert H. Smith (Case Western Reserve University 1929)
Walter P. Smith (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
William E. Smith (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Virgil W. Souders (Case Western Reserve University 1919)
Louis H. Specht (Case Western Reserve University 1917)
Robert L. Spring (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Robert A. Stack (Case Western Reserve University 1918)
John W. Stafford (Case Western Reserve University 1945)
Robert M. Stepp (Case Western Reserve University 1936)
Edward O. Stern (Case Western Reserve University 1940)
George C. Sternad (Case Western Reserve University 1917)
Emerson C. Stevens (Case Western Reserve University 1888)
Paul B. Stevens (Case Western Reserve University 1940)
Clarence R. Steverding (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
Kirk H. Stone (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Paul A. Stoodt (Case Western Reserve University 1921)
Robert P. Story (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
William H. Stubbs (Case Western Reserve University 1942)
Clem C. Sullivan (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
Otto H. Sutter (Case Western Reserve University 1921)
Walter H. Sutter (Case Western Reserve University 1913)
Harold R. Swan (Case Western Reserve University 1939)
William T. Sweeny (Case Western Reserve University 1938)
Robert F. Terrell (Case Western Reserve University 1941)
Thomas L. Terrell (Case Western Reserve University 1908)
Joseph A. Thiel (Case Western Reserve University 1941)
William H. Thompson (Case Western Reserve University 1947)
John H. Tildes (Case Western Reserve University 1929)
Harlan H. Todd (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
Philip J. Traci (Case Western Reserve University 1956)
George A. Tuttle (Case Western Reserve University 1903)
Donald F. Tuzin (Case Western Reserve University 1967)
Richard T. Tyner (Case Western Reserve University 1960)
Donald G. Vanhorn (Case Western Reserve University 1916)
Richard C. Vanoskeuls (Case Western Reserve University 1971)
Robert B. Vasey (Case Western Reserve University 1927)
William E. Vejdovec PhD (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Robert E. Vorel (Case Western Reserve University 1919)
Thomas L. Wachtel (Case Western Reserve University 1960)
James E. Walker (Case Western Reserve University 1879)
John M. Walsh (Case Western Reserve University 1957)
Arthur L. Watkins (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Ralph W. Watkins (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Charles C. Watt (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
Almon D. Webb (Case Western Reserve University 1879)
Utley Wedge (Case Western Reserve University 1884)
Don A. Weibel (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Harold S. Weidel (Case Western Reserve University 1909)
Russell Weisman (Case Western Reserve University 1912)
Paul E. Weiss (Case Western Reserve University 1966)
Jay C. Weller (Case Western Reserve University 1921)
Rollin W. Wellner (Case Western Reserve University 1885)
R. N. Wells (Case Western Reserve University 1941)
James B. Wenger (Case Western Reserve University 1949)
Kim W. Werner (Case Western Reserve University 1967)
William A. Werner (Case Western Reserve University 1877)
John W. Wetmore (Case Western Reserve University 1889)
Richard A. Wetzel (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Thomas Whalen (Case Western Reserve University 1933)
Herbert E. White (Case Western Reserve University 1932)
William P. Whitlock (Case Western Reserve University 1908)
Robert J. Wickes (Case Western Reserve University 1936)
Albert G. Williams (Case Western Reserve University 1927)
Clarence H. Williams (Case Western Reserve University 1914)
Harold F. Williams (Case Western Reserve University 1931)
Harold L. Williams (Case Western Reserve University 1929)
Charles C. Williamson (Case Western Reserve University 1904)
Robert K. Willison (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Robert F. Winch (Case Western Reserve University 1933)
Reuben Z. Wise (Case Western Reserve University 1946)
Reuben Z. Wise (Case Western Reserve University 1918)
Donald W. Wolfe (Case Western Reserve University 1944)
Kenneth H. Wood (Case Western Reserve University 1950)
Charles B. Woods (Case Western Reserve University 1928)
Jess J. Woodworth (Case Western Reserve University 1936)
Wojbor A. Woyczynski (Case Western Reserve University 2001)
Claude S. Wyant (Case Western Reserve University 1890)
Arthur F. Young (Case Western Reserve University 1939)
Arthur F. Young (Case Western Reserve University 1911)
Larry J. Zechman (Case Western Reserve University 1962)
Kenneth W. Zeh (Case Western Reserve University 1935)
Raymond F. Zeh (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
Irving T. Zillmer (Case Western Reserve University 1926)
William H. Abney (Centre College 1858)
Alfred G. Carter (Centre College 1856)
James M. Hill (Centre College 1857)
Clinton A. Lewis (Centre College 1857)
John M. Martin (Centre College 1856)
William D. Nicholas (Centre College 1856)
Jenner T. Chapman (Chapman University 2018)
Gary D. Almers (Clemson University 1975)
Michael E. Brown (Clemson University 1978)
Howard D. Childs (Clemson University 1976)
Ernest K. Hailey (Clemson University 1982)
Mark A. Sloan (Clemson University 1977)
Harry A. Abbott (Colgate University 1927)
Paul E. Aberli (Colgate University 1922)
William C. Adler (Colgate University 1911)
Robert G. Ahlheim (Colgate University 1928)
Walter T. Aiken (Colgate University 1908)
Cyrus Aldrich (Colgate University 1894)
David F. Allen (Colgate University 1946)
William J. Allen (Colgate University 1955)
David C. Alton (Colgate University 1951)
David H. Alvord (Colgate University 1980)
George P. Ames (Colgate University 1907)
John D. Amey (Colgate University 1924)
Harold J. Anderson (Colgate University 1933)
Harold W. Anderson (Colgate University 1919)
Winston D. Anderson (Colgate University 1934)
Francis J. Angeline (Colgate University 1956)
Brooks Applegate (Colgate University 1951)
Elmer E. Arnold (Colgate University 1902)
Frederick J. Arrowsmith (Colgate University 1945)
Robert G. Arrowsmith (Colgate University 1949)
Leon V. Asbury (Colgate University 1925)
Earl E. Asperger (Colgate University 1957)
Joseph M. Austin (Colgate University 1936)
John C. Avakian (Colgate University 1898)
Edward W. Babcock (Colgate University 1897)
Irving Bacon (Colgate University 1898)
Walter V. Bacon (Colgate University 1893)
Lloyd W. Baillie (Colgate University 1919)
Ernest H. Baker (Colgate University 1912)
Henry I. Baker (Colgate University 1909)
Paul D. Baker (Colgate University 1964)
Randolph H. Barnard (Colgate University 1953)
Carlos J. Barrios (Colgate University 1918)
Raul R. Barrios (Colgate University 1917)
Herbert Bartholomew (Colgate University 1909)
John M. Batorski (Colgate University 1944)
Stanton P. Beaghen (Colgate University 1960)
John G. Bean (Colgate University 1925)
Frank P. Bechtlof (Colgate University 1923)
William P. Beck (Colgate University 1952)
B. H. Bedford (Colgate University 1961)
Barclay B. Beeby (Colgate University 1938)
Eugene T. Behr (Colgate University 1962)
Merwin R. Belcher (Colgate University 1919)
Homer K. Benedict (Colgate University 1922)
George H. Bennett (Colgate University 1907)
Harry O. Bernstrom (Colgate University 1915)
John H. Betjemann (Colgate University 1935)
Roswell P. Bickford (Colgate University 1933)
Robinson Billings (Colgate University 1936)
Edward A. Bingham (Colgate University 1900)
Ira W. Bingham (Colgate University 1896)
Lewis J. Bingham (Colgate University 1902)
David F. Birch (Colgate University 1926)
Louis E. Bird (Colgate University 1899)
Robert B. Blanchard (Colgate University 1937)
James F. Bleakley (Colgate University 1933)
Carinus A. Bogart (Colgate University 1918)
John I. Bogart (Colgate University 1917)
Howard W. Bolte (Colgate University 1955)
Thomas R. Bopeley (Colgate University 1955)
Stephen J. Botsford (Colgate University 1909)
Roger C. Bowman (Colgate University 1951)
Merritt D. Bradt (Colgate University 1922)
Howard W. Braun (Colgate University 1931)
Ernest R. Braun (Colgate University 1921)
Henry E. Breed (Colgate University 1900)
Robert H. Breed (Colgate University 1902)
Edward D. Brett (Colgate University 1948)
Wendell Brewer (Colgate University 1920)
Walter W. Briggs (Colgate University 1937)
Edward W. Briggs (Colgate University 1964)
Don C. Broadbridge (Colgate University 1951)
Joseph Brocia (Colgate University 1942)
Thomas H. Brodhead (Colgate University 1923)
Horace P. Bromfield (Colgate University 1925)
James A. Brooks (Colgate University 1927)
Edward T. Brown (Colgate University 1898)
Garland S. Brown (Colgate University 1929)
George E. Brown (Colgate University 1915)
Olin T. Brown (Colgate University 1927)
Richard A. Brown (Colgate University 1935)
Herbert C. Brownell (Colgate University 1928)
Walter D. Brownell (Colgate University 1928)
Robert Bruce (Colgate University 1889)
Robert B. Brunner (Colgate University 1929)
Charles H. Brunner (Colgate University 1927)
Andre U. Buchs (Colgate University 1961)
David A. Buck (Colgate University 1941)
Orville M. Bucklin (Colgate University 1895)
John E. Bull (Colgate University 1928)
Samuel F. Burhans (Colgate University 1923)
Ray G. Burke (Colgate University 1923)
T. A. Burke (Colgate University 1938)
Raymond K. Burnet (Colgate University 1941)
Peter C. Burns (Colgate University 1979)
John R. Byers (Colgate University 1918)
George P. Cady (Colgate University 1906)
Richard C. Cady (Colgate University 1928)
Caleb W. Cameron Jr. (Colgate University 1917)
Edward B. Campbell (Colgate University 1913)
Roscoe G. Campbell (Colgate University 1912)
Robert G. Campbell (Colgate University 1954)
Stacy Campbell (Colgate University 1935)
John W. Cance (Colgate University 1952)
Roland C. Cardner (Colgate University 1929)
Leroy F. Carn (Colgate University 1928)
Walter H. Carpenter (Colgate University 1941)
Fred E. Carter (Colgate University 1901)
John P. Carter (Colgate University 1896)
George E. Casazza (Colgate University 1924)
Harrie L. Casler (Colgate University 1910)
Ralph B. Chamberlain (Colgate University 1938)
Lewis V. Chamberlin (Colgate University 1941)
Alexander R. Chambers (Colgate University 1943)
Jerome K. Cheney (Colgate University 1919)
Jon L. Cheshire (Colgate University 1959)
Paul D. Chesnutt (Colgate University 1947)
Kozo S. Chiba (Colgate University 1896)
William S. Childs (Colgate University 1924)
Charles E. Christopher (Colgate University 1963)
Donald G. Cieri (Colgate University 1949)
Vinton A. Clark (Colgate University 1894)
William C. Clark (Colgate University 1925)
Bernard J. Clark (Colgate University 1938)
George E. Clay (Colgate University 1934)
Dallas H. Clem (Colgate University 1944)
James G. Clover (Colgate University 1931)
Donald W. Coates (Colgate University 1945)
Fred E. Coburn (Colgate University 1893)
Letcher W. Coe (Colgate University 1925)
Harry J. Collester (Colgate University 1904)
Wayne C. Collie (Colgate University 1930)
Dwight R. Collin (Colgate University 1929)
Pell T. Collins (Colgate University 1921)
Walter H. Comee (Colgate University 1938)
Richard H. Comfort (Colgate University 1941)
William N. Connolly (Colgate University 1920)
Claude L. Conrad (Colgate University 1915)
William J. Cook (Colgate University 1940)
James L. Coote (Colgate University 1895)
Robert K. Coote (Colgate University 1921)
Theodore H. Corey (Colgate University 1914)
Peter E. Corning (Colgate University 1958)
Harold L. Corwith (Colgate University 1934)
Harold S. Coyle (Colgate University 1930)
Thomas L. Cramer (Colgate University 1949)
Charles W. Cramp (Colgate University 1905)
Walter C. Cramp (Colgate University 1900)
Walter M. Cramp (Colgate University 1928)
Donald P. Crane (Colgate University 1915)
Howard B. Crane (Colgate University 1931)
Richard J. Crane (Colgate University 1931)
Thomas S. Crary (Colgate University 1965)
James A. Crawford (Colgate University 1932)
Charles E. Critchell (Colgate University 1931)
Bertram B. Culver (Colgate University 1932)
William R. Cummings (Colgate University 1905)
Charles D. Currie (Colgate University 1948)
E. W. Currier (Colgate University 1922)
Edward M. Curtis (Colgate University 1957)
James T. Cusick (Colgate University 1907)
Maxwell H. Cusick (Colgate University 1891)
John D. Cussen (Colgate University 1959)
William F. Cutten (Colgate University 1932)
Henry P. Cutter (Colgate University 1917)
William C. Daley (Colgate University 1935)
David K. Daniels (Colgate University 1988)
George C. Dapson (Colgate University 1901)
Otis H. Darby (Colgate University 1897)
William F. Darby (Colgate University 1955)
Peter A. Darling (Colgate University 1950)
Palmer Davenport (Colgate University 1953)
William E. Davidson (Colgate University 1936)
Edwin K. Davis (Colgate University 1929)
Lee S. Davis (Colgate University 1903)
Hamilton S. Davis (Colgate University 1942)
Edmund K. Dawes (Colgate University 1932)
Richard B. Day (Colgate University 1953)
Andrew A. Dean (Colgate University 1982)
Frank L. Debeukelaer (Colgate University 1910)
Oliver F. Decker (Colgate University 1911)
Durgin J. Deland (Colgate University 1936)
Frank R. Deming (Colgate University 1905)
Autels W. Des (Colgate University 1890)
Richard O. DeVarennes (Colgate University 1944)
Richard H. Devine (Colgate University 1918)
Fred H. Dewey (Colgate University 1893)
Robert J. Dewey (Colgate University 1945)
Frank W. DeWitt (Colgate University 1954)
Ronald S. Diana (Colgate University 1952)
Wilfred P. Diana (Colgate University 1954)
William F. Dimas (Colgate University 1956)
William E. Dimorier (Colgate University 1903)
Richard J. Dobbins (Colgate University 1910)
Homer L. Dodge (Colgate University 1910)
Walter P. Dolle (Colgate University 1934)
Alexander G. Donaldson (Colgate University 1944)
George A. Donham (Colgate University 1927)
John C. Doremus (Colgate University 1954)
T. P. Doremus (Colgate University 1950)
Clifford O. Drake (Colgate University 1921)
Brewer C. Drowne (Colgate University 1920)
Norman L. Dungan (Colgate University 1927)
William F. Dyroff (Colgate University 1944)
Curtis C. Edgett (Colgate University 1903)
Howard F. Edwards (Colgate University 1946)
James R. Edwards (Colgate University 1894)
Harold B. Elliott (Colgate University 1924)
Howard K. Ellis (Colgate University 1914)
Frederick V. Emerson (Colgate University 1898)
Harry C. England (Colgate University 1907)
Harold E. Ewald (Colgate University 1926)
Herbert P. Ewald (Colgate University 1921)
John E. Falvey Jr. (Colgate University 1910)
Herbert J. Farr (Colgate University 1928)
John W. Faus (Colgate University 1939)
William E. Feeney (Colgate University 1963)
Charles W. Ferguson (Colgate University 1946)
John Ferguson (Colgate University 1906)
Robert P. Ferren (Colgate University 1943)
Phillips Fewsmith (Colgate University 1942)
Joseph Fewsmith (Colgate University 1940)
Edwin W. Fielder (Colgate University 1914)
Thomas R. Finch (Colgate University 1911)
Theodore J. Finnigan (Colgate University 1948)
George O. Fishburn (Colgate University 1956)
Henry F. Flanagan (Colgate University 1918)
Richard H. Flandreau (Colgate University 1945)
I. D. Fletcher (Colgate University 1919)
Louis T. Foreman (Colgate University 1899)
Leland D. Fosbury (Colgate University 1900)
Everett G. Foster (Colgate University 1964)
Herbert H. Foster (Colgate University 1911)
Allyn K. Foster (Colgate University 1925)
Joseph C. Frearson (Colgate University 1923)
Howard M. Freas (Colgate University 1917)
James W. Frey (Colgate University 1944)
Louis Frey (Colgate University 1955)
Charles R. Freytag (Colgate University 1949)
Frank C. Frisbie (Colgate University 1899)
Ralph N. Galascione (Colgate University 1960)
George R. Galbraith (Colgate University 1916)
Francis O. Ganser (Colgate University 1926)
Irving R. Gardinier (Colgate University 1893)
Raymond J. Gardner (Colgate University 1919)
Klare M. Gibbs (Colgate University 1941)
William A. Gibbs (Colgate University 1938)
Frederick C. Gibson (Colgate University 1940)
John B. Gilbert (Colgate University 1934)
Hector B. Gillespie (Colgate University 1916)
William E. Glanville (Colgate University 1910)
Dinsmore Glenn (Colgate University 1932)
Thomas L. Glenn (Colgate University 1957)
Norman D. Godbold (Colgate University 1957)
Francis W. Goddard (Colgate University 1897)
William D. Goddard (Colgate University 1894)
Bruce A. Goewey (Colgate University 1942)
Monroe K. Good (Colgate University 1917)
William H. Grace (Colgate University 1954)
David B. Grant (Colgate University 1936)
Franklin U. Greene (Colgate University 1944)
John M. Greene (Colgate University 1945)
Eric V. Greenfield (Colgate University 1902)
M. L. Greenfield (Colgate University 1908)
Earl C. Greenland (Colgate University 1918)
Richard L. Gregory (Colgate University 1919)
James P. Gribbon (Colgate University 1939)
Lester G. Griffin (Colgate University 1930)
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942)
Walter N. Grynwald (Colgate University 1931)
Stuart A. Guild (Colgate University 1924)
Henry J. Guller (Colgate University 1890)
Arthur L. Guptill (Colgate University 1942)
Thomas P. Gurney (Colgate University 1963)
Rowland T. Gurnsey (Colgate University 1890)
George E. Guthery (Colgate University 1937)
Robert P. Gygli (Colgate University 1923)
John F. Hacking (Colgate University 1967)
Merle A. Hagin (Colgate University 1932)
Charles W. Haines (Colgate University 1893)
Claire M. Hall (Colgate University 1919)
Fillmore V. Hall (Colgate University 1956)
Willis D. Hall (Colgate University 1923)
Richard E. Hall (Colgate University 1951)
Henry P. Hallowell (Colgate University 1914)
Van R. Halsey (Colgate University 1926)
Peter D. Halstead (Colgate University 1964)
Henry N. Halvorsen (Colgate University 1927)
Julian R. Hanley (Colgate University 1935)
William J. Harnisch (Colgate University 1928)
Ralph A. Harper (Colgate University 1951)
Lucius P. Harris (Colgate University 1944)
Taylor L. Harris (Colgate University 1908)
J. L. Hart (Colgate University 1930)
James C. Hart (Colgate University 1927)
John F. Hart (Colgate University 1946)
Robert J. Hart (Colgate University 1948)
James J. Hart (Colgate University 1931)
Samuel G. Harwood (Colgate University 1910)
Montfort Haslam (Colgate University 1949)
Chauncey R. Hatch (Colgate University 1942)
Frederick W. Hatch (Colgate University 1895)
John D. Haviland (Colgate University 1946)
Howard E. Hawkinson (Colgate University 1912)
George K. Hayden (Colgate University 1933)
Robert J. Hayner (Colgate University 1948)
Stanley B. Hazzard (Colgate University 1914)
Falkner Heard (Colgate University 1911)
Arthur R. Hedeman (Colgate University 1927)
Carl R. Heidel (Colgate University 1945)
Theodore E. Heidenreich (Colgate University 1947)
Peter K. Heimann (Colgate University 1944)
Herbert F. Hempel (Colgate University 1940)
Judson C. Hendrickson (Colgate University 1894)
Howard W. Herman (Colgate University 1940)
Raymond M. Herrick (Colgate University 1916)
Paul V. Herron (Colgate University 1922)
Clinton M. Hester (Colgate University 1921)
James A. Hickey (Colgate University 1920)
Harold W. Hickman Jr. (Colgate University 1924)
Harry S. Higgins (Colgate University 1899)
Jas J. Higgins (Colgate University 1892)
Charles E. Hildreth (Colgate University 1917)
Rowland G. Hill (Colgate University 1907)
Julian D. Hills (Colgate University 1933)
James I. Himes (Colgate University 1909)
Jeffrey H. Hitchings (Colgate University 1965)
Douglass R. Hoadley (Colgate University 1957)
Philip T. Hodgskin (Colgate University 1924)
Everett D. Hoff (Colgate University 1936)
Ellis S. Holden (Colgate University 1924)
Oscar D. Hollenbeck (Colgate University 1909)
Frank Hollinshead (Colgate University 1902)
Willis G. Holmes (Colgate University 1924)
James M. Horsey (Colgate University 1953)
Ira A. Hotaling (Colgate University 1900)
Norman H. Howard (Colgate University 1914)
Raymond R. Howard (Colgate University 1922)
Waldo S. Howe (Colgate University 1916)
Thomas H. Huber (Colgate University 1953)
Herbert J. Hughes (Colgate University 1934)
Henry C. Hunken (Colgate University 1926)
Edward K. Hunt (Colgate University 1919)
Kenneth M. Hunt (Colgate University 1953)
Edward N. Hurlburt (Colgate University 1908)
Morgan S. Hurley (Colgate University 1924)
Donald B. Hutchinson (Colgate University 1945)
William F. Huther (Colgate University 1956)
Charles M. Huttig (Colgate University 1924)
Edgar R. Hyde (Colgate University 1897)
Henry P. Hyland (Colgate University 1890)
Clifton H. Infield (Colgate University 1915)
Roger S. Ingalls (Colgate University 1949)
Joseph Y. Irwin (Colgate University 1895)
Robert F. Isham (Colgate University 1912)
Frank W. Jackson (Colgate University 1935)
Winston H. Jervis (Colgate University 1934)
Guernsey R. Jewett (Colgate University 1935)
Edwin H. Johnson (Colgate University 1894)
George F. Johnson (Colgate University 1890)
Walter E. Johnson (Colgate University 1949)
Robert L. Jones (Colgate University 1949)
A. D. Jonker (Colgate University 1945)
John R. Kammire (Colgate University 1935)
Leo D. Keating (Colgate University 1963)
Alvin R. Keil (Colgate University 1919)
Lawcy A. Kelton (Colgate University 1926)
John M. Kennedy (Colgate University 1925)
Phillip A. Kennell (Colgate University 1955)
Thomas A. Keogh (Colgate University 1961)
Joseph L. Kepler (Colgate University 1917)
Edward S. Kern (Colgate University 1938)
Stuart M. Ketchum (Colgate University 1914)
Thomas H. Kewley (Colgate University 1938)
Robert G. Killgore (Colgate University 1932)
William M. Kimball (Colgate University 1944)
Harry A. Kimmey (Colgate University 1919)
Raymond F. Kinsley (Colgate University 1923)
Robert H. Kirk (Colgate University 1929)
Thomas J. Kirkwood (Colgate University 1904)
Edgar W. Kline (Colgate University 1931)
W. Nelson Knapp II (Colgate University 1938)
Clarence A. Knight (Colgate University 1924)
Thomas G. Kocot (Colgate University 1985)
Frederick W. Koelsch (Colgate University 1926)
James C. Koziell (Colgate University 1934)
Irwin C. Krueger (Colgate University 1921)
Robert M. Kruger (Colgate University 1961)
Carl W. Kuehne (Colgate University 1914)
Walter J. Kuno (Colgate University 1951)
Thomas E. Lacy (Colgate University 1960)
C. A. Laird (Colgate University 1959)
Edward J. Lalor (Colgate University 1938)
Frederick R. Lamon (Colgate University 1913)
Andrew Lang (Colgate University 1924)
John R. Lang (Colgate University 1917)
Frederick W. Lange (Colgate University 1926)
Henry P. Lange (Colgate University 1927)
Clement G. Lanni (Colgate University 1915)
Byron J. Lapham (Colgate University 1952)
J. R. Larcombe (Colgate University 1924)
James A. Larcombe (Colgate University 1902)
Zalmon C. Lariew (Colgate University 1897)
Lawrence H. Larson (Colgate University 1946)
George M. Lattimer (Colgate University 1912)
Michael F. Lawnin (Colgate University 1958)
Alfred B. Lawrence (Colgate University 1914)
John B. Leach (Colgate University 1951)
Norman W. Leard (Colgate University 1924)
Fred G. Leary (Colgate University 1904)
Lester M. Lehrenkrauss (Colgate University 1924)
H. L. Leighton (Colgate University 1930)
Everett W. Leland (Colgate University 1943)
John S. LeMessurier (Colgate University 1935)
John S. Leverich (Colgate University 1942)
Thomas S. Leverich (Colgate University 1940)
Arthur C. Lewis (Colgate University 1904)
Karl W. Lewis (Colgate University 1912)
Robert E. Lewis (Colgate University 1904)
William B. Lewis (Colgate University 1933)
Flenner M. Linn (Colgate University 1987)
Elmer A. Lissfelt (Colgate University 1925)
John W. Littlefield (Colgate University 1922)
Norman S. Livingston (Colgate University 1949)
John T. Loeber (Colgate University 1912)
Robert M. Long (Colgate University 1949)
Frederick S. Lounsbury (Colgate University 1937)
Charles E. Lovejoy (Colgate University 1891)
Frank M. Lowe (Colgate University 1944)
Jules G. Luchini (Colgate University 1939)
William T. S. Lumbar (Colgate University 1893)
Harry F. Lundgren (Colgate University 1930)
Frederick G. Lyman (Colgate University 1913)
Claire L. Lyon (Colgate University 1935)
Ernest N. Lyon (Colgate University 1897)
Richard S. Lyon (Colgate University 1949)
Robert B. Lyon (Colgate University 1938)
Frank R. Lyon (Colgate University 1933)
William L. MacCarthy (Colgate University 1956)
Malcolm MacDermott (Colgate University 1957)
Edward T. Macdonnell (Colgate University 1910)
David A. MacLean (Colgate University 1983)
Henry B. Malone (Colgate University 1944)
John D. Maloney (Colgate University 1961)
Frank Maloy (Colgate University 1922)
Thomas N. Manley (Colgate University 1912)
Raymond J. Mansfield (Colgate University 1917)
Harry F. Mariani (Colgate University 1959)
Robert C. Markham (Colgate University 1947)
Theodore G. Martens (Colgate University 1939)
Thomas G. Martin (Colgate University 1923)
Harry L. Mattice (Colgate University 1932)
Frank B. Mauri (Colgate University 1939)
Robert W. Maytham (Colgate University 1922)
Gordon L. McAdams (Colgate University 1950)
Donald S. McBride (Colgate University 1926)
Peter F. McCabe (Colgate University 1966)
Frederick A. McCollum (Colgate University 1909)
O. J. McCormack (Colgate University 1921)
Allison E. McCown (Colgate University 1932)
William R. McDonald (Colgate University 1951)
Richard C. McDonough (Colgate University 1954)
Bruce S. McFadyen (Colgate University 1965)
James S. McKain (Colgate University 1946)
Lawrence B. McKelvey (Colgate University 1903)
John A. McKinley (Colgate University 1896)
Edwin McMullen (Colgate University 1915)
James C. McRoberts (Colgate University 1924)
Roger W. McWilliams (Colgate University 1969)
George S. Meidt (Colgate University 1900)
Ralph L. Melady (Colgate University 1923)
Elan Melamid (Colgate University 1984)
David A. Metzler (Colgate University 1964)
Robert E. Meyer (Colgate University 1953)
William A. Meyer (Colgate University 1932)
Harry J. Meyerhoff (Colgate University 1946)
Donald T. Miller (Colgate University 1938)
Yale O. Millington (Colgate University 1909)
Frank J. Milman (Colgate University 1897)
Amos J. Minkel (Colgate University 1940)
Marshall W. Minor (Colgate University 1934)
Arthur O. Mojo (Colgate University 1947)
William F. Moll (Colgate University 1952)
Malcolm E. Molner (Colgate University 1919)
Clyde C. Monroe (Colgate University 1920)
Sterling A. Moodey (Colgate University 1920)
George E. Moore (Colgate University 1941)
Isaac D. Moore (Colgate University 1890)
Robert G. Moran (Colgate University 1939)
Henry B. Morrell (Colgate University 1898)
J. G. Morrison (Colgate University 1937)
Charles A. Mosher (Colgate University 1911)
J. B. Mullan (Colgate University 1925)
George D. Munger (Colgate University 1944)
William H. Munro (Colgate University 1916)
Norman D. Munson (Colgate University 1942)
Daniel B. Murdoch (Colgate University 1958)
John B. Murphy (Colgate University 1946)
Ray T. Murphy (Colgate University 1931)
Truman M. Murphy (Colgate University 1922)
James G. Murrin (Colgate University 1924)
John Muyskens (Colgate University 1944)
William S. Muyskens (Colgate University 1949)
Kenneth A. Myers (Colgate University 1963)
Paul H. Myrick (Colgate University 1916)
William L. Nash (Colgate University 1893)
Harold L. Naughton (Colgate University 1913)
James B. Near (Colgate University 1943)
Wilson J. Near (Colgate University 1946)
Herbert B. Nelson (Colgate University 1923)
Lee D. Newell (Colgate University 1929)
Damon F. Newins (Colgate University 1909)
Gordon Newton (Colgate University 1984)
Raymond E. Nichols (Colgate University 1932)
Stephen L. Nichols (Colgate University 1956)
John A. Noble (Colgate University 1933)
John J. Nolan (Colgate University 1915)
Otto C. Nord (Colgate University 1936)
Merrill J. Ober (Colgate University 1899)
Floyd J. Olds (Colgate University 1903)
Samuel J. Olriksen (Colgate University 1966)
John F. O'Malley (Colgate University 1947)
Roy L. O'Neil (Colgate University 1939)
Thomas J. O'Neil (Colgate University 1943)
Albert T. O'Neill (Colgate University 1909)
John F. O'Neill (Colgate University 1942)
George E. Orteig (Colgate University 1947)
Jules P. Orteig (Colgate University 1949)
David U. Page (Colgate University 1935)
James A. Paisley (Colgate University 1924)
Gerald D. Palatini (Colgate University 1949)
Philip S. Parsons (Colgate University 1921)
Horace J. Patterson (Colgate University 1933)
Howard O. Patterson (Colgate University 1930)
Robert B. Patterson (Colgate University 1954)
Thomas J. Patterson (Colgate University 1925)
William V. Patterson (Colgate University 1951)
Stephen J. Patterson (Colgate University 1931)
Homer W. Peabody (Colgate University 1916)
Neale W. Peck (Colgate University 1941)
Edward N. Pell III (Colgate University 1960)
Theodore Pellens (Colgate University 1923)
John Pelosi (Colgate University 1985)
Theodore M. Pennington (Colgate University 1917)
Clarence J. Perin (Colgate University 1914)
Paul A. Perry (Colgate University 1950)
Richard C. Peters (Colgate University 1955)
Arthur E. Petersen (Colgate University 1946)
Howard M. Phipps (Colgate University 1948)
Edward M. Pickard (Colgate University 1918)
Gordon B. Pillsbury (Colgate University 1936)
Everett D. Plass (Colgate University 1907)
John B. Platt (Colgate University 1966)
William H. Plummer (Colgate University 1967)
Edward B. Poole (Colgate University 1961)
Frank D. Porter (Colgate University 1902)
Harry H. Pratt (Colgate University 1900)
Willard L. Pratt (Colgate University 1905)
Herman A. Preiss (Colgate University 1897)
William H. Prendergast (Colgate University 1920)
G. Robert Price (Colgate University 1943)
John F. Purdy (Colgate University 1942)
William Raebeck (Colgate University 1945)
George R. Rankin (Colgate University 1911)
Tom C. Rankin (Colgate University 1915)
Martin N. Ransohoff (Colgate University 1949)
Gene H. Ratcliff (Colgate University 1942)
Angus J. Ray (Colgate University 1935)
Douglas K. Reading (Colgate University 1948)
William A. Reid (Colgate University 1918)
Livingston B. Reuter (Colgate University 1930)
Alpheus B. Reynolds (Colgate University 1898)
Francis W. Reynolds (Colgate University 1924)
Ralph A. Rhodes (Colgate University 1938)
Ralph W. Richards (Colgate University 1914)
Harold L. Richardson (Colgate University 1921)
William S. Richardson (Colgate University 1933)
Donald A. Richon (Colgate University 1939)
Richard A. Rielly (Colgate University 1961)
Albert E. Roberto (Colgate University 1944)
John F. Robertson (Colgate University 1940)
Ralph Robison (Colgate University 1941)
Thomas A. Rodgers (Colgate University 1956)
Macdonell Roehm (Colgate University 1961)
Alfred W. Rogers (Colgate University 1894)
Harry T. Roll (Colgate University 1926)
Kenneth F. Rolph (Colgate University 1938)
Edwin H. Rosener (Colgate University 1930)
James W. Rowe (Colgate University 1917)
Thomas B. Rowe (Colgate University 1930)
Ernst F. Ruffini (Colgate University 1940)
Frank S. Ruland (Colgate University 1900)
Obadiah M. Ruland (Colgate University 1900)
James W. Ryan (Colgate University 1925)
Harold M. Salmon (Colgate University 1924)
Arthur N. Sanborn Jr. (Colgate University 1937)
Thomas R. Sawyer (Colgate University 1943)
Norman F. Sayers (Colgate University 1940)
Fred F. Scanlan (Colgate University 1907)
James L. Schneider (Colgate University 1967)
Henry D. Schodde (Colgate University 1947)
Robert M. Schurig (Colgate University 1954)
Peter N. Schutz (Colgate University 1962)
Charles Schweikert (Colgate University 1897)
Robert M. Scott (Colgate University 1970)
Paul T. Scull (Colgate University 1962)
Fred H. Searl (Colgate University 1942)
Harry A. Seely (Colgate University 1908)
Royal F. Sengstacken Jr. (Colgate University 1944)
Theodore F. Shaker (Colgate University 1944)
Haig Shekerjian (Colgate University 1910)
Birtram E. Shell (Colgate University 1909)
Harry R. Sheppard (Colgate University 1958)
Charles B. Sheridan (Colgate University 1913)
John M. Sheridan (Colgate University 1955)
Robert M. Sherman (Colgate University 1907)
Robert M. Shields (Colgate University 1919)
John E. Shreve (Colgate University 1941)
Edwin C. Shults (Colgate University 1938)
John M. Sill (Colgate University 1909)
John T. Sill (Colgate University 1929)
Peter W. Simmons (Colgate University 1942)
Arthur H. Simpson (Colgate University 1895)
John P. Simpson (Colgate University 1947)
William S. Skinner (Colgate University 1927)
S. R. Sloan (Colgate University 1958)
David G. Small (Colgate University 1910)
Abel H. Smith (Colgate University 1914)
Arthur W. Smith (Colgate University 1900)
George T. Smith (Colgate University 1966)
John D. Smith (Colgate University 1932)
Kendrick C. Smith (Colgate University 1938)
L. K. Smith (Colgate University 1932)
Lewis J. Smith (Colgate University 1900)
Philip A. Smith (Colgate University 1960)
Theodore N. Smith (Colgate University 1929)
Matthew S. Smoler (Colgate University 1989)
James E. Snead (Colgate University 1935)
William Spaid (Colgate University 1926)
Earl H. Spaulding (Colgate University 1917)
Charles E. Spencer (Colgate University 1890)
Charles W. Spencer (Colgate University 1929)
Leo H. Speno (Colgate University 1926)
Frank K. Sprague (Colgate University 1929)
W. K. Squires (Colgate University 1932)
Theodore S. Stacy (Colgate University 1951)
Frank Stanbro (Colgate University 1906)
Charles G. Stanton (Colgate University 1979)
Sanford E. Stanton (Colgate University 1905)
James E. Stark (Colgate University 1945)
J. H. Starr (Colgate University 1957)
Frank A. Starratt (Colgate University 1892)
Allan B. Stearns (Colgate University 1908)
Richard B. Stearns (Colgate University 1961)
Charles M. Stebbins (Colgate University 1893)
Harold W. Stevens (Colgate University 1919)
Kenneth M. Stevens (Colgate University 1915)
Edwin A. Stevenson (Colgate University 1904)
George E. Stevenson (Colgate University 1897)
Hugh T. Stevenson (Colgate University 1894)
Mortimer E. Stevenson (Colgate University 1940)
Richard D. Stichter (Colgate University 1950)
Charles H. Stillman (Colgate University 1945)
Howard G. Stokes (Colgate University 1911)
George H. Stollwerck (Colgate University 1930)
Sheldon F. Storrier (Colgate University 1951)
Henry B. Stover (Colgate University 1901)
Franklyn J. Stowitts (Colgate University 1914)
Robert H. Sturman (Colgate University 1944)
Daniel C. Sudbring (Colgate University 1931)
Albert O. Sueur (Colgate University 1914)
John W. Sullivan (Colgate University 1943)
Daniel J. Sweeney (Colgate University 1902)
Berton W. Sweet (Colgate University 1932)
Lawrence F. Tack (Colgate University 1921)
Frank W. Taft (Colgate University 1913)
Richard P. Talcott (Colgate University 1908)
Wells W. Talmadge (Colgate University 1980)
Edwin C. Tanner (Colgate University 1897)
Edgar W. Tappan (Colgate University 1921)
James M. Tasley (Colgate University 1954)
Robert J. Tassi (Colgate University 1957)
Edmund R. Taylor (Colgate University 1916)
Frank C. Taylor (Colgate University 1907)
Percy L. Taylor (Colgate University 1918)
William E. Taylor (Colgate University 1944)
Dexter H. Teed (Colgate University 1923)
Samuel H. Templeman (Colgate University 1905)
Oscar F. Terrill (Colgate University 1909)
Donald M. Terry (Colgate University 1931)
Gale H. Terry (Colgate University 1949)
Robert H. Terry (Colgate University 1936)
Walter L. Terry (Colgate University 1931)
D. W. Thomas (Colgate University 1903)
Allan L. Thompson (Colgate University 1905)
Howard K. Thompson (Colgate University 1916)
Ralph W. Thompson (Colgate University 1941)
Donald L. Tiffany (Colgate University 1943)
Carroll M. Tillotson (Colgate University 1919)
Charles Tomesko (Colgate University 1969)
Oliver R. Toomey (Colgate University 1941)
Frederick A. Torrance (Colgate University 1905)
Monroe S. Townsend (Colgate University 1937)
Willard L. Tremlett (Colgate University 1949)
Charles L. Trowbridge (Colgate University 1950)
Clarence H. Twichell (Colgate University 1918)
George B. Twichell (Colgate University 1949)
Lewis F. Twichell (Colgate University 1942)
Robert H. Twichell (Colgate University 1953)
Benedict Q. Underhill (Colgate University 1981)
Roger R. Valkenburgh (Colgate University 1935)
Peter L. VanAkin (Colgate University 1927)
Ivan A. VanBree (Colgate University 1920)
Andrew S. Vaneman (Colgate University 1911)
James E. Vannatta (Colgate University 1935)
Richard S. Veres (Colgate University 1950)
Alan W. Vollmer (Colgate University 1949)
Ezra I. Vredenburgh (Colgate University 1895)
Albert H. Waffle (Colgate University 1915)
George H. Wahl (Colgate University 1924)
Deane H. Waite (Colgate University 1912)
Abbott R. Walker (Colgate University 1895)
Harold O. Walker (Colgate University 1915)
James B. Wallace (Colgate University 1907)
George W. Wallin (Colgate University 1945)
Edwin W. Warner (Colgate University 1937)
George H. Waterhouse (Colgate University 1943)
Jeffery F. Waters (Colgate University 1922)
Mitchell J. Waters (Colgate University 1957)
James E. Watson (Colgate University 1941)
Theodore A. Weager (Colgate University 1941)
Donaldson S. Wean (Colgate University 1924)
Robert C. Webster (Colgate University 1913)
Stanley A. Weeks (Colgate University 1935)
Edward D. Weingard (Colgate University 1921)
Seymour B. Weller (Colgate University 1899)
Harry M. Wellot (Colgate University 1913)
Thomas D. Wesley (Colgate University 1898)
Gerhardt A. Wezerek (Colgate University 1944)
George C. Whaling (Colgate University 1922)
John C. Whaling (Colgate University 1921)
Claude J. Wheeler (Colgate University 1900)
Michael E. Wheeler (Colgate University 1898)
Sperry G. Wheeler (Colgate University 1913)
George F. Whelan (Colgate University 1910)
Howard J. Whelan (Colgate University 1912)
Robert J. Whelan (Colgate University 1909)
Eugene P. White (Colgate University 1909)
Norbert T. White (Colgate University 1948)
Edward R. White (Colgate University 1943)
Fred C. Whitfield (Colgate University 1901)
Stanley D. Whitford (Colgate University 1919)
Howard J. Whitman (Colgate University 1910)
Ralph E. Wilbur (Colgate University 1922)
Alfred N. Wiley (Colgate University 1929)
David S. Williams (Colgate University 1939)
Frank M. Williams (Colgate University 1895)
George D. Williams (Colgate University 1895)
Henry A. Williams (Colgate University 1950)
Maurice W. Williams (Colgate University 1903)
Gordon P. Wilson (Colgate University 1925)
Wilfred R. Wilson (Colgate University 1932)
Kenelm K. Winslow (Colgate University 1930)
Ralph K. Wodder (Colgate University 1950)
Otto E. Wolff (Colgate University 1927)
Arthur E. Wood (Colgate University 1903)
Newell A. Wood (Colgate University 1891)
William A. Wood (Colgate University 1894)
Albert A. Woodruff (Colgate University 1909)
Ernest H. Woodruff (Colgate University 1896)
Roy D. Wooster (Colgate University 1920)
Walter E. Yetter (Colgate University 1950)
Victor D. Younkins (Colgate University 1915)
W. H. Zook (Colgate University 1930)
Gustav C. Zucco (Colgate University 1935)
Thomas C. Jondahl (College of Charleston 2011)
Robert S. Shaw (College of Charleston 2018)
Charles A. Ackerman (College of the City of New York 1883)
Walter J. Adair (College of the City of New York 1885)
Percy D. Adams (College of the City of New York 1883)
Alphonse H. Alker (College of the City of New York 1871)
William R. Allen (College of the City of New York 1866)
Edmund G. Anderson (College of the City of New York 1903)
William S. Anderson (College of the City of New York 1873)
Frank W. Angel (College of the City of New York 1868)
Oliver M. Arkenburgh (College of the City of New York 1867)
Walter B. Atterbury (College of the City of New York 1875)
Louis P. Bach (College of the City of New York 1885)
Frederick A. Bacon (College of the City of New York 1881)
Archibald L. Baird (College of the City of New York 1881)
Frederick Baker (College of the City of New York 1880)
Davis Barnes (College of the City of New York 1878)
Malvern H. Barnum (College of the City of New York 1884)
Edgar G. Barratt (College of the City of New York 1883)
John M. Battell (College of the City of New York 1904)
John S. Battell (College of the City of New York 1873)
John Baumeister (College of the City of New York 1881)
Theodore Baumeister (College of the City of New York 1887)
Louis Becker (College of the City of New York 1895)
Rudolph C. Becker (College of the City of New York 1903)
Howard P. Bellows (College of the City of New York 1872)
Hiram R. Bennett (College of the City of New York 1910)
J. Albert Bennett (College of the City of New York 1900)
Thomas A. Bennett (College of the City of New York 1895)
Leon J. Benoit (College of the City of New York 1889)
Martin J. Biehn (College of the City of New York 1897)
Clinton W. Bird (College of the City of New York 1883)
Paul L. Bishop (College of the City of New York 1871)
Harry J. Blenderman (College of the City of New York 1900)
George H. Blish (College of the City of New York 1872)
William H. Bolton (College of the City of New York 1891)
Frank S. Bond (College of the City of New York 1868)
William W. Bostwick (College of the City of New York 1894)
Eugene D. Boyer (College of the City of New York 1900)
Walter L. Boyer (College of the City of New York 1899)
Wilbur S. Boyer (College of the City of New York 1895)
Maximillan H. Bracker (College of the City of New York 1899)
Irving L. Bragdon (College of the City of New York 1868)
James C. Brower (College of the City of New York 1890)
William H. Bullwinkel (College of the City of New York 1898)
Eugene L. Bushe (College of the City of New York 1867)
Linus B. Cady (College of the City of New York 1876)
Walter S. Cameron (College of the City of New York 1895)
Theron L. Carman (College of the City of New York 1879)
William L. Carson (College of the City of New York 1883)
Clarence F. Cavanaugh (College of the City of New York 1904)
Harold Chrystal (College of the City of New York 1903)
Francis D. Clark (College of the City of New York 1893)
Wm H. Clark (College of the City of New York 1869)
George E. Clay (College of the City of New York 1870)
William W. Clay (College of the City of New York 1869)
Cornelius G. Coakley (College of the City of New York 1884)
M. S. Colgate (College of the City of New York 1875)
Frederick H. Comstock (College of the City of New York 1872)
Clarence M. Conant (College of the City of New York 1872)
Joseph F. Condon (College of the City of New York 1902)
Arthur W. Corse (College of the City of New York 1896)
John R. Coryell (College of the City of New York 1871)
John E. Cronly (College of the City of New York 1868)
Alfred M. Dailey (College of the City of New York 1892)
Edwin H. Daly (College of the City of New York 1897)
Joseph F. Darling (College of the City of New York 1884)
John W. Davis (College of the City of New York 1876)
Edward M. Decker (College of the City of New York 1886)
Henry C. Demorest (College of the City of New York 1871)
Walter Demorest (College of the City of New York 1874)
Charles Derleth (College of the City of New York 1894)
Benjamin F. Devoe (College of the City of New York 1881)
J. H. Dougherty (College of the City of New York 1871)
Clarence W. Dupignac (College of the City of New York 1881)
Alfred T. Eaton (College of the City of New York 1880)
Herman A. Ehrmann (College of the City of New York 1885)
Dean Emery (College of the City of New York 1893)
Frederick L. Emmons (College of the City of New York 1882)
Leo Erdwurm (College of the City of New York 1894)
Rafaelle A. Este (College of the City of New York 1890)
Charles P. Fagnani (College of the City of New York 1873)
James A. Farrell (College of the City of New York 1907)
Andrew Fletcher (College of the City of New York 1883)
William T. Floyd (College of the City of New York 1886)
Charles A. Frank (College of the City of New York 1883)
Rudolph V. Friedrichs (College of the City of New York 1882)
George T. Frost (College of the City of New York 1877)
Jed Frye (College of the City of New York 1872)
Walter J. Gano (College of the City of New York 1904)
Walter F. Geoghegan (College of the City of New York 1897)
Daniel M. Gerard (College of the City of New York 1898)
Samuel Glasson (College of the City of New York 1893)
George G. Godwin (College of the City of New York 1894)
Warner F. Gookin (College of the City of New York 1901)
William Gordon (College of the City of New York 1883)
Horace F. Graham (College of the City of New York 1882)
James M. Graham (College of the City of New York 1899)
Walter S. Greacen (College of the City of New York 1905)
William J. Greanelle (College of the City of New York 1890)
Howard C. Green (College of the City of New York 1902)
Sime H. Green (College of the City of New York 1899)
Charles W. Griffith (College of the City of New York 1885)
James C. Hallock (College of the City of New York 1866)
Harry H. Halsted (College of the City of New York 1904)
James P. Haney (College of the City of New York 1888)
John D. Haney (College of the City of New York 1893)
Charles J. Hardy (College of the City of New York 1884)
George E. Hargrave (College of the City of New York 1896)
William J. Henwood (College of the City of New York 1892)
Charles G. Herbermann (College of the City of New York 1898)
Charles E. Herrmann (College of the City of New York 1902)
Carl A. Hess (College of the City of New York 1902)
Charles R. Hexamer (College of the City of New York 1882)
Henry B. Heylman (College of the City of New York 1894)
George H. Hickey (College of the City of New York 1906)
Charles D. Hobart (College of the City of New York 1893)
Edwin C. Holden (College of the City of New York 1893)
Fred W. Hollman (College of the City of New York 1905)
Milton Hopkins (College of the City of New York 1884)
Anthony T. Horn (College of the City of New York 1877)
Charles F. Horne (College of the City of New York 1889)
George P. Hotaling (College of the City of New York 1878)
Walter Howe (College of the City of New York 1868)
William B. Howe (College of the City of New York 1872)
Frederick G. Hunt (College of the City of New York 1881)
Leigh H. Hunt (College of the City of New York 1877)
James W. Hyde (College of the City of New York 1881)
Samuel M. Jackson (College of the City of New York 1870)
George T. Jackson (College of the City of New York 1872)
Charles F. James (College of the City of New York 1877)
Welcome S. Jarvis (College of the City of New York 1873)
Albert E. Johnston (College of the City of New York 1880)
Chester W. Jones (College of the City of New York 1869)
John M. Jones (College of the City of New York 1884)
Frank Keck (College of the City of New York 1872)
Edward K. Kelly (College of the City of New York 1891)
Peter J. Kelly (College of the City of New York 1869)
Stephen Kelly (College of the City of New York 1868)
Charles S. Kennedy (College of the City of New York 1870)
Hugh King (College of the City of New York 1904)
W. H. Knipe (College of the City of New York 1899)
William T. Koch (College of the City of New York 1894)
Percival Kuhne (College of the City of New York 1882)
Charles W. Laffin (College of the City of New York 1903)
Robert Lane (College of the City of New York 1869)
Frank D. Laughlin (College of the City of New York 1884)
Charles F. Lee (College of the City of New York 1871)
John F. Lennon (College of the City of New York 1894)
Robert Lewis (College of the City of New York 1884)
David D. Lloyd (College of the City of New York 1870)
Russell G. Lucas (College of the City of New York 1903)
Stephen H. Lutz (College of the City of New York 1892)
Charles E. Lydecker (College of the City of New York 1871)
Palmer H. Lyon (College of the City of New York 1896)
Arthur J. Mack (College of the City of New York 1882)
John W. Macy (College of the City of New York 1877)
J. A. Mandel (College of the City of New York 1865)
George K. Martin (College of the City of New York 1893)
Urban F. Martin (College of the City of New York 1896)
David M. Marvin (College of the City of New York 1884)
Carl S. Mason (College of the City of New York 1886)
Edward L. Mathews (College of the City of New York 1869)
Charles W. Maury (College of the City of New York 1878)
William E. Mayer (College of the City of New York 1881)
Frank J. McBarron (College of the City of New York 1890)
John D. McBarron (College of the City of New York 1889)
John H. McCandless (College of the City of New York 1867)
Robert H. McCutcheon (College of the City of New York 1877)
John W. McKay (College of the City of New York 1890)
Frederic O. McLoughlin (College of the City of New York 1909)
John J. McNulty (College of the City of New York 1881)
Charles B. Meding (College of the City of New York 1886)
George S. Meidt (College of the City of New York 1899)
August Merz (College of the City of New York 1893)
Eugene Merz (College of the City of New York 1888)
Herbert E. Meyers (College of the City of New York 1895)
Marshall E. Monroe (College of the City of New York 1903)
William J. Morgan (College of the City of New York 1900)
Joseph F. Mulqueen (College of the City of New York 1880)
John H. Myers (College of the City of New York 1890)
Frank Newell (College of the City of New York 1893)
John F. Newman (College of the City of New York 1869)
Charles Of (College of the City of New York 1894)
Gerald S. O'Loughlin (College of the City of New York 1902)
Charles E. Parker (College of the City of New York 1889)
Frank W. Parry (College of the City of New York 1899)
James R. Patterson Jr. (College of the City of New York 1899)
Dyer Pearl (College of the City of New York 1877)
Charles C. Phelps (College of the City of New York 1902)
Henry M. Phoenix (College of the City of New York 1909)
Sylvanus B. Pond (College of the City of New York 1877)
Frank J. Pool (College of the City of New York 1883)
Harry B. Postley (College of the City of New York 1877)
Arnott M. Pressinger (College of the City of New York 1884)
Austin E. Pressinger (College of the City of New York 1882)
Anderson Price (College of the City of New York 1871)
Chas C. Protheroe (College of the City of New York 1877)
Edwin G. Ramsdell (College of the City of New York 1904)
William C. Reed (College of the City of New York 1898)
Frank A. Remington (College of the City of New York 1876)
George H. Richards (College of the City of New York 1883)
Charles Riederer (College of the City of New York 1903)
Alexander B. Riggs (College of the City of New York 1869)
Peter C. Ritchie (College of the City of New York 1889)
Franklin W. Robinson (College of the City of New York 1895)
John A. Robinson (College of the City of New York 1895)
John K. Roll (College of the City of New York 1897)
Harold Roorbach (College of the City of New York 1878)
Horatio S. Rubens (College of the City of New York 1888)
Ludwig T. Rupprecht (College of the City of New York 1902)
Charles E. Rushmore (College of the City of New York 1876)
Paul L. Saurel (College of the City of New York 1890)
Jose R. Savage (College of the City of New York 1894)
Henry V. Scheel (College of the City of New York 1901)
Jacques B. Schlosser (College of the City of New York 1897)
F. S. Schmidt (College of the City of New York 1900)
Augustus Schoonmaker (College of the City of New York 1899)
Leonard Schultze (College of the City of New York 1898)
John F. Scott (College of the City of New York 1879)
George F. Seitz (College of the City of New York 1884)
George H. Semken (College of the City of New York 1895)
John H. Shepherd (College of the City of New York 1872)
John S. Sickels (College of the City of New York 1908)
William I. Simmons (College of the City of New York 1867)
Mortimer C. Simons (College of the City of New York 1910)
Loton H. Slawson (College of the City of New York 1896)
Bascom B. Smith (College of the City of New York 1868)
Charles H. Smith (College of the City of New York 1865)
Edwin Smith (College of the City of New York 1871)
Edward C. Sohst (College of the City of New York 1898)
Rudolph E. Sohst (College of the City of New York 1899)
Edward Spahr (College of the City of New York 1894)
Gilman S. Stanton (College of the City of New York 1893)
Henry Stengel (College of the City of New York 1900)
Frank B. Stevens (College of the City of New York 1876)
Plowdon Stevens (College of the City of New York 1888)
James L. Strahan (College of the City of New York 1883)
William Stratford (College of the City of New York 1865)
Charles E. Sturges (College of the City of New York 1877)
Timothy F. Sullivan (College of the City of New York 1907)
Thomas F. Sykes (College of the City of New York 1883)
Albert C. Talbert (College of the City of New York 1883)
Henry H. Terwilliger (College of the City of New York 1897)
Lloyd B. Thomas (College of the City of New York 1902)
Arthur H. Timmerman (College of the City of New York 1891)
Charles E. Timmerman (College of the City of New York 1891)
Harold C. Titus (College of the City of New York 1872)
Daniel I. Tompkins (College of the City of New York 1885)
Arata Tsukada (College of the City of New York 1905)
Charles H. Tully (College of the City of New York 1871)
Marcus E. Tully (College of the City of New York 1869)
John A. Tunis (College of the City of New York 1878)
Joseph A. Turney (College of the City of New York 1874)
George A. Tuthill (College of the City of New York 1877)
William B. Tuthill (College of the City of New York 1875)
Fred L. Underhill (College of the City of New York 1870)
Tracy Underhill (College of the City of New York 1875)
Frank W. Vanness (College of the City of New York 1875)
Daniel Vanpelt (College of the City of New York 1874)
John N. Vanpelt (College of the City of New York 1889)
Purdy Vanvliet (College of the City of New York 1883)
Frank B. Vermilya (College of the City of New York 1896)
Percy S. Vermilya (College of the City of New York 1897)
Antonie P. Voislawsky (College of the City of New York 1894)
William B. Wall (College of the City of New York 1905)
John A. Walther (College of the City of New York 1873)
Albert E. S. Ward (College of the City of New York 1904)
Oscar B. Weber (College of the City of New York 1880)
Josiah H. Webster (College of the City of New York 1877)
Thomas W. Weeks (College of the City of New York 1874)
Charles V. Wehrum (College of the City of New York 1890)
Helmus M. Wells (College of the City of New York 1871)
Edward E. Welty (College of the City of New York 1872)
Fred M. Wheeler (College of the City of New York 1889)
Leonard S. Wheeler (College of the City of New York 1885)
James W. White (College of the City of New York 1885)
Howard E. Williams (College of the City of New York 1893)
Franklin S. Wilson (College of the City of New York 1874)
William T. Wood (College of the City of New York 1890)
Alexander A. Woodburn (College of the City of New York 1893)
Cortland C. Woodburn (College of the City of New York 1898)
Stephen Wray (College of the City of New York 1887)
William Wray (College of the City of New York 1894)
Frederick A. Wright (College of the City of New York 1868)
Edward C. Zabriskie (College of the City of New York 1893)
Guy H. Albright (Colorado College 1916)
Preston B. Albright (Colorado College 1928)
John H. Alexander (Colorado College 1951)
Stephen J. Allison (Colorado College 1933)
Bayard G. Alps (Colorado College 1918)
Angus S. Alston (Colorado College 1937)
Richard C. Alston (Colorado College 1937)
George L. Ammon (Colorado College 1914)
William L. Anderson (Colorado College 1932)
Chester M. Angell (Colorado College 1907)
David W. Armstrong (Colorado College 1929)
J. R. Armstrong (Colorado College 1908)
Willis E. Armstrong (Colorado College 1937)
Willis R. Armstrong (Colorado College 1899)
Warren H. Arter (Colorado College 1952)
Jo W. Atkinson (Colorado College 1925)
Donald E. Autrey (Colorado College 1940)
George E. Baggs (Colorado College 1928)
Russell F. Bahlenhorst (Colorado College 1952)
Paul M. Bailey (Colorado College 1944)
Paul S. Bailey (Colorado College 1913)
Robert L. Bailey (Colorado College 1950)
Edwin C. Baker (Colorado College 1934)
Hugh B. Baker (Colorado College 1932)
William N. Baker (Colorado College 1933)
George L. Bale (Colorado College 1958)
George W. Bancroft (Colorado College 1909)
Billie M. Barbee (Colorado College 1941)
Miles W. Barrett III (Colorado College 1949)
Robert L. Bartlett (Colorado College 1941)
Burton W. Bascom (Colorado College 1910)
Ralston S. Bauer (Colorado College 1950)
Robert E. Beach (Colorado College 1939)
Percy W. Benson (Colorado College 1929)
Edward B. Bever (Colorado College 1927)
Earle H. Bickford (Colorado College 1923)
Theodore M. Billings (Colorado College 1940)
Philip W. Bissell (Colorado College 1942)
William C. Black (Colorado College 1953)
Robert G. Blackburn (Colorado College 1950)
Alfred A. Blackman (Colorado College 1900)
Carl R. Blackman (Colorado College 1910)
Maurice W. Blakely MD (Colorado College 1948)
Harvey E. Boatright (Colorado College 1907)
Randy G. Bobier (Colorado College 1972)
Robert W. Boge (Colorado College 1959)
John G. Bohon (Colorado College 1934)
Waldo E. Bolen (Colorado College 1928)
Leo W. Bortree (Colorado College 1906)
Richard S. Boswell (Colorado College 1973)
Dana L. Boyes (Colorado College 1913)
William E. Boyes (Colorado College 1940)
Ralph H. Boynton (Colorado College 1911)
Thomas D. Brindley (Colorado College 1965)
Harold M. Britton (Colorado College 1933)
Carl R. Brown (Colorado College 1927)
D. B. Brown (Colorado College 1964)
Lewis P. Brown (Colorado College 1911)
Tom L. Brown (Colorado College 1920)
Joe W. Bruce (Colorado College 1924)
Irvin B. Bruce Sr. (Colorado College 1912)
Arthur E. Bryson (Colorado College 1911)
Charles E. Burgener (Colorado College 1918)
James L. Calhoun (Colorado College 1909)
Carey S. Campbell (Colorado College 1912)
William A. Campbell (Colorado College 1918)
Joel S. Canby (Colorado College 1941)
John S. Cannon (Colorado College 1922)
Melville C. Cannon (Colorado College 1923)
William J. Carlile (Colorado College 1935)
Ford C. Carlisle (Colorado College 1926)
Bruce N. Carson (Colorado College 1951)
Arthur A. Cervi (Colorado College 1943)
Tom S. Chapman (Colorado College 1912)
J. G. Chapman (Colorado College 1906)
Bradford W. Chase (Colorado College 1963)
Glen E. Cheley (Colorado College 1916)
William K. Chick (Colorado College 1923)
Marcellus H. Chiles (Colorado College 1918)
John H. Chiles (Colorado College 1923)
Lloyd H. Christiansen (Colorado College 1942)
Earl H. Clark (Colorado College 1931)
Philip T. Clay (Colorado College 1929)
Thomas H. Cleland (Colorado College 1939)
Charles A. Cogan (Colorado College 1932)
Jerry A. Cogan (Colorado College 1930)
John P. Cogan (Colorado College 1930)
Walter F. Cogswell (Colorado College 1938)
Wilton W. Cogswell (Colorado College 1936)
Boxley H. Cole (Colorado College 1923)
George R. Conklin (Colorado College 1910)
Hugh D. Connell (Colorado College 1947)
William J. Conway (Colorado College 1942)
Donald E. Cook (Colorado College 1952)
Gary E. Cook (Colorado College 1958)
James B. Cook (Colorado College 1949)
Oliver B. Cook (Colorado College 1913)
Raymond F. Cool (Colorado College 1968)
James V. Cordova (Colorado College 1978)
Hobart M. Corning (Colorado College 1937)
Albert A. Costello (Colorado College 1935)
Frederick W. Couey (Colorado College 1929)
Hunter H. Cover (Colorado College 1915)
John W. Cover (Colorado College 1922)
Lee H. Cover (Colorado College 1917)
George S. Cowdery (Colorado College 1914)
William H. Crago (Colorado College 1932)
Charles C. Crevo (Colorado College 1959)
George P. Cribari (Colorado College 1939)
Donald J. Crouse (Colorado College 1955)
Allen B. Crow (Colorado College 1913)
Hamer S. Culp (Colorado College 1916)
Peter B. Curlin (Colorado College 1938)
Arthur C. Dain (Colorado College 1931)
David L. Dairy (Colorado College 1959)
Thomas M. Dairy (Colorado College 1963)
Eugene O. Daniels (Colorado College 1955)
Forest M. Danson (Colorado College 1929)
Chester E. Davis (Colorado College 1917)
Clay M. Davis (Colorado College 1936)
Peter W. Davis (Colorado College 1965)
Philip J. Davis (Colorado College 1950)
Harry L. Dawson (Colorado College 1925)
Walter R. Dedrick (Colorado College 1923)
Walter R. Dedrick (Colorado College 1957)
Eric G. Deflon (Colorado College 1923)
William D. DeFlon (Colorado College 1920)
James S. Delaney (Colorado College 1925)
George W. Dennis (Colorado College 1914)
George L. Dern (Colorado College 1928)
Joseph J. Dern (Colorado College 1924)
Lewis R. Dick (Colorado College 1952)
George H. Doane (Colorado College 1919)
Percy M. Dobbins (Colorado College 1927)
Andrew W. Donovan (Colorado College 1912)
Mancourt Downing (Colorado College 1950)
John R. Drake (Colorado College 1946)
Mowbray P. Drummond (Colorado College 1932)
Edmond C. Dworak (Colorado College 1951)
Arthur D. Eastwood (Colorado College 1929)
Patrick G. Eckles (Colorado College 1972)
Robert E. Edgar (Colorado College 1925)
G. V. Edwards (Colorado College 1922)
L. E. Ellinwood (Colorado College 1948)
Lloyd H. Ellis (Colorado College 1931)
Frank E. Evans (Colorado College 1916)
David Fales (Colorado College 1917)
Glenn R. Faucett (Colorado College 1951)
Harwood H. Fawcett (Colorado College 1906)
Paul E. Fellman (Colorado College 1950)
James P. Fellows (Colorado College 1945)
James F. Finerty (Colorado College 1959)
James H. Finger (Colorado College 1906)
Russell H. Fish (Colorado College 1943)
Clement R. Flannigan (Colorado College 1911)
Joseph E. Floyd (Colorado College 1913)
Walter H. Forslund (Colorado College 1928)
Lindsay B. Fowler (Colorado College 1935)
Frank H. Frawley (Colorado College 1923)
W. M. Freeman (Colorado College 1947)
Carman P. Freyschlag (Colorado College 1920)
William J. Fritz (Colorado College 1955)
Hildreth Frost (Colorado College 1901)
Walter J. Frost (Colorado College 1939)
Richard S. Fryer (Colorado College 1948)
Edgar W. Garvey (Colorado College 1920)
Curtis W. Gates (Colorado College 1939)
William J. Gill (Colorado College 1952)
Ralph J. Gilmore (Colorado College 1922)
John S. Gilmore III (Colorado College 1944)
Don W. Glidden (Colorado College 1934)
William S. Glidden (Colorado College 1944)
Leslie A. Goss (Colorado College 1947)
J. A. Gow (Colorado College 1925)
Arthur O. Gray (Colorado College 1925)
John W. Gray (Colorado College 1935)
Jack W. Greene (Colorado College 1937)
Ben B. Griffith (Colorado College 1932)
David Griffith (Colorado College 1935)
Benjamin Griffith (Colorado College 1901)
Richard E. Grimsley (Colorado College 1915)
Thomas Groom (Colorado College 1952)
Kenneth F. Grove (Colorado College 1932)
John R. Hadfield (Colorado College 1934)
Richard L. Hahn (Colorado College 1951)
William R. Haigler (Colorado College 1943)
Charles W. Haines (Colorado College 1948)
Horace E. Hall (Colorado College 1913)
Ralph L. Hall (Colorado College 1915)
William G. Halley (Colorado College 1940)
Harrison W. Halsted (Colorado College 1953)
Richard S. Hambleton (Colorado College 1970)
Frank O. Hamilton (Colorado College 1948)
Paul M. Hamilton (Colorado College 1918)
Elmer D. Hampton (Colorado College 1931)
Joe M. Hardwick (Colorado College 1937)
Harold C. Harmon (Colorado College 1930)
Arthur E. Harper (Colorado College 1908)
Charles A. Harrison (Colorado College 1916)
Charles L. Harrison (Colorado College 1925)
Moses W. Harrison (Colorado College 1954)
Richard K. Harrison (Colorado College 1935)
John A. Harriss (Colorado College 1955)
Chester E. Hart (Colorado College 1919)
Curtiss V. Hart (Colorado College 1944)
Robert A. Hart (Colorado College 1922)
Robert D. Hart (Colorado College 1948)
Duval E. Harvey (Colorado College 1951)
Joseph E. Harvey (Colorado College 1924)
Gordon R. Hatch (Colorado College 1954)
Henry W. Hayden (Colorado College 1918)
James G. Hayden (Colorado College 1921)
Dale W. Hayhurst (Colorado College 1946)
John P. Heaney (Colorado College 1934)
Robert E. Hedblom (Colorado College 1944)
William R. Heidbreder (Colorado College 1970)
Howard S. Henderson (Colorado College 1945)
William C. Henderson (Colorado College 1938)
T. R. Henritze (Colorado College 1932)
Robert S. Herrmann (Colorado College 1942)
Joseph H. Hertel (Colorado College 1923)
Charles F. Hewett (Colorado College 1918)
Rolf E. Hiebler (Colorado College 1966)
Thomas J. Hilb (Colorado College 1960)
Fred C. Hill (Colorado College 1914)
Roscoe C. Hill (Colorado College 1884)
William H. Hill (Colorado College 1942)
William A. Hillhouse (Colorado College 1929)
William L. Hillyard (Colorado College 1939)
John L. Hitti (Colorado College 1960)
Frank S. Hoag (Colorado College 1930)
Raymond E. Hobbs (Colorado College 1952)
Theodore M. Hohl (Colorado College 1949)
Thad Holt (Colorado College 1920)
Edgar C. Howbert (Colorado College 1924)
Josiah Hughes (Colorado College 1913)
Paul C. Hughes (Colorado College 1952)
William P. Humphrey (Colorado College 1941)
Russell P. Hunter (Colorado College 1924)
Leonard W. Hurley (Colorado College 1945)
Joel R. Husted (Colorado College 1942)
Ellsworth C. Hutchinson (Colorado College 1932)
Edward A. Huwaldt (Colorado College 1966)
Byrle E. Jackson (Colorado College 1922)
David B. Jackson (Colorado College 1942)
John E. Jackson (Colorado College 1916)
Robert R. Jacobi (Colorado College 1971)
James C. Jacobs (Colorado College 1925)
Jack E. Jacques (Colorado College 1945)
Craig S. Jenkins (Colorado College 1984)
Clark W. Johnson (Colorado College 1935)
E. A. Johnson (Colorado College 1946)
Louis Johnson (Colorado College 1943)
Marshall P. Johnson (Colorado College 1946)
Melvin A. Johnson (Colorado College 1942)
Nels H. Johnson (Colorado College 1922)
William W. Johnston (Colorado College 1912)
Charles M. Johnstone (Colorado College 1914)
Rene A. Jones (Colorado College 1920)
Robert R. Jones (Colorado College 1950)
Jeffrey R. Karas (Colorado College 1982)
Earl P. Kaufman (Colorado College 1930)
Owen A. Kenney (Colorado College 1940)
Merritt H. Kimball (Colorado College 1936)
Kenneth D. Kimmel (Colorado College 1927)
Herbert L. Klewer (Colorado College 1952)
Samuel F. Knowles (Colorado College 1920)
John R. Koser (Colorado College 1950)
Harry S. Kramer (Colorado College 1916)
Charles W. Kruger (Colorado College 1927)
Arthur F. Kruggel (Colorado College 1938)
Leo J. Kuzma (Colorado College 1947)
William L. Laclair (Colorado College 1950)
Alfred W. T. LaFontaine (Colorado College 1930)
Gene C. Lague (Colorado College 1933)
Gleason C. Lake (Colorado College 1907)
Leo C. Lake (Colorado College 1908)
Harry H. Lamberson (Colorado College 1930)
Jonathan H. Lasley (Colorado College 1931)
John H. Laws (Colorado College 1942)
Jack F. Lawson (Colorado College 1934)
Mark J. Lee (Colorado College 1943)
Raymond E. LeMasters (Colorado College 1935)
Frank T. Lewis (Colorado College 1929)
Leland M. Lewis (Colorado College 1920)
Robert S. Lewis (Colorado College 1927)
George W. Lewis (Colorado College 1922)
Roy L. Lilja (Colorado College 1948)
Bernard L. Lilljeberg (Colorado College 1935)
John P. Lindas (Colorado College 1927)
Philip E. Ling (Colorado College 1919)
Albert L. Linger (Colorado College 1925)
Don A. Linger (Colorado College 1953)
Howard K. Linger (Colorado College 1922)
Lyman G. Linger (Colorado College 1930)
Theodore W. Little (Colorado College 1939)
Walter J. Little (Colorado College 1942)
Charles H. Lloyd (Colorado College 1921)
Edward T. Long (Colorado College 1944)
James R. Love (Colorado College 1964)
Thomas Lynch (Colorado College 1913)
Robert V. Lynn (Colorado College 1950)
Leonard G. Maccini (Colorado College 1952)
Gordon M. Mace (Colorado College 1938)
William R. Mackey (Colorado College 1954)
Robert P. Mailhouse (Colorado College 1946)
Ned R. Mann (Colorado College 1952)
Louis E. Martin (Colorado College 1920)
Jesse R. Mathis (Colorado College 1934)
Warren M. Maxwell (Colorado College 1913)
George T. May (Colorado College 1927)
Floyd F. McCammon (Colorado College 1916)
Thomas P. McCann (Colorado College 1944)
Zenas H. McClanahan Jr. (Colorado College 1936)
Donald M. McClintock (Colorado College 1922)
Rupert P. McClung (Colorado College 1932)
Jack D. McColl (Colorado College 1953)
Leo E. McCune (Colorado College 1956)
Harold E. McGovern (Colorado College 1949)
Andrew W. McHendrie (Colorado College 1900)
Douglas McHendrie (Colorado College 1927)
Robert S. McIlvaine (Colorado College 1923)
Philip J. McKenna (Colorado College 1951)
Robert B. McLauthlin (Colorado College 1950)
Donald C. McMillan (Colorado College 1922)
Neil T. McMillan (Colorado College 1919)
Harry W. McQuat (Colorado College 1910)
Victor McVey (Colorado College 1940)
Harry W. McWilliams (Colorado College 1942)
John E. McWilliams (Colorado College 1939)
Charles D. Meece (Colorado College 1961)
George D. Meece Jr. (Colorado College 1928)
Robert W. Mellentin (Colorado College 1951)
William F. Mellin (Colorado College 1964)
Abner B. Middleswarth (Colorado College 1907)
Frank W. Middleswarth (Colorado College 1907)
John Mihalick (Colorado College 1934)
George M. Milhoan (Colorado College 1949)
Robert M. Miller (Colorado College 1950)
Hawthorne Q. Mills (Colorado College 1950)
Charles E. Milne (Colorado College 1944)
Howard C. Milne (Colorado College 1958)
James H. Milne (Colorado College 1931)
Samuel S. Minter Jr. (Colorado College 1942)
Fred G. Minuth (Colorado College 1944)
Arthur E. Mitchell (Colorado College 1907)
William R. Mitchell (Colorado College 1951)
John C. Mohler (Colorado College 1942)
Kenneth L. Moore (Colorado College 1944)
John B. Morehead (Colorado College 1938)
Claude P. Morgan (Colorado College 1908)
Earl J. Morgan (Colorado College 1928)
Reuel Morgan (Colorado College 1907)
Newton C. Morris (Colorado College 1909)
Roland Moss (Colorado College 1918)
Charles S. Moyer (Colorado College 1956)
J. R. Muncaster (Colorado College 1915)
Jack G. Murray (Colorado College 1937)
James J. Murray (Colorado College 1938)
Joseph H. Murray (Colorado College 1933)
James D. Naismith (Colorado College 1939)
Robert G. Neill (Colorado College 1944)
Richard A. Nerad (Colorado College 1950)
Chris H. Neuswanger (Colorado College 1918)
Peter C. Neuswanger (Colorado College 1916)
William E. Neuswanger (Colorado College 1913)
Alexander Newsom (Colorado College 1948)
Otho S. Newsom (Colorado College 1940)
Sam Newton (Colorado College 1943)
Frederick D. Nichols (Colorado College 1933)
Frederick W. Nichols (Colorado College 1940)
John H. Nichols (Colorado College 1951)
Kenneth B. Nowels (Colorado College 1917)
Trellyen E. Nowels (Colorado College 1898)
George F. Obren (Colorado College 1950)
John J. O'Hara (Colorado College 1923)
Barratt O'Hara (Colorado College 1932)
Michael J. O'Hara (Colorado College 1919)
Reuben E. Olson (Colorado College 1924)
Don O'Rouke (Colorado College 1941)
Francis D. Osborn (Colorado College 1933)
Henry S. Otto (Colorado College 1951)
Harold R. Packard (Colorado College 1934)
Robert G. Packard (Colorado College 1950)
Sperry S. Packard (Colorado College 1902)
Gabriel E. Pando (Colorado College 1992)
Earl Y. Park (Colorado College 1923)
Charles E. Parker (Colorado College 1910)
Frank A. Parker (Colorado College 1924)
John C. Parker (Colorado College 1954)
Arthur J. Paterson (Colorado College 1953)
John D. Patterson (Colorado College 1935)
William E. Patterson (Colorado College 1924)
John D. Pearson (Colorado College 1954)
George B. Peck (Colorado College 1941)
David W. Peirce (Colorado College 1957)
Joseph G. Perkins (Colorado College 1935)
Mark B. Perkinson (Colorado College 1930)
Dale Peterson (Colorado College 1943)
Harold L. Peterson (Colorado College 1918)
Zebulon M. Pike (Colorado College 1921)
Everett A. Pogue (Colorado College 1923)
Alfred J. Porter (Colorado College 1917)
W. Allen Porter (Colorado College 1957)
George M. Powell (Colorado College 1927)
Lester B. Powell (Colorado College 1924)
Walter D. Predovich (Colorado College 1974)
Henry Preskar (Colorado College 1936)
Robert J. Pringle (Colorado College 1946)
Harold E. Proctor (Colorado College 1928)
J. William Puntenney (Colorado College 1923)
Fred Randolph (Colorado College 1951)
James F. Ransom (Colorado College 1937)
John W. Rawlings (Colorado College 1917)
Robert H. Rawlings (Colorado College 1947)
C. R. Reams (Colorado College 1931)
Samuel A. Redding (Colorado College 1908)
Cecil D. Reed (Colorado College 1917)
Glenn G. Reed (Colorado College 1911)
Josiah F. Reed (Colorado College 1911)
Myrrel R. Reed (Colorado College 1927)
E. G. Reichmuth (Colorado College 1912)
Donald G. Ribble (Colorado College 1952)
Ellsworth R. Richards (Colorado College 1929)
Kenneth R. Richards (Colorado College 1934)
Theodore D. Riggs (Colorado College 1908)
Samuel J. Risk (Colorado College 1957)
Clanton L. Roach (Colorado College 1935)
Frank W. Roberts (Colorado College 1931)
Ivor S. Roberts (Colorado College 1918)
Edward L. Roberts (Colorado College 1940)
Clark S. Robinson (Colorado College 1924)
G. D. Robinson (Colorado College 1915)
George S. Robinson (Colorado College 1945)
Gerald D. Rockafellow (Colorado College 1924)
Jack H. Rorer (Colorado College 1932)
William Rose (Colorado College 1925)
Bryan K. Rosenberger (Colorado College 1989)
Louis G. Rudolph (Colorado College 1916)
Rowe Rudolph (Colorado College 1914)
Donald D. Rumery (Colorado College 1974)
Andrew F. Russell (Colorado College 1980)
Joseph J. Rustin (Colorado College 1937)
Charles L. Rutterford (Colorado College 1933)
Clarence J. Ryan (Colorado College 1928)
Edward P. Ryan (Colorado College 1925)
Francis S. Ryan (Colorado College 1924)
Glenn P. Ryan (Colorado College 1927)
Ben C. Ryder (Colorado College 1940)
Charles T. Ryder (Colorado College 1938)
Russell C. Sabo (Colorado College 1933)
Edward H. Sage (Colorado College 1954)
John G. Sanich (Colorado College 1959)
Keith I. Sarcander (Colorado College 1927)
Charles F. Saunders (Colorado College 1931)
John D. Saviers (Colorado College 1942)
L. R. Scherer (Colorado College 1953)
Henry M. Schmid (Colorado College 1910)
Philip W. Schoelzel (Colorado College 1956)
John G. Schoonover (Colorado College 1926)
Morris A. Schoonover (Colorado College 1928)
Robert H. Schwartz (Colorado College 1942)
Ronald G. Schwartz (Colorado College 1956)
Spencer C. Scribner (Colorado College 1921)
George C. Scruggs (Colorado College 1947)
Robert G. Scudder (Colorado College 1939)
Harry A. Scurr (Colorado College 1944)
W. Merle Sebring (Colorado College 1912)
John C. Sellner (Colorado College 1940)
William L. Sells (Colorado College 1913)
Kenneth E. Sewell (Colorado College 1925)
Mark B. Shaffer (Colorado College 1928)
Arthur G. Sharp (Colorado College 1926)
Donald G. Shaw (Colorado College 1952)
Frank H. Sheldon (Colorado College 1920)
Hugh G. Shepherd (Colorado College 1931)
Jack H. Shepherd (Colorado College 1924)
William B. Sheridan (Colorado College 1939)
Lloyd B. Sherman (Colorado College 1925)
Albert E. Sherry (Colorado College 1911)
Arthur C. Sherry (Colorado College 1912)
Marcus O. Shivers (Colorado College 1937)
E. G. Siemon (Colorado College 1949)
Thomas G. Simmons (Colorado College 1922)
James F. Simon (Colorado College 1928)
Richard D. Simpson (Colorado College 1950)
Frederick W. Simpson (Colorado College 1936)
John O. Simus (Colorado College 1964)
Birt E. Slater (Colorado College 1933)
Charles M. Smeeth (Colorado College 1950)
Berle F. Smith (Colorado College 1941)
Charles G. Smith (Colorado College 1930)
Silmon Smith (Colorado College 1909)
Vincent J. Smith (Colorado College 1942)
John L. Sneed (Colorado College 1970)
Albert E. Sopris (Colorado College 1919)
William P. Southard (Colorado College 1930)
John W. Spalding (Colorado College 1917)
Harry M. Spicer (Colorado College 1927)
Robert L. Spurgeon (Colorado College 1926)
Harold H. Staff (Colorado College 1925)
Elvis S. Starbuck (Colorado College 1932)
Merrell L. Starbuck (Colorado College 1932)
David A. Steinzig (Colorado College 1988)
Robert H. Stephens (Colorado College 1959)
Ben H. Stewart (Colorado College 1910)
John W. Stewart (Colorado College 1960)
Orrie W. Stewart (Colorado College 1906)
Ben H. Stewart (Colorado College 1943)
Bert Stiles (Colorado College 1942)
Bert W. Stiles (Colorado College 1909)
Harold C. Stillman (Colorado College 1938)
Calden P. Stitt (Colorado College 1949)
Herbert K. Stockdale (Colorado College 1927)
Robert A. Stockdale (Colorado College 1944)
Henry C. Stockton (Colorado College 1936)
Charles A. Stoddard (Colorado College 1950)
Joseph E. Stoddard (Colorado College 1952)
William R. Strachan (Colorado College 1922)
Frank E. Strain (Colorado College 1917)
Charles F. Street (Colorado College 1926)
Richard J. Street (Colorado College 1929)
Maurice G. Stubbs (Colorado College 1917)
John F. Sullivan (Colorado College 1949)
Philip M. Sullivan (Colorado College 1952)
Douglas L. Swail (Colorado College 1955)
Robert C. Tallmadge (Colorado College 1942)
John M. Tallman (Colorado College 1926)
Clarence J. Taylor (Colorado College 1922)
John F. Taylor (Colorado College 1948)
Theron J. Taylor (Colorado College 1916)
George W. Teller (Colorado College 1940)
Elmer A. Terrill (Colorado College 1912)
Christopher A. Thomas (Colorado College 1981)
Harold H. Thomas (Colorado College 1919)
Alexander R. Thompson (Colorado College 1940)
Edmund C. Thompson (Colorado College 1912)
Newton A. Thompson (Colorado College 1939)
Thomas S. Thompson (Colorado College 1919)
William C. Thompson (Colorado College 1965)
Brian K. Thomson (Colorado College 1985)
Horace B. Todd (Colorado College 1929)
Lawrence S. Tohill (Colorado College 1918)
Frank M. Truby (Colorado College 1930)
Hayse Tucker (Colorado College 1918)
Merrill H. Turner (Colorado College 1916)
George A. Tyler (Colorado College 1908)
Donald L. Ullman (Colorado College 1961)
Douglas C. Van Metre (Colorado College 1950)
John R. Vandenberg (Colorado College 1929)
Don A. Vanderhoof (Colorado College 1924)
Richard C. Vanderhoof (Colorado College 1931)
William F. Vandyke (Colorado College 1930)
Richard R. VanEpps (Colorado College 1959)
Joseph W. Vankirk (Colorado College 1949)
James B. Vaughan (Colorado College 1940)
Dalton P. Verry (Colorado College 1938)
James R. Wagoner (Colorado College 1946)
Claude A. Waldo (Colorado College 1923)
Roy W. Walholm (Colorado College 1922)
J. C. Walker (Colorado College 1969)
Victor B. Wallin (Colorado College 1920)
Robert B. Waltermire (Colorado College 1920)
James F. Warden (Colorado College 1965)
Daniel E. Warner (Colorado College 1927)
Ernest E. Waters (Colorado College 1932)
Harry J. Waters (Colorado College 1948)
Richard H. Waters (Colorado College 1959)
David Watson (Colorado College 1952)
Harley A. Watson (Colorado College 1914)
Harold Weidman (Colorado College 1933)
Jeffrey J. Weill (Colorado College 1985)
Melvin S. Weimer (Colorado College 1926)
Melvin W. Weimer (Colorado College 1952)
David M. Welch (Colorado College 1965)
Karl F. Weller (Colorado College 1914)
Alfred E. Werner (Colorado College 1940)
Paul S. West (Colorado College 1908)
James A. Westlund (Colorado College 1950)
Robert R. Whetsel (Colorado College 1945)
Travis S. Whitsel (Colorado College 1949)
Chester K. Whittaker (Colorado College 1912)
Richard E. Wiegandt (Colorado College 1959)
Donald J. Will (Colorado College 1916)
Frederick E. Willett (Colorado College 1905)
Charles C. Williams (Colorado College 1951)
Donald F. Williams (Colorado College 1918)
Judson T. Williams (Colorado College 1915)
Willet R. Willis (Colorado College 1906)
Willett R. Willis (Colorado College 1936)
James J. Wilson (Colorado College 1910)
Wallace E. Wilson (Colorado College 1949)
Bruce S. Winder (Colorado College 1976)
David R. Winternitz (Colorado College 1944)
George P. Winters (Colorado College 1942)
Franz Wise (Colorado College 1943)
William K. Wolfe (Colorado College 1938)
Oliver E. Wood (Colorado College 1997)
William H. Woodson (Colorado College 1945)
Robert V. Work (Colorado College 1920)
Walter C. Wrye (Colorado College 1935)
Albert S. Yates (Colorado College 1923)
Thomas K. Edwards (Colorado School of Mines 1996)
Glen A. Graham (Colorado School of Mines 1990)
Guy R. Griffith (Colorado School of Mines 1990)
Gilbert T. Iness (Colorado School of Mines 1991)
Russell Q. Miller (Colorado School of Mines 1997)
Geoffrey D. Slade (Colorado School of Mines 2006)
Robert E. Ade (Colorado State University 1972)
Lance G. Bethel (Colorado State University 1982)
Thomas G. Brenton (Colorado State University 1973)
Douglas A. Campbell (Colorado State University 1980)
Charles E. Compere (Colorado State University 1976)
Timothy E. Dake (Colorado State University 1969)
Leif O. Hansen (Colorado State University 1987)
Anthony A. Happel (Colorado State University 1985)
Ernest C. Hundahl (Colorado State University 1970)
Todd A. Johnson (Colorado State University 1992)
Dean W. Justus (Colorado State University 1975)
Herbert R. Laird (Colorado State University 1978)
Arthur F. McKinlay (Colorado State University 1992)
Anthony J. Nadasdy (Colorado State University 1973)
Douglas C. Rummell (Colorado State University 1973)
Bradbury B. Smith (Colorado State University 1974)
Richard G. Whittiker (Colorado State University 1976)
Gregory G. Woodman (Colorado State University 1982)
Charles R. Acker (Columbia University 1934)
William C. Adams (Columbia University 1884)
Arthur D. Alexander (Columbia University 1909)
Howard R. Alexander (Columbia University 1912)
Nelson N. Alexander (Columbia University 1919)
Robert J. Alexander (Columbia University 1940)
Thomas M. Alexander (Columbia University 1908)
Alphonse H. Alker (Columbia University 1873)
Thomas E. Allen (Columbia University 1942)
Robert E. Allison (Columbia University 1955)
Charles A. Anderson (Columbia University 1925)
Hampton Anderson (Columbia University 1912)
George R. Andrews (Columbia University 1914)
Robert F. Archibold (Columbia University 1920)
Roone P. Arledge (Columbia University 1952)
David W. Armstrong (Columbia University 1896)
A. G. Arns (Columbia University 1941)
James N. Atkinson (Columbia University 1903)
Walter E. Atkinson (Columbia University 1914)
Frederic J. Attwood (Columbia University 1904)
Gerald A. Audette (Columbia University 1952)
James L. Austin (Columbia University 1956)
Frederick M. Avery (Columbia University 1935)
William G. Baird (Columbia University 1920)
Edison H. Baker (Columbia University 1920)
Lloyd Baker (Columbia University 1898)
Edward P. Baker Jr. (Columbia University 1951)
James N. Ballantine (Columbia University 1886)
Robert M. Bandy (Columbia University 1933)
Hardy M. Banks (Columbia University 1889)
Frank V. Baracca (Columbia University 1965)
David J. Barbour (Columbia University 1935)
Henry N. Barker (Columbia University 1920)
Jefferson K. Barnekov (Columbia University 1909)
Edgar G. Barratt (Columbia University 1884)
H. J. Barrett (Columbia University 1923)
Isaac B. Barrett (Columbia University 1870)
Raul R. Barrios (Columbia University 1918)
Manuel J. Barrios (Columbia University 1920)
David E. Barton (Columbia University 1948)
E. E. Battelle (Columbia University 1926)
Wesley W. Battelle (Columbia University 1929)
John F. Bauchelle (Columbia University 1903)
Theodore Baumeister (Columbia University 1922)
Edwin A. Bayles (Columbia University 1896)
Harry P. Beach (Columbia University 1891)
Robert T. Beach (Columbia University 1934)
Walter S. Beadles (Columbia University 1892)
Louis Becker (Columbia University 1899)
John P. Beecher (Columbia University 1887)
John H. Beeman (Columbia University 1939)
Andrew E. Beer (Columbia University 1920)
Cole Y. Bender (Columbia University 1948)
Lewis Benedict (Columbia University 1894)
Russell S. Benedict (Columbia University 1922)
Frank E. Benjamin (Columbia University 1904)
Benjamin F. Bennett (Columbia University 1909)
Ralph C. Bennett (Columbia University 1908)
Leon J. Benoit (Columbia University 1891)
Alfred F. Benziger (Columbia University 1920)
Charles H. Bergen (Columbia University 1892)
John W. Bergen (Columbia University 1931)
Allan Berne-Allen (Columbia University 1933)
George Berry (Columbia University 1888)
Gerald Berry (Columbia University 1889)
John J. Berta (Columbia University 1945)
Howard H. Bess (Columbia University 1946)
Adolph Bierck Jr. (Columbia University 1886)
Harvey S. Bierenbaum (Columbia University 1965)
Lemuel C. Biglow (Columbia University 1903)
Paul F. Bikle (Columbia University 1913)
Junius B. Bird (Columbia University 1930)
Kenneth R. Birdsall (Columbia University 1951)
Robert W. Bissell (Columbia University 1913)
William W. Blaisdell (Columbia University 1930)
William D. Blake (Columbia University 1961)
John H. Blass (Columbia University 1940)
Charles E. Blydenburgh (Columbia University 1878)
Gilbert F. Boeker (Columbia University 1925)
John H. Bogle (Columbia University 1928)
Norbert A. Bohn (Columbia University 1940)
George G. Bohrer (Columbia University 1931)
Ralph R. Bohrer (Columbia University 1935)
Daniel Boone (Columbia University 1933)
Willard Botsford (Columbia University 1920)
Dean G. Bouton (Columbia University 1917)
Roscoe E. Bowes (Columbia University 1915)
Edward C. Boyce (Columbia University 1918)
Joseph W. Boyle (Columbia University 1913)
John W. Bratton (Columbia University 1922)
Theodore R. Breunich (Columbia University 1939)
Henry I. Brigham (Columbia University 1922)
Horace I. Brightman (Columbia University 1892)
Henry B. Britton (Columbia University 1901)
George L. Brodhead (Columbia University 1891)
Barnard S. Bronson (Columbia University 1908)
Robert B. Brooks (Columbia University 1929)
Benjamin W. Brown (Columbia University 1892)
Harvey A. Brownell (Columbia University 1944)
John H. B. Browning (Columbia University 1880)
Joseph A. Bryan (Columbia University 1917)
Victor B. Buck (Columbia University 1898)
Jeremiah D. Buckley (Columbia University 1948)
William W. Buckley (Columbia University 1887)
Alfred E. Budell (Columbia University 1904)
Joseph W. Burgess (Columbia University 1956)
William E. Burgess (Columbia University 1923)
George C. Burghardt (Columbia University 1931)
Robert N. Butler (Columbia University 1949)
Michael V. Byrnes (Columbia University 1947)
Hamilton Cady (Columbia University 1885)
Linus B. Cady (Columbia University 1877)
Wm H. Camp (Columbia University 1893)
Alonzo R. Campbell (Columbia University 1898)
William Campbell (Columbia University 1912)
P. F. Canavan (Columbia University 1916)
George W. Carr (Columbia University 1874)
Charles A. Carroll (Columbia University 1913)
Joseph T. Carty (Columbia University 1943)
James C. Cassidy (Columbia University 1913)
Paul V. Cassidy (Columbia University 1915)
William H. Chamberlain (Columbia University 1922)
James A. Charnley (Columbia University 1949)
K. P. Chase (Columbia University 1947)
Lorenzo R. Chiodi (Columbia University 1956)
James R. Chisolm (Columbia University 1894)
Thomas L. Chrystie (Columbia University 1892)
Thomas W. Chrystie (Columbia University 1924)
Wm H. Clark (Columbia University 1871)
Joseph T. Clarke (Columbia University 1884)
Walter R. Clayton (Columbia University 1896)
Eugene H. Cleary (Columbia University 1918)
Charles A. Clinton (Columbia University 1887)
John V. Cockrell (Columbia University 1934)
William J. Cogan (Columbia University 1915)
Allan Coggeshall (Columbia University 1903)
Edward F. Cole (Columbia University 1886)
Walter F. Cole (Columbia University 1904)
Henry B. Collin (Columbia University 1940)
John A. Collins (Columbia University 1919)
Walter Collins (Columbia University 1893)
Claude N. Comstock (Columbia University 1888)
Frederick H. Comstock (Columbia University 1874)
Thomas W. Conant (Columbia University 1917)
James E. Connor (Columbia University 1961)
William H. Conover (Columbia University 1871)
William E. Conroy (Columbia University 1875)
Donald A. Cook (Columbia University 1922)
Halsey M. Cook (Columbia University 1949)
Henry J. Cooper (Columbia University 1949)
Irving E. Cooper (Columbia University 1923)
Paul L. Corio (Columbia University 1953)
Arthur W. Corse (Columbia University 1900)
Donald K. Corwin (Columbia University 1945)
Brent W. Couchman (Columbia University 1937)
John C. Couzens (Columbia University 1902)
Andrew W. Crawford (Columbia University 1897)
Aaron L. Cricher (Columbia University 1922)
Norman B. Crooker (Columbia University 1919)
William C. Crosby (Columbia University 1907)
Frederick K. Cross (Columbia University 1952)
Allen B. Crow (Columbia University 1913)
Donald O. Crutchley (Columbia University 1949)
Byron R. Cummings (Columbia University 1917)
Atherton Curtis (Columbia University 1887)
Leslie L. Curtis (Columbia University 1920)
Donald L. Curtiss (Columbia University 1929)
Edward I. Curtiss (Columbia University 1960)
Robert S. Curtiss (Columbia University 1927)
Chester W. Cuthell (Columbia University 1905)
Benedict P. Cutrone (Columbia University 1948)
Theodore Dahl (Columbia University 1949)
Edward P. Daly (Columbia University 1927)
James F. Dana (Columbia University 1961)
William A. Daniel (Columbia University 1935)
Clarence W. Daniels (Columbia University 1910)
Harvey Danielson (Columbia University 1961)
Fred M. Davenport (Columbia University 1936)
John W. Davis (Columbia University 1877)
William R. Davis (Columbia University 1951)
Robert G. Dean (Columbia University 1948)
Frank L. Debeukelaer (Columbia University 1910)
Joseph L. Decillis (Columbia University 1944)
Edward M. Decker (Columbia University 1888)
Jas V. Demarest (Columbia University 1894)
William G. Demarest (Columbia University 1904)
John B. Demille (Columbia University 1922)
Walter Demorest (Columbia University 1875)
John E. Demund (Columbia University 1887)
John A. Denniston (Columbia University 1867)
Chas A. Deshon (Columbia University 1878)
Benjamin F. Devoe (Columbia University 1881)
Edgar A. Deyoe (Columbia University 1903)
William H. Dickie (Columbia University 1948)
Norman M. Dingman (Columbia University 1913)
William B. Dinsmoor (Columbia University 1945)
Roger Dissell (Columbia University 1945)
Alexis B. Dmitrieff (Columbia University 1949)
George H. Doane (Columbia University 1921)
David L. Dodd (Columbia University 1921)
Walter A. Dodsworth (Columbia University 1888)
Edward J. Donovan (Columbia University 1951)
Walter J. Donovan (Columbia University 1909)
Kenneth Z. Dorland (Columbia University 1934)
Charles Doscher (Columbia University 1892)
George C. Dowdall (Columbia University 1918)
James W. Downs (Columbia University 1941)
Edward R. Doyle (Columbia University 1916)
Ralph H. Dreyer (Columbia University 1929)
Alan C. Dunn (Columbia University 1922)
Guyon L. Earle (Columbia University 1908)
William P. Earle (Columbia University 1904)
Langdon C. Easton (Columbia University 1884)
Warren F. Eberhart (Columbia University 1941)
Robert W. Ebling (Columbia University 1906)
Carlos J. Echavarria (Columbia University 1924)
Richard M. Edwards (Columbia University 1886)
Charles N. Edwards (Columbia University 1937)
Herman A. Ehrmann (Columbia University 1886)
Harold J. Elsworth (Columbia University 1904)
Benjamin I. Emerick (Columbia University 1915)
William C. Emerick (Columbia University 1923)
Gerald B. Emerson (Columbia University 1923)
Robert F. Empie (Columbia University 1952)
Russell L. Equi (Columbia University 1966)
Robert Ernst (Columbia University 1936)
John K. Erskine (Columbia University 1892)
Clarence M. Eubanks (Columbia University 1912)
Joshua L. Evans (Columbia University 1932)
George R. Ewing (Columbia University 1905)
Charles P. Fagnani (Columbia University 1875)
J. G. Fandino (Columbia University 1958)
Francis L. Farrell (Columbia University 1927)
Fred W. Farwell (Columbia University 1931)
Thomas E. Federowicz (Columbia University 1952)
William T. Ferris (Columbia University 1937)
Arthur V. Field (Columbia University 1884)
Otis W. Field (Columbia University 1873)
John H. Fields (Columbia University 1940)
Harold L. Flint (Columbia University 1914)
Lewis P. Fluhrer (Columbia University 1905)
Minton Fluhrer (Columbia University 1907)
George B. Forbes (Columbia University 1932)
Frederic C. Ford (Columbia University 1906)
Andrew J. Foster Jr. (Columbia University 1924)
Albert C. Fowler (Columbia University 1889)
Albert L. France (Columbia University 1904)
Ewing H. France (Columbia University 1922)
Alexander J. Fraser (Columbia University 1904)
John W. French (Columbia University 1885)
Robert L. Friedheim (Columbia University 1955)
George H. Fritz (Columbia University 1944)
Halstead H. Frost (Columbia University 1883)
Karl H. Fruechte (Columbia University 1938)
John R. Fuchs (Columbia University 1968)
John H. Fulle (Columbia University 1897)
Herbert L. Fuller (Columbia University 1905)
Seymour K. Fuller (Columbia University 1897)
Harold M. Gaines (Columbia University 1921)
Nelson Galbraith (Columbia University 1923)
Hugh H. Gardner (Columbia University 1929)
Thomas F. Gardner (Columbia University 1928)
Sheridan Garratt (Columbia University 1930)
Brandon A. Gearhart (Columbia University 1921)
Frank J. Geoly (Columbia University 1935)
John H. Gettell (Columbia University 1922)
Thomas P. Gibbons (Columbia University 1923)
George A. Giesemann (Columbia University 1932)
George H. Gilman (Columbia University 1887)
Robert P. Giloth (Columbia University 1946)
Charles M. Gilpin (Columbia University 1897)
Robert W. Gitzen (Columbia University 1934)
Joseph H. Gleason (Columbia University 1925)
Henry L. Glenn (Columbia University 1922)
Herbert Godwin (Columbia University 1902)
Philander H. Godwin (Columbia University 1899)
Victor Godwin (Columbia University 1904)
Byron B. Goldsmith (Columbia University 1887)
Robert F. Good (Columbia University 1954)
Ralph T. Goodwin (Columbia University 1921)
James D. Gordon (Columbia University 1967)
William Gordon (Columbia University 1886)
John K. Gore (Columbia University 1883)
Willis C. Gorthy (Columbia University 1956)
William S. Gould (Columbia University 1927)
Robert W. Graf (Columbia University 1948)
Harold L. Grafer (Columbia University 1931)
Appleton Grannis (Columbia University 1893)
Harry A. Grant (Columbia University 1904)
Carlyle Gray (Columbia University 1943)
James H. Gray (Columbia University 1919)
F. C. Greene (Columbia University 1945)
Phillip L. Greene (Columbia University 1903)
George Greer (Columbia University 1896)
Walter R. Griffith (Columbia University 1884)
Richard D. Gristede (Columbia University 1949)
Dixon B. Griswold (Columbia University 1924)
Robert C. Grover (Columbia University 1945)
John H. Guilshan (Columbia University 1918)
Peter J. Guthorn (Columbia University 1938)
William K. Haas (Columbia University 1946)
Henry A. Hafner (Columbia University 1936)
Robert J. Haggstrom (Columbia University 1941)
Harold W. Haldeman (Columbia University 1913)
Chester G. Hall (Columbia University 1940)
Edwin V. Halpern (Columbia University 1950)
Stephen H. Hammond (Columbia University 1923)
William H. Hanford (Columbia University 1893)
Walter G. Hanlon (Columbia University 1920)
Edward B. Hanrahan (Columbia University 1955)
Albert Hansen (Columbia University 1897)
Theodore Hansen (Columbia University 1892)
Erik I. Hanson (Columbia University 1965)
William T. Hardaker (Columbia University 1940)
Ambrose Hardenbergh Jr. (Columbia University 1902)
William H. Harding Jr. (Columbia University 1900)
Samuel A. Harpending (Columbia University 1901)
Philip S. Harper (Columbia University 1916)
Reed Harris (Columbia University 1932)
Thomas R. Harris (Columbia University 1927)
Alfred W. Harrison (Columbia University 1899)
Christopher Harrison (Columbia University 1918)
Elias B. Hart (Columbia University 1886)
Griffith Hartwell (Columbia University 1944)
James R. Haslem (Columbia University 1980)
John W. Haslett (Columbia University 1933)
Burton D. Hatch (Columbia University 1936)
James A. Hathaway (Columbia University 1878)
John J. Hawkins (Columbia University 1927)
Rhys W. Hays (Columbia University 1946)
Aaron C. Hazen (Columbia University 1892)
William L. Hazen (Columbia University 1883)
Walter P. Heald (Columbia University 1931)
Harold H. Healy (Columbia University 1913)
Benjamin F. Hearn (Columbia University 1925)
John V. Hecker (Columbia University 1869)
Robert C. Henderson (Columbia University 1900)
John P. Henry (Columbia University 1914)
Joseph H. Hewetson (Columbia University 1913)
Christian B. Hewitt (Columbia University 1931)
Charles R. Hexamer (Columbia University 1886)
Charles E. Heydt (Columbia University 1900)
Henry B. Heylman (Columbia University 1897)
Otto P. Heyn (Columbia University 1915)
Benjamin H. Heynen (Columbia University 1935)
Fritz C. Heynen (Columbia University 1935)
Louis W. H. Heynen (Columbia University 1924)
Thomas E. Hickey (Columbia University 1916)
Edgar J. Hildebrand (Columbia University 1921)
Thomas A. Hines (Columbia University 1917)
Walter Hitchcock (Columbia University 1883)
Charles D. Hobart (Columbia University 1894)
Frederick G. Hobbs (Columbia University 1892)
Henry E. Hochette (Columbia University 1917)
Herbert M. Hoddinott (Columbia University 1950)
Lemuel V. Holder (Columbia University 1897)
Henry S. Holland (Columbia University 1902)
Henry S. Holland (Columbia University 1931)
Fred W. Hollman (Columbia University 1905)
John F. Holzinger (Columbia University 1931)
Robert G. Honsberger (Columbia University 1921)
George P. Hotaling (Columbia University 1878)
John H. Houghton (Columbia University 1870)
Elliott C. House (Columbia University 1907)
Walter Howe (Columbia University 1870)
Raymond W. Howell (Columbia University 1922)
Robert M. Howell (Columbia University 1921)
Scott C. Hoyt (Columbia University 1967)
Ernest V. Hubbard (Columbia University 1894)
Frederick C. Hulbert (Columbia University 1921)
Washington Hull (Columbia University 1887)
Washington Hull Jr. (Columbia University 1914)
Rodney W. Hume (Columbia University 1922)
Harold R. Hunkins (Columbia University 1929)
Charles P. Hurd (Columbia University 1941)
Marcus L. Hurley (Columbia University 1908)
John H. Huss (Columbia University 1938)
Leon H. Huston (Columbia University 1945)
Alfred W. Ireland (Columbia University 1897)
Ward A. Irvine (Columbia University 1919)
Anthony T. Iveli Jr. (Columbia University 1942)
Richard G. Jackson (Columbia University 1943)
Lloyd P. Jaeger (Columbia University 1922)
Elisha H. Janes (Columbia University 1895)
Arling H. Johnson (Columbia University 1943)
Elmer S. Johnson (Columbia University 1924)
Harrison H. Johnson (Columbia University 1930)
James A. Johnson (Columbia University 1892)
Ogden Johnson (Columbia University 1922)
William M. Johnson (Columbia University 1946)
Murray L. Jones (Columbia University 1934)
Garrett Jupp (Columbia University 1951)
Stephen D. Karl (Columbia University 1941)
Frank Keck (Columbia University 1875)
Leon B. Keller (Columbia University 1945)
Kenneth E. Kellog (Columbia University 1898)
James Y. Kellogg (Columbia University 1905)
Aquin S. Kelly (Columbia University 1900)
Peter J. Kelly (Columbia University 1878)
Daniel E. Kennedy (Columbia University 1917)
Rockwell Kent (Columbia University 1904)
Malcolm E. Kersteen (Columbia University 1937)
Conrad S. Keyes (Columbia University 1895)
Alfred K. Kiefer (Columbia University 1873)
Kenneth A. Kilbourne (Columbia University 1916)
Maulsby Kimball (Columbia University 1895)
Thomas A. Kimmons (Columbia University 1949)
Francis P. King (Columbia University 1953)
Frank King (Columbia University 1916)
Harold F. King (Columbia University 1906)
Richard E. Kinsman (Columbia University 1910)
Robert K. Kinzel (Columbia University 1927)
Otto Kinzel (Columbia University 1932)
Stuart H. Kirkland (Columbia University 1938)
Charles R. Kluth (Columbia University 1947)
Lawrence Kneeland (Columbia University 1881)
John P. Knox (Columbia University 1942)
William Kohrs (Columbia University 1903)
Robert F. Koop (Columbia University 1927)
William K. Kraft (Columbia University 1936)
Victor L. Kreig (Columbia University 1908)
Herman E. Kreuder (Columbia University 1904)
William R. Krueger (Columbia University 1940)
Charles M. Kurtz (Columbia University 1876)
Hewlett F. Ladd (Columbia University 1938)
Richard W. Lahey (Columbia University 1918)
George R. Lamade (Columbia University 1916)
George R. Larie (Columbia University 1949)
Fritz H. Larson (Columbia University 1948)
William Latimer (Columbia University 1873)
John J. Lawrence (Columbia University 1906)
Ralph T. Laycock (Columbia University 1931)
John D. Leahy (Columbia University 1951)
Howard B. Leathe (Columbia University 1951)
Lewin B. LeDuc (Columbia University 1910)
Frank L. Lee (Columbia University 1950)
Hampton Lee (Columbia University 1906)
Joseph D. Lee (Columbia University 1904)
Theodore R. Lee (Columbia University 1927)
Arthur L. Lesher (Columbia University 1916)
Alexander G. Lesley (Columbia University 1896)
Robert L. Leslie Jr. (Columbia University 1915)
William M. Lightbowne (Columbia University 1929)
Laurence A. Lindsley (Columbia University 1922)
Robert S. Lippoth (Columbia University 1933)
Robert H. Loekle (Columbia University 1948)
Richard T. Long (Columbia University 1972)
Daniel Longwell (Columbia University 1922)
Hart S. Loomis (Columbia University 1931)
William K. Lowrey (Columbia University 1882)
Frank Ludlam (Columbia University 1895)
William K. Ludlam (Columbia University 1901)
Merwin E. Lyle (Columbia University 1905)
Palmer H. Lyon (Columbia University 1898)
Arthur C. Lyons (Columbia University 1908)
Ernest T. Lyons (Columbia University 1932)
Edmund Maccafil (Columbia University 1872)
Ira J. Mack (Columbia University 1932)
Frank J. MacKain (Columbia University 1949)
Alexander Mackenzie (Columbia University 1905)
Edward H. Mackenzie (Columbia University 1911)
George M. Mackenzie (Columbia University 1908)
Richard Mackenzie (Columbia University 1912)
James C. Mackenzie Jr. (Columbia University 1909)
Ira P. Macnair (Columbia University 1915)
Richard A. Madden (Columbia University 1929)
William J. Madden (Columbia University 1928)
John D. Mairs (Columbia University 1894)
Henry C. Malon (Columbia University 1954)
Unknown Maloney (Columbia University 1919)
John J. Mangan (Columbia University 1909)
L. R. Mannheim (Columbia University 1928)
Pompeo M. Maresi (Columbia University 1913)
Ernest Marquardt (Columbia University 1912)
Frank Marti (Columbia University 1954)
George M. Martin (Columbia University 1892)
Sanford B. Martin (Columbia University 1893)
Henry H. Marvin (Columbia University 1886)
Carl S. Mason (Columbia University 1887)
Frederick L. Masury (Columbia University 1897)
R. S. Maurer (Columbia University 1938)
Martin M. Maze (Columbia University 1914)
Thomas McAdam Jr. (Columbia University 1885)
W. M. McBrian (Columbia University 1931)
Wilkes McClave (Columbia University 1895)
Richard R. McCormack (Columbia University 1937)
Peter J. McCoy (Columbia University 1908)
Robt G. McCrea (Columbia University 1896)
Eugene P. McCrorken (Columbia University 1910)
Alexander K. McCullagh (Columbia University 1891)
Alexander J. McDonnell (Columbia University 1905)
John E. McInerney (Columbia University 1919)
Virgil V. McKenna (Columbia University 1917)
John A. McKenna (Columbia University 1915)
George G. McLochlin (Columbia University 1910)
James B. McLoughlin (Columbia University 1907)
Edward M. McNally (Columbia University 1918)
Norman V. Meany (Columbia University 1920)
Daniel L. Meenan (Columbia University 1914)
Eugene Merz (Columbia University 1892)
Walter P. Michels (Columbia University 1931)
C. E. Miller (Columbia University 1924)
David S. Miller (Columbia University 1937)
Frederick Miller (Columbia University 1911)
George E. Miller (Columbia University 1944)
William T. Miller (Columbia University 1907)
George A. Miller (Columbia University 1901)
Frank D. Milner (Columbia University 1936)
Frank M. Minninger (Columbia University 1925)
Scott E. Minrath (Columbia University 1919)
George H. Mitchell (Columbia University 1902)
H. B. Mitchell (Columbia University 1902)
Mac N. Mitchell (Columbia University 1929)
William J. Mitchell (Columbia University 1905)
William E. Mittendorf (Columbia University 1898)
Ambrose Monell (Columbia University 1896)
Meredith Montague (Columbia University 1949)
James H. Montgomery (Columbia University 1881)
Harley G. Moorhead (Columbia University 1902)
Arthur S. Moran (Columbia University 1917)
Edward L. Moran (Columbia University 1948)
John A. Moran (Columbia University 1948)
Samuel Moran (Columbia University 1870)
Edward J. Mordaunt (Columbia University 1912)
Ralph Morgan (Columbia University 1904)
Kenneth A. Morris (Columbia University 1919)
Erskine V. Morse (Columbia University 1943)
William K. Moss (Columbia University 1933)
Earl Mosser (Columbia University 1926)
Louis H. Mouquin (Columbia University 1915)
Charles G. Mourraille (Columbia University 1895)
Everett B. Muh (Columbia University 1932)
George H. Muller (Columbia University 1926)
Richard T. Muller (Columbia University 1915)
John M. Mullins (Columbia University 1941)
George D. Mumford (Columbia University 1889)
Henry H. Munsell (Columbia University 1871)
Edmund E. Murphy (Columbia University 1888)
Norman B. Murphy (Columbia University 1934)
William M. Nead (Columbia University 1922)
Winfield S. Neal (Columbia University 1968)
Henry G. Neale (Columbia University 1886)
Frank W. Neary (Columbia University 1905)
Henry K. Nevers (Columbia University 1871)
Louis H. Newkirk (Columbia University 1895)
Harry S. Newman (Columbia University 1919)
Nathan Newman (Columbia University 1986)
Harald Nomland (Columbia University 1919)
Kemper Nomland (Columbia University 1916)
John H. Norton (Columbia University 1950)
Francis J. Oakes (Columbia University 1893)
Victor P. Obninsky (Columbia University 1966)
Gerald R. O'Brien (Columbia University 1946)
Hammond Odell (Columbia University 1889)
Robert R. Oloughlin (Columbia University 1918)
Gerald S. O'Loughlin (Columbia University 1903)
Roger A. Olson (Columbia University 1951)
J. W. Olstad (Columbia University 1930)
Samuel C. M. Orpen (Columbia University 1873)
George F. Orthey (Columbia University 1915)
Howard Osterhout (Columbia University 1910)
Lucian Oudin (Columbia University 1876)
Karle S. Packard (Columbia University 1943)
Willis L. Parker (Columbia University 1926)
Edward T. Paul (Columbia University 1894)
George A. Peck (Columbia University 1891)
George A. Peirce (Columbia University 1923)
George O. Pelgram (Columbia University 1900)
Edward B. Perkins (Columbia University 1915)
Raymond L. Perkins (Columbia University 1917)
Thomas S. Perkins (Columbia University 1888)
Philip B. Philipp (Columbia University 1903)
Robert B. Philp (Columbia University 1953)
Harry N. Pierce (Columbia University 1885)
James L. Pinckney (Columbia University 1935)
Stephen C. Pinckney (Columbia University 1891)
Donald E. Platt (Columbia University 1951)
Sylvanus B. Pond (Columbia University 1879)
Harwood R. Pool (Columbia University 1883)
Peter A. Poole (Columbia University 1956)
Abram S. Post (Columbia University 1884)
Douglas C. Poudrier (Columbia University 1949)
Elmer F. Powell (Columbia University 1918)
Ralph E. Powell (Columbia University 1910)
Keith E. Powlison (Columbia University 1922)
Judson E. Pratt (Columbia University 1939)
Thomas H. Prendergast (Columbia University 1918)
George H. Pretat (Columbia University 1946)
Anderson Price (Columbia University 1872)
Wm H. Pritchard (Columbia University 1905)
Chas C. Protheroe (Columbia University 1879)
Glover P. Prout (Columbia University 1902)
Claus C. H. Prox (Columbia University 1912)
Thomas Pyle (Columbia University 1963)
Walter F. Pyne (Columbia University 1912)
Warner C. Pyne (Columbia University 1912)
Evan V. Quinn Jr. (Columbia University 1939)
James H. Quinn (Columbia University 1904)
Rudolph J. Quirini (Columbia University 1963)
Robert T. Quittmeyer (Columbia University 1941)
Charles E. Rayens (Columbia University 1914)
George E. Raymond (Columbia University 1946)
Joseph M. Rector (Columbia University 1890)
Joseph M. Rector (Columbia University 1929)
Rolon W. Reed (Columbia University 1953)
Charles C. Reid (Columbia University 1910)
John F. Reidy (Columbia University 1910)
Harold A. Reilly (Columbia University 1928)
Frederick A. Renard (Columbia University 1916)
John W. Rhinehart (Columbia University 1952)
William H. Richardson (Columbia University 1932)
John Y. Riedel (Columbia University 1933)
Edward S. Rimer (Columbia University 1949)
John O. Rinek (Columbia University 1913)
Albert Roberts (Columbia University 1901)
Henry A. Robinson (Columbia University 1912)
Edward J. Roche (Columbia University 1927)
Herbert W. Rogers (Columbia University 1915)
John K. Roll (Columbia University 1900)
Walter G. Rollins (Columbia University 1923)
Benjamin F. Romaine (Columbia University 1871)
Benjamin P. Roosa (Columbia University 1953)
J. G. Rosecrantz (Columbia University 1871)
Donald D. Ross (Columbia University 1932)
William P. Roy (Columbia University 1964)
Frank S. Royster (Columbia University 1912)
Frederick L. Rupp (Columbia University 1905)
George E. Ruppert (Columbia University 1897)
Hubert Ryan (Columbia University 1937)
John J. Ryan (Columbia University 1909)
John A. Ryerson (Columbia University 1885)
Richard A. Salberta (Columbia University 1954)
James H. Salmon (Columbia University 1887)
Malcolm B. Sargent (Columbia University 1964)
William A. Schaffer (Columbia University 1956)
Theodore J. Scharf (Columbia University 1955)
Richard A. Schlenker (Columbia University 1955)
George W. Schlichten Jr. (Columbia University 1911)
Philip Schlosser (Columbia University 1902)
Samuel F. Schrader (Columbia University 1945)
George A. Schroter (Columbia University 1893)
Herbert A. Schulte (Columbia University 1917)
Harold S. Schultz (Columbia University 1909)
Louis C. Schultz (Columbia University 1911)
George T. Schulz (Columbia University 1950)
Louis F. Schwartz (Columbia University 1911)
Vernon A. Schweitzer (Columbia University 1925)
Walter L. Scott (Columbia University 1946)
William D. Seaton (Columbia University 1923)
Edward A. Selfridge (Columbia University 1897)
John W. Semmel (Columbia University 1947)
Walden D. Setzfand (Columbia University 1949)
John A. Shanley (Columbia University 1915)
Vinod Sharan (Columbia University 1992)
Philip J. Shea (Columbia University 1952)
John H. Shepherd (Columbia University 1874)
Frank N. Sheppard (Columbia University 1869)
Henry A. Sherman (Columbia University 1925)
William B. Sherman (Columbia University 1927)
Henry E. Shields (Columbia University 1919)
Abner H. Shoup (Columbia University 1902)
Walter C. Shoup (Columbia University 1896)
Robert J. Sica (Columbia University 1943)
Robert Sickels (Columbia University 1918)
Ivin Sickels (Columbia University 1918)
Harold J. Sihto (Columbia University 1933)
Frederick C. Simons (Columbia University 1901)
John K. Simpkins (Columbia University 1926)
Bruce M. Simpson (Columbia University 1946)
David M. Simpson (Columbia University 1933)
Ronald S. Simpson (Columbia University 1937)
Thor R. Sirch (Columbia University 1923)
Ernest B. Slade (Columbia University 1914)
Harold L. Smalley (Columbia University 1906)
Alfred J. Smith (Columbia University 1910)
Charles H. Smith (Columbia University 1867)
David I. Smith (Columbia University 1931)
Edward B. Smith (Columbia University 1869)
Eric V. Smith (Columbia University 1987)
J. P. Smith (Columbia University 1952)
James W. Smith (Columbia University 1875)
Maxwell H. Soll (Columbia University 1958)
William R. Sopris (Columbia University 1892)
Steven J. Soren (Columbia University 1986)
Gilbert G. Southwick (Columbia University 1932)
Lester H. Spalding (Columbia University 1909)
Samuel C. Spalding (Columbia University 1915)
G. D. Sparks (Columbia University 1885)
Edwin M. Spencer (Columbia University 1903)
Clifford B. Sprague (Columbia University 1926)
Charles C. Sprigg (Columbia University 1904)
Charles E. Springhorn (Columbia University 1917)
Harold F. Springhorn (Columbia University 1924)
Edward Stack (Columbia University 1948)
Howard J. Stagg (Columbia University 1909)
Freeman I. Stephens (Columbia University 1937)
Clinton Stephens (Columbia University 1897)
Albert R. Stevens (Columbia University 1929)
William B. Stevens (Columbia University 1911)
Henry W. Stiles (Columbia University 1898)
Louis A. Stimson (Columbia University 1919)
Stephen G. Stimson (Columbia University 1926)
James W. Stitt (Columbia University 1938)
Ralph E. Stoetzel (Columbia University 1916)
Emil F. Stoiber (Columbia University 1885)
Edward B. Stoll (Columbia University 1976)
Clarence G. Stone (Columbia University 1915)
Robert S. Stone (Columbia University 1955)
Frederick G. Stroh (Columbia University 1933)
Royden T. Struthers (Columbia University 1912)
Joseph Struthers (Columbia University 1885)
Paul D. Surber (Columbia University 1918)
Alexander Sutherland (Columbia University 1959)
William E. Sutton (Columbia University 1887)
William K. Swan (Columbia University 1946)
James H. Sweeny (Columbia University 1966)
Herman E. Swettman (Columbia University 1931)
Fredrick J. Swift (Columbia University 1892)
Harold B. Swope (Columbia University 1905)
Curtiss G. Tanner (Columbia University 1923)
Edward H. Tatum (Columbia University 1903)
John G. Taylor (Columbia University 1939)
John M. Taylor (Columbia University 1914)
Washington I. Taylor (Columbia University 1887)
James E. Teal (Columbia University 1950)
Daniel M. Telep (Columbia University 1956)
Carl D. Theobald (Columbia University 1924)
John J. Theobald (Columbia University 1925)
William P. Thoman (Columbia University 1942)
Robert W. Thorburn (Columbia University 1932)
Charles A. Thurston (Columbia University 1926)
William J. Tomlinson (Columbia University 1966)
Edward J. Toole (Columbia University 1936)
George Toplitz (Columbia University 1938)
William W. Totten (Columbia University 1904)
Frederick S. Tracy (Columbia University 1915)
Alan P. Trei (Columbia University 1954)
Robert L. Trent (Columbia University 1941)
Donald Trevisano (Columbia University 1953)
Alfred A. Triska (Columbia University 1931)
Lewis S. Trowbridge (Columbia University 1925)
Robert R. Tucker (Columbia University 1937)
Walter K. Twyeffort (Columbia University 1903)
Manfred Uhl (Columbia University 1896)
Tracy Underhill (Columbia University 1876)
Harborough D. Upton (Columbia University 1902)
Donald J. Urie (Columbia University 1935)
Murray G. Urie (Columbia University 1937)
Russell G. Van Metre (Columbia University 1942)
George L. Vanbuskirk (Columbia University 1914)
Lincoln Vancott (Columbia University 1884)
Raymond S. Vanhouten (Columbia University 1908)
Thurman W. Vanmetre (Columbia University 1917)
Elwood E. Vanness (Columbia University 1918)
Purdy Vanvliet (Columbia University 1885)
Carl E. VanWinckel (Columbia University 1925)
Isaac Vanwinkle (Columbia University 1865)
Victor B. Vare (Columbia University 1938)
Arthur S. Veit (Columbia University 1907)
Paul A. Vieta (Columbia University 1962)
Luis J. Villa (Columbia University 1923)
Frederic O. Virgin (Columbia University 1895)
George P. Vitone (Columbia University 1952)
George D. Vlahides (Columbia University 1946)
John A. Voorhees (Columbia University 1889)
Weston W. Wager (Columbia University 1898)
William W. Waite (Columbia University 1924)
John O. Wall (Columbia University 1961)
Miller H. Walsh (Columbia University 1961)
Hugo J. Walther (Columbia University 1883)
John A. Walther (Columbia University 1876)
George W. Ward (Columbia University 1871)
Cyrus E. Warden (Columbia University 1928)
James B. Warden (Columbia University 1886)
Shreve G. Warden (Columbia University 1932)
Lucien T. Warner (Columbia University 1901)
John L. Wasson (Columbia University 1928)
Henry S. Waterman (Columbia University 1899)
James Waters (Columbia University 1876)
John F. Watson (Columbia University 1933)
Richard H. Weber (Columbia University 1952)
Robert D. Weber (Columbia University 1947)
Edwin H. Wedekind (Columbia University 1889)
Frederic R. Weekes (Columbia University 1899)
Webb W. Weeks (Columbia University 1910)
John W. H. Weibel (Columbia University 1871)
Edward W. Weimar (Columbia University 1920)
Paul M. Werner (Columbia University 1969)
John M. West (Columbia University 1950)
Edgar D. Westerfield (Columbia University 1925)
William R. Westerfield (Columbia University 1898)
Edward F. Weston (Columbia University 1900)
Howard D. Wheeler (Columbia University 1904)
Robert A. Wheeler (Columbia University 1913)
Norman W. White MD (Columbia University 1926)
Thomas Whitley (Columbia University 1952)
William L. Whitney (Columbia University 1901)
Henry C. Wideman Jr. (Columbia University 1957)
Robt H. Wilkinson (Columbia University 1872)
Alan D. Will (Columbia University 1927)
John G. Will (Columbia University 1927)
Alexander S. Williams (Columbia University 1900)
Frederick P. Williams (Columbia University 1915)
Harry P. Williams (Columbia University 1905)
Jay R. Williams (Columbia University 1923)
Pliny W. Williamson (Columbia University 1903)
Robert D. Williamson (Columbia University 1928)
John C. Willyoung (Columbia University 1919)
Stanley K. Wilson (Columbia University 1902)
Stanley K. Wilson (Columbia University 1930)
John W. Woelfle (Columbia University 1928)
Robert F. Wolfe (Columbia University 1957)
William C. Woodson (Columbia University 1948)
Byron S. Woolley (Columbia University 1949)
George A. Wotherspoon (Columbia University 1895)
Henry H. Wotherspoon (Columbia University 1892)
Carlos D. Wuppermann (Columbia University 1907)
Lloyd C. Young (Columbia University 1927)
Melville B. Young (Columbia University 1949)
Ralph Zaayenga (Columbia University 1956)
Charles E. Acker (Cornell University 1888)
James M. Acklin Jr. (Cornell University 1934)
Burke D. Adams (Cornell University 1924)
Edgar R. Ailes (Cornell University 1904)
Ransom W. Akin (Cornell University 1906)
Robert S. Albee (Cornell University 1898)
Herrick C. Allen (Cornell University 1899)
William J. Amerling (Cornell University 1941)
Victor G. Anderson (Cornell University 1935)
Joseph B. Andrade (Cornell University 1925)
Raymond D. Angle (Cornell University 1927)
Mario R. Arango (Cornell University 1929)
Aaron A. Armitage (Cornell University 1905)
John E. Armstrong (Cornell University 1908)
Perry M. Armstrong (Cornell University 1908)
Turner S. Arnold (Cornell University 1906)
Thomas H. Arnott (Cornell University 1955)
William T. Ayers Jr. (Cornell University 1940)
Rea E. Babson (Cornell University 1905)
Carl S. Badenhausen (Cornell University 1946)
Carl W. Badenhausen (Cornell University 1916)
Otto A. Badenhausen (Cornell University 1917)
John P. Bagby (Cornell University 1946)
Horace E. Bailey (Cornell University 1917)
Rollin S. Bailey (Cornell University 1926)
Charles S. Baker (Cornell University 1909)
Lawrence R. Bandler (Cornell University 1910)
Jack R. Barensfeld (Cornell University 1947)
John H. Barker (Cornell University 1899)
Cone Barlow (Cornell University 1909)
Edwin T. Barlow (Cornell University 1891)
Manuel J. Barrios (Cornell University 1914)
E. W. Bartholow (Cornell University 1945)
Kenneth F. Barton (Cornell University 1924)
W. G. Bastian (Cornell University 1919)
Eugene C. Batchelar (Cornell University 1969)
B. G. Bauerle (Cornell University 1930)
Wilder Beal (Cornell University 1925)
Stephen N. Bean (Cornell University 1931)
Burton E. Beck (Cornell University 1939)
Albert Beehler (Cornell University 1944)
William J. Beiswanger (Cornell University 1926)
Herschel A. Benedict (Cornell University 1891)
Herschel B. Benedict (Cornell University 1915)
Lewis Benedict (Cornell University 1895)
James H. Benson (Cornell University 1955)
Samuel R. Berger (Cornell University 1967)
John W. Bergin (Cornell University 1947)
Alan J. Berman (Cornell University 1978)
Miller R. Bernhard (Cornell University 1915)
Edward H. Biddison (Cornell University 1934)
George D. Bills (Cornell University 1908)
Robert W. Black (Cornell University 1957)
Henry W. Bliss (Cornell University 1909)
Henry W. Bloss (Cornell University 1926)
Robert L. Bohlen (Cornell University 1944)
Warren L. Bohner (Cornell University 1938)
Henry O. Bonnar (Cornell University 1916)
John R. Bonner (Cornell University 1904)
Darnall L. Boyd (Cornell University 1904)
Kenneth G. Braden (Cornell University 1959)
Donald C. Bradley (Cornell University 1952)
Frank L. Bradley (Cornell University 1946)
Thomas P. Brady (Cornell University 1957)
Edward L. Branson (Cornell University 1895)
Daniel C. Brasted (Cornell University 1940)
John E. Bratten (Cornell University 1947)
John C. Breedlove (Cornell University 1902)
Walter A. Bridgeman (Cornell University 1913)
William R. Bright (Cornell University 1900)
Calvin C. Brink (Cornell University 1909)
George L. Brodhead (Cornell University 1890)
Stanley R. Brodhead (Cornell University 1942)
Alexander M. Brooks (Cornell University 1967)
Henry S. Brough (Cornell University 1933)
Rhoderick E. Brown (Cornell University 1945)
Henry S. Brown Jr. (Cornell University 1930)
Theodore G. Brown Jr. (Cornell University 1943)
Joseph M. Brownback (Cornell University 1937)
Thomas P. Brownrigg (Cornell University 1935)
John N. Brownrigg Jr. (Cornell University 1934)
Elbert A. Brussell (Cornell University 1893)
Ralph C. Bryant (Cornell University 1900)
Samuel W. Bryant (Cornell University 1958)
Erwine T. Buckenmaier (Cornell University 1955)
Harry M. Buckingham (Cornell University 1945)
Alfred E. Budell (Cornell University 1904)
Hugh Buford (Cornell University 1912)
Stearns S. Bullen (Cornell University 1909)
Stearns S. Bullen Jr. (Cornell University 1939)
Dale J. Bumstead (Cornell University 1921)
Dewitt B. Burlingame Jr. (Cornell University 1966)
Austin Burt (Cornell University 1895)
Clark D. Burton (Cornell University 1941)
William T. Burwell (Cornell University 1908)
Frederick H. Butcher (Cornell University 1920)
John M. Butler (Cornell University 1896)
Ernest D. Button (Cornell University 1899)
John L. Button (Cornell University 1925)
John R. Byers (Cornell University 1946)
Douglas H. Calby (Cornell University 1981)
Edward C. Callis (Cornell University 1942)
Harold B. Callis (Cornell University 1949)
George C. Calvert (Cornell University 1923)
Donald D. Campbell (Cornell University 1952)
Richard L. Campbell (Cornell University 1941)
Robert J. Campbell (Cornell University 1965)
S. J. Campbell (Cornell University 1943)
William H. Cantle (Cornell University 1901)
Allan W. Carpenter (Cornell University 1916)
John F. Carpenter (Cornell University 1965)
William Carroll (Cornell University 1931)
Louis B. Carver (Cornell University 1929)
Paul V. Cassidy (Cornell University 1915)
Ronald L. Cassie (Cornell University 1962)
Thomas E. Cazel (Cornell University 1967)
Donald K. Champaign (Cornell University 1913)
Leigh M. Champaign (Cornell University 1906)
Clement E. Chase (Cornell University 1910)
Henry F. Chase (Cornell University 1896)
Louis R. Chase (Cornell University 1929)
Charles C. Cheyney (Cornell University 1911)
Alexander B. Clark (Cornell University 1904)
Edward H. Clark (Cornell University 1909)
John A. Clark (Cornell University 1910)
Henry T. Coates (Cornell University 1898)
Harry R. Coffin (Cornell University 1908)
William H. Coffin (Cornell University 1905)
Henry S. Coggeshall (Cornell University 1920)
Philip S. Comstock (Cornell University 1911)
John E. Connelly (Cornell University 1931)
Geret H. Conover (Cornell University 1918)
Alfred P. Cook (Cornell University 1936)
Douglas A. Cook (Cornell University 1972)
Peter A. Cooper (Cornell University 1953)
Roderic W. Cooper (Cornell University 1951)
Perry H. Cornwall (Cornell University 1909)
Everett P. Corwith (Cornell University 1915)
Donald K. Craig (Cornell University 1921)
Ben H. Crebbs (Cornell University 1943)
George L. Crofford (Cornell University 1925)
Horace F. Crosby (Cornell University 1902)
Edward K. Crothers (Cornell University 1950)
William S. Cullen (Cornell University 1957)
Edwin R. Culver (Cornell University 1942)
John B. Cummings (Cornell University 1971)
Harold R. Cunning (Cornell University 1939)
Andrew R. Cunningham (Cornell University 1888)
Rowland A. Curry (Cornell University 1907)
Richard P. Curtis (Cornell University 1946)
Richard E. Danforth (Cornell University 1891)
Willard H. Daniels (Cornell University 1946)
Alfred M. Darlow (Cornell University 1906)
Isaac Davenport (Cornell University 1904)
Charles S. Davis (Cornell University 1889)
Charles S. Davis (Cornell University 1938)
Herbert H. Davis (Cornell University 1917)
Joseph F. Davis (Cornell University 1944)
Claude T. Dawes (Cornell University 1903)
Lawrence W. Day (Cornell University 1925)
Frank P. Deane (Cornell University 1908)
Robert W. Debenham (Cornell University 1946)
James I. Decker (Cornell University 1955)
Allard A. Dederer (Cornell University 1905)
Elsworth H. Dederer (Cornell University 1916)
Carlton Deederer (Cornell University 1904)
William A. Deford (Cornell University 1892)
Walter C. Degarmo (Cornell University 1900)
Stephen T. Delamater (Cornell University 1900)
Jas V. Demarest (Cornell University 1895)
Henry C. Demorest (Cornell University 1878)
William R. Denton (Cornell University 1952)
Milo G. Derham (Cornell University 1892)
Charles H. Deuchler (Cornell University 1890)
Bruce J. Dew (Cornell University 1944)
Robert L. Dexter (Cornell University 1910)
David L. Dickerson (Cornell University 1979)
Edward C. Diffenderffer (Cornell University 1932)
Gordon K. Dingle (Cornell University 1947)
James B. Dinneen (Cornell University 1944)
Emerson L. Diven (Cornell University 1920)
Thomas Dixcy (Cornell University 1933)
Clarence E. Dobbin (Cornell University 1890)
William E. Doll (Cornell University 1911)
Alexander G. Donaldson (Cornell University 1907)
Paul J. Donohie (Cornell University 1959)
Burton T. Doremus (Cornell University 1923)
Thomas P. Doremus (Cornell University 1921)
Frank H. Dougherty (Cornell University 1914)
Arthur L. Downs (Cornell University 1889)
Nestor G. Dragelin (Cornell University 1954)
Frank Drews (Cornell University 1936)
William K. Dunbar (Cornell University 1981)
Gilbert W. Duncan (Cornell University 1919)
James M. Duncan (Cornell University 1926)
Luther P. Duncan (Cornell University 1927)
Walter I. Duncan (Cornell University 1920)
Thomas L. Eagan (Cornell University 1920)
Walter H. Eagan (Cornell University 1914)
H. E. Eberhardt (Cornell University 1908)
Harry A. Eckert (Cornell University 1904)
Ralph J. Edsell (Cornell University 1945)
Richard L. Ehni (Cornell University 1951)
Daniel D. Ehrhart (Cornell University 1951)
Daniel D. Ehrhart (Cornell University 1925)
Edmund H. Eitel (Cornell University 1907)
Arthur L. Emery (Cornell University 1893)
Harold V. Engh (Cornell University 1946)
Richard J. Engles (Cornell University 1945)
Irwin Esmond (Cornell University 1897)
Randal B. Etheridge (Cornell University 1996)
Raymond E. Evans (Cornell University 1957)
Wilbur F. Evans (Cornell University 1893)
Leonard R. Fahs (Cornell University 1951)
David R. Fair (Cornell University 1932)
John S. Fair (Cornell University 1927)
William F. Farnham (Cornell University 1930)
Mark R. Faville (Cornell University 1901)
George W. Fay (Cornell University 1914)
Howard W. Feight (Cornell University 1927)
John W. Feitner (Cornell University 1946)
Edward B. Ferguson (Cornell University 1932)
John B. Ferguson (Cornell University 1967)
Jack C. Fetters (Cornell University 1926)
Joseph H. Fichthorn (Cornell University 1895)
Edward R. Fickenscher (Cornell University 1912)
Elmer E. Finck (Cornell University 1914)
Felix A. Fish (Cornell University 1919)
Clarke C. Fitts (Cornell University 1944)
Edward M. Fitzgerald (Cornell University 1920)
Eugene B. Fitzgerald (Cornell University 1918)
Walter J. Fitzpatrick (Cornell University 1897)
William S. Fitzpatrick (Cornell University 1942)
Thomas M. Flanagan (Cornell University 1942)
William P. Flanigan (Cornell University 1939)
David G. Fleet (Cornell University 1933)
Willie L. Fleming (Cornell University 1940)
Henry Flood (Cornell University 1909)
Joseph P. Flynn (Cornell University 1944)
Forrest L. Forbes (Cornell University 1908)
Donald Forcum (Cornell University 1942)
James C. Ford (Cornell University 1948)
James B. Forker (Cornell University 1950)
Henry C. Francis (Cornell University 1906)
Frank J. Franconi (Cornell University 1973)
Thomas A. Fraus (Cornell University 1967)
Thomas F. Fricke (Cornell University 1956)
Bertram E. Frost (Cornell University 1899)
Robert T. Gaffney (Cornell University 1938)
Asahel W. Gage (Cornell University 1899)
Lloyd G. Gage (Cornell University 1901)
Thomas L. Gage (Cornell University 1965)
George W. Gail (Cornell University 1912)
Alfred G. Galbraith (Cornell University 1900)
Lewis J. Galbreath (Cornell University 1954)
Louis H. Galbreath (Cornell University 1890)
Louis J. Galbreath (Cornell University 1916)
Mitchell T. Galbreath (Cornell University 1921)
Roger L. Garrett (Cornell University 1958)
Elmer H. Gates (Cornell University 1917)
Robert B. Gear (Cornell University 1927)
Edmond A. Georgi (Cornell University 1928)
Walter D. Gerken (Cornell University 1899)
John E. Gignoux (Cornell University 1898)
Clarence L. Gillespie (Cornell University 1903)
George M. Gillies (Cornell University 1922)
Alvin L. Gilmore (Cornell University 1908)
Earl H. Gimper (Cornell University 1902)
John L. Given (Cornell University 1896)
Robert L. Glose (Cornell University 1915)
Grandin A. Godley (Cornell University 1936)
George H. Goecke (Cornell University 1936)
Herbert A. Goertz (Cornell University 1917)
Walter A. Goertz (Cornell University 1914)
Henry L. Gompf (Cornell University 1968)
Robert B. Gordon (Cornell University 1916)
Robert L. Gordon (Cornell University 1895)
Carl A. Gould (Cornell University 1907)
Vernon C. Grabel (Cornell University 1974)
Harold C. Grant (Cornell University 1898)
Robert P. Grant (Cornell University 1937)
Ernest C. Gray (Cornell University 1924)
John E. Graybill (Cornell University 1928)
Walter E. Gregg (Cornell University 1939)
Richard A. Griffo (Cornell University 1987)
George C. Griswold (Cornell University 1892)
Thomas J. Guttuso (Cornell University 1988)
Clarence B. Hadden (Cornell University 1893)
David C. Hall (Cornell University 1965)
Robert F. Haller (Cornell University 1940)
Walter J. Hamilton (Cornell University 1945)
William R. Hamilton (Cornell University 1952)
Walter G. Hanlon (Cornell University 1920)
Charles B. Hann (Cornell University 1922)
Wilson Hann (Cornell University 1930)
Hubert G. Hanson (Cornell University 1933)
Orlando C. Harn (Cornell University 1894)
Samuel A. Harpending (Cornell University 1901)
Herbert R. Harrington (Cornell University 1892)
Laurence V. Harris (Cornell University 1920)
James W. Hart (Cornell University 1942)
Clarence F. Harvey (Cornell University 1902)
Alva D. Hasbrouck (Cornell University 1888)
Howard Hasbrouck (Cornell University 1890)
Benjamin F. Haugh (Cornell University 1915)
Everett M. Hawley (Cornell University 1905)
James C. Hayward (Cornell University 1910)
Frank P. Hazelton (Cornell University 1894)
William L. Hearne (Cornell University 1924)
Norman Hebden (Cornell University 1929)
Chas J. Heilman (Cornell University 1897)
Fred L. Heilman (Cornell University 1908)
Howard T. Heintz (Cornell University 1936)
John F. Hemberger (Cornell University 1909)
Albert W. Henderson (Cornell University 1942)
Henry C. Henderson (Cornell University 1925)
Charles F. Hendrie (Cornell University 1919)
Carl B. Henning (Cornell University 1909)
Robert B. Henning (Cornell University 1912)
William H. Henry (Cornell University 1935)
Kenner F. Hertford (Cornell University 1926)
John H. Hessey IV (Cornell University 1944)
George H. Higgins (Cornell University 1909)
James J. Hill (Cornell University 1964)
John H. Hill (Cornell University 1897)
Malcolm W. Hill (Cornell University 1896)
Thomas C. Hill (Cornell University 1937)
John F. Hinckley (Cornell University 1902)
Alan S. Hirshberg (Cornell University 1964)
Homer T. Hirst III (Cornell University 1926)
John K. Hiss (Cornell University 1932)
Clifford E. Hoar (Cornell University 1924)
Harry W. Hoff (Cornell University 1926)
John S. Hoffmire (Cornell University 1916)
David B. Holbrook (Cornell University 1925)
Ernest M. Holbrook (Cornell University 1889)
John T. Holsman (Cornell University 1929)
William T. Holsman (Cornell University 1928)
Bert R. Hoobler (Cornell University 1905)
Louis H. Hood (Cornell University 1898)
Curt A. Horrmann (Cornell University 1921)
Philip Z. Horton (Cornell University 1909)
John W. Horwood (Cornell University 1907)
Arch E. Houstle (Cornell University 1932)
Perez B. Howard (Cornell University 1935)
Harry D. Howe (Cornell University 1892)
Charles M. Hubbard (Cornell University 1893)
Harold L. Huber (Cornell University 1913)
Charles C. Huestis (Cornell University 1892)
Thomas Hughes (Cornell University 1914)
Adrian Hughes (Cornell University 1912)
Shirley C. Hulse (Cornell University 1937)
Kevin K. Hung (Cornell University 2001)
William T. Huntsman (Cornell University 1949)
Daniel J. Hurley (Cornell University 1933)
Clyde D. Hutton (Cornell University 1906)
William E. Irish (Cornell University 1912)
Charles D. Ives (Cornell University 1932)
Charles K. Ives (Cornell University 1932)
H. D. Ives (Cornell University 1927)
Walter J. Ives (Cornell University 1940)
Frank D. Jackson (Cornell University 1892)
Thomas M. Jackson (Cornell University 1945)
Edward A. Janes (Cornell University 1907)
James M. Jenks (Cornell University 1945)
Henry M. Jewett (Cornell University 1940)
Donald E. Johnson (Cornell University 1954)
Marshall L. Johnson (Cornell University 1915)
Ralph P. Johnson (Cornell University 1912)
Kenneth C. Johnson (Cornell University 1943)
Carl B. Johnston (Cornell University 1938)
Thomas S. Jones (Cornell University 1904)
Hoover H. Jordan (Cornell University 1935)
Richard H. Jordan (Cornell University 1933)
Allan R. Joy (Cornell University 1916)
Everest A. Judd (Cornell University 1903)
Mark W. Judd (Cornell University 1905)
Robert D. Junge (Cornell University 1930)
Hans S. Kalinka (Cornell University 1958)
Ed Kaufmann (Cornell University 1960)
Richard C. Keilholtz (Cornell University 1932)
Lawrence J. Kelly (Cornell University 1932)
Richard P. Kelly (Cornell University 1896)
J. P. Ketcham (Cornell University 1943)
Robert H. Kimes (Cornell University 1918)
Robert H. King (Cornell University 1949)
Robert S. Kinkel (Cornell University 1952)
Ernest L. Kistler (Cornell University 1955)
Stanley Kitchel (Cornell University 1908)
Robert A. Klock (Cornell University 1936)
Richard P. Klopp (Cornell University 1943)
Gerald T. Knapp (Cornell University 1958)
Halsey G. Knapp (Cornell University 1950)
Herbert D. Kneeland (Cornell University 1940)
William Kohrs (Cornell University 1901)
Leroy H. Korb (Cornell University 1919)
George H. Kramer (Cornell University 1902)
Robert L. Kratz (Cornell University 1939)
John A. Krugh (Cornell University 1918)
Frederick Kuhne (Cornell University 1911)
Clarence B. Lamont (Cornell University 1900)
Charles F. Landmesser (Cornell University 1906)
Charles M. Landmesser (Cornell University 1939)
William R. Landmesser (Cornell University 1916)
Armand C. Langdon (Cornell University 1905)
Paul F. Laning (Cornell University 1924)
Erwin E. Lanpher (Cornell University 1899)
Norman V. Lasher (Cornell University 1919)
Ramsdell S. Lasher (Cornell University 1914)
Clement A. Lawler (Cornell University 1897)
John S. Lawrance (Cornell University 1912)
John W. Lawrence (Cornell University 1958)
James H. LeBar (Cornell University 1950)
Dana B. Lee (Cornell University 1952)
Francis S. Lehmann (Cornell University 1911)
Roy Leiser (Cornell University 1900)
William P. Lentz (Cornell University 1939)
Jung Leong (Cornell University 1963)
Dana T. Lerch (Cornell University 1959)
Lester H. Lewis (Cornell University 1897)
Roger Lewis (Cornell University 1894)
Walter F. Lewis (Cornell University 1899)
Frank E. Lichtenthaeler (Cornell University 1906)
William L. Licklider (Cornell University 1955)
Josiah K. Lilly (Cornell University 1939)
Richard L. Lindsey (Cornell University 1979)
Ernest V. Lippe (Cornell University 1907)
Paul S. Livermore (Cornell University 1897)
Harry J. Loberg (Cornell University 1957)
Gustave S. Lobrano (Cornell University 1924)
Douglas H. Logan (Cornell University 1942)
Francis L. Lombardi (Cornell University 1946)
James A. Longley Jr. (Cornell University 1935)
Charles C. Lord (Cornell University 1899)
Norman A. Lorimer (Cornell University 1950)
Henry W. Lormor (Cornell University 1913)
Floyd N. Loveland (Cornell University 1893)
Arthur F. Lubke (Cornell University 1914)
Paul B. Lum (Cornell University 1908)
Frederic P. Lyman (Cornell University 1923)
John L. Lyon (Cornell University 1922)
Thomas L. Lyon (Cornell University 1891)
Halstead M. MacCabe (Cornell University 1920)
Donald B. Macdonald (Cornell University 1913)
Henry G. Macdonald (Cornell University 1901)
Frederick F. Mack (Cornell University 1929)
Thomas Mackellar (Cornell University 1905)
William D. Mackenzie (Cornell University 1922)
Hugh O. MacLellan (Cornell University 1935)
Franklin S. Macomber (Cornell University 1937)
Morton S. Macqueen (Cornell University 1900)
James H. Malone USA (Cornell University 1932)
Howard C. Mandeville (Cornell University 1937)
Thomas S. Marchant (Cornell University 1937)
George L. Marsh (Cornell University 1929)
Harry L. Martien (Cornell University 1938)
Leonard G. Martien (Cornell University 1935)
Clarence A. Martin (Cornell University 1888)
Edwin A. Martin (Cornell University 1956)
Clarence A. Martin (Cornell University 1928)
John H. Martindale (Cornell University 1940)
Robert M. Martindale (Cornell University 1936)
Robert J. Mattern (Cornell University 1925)
Paul B. Mattice (Cornell University 1901)
Paul M. Mattice (Cornell University 1936)
J. R. Matz (Cornell University 1951)
Martin M. Maze (Cornell University 1913)
Charles R. McCallum (Cornell University 1918)
Samuel K. McClure (Cornell University 1919)
Robert C. McCollom (Cornell University 1932)
Paul D. McConaughy (Cornell University 1956)
Alexander G. McCormick (Cornell University 1914)
Clarence N. McDowell (Cornell University 1922)
William W. McDowell (Cornell University 1928)
John P. McGinn (Cornell University 1931)
Connor J. McGinnis (Cornell University 2015)
Orville W. McGinnis (Cornell University 1896)
Don A. McLaren (Cornell University 1916)
Thomas S. McLoughlin (Cornell University 1977)
Peter C. Meinig (Cornell University 1961)
Henry J. Meister (Cornell University 1913)
George S. Mennen (Cornell University 1939)
William G. Mennen (Cornell University 1908)
William L. Menzies (Cornell University 1949)
Samuel A. Merrifield (Cornell University 1915)
William L. Merry (Cornell University 1915)
August Merz (Cornell University 1893)
Robert C. Metzger (Cornell University 1960)
Donald D. Meyer (Cornell University 1955)
Clarence W. Meyers (Cornell University 1902)
Robert E. Michaels (Cornell University 1935)
Robert S. Milans (Cornell University 1929)
Monford P. Miles (Cornell University 1931)
William D. Miles (Cornell University 1893)
Armour C. Miller (Cornell University 1943)
Daniel J. Miller Jr. (Cornell University 1941)
David D. Miller (Cornell University 1906)
Hugh B. Miller (Cornell University 1914)
Jack B. Miller (Cornell University 1935)
Edward J. Mills (Cornell University 1935)
Francis Mitchell (Cornell University 1910)
Irving R. Mitchell (Cornell University 1943)
Donald D. Modrall (Cornell University 1939)
John F. Modrall (Cornell University 1934)
Rudolph C. Mollmann (Cornell University 1896)
Louis B. Montgomery (Cornell University 1961)
Arthur E. B. Moody (Cornell University 1894)
Millard S. Moore (Cornell University 1929)
Abram C. Mott (Cornell University 1929)
Abram C. Mott (Cornell University 1900)
Charles M. Mountsier (Cornell University 1928)
Frank R. Mower (Cornell University 1894)
Frank H. Mueller (Cornell University 1926)
Fred J. Mueller (Cornell University 1906)
Lucien W. Mueller (Cornell University 1917)
Michael R. Mueller (Cornell University 1968)
Reverdy L. Munson (Cornell University 1964)
Lewis A. Murfey (Cornell University 1936)
Philip J. Murphy (Cornell University 1963)
George A. Myers (Cornell University 1952)
Malcolm Myers (Cornell University 1929)
William Y. Naill (Cornell University 1925)
Paul R. Needham (Cornell University 1925)
William R. Needham (Cornell University 1921)
Samuel T. Neely (Cornell University 1895)
Trevanion H. Nesbitt (Cornell University 1933)
Howard W. Nester (Cornell University 1913)
Alphonso G. Newcomer (Cornell University 1888)
Clendenon S. Newell (Cornell University 1916)
Bruce A. Nichol (Cornell University 1982)
Daniel H. Nicholes (Cornell University 1896)
Peter J. Niehaus (Cornell University 1982)
Charles E. Nigro (Cornell University 1967)
Clyde G. Nixon (Cornell University 1957)
Stanley R. Noble (Cornell University 1927)
H. Jerome Noel (Cornell University 1941)
Robert North (Cornell University 1905)
Safford E. North (Cornell University 1872)
P. G. Nunn (Cornell University 1962)
Thomas O. Nuttle (Cornell University 1952)
Walter C. O'Connell (Cornell University 1951)
Philip D. O'Donnell (Cornell University 1946)
John H. Ogle (Cornell University 1899)
Frederick F. Ohrt (Cornell University 1911)
Winchester D. Osgood (Cornell University 1892)
Mark W. Ostrom (Cornell University 1972)
Frederic S. Overton (Cornell University 1903)
Albert D. Park (Cornell University 1946)
James H. Parker (Cornell University 1905)
James W. Parker (Cornell University 1908)
Richard Parmenter (Cornell University 1917)
Anthony A. Pascal (Cornell University 1962)
Sterling W. Patterson (Cornell University 1895)
Howard C. Patterson (Cornell University 1907)
Jeffrey G. Peckham (Cornell University 1965)
H. L. Peel (Cornell University 1923)
James P. Pellett (Cornell University 1930)
Walter G. Penfield (Cornell University 1894)
Fred C. Perkins (Cornell University 1901)
Frederick G. Perkins (Cornell University 1946)
Warren D. Perry (Cornell University 1920)
Robert F. Phillips (Cornell University 1918)
Daniel S. Pickrell (Cornell University 1946)
William W. Pickslay (Cornell University 1915)
Carl F. Pilat (Cornell University 1900)
Noel T. Pinkerton (Cornell University 1957)
Herman H. Pistor (Cornell University 1940)
John A. Pistor (Cornell University 1938)
Kenneth G. Pollock (Cornell University 1954)
Donald S. Pond (Cornell University 1934)
Edward F. Pond (Cornell University 1933)
Freeman C. Pond (Cornell University 1893)
H. Otis Pond Jr. (Cornell University 1933)
Robert G. Ponzio (Cornell University 1970)
George B. Post (Cornell University 1918)
George W. Pottle (Cornell University 1941)
Harry L. Powers (Cornell University 1896)
Frank L. Prendergast (Cornell University 1935)
George E. Prentiss (Cornell University 1943)
Robert W. Pressing (Cornell University 1940)
Harry B. Prest (Cornell University 1899)
Maurice J. Prevot (Cornell University 1909)
William R. Probst (Cornell University 1954)
John W. Purcell (Cornell University 1923)
Pierre J. Purcell (Cornell University 1929)
Herbert N. Putnam (Cornell University 1912)
John B. Putnam (Cornell University 1914)
James K. Quigley (Cornell University 1903)
George Rae (Cornell University 1896)
T. M. Rainey (Cornell University 1933)
Edmund P. Ramsey (Cornell University 1895)
Paul S. Rattle (Cornell University 1905)
Melbourne S. Read (Cornell University 1895)
Robert M. Ready (Cornell University 1944)
William E. Rees (Cornell University 1932)
Richard C. Reichle (Cornell University 1916)
Richard J. Reynolds (Cornell University 1946)
William T. Reynolds (Cornell University 1951)
Robert S. Richardson (Cornell University 1948)
David H. Richey (Cornell University 1946)
Edward C. Riley (Cornell University 1931)
Charles N. Rink (Cornell University 1929)
John V. Rittenhouse (Cornell University 1904)
Lewis A. Robertson (Cornell University 1904)
William M. Robinson (Cornell University 1939)
Paul F. Robson (Cornell University 1931)
Carl A. Roemer (Cornell University 1915)
Mabon P. Roper (Cornell University 1914)
David L. Ross (Cornell University 1972)
Sidney F. Ross (Cornell University 1902)
Robert S. Rowe (Cornell University 1935)
William A. Rowe (Cornell University 1903)
Carl D. Ruland (Cornell University 1905)
Clyde A. Russell (Cornell University 1916)
Thomas K. Salmon (Cornell University 1923)
Herbert W. Saltford (Cornell University 1933)
John A. Sanford (Cornell University 1915)
Winthrop Sanford (Cornell University 1918)
Richard H. Scales (Cornell University 1957)
Harry R. Schaufert (Cornell University 1946)
Nicholas Schiavetti (Cornell University 1965)
Donald F. Schive (Cornell University 1958)
Charles J. Schlenker (Cornell University 1905)
Philip Schlosser (Cornell University 1902)
John L. Schmidt (Cornell University 1906)
John F. Schoedinger (Cornell University 1935)
George R. Schoedinger (Cornell University 1931)
Frank C. Schroeder (Cornell University 1896)
Frederic J. Schroeder (Cornell University 1934)
Geoffrey P. Schultz (Cornell University 1976)
Thomas A. Schultz (Cornell University 1940)
Andrew S. Schultz (Cornell University 1936)
John J. Schumacher (Cornell University 1963)
Carl L. Schweinler (Cornell University 1917)
Frederick L. Schweinler (Cornell University 1919)
Maxwell W. Scott (Cornell University 1903)
Carl J. Seymour (Cornell University 1891)
Gregory T. Shallenberger (Cornell University 1936)
Byron L. Sharkey (Cornell University 1955)
Charles G. Shaw (Cornell University 1892)
Harry W. Shaw (Cornell University 1891)
Newell C. Sheild (Cornell University 1913)
George H. Shepard (Cornell University 1902)
Wallace E. Shepard (Cornell University 1918)
William Shepherd (Cornell University 1933)
Edwin B. Shilton (Cornell University 1910)
Miles C. Shorey (Cornell University 1934)
Edwin D. Shurter (Cornell University 1892)
John M. Sill (Cornell University 1911)
John F. Skinner (Cornell University 1890)
Orval A. Slater (Cornell University 1926)
Samuel S. Slater (Cornell University 1894)
Alfred M. Slawson (Cornell University 1937)
Charles J. Slenker (Cornell University 1905)
William G. Sloan (Cornell University 1899)
Arthur F. Slocum (Cornell University 1930)
George W. Slocum (Cornell University 1902)
Barrett Smith (Cornell University 1904)
J. R. Smith (Cornell University 1945)
Lewis R. Smith (Cornell University 1908)
Milton C. Smith (Cornell University 1932)
D. V. Smythe (Cornell University 1928)
John A. K. Snyder (Cornell University 1966)
James L. Snyder (Cornell University 1913)
James H. Spafford (Cornell University 1917)
Clement L. Speiden (Cornell University 1915)
John G. Speiden (Cornell University 1922)
William J. Spitler (Cornell University 1962)
Charles W. Spooner (Cornell University 1934)
Dandridge Spotswood (Cornell University 1894)
Roy P. Spreter (Cornell University 1945)
Alan D. Stabler (Cornell University 1923)
James E. Stansfield (Cornell University 1957)
George H. Stanton (Cornell University 1920)
William G. Starkweather (Cornell University 1892)
Jack Steinbuhler (Cornell University 1971)
Roderick Stephens (Cornell University 1932)
John W. Sterett (Cornell University 1949)
David T. Stevens (Cornell University 1969)
Donald F. Stevens (Cornell University 1905)
Harold L. Stevens (Cornell University 1895)
John F. Stevens (Cornell University 1929)
William M. Stevenson (Cornell University 1910)
Walter W. Stillman (Cornell University 1929)
Albert J. Stone (Cornell University 1923)
Albin D. Strandberg (Cornell University 1957)
Harry C. Straus (Cornell University 1897)
George T. Street (Cornell University 1903)
Ernest R. Strempel (Cornell University 1912)
James F. Stutz (Cornell University 1972)
Robert L. Stutz (Cornell University 1946)
Charles D. Summers (Cornell University 1955)
Henry W. Swanitz (Cornell University 1900)
Arthur J. Sweet (Cornell University 1901)
Edwin R. Sweetland (Cornell University 1899)
Donald D. Swisher (Cornell University 1908)
Frank W. Taft (Cornell University 1913)
Keith E. Talbert (Cornell University 1980)
Lee J. Talbot (Cornell University 1911)
Anthony G. Tappin (Cornell University 1949)
Henry L. Taylor (Cornell University 1920)
Malcolm R. Taylor (Cornell University 1925)
Ralph H. Teed (Cornell University 1921)
Robert S. Teich (Cornell University 1961)
Fred H. Thomas (Cornell University 1957)
Jack A. Thomas (Cornell University 1938)
Byron L. Thompson (Cornell University 1903)
Hugh L. Thompson (Cornell University 1919)
Paul M. Thompson (Cornell University 1946)
Sewell E. Thornhill (Cornell University 1923)
Edwin H. Tillotson (Cornell University 1917)
Arthur P. Timmerman (Cornell University 1917)
Robert R. Tinsley (Cornell University 1914)
Wetmore H. Titus (Cornell University 1905)
Dennis Tracey (Cornell University 1978)
John C. Tracy (Cornell University 1906)
Charles N. Turner (Cornell University 1927)
John S. Unger (Cornell University 1919)
Gordon M. Urner (Cornell University 1918)
Kenneth A. Veit (Cornell University 1910)
Robert J. Victor (Cornell University 1943)
Peter Vischer (Cornell University 1919)
Aquila N. Volkhardt (Cornell University 1919)
Lloyd E. Voneiff (Cornell University 1941)
Allan M. Wade (Cornell University 1964)
Edwin C. Wadsworth Jr. (Cornell University 1972)
Ned F. Wagner (Cornell University 1939)
Perley F. Walker (Cornell University 1901)
C. D. Walthall (Cornell University 1928)
Leroy P. Ward (Cornell University 1911)
Louis E. Ware (Cornell University 1892)
Guy T. Warfield (Cornell University 1925)
Frederick T. Warner (Cornell University 1910)
Monroe Warner (Cornell University 1888)
Richard G. Warren (Cornell University 1918)
David W. Watson (Cornell University 1972)
Daniel T. Webster (Cornell University 1960)
Peter B. Weeks (Cornell University 1959)
Blair Weigel (Cornell University 1939)
James W. Weigel (Cornell University 1945)
Joseph I. Weinschenk (Cornell University 1957)
John D. Welch (Cornell University 1969)
Arthur C. Wellbrock (Cornell University 1912)
Walter J. Wellbrock (Cornell University 1903)
Duke Wellington (Cornell University 1962)
Marshall K. Wells (Cornell University 1957)
Edgar F. Wendt (Cornell University 1911)
Sidney E. Wenzell (Cornell University 1949)
Robert H. Wetmore (Cornell University 1962)
Harley C. Wheaton (Cornell University 1911)
Horatio Q. Wheeler (Cornell University 1913)
Coleman H. Wheeler (Cornell University 1919)
Donald W. White (Cornell University 1926)
Elmer E. White (Cornell University 1921)
Elwyn B. White (Cornell University 1921)
George A. Wieber (Cornell University 1945)
Manolo M. Wiechers (Cornell University 1916)
Erwin L. Wilke (Cornell University 1912)
William Wilke (Cornell University 1909)
Richard F. Wilkins (Cornell University 1941)
John M. Will (Cornell University 1953)
Howard E. Williams (Cornell University 1895)
Maurice W. Williams (Cornell University 1908)
Richard A. Wilmer (Cornell University 1939)
Kenneth M. Wilson (Cornell University 1925)
Louis T. Wilson (Cornell University 1902)
Bryce H. Wilson Jr. (Cornell University 1931)
William J. Winchester (Cornell University 1940)
George T. Wisner (Cornell University 1915)
Henry G. Wisner (Cornell University 1911)
John H. Wisner (Cornell University 1903)
Richard R. Wiss (Cornell University 1936)
Carroll J. Wolcott (Cornell University 1932)
Henry N. Wolcott (Cornell University 1916)
Michael H. Wood (Cornell University 1977)
George H. Woodard (Cornell University 1928)
Edmond L. Worden (Cornell University 1903)
Alan M. Wright (Cornell University 1969)
Richard L. Yates (Cornell University 1946)
Sylvenus H. Young (Cornell University 1916)
Thomas D. Young (Cornell University 1950)
George Young (Cornell University 1900)
Frederick T. Youngs (Cornell University 1919)
Robert D. Zener (Cornell University 1907)
H. T. Zimmer (Cornell University 1955)
Darrel L. Zimmerman (Cornell University 1952)
James R. Aldridge (Cumberland University 1872)
William S. Ashworth (Cumberland University 1874)
Joseph B. Baines (Cumberland University 1873)
William G. Baird (Cumberland University 1871)
Thos C. Baker (Cumberland University 1873)
Henry H. Barr (Cumberland University 1873)
William K. Baskin (Cumberland University 1872)
John T. Bivens (Cumberland University 1875)
James V. Bourland (Cumberland University 1876)
William C. Bowen (Cumberland University 1876)
Temple Bowling (Cumberland University 1875)
Thomas A. Boyd (Cumberland University 1873)
Robert L. Bright (Cumberland University 1870)
James L. Brittain (Cumberland University 1871)
Foster V. Brown (Cumberland University 1873)
Thomas J. Buchanan (Cumberland University 1871)
Arcemus L. Carter (Cumberland University 1875)
Clarence V. Cavitt (Cumberland University 1876)
James A. Cavitt (Cumberland University 1872)
Josephus W. Cavitt (Cumberland University 1876)
Robert B. Cavitt (Cumberland University 1874)
William R. Cavitt (Cumberland University 1872)
Charles F. Clint (Cumberland University 1871)
Henry W. Elliott (Cumberland University 1874)
Benjamin A. Enloe (Cumberland University 1873)
John C. Farr (Cumberland University 1873)
F. B. Fisher (Cumberland University 1872)
Benjamin S. Foster (Cumberland University 1876)
G. A. Giddings (Cumberland University 1872)
Grant Green (Cumberland University 1872)
William H. Grider (Cumberland University 1875)
Frank W. Henderson (Cumberland University 1872)
John H. Henderson (Cumberland University 1875)
Samuel R. Henderson (Cumberland University 1875)
Thomas H. Herndon (Cumberland University 1873)
Rodney J. Hudson (Cumberland University 1873)
Wiley E. Jones (Cumberland University 1872)
Oliver C. Kirven (Cumberland University 1872)
Robert A. Lacy (Cumberland University 1878)
Benjamin F. Love (Cumberland University 1873)
Caleb Y. Manning (Cumberland University 1873)
Thomas N. McClellan (Cumberland University 1872)
James F. McDonald (Cumberland University 1878)
James A. McGoodwin (Cumberland University 1878)
Malcolm L. McKenzie (Cumberland University 1876)
James T. Melton (Cumberland University 1875)
William A. H. Miller (Cumberland University 1871)
Atchilous B. Moore (Cumberland University 1875)
Walter S. Moore (Cumberland University 1873)
William W. Moores (Cumberland University 1870)
Matthew M. Neil (Cumberland University 1873)
William S. Otey (Cumberland University 1873)
John L. Pirtle (Cumberland University 1875)
Campbell W. Reiney (Cumberland University 1875)
Benjamin H. Rice (Cumberland University 1877)
Heywood Y. Riddle (Cumberland University 1877)
Randolph Robertson (Cumberland University 1875)
Joseph M. Rosborough (Cumberland University 1875)
William E. Rosborough (Cumberland University 1874)
Jas K. Ross (Cumberland University 1876)
John C. Sanders (Cumberland University 1875)
William W. Searcy (Cumberland University 1876)
William B. Sharber (Cumberland University 1878)
James Shelton (Cumberland University 1874)
George A. Smith (Cumberland University 1876)
Hilliard F. Smith (Cumberland University 1874)
William R. Smith (Cumberland University 1871)
Milton B. Stokes (Cumberland University 1872)
Miles J. Templeton (Cumberland University 1871)
William W. Topp (Cumberland University 1872)
Alfred E. Townes (Cumberland University 1873)
George W. Tyler (Cumberland University 1874)
James U. Vincent (Cumberland University 1871)
Algernon S. Walker (Cumberland University 1876)
William R. Wallace (Cumberland University 1874)
Pennell N. Aborn (Dartmouth College 1914)
Frank O. Adams (Dartmouth College 1935)
Stephen B. Adams (Dartmouth College 1938)
Arlon D. Albee (Dartmouth College 1923)
Frederick A. Alden (Dartmouth College 1913)
Laurence W. Aldrich (Dartmouth College 1919)
John G. Allen (Dartmouth College 1920)
Clayton L. Ames (Dartmouth College 1904)
Arthur Anderson Jr. (Dartmouth College 1955)
John S. Anderson (Dartmouth College 1948)
Eugene C. Andres (Dartmouth College 1928)
F. W. Andres (Dartmouth College 1929)
Harold Andres (Dartmouth College 1931)
Bruce G. Andrews (Dartmouth College 1959)
John W. Appleford (Dartmouth College 1960)
Ellsworth Armstrong (Dartmouth College 1930)
Irving T. Atwater (Dartmouth College 1917)
Ralph L. Aulmann (Dartmouth College 1940)
Briggs M. Austin (Dartmouth College 1937)
Maurice H. Avery (Dartmouth College 1903)
Philip S. Avery (Dartmouth College 1909)
Frank D. Axtell (Dartmouth College 1918)
Aloney B. Babcock (Dartmouth College 1907)
William B. Bachman (Dartmouth College 1939)
Adolph H. Badenhausen (Dartmouth College 1913)
John V. Baer Jr. (Dartmouth College 1917)
Thaddeus E. Baer (Dartmouth College 1918)
George F. Baine (Dartmouth College 1908)
John C. Baird (Dartmouth College 1960)
Ralph G. Baker (Dartmouth College 1921)
Robert M. Baker (Dartmouth College 1905)
James A. Ballard (Dartmouth College 1934)
Stephen A. Balogh (Dartmouth College 1951)
Richard W. Banfield (Dartmouth College 1934)
Ralph J. Barke (Dartmouth College 1914)
Richard W. Barrett (Dartmouth College 1934)
Frank E. Barteaux (Dartmouth College 1957)
Frank M. Bartlett (Dartmouth College 1909)
Walton R. Bauman (Dartmouth College 1925)
Ralph H. Bavier (Dartmouth College 1928)
Raymond H. Baxter (Dartmouth College 1917)
Morrison S. Beggs (Dartmouth College 1923)
John H. Bell (Dartmouth College 1905)
William L. Benger (Dartmouth College 1931)
Harold C. Benjamin (Dartmouth College 1910)
Charles L. Berry (Dartmouth College 1935)
Oscar W. Bilharz (Dartmouth College 1918)
Henry B. Billings (Dartmouth College 1936)
William C. Billings (Dartmouth College 1941)
Chester T. Birch (Dartmouth College 1934)
Henry R. Bishop (Dartmouth College 1930)
William R. Bishop (Dartmouth College 1932)
Richard W. Black (Dartmouth College 1929)
Hugh Blair (Dartmouth College 1904)
William S. Blanchard (Dartmouth College 1941)
Rudy Blesh (Dartmouth College 1921)
Clarence E. Blodgett (Dartmouth College 1925)
Frederick N. Blodgett (Dartmouth College 1925)
Wentworth P. Blodgett (Dartmouth College 1924)
Donald F. Blount (Dartmouth College 1941)
James E. Boak (Dartmouth College 1912)
Robert E. Bogart (Dartmouth College 1946)
John R. Bohn (Dartmouth College 1957)
Henry Bomgardner (Dartmouth College 1917)
Harold E. Booma (Dartmouth College 1930)
Howard M. Booth (Dartmouth College 1924)
George M. Bott (Dartmouth College 1929)
Bernard L. Boyle (Dartmouth College 1904)
John K. Boyle (Dartmouth College 1953)
Houston C. Boyles (Dartmouth College 1930)
Philip F. Boynton (Dartmouth College 1915)
John H. Brabb (Dartmouth College 1929)
Robert F. Bradish (Dartmouth College 1922)
Stephen J. Bradley (Dartmouth College 1939)
William E. Bragner (Dartmouth College 1930)
Forrest P. Branch (Dartmouth College 1933)
Frederick R. Breithut (Dartmouth College 1929)
John F. Brennan (Dartmouth College 1951)
George D. Bridge (Dartmouth College 1912)
Harrison C. Bristoll (Dartmouth College 1950)
Stanley H. Britten (Dartmouth College 1934)
William E. Britten (Dartmouth College 1932)
James J. Broderick (Dartmouth College 1945)
Carleton G. Broer (Dartmouth College 1927)
Charles A. Brooks (Dartmouth College 1905)
Ambrose F. Broughton (Dartmouth College 1943)
John P. Brower (Dartmouth College 1952)
Charles P. Brown (Dartmouth College 1942)
Gordon S. Brown (Dartmouth College 1942)
James B. Brown (Dartmouth College 1932)
Philip W. Brown (Dartmouth College 1944)
R. Shepard Brown (Dartmouth College 1925)
Carlton K. Brownell (Dartmouth College 1914)
Jack A. Bruckner (Dartmouth College 1933)
William A. Bruckner (Dartmouth College 1936)
Robert D. Buckalew (Dartmouth College 1942)
William P. Buckley (Dartmouth College 1939)
Harold H. Burbank (Dartmouth College 1909)
Wilfred I. Burke (Dartmouth College 1901)
Nathaniel G. Burleigh (Dartmouth College 1911)
Donald L. Burnham (Dartmouth College 1944)
Frank H. Burns (Dartmouth College 1944)
Robert E. Burns (Dartmouth College 1930)
Robert O. Burns (Dartmouth College 1942)
John J. Burtch (Dartmouth College 1906)
Oscar J. Cahoon (Dartmouth College 1935)
Theodore G. Caldwell Jr. (Dartmouth College 1924)
Donald P. Cameron (Dartmouth College 1925)
Donald W. Cameron (Dartmouth College 1935)
Crawford M. Campbell (Dartmouth College 1946)
Edmund M. Campbell (Dartmouth College 1931)
Farris Campbell (Dartmouth College 1939)
John F. Campion (Dartmouth College 1919)
Gerald M. Canning (Dartmouth College 1964)
Edmund F. Carey (Dartmouth College 1916)
Samuel G. Carson (Dartmouth College 1934)
Earle L. Carter (Dartmouth College 1917)
Charles B. Cashin (Dartmouth College 1945)
Harold A. Castle (Dartmouth College 1914)
Lester D. Castle (Dartmouth College 1915)
Richard L. Cates (Dartmouth College 1947)
Alan D. Catterall (Dartmouth College 1921)
Norman B. Catterall (Dartmouth College 1913)
Frank P. Cavanaugh (Dartmouth College 1924)
J. C. Cavanaugh (Dartmouth College 1919)
James H. Cavanaugh (Dartmouth College 1914)
John L. Chapman (Dartmouth College 1950)
Chester F. Chase (Dartmouth College 1943)
Francis J. Chase (Dartmouth College 1955)
Lester T. Chase (Dartmouth College 1939)
Robert H. Chase (Dartmouth College 1939)
Somerby N. Chase (Dartmouth College 1940)
Thornton Chase (Dartmouth College 1911)
Roland E. Chesley (Dartmouth College 1908)
Walter H. Childs (Dartmouth College 1912)
John H. Chipman (Dartmouth College 1919)
Howard P. Chivers (Dartmouth College 1939)
Warren H. Chivers (Dartmouth College 1938)
Philip A. Clark (Dartmouth College 1960)
Philip G. Clark (Dartmouth College 1936)
Robert C. Clark (Dartmouth College 1902)
Frank B. Clarkson (Dartmouth College 1931)
Richard D. Cleaves (Dartmouth College 1932)
William L. Cleaves (Dartmouth College 1916)
James A. Clegg (Dartmouth College 1937)
Thomas A. Clemons (Dartmouth College 1956)
Albert C. Cleveland (Dartmouth College 1915)
Howard W. Cole (Dartmouth College 1919)
Maurice Y. Cole (Dartmouth College 1921)
Samuel D. Cole (Dartmouth College 1914)
Daniel C. Colesworthy (Dartmouth College 1904)
Montgomery H. Colladay (Dartmouth College 1926)
George H. Colton (Dartmouth College 1935)
James H. Colton (Dartmouth College 1916)
John B. Colton (Dartmouth College 1920)
Robert O. Conant (Dartmouth College 1926)
Edward H. Concannon (Dartmouth College 1948)
Alfred A. Cooley (Dartmouth College 1929)
Richard L. Cooley (Dartmouth College 1918)
Harry M. Cooper (Dartmouth College 1914)
John H. Coppock (Dartmouth College 1930)
George W. Corbett (Dartmouth College 1954)
Percy G. Cornish (Dartmouth College 1951)
Owen R. Cote (Dartmouth College 1953)
Russell M. Cotner (Dartmouth College 1920)
Howard W. Cowee (Dartmouth College 1908)
Otis T. Crafts (Dartmouth College 1910)
Otis N. Crandall (Dartmouth College 1930)
Norman T. Crane (Dartmouth College 1922)
J. F. Crocker (Dartmouth College 1907)
Sumner Crosby (Dartmouth College 1908)
George E. Crosen (Dartmouth College 1947)
Franklin Crosse (Dartmouth College 1903)
Walter H. Crowley (Dartmouth College 1950)
Donald W. Crowther (Dartmouth College 1934)
Bruce F. Cunliffe (Dartmouth College 1947)
Leon L. Currier (Dartmouth College 1907)
Paul W. Cutler (Dartmouth College 1928)
George O. Cutter (Dartmouth College 1940)
Walter R. Daggatt (Dartmouth College 1943)
Frederick M. Daley (Dartmouth College 1944)
William K. Daniells (Dartmouth College 1934)
James J. Darling (Dartmouth College 1934)
Carleton Davenport (Dartmouth College 1928)
Marshall Davies (Dartmouth College 1918)
Frank E. Davis (Dartmouth College 1939)
John E. Davis (Dartmouth College 1931)
Winsor R. Davis (Dartmouth College 1915)
Joseph W. Deal (Dartmouth College 1930)
Carlton R. Dean (Dartmouth College 1912)
Charles E. Decker (Dartmouth College 1931)
James D. Decker (Dartmouth College 1953)
Ralph R. DeFonce (Dartmouth College 1947)
John A. Detlefsen (Dartmouth College 1908)
John H. Devlin (Dartmouth College 1937)
Joseph S. Dey Jr. (Dartmouth College 1950)
Robert D. Dick (Dartmouth College 1928)
John H. Dingle (Dartmouth College 1910)
Philip D. Dinsmore (Dartmouth College 1929)
Robert J. Dixon (Dartmouth College 1941)
John B. Dodge (Dartmouth College 1953)
Richard S. Dodge (Dartmouth College 1936)
Frederick L. Dold (Dartmouth College 1925)
Frederick Doll (Dartmouth College 1939)
Arthur I. Donahue (Dartmouth College 1915)
John W. Donovan (Dartmouth College 1967)
Franklin F. Doten (Dartmouth College 1923)
Leonard M. Dow (Dartmouth College 1916)
William W. Drabble (Dartmouth College 1918)
Leroy H. Dreher (Dartmouth College 1927)
Chester P. Dudley (Dartmouth College 1913)
James T. Duffy (Dartmouth College 1918)
William H. Duggan (Dartmouth College 1959)
William T. Duker (Dartmouth College 1921)
David R. Dunlap (Dartmouth College 1942)
Hubert R. Dunn (Dartmouth College 1905)
John J. Dunn (Dartmouth College 1926)
Morley K. Dunn (Dartmouth College 1903)
Henry F. Durham (Dartmouth College 1946)
Richard H. Durrance (Dartmouth College 1939)
Theodor D. Eck (Dartmouth College 1959)
Randolph L. Eddy (Dartmouth College 1917)
Everett W. Edwards (Dartmouth College 1919)
Ernst J. Eggerss (Dartmouth College 1922)
Roscoe O. Elliott (Dartmouth College 1920)
Carl V. Elmquist (Dartmouth College 1925)
George W. Elwell (Dartmouth College 1908)
Joseph W. Emery (Dartmouth College 1917)
William L. Essex (Dartmouth College 1936)
John C. Everett (Dartmouth College 1941)
Richard M. Falck (Dartmouth College 1939)
Herman Fall (Dartmouth College 1917)
Howard Fall (Dartmouth College 1910)
Lionel Fall (Dartmouth College 1913)
Dana G. Farrisee (Dartmouth College 1952)
Hermon W. Farwell (Dartmouth College 1902)
Louis D. Fauteaux (Dartmouth College 1904)
Paul C. Faxon (Dartmouth College 1959)
Frederick Fedeli (Dartmouth College 1953)
Paul R. Felt (Dartmouth College 1906)
Norman F. Fermoyle (Dartmouth College 1923)
George J. Ferrarese (Dartmouth College 1947)
Samuel E. Field (Dartmouth College 1928)
Carl O. Fischer (Dartmouth College 1935)
Herbert P. Fleming (Dartmouth College 1919)
Morton W. Fletcher (Dartmouth College 1923)
John M. Foote (Dartmouth College 1916)
Albert D. Foster (Dartmouth College 1939)
John W. Foster (Dartmouth College 1911)
Edwin H. Fowler (Dartmouth College 1927)
John G. Fowler (Dartmouth College 1920)
Jean A. Fraisier (Dartmouth College 1920)
Richard M. Francis (Dartmouth College 1938)
Southgate B. Freeman (Dartmouth College 1940)
Charles M. French (Dartmouth College 1924)
Charles W. French (Dartmouth College 1906)
Philip R. French (Dartmouth College 1927)
Gordon B. Frost (Dartmouth College 1904)
Wilbur M. Fullaway (Dartmouth College 1920)
Edward R. Furey (Dartmouth College 1923)
William N. Galbraith (Dartmouth College 1930)
Charles C. Gammons (Dartmouth College 1916)
Everett W. Gammons (Dartmouth College 1912)
William Ganter (Dartmouth College 1938)
Alvaro M. Garcia (Dartmouth College 1912)
Antonio F. Garcia (Dartmouth College 1916)
William H. Gardiner (Dartmouth College 1906)
Roscoe G. Geller (Dartmouth College 1912)
William E. Geraghty (Dartmouth College 1937)
Robert L. Giarla (Dartmouth College 1935)
R. S. Gibbs (Dartmouth College 1943)
Lester H. Gibson (Dartmouth College 1911)
Robert P. Gill (Dartmouth College 1942)
Archie R. Giroux (Dartmouth College 1923)
Ernest A. Giroux (Dartmouth College 1919)
Richard Godfrey (Dartmouth College 1942)
Wesley D. Goding (Dartmouth College 1939)
Charles C. Goodfellow (Dartmouth College 1934)
Richard D. Gooding (Dartmouth College 1926)
James D. Gordon (Dartmouth College 1939)
Robert R. Gorton (Dartmouth College 1910)
Kenneth H. Goss (Dartmouth College 1912)
Parker S. Goss (Dartmouth College 1923)
George S. Graham (Dartmouth College 1902)
Granville W. Grambs (Dartmouth College 1922)
Robert Grant (Dartmouth College 1946)
Carl A. Gray (Dartmouth College 1923)
Robert T. Gray (Dartmouth College 1950)
James Gregg (Dartmouth College 1950)
John Grocott (Dartmouth College 1952)
Robert O. Grunditz (Dartmouth College 1947)
Valentine R. Grundman (Dartmouth College 1921)
Frank Gulden Jr. (Dartmouth College 1930)
Charles R. Guyer (Dartmouth College 1927)
Walter W. Gwinn (Dartmouth College 1923)
Donald C. Hagerman (Dartmouth College 1935)
Frederic H. Halvorsen (Dartmouth College 1935)
Ellmore A. Hammesfahr (Dartmouth College 1928)
A. John Hammond Jr. (Dartmouth College 1926)
Donald F. Hamson (Dartmouth College 1956)
Paul D. Hanlon (Dartmouth College 1943)
Laurence V. Hanlon (Dartmouth College 1919)
Selden J. Hannah (Dartmouth College 1935)
James A. Hannan (Dartmouth College 1932)
Walter L. Hardenbrook (Dartmouth College 1913)
Lawrence P. Hardy (Dartmouth College 1901)
Haven W. Harriman (Dartmouth College 1913)
Nathaniel P. Harris (Dartmouth College 1916)
Robert L. Harrison (Dartmouth College 1932)
Henry Harwood (Dartmouth College 1939)
Merrill Haskell (Dartmouth College 1915)
Roy W. Hatch (Dartmouth College 1902)
Winslow R. Hatch (Dartmouth College 1930)
D. P. Hatch (Dartmouth College 1928)
Daniel P. Hatch (Dartmouth College 1906)
Eric V. Hauser Jr. (Dartmouth College 1920)
Archie S. Haven (Dartmouth College 1912)
Orville S. Haverfield (Dartmouth College 1939)
Arthur C. Havlin (Dartmouth College 1919)
Richard N. Hawkes (Dartmouth College 1940)
Leslie D. Hawkridge (Dartmouth College 1911)
Jess B. Hawley (Dartmouth College 1909)
James M. Hays (Dartmouth College 1944)
Morris L. Heath (Dartmouth College 1929)
Octavio Hecht (Dartmouth College 1924)
James A. Henander (Dartmouth College 1959)
Norman E. Henshaw (Dartmouth College 1936)
Brian K. Hepburn (Dartmouth College 1959)
Orton H. Hicks (Dartmouth College 1921)
Benjamin Hiestand (Dartmouth College 1920)
Harry P. Higgins (Dartmouth College 1915)
Ethan W. Hitchcock (Dartmouth College 1927)
Henry H. Hixson (Dartmouth College 1933)
John P. Hoeffler (Dartmouth College 1924)
Donald Hoffman (Dartmouth College 1911)
William J. Hoffman (Dartmouth College 1933)
John R. Hoffstetter (Dartmouth College 1937)
Carl N. Holmes (Dartmouth College 1916)
Charles E. Holt (Dartmouth College 1945)
Chauncey R. Hood (Dartmouth College 1918)
George E. Hopkins (Dartmouth College 1946)
John C. Hubbard (Dartmouth College 1929)
George A. Hume (Dartmouth College 1929)
Andrew H. Hunter (Dartmouth College 1941)
Maurice H. Hunter (Dartmouth College 1920)
Robert J. Hunter (Dartmouth College 1910)
Paul E. Hurley (Dartmouth College 1940)
Robert E. Ingersoll (Dartmouth College 1936)
Elbert C. Ingram (Dartmouth College 1919)
Walter P. Innes (Dartmouth College 1925)
Russell D. Ireland (Dartmouth College 1934)
Edward S. Jacobson (Dartmouth College 1936)
Allan C. Jacobson (Dartmouth College 1934)
Harold F. Jacobus (Dartmouth College 1912)
Robert D. Jameson (Dartmouth College 1939)
Bradford G. Jenkins (Dartmouth College 1938)
Charles E. Johnson (Dartmouth College 1903)
Richard A. Johnson (Dartmouth College 1947)
Spencer D. Johnson (Dartmouth College 1945)
Theodore K. Johnson (Dartmouth College 1939)
Cyrus C. Jones (Dartmouth College 1909)
Edward F. Jones (Dartmouth College 1955)
Henson L. Jones (Dartmouth College 1925)
Hugh B. Jones (Dartmouth College 1923)
Shirley A. Joyce (Dartmouth College 1913)
Lewis C. Judd (Dartmouth College 1936)
Siegel W. Judd (Dartmouth College 1918)
Norman L. Kasparson (Dartmouth College 1954)
Robert E. Kay (Dartmouth College 1933)
Rockwood Keith (Dartmouth College 1928)
Edward H. Kenerson (Dartmouth College 1903)
John B. Kenerson (Dartmouth College 1913)
John B. Kenerson (Dartmouth College 1928)
Richard F. Kenney (Dartmouth College 1940)
Charles H. Kent (Dartmouth College 1909)
Edgar H. Kent (Dartmouth College 1931)
Peter Kiewit (Dartmouth College 1922)
Donald G. Kimball (Dartmouth College 1904)
Robert Y. Kimball (Dartmouth College 1946)
Whitefield Kimball (Dartmouth College 1963)
William D. Kimball (Dartmouth College 1949)
Richard Kimmel (Dartmouth College 1943)
Gene G. King (Dartmouth College 1939)
Victor L. King (Dartmouth College 1907)
Arthur J. Knight (Dartmouth College 1911)
Ralph G. Knight (Dartmouth College 1907)
William D. Knight (Dartmouth College 1908)
Peirce D. Knott (Dartmouth College 1924)
Robert C. Knott (Dartmouth College 1924)
John A. Koslowski (Dartmouth College 1943)
Joseph A. Kraatz (Dartmouth College 1946)
Charles H. Kraft (Dartmouth College 1906)
De H. Krans (Dartmouth College 1933)
Alvin M. Krutsch (Dartmouth College 1959)
Robert H. Lake (Dartmouth College 1940)
Wetherbee Lamson (Dartmouth College 1940)
Myles J. Lane (Dartmouth College 1928)
Carl L. Lang (Dartmouth College 1937)
Park J. Larmon (Dartmouth College 1916)
Russel R. Larmon (Dartmouth College 1919)
Sigurd S. Larmon (Dartmouth College 1914)
Stephen P. Lasch (Dartmouth College 1962)
Neal K. Lawson (Dartmouth College 1945)
Thomas E. Leggat (Dartmouth College 1947)
Louis E. Leverone (Dartmouth College 1904)
Nathaniel Leverone (Dartmouth College 1906)
Lawrence P. Leverone (Dartmouth College 1922)
Arthur L. Lewis (Dartmouth College 1908)
G. R. Lezius (Dartmouth College 1947)
Jeremy C. Lindsay (Dartmouth College 1951)
Charles R. Lingley (Dartmouth College 1913)
John P. Litchfield (Dartmouth College 1939)
Stanton G. Litchfield (Dartmouth College 1925)
Robert L. Long (Dartmouth College 1927)
Arnold W. Lovejoy (Dartmouth College 1929)
Garrison Lowe (Dartmouth College 1937)
James T. Lucey (Dartmouth College 1946)
Charles E. Lucking (Dartmouth College 1941)
Richard B. Ludwig (Dartmouth College 1924)
Gordon C. MacKenzie (Dartmouth College 1932)
Edgar A. Maclennan (Dartmouth College 1904)
J. W. Maclennan (Dartmouth College 1903)
Andrew L. Macmillan (Dartmouth College 1905)
George E. Manser (Dartmouth College 1926)
Robert M. Mara (Dartmouth College 1944)
Charles H. March (Dartmouth College 1934)
George M. Marchand (Dartmouth College 1905)
Ford Marden (Dartmouth College 1933)
Frederick A. Martin (Dartmouth College 1911)
Joseph F. Martin (Dartmouth College 1945)
Leigh S. Martin (Dartmouth College 1906)
Robert A. Martin (Dartmouth College 1954)
William A. Martin (Dartmouth College 1907)
John J. Martino (Dartmouth College 1952)
Bruce E. Mather (Dartmouth College 1947)
Noble O. Maxwell (Dartmouth College 1924)
Cloyd T. Maynard (Dartmouth College 1904)
Ralph T. Maynard (Dartmouth College 1931)
Thomas L. Maynard (Dartmouth College 1929)
Ferdinand F. McAllister (Dartmouth College 1934)
William E. McAndrew (Dartmouth College 1952)
Donald J. McCaffrey (Dartmouth College 1940)
Donald F. McCall (Dartmouth College 1927)
Robert E. McConaughy (Dartmouth College 1921)
Robert H. McCord (Dartmouth College 1925)
Leonard P. McCoun (Dartmouth College 1922)
Duncan S. McDougall (Dartmouth College 1925)
Earl E. McEvoy (Dartmouth College 1935)
Charles F. McGoughran (Dartmouth College 1920)
James P. McGovern (Dartmouth College 1938)
Herbert A. McGrath (Dartmouth College 1917)
Augustus S. McGuire (Dartmouth College 1953)
Albert R. McIntyre (Dartmouth College 1937)
Frank B. McKnight (Dartmouth College 1931)
Thomas H. McKnight (Dartmouth College 1923)
Peter McLane (Dartmouth College 1937)
John R. Meany (Dartmouth College 1929)
John R. Meehan (Dartmouth College 1923)
Parker L. Melvin (Dartmouth College 1917)
Joseph H. Merrill (Dartmouth College 1906)
Malcolm W. Metcalf (Dartmouth College 1932)
Vincent Meyer (Dartmouth College 1926)
Harry C. Midgley (Dartmouth College 1940)
Appleton T. Miles (Dartmouth College 1916)
David B. Miller (Dartmouth College 1912)
Donald L. Miller (Dartmouth College 1943)
Francis W. Miller (Dartmouth College 1940)
Edwin L. Miller Jr. (Dartmouth College 1947)
William B. Minehan (Dartmouth College 1931)
Seth R. Moger (Dartmouth College 1960)
Henry P. Molloy Jr. (Dartmouth College 1937)
Steven R. Moody (Dartmouth College 1960)
Donald M. Moore (Dartmouth College 1945)
George T. Moore (Dartmouth College 1894)
William H. Moran (Dartmouth College 1935)
Frederick H. Morawski (Dartmouth College 1909)
Richard W. Morin (Dartmouth College 1924)
Robert A. Morrill (Dartmouth College 1911)
Alexander Morrison (Dartmouth College 1916)
Clarendon Mower (Dartmouth College 1915)
Penfield Mower (Dartmouth College 1904)
Robinson H. Mower (Dartmouth College 1909)
Heister H. Muhlenberg (Dartmouth College 1922)
Robert E. Mulhern (Dartmouth College 1944)
Marr P. Mullen (Dartmouth College 1951)
Robert A. Mulliken (Dartmouth College 1937)
Robert W. Mungall (Dartmouth College 1913)
Harold H. Murchie (Dartmouth College 1909)
George R. Murphy (Dartmouth College 1923)
Hubert J. Murphy (Dartmouth College 1941)
Donald A. Murray (Dartmouth College 1933)
William H. Murray (Dartmouth College 1902)
Cortland Myers (Dartmouth College 1915)
Charles R. Myserian (Dartmouth College 1954)
Tom J. Needham Jr. (Dartmouth College 1926)
William R. Neely (Dartmouth College 1956)
Stanley E. Neill (Dartmouth College 1934)
Howard R. Newcomb (Dartmouth College 1932)
Jonah J. Newton (Dartmouth College 1909)
Fred W. Nichols (Dartmouth College 1942)
Ralph O. Nims (Dartmouth College 1931)
John P. Nixon (Dartmouth College 1928)
Arthur D. Noble (Dartmouth College 1934)
Forris W. Norris (Dartmouth College 1931)
Albert K. Noyes (Dartmouth College 1931)
Wesley L. Nutten (Dartmouth College 1951)
Loring C. Nye (Dartmouth College 1940)
John M. O'Connor (Dartmouth College 1931)
Maurice S. O'Connor (Dartmouth College 1934)
Will R. Ogg (Dartmouth College 1935)
Herluf V. Olsen (Dartmouth College 1922)
George N. Orcutt (Dartmouth College 1932)
Dudley W. Orr (Dartmouth College 1929)
Edward B. Osborn (Dartmouth College 1928)
Brett Osborne (Dartmouth College 1933)
Arthur D. O'Shea (Dartmouth College 1908)
Robert E. Osterhout (Dartmouth College 1938)
James J. Page (Dartmouth College 1941)
William O. Page (Dartmouth College 1929)
John S. Paisley (Dartmouth College 1923)
A. R. Palmer (Dartmouth College 1903)
Donald F. Palmer (Dartmouth College 1910)
Earl R. Palmer (Dartmouth College 1910)
John M. Palmer (Dartmouth College 1914)
Raymond E. Palmer (Dartmouth College 1911)
Wayne F. Palmer (Dartmouth College 1917)
Edwin B. Parker (Dartmouth College 1922)
William W. Parmer (Dartmouth College 1942)
Charles R. Parr (Dartmouth College 1950)
Leon B. Paton (Dartmouth College 1907)
Norman H. Payne (Dartmouth College 1933)
Sherman M. Peabody (Dartmouth College 1936)
Charles R. Peck (Dartmouth College 1911)
Russell H. Peck (Dartmouth College 1907)
Raymond E. Peck Jr. (Dartmouth College 1933)
Robert G. Pelren (Dartmouth College 1943)
Clifford O. Perry (Dartmouth College 1906)
Henry D. Persons (Dartmouth College 1950)
Seaver Peters (Dartmouth College 1954)
John A. Pfanner (Dartmouth College 1927)
B. W. Phillips (Dartmouth College 1925)
Hosea B. Phillips (Dartmouth College 1920)
Warren W. Phinney (Dartmouth College 1930)
Ronald M. Pickett (Dartmouth College 1954)
Charles A. Pierce (Dartmouth College 1906)
Edgar S. Pitkin (Dartmouth College 1931)
Joseph P. Pitman (Dartmouth College 1915)
Paul F. Poehler (Dartmouth College 1930)
Elmer D. Pope (Dartmouth College 1923)
Ernest E. Pope (Dartmouth College 1923)
Benjamin H. Potter (Dartmouth College 1920)
Carleton A. Potter (Dartmouth College 1917)
John W. Potter (Dartmouth College 1919)
William F. Pounder (Dartmouth College 1936)
John W. Powell (Dartmouth College 1940)
Clifton W. Power (Dartmouth College 1931)
David D. Pratt (Dartmouth College 1902)
Thomas H. Prendergast (Dartmouth College 1918)
Edgar B. Prescott (Dartmouth College 1910)
Frederick F. Priest (Dartmouth College 1906)
Charles N. Proctor (Dartmouth College 1928)
George S. Pulliam (Dartmouth College 1945)
Boyd W. Putnam (Dartmouth College 1907)
Robert C. Rackliff (Dartmouth College 1955)
Norman W. Rand (Dartmouth College 1935)
Howard S. Ransom (Dartmouth College 1921)
Harland S. Ratcliffe (Dartmouth College 1948)
Peter F. Rath (Dartmouth College 1956)
Charles C. Ray (Dartmouth College 1956)
Maurice Readey (Dartmouth College 1909)
Daniel J. Reagan (Dartmouth College 1935)
Frank J. Reagan (Dartmouth College 1909)
John F. Reilly (Dartmouth College 1954)
Williston C. Rich (Dartmouth College 1930)
Gordon D. Richards (Dartmouth College 1924)
Everett G. Richardson (Dartmouth College 1922)
Seward A. Ridlon (Dartmouth College 1951)
Francis B. Riley (Dartmouth College 1906)
John P. Riley (Dartmouth College 1944)
Joseph A. Riley (Dartmouth College 1949)
Andrew D. Robertson (Dartmouth College 1938)
Harrison Robins (Dartmouth College 1911)
Joseph D. Robinson (Dartmouth College 1932)
Landon G. Rockwell (Dartmouth College 1935)
Phillips H. Roland (Dartmouth College 1920)
Robert H. Roland (Dartmouth College 1920)
Philip A. Rollins (Dartmouth College 1957)
Richard E. Rondeau (Dartmouth College 1944)
Edgar M. Rose (Dartmouth College 1928)
Theodore Rose (Dartmouth College 1927)
Frank A. Ross (Dartmouth College 1921)
John Ross (Dartmouth College 1919)
Arthur B. Rotch (Dartmouth College 1908)
Jack F. Rourke (Dartmouth College 1940)
Norman Russell (Dartmouth College 1906)
Raymond F. Russell (Dartmouth College 1915)
Walter G. Ryba (Dartmouth College 1963)
Robert D. Salinger (Dartmouth College 1926)
Roger B. Salinger (Dartmouth College 1927)
Allen P. Salmon (Dartmouth College 1910)
Harvey B. Sanborn (Dartmouth College 1902)
Clarence W. Sanders (Dartmouth College 1922)
John F. Sanders (Dartmouth College 1929)
Richard B. Sanders (Dartmouth College 1929)
Robert G. Sands (Dartmouth College 1933)
Thomas D. Sayles (Dartmouth College 1954)
Ford K. Sayre (Dartmouth College 1933)
Carl F. Schipper (Dartmouth College 1926)
Albert Schofield (Dartmouth College 1909)
Paul C. Schuler (Dartmouth College 1965)
Thomas J. Scully (Dartmouth College 1913)
Charles H. Sellman (Dartmouth College 1957)
John C. Shambow (Dartmouth College 1910)
Wallace A. Shambow (Dartmouth College 1915)
Connor B. Shaw (Dartmouth College 1943)
Raymond W. Sheets (Dartmouth College 1910)
John P. Sheldon (Dartmouth College 1927)
Osborne H. Shenstone (Dartmouth College 1910)
Alan B. Shepard (Dartmouth College 1913)
Henry E. Shields (Dartmouth College 1919)
Ralph E. Shoemaker (Dartmouth College 1914)
Richard M. Shute (Dartmouth College 1959)
Dale R. Sisson (Dartmouth College 1944)
John F. Sisson (Dartmouth College 1947)
Joseph E. Sisson (Dartmouth College 1951)
Lewis H. Sisson (Dartmouth College 1911)
Rufus L. Sisson (Dartmouth College 1914)
Walter C. Sisson (Dartmouth College 1917)
David E. Skinner (Dartmouth College 1942)
Finlay P. Sleeper (Dartmouth College 1906)
David A. Smith (Dartmouth College 1959)
Donald C. Smith (Dartmouth College 1953)
James F. Smith (Dartmouth College 1923)
Olin R. Smith (Dartmouth College 1916)
Orvil W. Smith (Dartmouth College 1903)
Robert M. Smith (Dartmouth College 1934)
Samuel H. Snow (Dartmouth College 1940)
Arthur C. Snyder (Dartmouth College 1967)
Robert A. Snyder (Dartmouth College 1925)
Donald W. Solis (Dartmouth College 1928)
Richard C. Southwick (Dartmouth College 1920)
Charles V. Spallino (Dartmouth College 1944)
Kenneth M. Spang (Dartmouth College 1933)
William L. Spang (Dartmouth College 1932)
Guy C. Spokesfield (Dartmouth College 1910)
Roger D. Stanwood (Dartmouth College 1939)
Charles H. Stearns (Dartmouth College 1935)
George H. Stickney (Dartmouth College 1914)
Robert C. Stickney (Dartmouth College 1917)
Charles N. Stiles (Dartmouth College 1921)
Henry L. Stone (Dartmouth College 1908)
Howard P. Stone (Dartmouth College 1902)
Roger P. Stone (Dartmouth College 1917)
Rand N. Stowell (Dartmouth College 1935)
Ezekiel A. Straw (Dartmouth College 1949)
Carl L. Stucklen (Dartmouth College 1911)
Henry W. Stucklen (Dartmouth College 1909)
Charles L. Sullivan (Dartmouth College 1963)
Frederick T. Sullivan (Dartmouth College 1926)
Theodore P. Swick (Dartmouth College 1945)
James B. Swift (Dartmouth College 1953)
Herman C. Swoboda (Dartmouth College 1924)
Gilbert G. Sykes (Dartmouth College 1936)
John S. Tate (Dartmouth College 1941)
Edward H. Taylor (Dartmouth College 1920)
John Taylor (Dartmouth College 1907)
Burgess C. Taylor (Dartmouth College 1951)
Eugene F. Teevens (Dartmouth College 1952)
Robert N. Thayer (Dartmouth College 1946)
Robert B. Thieme (Dartmouth College 1916)
Arthur Thompson (Dartmouth College 1914)
Peter C. Thompson (Dartmouth College 1955)
Rupert C. Thompson (Dartmouth College 1928)
Burton D. Thorpe (Dartmouth College 1908)
Jesse L. Thorpe (Dartmouth College 1903)
Allan C. Thurman (Dartmouth College 1913)
Clarence T. Thurman (Dartmouth College 1914)
Alfred H. Tilley (Dartmouth College 1913)
Floyd G. Tindall (Dartmouth College 1911)
Donald J. Tobin (Dartmouth College 1922)
Gregory J. Tobin (Dartmouth College 1920)
Harold J. Tobin (Dartmouth College 1917)
Clarence W. Tourtellotte (Dartmouth College 1906)
Russell L. Tracy (Dartmouth College 1921)
Curtis C. Tripp (Dartmouth College 1918)
John F. Trost (Dartmouth College 1933)
Charles M. Tubbs (Dartmouth College 1904)
Robert W. Tucker (Dartmouth College 1927)
Allan A. Tukey (Dartmouth College 1914)
Alton F. Tupper (Dartmouth College 1924)
Leonard F. Turnbull (Dartmouth College 1923)
Robert P. Turnbull (Dartmouth College 1922)
Everett W. Turner (Dartmouth College 1944)
Miles A. Turpin (Dartmouth College 1927)
George C. Van Dusen (Dartmouth College 1957)
Lambert C. Vanaalst (Dartmouth College 1927)
Frederick D. Varney (Dartmouth College 1936)
Ernest W. Vesey (Dartmouth College 1949)
William T. Volkhardt (Dartmouth College 1926)
William Y. Wallace (Dartmouth College 1944)
Louis T. Wallis (Dartmouth College 1905)
David I. Walsh (Dartmouth College 1939)
Robert M. Walsh (Dartmouth College 1929)
Percy W. Wanamaker (Dartmouth College 1923)
Kenneth H. Ward (Dartmouth College 1924)
David E. Warden (Dartmouth College 1933)
Waterman G. Warren (Dartmouth College 1913)
William B. Waterman (Dartmouth College 1931)
Clifton E. Watson (Dartmouth College 1922)
Philip K. Watson (Dartmouth College 1918)
Robert W. Weinig (Dartmouth College 1952)
Howard B. Welch (Dartmouth College 1911)
Ernest F. Wells (Dartmouth College 1909)
Roger D. Wells (Dartmouth College 1953)
William G. Werner (Dartmouth College 1941)
Chester A. Wescott (Dartmouth College 1914)
B. M. Whelden (Dartmouth College 1917)
Ford H. Whelden (Dartmouth College 1925)
John E. Whelden (Dartmouth College 1938)
Perley E. Whelden (Dartmouth College 1903)
Richard G. Whelden (Dartmouth College 1911)
John F. Whitcomb (Dartmouth College 1932)
Cleon B. White (Dartmouth College 1912)
Edgar F. White (Dartmouth College 1908)
William A. White (Dartmouth College 1919)
James G. Whiting (Dartmouth College 1939)
Richard A. Whiting (Dartmouth College 1944)
Ralph E. Whitman (Dartmouth College 1911)
Manolo M. Wiechers (Dartmouth College 1914)
Robert E. Wiley (Dartmouth College 1925)
William B. Willard (Dartmouth College 1926)
Arthur P. Williams (Dartmouth College 1915)
Bedford Williams (Dartmouth College 1927)
Neil Williams (Dartmouth College 1925)
Edward S. Willis (Dartmouth College 1904)
Robert E. Wilmot (Dartmouth College 1934)
Charles M. Wilson (Dartmouth College 1925)
Lloyd B. Wilson (Dartmouth College 1931)
George J. Winger (Dartmouth College 1925)
Eric E. Wollaeger (Dartmouth College 1931)
Thomas A. Wollaeger (Dartmouth College 1932)
Robert D. Wood (Dartmouth College 1934)
Thomas T. Woodruff (Dartmouth College 1917)
Henry E. Woodward (Dartmouth College 1904)
Matthew J. Wozniak (Dartmouth College 1963)
Russell B. Wright (Dartmouth College 1907)
Stanley P. Wright (Dartmouth College 1942)
Willard L. Wright (Dartmouth College 1912)
Charles W. Wyckoff (Dartmouth College 1938)
Loring T. Yates (Dartmouth College 1954)
Naasson S. Young (Dartmouth College 1917)
Stanley J. Zarod (Dartmouth College 1944)
Richard B. Zeigler (Dartmouth College 1930)
York B. Zetterberg (Dartmouth College 1944)
George A. Agett (Davidson College 1961)
Jake F. Alexander (Davidson College 1948)
S. C. Alexander (Davidson College 1951)
Brooke E. Allen (Davidson College 1932)
Chaplain D. Allen (Davidson College 1955)
Thomas T. Allison (Davidson College 1899)
John E. Ashcraft (Davidson College 1932)
Herbert P. Bailey (Davidson College 1922)
Frank H. Baker (Davidson College 1917)
Henry B. Baker (Davidson College 1939)
Thomas T. Baker (Davidson College 1930)
Dan H. Barefoot (Davidson College 1966)
Frank P. Barker (Davidson College 1941)
John R. Barron (Davidson College 1945)
Hugh A. Baskin (Davidson College 1970)
Lawrence L. Beall (Davidson College 1927)
McPherson S. Beall (Davidson College 1925)
Daniel F. Beals (Davidson College 1949)
James E. Bear (Davidson College 1960)
Allen V. Beck (Davidson College 1956)
Daniel C. Bell (Davidson College 1951)
Earle D. Bellamy (Davidson College 1968)
Earle G. Bellamy (Davidson College 1942)
Henry M. Bellamy (Davidson College 1954)
Robert B. Black (Davidson College 1944)
John W. Bolen (Davidson College 1955)
Herbert J. Bolin (Davidson College 1940)
Edward E. Boushee (Davidson College 1924)
John T. Bradshaw (Davidson College 1932)
Jackson A. Branch (Davidson College 1952)
Russell P. Brannon (Davidson College 1968)
John O. Branton (Davidson College 1937)
Royal L. Branton (Davidson College 1941)
William C. Branton (Davidson College 1936)
Chase Brenizer (Davidson College 1941)
Edward C. Brewer Jr. (Davidson College 1939)
James L. Brock (Davidson College 1931)
Richard A. Brock (Davidson College 1937)
Marius L. Brohard (Davidson College 1932)
Thomas W. Brohard Jr. (Davidson College 1930)
Elmer E. Brown (Davidson College 1928)
Peter M. Brown (Davidson College 1950)
William M. Brown (Davidson College 1934)
James S. Brown (Davidson College 1921)
William F. Bryson (Davidson College 1954)
Irving S. Bull (Davidson College 1938)
Michael E. Bumgarner (Davidson College 1970)
William B. Campbell (Davidson College 1947)
Richard M. Cann (Davidson College 1936)
Ernest W. Carpenter (Davidson College 1958)
Avery T. Cashion (Davidson College 1917)
Charles H. Cashon (Davidson College 1951)
Peterson Cavert (Davidson College 1943)
Dwight M. Chalmers (Davidson College 1920)
Larry S. Champion (Davidson College 1954)
Owen A. Chatham (Davidson College 1928)
Donald J. Chipman (Davidson College 1924)
Edward C. Chipman (Davidson College 1954)
Robert M. Christian (Davidson College 1930)
William A. Christian (Davidson College 1927)
William E. Christopher (Davidson College 1951)
Clarence I. Clark (Davidson College 1951)
Eugene F. Clark II (Davidson College 1964)
Thomas G. Coltrane (Davidson College 1926)
Donald R. Comer (Davidson College 1957)
Arthur O. Cooke (Davidson College 1937)
Walter E. Covington (Davidson College 1923)
William H. Crane (Davidson College 1943)
Clifford R. Crawford (Davidson College 1923)
Marion L. Crawford (Davidson College 1929)
Robert L. Crawley (Davidson College 1951)
John S. Creech (Davidson College 1933)
Charles L. Creech (Davidson College 1929)
Edward C. Cridlebaugh (Davidson College 1955)
Samuel C. Cumming (Davidson College 1952)
William P. Cumming (Davidson College 1921)
Lauchlin M. Currie (Davidson College 1918)
Neill R. Currie (Davidson College 1923)
William M. Currie (Davidson College 1919)
Thompson Dabney (Davidson College 1951)
William R. Dabney (Davidson College 1944)
Harwell M. Darby (Davidson College 1942)
Kenneth C. Darby (Davidson College 1939)
Harvey W. Davenport (Davidson College 1919)
James R. Davis (Davidson College 1955)
William A. Davis (Davidson College 1949)
Douglas Dillard (Davidson College 1942)
Tyree Dillard (Davidson College 1928)
Gregory G. Dimijian (Davidson College 1956)
William O. Dobbins (Davidson College 1930)
William E. Dole (Davidson College 1964)
Joseph E. Dooley (Davidson College 1938)
James K. Dorsett (Davidson College 1938)
M. R. Doubles (Davidson College 1922)
Lawrence Dumas (Davidson College 1929)
James R. Dunn (Davidson College 1915)
Howard T. Dyer (Davidson College 1937)
John L. Eggers (Davidson College 1963)
James S. Ellis (Davidson College 1976)
Nesbitt Elmore (Davidson College 1939)
Charles D. Elyea (Davidson College 1952)
Malcolm M. Erwin (Davidson College 1922)
John L. Fairly (Davidson College 1944)
James M. Fickeisen (Davidson College 1952)
Harris M. Findlay (Davidson College 1945)
Thomas P. Finlay (Davidson College 1940)
John H. Flintom (Davidson College 1955)
Joseph O. Foil (Davidson College 1927)
Martin B. Foil (Davidson College 1923)
John S. Foster (Davidson College 1928)
Charles C. Freed (Davidson College 1955)
Charles W. Freeman (Davidson College 1933)
William L. Freeman (Davidson College 1952)
Robert M. Friend (Davidson College 1939)
Elie J. Ganier (Davidson College 1938)
Gene B. Ganier (Davidson College 1938)
John W. Garden (Davidson College 1957)
John M. Gaston (Davidson College 1921)
Robert C. Gay (Davidson College 1951)
William R. Gentry (Davidson College 1955)
Bobby G. Gibson (Davidson College 1952)
James D. Gilliam (Davidson College 1940)
James H. Glass (Davidson College 1936)
Louis P. Good (Davidson College 1920)
Robert W. Gorrell (Davidson College 1932)
Junius B. Goslen (Davidson College 1936)
Edward D. Grant (Davidson College 1945)
John H. Gray (Davidson College 1957)
J. L. Green (Davidson College 1925)
William O. Green (Davidson College 1927)
Arthur G. Griffin (Davidson College 1955)
Alan D. Groseclose (Davidson College 1952)
George L. Gullette (Davidson College 1935)
John D. Gwin (Davidson College 1928)
Walter K. Gwin (Davidson College 1928)
Matthews N. Hall (Davidson College 1928)
Robert D. Hall (Davidson College 1919)
William T. Hall (Davidson College 1935)
Frank J. Hall (Davidson College 1945)
Frank P. Hall (Davidson College 1920)
John T. Hannah (Davidson College 1945)
Paul Y. Harlan (Davidson College 1936)
Quinn M. Harless (Davidson College 1933)
John T. Harmon (Davidson College 1956)
Thomas L. Harnsberger (Davidson College 1940)
William H. Harris (Davidson College 1950)
Joseph T. Hart (Davidson College 1944)
Benjamin F. Hastie (Davidson College 1925)
Samuel B. Hay (Davidson College 1916)
John R. Hayworth (Davidson College 1936)
Edward S. Heefner (Davidson College 1930)
Andrew J. Hewlett (Davidson College 1927)
Hadley A. Hill (Davidson College 1921)
Thomas E. Hissam (Davidson College 1984)
Daniel M. Hodges (Davidson College 1942)
Newton P. Hoey (Davidson College 1948)
Cornelius R. Holcomb (Davidson College 1968)
Eugene A. Holmgreen (Davidson College 1929)
James E. Holt (Davidson College 1938)
L. Bryant Hope (Davidson College 1927)
John S. Horne (Davidson College 1957)
Robertson Horton (Davidson College 1929)
Thomas P. Howard (Davidson College 1944)
George A. Howe (Davidson College 1987)
Philip T. Howerton (Davidson College 1954)
George B. Hoyt (Davidson College 1916)
Howard H. Hubbard (Davidson College 1927)
Earl B. Huie (Davidson College 1950)
Litchfield B. Huie (Davidson College 1926)
Henry L. Hunt Jr. (Davidson College 1926)
James W. Ivey (Davidson College 1952)
Ed L. Jackson (Davidson College 1961)
Thomas W. Jackson (Davidson College 1950)
Kenneth R. Jaegers (Davidson College 1985)
Robert F. Jarratt (Davidson College 1930)
Henry L. Jennings (Davidson College 1945)
Roland W. Jones (Davidson College 1943)
Wallace T. Jones (Davidson College 1924)
Algernon S. Jones (Davidson College 1926)
Robert E. Jones Jr. (Davidson College 1946)
Archie C. Keels (Davidson College 1924)
Bobby J. Key (Davidson College 1955)
William B. Kiesewetter (Davidson College 1938)
Albert D. King (Davidson College 1945)
William H. Kuykendall (Davidson College 1956)
James A. Labrec (Davidson College 1986)
Charles R. Lake (Davidson College 1929)
James A. Lake (Davidson College 1925)
Adolph L. Larson (Davidson College 1944)
William S. Lea (Davidson College 1932)
Laurence C. Leafer (Davidson College 1963)
Clarence E. Leake (Davidson College 1937)
Archibald F. Legare (Davidson College 1935)
Eugene T. Liipfert (Davidson College 1939)
John W. Liles (Davidson College 1956)
Richard V. Liles (Davidson College 1925)
Harry H. Lindamood (Davidson College 1926)
Eustace E. Lingle (Davidson College 1927)
Thomas W. Lingle (Davidson College 1893)
Montgomery C. Littlejohn (Davidson College 1955)
Carl H. Long (Davidson College 1921)
Clyde A. Long (Davidson College 1927)
Eugene M. Long (Davidson College 1959)
Matt R. Long (Davidson College 1943)
Clifford B. Loudermilk (Davidson College 1962)
William J. Lyman (Davidson College 1943)
Barry P. MacLean (Davidson College 1969)
Dan F. Mallory (Davidson College 1925)
William E. Manning (Davidson College 1960)
Charles L. Martin (Davidson College 1941)
Joel Mattison (Davidson College 1951)
Robert L. Mauney (Davidson College 1928)
Eugene H. Mauze (Davidson College 1923)
George W. Mauze (Davidson College 1923)
Joseph L. Mauze Jr. (Davidson College 1930)
Earnest H. McCall (Davidson College 1930)
Larry S. McCall (Davidson College 1957)
George E. McCormack (Davidson College 1946)
Thomas R. McGehee (Davidson College 1946)
Stephenson W. McGill (Davidson College 1929)
Dan B. McIntyre (Davidson College 1954)
Daniel D. McKee (Davidson College 1940)
Leighton B. McKeithan (Davidson College 1919)
Murdoch R. McKeithen (Davidson College 1948)
Warren A. McKeithen (Davidson College 1933)
David P. McLain (Davidson College 1935)
Robert J. McMullen Jr. (Davidson College 1945)
Joseph J. McNabb Jr. (Davidson College 1936)
William H. McReynolds (Davidson College 1941)
Walter A. Mebane (Davidson College 1933)
William H. Miley (Davidson College 1921)
Raymond G. Miller Jr. (Davidson College 1946)
Wallace B. Millner (Davidson College 1928)
Robert E. Mims (Davidson College 1954)
Aubrey S. Miree (Davidson College 1952)
William H. Mitchell (Davidson College 1942)
Albert E. Moneyhan (Davidson College 1949)
Daniel G. Monroe (Davidson College 1935)
William M. Monroe Jr. (Davidson College 1933)
Alex G. Montgomery (Davidson College 1932)
Frank R. Montgomery (Davidson College 1925)
Charles E. Moore Jr. (Davidson College 1933)
Wallace H. Moore (Davidson College 1923)
Clarence C. Morrison (Davidson College 1954)
John H. Morrison (Davidson College 1934)
William H. Morrow (Davidson College 1946)
David H. Moylan (Davidson College 1953)
I. S. Myers (Davidson College 1952)
Edwin A. Nash (Davidson College 1922)
Michael A. Nemir (Davidson College 1964)
David E. Newbold (Davidson College 1939)
Ernest D. Newton (Davidson College 1950)
James S. Nicholson (Davidson College 1972)
Rufus K. Nimmons Jr. (Davidson College 1943)
Wilson J. Northcross (Davidson College 1939)
George P. Nowlin (Davidson College 1958)
Clarence S. Olive (Davidson College 1944)
Edward A. O'Neal (Davidson College 1926)
Moncure C. O'Neal (Davidson College 1928)
Harry W. Ormand (Davidson College 1946)
Alexander P. Ormond (Davidson College 1921)
Alfred C. Ormond (Davidson College 1922)
Hubert H. Overton (Davidson College 1937)
Roy A. Palmer (Davidson College 1954)
Joseph H. Parrish (Davidson College 1941)
George R. Patrick (Davidson College 1948)
Charles W. Patterson (Davidson College 1961)
Richard B. Patterson (Davidson College 1951)
Russell H. Patterson (Davidson College 1937)
Francis M. Perrin (Davidson College 1950)
Robert R. Perz (Davidson College 1979)
Leonard L. Pharr (Davidson College 1944)
Samuel L. Pharr Jr. (Davidson College 1949)
William J. Pharr (Davidson College 1952)
William R. Pharr (Davidson College 1941)
Tom B. Phillips (Davidson College 1980)
Howard E. Pickard (Davidson College 1944)
James P. Poag (Davidson College 1950)
John R. Poag (Davidson College 1960)
William D. Poole (Davidson College 1933)
Arthur T. Port (Davidson College 1937)
Edward L. Powell (Davidson College 1934)
James H. Pratt (Davidson College 1934)
Rhea S. Preston (Davidson College 1943)
Samuel P. Preston II (Davidson College 1933)
Amos H. Ragan (Davidson College 1944)
William C. Rawls (Davidson College 1957)
Benjamin G. Reeves (Davidson College 1967)
John A. Richards (Davidson College 1950)
William J. Richards (Davidson College 1923)
John G. Richards (Davidson College 1920)
George H. Richmond (Davidson College 1940)
Thomas J. Robinson (Davidson College 1963)
Mims Rogers (Davidson College 1935)
Thomas M. Rogers (Davidson College 1942)
William H. Rogers (Davidson College 1955)
William C. Ross (Davidson College 1946)
William Rule (Davidson College 1932)
Truman G. Rumberger (Davidson College 1960)
Nevin E. Sappenfield (Davidson College 1926)
Archibald H. Scales (Davidson College 1963)
Warren M. Scott (Davidson College 1919)
William R. Scott (Davidson College 1930)
John D. Siewers (Davidson College 1935)
Thomas E. Simpson (Davidson College 1962)
Carl F. Sims (Davidson College 1954)
Manley A. Siske (Davidson College 1920)
Charles A. Sisson (Davidson College 1931)
James C. Smith (Davidson College 1961)
James L. Smith (Davidson College 1931)
Eugene W. Smith (Davidson College 1930)
Thomas B. Snodgrass (Davidson College 1946)
Allen E. Sowder (Davidson College 1932)
Fred R. Stair (Davidson College 1939)
Robert B. Stewart (Davidson College 1940)
Wilfred F. Stigler (Davidson College 1928)
Charles T. Stowe (Davidson College 1928)
Daniel J. Stowe (Davidson College 1935)
Robert Lee Stowe Jr. (Davidson College 1924)
Harold G. Sugg (Davidson College 1937)
Joe H. Sugg (Davidson College 1955)
Benjamin B. Sugg (Davidson College 1933)
Robert L. Sutliff (Davidson College 1931)
William R. Taber (Davidson College 1936)
George W. Taylor (Davidson College 1941)
Jerome G. Taylor (Davidson College 1936)
George K. Taylor (Davidson College 1925)
James J. Terry (Davidson College 1966)
William B. Thomas (Davidson College 1910)
Robert L. Thompson (Davidson College 1961)
Hoxie H. Thompson (Davidson College 1936)
John S. Throop (Davidson College 1940)
Jack S. Tillotson (Davidson College 1939)
John L. Toumaras (Davidson College 1959)
James L. Troutman (Davidson College 1982)
Joseph L. Tyack (Davidson College 1933)
Joseph A. Vance (Davidson College 1950)
Dan O. Via (Davidson College 1949)
F. Eugene Vogler Jr. (Davidson College 1937)
Marshall A. Waddell (Davidson College 1980)
Robert W. Walker (Davidson College 1925)
Anton V. Wallner (Davidson College 1955)
George B. Watts (Davidson College 1927)
Caleb D. West (Davidson College 1935)
Joseph D. Wheliss (Davidson College 1955)
Houston White (Davidson College 1921)
Joseph H. Whitesell (Davidson College 1957)
F. A. Whitney (Davidson College 1935)
Robert A. Wilkinson (Davidson College 1957)
Benjamin H. Williamson (Davidson College 1945)
David G. Wilson (Davidson College 1926)
James A. Wilson (Davidson College 1930)
Lee W. Wolfe (Davidson College 1946)
Cecil H. Womble (Davidson College 1955)
Ellis T. Woolfolk (Davidson College 1923)
Edwin C. Wooten (Davidson College 1936)
Jesse A. Wooten (Davidson College 1943)
Walter B. Wooten (Davidson College 1942)
Charles R. Wright (Davidson College 1933)
Herbert G. Wyatt (Davidson College 1947)
James C. Young (Davidson College 1963)
Robert W. Abernethy (Denison University 1922)
Theodore J. Abernethy (Denison University 1925)
Clinton D. Adair (Denison University 1938)
James D. Adair (Denison University 1909)
Robert N. Adair (Denison University 1916)
John B. Adams (Denison University 1944)
Russell E. Adkins (Denison University 1896)
G. M. Aid (Denison University 1913)
William F. Aid (Denison University 1906)
John B. Aitchison (Denison University 1929)
John W. Ames (Denison University 1953)
Floyd C. Anderson (Denison University 1908)
George C. Anderson (Denison University 1928)
Vernon A. Anderson (Denison University 1934)
Joseph N. Armstrong (Denison University 1918)
Henry R. Arnold (Denison University 1917)
Leland A. Arnold (Denison University 1912)
Oscar M. Arnold (Denison University 1911)
Oscar M. Arnold (Denison University 1937)
Robert K. Arnold (Denison University 1950)
Byron B. Ashbrook (Denison University 1915)
William A. Ashbrook (Denison University 1909)
William A. Ashbrook (Denison University 1944)
Donald H. Ashley (Denison University 1942)
Richard W. Ashley (Denison University 1935)
Homer H. Asquith (Denison University 1928)
Stanton B. Atkinson (Denison University 1923)
Carleton W. Atwater (Denison University 1907)
Charles T. Atwell (Denison University 1889)
Donald B. Atwell (Denison University 1917)
Donald L. Atwell (Denison University 1949)
J. B. Austin (Denison University 1936)
Elbert L. Babb (Denison University 1913)
Karl R. Babb (Denison University 1913)
Richard H. Baird (Denison University 1934)
Ayres D. Baker (Denison University 1953)
Charles E. Baker (Denison University 1932)
Harry D. Baker (Denison University 1903)
Alex H. Ballard (Denison University 1908)
James W. Ballard (Denison University 1917)
Wayland P. Barber (Denison University 1929)
Theodore H. Barclay (Denison University 1965)
Charles E. Barker (Denison University 1894)
Robert Barnes (Denison University 1974)
Ralph E. Barr (Denison University 1938)
Kenneth K. Bartholomew (Denison University 1965)
George M. Barton (Denison University 1904)
Robert B. Bassler (Denison University 1954)
Richard E. Bateman (Denison University 1950)
William Bateman (Denison University 1927)
Arthur J. Beattie (Denison University 1917)
Homer M. Beattie (Denison University 1911)
John W. Beattie (Denison University 1907)
Clarence A. Beebower Jr. (Denison University 1937)
Richard E. Beeby (Denison University 1935)
Fred H. Behan (Denison University 1926)
Harold E. Bell (Denison University 1913)
Walter L. Bell (Denison University 1921)
Boyd A. Bennett (Denison University 1908)
Russell T. Berger (Denison University 1928)
John E. Bergmann (Denison University 1922)
Albert C. Berk (Denison University 1895)
Donald S. Bethune (Denison University 1940)
Alvord L. Bishop (Denison University 1926)
Harold P. Blum (Denison University 1917)
Horace W. Boggs (Denison University 1924)
Barrett K. Bosler (Denison University 1920)
Charles H. Bosler (Denison University 1890)
Theodore A. Bosler (Denison University 1956)
Donald C. Boughton (Denison University 1926)
Fred G. Boughton (Denison University 1894)
James K. Bowman (Denison University 1955)
Edmund S. Boynton (Denison University 1958)
Kenneth W. Breeze (Denison University 1926)
Charles M. Brelsford (Denison University 1929)
Edwin R. Brelsford (Denison University 1910)
Ernest C. Brelsford (Denison University 1924)
Millard Brelsford (Denison University 1897)
Richard H. Bridge (Denison University 1942)
Robert R. Bridge (Denison University 1950)
William H. Bridge (Denison University 1940)
Fred T. Brien (Denison University 1922)
Harry Brock (Denison University 1917)
Raymond M. Brock (Denison University 1913)
Paul H. Brodt (Denison University 1957)
Charles R. Brooks (Denison University 1961)
Howard T. Brophy (Denison University 1954)
Rex L. Brophy (Denison University 1943)
Richard F. Broughton (Denison University 1952)
Dirck W. Brown (Denison University 1950)
Van R. Brown (Denison University 1950)
Martin W. Brunner (Denison University 1934)
Matthew B. Bryden (Denison University 1985)
Charles C. Burchard (Denison University 1930)
Charles W. Burchard (Denison University 1954)
Gordon J. Burrer (Denison University 1916)
Karl O. Burrer (Denison University 1902)
James R. Burt (Denison University 1903)
Perry E. Burt (Denison University 1895)
Donald M. Butler (Denison University 1919)
Richard D. Buttermore (Denison University 1943)
John P. Butz (Denison University 1945)
Adelbert C. Byers (Denison University 1924)
Thomas A. Calhoun (Denison University 1912)
Carleton W. Campbell (Denison University 1912)
Robert J. Campbell (Denison University 1953)
Joseph C. Carabelli (Denison University 1937)
Eugene J. Carella (Denison University 1965)
John E. Carhartt (Denison University 1903)
Ewart G. Carney (Denison University 1914)
Frank G. Carney (Denison University 1912)
Harry B. Carney (Denison University 1915)
Robert W. Carroll (Denison University 1957)
Robert B. Carter (Denison University 1943)
Andrew W. Cary (Denison University 1927)
Chappell F. Cashman (Denison University 1945)
Wallace H. Cathcart (Denison University 1890)
Peter R. Caugherty (Denison University 1970)
Clark W. Chamberlain (Denison University 1894)
John A. Chamberlain (Denison University 1899)
John H. Chamberlain (Denison University 1924)
Stuart H. Chamberlain (Denison University 1928)
Edwin S. Chamberlin (Denison University 1917)
Samuel S. Chamberlin (Denison University 1896)
Willard D. Chamberlin (Denison University 1880)
William F. Chamberlin (Denison University 1893)
Boyd B. Chambers (Denison University 1906)
Boyd B. Chambers (Denison University 1943)
Arthur T. Chapin (Denison University 1896)
Charles K. Chapman (Denison University 1905)
F. R. Chase (Denison University 1951)
Paul H. Cheney (Denison University 1920)
Donald D. Cherney (Denison University 1931)
Edward J. Cherney (Denison University 1905)
John A. Cherney (Denison University 1905)
Harry E. Chilcote (Denison University 1910)
Edward P. Childs (Denison University 1894)
Peter C. Childs (Denison University 1974)
Carleton B. Christman (Denison University 1937)
John W. Clephane (Denison University 1933)
Carl R. Cochran (Denison University 1922)
Rolla W. Cochran (Denison University 1915)
Rolla W. Cochran (Denison University 1949)
Theodore B. Cochran (Denison University 1953)
Walter R. Cochran (Denison University 1901)
Sid W. Collier (Denison University 1918)
Charles L. Collins (Denison University 1893)
Sidney E. Collins (Denison University 1929)
Douglas A. Colwell (Denison University 1957)
James L. Conn (Denison University 1960)
Howard P. Connable (Denison University 1908)
Clarence D. Coons (Denison University 1907)
David S. Cooper (Denison University 1961)
Andrew D. Corr (Denison University 1991)
Oscar T. Corson (Denison University 1888)
Richard K. Corson (Denison University 1939)
Okey W. Costilow (Denison University 1924)
Kenneth M. Coughenour (Denison University 1934)
Ralph M. Coughenour (Denison University 1939)
James R. Courtney (Denison University 1944)
Fred W. Cowlin (Denison University 1902)
Jay A. Craven (Denison University 1906)
William A. Craven (Denison University 1912)
Don A. Crawford (Denison University 1946)
John C. Crawford (Denison University 1946)
George L. Crocker (Denison University 1945)
David H. Crook (Denison University 1953)
Thomas D. Cudmore (Denison University 1937)
Russell J. Dakin (Denison University 1934)
Harman C. Darrow (Denison University 1936)
John N. Darrow (Denison University 1914)
Dan W. Daub (Denison University 1897)
Evan H. Davies (Denison University 1915)
Samuel E. Davies (Denison University 1886)
Arthur O. Davis (Denison University 1949)
John P. Davis (Denison University 1960)
Richard P. Davis (Denison University 1926)
Ulysses S. Davis (Denison University 1892)
Quincy H. Dawson (Denison University 1921)
Alvin W. Declerque (Denison University 1912)
Elmer C. DeClerque (Denison University 1908)
John R. DeLong (Denison University 1979)
Courtney C. Denison (Denison University 1921)
Robert R. Denison (Denison University 1920)
James K. Dewey (Denison University 1901)
William G. Dildine (Denison University 1933)
Charles B. Dirks (Denison University 1898)
Maxwell K. Douglas (Denison University 1926)
Alden B. Doyle (Denison University 1910)
J. Douglas Drake (Denison University 1957)
Thomas B. Drechsel (Denison University 1964)
Fred W. Ducro (Denison University 1926)
Thomas A. Ducro (Denison University 1954)
George E. Ducro (Denison University 1921)
John T. Ducro (Denison University 1923)
Donald B. Duffey (Denison University 1939)
Robert C. Dunn (Denison University 1910)
Cyril A. Dyer (Denison University 1951)
David H. Eaton (Denison University 1950)
Charles F. Eddy (Denison University 1939)
Clarence M. Eddy (Denison University 1903)
William J. Edwards (Denison University 1961)
Walter L. Elgin (Denison University 1928)
Frank L. Elliott (Denison University 1933)
James T. Elliott (Denison University 1936)
Jesse S. Elliott (Denison University 1902)
Jesse S. Elliott (Denison University 1940)
Ernest E. Erickson (Denison University 1919)
Donald F. Eschman (Denison University 1945)
Karl H. Eschman (Denison University 1911)
John W. Eshelman (Denison University 1961)
Allan K. Estabrook (Denison University 1945)
Alfred C. Evans (Denison University 1921)
Hubert T. Evans (Denison University 1948)
Irwin F. Evans (Denison University 1937)
David L. Everhart (Denison University 1950)
James J. Fais (Denison University 1967)
Horace H. Feight (Denison University 1919)
Howard W. Feight (Denison University 1927)
Donald N. Felgar (Denison University 1947)
Daniel T. Felix (Denison University 1901)
Edward D. Fellman (Denison University 1932)
Charles B. Fernald (Denison University 1898)
Thomas H. Ferry (Denison University 1948)
Hamilton L. Fess (Denison University 1944)
Robert W. Finefrock (Denison University 1963)
Frederick Fischer (Denison University 1896)
William M. Fisher (Denison University 1944)
Donald Fitch (Denison University 1941)
George A. Fitch (Denison University 1933)
Robert W. Flack (Denison University 1910)
Allen K. Flagler Sr. (Denison University 1932)
Howard E. Flanagan (Denison University 1903)
David P. Flory (Denison University 1941)
August F. Foerste (Denison University 1887)
Ralph E. Foss (Denison University 1923)
Allyn K. Foster (Denison University 1925)
Hugh M. Foster (Denison University 1954)
Clarence L. Fox (Denison University 1915)
Leonard J. Fox (Denison University 1906)
Paul C. Fox (Denison University 1909)
Robert B. Fox (Denison University 1948)
Thomas C. Fox (Denison University 1942)
Carl A. Frazier (Denison University 1938)
Robert Fulton (Denison University 1901)
William D. Fulton (Denison University 1911)
Hoyt W. Gale (Denison University 1926)
J. F. Gallaher (Denison University 1906)
Albert V. Gear (Denison University 1887)
William S. Geffine (Denison University 1936)
Arthur C. Gehr (Denison University 1942)
Donald E. Geiger (Denison University 1950)
Douglas A. Geiger (Denison University 1950)
Wilson A. Geneser (Denison University 1940)
Clarence E. Ghent (Denison University 1931)
Robert S. Gibson (Denison University 1967)
Donald A. Gillies (Denison University 1953)
Homer A. Goddard (Denison University 1952)
William B. Goddard (Denison University 1909)
Harry B. Goetchius (Denison University 1893)
Charles W. Goudie (Denison University 1946)
James L. Gould (Denison University 1952)
Charles W. Green (Denison University 1900)
Ernest J. F. Grewe (Denison University 1925)
Michael A. Griley (Denison University 1957)
Robert E. Grimm (Denison University 1943)
Douglas G. Groth (Denison University 1929)
Elroy S. Guckert (Denison University 1922)
Joseph F. Gullo (Denison University 1949)
John K. Haas (Denison University 1938)
Albert M. Hage (Denison University 1939)
Thomas I. Hage (Denison University 1935)
James L. Hahn (Denison University 1939)
Mark S. Haines (Denison University 1967)
Herbert C. Hall (Denison University 1923)
Kenneth A. Hall (Denison University 1921)
Kenneth D. Halleck (Denison University 1920)
Fred C. Halteman (Denison University 1923)
Morrie E. Halvorsen (Denison University 1953)
Robert F. Hamilton (Denison University 1908)
Keith R. Hammond (Denison University 1928)
Peter J. Hanf Jr. (Denison University 1928)
Paul C. Hann (Denison University 1928)
Stephen D. Hardesty (Denison University 1967)
Howard J. Hartmann (Denison University 1950)
Norman F. Hascall (Denison University 1915)
Charles H. Haskins (Denison University 1918)
Joseph F. Haskins (Denison University 1914)
Robert F. Haskins (Denison University 1925)
John S. Hassett (Denison University 1948)
Robert D. Hassett (Denison University 1946)
Clark B. Hatch (Denison University 1901)
William R. Hauser (Denison University 1950)
George M. Hayden Jr. (Denison University 1919)
Sebraien M. Haygood (Denison University 1977)
Ellsworth D. Haynes (Denison University 1930)
Joseph H. Heare (Denison University 1948)
John W. Henderson (Denison University 1950)
Thomas A. Hendricks (Denison University 1927)
Thomas P. Hendry (Denison University 1946)
Roger P. Heppes (Denison University 1949)
Robert N. Hess (Denison University 1946)
Lee G. Hewins (Denison University 1913)
Albert M. Higley (Denison University 1951)
Ray J. Hillenbrand (Denison University 1956)
Arthur H. Hixson (Denison University 1906)
Guy I. Hoover (Denison University 1898)
Wilson G. Hoover (Denison University 1896)
Robert E. Hopkins (Denison University 1955)
Victor H. Hoppe (Denison University 1910)
William C. Horan (Denison University 1943)
William A. Houseworth (Denison University 1948)
Lawrence C. Howe (Denison University 1927)
Charles S. Huddleson (Denison University 1924)
Grant M. Hudson (Denison University 1933)
Spencer W. Hudson (Denison University 1888)
Lee R. Huff (Denison University 1913)
Robbins Hunter (Denison University 1903)
Robert K. Hurford (Denison University 1947)
John W. Hurley (Denison University 1940)
John W. Innes (Denison University 1927)
Gaovtte J. Irwin (Denison University 1918)
Robert P. James (Denison University 1959)
Clayton M. Janaitis (Denison University 1964)
Daniel C. Jenkins (Denison University 1933)
Donald N. Jewett (Denison University 1912)
Kenneth L. Jewett (Denison University 1909)
C. H. Johnson (Denison University 1948)
Ellis B. Johnson (Denison University 1919)
Frank C. Johnson (Denison University 1936)
George F. Johnson (Denison University 1945)
Gordon G. Johnson (Denison University 1931)
Harold R. Johnson (Denison University 1935)
Roger P. Johnson (Denison University 1952)
Theodore S. Johnson (Denison University 1908)
Edward W. Johnston (Denison University 1951)
Albert B. Jones (Denison University 1907)
Alfred K. Jones (Denison University 1924)
C. F. Jones (Denison University 1905)
Frank P. Jones (Denison University 1921)
Grove B. Jones (Denison University 1898)
John D. Jones (Denison University 1938)
John H. Jones (Denison University 1897)
John K. Jones (Denison University 1911)
Ralph Jones (Denison University 1915)
Richard F. Jones (Denison University 1945)
Robert W. Jones (Denison University 1937)
Roderic Jones (Denison University 1900)
Roderic M. Jones (Denison University 1933)
Rufus G. Jones (Denison University 1902)
S. Guy Jones (Denison University 1903)
William W. Jones (Denison University 1942)
Frank H. June (Denison University 1930)
Gerald C. Kahler (Denison University 1924)
Charles E. Kaufman (Denison University 1908)
Norval D. Kemp (Denison University 1907)
Elbert F. Kennard (Denison University 1932)
Clarence E. Kephart (Denison University 1896)
Charles H. Kesler (Denison University 1908)
Harold A. Kesler (Denison University 1910)
F. W. Ketner (Denison University 1936)
Vincent B. Killeen (Denison University 1974)
H. B. King (Denison University 1965)
Robert S. King (Denison University 1950)
William C. King (Denison University 1948)
Edwin B. Kinney (Denison University 1892)
Edwin H. Kinney (Denison University 1917)
Emmit S. Kinney (Denison University 1897)
John M. Kinney (Denison University 1943)
Jacob H. Knapp (Denison University 1915)
Raymond S. Knapp (Denison University 1917)
Earl T. Knaus (Denison University 1946)
George P. Knox (Denison University 1924)
James J. Kraus (Denison University 1958)
Richard G. Kull (Denison University 1950)
Walter E. Kull (Denison University 1955)
Walter H. Kull (Denison University 1920)
Thomas E. Lambert (Denison University 1949)
Charles M. Lamson (Denison University 1905)
Harold E. Lamson (Denison University 1911)
Gordon Lang (Denison University 1918)
Othniel H. Larwill (Denison University 1891)
Robert C. Lawrence (Denison University 1950)
George W. Laycock (Denison University 1932)
Charles L. Leahy (Denison University 1904)
Ellis P. Legler (Denison University 1907)
Kennedy Legler (Denison University 1945)
Peter F. Legler (Denison University 1946)
Philip F. Legler (Denison University 1951)
Charles W. Lewis (Denison University 1944)
William D. Lewis (Denison University 1938)
Newton E. Leyda (Denison University 1920)
Robert D. Licklider (Denison University 1899)
Alan Y. Lidster (Denison University 1939)
Ralph E. Lidster (Denison University 1936)
James B. Lindberg (Denison University 1950)
John A. Lindstrom (Denison University 1940)
Perry W. Longfellow (Denison University 1888)
Dudley G. Luce (Denison University 1927)
William C. Lumm (Denison University 1944)
Morton S. Lupher (Denison University 1904)
George M. Lyon (Denison University 1916)
Alexander D. MacDonell (Denison University 1950)
James B. MacKimm (Denison University 1954)
Robert T. MacNab (Denison University 1969)
Harold R. Malcolm (Denison University 1917)
Edward P. Maliszewski (Denison University 1942)
William S. Mancini (Denison University 1976)
Howard W. Marsh (Denison University 1908)
William A. Martin (Denison University 1907)
Blaine E. Matthews (Denison University 1919)
Corwin Matthews (Denison University 1914)
Donnell R. Matthews (Denison University 1944)
John K. Matthews (Denison University 1951)
Orus J. Matthews (Denison University 1921)
Robert E. Matthews (Denison University 1899)
Philip G. Mavon (Denison University 1934)
William C. Maxwell (Denison University 1946)
Joseph R. Mayner (Denison University 1931)
William Mazey (Denison University 1928)
Jack L. McBride (Denison University 1939)
John D. McBride (Denison University 1901)
John R. McBride (Denison University 1931)
N. C. McBride (Denison University 1901)
Steven E. McBride (Denison University 1973)
William W. McBride (Denison University 1935)
Leland D. McBride (Denison University 1937)
John J. McCarthy (Denison University 1966)
Donald E. McCollum (Denison University 1930)
Bruce M. McCulloch (Denison University 1951)
Hugh B. McCulloch (Denison University 1943)
Robert H. McCulloch (Denison University 1946)
Stuart C. McCulloch (Denison University 1972)
Ernest L. McCullough (Denison University 1914)
James M. McDowell (Denison University 1952)
Edward C. McFadden (Denison University 1942)
Daniel D. McFarland (Denison University 1901)
Robert W. McGiffin (Denison University 1940)
Louis McGinnis (Denison University 1982)
Robert C. McGraw (Denison University 1944)
Robert A. McKinney (Denison University 1943)
Harry W. McLure (Denison University 1914)
H. B. McNair (Denison University 1937)
Allen L. McNeill (Denison University 1939)
John D. McQuigg (Denison University 1953)
Carl I. McQuinn (Denison University 1913)
Eugene A. Mead (Denison University 1887)
Maurice A. Mead (Denison University 1924)
Ralph W. Mead (Denison University 1919)
Edwin R. Mead (Denison University 1944)
Spencer S. Meilstrup (Denison University 1939)
Thomas F. Menge (Denison University 1958)
Lee D. Mercer (Denison University 1898)
Harold C. Messenger (Denison University 1912)
Aldon M. Metheany (Denison University 1908)
Allen L. Metheany (Denison University 1897)
David H. Miller (Denison University 1907)
Roderick P. Miller (Denison University 1919)
Charles W. Millikin (Denison University 1914)
Jeffrey M. Mindlin (Denison University 1976)
Lloyd V. Minear (Denison University 1910)
Stephen B. Minton (Denison University 1942)
Arch F. Mirrielees (Denison University 1949)
Donald F. Mirrielees (Denison University 1951)
Charles O. Mitchell (Denison University 1915)
J. W. Mixson (Denison University 1947)
Alan F. Montgomery (Denison University 1971)
Charles W. Montgomery (Denison University 1900)
John F. Montgomery (Denison University 1935)
Merrill R. Montgomery (Denison University 1906)
Fred B. Moore (Denison University 1903)
Fred D. Moore (Denison University 1901)
Frederick S. Moore (Denison University 1960)
Gifford W. Moore (Denison University 1938)
Eliot W. Morrill (Denison University 1916)
Davis H. Morris (Denison University 1896)
Paul D. Morrow (Denison University 1913)
Ralph H. Morrow (Denison University 1914)
Ferdinand H. Morton (Denison University 1909)
John M. Morton (Denison University 1945)
David H. Mower (Denison University 1951)
George W. Munger (Denison University 1942)
James C. Munn (Denison University 1911)
Howard C. Nellis (Denison University 1915)
Richard N. Newell (Denison University 1954)
James R. Newell (Denison University 1952)
George T. Newkirk (Denison University 1896)
Donald A. Nicholie (Denison University 1941)
Harry Nicholson (Denison University 1924)
Herman W. Nixon (Denison University 1913)
Jerome B. Norpell (Denison University 1918)
Max B. Norpell (Denison University 1911)
Thomas E. Norpell (Denison University 1941)
Thomas M. Norton (Denison University 1910)
Earl H. Noyes (Denison University 1913)
Arthur J. Obitts (Denison University 1901)
Henry B. O'Brien (Denison University 1930)
Charles W. O'Conner (Denison University 1914)
John E. Olt (Denison University 1935)
John G. Olt (Denison University 1965)
Keith M. Opdahl (Denison University 1956)
David E. Orr (Denison University 1951)
Stanley L. Orr (Denison University 1946)
Charles E. Ortman (Denison University 1944)
John R. Osborne (Denison University 1906)
Benjamin M. Osbun (Denison University 1904)
George F. Osbun (Denison University 1897)
Isaac J. Osbun (Denison University 1905)
John D. Osmond Jr. (Denison University 1935)
Raymond W. Otto (Denison University 1929)
David E. Owen (Denison University 1920)
Ernest J. Owen (Denison University 1893)
Ernest T. Owen (Denison University 1923)
Elmer B. Packer (Denison University 1895)
Robert S. Parker (Denison University 1940)
William F. Patrick (Denison University 1950)
Duane L. Patterson (Denison University 1950)
George M. Patterson (Denison University 1950)
Harry M. Patton (Denison University 1889)
William G. Payne (Denison University 1926)
Richard J. Pearse (Denison University 1938)
Wilford A. Pearse (Denison University 1936)
Arthur N. Peckham (Denison University 1905)
Carl F. Peek (Denison University 1956)
William E. Penhallegon (Denison University 1967)
James A. Perkins (Denison University 1949)
Eugene J. Perry (Denison University 1923)
Paul R. Petrequin (Denison University 1943)
Louis B. Pettit (Denison University 1939)
Eugene F. Pfanner (Denison University 1921)
Richard R. Pfeiffer (Denison University 1946)
Fredrick J. Pfouts (Denison University 1978)
Owen M. Phillips (Denison University 1929)
William L. Phillips (Denison University 1916)
George E. Pickett (Denison University 1929)
Charles E. Pierson (Denison University 1928)
Russell F. Pierson (Denison University 1926)
John M. Pixley (Denison University 1950)
Henry W. Pond (Denison University 1897)
Robert E. Pond (Denison University 1906)
Milton H. Possons (Denison University 1910)
Donald B. Powell (Denison University 1936)
John L. Pratt (Denison University 1941)
Herbert W. Preston (Denison University 1922)
Allen T. Price (Denison University 1916)
Enoch J. Price (Denison University 1888)
Herbert S. Price (Denison University 1949)
Hugh G. Price (Denison University 1925)
John M. Price (Denison University 1921)
Milo B. Price (Denison University 1892)
Orlo J. Price (Denison University 1894)
Owen N. Price (Denison University 1918)
Thomas H. Price (Denison University 1927)
Lawrence H. Prugh (Denison University 1922)
Philip W. Prugh (Denison University 1912)
David W. Purcell (Denison University 1953)
Charles A. Purinton (Denison University 1909)
H. Ward Quartel (Denison University 1917)
Paul Q. Quay (Denison University 1920)
Bruce F. Randall (Denison University 1946)
Lester M. Rankin (Denison University 1915)
Walter E. Rankin (Denison University 1911)
Willard C. Rankin (Denison University 1943)
Olaf H. Rask (Denison University 1895)
Ralph E. Rasor (Denison University 1953)
Philip A. Rasor (Denison University 1955)
William J. Rathje (Denison University 1931)
James T. Raymond (Denison University 1931)
John W. Raymond (Denison University 1938)
William W. Raymond (Denison University 1933)
John W. Reed (Denison University 1939)
Bruce P. Reid (Denison University 1952)
Andrew T. Rettig (Denison University 1892)
Irvin P. Rettig (Denison University 1916)
Ralph Rhodes (Denison University 1968)
Stephen H. Richards (Denison University 1930)
Leonard W. Riley (Denison University 1894)
Robert M. Riley (Denison University 1925)
William T. Rimes (Denison University 1931)
Clarence T. Risley (Denison University 1925)
Charles A. Ritter (Denison University 1947)
Frank M. Robbins (Denison University 1907)
Frank R. Robinson (Denison University 1979)
Keith W. Robinson (Denison University 1947)
Paul A. Robinson (Denison University 1947)
R. P. Roehl (Denison University 1957)
John H. Roehm (Denison University 1941)
George D. Rogers (Denison University 1892)
H. W. Rogers (Denison University 1944)
Lyman W. Rogers (Denison University 1908)
Samuel L. Rogers (Denison University 1935)
John M. Roley (Denison University 1909)
William F. Rope (Denison University 1950)
Samuel H. Rugg (Denison University 1917)
Allen L. Sanborn (Denison University 1960)
James C. Sanford (Denison University 1926)
Clyde B. Sargent (Denison University 1930)
James C. Sargent (Denison University 1913)
Leroy D. Sargent (Denison University 1907)
John C. Saunders (Denison University 1944)
David W. Savage (Denison University 1959)
Paul M. Savage (Denison University 1957)
Frank G. Saxton (Denison University 1941)
Arthur A. Schauweker (Denison University 1912)
Truman H. Schneider (Denison University 1931)
Larry S. Schwing (Denison University 1956)
Roderick H. Scribner (Denison University 1934)
Charles L. Seasholes (Denison University 1889)
H. C. Seasholes (Denison University 1922)
Henry C. Seasholes (Denison University 1952)
Orley H. See (Denison University 1908)
Robert M. Sessions (Denison University 1960)
Joseph P. Shai (Denison University 1939)
Frank J. Shanaberg (Denison University 1938)
Robert L. Shannon (Denison University 1950)
Harold R. Sharp (Denison University 1934)
W. T. Shaw (Denison University 1956)
Joseph L. Sheets (Denison University 1953)
Cary S. Sheldon (Denison University 1949)
Thomas M. Sheldon (Denison University 1938)
William H. Sheldon (Denison University 1940)
Charles Y. Shepard (Denison University 1949)
Richard A. Sherer (Denison University 1949)
William H. Sherer (Denison University 1946)
David G. Sherman (Denison University 1952)
Elroy P. Sherman (Denison University 1914)
G. H. Shorney (Denison University 1918)
James F. Short (Denison University 1947)
Emory H. Shreve (Denison University 1917)
Alvah M. Shumaker (Denison University 1921)
Robert M. Sibbison (Denison University 1943)
Howard H. Siegel (Denison University 1941)
George S. Siegrist (Denison University 1940)
Ralph E. Siekman (Denison University 1935)
Robert W. Simpson (Denison University 1922)
John W. Sinsel (Denison University 1888)
Robert H. Six (Denison University 1945)
William C. Slater (Denison University 1947)
Cedric L. Smith (Denison University 1926)
George R. Smith (Denison University 1942)
Horace W. Smith (Denison University 1903)
Justin C. Smith (Denison University 1887)
Norman F. Smith (Denison University 1925)
Robertson F. Smith (Denison University 1926)
Wallace C. Smith (Denison University 1939)
William T. Smith (Denison University 1938)
John C. Snell (Denison University 1957)
William A. Snell (Denison University 1982)
Gordon T. Speckman (Denison University 1947)
Jay H. Speiden (Denison University 1992)
John N. Spencer (Denison University 1916)
Charles R. Spross (Denison University 1952)
George D. Stearns (Denison University 1944)
George P. Stelzer (Denison University 1944)
Arthur J. Stevens (Denison University 1894)
George B. Stillwagon III (Denison University 1957)
Ernest J. Stockum (Denison University 1925)
George H. Stokes (Denison University 1912)
George T. Street (Denison University 1900)
Herschel J. Strickler (Denison University 1901)
Harold B. Stubbs (Denison University 1929)
Arthur L. Stuckey (Denison University 1946)
John E. Sullivan (Denison University 1951)
Robert W. Sullivan (Denison University 1906)
William C. Sullivan (Denison University 1978)
John C. Swartz (Denison University 1906)
Harry F. Sweet (Denison University 1913)
Paul L. Tappin (Denison University 1955)
Robert W. Tawse (Denison University 1944)
Wyclif Taylor (Denison University 1901)
Charles F. Taylor (Denison University 1931)
Orman G. Terry (Denison University 1924)
William L. Thickstun (Denison University 1888)
Carl L. Thiele (Denison University 1916)
Edward M. Thiele (Denison University 1937)
Howard N. Thiele (Denison University 1924)
John A. Thiele (Denison University 1914)
John H. Thiele (Denison University 1943)
W. Frank Thomas II (Denison University 1974)
Donald L. Thompson (Denison University 1947)
L. R. Thrailkill (Denison University 1919)
William G. Tight (Denison University 1886)
Arnold H. Told (Denison University 1908)
Robert W. Tollerton (Denison University 1934)
Willard F. Topping (Denison University 1922)
Jack M. Townsend (Denison University 1949)
William L. Townsend (Denison University 1909)
James Truesdall (Denison University 1936)
John R. Tucker (Denison University 1901)
Barry J. Tuttle (Denison University 1956)
David L. Upham (Denison University 1948)
George D. Upson (Denison University 1911)
William T. Utter (Denison University 1933)
Robert L. VanWagoner (Denison University 1938)
Robert F. Veh (Denison University 1951)
H. D. Vernon (Denison University 1987)
Addison A. Wakeford (Denison University 1952)
Birney R. Walker (Denison University 1910)
Robert K. Walsh (Denison University 1907)
Glenn R. Walters (Denison University 1952)
Alden J. Ward (Denison University 1922)
Frank H. Ward (Denison University 1942)
John A. Ward (Denison University 1916)
Carmi L. Warner (Denison University 1914)
Robert M. Warner (Denison University 1914)
C. R. Warren (Denison University 1949)
George E. Warren (Denison University 1930)
Lucian C. Warren (Denison University 1936)
Ernest J. Waugh (Denison University 1903)
Richard D. Wayne (Denison University 1952)
John H. Wead (Denison University 1967)
Karl B. Weaver (Denison University 1919)
Ewald L. Weber (Denison University 1950)
Herman W. Weber (Denison University 1909)
Jack M. Weber (Denison University 1979)
Richard F. Webster (Denison University 1927)
Thomas F. Webster (Denison University 1892)
H. H. Webster (Denison University 1938)
Claude A. Welles (Denison University 1942)
Leonard G. Welles (Denison University 1938)
Raymond W. West (Denison University 1941)
Robert R. West (Denison University 1945)
Russell E. West (Denison University 1916)
William R. West (Denison University 1946)
William W. West (Denison University 1891)
David T. Whitcomb (Denison University 1948)
Ward A. Whitcomb (Denison University 1924)
Charles B. White (Denison University 1893)
Charles G. White (Denison University 1934)
Charles L. White (Denison University 1920)
Jesse H. White (Denison University 1896)
Langdon J. White (Denison University 1950)
Richard H. White (Denison University 1940)
Wilbur S. White (Denison University 1912)
Richard H. Whitehead (Denison University 1941)
Alfred N. Wiley (Denison University 1929)
Peter A. Wiley (Denison University 1980)
Michael J. Wilkie (Denison University 1978)
John H. Williams (Denison University 1890)
John L. Williams (Denison University 1888)
Jack A. Wilson (Denison University 1964)
Morrow B. Wilson (Denison University 1893)
Wilbur J. Wilson (Denison University 1936)
Richard P. Winkler (Denison University 1943)
Herbert C. Winsor (Denison University 1934)
Joseph B. Wise (Denison University 1943)
Sidney D. Wise (Denison University 1950)
Alfred H. Withoft (Denison University 1897)
Franklin W. Withoft (Denison University 1894)
Hugh M. Wittich (Denison University 1950)
Edwin E. Wood (Denison University 1890)
John E. Wood (Denison University 1924)
Henry S. Woodbridge (Denison University 1903)
Robert N. Woodside (Denison University 1965)
Frank J. Wright (Denison University 1940)
George C. Wright (Denison University 1893)
Harold D. Wright (Denison University 1943)
Herbert H. Wright (Denison University 1904)
John A. Wright (Denison University 1928)
John G. Wright (Denison University 1957)
Robert Wright (Denison University 1940)
Robert M. Wylie (Denison University 1904)
Loren F. Yatzeck (Denison University 1947)
John W. Yerkes (Denison University 1960)
Lathy L. Yerkes (Denison University 1902)
Thaddeus H. Zdobylak (Denison University 1993)
David L. Zeemer (Denison University 1969)
David Zollars (Denison University 1914)
William C. Zweier (Denison University 1953)
William H. Abney (DePauw University 1857)
Floyd R. Adams (DePauw University 1913)
John L. Adams (DePauw University 1947)
Stephen C. Adams (DePauw University 1973)
Lewis G. Adkinson (DePauw University 1872)
Josiah T. Akin (DePauw University 1883)
William M. Akin (DePauw University 1881)
Charles T. Alexander (DePauw University 1919)
Thomas C. Alexander (DePauw University 1926)
James J. Alikonis MD (DePauw University 1962)
Lee O. Alkire (DePauw University 1940)
Howard Allen (DePauw University 1922)
Melvin L. Allen (DePauw University 1953)
Walter Allen (DePauw University 1880)
William S. Allerton (DePauw University 1946)
Wilbur M. Allison (DePauw University 1942)
Christopher P. Alonzi (DePauw University 2011)
George B. Ames (DePauw University 1880)
Lee H. Andersen (DePauw University 1954)
Harry H. Anderson (DePauw University 1921)
Robert C. Anderson (DePauw University 1926)
W. W. Anderson (DePauw University 1901)
Reuben Andrus (DePauw University 1870)
Irvin Armstrong (DePauw University 1862)
James W. Armstrong (DePauw University 1861)
Walter M. Armstrong (DePauw University 1864)
Charles E. Asbury (DePauw University 1881)
Reuben J. Atwood (DePauw University 1887)
William E. Austill (DePauw University 1923)
Robert F. Babcock (DePauw University 1951)
Harold K. Bachelder (DePauw University 1909)
James M. Bachelder (DePauw University 1947)
William C. Bachelder (DePauw University 1913)
William K. Bachelder (DePauw University 1948)
Frank H. Bacon (DePauw University 1899)
Fred D. Bacon (DePauw University 1916)
Ben Bailey (DePauw University 1951)
Ned M. Bailey (DePauw University 1946)
Oliver G. Bailey (DePauw University 1897)
Frank T. Baker (DePauw University 1899)
Hugh J. Baker (DePauw University 1967)
Robert L. Baker (DePauw University 1958)
Daniel P. Baldwin (DePauw University 1873)
Gordon R. Banks (DePauw University 1953)
Bruce S. Barnes (DePauw University 1942)
Clyde I. Barnes (DePauw University 1908)
Edmund B. Barnes (DePauw University 1932)
John R. Barnes (DePauw University 1930)
Thomas A. Barnes (DePauw University 1935)
William H. Barnes (DePauw University 1854)
Howard J. Barnum (DePauw University 1915)
Orion A. Bartholomew (DePauw University 1859)
William F. Bartholomew (DePauw University 1867)
Carl E. Bash (DePauw University 1918)
George B. Baskerville (DePauw University 1868)
Thomas J. Bassett (DePauw University 1875)
T. H. Batt (DePauw University 1948)
Edgar H. Baum (DePauw University 1935)
George E. Baum (DePauw University 1919)
William F. Baxter (DePauw University 1881)
Kirby W. Bay (DePauw University 1964)
James W. Bayer (DePauw University 1948)
Jeremiah H. Bayliss (DePauw University 1872)
Lee F. Bays (DePauw University 1900)
Charles A. Beard (DePauw University 1898)
Charles M. Beardsley (DePauw University 1942)
Alfred W. Beasley (DePauw University 1858)
David H. Beasley (DePauw University 1862)
John W. Beasley (DePauw University 1867)
Dan D. Beauchamp (DePauw University 1929)
Daniel D. Beauchamp (DePauw University 1904)
John W. Beauchamp (DePauw University 1928)
James B. Becker (DePauw University 1947)
Millard J. Beckett (DePauw University 1885)
John B. Beesley (DePauw University 1979)
Cecil E. Beeson (DePauw University 1961)
John B. Begley (DePauw University 1900)
Clark H. Beiriger (DePauw University 1923)
Paul W. Bell (DePauw University 1923)
John G. Benson (DePauw University 1906)
Larry G. Bieller (DePauw University 1959)
Charles C. Binkley (DePauw University 1917)
George H. Binkley (DePauw University 1887)
Howard C. Binkley (DePauw University 1891)
Louis S. Binkley (DePauw University 1919)
Jonathan Birch (DePauw University 1858)
G. R. Bivans (DePauw University 1956)
Howard C. Black (DePauw University 1882)
William F. Black (DePauw University 1868)
Frank P. Blackford (DePauw University 1886)
John Blackstock (DePauw University 1872)
Richard B. Blake (DePauw University 1872)
William M. Blake (DePauw University 1873)
William M. Blakey (DePauw University 1870)
Fred W. Blase (DePauw University 1913)
Michael J. Bleck (DePauw University 1972)
David C. Bleil (DePauw University 1946)
Richard L. Blewfield (DePauw University 1943)
Levi Bloom (DePauw University 1875)
Lawrence A. Bluck (DePauw University 1922)
James A. Boatman (DePauw University 1879)
Lester J. Boatman (DePauw University 1921)
Patrick H. Bodkin (DePauw University 1877)
Herman B. Boisen (DePauw University 1874)
David M. Bon (DePauw University 1934)
Bourbon P. Bondurant (DePauw University 1920)
Walter W. Bonge (DePauw University 1927)
William D. Boockford (DePauw University 1948)
Neil S. Booth (DePauw University 1914)
Thomas H. Bosson (DePauw University 1876)
William M. Bosson (DePauw University 1876)
Edwin C. Boswell (DePauw University 1931)
Robert W. Boswell (DePauw University 1946)
William A. Boswell (DePauw University 1940)
Jeremiah D. Botkin (DePauw University 1876)
Marion M. Bovard (DePauw University 1873)
Charles G. Bowman (DePauw University 1868)
Shadrach W. Bowman (DePauw University 1884)
Robert J. Boyle (DePauw University 1944)
Larned G. Bradford (DePauw University 1933)
Nelson L. Brakeman (DePauw University 1870)
Thomas C. Brandzel (DePauw University 1965)
Robert M. Bridwell (DePauw University 1923)
William H. Briska (DePauw University 1934)
Marquis L. Brock (DePauw University 1856)
Allan T. Brockway (DePauw University 1894)
Paul C. Brown (DePauw University 1940)
Chester G. Browne (DePauw University 1894)
John S. Browning (DePauw University 1924)
Robert J. Browning (DePauw University 1922)
Asbury F. Bruce (DePauw University 1872)
G. M. Bruce (DePauw University 1947)
Ralph H. Bruning (DePauw University 1926)
Walter S. Buckingham (DePauw University 1913)
Clyde B. Budd (DePauw University 1941)
Rollins A. Burnam (DePauw University 1866)
George W. Burton (DePauw University 1871)
George A. Byrd (DePauw University 1875)
Floyd M. Call (DePauw University 1930)
Burton T. Calvert (DePauw University 1888)
James K. Campbell (DePauw University 1930)
John C. Carlson (DePauw University 1952)
Arnold A. Carlson (DePauw University 1942)
Avery K. Carmichael (DePauw University 1874)
Harold M. Carney (DePauw University 1938)
James O. Carney (DePauw University 1938)
Joseph B. Carney (DePauw University 1950)
Thomas J. Carpenter (DePauw University 1949)
James F. Carrott (DePauw University 1869)
Charles E. Carson (DePauw University 1921)
Thomas C. Carter (DePauw University 1875)
Thomas E. Carter (DePauw University 1950)
Howard P. Castle (DePauw University 1939)
Ivan B. Causey (DePauw University 1912)
John G. Chaffee (DePauw University 1887)
Gerald V. Chapman (DePauw University 1967)
William R. Chase (DePauw University 1884)
Maurice W. Chastain (DePauw University 1925)
Harvey Cheek (DePauw University 1857)
James Q. Chenoweth (DePauw University 1860)
John H. Chiles Sr. (DePauw University 1891)
Henry S. Chillas (DePauw University 1921)
Arthur C. Chittick (DePauw University 1906)
Robert D. Chodera (DePauw University 1946)
James L. Claflin (DePauw University 1963)
Charles R. Clark (DePauw University 1959)
Frederick A. Clark (DePauw University 1891)
John W. Clark (DePauw University 1885)
William M. Clark (DePauw University 1953)
Marcus S. Claypool (DePauw University 1872)
Solomon Claypool (DePauw University 1868)
Robert L. Clegg (DePauw University 1946)
Samuel G. Clifford (DePauw University 1948)
Lawrence E. Clift (DePauw University 1934)
Charlton S. Cline (DePauw University 1930)
Richard H. Cline (DePauw University 1939)
Wilbur C. Clippinger (DePauw University 1924)
Hiram W. Cloud (DePauw University 1857)
John L. Coates (DePauw University 1881)
Alfred H. Coble (DePauw University 1922)
Joseph J. Coffin (DePauw University 1933)
Tristram Coffin (DePauw University 1933)
Jacob B. Coffman (DePauw University 1882)
Albert B. Cole (DePauw University 1872)
Robert J. Coleman (DePauw University 1916)
Max M. Colenbaugh (DePauw University 1919)
J. E. Colgan (DePauw University 1880)
Harry B. Comingore (DePauw University 1882)
Francis M. Cones (DePauw University 1872)
Clarence A. Cook (DePauw University 1893)
Douglas V. Cook (DePauw University 1924)
James R. Cook (DePauw University 1918)
Stephen W. Cook (DePauw University 1885)
William P. Cooling (DePauw University 1936)
Richard D. Coonen (DePauw University 1946)
John J. Cordill (DePauw University 1967)
Thomas O. Corlett Sr. (DePauw University 1947)
David W. Cornelius (DePauw University 1906)
Clint V. Cox (DePauw University 1938)
Enoch Cox (DePauw University 1864)
Harold W. Cox (DePauw University 1914)
John A. Cragun (DePauw University 1876)
William R. Crawley (DePauw University 1952)
James E. Crider (DePauw University 1952)
James L. Cross (DePauw University 1876)
Ben C. Crowder (DePauw University 1898)
Richard H. Crowder (DePauw University 1931)
Thomas R. Crowder (DePauw University 1894)
John W. Culley (DePauw University 1867)
George O. Curme (DePauw University 1881)
George E. Curtis (DePauw University 1866)
Lewis L. Curtiss (DePauw University 1882)
James T. Cutler (DePauw University 1894)
James L. Daggett (DePauw University 1929)
Addison Daggy (DePauw University 1872)
Maynard L. Daggy (DePauw University 1896)
Vernon C. Dahlstrom (DePauw University 1957)
William W. Damerson (DePauw University 1904)
Henry C. Dane (DePauw University 1888)
James T. Darnall (DePauw University 1872)
William Darrock (DePauw University 1874)
Paul W. Darrow (DePauw University 1925)
Donald E. Davidson (DePauw University 1939)
James M. Davis (DePauw University 1868)
Homer G. Davisson (DePauw University 1889)
William A. Deford (DePauw University 1892)
John A. DeJong (DePauw University 1967)
Gilbert Delamatry (DePauw University 1872)
Raymond Demsey (DePauw University 1902)
Raymond R. Denison (DePauw University 1910)
Harry E. Dennie (DePauw University 1939)
Arthur F. Denton (DePauw University 1934)
Charles W. Depauw (DePauw University 1880)
Newland T. Depauw (DePauw University 1879)
Marshall F. Depew (DePauw University 1879)
Albert C. Deselm (DePauw University 1932)
Thomas A. DeSelm (DePauw University 1956)
Gideon H. Diall (DePauw University 1898)
Oliver M. Diall (DePauw University 1899)
Walter E. Dickey (DePauw University 1939)
Kenneth C. Dimond (DePauw University 1925)
David M. Dirks (DePauw University 1963)
Edward F. Dirks (DePauw University 1940)
George H. Dirks (DePauw University 1929)
Hubert E. Dirks (DePauw University 1934)
Robert E. Dirks (DePauw University 1934)
Stephen N. Dirks (DePauw University 1967)
Joseph T. Dobell (DePauw University 1874)
Roy H. Dobell (DePauw University 1908)
Ellis C. Doering (DePauw University 1919)
Ralph A. Donham (DePauw University 1911)
Charles F. Donnohue (DePauw University 1902)
Robert P. Doolittle (DePauw University 1929)
Frank M. Downey (DePauw University 1891)
John L. Doyal (DePauw University 1887)
Clinton C. Doyle (DePauw University 1925)
John C. Drinkwater (DePauw University 1950)
Oran E. Druly (DePauw University 1889)
Charles A. Dryer (DePauw University 1875)
John L. Dryer (DePauw University 1875)
Tod R. Duffin (DePauw University 1939)
George N. Dunn (DePauw University 1895)
John E. Earp (DePauw University 1872)
Olin C. Eckley (DePauw University 1908)
Thos M. Eddy (DePauw University 1866)
Edward E. Eggleston (DePauw University 1867)
Charles L. Eldredge (DePauw University 1951)
Gilbert A. Elliott (DePauw University 1934)
Earl H. Ellis (DePauw University 1901)
Evan E. Ellis (DePauw University 1919)
Burl A. Ely (DePauw University 1927)
George W. Emmert (DePauw University 1950)
John R. Emmett (DePauw University 1945)
Edmond H. Engelking (DePauw University 1934)
Danl W. English (DePauw University 1866)
Robert T. Etter (DePauw University 1966)
Earl O. Ewan (DePauw University 1922)
James A. Felts (DePauw University 1943)
Ward Ferguson (DePauw University 1891)
Albert L. Fessler (DePauw University 1917)
William B. Finnell (DePauw University 1896)
Charles E. Finney (DePauw University 1881)
J. E. Fish (DePauw University 1877)
Arthur M. Fisk (DePauw University 1892)
Henry Fitch (DePauw University 1875)
Bradford R. Fleig (DePauw University 1966)
Clarence E. Flynn (DePauw University 1909)
James L. Ford (DePauw University 1867)
Frederick S. Foster (DePauw University 1932)
Robert M. Frash (DePauw University 1935)
William L. Freeman (DePauw University 1894)
Benjamin F. French (DePauw University 1871)
Arthur E. Fretageot (DePauw University 1895)
John H. Freudenberg (DePauw University 1946)
Robert R. Freund (DePauw University 1925)
Robert W. Fribley (DePauw University 1935)
Francis A. Friedley (DePauw University 1871)
William H. Frosch (DePauw University 1934)
George E. Fruechtenicht (DePauw University 1949)
John W. Fulkerson (DePauw University 1992)
Glenn W. Funk (DePauw University 1926)
C. R. Gamble (DePauw University 1957)
Charles B. Gambold (DePauw University 1897)
Willard J. Gambold (DePauw University 1931)
T. Verlon Gamron (DePauw University 1903)
Charles E. Gard (DePauw University 1878)
Fred C. Garlock (DePauw University 1944)
Ambler Garnett (DePauw University 1913)
William H. Garnett (DePauw University 1919)
Clarence E. Garrard (DePauw University 1909)
Stephen L. Garrard (DePauw University 1859)
Arthur E. Garrison (DePauw University 1950)
Jesse S. Gathright (DePauw University 1858)
Josiah B. Gathright (DePauw University 1860)
Richard O. Gathright (DePauw University 1860)
John E. Gelvin (DePauw University 1942)
Arthur H. Gemmer (DePauw University 1943)
Robert I. Gephart (DePauw University 1955)
Wilbur R. Gibbons (DePauw University 1903)
John C. Gibson (DePauw University 1936)
Robert L. Gibson (DePauw University 1942)
John W. Gift (DePauw University 1947)
Christopher W. Gilbert (DePauw University 1991)
James M. Gilbert (DePauw University 1950)
Frederick R. Giles (DePauw University 1883)
Foster Gilgis (DePauw University 1938)
Albert W. Goldsbarry (DePauw University 1916)
Richard R. Goode (DePauw University 1925)
Ralph P. Gould (DePauw University 1927)
Harold L. Grace Jr. (DePauw University 1949)
John F. Graff (DePauw University 1955)
Archibald G. Graham (DePauw University 1935)
Robert Graham (DePauw University 1925)
Donald A. Grant (DePauw University 1927)
Edward J. Green (DePauw University 1874)
Gazexer G. Green (DePauw University 1971)
Judson C. Green (DePauw University 1974)
Joseph A. Greenstreet (DePauw University 1895)
Joseph L. Greenway (DePauw University 1914)
John H. Greist (DePauw University 1926)
George W. Griffin (DePauw University 1864)
Robert W. Griffith (DePauw University 1962)
Ray D. Grimes (DePauw University 1917)
Robert E. Grimes (DePauw University 1956)
Harry G. Groat (DePauw University 1915)
Thomas J. Groves (DePauw University 1874)
Francis C. Guthrie (DePauw University 1915)
James M. Guttman (DePauw University 1960)
Harold T. Haas (DePauw University 1892)
Schuyler A. Haas (DePauw University 1887)
George D. Haimbaugh (DePauw University 1938)
Charles H. Haines (DePauw University 1877)
Alva R. Haislup (DePauw University 1905)
Walter V. Halfman (DePauw University 1938)
Claude D. Hall (DePauw University 1896)
Earl C. Hall (DePauw University 1907)
Emmet Hall (DePauw University 1907)
Fred S. Hall (DePauw University 1898)
Homer S. Hall (DePauw University 1902)
James C. Hall (DePauw University 1867)
Samuel V. Ham (DePauw University 1898)
Russel H. Hammel (DePauw University 1919)
Paul S. Hammer (DePauw University 1964)
Andrew B. Hanna (DePauw University 1885)
Glenn C. Hannah (DePauw University 1952)
James E. Hannah (DePauw University 1958)
Thomas J. Hannah (DePauw University 1956)
Richard W. Hargrave (DePauw University 1859)
James B. Harrison (DePauw University 1887)
P. Harrison Jr. (DePauw University 1924)
Verling K. Hart (DePauw University 1892)
John W. Hatcher (DePauw University 1961)
Louis C. Haughey (DePauw University 1875)
Arthur A. Haven (DePauw University 1917)
James K. Hawk (DePauw University 1873)
Donald T. Hawkins (DePauw University 1929)
Ervin B. Hawkins (DePauw University 1879)
Oliver S. Hawkins (DePauw University 1867)
Roscoe O. Hawkins (DePauw University 1878)
Orison H. Hayes (DePauw University 1898)
Frank A. Hays (DePauw University 1887)
Richard N. Hayward (DePauw University 1956)
John W. Heath (DePauw University 1860)
Kenneth L. Hebson (DePauw University 1953)
Marion H. Hedges (DePauw University 1910)
Owen A. Heeter (DePauw University 1958)
Edward C. Helwig (DePauw University 1902)
Paul S. Henderson (DePauw University 1911)
Lowell R. Hess (DePauw University 1926)
William A. Hester (DePauw University 1880)
Frederick A. Heuring (DePauw University 1880)
Philip G. Heyde (DePauw University 1972)
Kurt N. Heyne (DePauw University 1929)
Harold E. Hickman (DePauw University 1936)
Michael R. Hickman (DePauw University 1969)
Samuel R. Hiett (DePauw University 1867)
Robert H. High (DePauw University 1907)
Carl T. Hilburn (DePauw University 1915)
George Hilburn (DePauw University 1915)
Clyde M. Hinshaw (DePauw University 1932)
Joseph W. Hirtzer (DePauw University 1963)
Carl K. Hixon (DePauw University 1918)
Carl K. Hixon (DePauw University 1945)
George P. Hodson (DePauw University 1875)
Rich V. Hodson (DePauw University 1872)
Norman R. Hoffman (DePauw University 1949)
Arthur J. Holderman (DePauw University 1904)
Jean S. Holloway (DePauw University 1909)
Olin E. Holloway (DePauw University 1879)
Joe L. Holsen (DePauw University 1959)
Steven E. Holzwart (DePauw University 1967)
James E. Honan (DePauw University 1940)
John B. Honan (DePauw University 1937)
Leighton A. Hope (DePauw University 1945)
Roy E. Horn (DePauw University 1912)
Thomas E. Hosier (DePauw University 1966)
James M. House (DePauw University 1915)
John D. Howe (DePauw University 1899)
Richard P. Howell (DePauw University 1942)
Geo V. Howk (DePauw University 1886)
John S. Howk (DePauw University 1883)
Ralph T. Hudson (DePauw University 1911)
Roy D. Hudson (DePauw University 1914)
Thomas R. Huffines (DePauw University 1916)
Charles F. Hunt (DePauw University 1875)
Herbert Hunt (DePauw University 1891)
Stephen Hunt (DePauw University 1874)
Clyde D. Hunter (DePauw University 1922)
Erwin S. Huston (DePauw University 1948)
John Huston (DePauw University 1948)
Charles R. Hutson (DePauw University 1949)
John G. Igleheart (DePauw University 1900)
Charles A. Jackson (DePauw University 1908)
Henry G. Jackson (DePauw University 1862)
Jeremiah H. Jackson (DePauw University 1880)
Roy I. Jackson (DePauw University 1910)
Howard M. Jarratt (DePauw University 1935)
Charles E. Jaseph (DePauw University 1895)
Norman F. Jay (DePauw University 1955)
Charles W. Jenkins (DePauw University 1935)
Robert E. Jenkins (DePauw University 1941)
Frank J. Jerome (DePauw University 1940)
George W. John (DePauw University 1866)
Albinus A. Johnson (DePauw University 1875)
Arthur L. Johnson Jr. (DePauw University 1943)
Charles F. Johnson (DePauw University 1878)
Clarence C. Johnson (DePauw University 1912)
David B. Johnson (DePauw University 1885)
David S. Johnson (DePauw University 1953)
Gordon F. Johnson (DePauw University 1942)
Jeremiah H. Johnson (DePauw University 1876)
William G. Johnson (DePauw University 1882)
Archibald W. Johnston (DePauw University 1930)
William Johnston (DePauw University 1866)
Charles D. Jones (DePauw University 1871)
Donald Jones (DePauw University 1949)
Homer I. Jones (DePauw University 1892)
John W. Jones (DePauw University 1883)
Norman L. Jones (DePauw University 1880)
Richard G. Jones (DePauw University 1939)
Robert R. Jones (DePauw University 1892)
Vincent D. Jones (DePauw University 1944)
William G. Jones (DePauw University 1930)
Caleb V. Jones (DePauw University 1877)
Lafayette Joseph (DePauw University 1865)
Bruce L. Judd (DePauw University 1941)
Allen R. Julian (DePauw University 1871)
John D. Julian (DePauw University 1930)
Arlie P. Julien (DePauw University 1920)
Don M. Julien (DePauw University 1916)
George W. Julien (DePauw University 1881)
H P. Julien (DePauw University 1951)
Robert H. Kast (DePauw University 1940)
Richard D. Kattell (DePauw University 1951)
Augustus Kelly (DePauw University 1893)
James A. Kelly (DePauw University 1928)
John D. Kemp (DePauw University 1941)
Chesteen B. Kendall (DePauw University 1930)
James B. Kennedy (DePauw University 1947)
Edwin H. Ketcham (DePauw University 1878)
William A. Kibler (DePauw University 1944)
Bernard Kilgore (DePauw University 1929)
George R. Kilgore (DePauw University 1932)
Donald A. Kilmer (DePauw University 1947)
John A. King (DePauw University 1886)
Ralph W. King (DePauw University 1886)
Robert H. King (DePauw University 1948)
Bruce C. Kixmiller (DePauw University 1912)
Edgar B. Kixmiller (DePauw University 1909)
Robert K. Kleinops (DePauw University 1970)
Todd E. Klingel (DePauw University 1975)
Verne F. Knickerbocker (DePauw University 1950)
Karl W. Knipmeyer (DePauw University 1937)
John R. Knox (DePauw University 1952)
Robert E. Konovsky (DePauw University 1978)
Joseph E. Kopta (DePauw University 1936)
Robert F. Koss (DePauw University 1938)
William C. Krueger (DePauw University 1958)
Russell C. Kuehl (DePauw University 1928)
Andrew J. Kuykendall (DePauw University 1896)
Frank S. Kuykendall (DePauw University 1902)
Guy S. Kuykendall (DePauw University 1904)
Irving B. Lacy (DePauw University 1941)
Willard C. Lacy (DePauw University 1938)
Herbert E. Landes (DePauw University 1917)
W. S. Larue (DePauw University 1922)
Carlyle M. Latta (DePauw University 1923)
Donald B. Latta (DePauw University 1924)
Harold H. Laughlin (DePauw University 1924)
Frank L. Lee (DePauw University 1915)
John C. Lee (DePauw University 1948)
Millard F. Lemon (DePauw University 1880)
Vester F. Lenzen (DePauw University 1951)
William C. Levan (DePauw University 1910)
Francis S. Lewis (DePauw University 1897)
Lee Lewman (DePauw University 1890)
McIlyar H. Lichliter (DePauw University 1900)
Cassius M. Lieb (DePauw University 1887)
Somerville Light (DePauw University 1888)
Walter C. Lindley (DePauw University 1948)
Everett A. Little (DePauw University 1901)
William F. Little (DePauw University 1925)
Gene A. Llewellyn MD (DePauw University 1946)
Geo W. Locke (DePauw University 1871)
A. L. Lockridge (DePauw University 1886)
Charles D. Lockridge (DePauw University 1908)
John C. Lockridge (DePauw University 1886)
Simpson F. Lockridge (DePauw University 1868)
Brian U. Loncar (DePauw University 1983)
Donald H. Longley (DePauw University 1945)
Robert W. Longman (DePauw University 1922)
George E. Lortz (DePauw University 1934)
Thomas V. Loveday (DePauw University 1959)
Donald C. Lovelace (DePauw University 1967)
Ausby L. Lowe (DePauw University 1902)
Ethelbert C. Lowe (DePauw University 1911)
Mark W. Lowe (DePauw University 1920)
Robert W. Lowe (DePauw University 1933)
Thomas G. Lueder (DePauw University 1986)
Norman D. Lukens (DePauw University 1927)
Norman D. Lukens (DePauw University 1953)
Joseph M. Lumpkin (DePauw University 1934)
Marshall Lyman (DePauw University 1879)
Glen H. Lyon (DePauw University 1919)
Keith H. Lyon (DePauw University 1945)
Steven J. Lyons (DePauw University 1978)
Thomas J. Lyons (DePauw University 1947)
Russell P. MacFall (DePauw University 1925)
William D. Macklin (DePauw University 1978)
Thomas H. Mahan (DePauw University 1909)
Loren H. Mahoney (DePauw University 1949)
J. K. Mahrdt (DePauw University 1928)
John F. Mail (DePauw University 1888)
Pemberton Mannan (DePauw University 1884)
Paul Manuel (DePauw University 1916)
Amos C. Maple (DePauw University 1889)
Roy H. Maple (DePauw University 1889)
William M. Marble (DePauw University 1948)
Abijah Marine (DePauw University 1881)
Clifton L. Markel (DePauw University 1942)
John W. Markland (DePauw University 1925)
George E. Martin (DePauw University 1915)
John G. Martin (DePauw University 1913)
Ottis T. Martin (DePauw University 1908)
Otto T. Martin (DePauw University 1908)
Wayne D. Martin (DePauw University 1971)
William C. Martin (DePauw University 1911)
William H. Martin (DePauw University 1930)
Ottis T. Martin Jr. (DePauw University 1948)
Max G. Mason (DePauw University 1951)
George F. Matson (DePauw University 1878)
Charles R. McBride (DePauw University 1881)
Richard K. McCally (DePauw University 1944)
Charles S. McClain (DePauw University 1878)
Gilbert C. McCleary (DePauw University 1941)
John B. McClellan (DePauw University 1932)
Sidney E. McClellan (DePauw University 1931)
Buren H. McCormack (DePauw University 1930)
Lycurgus P. McCormick (DePauw University 1873)
Kenneth D. McCoy (DePauw University 1925)
Porter McCoy (DePauw University 1913)
David B. McCracken (DePauw University 1956)
George R. McCrary (DePauw University 1886)
John R. McCullough (DePauw University 1934)
Robert C. McDivitt (DePauw University 1904)
John W. McFall (DePauw University 1904)
Merril B. McFall (DePauw University 1927)
William H. McGaughey (DePauw University 1935)
Allen O. McGinnis (DePauw University 1924)
Orville W. McGinnis (DePauw University 1892)
Richard R. McGinnis (DePauw University 1922)
Roscoe C. McGinnis (DePauw University 1895)
Harry E. McGoon (DePauw University 1931)
James C. McIntosh (DePauw University 1859)
James L. McKee (DePauw University 1892)
Karl McKee (DePauw University 1897)
John W. McKenzie (DePauw University 1877)
Charles R. McKibbin (DePauw University 1950)
John W. McLain (DePauw University 1885)
Brock W. McNaughton (DePauw University 1922)
Patterson D. McNutt (DePauw University 1860)
Robert G. Meeks (DePauw University 1949)
A. D. Mehegan (DePauw University 1957)
Edwin C. Mercer (DePauw University 1885)
Francis E. Mercer (DePauw University 1910)
Francis Mercer (DePauw University 1910)
Oscar T. Merkle (DePauw University 1885)
Charles E. Merriam (DePauw University 1956)
Robert C. Merriam (DePauw University 1961)
Joseph B. Messing (DePauw University 1953)
Charles N. Mikels (DePauw University 1883)
Arthur Miller (DePauw University 1896)
Benjamin C. Miller (DePauw University 1894)
Clarence L. Miller (DePauw University 1947)
Darrel C. Miller (DePauw University 1908)
Douglass W. Miller (DePauw University 1916)
Edgar L. Miller (DePauw University 1911)
John G. Miller (DePauw University 1905)
John H. Miller (DePauw University 1904)
Alan B. Millikan (DePauw University 1931)
C. R. Million (DePauw University 1943)
Richard R. Mills (DePauw University 1942)
William G. Millsaps (DePauw University 1862)
Edward J. Miquelon (DePauw University 1947)
Robert F. Mirrielees (DePauw University 1960)
F. W. Montgomery (DePauw University 1897)
John L. Montgomery (DePauw University 1859)
Charles L. Mooney (DePauw University 1884)
William P. Mooney (DePauw University 1887)
Lewis D. Moore (DePauw University 1881)
Erich L. Morallen (DePauw University 1906)
Irvan Morris (DePauw University 1916)
Arthur W. Morse (DePauw University 1894)
J. B. Morse (DePauw University 1974)
John C. Morse (DePauw University 1965)
Thomas T. Murnane (DePauw University 1939)
Clarence Murphy (DePauw University 1886)
Richard C. Murray (DePauw University 1929)
J. Franz Myers (DePauw University 1878)
Gerald A. Mygrant (DePauw University 1928)
Louis Nahm (DePauw University 1869)
James H. Naus (DePauw University 1942)
Theodore H. Nees (DePauw University 1898)
William G. Neet (DePauw University 1911)
Raymond M. Neff (DePauw University 1922)
Harold H. Negley (DePauw University 1944)
Wilber M. Nelson (DePauw University 1887)
Harold R. Nesbit (DePauw University 1926)
James R. Nesbit (DePauw University 1957)
Charles A. New (DePauw University 1900)
Floyd J. Newby (DePauw University 1900)
Harold H. Newgent (DePauw University 1923)
Charles B. Niblock (DePauw University 1883)
Roy G. Niehaus (DePauw University 1919)
Stanley A. Niles (DePauw University 1934)
Lee J. Noble (DePauw University 1922)
Charles Norman (DePauw University 1886)
Cecil B. O'Brien (DePauw University 1919)
William C. O'Brien (DePauw University 1861)
William H. O'Brien (DePauw University 1876)
Claude M. Ogle (DePauw University 1914)
Emory C. O'Hair (DePauw University 1923)
Frank T. O'Hair (DePauw University 1893)
James L. Ohmans (DePauw University 1940)
R. C. Oldfield (DePauw University 1946)
James M. Olive (DePauw University 1949)
John F. Olson (DePauw University 1941)
Russell A. Olson (DePauw University 1951)
Walter T. Olson (DePauw University 1939)
A. C. Olson (DePauw University 1955)
John G. O'Neill (DePauw University 1937)
William N. Orn (DePauw University 1981)
Philip A. Orth (DePauw University 1952)
Robert L. Ottoman (DePauw University 1961)
Charles P. Paddock (DePauw University 1885)
Carlisle K. Parker (DePauw University 1953)
Edward A. Patterson (DePauw University 1896)
Thomas G. Paxton (DePauw University 1943)
Wesley C. Pearce (DePauw University 1935)
Ross E. Peck (DePauw University 1912)
William B. Peck (DePauw University 1903)
Charles L. Pelham (DePauw University 1895)
James R. Pence (DePauw University 1934)
Jonathan G. Penn (DePauw University 1967)
Calvin C. Perkins (DePauw University 1951)
William F. Perkins (DePauw University 1898)
George E. Peters (DePauw University 1939)
Donald F. Petersen (DePauw University 1948)
Howard C. Petersen (DePauw University 1930)
Robert E. Peterson (DePauw University 1959)
Reginald F. Pfersick (DePauw University 1928)
Jack C. Phelps (DePauw University 1938)
Halbert B. Phillips (DePauw University 1912)
Lee A. Phillips (DePauw University 1894)
Orion Phillips (DePauw University 1908)
Albert W. Phillips (DePauw University 1899)
John T. Phipps (DePauw University 1959)
Leroy E. Pickard (DePauw University 1922)
Leroy E. Pickard (DePauw University 1922)
Henry M. Pindell (DePauw University 1884)
Mark K. Pinkerman (DePauw University 1924)
Robert A. Pitts (DePauw University 1951)
John C. Pollock (DePauw University 1932)
Lester C. Poor (DePauw University 1896)
Robert J. Poorman (DePauw University 1927)
John E. Porter Jr. (DePauw University 1938)
Joseph A. Potter (DePauw University 1871)
Ralph M. Potter (DePauw University 1928)
Edmond L. Powers (DePauw University 1886)
Claude H. Priddy (DePauw University 1900)
Ingram F. Pritchard (DePauw University 1881)
Richard A. Proctor (DePauw University 1881)
J. H. Pyke (DePauw University 1872)
Leonard Raider (DePauw University 1924)
Hardy L. Ralston (DePauw University 1934)
Frank D. Read (DePauw University 1903)
Harry E. Redding (DePauw University 1910)
Thos B. Redding (DePauw University 1879)
John F. Reed (DePauw University 1955)
Ulysses M. Reed (DePauw University 1898)
Frank A. Reese (DePauw University 1895)
Morton C. Reeves (DePauw University 1878)
William L. Reeves (DePauw University 1893)
Henry S. Renick (DePauw University 1878)
Willis M. Renick (DePauw University 1914)
Augustus O. Reubelt (DePauw University 1870)
Henry N. Reubelt (DePauw University 1871)
John A. Reubelt (DePauw University 1866)
Kimball A. Reyher (DePauw University 1931)
Harold J. Reynolds (DePauw University 1928)
Warren J. Reynolds (DePauw University 1939)
Harvey J. Rhue (DePauw University 1942)
Richard L. Richards (DePauw University 1950)
William E. Ricketts (DePauw University 1873)
Foster W. Riddick (DePauw University 1910)
Paul M. Riddick (DePauw University 1910)
Rolland C. Riddick (DePauw University 1918)
Clark E. Ridpath (DePauw University 1891)
Gillum Ridpath (DePauw University 1867)
Henry W. Ridpath (DePauw University 1881)
John C. Ridpath (DePauw University 1863)
William M. Ridpath (DePauw University 1870)
Ralph W. Riecker (DePauw University 1954)
Herbert B. Rieth (DePauw University 1932)
Jason L. Rippetoe (DePauw University 1863)
Olin L. Rippetoe (DePauw University 1916)
William B. Rippetoe (DePauw University 1869)
Ben W. Ritter (DePauw University 1879)
Eli F. Ritter (DePauw University 1863)
Charles E. Robbins (DePauw University 1928)
Fred C. Robbins (DePauw University 1930)
Thomas L. Robbins (DePauw University 1944)
James B. Robertson (DePauw University 1907)
Michael S. Robey (DePauw University 1970)
John H. Robinson (DePauw University 1890)
Charles Roehl (DePauw University 1864)
Donald E. Rogers (DePauw University 1917)
Virgil C. Rogers (DePauw University 1926)
Wilber D. Rogers (DePauw University 1908)
Albert C. Rosencranz (DePauw University 1941)
Tipton S. Ross (DePauw University 1942)
George D. Rowe (DePauw University 1921)
John A. Rowe (DePauw University 1919)
James H. Ruddell (DePauw University 1882)
W. Otto Rudy (DePauw University 1899)
Joseph A. Rueff (DePauw University 1951)
Fredrick W. Ruh (DePauw University 1939)
Frank T. Rumbarger (DePauw University 1882)
John J. Rumbarger (DePauw University 1887)
Robert R. Rumbarger (DePauw University 1885)
Argus L. Russell (DePauw University 1910)
Levi B. Salmans (DePauw University 1880)
James B. Sargent (DePauw University 1869)
William F. Saul (DePauw University 1943)
Richard R. Savage (DePauw University 1948)
Edwin D. Sayre (DePauw University 1923)
William M. Scaife (DePauw University 1969)
Adolph Schellschmidt (DePauw University 1899)
Ralph G. Scheu (DePauw University 1950)
Leroy Schmalzried (DePauw University 1914)
Adolph E. Schmoldt (DePauw University 1886)
John Schurr (DePauw University 1883)
Robert B. Scism (DePauw University 1946)
Alvah R. Scott (DePauw University 1886)
Arthur A. Scott (DePauw University 1909)
Charles E. Scott (DePauw University 1878)
Jas B. Scott (DePauw University 1880)
Donald C. Seabrock (DePauw University 1949)
James B. Seaman (DePauw University 1932)
Frederick H. Sears (DePauw University 1893)
Thomas W. Seaton (DePauw University 1946)
Earle M. Sefton (DePauw University 1917)
Riley H. Selby (DePauw University 1920)
Cecil M. Sennett (DePauw University 1912)
William K. Sennett (DePauw University 1925)
Jerome F. Shandy (DePauw University 1942)
William E. Shank (DePauw University 1948)
William H. Sharp (DePauw University 1948)
William H. Sheffer (DePauw University 1918)
Robert M. Sheldon (DePauw University 1950)
Charles J. Shideler (DePauw University 1881)
Darwin M. Short (DePauw University 1926)
James L. Short (DePauw University 1903)
Ernest W. Showalter (DePauw University 1896)
Willard C. Shrode (DePauw University 1945)
Robert A. Shrote (DePauw University 1947)
Guy S. Shugert (DePauw University 1933)
Ninnian I. Shugert (DePauw University 1934)
Frank B. Shutts (DePauw University 1892)
Clifford E. Simon (DePauw University 1973)
Clifford E. Simon (DePauw University 1947)
Donald W. Singer (DePauw University 1963)
Winfield E. Sisson (DePauw University 1917)
Leslie R. Skinner (DePauw University 1898)
Hiram C. Slavens (DePauw University 1881)
James W. Slavens (DePauw University 1859)
John Slavens (DePauw University 1857)
John H. Slavens (DePauw University 1873)
Luther C. Slavens (DePauw University 1858)
Rodney L. Slavens (DePauw University 1862)
William H. Slavens (DePauw University 1873)
Asa Sleeth (DePauw University 1874)
Robert F. Slutz (DePauw University 1943)
Worthington Slutz (DePauw University 1920)
Edwin W. Smail (DePauw University 1948)
Robert P. Small (DePauw University 1930)
Arnold M. Small (DePauw University 1928)
Albert G. Smith (DePauw University 1870)
Albert P. Smith (DePauw University 1895)
Charles N. Smith (DePauw University 1933)
Charles W. Smith (DePauw University 1867)
Earl C. Smith (DePauw University 1891)
Earl H. Smith (DePauw University 1907)
Edwin C. Smith (DePauw University 1882)
Guy C. Smith (DePauw University 1914)
Gwin E. Smith (DePauw University 1917)
Hastings A. Smith (DePauw University 1932)
J. F. Smith (DePauw University 1872)
J. S. Smith (DePauw University 1936)
James W. Smith (DePauw University 1968)
John H. Smith (DePauw University 1962)
Oliver H. Smith (DePauw University 1856)
Orlando J. Smith (DePauw University 1862)
Philip A. Smith (DePauw University 1959)
Vanevrie N. Smith (DePauw University 1885)
Weller B. Smith (DePauw University 1868)
Charles S. Smith Jr. (DePauw University 1933)
John R. Smith (DePauw University 1971)
Knowles B. Smith (DePauw University 1936)
William R. Smith (DePauw University 1971)
Gonsalvo C. Smythe (DePauw University 1858)
Oscar T. Smythe (DePauw University 1881)
Stuart A. Snell (DePauw University 1953)
Edward B. Snyder (DePauw University 1872)
John P. Sowerwine (DePauw University 1945)
Grey E. Spanagel (DePauw University 1925)
Dan R. Spear (DePauw University 1969)
Arthur N. Spencer (DePauw University 1917)
Edwin E. Spottswood (DePauw University 1885)
George J. Spradling (DePauw University 1951)
C. L. Sprague (DePauw University 1893)
James R. Sprankle (DePauw University 1897)
C. F. Springer (DePauw University 1858)
Fae H. Spurlock (DePauw University 1937)
Lawrence R. St John (DePauw University 1934)
Thomas P. Stabler (DePauw University 1883)
William M. Stanton (DePauw University 1939)
Walter J. Stauffer (DePauw University 1943)
Angier B. Steele (DePauw University 1940)
Douglas F. Stevenson (DePauw University 1944)
Marshall E. Stine (DePauw University 1944)
Richard O. Stock (DePauw University 1935)
John J. Stockberger (DePauw University 1949)
Charles D. Stocking (DePauw University 1955)
Leigh A. Stocking (DePauw University 1951)
Stuart D. Stout (DePauw University 1926)
Edward B. Stoy (DePauw University 1871)
Walter E. Stoy (DePauw University 1886)
William F. Strain (DePauw University 1907)
Leslie E. Strang (DePauw University 1927)
William P. Stratton (DePauw University 1898)
George D. Strockman (DePauw University 1937)
Frank R. Stroube (DePauw University 1924)
Edward W. Stuckey (DePauw University 1891)
George F. Stump (DePauw University 1924)
Charles S. Stunkel (DePauw University 1930)
Albert T. Summers (DePauw University 1878)
Jason R. Surber (DePauw University 1993)
John M. Sutherland (DePauw University 1948)
Russel H. Swank (DePauw University 1911)
Raymond E. Swanson (DePauw University 1927)
Mark G. Tagett (DePauw University 1980)
Alonzo E. Taylor (DePauw University 1901)
Bushrod W. Taylor (DePauw University 1883)
Gustavus B. Taylor (DePauw University 1903)
Henry W. Taylor (DePauw University 1928)
James H. Taylor (DePauw University 1878)
Joseph W. Taylor (DePauw University 1931)
Tucker W. Taylor (DePauw University 1878)
William W. Taylor (DePauw University 1878)
E. L. Tetrick (DePauw University 1945)
J. E. Thomas (DePauw University 1885)
Robert F. Thomas (DePauw University 1939)
Charles A. Thompson (DePauw University 1881)
Clyde T. Thompson (DePauw University 1939)
Robert W. Thompson (DePauw University 1943)
David L. Thor (DePauw University 1955)
Frederick F. Thornburg (DePauw University 1963)
James F. Thornburg (DePauw University 1933)
Charles A. Threlkeld (DePauw University 1935)
Charles Tinsley (DePauw University 1868)
John B. Tipton (DePauw University 1956)
Frank J. Tolford (DePauw University 1954)
Benj B. Towne (DePauw University 1912)
Charles K. Trainor (DePauw University 1928)
Henry S. Tribby (DePauw University 1894)
Maurice L. Tribby (DePauw University 1898)
Frederick N. Trotter (DePauw University 1922)
Charles A. Tucker (DePauw University 1943)
Robert L. Tucker (DePauw University 1942)
Max A. Tudor (DePauw University 1959)
Kingsley Tufts (DePauw University 1929)
Frank L. Tupper (DePauw University 1948)
William G. Turner (DePauw University 1965)
C. Herbert Tutt (DePauw University 1878)
Leon F. Urbain (DePauw University 1909)
Chas S. Uzzell (DePauw University 1879)
Thomas A. Uzzell (DePauw University 1877)
William C. Vanarsdel (DePauw University 1874)
Paul C. VanBooven (DePauw University 1973)
Charles E. VanNada (DePauw University 1939)
Robert M. VanWagner (DePauw University 1952)
Frederick H. Veach (DePauw University 1944)
Roy B. Verdery (DePauw University 1943)
George E. Vickery (DePauw University 1895)
George E. Vickery (DePauw University 1940)
Donald E. Vivian (DePauw University 1937)
Brenton H. Wadsworth (DePauw University 1952)
Samuel G. Wagner (DePauw University 1939)
Charles L. Walker (DePauw University 1951)
William B. Walker (DePauw University 1948)
Lloyd M. Wall (DePauw University 1922)
Lewis L. Wallace (DePauw University 1868)
Charles M. Walley (DePauw University 1941)
William S. Walsh (DePauw University 1943)
James C. Walters (DePauw University 1890)
Henry C. Waltz (DePauw University 1866)
Ashael H. Wampler (DePauw University 1886)
Greig S. Ward (DePauw University 1940)
Wm D. Ward (DePauw University 1861)
William A. Warner (DePauw University 1891)
Jas C. Waterous (DePauw University 1874)
Dan E. Watson (DePauw University 1932)
McGrada C. Waynick (DePauw University 1867)
William R. Weatherly (DePauw University 1954)
Richard G. Weigel (DePauw University 1959)
Otto V. Weik (DePauw University 1890)
Emanuel W. Weiler (DePauw University 1936)
George R. Welborn (DePauw University 1891)
Leander L. Welker (DePauw University 1862)
Burton J. Westcott (DePauw University 1889)
John P. Wheat (DePauw University 1920)
Daniel D. Wheeler (DePauw University 1881)
Marcus W. Whelan (DePauw University 1882)
Harry H. Whitcomb (DePauw University 1941)
John D. White (DePauw University 1885)
Lyman D. White (DePauw University 1968)
Earl E. Whited (DePauw University 1960)
Clifford Wiley (DePauw University 1885)
Gordon E. Wilhite (DePauw University 1949)
Claude E. Wilkinson (DePauw University 1893)
W. K. Wilkinson (DePauw University 1940)
Edward B. Williams (DePauw University 1900)
William L. Williams (DePauw University 1907)
Cecil M. Wilson (DePauw University 1932)
George C. Wilson (DePauw University 1856)
James B. Wilson (DePauw University 1878)
James Wilson (DePauw University 1889)
Leo C. Wilson (DePauw University 1922)
Willis W. Wilson (DePauw University 1915)
Thomas S. Winks (DePauw University 1958)
Irvin R. Wolfcale (DePauw University 1964)
Joseph G. Wood (DePauw University 1929)
Samuel F. Wood (DePauw University 1856)
Thomas B. Wood (DePauw University 1863)
Walter P. Wood (DePauw University 1902)
Estill D. Woods (DePauw University 1919)
William R. Woods (DePauw University 1926)
David H. Worthington (DePauw University 1877)
Charles E. Wright (DePauw University 1897)
Eldon S. Wright (DePauw University 1946)
Joseph A. Wright (DePauw University 1894)
Richard G. Wurst (DePauw University 1931)
William O. Wyant (DePauw University 1865)
Oscar H. Wylie (DePauw University 1887)
F. William Wyman (DePauw University 1939)
Maurice P. Yarger (DePauw University 1932)
Burton D. Yarian (DePauw University 1909)
Daniel C. Yarian (DePauw University 1932)
Lloyd D. Yarian (DePauw University 1919)
Lemon G. Yocum (DePauw University 1884)
Daniel C. Yohe (DePauw University 1961)
Dorn W. Younger (DePauw University 1963)
Andrew H. Yount (DePauw University 1874)
Charles F. Zeis (DePauw University 1892)
John C. Zulauf (DePauw University 1885)
Clifford W. Larson (Drake University 2002)
James E. Stanley (East Carolina University 2022)
Warren Akin (Emory University 1969)
George W. Armbrister Jr. (Emory University 1966)
James L. Brady (Emory University 1972)
Carswell H. Carr Jr. (Emory University 1976)
Robert H. Chapman (Emory University 1969)
James W. DeVan (Emory University 1970)
George W. Doster (Emory University 1968)
Don W. Fowler (Emory University 1966)
Jonathan H. Goodwin (Emory University 1967)
Christopher B. Haddle (Emory University 1991)
David A. Harris (Emory University 1978)
Samuel M. Howell (Emory University 1972)
David A. Kaufman (Emory University 1974)
Robert J. Linn (Emory University 1968)
Jimmy F. Lockwood (Emory University 1966)
Charles R. Long (Emory University 1987)
Gerald J. Matthews (Emory University 1979)
W. S. McCleskey (Emory University 1970)
James W. Mitchell Jr. (Emory University 1972)
John L. Moore (Emory University 1978)
George F. Risi (Emory University 1976)
Jeffrey M. Robbins (Emory University 1986)
Stephen R. Seiter (Emory University 1968)
Marvin A. Walker (Emory University 1969)
Patrick H. Ward (Emory University 1980)
John M. Worrall (Emory University 1963)
Cameron M. Crawford (Florida International University 2013)
Derek B. Jacobs (Florida International University 2006)
David B. Aide (Florida State University 1984)
Scott W. Anderson (Florida State University 1984)
Larry D. Atchey (Florida State University 1973)
Robert E. Baber (Florida State University 1968)
William A. Baird (Florida State University 1967)
Thomas G. Blackburn (Florida State University 1992)
Richard M. Bogdanoff (Florida State University 1975)
Gerald T. Bradley (Florida State University 1988)
Neil C. Brooks (Florida State University 1983)
Michael B. Bullard (Florida State University 1970)
Clark C. Cleveland (Florida State University 1970)
P. M. Cloud (Florida State University 1972)
Douglas Drizd (Florida State University 1969)
John T. Edwards (Florida State University 1997)
George F. Fagan (Florida State University 1973)
Daniel E. Fischer (Florida State University 1988)
Harold Goldstein (Florida State University 1968)
John W. Harrington (Florida State University 1972)
Jayson L. Huffman (Florida State University 2004)
Michael C. Hulen (Florida State University 2003)
Cleve W. Jensen (Florida State University 1984)
Guy A. Overland (Florida State University 1983)
Vincent Pena (Florida State University 1982)
James N. Reese (Florida State University 1972)
David S. Scroggins (Florida State University 1988)
Steven D. Shadgett (Florida State University 1979)
David P. Skelton (Florida State University 1972)
Wade R. Stuart (Florida State University 1976)
E. A. Visko (Florida State University 1975)
Brian F. Williams (Florida State University 1975)
Antonio M. Azevedo (Fresno State University 1995)
Brian D. Cohen (Fresno State University 1987)
Todd M. Fries (Fresno State University 1989)
Josh C. Lancaster (Fresno State University 2001)
Davin M. Young (Fresno State University 1992)
John E. Aderhold (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
James B. Alderman (Georgia Institute of Technology 1960)
Samuel D. Allen (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
Alvin V. Anderson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1938)
William G. Anderson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1934)
T. T. Armenaki (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
Jesse W. Armistead (Georgia Institute of Technology 1921)
Stanley H. Arthur (Georgia Institute of Technology 1965)
Joseph E. Atkinson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1935)
William W. Averyt (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
David Bahos (Georgia Institute of Technology 1953)
Howard P. Barfield (Georgia Institute of Technology 1942)
Ervin F. Bartel (Georgia Institute of Technology 1953)
Christopher D. Baughman (Georgia Institute of Technology 1988)
John H. Beach (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950)
William H. Beach (Georgia Institute of Technology 1933)
Clarence F. Beasley (Georgia Institute of Technology 1923)
Ivan Behal (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
Thomas E. Bell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1955)
William J. Bell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1952)
Paul A. Benson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1947)
Ian A. Birdsall (Georgia Institute of Technology 1973)
James R. Black (Georgia Institute of Technology 1953)
Jonathan T. Black (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950)
Marshall J. Blackmon (Georgia Institute of Technology 1929)
Henry M. Blake (Georgia Institute of Technology 1933)
Eugene T. Blanton (Georgia Institute of Technology 1946)
Andrew V. Bonnet (Georgia Institute of Technology 1927)
Byron L. Borup (Georgia Institute of Technology 1946)
Joe C. Boston (Georgia Institute of Technology 1947)
James L. Bowen (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
Richard V. Bozarth (Georgia Institute of Technology 1925)
LeRoy D. Bradford (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950)
William B. Branan (Georgia Institute of Technology 1961)
Raymond L. Brandes (Georgia Institute of Technology 1935)
Joseph D. Brasfield (Georgia Institute of Technology 1938)
Charles T. Brasfield (Georgia Institute of Technology 1924)
Russell J. Brooke (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
Charles M. Brown (Georgia Institute of Technology 1925)
Herman B. Brown (Georgia Institute of Technology 1923)
Joseph I. Brown (Georgia Institute of Technology 1959)
Joseph L. Brown (Georgia Institute of Technology 1928)
J. Horace Brown Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1960)
Joseph E. Bryan (Georgia Institute of Technology 1921)
Peter H. Buckley (Georgia Institute of Technology 1933)
Richard Bull (Georgia Institute of Technology 1939)
Elmer R. Bunnell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1941)
Charles H. Burch (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
George R. Bynum (Georgia Institute of Technology 1928)
Lan H. Caldwell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1942)
Kemp Caler (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
R. W. Cannon (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
Edward B. Carroll Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1971)
Douglas W. Chambers (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
Luther F. Champion (Georgia Institute of Technology 1958)
J. H. Chaney (Georgia Institute of Technology 1958)
Charles D. Clark (Georgia Institute of Technology 1961)
Nelm B. Clark (Georgia Institute of Technology 1942)
Sam R. Clement (Georgia Institute of Technology 1926)
Harold W. Clemmons (Georgia Institute of Technology 1979)
William M. Coffman (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
Glenn O. Coker (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
James D. Collins (Georgia Institute of Technology 1935)
Richard B. Connelly (Georgia Institute of Technology 1959)
Hal Coons (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
James R. Cooper (Georgia Institute of Technology 1956)
William G. Cooper (Georgia Institute of Technology 1925)
Robert E. Craycraft (Georgia Institute of Technology 1952)
John B. Crenshaw (Georgia Institute of Technology 1926)
Raymond S. Crispell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
Charles G. Crites (Georgia Institute of Technology 1934)
Joseph S. Cromwell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1959)
William D. Crumbley (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
J. L. Daniel (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
Leroy B. Daniel (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
James L. Daniel (Georgia Institute of Technology 1964)
Ralph L. Davies (Georgia Institute of Technology 1935)
Ludlow V. Deichler (Georgia Institute of Technology 1934)
Don B. Denby (Georgia Institute of Technology 1958)
Karl K. Derst (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
Apel Dido (Georgia Institute of Technology 1961)
Robert O. Dodd (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
Walter D. Domingos Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
Mowbray P. Drummond (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
Joel E. Edwards (Georgia Institute of Technology 1993)
Robert G. Edwards (Georgia Institute of Technology 1944)
Stanleigh F. Elam (Georgia Institute of Technology 1941)
Lothrop F. Ellis (Georgia Institute of Technology 1944)
Harold A. Ellison (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
James I. Elston (Georgia Institute of Technology 1939)
John R. Esson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1949)
John E. Eustis (Georgia Institute of Technology 1947)
Edward R. Evans (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
J. L. Fackelman (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
Frank W. Farmer (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
Edward M. Feeney (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950)
Mayo Ferdon (Georgia Institute of Technology 1923)
Thomas H. Fickett (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
Richard N. Fickett (Georgia Institute of Technology 1927)
David B. Field (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
Fred C. Finkbeiner (Georgia Institute of Technology 1944)
John A. Fischer (Georgia Institute of Technology 1954)
Paul B. Fite Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
Bryan W. Fleming (Georgia Institute of Technology 1958)
James H. Fletcher (Georgia Institute of Technology 1947)
William E. Florance (Georgia Institute of Technology 1953)
Stephen B. Florey (Georgia Institute of Technology 1980)
Jack G. Foster (Georgia Institute of Technology 1995)
William P. Foster (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
Charles E. French (Georgia Institute of Technology 1964)
Robert A. Fry (Georgia Institute of Technology 1939)
H. D. Gaines (Georgia Institute of Technology 1946)
Isaac C. Garber (Georgia Institute of Technology 1927)
Stephen C. Gladwin (Georgia Institute of Technology 1928)
Robert M. Glass (Georgia Institute of Technology 1954)
Edgar E. Glenn (Georgia Institute of Technology 1927)
Richard G. Gonzales (Georgia Institute of Technology 1944)
Alexander J. Gordon (Georgia Institute of Technology 1952)
Andrew H. Gossett (Georgia Institute of Technology 1948)
Grady L. Gothard (Georgia Institute of Technology 1957)
Charles A. Grace (Georgia Institute of Technology 1936)
William T. Graham (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
H. W. Gray (Georgia Institute of Technology 1973)
Larry R. Green (Georgia Institute of Technology 1975)
William S. Green (Georgia Institute of Technology 1964)
Ray W. Greene (Georgia Institute of Technology 1954)
Roger A. Greiffenberg (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
Robert L. Gresham (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
Paul M. Griffis (Georgia Institute of Technology 1925)
Clarence E. Hale (Georgia Institute of Technology 1933)
Dayton F. Hale (Georgia Institute of Technology 1947)
Roger I. Hallock (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950)
Frank N. Handal (Georgia Institute of Technology 1953)
Gary A. Hanft (Georgia Institute of Technology 1980)
William T. Hardage (Georgia Institute of Technology 1925)
William R. Hardell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1984)
Price P. Harding (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
Philip W. Harper (Georgia Institute of Technology 1948)
George F. Harrell Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1929)
Andrew D. Harris (Georgia Institute of Technology 1961)
Edwin D. Harrison (Georgia Institute of Technology 1969)
Hal Hart (Georgia Institute of Technology 1969)
Ray W. Haselwood (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
Charles C. Haynes (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
Charles S. Hedges (Georgia Institute of Technology 1956)
James D. Hedges (Georgia Institute of Technology 1929)
William J. Hendrix (Georgia Institute of Technology 1952)
Alfred L. Hendry (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
William B. Henninger (Georgia Institute of Technology 1966)
Polk M. Herndon (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
John P. Hewitt (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
Paul M. Hezlett (Georgia Institute of Technology 1956)
Henry C. Hill (Georgia Institute of Technology 1933)
Ward N. Hill (Georgia Institute of Technology 1976)
Boyd W. Hinds (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
Jerry T. Hinson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1965)
John G. Holey (Georgia Institute of Technology 1956)
Martial A. Honnell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1934)
George W. Hornaday (Georgia Institute of Technology 1961)
Edward I. Hulbert (Georgia Institute of Technology 1937)
G. N. Hunter (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
Karl L. Icenogle (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
W. H. Jackson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1928)
Olcie A. Jared Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1940)
Ogden W. Jervis (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
Franklyn H. John (Georgia Institute of Technology 1941)
Arthur C. Johnson USN (Georgia Institute of Technology 1938)
Cecil P. Johnson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1924)
Charles N. Johnson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
Nathaniel A. Johnson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
Robert M. Johnston (Georgia Institute of Technology 1946)
Dennis E. Jones (Georgia Institute of Technology 1966)
Marc A. Katz (Georgia Institute of Technology 1993)
Jackson L. Kelly (Georgia Institute of Technology 1925)
Marcus H. Kelly (Georgia Institute of Technology 1928)
William E. Kenney (Georgia Institute of Technology 1944)
William A. Kent (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
Shirley L. Kines (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
Paul W. King (Georgia Institute of Technology 1953)
William S. Kirkpatrick (Georgia Institute of Technology 1935)
Severn W. Kittredge (Georgia Institute of Technology 1928)
George K. Krauth (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
Walter K. Krauth (Georgia Institute of Technology 1928)
Walter Krueger (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
James J. Kuhn (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
Harry S. Lamont (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
Ira A. Lamont Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1933)
Elmo W. Landers (Georgia Institute of Technology 1926)
R. K. Landon (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950)
Robert S. Lane (Georgia Institute of Technology 1958)
Jack R. Lanum (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
James D. Laskey (Georgia Institute of Technology 1967)
Albert J. Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology 1957)
Ashley J. Little (Georgia Institute of Technology 1938)
Albert A. Loyd (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
Carl O. MacPhee (Georgia Institute of Technology 1969)
Thomas E. Madra (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
Hugh M. Marshall (Georgia Institute of Technology 1948)
Thomas J. Marshall Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1952)
William B. Martin (Georgia Institute of Technology 1948)
Alexander L. Martin (Georgia Institute of Technology 1958)
F. C. Mason (Georgia Institute of Technology 1934)
John J. Mathison (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
Richard S. McBride (Georgia Institute of Technology 1929)
Robert R. McCreary (Georgia Institute of Technology 1929)
Bryan F. McGinney (Georgia Institute of Technology 1939)
Terry D. McKnight (Georgia Institute of Technology 1969)
George L. Mederer (Georgia Institute of Technology 1946)
Frank B. Melson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1935)
Miles Mercer (Georgia Institute of Technology 1984)
Walter W. Merkle (Georgia Institute of Technology 1928)
Vincent L. Millen (Georgia Institute of Technology 1935)
Edmond T. Miller (Georgia Institute of Technology 1955)
Frank R. Miller (Georgia Institute of Technology 1953)
Bruce H. Milligan (Georgia Institute of Technology 1974)
Orville Monroe (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
R. P. Moore (Georgia Institute of Technology 1963)
James H. Morgan (Georgia Institute of Technology 1933)
Milton I. Morgan (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
William C. Morrell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1953)
Arthur R. Morse (Georgia Institute of Technology 1956)
Roy M. Mundorff Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1953)
John R. Murphy (Georgia Institute of Technology 1925)
Paschal H. Murphy (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
John L. Myers (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950)
Lucas M. Neas (Georgia Institute of Technology 1942)
Hugh W. Newberry (Georgia Institute of Technology 1927)
William C. Newell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
Frank O. Nottingham (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950)
John T. O'Rear (Georgia Institute of Technology 1938)
Thomas O. Ott (Georgia Institute of Technology 1927)
Robert W. Paden (Georgia Institute of Technology 1944)
Paul F. Page (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
Robert P. Paine (Georgia Institute of Technology 1972)
Francis F. Painter (Georgia Institute of Technology 1934)
William M. Palmer (Georgia Institute of Technology 1966)
John E. Peck (Georgia Institute of Technology 1971)
Jack W. Peek (Georgia Institute of Technology 1948)
Edwin A. Peeples Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1936)
Charles L. Perkins (Georgia Institute of Technology 1941)
Julian P. Perkins (Georgia Institute of Technology 1937)
Charles J. Pfeiffer Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1952)
Harold J. Poole (Georgia Institute of Technology 1929)
Frank G. Powell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
Norman M. Pryor (Georgia Institute of Technology 1969)
Frank H. Radey (Georgia Institute of Technology 1955)
Julian P. Raines (Georgia Institute of Technology 1985)
Elgin D. Ramsaur (Georgia Institute of Technology 1925)
Elliott E. Ransom (Georgia Institute of Technology 1946)
Horace D. Raymond (Georgia Institute of Technology 1944)
Will H. Raymond (Georgia Institute of Technology 1935)
Ewell H. Reed (Georgia Institute of Technology 1947)
Robert B. Reed (Georgia Institute of Technology 1944)
Timothy P. Reed (Georgia Institute of Technology 1966)
Donald V. Rentz (Georgia Institute of Technology 1961)
Robert C. Richards (Georgia Institute of Technology 1949)
John F. Richenaker (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
Alton B. Roberts (Georgia Institute of Technology 1924)
Lindsey Roberts (Georgia Institute of Technology 1926)
John R. Rodriguez (Georgia Institute of Technology 1957)
William H. Rommel (Georgia Institute of Technology 1941)
William A. Ross (Georgia Institute of Technology 1952)
William A. Ross (Georgia Institute of Technology 1923)
James A. Russell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1947)
S. B. Rymer (Georgia Institute of Technology 1937)
Robert D. Sanford (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
William M. Sapp (Georgia Institute of Technology 1931)
Henry D. Sargent (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
Herman H. Schroeder (Georgia Institute of Technology 1938)
Samuel H. Scott (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
Robert M. Sears (Georgia Institute of Technology 1971)
John D. Sewell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1939)
Eugene A. Shaw Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
Francis B. Sheetz (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
Robert A. Sheffey (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950)
J. D. Shultz (Georgia Institute of Technology 1961)
Alex Shwaiko (Georgia Institute of Technology 1947)
William M. Sloan (Georgia Institute of Technology 1948)
George W. Smith (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
Norman P. Smith (Georgia Institute of Technology 1937)
James P. Snooks Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1928)
James C. Spangler (Georgia Institute of Technology 1934)
Robert M. Speights (Georgia Institute of Technology 1934)
Marvin L. Spicer (Georgia Institute of Technology 1929)
Duncan L. Spooner (Georgia Institute of Technology 1925)
George E. Stack (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
Richard W. Starke (Georgia Institute of Technology 1947)
Joseph O. Stensland (Georgia Institute of Technology 1939)
Ernest L. Stephenson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1926)
Robert W. Steudel (Georgia Institute of Technology 1942)
L. H. Stone (Georgia Institute of Technology 1954)
Walter L. Susong (Georgia Institute of Technology 1935)
Harry L. Swicegood (Georgia Institute of Technology 1926)
M. R. Swicegood (Georgia Institute of Technology 1928)
Claude S. Swift (Georgia Institute of Technology 1948)
James W. Swindell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
David E. Taylor (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
Harry P. Templeman (Georgia Institute of Technology 1935)
J. McClellan Thomas Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1939)
John G. Thomason (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
James L. Thompson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1948)
W. M. Thompson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1983)
Stewart W. Timmerman (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
Phil R. Tinsley (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
William B. Tippetts (Georgia Institute of Technology 1954)
T. F. Treadway (Georgia Institute of Technology 1935)
Locke H. Trigg (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943)
Thomas W. Troy Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1948)
Armando J. Valdes (Georgia Institute of Technology 1937)
Orlando Valdes (Georgia Institute of Technology 1940)
Harold A. Valery (Georgia Institute of Technology 1952)
Robert D. Van Valin (Georgia Institute of Technology 1944)
Nelson A. VanNatter (Georgia Institute of Technology 1938)
Samuel B. Venable (Georgia Institute of Technology 1980)
Hubert J. Vestal (Georgia Institute of Technology 1929)
Alfred T. Vick (Georgia Institute of Technology 1930)
Harold J. Von Hasseln (Georgia Institute of Technology 1944)
Robert J. Walker (Georgia Institute of Technology 1963)
Robert Wardle (Georgia Institute of Technology 1934)
Benjamin H. Warren (Georgia Institute of Technology 1933)
Edgar S. Washburn (Georgia Institute of Technology 1938)
James H. Watson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1945)
Theodore H. Watson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1941)
James H. Watts Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
James A. Weatherman (Georgia Institute of Technology 1955)
Walter F. Wells (Georgia Institute of Technology 1926)
Alton G. Westbrook (Georgia Institute of Technology 1926)
Earl M. Wheby (Georgia Institute of Technology 1939)
J. A. White (Georgia Institute of Technology 1934)
Alan L. Wilcox (Georgia Institute of Technology 1965)
Freeman W. Williams (Georgia Institute of Technology 1935)
Gregory B. Williams (Georgia Institute of Technology 1974)
Paul E. Williams (Georgia Institute of Technology 1926)
Joseph J. Wilson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1955)
William B. Wingo (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
Lewis A. Wolf (Georgia Institute of Technology 1939)
Earl V. Wolfe (Georgia Institute of Technology 1932)
William J. Wolff (Georgia Institute of Technology 1952)
John E. Wood (Georgia Institute of Technology 1938)
Leslie R. Woodworth (Georgia Institute of Technology 1939)
Thomas F. Yandre (Georgia Institute of Technology 1937)
Donald W. Youmans (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
Thomas Y. Youmans (Georgia Institute of Technology 1942)
Cornelius W. Zimmerman (Georgia Institute of Technology 1934)
Stephen P. Adamson (Gettysburg College 1996)
Henry Albers (Gettysburg College 1899)
Allen D. Albert (Gettysburg College 1867)
Chas S. Albert (Gettysburg College 1867)
John J. Albert (Gettysburg College 1892)
Karl E. Aldinger (Gettysburg College 1926)
William W. Aldinger (Gettysburg College 1930)
Robert H. Aldstadt (Gettysburg College 1953)
Benson S. Alleman (Gettysburg College 1924)
Herbert C. Alleman (Gettysburg College 1887)
Earl W. Allen (Gettysburg College 1926)
Robert A. Allen (Gettysburg College 1962)
Frederic P. Alleva (Gettysburg College 1956)
Alfred B. Ames (Gettysburg College 1883)
George W. Amick (Gettysburg College 1883)
William Anglemoyer (Gettysburg College 1958)
William F. Anglemoyer (Gettysburg College 1931)
Henry Anstadt (Gettysburg College 1890)
William W. Anstadt (Gettysburg College 1883)
John A. Apple (Gettysburg College 1919)
John B. Apple (Gettysburg College 1950)
William E. Ashburn (Gettysburg College 1941)
A. Russell Aukerman (Gettysburg College 1897)
William M. Aukerman (Gettysburg College 1897)
Kenneth W. Aungst (Gettysburg College 1952)
Paul R. Baird (Gettysburg College 1953)
Joseph H. Banks (Gettysburg College 1935)
David S. Bantley (Gettysburg College 1920)
David S. Bantley (Gettysburg College 1949)
David M. Barclay (Gettysburg College 1961)
Alfred J. Barker (Gettysburg College 1946)
John W. Barkley (Gettysburg College 1937)
H. L. Baugher (Gettysburg College 1860)
Jacob H. Baughman (Gettysburg College 1890)
Peter F. Baughman (Gettysburg College 1958)
Frederick J. Baum (Gettysburg College 1896)
George C. Baum (Gettysburg College 1893)
Howard T. Beagle (Gettysburg College 1959)
Charles H. Bear (Gettysburg College 1932)
Carl E. Beck (Gettysburg College 1955)
William H. Beck (Gettysburg College 1930)
J. A. Beeber (Gettysburg College 1866)
Teeter D. Beeber (Gettysburg College 1874)
Albert D. Bell (Gettysburg College 1934)
W. C. Bell (Gettysburg College 1867)
Horace L. Bender (Gettysburg College 1924)
Daniel J. Benner (Gettysburg College 1859)
George J. Benner (Gettysburg College 1878)
Daniel L. Bergstresser (Gettysburg College 1939)
Edwin L. Bergstresser (Gettysburg College 1936)
Kendig W. Bergstresser (Gettysburg College 1934)
Ralph H. Bergstresser (Gettysburg College 1903)
Ralph R. Bergstresser (Gettysburg College 1928)
Howard A. Berrian (Gettysburg College 1944)
Frank C. Bevan (Gettysburg College 1892)
Gary C. Bicknell (Gettysburg College 1963)
Frederick L. Biehl (Gettysburg College 1930)
Rodney S. Billett (Gettysburg College 1944)
William E. Bitner (Gettysburg College 1932)
Henry C. Bittenbender (Gettysburg College 1874)
Charles G. Blackwelder (Gettysburg College 1891)
Ernest T. Blackwelder (Gettysburg College 1889)
Michael F. Blaisuis (Gettysburg College 1981)
Edward E. Blint (Gettysburg College 1890)
Charles H. Blocher (Gettysburg College 1920)
Fred H. Bloomhardt (Gettysburg College 1898)
Joseph M. Bordy (Gettysburg College 1901)
Herbert S. Bowman (Gettysburg College 1944)
Arthur C. Boyer (Gettysburg College 1938)
Robert C. Boyles (Gettysburg College 1925)
Thomas J. Bracken (Gettysburg College 1955)
Edwin C. Bramlett (Gettysburg College 1940)
Henry T. Bream (Gettysburg College 1923)
E. S. Breidenbaugh (Gettysburg College 1868)
Walter L. Brenneman (Gettysburg College 1958)
Robert A. Brent (Gettysburg College 1943)
Luther A. Brewer (Gettysburg College 1883)
Atmore D. Bright (Gettysburg College 1923)
Hylas C. Brillhart (Gettysburg College 1906)
John J. Brinkerhoff (Gettysburg College 1869)
Carl C. Brown (Gettysburg College 1921)
Reed A. Brown (Gettysburg College 1976)
Roy T. Brumbaugh (Gettysburg College 1912)
Jay R. Bucher (Gettysburg College 1972)
Jared D. Buckley (Gettysburg College 1922)
David A. Buehler (Gettysburg College 1891)
Huber G. Buehler (Gettysburg College 1883)
Martin H. Buehler (Gettysburg College 1882)
William E. Buehler (Gettysburg College 1885)
Martin H. Buehler (Gettysburg College 1916)
William E. Buehler (Gettysburg College 1918)
John W. Burk (Gettysburg College 1973)
Timothy P. Burke (Gettysburg College 1978)
David C. Burnite (Gettysburg College 1901)
Charles W. Burrell (Gettysburg College 1881)
William I. Burrell (Gettysburg College 1887)
James L. Burrell (Gettysburg College 1874)
Thomas B. Burrowes (Gettysburg College 1858)
John W. Busch (Gettysburg College 1945)
Clarence E. Butler (Gettysburg College 1905)
Frederick W. Butler (Gettysburg College 1870)
Ralph G. Campbell (Gettysburg College 1920)
William C. Campbell (Gettysburg College 1917)
John K. Carr (Gettysburg College 1950)
Richard E. Charmbury (Gettysburg College 1928)
Milo R. Clare (Gettysburg College 1909)
Thomas L. Cline (Gettysburg College 1923)
Frank H. Clutz (Gettysburg College 1928)
John J. Clutz (Gettysburg College 1924)
Paul A. Clutz MD (Gettysburg College 1928)
Eugene E. Coder (Gettysburg College 1952)
Emmert G. Colestock (Gettysburg College 1934)
John L. Colestock (Gettysburg College 1928)
John M. Colestock (Gettysburg College 1965)
Benj B. Collins (Gettysburg College 1872)
Frank M. Comfort (Gettysburg College 1910)
Walter Compher (Gettysburg College 1877)
Joseph A. Conaway (Gettysburg College 1960)
Samuel A. Conway (Gettysburg College 1904)
Charles J. Cooper (Gettysburg College 1867)
Donald B. Coover (Gettysburg College 1913)
Melancthon Coover (Gettysburg College 1887)
Roland Cope (Gettysburg College 1932)
Curtis E. Coull (Gettysburg College 1956)
Andrew G. Coulson (Gettysburg College 1991)
Melvin L. Craig (Gettysburg College 1918)
James M. Creighton (Gettysburg College 1948)
Philip C. Croll (Gettysburg College 1876)
Robert D. Croll (Gettysburg College 1879)
Edgar A. Crouse (Gettysburg College 1903)
Jacob H. Crouse (Gettysburg College 1933)
Gilbert R. Crowther (Gettysburg College 1922)
Frank Cubberley (Gettysburg College 1928)
Martin L. Culler (Gettysburg College 1862)
Rufus E. Culp (Gettysburg College 1863)
Edward A. Curtis (Gettysburg College 1965)
Charles C. Custer Jr. (Gettysburg College 1939)
Frank W. Daniel (Gettysburg College 1902)
Davis C. Daugherty (Gettysburg College 1917)
Frank L. Daugherty (Gettysburg College 1922)
Robert W. Davies (Gettysburg College 1957)
Charles E. Davies (Gettysburg College 1956)
Homer G. Davis (Gettysburg College 1930)
William W. Davis (Gettysburg College 1938)
Charles A. Davis (Gettysburg College 1948)
Edwin J. Deal (Gettysburg College 1886)
John E. Deardorff (Gettysburg College 1939)
Kermit H. Deardorff (Gettysburg College 1932)
Robert H. Deardorff (Gettysburg College 1942)
Felton S. Dengler (Gettysburg College 1909)
Meade D. Detweiler (Gettysburg College 1884)
Edgar A. Deyoe (Gettysburg College 1899)
Luther E. Deyoe (Gettysburg College 1886)
Ernest G. Dieffenbach (Gettysburg College 1920)
William S. Diehl (Gettysburg College 1959)
William H. Dill (Gettysburg College 1860)
Richard H. Dillinger (Gettysburg College 1934)
Harry W. Dippel (Gettysburg College 1919)
Percy N. Doremus (Gettysburg College 1935)
Roswell C. Doty (Gettysburg College 1914)
Kenneth S. Drake (Gettysburg College 1935)
Herman Z. Drawbaugh (Gettysburg College 1919)
C. Spencer Dressler (Gettysburg College 1922)
Eric E. Duckstad (Gettysburg College 1939)
John H. Dudley (Gettysburg College 1956)
James T. Duffy (Gettysburg College 1917)
Claude W. Dundore (Gettysburg College 1945)
David B. Dunlevey (Gettysburg College 1935)
Frederick W. Durham (Gettysburg College 1942)
Daniel G. Ebbert (Gettysburg College 1952)
Mark K. Eckert (Gettysburg College 1902)
George S. Eckman (Gettysburg College 1917)
George G. Ehrhart (Gettysburg College 1928)
Don D. Enders (Gettysburg College 1965)
Herbert L. Erb (Gettysburg College 1937)
Preston K. Erdman (Gettysburg College 1868)
Walter R. Ernst (Gettysburg College 1964)
Evan H. Evans (Gettysburg College 1927)
Harry F. Evans (Gettysburg College 1901)
John W. Evans (Gettysburg College 1931)
Herbert S. Ewing (Gettysburg College 1935)
Warren H. Eyer (Gettysburg College 1885)
Robert B. Fackler (Gettysburg College 1944)
John S. Fair (Gettysburg College 1894)
John B. Felty (Gettysburg College 1946)
Edwin T. Ferren (Gettysburg College 1929)
Andrew S. Fichthorn (Gettysburg College 1884)
Joseph H. Fichthorn (Gettysburg College 1894)
David J. Fickel (Gettysburg College 1975)
Charles F. Fickinger (Gettysburg College 1923)
Frank E. Fickinger (Gettysburg College 1894)
William T. Fickinger (Gettysburg College 1922)
Charles E. Filbert (Gettysburg College 1892)
Frederick V. Filbert (Gettysburg College 1892)
John H. Filbert (Gettysburg College 1891)
David N. Finney (Gettysburg College 1950)
H. K. Fischer (Gettysburg College 1939)
John M. Fisher (Gettysburg College 1934)
Charles J. Fite (Gettysburg College 1898)
Charles J. Fite (Gettysburg College 1942)
Frank S. Fite (Gettysburg College 1902)
William G. Fite (Gettysburg College 1913)
Cyrus S. Fleck (Gettysburg College 1920)
William K. Fleck (Gettysburg College 1907)
Quentin J. Florence (Gettysburg College 1938)
William A. Florsheim (Gettysburg College 1943)
William F. Forbes (Gettysburg College 1954)
Richard V. Fox (Gettysburg College 1885)
Reginald K. Francis (Gettysburg College 1919)
Robert M. Francis (Gettysburg College 1924)
George A. Frantz (Gettysburg College 1938)
George C. Frantz II (Gettysburg College 1932)
George W. Frederick (Gettysburg College 1863)
Ronald D. Frederick (Gettysburg College 1961)
Charles R. French (Gettysburg College 1947)
John M. Friday (Gettysburg College 1872)
Russell H. Friedrich (Gettysburg College 1958)
Walter C. Frontz (Gettysburg College 1878)
Frank D. Gable (Gettysburg College 1915)
Norman Galt (Gettysburg College 1885)
Samuel E. Galt (Gettysburg College 1885)
Sterling Galt (Gettysburg College 1887)
Francis O. Ganser (Gettysburg College 1922)
Daniel F. Garland (Gettysburg College 1888)
Quentin P. Garman (Gettysburg College 1941)
Charles Gauger (Gettysburg College 1905)
John E. George (Gettysburg College 1860)
Samuel A. Gilliland (Gettysburg College 1919)
Paul B. Gipe (Gettysburg College 1942)
William E. Glenn (Gettysburg College 1946)
Washington V. Gotwald (Gettysburg College 1860)
Robert M. Grainger (Gettysburg College 1951)
Gary F. Greth (Gettysburg College 1955)
Frank G. Griffith (Gettysburg College 1951)
Gordon K. Grigsby (Gettysburg College 1950)
Abraham H. Groh (Gettysburg College 1860)
Clarence Gross (Gettysburg College 1925)
Elliot F. Gross (Gettysburg College 1938)
Ronald L. Gruber (Gettysburg College 1970)
Leonard C. Grupe (Gettysburg College 1948)
Edward Gulian (Gettysburg College 1930)
John M. Gumbert (Gettysburg College 1925)
Lyman A. Guss (Gettysburg College 1904)
Eugene M. Haas (Gettysburg College 1943)
John E. Haas (Gettysburg College 1974)
Robert W. Haas (Gettysburg College 1936)
George H. Hafer (Gettysburg College 1925)
Howard A. Hall (Gettysburg College 1939)
John W. Hall (Gettysburg College 1931)
Chester T. Hallenbeck (Gettysburg College 1917)
Alan T. Hamilton (Gettysburg College 1969)
Henry J. Hapeman (Gettysburg College 1885)
David A. Harman (Gettysburg College 1906)
Frederick M. Harman (Gettysburg College 1908)
Charles S. Harter (Gettysburg College 1891)
Thomas R. Harter (Gettysburg College 1892)
Herbert H. Hartman (Gettysburg College 1901)
Jacob W. Hartman (Gettysburg College 1944)
Mahlon P. Hartzell (Gettysburg College 1939)
Robert M. Hassinger (Gettysburg College 1948)
Victor B. Hausknecht (Gettysburg College 1909)
John L. Hecken (Gettysburg College 1964)
Charles A. Heilig (Gettysburg College 1864)
Theophilus Heilig (Gettysburg College 1859)
Thomas N. Heilman (Gettysburg College 1894)
John K. Heindel (Gettysburg College 1939)
Clarence V. Heir (Gettysburg College 1916)
Martin L. Heisler (Gettysburg College 1869)
Horatio A. Helder (Gettysburg College 1908)
William S. Hemsing (Gettysburg College 1961)
James L. Henderson (Gettysburg College 1877)
Charles C. Hengerer (Gettysburg College 1866)
Richard J. Henry (Gettysburg College 1940)
Edward A. Herbst (Gettysburg College 1879)
Howard M. Herr (Gettysburg College 1897)
Robert R. Herr (Gettysburg College 1945)
J. Clinton Hill (Gettysburg College 1864)
John R. Hill (Gettysburg College 1932)
John C. Himes (Gettysburg College 1908)
Burton L. Hinman (Gettysburg College 1921)
Elmer S. Hinman (Gettysburg College 1923)
Jay F. Hinsley (Gettysburg College 1969)
Rudolph B. Hitz (Gettysburg College 1865)
Richard J. Hockenbury (Gettysburg College 1956)
George F. Hocker (Gettysburg College 1911)
George F. Hocker (Gettysburg College 1938)
Martin P. Hocker (Gettysburg College 1880)
John Hoffer (Gettysburg College 1894)
Harry L. Hoffman (Gettysburg College 1895)
Francis Hoffman (Gettysburg College 1950)
Donald M. Hopcraft (Gettysburg College 1948)
Alfred W. Hopkin (Gettysburg College 1950)
Fred W. Hopkins (Gettysburg College 1956)
Robert N. Hopple (Gettysburg College 1963)
Richard H. Horn (Gettysburg College 1953)
Harold C. Howard (Gettysburg College 1934)
Dorsey R. Hoyt (Gettysburg College 1929)
Charles H. Huber (Gettysburg College 1892)
Johann A. Hubicsak (Gettysburg College 1929)
James W. Hudson (Gettysburg College 1939)
Hugh G. Hutchison (Gettysburg College 1924)
Reuben Z. Imler (Gettysburg College 1900)
Shull L. Irwin (Gettysburg College 1937)
Craig R. Jacobs (Gettysburg College 1962)
Henry E. Jacobs (Gettysburg College 1862)
Clair R. James (Gettysburg College 1923)
Howard E. James (Gettysburg College 1907)
Carl B. Johnson (Gettysburg College 1925)
Elwood G. Johnson (Gettysburg College 1932)
Walton R. Johnston (Gettysburg College 1960)
Alvin Jones (Gettysburg College 1941)
Louis K. Jones (Gettysburg College 1946)
Robert S. Jones (Gettysburg College 1965)
Richard N. Kahler (Gettysburg College 1950)
Harry Kamp (Gettysburg College 1892)
William W. Kane (Gettysburg College 1943)
Carl S. Karmany (Gettysburg College 1902)
Martin S. Karmany (Gettysburg College 1902)
Leslie M. Kauffman (Gettysburg College 1890)
John S. Kausler (Gettysburg College 1884)
Davis A. Kearns-Preston (Gettysburg College 1891)
William H. Keetley III (Gettysburg College 1952)
Richard A. Keil (Gettysburg College 1938)
Charles H. Keller (Gettysburg College 1871)
Croll Keller (Gettysburg College 1882)
Horace J. Kerr (Gettysburg College 1921)
Warren L. Ketner (Gettysburg College 1926)
John W. King (Gettysburg College 1942)
Walter W. King Jr. (Gettysburg College 1959)
Walter R. Kirker (Gettysburg College 1950)
Robert W. Kissinger (Gettysburg College 1946)
Gordon H. Kite (Gettysburg College 1922)
Jacob Kline (Gettysburg College 1860)
Frederick Klinefelter (Gettysburg College 1862)
Oscar G. Klinger (Gettysburg College 1886)
Roger M. Klinger (Gettysburg College 1914)
Wallace R. Klinger (Gettysburg College 1929)
Christopher Knauff (Gettysburg College 1861)
Roger L. Knecht (Gettysburg College 1957)
Samuel W. Knisely (Gettysburg College 1948)
Frederick H. Knubel (Gettysburg College 1893)
Frederick R. Knubel (Gettysburg College 1918)
James F. Koch (Gettysburg College 1951)
Ferdinand E. Kolb (Gettysburg College 1900)
Edwerth E. Korte (Gettysburg College 1932)
Aaron A. Kretzer (Gettysburg College 1866)
Luther M. Kuhns (Gettysburg College 1883)
George B. Kunkel (Gettysburg College 1890)
Samuel Kunkel (Gettysburg College 1873)
Roland L. Kurtz (Gettysburg College 1960)
Latimer A. Lamotte (Gettysburg College 1905)
Russell F. Lampe (Gettysburg College 1919)
Geoffrey H. Langsam (Gettysburg College 1959)
George H. Lark (Gettysburg College 1934)
Bertram L. Larkin (Gettysburg College 1950)
Eric F. Larson (Gettysburg College 1935)
John C. Larson (Gettysburg College 1937)
George R. Lathrop (Gettysburg College 1870)
Bernard S. Lawyer (Gettysburg College 1912)
Spurgeon J. Leber (Gettysburg College 1926)
L. R. Lebo (Gettysburg College 1957)
John R. Lehman (Gettysburg College 1941)
Robert E. Lehman (Gettysburg College 1945)
John C. Leidy (Gettysburg College 1949)
Russell N. Leidy (Gettysburg College 1948)
Edwin H. Leisenring (Gettysburg College 1873)
Frank S. Lenker (Gettysburg College 1903)
Robert W. Lenker (Gettysburg College 1903)
James S. Lentz (Gettysburg College 1951)
Charles LeVine (Gettysburg College 1918)
Chas V. Levy (Gettysburg College 1862)
Harold S. Lewars (Gettysburg College 1903)
Jas S. Lewars (Gettysburg College 1875)
Arthur S. Lewis (Gettysburg College 1939)
Paul P. Libarakis (Gettysburg College 1930)
Stephen H. Liebensberger (Gettysburg College 1915)
Curtis B. Lilly (Gettysburg College 1946)
W. A. List (Gettysburg College 1870)
Paul L. Lotz (Gettysburg College 1914)
Arthur G. Loveland (Gettysburg College 1932)
Charles M. Ludwig (Gettysburg College 1863)
Kenderton S. Lynch (Gettysburg College 1942)
James A. Macinnes (Gettysburg College 1922)
Allan A. Mackrille (Gettysburg College 1924)
Jacob C. Madara (Gettysburg College 1895)
William D. Markel (Gettysburg College 1918)
Joseph B. Markward (Gettysburg College 1891)
Paul M. Marshall (Gettysburg College 1910)
J. P. Martin (Gettysburg College 1943)
Sanford B. Martin (Gettysburg College 1890)
Thomas C. Masters (Gettysburg College 1948)
Robert H. Maurer (Gettysburg College 1926)
John D. McCarney (Gettysburg College 1941)
John C. McCarrell (Gettysburg College 1909)
John W. McCarrell (Gettysburg College 1940)
David McConaughy (Gettysburg College 1880)
Stephen P. McConnell (Gettysburg College 1956)
Robert L. McCoy (Gettysburg College 1951)
John F. McCreary (Gettysburg College 1860)
Taylor J. McGrath (Gettysburg College 2012)
Bruce T. McKay (Gettysburg College 1971)
C. W. McKee (Gettysburg College 1942)
Charles W. McKee (Gettysburg College 1918)
Joseph H. McKendree Jr. (Gettysburg College 1939)
H. S. McKnight (Gettysburg College 1890)
Henry T. McMillan (Gettysburg College 1868)
Harold V. McNair (Gettysburg College 1914)
William N. McNair (Gettysburg College 1900)
Rodger W. McNaughton (Gettysburg College 1933)
Herbert W. Meckley (Gettysburg College 1925)
Edmund W. Meisenhelder (Gettysburg College 1864)
Robert N. Meisenhelder (Gettysburg College 1869)
David A. Menges (Gettysburg College 1924)
Robert T. Menges (Gettysburg College 1927)
Forrest L. Mercer (Gettysburg College 1908)
Harry H. Mercer (Gettysburg College 1911)
Joseph H. Middlekauff (Gettysburg College 1878)
Oscar B. Millard (Gettysburg College 1923)
Dale L. Miller (Gettysburg College 1968)
David T. Miller (Gettysburg College 1950)
Edgar G. Miller (Gettysburg College 1885)
Leroy N. Miller (Gettysburg College 1909)
Milton V. Miller (Gettysburg College 1911)
Robert T. Miller (Gettysburg College 1929)
Edgar G. Miller (Gettysburg College 1911)
Milton V. Miller Jr. (Gettysburg College 1941)
William J. Miller (Gettysburg College 1900)
Albert G. Moore (Gettysburg College 1948)
Allison P. Moore (Gettysburg College 1938)
Stewart W. Mosebrock (Gettysburg College 1934)
Daniel M. Moser (Gettysburg College 1872)
John F. Moyer (Gettysburg College 1942)
John E. Muhlbach (Gettysburg College 1949)
Ernest A. Muhlenberg (Gettysburg College 1868)
William F. Muhlenberg (Gettysburg College 1868)
William F. Muhlenberg (Gettysburg College 1941)
Frank Muhlenberg MD (Gettysburg College 1864)
John J. Mulvihill (Gettysburg College 1950)
Roy M. Mundorff (Gettysburg College 1919)
Ray S. Mussellman (Gettysburg College 1944)
William S. Musselman (Gettysburg College 1951)
William S. Musselman (Gettysburg College 1922)
Stanton R. Musser (Gettysburg College 1958)
Robert G. Nace (Gettysburg College 1932)
William H. Neff (Gettysburg College 1958)
Eugene E. Neudewitz (Gettysburg College 1893)
Frank S. Newcomer (Gettysburg College 1885)
William C. Ney (Gettysburg College 1902)
John Nichols (Gettysburg College 1886)
Richard L. Nix (Gettysburg College 1940)
Robert D. Nix (Gettysburg College 1966)
Robert D. Nix (Gettysburg College 1934)
William H. Nix (Gettysburg College 1935)
Edoardo F. Nori (Gettysburg College 2010)
Benjamin F. Nyce Jr. (Gettysburg College 1931)
Thomas Oates (Gettysburg College 1957)
Wayne W. Orahood (Gettysburg College 1927)
Durbin D. Ott (Gettysburg College 1912)
Orville M. Ott (Gettysburg College 1912)
Hobart L. Overocker (Gettysburg College 1966)
James B. Owens (Gettysburg College 1887)
Michael J. Pacilio (Gettysburg College 1961)
Anthony J. Palazzolo (Gettysburg College 1948)
Edwin H. Parkin (Gettysburg College 1936)
John S. Parson (Gettysburg College 1873)
Albert A. Partner (Gettysburg College 1905)
Melvin N. Payton (Gettysburg College 1960)
Franklin J. Peck (Gettysburg College 1912)
Edred J. Pennell (Gettysburg College 1912)
Richard G. Perkins (Gettysburg College 1938)
Luther C. Peter (Gettysburg College 1891)
Howard B. Pettit (Gettysburg College 1953)
Horace B. Philson (Gettysburg College 1880)
John R. Philson (Gettysburg College 1956)
Harry C. Picking (Gettysburg College 1879)
Benjamin L. Plank (Gettysburg College 1909)
Jeffrey M. Preston (Gettysburg College 1962)
George F. Prestwich (Gettysburg College 1919)
Geo R. Pretz (Gettysburg College 1905)
Abram E. Price (Gettysburg College 1922)
Ted F. Rabold (Gettysburg College 1967)
Bruce W. Raffensperger (Gettysburg College 1944)
Samuel M. Raffensperger (Gettysburg College 1947)
Willis E. Ramsay (Gettysburg College 1926)
Paul C. Reber (Gettysburg College 1982)
Frederick H. Reeser (Gettysburg College 1925)
Herbert C. Reimann (Gettysburg College 1956)
Walter A. Reimann (Gettysburg College 1952)
Louis S. Reller (Gettysburg College 1922)
Alexander C. Renz (Gettysburg College 2014)
Michael D. Reymer (Gettysburg College 1861)
William L. Rhein (Gettysburg College 1932)
Arthur E. Rice (Gettysburg College 1904)
D. E. Rice (Gettysburg College 1896)
John S. Rice (Gettysburg College 1921)
Frank Richards (Gettysburg College 1864)
James S. Richards (Gettysburg College 1919)
James W. Richards (Gettysburg College 1868)
Matthias H. Richards (Gettysburg College 1860)
Robert L. Richards (Gettysburg College 1943)
Paul W. Rider MD (Gettysburg College 1943)
William Riegel (Gettysburg College 1885)
Mortiz G. Rietz (Gettysburg College 1895)
Gustav A. Ringwald (Gettysburg College 1930)
John F. Ringwald (Gettysburg College 1928)
Harry E. Risher (Gettysburg College 1932)
Charles W. Riter (Gettysburg College 1942)
Joseph P. Robins (Gettysburg College 1878)
William J. Rochette (Gettysburg College 1978)
Frederick A. Rodgers (Gettysburg College 1951)
Richard F. Romig (Gettysburg College 1947)
B. F. Rosenberry (Gettysburg College 1913)
Harold S. Roth (Gettysburg College 1924)
Henry W. Roth (Gettysburg College 1861)
Preston C. Roth (Gettysburg College 1948)
Eugene L. Rowe (Gettysburg College 1863)
George P. Rowe (Gettysburg College 1867)
Lee Rowell (Gettysburg College 1948)
Thomas J. Rozman (Gettysburg College 1991)
Frank C. Rugh (Gettysburg College 1901)
John W. Rumple (Gettysburg College 1870)
Henry A. Runde (Gettysburg College 1918)
Fred A. Ruoff (Gettysburg College 1945)
W. H. Rutherford (Gettysburg College 1919)
Ross H. Sachs (Gettysburg College 1950)
Luther I. Sachs Jr. (Gettysburg College 1951)
William K. Sahm (Gettysburg College 1872)
J. B. Saltzer (Gettysburg College 1947)
Charles W. Samph Jr. (Gettysburg College 1985)
T. C. Sanderson (Gettysburg College 1876)
Robert S. Sassaman (Gettysburg College 1936)
Robert J. Saul (Gettysburg College 1939)
Joseph W. Saylor (Gettysburg College 1925)
Page M. Schildnecht (Gettysburg College 1924)
J. P. Schilling (Gettysburg College 1940)
Richard H. Schlottman (Gettysburg College 1944)
Frederick J. Schmitt (Gettysburg College 1953)
Lloyd E. Schrack (Gettysburg College 1915)
Harold J. Schriver (Gettysburg College 1956)
Robert G. Schubauer (Gettysburg College 1925)
Thom H. Schwartz (Gettysburg College 1967)
Arthur T. Scott (Gettysburg College 1894)
Joseph B. Scott (Gettysburg College 1877)
Wm L. Seabrook (Gettysburg College 1877)
Donald L. Selman (Gettysburg College 1949)
Charles O. Shaar (Gettysburg College 1896)
Robert L. Shadle (Gettysburg College 1937)
Clyde W. Shaffer (Gettysburg College 1949)
John W. Shainline (Gettysburg College 1947)
John J. Shank (Gettysburg College 1921)
Earl F. Sharar (Gettysburg College 1923)
Upton A. Sharetts (Gettysburg College 1881)
William C. Sheely (Gettysburg College 1882)
Earl W. Sheets (Gettysburg College 1928)
Howard F. Sheets (Gettysburg College 1925)
Howard F. Sheets (Gettysburg College 1954)
Richard F. Shimer (Gettysburg College 1960)
Alter Y. Shindel (Gettysburg College 1877)
Jacob D. Shindel (Gettysburg College 1864)
James C. Shindel (Gettysburg College 1882)
Martin L. Shindel (Gettysburg College 1881)
Samuel B. Shirk (Gettysburg College 1937)
Alfa R. Showman (Gettysburg College 1885)
Henrie C. Shuler (Gettysburg College 1929)
Harry C. Sieber (Gettysburg College 1909)
Paul R. Sieber (Gettysburg College 1907)
Henry G. Siegrist (Gettysburg College 1926)
John A. Singmaster (Gettysburg College 1873)
Samuel E. Slater (Gettysburg College 1885)
J. D. Slep (Gettysburg College 1948)
William B. Small (Gettysburg College 1890)
Charles H. Smith (Gettysburg College 1899)
Elmer L. Smith (Gettysburg College 1906)
Henry R. Smith (Gettysburg College 1897)
Herbert L. Smith (Gettysburg College 1946)
Leonard R. Smith (Gettysburg College 1953)
Louis E. Smith (Gettysburg College 1908)
R. T. Smith (Gettysburg College 1941)
Robert C. Smith (Gettysburg College 1896)
Robert L. Smith (Gettysburg College 1950)
Rodney T. Smith (Gettysburg College 1911)
Roger W. Smith (Gettysburg College 1942)
Roy E. Smith (Gettysburg College 1908)
S. E. Smith (Gettysburg College 1907)
Thomas L. Smith (Gettysburg College 1914)
Todd R. Smith (Gettysburg College 1978)
John D. Smoot (Gettysburg College 1959)
Isaac N. Snively (Gettysburg College 1887)
J. F. Snyder (Gettysburg College 1936)
Richard E. Snyder (Gettysburg College 1946)
James J. Soden (Gettysburg College 1949)
Benjamin H. Solliday (Gettysburg College 1927)
Jacob C. Sparrow (Gettysburg College 1926)
Charles C. Spear (Gettysburg College 1895)
Charles E. Springhorn (Gettysburg College 1917)
Alan D. Stahler (Gettysburg College 1919)
Harry L. Stahler (Gettysburg College 1882)
William E. Stahler (Gettysburg College 1880)
Edward P. Stair (Gettysburg College 1903)
Howard H. Stauffer (Gettysburg College 1934)
Willard G. Stauffer (Gettysburg College 1932)
Charles R. Stearns (Gettysburg College 1958)
John C. E. Steck (Gettysburg College 1933)
Curvin H. Stein (Gettysburg College 1940)
William A. Steinbach III (Gettysburg College 1955)
Henry H. Stick (Gettysburg College 1944)
Clarence F. Stifel (Gettysburg College 1910)
Herbert L. Stifel (Gettysburg College 1903)
Walter H. Stifel (Gettysburg College 1900)
Simon A. Stine (Gettysburg College 1875)
Howard E. Strock (Gettysburg College 1933)
William H. Stroud (Gettysburg College 1935)
William E. Styer (Gettysburg College 1931)
John C. Sutor (Gettysburg College 1981)
George Svarnas (Gettysburg College 1947)
Charles A. Swain (Gettysburg College 1952)
Joshua G. Swartz (Gettysburg College 1916)
William P. Swartz (Gettysburg College 1881)
Donald M. Swope (Gettysburg College 1935)
James D. Swope (Gettysburg College 1902)
Luther A. Swope (Gettysburg College 1868)
Austin L. Taggart (Gettysburg College 1922)
Theodore H. Tarbell (Gettysburg College 1925)
Joseph W. Tatasciore (Gettysburg College 1949)
Samuel J. Taylor (Gettysburg College 1881)
Cedric W. Tilberg (Gettysburg College 1939)
Arthur C. Tilley (Gettysburg College 1936)
Peter Tinsman (Gettysburg College 1968)
Dudley A. Tremble (Gettysburg College 1949)
Victor G. Tressler (Gettysburg College 1886)
Kenneth E. Trimmer (Gettysburg College 1944)
Paul W. Trimmer (Gettysburg College 1941)
Geroge M. Trostel (Gettysburg College 1906)
John E. Turney (Gettysburg College 1888)
Joseph S. Ujobai (Gettysburg College 1954)
Charles H. Ulery (Gettysburg College 1883)
William L. Ulery (Gettysburg College 1892)
Ernest C. Ullom (Gettysburg College 1941)
Paul P. Ulrich (Gettysburg College 1930)
William S. Ulrich (Gettysburg College 1936)
George F. Unger (Gettysburg College 1873)
M. Delafayett Unger (Gettysburg College 1869)
Louis R. Vail (Gettysburg College 1914)
Milton H. Valentine (Gettysburg College 1882)
Sterling G. Valentine (Gettysburg College 1880)
William E. Valentine (Gettysburg College 1912)
Benjamin Vandoren (Gettysburg College 1901)
John M. Vandoren (Gettysburg College 1906)
Lloyd Vandoren (Gettysburg College 1909)
John F. Wagner (Gettysburg College 1928)
Paul S. Wagner (Gettysburg College 1915)
Richard H. Wagner (Gettysburg College 1933)
William C. Wagner (Gettysburg College 1937)
William M. Wagner (Gettysburg College 1942)
William C. Waltemyer (Gettysburg College 1942)
Howard C. Walton (Gettysburg College 1967)
Robert B. Wandling (Gettysburg College 1958)
Ronald L. Warner (Gettysburg College 1962)
Horatio J. Watkins (Gettysburg College 1864)
William G. Watt (Gettysburg College 1924)
Edwin H. Wedekind (Gettysburg College 1888)
Jacob H. Weidel (Gettysburg College 1860)
David V. Weigel (Gettysburg College 1969)
Frank M. Weigel (Gettysburg College 1918)
Harry M. Weigel (Gettysburg College 1923)
Daniel E. Weigle (Gettysburg College 1906)
George B. Weigle (Gettysburg College 1916)
John D. Weiland (Gettysburg College 1947)
John W. Weimer (Gettysburg College 1911)
Alton A. Wentzel (Gettysburg College 1951)
Edward H. Wert (Gettysburg College 1895)
Roy J. Wetzel (Gettysburg College 1928)
Alec White (Gettysburg College 1970)
J. H. White (Gettysburg College 1861)
Harry B. Wile (Gettysburg College 1877)
Richard T. Wiley (Gettysburg College 1934)
Harry D. Williams (Gettysburg College 1953)
Richard T. Williams (Gettysburg College 1953)
Robert H. Williams USA (Gettysburg College 1938)
Charles A. Willoughby (Gettysburg College 1914)
Herbert F. Wilshusen (Gettysburg College 1918)
J. W. Wilson (Gettysburg College 1948)
Frederick W. Wittich (Gettysburg College 1908)
Joseph H. Wolf (Gettysburg College 1906)
Bruce N. Wolff (Gettysburg College 1928)
Herman D. Wolff (Gettysburg College 1910)
Norman L. Worcester (Gettysburg College 1923)
Isaac C. Wright (Gettysburg College 1918)
George L. Yocum (Gettysburg College 1949)
Wayne I. Yohe (Gettysburg College 1961)
Enos L. Young (Gettysburg College 1956)
Martin L. Young (Gettysburg College 1875)
Jacob Yutzy (Gettysburg College 1876)
Wisler G. Zeamer (Gettysburg College 1920)
Irvin G. Zimmerman (Gettysburg College 1940)
Christopher A. Akstin (Hampden-Sydney College 2004)
Robert C. Anderson (Hampden-Sydney College 1885)
Charles M. Armstrong (Hampden-Sydney College 1890)
Benjamin F. Bedinger (Hampden-Sydney College 1875)
Daniel L. Bedinger (Hampden-Sydney College 1883)
Lucas P. Bedinger (Hampden-Sydney College 1905)
William L. Bedinger (Hampden-Sydney College 1878)
Everett W. Bedinger (Hampden-Sydney College 1877)
Wilbur C. Bell (Hampden-Sydney College 1900)
Robert V. Bouldin (Hampden-Sydney College 1880)
Richard P. Boykin (Hampden-Sydney College 1904)
Nathaniel L. Bronaugh (Hampden-Sydney College 1878)
Duncan M. Brown (Hampden-Sydney College 1877)
George L. Brown (Hampden-Sydney College 1871)
Manley M. Caldwell (Hampden-Sydney College 1882)
Thomas A. Caldwell (Hampden-Sydney College 1884)
William Cameron Jr. (Hampden-Sydney College 1893)
Edwin B. Campbell (Hampden-Sydney College 1891)
Theodorick P. Campbell (Hampden-Sydney College 1880)
Willis C. Campbell (Hampden-Sydney College 1901)
Clarence V. Cavitt (Hampden-Sydney College 1876)
Josephus W. Cavitt (Hampden-Sydney College 1876)
Morris H. Christian (Hampden-Sydney College 1893)
Thomas F. Clemmer (Hampden-Sydney College 1984)
John H. Cobb (Hampden-Sydney College 1882)
Walter R. Coppedge (Hampden-Sydney College 1875)
Frederic H. Cox (Hampden-Sydney College 1987)
Walker B. Cutts (Hampden-Sydney College 1904)
Charles W. Dabney (Hampden-Sydney College 1873)
Lewis M. Dabney (Hampden-Sydney College 1883)
Samuel B. Dabney (Hampden-Sydney College 1880)
Samuel P. Daniel (Hampden-Sydney College 1883)
Edmund M. Davis (Hampden-Sydney College 1893)
William A. Denny (Hampden-Sydney College 1887)
Charles N. Dickinson (Hampden-Sydney College 1879)
Henry H. Dodson (Hampden-Sydney College 1876)
Shawn P. Dougherty (Hampden-Sydney College 1982)
Thomas K. Duncan (Hampden-Sydney College 1892)
B. H. Dupuy (Hampden-Sydney College 1873)
Edward L. Dupuy (Hampden-Sydney College 1880)
Howell E. Dupuy (Hampden-Sydney College 1897)
James A. Dupuy (Hampden-Sydney College 1877)
Joseph Dupuy (Hampden-Sydney College 1872)
Joseph E. Dupuy (Hampden-Sydney College 1901)
Rolfe W. Dupuy (Hampden-Sydney College 1893)
Henry O. Easley (Hampden-Sydney College 1904)
Thomas O. Easley (Hampden-Sydney College 1903)
Guy L. Edie (Hampden-Sydney College 1877)
J. S. Epes (Hampden-Sydney College 1899)
Edward L. Evans (Hampden-Sydney College 1877)
Donald F. Fletcher (Hampden-Sydney College 1905)
Parke P. Flournoy (Hampden-Sydney College 1892)
William V. Flournoy (Hampden-Sydney College 1873)
George H. Gardner (Hampden-Sydney College 1889)
James H. Giese (Hampden-Sydney College 1877)
Watson P. Gooch (Hampden-Sydney College 1897)
Garrett G. Gooch (Hampden-Sydney College 1898)
J. T. Goode (Hampden-Sydney College 1900)
John T. Graham (Hampden-Sydney College 1887)
Peter K. Graybill (Hampden-Sydney College 1873)
Matthew R. Green (Hampden-Sydney College 1993)
Walter N. Green (Hampden-Sydney College 1984)
Alfred E. Grover (Hampden-Sydney College 1872)
Andrew W. Haas (Hampden-Sydney College 2003)
William C. Hagan (Hampden-Sydney College 1876)
Augustus H. Hamilton (Hampden-Sydney College 1871)
Charles S. Hamner (Hampden-Sydney College 1885)
Thomas M. Handy (Hampden-Sydney College 1878)
Uriah H. Hanna (Hampden-Sydney College 1905)
Hugh S. Hart (Hampden-Sydney College 1895)
Thomas S. Hart (Hampden-Sydney College 1900)
Herbert B. Hawes (Hampden-Sydney College 1892)
Samuel P. Hawes (Hampden-Sydney College 1888)
J. H. Hoge (Hampden-Sydney College 1888)
Moses D. Hoge (Hampden-Sydney College 1880)
James M. Holladay (Hampden-Sydney College 1887)
Joseph E. Holladay (Hampden-Sydney College 1903)
David P. Hummel (Hampden-Sydney College 1982)
Edwin E. Hundley (Hampden-Sydney College 1878)
Frank L. Irvine (Hampden-Sydney College 1881)
Joseph K. Irving (Hampden-Sydney College 1905)
Carter D. Johnston (Hampden-Sydney College 1895)
Lewis D. Johnston (Hampden-Sydney College 1903)
Prentiss D. Johnston (Hampden-Sydney College 1901)
John C. Jones (Hampden-Sydney College 1969)
William R. Kay (Hampden-Sydney College 1903)
Robert N. Kelso (Hampden-Sydney College 1884)
James L. Kent (Hampden-Sydney College 1888)
Christian A. Kiesau (Hampden-Sydney College 1989)
Alexander Z. Kroustalis (Hampden-Sydney College 1990)
Beverly R. Lacy (Hampden-Sydney College 1889)
Cecil B. Lacy (Hampden-Sydney College 1905)
Clarence R. Lacy (Hampden-Sydney College 1898)
James H. Lacy (Hampden-Sydney College 1884)
Joel W. Lacy (Hampden-Sydney College 1892)
James P. Lancaster (Hampden-Sydney College 1892)
Maurice D. Langhorne (Hampden-Sydney College 1900)
John C. Lawson (Hampden-Sydney College 1904)
William S. Lee (Hampden-Sydney College 1903)
Charles H. Lee (Hampden-Sydney College 1885)
Carlton H. Licklider (Hampden-Sydney College 1894)
Edwin W. Link (Hampden-Sydney College 1880)
Henry R. Link (Hampden-Sydney College 1887)
Archibald A. Little (Hampden-Sydney College 1880)
William O. Little (Hampden-Sydney College 1884)
Kenton L. Mackey (Hampden-Sydney College 1984)
Calvin A. Mann (Hampden-Sydney College 1874)
William T. Mann (Hampden-Sydney College 1872)
Joseph J. Mathis (Hampden-Sydney College 1880)
Walter G. Maxwell (Hampden-Sydney College 1897)
Robert N. McCandlish (Hampden-Sydney College 1877)
Charles D. McKinney (Hampden-Sydney College 1890)
Alexander H. Minten (Hampden-Sydney College 1998)
William Mohrmann (Hampden-Sydney College 2009)
Henry R. Morrison (Hampden-Sydney College 1886)
Monroe D. Morton (Hampden-Sydney College 1897)
Frank Mosby (Hampden-Sydney College 1887)
Henry W. Naff (Hampden-Sydney College 1885)
Robert C. Nicholas (Hampden-Sydney College 1895)
William R. Noble (Hampden-Sydney College 1882)
Ernest E. Payne (Hampden-Sydney College 1901)
Samuel G. Payne (Hampden-Sydney College 1900)
James S. Peters (Hampden-Sydney College 1973)
Thomas H. Pleasants (Hampden-Sydney College 1876)
Paul V. Portner (Hampden-Sydney College 1902)
Henry B. Pratt (Hampden-Sydney College 1894)
Paul Pratt (Hampden-Sydney College 1893)
Emmet R. Price (Hampden-Sydney College 1894)
P. F. Price (Hampden-Sydney College 1885)
William H. Ragland (Hampden-Sydney College 1880)
James G. Reid (Hampden-Sydney College 1880)
Thorburn Reid (Hampden-Sydney College 1882)
William W. Richardson (Hampden-Sydney College 1881)
William H. Rickey (Hampden-Sydney College 1897)
Scott M. Riddick (Hampden-Sydney College 1988)
Willard J. Riddick (Hampden-Sydney College 1903)
Robert Sayers (Hampden-Sydney College 1890)
Joseph H. Scales (Hampden-Sydney College 1895)
John S. Simpson (Hampden-Sydney College 1877)
Claudius R. Smith (Hampden-Sydney College 1976)
Alex Spotswood (Hampden-Sydney College 1897)
Colin D. Spotswood (Hampden-Sydney College 1904)
Dandridge Spotswood (Hampden-Sydney College 1893)
Joseph C. Spotswood (Hampden-Sydney College 1898)
William F. Spotswood (Hampden-Sydney College 1894)
Robert W. Stayton (Hampden-Sydney College 1899)
John D. Stuart (Hampden-Sydney College 1884)
Joseph D. Tate (Hampden-Sydney College 1874)
R. P. Taylor (Hampden-Sydney College 2000)
Christopher G. Thorp (Hampden-Sydney College 1986)
John E. Triplett (Hampden-Sydney College 1872)
Arthur Tufts (Hampden-Sydney College 1901)
Harry C. Warden (Hampden-Sydney College 1894)
Richard H. Watkins (Hampden-Sydney College 1895)
John C. Weeks (Hampden-Sydney College 1887)
Thomas J. White (Hampden-Sydney College 1881)
William H. Whiting (Hampden-Sydney College 1880)
Steven L. Wood (Hampden-Sydney College 1985)
Alva D. Abbott (Hanover College 1930)
Douglas L. Abrams (Hanover College 1952)
Charles R. Adams (Hanover College 1896)
Frank R. Adams (Hanover College 1899)
John H. Adams (Hanover College 1900)
Harry G. Allen (Hanover College 1905)
Lewis H. Allen (Hanover College 1933)
Robert K. Allen (Hanover College 1930)
Wolford W. Allen (Hanover College 1935)
Charles Allison (Hanover College 1929)
Elmer S. Allison (Hanover College 1917)
George W. Allison (Hanover College 1910)
Ira S. Allison (Hanover College 1917)
J. P. Allison (Hanover College 1937)
John B. Allison (Hanover College 1912)
W. Stanley Allison (Hanover College 1932)
Wade S. Allison (Hanover College 1904)
Edwin A. Allseitz (Hanover College 1982)
Guy Andress (Hanover College 1951)
Fred V. Archer (Hanover College 1910)
Tunis V. Archer (Hanover College 1892)
Horace K. Arnold (Hanover College 1937)
William B. Aten (Hanover College 1890)
Ronald B. Auler (Hanover College 1917)
M. W. Bailey (Hanover College 1964)
John F. Baird (Hanover College 1878)
William M. Baird (Hanover College 1885)
George M. Balas (Hanover College 1928)
Jeffrey A. Barkes (Hanover College 1994)
Frank A. Barnes (Hanover College 1950)
James C. Baxter (Hanover College 1941)
Lawrence J. Becker (Hanover College 1929)
William W. Behrman (Hanover College 1931)
Arthur T. Bell (Hanover College 1880)
Harold N. Bell (Hanover College 1943)
Forrest E. Bemish (Hanover College 1933)
Ambrose M. Bennett (Hanover College 1944)
Larry W. Bennett (Hanover College 1982)
John T. Bentley (Hanover College 1881)
Chandler C. Bergdahl (Hanover College 1942)
Union N. Bethell (Hanover College 1879)
Alexander D. Blackburn (Hanover College 1868)
James S. Blackwell (Hanover College 1868)
Wilford A. Bladen (Hanover College 1949)
James Blake (Hanover College 1880)
Theodore V. Blanc (Hanover College 1966)
Jeremy Blandford (Hanover College 2012)
James A. Bloomdahl (Hanover College 1944)
Joseph W. Blythe (Hanover College 1871)
William M. Boatman (Hanover College 1962)
Carl R. Bogardus (Hanover College 1928)
Oren A. Bogardus (Hanover College 1925)
Frank R. Bojarski (Hanover College 1951)
Roy E. Bolen (Hanover College 1949)
William A. Bolton (Hanover College 1950)
Donald R. Bonsett (Hanover College 1953)
William G. Boone (Hanover College 1875)
George H. Borneman (Hanover College 1937)
Charles M. Bottorff (Hanover College 1886)
John H. Bottorff (Hanover College 1924)
Bruce K. Bowden (Hanover College 1954)
Buford E. Bower (Hanover College 1924)
Robert E. Bowers (Hanover College 1951)
Albert L. Boyer (Hanover College 1903)
Arthur Bozue (Hanover College 1938)
Frank N. Bradshaw (Hanover College 1919)
William E. Brandt (Hanover College 1871)
William J. Breault (Hanover College 1997)
James M. Breeding (Hanover College 1942)
Lewis P. Brett (Hanover College 1919)
Ethol H. Brindley (Hanover College 1927)
Halbert H. Britan (Hanover College 1898)
Edward L. Brown (Hanover College 1879)
James L. Brown (Hanover College 1879)
James R. Brown (Hanover College 1956)
Samuel A. Brown (Hanover College 1864)
William W. Brown (Hanover College 1864)
Charles W. Browne (Hanover College 1933)
John M. Bruce (Hanover College 1947)
James B. Bruhn (Hanover College 1962)
Ervin D. Bruther (Hanover College 1922)
Roy I. Buchanan (Hanover College 1908)
Warren E. Bull (Hanover College 1918)
Dan P. Bullington (Hanover College 1952)
Gail R. Burchfield (Hanover College 1949)
Donald C. Burger (Hanover College 1927)
Earl V. Burger (Hanover College 1897)
Frank J. Burger (Hanover College 1900)
Henry W. Burger (Hanover College 1894)
John R. Burger (Hanover College 1894)
John S. Burns (Hanover College 1908)
William N. Burt (Hanover College 1867)
Mark C. Butler (Hanover College 1937)
John M. Caldwell (Hanover College 1936)
Gay Campbell (Hanover College 1900)
John P. Carr (Hanover College 1946)
Marion B. Carr (Hanover College 1931)
George R. Carrier (Hanover College 1940)
Roger N. Carson (Hanover College 1952)
Frank J. Cassidy (Hanover College 1922)
Richard W. Casten (Hanover College 1954)
Joseph R. Chambers (Hanover College 1932)
Thomas N. Chroniak (Hanover College 1978)
James P. Chvatal (Hanover College 1933)
Ernest W. Clashman (Hanover College 1924)
William H. Clashman (Hanover College 1923)
Edward L. Claxton (Hanover College 1935)
Robert H. Claxton (Hanover College 1946)
Courtney R. Clegg (Hanover College 1962)
George S. Clifford (Hanover College 1879)
Hilbert S. Cofield (Hanover College 1934)
Samuel Coleman (Hanover College 1866)
Cleon E. Colgate (Hanover College 1916)
Henry M. Coombs (Hanover College 1933)
William Cooper (Hanover College 1954)
William S. Cooper (Hanover College 1881)
McKim C. Copeland (Hanover College 1914)
Jack K. Coppage (Hanover College 1950)
Ernest C. Corrie (Hanover College 1922)
Forrest L. Couch (Hanover College 1934)
Paul E. Couch (Hanover College 1921)
John M. Coulter (Hanover College 1870)
William C. Covert (Hanover College 1924)
David C. Cox (Hanover College 1916)
Joe E. Cox (Hanover College 1941)
John C. Cox (Hanover College 1942)
Joseph T. Craig (Hanover College 1944)
Josiah C. Crawford (Hanover College 1885)
Junior A. Cree (Hanover College 1972)
J. P. Cripe (Hanover College 1968)
Harry C. Crist (Hanover College 1930)
Albert B. Crowe (Hanover College 1893)
John M. Crowe (Hanover College 1890)
Gaylord F. Crozier (Hanover College 1884)
Malcolm M. Cruft (Hanover College 1920)
Clarence Culbertson (Hanover College 1890)
Glenn Culbertson (Hanover College 1888)
John A. Culbertson (Hanover College 1921)
Julian L. Culbertson (Hanover College 1917)
William C. Culley (Hanover College 1917)
James H. Cunningham (Hanover College 1882)
Oliver H. Cunningham (Hanover College 1887)
Otto L. Curl (Hanover College 1900)
Arthur D. Cutler (Hanover College 1894)
Everett A. Cutler (Hanover College 1893)
Charles E. Danner (Hanover College 1887)
Hubert G. Davis (Hanover College 1927)
Allan Dawson (Hanover College 1888)
Thomas C. Dawson (Hanover College 1883)
Robert S. Dean (Hanover College 1865)
Richard L. Deardurff (Hanover College 1955)
Howard H. Denton (Hanover College 1922)
Robert E. Deremiah (Hanover College 1941)
Charles B. DeWitt (Hanover College 1941)
Oscar W. Diem (Hanover College 1943)
S. K. Dinkins (Hanover College 1965)
Ralph F. Dodd (Hanover College 1951)
Henry A. Dodge (Hanover College 1870)
Charles P. Doney (Hanover College 1877)
William L. Douthit (Hanover College 1962)
Thomas A. Downing (Hanover College 1944)
Claude V. Drake (Hanover College 1939)
Charles E. Drew (Hanover College 1912)
James C. Drybread (Hanover College 1922)
Clarence A. Dryden (Hanover College 1905)
Elmer K. Dryden (Hanover College 1912)
Julius Dryden (Hanover College 1906)
Charles A. Earhart (Hanover College 1942)
Stephen E. Earley (Hanover College 1962)
Charles J. Edds (Hanover College 1956)
John L. Edel (Hanover College 1972)
Darin J. Edwards (Hanover College 1990)
John W. Elliott (Hanover College 1951)
Farwell K. Ellis (Hanover College 1933)
William C. Ellis (Hanover College 1935)
Eugene F. Ely (Hanover College 1901)
John L. Engdahl (Hanover College 1952)
Robert E. Everett (Hanover College 1952)
David D. Fairman (Hanover College 1967)
Jesse C. Faris (Hanover College 1893)
Michael A. Farkas (Hanover College 1965)
Welby B. Farrell (Hanover College 1926)
Paul M. Finch (Hanover College 1926)
Woodward E. Finley (Hanover College 1886)
Robert J. Fitzgerald (Hanover College 1959)
Woodrow W. Fleming (Hanover College 1936)
Leslie L. Flint (Hanover College 1929)
Jerry L. Fortner (Hanover College 1969)
Austin Fosnaugh (Hanover College 1902)
Elmer I. Fouts (Hanover College 1886)
Frederick A. Frankenfield (Hanover College 1943)
Albert A. Frederick (Hanover College 1901)
Michael C. Garber (Hanover College 1872)
William J. Gates (Hanover College 1891)
Kenton R. Gebert (Hanover College 1970)
Elmer E. Geissler (Hanover College 1951)
Andrew Giboney (Hanover College 1895)
Ezra P. Giboney (Hanover College 1896)
John F. Giboney (Hanover College 1902)
Verl V. Giesler (Hanover College 1943)
Howard W. Gilbert (Hanover College 1914)
Edward P. Gilchrist (Hanover College 1887)
Ebenezer N. Gilpin (Hanover College 1869)
Benjamin R. Glick (Hanover College 1876)
Peyton H. Goodwin (Hanover College 1943)
Charles H. Gordon (Hanover College 1932)
Thomas G. Gossard (Hanover College 1901)
Oliver P. M. Graham (Hanover College 1887)
Paul C. Graham (Hanover College 1901)
Robert H. Graham (Hanover College 1936)
Frederick Green (Hanover College 1904)
James R. Green (Hanover College 1971)
Raymond L. Green (Hanover College 1952)
Robert M. Green (Hanover College 1942)
Robert M. Griffey (Hanover College 1930)
Herrick J. Grossman (Hanover College 1912)
Phillip E. Grush (Hanover College 1953)
Gordon L. Gueutal (Hanover College 1936)
Frank A. Guthrie (Hanover College 1950)
Ned Guthrie (Hanover College 1953)
John W. Gwin (Hanover College 1934)
Maurice C. Hale (Hanover College 1930)
Charles D. Hallgarth (Hanover College 1957)
Charles R. Hamilton (Hanover College 1893)
Frederick A. Hamilton (Hanover College 1893)
Guy W. Hamilton (Hanover College 1896)
Carl D. Hammond (Hanover College 1936)
Lorin A. Handley (Hanover College 1902)
William W. Hargrave (Hanover College 1937)
Earl W. Harmon (Hanover College 1931)
John D. Harrington (Hanover College 1864)
Lee A. Hart (Hanover College 1916)
Elmer E. Hawkins Jr. (Hanover College 1918)
Charles C. Hawley (Hanover College 1951)
William K. Hawley (Hanover College 1964)
Joseph D. Hayden (Hanover College 1921)
H. Max Healey (Hanover College 1936)
Charles C. Heckman (Hanover College 1876)
William C. Heckman (Hanover College 1875)
Lon D. Heminger (Hanover College 1900)
Richard P. Henderson (Hanover College 1953)
C. J. Heritier (Hanover College 1938)
Herbert B. Hill (Hanover College 1889)
Ray E. Himebaugh (Hanover College 1919)
Rich V. Hodson (Hanover College 1872)
John E. Holderman (Hanover College 1927)
John H. Holliday (Hanover College 1864)
Horace E. Hollmeyer (Hanover College 1924)
Lewis H. Hollmeyer (Hanover College 1920)
John T. Holmes (Hanover College 1955)
Ralph A. Holmes (Hanover College 1935)
Arlin D. Hooker (Hanover College 1957)
Horace R. Hooten (Hanover College 1937)
William A. Huber (Hanover College 1948)
Henry W. Huder (Hanover College 1959)
James M. Hughes (Hanover College 1878)
Roderick P. Hughes (Hanover College 1943)
Granville R. Huline (Hanover College 1884)
James C. Hume (Hanover College 1880)
John W. Humrichouse (Hanover College 1929)
Gerald L. Hundt (Hanover College 1952)
John S. Hunt (Hanover College 1881)
Holmes M. Hunter (Hanover College 1916)
Robert W. Hunter (Hanover College 1900)
William A. Hunter (Hanover College 1876)
Justus R. Huntley (Hanover College 1920)
Charles W. Hutchings (Hanover College 1936)
Owen G. Hutchinson (Hanover College 1901)
Arthur Iddings (Hanover College 1913)
Harry G. Iddings (Hanover College 1916)
John Iddings (Hanover College 1909)
Ralph M. Iddings (Hanover College 1946)
Roger G. Iddings (Hanover College 1952)
John L. Ingham (Hanover College 1930)
Leonard W. Ingham (Hanover College 1902)
John A. Iselin (Hanover College 1967)
Richard W. Jackson (Hanover College 1951)
Thomas F. Jennings (Hanover College 1959)
Albert R. Jinks (Hanover College 1925)
Albinus A. Johnson (Hanover College 1875)
Henry W. Johnson (Hanover College 1872)
Howard C. Johnson (Hanover College 1917)
Richard B. Johnston (Hanover College 1959)
William L. Jones (Hanover College 1942)
Kessner Y. Jordan (Hanover College 1941)
William C. Kaag (Hanover College 1953)
William W. Karr (Hanover College 1875)
Don P. Kastner (Hanover College 1956)
Paul B. Keach (Hanover College 1957)
Charles A. Keigwin (Hanover College 1881)
Edwin J. Keigwin (Hanover College 1886)
Robert A. Keller (Hanover College 1974)
Leon S. Kelly (Hanover College 1953)
Robert S. Keltner (Hanover College 1959)
Wayne S. Kempshall (Hanover College 1932)
Robert R. Kendall (Hanover College 1956)
William R. Kendall (Hanover College 1950)
Robert L. Kennedy (Hanover College 1950)
James R. Kervin (Hanover College 1942)
James N. Kimball (Hanover College 1868)
Delbert O. King (Hanover College 1952)
William B. Kiser (Hanover College 1954)
Stanley J. Klaybor (Hanover College 1953)
Louis R. Kleopfer (Hanover College 1957)
Ronald G. Kleopfer (Hanover College 1951)
Michael L. Kovacic (Hanover College 1939)
Louis C. Kramer (Hanover College 1907)
Charles L. Kroger (Hanover College 1950)
Virgil M. Kunkel (Hanover College 1928)
Walter L. Kunkle (Hanover College 1907)
Russell M. Kutz (Hanover College 1953)
William W. Lane (Hanover College 1950)
Jeffrey S. Lang (Hanover College 1990)
Daniel E. Lattimore (Hanover College 1867)
William Lattimore (Hanover College 1888)
Gilbert P. Laue (Hanover College 1939)
Harry A. Lawrence (Hanover College 1906)
James E. Lawrence (Hanover College 1918)
Reuben S. Lawrence (Hanover College 1916)
William P. Layer (Hanover College 1949)
Alfred L. Layer (Hanover College 1947)
Robert M. Lee (Hanover College 1948)
Charles M. Leslie (Hanover College 1892)
James F. Leslie (Hanover College 1890)
B. W. Lewis (Hanover College 1915)
Charles F. Lewis (Hanover College 1945)
James F. Lewis (Hanover College 1927)
James R. Lewis (Hanover College 1897)
James R. Lewis (Hanover College 1957)
George M. Likeness (Hanover College 1926)
Dwight M. Lindsay (Hanover College 1944)
Henry List (Hanover College 1881)
William C. Loop (Hanover College 1969)
Walter S. Lord (Hanover College 1871)
Herbert C. Lorenzen (Hanover College 1922)
Herold H. Losche (Hanover College 1935)
Stephen P. Lowry (Hanover College 1964)
Samuel D. Luckett (Hanover College 1873)
Warren L. Luckett (Hanover College 1950)
Everett C. Lunn (Hanover College 1940)
Richard F. Machek (Hanover College 1956)
John R. MacPherson (Hanover College 1950)
Charles E. Maddox (Hanover College 1950)
Jackson L. Malcolm (Hanover College 1949)
James M. Mann (Hanover College 1910)
Buford E. Mannix (Hanover College 1935)
Hugh M. Marble (Hanover College 1910)
Thomas M. Marecek (Hanover College 1968)
Charles C. Marsh (Hanover College 1899)
Joe W. Masters (Hanover College 1950)
Harold L. Mathisen (Hanover College 1928)
James H. Maysilles (Hanover College 1953)
Craig A. McCall (Hanover College 1986)
John S. McCormick (Hanover College 1881)
William T. McCoy (Hanover College 1895)
Latham P. McDougall (Hanover College 1880)
William H. McDougall (Hanover College 1880)
Daniel G. McGrain (Hanover College 1882)
Jesse D. McIntire (Hanover College 1949)
Robert L. McKeand (Hanover College 1939)
John A. McKee (Hanover College 1894)
Elmer I. McKesson (Hanover College 1942)
Frederick D. McLean (Hanover College 1930)
William R. McManus (Hanover College 1922)
Dale L. McNeely (Hanover College 1955)
Daniel W. McNulty (Hanover College 1933)
Robert W. McNulty (Hanover College 1917)
Wilbur P. McNulty (Hanover College 1920)
John R. McVay (Hanover College 1953)
Frank E. Menozi (Hanover College 1934)
Finnel W. Menzies (Hanover College 1881)
Clarence E. Merker (Hanover College 1944)
Harold F. Meyer (Hanover College 1950)
Chalmer D. Miller (Hanover College 1961)
Donald H. Miller (Hanover College 1931)
Lester G. Miller (Hanover College 1945)
Richard D. Miller (Hanover College 1950)
Robert E. Miller (Hanover College 1939)
Robert J. Miller (Hanover College 1933)
Charles E. Mitchell (Hanover College 1927)
Clinton E. Moffett (Hanover College 1912)
Samuel A. Moffett (Hanover College 1884)
Thomas C. Moffett (Hanover College 1890)
Paul Monroe (Hanover College 1890)
Allen J. Moore (Hanover College 1876)
Head R. Moore (Hanover College 1903)
Ronald E. Moore (Hanover College 1950)
Emery T. Muncie (Hanover College 1950)
Edwin F. Murphy Jr. (Hanover College 1964)
Wilbur H. Nagel (Hanover College 1914)
Robert G. Nau (Hanover College 1939)
Jay B. Neal (Hanover College 1980)
Lorin E. Nicolai (Hanover College 1904)
William J. Nighbert (Hanover College 1927)
Robert F. Nourse (Hanover College 1902)
Harold B. Ogden (Hanover College 1908)
L. G. Paddock (Hanover College 1944)
Edward H. Palmer (Hanover College 1955)
John C. Palmer (Hanover College 1888)
John C. Palmer (Hanover College 1931)
John C. Patrick (Hanover College 1959)
William A. Patton (Hanover College 1864)
Sylvester E. Paulus (Hanover College 1920)
Thomas R. Paxton (Hanover College 1870)
David H. Peak (Hanover College 1894)
Danny L. Pearson (Hanover College 1973)
Lyle A. Peterson (Hanover College 1926)
Orange Phelps (Hanover College 1909)
Louis H. Piatt (Hanover College 1874)
Bruno R. Pikoraitis (Hanover College 1957)
Leslie C. Pitts (Hanover College 1915)
Edward F. Planette (Hanover College 1897)
Bruce L. Platt (Hanover College 1972)
George L. Pomeroy (Hanover College 1874)
Fred S. Pommerehn (Hanover College 1915)
Harold A. Powell (Hanover College 1924)
Ralph Powell (Hanover College 1924)
George D. Prentice (Hanover College 1908)
Archie W. Priest (Hanover College 1912)
Kenneth E. Propst (Hanover College 1928)
Warren A. Pruett (Hanover College 1940)
Theodore N. Pucher (Hanover College 1957)
Wendell W. Ralphe (Hanover College 1927)
James W. Rankin (Hanover College 1939)
David L. Rasmussen (Hanover College 1969)
Kenneth J. Ratts (Hanover College 1933)
Joseph S. Rawlings (Hanover College 1952)
C. P. Records (Hanover College 1950)
Nolan L. Reece (Hanover College 1948)
John T. Reed (Hanover College 1942)
Marvin C. Reed (Hanover College 1943)
Walter F. Reed (Hanover College 1930)
August K. Reischauer (Hanover College 1902)
Robert F. Rice (Hanover College 1952)
Lucian H. Richardson (Hanover College 1872)
Earl F. Riley (Hanover College 1942)
Donald A. Roell (Hanover College 1945)
Lee W. Rogers (Hanover College 1950)
David E. Roof (Hanover College 1956)
James L. Rose (Hanover College 1962)
Robert L. Rupley (Hanover College 1937)
Walter M. Salisbury (Hanover College 1906)
Edward B. SC (Hanover College 1934)
Elmer A. Schultze (Hanover College 1888)
Karl F. Schwengel (Hanover College 1957)
Brian S. Scott (Hanover College 1975)
Homer C. Scott (Hanover College 1894)
Thomas A. Scott (Hanover College 1951)
Virgil B. Scott (Hanover College 1899)
Franklin O. Sebring (Hanover College 1922)
William D. Seese (Hanover College 1954)
George E. Sehlbrede (Hanover College 1892)
James B. Shackelford (Hanover College 1960)
Charles T. Shannon (Hanover College 1868)
Isaac F. Shannon (Hanover College 1877)
Coyle L. Shaw (Hanover College 1956)
Henry H. Shawhan (Hanover College 1892)
Wyndham R. Shelby (Hanover College 1935)
William D. Shelby (Hanover College 1933)
Marston V. Shepherd (Hanover College 1930)
Sam H. Sheppard (Hanover College 1946)
Edwin G. Shimler (Hanover College 1941)
C. E. Shiveley (Hanover College 1875)
Rodney W. Shiveley (Hanover College 1958)
Kenneth Siebenthal (Hanover College 1950)
Joseph W. Simmons (Hanover College 1957)
George H. Simonson (Hanover College 1890)
James T. Simonson (Hanover College 1890)
Samuel E. Simonson (Hanover College 1890)
Robert F. Simpson (Hanover College 1954)
Richard W. Sipe (Hanover College 1950)
Robert J. Sloan (Hanover College 1994)
John A. Small (Hanover College 1964)
Carl L. Smith (Hanover College 1921)
Donald C. Smith (Hanover College 1941)
J. B. Smith (Hanover College 1936)
J. K. Smith (Hanover College 1944)
Rex W. Smith (Hanover College 1937)
William M. Smythe (Hanover College 1933)
Arthur C. Snyder (Hanover College 1935)
Jack H. Snyder (Hanover College 1952)
Ralph P. Snyder (Hanover College 1929)
Sheldon H. Snyder (Hanover College 1925)
Charles E. Speak (Hanover College 1953)
George R. Sprague (Hanover College 1930)
William R. Standerford (Hanover College 1950)
Harry C. Starr (Hanover College 1880)
George E. Steadman (Hanover College 1923)
Julian A. Steadman (Hanover College 1926)
Lester J. Stevens (Hanover College 1926)
Garold L. Stewart (Hanover College 1966)
James C. Stimson (Hanover College 1899)
Wilbur F. Stirman (Hanover College 1878)
William E. Stucker (Hanover College 1944)
Floyd S. Sutherland (Hanover College 1917)
Lowry C. Sutherland (Hanover College 1907)
Russell B. Sutherland (Hanover College 1921)
E. P. Swayne (Hanover College 1873)
Verlus C. Taff (Hanover College 1923)
George S. Taggart (Hanover College 1930)
Harry F. Taggart (Hanover College 1886)
James C. Taggart (Hanover College 1942)
John K. Taggart (Hanover College 1932)
Walter W. Taggart (Hanover College 1903)
William M. Takacs (Hanover College 1975)
Arthur C. Tancl (Hanover College 1938)
John L. Taylor (Hanover College 1876)
Raymond W. Taylor (Hanover College 1920)
William R. Taylor (Hanover College 1915)
Thomas A. Teagardin (Hanover College 1968)
Paul R. Tetrick (Hanover College 1942)
Earle G. Thatcher (Hanover College 1943)
Robert S. Thomas (Hanover College 1936)
Kenneth K. Thompson (Hanover College 1910)
Oliver S. Thompson (Hanover College 1876)
Arthur N. Thyfault (Hanover College 1934)
Edmond A. Tilley (Hanover College 1940)
Frank D. Tilley (Hanover College 1944)
R. S. Tilley (Hanover College 1974)
Thomas P. Timmins (Hanover College 1966)
Robert J. Tracewell (Hanover College 1874)
James E. Tracy (Hanover College 1953)
Wilbert B. Trader (Hanover College 1923)
George E. Trotter (Hanover College 1916)
Cecil L. Tull (Hanover College 1952)
Clarence Tull (Hanover College 1941)
Ralph D. Turpin (Hanover College 1948)
James F. Vanantwerp (Hanover College 1922)
Earl E. Vance (Hanover College 1937)
William F. Vance (Hanover College 1907)
Herbert L. Vancil (Hanover College 1913)
J. R. Vestal (Hanover College 1964)
Harry E. Vick (Hanover College 1940)
Lido J. Vizzutti (Hanover College 1950)
Louis A. Vonstaden (Hanover College 1899)
Gilbert Voorhies (Hanover College 1901)
Melvin W. Voorhies (Hanover College 1906)
Clarence R. Voris (Hanover College 1914)
David C. Voris (Hanover College 1945)
John W. Voyles (Hanover College 1956)
Harry M. Waggoner (Hanover College 1877)
James T. Walker (Hanover College 1870)
John L. Walker (Hanover College 1867)
Harry H. Wallace (Hanover College 1905)
William G. Wallace (Hanover College 1905)
William R. Wallin (Hanover College 1931)
George F. Ward (Hanover College 1937)
Marion S. Ward (Hanover College 1930)
Paul A. Ward (Hanover College 1996)
Richard E. Wardell (Hanover College 1952)
Arnold B. Wasserman (Hanover College 1966)
George R. Watkins (Hanover College 1942)
William D. Watson (Hanover College 1905)
John V. Wayman (Hanover College 1875)
John E. Wayne (Hanover College 1945)
John D. Weaver (Hanover College 1904)
Robert W. Weaver (Hanover College 1971)
William A. Weaver (Hanover College 1904)
Washington I. Webb (Hanover College 1883)
Hubbard S. Wells (Hanover College 1882)
Ralph F. Wells (Hanover College 1974)
George W. Wetherhold (Hanover College 1866)
Leslie G. Whitcomb (Hanover College 1916)
Roger F. Whitcomb (Hanover College 1929)
Harvey W. White (Hanover College 1957)
James E. White (Hanover College 1895)
Kevin C. White (Hanover College 1973)
Harold R. Wilber (Hanover College 1923)
Clifford A. Wilcox (Hanover College 1941)
George W. Wilkinson (Hanover College 1907)
Harry C. Williams (Hanover College 1896)
Leonard W. Williams (Hanover College 1895)
Spencer S. Willison (Hanover College 1962)
John D. Willy (Hanover College 1963)
James W. Wilson (Hanover College 1932)
Theodore A. Winkel (Hanover College 1949)
Leslie O. Winslow (Hanover College 1913)
John E. Wittich (Hanover College 1979)
Robert C. Wolf (Hanover College 1950)
Lawrence J. Wood (Hanover College 1930)
Seth Woodruff (Hanover College 1867)
Robert P. Wright (Hanover College 1957)
Curtis Wright Jr. (Hanover College 1898)
Hollis L. Yensel (Hanover College 1974)
Andrew H. Young (Hanover College 1871)
William E. Youtsler (Hanover College 1895)
Waddy T. Armstrong (Howard College 1857)
Gabriel N. Benson (Howard College 1860)
John F. Burns (Howard College 1860)
John A. Caffey (Howard College 1859)
John T. Caine (Howard College 1860)
Samuel C. Cook (Howard College 1859)
Thomas B. Cox (Howard College 1860)
B. H. Crumpton (Howard College 1862)
John G. Dupree (Howard College 1861)
Reuben J. Evans (Howard College 1860)
Julius A. Greer (Howard College 1859)
William T. Hendon (Howard College 1860)
Andrew J. Holman (Howard College 1859)
John P. Hubbard (Howard College 1859)
Wright H. Lavender MD (Howard College 1860)
Thomas M. Lenoir (Howard College 1860)
Richard A. Massey (Howard College 1859)
Bethune B. McKenzie (Howard College 1858)
John M. McKleroy (Howard College 1860)
Anderson J. Ross (Howard College 1860)
William E. Ross (Howard College 1860)
Henry Snell (Howard College 1860)
Oliver H. Spencer (Howard College 1861)
D. Sterrett (Howard College 1861)
Edward H. Ward (Howard College 1860)
James R. Webster (Howard College 1858)
Everard L. Leifson (Idaho State University 1982)
Leslie D. Young (Idaho State University 1978)
Eli P. Adams (Illinois Wesleyan University 1878)
Ralph Adams (Illinois Wesleyan University 1916)
Wayne W. Adamson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1934)
Ernest J. Affelt (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
Charles F. Agle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1900)
Edward R. Ahlenius (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
William H. Ahlenius (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
James C. Aitchison (Illinois Wesleyan University 1934)
Clyde I. Allen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1917)
Harold D. Allen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Clarence F. Anderson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
F. R. Anderson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1909)
Harold R. Anderson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Harry O. Anderson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
Frank B. Apperson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
Jabez O. Applebee (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
Daniel H. Armstrong (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
Russel R. Armstrong (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
Benjamin R. Arnold (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
John A. Arnold (Illinois Wesleyan University 1929)
Charles Atherton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1869)
George H. Atkins (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Melchoir J. Auer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1870)
Marion F. Ault (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
Henry E. Ayers (Illinois Wesleyan University 1906)
Meredith W. Ayers (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
Aloney B. Babcock (Illinois Wesleyan University 1907)
John W. Baer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
Bradford A. Bahler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1973)
Clinton S. Bailey (Illinois Wesleyan University 1914)
Arthur V. Baillie (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
George H. C. Bain (Illinois Wesleyan University 1883)
James R. Baker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1937)
John W. Baker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1876)
Warren Q. Baker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
Webb E. Baker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1896)
H. C. Baldridge (Illinois Wesleyan University 1893)
Wilbur G. Ball (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
Orrie H. Ball (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
Asa H. Ballard (Illinois Wesleyan University 1883)
Andrew J. Banta (Illinois Wesleyan University 1867)
Richard W. Barger (Illinois Wesleyan University 1871)
Richard L. Barham (Illinois Wesleyan University 1956)
James J. Barker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
Jerry R. Barker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
Frank J. Barley (Illinois Wesleyan University 1927)
Edward Barry Jr. (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
Alexander C. Bartley (Illinois Wesleyan University 1872)
Robert E. Bartlow (Illinois Wesleyan University 1946)
William P. Bartlow (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
Gerald F. Bataille (Illinois Wesleyan University 1958)
Cyrus E. Bates (Illinois Wesleyan University 1893)
Hubert D. Bath (Illinois Wesleyan University 1910)
Harry N. Beale (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
Asa P. Beall (Illinois Wesleyan University 1881)
Thomas A. Beall (Illinois Wesleyan University 1882)
Craig F. Beaty (Illinois Wesleyan University 1966)
Frederick Beckman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
William E. Beckman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Chester A. Beckwith (Illinois Wesleyan University 1907)
Ronald R. Beggs (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Otto G. Beich (Illinois Wesleyan University 1915)
Stephen Beich (Illinois Wesleyan University 1968)
James W. Bell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
Lloyd L. Bell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
William W. Bell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1900)
Percival R. Bellrose (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Rollin J. Benedict (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
Frederick H. Bengel (Illinois Wesleyan University 1901)
Ralph G. Benjamin (Illinois Wesleyan University 1912)
William A. Benjamin (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
Henry C. Bennett (Illinois Wesleyan University 1889)
Henry S. Bennett (Illinois Wesleyan University 1948)
John R. Bennett (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
Ralph C. Bennett (Illinois Wesleyan University 1902)
Horatio G. Bent (Illinois Wesleyan University 1879)
Samuel W. Berg (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
Thomas J. Bergera (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
Ronald G. Berquist (Illinois Wesleyan University 1952)
Herbert P. Bicknell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1927)
James S. Bicknell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1887)
Heinz F. Biekofsky (Illinois Wesleyan University 1958)
Cyrus W. Bigler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1892)
Edward A. Bigler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
George R. Bigler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1895)
Halsey L. Bingham (Illinois Wesleyan University 1914)
Henry C. Birch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1870)
George H. Birkett (Illinois Wesleyan University 1955)
Francis M. Bishop (Illinois Wesleyan University 1866)
Paul E. Black (Illinois Wesleyan University 1929)
Paul F. Blass (Illinois Wesleyan University 1937)
John U. Blue (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
Samuel W. Bodman Jr. (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
Morris R. Bogard (Illinois Wesleyan University 1948)
Clarence E. Bohlander (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
Wilber H. Boies (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
Eugene E. Bone (Illinois Wesleyan University 1894)
William H. Booth (Illinois Wesleyan University 1873)
Brandon C. Bosshardt (Illinois Wesleyan University 1977)
Richard H. Bosworth (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
Howard E. Botsfield (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
Howard J. Bowen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1891)
Charles R. Bower (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
John Bowles (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
Randall C. Bowman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1962)
George R. Boyd (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
Henry W. Boyd (Illinois Wesleyan University 1862)
Nelson A. Boyd Sr. (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
William A. Bradford (Illinois Wesleyan University 1898)
Gerald A. Bradley (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Frank J. Brandel (Illinois Wesleyan University 1944)
Emerson W. Brewer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1917)
Frederick B. Brian (Illinois Wesleyan University 1946)
Frederick W. Brian (Illinois Wesleyan University 1908)
David W. Britton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1894)
Marion C. Brockman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1905)
Charles R. Brodix (Illinois Wesleyan University 1882)
John A. Brokaw (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
John A. Brokaw (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
James A. Bronte (Illinois Wesleyan University 1876)
Harold J. Brooks (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
John A. Brooks (Illinois Wesleyan University 1876)
Atwill H. Brookshier (Illinois Wesleyan University 1921)
Curtis W. Brown (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
Edward G. Brown (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
F. Earl Brown (Illinois Wesleyan University 1903)
Jack J. Brown (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
John J. Brown (Illinois Wesleyan University 1878)
Howard G. Buck (Illinois Wesleyan University 1927)
Madale C. Buck (Illinois Wesleyan University 1937)
John L. Burcham (Illinois Wesleyan University 1897)
R. Burcham (Illinois Wesleyan University 1896)
William S. Burling (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
J. A. Burrows (Illinois Wesleyan University 1906)
A. C. Byrely (Illinois Wesleyan University 1871)
John W. Caldwell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
Harry D. Campbell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1947)
Robert T. Campbell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
Walter A. Campbell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1935)
Martin J. Capodice (Illinois Wesleyan University 1965)
Robert E. Carbery (Illinois Wesleyan University 1948)
Wayne B. Carlock (Illinois Wesleyan University 1902)
J. W. Carlyle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1913)
Davis S. Carson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1946)
Russell L. Carter (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Harry D. Cassidy (Illinois Wesleyan University 1904)
Bayard L. Catron (Illinois Wesleyan University 1896)
Edward G. Cattermole (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
Carl S. Cavins (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Harold E. Chapman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Joseph H. Chapman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
Theodore Chapman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
Ralph D. Chenoweth (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
F. L. Childs (Illinois Wesleyan University 1934)
George M. Childs (Illinois Wesleyan University 1940)
Cornelius H. Christopher (Illinois Wesleyan University 1904)
A. E. Claus (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
Walter E. Clinch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
Arthur G. Cochran (Illinois Wesleyan University 1907)
Donn M. Coddington (Illinois Wesleyan University 1953)
Forrest C. Coddington (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
Lawrence R. Cole (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Thomas W. Collier (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
William T. Collins (Illinois Wesleyan University 1863)
Edmund J. Colton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
John D. Colton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1953)
Osmond J. Condon (Illinois Wesleyan University 1882)
Charles M. Conklin (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Arthur Conrad (Illinois Wesleyan University 1885)
Don L. Conrady (Illinois Wesleyan University 1954)
Luther M. Constant (Illinois Wesleyan University 1898)
Lawrence B. Cook (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
Clifford N. Coolidge (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Dewitt C. Corley (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
Dexter W. Corley (Illinois Wesleyan University 1883)
John M. Cornish (Illinois Wesleyan University 1867)
Joseph W. Cornish (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
Loran N. Cornwell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
Joseph L. Corsello (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
James J. Costello (Illinois Wesleyan University 1939)
William N. Cottrell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1891)
James W. Coultas (Illinois Wesleyan University 1874)
Thomas I. Coultas (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
Lafayette Council (Illinois Wesleyan University 1881)
James R. Courtney (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
John E. Covey (Illinois Wesleyan University 1885)
John R. Cowan (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
Shuler Craft (Illinois Wesleyan University 1898)
J. E. Craig (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Dorr B. Cremin (Illinois Wesleyan University 1937)
Fred E. Croft (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
George W. Crum (Illinois Wesleyan University 1873)
Marquis D. Crum (Illinois Wesleyan University 1874)
Marion V. Crumbaker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1874)
Ronald W. Crutchfield (Illinois Wesleyan University 1962)
Francis H. Cumming (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
Bert Cunningham (Illinois Wesleyan University 1908)
F. H. Cunningham (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
Gilmore Cunningham (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
Patterson Curtis (Illinois Wesleyan University 1955)
Julian H. Cusey (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
Charles A. Custer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Wirt W. Damron (Illinois Wesleyan University 1907)
Jesse S. Dancey (Illinois Wesleyan University 1899)
Benjamin A. Danforth (Illinois Wesleyan University 1911)
O. A. Darrough (Illinois Wesleyan University 1882)
Loren G. Davidson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
Alexander H. Davies (Illinois Wesleyan University 1872)
Frank J. Davis (Illinois Wesleyan University 1893)
George W. Davis (Illinois Wesleyan University 1882)
Harold E. Davis (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
J. H. Davison (Illinois Wesleyan University 1938)
John M. Davison (Illinois Wesleyan University 1887)
Stamper Davison (Illinois Wesleyan University 1868)
William S. Davison (Illinois Wesleyan University 1891)
Lister A. Deaver (Illinois Wesleyan University 1913)
Harvey C. Demotte (Illinois Wesleyan University 1861)
John W. Denning (Illinois Wesleyan University 1871)
Valentine B. Denning (Illinois Wesleyan University 1868)
Hobart W. Dever (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
John R. Dewenter (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Frank A. Dewenter (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
Michael Dietsch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1975)
Dudley F. Dinsmore (Illinois Wesleyan University 1893)
David W. Divine (Illinois Wesleyan University 1966)
Orville W. Dodd (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
Arthur D. Dresback (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
James M. Duguid (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
Charles H. Dunn (Illinois Wesleyan University 1878)
William E. Dunworth (Illinois Wesleyan University 1955)
Alfred D. Duval (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
Clark J. Eads (Illinois Wesleyan University 1929)
James F. Eads (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Frank R. Eagleton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1917)
Albert L. Eakle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Henry C. Eales (Illinois Wesleyan University 1913)
Harold C. Eckart (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
J. R. Edmonds (Illinois Wesleyan University 1948)
Richard V. Edwards (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
Verne A. Edwards (Illinois Wesleyan University 1938)
Arthur V. Eiff (Illinois Wesleyan University 1929)
Gus A. Elbow (Illinois Wesleyan University 1902)
Eugene C. Elliott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1912)
J. N. Elliott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1916)
James L. Elliott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Joseph N. Elliott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
James E. Ellis (Illinois Wesleyan University 1937)
David M. Enrietto (Illinois Wesleyan University 1974)
C. R. Evans (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
David R. Evans (Illinois Wesleyan University 1953)
Glenn W. Evans (Illinois Wesleyan University 1956)
Lee L. Everly (Illinois Wesleyan University 1889)
Harold L. Eyer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Harry A. Fagerburg (Illinois Wesleyan University 1934)
Michael A. Fagerburg (Illinois Wesleyan University 1966)
Ralph B. Fairchild (Illinois Wesleyan University 1938)
Edwin M. Farlow (Illinois Wesleyan University 1937)
Charles O. Farrar (Illinois Wesleyan University 1935)
H. H. Felsted (Illinois Wesleyan University 1947)
Carl Ferris (Illinois Wesleyan University 1887)
Ramond A. Fiellin (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
Garratt H. Finch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
Richard M. Finch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
Russell S. Fincham (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
Donald E. Finley (Illinois Wesleyan University 1939)
Buhrman Fisher (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Roswell C. Fithiam (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
J. S. Fixter (Illinois Wesleyan University 1944)
Guy P. Flesher (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Daniel E. Flynn (Illinois Wesleyan University 1974)
Milton J. Formhals (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Milton J. Formhals (Illinois Wesleyan University 1958)
William R. Forney (Illinois Wesleyan University 1903)
Arthur C. Fort (Illinois Wesleyan University 1897)
Greenbury L. Fort (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
Harry H. Foster (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Ralph D. Fox (Illinois Wesleyan University 1899)
Walter S. Fox (Illinois Wesleyan University 1940)
Donald M. Freese (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
Ralph S. Freese (Illinois Wesleyan University 1911)
Ralph S. Freese (Illinois Wesleyan University 1940)
William O. Frey (Illinois Wesleyan University 1946)
Jacob W. Frizelle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1876)
Marcus L. Fullenwider (Illinois Wesleyan University 1871)
Samuel T. Fullenwider (Illinois Wesleyan University 1874)
Delmar M. Fuller (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Earl D. Fuller (Illinois Wesleyan University 1907)
Leonard F. Fulwiler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1898)
Bryant E. Gauthier (Illinois Wesleyan University 1965)
Daniel D. Gehrt (Illinois Wesleyan University 1948)
John W. Geiger (Illinois Wesleyan University 1918)
Warren W. Gemberling (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
Howard F. Gerland (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Harold A. Gibb (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Carl W. Gibson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1911)
James R. Gibson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1953)
David H. Gillen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1881)
J. M. Gillon (Illinois Wesleyan University 1882)
Wayne C. Gilman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1917)
Carl I. Glasgow (Illinois Wesleyan University 1929)
Robert R. Goff (Illinois Wesleyan University 1944)
Eugene G. Goforth (Illinois Wesleyan University 1934)
John R. Golden (Illinois Wesleyan University 1927)
Francis B. Gordon (Illinois Wesleyan University 1927)
Ora M. Gordon (Illinois Wesleyan University 1904)
Delmar R. Gottschalk (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Edward C. Graff (Illinois Wesleyan University 1887)
Chester C. Graham (Illinois Wesleyan University 1905)
George J. Graham (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
Lyle W. Graham (Illinois Wesleyan University 1938)
Martin C. Graham (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
William F. Graves (Illinois Wesleyan University 1871)
Charles W. Gray (Illinois Wesleyan University 1903)
Orin W. Gray (Illinois Wesleyan University 1871)
Tracy K. Green (Illinois Wesleyan University 1946)
Truman R. Green (Illinois Wesleyan University 1885)
Paul A. Greenleaf (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
Ronnie R. Greenwood (Illinois Wesleyan University 1957)
Vergne S. Greiner (Illinois Wesleyan University 1921)
Charles Griesemer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Ira S. Griffith (Illinois Wesleyan University 1896)
Virgil M. Grifin (Illinois Wesleyan University 1905)
George G. Griggs (Illinois Wesleyan University 1911)
Lester J. Grimsley (Illinois Wesleyan University 1911)
Richard E. Grimsley (Illinois Wesleyan University 1914)
Wayne M. Grove (Illinois Wesleyan University 1962)
William E. Grusendorf (Illinois Wesleyan University 1960)
John R. Gurney (Illinois Wesleyan University 1953)
William D. Guthrie (Illinois Wesleyan University 1938)
Robert D. Haag (Illinois Wesleyan University 1952)
Frederick P. Haggard (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
Harry W. Hakes (Illinois Wesleyan University 1948)
Calvin S. Hall (Illinois Wesleyan University 1890)
Homer W. Hall (Illinois Wesleyan University 1891)
Rinaldo M. Hall (Illinois Wesleyan University 1894)
Frank K. Hamilton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1927)
George N. Hamilton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1889)
Stanley D. Hamman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
Samuel S. Hammill (Illinois Wesleyan University 1868)
Glover C. Hanson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
David M. Harris (Illinois Wesleyan University 1867)
William A. Harris (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
Burton F. Harrison (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Elbert I. Harrison (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
Edson B. Hart (Illinois Wesleyan University 1896)
Edson H. Hart (Illinois Wesleyan University 1938)
Harlan H. Hart (Illinois Wesleyan University 1917)
Harvey A. Hart (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
William H. Hart (Illinois Wesleyan University 1884)
William E. Hartter (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
Joseph C. Hartzell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1868)
Henry A. Hathaway (Illinois Wesleyan University 1884)
William H. Hattendorf (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
Egbert B. Hawk (Illinois Wesleyan University 1900)
Herman W. Hawkins (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
Roy A. Hawkinson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Allen H. Hawks (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
Joseph K. Hawks (Illinois Wesleyan University 1896)
Roy O. Hawthorne (Illinois Wesleyan University 1910)
Roy O. Hawthorne (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
Louis C. Hay (Illinois Wesleyan University 1881)
Eldon R. Haynes (Illinois Wesleyan University 1900)
Lee M. Haynes (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
Charles A. Hazenwinkle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1873)
Hubert A. Heath (Illinois Wesleyan University 1884)
James L. Helbling (Illinois Wesleyan University 1948)
Charles F. Helm (Illinois Wesleyan University 1935)
Denny E. Henderson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1916)
Jerry M. Henderson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
Robert C. Henderson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
Roscoe Herget (Illinois Wesleyan University 1913)
James E. Hershbarger (Illinois Wesleyan University 1947)
Clarence W. Heyl (Illinois Wesleyan University 1908)
Harry C. Heyl (Illinois Wesleyan University 1914)
Wellington Heyl (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Richard O. Hickman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1878)
Melville C. Hill (Illinois Wesleyan University 1909)
Ronald E. Hill (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
Clyde E. Hillison (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
Benjamin F. Hiltabrand (Illinois Wesleyan University 1904)
Robert J. Hiltabrand (Illinois Wesleyan University 1944)
Benjamin F. Hiltabrand (Illinois Wesleyan University 1940)
Jay M. Hilton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1966)
Mark B. Hilts (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
Philip C. Hinkel (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Norman I. Hiscox (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
Fred A. Hitch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1905)
Charles P. Hohlfelder (Illinois Wesleyan University 1957)
Homer B. Holcomb (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
Mitchell E. Holliday (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Stanley M. Holliday (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
Campbell Holton III (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Benjamin F. Hoopes (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
Philip D. Hooton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1935)
Walter K. Hoover (Illinois Wesleyan University 1884)
Isaac P. Hopkins (Illinois Wesleyan University 1878)
Jack H. Horenberger (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
Marquis D. Hornbeck (Illinois Wesleyan University 1857)
Joseph P. Hough (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
William N. Howard (Illinois Wesleyan University 1917)
Leonard J. Howe (Illinois Wesleyan University 1937)
Heber S. Hudson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
John N. Hughes (Illinois Wesleyan University 1876)
Milford L. Huisinga (Illinois Wesleyan University 1961)
Charles R. Hume (Illinois Wesleyan University 1954)
Paul W. Humphries (Illinois Wesleyan University 1947)
Laurence G. Hurst (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
Clarence B. Hurtt (Illinois Wesleyan University 1894)
John L. Ihle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Reid E. Iversen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
John M. Jacobs (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Percy C. James (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
Ernst H. Jarke (Illinois Wesleyan University 1944)
James B. Jarrett (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
B. P. Jefferson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Thomas P. Jefferson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1952)
David M. Jenkins (Illinois Wesleyan University 1929)
Joseph A. Jenkins (Illinois Wesleyan University 1909)
Chester K. Johnson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1918)
Edward M. Johnson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1867)
Eugene R. Johnson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Gary S. Johnson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1971)
James A. Johnson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1872)
John C. Johnson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1929)
Richard M. Johnson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
Robert H. Johnson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1940)
Robert P. Johnson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1973)
Robert B. Johnston (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Robert O. Johnston (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
E. W. Jones (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Harry W. Jones (Illinois Wesleyan University 1903)
John R. Jones (Illinois Wesleyan University 1918)
Len E. Jones (Illinois Wesleyan University 1912)
Marcus G. Jones (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
Robert G. Jones (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Ronald J. Jones (Illinois Wesleyan University 1962)
Roy B. Jones (Illinois Wesleyan University 1906)
Vernon J. Kammerer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
John R. Karner (Illinois Wesleyan University 1952)
Paul B. Keighin (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
Roy M. Keister (Illinois Wesleyan University 1910)
Mark C. Keller Jr. (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
Roy L. Keller (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Robert J. Kellett (Illinois Wesleyan University 1968)
Michael W. Kellner (Illinois Wesleyan University 1979)
James A. Kelly (Illinois Wesleyan University 1868)
W. H. Kelly (Illinois Wesleyan University 1912)
Raymond W. Kelso (Illinois Wesleyan University 1921)
George Kennedy (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Richard W. Kennedy (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
Robert D. Kennedy (Illinois Wesleyan University 1960)
William L. Kenny (Illinois Wesleyan University 1921)
Jewett G. Kepley (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
Lewis W. Keplinger (Illinois Wesleyan University 1868)
Martin L. Keplinger (Illinois Wesleyan University 1869)
Lindolph R. Kerley (Illinois Wesleyan University 1911)
Charles J. Kerr (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
Jamie H. Kerr (Illinois Wesleyan University 1920)
Neil C. Kerr (Illinois Wesleyan University 1913)
John E. Kerrick (Illinois Wesleyan University 1891)
William H. Kerrick (Illinois Wesleyan University 1887)
Alfred M. Kershaw (Illinois Wesleyan University 1908)
Robert S. Kessen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
Edward N. Ketchum (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
William A. Kibler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1920)
Robert G. Killough (Illinois Wesleyan University 1946)
Earl King (Illinois Wesleyan University 1920)
Jerry L. King (Illinois Wesleyan University 1963)
Reuben B. King (Illinois Wesleyan University 1915)
Sage H. Kinnie (Illinois Wesleyan University 1912)
Elbert M. Kirkpatrick (Illinois Wesleyan University 1893)
Claude D. Kitchell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
Joseph L. Kitchen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1863)
John L. Klepper (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
Robert F. Klings (Illinois Wesleyan University 1956)
Kenneth C. Knox (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
Robert C. Konfal (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
Lester W. Kosanke (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Charles B. Kraft (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
Lowell C. Kraft (Illinois Wesleyan University 1916)
Timothy H. Kraft (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
Donald E. Kreitz (Illinois Wesleyan University 1968)
John H. Krepton III (Illinois Wesleyan University 1962)
Mehaney A. Kumler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1895)
Richard B. Kuseski (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
Leonard E. Lackland (Illinois Wesleyan University 1894)
Malvern P. Lackland (Illinois Wesleyan University 1878)
Thom H. Lackland (Illinois Wesleyan University 1893)
J. G. LaMarre (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
Claire V. Landis (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Robert D. Lang (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
James H. Langstaff (Illinois Wesleyan University 1938)
John J. Larsen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1967)
Frederic A. Lauher (Illinois Wesleyan University 1952)
Merle J. Leach (Illinois Wesleyan University 1934)
Shelton B. Leach (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Charles H. Leeson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1894)
George W. Leopold (Illinois Wesleyan University 1907)
Frederick C. Lester (Illinois Wesleyan University 1967)
John W. Leupold (Illinois Wesleyan University 1969)
Leslie A. Lewis (Illinois Wesleyan University 1920)
Chester A. Lincoln (Illinois Wesleyan University 1916)
Charles E. Liston (Illinois Wesleyan University 1909)
Henry A. Lloyd (Illinois Wesleyan University 1929)
Ira R. Loar (Illinois Wesleyan University 1893)
Ralph R. Loar (Illinois Wesleyan University 1913)
Pierre J. Long (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
Charles H. Long MD (Illinois Wesleyan University 1873)
Parke R. Longworth (Illinois Wesleyan University 1906)
A. J. Lonney (Illinois Wesleyan University 1895)
Willard H. Love (Illinois Wesleyan University 1940)
J. D. Lowe (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Charles H. Ludlam (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
Martin H. Luecke (Illinois Wesleyan University 1901)
Robert A. Lundquist (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Layard R. Mace (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Paul M. Mace (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
James F. Mack (Illinois Wesleyan University 1946)
Jean K. MacKay (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Willis J. MaGirl (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
John W. Maier (Illinois Wesleyan University 1935)
H. J. Mair (Illinois Wesleyan University 1953)
Wallace W. Malmborg (Illinois Wesleyan University 1956)
William E. Mammen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1940)
Augustus V. Manskey (Illinois Wesleyan University 1938)
Chalmers H. Marquis (Illinois Wesleyan University 1910)
Dubois Marquis (Illinois Wesleyan University 1912)
William S. Marquis (Illinois Wesleyan University 1876)
Delmar I. Martin (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Allen C. Mason (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
Harry H. Matheny (Illinois Wesleyan University 1900)
Dennis L. Mattix (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
Francis A. McCarty (Illinois Wesleyan University 1897)
Palmer G. McCarty (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
William A. McCarty (Illinois Wesleyan University 1917)
Robert McCay (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
R. E. McClelland (Illinois Wesleyan University 1871)
William E. McClung (Illinois Wesleyan University 1881)
Bruce P. McClure (Illinois Wesleyan University 1946)
David S. McClure (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
Lee McClure (Illinois Wesleyan University 1901)
James E. McConkie (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Dan A. McCoy (Illinois Wesleyan University 1964)
George H. McCracken (Illinois Wesleyan University 1870)
Jack R. McCutchan (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Edwin J. McGrath (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Herbert W. McGrath (Illinois Wesleyan University 1944)
Loy N. McIntosh (Illinois Wesleyan University 1913)
John W. McKim (Illinois Wesleyan University 1939)
Joe M. McNally (Illinois Wesleyan University 1957)
Joseph F. McNaught (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
Jack L. McNeil (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
Osceola McNemar (Illinois Wesleyan University 1889)
J. W. Meara (Illinois Wesleyan University 1938)
Richard W. Mecherle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
Orin E. Meeker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1916)
Robert E. Meeker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1940)
George P. Meixsell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
James K. Melluish (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
Allan J. Meyer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1955)
Harry W. Meyer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1915)
Albert A. Miles (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
Milan M. Milich (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
Howard V. Millard (Illinois Wesleyan University 1917)
David A. Miller (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
Frank T. Miller (Illinois Wesleyan University 1896)
John L. Miller (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
William H. Miller (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Alan E. Milliken (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
Charles W. Minard (Illinois Wesleyan University 1884)
Theron B. Miner (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Bernard A. Mitchell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Lyle B. Mohr (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Albert F. Monroe (Illinois Wesleyan University 1900)
Dean C. Montgomery (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
Hugh F. Montgomery (Illinois Wesleyan University 1905)
John B. Moon (Illinois Wesleyan University 1893)
James S. Moore (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
Robert E. Moore (Illinois Wesleyan University 1868)
Frank D. Moots (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Arthur T. Morris (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
John C. Morris (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
Arthur W. Morse (Illinois Wesleyan University 1894)
John A. Motter (Illinois Wesleyan University 1878)
William B. Mullins (Illinois Wesleyan University 1965)
William E. Mundt (Illinois Wesleyan University 1948)
John L. Munger (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
John T. Murphy (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Kay H. Murray (Illinois Wesleyan University 1907)
Louis C. Murray (Illinois Wesleyan University 1929)
Michael A. Najor (Illinois Wesleyan University 1989)
George J. Napier (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
Donald A. Nelson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1963)
Clarence E. Nettleton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1944)
Vivian C. Noggle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
Emanuel C. Nolan (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
Ralph G. Noren (Illinois Wesleyan University 1957)
George C. Norris (Illinois Wesleyan University 1872)
Charles H. Northrup (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
James A. Northrup (Illinois Wesleyan University 1871)
William E. Northrup (Illinois Wesleyan University 1880)
John G. Nottoli (Illinois Wesleyan University 1954)
Henry O'Brien (Illinois Wesleyan University 1890)
John D. O'Hern (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
Robert L. Oliver (Illinois Wesleyan University 1958)
Thomas W. Oliver (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Frederick W. Olson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1940)
Robert D. Olson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1960)
Robert B. Oswald (Illinois Wesleyan University 1937)
Coy N. Overaker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
Milton B. Overaker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Robert R. Overaker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1927)
Russell W. Owen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1921)
Ole B. Pace (Illinois Wesleyan University 1913)
Ole B. Pace (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
Ole B. Pace (Illinois Wesleyan University 1963)
George F. Paisley (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Charles F. Pankey (Illinois Wesleyan University 1934)
James W. Parker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
John T. Parker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Robert J. Parker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1935)
Arthur A. Parkhurst (Illinois Wesleyan University 1907)
Charles W. Parkinson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1878)
Robert W. Patterson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1881)
Robert H. Patton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1883)
Edward W. Paul (Illinois Wesleyan University 1878)
William J. Payes (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
Phillip M. Pearl (Illinois Wesleyan University 1958)
John T. Pearson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1907)
Keith M. Pederson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1958)
James R. Pemberton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1946)
Will Q. Pettijohn (Illinois Wesleyan University 1890)
John M. Pettit (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
Louis R. Peyla (Illinois Wesleyan University 1953)
Abner J. Phares (Illinois Wesleyan University 1935)
Carroll B. Phillips (Illinois Wesleyan University 1911)
Richard H. Philpott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1957)
Harold W. Pike (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
William C. Pitts (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Harold O. Plummer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1916)
Richard L. Popp (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
Herbert Powell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1885)
Leonard O. Prather (Illinois Wesleyan University 1920)
Vernon P. Prenzler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
J. R. Preston (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
John H. Pricer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1939)
Edward P. Prince (Illinois Wesleyan University 1902)
Marion C. Pritchard (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
Lewis W. Probasco (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
Jas L. Pumphrey (Illinois Wesleyan University 1888)
William H. Pumphrey (Illinois Wesleyan University 1878)
Edgar S. Purdy (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
Joseph A. Pycz (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Forrest W. Quinn (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Harold W. Ragland (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
George W. Randle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1890)
Ralph Raney (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Norman K. Rankin (Illinois Wesleyan University 1876)
Robert M. Rasmussen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
Calvin Rayburn (Illinois Wesleyan University 1876)
George W. Reed (Illinois Wesleyan University 1872)
Harry G. Reeves (Illinois Wesleyan University 1866)
William C. Reeves (Illinois Wesleyan University 1896)
John R. Reinhard (Illinois Wesleyan University 1957)
Howard D. Rhea (Illinois Wesleyan University 1917)
John W. Rhind (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
Benjamin S. Rhodes (Illinois Wesleyan University 1912)
Manford J. Ricks (Illinois Wesleyan University 1879)
Frank H. Riddle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1956)
Garth T. Riddle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1921)
George B. Riddle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1927)
Harry E. Riddle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1915)
Harry E. Riddle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
Hugh Riddle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
W. A. Riddle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1947)
Norton M. Rigg (Illinois Wesleyan University 1895)
Jeffrey S. Roberts (Illinois Wesleyan University 1983)
Bertram H. Robinson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1900)
Charles J. Robinson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1903)
Lawrence E. Robinson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1903)
Lee C. Robinson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
Bradford D. Rodgers (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
John Rodino (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
Charles K. Roedel (Illinois Wesleyan University 1904)
Anthony E. Rogers (Illinois Wesleyan University 1971)
Byron S. Rogers (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
William P. Rogers (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Alvin F. Rohrer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1889)
Clarence J. Rohwer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
James P. Rooney (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
William J. Rose (Illinois Wesleyan University 1946)
C. O. Ross (Illinois Wesleyan University 1882)
Solon D. Ross (Illinois Wesleyan University 1878)
William A. Ross (Illinois Wesleyan University 1893)
Roland A. Russell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1887)
Adlai H. Rust (Illinois Wesleyan University 1914)
Darwin L. Rust (Illinois Wesleyan University 1935)
Franklin H. Rust (Illinois Wesleyan University 1939)
Laurence A. Rust (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Laurence A. Rust (Illinois Wesleyan University 1920)
John H. Ryan (Illinois Wesleyan University 1890)
Ingram C. Ryburn (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Joseph S. Sageser (Illinois Wesleyan University 1880)
Henry H. Sahler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1889)
James D. Sample (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
E. F. Sargent (Illinois Wesleyan University 1921)
Paul E. Sargent (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
Walter J. Satneck (Illinois Wesleyan University 1944)
Richard E. Sauer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1952)
Otto A. Sawalish (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
Frank E. Sayers (Illinois Wesleyan University 1910)
William F. Scanlan (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
C. T. Schact (Illinois Wesleyan University 1900)
Emery L. Schafer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
Warren A. Schafer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
Clifford K. Schnurr (Illinois Wesleyan University 1935)
Emerson W. Scott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
George C. Scott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
J. E. Scott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1873)
John H. Scott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1880)
George E. Scrimger (Illinois Wesleyan University 1874)
Paul D. Scrimger (Illinois Wesleyan University 1917)
William G. Secor (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Raymond C. Segner (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
Homer E. Shaw (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Harry L. Shockey (Illinois Wesleyan University 1940)
Donald Shoots (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
C. Shortel (Illinois Wesleyan University 1880)
Royal O. Shreve (Illinois Wesleyan University 1897)
Eugene G. Shrock (Illinois Wesleyan University 1917)
Warren F. Shult (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
Herbert P. Sieber (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959)
George W. Sikes (Illinois Wesleyan University 1886)
John H. Sikes (Illinois Wesleyan University 1888)
A. P. Simpson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
B. F. Simpson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1885)
Billie J. Simpson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Jerry E. Skinner (Illinois Wesleyan University 1956)
G. H. Sloan (Illinois Wesleyan University 1947)
Donald W. Smith (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
Joseph A. Smith (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
Parmenis Smith (Illinois Wesleyan University 1870)
William A. Smith (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
William B. Smith (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
David L. Snyder (Illinois Wesleyan University 1954)
Kenneth Snyder (Illinois Wesleyan University 1920)
Paul E. Spafford (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
William C. Spafford (Illinois Wesleyan University 1901)
George A. Sperry (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
John W. Spindler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1872)
Stanley R. Springer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936)
Samuel F. Spurling (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
Jerry L. Stafford (Illinois Wesleyan University 1955)
Byron F. Staymates (Illinois Wesleyan University 1876)
James R. Stephens (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
Raymond A. Stephenson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1968)
John A. Sterling (Illinois Wesleyan University 1881)
Thomas A. Sterling (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
John L. Sterry (Illinois Wesleyan University 1887)
Edgar M. Stevenson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1921)
McLean Stevenson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1948)
Thomas W. Steward (Illinois Wesleyan University 1965)
John Stoutmeyer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
Charles C. Strickland (Illinois Wesleyan University 1909)
Chas O. Strickland (Illinois Wesleyan University 1879)
Joseph T. Strow (Illinois Wesleyan University 1957)
Ansel F. Stubblefield (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
Edward L. Stubblefield (Illinois Wesleyan University 1937)
Jesse Stubblefield (Illinois Wesleyan University 1922)
Charles K. Sturges (Illinois Wesleyan University 1884)
Richard W. Suhanek (Illinois Wesleyan University 1956)
Joseph L. Sullivan (Illinois Wesleyan University 1934)
Harlow H. Sutherland (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
Walter N. Sutherland (Illinois Wesleyan University 1914)
Dale D. Suttle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Robert R. Suttle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
Kenneth E. Sutton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1920)
Benjamin A. Swartz (Illinois Wesleyan University 1939)
L. F. Swartz (Illinois Wesleyan University 1937)
George G. Sweeney (Illinois Wesleyan University 1944)
James T. Swinney (Illinois Wesleyan University 1953)
Larry K. Sylvester (Illinois Wesleyan University 1962)
James O. Tavenner (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Earl W. Taylor (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
James B. Taylor (Illinois Wesleyan University 1869)
Martin A. Tayman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1938)
John D. Thomason (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
Delmar B. Thompson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1910)
Hubert J. Thompson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1895)
Loren B. Thompson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1930)
John J. Thornborrow (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
Milton Titterington (Illinois Wesleyan University 1869)
Chelius F. Tobey (Illinois Wesleyan University 1879)
Anthony B. Toliuszis (Illinois Wesleyan University 1946)
Harold B. Tong (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
W. R. Tonny (Illinois Wesleyan University 1900)
Norman L. Towle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
Clyde C. Trager (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
William J. Trierweiler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
Darrell H. Trumpe (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
Everett W. Tuggle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1933)
Wendell H. Tuohy (Illinois Wesleyan University 1952)
Lyle M. Turton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932)
Philip R. Vance (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
Emory C. Vandagrift (Illinois Wesleyan University 1934)
William L. VanDeventer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1948)
Bird C. Vanleer (Illinois Wesleyan University 1891)
John R. Vanpelt (Illinois Wesleyan University 1882)
Samuel Vanpelt (Illinois Wesleyan University 1875)
Donald R. Vanpetten (Illinois Wesleyan University 1911)
Edwin M. Vanpetten (Illinois Wesleyan University 1885)
Lucius A. Vasey (Illinois Wesleyan University 1871)
John C. Veatch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
Albert D. Vencil (Illinois Wesleyan University 1907)
Richard W. Vincent (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
Robert L. Vivian (Illinois Wesleyan University 1880)
Egmont Vrooman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1939)
Louis C. Wagner (Illinois Wesleyan University 1869)
Ramar W. Wakenight (Illinois Wesleyan University 1958)
Edgar B. Walker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1931)
Albert Walkley (Illinois Wesleyan University 1874)
Dave K. Ward (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
Earl S. Ward (Illinois Wesleyan University 1927)
Larry J. Ward (Illinois Wesleyan University 1955)
Edward N. Ware (Illinois Wesleyan University 1887)
Samuel M. Ware (Illinois Wesleyan University 1879)
Mervyn H. Warlow (Illinois Wesleyan University 1929)
William A. Warner (Illinois Wesleyan University 1891)
Marion V. Warton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1935)
George M. Wasem (Illinois Wesleyan University 1939)
Paul J. Washburn (Illinois Wesleyan University 1921)
Raymond H. Watkins (Illinois Wesleyan University 1935)
Robert D. Watkins (Illinois Wesleyan University 1947)
Dennis G. Watson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Everett D. Watson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1953)
John E. Welch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1896)
John L. Welch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1944)
Lorin J. Welch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
Rudolph B. Welch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
William C. Welch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Kenneth A. Wells (Illinois Wesleyan University 1925)
March Wells (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
S. Welty (Illinois Wesleyan University 1881)
Mark Wendler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Clair Westervelt (Illinois Wesleyan University 1924)
Oscar P. Westervelt (Illinois Wesleyan University 1910)
Chester J. Wetterlund (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
Russell L. Wharrie (Illinois Wesleyan University 1947)
Thomas W. Wharrie (Illinois Wesleyan University 1946)
Frank W. Wheeler (Illinois Wesleyan University 1889)
Ned V. Whitesell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1919)
Ward B. Whitlock (Illinois Wesleyan University 1885)
F. B. Whitman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Charles W. Whorrell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1884)
Frank S. Wilder (Illinois Wesleyan University 1901)
William H. Wilder (Illinois Wesleyan University 1873)
Russell Wiles (Illinois Wesleyan University 1929)
John F. Wilk (Illinois Wesleyan University 1982)
Lee Wilkins (Illinois Wesleyan University 1906)
Donald H. Willard (Illinois Wesleyan University 1938)
Anderson William (Illinois Wesleyan University 1872)
John V. Willis (Illinois Wesleyan University 1871)
James A. Wills (Illinois Wesleyan University 1877)
Charles C. Willson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1891)
James O. Wilson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1876)
Keith O. Wilson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1948)
Billy B. Winter (Illinois Wesleyan University 1938)
Roger D. Winter (Illinois Wesleyan University 1942)
Willis A. Winter (Illinois Wesleyan University 1892)
John R. Winterroth (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
H. E. Wisherd (Illinois Wesleyan University 1904)
Charles L. Wolfe (Illinois Wesleyan University 1963)
Fred W. Wollrab (Illinois Wesleyan University 1914)
Albert L. Wood (Illinois Wesleyan University 1895)
Allen W. Wood (Illinois Wesleyan University 1894)
Brian K. Wood (Illinois Wesleyan University 1966)
Frederick E. Wood (Illinois Wesleyan University 1883)
William G. Wood (Illinois Wesleyan University 1928)
Denton B. Woodward (Illinois Wesleyan University 1940)
William L. Woodward (Illinois Wesleyan University 1958)
Charles W. Worrall (Illinois Wesleyan University 1884)
Charles A. Wright (Illinois Wesleyan University 1902)
Robert S. Wright (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945)
James J. Wylie (Illinois Wesleyan University 1940)
Harley B. Yakel (Illinois Wesleyan University 1915)
Ralph Yakel (Illinois Wesleyan University 1912)
Don R. Yates (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951)
John W. Yoder (Illinois Wesleyan University 1949)
Walter A. Yoder (Illinois Wesleyan University 1926)
Ivan L. Yontz (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
R. S. Young (Illinois Wesleyan University 1974)
William D. Young (Illinois Wesleyan University 1865)
Earl B. Zook (Illinois Wesleyan University 1920)
William Q. Zwanzig (Illinois Wesleyan University 1923)
Jack J. Zweng (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
James D. Bybee (Indiana State University 1978)
Jeffery T. Clark (Indiana State University 1982)
Richard F. DeWees (Indiana State University 1980)
Stephen W. Gentry (Indiana State University 1976)
Greg E. Graper (Indiana State University 1998)
Michael R. Grzybowski (Indiana State University 1977)
Charles A. Lingenfelter (Indiana State University 1972)
Lloyd L. Long (Indiana State University 1972)
Charles W. Perry (Indiana State University 1973)
Michael A. Reynolds (Indiana State University 1992)
Eugene A. Riegle (Indiana State University 1974)
Scott D. Sawyer (Indiana State University 2001)
Robert D. Sciotto (Indiana State University 1978)
David A. Smith (Indiana State University 1971)
Albert R. Abel (Indiana University 1889)
Donald G. Adams (Indiana University 1912)
L. M. Adams (Indiana University 1909)
Martin A. Adams (Indiana University 1927)
Jacob Ader (Indiana University 1916)
Arnold Akester (Indiana University 1894)
Eugene J. Alexander (Indiana University 1931)
John E. Alexander (Indiana University 1928)
William A. Alexander (Indiana University 1901)
Edw Aley (Indiana University 1874)
Arthur G. Allen (Indiana University 1900)
Arthur W. Allen (Indiana University 1937)
Robert N. Allen (Indiana University 1889)
Wm D. Allen (Indiana University 1893)
Richard M. Alt (Indiana University 1958)
Ernest H. Andres (Indiana University 1939)
Edwin H. Andrews (Indiana University 1921)
George F. Arps (Indiana University 1905)
Michael S. Atkinson (Indiana University 1967)
Stanley B. Atkinson (Indiana University 1935)
Luman K. Babcock (Indiana University 1910)
Garald D. Bachar (Indiana University 1937)
Ara C. Badders (Indiana University 1913)
James D. Bailey (Indiana University 1957)
Charles D. Baillie (Indiana University 1940)
Fred O. Baker (Indiana University 1933)
James W. Baker (Indiana University 1892)
Robert W. Barclay (Indiana University 1945)
Dewitt C. Barnett (Indiana University 1875)
Max C. Barrett (Indiana University 1913)
Richard M. Bartley (Indiana University 1949)
Herschell L. Bass Jr. (Indiana University 1935)
Carl H. Bauer (Indiana University 1918)
Morris C. Baum (Indiana University 1877)
James W. Baxter (Indiana University 1953)
Samuel E. Bechtold (Indiana University 1932)
Edward W. Beckman (Indiana University 1906)
Arthur J. Beckner (Indiana University 1927)
John H. Beeson (Indiana University 1875)
Leviticus K. Bender (Indiana University 1944)
John F. Benham (Indiana University 1888)
David M. Bentley (Indiana University 1957)
John S. Benz (Indiana University 1916)
Charles F. Benzel (Indiana University 1927)
Edward F. Benzel (Indiana University 1929)
William H. Benzel (Indiana University 1938)
Berry W. Bercaw (Indiana University 1943)
Walter N. Bercaw (Indiana University 1916)
Herrell B. Berger (Indiana University 1931)
Merrill B. Berger (Indiana University 1931)
Robert F. Bernhardt (Indiana University 1943)
Thomas R. Betts (Indiana University 1958)
Clarence F. Bicknell (Indiana University 1887)
Ernest P. Bicknell (Indiana University 1887)
Arthur J. Bierhaus (Indiana University 1914)
Edward G. Bierhaus (Indiana University 1926)
Robert V. Bierhaus (Indiana University 1922)
Robert V. Bierhaus (Indiana University 1954)
Charles R. Binford (Indiana University 1932)
Edgar A. Binford (Indiana University 1897)
John H. Bishop (Indiana University 1884)
Dean D. Bixler (Indiana University 1944)
Thomas E. Blackburn (Indiana University 1948)
William C. Blackburn (Indiana University 1948)
Henry E. Blattman (Indiana University 1918)
George W. Bligh (Indiana University 1930)
Thomas F. Bluemle (Indiana University 1954)
William D. Boaz (Indiana University 1953)
Charles H. Boehne (Indiana University 1948)
John W. Boehne (Indiana University 1942)
Ovid T. Boes (Indiana University 1922)
Eugene W. Bohannon (Indiana University 1890)
Davis T. Bohon (Indiana University 1898)
Antoine T. Boisen (Indiana University 1897)
George T. Bollenbacher (Indiana University 1909)
John C. Bollenbacher (Indiana University 1906)
Carl W. Bond (Indiana University 1960)
Robert D. Bonnell (Indiana University 1945)
Richard E. Bonsib (Indiana University 1953)
Louis W. Bonsib (Indiana University 1940)
Herbert G. Boulden (Indiana University 1919)
Harold F. Bowen (Indiana University 1921)
William D. Bowker (Indiana University 1947)
Romulus Boyd (Indiana University 1889)
Samuel B. Boyd (Indiana University 1916)
Nelson J. Bozarth (Indiana University 1872)
Allen M. Bradfield (Indiana University 1966)
John S. Brady (Indiana University 1919)
Stokely S. Bragg (Indiana University 1880)
Richard L. Brantner (Indiana University 1963)
George M. Braxton (Indiana University 1888)
Thomas M. Braxton (Indiana University 1892)
George R. Brearly (Indiana University 1907)
John C. Breedlove (Indiana University 1899)
Andrew M. Brenner (Indiana University 1933)
David N. Brewer (Indiana University 1937)
John R. Brill (Indiana University 1932)
Albert M. Bristor (Indiana University 1908)
James A. Bromm (Indiana University 1958)
Robert C. Bromm (Indiana University 1956)
Fred R. Brooks (Indiana University 1940)
Philip M. Broughton (Indiana University 1965)
Steven A. Broughton (Indiana University 1969)
Arthur H. Brown (Indiana University 1904)
Herbert C. Brown (Indiana University 1954)
Kenneth W. Browne (Indiana University 1932)
Charles W. Browne Jr. (Indiana University 1954)
R. S. Browning (Indiana University 1962)
Charles M. Brucker (Indiana University 1882)
Stanton L. Bryan (Indiana University 1932)
Wallace A. Buck (Indiana University 1930)
Elmer M. Bull (Indiana University 1910)
Gerald J. Burch (Indiana University 1932)
Harold H. Burch (Indiana University 1932)
William H. Burks (Indiana University 1929)
Charles A. Burnett (Indiana University 1881)
Frederic L. Burnett (Indiana University 1886)
Robert W. Burns (Indiana University 1956)
Westley F. Busbee (Indiana University 1934)
Edgar D. Bush (Indiana University 1895)
Jack R. Butler (Indiana University 1948)
James R. Butler (Indiana University 1929)
Maurice G. Butler (Indiana University 1928)
Ralph E. Butler (Indiana University 1923)
Terence M. Butler (Indiana University 1917)
Frank L. Butterworth (Indiana University 1949)
Joseph C. Butterworth (Indiana University 1958)
Harold R. Buxton (Indiana University 1914)
Robert T. Caine (Indiana University 1929)
Peter M. CaJacob (Indiana University 1965)
Donald G. Campbell (Indiana University 1948)
George W. Campbell (Indiana University 1907)
Robert L. Campbell (Indiana University 1934)
Gregory E. Caplinger (Indiana University 1975)
David R. Carpenter (Indiana University 1875)
Kenneth C. Carr (Indiana University 1959)
Ivan D. Carson (Indiana University 1917)
Myron T. Carson (Indiana University 1916)
Clarence E. Cartwright (Indiana University 1912)
Frank P. Cauble (Indiana University 1897)
Robert M. Cavanaugh (Indiana University 1933)
Verne G. Cawley (Indiana University 1910)
Robert A. Chandler (Indiana University 1874)
Marcellus A. Chipman (Indiana University 1873)
Ernest D. Church (Indiana University 1908)
Herschel L. Clark (Indiana University 1919)
Ray W. Clark (Indiana University 1914)
Cyrus J. Clark (Indiana University 1921)
Fabius M. Clarke (Indiana University 1874)
Thomas M. Clarke (Indiana University 1932)
Leonard H. Clawson (Indiana University 1911)
Emmons W. Clay (Indiana University 1924)
John F. Clifford (Indiana University 1891)
Russell S. Clymer (Indiana University 1924)
William M. Cockrum (Indiana University 1932)
Merrel D. Coffin (Indiana University 1946)
Lotus D. Coffman (Indiana University 1905)
Fred B. Cohee (Indiana University 1917)
Albert E. Cole (Indiana University 1914)
Ansley H. Collins (Indiana University 1890)
Russell H. Collins (Indiana University 1922)
Silas D. Conger (Indiana University 1884)
Edmund H. Conklin (Indiana University 1941)
William A. Conner (Indiana University 1934)
Earl H. Conrad (Indiana University 1930)
John W. Cooper (Indiana University 1949)
John F. Coppes (Indiana University 1932)
Robert J. Core (Indiana University 1890)
John M. Correll (Indiana University 1935)
Philip R. Correll (Indiana University 1939)
John W. Cory (Indiana University 1924)
Oliver M. Cosner (Indiana University 1893)
Homer E. Cotton (Indiana University 1904)
John M. Coulter (Indiana University 1884)
Willis N. Coval (Indiana University 1905)
Walter D. Covalt (Indiana University 1924)
Kemper F. Cowing (Indiana University 1917)
Thomas H. Cox (Indiana University 1949)
William H. Cox (Indiana University 1880)
John W. Cravens (Indiana University 1889)
Oscar H. Cravens (Indiana University 1892)
Todd W. Crawford (Indiana University 1955)
Fred C. Crilly (Indiana University 1916)
Donald C. Crowder (Indiana University 1922)
William S. Crowe (Indiana University 1924)
Glenn Cunnison (Indiana University 1925)
A. M. Cusick (Indiana University 1955)
James A. Cusick (Indiana University 1959)
Dale E. Custer (Indiana University 1949)
George T. Custer (Indiana University 1947)
John E. Dalton (Indiana University 1923)
Jerry V. Danner (Indiana University 1955)
James W. Daugherty (Indiana University 1939)
Alva E. Davis (Indiana University 1880)
Ernest D. Davis (Indiana University 1914)
John T. Davis (Indiana University 1929)
William R. Davis (Indiana University 1945)
James F. Deakyne (Indiana University 1954)
Howard A. DeMyer (Indiana University 1929)
Charles H. Denny (Indiana University 1902)
Claude M. Depriest (Indiana University 1912)
Marion D. Detar (Indiana University 1918)
Charles B. Dewees (Indiana University 1883)
Domer E. Dewey (Indiana University 1922)
Newton T. Dick (Indiana University 1977)
William J. Diedrich (Indiana University 1946)
Samuel B. Dill (Indiana University 1908)
Jerry J. Dils (Indiana University 1963)
Jimmy B. Dils (Indiana University 1956)
Cranston H. Dodd (Indiana University 1884)
Delaney R. Dodd (Indiana University 1904)
Bert E. Dougherty Jr. (Indiana University 1946)
Clarence O. Downey (Indiana University 1911)
Richard J. Doyle (Indiana University 1947)
Herman A. Drach (Indiana University 1922)
Porter R. Draper (Indiana University 1949)
Fletcher B. Dressler (Indiana University 1889)
Garrett O. Driscoll (Indiana University 1912)
Charles H. Drybread (Indiana University 1890)
Sanford H. Drybread (Indiana University 1873)
Donald S. Dryer (Indiana University 1919)
Steven W. Dudley (Indiana University 1976)
Thomas P. Dunfee (Indiana University 1961)
Parker A. Dunham (Indiana University 1926)
Harry W. Durand (Indiana University 1876)
Herveyw Dutton (Indiana University 1924)
Frederick C. Dyar (Indiana University 1958)
John J. Early (Indiana University 1904)
Frederick J. Ebeling (Indiana University 1935)
David J. Ebert (Indiana University 1962)
Henry S. Eder (Indiana University 1952)
John E. Edwards (Indiana University 1952)
John A. Egan (Indiana University 1925)
Roger W. Eisinger (Indiana University 1942)
David F. Eitman (Indiana University 1960)
William L. Elder (Indiana University 1944)
Chas B. Ellis (Indiana University 1886)
Wilbur R. Ellis (Indiana University 1891)
Paul W. Elsea (Indiana University 1960)
Frank W. Elson (Indiana University 1912)
O. D. Emmons (Indiana University 1905)
James R. Emshwiller (Indiana University 1920)
Ashley G. Emshwiller (Indiana University 1929)
Richard S. Engelbrecht (Indiana University 1947)
Dan L. Erhardt (Indiana University 1944)
Clarkson Erwin (Indiana University 1872)
Albert A. Eshelman (Indiana University 1915)
Roy E. Eskridge (Indiana University 1925)
Mark E. Essling (Indiana University 1975)
Michael G. Evans (Indiana University 1951)
Robert G. Evans (Indiana University 1874)
George L. Eyck (Indiana University 1944)
Ray Fara (Indiana University 1929)
Omer B. Farr (Indiana University 1911)
Stephen M. Farrar (Indiana University 1966)
John R. Feighner (Indiana University 1942)
Robert T. Feighner (Indiana University 1947)
Jack L. Feldman (Indiana University 1950)
Maurice E. Fettig (Indiana University 1984)
Harry C. Field (Indiana University 1946)
Andrew J. Filchak (Indiana University 1950)
W. M. Findley (Indiana University 1973)
Richard L. Fisher (Indiana University 1944)
William R. Fisher (Indiana University 1925)
Frank H. Fleischer (Indiana University 1954)
Eugene D. Fletchall (Indiana University 1932)
Charles K. Flowers (Indiana University 1935)
Gayle C. Ford (Indiana University 1881)
Earl D. Foster (Indiana University 1926)
George M. Foster (Indiana University 1888)
Henry G. Foster (Indiana University 1883)
James M. Foster (Indiana University 1882)
John A. Foster (Indiana University 1904)
John E. Foster (Indiana University 1941)
Robert H. Foster (Indiana University 1973)
David E. Fox (Indiana University 1903)
Stanley A. Fox (Indiana University 1965)
William H. Fox (Indiana University 1925)
Morton C. Frank (Indiana University 1949)
Morton C. Frank (Indiana University 1949)
Timothy K. Frank (Indiana University 1974)
James D. Freeman (Indiana University 1955)
Rush B. Freeman (Indiana University 1932)
Richard A. French (Indiana University 1936)
Harrison H. Friedley (Indiana University 1877)
Arthur H. Fruechtenicht (Indiana University 1939)
Arthur W. Fruechtenicht (Indiana University 1968)
William P. Fruechtenicht (Indiana University 1938)
Frederick L. Fulk (Indiana University 1908)
Richard L. Fulk (Indiana University 1938)
Nelson D. Gaddy MD (Indiana University 1950)
Grover C. Gambill (Indiana University 1920)
Frank A. Gans (Indiana University 1943)
Charles S. Gant (Indiana University 1904)
Everett L. Gardner (Indiana University 1907)
Alan C. Garrett (Indiana University 1956)
John D. Garvey (Indiana University 1948)
Edward E. Gates Jr. (Indiana University 1921)
Sheldon S. Gayle (Indiana University 1944)
Samuel B. Gee (Indiana University 1958)
Donald E. Gehrig (Indiana University 1972)
Timothy M. Gehrig (Indiana University 1971)
Henry B. Gentry (Indiana University 1925)
Henry B. Gentry (Indiana University 1871)
Tony George (Indiana University 1949)
Bryant W. Gillespie (Indiana University 1918)
George M. Ginn (Indiana University 1957)
William G. Glackman (Indiana University 1917)
Robert A. Glazier (Indiana University 1963)
Oliver J. Glessner (Indiana University 1903)
Richard F. Goos (Indiana University 1966)
Brock R. Gordon (Indiana University 1979)
Jonathan W. Gordon (Indiana University 1872)
Donn R. Gossom (Indiana University 1967)
Cale R. Gough (Indiana University 1899)
Eugene H. Gough (Indiana University 1898)
Roger D. Gough (Indiana University 1905)
Alex M. Gow (Indiana University 1874)
John S. Gow (Indiana University 1876)
William W. Granger (Indiana University 1884)
Otto E. Grant (Indiana University 1936)
Jeffry S. Gray (Indiana University 1975)
Pierre S. Gray (Indiana University 1874)
Leslie W. Greely (Indiana University 1908)
David L. Green (Indiana University 1962)
Charles J. Greenstreet (Indiana University 1890)
Joseph R. Greenwood (Indiana University 1931)
Robert L. Greenwood (Indiana University 1939)
Edward M. Griffith Jr. (Indiana University 1942)
James S. Grimes (Indiana University 1946)
John M. Grimsley (Indiana University 1935)
Harry E. Grishaw (Indiana University 1896)
William H. Grishaw (Indiana University 1925)
William H. Ground (Indiana University 1924)
James H. Grund (Indiana University 1966)
David B. Haggard (Indiana University 1950)
Paul A. Haimbaugh (Indiana University 1917)
Kenneth E. Hale (Indiana University 1952)
Donald D. Hall (Indiana University 1938)
A. W. Hamilton (Indiana University 1931)
Frederick R. Hammond (Indiana University 1960)
Tom C. Hanika (Indiana University 1947)
Harry L. Hanna (Indiana University 1926)
George L. Harding (Indiana University 1915)
Daniel M. Hare (Indiana University 1938)
William V. Hare (Indiana University 1941)
Homer P. Hargrave (Indiana University 1917)
Ryan J. Harker (Indiana University 2008)
Robert G. Harkness (Indiana University 1922)
Charles A. Harris (Indiana University 1901)
Charles W. Harris (Indiana University 1925)
Robert E. Harris (Indiana University 1925)
Stephen T. Harris (Indiana University 1966)
Columbus B. Harrod (Indiana University 1872)
Alfred H. Harryman (Indiana University 1874)
Charles A. Harryman (Indiana University 1880)
Francis J. Hart (Indiana University 1922)
Charles E. Hartmetz (Indiana University 1939)
Richard C. Haskett (Indiana University 1940)
James R. Hastings (Indiana University 1959)
John S. Hastings (Indiana University 1920)
Ralph G. Hastings (Indiana University 1916)
Frank H. Hatfield (Indiana University 1890)
James E. Hatfield (Indiana University 1932)
Joe S. Hatfield (Indiana University 1930)
Kenneth E. Hauck (Indiana University 1947)
Edward W. Hawkins (Indiana University 1882)
Richard B. Hawkins (Indiana University 1877)
Robert C. Haworth (Indiana University 1925)
Edgar L. Haymond (Indiana University 1910)
F. C. Haymond (Indiana University 1915)
William T. Haymond (Indiana University 1903)
Paul P. Haynes (Indiana University 1908)
Gilmore S. Haynie (Indiana University 1939)
Gilmore S. Haynie (Indiana University 1969)
Kenneth G. Haynie (Indiana University 1942)
Oliver P. Hazzard (Indiana University 1881)
Albert P. Heeb (Indiana University 1924)
Joseph V. Heffernan (Indiana University 1930)
Robert U. Heiss (Indiana University 1953)
Joseph D. Heitger (Indiana University 1903)
Ned D. Helmuth (Indiana University 1952)
John F. Hemmer (Indiana University 1965)
John W. Hendricks (Indiana University 1925)
Lewis G. Hendry (Indiana University 1913)
William F. Henning (Indiana University 1939)
Edward W. Henricks (Indiana University 1927)
John A. Henricks (Indiana University 1928)
Herman Hepner (Indiana University 1949)
Charles K. Hepp (Indiana University 1913)
James R. Herdrich (Indiana University 1938)
Donald E. Herendeen (Indiana University 1955)
Thomas L. Herendeen (Indiana University 1958)
Nathaniel A. Herring (Indiana University 1879)
John L. Hess (Indiana University 1965)
John A. Hetherington (Indiana University 1940)
Harry H. Hickman (Indiana University 1909)
Flournoy L. Hightchew (Indiana University 1956)
William F. Hillenbrand (Indiana University 1944)
John B. Hinchman (Indiana University 1900)
Frank W. Hinsdale (Indiana University 1882)
Virgil D. Hire (Indiana University 1933)
A. J. Hirons (Indiana University 1929)
John A. Hoadley (Indiana University 1925)
Charles C. Hodges (Indiana University 1928)
Richard S. Hodges (Indiana University 1958)
Everett G. Hoffman (Indiana University 1942)
Enoch G. Hogate (Indiana University 1871)
John E. Hohn (Indiana University 1902)
Ryan M. Holmes (Indiana University 1995)
Murden Hopkins (Indiana University 1916)
Howard L. Horn (Indiana University 1913)
John W. Horner (Indiana University 1875)
Oscar L. Horner (Indiana University 1887)
Hoyt C. Hottel (Indiana University 1922)
Ivan B. Hottel (Indiana University 1882)
Milton B. Hottel (Indiana University 1881)
Walter E. Hottel (Indiana University 1894)
Robert G. Houghland (Indiana University 1891)
Hileary Q. Houghton (Indiana University 1880)
Howard B. Houghton (Indiana University 1917)
John W. Houghton (Indiana University 1941)
Emsley C. Houston (Indiana University 1884)
Richard T. Houston (Indiana University 1909)
Jonas G. Howard (Indiana University 1908)
Robert M. Howard (Indiana University 1975)
Charles M. Hubbard (Indiana University 1892)
Jesse W. Hubbard (Indiana University 1890)
John C. Hubbard (Indiana University 1902)
John W. Huddle (Indiana University 1929)
Wiley J. Huddle (Indiana University 1934)
John W. Hunt (Indiana University 1929)
Ronald A. Hunt (Indiana University 1960)
Frank T. Hunter (Indiana University 1888)
John A. Hunter (Indiana University 1882)
Joseph H. Hunter (Indiana University 1884)
Morton C. Hunter (Indiana University 1858)
Morton C. Hunter (Indiana University 1874)
Morton T. Hunter (Indiana University 1909)
Richard N. Hunter (Indiana University 1943)
Everett M. Hurst (Indiana University 1909)
Wm J. Hutcherson (Indiana University 1889)
Robert J. Hyatt (Indiana University 1931)
Kenneth R. Ingle (Indiana University 1935)
Richard G. Ingram (Indiana University 1957)
Coleman L. Isaacs (Indiana University 1923)
Orville L. Isaacs (Indiana University 1936)
Jack E. Jackson (Indiana University 1947)
John K. Jackson (Indiana University 1933)
Lincoln L. V. Jackson (Indiana University 1885)
Omer S. Jackson (Indiana University 1905)
Robert I. Jackson (Indiana University 1945)
William R. Jackson (Indiana University 1949)
William E. Jenkin (Indiana University 1959)
C. R. Johnson (Indiana University 1935)
Leo H. Johnson (Indiana University 1907)
Malcolm C. Johnson (Indiana University 1920)
Alex H. Jones (Indiana University 1875)
George W. Jones (Indiana University 1949)
Ralph H. Jones (Indiana University 1942)
Richard H. Jordan (Indiana University 1936)
George B. Kalb (Indiana University 1886)
Edward P. Kane (Indiana University 1949)
James J. Kane (Indiana University 1952)
James C. Katterjohn (Indiana University 1939)
Michael J. Kaye USAF (Indiana University 1967)
Robert A. Keck (Indiana University 1948)
Robert C. Keck (Indiana University 1936)
William H. Keck (Indiana University 1941)
William J. Keedy (Indiana University 1996)
Frank G. Keller (Indiana University 1891)
Thomas W. Kelsey (Indiana University 1897)
George J. Kelso (Indiana University 1927)
Robert M. Kendall (Indiana University 1941)
John J. Kennedy (Indiana University 1951)
Sumner Kenner (Indiana University 1903)
John H. Ketcham (Indiana University 1872)
Edgar F. Kettler (Indiana University 1947)
Leander S. Keyser (Indiana University 1881)
Elbert E. Kidwell (Indiana University 1907)
John Kinneman (Indiana University 1923)
James C. Kiper (Indiana University 1934)
Robert J. Kirkwood (Indiana University 1877)
John W. Kleindorfer (Indiana University 1950)
Bruce E. Klopfenstein (Indiana University 1953)
Stanley A. Klopfenstein (Indiana University 1943)
Wendell D. Klopfenstein (Indiana University 1945)
John E. Konowitz (Indiana University 1965)
Michael R. Konowitz (Indiana University 1966)
George H. Koons (Indiana University 1909)
Harold E. Kosanke (Indiana University 1941)
Elbert J. Kram (Indiana University 1963)
Karl W. Kramer (Indiana University 1895)
Thomas H. Krise (Indiana University 1942)
Foster H. Kruse (Indiana University 1935)
Knoll F. Kutchback (Indiana University 1932)
John M. Kyle (Indiana University 1951)
Joseph B. Kyle (Indiana University 1947)
Mark A. Laesch (Indiana University 1976)
Jesse J. Lafollette (Indiana University 1917)
John W. Laird (Indiana University 1904)
Donald E. Lambert (Indiana University 1952)
Bayard T. Lang (Indiana University 1912)
Dan S. Langell (Indiana University 1914)
Raymond L. Lanum (Indiana University 1951)
Robert M. LaSalle (Indiana University 1923)
Richard M. LaSalle (Indiana University 1953)
Christopher T. Lawler (Indiana University 1988)
Edward B. Lawson (Indiana University 1949)
Earle Layman (Indiana University 1897)
Vernal D. Layton (Indiana University 1963)
David A. Leach (Indiana University 1876)
Rodney M. Leas (Indiana University 1931)
John K. Leasure (Indiana University 1916)
Everett J. Lee (Indiana University 1910)
Paul E. Leffler (Indiana University 1917)
Louis H. Legler (Indiana University 1916)
Charles O. Lemmon (Indiana University 1904)
Guy M. Lemmon (Indiana University 1912)
George H. Leonard (Indiana University 1925)
John S. Leonard (Indiana University 1929)
Kenneth R. Lewis (Indiana University 1937)
Robert J. Lewis (Indiana University 1932)
Timothy D. Lewis (Indiana University 2001)
William M. Lienberger (Indiana University 1938)
Claude T. Lindley (Indiana University 1908)
Frank I. Lindley (Indiana University 1913)
Emil E. Linegar (Indiana University 1924)
Forrest E. Livengood (Indiana University 1911)
Frank Locke (Indiana University 1880)
Earl B. Lockridge (Indiana University 1908)
Ernest H. Lockridge (Indiana University 1960)
Robert B. Lockridge (Indiana University 1902)
Ross F. Lockridge (Indiana University 1900)
Ross F. Lockridge (Indiana University 1935)
V. S. Lockridge (Indiana University 1928)
William R. Loehr (Indiana University 1954)
Charles H. Longfield (Indiana University 1913)
George R. Louden (Indiana University 1920)
Theodore J. Louden (Indiana University 1889)
William M. Louden (Indiana University 1891)
George W. Lowden (Indiana University 1967)
John M. Lowe (Indiana University 1921)
Ozro Lucas (Indiana University 1911)
Louis L. Ludlow (Indiana University 1896)
William R. Lugar (Indiana University 1941)
Clelland C. Luppenlatz (Indiana University 1922)
Godfrey M. Luther (Indiana University 1918)
Robert L. Lutz (Indiana University 1940)
Paul V. Lynch (Indiana University 1914)
Walter W. Lynch (Indiana University 1923)
Harold D. Lynch MD (Indiana University 1923)
Robert A. MacGill (Indiana University 1943)
Fowler E. Macy (Indiana University 1919)
James W. Magaw (Indiana University 1906)
Louis A. Mangels (Indiana University 1956)
Leroy F. Mangin (Indiana University 1945)
William N. Manny (Indiana University 1936)
F. C. Mansfield (Indiana University 1907)
Hugh M. Marble (Indiana University 1910)
William A. Marlow (Indiana University 1891)
James B. Marsh (Indiana University 1931)
Claudus H. Marshall (Indiana University 1901)
Duane A. Martin (Indiana University 1982)
Edward O. Martin (Indiana University 1936)
Paul T. Martin (Indiana University 1937)
Robert E. Martin (Indiana University 1897)
Thomas J. Martin (Indiana University 1966)
Robert Martz (Indiana University 1940)
Ralph E. Martzolf (Indiana University 1929)
Everette E. Mason (Indiana University 1934)
John W. Mason (Indiana University 1944)
Richard L. Mason (Indiana University 1940)
Robert W. Masters (Indiana University 1952)
J. Harvey Mauck (Indiana University 1875)
Lafe P. Mauck (Indiana University 1917)
Fred O. May (Indiana University 1954)
Howard A. Mayne (Indiana University 1964)
Lewis L. McAfee Jr. (Indiana University 1986)
Robert L. McClure (Indiana University 1919)
Wallace A. McConnell (Indiana University 1925)
Ralph L. McCool (Indiana University 1947)
Jack McCoy (Indiana University 1930)
James J. McGarrell (Indiana University 1922)
De V. McGinnis (Indiana University 1924)
Henry J. McGinnis (Indiana University 1899)
John S. McGinnis (Indiana University 1931)
James H. McKinley (Indiana University 1906)
Robert G. McLain (Indiana University 1939)
Edward B. McLaughlin (Indiana University 1910)
Robert F. McLaughlin (Indiana University 1957)
Charles E. McMahon (Indiana University 1946)
William S. McMaster (Indiana University 1902)
John F. McMillan (Indiana University 1903)
C. B. McMullan (Indiana University 1915)
Clarence R. McNabb (Indiana University 1914)
Paul T. McNabb (Indiana University 1923)
Michael L. McNabney (Indiana University 1977)
Raymond L. McNeal (Indiana University 1920)
Malcolm L. McQuiston (Indiana University 1891)
William O. McQuiston (Indiana University 1930)
John W. McReynolds (Indiana University 1918)
Clarence S. Mead (Indiana University 1932)
Jethro A. Meek (Indiana University 1933)
James G. Meeker (Indiana University 1932)
Raymond B. Mehlig (Indiana University 1944)
Robert L. Mellen (Indiana University 1942)
Charles Mellette (Indiana University 1889)
Edward H. Menart (Indiana University 1916)
James L. Merritt (Indiana University 1958)
Victor H. Merson (Indiana University 1923)
George P. Michener (Indiana University 1876)
Martin E. Michener (Indiana University 1881)
Scott Michener (Indiana University 1885)
William M. Michener (Indiana University 1878)
Paul M. Mielke (Indiana University 1937)
Dick Miller (Indiana University 1894)
George M. Miller (Indiana University 1892)
Harper B. Miller (Indiana University 1929)
Harry C. Miller (Indiana University 1928)
Herbert A. Miller (Indiana University 1957)
James A. Miller (Indiana University 1927)
John H. Miller (Indiana University 1904)
Richard E. Miller (Indiana University 1940)
William W. Miller (Indiana University 1961)
Edward R. Millet (Indiana University 1902)
Matthew W. Millikan (Indiana University 1983)
Richard H. Mills (Indiana University 1948)
Ralph W. Mitchell (Indiana University 1914)
Ray E. Mitchell (Indiana University 1921)
Wayne O. Mitchell (Indiana University 1916)
Joseph R. Mitten (Indiana University 1925)
Richard A. Modlin (Indiana University 1960)
Carl A. Moenkhaus (Indiana University 1936)
William E. Moenkhaus (Indiana University 1925)
William J. Moenkhaus (Indiana University 1894)
Dale E. Moffett (Indiana University 1912)
Fred S. Monical (Indiana University 1889)
Hiram W. Monical (Indiana University 1890)
John K. Montgomery (Indiana University 1884)
Charles T. Moore (Indiana University 1952)
Hamilton B. Moore (Indiana University 1901)
William B. Moores (Indiana University 1960)
Neale A. Moosey (Indiana University 1961)
Gilbert H. Morrison (Indiana University 1932)
James W. Morrison (Indiana University 1961)
Everett E. Morton (Indiana University 1936)
George V. Moss (Indiana University 1899)
Steven R. Mullin (Indiana University 1969)
Earl H. Murdoch (Indiana University 1920)
Samuel C. Murphy (Indiana University 1907)
Columbus C. Nave (Indiana University 1871)
Joseph S. Nave (Indiana University 1872)
Richard M. Nay (Indiana University 1936)
Robert M. Neiswanger (Indiana University 1921)
Thos H. Nelson (Indiana University 1858)
Alva Nesbit (Indiana University 1892)
Frank B. Nesbit (Indiana University 1894)
Clarence M. Neumann (Indiana University 1929)
Floyd J. Newby (Indiana University 1903)
John S. Newby (Indiana University 1873)
John Q. Newlin (Indiana University 1887)
William G. Newlin (Indiana University 1901)
George D. Newton (Indiana University 1921)
George P. Nichol (Indiana University 1945)
Harold G. Nichols (Indiana University 1952)
Orville W. Nichols (Indiana University 1941)
Thomas H. Nichols (Indiana University 1946)
Charles A. Nicholson (Indiana University 1942)
Gerald E. Nicholson (Indiana University 1967)
Joseph C. Nicholson (Indiana University 1941)
Raymond W. Nicholson (Indiana University 1952)
Robert H. Nickerson (Indiana University 1943)
Jerry W. Nigh (Indiana University 1967)
Alan T. Nolan (Indiana University 1944)
John P. Nolan (Indiana University 1942)
Val F. Nolan (Indiana University 1916)
Val F. Nolan (Indiana University 1941)
Dwight B. North (Indiana University 1907)
Robert D. Noyes (Indiana University 1934)
Henry W. Nuckols (Indiana University 1893)
Lucian R. Oakes (Indiana University 1885)
Frank L. O'Bannon (Indiana University 1952)
Robert P. O'Bannon (Indiana University 1953)
Buford J. O'Blenis (Indiana University 1930)
Steven A. Obremskey (Indiana University 1964)
Roger J. Olivieri (Indiana University 1956)
William S. Oppenheim (Indiana University 1877)
Bruce A. Oppenheimer (Indiana University 1983)
Jacob M. Oppenheimer (Indiana University 1899)
Richard L. Organ (Indiana University 1872)
Claude H. Orr (Indiana University 1912)
Harry H. Orr (Indiana University 1902)
James G. Orr (Indiana University 1903)
William W. Orr (Indiana University 1921)
Everett Oskins (Indiana University 1893)
Charles S. Otte (Indiana University 1963)
John E. Owen (Indiana University 1946)
Frederick I. Owens (Indiana University 1888)
James D. Padgett (Indiana University 1981)
Thomas C. Pagedas (Indiana University 1955)
George E. Palmer (Indiana University 1930)
Jay Palmer (Indiana University 1922)
Ralph G. Palmer (Indiana University 1928)
Truman F. Palmer (Indiana University 1872)
Shelby Parke (Indiana University 1883)
Francis M. Parker (Indiana University 1875)
James L. Parks (Indiana University 1881)
Darrall R. Parsons (Indiana University 1923)
Robert G. Patterson (Indiana University 1913)
William L. Patterson (Indiana University 1951)
Floyd E. Payne (Indiana University 1908)
William H. Paynter (Indiana University 1880)
Robert S. Payton (Indiana University 1913)
William E. Payton (Indiana University 1920)
Frank E. Peacock (Indiana University 1884)
Lewis J. Peacock (Indiana University 1960)
Don W. Peck (Indiana University 1958)
Jack S. Peck (Indiana University 1945)
Van W. Peck (Indiana University 1948)
Kenneth G. Peterson (Indiana University 1941)
Charles C. Pettijohn (Indiana University 1904)
Dudley A. Pfaff (Indiana University 1921)
Dudley A. Pfaff (Indiana University 1950)
Albert W. Phillips (Indiana University 1930)
John H. Phillips (Indiana University 1952)
Albert W. Phillips (Indiana University 1899)
Allen B. Philputt (Indiana University 1880)
Charles W. Philputt (Indiana University 1889)
James M. Philputt (Indiana University 1885)
Samson C. Phipps (Indiana University 1893)
Carl F. Picker (Indiana University 1898)
Walter G. Pierce (Indiana University 1898)
Arthur Pittenger (Indiana University 1925)
Lemuel A. Pittenger (Indiana University 1907)
Wm R. Pleak (Indiana University 1877)
Richard S. Pond (Indiana University 1960)
Patrick N. Pope (Indiana University 1989)
John R. Porter (Indiana University 1917)
Nelson P. Poynter (Indiana University 1924)
Clinton C. Prather (Indiana University 1916)
James W. Prather (Indiana University 1937)
Daniel D. Pratt (Indiana University 1950)
Peter K. Prentice (Indiana University 1968)
Wilson E. Prentice (Indiana University 1939)
Jackson B. Pressley (Indiana University 1945)
Walter Pritchard (Indiana University 1908)
Richard A. Proctor (Indiana University 1860)
George W. Purcell (Indiana University 1909)
Royal E. Purcell (Indiana University 1941)
George W. Purcell (Indiana University 1937)
Royal E. Purcell (Indiana University 1909)
Thomas E. Purky (Indiana University 1944)
Donald A. Purviance (Indiana University 1910)
Julian C. Ralston (Indiana University 1917)
William D. Ramsey (Indiana University 1928)
George A. Rathbun (Indiana University 1908)
David B. Rawlings (Indiana University 1878)
Allen B. Rayl (Indiana University 1953)
Dallas G. Rayl (Indiana University 1947)
David W. Rea (Indiana University 1949)
Paul H. Reeb Jr. (Indiana University 1945)
Francis E. Reed (Indiana University 1913)
Philip J. Reed (Indiana University 1964)
William C. Reed (Indiana University 1950)
William C. Reed (Indiana University 1917)
John J. Reinhard (Indiana University 1906)
John J. Reinhard (Indiana University 1942)
Reed A. Remley (Indiana University 1980)
Garland F. Retherford (Indiana University 1922)
Ernest W. Rettger (Indiana University 1893)
Leo F. Rettger (Indiana University 1896)
Robert K. Rhamy (Indiana University 1952)
Philip B. Rice (Indiana University 1925)
Robert J. Richards (Indiana University 1948)
William L. Ridgway (Indiana University 1943)
Richard J. Riely (Indiana University 1955)
Robert O. Ritter (Indiana University 1908)
Glynn A. Rivers (Indiana University 1937)
Frederick T. Robbins (Indiana University 1920)
Neil V. Robertson (Indiana University 1916)
William D. Robertson (Indiana University 1950)
George B. Robinson (Indiana University 1939)
Joseph R. Roe (Indiana University 1937)
Mark J. Rogge (Indiana University 1971)
John F. Rosebaum (Indiana University 1931)
Dayle C. Rowland (Indiana University 1923)
George M. Royster (Indiana University 1934)
Robert A. Royster MD (Indiana University 1935)
John H. Rudical (Indiana University 1894)
James L. Ruhlman (Indiana University 1953)
James H. Sackett (Indiana University 1958)
Clyde C. Sanders (Indiana University 1911)
Jon G. Sandleben (Indiana University 1961)
Arthur J. Saum (Indiana University 1916)
Joseph C. Saunders (Indiana University 1937)
John G. Schleuchter (Indiana University 1882)
Theodore Schmidt (Indiana University 1905)
Edward J. Schneider (Indiana University 1932)
Frederick J. Scholz (Indiana University 1918)
Norman F. Scholz (Indiana University 1917)
John H. Schuler (Indiana University 1917)
Jeffery A. Schwartz (Indiana University 1978)
Elmer E. Scott (Indiana University 1901)
Eugene H. Scott (Indiana University 1938)
Harold K. Scott (Indiana University 1923)
John E. Scott (Indiana University 1930)
Theodore Scott (Indiana University 1940)
John A. Scudder (Indiana University 1923)
John A. Scudder (Indiana University 1950)
Sam W. Seaney (Indiana University 1917)
James B. Seward (Indiana University 1938)
Gilbert S. Shake (Indiana University 1933)
John P. Shanks (Indiana University 1867)
John E. Shepardson (Indiana University 1890)
Charles R. Sherman (Indiana University 1914)
James R. Shideler (Indiana University 1929)
Thaddeus R. Shiedler (Indiana University 1907)
Edgar A. Shields (Indiana University 1876)
William G. Shields (Indiana University 1930)
Calvin J. Shimer (Indiana University 1933)
Ernest V. Shockley (Indiana University 1909)
Frank W. Shockley (Indiana University 1918)
Morrell M. Shoemaker (Indiana University 1912)
Robert M. Shoemaker (Indiana University 1943)
William A. Shuck (Indiana University 1956)
Lacey L. Shuler (Indiana University 1916)
Kenneth H. Shull (Indiana University 1946)
Gilbert M. Shull PhD (Indiana University 1940)
J. W. Sibbitt (Indiana University 1976)
Alan E. Sicks (Indiana University 1951)
Henry Sicks (Indiana University 1888)
Okla W. Sicks (Indiana University 1917)
Robert L. Sicks (Indiana University 1955)
Wilbur O. Sieks (Indiana University 1917)
Bjorn J. Sievert (Indiana University 1963)
Frank D. Simons (Indiana University 1895)
Richard D. Simpson (Indiana University 1872)
Richard H. Simpson (Indiana University 1911)
James W. Sinclair (Indiana University 1931)
Travis A. Skelton (Indiana University 2001)
Herbert E. Skillman (Indiana University 1938)
Robert N. Skinner (Indiana University 1954)
Donald S. Slade (Indiana University 1922)
Stephen D. Slavin (Indiana University 1964)
William A. Sleeper (Indiana University 1899)
John L. Slick (Indiana University 1936)
Harry A. Slinger (Indiana University 1922)
Paul G. Smiley (Indiana University 1920)
Thomas C. Smiley (Indiana University 1917)
Albert H. Smith (Indiana University 1912)
Benjamin F. Smith (Indiana University 1878)
Charles T. Smith (Indiana University 1908)
Franklin P. Smith (Indiana University 1878)
Glen D. Smith (Indiana University 1947)
J. H. Smith (Indiana University 1969)
John B. Smith (Indiana University 1874)
John H. Smith (Indiana University 1923)
Russell W. Smith (Indiana University 1921)
Thurston Smith (Indiana University 1894)
Ulysses H. Smith (Indiana University 1892)
Whitney E. Smith (Indiana University 1905)
William H. Smith (Indiana University 1904)
Philip G. Sosinski (Indiana University 1960)
Harry G. Sparks (Indiana University 1902)
William C. Sparks (Indiana University 1899)
Dale B. Spencer (Indiana University 1921)
Newton R. Spencer (Indiana University 1885)
William A. Spivey (Indiana University 1960)
Byrle O. Springer (Indiana University 1924)
Eugene F. Springer (Indiana University 1929)
John T. Stark (Indiana University 1948)
Robert J. Stark (Indiana University 1954)
Charles E. Statz (Indiana University 1941)
Hans O. Stechan (Indiana University 1900)
Kuhrman H. Stephens (Indiana University 1930)
Adolphus C. Stephenson (Indiana University 1888)
David T. Stephenson (Indiana University 1893)
Frank C. Stephenson (Indiana University 1897)
John L. Stephenson (Indiana University 1882)
Frederick W. Stevens (Indiana University 1901)
Arthur E. Stevenson (Indiana University 1930)
Robert S. Stevenson (Indiana University 1883)
Frank L. Stewart (Indiana University 1917)
Robert L. Stilwell (Indiana University 1918)
Charles H. Stone (Indiana University 1887)
W. P. Stone (Indiana University 1880)
Robert L. Stonehill (Indiana University 1929)
Robert T. Story (Indiana University 1949)
V. J. Story (Indiana University 1945)
Harvey B. Stout (Indiana University 1908)
Donald M. Strauss (Indiana University 1946)
Lee H. Streaker (Indiana University 1924)
Lee H. Streaker (Indiana University 1897)
James D. Strickland (Indiana University 1930)
John R. Strouse (Indiana University 1939)
David D. Study (Indiana University 1935)
James P. Stunkard (Indiana University 1879)
Robert W. Stunkard (Indiana University 1884)
Richard C. Swan (Indiana University 1935)
Jerry F. Tardy (Indiana University 1962)
Sarkes Tarzian (Indiana University 1953)
David J. Tate (Indiana University 1881)
David N. Taylor (Indiana University 1874)
Gustavus B. Taylor (Indiana University 1903)
John M. Taylor (Indiana University 1949)
Richard A. Taylor (Indiana University 1950)
Willis D. Taylor (Indiana University 1960)
Ulysses S. Teel (Indiana University 1890)
Richard D. Telle (Indiana University 1965)
Donald J. Templer (Indiana University 1928)
Louis T. Tenta (Indiana University 1954)
Michael L. Tevault (Indiana University 1957)
Murray E. Thomas (Indiana University 1910)
William B. Thomas (Indiana University 1946)
Arthur F. Thompson (Indiana University 1935)
Dennis L. Thompson (Indiana University 1968)
Griffith B. Thompson (Indiana University 1922)
Jerry L. Thompson (Indiana University 1958)
John M. Thompson (Indiana University 1947)
Ralph F. Thompson (Indiana University 1916)
Ralph F. Thompson Jr. (Indiana University 1948)
Raymond D. Thompson (Indiana University 1898)
Robert A. Thompson (Indiana University 1921)
William G. Thompson (Indiana University 1948)
Otho S. Thornberry (Indiana University 1886)
Stewart D. Tompkins (Indiana University 1948)
J. W. Torrance (Indiana University 1940)
Nelson C. Townsend (Indiana University 1922)
King R. Traub (Indiana University 1948)
Fred R. Treadway (Indiana University 1931)
Robert L. Treadway (Indiana University 1899)
George H. Tripp (Indiana University 1984)
Jack S. Troeger (Indiana University 1955)
Thomas A. Troeger (Indiana University 1959)
John A. Trotter (Indiana University 1909)
Howard K. Turner (Indiana University 1917)
John L. Turner (Indiana University 1912)
William R. Turner (Indiana University 1943)
Winloch M. Turner (Indiana University 1905)
Donald C. Tyte (Indiana University 1948)
Douglas H. Tyte (Indiana University 1974)
Fred K. Ulrich (Indiana University 1929)
Max D. Ulrich (Indiana University 1924)
John H. Underwood (Indiana University 1897)
Harold C. Van Valzah (Indiana University 1912)
James W. Van Valzah (Indiana University 1912)
Samuel W. Van Valzah (Indiana University 1911)
Oliver M. Vance (Indiana University 1921)
Robert H. VanRiessen (Indiana University 1941)
Henry B. Veatch (Indiana University 1943)
Frank T. Verlihay (Indiana University 1968)
George W. Vestal (Indiana University 1920)
Harold R. Victor (Indiana University 1920)
Theodore F. Vonnegut (Indiana University 1902)
Stephen H. Voyles (Indiana University 1891)
J. P. Wakeland (Indiana University 1944)
Raymond L. Walker (Indiana University 1919)
William W. Walker (Indiana University 1955)
John M. Wallace (Indiana University 1974)
David M. Walter (Indiana University 1938)
Philip C. Walter (Indiana University 1919)
William M. Walton (Indiana University 1946)
John W. Ward (Indiana University 1923)
Truman G. Warren (Indiana University 1929)
Aldred S. Warthin (Indiana University 1888)
Arthur M. Waters (Indiana University 1904)
Douglas M. Weber (Indiana University 1943)
Chester C. Weed (Indiana University 1952)
Chester C. Weed Sr. (Indiana University 1929)
Daniel T. Weir (Indiana University 1891)
James C. Weir (Indiana University 1887)
John D. Weissert (Indiana University 1952)
Royce H. Welsch (Indiana University 1946)
Jeptha D. Whisenand (Indiana University 1878)
Berry M. Whitaker (Indiana University 1914)
Bruce W. White (Indiana University 1972)
Douglas H. White (Indiana University 1947)
Paul L. White (Indiana University 1914)
Roy E. Whitehead (Indiana University 1917)
Daniel W. Whitmer (Indiana University 1958)
Claude Whitney (Indiana University 1911)
James W. Whonsetler (Indiana University 1949)
Patrick S. Wildman (Indiana University 2011)
Franklin M. Wiles (Indiana University 1879)
John E. Wiley (Indiana University 1885)
James K. Wilhite (Indiana University 1961)
Walter L. Willey (Indiana University 1893)
Heber D. Williams (Indiana University 1920)
Homer W. Williams (Indiana University 1906)
John D. Williams (Indiana University 1958)
Les M. Williams (Indiana University 1965)
Neville V. Williams (Indiana University 1925)
Phillip A. Williams (Indiana University 1983)
Richard C. Williams (Indiana University 1881)
Richard K. Williams (Indiana University 1956)
Robert D. Williams (Indiana University 1919)
Goldsmith G. Williamson (Indiana University 1889)
Frank M. Wilson (Indiana University 1908)
Fred M. Wilson (Indiana University 1909)
James B. Wilson (Indiana University 1893)
Jerry J. Wilson (Indiana University 1953)
Jesse E. Wilson (Indiana University 1895)
Wasson J. Wilson (Indiana University 1926)
Robert H. Wiseheart (Indiana University 1932)
Frederick B. Wishard (Indiana University 1923)
Paul S. Wittenbraker (Indiana University 1933)
Richard D. Wolf (Indiana University 1946)
Ralph Wood (Indiana University 1928)
William A. Wood (Indiana University 1897)
Ethelbert C. Woodburn (Indiana University 1906)
James A. Woodburn (Indiana University 1876)
George W. Woods (Indiana University 1880)
Wilbur Woods (Indiana University 1885)
Michael J. Woschitz (Indiana University 2006)
George G. Wright (Indiana University 1866)
William H. Wright (Indiana University 1924)
Francis E. Wylie (Indiana University 1928)
Laurence W. Wylie (Indiana University 1931)
Lewis I. Wylie (Indiana University 1885)
Robert R. Wylie (Indiana University 1961)
William H. Wylie (Indiana University 1896)
Maurice B. Yarling (Indiana University 1922)
Joseph A. Yocum (Indiana University 1952)
Paul S. Yocum (Indiana University 1948)
Julian H. Youche (Indiana University 1907)
Gaines A. Young (Indiana University 1921)
Lenoir E. Zaiser (Indiana University 1922)
Robert M. Zaiser (Indiana University 1927)
William H. Zaiser (Indiana University 1926)
Robert H. Zankl (Indiana University 1943)
Clarence A. Zaring (Indiana University 1895)
James A. Zaring (Indiana University 1934)
John A. Zaring (Indiana University 1874)
Derek E. Abbott (Iowa State University 1993)
Douglas P. Adams (Iowa State University 1920)
James M. Adams (Iowa State University 1953)
Thomas B. Adams (Iowa State University 1942)
John C. Ahlstrand (Iowa State University 1926)
Phillip M. Ahlstrand (Iowa State University 1932)
Woodworth B. Allen (Iowa State University 1919)
Charles C. Allison (Iowa State University 1922)
David L. Almvig (Iowa State University 1962)
William J. Amend (Iowa State University 1927)
Ronald H. Andersen (Iowa State University 1972)
Donald E. Anderson (Iowa State University 1928)
Frank A. Anderson (Iowa State University 1951)
Lester H. Anderson (Iowa State University 1921)
Lyle K. Anderson (Iowa State University 1931)
Ronald L. Anderson (Iowa State University 1958)
Virgil W. Anderson (Iowa State University 1938)
Earl E. Andrews (Iowa State University 1912)
Verdene W. Anthony (Iowa State University 1931)
Wayne T. Anthony (Iowa State University 1974)
Eldon J. Appling (Iowa State University 1961)
Harry R. Art (Iowa State University 1947)
Alfred Atkinson (Iowa State University 1904)
George W. Avery (Iowa State University 1914)
William F. Avery (Iowa State University 1940)
John C. Bachman (Iowa State University 1966)
Robert E. Bacon (Iowa State University 1960)
Donald M. Bailey (Iowa State University 1921)
William A. Baird (Iowa State University 1943)
Gordon C. Barg (Iowa State University 1953)
William M. Barr (Iowa State University 1915)
Wayne E. Barrett (Iowa State University 1922)
Tim H. Bates (Iowa State University 1972)
Homer C. Batman (Iowa State University 1935)
Clarke B. Beard (Iowa State University 1909)
George A. Beatty (Iowa State University 1937)
John C. Bell (Iowa State University 1949)
Darel A. Bennett (Iowa State University 1960)
Gail Bennett (Iowa State University 1918)
Linton P. Bennett (Iowa State University 1900)
Charles W. Berdo (Iowa State University 1936)
Leroy S. Bergeson (Iowa State University 1946)
Axel E. Berggren (Iowa State University 1908)
Harold D. Bernd (Iowa State University 1928)
Hubert J. Bierman (Iowa State University 1938)
Garth C. Bigbee (Iowa State University 1953)
Charles H. Bippart (Iowa State University 1919)
William B. Bishop Sr. (Iowa State University 1926)
Robert A. Blair (Iowa State University 1903)
Darrell N. Blake (Iowa State University 1930)
Ronald G. Blake (Iowa State University 1960)
Robert M. Bleakly (Iowa State University 1921)
Adolphe F. Bohren (Iowa State University 1924)
Robert L. Boswell (Iowa State University 1945)
Otis W. Bosworth (Iowa State University 1943)
Don J. Bottorff (Iowa State University 1964)
Leonard K. Bourke (Iowa State University 1923)
Marshall R. Bowen (Iowa State University 1906)
Harold O. Boyvey (Iowa State University 1928)
Russell W. Brandt (Iowa State University 1921)
David T. Branson (Iowa State University 1937)
Harold G. Breakenridge (Iowa State University 1920)
William M. Brennan (Iowa State University 1914)
Guy S. Brewer (Iowa State University 1897)
Vernon M. Bridgford (Iowa State University 1920)
Charles T. Bridgman (Iowa State University 1933)
Arthur W. Brott (Iowa State University 1932)
Charles E. Brown (Iowa State University 1907)
Kenneth W. Brown (Iowa State University 1934)
Melvin R. Brown (Iowa State University 1933)
Ralph R. Brubacher (Iowa State University 1909)
Paul F. Bryant (Iowa State University 1945)
James A. Buell (Iowa State University 1905)
Walter E. Buell (Iowa State University 1908)
Leon F. Burmeister (Iowa State University 1964)
Jay Burns (Iowa State University 1921)
Spencer W. Butterfield (Iowa State University 1911)
John H. Call (Iowa State University 1946)
William A. Cameron (Iowa State University 1936)
Joseph C. Campbell (Iowa State University 1940)
Frederic W. Carey (Iowa State University 1925)
J. D. Carpenter (Iowa State University 1965)
John W. Carson (Iowa State University 1928)
H. R. Cassling (Iowa State University 1952)
Robert L. Caswell (Iowa State University 1945)
Leroy C. Chapman (Iowa State University 1951)
Edmund P. Chase (Iowa State University 1913)
Donald C. Clapsaddle (Iowa State University 1946)
William A. Clarey (Iowa State University 1946)
Robert A. Clark (Iowa State University 1932)
Wheaton C. Clark (Iowa State University 1923)
James A. Cochrane (Iowa State University 1944)
Harold B. Cockburn (Iowa State University 1953)
Clifford S. Cody (Iowa State University 1924)
Roland T. Coe (Iowa State University 1927)
Lloyd E. Cole (Iowa State University 1920)
Ralph L. Collett (Iowa State University 1905)
Charles B. Cone (Iowa State University 1935)
Henry E. Cook (Iowa State University 1914)
Orville C. Cook (Iowa State University 1955)
Lawrence A. Coomer (Iowa State University 1929)
Ronald E. Copeland (Iowa State University 1928)
Richard W. Coppage (Iowa State University 1943)
Harold C. Corrance (Iowa State University 1916)
John S. Coye (Iowa State University 1902)
Harry B. Craddick (Iowa State University 1899)
Alva J. Crawford (Iowa State University 1913)
Archibald R. Crawford (Iowa State University 1910)
Newton E. Crawford (Iowa State University 1922)
Harold R. Cunning (Iowa State University 1912)
Donald H. Cunningham (Iowa State University 1908)
Franklin F. Cunningham (Iowa State University 1921)
Jack M. Currie (Iowa State University 1921)
Charles P. Damon (Iowa State University 1939)
Philip E. Damon (Iowa State University 1897)
Frank G. Damuth (Iowa State University 1928)
Preston H. Daniels (Iowa State University 1905)
G. Bradley Davis Jr. (Iowa State University 1955)
William E. Denny (Iowa State University 1921)
Frederick E. Denslow (Iowa State University 1930)
Hale L. Dickerson (Iowa State University 1922)
Robert W. Dillon (Iowa State University 1929)
Thomas C. Donohoe (Iowa State University 1929)
William S. Donovan (Iowa State University 1932)
John L. Dosier (Iowa State University 1957)
Arthur C. Douglas (Iowa State University 1931)
Wayne W. Downing (Iowa State University 1914)
Philip F. Drumm (Iowa State University 1965)
Robert N. Dunkel (Iowa State University 1935)
Gordon F. Dunker (Iowa State University 1952)
Howard P. Dunlap (Iowa State University 1916)
Duane C. Durst (Iowa State University 1922)
George J. Dustin (Iowa State University 1938)
Winthrop K. Dyer (Iowa State University 1912)
William C. Eggers (Iowa State University 1921)
Joseph M. Egloff (Iowa State University 1912)
Donald C. Elder (Iowa State University 1918)
Frederic D. Empkie (Iowa State University 1935)
Allen G. Erdman (Iowa State University 1939)
George C. Ernst (Iowa State University 1927)
George F. Erwin (Iowa State University 1964)
Bruce H. Ewald (Iowa State University 1955)
George E. Farmer (Iowa State University 1909)
William H. Farmer (Iowa State University 1915)
Burkett Farquhar (Iowa State University 1944)
Dee H. Ferrin (Iowa State University 1918)
Walter H. Field (Iowa State University 1944)
Norman H. Filbert (Iowa State University 1949)
Robert W. Fischer (Iowa State University 1951)
Donald E. Fish (Iowa State University 1932)
Herbert H. Fisher (Iowa State University 1924)
Glenn H. Fitch (Iowa State University 1935)
Eugene B. Fitzgerald (Iowa State University 1913)
Donald L. Fitzsimmons (Iowa State University 1950)
William R. Flower (Iowa State University 1916)
Jay C. Ford (Iowa State University 1909)
John H. Ford (Iowa State University 1946)
Philip D. Forde (Iowa State University 1931)
Clare L. Forrester (Iowa State University 1926)
Thomas M. Foster (Iowa State University 1964)
James F. French (Iowa State University 1947)
Leslie R. French (Iowa State University 1909)
Donald B. Frentress (Iowa State University 1954)
Charles W. Fritz (Iowa State University 1963)
Lynn H. Fuhrer (Iowa State University 1931)
Robert B. Gable (Iowa State University 1932)
Robert L. Gardner (Iowa State University 1950)
Louis E. Gartner (Iowa State University 1961)
John M. Gaylord (Iowa State University 1971)
Laurence T. Gaylord (Iowa State University 1900)
Ralph W. Gaylord (Iowa State University 1912)
Sidney W. Gaylord (Iowa State University 1938)
Sidney W. Gaylord (Iowa State University 1945)
Sidney W. Gaylord (Iowa State University 1915)
Joseph J. Geneser (Iowa State University 1913)
John F. Geneva (Iowa State University 1950)
John K. Gessel (Iowa State University 1959)
Fred P. Gilbert Jr. (Iowa State University 1943)
Merrill R. Good (Iowa State University 1928)
M. N. Goodman (Iowa State University 1962)
Paul E. Gorham (Iowa State University 1951)
Edwin Gould (Iowa State University 1923)
Kenneth C. Gray (Iowa State University 1933)
William M. Green (Iowa State University 1907)
Merritt Greene Jr. (Iowa State University 1905)
James C. Greer (Iowa State University 1948)
Arthur W. Griggs (Iowa State University 1938)
Claude I. Grimm (Iowa State University 1907)
David B. Grimm (Iowa State University 1968)
Victor W. Grotlisch (Iowa State University 1945)
Ralph W. Groves (Iowa State University 1913)
Wilfred A. Groves (Iowa State University 1916)
Harry H. Grulke (Iowa State University 1921)
Arthur J. Gude (Iowa State University 1916)
Bradley I. Gurman (Iowa State University 1968)
George W. Guth (Iowa State University 1915)
Laurel M. Hade (Iowa State University 1932)
Ronald W. Hadley (Iowa State University 1927)
Larry A. Hafner (Iowa State University 1975)
Carl H. Haigler (Iowa State University 1932)
Newton Hake (Iowa State University 1922)
John D. Haley (Iowa State University 1949)
Frank E. Hall (Iowa State University 1951)
Raymond F. Hamilton (Iowa State University 1938)
Ralph W. Hanchette (Iowa State University 1911)
David N. Hankinson (Iowa State University 1955)
Harry E. Hansel (Iowa State University 1914)
David J. Hanson (Iowa State University 1976)
Charles B. Hanssen (Iowa State University 1950)
Robert J. Harker (Iowa State University 1943)
George D. Harrell (Iowa State University 1929)
William L. Harris (Iowa State University 1922)
Maurice R. Harrison (Iowa State University 1911)
Walter M. Harrison (Iowa State University 1911)
Gerald C. Hartman (Iowa State University 1958)
Robert B. Hartman (Iowa State University 1929)
Patrick O. Harvey (Iowa State University 1956)
Ralph R. Harvey (Iowa State University 1931)
William W. Harvey (Iowa State University 1935)
Leland N. Haugen (Iowa State University 1923)
Jack H. Hawkins (Iowa State University 1945)
Peter A. Hayes (Iowa State University 1966)
Vearl A. Heater (Iowa State University 1919)
Albin N. Heggen (Iowa State University 1910)
Albin W. Heggen (Iowa State University 1945)
John W. Heiser (Iowa State University 1959)
Harley J. Helm (Iowa State University 1919)
Richard L. Herb (Iowa State University 1956)
Robert L. Hermann (Iowa State University 1945)
R. F. Hess (Iowa State University 1946)
Carl P. Heuck (Iowa State University 1920)
James R. Hildebrand (Iowa State University 1974)
Edwin Hill (Iowa State University 1927)
Sanford C. Hill (Iowa State University 1929)
Arthur G. Hinkley (Iowa State University 1922)
Richard G. Hinkley (Iowa State University 1949)
E. G. Hiscox (Iowa State University 1946)
H. R. Hoak (Iowa State University 1952)
Thomas C. Hoak (Iowa State University 1941)
John W. Hodgson (Iowa State University 1939)
Harvey E. Hoffa (Iowa State University 1930)
Thomas E. Hoffa (Iowa State University 1957)
Dwight E. Holcomb (Iowa State University 1925)
Dewitt P. Holland (Iowa State University 1944)
Donald B. Holland (Iowa State University 1939)
Harold P. Hollingsworth (Iowa State University 1933)
Robert A. Holman (Iowa State University 1955)
Donald E. Holmes (Iowa State University 1914)
Richard B. Holst (Iowa State University 1931)
Karl H. Hopkins (Iowa State University 1915)
Henry S. Houston (Iowa State University 1918)
Richard T. Howard (Iowa State University 1947)
Vernon R. Hudek (Iowa State University 1942)
Andrew A. Hughes (Iowa State University 1951)
Robert R. Hunt (Iowa State University 1941)
Mark R. Hurd (Iowa State University 1954)
Leslie M. Hurt (Iowa State University 1904)
Ivan H. Impson (Iowa State University 1933)
Robert G. Ingwersen (Iowa State University 1923)
John C. Innes (Iowa State University 1957)
Ivan C. Jackson (Iowa State University 1926)
Manly S. Jackson (Iowa State University 1917)
Marion D. Jackson (Iowa State University 1926)
Harold L. Jacobs (Iowa State University 1926)
Olene Jacobson (Iowa State University 1925)
Tanner M. Jacobson (Iowa State University 1925)
Phillip M. James (Iowa State University 1960)
John D. Jay (Iowa State University 1942)
Richard A. Jay (Iowa State University 1939)
Robert B. Jeanson (Iowa State University 1909)
Robert T. Jenni (Iowa State University 1938)
William H. Jennings (Iowa State University 1927)
H. B. Jennings Jr. (Iowa State University 1916)
Irving F. Jensen (Iowa State University 1925)
Allen L. Johns (Iowa State University 1978)
Bernard M. Johnson (Iowa State University 1936)
John R. Johnson (Iowa State University 1941)
Kurt E. Johnson (Iowa State University 1950)
Luther K. Johnson (Iowa State University 1942)
Thomas L. Johnson (Iowa State University 1974)
John W. Johnston (Iowa State University 1907)
Lewis Jolley (Iowa State University 1919)
Gerald S. Jones (Iowa State University 1919)
Glenn C. Jones (Iowa State University 1915)
Richard F. Jordan (Iowa State University 1908)
Herbert H. Kanning (Iowa State University 1935)
Alfred R. Kastman (Iowa State University 1927)
Herbert M. Kay (Iowa State University 1939)
George A. Keefe (Iowa State University 1927)
Vergil M. Kepford (Iowa State University 1945)
Richard M. King (Iowa State University 1936)
Russell F. Kintzley (Iowa State University 1931)
Charles D. Kise (Iowa State University 1936)
Robert L. Klar (Iowa State University 1940)
Eugene D. Kline (Iowa State University 1926)
Lyman C. Knierem (Iowa State University 1925)
Theodore K. Koerner (Iowa State University 1935)
Derral C. Kooser (Iowa State University 1932)
Trumen T. Korns (Iowa State University 1918)
Roy S. Krage (Iowa State University 1921)
Wesley W. Krause (Iowa State University 1982)
James H. Kremers (Iowa State University 1951)
John E. Kremers (Iowa State University 1944)
John F. Kruger (Iowa State University 1956)
N. A. Lamberti (Iowa State University 1946)
Klemme O. Langley (Iowa State University 1917)
Albert J. Lantzky (Iowa State University 1935)
Jordan L. Larson (Iowa State University 1947)
Tom G. Laster (Iowa State University 1945)
George Lennox (Iowa State University 1923)
David Lennox (Iowa State University 1917)
James E. LeRoux (Iowa State University 1952)
Dwight N. Lewis (Iowa State University 1894)
Leonard W. Lichty (Iowa State University 1919)
Thomas H. Little (Iowa State University 1941)
Charles H. Logan (Iowa State University 1974)
Jerome P. Lucey (Iowa State University 1955)
John C. MacAlpine (Iowa State University 1957)
Kirby P. Macdonald (Iowa State University 1956)
Robin W. Macdonald (Iowa State University 1941)
Frank W. Mack (Iowa State University 1907)
Allen C. Mackay (Iowa State University 1919)
Robert H. MacMillan (Iowa State University 1957)
Gordon W. Mahoney (Iowa State University 1923)
Harvey E. Mallory (Iowa State University 1932)
Paul V. Malloy (Iowa State University 1916)
Ralph E. Manns (Iowa State University 1927)
Roger A. Martin (Iowa State University 1931)
Stuart A. Martin (Iowa State University 1959)
Leland A. McBroom (Iowa State University 1914)
Harold A. McCabe (Iowa State University 1922)
George L. McCain (Iowa State University 1909)
Earl McConnell (Iowa State University 1907)
Byron McDonald (Iowa State University 1984)
Roger H. McDonald (Iowa State University 1952)
Warren T. McDonald (Iowa State University 1917)
James B. McLeod (Iowa State University 1940)
Harry A. McMichael (Iowa State University 1913)
Roger L. McMillian (Iowa State University 1969)
James I. McNaught (Iowa State University 1932)
Robert W. McNulty (Iowa State University 1950)
Richard A. McRae (Iowa State University 1955)
Hilton L. McRoberts (Iowa State University 1911)
Harry W. Menold (Iowa State University 1917)
Keith B. Merrill (Iowa State University 1946)
Forrest E. Metz (Iowa State University 1978)
John L. Meyers (Iowa State University 1926)
Thomas P. Meyers (Iowa State University 1963)
Whitney Meyers (Iowa State University 1931)
Ronald F. Middlebrook (Iowa State University 1958)
Halbert J. Mighell (Iowa State University 1914)
Adam E. Miller (Iowa State University 1936)
Paul B. Miller (Iowa State University 1906)
Terrell V. Miller (Iowa State University 1935)
Wallace V. Miller (Iowa State University 1932)
Jack W. Mishler (Iowa State University 1946)
J. Lithgow Mitchell (Iowa State University 1913)
David L. Modine (Iowa State University 1960)
Donald L. Moline (Iowa State University 1961)
John F. Montgomery (Iowa State University 1932)
G. F. Moore (Iowa State University 1935)
William N. Moore (Iowa State University 1916)
Jerry J. Moorhead (Iowa State University 1952)
Clarence W. Morean (Iowa State University 1913)
William T. Morin (Iowa State University 1916)
James H. Morrison (Iowa State University 1921)
Hamilton H. Morrow (Iowa State University 1928)
David B. Mortimer (Iowa State University 1967)
Frank A. Mosher (Iowa State University 1913)
Philip H. Mounts (Iowa State University 1939)
Ted L. Mullen (Iowa State University 1954)
John A. Munson (Iowa State University 1943)
George C. Murnan (Iowa State University 1929)
John H. Murphy (Iowa State University 1933)
Noble E. Naugle (Iowa State University 1946)
Donald B. Nelson (Iowa State University 1946)
James C. Nelson (Iowa State University 1913)
Robert B. Nelson (Iowa State University 1943)
William Nelson (Iowa State University 1962)
Harold C. Neumann (Iowa State University 1945)
Harold C. Neumann (Iowa State University 1911)
Oscar D. Neumann (Iowa State University 1915)
Walter N. Neumann (Iowa State University 1939)
John Newman (Iowa State University 1913)
Donald L. Nickerson (Iowa State University 1949)
John P. Norman (Iowa State University 1938)
Joseph L. Norman (Iowa State University 1934)
Melvin E. Norman (Iowa State University 1918)
Wayne A. Norman (Iowa State University 1942)
Erwin F. Northey (Iowa State University 1914)
Everett W. Northrop (Iowa State University 1920)
Albert J. O'Rourke (Iowa State University 1928)
John B. O'Rourke (Iowa State University 1914)
Richard W. Osborne (Iowa State University 1942)
George F. Osten (Iowa State University 1935)
Wilber W. Otto (Iowa State University 1903)
Curtis G. Ouren (Iowa State University 1925)
William H. Ouren (Iowa State University 1933)
D. W. Palmer (Iowa State University 1962)
John C. Parrott (Iowa State University 1943)
Ben F. Parsons (Iowa State University 1907)
Roger E. Patrick (Iowa State University 1920)
Ernest A. Pattengill (Iowa State University 1897)
Merle C. Patton (Iowa State University 1908)
Todd J. Patton (Iowa State University 1905)
Theodore F. Paulson (Iowa State University 1943)
Jerrold Peace (Iowa State University 1949)
Frank D. Pearce (Iowa State University 1914)
Richard A. Pecaut (Iowa State University 1952)
George A. Peirce (Iowa State University 1921)
Graydon Peoples (Iowa State University 1943)
Eugene D. Perry (Iowa State University 1898)
Ronald O. Peterson (Iowa State University 1949)
William B. Peterson (Iowa State University 1924)
Gregory A. Petkus (Iowa State University 1965)
Hans C. Pfund (Iowa State University 1913)
John E. Phillips (Iowa State University 1944)
Milo L. Phillips (Iowa State University 1941)
Fred A. Pielsticker (Iowa State University 1904)
Clarence D. Platt (Iowa State University 1919)
John W. Porter (Iowa State University 1915)
Ralph D. Powell (Iowa State University 1919)
Gordon R. Prentice (Iowa State University 1955)
Donald E. Protz (Iowa State University 1929)
Philip L. Pryor (Iowa State University 1930)
Robert A. Ratner (Iowa State University 1949)
Gregg R. Rauch (Iowa State University 1975)
Richard B. Raynolds (Iowa State University 1924)
Herbert W. Read (Iowa State University 1928)
Paul E. Reasoner (Iowa State University 1943)
Frank P. Reed (Iowa State University 1934)
John E. Reichard (Iowa State University 1966)
Harry J. Renken (Iowa State University 1914)
Charles W. Rhodes (Iowa State University 1924)
Joseph H. Richards (Iowa State University 1920)
Albert E. Richardson (Iowa State University 1940)
Hugh M. Richardson (Iowa State University 1931)
Charles M. Ried (Iowa State University 1952)
Harold E. Rist (Iowa State University 1919)
Mervin R. Robbins (Iowa State University 1953)
Glenn E. Rogers (Iowa State University 1912)
Roy C. Rogers (Iowa State University 1949)
Dossa E. Rohrer (Iowa State University 1910)
Daniel N. Rouse (Iowa State University 1990)
Benjamin E. Ruef (Iowa State University 1937)
William A. Ruffner (Iowa State University 1947)
Dudley E. Ruisch (Iowa State University 1950)
Robert H. Rundberg (Iowa State University 1930)
William E. Rush (Iowa State University 1944)
J. B. Rust (Iowa State University 1929)
Harry O. Sampson (Iowa State University 1904)
Charles F. Sanborn (Iowa State University 1917)
G. C. Sanborn (Iowa State University 1911)
Maynard L. Sandell (Iowa State University 1928)
Clifford V. Scantlebury (Iowa State University 1940)
Louis W. Schalk (Iowa State University 1919)
Thomas G. Schalk (Iowa State University 1956)
Robert P. Schenk (Iowa State University 1946)
Mark S. Schipper (Iowa State University 1978)
Neal B. Schleisman (Iowa State University 1990)
Carl C. Schliffke (Iowa State University 1937)
Robert W. Schloeman (Iowa State University 1956)
Harry J. Schmidt (Iowa State University 1925)
Donald B. Schwenn (Iowa State University 1955)
Harold B. Schweppe (Iowa State University 1929)
Gerald L. Scott (Iowa State University 1949)
Raymond E. Secor (Iowa State University 1921)
Richard E. Secor (Iowa State University 1952)
Karl D. Seeberger (Iowa State University 1910)
Daniel R. Seidell (Iowa State University 1942)
Herbert A. Seidell (Iowa State University 1918)
Frederick M. Seidell (Iowa State University 1914)
William I. Shanor (Iowa State University 1933)
Harry L. Shepard (Iowa State University 1921)
William T. Sherman (Iowa State University 1944)
John C. Shields (Iowa State University 1961)
Trajan A. Shipley (Iowa State University 1923)
John L. Shugarrt (Iowa State University 1916)
David L. Shugart (Iowa State University 1946)
John L. Shugart (Iowa State University 1952)
Walter F. Simmelink (Iowa State University 1943)
Paul M. Simmons (Iowa State University 1911)
Ernest W. Smillie (Iowa State University 1916)
Douglas H. Smith (Iowa State University 1951)
George A. Smith (Iowa State University 1899)
Gordon R. Smith (Iowa State University 1959)
Keith B. Smith (Iowa State University 1977)
Stephen G. Sontag (Iowa State University 1967)
Wallace E. Sorensen (Iowa State University 1952)
Elwyn B. Spear (Iowa State University 1933)
David H. Spencer (Iowa State University 1939)
Earl P. Spencer (Iowa State University 1975)
Walter A. Spencer (Iowa State University 1941)
Gerald D. Sperry (Iowa State University 1938)
Burle H. Spooner (Iowa State University 1919)
Don Springer (Iowa State University 1960)
David A. Steel (Iowa State University 1972)
Washburn W. Steele (Iowa State University 1945)
Allen C. Stelle (Iowa State University 1908)
Carl A. Stewart (Iowa State University 1913)
Earnest D. Stivers (Iowa State University 1901)
Oscar R. Stokka (Iowa State University 1947)
Robert J. Stotz (Iowa State University 1939)
Lee H. Straight (Iowa State University 1933)
Robert M. Stuart (Iowa State University 1938)
George W. Stutsman (Iowa State University 1917)
Avery H. Sulis (Iowa State University 1910)
Robert M. Swanson (Iowa State University 1956)
Donald I. Swarts (Iowa State University 1927)
John Q. Swift (Iowa State University 1944)
Carlton P. Swiler (Iowa State University 1920)
William L. Talbot (Iowa State University 1939)
Kenneth W. Tapscott (Iowa State University 1967)
Robert L. Taylor (Iowa State University 1947)
Edwin E. Teach (Iowa State University 1935)
Rudolph E. Tegland (Iowa State University 1930)
Lorren C. Textrum (Iowa State University 1927)
Jack C. Tholl (Iowa State University 1952)
R. L. Thomas (Iowa State University 1945)
Richard A. Thomas (Iowa State University 1954)
Albert G. Thomson (Iowa State University 1932)
Arthur E. Thomson (Iowa State University 1951)
Ralph L. Thomson (Iowa State University 1933)
Robert G. Thomson (Iowa State University 1956)
J. G. Tilden (Iowa State University 1894)
Byron V. Toot (Iowa State University 1959)
Edwin R. Townsend (Iowa State University 1897)
Thomas J. Trafals (Iowa State University 1965)
Dudley S. Triplett (Iowa State University 1930)
James E. Triplett (Iowa State University 1956)
Frederick P. Turner (Iowa State University 1951)
Robert M. Underhill (Iowa State University 1925)
Eldon L. Usry (Iowa State University 1904)
Gerald T. Vance (Iowa State University 1936)
Russell W. Vance (Iowa State University 1941)
Ralph H. Vankeuren (Iowa State University 1913)
John E. Vanliew (Iowa State University 1899)
Chandler L. von Schrader (Iowa State University 1946)
Layson W. Voorhees (Iowa State University 1929)
John R. Voreis (Iowa State University 1967)
Gary C. Vrba (Iowa State University 1977)
Charles A. Wagner (Iowa State University 1912)
Daniel A. Wallace (Iowa State University 1901)
David P. Wallace (Iowa State University 1910)
Meredith F. Warner (Iowa State University 1945)
Raymond W. Wells (Iowa State University 1942)
Edmund C. West (Iowa State University 1910)
Nelson E. Wheaton (Iowa State University 1962)
Gerald W. Wicks (Iowa State University 1978)
William C. Wieters (Iowa State University 1951)
Byron L. Wilcox (Iowa State University 1922)
Carroll H. Wilcox (Iowa State University 1929)
Thomas H. Wiles (Iowa State University 1950)
Roger J. Willenburg (Iowa State University 1964)
Fred L. Williams (Iowa State University 1921)
George H. Williamson (Iowa State University 1929)
Richard A. Willis (Iowa State University 1921)
Edwin J. Wilson (Iowa State University 1915)
James W. Wilson (Iowa State University 1951)
Henry S. Wormhoudt (Iowa State University 1916)
John H. Wormhoudt (Iowa State University 1939)
Phillip E. Wright (Iowa State University 1950)
Warren L. Wright (Iowa State University 1926)
William R. Wright (Iowa State University 1910)
Arthur H. Wyman (Iowa State University 1906)
John W. Wyman (Iowa State University 1924)
William H. Yancey (Iowa State University 1929)
Willard G. Young (Iowa State University 1927)
William C. Ziebell (Iowa State University 1951)
Carl H. Zinn (Iowa State University 1913)
John Boehm (Jacksonville University 1983)
James W. Collins (Jacksonville University 1987)
Erik J. Edenholm (Jacksonville University 1988)
Christopher E. McAdams (Jacksonville University 1984)
Craig M. Munsen (Jacksonville University 1988)
Robert K. Shafer (Jacksonville University 1988)
Justin A. Angel (James Madison University 2017)
Steven A. Underhill (James Madison University 2017)
Matthew N. Zolotor (James Madison University 1999)
Ronald T. Abercrombie (Johns Hopkins University 1900)
George S. Aburn (Johns Hopkins University 1950)
Clarence T. Adams (Johns Hopkins University 1924)
Raymond E. Adolph (Johns Hopkins University 1955)
Anthony J. Alfano (Johns Hopkins University 1961)
Gilbert H. Alford (Johns Hopkins University 1931)
Richard C. Algie (Johns Hopkins University 1930)
Edward D. Allen (Johns Hopkins University 1923)
Robert G. Allen (Johns Hopkins University 1949)
T. W. Allen (Johns Hopkins University 1919)
Robert A. Anderson (Johns Hopkins University 1939)
Paul W. Bachman (Johns Hopkins University 1923)
Ridgely W. Baer (Johns Hopkins University 1916)
Philip L. Baetcke (Johns Hopkins University 1930)
Charles F. Bahlke (Johns Hopkins University 1934)
Newton D. Baker (Johns Hopkins University 1892)
Bernard B. Bandel (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
John M. Bandel (Johns Hopkins University 1901)
Peter Banker (Johns Hopkins University 1957)
Bruce C. Barger (Johns Hopkins University 1949)
Robert E. Barger (Johns Hopkins University 1945)
Alfred W. Barry (Johns Hopkins University 1948)
Thomas R. Bartlett (Johns Hopkins University 1935)
Finis T. Bates (Johns Hopkins University 1925)
E. C. Baugher (Johns Hopkins University 1896)
Joseph S. Bean (Johns Hopkins University 1946)
Thomas M. Beck (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
Motier Becque (Johns Hopkins University 1951)
William Becque (Johns Hopkins University 1948)
Jesse L. Bennett (Johns Hopkins University 1904)
B. F. Bennett (Johns Hopkins University 1934)
C. E. Besore (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
Otis M. Besore (Johns Hopkins University 1927)
Carroll D. Bird (Johns Hopkins University 1960)
Charles W. Black (Johns Hopkins University 1951)
Frederick C. Blanck (Johns Hopkins University 1903)
Walter L. Blanck (Johns Hopkins University 1907)
John F. Bledsoe (Johns Hopkins University 1931)
Paul Bobick (Johns Hopkins University 1946)
Donald A. Bolton (Johns Hopkins University 1928)
Joseph B. Bond (Johns Hopkins University 1933)
Richard T. Bowie (Johns Hopkins University 1938)
Thomas S. Bowyer (Johns Hopkins University 1961)
J. C. Boyd (Johns Hopkins University 1927)
Russell R. Brandon (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
Joseph Y. Brattan III (Johns Hopkins University 1955)
Howard L. Briggs (Johns Hopkins University 1924)
James V. Brooks (Johns Hopkins University 1917)
Lucien N. Brush (Johns Hopkins University 1980)
Donald R. Buckey (Johns Hopkins University 1949)
Harry C. Burgan (Johns Hopkins University 1911)
John K. Burgan (Johns Hopkins University 1912)
John S. Burgan (Johns Hopkins University 1952)
Harry C. Burgan (Johns Hopkins University 1954)
Robert B. Burgess (Johns Hopkins University 1956)
Alan H. Burns (Johns Hopkins University 1949)
Horace Burrough (Johns Hopkins University 1918)
Robert S. Byron (Johns Hopkins University 1953)
William E. Caldwell (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
Robert M. Cameron (Johns Hopkins University 1975)
Edward C. Campbell (Johns Hopkins University 1929)
Gary T. Campbell (Johns Hopkins University 1968)
George L. Carey (Johns Hopkins University 1948)
William J. Carroll (Johns Hopkins University 1951)
Harry J. Casey (Johns Hopkins University 1948)
Howard Cassard (Johns Hopkins University 1894)
J. H. Chambers (Johns Hopkins University 1948)
Thomas R. Chambers (Johns Hopkins University 1905)
William G. Characklis (Johns Hopkins University 1964)
Pearre C. Chase (Johns Hopkins University 1943)
William N. Chenoweth (Johns Hopkins University 1946)
Alan D. Chesney (Johns Hopkins University 1945)
Alan M. Chesney (Johns Hopkins University 1908)
Robert W. Chesney (Johns Hopkins University 1944)
W. C. Chesnut (Johns Hopkins University 1892)
Julian N. Childs (Johns Hopkins University 1928)
Theodore L. Chisholm (Johns Hopkins University 1919)
Henry A. Ciccarone (Johns Hopkins University 1962)
John R. Ciliberti (Johns Hopkins University 1965)
Arthur E. Clark (Johns Hopkins University 1935)
Jack G. Clark (Johns Hopkins University 1945)
John H. Clark (Johns Hopkins University 1931)
George M. Clarke (Johns Hopkins University 1898)
Edmund B. Clary (Johns Hopkins University 1911)
Richard G. Coblentz (Johns Hopkins University 1950)
Stewart N. Collenberg (Johns Hopkins University 1935)
William W. Coon (Johns Hopkins University 1946)
John C. Corckran (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
Victor E. Cornett (Johns Hopkins University 1952)
John W. Corning (Johns Hopkins University 1894)
Brian T. Cosgrove (Johns Hopkins University 2002)
John D. Coulter (Johns Hopkins University 1975)
Earl V. Cross (Johns Hopkins University 1939)
Robert V. Cross (Johns Hopkins University 1943)
Marvin Crout (Johns Hopkins University 1923)
Lester H. Crowther Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1955)
Timothy P. Cullinan (Johns Hopkins University 1977)
John N. Curlett (Johns Hopkins University 1928)
James H. Dallam (Johns Hopkins University 1921)
George L. Darley (Johns Hopkins University 1924)
John W. Darley (Johns Hopkins University 1917)
John A. Darre (Johns Hopkins University 1992)
John L. Dashiells (Johns Hopkins University 1965)
L. W. Davis (Johns Hopkins University 1928)
Stephen E. Dawson (Johns Hopkins University 1987)
David E. Day (Johns Hopkins University 1918)
Thomas G. Dean (Johns Hopkins University 1957)
Frederick T. DeCock (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
Francis M. Defandorf (Johns Hopkins University 1920)
John L. Defandorf (Johns Hopkins University 1917)
George L. Deichmann (Johns Hopkins University 1921)
Talbot Denmead (Johns Hopkins University 1900)
James P. Detweiler (Johns Hopkins University 1957)
John DeWitt (Johns Hopkins University 1915)
Edmund D. V. Dickey (Johns Hopkins University 1904)
Edward C. Diffenderffer (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
Lewis A. Dill (Johns Hopkins University 1905)
Earl E. Donaldson (Johns Hopkins University 1925)
John C. Doub (Johns Hopkins University 1941)
Howard W. Doughty (Johns Hopkins University 1893)
Howard B. Dowell (Johns Hopkins University 1893)
Bruce E. Drakopel (Johns Hopkins University 1966)
William B. Draper (Johns Hopkins University 1926)
Christian A. Dresch (Johns Hopkins University 1939)
John F. Duke Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1949)
Robert E. Duke (Johns Hopkins University 1945)
Charles A. Dunning (Johns Hopkins University 1937)
H. A. Brown Dunning Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1931)
J. F. Dunning (Johns Hopkins University 1924)
James W. Easter (Johns Hopkins University 1912)
John H. Edmondson (Johns Hopkins University 1893)
William W. Edmondson (Johns Hopkins University 1897)
Charles K. Edmunds (Johns Hopkins University 1897)
L. H. Eichelberger (Johns Hopkins University 1907)
Dumont F. Elmendorf Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1945)
Joseph T. England (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
John H. Ensey (Johns Hopkins University 1941)
G. G. Everngam (Johns Hopkins University 1939)
Arthur E. Ewens (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
John C. Fahey (Johns Hopkins University 1939)
Glover P. Fallon (Johns Hopkins University 1923)
Francis G. Farinholt (Johns Hopkins University 1929)
Larkin H. Farinholt (Johns Hopkins University 1927)
Leroy Whiting Farinholt Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1931)
Joseph P. Ferrigan (Johns Hopkins University 1931)
Abiathar W. Field (Johns Hopkins University 1907)
Ferdinand C. Fisher (Johns Hopkins University 1899)
Robert S. Fisher (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
James W. Flack (Johns Hopkins University 1927)
Louis E. Flaig (Johns Hopkins University 1972)
Spencer Flournoy (Johns Hopkins University 1944)
Lewis H. Ford (Johns Hopkins University 1949)
Arthur D. Foster (Johns Hopkins University 1893)
Frederick Foster (Johns Hopkins University 1900)
R. Carll Foster (Johns Hopkins University 1895)
Hubert W. Fowle (Johns Hopkins University 1917)
Alan E. Freeland (Johns Hopkins University 1961)
John C. French (Johns Hopkins University 1899)
Boyd G. Frey (Johns Hopkins University 1938)
Edgar G. Frey (Johns Hopkins University 1940)
Joseph G. Frey (Johns Hopkins University 1933)
Walter A. Frey (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
John W. Frisch (Johns Hopkins University 1919)
Paul T. Frisch (Johns Hopkins University 1929)
Norman E. Fryer Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1935)
Charles C. Gaddess (Johns Hopkins University 1900)
George W. Gail (Johns Hopkins University 1912)
David S. Gaillard (Johns Hopkins University 1945)
James D. Gallagher (Johns Hopkins University 1895)
Guy F. Garman (Johns Hopkins University 1944)
Paul J. Gebelein (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
John R. Gemmill (Johns Hopkins University 1899)
John B. Ghio (Johns Hopkins University 1901)
Oscar W. Giese (Johns Hopkins University 1927)
Gustav D. Gieske (Johns Hopkins University 1925)
George H. Gillelan (Johns Hopkins University 1939)
Horace C. Gillespie (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
Richard F. Glancy (Johns Hopkins University 1984)
George M. Glazier (Johns Hopkins University 1929)
Joseph U. Goldsborough (Johns Hopkins University 1949)
William G. Gressitt (Johns Hopkins University 1920)
Paul M. Griber (Johns Hopkins University 1950)
John C. Griffin (Johns Hopkins University 1951)
Robert H. Grimes (Johns Hopkins University 1899)
Michael Guido (Johns Hopkins University 1989)
Robert K. Gustafson (Johns Hopkins University 1922)
Robert L. Hacker (Johns Hopkins University 1971)
Wilson R. Haines (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
F. L. Harbin (Johns Hopkins University 1944)
Wilton C. Harden (Johns Hopkins University 1922)
Steven C. Harry (Johns Hopkins University 1894)
Frank W. Hasson (Johns Hopkins University 1916)
Edward J. Hatfield (Johns Hopkins University 1936)
Charles C. Hazell (Johns Hopkins University 1926)
Franklin Hazlehurst (Johns Hopkins University 1903)
William H. Headington (Johns Hopkins University 1911)
Cyril H. Hebrank (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
Charles E. Heidenreich Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1961)
George Helfrich (Johns Hopkins University 1929)
George W. Helfrich (Johns Hopkins University 1957)
J. Russell Herman (Johns Hopkins University 1952)
Max F. Hersey (Johns Hopkins University 1938)
Charles W. Heyn (Johns Hopkins University 1933)
Robert E. Heyn (Johns Hopkins University 1926)
Joseph S. Hill (Johns Hopkins University 1906)
Malcolm W. Hill (Johns Hopkins University 1896)
William B. Hill (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
N. A. Hill (Johns Hopkins University 1938)
Charles B. F. Hines (Johns Hopkins University 1927)
Ernest H. Hinrichs (Johns Hopkins University 1914)
Paul C. Hinrichs (Johns Hopkins University 1920)
John E. Hinrichs (Johns Hopkins University 1915)
Henry W. Hiss (Johns Hopkins University 1905)
Rudolph G. Hobelmann (Johns Hopkins University 1933)
David T. Hochberg (Johns Hopkins University 1958)
Robert G. Hoffman (Johns Hopkins University 1918)
William C. Hoffman (Johns Hopkins University 1922)
William E. Hoffman (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
Thurmer C. Hoggard (Johns Hopkins University 1898)
James E. Holmes (Johns Hopkins University 1912)
Richmond B. Holmes (Johns Hopkins University 1920)
John D. Hoover (Johns Hopkins University 1962)
Frederic C. Howe (Johns Hopkins University 1892)
Roger Howell (Johns Hopkins University 1914)
Harry H. Hubner (Johns Hopkins University 1895)
William R. Hubner (Johns Hopkins University 1898)
George H. Hughes (Johns Hopkins University 1929)
Thomas Hughes (Johns Hopkins University 1941)
Edward O. Hulburt (Johns Hopkins University 1911)
Charles V. Hummel (Johns Hopkins University 1915)
Albert R. Hunt (Johns Hopkins University 1934)
John F. Hunter (Johns Hopkins University 1907)
Warren B. Hunting (Johns Hopkins University 1907)
Horace W. Hurley (Johns Hopkins University 1945)
Nathan D. Hynson (Johns Hopkins University 1891)
Charles Ingram (Johns Hopkins University 1901)
James E. Ingram (Johns Hopkins University 1896)
John L. Jackson (Johns Hopkins University 1905)
Lloyd L. Jackson (Johns Hopkins University 1893)
Sanford S. Jenkins (Johns Hopkins University 1953)
D. Mead Johnson (Johns Hopkins University 1936)
Arthur F. Jones (Johns Hopkins University 1929)
Robert G. Jones (Johns Hopkins University 1951)
Robert H. Jones (Johns Hopkins University 1898)
Charles H. Jones Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1925)
Thomas M. Kampfmueller (Johns Hopkins University 1948)
Lester S. Kauffman (Johns Hopkins University 1920)
George A. Kay (Johns Hopkins University 1957)
Albert Keidel (Johns Hopkins University 1899)
Caleb R. Kelly (Johns Hopkins University 1933)
Donaldson N. Kelly (Johns Hopkins University 1934)
Lawrence J. Kelly (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
Charles M. Kelly (Johns Hopkins University 1937)
William W. Kenny (Johns Hopkins University 1940)
Linton E. Kilmon Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1958)
Hadley S. King (Johns Hopkins University 1927)
Rowland E. King (Johns Hopkins University 1957)
David Kinley (Johns Hopkins University 1892)
Roger K. Klaesius (Johns Hopkins University 1959)
George Y. Klinefelter (Johns Hopkins University 1924)
William E. Klinefelter (Johns Hopkins University 1948)
Robert W. Knadler (Johns Hopkins University 1947)
Walter F. Kneip Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
Donald Knipp (Johns Hopkins University 1924)
Howard F. Knipp (Johns Hopkins University 1920)
John C. Knipp (Johns Hopkins University 1916)
John C. Knipp (Johns Hopkins University 1945)
Elmer P. Kohler (Johns Hopkins University 1892)
Edward B. Kolb (Johns Hopkins University 1929)
Harold S. Kolmer (Johns Hopkins University 1944)
Wilbur H. G. Kouk (Johns Hopkins University 1952)
Joshua A. Kuhlman (Johns Hopkins University 2009)
Nicholas G. Lagakos (Johns Hopkins University 1947)
Theodore Lamson (Johns Hopkins University 1895)
John D. Langeluttig (Johns Hopkins University 1962)
Harry V. Langeluttig (Johns Hopkins University 1956)
Quintus A. Langstaff (Johns Hopkins University 1950)
Thomas W. Lapwing (Johns Hopkins University 1950)
Robert T. Layfield (Johns Hopkins University 1918)
Maurice Lazenby (Johns Hopkins University 1899)
Richard A. Leavell (Johns Hopkins University 1948)
Lewis G. Lederer (Johns Hopkins University 1915)
Henry A. Lederer (Johns Hopkins University 1921)
Christian A. Lentz (Johns Hopkins University 1919)
William Lentz (Johns Hopkins University 1917)
J. V. Lewis (Johns Hopkins University 1894)
Sweetser Linthicum (Johns Hopkins University 1931)
Frederick W. Lipps (Johns Hopkins University 1922)
Richard E. Litzau (Johns Hopkins University 1954)
Henry L. Lloyd (Johns Hopkins University 1904)
Malcolm M. Lloyd (Johns Hopkins University 1994)
Robert C. Lloyd (Johns Hopkins University 1943)
Richard E. Looby (Johns Hopkins University 1947)
Henry C. Louis (Johns Hopkins University 1904)
Roy J. Lukanitsch (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
Carl V. Lynch (Johns Hopkins University 1914)
Edmund C. Lynch (Johns Hopkins University 1907)
Donald R. Macaulay (Johns Hopkins University 1928)
Peter S. Macaulay (Johns Hopkins University 1923)
Ross G. Macaulay (Johns Hopkins University 1950)
Robert A. MacCool (Johns Hopkins University 1970)
William D. MacCool (Johns Hopkins University 1964)
William R. Mace Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1944)
John C. MacGill (Johns Hopkins University 1936)
Robert H. MacGill (Johns Hopkins University 1944)
Ralph MacMurray (Johns Hopkins University 1962)
John B. MacNab Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1943)
Russell F. Maddren (Johns Hopkins University 1909)
William H. Maddren (Johns Hopkins University 1897)
John W. Magee (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
Harry P. Makel (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
Hertel P. Makel (Johns Hopkins University 1911)
John H. Marchant (Johns Hopkins University 1923)
John Marshall (Johns Hopkins University 1933)
Thomas H. Marshall (Johns Hopkins University 1935)
Ernest G. Martin (Johns Hopkins University 1904)
Malcolm Marty (Johns Hopkins University 1919)
Thomas Massey (Johns Hopkins University 1945)
William H. Matthai (Johns Hopkins University 1904)
Raymond U. May (Johns Hopkins University 1957)
Robert L. McAll (Johns Hopkins University 1930)
H. D. McCarty (Johns Hopkins University 1937)
Henry C. McComas (Johns Hopkins University 1897)
Charles P. McCormick (Johns Hopkins University 1919)
Hugh P. McCormick (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
William W. McDowell (Johns Hopkins University 1953)
Emmett F. McGee Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1981)
Michael J. McGovern (Johns Hopkins University 1983)
Samuel M. McKenney (Johns Hopkins University 1914)
John D. McLaren (Johns Hopkins University 1891)
Francis H. McMullan (Johns Hopkins University 1944)
W. B. McPherson (Johns Hopkins University 1931)
Norman C. Melvin (Johns Hopkins University 1939)
James Merriken (Johns Hopkins University 1933)
Milton H. Mettee (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
Charles F. Meyer (Johns Hopkins University 1906)
Ferdinand Meyer (Johns Hopkins University 1919)
Michael A. Mikkelsen (Johns Hopkins University 1892)
Liugi P. C. Minetto Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1968)
J. Broadus Mitchell (Johns Hopkins University 1918)
Carl T. Moore (Johns Hopkins University 1949)
Edward L. Moreland (Johns Hopkins University 1905)
Phillip S. Morgan (Johns Hopkins University 1899)
Henry H. Morriss (Johns Hopkins University 1920)
Alfred B. Morton (Johns Hopkins University 1911)
William H. Mullikin (Johns Hopkins University 1894)
George C. Mullinix (Johns Hopkins University 1950)
George W. Murgatroyd Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1939)
Lyman C. Murphy (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
Thomas A. Murphy (Johns Hopkins University 1946)
Ralph D. Natale (Johns Hopkins University 1955)
Lawrence A. Naylor (Johns Hopkins University 1897)
Frank D. Naylor (Johns Hopkins University 1937)
Norman C. Nicholson (Johns Hopkins University 1915)
Robert J. Nicholson (Johns Hopkins University 1928)
Arthur M. Niner (Johns Hopkins University 1927)
William A. Nitze (Johns Hopkins University 1894)
Louis S. Nixdorff (Johns Hopkins University 1928)
Fred E. Norman (Johns Hopkins University 1948)
Philip E. Nuttle (Johns Hopkins University 1928)
Charles J. Odend'Hal (Johns Hopkins University 1906)
John D. O'Neill (Johns Hopkins University 1961)
Charles E. Orth Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1935)
Roger W. Owen (Johns Hopkins University 1928)
Edmund R. Paige (Johns Hopkins University 1920)
Frank H. Pardew (Johns Hopkins University 1951)
Philip M. Parthemore (Johns Hopkins University 1967)
John P. Pepper (Johns Hopkins University 1918)
Thomas P. Petraska (Johns Hopkins University 1960)
Donald R. Pfarr (Johns Hopkins University 1952)
Charles E. Phelps (Johns Hopkins University 1893)
Frank H. Phelps (Johns Hopkins University 1897)
John Phelps (Johns Hopkins University 1894)
George E. Pickering (Johns Hopkins University 1913)
Edward M. Pickford (Johns Hopkins University 1922)
William T. Pierce (Johns Hopkins University 1927)
Thomas C. Pinkerton (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
William D. Pinkerton (Johns Hopkins University 1906)
Thomas C. Plummer (Johns Hopkins University 1948)
William M. Ponder (Johns Hopkins University 1936)
William G. Porter (Johns Hopkins University 1944)
Robert F. Powell (Johns Hopkins University 1934)
William R. Price (Johns Hopkins University 1938)
Arthur C. Primrose (Johns Hopkins University 1916)
John H. Purnell (Johns Hopkins University 1894)
Gordon H. Puryear MD (Johns Hopkins University 1953)
Robert D. Rae (Johns Hopkins University 1988)
Karl H. Ramsburg (Johns Hopkins University 1891)
Thomas A. Ray (Johns Hopkins University 1945)
E. G. Riley (Johns Hopkins University 1934)
Harrison Robins (Johns Hopkins University 1941)
Charles A. Robinson (Johns Hopkins University 1903)
James J. Robinson (Johns Hopkins University 1954)
John A. Robinson (Johns Hopkins University 1895)
William K. Robinson (Johns Hopkins University 1896)
Carey P. Rogers (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
James B. Rogers (Johns Hopkins University 1961)
Norman Rogers (Johns Hopkins University 1896)
Thomas H. Rogers (Johns Hopkins University 1921)
C. S. Romedy (Johns Hopkins University 1953)
Edward A. Ross (Johns Hopkins University 1892)
John R. Royster (Johns Hopkins University 1938)
Harry W. Rudel (Johns Hopkins University 1945)
James S. Russell (Johns Hopkins University 1943)
Thomas Russell (Johns Hopkins University 1934)
Edward H. Sadtler (Johns Hopkins University 1934)
William W. Schaefer (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
Charles P. Scheffenacker (Johns Hopkins University 1928)
Ernest G. Schmeisser (Johns Hopkins University 1903)
Gerhard L. Schmeisser (Johns Hopkins University 1912)
Harry C. Schmeisser (Johns Hopkins University 1908)
William C. Schmeisser (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
Austin F. Schmidt III (Johns Hopkins University 1962)
M. R. Schmidt (Johns Hopkins University 1906)
Edwin H. Schorer (Johns Hopkins University 1906)
Frederick J. Schroeder (Johns Hopkins University 1956)
Homer R. Schwartz (Johns Hopkins University 1964)
William Schwarz (Johns Hopkins University 1928)
Robert H. Scott (Johns Hopkins University 1952)
Morgan S. Seal (Johns Hopkins University 1945)
Julian D. Sears (Johns Hopkins University 1913)
Richard H. Seth (Johns Hopkins University 1948)
William G. Seyboth (Johns Hopkins University 1967)
Floyd E. Shaffer (Johns Hopkins University 1947)
Donald R. Sharretts (Johns Hopkins University 1929)
Kenneth C. Sharretts (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
Robert B. Shawn (Johns Hopkins University 1954)
Oliver D. Shepard (Johns Hopkins University 1950)
Joseph A. Shields Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1961)
Robert G. Shirley (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
Stuart W. Shore (Johns Hopkins University 1952)
James W. Shufelt (Johns Hopkins University 1955)
David M. Shuter (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
Henry P. Shuter (Johns Hopkins University 1897)
Charles E. Simpson (Johns Hopkins University 1936)
Quentin D. Singewald (Johns Hopkins University 1920)
Gibson E. Sisco (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
William K. Skilling (Johns Hopkins University 1905)
Earl E. Slaybaugh (Johns Hopkins University 1956)
John A. Slemons (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
Josiah M. Slemons (Johns Hopkins University 1897)
Albert V. Smith (Johns Hopkins University 1921)
F. J. Smith (Johns Hopkins University 1909)
M. W. Smith (Johns Hopkins University 1947)
Randolph Smith (Johns Hopkins University 1917)
William C. Smith (Johns Hopkins University 1906)
B. H. Smith (Johns Hopkins University 1906)
Nicholas M. Smith Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1922)
Robert T. Smith (Johns Hopkins University 1901)
Joseph W. Sokolowski (Johns Hopkins University 1989)
Morris A. Soper (Johns Hopkins University 1893)
Edwin M. Spencer (Johns Hopkins University 1901)
Samuel H. Spragins (Johns Hopkins University 1897)
Frederick H. Steck (Johns Hopkins University 1925)
Frederick Steinmann (Johns Hopkins University 1954)
Osmar P. Steinwald (Johns Hopkins University 1927)
Osmar P. Steinwald (Johns Hopkins University 1958)
Hyland P. Stewart III (Johns Hopkins University 1943)
Warren A. Stewart (Johns Hopkins University 1909)
Hyland P. Stewart (Johns Hopkins University 1912)
Samuel C. Stewart (Johns Hopkins University 1907)
Gordon M. Stick (Johns Hopkins University 1926)
Joseph N. Stockett Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1911)
Brinton H. Stone (Johns Hopkins University 1927)
Clarence L. Stone (Johns Hopkins University 1905)
Douglas H. Stone (Johns Hopkins University 1933)
Harvey B. Stone (Johns Hopkins University 1902)
Mervin T. Sudler (Johns Hopkins University 1894)
Thomas S. Summers (Johns Hopkins University 1925)
Phillip M. Sutley (Johns Hopkins University 1962)
James B. Sweeny (Johns Hopkins University 1937)
H. F. Tapscott (Johns Hopkins University 1960)
Frank J. Taylor (Johns Hopkins University 1894)
William A. Taylor (Johns Hopkins University 1914)
John D. Taylor (Johns Hopkins University 1934)
Charles B. Thomas (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
Elmer C. Thomas (Johns Hopkins University 1950)
Howard C. Thurman (Johns Hopkins University 1918)
Wilson R. Tolson (Johns Hopkins University 1949)
Harry K. Tootle (Johns Hopkins University 1903)
Donald G. Tosch (Johns Hopkins University 1941)
Lyttleton M. Tough (Johns Hopkins University 1904)
George W. Townsend (Johns Hopkins University 1903)
Thomas P. Tredway (Johns Hopkins University 1910)
James N. Trone (Johns Hopkins University 1947)
Francis N. Trott (Johns Hopkins University 1949)
Thomas F. Troxell (Johns Hopkins University 1915)
Ranulf Ueland (Johns Hopkins University 1954)
Franklin Upshur (Johns Hopkins University 1896)
Martin J. Urner (Johns Hopkins University 1925)
William C. Vanhorn (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
James L. Vickers (Johns Hopkins University 1919)
Allen F. Voshell (Johns Hopkins University 1915)
Charles E. Wagner (Johns Hopkins University 1952)
George W. Wagner (Johns Hopkins University 1920)
Lawrence K. Wagner (Johns Hopkins University 1922)
Robert B. Wagner (Johns Hopkins University 1950)
Richard P. Wahl (Johns Hopkins University 1952)
Isaac C. Walker (Johns Hopkins University 1905)
Leonard G. Wallis (Johns Hopkins University 1904)
Frederick H. Warfield (Johns Hopkins University 1896)
J. O. Warfield (Johns Hopkins University 1893)
Thomas P. Warfield (Johns Hopkins University 1930)
Donald G. Warner (Johns Hopkins University 1953)
Henry M. Warner (Johns Hopkins University 1901)
George W. Warren (Johns Hopkins University 1897)
Campbell E. Waters (Johns Hopkins University 1895)
Edward H. Watson (Johns Hopkins University 1924)
Paul S. Watson (Johns Hopkins University 1929)
James M. Webster (Johns Hopkins University 1959)
Paul Wegefarth (Johns Hopkins University 1908)
Henry A. Weil (Johns Hopkins University 1947)
Franklin P. Whitcraft (Johns Hopkins University 1909)
Frank Z. White (Johns Hopkins University 1954)
William K. White (Johns Hopkins University 1900)
William Z. White (Johns Hopkins University 1909)
William B. Widhelm (Johns Hopkins University 1958)
Robert J. Wigton (Johns Hopkins University 1923)
Lawson Wilkins (Johns Hopkins University 1914)
Bruce S. Williams (Johns Hopkins University 1919)
Herbert B. Williams (Johns Hopkins University 1955)
Jack H. Williams (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
Jesse L. Williams (Johns Hopkins University 1940)
Ralph C. Williams (Johns Hopkins University 1908)
T. Bayard Williams Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1935)
Luther M. Willis (Johns Hopkins University 1903)
Donald H. Wilson (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
Harry F. Wilson (Johns Hopkins University 1930)
Henry M. Wilson (Johns Hopkins University 1897)
Leslie S. Wilson Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1942)
Lowell D. Wilson (Johns Hopkins University 1955)
Stansbury M. Wilson (Johns Hopkins University 1911)
Charles B. Wirt (Johns Hopkins University 1900)
Howard C. Wolf (Johns Hopkins University 1933)
Marcus W. Wolf (Johns Hopkins University 1901)
H. G. Wood (Johns Hopkins University 1932)
Richard H. Wood (Johns Hopkins University 1929)
Hiram W. Woodward (Johns Hopkins University 1916)
Richard H. Woodward (Johns Hopkins University 1918)
Chauncey B. Wright (Johns Hopkins University 1922)
Joseph P. Wright (Johns Hopkins University 1908)
James F. Wright Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1931)
Hamilton B. Wylie (Johns Hopkins University 1908)
James L. Wynne (Johns Hopkins University 1940)
Jacob F. Young (Johns Hopkins University 1898)
James R. Young (Johns Hopkins University 1925)
James W. Young (Johns Hopkins University 1894)
Paul H. Zinkhan (Johns Hopkins University 1906)
Joseph M. Zoller (Johns Hopkins University 1923)
Raymond E. Adams (Kansas State University 1974)
Keaton M. Brewer (Kansas State University 2009)
Robert W. Bryan (Kansas State University 1971)
Michael P. Christmann (Kansas State University 1970)
Guy R. Dawson (Kansas State University 1976)
Timothy C. Donatell (Kansas State University 1992)
Gregory M. Doxsee (Kansas State University 1972)
Richard H. Frame (Kansas State University 1975)
William M. Henry (Kansas State University 1969)
James R. Hess (Kansas State University 1995)
Norman W. Hupe (Kansas State University 1969)
Christopher P. Huston (Kansas State University 1993)
Jeffrey G. Johnston (Kansas State University 1972)
James D. Kincaid (Kansas State University 1985)
Karl R. Long (Kansas State University 1988)
Robert W. McClanahan (Kansas State University 1971)
Mark D. McDonald (Kansas State University 1973)
Rodney K. Morgan (Kansas State University 1972)
Steven P. Moroney (Kansas State University 1975)
Stephen J. Payne (Kansas State University 1982)
Donn N. Simcox (Kansas State University 1981)
James M. Weis (Kansas State University 1981)
William R. White (Kansas State University 1970)
Arthur R. Bakalar (Kent State University 1969)
Roger J. Bollen (Kent State University 1963)
David C. Brodie (Kent State University 1968)
Mark T. Byrne (Kent State University 1967)
Peter S. Davis (Kent State University 1968)
William L. Dawson (Kent State University 1978)
Michael J. Erdos (Kent State University 1964)
Martin J. Havran (Kent State University 1965)
William J. Jansen (Kent State University 1974)
Daniel V. Kenney (Kent State University 1962)
Vincent N. Lacorte (Kent State University 1972)
Allan J. Martin (Kent State University 1966)
Craig A. Mason (Kent State University 1967)
Robert N. Masterman (Kent State University 1966)
Roy D. Metcalf (Kent State University 1966)
Dale A. Price (Kent State University 1968)
Thomas D. Purvis (Kent State University 1968)
Thomas P. Romanin (Kent State University 1964)
Gordon W. Rosencrans (Kent State University 1973)
Robert S. Saalfield (Kent State University 1967)
Namik I. Sarp (Kent State University 1971)
Peter L. Schofield (Kent State University 1962)
Edwin C. Sonnichsen (Kent State University 1966)
John D. Sorine (Kent State University 1968)
Frederick J. Staffilino (Kent State University 1970)
Craig M. Stephens (Kent State University 1966)
William E. Twyman (Kent State University 1970)
James R. Weatherhead (Kent State University 1970)
Thomas B. Wilkins (Kent State University 1964)
Bruce A. Woodward (Kent State University 1965)
George Adams Jr. (Kettering University A 1970)
Derryl R. Barringer (Kettering University A 1969)
Jeffrey A. Bauer (Kettering University A 1968)
Richard J. Bliton (Kettering University A 1979)
David E. Budreck (Kettering University A 1984)
John S. Camilleri (Kettering University A 2004)
Joseph W. Campau (Kettering University A 1971)
Charles W. Corbit (Kettering University A 1966)
Patrick J. Coughlin (Kettering University A 1967)
William L. Daman (Kettering University A 1968)
James E. Eaton (Kettering University A 1974)
Terry J. Frazier (Kettering University A 1972)
Philip Gaubis (Kettering University A 1969)
Steven P. Gobler (Kettering University A 1973)
Glenn Michael Granado (Kettering University A 1994)
Walter F. Greenman (Kettering University A 1972)
Gerald T. Gregg (Kettering University A 1965)
James K. Greiwe (Kettering University A 1972)
Randall R. Hamkins (Kettering University A 1993)
Leslie W. Harmon (Kettering University A 1973)
Thomas L. Henn (Kettering University A 1966)
Paul W. Holland (Kettering University A 1975)
Mark A. Hresko (Kettering University A 1980)
Clyde R. Kimball (Kettering University A 1974)
Oliver A. King (Kettering University A 1964)
Jeffrey J. Kluger (Kettering University A 1994)
Charles R. Knutson (Kettering University A 1964)
John A. Latcovich (Kettering University A 1971)
James R. Lockwood (Kettering University A 1974)
David E. Luttrell (Kettering University A 1966)
Kenneth G. MacKool (Kettering University A 1971)
Craig H. Nickel (Kettering University A 1974)
Timothy A. Patalan (Kettering University A 1970)
William E. Pedersen (Kettering University A 1966)
Robert A. Quaid (Kettering University A 1966)
John M. Reedy (Kettering University A 1974)
Russell L. Rogers (Kettering University A 1968)
Stephen Root (Kettering University A 2013)
Daniel M. Schlosser (Kettering University A 2004)
Daniel A. Shedd (Kettering University A 2006)
Ronald E. Sidebottom (Kettering University A 1973)
James R. Sliney (Kettering University A 1982)
Stephen R. Stewart (Kettering University A 1968)
Donnell F. Stropes (Kettering University A 1969)
Lawrence C. Swanson (Kettering University A 1964)
Joshua D. Sweers (Kettering University A 2007)
Myron F. Tethal (Kettering University A 1969)
Nicholas A. Vassalo (Kettering University A 1972)
Daniel R. Veazey (Kettering University A 1949)
Theodore E. Walker (Kettering University A 1970)
John P. Walsh (Kettering University A 1990)
David A. Way (Kettering University A 1964)
Ronald J. Weemhoff (Kettering University A 1976)
Rick J. Winkley (Kettering University A 1977)
Christopher A. Buxenstein (Kettering University B 2005)
Howard E. Abbott (Knox College 1938)
Charles E. Adams (Knox College 1895)
Frank A. Adams (Knox College 1913)
George S. Adams (Knox College 1943)
Robert C. Adams (Knox College 1924)
Lars E. Ahti (Knox College 1947)
Henning Akerson (Knox College 1905)
Howard L. Albertsen (Knox College 1923)
Donald M. Albright (Knox College 1951)
Frank N. Allen (Knox College 1957)
Walter Andersen (Knox College 1948)
Arthur L. Anderson (Knox College 1930)
Ralph S. Anderson (Knox College 1944)
Raymond P. Anderson (Knox College 1912)
Robert J. Anderson (Knox College 1947)
Walter R. Anderson (Knox College 1901)
Eugene C. Anderson (Knox College 1953)
Kenneth L. Andrews (Knox College 1913)
R. M. Andrews (Knox College 1915)
William J. Andrews (Knox College 1923)
John K. Armbruster (Knox College 1932)
William H. Armbruster (Knox College 1934)
George L. Avery (Knox College 1902)
Daniel Ayers (Knox College 1871)
Drury A. Babcock (Knox College 1925)
James W. Bacidore (Knox College 1990)
Joe W. Bailey (Knox College 1951)
Paul Bailey (Knox College 1891)
Samuel Bailey (Knox College 1891)
Harold F. Baker (Knox College 1929)
Levi J. Baker (Knox College 1925)
Murray M. Baker (Knox College 1909)
Willard J. Bandes (Knox College 1962)
Kenneth O. Bangs (Knox College 1928)
Irvin C. Barclay (Knox College 1912)
Charles R. Barge (Knox College 1895)
Fred W. Barndt (Knox College 1891)
Nathan M. Barnes (Knox College 1889)
Orville P. Bassett (Knox College 1893)
Victor H. Bassett (Knox College 1893)
Edwin S. Bates (Knox College 1958)
Jay A. Bauer (Knox College 1958)
Robert M. Bauler (Knox College 1948)
William R. Beattie (Knox College 1932)
Carl H. Becker (Knox College 1919)
William R. Becker (Knox College 1922)
Robert C. Bell (Knox College 1971)
Frank D. Bellows (Knox College 1875)
Irwin A. Berg (Knox College 1936)
George M. Bergen (Knox College 1875)
Henry B. Bergen (Knox College 1868)
William K. Biery (Knox College 1942)
Leo Bilancio (Knox College 1952)
L. R. Billett (Knox College 1917)
George J. Blackburn (Knox College 1957)
Claude E. Blakley (Knox College 1943)
James L. Blean (Knox College 1926)
Warren C. Blim (Knox College 1942)
Edward A. Blondin (Knox College 1916)
Elred M. Bock (Knox College 1931)
Harry H. Boggs (Knox College 1899)
John L. Bohan (Knox College 1934)
Peter T. Bohan (Knox College 1946)
Robert E. Bohan (Knox College 1940)
William H. Bohan (Knox College 1937)
Charles H. Booth (Knox College 1899)
Lester E. Bowles (Knox College 1933)
Horace A. Bowman (Knox College 1936)
C. R. Boynton (Knox College 1953)
Don C. Bracker (Knox College 1944)
Arthur H. Bridge (Knox College 1911)
Earle R. Bridge (Knox College 1910)
Fred B. Bridgford (Knox College 1922)
Paul Bridgford (Knox College 1922)
Arthur W. Brintnall (Knox College 1898)
Warner R. Broaddus (Knox College 1940)
E. D. Brown (Knox College 1959)
George H. Brown (Knox College 1942)
George P. Brown (Knox College 1888)
Herbert H. Brown (Knox College 1888)
Melvin Brown (Knox College 1959)
Ray M. Brown (Knox College 1915)
Richard G. Brown (Knox College 1945)
Robert E. Brown (Knox College 1946)
Russell S. Brown (Knox College 1924)
Wilfrid O. Brown (Knox College 1922)
William E. Brown (Knox College 1940)
J. M. Bruner (Knox College 1869)
James A. Bryan Jr. (Knox College 1940)
Oscar E. Bulkeley (Knox College 1905)
Ralph K. Burgess (Knox College 1950)
Jacob J. Burghardt (Knox College 1949)
Frederick H. Burgland (Knox College 1929)
Richard W. Burkhardt (Knox College 1939)
Robert W. Burkhardt (Knox College 1946)
Gene Burtle (Knox College 1937)
George C. Burton (Knox College 1929)
Joseph R. Burton (Knox College 1931)
Walter E. Button (Knox College 1931)
Elmer W. Byers (Knox College 1926)
Alva J. Cady (Knox College 1891)
Curtis L. Cady (Knox College 1915)
Allen C. Calkins (Knox College 1937)
C. C. Calkins (Knox College 1934)
Earnest E. Calkins (Knox College 1891)
William C. Calkins (Knox College 1894)
Tressler W. Callihan (Knox College 1910)
Paul W. Calvert (Knox College 1981)
George H. Cameron (Knox College 1912)
Harold F. Campbell (Knox College 1922)
Richard M. Caruso (Knox College 1952)
Harlan P. Case (Knox College 1871)
Charles H. Casteel (Knox College 1926)
George H. Castle (Knox College 1872)
George H. Cavanagh (Knox College 1907)
Henry C. Chase (Knox College 1916)
Ralph E. Chase (Knox College 1905)
Willis F. Chesley (Knox College 1907)
Hubert S. Chichester (Knox College 1917)
James A. Choitz (Knox College 1969)
Marcel P. Choitz (Knox College 1941)
Robert G. Christie (Knox College 1949)
Milton E. Churchill (Knox College 1877)
Errol E. Clark (Knox College 1957)
John Q. Clark (Knox College 1955)
Jay E. Clarkson (Knox College 1895)
William E. Claypool (Knox College 1943)
Harry H. Cleaveland (Knox College 1890)
Robert W. Clyne (Knox College 1929)
Charles W. Cole (Knox College 1955)
Harold W. Collins (Knox College 1948)
Thomas R. Cook (Knox College 1905)
Job A. Cooper (Knox College 1865)
Paul J. Corkery (Knox College 1958)
James Cormack (Knox College 1942)
Frank S. Cottrell (Knox College 1964)
Robert W. Courtney (Knox College 1946)
John D. Cowan (Knox College 1934)
Mark H. Cox (Knox College 1937)
James H. Coy (Knox College 1929)
Harry G. Cozzens (Knox College 1905)
Jesse A. Crafton (Knox College 1912)
Comer R. Crandell (Knox College 1933)
Donald L. Crandell (Knox College 1945)
Dwight R. Crandell (Knox College 1944)
J. P. Creighton (Knox College 1949)
Leroy E. Crider (Knox College 1930)
Thomas A. Crooks Jr. (Knox College 1928)
Lloyd M. Crosthwaite (Knox College 1905)
Gilbert E. Curme (Knox College 1949)
Willford G. Curry (Knox College 1919)
Howard T. Custer (Knox College 1924)
John P. Dahlberg (Knox College 1929)
Ray E. Dahlberg (Knox College 1931)
Jesse C. Davis (Knox College 1931)
Albert F. Deahl (Knox College 1953)
Donald W. Dean (Knox College 1934)
Willard B. Dean (Knox College 1919)
Adam C. Deem (Knox College 1926)
Russell Delappe (Knox College 1872)
Milo G. Derham (Knox College 1892)
Clifford S. Dikeman (Knox College 1927)
Edwin R. Dodge (Knox College 1897)
Thomas H. Donovan (Knox College 1938)
Deane E. Doolen (Knox College 1952)
Leslie W. Dowling (Knox College 1950)
Harry F. Downing (Knox College 1890)
Forrest A. Doyle (Knox College 1917)
Lawrence S. Doyle (Knox College 1940)
Thomas Doyle (Knox College 1946)
Robert E. Duncan (Knox College 1965)
John T. Dunkel (Knox College 1936)
Arthur W. Dunn (Knox College 1893)
Dennis East (Knox College 1962)
John E. Edgerton (Knox College 1888)
Palmer D. Edmunds (Knox College 1912)
Hubert H. Edwards (Knox College 1927)
Luke O. Edwards (Knox College 1956)
Robert B. Eilenberg (Knox College 1892)
Charles R. Emrich (Knox College 1891)
Roy P. Emrich (Knox College 1905)
Reuben J. Erickson (Knox College 1911)
Francis H. Evans (Knox College 1901)
Hobart Y. Evans (Knox College 1893)
Wilber L. Evans (Knox College 1893)
Clifford B. Ewart (Knox College 1909)
Richard C. Fairgrieve (Knox College 1950)
Charles G. Farnum (Knox College 1898)
Frank F. Farnum (Knox College 1926)
William C. Felber (Knox College 1950)
Henry S. Ferris (Knox College 1934)
James H. Finnegan (Knox College 1915)
Robert S. Fisher (Knox College 1945)
Kenneth G. Fitchner (Knox College 1955)
Hurff C. Flanegin (Knox College 1925)
Leroy E. Flanegin (Knox College 1900)
Creath D. Fletcher (Knox College 1934)
Dixon M. Fletcher (Knox College 1964)
Robert Flood (Knox College 1934)
George E. Folger (Knox College 1892)
Norman P. Forsberg (Knox College 1940)
Chester W. Fouser (Knox College 1909)
Thomas S. Fowler (Knox College 1872)
David G. Fox (Knox College 1976)
William W. Fox (Knox College 1949)
Blake Franklin (Knox College 1899)
Ronald H. Fraser (Knox College 1952)
Harry L. Frazier (Knox College 1929)
George W. Friske (Knox College 1949)
Alfred G. Frost (Knox College 1897)
John E. Frost (Knox College 1871)
Jasper S. Fucilla (Knox College 1951)
Robert V. Fulham (Knox College 1927)
Austin L. Fullenwider (Knox College 1869)
George H. Funck (Knox College 1906)
Sheridan P. Gallagher (Knox College 1927)
Thomas A. Gallivan (Knox College 1978)
Theodore G. Galovich (Knox College 1959)
Claude H. Gamble (Knox College 1909)
Harry B. Garrett (Knox College 1894)
Robert H. Garrett (Knox College 1925)
William B. Garrett (Knox College 1924)
Edward P. Gates (Knox College 1867)
Howard P. Gates (Knox College 1913)
Vernon F. Gates (Knox College 1913)
Hobart R. Gay (Knox College 1917)
Philip O. Gentry (Knox College 1927)
William F. Gerdes (Knox College 1956)
John F. Gerding (Knox College 1942)
Charles J. Gibbs (Knox College 1950)
Charles A. Gibson (Knox College 1902)
Fuller Gilchrist (Knox College 1914)
John F. Gillhouse (Knox College 1947)
George F. Glader Jr. (Knox College 1954)
Merle H. Glick (Knox College 1946)
Roger K. Goodwin (Knox College 1926)
J. J. Graening (Knox College 1963)
J. P. Graham (Knox College 1944)
Robert F. Graham (Knox College 1938)
Luther G. Graves (Knox College 1905)
Albert W. Gray (Knox College 1928)
Thomas F. Gray (Knox College 1920)
John S. Gray MD (Knox College 1932)
Jack P. Greer (Knox College 1949)
Charles A. Gridley (Knox College 1895)
Rolland E. Griggs (Knox College 1925)
George C. Griswold (Knox College 1891)
Egbert B. Groen (Knox College 1937)
David R. Grout (Knox College 1961)
G. William Gunnison (Knox College 1949)
Arthur S. Haddaway (Knox College 1921)
Albert H. Hague (Knox College 1914)
William B. Hague (Knox College 1871)
William B. Hague (Knox College 1911)
Edwin J. Hall (Knox College 1926)
John C. Hall (Knox College 1934)
David A. Hamilton (Knox College 1929)
Calvin W. Hammond (Knox College 1928)
J. J. Hammond (Knox College 1897)
Jesse D. Hampton (Knox College 1902)
Harold E. Hands (Knox College 1914)
William H. Hanford (Knox College 1943)
William G. Hanlon (Knox College 1936)
Charles W. Hanna (Knox College 1919)
Hildreth A. Hanneit (Knox College 1929)
Hallberg Hanson (Knox College 1942)
Harold E. Hanson (Knox College 1919)
Otto A. Harback (Knox College 1895)
Robert H. Hardy (Knox College 1925)
William M. Harford (Knox College 1940)
Frederick C. Harms (Knox College 1901)
Thomas J. Harrison (Knox College 1888)
Andrew M. Harvey (Knox College 1889)
Curtis K. Harvey (Knox College 1868)
John B. Harvey (Knox College 1879)
William S. Harvey (Knox College 1880)
Andrew M. Harvey (Knox College 1925)
Charles C. Hasely (Knox College 1943)
Joseph R. Hayden (Knox College 1910)
Charles R. Hayes (Knox College 1942)
Harry H. Hayes (Knox College 1912)
Noble S. Heaney (Knox College 1902)
Richard A. Heidbreder (Knox College 1940)
Stephen T. Hellmuth (Knox College 1934)
James E. Henry (Knox College 1962)
Hubert G. Heren (Knox College 1938)
James H. Hermetet (Knox College 1924)
M. Greer Hermetet (Knox College 1921)
Harold R. Hesler (Knox College 1898)
Francis A. Hicks (Knox College 1892)
James L. Hill (Knox College 1955)
Lawrence A. Hill (Knox College 1923)
Philip C. Hill (Knox College 1925)
Ervin P. Hinds (Knox College 1891)
Hallack W. Hoag (Knox College 1927)
George M. Hoffheimer (Knox College 1895)
Leon C. Hoffheimer (Knox College 1899)
Bernard F. Hoffman (Knox College 1933)
Frank S. Hoffman (Knox College 1873)
Harry B. Hoffman (Knox College 1928)
Lucien B. Hoffmaster (Knox College 1889)
Ralph C. Holliday (Knox College 1909)
Lewis H. Hollmeyer (Knox College 1945)
Oliver E. Holmes (Knox College 1920)
Murlin G. Hoover (Knox College 1919)
Richard A. Hoover (Knox College 1930)
William J. Hossack (Knox College 1958)
Frank C. Howard (Knox College 1950)
Ebenezer B. Hoyt (Knox College 1869)
Milton C. Hult (Knox College 1919)
Wayne S. Hult (Knox College 1943)
N. D. Hungness (Knox College 1951)
William D. Hunter (Knox College 1945)
Jack W. Hutchinson (Knox College 1949)
Stanley P. Hutchison (Knox College 1946)
Edward P. Ingersoll (Knox College 1958)
Harold G. Ingersoll (Knox College 1948)
Harold G. Ingersoll (Knox College 1911)
Richard H. Ingersoll (Knox College 1950)
Roy C. Ingersoll (Knox College 1908)
Stephen L. Ingersoll (Knox College 1918)
William C. Ingersoll (Knox College 1951)
Albert B. Irwin (Knox College 1871)
Robert O. Irwin (Knox College 1929)
Bruce W. Jackson (Knox College 1961)
Alfred O. Jacob (Knox College 1932)
George J. Jarik (Knox College 1967)
William R. Jenkins (Knox College 1955)
Richard W. Jensen (Knox College 1949)
William P. Jochem (Knox College 1951)
Selwyn E. Johns (Knox College 1944)
A. L. Johnson (Knox College 1932)
E. R. Johnson (Knox College 1953)
James F. Johnson (Knox College 1954)
Paul F. Johnson (Knox College 1932)
Wayne R. Johnson (Knox College 1950)
Chester W. Jones (Knox College 1869)
C. G. Jordan (Knox College 1947)
Cecil A. Jordan (Knox College 1916)
Clarence W. Jordan (Knox College 1914)
Raymond E. Jordan (Knox College 1923)
Charles F. Junod (Knox College 1905)
Ray L. Junod (Knox College 1906)
Donald R. Kallman (Knox College 1935)
Milton W. Keach (Knox College 1934)
Tillman F. Kelley (Knox College 1949)
Perry W. Kempster (Knox College 1941)
Kenneth R. King (Knox College 1921)
Willard L. King (Knox College 1916)
Everett F. Kitchen (Knox College 1914)
Arnold L. Klein (Knox College 1929)
Ray A. Klein (Knox College 1927)
LaVerne U. Klemm (Knox College 1937)
Robert W. Klinger (Knox College 1936)
George E. Krull (Knox College 1951)
Len A. Kuchan (Knox College 1953)
Russell B. Kunz (Knox College 1930)
Robert B. Kyle (Knox College 1926)
Harold W. Lackland (Knox College 1915)
Harry P. Ladd (Knox College 1908)
Eric A. Laing (Knox College 1922)
Ralph E. Laird (Knox College 1952)
Francis J. Lambert (Knox College 1907)
John C. Langen (Knox College 1947)
Arthur Lansiedell (Knox College 1907)
Frederick C. Lanstrum (Knox College 1926)
Oscar M. Lanstrum (Knox College 1891)
Donald G. Larson (Knox College 1935)
Jonathan L. Latimer (Knox College 1918)
William L. Latimer (Knox College 1911)
Charles H. Lawrence (Knox College 1867)
Lester F. Lawrence (Knox College 1930)
James H. Lawton (Knox College 1939)
John S. Lawton (Knox College 1947)
Edwin H. Leach (Knox College 1869)
Loomis C. Leedy (Knox College 1918)
Graham M. Lewis (Knox College 1926)
Griffith R. Lewis (Knox College 1926)
Bertrand F. Lichtenberger (Knox College 1896)
William H. Lightcap (Knox College 1872)
Joseph H. Lincoln (Knox College 1888)
John W. Loos (Knox College 1929)
Vivion F. Lowell (Knox College 1934)
Nelson H. Lowry (Knox College 1907)
William E. Lynch (Knox College 1955)
Arthur E. Lyon (Knox College 1922)
Robert C. Lyon (Knox College 1909)
Kenneth C. Lyon PhD (Knox College 1930)
Charles E. Lyons (Knox College 1988)
Victor V. Lytle (Knox College 1908)
John A. Macdonald (Knox College 1952)
Sumner D. Mackemer (Knox College 1930)
Joseph W. Mackemer (Knox College 1895)
Joseph W. Mackemer Jr. (Knox College 1928)
Paul K. Madden (Knox College 1927)
John F. Manierre (Knox College 1952)
Henry Manington (Knox College 1887)
Charles G. Markley (Knox College 1932)
Clark E. Markley (Knox College 1920)
Frank E. Marsh (Knox College 1923)
Lloyd W. Mason (Knox College 1944)
John A. McAllister (Knox College 1950)
William A. McCandless (Knox College 1871)
Benjamin V. McClanahan (Knox College 1914)
Robert H. McClure (Knox College 1915)
Robert L. McClure (Knox College 1908)
Samuel S. McClure (Knox College 1882)
Thomas H. McClure (Knox College 1910)
Robert P. McComas (Knox College 1962)
James R. McConkey (Knox College 1957)
William B. McCord (Knox College 1888)
Hugh H. McCulloch (Knox College 1911)
John W. McHard (Knox College 1909)
Samuel E. McHard (Knox College 1909)
William J. McKee (Knox College 1872)
John R. McKinney (Knox College 1939)
Fredric L. Menke (Knox College 1939)
George W. Menke (Knox College 1932)
Arman L. Merriam (Knox College 1917)
Arman L. Merriam (Knox College 1942)
Robert E. Merrion (Knox College 1946)
Maurice M. Messick (Knox College 1928)
George A. Metzgar (Knox College 1870)
John A. Miller (Knox College 1950)
Robert D. Miller (Knox College 1934)
Kenneth A. Milligan (Knox College 1928)
Henry C. Mills (Knox College 1930)
Alfred L. Millsom (Knox College 1922)
Walter C. Millsom (Knox College 1916)
Charles R. Mitchell (Knox College 1924)
Christopher Money (Knox College 1957)
Peter P. Moore (Knox College 1901)
Wayne D. Morehead (Knox College 1952)
Barrow J. Morgan (Knox College 1954)
John P. Morris (Knox College 1945)
Roger N. Morris (Knox College 1969)
Herbert Q. Mudge (Knox College 1928)
Edward H. Mulligan (Knox College 1944)
John W. Mundy (Knox College 1939)
Robert N. Murdock (Knox College 1943)
James R. Murphy (Knox College 1954)
Willard S. Murphy (Knox College 1928)
George R. Myers (Knox College 1932)
Maynard F. Nagel (Knox College 1929)
George L. Naught (Knox College 1896)
Ira E. Neifert (Knox College 1915)
Thomas E. Nelson (Knox College 1953)
Charles R. Neumiller (Knox College 1953)
Harry J. Neumiller (Knox College 1951)
Thomas G. Neumiller (Knox College 1959)
Edward P. Newton (Knox College 1870)
Charles L. Nicholson (Knox College 1919)
James M. Nicholson (Knox College 1952)
Frederick C. Norlin (Knox College 1942)
Charles F. Norris (Knox College 1898)
Frank L. Norris (Knox College 1905)
Fred J. O'Connor (Knox College 1918)
Frank C. Ogdon (Knox College 1950)
William J. Ogdon (Knox College 1952)
Robert C. Omer (Knox College 1936)
Ross V. Ott (Knox College 1949)
Richard F. Owens (Knox College 1958)
Ralph K. Packard (Knox College 1940)
Harold N. Page (Knox College 1930)
Henry C. Palmer (Knox College 1874)
Resolve P. Palmer (Knox College 1904)
Michael D. Parey (Knox College 1964)
Francis E. Parker (Knox College 1944)
Richard K. Parkinson (Knox College 1945)
Stephen C. Parrott (Knox College 1971)
Samuel H. Parvin (Knox College 1871)
Forrest D. Patterson (Knox College 1926)
Raymond M. Pearsall (Knox College 1923)
Richard D. Pearsall (Knox College 1919)
Charles B. Peck (Knox College 1899)
Charles K. Penney (Knox College 1877)
Willis G. Pennington (Knox College 1933)
James E. Perelli (Knox College 1945)
Albert B. Perlin (Knox College 1947)
Eugene F. Peterson (Knox College 1902)
Jerrold M. Peterson (Knox College 1962)
Eugene T. Phillips (Knox College 1918)
Noel F. Phillips (Knox College 1929)
Jack L. Pihl (Knox College 1948)
Ted O. Pihl (Knox College 1942)
Francis I. Pillsbury (Knox College 1873)
Frank V. Pollock (Knox College 1896)
Thomas E. Pope (Knox College 1869)
Philip S. Post (Knox College 1904)
Charles J. Potter (Knox College 1925)
George J. Poulos (Knox College 1940)
Bert W. Pratt (Knox College 1949)
Francis H. Prescott (Knox College 1874)
Henry O. Price (Knox College 1899)
Harry N. Pritchard (Knox College 1917)
Lester A. Pritchard (Knox College 1918)
Lysle E. Pritchard (Knox College 1921)
Donald E. Pugh (Knox College 1952)
George A. Quigley (Knox College 1933)
Frederick B. Rabenstein (Knox College 1939)
Elbridge D. Rand (Knox College 1872)
Richard W. Rasmussen (Knox College 1932)
Robert G. Rasmussen (Knox College 1946)
Kenneth L. Ray (Knox College 1953)
Ralph H. Ray (Knox College 1942)
William E. Ray (Knox College 1879)
Henry H. Read (Knox College 1904)
Henry W. Read (Knox College 1875)
William S. Redhed Jr. (Knox College 1951)
Glidden B. Reeve (Knox College 1922)
Bowman F. Reinmund (Knox College 1902)
Donald B. Rennie (Knox College 1942)
Alexander W. Rhind (Knox College 1922)
Eric A. Rhind (Knox College 1923)
Oliver F. Richards (Knox College 1940)
Robert R. Riel (Knox College 1934)
Howard C. Rinehart (Knox College 1932)
Alvin E. Robbins (Knox College 1903)
George D. Robbins (Knox College 1893)
Edmund T. Roberts (Knox College 1948)
Alfred E. Robertson (Knox College 1915)
Eugene A. Robertson (Knox College 1915)
Frank M. Robertson (Knox College 1905)
Alfred F. Romig (Knox College 1934)
Charles G. Rose (Knox College 1937)
Stewart Ross (Knox College 1922)
W. Harold Row Jr. (Knox College 1960)
Duncan M. Rowles (Knox College 1913)
John A. Rude (Knox College 1928)
Roy M. Rudolph (Knox College 1932)
Robert L. Ryan (Knox College 1915)
Ray L. Sauter (Knox College 1912)
Charles J. Savage (Knox College 1902)
Fred D. Savage (Knox College 1906)
Louis L. Savage (Knox College 1906)
John R. Scannell (Knox College 1956)
Lewis B. Scharringhause (Knox College 1920)
Thomas L. Schlipper (Knox College 1957)
Donald E. Schram (Knox College 1948)
William R. Schraub (Knox College 1928)
Stanley E. Schreiber (Knox College 1940)
Russell W. Schwem (Knox College 1954)
C. B. Scott (Knox College 1917)
Winfield W. Scott (Knox College 1942)
Henry C. Seipp II (Knox College 1939)
John B. Selander (Knox College 1898)
Ralph J. Sheafe (Knox College 1934)
James C. Sheehan (Knox College 1928)
Alexander H. Sheldon (Knox College 1894)
O. D. Sherrick (Knox College 1949)
Cecil W. Shirk (Knox College 1915)
Eugene H. Siemons (Knox College 1956)
Sidney P. Simpson (Knox College 1917)
William E. Simpson (Knox College 1924)
Clyde E. Sinclair (Knox College 1922)
Robert E. Sinclair (Knox College 1919)
William G. Sinclair (Knox College 1927)
Frederic H. Slayton (Knox College 1898)
James K. Sloan (Knox College 1926)
Francis N. Smith (Knox College 1947)
Franklin C. Smith (Knox College 1915)
James R. Smith (Knox College 1887)
John D. Smith (Knox College 1892)
Paul S. Smith (Knox College 1917)
Stephen R. Smith (Knox College 1867)
Zens L. Smith (Knox College 1910)
William T. Snyder (Knox College 1927)
Samuel H. Sperry (Knox College 1923)
David R. Sperry (Knox College 1932)
Frank J. Standard (Knox College 1894)
Frank Stanicek (Knox College 1928)
Richard B. Stanton (Knox College 1942)
Charles B. Stateler (Knox College 1924)
Philip W. Stearns (Knox College 1924)
Paul T. Stephens (Knox College 1931)
James M. Stephenson (Knox College 1952)
Madison G. Sterne (Knox College 1920)
Madison G. Sterne (Knox College 1950)
Harry R. Stevens (Knox College 1932)
George M. Stevens (Knox College 1930)
Ralph D. Stevenson (Knox College 1900)
Harvey F. Stewart (Knox College 1894)
James T. Stewart (Knox College 1937)
Vernon L. Stisser (Knox College 1962)
Craig Stoddard (Knox College 1936)
Marcus W. Stoddard (Knox College 1937)
Everett M. Stolnack (Knox College 1956)
Howard I. Stribling (Knox College 1904)
Franklin L. Stroud (Knox College 1960)
Gordon D. Stuart (Knox College 1902)
Robert P. Swank (Knox College 1924)
David L. Swanson (Knox College 1910)
Howard G. Swanson (Knox College 1922)
R. M. Swanson (Knox College 1909)
Samuel R. Swanson (Knox College 1949)
Spence W. Swanson (Knox College 1922)
Robert M. Switzer (Knox College 1899)
Robert S. Switzer (Knox College 1931)
J. M. Tanner (Knox College 1891)
Henry S. Taylor (Knox College 1930)
Maurice H. Taylor (Knox College 1896)
Robert C. Taylor (Knox College 1893)
Robert C. Taylor (Knox College 1929)
Guy E. Temple (Knox College 1917)
Richard Temporali (Knox College 1954)
Willis E. Terry (Knox College 1904)
Kenneth W. Tetzlaff (Knox College 1959)
Dale L. Thomas (Knox College 1942)
Donald W. Thomas (Knox College 1936)
Arthur C. Thompson (Knox College 1928)
Harry R. Thompson (Knox College 1951)
James R. Thompson (Knox College 1943)
Arthur C. Thorpe (Knox College 1944)
William H. Thrall (Knox College 1875)
Ralph D. Todd (Knox College 1918)
Theodore H. Tracy (Knox College 1870)
Louis G. Triebel (Knox College 1924)
Charles R. Troutman (Knox College 1958)
Mark W. Trude (Knox College 1893)
Charles W. Turner (Knox College 1944)
James R. Turner (Knox College 1949)
Robert G. Turner (Knox College 1944)
Robert H. Turnquist (Knox College 1950)
Howard A. Turpin (Knox College 1944)
Carl E. Ullman (Knox College 1942)
Marion G. Vanbuskirk (Knox College 1935)
Hobart C. VanDeventer (Knox College 1949)
James B. Vandewater (Knox College 1938)
William G. VanMeter (Knox College 1955)
Samuel R. Vansant (Knox College 1870)
George C. Venard (Knox College 1899)
James C. Vernon (Knox College 1927)
James L. Vernon (Knox College 1894)
Kenneth L. Vernon (Knox College 1920)
Condit Voorhees (Knox College 1892)
Gordon D. Voorhees (Knox College 1935)
Russell D. Voorhees (Knox College 1931)
John H. Wagner (Knox College 1949)
Roy W. Walholm (Knox College 1922)
Kenneth J. Walker (Knox College 1939)
John D. Walraven (Knox College 1957)
Frederick W. Walsh (Knox College 1937)
Chester M. Walters (Knox College 1949)
Albert M. Walton (Knox College 1916)
James N. Walton (Knox College 1917)
O. C. Wampler (Knox College 1916)
Earle J. Ward (Knox College 1929)
William Ward (Knox College 1870)
Donald E. Wardan (Knox College 1942)
Dale N. Watson (Knox College 1953)
James E. Watson (Knox College 1941)
Robert M. Watson (Knox College 1926)
Warren N. Watson (Knox College 1911)
Eugene J. Watts (Knox College 1964)
William E. Watts Jr. (Knox College 1943)
George F. Way (Knox College 1908)
Kenneth F. Weaver (Knox College 1937)
William A. Weaver (Knox College 1958)
William E. Weaver (Knox College 1891)
Herbert N. Weeks (Knox College 1924)
Alfred P. Welsh (Knox College 1927)
Robert H. Wendorff (Knox College 1947)
Austin M. West (Knox College 1934)
Claudius W. West (Knox College 1897)
Carl S. Westerberg (Knox College 1931)
Edward E. Westerdahl (Knox College 1946)
Hugh S. Weston (Knox College 1892)
Frank L. White (Knox College 1913)
Harvey W. White (Knox College 1891)
J. B. White (Knox College 1961)
John B. White (Knox College 1867)
Stephen V. White (Knox College 1854)
Charles A. Whitney (Knox College 1931)
George F. Whitsett (Knox College 1913)
Murray S. Whitsett (Knox College 1927)
John G. Wilcox (Knox College 1937)
Ernnest S. Wilkinson (Knox College 1890)
Francis C. Willard (Knox College 1896)
Nelson W. Willard (Knox College 1896)
Silas Willard (Knox College 1911)
William A. Willcox (Knox College 1893)
Bruce F. Williams (Knox College 1957)
Charles R. Williams (Knox College 1942)
Abram G. Wilson (Knox College 1926)
John P. Wilson (Knox College 1867)
William P. Wilson (Knox College 1918)
Robert W. Winders (Knox College 1940)
James G. Witte (Knox College 1928)
James G. Witte (Knox College 1952)
Harlan E. Wolf (Knox College 1934)
Max L. Wolf (Knox College 1934)
Leroy M. Wolfe (Knox College 1932)
Stanley E. Wolkenheim (Knox College 1936)
Donald E. Wood (Knox College 1950)
Glenn O. Wood (Knox College 1950)
C. R. Woolsey (Knox College 1963)
Robert C. Woolsey (Knox College 1909)
Paul C. Woolwine (Knox College 1953)
Edmund E. Working (Knox College 1891)
Robert H. Wygle (Knox College 1924)
Charles G. Yates (Knox College 1914)
Gregg A. Young (Knox College 1925)
Paul F. Young (Knox College 1949)
Wilberforce Young (Knox College 1894)
Clyde C. Yount (Knox College 1931)
Thomas J. Zemek (Knox College 1953)
Emmett D. Zoller (Knox College 1920)
Archie M. Ackroyd (Lafayette College 1924)
Samuel Ackroyd (Lafayette College 1922)
Stephen J. Adorian (Lafayette College 1962)
George M. Aitken (Lafayette College 1901)
Bartholomew Albanese (Lafayette College 1920)
David K. Aldrich (Lafayette College 1938)
Roscoe H. Aldrich (Lafayette College 1910)
Robert H. Alexander (Lafayette College 1955)
John S. Alsop (Lafayette College 1947)
John G. Ambrogi (Lafayette College 1980)
Ronald R. Ames (Lafayette College 1924)
Edward M. Anderson (Lafayette College 1942)
Robert F. Andrews (Lafayette College 1951)
Stuart B. Andrews (Lafayette College 1887)
Frederick W. Appell (Lafayette College 1925)
Douglas E. Arnold (Lafayette College 1949)
Joseph W. Arnold (Lafayette College 1924)
Ira Ayer Jr. (Lafayette College 1891)
Lorenz K. Ayers (Lafayette College 1913)
Charles E. Babcock (Lafayette College 1898)
David M. Bachman (Lafayette College 1896)
Miers S. Backenstoe (Lafayette College 1917)
Howard B. Bacon (Lafayette College 1901)
John E. Bacon (Lafayette College 1891)
Harold W. Bailey (Lafayette College 1915)
William K. Bailey (Lafayette College 1929)
David L. Baird (Lafayette College 1933)
Frank K. Baker (Lafayette College 1885)
Roy W. Baker (Lafayette College 1906)
Kenneth L. Baldwin (Lafayette College 1944)
Raymond W. Baldwin (Lafayette College 1943)
Ian M. Ballard (Lafayette College 1958)
Robert A. Banks (Lafayette College 1938)
Theodore R. Banks (Lafayette College 1926)
Henry S. Barckley (Lafayette College 1922)
John A. Barlow (Lafayette College 1927)
Sellers H. Barnett (Lafayette College 1919)
William Barnett (Lafayette College 1919)
George S. Barrett (Lafayette College 1910)
Charles E. Bartlett (Lafayette College 1895)
Lloyd M. Basler (Lafayette College 1931)
Portus Baxter (Lafayette College 1889)
Clifford C. Beebe (Lafayette College 1930)
Harry L. Beisswenger (Lafayette College 1957)
Charles T. Bell (Lafayette College 1969)
George T. Bell (Lafayette College 1921)
William L. Benger (Lafayette College 1958)
Carnot J. Bennett (Lafayette College 1920)
William E. Betts (Lafayette College 1928)
Frank P. Bevan (Lafayette College 1925)
Wirt D. Bingham (Lafayette College 1895)
Frederick L. Bird (Lafayette College 1913)
William A. Bissell (Lafayette College 1919)
William O. Bixler (Lafayette College 1899)
Charles E. Bloom (Lafayette College 1921)
Edwin C. Bloombergh (Lafayette College 1893)
Horace D. Bloombergh (Lafayette College 1897)
Francis S. Bodine (Lafayette College 1914)
C. D. Bogert (Lafayette College 1938)
Stewart A. Borger (Lafayette College 1928)
Raymond V. Bowers (Lafayette College 1944)
William D. Bradshaw (Lafayette College 1954)
Antonio Braga (Lafayette College 1900)
Stanley A. Brallier (Lafayette College 1892)
William Z. Breed (Lafayette College 1919)
Warren L. Breinig (Lafayette College 1941)
Matthew W. Brennan (Lafayette College 1924)
Edgar W. Brick (Lafayette College 1962)
John K. Britton (Lafayette College 1890)
Thomas Britton II (Lafayette College 1952)
Donald J. Brosche (Lafayette College 1964)
Frederick J. Brown (Lafayette College 1935)
Livingstone J. Brown (Lafayette College 1886)
William J. Brown (Lafayette College 1902)
Harold A. Bruce (Lafayette College 1909)
Thomas F. Bryan (Lafayette College 1954)
Frank R. Buckman (Lafayette College 1899)
James R. Buggy (Lafayette College 1985)
Roger C. Bulkley (Lafayette College 1946)
Leslie W. Burdick (Lafayette College 1902)
Thomas F. Burley (Lafayette College 1918)
Rowland Burnstan (Lafayette College 1925)
Griffith C. Burr (Lafayette College 1926)
Joseph S. Burton (Lafayette College 1944)
Samuel K. Cabeen (Lafayette College 1952)
Samuel F. Caine (Lafayette College 1921)
J. P. Cake (Lafayette College 1904)
James P. Callan (Lafayette College 1934)
Lawrence W. Cann (Lafayette College 1934)
Andrew M. Chalmers (Lafayette College 1910)
John G. Chalmers (Lafayette College 1901)
Roy W. Chamberlain (Lafayette College 1899)
Harry B. Chritzman (Lafayette College 1888)
Eugene H. Clapp (Lafayette College 1936)
Robert H. Clark (Lafayette College 1942)
John D. Clarke (Lafayette College 1898)
John D. Clarke (Lafayette College 1929)
Robert W. Cluthe (Lafayette College 1939)
Robert L. Combs (Lafayette College 1966)
Jeremiah J. Condran (Lafayette College 1940)
James B. Cook (Lafayette College 1897)
George B. Coolidge (Lafayette College 1963)
Alonzo F. Corby (Lafayette College 1919)
William A. Cornish (Lafayette College 1929)
Robert I. Cottom (Lafayette College 1938)
James V. Coult (Lafayette College 1901)
Brooks H. Cowing (Lafayette College 1921)
A. H. Crane (Lafayette College 1934)
Dwight L. Crane (Lafayette College 1894)
Ralph Cranmer (Lafayette College 1888)
John B. Craven (Lafayette College 1892)
Lewis R. Crisman (Lafayette College 1924)
Daniel T. Cronk (Lafayette College 1975)
James T. Cullen (Lafayette College 1947)
Edward G. Cunningham (Lafayette College 1913)
Robert G. Davies (Lafayette College 1887)
Donald E. Davis (Lafayette College 1943)
James P. Davis (Lafayette College 1937)
Percival E. Day (Lafayette College 1922)
Walter A. Dearth (Lafayette College 1947)
George H. Decker (Lafayette College 1924)
Arthur F. Deibel (Lafayette College 1924)
Frank R. Deichman (Lafayette College 1898)
Stanley T. Demarest (Lafayette College 1912)
Bruce D. Dent (Lafayette College 1962)
Helcias R. Deoliveira (Lafayette College 1893)
George M. Dery (Lafayette College 1913)
Louis M. Desaulles (Lafayette College 1896)
Richard R. DeTurck (Lafayette College 1952)
Paul M. Detwiler (Lafayette College 1923)
Bruce B. Dickerson (Lafayette College 1951)
Arthur H. Dinsmore (Lafayette College 1933)
James R. Donnelly (Lafayette College 1888)
Joseph H. Donnelly (Lafayette College 1886)
Clifford G. Dorf (Lafayette College 1981)
Carlton F. Dougherty (Lafayette College 1951)
Thomas Dougherty Jr. (Lafayette College 1926)
William J. Downing (Lafayette College 1953)
Thomas S. Doyle III (Lafayette College 1926)
Robert A. Drew (Lafayette College 1932)
Harry K. Duane (Lafayette College 1906)
William G. Dufford (Lafayette College 1946)
Robert C. Duffy (Lafayette College 1926)
Joseph T. Dumoe (Lafayette College 1918)
John Duncan Jr. (Lafayette College 1924)
Leland V. Dunham (Lafayette College 1914)
Edwin K. Dunkel (Lafayette College 1886)
William A. Durling (Lafayette College 1888)
Chester N. Eddy (Lafayette College 1936)
Spencer D. Eddy (Lafayette College 1926)
Henry C. Edgar (Lafayette College 1905)
Lewis D. Edwards (Lafayette College 1925)
Chester A. Eichelberger (Lafayette College 1910)
S. F. Eisenhart (Lafayette College 1939)
Charles R. Ellicott (Lafayette College 1908)
Henry H. Elliott (Lafayette College 1951)
Wallace J. Elliott (Lafayette College 1925)
Frank B. Ellis (Lafayette College 1890)
Samuel M. Ellis (Lafayette College 1919)
Edward W. Ellison (Lafayette College 1940)
Frank O. Emery (Lafayette College 1891)
Michael F. Emig (Lafayette College 1964)
Wilbur M. Evans (Lafayette College 1920)
Elvin A. Evoy (Lafayette College 1931)
Frank L. Evoy (Lafayette College 1929)
Stiles D. Ezell (Lafayette College 1959)
Gerard M. Fahey (Lafayette College 1919)
Peter C. Fancher (Lafayette College 1950)
Clayton J. Farm (Lafayette College 1922)
Harold B. Farquhar Jr. (Lafayette College 1943)
John E. Fasick (Lafayette College 1917)
Thomas E. Fatzinger (Lafayette College 1905)
Donald C. Fenton (Lafayette College 1941)
Harmon B. Ferer (Lafayette College 1950)
Joseph D. Findley (Lafayette College 1930)
Joseph D. Findley (Lafayette College 1897)
Franklin L. Fine (Lafayette College 1936)
Charles S. Finkbiner (Lafayette College 1922)
Charles H. Fisher (Lafayette College 1924)
Lester L. Fisher (Lafayette College 1933)
Edwin O. Fitch (Lafayette College 1915)
William E. Fitzgerald (Lafayette College 1913)
John W. Flanagan (Lafayette College 1923)
Cyrus S. Fleck (Lafayette College 1952)
Willis A. Flory (Lafayette College 1915)
George M. Flynn (Lafayette College 1898)
Thomas A. Forbes (Lafayette College 1920)
Harvey S. Foringer (Lafayette College 1885)
Benjamin F. Forrest (Lafayette College 1949)
Ellis E. Foust (Lafayette College 1931)
Charles E. Fox (Lafayette College 1891)
Harold B. Fox (Lafayette College 1934)
John L. Fox (Lafayette College 1943)
Philip J. Fox (Lafayette College 1963)
Frank T. Francis (Lafayette College 1913)
Sylvio P. Freire (Lafayette College 1916)
Augustus H. Fretz (Lafayette College 1903)
John E. Fretz (Lafayette College 1893)
James R. Frew (Lafayette College 1904)
Robert L. Friant (Lafayette College 1950)
Charles D. Fuller (Lafayette College 1886)
Robert J. Fulmer (Lafayette College 1959)
Guy H. Furst (Lafayette College 1897)
Ernest J. Galbos (Lafayette College 1932)
James M. Galloway (Lafayette College 1892)
Daniel S. Gardner (Lafayette College 1936)
Frank B. Gardner (Lafayette College 1935)
Edwin W. Gearhart (Lafayette College 1894)
Frederick D. Gearhart (Lafayette College 1904)
James K. Gearhart (Lafayette College 1898)
Edward E. Geosits (Lafayette College 1979)
Jess M. Gheen (Lafayette College 1900)
Anthony P. Giglio (Lafayette College 1974)
Irvin K. Giles Jr. (Lafayette College 1941)
William L. Gill (Lafayette College 1924)
Angelo P. Giombetti (Lafayette College 1980)
Stewart W. Gisriel (Lafayette College 1907)
Lincoln D. Godshall (Lafayette College 1887)
Harrison V. Goodrich (Lafayette College 1906)
Howard L. Gordon (Lafayette College 1945)
E. V. Gordy (Lafayette College 1943)
George H. Grace Jr. (Lafayette College 1888)
Albert J. Graham (Lafayette College 1912)
John C. Graham (Lafayette College 1894)
Robert J. Graham (Lafayette College 1950)
Talbutt C. Graham (Lafayette College 1897)
Thomas J. Graham (Lafayette College 1949)
William T. Graham (Lafayette College 1901)
F. Ellis Green Jr. (Lafayette College 1950)
George N. Greene (Lafayette College 1939)
Peter R. Greenfield (Lafayette College 1966)
James Gregg (Lafayette College 1914)
Pierre H. Grelet (Lafayette College 1950)
George W. Griffin (Lafayette College 1932)
Edward D. Griffith (Lafayette College 1919)
J. L. Grim (Lafayette College 1927)
Robert H. Grim (Lafayette College 1923)
William D. Gross (Lafayette College 1912)
Franklin T. Grube (Lafayette College 1926)
Harry W. Gsell (Lafayette College 1955)
Leeds Hackett (Lafayette College 1904)
Ralph W. Hackett (Lafayette College 1945)
William C. Hackett (Lafayette College 1895)
Martin L. Haines (Lafayette College 1940)
George R. Haltermann (Lafayette College 1930)
Fred J. Hamm (Lafayette College 1929)
William M. Hammett (Lafayette College 1965)
Frank S. Hammond (Lafayette College 1916)
Arthur B. Hammond (Lafayette College 1913)
William Hanley (Lafayette College 1897)
James J. Hanlon (Lafayette College 1930)
James G. Hardy (Lafayette College 1894)
Morgan K. Harris Jr. (Lafayette College 1941)
Thomas E. Harris (Lafayette College 1958)
Joseph J. Harty (Lafayette College 1927)
Edward F. Hartzell (Lafayette College 1910)
Harry S. Hartzell (Lafayette College 1897)
William A. Hatch (Lafayette College 1937)
James K. Hauck (Lafayette College 1929)
Wesley E. Hawkins (Lafayette College 1927)
Richard A. Heilenday (Lafayette College 1946)
Chauncey G. Helick (Lafayette College 1891)
Otto L. Hellman (Lafayette College 1906)
James A. Henderson (Lafayette College 1892)
Harry M. Hendricks (Lafayette College 1922)
Frederick Herr (Lafayette College 1910)
Henry B. Herr (Lafayette College 1900)
John K. Herr (Lafayette College 1899)
George D. Herring (Lafayette College 1933)
George D. Herring (Lafayette College 1891)
Arthur P. Hess (Lafayette College 1901)
George J. Hibbard (Lafayette College 1929)
George W. Hildum (Lafayette College 1949)
Clinton T. Hilliard Jr. (Lafayette College 1904)
Seward Hiltner (Lafayette College 1931)
Walter S. Hires (Lafayette College 1922)
Charles E. Hoffman (Lafayette College 1902)
Rodman H. Hoffman (Lafayette College 1955)
Edwin S. Hogg (Lafayette College 1920)
Paul K. Holgate (Lafayette College 1907)
Charles S. Horton (Lafayette College 1919)
Burton Hotchkiss (Lafayette College 1910)
John A. Hourigan (Lafayette College 1932)
Robert L. Hoyt (Lafayette College 1927)
Harold B. Hufford (Lafayette College 1918)
Alexander S. Hughes (Lafayette College 1962)
Barry L. Hughes (Lafayette College 1972)
Edward B. Hughes (Lafayette College 1952)
Frank J. Hughes (Lafayette College 1932)
James L. Hughes Jr. (Lafayette College 1927)
James F. Hunsicker (Lafayette College 1930)
James M. Hunter (Lafayette College 1926)
William Hunter (Lafayette College 1938)
Frank B. Huston (Lafayette College 1896)
Norman P. Hutson (Lafayette College 1926)
Louis F. Huttenlocher (Lafayette College 1919)
Thomas D. Irwin (Lafayette College 1905)
Gilbert E. Israel (Lafayette College 1933)
Samuel M. Jackson (Lafayette College 1954)
Frederic B. Jaekel (Lafayette College 1903)
Robert R. Jamieson (Lafayette College 1946)
William S. Jeremiah (Lafayette College 1963)
Chauncey A. Jewell (Lafayette College 1887)
Albert A. Johnson (Lafayette College 1907)
Floyd M. Johnson (Lafayette College 1910)
Harry N. Johnson (Lafayette College 1929)
J. E. Johnson (Lafayette College 1943)
Robert Johnson (Lafayette College 1940)
Walter T. Johnston (Lafayette College 1904)
Donald W. Jones (Lafayette College 1954)
Paul L. Keating (Lafayette College 1919)
John V. Keeler (Lafayette College 1884)
John H. Keller (Lafayette College 1956)
Paul C. Kelly (Lafayette College 1950)
Dyson A. Kennedy (Lafayette College 1914)
James H. Kennedy (Lafayette College 1915)
William F. Kennedy (Lafayette College 1889)
Jesse L. Kenworthy (Lafayette College 1915)
Joseph G. Kessler (Lafayette College 1929)
Donald H. Ketcham (Lafayette College 1964)
William M. Kieffer (Lafayette College 1904)
Frederick J. King (Lafayette College 1914)
James M. Kinkead (Lafayette College 1895)
Louis O. Kirberger (Lafayette College 1910)
William T. Kirchhoff (Lafayette College 1993)
Mark S. Kirschenbaum (Lafayette College 1980)
Edgar L. Kline (Lafayette College 1918)
Horace T. Knight (Lafayette College 1902)
Russell G. Knight (Lafayette College 1902)
Stephen G. Knight (Lafayette College 1935)
Henry Kohlenberger (Lafayette College 1951)
Stanley P. Krebs (Lafayette College 1941)
John H. Kressler (Lafayette College 1929)
Kenneth F. Kressler (Lafayette College 1918)
Theodore F. Kressler (Lafayette College 1926)
William E. Kressler (Lafayette College 1918)
Frank E. Krug (Lafayette College 1899)
Raymond L. LaBarre (Lafayette College 1918)
Otis F. Lamson (Lafayette College 1905)
Emmett T. Lang (Lafayette College 1949)
William B. Larson (Lafayette College 1939)
John H. Lathrop (Lafayette College 1935)
Robert H. Lathrop (Lafayette College 1934)
Charles M. Laubach (Lafayette College 1900)
Fred H. Laubach (Lafayette College 1901)
Henry B. Laubach (Lafayette College 1904)
Fred Launt (Lafayette College 1904)
George V. Lavino (Lafayette College 1964)
Charles W. Law (Lafayette College 1950)
Frederick T. Lawall (Lafayette College 1901)
John T. Lawler (Lafayette College 1923)
James M. Lawson (Lafayette College 1919)
Fernando E. Lee (Lafayette College 1924)
Paul M. Lee (Lafayette College 1915)
William B. Lee (Lafayette College 1924)
Raymond G. Lehman (Lafayette College 1920)
Frederic B. Lehr (Lafayette College 1926)
Hugh O. Lewis (Lafayette College 1923)
John I. Lewis (Lafayette College 1920)
Leon E. Lewis (Lafayette College 1918)
John N. Long (Lafayette College 1952)
Robert R. Loucke (Lafayette College 1942)
Daniel D. Lounsbery (Lafayette College 1932)
Henry J. Lucke (Lafayette College 1901)
J. M. Luttrell (Lafayette College 1944)
James F. Mahon (Lafayette College 1944)
Peter J. Malloy (Lafayette College 1948)
Charles W. Mann (Lafayette College 1902)
James A. Markley (Lafayette College 1920)
Dalton S. Marks (Lafayette College 1961)
Frederic R. Marks (Lafayette College 1968)
David H. Marshall (Lafayette College 1938)
Daniel H. Martin (Lafayette College 1891)
Jesse R. Matson (Lafayette College 1910)
Thomas R. Matten (Lafayette College 1946)
John A. Matthews (Lafayette College 1915)
Randall H. McAdams (Lafayette College 1954)
Walter R. McBride (Lafayette College 1933)
William J. McBroom (Lafayette College 1928)
A. W. McCandless (Lafayette College 1906)
Allison W. McCurdy (Lafayette College 1889)
George McCurdy (Lafayette College 1884)
George A. McDonnell (Lafayette College 1953)
John C. McFeeley (Lafayette College 1960)
John N. McFerran (Lafayette College 1937)
Hugh T. McIlwain (Lafayette College 1922)
George H. McKean (Lafayette College 1930)
Richard W. McKinney (Lafayette College 1921)
Neil H. McKinnon (Lafayette College 1953)
Robert J. McLaughlin (Lafayette College 1932)
Joseph B. McNally (Lafayette College 1913)
Philip S. McNally (Lafayette College 1917)
William F. McNally (Lafayette College 1919)
Juan A. Medina (Lafayette College 1893)
Richard K. Meeker (Lafayette College 1946)
Robert G. Meeker (Lafayette College 1950)
John M. Meier (Lafayette College 1946)
George E. Mellgard (Lafayette College 1942)
Robert E. Mercer (Lafayette College 1910)
F. C. Meyer (Lafayette College 1935)
Bertrand F. Miller (Lafayette College 1912)
Carl N. Miller (Lafayette College 1915)
Daniel J. Miller (Lafayette College 1912)
Eugene S. Miller (Lafayette College 1950)
George C. Miller (Lafayette College 1923)
James P. Miller (Lafayette College 1928)
Paul L. Miller (Lafayette College 1945)
Robert L. Miller (Lafayette College 1923)
Elmer C. Miller (Lafayette College 1932)
Donald S. Mills (Lafayette College 1966)
Lewis S. Minkel (Lafayette College 1963)
Arthur W. Minty (Lafayette College 1902)
Kent T. Mitchell (Lafayette College 1957)
Max R. Mitchell (Lafayette College 1905)
William M. Moffat (Lafayette College 1915)
Donald J. Morgan (Lafayette College 1957)
Theodore V. Morgenthaler (Lafayette College 1925)
Thomas G. Morris (Lafayette College 1946)
Arthur D. Moscrip (Lafayette College 1965)
William J. E. Moss (Lafayette College 1953)
Jonathan G. Mulford (Lafayette College 1965)
Samuel B. Munson (Lafayette College 1894)
Hazard A. Murray (Lafayette College 1899)
William M. Muth (Lafayette College 1937)
Bernard J. Myers (Lafayette College 1901)
Robert C. Nafey (Lafayette College 1946)
Mahlon K. Neale (Lafayette College 1903)
George P. Neilson (Lafayette College 1941)
David L. Newcomer (Lafayette College 1969)
Frank S. Newcomer (Lafayette College 1885)
Harold S. Newins (Lafayette College 1909)
Robert L. Newsome (Lafayette College 1927)
Wilbur C. Ober (Lafayette College 1923)
Leo A. O'Grady (Lafayette College 1919)
Fred W. Olmes (Lafayette College 1900)
Leland A. Olson (Lafayette College 1922)
Aurelio Ordonez (Lafayette College 1889)
Robert B. Orr (Lafayette College 1952)
Robert G. Packer (Lafayette College 1943)
Jose M. Pasos (Lafayette College 1890)
John H. Patchin (Lafayette College 1892)
Charles M. Pateman (Lafayette College 1935)
Joseph Patlovich (Lafayette College 1957)
David G. Patterson (Lafayette College 1959)
Emanuel E. Pawling (Lafayette College 1890)
Robert G. Pennstrom (Lafayette College 1949)
J. V. Perrine (Lafayette College 1923)
John T. Peters (Lafayette College 1931)
Cecil V. Pettersen (Lafayette College 1932)
Marshall L. Phipps (Lafayette College 1888)
William M. Piatt (Lafayette College 1940)
William M. Piatt (Lafayette College 1899)
Frederick G. Pierce (Lafayette College 1885)
James E. Platt (Lafayette College 1904)
Samuel Polischuk (Lafayette College 1942)
Anson S. Pollock (Lafayette College 1908)
William A. Pollock (Lafayette College 1903)
John H. Pope (Lafayette College 1954)
Charles C. Porter (Lafayette College 1920)
Bergen S. Post (Lafayette College 1949)
Carl W. Potter (Lafayette College 1950)
Charles V. Pratt (Lafayette College 1936)
John A. Prevost (Lafayette College 1958)
Louis T. Prevost (Lafayette College 1925)
Peter D. Prudden (Lafayette College 1942)
Arthur B. Pursell (Lafayette College 1929)
Wallace L. Quimby (Lafayette College 1949)
Burt Rabbitts (Lafayette College 1905)
George H. Railsback (Lafayette College 1940)
William E. Ransom (Lafayette College 1890)
John F. Raschen (Lafayette College 1908)
Edwin S. Raub (Lafayette College 1941)
Philip H. Reagan (Lafayette College 1920)
Russell D. Reddig (Lafayette College 1933)
Robert B. Reed (Lafayette College 1926)
Hugo W. Reese (Lafayette College 1928)
William N. Reynolds (Lafayette College 1897)
Barry P. Rhodes (Lafayette College 1949)
Chauncey H. Ribble (Lafayette College 1916)
Joseph W. Richey (Lafayette College 1929)
Richard H. Riegel (Lafayette College 1931)
William P. Ries (Lafayette College 1956)
John O. Rinek (Lafayette College 1911)
Gilbert F. Rist (Lafayette College 1896)
Daniel E. Ritter (Lafayette College 1895)
Glendon P. Robb (Lafayette College 1932)
Jules D. Roberts (Lafayette College 1915)
Harold B. Robinson (Lafayette College 1922)
Harold T. Robinson (Lafayette College 1924)
Louis N. Rocca (Lafayette College 1918)
David J. Roche (Lafayette College 1947)
William H. Rufe (Lafayette College 1922)
John A. Ruffini (Lafayette College 1951)
David M. Rupp (Lafayette College 1916)
Samuel M. Russell (Lafayette College 1951)
Harry Rutter (Lafayette College 1899)
Ray Sahadi (Lafayette College 1942)
Robert T. Salandi (Lafayette College 1938)
David L. Sawyer (Lafayette College 1968)
Donald B. Scace (Lafayette College 1969)
George P. Schadell (Lafayette College 1930)
Robert G. Schiller (Lafayette College 1971)
Gordon U. Schleer (Lafayette College 1950)
Harry A. Schmidt (Lafayette College 1908)
Parke Schoch (Lafayette College 1888)
Wendell D. Schoch (Lafayette College 1916)
Christian Z. Schove (Lafayette College 1929)
Eugene G. Schulz (Lafayette College 1924)
Daniel H. Schweyer (Lafayette College 1909)
Thomas M. Scott (Lafayette College 1904)
John A. Scott (Lafayette College 1962)
George B. Searles (Lafayette College 1941)
Albert F. Seem (Lafayette College 1902)
Ralph B. Seem (Lafayette College 1902)
Richard A. Seibert (Lafayette College 1951)
James A. Seligman (Lafayette College 1924)
John C. Selvig (Lafayette College 1940)
Charles S. Severance (Lafayette College 1938)
Lloyd C. Shank (Lafayette College 1911)
Richard W. Shaul (Lafayette College 1935)
Roger L. Shaul (Lafayette College 1941)
Russell D. Shaver (Lafayette College 1934)
William L. Shelden (Lafayette College 1965)
Marshall B. Sheldon (Lafayette College 1936)
Lester N. Shellenberger (Lafayette College 1911)
William G. Shepherd (Lafayette College 1941)
Allen P. Sherwood (Lafayette College 1912)
John F. Sherwood (Lafayette College 1930)
William R. Shimer (Lafayette College 1905)
William Silver (Lafayette College 1891)
Moses H. Simmons (Lafayette College 1914)
Charles M. Simon (Lafayette College 1938)
Horton Simpson (Lafayette College 1908)
Joe R. Small (Lafayette College 1957)
Russell M. Smiley (Lafayette College 1914)
D. C. Smith (Lafayette College 1962)
Earle W. Smith (Lafayette College 1926)
J. M. Smith (Lafayette College 1906)
John F. Smith (Lafayette College 1902)
Lewis Y. Smith (Lafayette College 1900)
Marshall H. Smith (Lafayette College 1885)
Murray D. Smith (Lafayette College 1924)
Oliver L. Smith (Lafayette College 1950)
Sanford L. Smith (Lafayette College 1924)
Thomas J. Smull (Lafayette College 1905)
Jesse W. Snyder (Lafayette College 1898)
John H. Spackman (Lafayette College 1895)
Ambrose L. Spencer (Lafayette College 1905)
Clayton V. Spicer (Lafayette College 1912)
George B. Standbridge (Lafayette College 1960)
Joseph C. Stankus (Lafayette College 1973)
Lee P. Stark (Lafayette College 1903)
B. M. Stayer (Lafayette College 1903)
Warren A. Stewart (Lafayette College 1945)
Philip F. Stier (Lafayette College 1897)
Walter C. Stier (Lafayette College 1884)
Lorren Stiles (Lafayette College 1946)
Stephen Stone (Lafayette College 1895)
Frederick A. Stuart (Lafayette College 1931)
Edward C. Sudler (Lafayette College 1896)
James E. Sullivan (Lafayette College 1928)
John J. Sullivan (Lafayette College 1931)
Thomas W. Sullivan (Lafayette College 1951)
Herbert M. Sutherland (Lafayette College 1931)
Nedwill Sutphin (Lafayette College 1899)
Charles W. Swan (Lafayette College 1922)
Edward A. Swan (Lafayette College 1919)
Frank Swartzlander (Lafayette College 1928)
William G. Taggart (Lafayette College 1914)
Charles E. Taylor (Lafayette College 1947)
Benjamin F. Theobald (Lafayette College 1902)
Robert T. Thielscher (Lafayette College 1942)
Herbert L. Thomas (Lafayette College 1891)
Edward W. Thompson (Lafayette College 1878)
William S. Thornhill (Lafayette College 1935)
Arthur J. Tillinghast (Lafayette College 1933)
George H. Tindall (Lafayette College 1924)
Karl C. Trembath (Lafayette College 1923)
Nathaniel T. Trembath (Lafayette College 1918)
Robert W. Trembath (Lafayette College 1923)
Myron L. Trilsch (Lafayette College 1926)
George B. Tripp (Lafayette College 1923)
John L. Turner (Lafayette College 1948)
Charles N. Ulrich (Lafayette College 1905)
Franklin W. Vail (Lafayette College 1932)
Abdol H. K. Vakeel (Lafayette College 1920)
William R. VanAken (Lafayette College 1934)
James H. Vanarsdale (Lafayette College 1907)
Lawton B. Vanburen (Lafayette College 1922)
Robert A. Vandegrift (Lafayette College 1955)
Charles B. Vandemark (Lafayette College 1947)
Watson R. VanSteenburgh (Lafayette College 1931)
Manuel E. Vasquez (Lafayette College 1890)
Herman A. Voigt (Lafayette College 1928)
Joseph F. Voigt (Lafayette College 1929)
Josiah P. Vreeland (Lafayette College 1949)
Glenn B. Wagner (Lafayette College 1950)
Lyman N. Walbridge (Lafayette College 1923)
Thomas C. Walker (Lafayette College 1928)
Paul H. Walter (Lafayette College 1909)
John Ward (Lafayette College 1916)
John Ward (Lafayette College 1933)
James J. Waters (Lafayette College 1918)
Frank M. Weaver (Lafayette College 1901)
Bernard J. Weber (Lafayette College 1958)
Herbert C. Wessman (Lafayette College 1925)
John D. West (Lafayette College 1912)
Robert C. Wetmore (Lafayette College 1942)
Allan C. Whetstone (Lafayette College 1909)
Stanley D. Wickham (Lafayette College 1937)
H. W. Williams (Lafayette College 1947)
Joseph A. Williams (Lafayette College 1911)
Joseph H. Williams (Lafayette College 1911)
Richard D. Williams (Lafayette College 1896)
William M. Williams (Lafayette College 1888)
George B. Wilson USMC (Ret) (Lafayette College 1929)
Weston P. Wilson (Lafayette College 1938)
Clarence F. Wilt (Lafayette College 1906)
Charles W. Wirts Jr. (Lafayette College 1930)
Harlan E. Woehrle (Lafayette College 1905)
David O. Wolf (Lafayette College 1943)
Frederick Wong (Lafayette College 1948)
John A. Wright (Lafayette College 1953)
Adam M. Wyant (Lafayette College 1939)
Samuel D. Wylie (Lafayette College 1908)
Conrad W. Zimmerman (Lafayette College 1905)
Walter J. Zwiezynski (Lafayette College 1942)
Chris R. Gallagher (LaSalle University 1994)
Mark J. Ratkus (LaSalle University 1969)
Scott U. Adam (Lawrence University 1962)
Harold J. Bachmann (Lawrence University 1926)
Chris E. Baldwin (Lawrence University 1973)
Joseph L. Benton (Lawrence University 1917)
Charles M. Brooks (Lawrence University 1958)
Clifford E. Collins (Lawrence University 1933)
James A. Davis (Lawrence University 1966)
Richard P. Dearlove (Lawrence University 1934)
Hugh F. Denison (Lawrence University 1968)
Robert C. Duncan (Lawrence University 1965)
David L. Fulton (Lawrence University 1933)
Milton C. Haase (Lawrence University 1937)
Carl M. Hennig (Lawrence University 1926)
Robert K. Herrmann (Lawrence University 1939)
Marshall B. Hulbert (Lawrence University 1926)
John E. Keithley (Lawrence University 1962)
Wilmer A. Krueger (Lawrence University 1932)
Winfred S. Krueger (Lawrence University 1932)
Frederich A. Kuckuk (Lawrence University 1960)
Ron J. Kuhr (Lawrence University 1962)
Robert D. Malueg (Lawrence University 1966)
Emery S. McNeil (Lawrence University 1924)
David L. Morin (Lawrence University 1977)
David R. Morrison (Lawrence University 1966)
Peter Nash (Lawrence University 1967)
Thomas J. Nowaczek (Lawrence University 1967)
D. D. Opel (Lawrence University 1967)
Rodney A. Rahn (Lawrence University 1961)
William A. Rath (Lawrence University 1969)
Harry G. Resch (Lawrence University 1960)
Richard J. Saltzstein (Lawrence University 1972)
David A. Simmons (Lawrence University 1971)
Samuel E. Smith (Lawrence University 1933)
Randall L. Spaude (Lawrence University 1978)
David R. Strass (Lawrence University 1989)
Charles S. Tillman (Lawrence University 1971)
Johannes A. VanDenAkker (Lawrence University 1926)
Grant J. Verhulst (Lawrence University 1924)
Merton S. Zahrt (Lawrence University 1932)
Harry C. Aaron (Lehigh University 1931)
Frederick C. Adams (Lehigh University 1919)
Henry M. Adams (Lehigh University 1929)
Charles E. Ahl (Lehigh University 1940)
George F. Allen (Lehigh University 1935)
Donald H. Anderson (Lehigh University 1933)
James W. Anderson (Lehigh University 1889)
Marlin O. Andrews (Lehigh University 1916)
John E. Angle (Lehigh University 1932)
Luther B. Anthony (Lehigh University 1904)
Louis Antonsanti (Lehigh University 1907)
Frederick A. Armstrong (Lehigh University 1901)
Edward F. Arnold (Lehigh University 1927)
Albert E. Arrott Jr. (Lehigh University 1932)
William L. Arthur (Lehigh University 1932)
William E. Austin (Lehigh University 1936)
William S. Ayars (Lehigh University 1896)
Albert D. Ayres (Lehigh University 1896)
Chester T. Ayres (Lehigh University 1895)
Arthur G. Bachman (Lehigh University 1902)
Fred E. Bailey (Lehigh University 1919)
G. T. Bailey (Lehigh University 1952)
Robert D. Bailey (Lehigh University 1943)
George H. Bailey (Lehigh University 1933)
Walter C. Bailey (Lehigh University 1927)
Albert L. Baker (Lehigh University 1944)
Robert P. Balderson (Lehigh University 1923)
Harold G. Barrett (Lehigh University 1919)
John P. Barton (Lehigh University 1938)
De F. Bast (Lehigh University 1949)
Thomas B. Bates (Lehigh University 1961)
Russell A. J. Beale (Lehigh University 1922)
John B. Beck (Lehigh University 1891)
Colin R. Beeson (Lehigh University 1935)
David L. Bennell (Lehigh University 1944)
Richard E. Benner (Lehigh University 1954)
Arthur L. Benson (Lehigh University 1933)
John A. Bentz (Lehigh University 1970)
Charles E. Blasius (Lehigh University 1918)
Robert J. Bockrath (Lehigh University 1964)
W. B. Bogenrief (Lehigh University 1968)
Henry C. Bonfig Jr. (Lehigh University 1951)
Julian H. Booker (Lehigh University 1932)
Madison B. Bordley (Lehigh University 1895)
Herman S. Borhek (Lehigh University 1890)
Wilson G. Boyden (Lehigh University 1923)
Louis A. Brettner (Lehigh University 1931)
Ernest L. Bridge (Lehigh University 1926)
Lawrence C. Brink (Lehigh University 1894)
George R. Brothers (Lehigh University 1908)
Stanley M. Brown (Lehigh University 1945)
Walter T. Brown (Lehigh University 1895)
Roy T. Brumbaugh (Lehigh University 1912)
Newton W. Buch (Lehigh University 1901)
Walter S. Buck (Lehigh University 1905)
Frank S. Buechley (Lehigh University 1924)
Irving F. Buell (Lehigh University 1952)
Edgar Q. Bullock (Lehigh University 1904)
Louis H. Burkhart (Lehigh University 1927)
Franklin S. Burleigh (Lehigh University 1923)
Franc H. Burnett (Lehigh University 1939)
Maynard C. Burrell (Lehigh University 1910)
Donald G. Burt (Lehigh University 1956)
Charles N. Butler (Lehigh University 1888)
Paul E. Butler (Lehigh University 1905)
Thomas F. Butts (Lehigh University 1918)
John A. Byerly (Lehigh University 1952)
Francis J. Callaghan (Lehigh University 1919)
Alan S. Callahan (Lehigh University 1976)
Michael J. Callow (Lehigh University 1925)
Matthew A. Campbell (Lehigh University 1905)
Dean Carey (Lehigh University 1931)
William A. Carlisle (Lehigh University 1953)
Douglas L. Carlton (Lehigh University 1950)
Keith A. Carlucci (Lehigh University 1999)
Harvey F. Carrigues (Lehigh University 1921)
Sherwood W. Case (Lehigh University 1950)
Niles Chapman (Lehigh University 1905)
Thomas W. Chapman (Lehigh University 1952)
Henry P. Chapman (Lehigh University 1939)
Franklin G. Chiles (Lehigh University 1925)
Herbert W. Christiansen (Lehigh University 1948)
Steve A. Cirucci (Lehigh University 1986)
Robert C. Clark (Lehigh University 1932)
Thomas M. Clinton (Lehigh University 1897)
James M. Conklin (Lehigh University 1909)
Leon D. Conkling (Lehigh University 1920)
Patrick M. Connelly (Lehigh University 1961)
Arthur B. Conner (Lehigh University 1905)
Robert F. Cooke (Lehigh University 1946)
William L. Coon (Lehigh University 1928)
Bruce N. Crichton (Lehigh University 1958)
L. H. Crick (Lehigh University 1924)
William S. Criswell (Lehigh University 1919)
John D. Cullen (Lehigh University 1948)
Robert E. Cullen (Lehigh University 1942)
Eldred H. Daggett (Lehigh University 1925)
Herbert M. Daggett (Lehigh University 1898)
Kenneth D. Daley (Lehigh University 1930)
Michael H. Danjczek (Lehigh University 1972)
Wallace Dann (Lehigh University 1905)
John R. Davey (Lehigh University 1929)
Albert I. Davey (Lehigh University 1931)
Ralph C. Davis (Lehigh University 1930)
Clyde Davis (Lehigh University 1926)
David Dean (Lehigh University 1949)
Bernard W. Deehan (Lehigh University 1943)
Louis P. DeLotto (Lehigh University 1953)
Robert S. Demms (Lehigh University 1932)
Heber Denman (Lehigh University 1892)
Jose A. Deobaldia (Lehigh University 1900)
Helcias R. Deoliveira (Lehigh University 1894)
James B. Detrixhe (Lehigh University 1962)
Philip H. Dewitt (Lehigh University 1888)
James C. Dick (Lehigh University 1895)
Robert D. Dick (Lehigh University 1928)
Don H. Dimmick (Lehigh University 1955)
George S. Dixon (Lehigh University 1930)
Wilson H. Dodge (Lehigh University 1923)
George C. Doering (Lehigh University 1933)
Hugh F. Dolan (Lehigh University 1923)
William W. Dolben (Lehigh University 1965)
Richard C. Dold (Lehigh University 1929)
Manuel V. Domenech (Lehigh University 1888)
Ray E. Dorney (Lehigh University 1907)
David M. Dowling (Lehigh University 1983)
Nelson M. Downes (Lehigh University 1910)
T. Watson Downes (Lehigh University 1914)
James N. Downey (Lehigh University 1902)
Harry B. Doyle (Lehigh University 1919)
Charles R. Drake (Lehigh University 1939)
Edgar D. Edmonston (Lehigh University 1898)
Alan H. Edwards (Lehigh University 1946)
Lars E. Ekholm (Lehigh University 1929)
Dean B. Ellison (Lehigh University 1948)
Badgley A. Elmes (Lehigh University 1943)
Carl A. Elmes (Lehigh University 1944)
Natt M. Emery (Lehigh University 1895)
George H. Erwin (Lehigh University 1920)
Frederick M. Fair (Lehigh University 1951)
Warren P. Fairbanks (Lehigh University 1937)
Edward L. Faison (Lehigh University 1895)
Raymond L. Filbert (Lehigh University 1906)
Thomas C. Fisher (Lehigh University 1904)
William L. Fleming (Lehigh University 1902)
James H. Fogg (Lehigh University 1913)
Chester Fordham (Lehigh University 1925)
Edward G. Fox (Lehigh University 1925)
Charles W. Francis (Lehigh University 1912)
James R. French (Lehigh University 1927)
Giles H. Friedman (Lehigh University 1999)
William S. Garrett (Lehigh University 1921)
Harvey F. Garrigues (Lehigh University 1921)
Harris R. Gates (Lehigh University 1951)
David F. Gearhart (Lehigh University 1944)
Gordon J. Gebhardt (Lehigh University 1950)
Frederick W. Genshart (Lehigh University 1924)
William H. Gier (Lehigh University 1968)
Harry Gillett Jr. (Lehigh University 1922)
James B. Given (Lehigh University 1896)
Albert F. Glass (Lehigh University 1915)
Harvey H. Godshall (Lehigh University 1893)
Thomas H. Golden (Lehigh University 1943)
Joseph C. Gonzales (Lehigh University 1973)
Harry Goodman Jr. (Lehigh University 1949)
William D. Gordon (Lehigh University 1943)
Alan S. Grant (Lehigh University 1939)
Leroy S. Green (Lehigh University 1914)
Herbert T. Greene (Lehigh University 1900)
Garrett L. Grier (Lehigh University 1934)
Elbert D. Griffenberg (Lehigh University 1926)
Harvey C. Griffith (Lehigh University 1914)
Harvey C. Griffith (Lehigh University 1941)
Robert R. Grim (Lehigh University 1961)
Stephan S. Groner (Lehigh University 1925)
James L. Gross (Lehigh University 1918)
John L. Gross (Lehigh University 1896)
Eugene J. Guidi (Lehigh University 1960)
Thomas Habicht (Lehigh University 1939)
George A. Haefeker (Lehigh University 1924)
Peter W. Hairston (Lehigh University 1893)
Carl A. Haller (Lehigh University 1917)
George L. Hallock (Lehigh University 1906)
George L. Hann (Lehigh University 1905)
Miles L. Harris (Lehigh University 1937)
Thomas L. Haught (Lehigh University 1952)
Ben M. Hauserman (Lehigh University 1935)
William F. Hauserman (Lehigh University 1941)
Theodore C. Hazard (Lehigh University 1912)
James M. Hazelwood (Lehigh University 1951)
George C. Heikes (Lehigh University 1923)
Barton R. Heinz (Lehigh University 1943)
Ralph S. Heller (Lehigh University 1937)
Arthur P. Helms (Lehigh University 1930)
Douglas Henderson (Lehigh University 1916)
William E. Henderson (Lehigh University 1952)
Carl S. Heritage (Lehigh University 1904)
Paul H. Herman (Lehigh University 1906)
Richard G. Hess (Lehigh University 1953)
Joseph B. Hetfield (Lehigh University 1959)
John W. Highfield (Lehigh University 1961)
Bruce U. Hill (Lehigh University 1952)
Charles A. Hiss (Lehigh University 1916)
John B. Hiss (Lehigh University 1915)
Francis E. Hite (Lehigh University 1930)
William C. Hittinger (Lehigh University 1944)
John R. Hoagland (Lehigh University 1917)
Douglas B. Hobbs (Lehigh University 1923)
John S. Hocker (Lehigh University 1922)
William F. Hoffman (Lehigh University 1945)
Alvah R. Holbert (Lehigh University 1969)
Henry W. Holt (Lehigh University 1929)
Reed D. Holt (Lehigh University 1934)
Robert S. Holt (Lehigh University 1935)
Paul D. Honeyman (Lehigh University 1891)
John W. Hood (Lehigh University 1921)
Clarence A. Hoppock (Lehigh University 1909)
David W. Hoppock (Lehigh University 1936)
John S. Hoppock (Lehigh University 1938)
David A. Horning (Lehigh University 1950)
Frederick K. Houston (Lehigh University 1890)
John S. Hull (Lehigh University 1922)
Conrad E. Humphrey (Lehigh University 1927)
Effingham P. Humphrey (Lehigh University 1915)
James Y. Humphrey (Lehigh University 1918)
John M. Humphrey Jr. (Lehigh University 1923)
Roger Hunt (Lehigh University 1906)
John W. Hyland (Lehigh University 1928)
Robert L. Isaly (Lehigh University 1936)
Antonio Izquierdo (Lehigh University 1920)
Frederick W. Jacoby (Lehigh University 1946)
Hugh M. Jamison (Lehigh University 1935)
Arthur P. Jenks (Lehigh University 1897)
Edwin H. Jenness (Lehigh University 1920)
Eugene L. Jenness (Lehigh University 1917)
Benjamin N. Johns (Lehigh University 1906)
W. S. Johns (Lehigh University 1949)
Walter S. Johns (Lehigh University 1902)
Fred A. Johnson (Lehigh University 1905)
Guy R. Johnson (Lehigh University 1915)
Harry F. Johnson (Lehigh University 1917)
Meredith E. Johnson (Lehigh University 1918)
Edward L. Johnson Jr. (Lehigh University 1928)
Joseph Johnson (Lehigh University 1945)
Bruce M. Jones (Lehigh University 1916)
Russell R. Jones (Lehigh University 1945)
Preston G. Justice (Lehigh University 1930)
Francis G. Kail (Lehigh University 1974)
Cyrus J. Kearney (Lehigh University 1915)
William H. Kelley (Lehigh University 1956)
John M. Kellogg (Lehigh University 1928)
William D. Kelly (Lehigh University 1913)
Paul E. Ketterer (Lehigh University 1927)
Charles F. Kindt (Lehigh University 1959)
Edmund G. King (Lehigh University 1907)
John R. Kingham (Lehigh University 1953)
Stanley Kitchel (Lehigh University 1911)
August R. Klein (Lehigh University 1931)
Edward Knapp (Lehigh University 1905)
Carl C. Kohl (Lehigh University 1938)
Ernest E. Krack (Lehigh University 1936)
Scott W. Kress (Lehigh University 1949)
Charles T. Kriebel (Lehigh University 1907)
George C. Kurtossy (Lehigh University 1960)
Herbert D. Kynor (Lehigh University 1910)
Herbert D. Kynor (Lehigh University 1947)
David H. Lackey (Lehigh University 1895)
Clifford B. Langstroth (Lehigh University 1906)
Ward T. Langstroth (Lehigh University 1946)
Harry G. Larson (Lehigh University 1921)
James G. Law (Lehigh University 1925)
Lovell Lawrence (Lehigh University 1909)
Daniel J. Layton (Lehigh University 1933)
Ernest T. Lefevre (Lehigh University 1896)
Henry F. Lefevre (Lehigh University 1892)
Peter G. Lehman (Lehigh University 1941)
Edmund B. Lehr (Lehigh University 1911)
Forrest B. Leland (Lehigh University 1938)
J. R. Lemmon (Lehigh University 1917)
James R. Lemmon (Lehigh University 1951)
Elmer Lenfest (Lehigh University 1886)
Harold E. Lenker (Lehigh University 1913)
Milton J. Leroy (Lehigh University 1920)
Harry J. Leschen (Lehigh University 1940)
Frank K. Leslie (Lehigh University 1891)
Henry C. Lester (Lehigh University 1921)
Daniel H. Lewis (Lehigh University 1922)
Frederick W. Lewis (Lehigh University 1923)
Telford Lewis (Lehigh University 1896)
William E. Lewis (Lehigh University 1914)
Frank R. Liggett (Lehigh University 1934)
Clifford F. Lincoln (Lehigh University 1911)
Clifford F. Lincoln Jr. (Lehigh University 1940)
William M. Lincoln (Lehigh University 1937)
James S. Little (Lehigh University 1931)
Russell G. Lloyd (Lehigh University 1919)
Francis J. Lloyd (Lehigh University 1923)
George R. Logan (Lehigh University 1909)
Donald C. Luce (Lehigh University 1954)
Charles W. Lueders (Lehigh University 1935)
Frederick K. Lundy (Lehigh University 1898)
Frank F. Lusby (Lehigh University 1954)
Edward Lyons (Lehigh University 1929)
William T. Lytle (Lehigh University 1908)
Charles R. Macauley (Lehigh University 1949)
Owen G. Macknight (Lehigh University 1897)
Harry I. Magee (Lehigh University 1900)
Lynn B. Mann (Lehigh University 1925)
Charles H. Marcy (Lehigh University 1912)
Charles W. Martin (Lehigh University 1910)
Donald S. Martin (Lehigh University 1940)
William T. Martin (Lehigh University 1955)
Robert J. Mattern (Lehigh University 1925)
Charles P. Maurer (Lehigh University 1920)
Lewis D. Mayers (Lehigh University 1905)
James P. Mayshark (Lehigh University 1936)
Daniel B. McAfee (Lehigh University 1942)
Wilbert M. McCauley (Lehigh University 1916)
Samuel G. McClellan (Lehigh University 1933)
Harry E. McCormick (Lehigh University 1904)
Francis M. McCullough (Lehigh University 1893)
Joseph S. McDaniel (Lehigh University 1934)
Walter S. McFarland (Lehigh University 1887)
Stuart R. McIntyre (Lehigh University 1947)
Turney S. McIntyre (Lehigh University 1916)
Chandler H. McKaig (Lehigh University 1943)
George F. Melloy (Lehigh University 1941)
Charles C. Melvin (Lehigh University 1895)
Walter B. Menefee (Lehigh University 1913)
Dwight W. Miller (Lehigh University 1964)
Herbert A. Miller (Lehigh University 1926)
Perberton F. Minster (Lehigh University 1924)
Frederick S. Mitman (Lehigh University 1923)
William T. Mitman (Lehigh University 1918)
Robert A. Moe (Lehigh University 1973)
Rudolph C. Mollmann (Lehigh University 1893)
Charles A. Moore (Lehigh University 1936)
Albert D. Moorhead (Lehigh University 1924)
Alan C. Morris (Lehigh University 1911)
Edward T. Morris (Lehigh University 1998)
James R. Morris (Lehigh University 1926)
John H. Morse (Lehigh University 1914)
William J. Mosconi (Lehigh University 1973)
Ralph F. Moss (Lehigh University 1942)
Daniel L. Mott (Lehigh University 1888)
Joseph P. Moulton (Lehigh University 1885)
John A. Mueller (Lehigh University 1915)
Theophil H. Mueller (Lehigh University 1918)
William G. Murlless (Lehigh University 1965)
Richard L. Murray (Lehigh University 1944)
Thad R. Murwin (Lehigh University 1964)
John K. Musgrave (Lehigh University 1955)
Robert E. Myers (Lehigh University 1958)
Dominic Navarro (Lehigh University 1950)
Curll L. Neely (Lehigh University 1924)
Alphonso R. Nicholson (Lehigh University 1893)
Philip G. Nickerson (Lehigh University 1931)
Stuart F. Nimmo (Lehigh University 1948)
Spencer H. Nitchie (Lehigh University 1926)
John H. Opdycke (Lehigh University 1919)
Miles H. Orth (Lehigh University 1896)
Alfred S. Osbourne (Lehigh University 1910)
Edmund D. Osbourne (Lehigh University 1940)
George F. Owens (Lehigh University 1904)
Henry R. Palmer (Lehigh University 1898)
Adolph Parra (Lehigh University 1911)
Preston W. Parvis (Lehigh University 1942)
Douglas C. Paul (Lehigh University 1940)
Henry L. Pentz (Lehigh University 1904)
James H. Perkins (Lehigh University 1937)
John J. M. Perkins (Lehigh University 1918)
William C. Perkins (Lehigh University 1890)
Frederick A. Perley (Lehigh University 1898)
Bertel N. Peterson (Lehigh University 1927)
John S. Petty (Lehigh University 1945)
Harry A. Peyton (Lehigh University 1905)
Henry S. Pickands (Lehigh University 1932)
William R. Pierce (Lehigh University 1887)
Charles S. Pinckney (Lehigh University 1894)
William D. Pinkerton (Lehigh University 1906)
Van D. Piper (Lehigh University 1894)
George E. Polhemus (Lehigh University 1908)
Daniel F. Pomeroy (Lehigh University 1919)
Stephen C. Potts (Lehigh University 1893)
John F. Powell (Lehigh University 1906)
Edward C. Price (Lehigh University 1895)
Edwin J. Prindle (Lehigh University 1890)
George B. Prindle (Lehigh University 1903)
William W. Purcell (Lehigh University 1926)
Richard E. Quillman (Lehigh University 1952)
Morton B. Rae (Lehigh University 1935)
Louis T. Rainey (Lehigh University 1899)
Frank B. Ralston (Lehigh University 1939)
Robert H. Ralston (Lehigh University 1949)
Edmund P. Ramsey (Lehigh University 1894)
Frederick V. Rankin (Lehigh University 1931)
Albert G. Rau (Lehigh University 1888)
Henry B. Rau (Lehigh University 1923)
Burton R. Rebert (Lehigh University 1912)
Henry B. Rebmann (Lehigh University 1926)
A. W. Reid (Lehigh University 1951)
Raymond J. Rems (Lehigh University 1913)
Oscar M. Reutelhuber (Lehigh University 1929)
George B. Rheinfrank (Lehigh University 1939)
Owen R. Rice (Lehigh University 1917)
Charles W. Ridinger (Lehigh University 1950)
John S. Riegel (Lehigh University 1890)
E. R. Riter (Lehigh University 1937)
John V. Rittenhouse (Lehigh University 1901)
Hugh W. Robinson USA (Lehigh University 1923)
Charles P. Rogers (Lehigh University 1953)
Sydney R. Root (Lehigh University 1913)
Sterling W. Rounds (Lehigh University 1928)
Richard M. Roy (Lehigh University 1955)
Joseph S. Royal (Lehigh University 1910)
Leonard E. Ruf (Lehigh University 1920)
John M. Sanderson (Lehigh University 1910)
Wilson D. Sanderson (Lehigh University 1908)
Louis H. Sasse (Lehigh University 1927)
F. M. Sayre (Lehigh University 1908)
William J. Scarlett (Lehigh University 1927)
John L. Schaefer (Lehigh University 1916)
David H. Schaper (Lehigh University 1943)
Terry Schiff (Lehigh University 1940)
Donald D. Schulz (Lehigh University 1920)
William C. Schulz (Lehigh University 1917)
Willard J. Schupner (Lehigh University 1930)
Martin Schwerin (Lehigh University 1900)
Howell A. Scobey Jr. (Lehigh University 1936)
John S. Scott (Lehigh University 1894)
Herbert H. Seaman (Lehigh University 1926)
Alexander C. Shand (Lehigh University 1912)
Robert F. Shannon (Lehigh University 1933)
Edward H. Shaw (Lehigh University 1892)
Benjamin F. Shaw (Lehigh University 1931)
Owen R. Sheriff (Lehigh University 1918)
Francis H. Sherrerd (Lehigh University 1905)
Cecil G. Shields (Lehigh University 1907)
Edward B. Shimer (Lehigh University 1910)
William R. Shimer (Lehigh University 1907)
Ralph E. Shoemaker (Lehigh University 1915)
Robert S. Sidler (Lehigh University 1924)
Allan P. Sill (Lehigh University 1909)
James P. Sinnott (Lehigh University 1975)
Burdette J. Sjostrom (Lehigh University 1931)
Ralph E. Skedgell (Lehigh University 1936)
Jonathan E. Slade (Lehigh University 1897)
Everett W. Smith (Lehigh University 1913)
Oscar E. Smith (Lehigh University 1891)
Richard M. Smith (Lehigh University 1948)
William B. Smith (Lehigh University 1917)
Stephen D. Smoke (Lehigh University 1941)
Burd E. Smyth (Lehigh University 1941)
Harold M. Smyth (Lehigh University 1912)
Antes L. Snyder (Lehigh University 1896)
Edward A. Soleliac (Lehigh University 1893)
Louis Soleliac (Lehigh University 1898)
George T. Southgate (Lehigh University 1895)
Robert W. Staats (Lehigh University 1914)
Samuel A. Stafford (Lehigh University 1923)
Charles H. Stamm (Lehigh University 1935)
Frank N. Stanley (Lehigh University 1938)
David T. Steele (Lehigh University 1944)
William E. Steiner (Lehigh University 1908)
Grant B. Stetson (Lehigh University 1939)
Arthur C. Stevens (Lehigh University 1919)
Minor B. Stewart (Lehigh University 1907)
Henry C. Stier (Lehigh University 1933)
Donald H. Stires (Lehigh University 1950)
Charles C. Strauch (Lehigh University 1922)
Frank P. Stultz (Lehigh University 1934)
Henderson Supplee (Lehigh University 1929)
Michael R. Swartz (Lehigh University 1965)
John E. Swaysland (Lehigh University 1951)
Allen W. Tate (Lehigh University 1965)
Earle W. B. Taylor (Lehigh University 1962)
Charles B. Teal (Lehigh University 1894)
David R. Thomas (Lehigh University 1951)
Ralph P. Thomas (Lehigh University 1918)
Russell E. Thomas (Lehigh University 1902)
William E. Thomson (Lehigh University 1949)
Columbus W. Thorn (Lehigh University 1896)
Archie D. Tifft (Lehigh University 1942)
A. H. Todd (Lehigh University 1944)
George Torrance (Lehigh University 1925)
Stanley C. Townsend (Lehigh University 1920)
Frank G. Travis (Lehigh University 1925)
Edwin W. Trexler (Lehigh University 1912)
Frank M. Turner (Lehigh University 1922)
Leonard E. VanDuyne (Lehigh University 1950)
Wilbur Vansant (Lehigh University 1913)
Donald C. Vermilya (Lehigh University 1956)
Harry E. Vonkersburg (Lehigh University 1906)
George P. Wager (Lehigh University 1895)
Walter S. Wainright (Lehigh University 1932)
Harris E. Wainwright (Lehigh University 1934)
Raymond B. Wall (Lehigh University 1940)
Gregory F. Walsh (Lehigh University 1945)
Robert D. Warner (Lehigh University 1918)
Walter B. Warren (Lehigh University 1930)
George H. Wartman (Lehigh University 1906)
John B. Webber (Lehigh University 1962)
John A. R. Welsh (Lehigh University 1930)
Robert C. Welsh (Lehigh University 1929)
Alan D. West Jr. (Lehigh University 1962)
Biddle A. Whigham (Lehigh University 1948)
William Whigham (Lehigh University 1945)
Peter J. White (Lehigh University 1914)
William E. Willets (Lehigh University 1923)
David T. Williams (Lehigh University 1890)
Joseph W. Winter (Lehigh University 1917)
John U. Wisotzkey (Lehigh University 1951)
J. R. Wiss (Lehigh University 1914)
George R. Wist (Lehigh University 1967)
George R. Wood (Lehigh University 1911)
J. H. Wood (Lehigh University 1904)
Robert F. Wood (Lehigh University 1911)
Frederic W. Wright (Lehigh University 1913)
Elmer E. Yake (Lehigh University 1912)
George L. Yates (Lehigh University 1897)
Ransom G. Yeager (Lehigh University 1935)
Harry E. Young (Lehigh University 1922)
Edward R. Zalinski (Lehigh University 1900)
Lincoln M. Abney (Louisiana State University 1969)
William C. Adams (Louisiana State University 1958)
James H. Andrew (Louisiana State University 1981)
Carl M. Andrews (Louisiana State University 1961)
Ronald W. Atchley (Louisiana State University 1967)
Paul M. Barrios (Louisiana State University 1989)
Ronald K. Beaupre (Louisiana State University 1980)
Frank A. Bellerino (Louisiana State University 1951)
Wilbur V. Bennett (Louisiana State University 1961)
Richard H. Blakeley (Louisiana State University 1956)
Glenn U. Bradford (Louisiana State University 1928)
Ed W. Buford (Louisiana State University 1958)
Donald G. Cave (Louisiana State University 1965)
Robert M. Cayard (Louisiana State University 1958)
Leon K. Clement (Louisiana State University 1952)
James R. Cole (Louisiana State University 1964)
Thomas J. Conklin (Louisiana State University 1962)
Paul Courrege (Louisiana State University 1922)
Richard F. Crawford (Louisiana State University 1958)
Douglas W. Darden (Louisiana State University 1960)
Howard F. Davis (Louisiana State University 1966)
Ben R. Day (Louisiana State University 1964)
Jules W. Delambre (Louisiana State University 1963)
Michael E. Dobbins (Louisiana State University 1991)
Penick H. Dupuy (Louisiana State University 1920)
Eric M. Dusang (Louisiana State University 1990)
Isaac Y. East (Louisiana State University 1924)
Homer G. Fritchie (Louisiana State University 1957)
Randall A. Fuller (Louisiana State University 1950)
William H. Giddens (Louisiana State University 1964)
William A. Good (Louisiana State University 1987)
Hamilton E. Gray (Louisiana State University 1971)
Arthur B. Grice (Louisiana State University 1976)
Theodore Grieder (Louisiana State University 1955)
Reid M. Grigsby (Louisiana State University 1958)
Jack N. Guzzardo (Louisiana State University 1970)
Jeffrey M. Harmon (Louisiana State University 1970)
Alvin E. Hatton (Louisiana State University 1961)
Charles A. Helm (Louisiana State University 1984)
Donald L. Hoover (Louisiana State University 1956)
John C. Hoyt (Louisiana State University 1972)
Curtis C. Humphris (Louisiana State University 1976)
Charles H. Jenkins (Louisiana State University 1967)
Roberts P. Johnson (Louisiana State University 1962)
Stephen D. Johnson (Louisiana State University 1951)
Terry G. Karns (Louisiana State University 1961)
Arthur G. Keller (Louisiana State University 1963)
Marvin E. Kendrick (Louisiana State University 1953)
Robert F. Kennon (Louisiana State University 1923)
Jacob A. Kiger (Louisiana State University 1994)
Armand E. Kitto (Louisiana State University 1952)
Claude W. Lasalle (Louisiana State University 1923)
Elton H. Leach (Louisiana State University 1959)
Hector J. LeBlanc (Louisiana State University 1960)
Oliver H. Leblanc (Louisiana State University 1923)
Percy J. LeBlanc (Louisiana State University 1967)
William Y. Lobdell Jr. (Louisiana State University 1960)
David A. Longmire (Louisiana State University 1966)
Edward G. Luck (Louisiana State University 1950)
Richard B. MacMurdo (Louisiana State University 1989)
Pete E. Magoun (Louisiana State University 1958)
Charles B. Manning (Louisiana State University 1926)
Paul P. Matthews (Louisiana State University 1962)
Robert V. McAfee (Louisiana State University 1976)
E. D. McCarter (Louisiana State University 1956)
William E. McFarland (Louisiana State University 1924)
David Y. McKay (Louisiana State University 1950)
Michael J. McNulty (Louisiana State University 1921)
Lawrence A. Melsheimer (Louisiana State University 1968)
Edward L. Mitchell (Louisiana State University 1973)
Leo E. Olberts (Louisiana State University 1951)
Jack O'Neill (Louisiana State University 1960)
Mike S. Paulsen (Louisiana State University 1991)
Donald O. Peel (Louisiana State University 1924)
John M. Peel (Louisiana State University 1960)
Harvey A. Peltier (Louisiana State University 1919)
Steve J. Rettig (Louisiana State University 1973)
Michael W. Rials (Louisiana State University 1975)
Gerald D. Riddle (Louisiana State University 1977)
Terry L. Riddle (Louisiana State University 1975)
Oran A. Ritter (Louisiana State University 1957)
John C. Rogers (Louisiana State University 1921)
John G. Rogers (Louisiana State University 1958)
Kevin P. Rozas (Louisiana State University 1987)
Carl V. Schaubhut (Louisiana State University 2004)
Richard J. Searles (Louisiana State University 1961)
J. S. Sessions (Louisiana State University 1980)
John C. Spencer (Louisiana State University 1960)
Don H. Strobel (Louisiana State University 1959)
Robert A. Tannert (Louisiana State University 1954)
Charles A. Taylor (Louisiana State University 1978)
William L. Taylor (Louisiana State University 1967)
Walter W. Taylor (Louisiana State University 1951)
James L. Thomas (Louisiana State University 1961)
Clovis S. Toler (Louisiana State University 1928)
Brown G. Turnipseed (Louisiana State University 1965)
Alexis Voorhies (Louisiana State University 1922)
James W. Webb (Louisiana State University 1960)
William M. Weber (Louisiana State University 2001)
Robert E. Welleford (Louisiana State University 1957)
Richard D. Westbrook (Louisiana State University 1971)
John F. Whitley (Louisiana State University 1921)
Warren L. Williamson (Louisiana State University 1963)
Leroy G. Wilson (Louisiana State University 1927)
Louis A. Windham (Louisiana State University 1921)
Scott C. Wolford (Louisiana State University 1978)
Jeffrey D. Wright (Louisiana State University 1981)
Andrew B. Wyatt (Louisiana State University 1923)
William G. Andrews (Marietta College 1855)
Charles B. Bailey (Marietta College 1890)
Jasper C. Barnes (Marietta College 1890)
David E. Beach (Marietta College 1859)
Orville P. Blake (Marietta College 1892)
Harry G. Blish (Marietta College 1892)
John S. Brazier (Marietta College 1886)
Harry Briggs (Marietta College 1897)
Joseph H. Brokaw (Marietta College 1893)
Angus K. Campbell (Marietta College 1856)
Edward Campbell (Marietta College 1894)
Thomas H. Cisler (Marietta College 1889)
Robert E. Coghill (Marietta College 1900)
Leroy J. Cohagan (Marietta College 1897)
Emmett L. Coleman (Marietta College 1892)
Temple Cutler (Marietta College 1857)
Henry M. Dawes (Marietta College 1855)
George P. Dickerson (Marietta College 1891)
Reuben S. Douglas (Marietta College 1895)
Friend T. Dye (Marietta College 1891)
Charles K. Fankhauser (Marietta College 1893)
Robert W. Fankhauser (Marietta College 1899)
William H. Farquhar (Marietta College 1896)
William E. Fay (Marietta College 1877)
Frank W. Fischer (Marietta College 1894)
Frederick Fischer (Marietta College 1891)
Thomas C. Flanegin (Marietta College 1866)
John F. Follett (Marietta College 1855)
Martin D. Follett (Marietta College 1853)
Gustavus S. Franklin (Marietta College 1859)
George M. Gear (Marietta College 1890)
George R. Gear (Marietta College 1867)
Harry B. Gear (Marietta College 1892)
Theodore E. Greenwood (Marietta College 1859)
Stephen A. Guthrie (Marietta College 1857)
Charles L. Hall (Marietta College 1899)
Cyrus Hartwell (Marietta College 1857)
William W. Hayman (Marietta College 1892)
Charles W. Hempstead (Marietta College 1884)
Harry L. Hollister (Marietta College 1879)
John L. Hopwood (Marietta College 1900)
George H. Howison (Marietta College 1855)
James F. Jones (Marietta College 1892)
John Kaiser (Marietta College 1890)
Karl G. Kaiser (Marietta College 1898)
Edwin J. Lewis (Marietta College 1891)
Charles H. Lund (Marietta College 1884)
Benjamin F. Maiden (Marietta College 1892)
Jesse S. Matson (Marietta College 1888)
Arthur M. Mattoon (Marietta College 1880)
Samuel H. McGregor (Marietta College 1881)
Homer C. McKinney (Marietta College 1896)
Thomas E. McKinney (Marietta College 1887)
Frank E. McLaughlin (Marietta College 1884)
James T. Mitchell (Marietta College 1890)
Charles L. Newberry (Marietta College 1896)
Charles T. Nixon (Marietta College 1892)
Henry M. Parker (Marietta College 1859)
George M. Plumer (Marietta College 1890)
Samuel H. Plumer (Marietta College 1895)
William S. Plumer (Marietta College 1891)
Edwin H. Porter (Marietta College 1886)
Douglas Putnam (Marietta College 1859)
James E. Rees (Marietta College 1896)
William M. Reese (Marietta College 1888)
Robert W. Richardson (Marietta College 1885)
Leonard W. Riley (Marietta College 1894)
Charles B. Scott (Marietta College 1884)
Hugh B. Scott (Marietta College 1858)
Charles P. Shaw (Marietta College 1887)
Leonard C. Shaw (Marietta College 1889)
Robert A. Shaw (Marietta College 1890)
John H. Shedd (Marietta College 1856)
Joseph W. Smith (Marietta College 1893)
George C. Stone (Marietta College 1895)
Selden A. Stone (Marietta College 1883)
Thomas P. Thomas (Marietta College 1882)
Edward P. Walker (Marietta College 1856)
Robert H. Walker (Marietta College 1878)
Alexander M. Washburn (Marietta College 1857)
Charles C. White (Marietta College 1897)
Roger M. Williams (Marietta College 1889)
Frederick B. Williamson (Marietta College 1886)
Quillin R. Young (Marietta College 1879)
A. G. Abbott (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1953)
Allen Abrams (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915)
David T. Ahlers (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1941)
Harold Alcaide (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1931)
William B. Alexander (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1957)
Arthur B. Allen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1903)
Erik D. Allen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1960)
W. L. Allen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1910)
Alfred W. Allyn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1902)
Azel Ames (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
R. T. Amis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1958)
Frank W. Anderson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1948)
Jack F. Andrews (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1933)
Larry M. Andrews (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1958)
Otis C. Angier (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Herbert Armstrong (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1893)
Harold S. Arnold (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1910)
Stuart V. Arnold (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1939)
Donn L. Ashley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1945)
Ralph K. Askew (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1925)
Allen R. Atwater (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1913)
Donald J. Atwood (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1948)
John Avery (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1910)
Philip S. Avery (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1911)
Nathan C. Ayer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1935)
Leroy M. Backus (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1901)
Frank S. Badger (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1927)
Frank S. Badger (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1927)
Edward S. Baker (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1902)
Frank C. Baldwin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1890)
Louis B. Baldwin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1946)
Charles G. Ball (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
James L. Ball (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1946)
Alfonso F. Ballon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1943)
Joseph B. Banks (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1953)
James L. Barber (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1945)
John C. Barker (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1921)
Wilbur S. Barker (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1903)
Frederick B. Barnard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1907)
Carlos J. Barrios (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1919)
Ralph W. Bartlett (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1920)
Thomas E. Bastis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1954)
O. Kenneth Bates (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1921)
Frederick W. Baumann (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1942)
Ronald P. Bell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1952)
Donald E. Bent (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1912)
Quentin Berg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937)
Richard W. Berry (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
Harold D. Billings (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1910)
Joseph B. Birdsell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1931)
Jos E. Bissell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1893)
Robert W. Bissell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1891)
Alf R. Bjercke (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1943)
Walter T. Blake (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937)
Roderic M. Blood (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1919)
Kirk V. Blunck (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1976)
Guy W. Bolte (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1911)
William N. Boright (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1920)
Ford M. Boulware (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1936)
Richard L. Bowditch (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1923)
George W. Bowers (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
Raymond L. Bowles (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Larry C. Boyd (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1959)
Donald G. Bradley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1918)
Coleman Bresee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1954)
Harry W. Brewer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1936)
Jack D. Briggs (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1942)
Tad W. Broesel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
William H. Brotherton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1914)
Charles D. Brown (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1936)
Charles E. Brown (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1920)
Edwin A. Brown (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1896)
Malcolm C. Brown (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1919)
Morris L. Brown (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1933)
Robert B. Brown (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1952)
Sumner E. Brown (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1904)
George H. Bruce (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
Julius A. Buerkin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1918)
Kenney A. Burgess (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1918)
William B. Burnet (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937)
John R. Burton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1935)
Theodore H. Butler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1925)
Vincent K. Butler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1945)
Arthur F. Buys (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1900)
Sewall Cabot (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1896)
Claude F. Cairns (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1913)
Douglas Cairns (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1908)
Hendley R. Callaway (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1908)
Ralph F. Cameron (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1947)
Earl R. Carle (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
James R. Carpenter (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1912)
Charles V. Case (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1933)
Everett S. Cason (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
Robert C. Casselman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1939)
Richard Cavanagh (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1934)
Stuart Chase (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1910)
Elliot S. Church (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1908)
Harold D. Church (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
William R. Churchill (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1934)
Ludovico J. Cicogna (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950)
William B. Claflin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1895)
George A. Clapp (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1905)
David R. Clare (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1945)
Burton S. Clark (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1901)
Lloyd E. Clark (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1934)
Howard P. Claussen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
George O. Clifford (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
James L. Clifford (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
John C. Cobb (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1903)
John R. Coffin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1919)
Schuyler Coffin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915)
Arthur L. Collier (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1902)
John R. Cook (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1938)
Ralph M. Cook (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Robert M. Copsey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1944)
Charles F. Cordes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1951)
Eugene A. Coupal (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1911)
James S. Coupal (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1907)
Walter Crafts (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1926)
George D. Cremer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1939)
Arthur Croxson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1935)
Laurance M. Dalton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1919)
Marshall B. Dalton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915)
William G. Daly (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1958)
Norman P. Dana (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1920)
Raymond E. Davis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1920)
James O. Davis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1947)
Robert O. Dehlendorf (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
Laurence H. Delabarre (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
Valentine V. Deolloqui (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1940)
Robert V. Derrah (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1918)
Walter G. Desteiguer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
Augustus A. DeVoe (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950)
Howard A. Dill (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1891)
Robert E. Dodd (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1923)
Robert C. Doremus (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915)
Norman K. Dorf (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1961)
Everett F. Doten (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1919)
Willard W. Dow (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1901)
Winthrop G. Dow (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1923)
George M. Downing (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1892)
James A. Drain (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1926)
Carl D. Dresser (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1974)
John Drum (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1926)
Atwood P. Dunham (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1917)
Stanley C. Dunning (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1917)
Calvin B. Dunwoody (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1943)
S. H. Dupont (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
F. C. Durant (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1902)
John D. DuRoss (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1935)
Merrill L. Ebner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1953)
Lee C. Eddison (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1948)
Harrison P. Eddy Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1917)
Gurdon I. Edgerton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1912)
Joseph R. Egan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1977)
Burton T. Ellis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1933)
Hanson E. Ely (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1946)
Donald L. Emerick (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1970)
Quincy P. Emery (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
Bruce A. Enders (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1969)
Robert A. Engel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1927)
Bruce J. Ennis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1933)
George L. Estes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1939)
Robert R. Evans (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1948)
Wilbur F. Evans (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1893)
Samuel B. Farnum (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1933)
Horace B. Fay (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1912)
Henry B. Ferguson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950)
James E. Fifield (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1940)
John C. Firmin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1911)
Harold G. Fitz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1895)
Lamar Fleming (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1943)
Saxton W. Fletcher (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1918)
Charles T. Flint (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1930)
Grant Y. Flynn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1928)
Charles M. Fogg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1925)
William M. Folberth (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1941)
Charles L. Foote (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1911)
Gordon L. Foote (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1938)
Charles E. Fox (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1891)
Henry K. Franzheim (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1913)
George F. French (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1919)
Alfred W. Friend (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1902)
Arthur L. Gardner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1908)
Harold Gardner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1909)
Gonzalo Garita (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
Edmund A. Garrett (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1903)
James A. Garrison (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1944)
Wilmer S. Garwood (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950)
Eugene M. Gettel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1947)
Halbert S. Gillette (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1945)
B. A. Gillies (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1927)
James Girdwood (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1942)
James R. Glazebrook (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1928)
Jules Godchaux (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1893)
Albert L. Goetzmann (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1892)
Arthur H. Goodale (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1908)
Percy A. Goodale (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1905)
Charles F. Goodrich (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1912)
Carl L. Goodwin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1941)
Harry B. Goodwin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937)
James P. Gordon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1949)
James E. Gouhin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1956)
G. Peter Grant Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1935)
Gilbert S. Graves (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1943)
William C. Gray (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Harland A. Gray (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1946)
Francis C. Greene (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1895)
William M. Grosvenor Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1927)
Horace E. Hall (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
Ralph N. Hall (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1907)
Richard R. Hall (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
Axel Hammarberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1905)
John A. Hammond (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1933)
Alan E. Harger (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1968)
Paul J. Harrington (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1927)
Walter Harrington (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1917)
Walton G. Harrington (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1909)
Rutherford Harris (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937)
Alfred W. Harrison (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1899)
Clifford A. Harvey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1931)
Broderick Haskell Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
William H. Hassinger (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1926)
Henry W. Hastings (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
Hudson B. Hastings (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1907)
Russell Hastings (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1909)
Russell Hastings (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1934)
Albert M. Heintz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1934)
Edward W. Hellier (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1918)
Harry A. Helm (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1942)
Alexander Henderson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1925)
Jesse R. Henshaw (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1934)
John W. Herb (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1945)
Edwin T. Herbig Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937)
Norman Herreshoff (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1925)
David M. Heskett (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1940)
George H. Hewett (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1923)
Albert S. Heywood (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1892)
Jack R. Hiatt (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1971)
Thomas R. Hickey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1945)
Clifford C. Hield (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1910)
Frederick L. Higgins (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1904)
Edward S. Hill (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1947)
Ronald G. Hillebrand (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1956)
Gabe B. Hilton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915)
Paul C. Hitchcock (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1926)
Winthrop D. Hodges (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1930)
Baird W. Hodgkinson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937)
Millard B. Hodgson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1939)
Elmer A. Holbrook (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1904)
Thomas S. Holden (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
Harry B. Hollander (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1938)
Frederic L. Holmes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1954)
Philetus H. Holt (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1930)
William K. Hooper (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1941)
Prescott A. Hopkins (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1892)
H. C. Howard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1945)
Albert K. Huckins (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1910)
Robert E. Hughes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1949)
Harlan F. Hunt (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1949)
David B. Ingalls (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1934)
Ralph O. Ingram (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1904)
Louis Jacoby (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1909)
Frank J. Jerome (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1941)
Sidney B. Jewett (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1928)
Robert L. Johnson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1938)
Jack S. Jordan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1928)
Mathew Keany (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1929)
Harold E. Kebbon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1912)
William F. Keene (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1891)
William H. Keith (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1933)
Raymond F. Kelley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1944)
Edward H. Kelly (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1949)
Clinton C. Kemp (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1943)
Robert E. Keyes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1907)
W. O. Kincannon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1948)
Thomas J. Kingsford (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1936)
Charles Kingsley Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1927)
Howard E. Kirkendall (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1963)
John A. Kleinhans (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1936)
Elliott W. Knight (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1903)
Hubert E. Knipmeyer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1951)
Carl J. Kohler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1928)
Elwood H. Koontz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1936)
Elmer P. Kraft (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1892)
Frederic S. Krag (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
Everett C. Kroehler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1929)
Panos M. Kyrtsis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1956)
Walter W. Landsiedel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937)
Alfred E. Lang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1903)
Harry N. Latey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1893)
Charles W. Lawrance (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
John Lawrence (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
Lewis M. Lawrence (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1900)
Joseph T. Lawton Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
Robert T. Leadbetter (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1931)
Edward Leber (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1895)
George R. Lederer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1947)
Elisha Lee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1892)
Woodruff Leeming (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1891)
John B. Lees (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1938)
Jacob H. Leon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
Robert A. Lindquist (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1951)
William R. Lindsay (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1944)
Albert J. Lindsly (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1903)
Ben E. Lindsly (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1905)
Alpheus C. Lippincott (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Harold H. Lockey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1921)
Wesley H. Loomis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1935)
Harry R. Low (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1903)
Arthur W. Lunn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1909)
Fred S. Lutz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1926)
Alpheus C. Lyon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1904)
Carlton R. Mabley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1925)
Robert L. MacCallum (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1951)
William M. Mack (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1968)
Mark G. Magnuson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1904)
Alexander W. Makepeace (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1925)
Charles S. Makepeace (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
Heiichiro Maki (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1893)
Charles O. Mallinckrodt (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1929)
Herbert J. Mann (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
Arthur W. Mansfield (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1963)
Clement March (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1891)
Morell Marean (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1930)
Arthur B. Marsh (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1929)
Edward C. Marshall (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
Emory M. Marshall (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1912)
Frederick E. Martin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1920)
William A. McCartney Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
Arthur B. McCullough (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1931)
Virgil W. McDaniel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1929)
Patrick J. McGovern (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1959)
William C. McHenry (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
Alan H. McIntosh (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1919)
Richard McKay (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1921)
Benjamin E. McKechnie (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1902)
Bowman McKennan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1925)
James D. McLean (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937)
John R. McPhee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
Gabriel Menchaca (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1986)
Weir O. Merryweather (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1920)
Merritt B. Merwin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1907)
Frank L. Meyer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1928)
Alfred R. Meyer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1943)
George J. Meyers (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1929)
George A. Midwood (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Christopher R. Miller (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1965)
Charles B. Miller (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1929)
Daniel C. Mitchell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1934)
Philip H. Mitchell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1934)
Terry Mitchell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1921)
Robert W. Morgan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1955)
Burt E. Moritz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
Archibald S. Morrison (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915)
Howard A. Morrison (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1914)
Howard A. Morrison (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1941)
Raymond H. Morth (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1952)
Robert D. Morton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937)
Charles A. Muntz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1962)
John A. Myers (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1936)
Charles R. Myers (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Stephen B. Neiley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Bruce A. Nelson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1960)
Norman R. Nelson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1911)
Robert S. Nelson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1940)
David N. Ness (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1961)
Charles S. Newhall (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1896)
Edward Newhall (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1910)
Charles W. Newhall (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1928)
Addison H. Nordyke (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
Raymond H. North (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1952)
William H. Noyes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
John H. Ogle (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1903)
James B. Packard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1907)
Kenneth B. Page (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1920)
Paul M. Paine (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1904)
Joseph P. Palmer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1896)
Raymond E. Palmer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1913)
Richard B. Park (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
Charles F. Parker (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1921)
Harry C. Parkes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1892)
William H. Pasfield (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1945)
Hugh G. Pastoriza (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1943)
David L. Patten (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
Frederick C. Paul (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Joseph B. Paul (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
Robert H. Paul (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1892)
Charles E. Peck (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1947)
Caleb C. Peirce (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1913)
Leland S. Person (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1934)
Anthony W. Peters (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1901)
George T. Pew (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1939)
Halsey R. Philbrick (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
Harry M. Phillips (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1893)
Dean C. Picton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1944)
Henry R. Piehler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1960)
George R. Pierce (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1918)
William G. Pigeon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1900)
Thomas C. Pinkerton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1905)
Lawrence P. Prier (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1971)
Elzear J. Proulx (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1901)
Revere B. Pulsifer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1911)
Willard B. Purinton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Thomas O. Pyle (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1960)
Edwin Pyle (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1945)
Charles W. Radford (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1909)
Donald H. Radford (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1912)
John H. Raftery (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
Robert Rand (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1907)
Albert C. Read (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
Rush H. Record (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1977)
Edwin A. Reed (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1945)
Charles C. Reynolds (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1947)
Webster Richardson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1911)
Edward Rickard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
Henry C. Rickard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1925)
John L. Riegel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1918)
Theodore Riegel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Theodore A. Riehl (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1930)
Harley M. Riga (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915)
William C. Roberson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Donald B. Robertson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950)
John W. Robins (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1931)
Nathaniel O. Robinson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1923)
Russell K. Robinson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1917)
Gilbert M. Roddy (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1931)
Robert C. Rogers (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
Albert H. Rooks (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1951)
Waldo H. Rostan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1935)
Dewitt C. Ruff (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1907)
Richard P. Sabin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950)
Ernesto J. Samper (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1928)
Leslie B. Sanders (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Mitchell J. Savin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1955)
Arthur H. Sawyer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1902)
Robert N. Sawyer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1956)
Joseph W. Saylor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950)
Elwood W. Schafer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
Carl C. Scheid (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1953)
Warren A. Schilling (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1943)
James H. Schipper (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937)
John F. Schipper (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1929)
Ernest G. Schmeisser (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1905)
Franz Schneider Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1908)
Lane Schofield (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1905)
William M. Schofield (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1910)
Howard S. Schumacher (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1957)
Gilbert B. Scott (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1928)
Kenneth N. Scott (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1934)
George W. Sensenich (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1925)
William Crighton Sessions JD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1926)
Robert G. Seyl (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1931)
Robert G. Shearer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1947)
Peter P. Shelby (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1932)
Osborne H. Shenstone (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1910)
David A. Shepard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1926)
Frank E. Shepard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1887)
Henry B. Shepard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
Frederick J. Shepard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1912)
John T. Sherman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1931)
Charles P. Shillaber (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1909)
Paul J. Shirley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1938)
Gayton L. Silvestro (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1984)
William S. Simpson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1923)
Richard C. Singleton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1949)
Charles H. Smith (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1942)
Dudley W. Smith (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1928)
James E. Smith (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1955)
Randall B. Smith (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1985)
Thomas G. Smith (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1946)
James S. Sneddon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1910)
James R. Speer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1893)
Raymond Spencer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1946)
Bruce M. Steele (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1920)
Hoyt P. Steele (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1934)
Samuel A. Steere (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1938)
Theodore W. Stein (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1948)
Olin J. Stephens (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1930)
Robert R. Stephenson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1951)
Harold C. Stetson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1905)
George H. Stickney (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
Frank J. Storm (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1941)
Carl L. Stucklen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1913)
Henry W. Stucklen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1911)
Russell Sturgis II (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1894)
Frederick C. Sutter (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1893)
Wilbur A. Swain (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915)
Hobe L. Swan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1947)
Carl V. Swanson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1960)
Phelps N. Swett (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1907)
Jose A. Tabush (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1955)
W. Allen Taft Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1935)
Henry P. Talbot (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1885)
Carleton H. Talcott (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1920)
Webster H. Taylor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1909)
Winfred A. Taylor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1905)
John R. Tench (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1923)
Henry E. Theis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1955)
Gordon C. Thomas (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1936)
James R. Thomson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937)
Fletcher P. Thornton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1936)
James S. Thornton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1941)
Rudolph Tietig (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1931)
John B. Titherington (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1940)
Henry N. Titzler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1942)
Charles H. Topping (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1928)
David A. Trageser (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1946)
John L. Turner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1930)
Lawrence C. Turnock (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1941)
S. Y. Tyree (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1942)
William H. Vandusen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
Richard A. Vantuyl (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1941)
John L. Vaupel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1921)
Charles G. Vickers (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1952)
Shepard Vogelgesang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
Richard G. Wade (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1947)
Joseph C. Walier (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1895)
Alexander C. Wallace (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1923)
Milner W. Wallace (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1936)
Ralph C. Walter (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1908)
Herbert L. Wardner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1892)
Raymond Ware (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
Marshall N. Waterman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1924)
K. W. Waterson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1957)
George S. Watson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1911)
Philip H. Weatherill (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1939)
Eastman A. Weaver (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915)
James B. Weaver (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1944)
Wesley W. Wedemeyer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1930)
William E. Weinz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1908)
Dexter R. Wells (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1942)
Adolph H. Wenzell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1917)
Leonard A. Wesson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1900)
Harry M. Westcott (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1892)
Edmund A. Whiting (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
John E. Whitman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1947)
Percy G. Whitman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1913)
Richard T. Whitney (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1917)
Robert F. Whitney (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1902)
Lyman P. Whitten (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1920)
Francis Whitten (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1914)
Emil Wilkinson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1907)
Edward H. Williams (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
Jay W. Williams (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
Philip N. Williams (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1929)
Douglas D. Wilson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1966)
John H. Wilson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1927)
W. B. Winder (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950)
Irvin R. Wolfcale (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1963)
Benjamin F. Wood (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1927)
George D. Wood (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1929)
Stephen T. Woodbridge (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915)
Burton T. Woodward (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1951)
Charles F. Wray (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1895)
Francis H. Wyeth (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1922)
Walter B. Wyman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1906)
Robertson Youngquist (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1939)
George N. Ziegler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1944)
Percy R. Ziegler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1900)
Gordon R. Adams (McGill University 1957)
Peter J. Arbour (McGill University 1959)
Dickson T. Armitage (McGill University 1949)
Stewart W. Bain (McGill University 1961)
Harold U. Banks (McGill University 1929)
Charles B. Beamish (McGill University 1954)
Ron G. Begley (McGill University 1956)
Eric Bierman (McGill University 1962)
Arthur J. Birchenough (McGill University 1961)
Stephen C. Brewer (McGill University 1960)
Leslie N. Buzzell (McGill University 1923)
Geoffrey M. Camp (McGill University 1951)
Lovell C. Carroll (McGill University 1929)
J. B. Dundas (McGill University 1955)
R. G. Dundas (McGill University 1961)
Charles A. East (McGill University 1959)
William R. Findlay (McGill University 1955)
Archibald Forrest (McGill University 1951)
Donald S. Frosst (McGill University 1954)
William H. Gear (McGill University 1956)
Robert M. Gill (McGill University 1950)
Colin D. Grimson (McGill University 1958)
William R. Harman (McGill University 1964)
Harrison C. Hayes (McGill University 1925)
George W. Hemming (McGill University 1950)
William C. Hood (McGill University 1955)
John R. Hughes (McGill University 1922)
Charles M. King (McGill University 1968)
Arne J. Lammin Maki (McGill University 1951)
Robert D. Lawson (McGill University 1966)
Robin T. Lewis (McGill University 1963)
James R. Mackenzie (McGill University 1953)
Graeme K. Mather (McGill University 1957)
Geoffrey G. McKenzie (McGill University 1952)
D. K. McMullan (McGill University 1951)
G. R. Messier (McGill University 1950)
Harry D. Miller (McGill University 1949)
William J. Piper (McGill University 1930)
Douglas B. Riddle (McGill University 1949)
A. W. Robertson (McGill University 1955)
Hugh L. Ross (McGill University 1957)
William O. Sharp (McGill University 1927)
Hermann G. Stockwell (McGill University 1929)
David B. Stuart (McGill University 1963)
Ross A. Tait (McGill University 1949)
John M. Thompson (McGill University 1956)
Allen G. Tilley (McGill University 1959)
Paul A. R. Townsend (McGill University 1960)
Arnold W. Tubman (McGill University 1951)
William L. Verrier (McGill University 1955)
Aylesworth R. Wright (McGill University 1929)
Thomas N. Abbonizio (Miami University 1971)
Mark R. Ackland (Miami University 1985)
William A. Altman (Miami University 1960)
Donald C. Anderson (Miami University 1965)
Walter W. Anderson (Miami University 1974)
Mark B. Bailey (Miami University 1978)
James L. Beatty (Miami University 1966)
Douglas T. Beebe (Miami University 1961)
Edward A. Bigony (Miami University 1962)
Richard L. Bird (Miami University 1961)
Thomas M. Blake (Miami University 1959)
Peter J. Bowers (Miami University 1988)
Richard D. Brenner (Miami University 1972)
Steven P. Bridgford (Miami University 1978)
Daniel K. Brown (Miami University 1973)
Charles H. Christman (Miami University 1985)
Robert R. Clark (Miami University 1966)
Thomas E. Cole (Miami University 1974)
Anthony R. Colucci (Miami University 1962)
Roger S. Compton (Miami University 1969)
John W. Connor (Miami University 1961)
Peter R. Cook (Miami University 1980)
Stuart M. Craig (Miami University 1961)
Steven P. Cunningham (Miami University 1974)
Duane W. Dean (Miami University 1966)
Ronald H. Dials (Miami University 1958)
Robert L. Dyer (Miami University 1959)
Lloyd J. Filer (Miami University 1967)
Steven D. Fletcher (Miami University 1975)
Daniel C. France (Miami University 1976)
John L. Fricker (Miami University 1989)
Gregory R. Garner (Miami University 1968)
Douglas E. Gealy (Miami University 1982)
Robert J. Goble (Miami University 1963)
John H. Gunst (Miami University 1974)
Bradford R. Hale (Miami University 1960)
Robert F. Halligan (Miami University 1970)
William A. Hammill (Miami University 1959)
Donald P. Harman (Miami University 1992)
Norman L. Hayes (Miami University 1963)
James L. Henle (Miami University 1968)
George E. Hibbs (Miami University 1975)
Ronald G. Hillebrand (Miami University 1959)
Philip R. Hines (Miami University 1964)
Jeffry P. Hoogerhyde (Miami University 1963)
Bruce W. Houghton (Miami University 1969)
Donald E. Howard (Miami University 1962)
Richard H. Howell (Miami University 1939)
George R. Hoxie (Miami University 1957)
Daniel J. Hronec (Miami University 1966)
William R. Jencks (Miami University 1963)
Stephen G. Kenney (Miami University 1967)
Jerry E. Kline (Miami University 1962)
George M. Kulig (Miami University 2006)
George T. Landis (Miami University 1966)
Daniel M. Lavigna (Miami University 1963)
Carlton Lawrence (Miami University 1941)
Eric B. Longsworth (Miami University 1990)
Timothy A. Loudon (Miami University 1972)
Daniel J. Lux (Miami University 1980)
Robert H. Mabry (Miami University 1973)
Tyler L. Magill (Miami University 2017)
Robert A. Maguire (Miami University 1977)
Alexander T. Major (Miami University 2003)
Albert J. Matousek (Miami University 1961)
Gregory E. McFarland (Miami University 1972)
Thomas McGlade (Miami University 1962)
Mark E. Melancon (Miami University 1972)
Scott D. Miller (Miami University 1975)
Benjamin F. Moore (Miami University 2001)
Gerald W. Munson (Miami University 1961)
Thomas E. Munz (Miami University 1956)
Gary M. Neuman (Miami University 1967)
Keith T. Noble (Miami University 1986)
Davis C. Palmer (Miami University 1975)
Thomas M. Patton (Miami University 1981)
Murray F. Peters (Miami University 1942)
Charles B. Pettis (Miami University 1961)
Rodney W. Phillips (Miami University 1964)
Jeffrey L. Potter (Miami University 1985)
Michael S. Rhoades (Miami University 1989)
Marcus L. Ruscitto (Miami University 1992)
Robert J. Salstrom (Miami University 1965)
Gordon H. Savage (Miami University 1944)
Joseph A. Schlitz (Miami University 1985)
Michael P. Schostok (Miami University 1983)
Rodney L. Shearer (Miami University 1983)
Charles C. Shrader (Miami University 1969)
Donald G. Smagola (Miami University 1959)
George V. Smith (Miami University 1959)
David C. Spriggs (Miami University 1957)
Donald J. Swanson (Miami University 1962)
Kim S. Taylor (Miami University 1979)
Robert M. Terapak (Miami University 1963)
Ronald J. Thompson (Miami University 1962)
Jay C. Tight (Miami University 1994)
Robert F. Toland (Miami University 1983)
Benjamin W. Townsend (Miami University 1967)
Marcus P. Tremmel (Miami University 1993)
Gerald L. Tschudi (Miami University 1958)
Richard L. Vargo (Miami University 1959)
Dennis J. Vari (Miami University 2000)
Joseph A. Vidulich (Miami University 1973)
James P. Walker (Miami University 1979)
Kevin J. Wallace (Miami University 1984)
Steven A. Warner (Miami University 1963)
John L. Watson (Miami University 1963)
Robert E. Young (Miami University 1990)
William C. Young (Miami University 1960)
Thomas E. Andrews (Michigan State University 1958)
Walter C. Armstrong (Michigan State University 1979)
Jack D. Bails (Michigan State University 1963)
William V. Barker (Michigan State University 1961)
David P. Beamer (Michigan State University 1970)
Richard A. Bennett (Michigan State University 1963)
Daniel F. Berry (Michigan State University 1967)
Robert S. Brenner (Michigan State University 1970)
Herbert L. Camp (Michigan State University 1962)
William J. Carlson (Michigan State University 1968)
William R. Doerner (Michigan State University 1963)
David A. Dougherty (Michigan State University 1961)
Stuart Dychtwald (Michigan State University 1964)
Robert J. Fattore (Michigan State University 1980)
Robert M. Fiedler (Michigan State University 1967)
Richard L. Galeta (Michigan State University 1962)
Gary A. Gazzeny (Michigan State University 1969)
Frederick H. Genel (Michigan State University 1966)
Keith B. Givens (Michigan State University 1972)
Arthur Gubernick (Michigan State University 1961)
M. Michael Haack (Michigan State University 1966)
David C. Hartwig (Michigan State University 1972)
Frank T. Hlavacek (Michigan State University 1959)
Douglas W. Howlett (Michigan State University 1966)
Paul T. Hurt (Michigan State University 1965)
David T. Judd (Michigan State University 1969)
Jeffrey A. Kless (Michigan State University 1968)
Michael E. Klusowski (Michigan State University 1987)
Jerry Kowalyszyn (Michigan State University 1975)
Gary B. Lake (Michigan State University 1972)
David R. Lee (Michigan State University 1983)
Richard A. Lorentzen (Michigan State University 1966)
Robert B. Lorentzen (Michigan State University 1971)
R. Lee McFadden III (Michigan State University 1968)
Paul H. Meyer (Michigan State University 1968)
Glenn N. Moore (Michigan State University 1970)
Donald L. Neebes (Michigan State University 1965)
Daniel A. Noel (Michigan State University 1961)
David R. Pavlik (Michigan State University 1990)
Robert J. Pemberton (Michigan State University 1962)
Stephen E. Peterson (Michigan State University 1966)
Charles F. Schmidt (Michigan State University 1964)
Robert L. Schnedler (Michigan State University 1967)
Daniel J. Sherwood (Michigan State University 1985)
Richard N. Sinclair II (Michigan State University 1964)
Charles M. Smith (Michigan State University 1966)
Matt T. Sweet (Michigan State University 1978)
Robert M. Toth (Michigan State University 1961)
J. R. Waters (Michigan State University 1962)
John B. Webb (Michigan State University 1964)
William G. Wolfram (Michigan State University 1967)
Baxter J. Barnes (Mississippi State University 2015)
Brian D. Blair (Mississippi State University 1983)
Robert T. Boyd (Mississippi State University 1973)
Ronald E. Campbell (Mississippi State University 1973)
Paul H. Decker (Mississippi State University 1982)
John C. Dye (Mississippi State University 1985)
J. S. Ferguson (Mississippi State University 1985)
H. B. Fike (Mississippi State University 1978)
Kenneth G. Graves (Mississippi State University 1977)
Gary R. Green (Mississippi State University 1988)
Raymond M. Hamilton (Mississippi State University 1984)
Bertron T. Hollowell (Mississippi State University 1970)
Matthew W. Hyatt (Mississippi State University 1997)
Harold R. Kilby (Mississippi State University 1971)
David W. Linder (Mississippi State University 1981)
William C. Mattox (Mississippi State University 1972)
Curtis L. McNeer (Mississippi State University 1973)
Thomas O. Mize (Mississippi State University 1975)
Tyler M. Segrest (Mississippi State University 1998)
Mark T. Smith (Mississippi State University 1986)
Michael C. West (Mississippi State University 1993)
James C. Wise (Mississippi State University 2005)
Ray M. Woodson (Mississippi State University 1989)
D. L. Akey (Monmouth College 1872)
William H. Baird (Monmouth College 1872)
Alexander D. Blackburn (Monmouth College 1868)
William A. Blackburn (Monmouth College 1868)
William T. Campbell (Monmouth College 1870)
William M. Crichton (Monmouth College 1870)
James P. Davis (Monmouth College 1871)
Thomas M. Findley (Monmouth College 1874)
William H. Findley (Monmouth College 1874)
Josiah H. Gibson (Monmouth College 1873)
George W. Hamilton (Monmouth College 1872)
John C. Holliday (Monmouth College 1874)
William S. Holliday (Monmouth College 1874)
John Hood (Monmouth College 1870)
John M. Howard (Monmouth College 1869)
Joshua L. Knapp (Monmouth College 1871)
Linus N. Lafferty (Monmouth College 1874)
William A. Mackey (Monmouth College 1872)
John M. McArthur (Monmouth College 1872)
Robert C. Monteith (Monmouth College 1872)
George Quinby (Monmouth College 1873)
Frank G. Roberts (Monmouth College 1873)
John L. Scott (Monmouth College 1870)
James D. Short (Monmouth College 1874)
J. G. Slonecker (Monmouth College 1870)
Warren F. Acker (Muhlenberg College 1904)
John W. Albrecht (Muhlenberg College 1875)
Roderick E. Albright (Muhlenberg College 1893)
Samuel B. Anewalt (Muhlenberg College 1893)
Allen R. Appel (Muhlenberg College 1902)
Clinton R. Bastian (Muhlenberg College 1877)
Victor J. Bauer (Muhlenberg College 1895)
Frederick R. Bausch (Muhlenberg College 1900)
James F. Beates (Muhlenberg College 1880)
William A. Beates (Muhlenberg College 1872)
Clarence Beck (Muhlenberg College 1892)
J. W. Beck (Muhlenberg College 1899)
Edwin M. Beysher (Muhlenberg College 1892)
Lewis J. Bickel (Muhlenberg College 1882)
Milton W. Bohn (Muhlenberg College 1884)
William B. Brobst (Muhlenberg College 1893)
Daniel E. Brunner (Muhlenberg College 1885)
Edgar A. Brunner (Muhlenberg College 1893)
William Burk (Muhlenberg College 1898)
Philip A. Bushong (Muhlenberg College 1877)
Frederick W. Butler (Muhlenberg College 1870)
George S. Butz (Muhlenberg College 1891)
Reuben J. Butz (Muhlenberg College 1887)
Charles L. Coombs (Muhlenberg College 1877)
William T. Coombs (Muhlenberg College 1878)
Francis H. Cooper (Muhlenberg College 1878)
Frank Croman (Muhlenberg College 1903)
Preston A. Delong (Muhlenberg College 1894)
Winfield P. Delong (Muhlenberg College 1905)
John M. Dettra (Muhlenberg College 1884)
Charles H. Dickey (Muhlenberg College 1882)
John M. Diefenderfer (Muhlenberg College 1880)
Ray E. Dorney (Muhlenberg College 1905)
John J. Dubbs (Muhlenberg College 1890)
Isaac N. Erb (Muhlenberg College 1870)
Constantine J. Erdman (Muhlenberg College 1865)
John D. Erdman (Muhlenberg College 1872)
Lee M. Erdman (Muhlenberg College 1904)
George T. Ettinger (Muhlenberg College 1880)
Warren H. Eyer (Muhlenberg College 1884)
Charles K. Fegley (Muhlenberg College 1900)
Peter A. Fenstermaker (Muhlenberg College 1881)
N. G. Finch (Muhlenberg College 1904)
Allen J. Fink (Muhlenberg College 1883)
Frank F. Folmer (Muhlenberg College 1886)
Forest M. Fox (Muhlenberg College 1886)
William K. Frick (Muhlenberg College 1870)
Abbott B. Fuller (Muhlenberg College 1877)
Charles J. Gable (Muhlenberg College 1893)
Frank J. Gable (Muhlenberg College 1904)
Luther D. Gable (Muhlenberg College 1895)
Tilghman F. German (Muhlenberg College 1887)
Preston M. Gernet (Muhlenberg College 1878)
David J. Gimlich (Muhlenberg College 1890)
Charles L. Glase (Muhlenberg College 1902)
Austin A. Glick (Muhlenberg College 1882)
William I. Gold (Muhlenberg College 1897)
Ernest M. Grahn (Muhlenberg College 1889)
Zadoc L. Griesemer (Muhlenberg College 1904)
Oscar S. Grim (Muhlenberg College 1873)
William R. Grim (Muhlenberg College 1882)
William H. Hamersley (Muhlenberg College 1883)
William A. Hausman (Muhlenberg College 1899)
Milton C. Henninger (Muhlenberg College 1874)
Erwin Heyl (Muhlenberg College 1874)
Herbert L. Heyl (Muhlenberg College 1874)
Clinton Hilliard (Muhlenberg College 1881)
Morris A. Hoats (Muhlenberg College 1876)
David S. Hoffman (Muhlenberg College 1871)
John W. Horine (Muhlenberg College 1889)
Joseph H. Kaiser (Muhlenberg College 1883)
Alfred K. Keck (Muhlenberg College 1890)
Charles E. Keck (Muhlenberg College 1883)
Franklin T. Keiter (Muhlenberg College 1884)
William D. Keiter (Muhlenberg College 1884)
Charles B. Keller (Muhlenberg College 1873)
Charles H. Keller (Muhlenberg College 1871)
Samuel J. Kistler (Muhlenberg College 1886)
William F. Kistler (Muhlenberg College 1881)
George S. Kleckner (Muhlenberg College 1890)
Harry M. J. Klein (Muhlenberg College 1893)
Jonas F. Kline (Muhlenberg College 1880)
Ralph E. Kline (Muhlenberg College 1901)
Willard D. Kline (Muhlenberg College 1897)
John W. Klinger (Muhlenberg College 1880)
Elmer P. Kohler (Muhlenberg College 1886)
John H. Kohler (Muhlenberg College 1887)
Frederick W. Koons (Muhlenberg College 1894)
Stanley L. Krebs (Muhlenberg College 1886)
George F. Kribbs (Muhlenberg College 1873)
Charles T. Kriebel (Muhlenberg College 1905)
Ambrose A. Kunkle (Muhlenberg College 1899)
Edwin T. Kunkle (Muhlenberg College 1893)
Enoch G. Kunkle (Muhlenberg College 1904)
Franklin S. Kuntz (Muhlenberg College 1900)
William O. Laub (Muhlenberg College 1893)
George F. Lazarus (Muhlenberg College 1893)
Luther D. Lazarus (Muhlenberg College 1895)
John Lear (Muhlenberg College 1884)
Oren R. Leidy (Muhlenberg College 1896)
Raymond W. Lentz (Muhlenberg College 1900)
Evan B. Lewis (Muhlenberg College 1890)
Francis G. Lewis (Muhlenberg College 1885)
Frederick E. Lewis (Muhlenberg College 1886)
A. G. Loder (Muhlenberg College 1886)
Jacob F. Losch (Muhlenberg College 1877)
Moulton E. Macfetridge (Muhlenberg College 1902)
Frank E. Meily (Muhlenberg College 1876)
John H. Miller (Muhlenberg College 1897)
Newton T. Miller (Muhlenberg College 1895)
William J. Miller (Muhlenberg College 1877)
George K. Mosser (Muhlenberg College 1883)
Alfred C. Moyer (Muhlenberg College 1883)
Ernest A. Muhlenberg (Muhlenberg College 1868)
Henry M. Muhlenberg (Muhlenberg College 1876)
William F. Muhlenberg (Muhlenberg College 1868)
Milton K. Neiffer (Muhlenberg College 1892)
John F. Newman (Muhlenberg College 1871)
Frank C. Oberly (Muhlenberg College 1889)
Robert W. Olhausen (Muhlenberg College 1893)
Alpheus D. Potts (Muhlenberg College 1872)
George A. Prediger (Muhlenberg College 1886)
Dexter L. Rambo (Muhlenberg College 1883)
Francis D. Raub (Muhlenberg College 1873)
Samuel H. Raub (Muhlenberg College 1905)
Charles H. Reagle (Muhlenberg College 1899)
Fred P. Reagle (Muhlenberg College 1901)
Charles W. Reinert (Muhlenberg College 1905)
Frank H. Reinoehl (Muhlenberg College 1881)
John K. Reinoehl (Muhlenberg College 1879)
Frank H. Reiter (Muhlenberg College 1905)
Thomas L. Rhoads (Muhlenberg College 1891)
George W. Richards (Muhlenberg College 1887)
John W. Richards (Muhlenberg College 1887)
David L. Roth (Muhlenberg College 1873)
John M. Roth (Muhlenberg College 1871)
George K. Rubrecht (Muhlenberg College 1901)
John W. Rumple (Muhlenberg College 1870)
Henry B. Rupp (Muhlenberg College 1879)
Lawrence H. Rupp (Muhlenberg College 1902)
John F. Saeger (Muhlenberg College 1890)
Martin G. Schaeffer (Muhlenberg College 1890)
George B. Schock (Muhlenberg College 1879)
John L. Schwartz (Muhlenberg College 1886)
Calvin D. Seaman (Muhlenberg College 1897)
Charles S. Seaman (Muhlenberg College 1879)
George S. Seaman (Muhlenberg College 1879)
Wilbert P. Shanor (Muhlenberg College 1877)
A. B. Shearer (Muhlenberg College 1871)
Edgar D. Shimer (Muhlenberg College 1874)
Joseph P. Shimer (Muhlenberg College 1891)
Charles A. Smith (Muhlenberg College 1904)
Lewis F. Smith (Muhlenberg College 1872)
Elmer E. Snyder (Muhlenberg College 1895)
Harry S. Snyder (Muhlenberg College 1890)
Wellington J. Snyder (Muhlenberg College 1895)
William P. Snyder (Muhlenberg College 1872)
Edward A. Soleliac (Muhlenberg College 1892)
George W. Specht (Muhlenberg College 1903)
Harvey N. Stem (Muhlenberg College 1890)
Joseph H. Stopp (Muhlenberg College 1895)
Luther A. Swope (Muhlenberg College 1868)
Clarence R. Telford (Muhlenberg College 1903)
Thomas B. Temple (Muhlenberg College 1885)
Charles D. Trexler (Muhlenberg College 1903)
Horatio R. Trexler (Muhlenberg College 1872)
Martin L. Trexler (Muhlenberg College 1894)
Samuel G. Trexler (Muhlenberg College 1896)
Titus S. Troxell (Muhlenberg College 1892)
Frank H. Uhrich (Muhlenberg College 1881)
John D. Uhrich (Muhlenberg College 1876)
Valentine J. Uhrich (Muhlenberg College 1884)
George M. Vanbuskirk (Muhlenberg College 1877)
Edward J. Wackernagel (Muhlenberg College 1901)
Frederick W. Wackernagel (Muhlenberg College 1894)
Joseph M. Weaver (Muhlenberg College 1903)
Samuel R. Weaver (Muhlenberg College 1890)
Charles W. Webb (Muhlenberg College 1903)
Adam M. Weber (Muhlenberg College 1885)
Leopold F. Weddigen (Muhlenberg College 1896)
Revere F. Weidner (Muhlenberg College 1869)
Harry C. Wenner (Muhlenberg College 1884)
Richard F. Wertz (Muhlenberg College 1894)
Frederick C. White (Muhlenberg College 1891)
Alexander C. Wilson (Muhlenberg College 1872)
James B. Wolfe (Muhlenberg College 1875)
William B. Wolfe (Muhlenberg College 1877)
James T. Woodring (Muhlenberg College 1881)
Harry Woolever (Muhlenberg College 1886)
Charles O. Ziegenfuss (Muhlenberg College 1874)
Dickinson Bell (Nashville University 1850)
Clarence Lewis (Nashville University 1850)
William S. Martin (Nashville University 1850)
Robert H. McEwen (Nashville University 1850)
Felix G. McGavock (Nashville University 1850)
Edward G. Rawlings (Nashville University 1850)
Levi W. Reeves (Nashville University 1850)
George B. Smith (Nashville University 1850)
John W. Stewart (Nashville University 1850)
Lucien Wash (Nashville University 1850)
Evers Abbey (New York University 1918)
John H. Adams (New York University 1933)
Richard C. Addy (New York University 1902)
John S. Adey (New York University 1900)
Edip Agi (New York University 1990)
William J. Ahearn (New York University 1917)
Alonzo J. Alvarez (New York University 1920)
George V. Anderson (New York University 1923)
Remsen T. Anderson (New York University 1916)
Philip V. Angelastro (New York University 1949)
James L. Armstrong (New York University 1897)
Archie D. Arnold (New York University 1905)
Walter E. Atkinson (New York University 1911)
Oswald T. Austen (New York University 1908)
Michael X. Avella (New York University 1977)
William B. Axford (New York University 1897)
Earle F. Baker (New York University 1913)
Raymond D. Baker (New York University 1899)
Raymond L. Baker (New York University 1898)
Thane H. Baldwin (New York University 1905)
Charles W. Banks (New York University 1906)
John T. Barber (New York University 1959)
Charles A. Barnett (New York University 1935)
Peter Barr (New York University 1923)
John C. Bartley (New York University 1925)
Martin F. Bartley (New York University 1924)
Alfred F. Bastone (New York University 1951)
Joseph A. Baudermann (New York University 1906)
Louis J. Baudis (New York University 1935)
Theodore Baumeister (New York University 1951)
Pasquale L. Bavaro (New York University 1957)
Gerald S. Bean (New York University 1929)
Louis Becker (New York University 1896)
Alfred C. Benedict (New York University 1897)
Walter G. Betts (New York University 1941)
Rene Biastre (New York University 1940)
Martin J. Biehn (New York University 1896)
William J. Bierach (New York University 1917)
Anson H. Birge (New York University 1896)
Martin P. Bischoff (New York University 1956)
Robert S. Blackford (New York University 1893)
Hugh H. Blair (New York University 1899)
Eugene L. Blauvelt (New York University 1894)
William J. Bleckwenn (New York University 1917)
Harry J. Blenderman (New York University 1901)
Richard A. Bond (New York University 1954)
Eugene D. Boyer (New York University 1900)
Walter L. Boyer (New York University 1900)
William E. Boyland (New York University 1919)
William C. Boyrer (New York University 1924)
George N. Brady (New York University 1936)
Edmund V. Bragdon (New York University 1904)
Henry E. Breed (New York University 1898)
Francis J. Brennan (New York University 1923)
James W. Brennan (New York University 1919)
Thomas G. Brennan (New York University 1923)
Arthur T. Brooks (New York University 1906)
Harway T. Brooks (New York University 1901)
Cyril D. Brower (New York University 1920)
Gary J. Brown (New York University 1966)
Harry W. Brown (New York University 1896)
Samuel A. Brown (New York University 1894)
William F. Brown (New York University 1930)
Charles Buckbee (New York University 1927)
Renato E. Buggelli (New York University 1938)
Paul F. Buglion (New York University 1959)
Charles A. Bushnell (New York University 1954)
Morgan R. Butler (New York University 1908)
Frank A. Byrnes (New York University 1925)
William B. Campbell (New York University 1909)
Howard G. Cann (New York University 1918)
Tedford H. Cann (New York University 1920)
William C. Canniff (New York University 1897)
Vincent J. Cardone (New York University 1963)
James G. Carlock (New York University 1944)
Louis A. Carloni (New York University 1945)
Adolph C. Carsten (New York University 1904)
Reider K. Carstensen (New York University 1956)
Louis Chabrier (New York University 1989)
George B. Chalmers (New York University 1932)
Arthur E. Chambers (New York University 1924)
Orion H. Cheney (New York University 1897)
Richard S. Ciacci (New York University 1991)
Robert T. Clapp (New York University 1942)
George S. Clark (New York University 1912)
George W. Clark (New York University 1897)
Lamonte T. Clark (New York University 1905)
Walter J. Clark (New York University 1918)
Ralph D. Clarke (New York University 1904)
Waldo E. Clarke (New York University 1906)
Cornelius G. Coakley (New York University 1884)
Arthur Colby (New York University 1898)
Ernest R. Concannon (New York University 1932)
Harvey J. Conkey (New York University 1903)
John F. Connors (New York University 1895)
Charles B. Cook (New York University 1942)
Charles R. Cook (New York University 1908)
Henry A. Cook (New York University 1906)
Richard G. Cooney (New York University 1904)
Richard B. Coons (New York University 1897)
Edwin L. Corthell (New York University 1906)
Mark A. Corthell (New York University 1913)
Arthur W. Courtney (New York University 1939)
Thomas J. Crawford (New York University 1912)
Nicholas G. Cristy (New York University 1943)
Norman W. Crosby (New York University 1893)
Brian J. Cross (New York University 1964)
Robert E. Crowley (New York University 1917)
Clifford J. Culbert (New York University 1919)
Rollin A. Curtiss (New York University 1893)
Albert M. Cusick (New York University 1932)
Sherborne V. Damerel (New York University 1910)
Frank W. Darling (New York University 1895)
Gayle W. Dearborn (New York University 1939)
David B. Decker (New York University 1910)
Thomas J. Dee (New York University 1910)
John H. Degan (New York University 1930)
George F. Degen (New York University 1926)
Joseph J. Delmonico (New York University 1952)
Charles E. Demaree (New York University 1918)
Hall M. Deming (New York University 1933)
Arthur E. Desalvo (New York University 1917)
William J. Devitt (New York University 1926)
Michael S. Dilonardo (New York University 1977)
Robert H. Dinegar (New York University 1892)
James H. Donohue (New York University 1908)
Louis R. Dressler (New York University 1913)
Steven G. Drobny (New York University 1951)
Albert A. Duryea (New York University 1933)
Lambert L. Eben (New York University 1928)
Walter H. Eden (New York University 1930)
Arthur D. Egan (New York University 1918)
Robert D. Elder (New York University 1899)
Sylvester H. Elliott (New York University 1919)
Philip Elsworth (New York University 1895)
Dean Emery (New York University 1896)
William H. Emory (New York University 1904)
John J. English (New York University 1893)
Leo Erdwurm (New York University 1895)
Joseph A. Erker (New York University 1987)
Donald C. Erwin (New York University 1927)
Rafaelle A. Este (New York University 1890)
Ralph P. Fairchild (New York University 1905)
William J. Fairnington (New York University 1932)
Guy L. Fake (New York University 1904)
Edwin L. Farrell (New York University 1969)
James A. Farrell (New York University 1909)
Edward A. Fass (New York University 1966)
Donald R. Fegley (New York University 1933)
William E. Fenno (New York University 1928)
Calvin Fenton (New York University 1923)
Percy R. Ferris (New York University 1901)
James P. Finn (New York University 1952)
Leo C. Finnegan (New York University 1925)
Morange S. Fisher (New York University 1909)
William E. Fitch (New York University 1923)
John F. Flynn (New York University 1952)
Edwin J. Foley (New York University 1926)
Edward V. Forbes (New York University 1919)
Eben Foskett (New York University 1895)
Edward M. Fowler (New York University 1898)
Edward Frankel (New York University 1901)
Clinton W. Frasier (New York University 1924)
George E. Gaillard MD (New York University 1931)
Samuel Galantz (New York University 1984)
Frederick K. Gallagher (New York University 1933)
Seymour N. Galland (New York University 1895)
Geoffrey D. Galwey (New York University 1916)
Thomas H. Garrity (New York University 1927)
Victor M. Genez (New York University 1937)
John Gerdes (New York University 1910)
Samuel E. Getty (New York University 1893)
Michael Giannone (New York University 1963)
Ralph A. Giaquinto (New York University 1979)
James V. Gilloon (New York University 1919)
August R. Goeltz (New York University 1911)
William A. Golden (New York University 1911)
Walter Goodchild (New York University 1898)
Frederick A. Goodrich (New York University 1946)
Raymond A. Gore (New York University 1918)
Rudolph V. Gorsch (New York University 1911)
Hyam Gottesman (New York University 1974)
Philip B. Gove (New York University 1928)
Arthur R. Grant (New York University 1897)
William J. Greanelle (New York University 1890)
Edward M. Grenning (New York University 1959)
E. H. Griffin (New York University 1933)
William E. Griffin (New York University 1925)
William Griffin (New York University 1926)
Edward H. Gross (New York University 1916)
Joseph M. Grouard (New York University 1896)
Louis H. Guernsey (New York University 1945)
John L. Guidery (New York University 1927)
Roy J. Gulino (New York University 1975)
Louis Haas (New York University 1899)
William C. Hackett (New York University 1896)
William P. Hadwen (New York University 1897)
Caspar J. Hagemeyer (New York University 1918)
Stanley S. Haines (New York University 1910)
Bertrand W. Hall (New York University 1924)
William H. Hamilton (New York University 1920)
William Hamilton (New York University 1914)
William R. Hamilton (New York University 1913)
Charles P. Hammer (New York University 1918)
Albert Hansen (New York University 1896)
William E. Harper (New York University 1925)
Walton G. Harrington (New York University 1909)
Ralph J. Hartigan (New York University 1897)
Charles D. Haughey (New York University 1914)
Charles D. Haughey (New York University 1944)
Daniel E. Haughton (New York University 1985)
James E. Hays (New York University 1944)
William B. Hazelwood (New York University 1905)
James P. Heath (New York University 1899)
John P. Heath (New York University 1900)
Walter H. Hedley (New York University 1927)
James H. Heil (New York University 1955)
Philip H. Hembt (New York University 1901)
John F. Hennessy (New York University 1924)
Robert E. Hennessy (New York University 1987)
Vincent B. Henry (New York University 1929)
John C. Herrmann (New York University 1901)
Jerold W. Hetrick (New York University 1924)
Alfred Hewel (New York University 1916)
Charles R. Hexamer (New York University 1885)
Charles E. Heydt (New York University 1913)
Ernest H. Heydt (New York University 1916)
Herman A. Heydt (New York University 1904)
Theodore M. Hill (New York University 1894)
William G. Hille (New York University 1905)
John C. Hindle (New York University 1916)
Samuel S. Hinds (New York University 1897)
Robert B. Hobart (New York University 1932)
Llewellyn F. Hobbs (New York University 1901)
Louis D. Hoff (New York University 1919)
Arthur M. Hoffmann (New York University 1917)
Francis J. Hoffmann (New York University 1915)
Raymond A. Hoffmann (New York University 1917)
Frederick C. Holden (New York University 1892)
Edward B. Hopper (New York University 1925)
Henry D. Hormel (New York University 1930)
George C. Horwood (New York University 1904)
John W. Horwood (New York University 1906)
Perry B. Hough (New York University 1926)
Julian J. House (New York University 1924)
Paul House (New York University 1917)
George S. Howe (New York University 1935)
Henry L. Hulst (New York University 1938)
Rupert H. Humer (New York University 1933)
Westley M. Hunt (New York University 1914)
Franklyn L. Hutton (New York University 1898)
William H. Hynard (New York University 1915)
Walter W. Irwin (New York University 1896)
Frank A. Jablonka (New York University 1925)
Milton C. James (New York University 1929)
Robert C. James (New York University 1893)
Wilfred J. Jannell (New York University 1927)
Donald P. Jenks (New York University 1938)
Harry B. Jennings (New York University 1910)
Frederick M. Jerauld (New York University 1893)
Alfred D. John (New York University 1926)
Alfred P. Johnson (New York University 1923)
Donald S. Johnson (New York University 1914)
Lewis W. Johnson (New York University 1902)
Winters A. Johnson (New York University 1936)
Harold B. Johnston (New York University 1923)
Henry J. Johnston (New York University 1904)
Harold L. Jones (New York University 1914)
James B. Jones (New York University 1931)
Ewing C. Julstedt (New York University 1931)
Herbert M. Kallweit (New York University 1952)
George C. Kastner Jr. (New York University 1933)
Edward Kavazanjian (New York University 1948)
Thomas Kavazanjian (New York University 1949)
John P. Kazanjian (New York University 1970)
Paul L. Keating (New York University 1919)
Lawrence J. Kelley (New York University 1930)
John B. Kellog (New York University 1903)
Arthur B. Kellogg (New York University 1894)
Edgar T. Keyser Jr. (New York University 1929)
Charles W. Kimball (New York University 1904)
Philip G. Kingsman (New York University 1926)
Peter Kirill (New York University 1935)
William E. Kline (New York University 1893)
Donald M. Klock (New York University 1928)
Harold C. Knapp (New York University 1906)
Alfred W. Knoeppel (New York University 1911)
Louis L. Knott (New York University 1901)
Frank E. Kohl (New York University 1915)
Joseph B. Kopf (New York University 1895)
Carl S. Kraft (New York University 1925)
George T. Kraft (New York University 1903)
Philip G. Kraushar (New York University 1940)
Arthur S. Kraussman (New York University 1909)
Harold W. Kraussman (New York University 1907)
Henry Kress (New York University 1937)
Joseph Krsnak (New York University 1945)
Frank E. Krug (New York University 1900)
John B. Krusi (New York University 1943)
Andrew A. Labash (New York University 1941)
Charles Lang (New York University 1951)
John D. Lange (New York University 1928)
Dan H. Laurence (New York University 1964)
Edward B. Leahy (New York University 1912)
Gordon L. Leake (New York University 1915)
Eric Lechtrecker (New York University 1966)
Richard H. Lee-Martin (New York University 1897)
Fabian J. LeFebvre (New York University 1930)
Walter W. Lehle (New York University 1936)
Alvin F. Lent (New York University 1916)
Robert P. Leone (New York University 1962)
James N. Lewis (New York University 1941)
Russell C. Lewis (New York University 1919)
James C. Lindsay (New York University 1933)
Gilbert Liscano (New York University 1955)
Paul J. Lisotta (New York University 1978)
John B. Longworth (New York University 1908)
John Loughran (New York University 1907)
John G. Lowden (New York University 1909)
John F. Lowther (New York University 1906)
Adolfo F. Luca (New York University 1949)
Clarence A. Ludlum (New York University 1919)
William V. Luneburg (New York University 1934)
Frederick A. Lunstedt (New York University 1920)
Leigh K. Lydecker (New York University 1904)
Arthur D. Lyons (New York University 1904)
Kenneth K. Macalpine (New York University 1896)
William A. MacCrehan (New York University 1949)
David A. Mahoney (New York University 1954)
Joseph A. Maier (New York University 1925)
Louis H. Maier (New York University 1933)
Joseph H. Maloy (New York University 1911)
Francis L. Manning (New York University 1894)
Herman E. Mantel (New York University 1908)
Arthur H. Marquardt (New York University 1928)
Allyn J. Marsh (New York University 1918)
Harry F. Marshall (New York University 1918)
Walter S. Martin (New York University 1949)
Morgan L. Matson (New York University 1917)
Edwin L. Mattern (New York University 1894)
John A. Mayreis (New York University 1938)
Dudley B. McClurg (New York University 1914)
Arthur J. McConnell (New York University 1926)
John A. McCorkle (New York University 1945)
William McCotter (New York University 1907)
Martin McCullagh (New York University 1900)
Charles McDonald (New York University 1908)
Lawrence J. McGinley (New York University 1920)
William W. McHugh (New York University 1913)
Duncan McInnes (New York University 1925)
James R. McIntyre (New York University 1915)
William J. McKnight (New York University 1934)
George G. McLochlin (New York University 1910)
James B. McNally (New York University 1917)
William H. McNamara (New York University 1933)
Albert D. Mellor (New York University 1908)
Harold F. Merritt (New York University 1913)
Carl W. Meyer (New York University 1929)
Herbert E. Meyers (New York University 1897)
Albert G. Mezey (New York University 1968)
Michael A. Miller (New York University 1912)
Armand S. Miller (New York University 1911)
Thaddeus D. Misiura (New York University 1956)
Robert E. Mitchell (New York University 1919)
William C. Mitchell (New York University 1943)
Philip H. Monahan (New York University 1924)
James R. Moody (New York University 1939)
Paul P. Mooney (New York University 1918)
Thomas F. Moran (New York University 1939)
Allen C. Morgan (New York University 1932)
Sol D. Moss (New York University 1904)
William R. Mott (New York University 1980)
Albert L. Mulcahey (New York University 1916)
Charles P. Murphy (New York University 1928)
Richard F. Murphy Jr. (New York University 1932)
Griswold D. Nammack (New York University 1918)
John H. Nason (New York University 1939)
Damon F. Newins (New York University 1909)
Walter C. Newton (New York University 1912)
Emanuel Nobile (New York University 1950)
Gary D. Nordman (New York University 1962)
William H. Northrup (New York University 1896)
Gerard F. Norton (New York University 1925)
William F. Ochse (New York University 1949)
Edward F. O'Connor (New York University 1937)
Richard C. Ogden (New York University 1942)
John J. O'Hare (New York University 1940)
Daniel M. O'Keefe (New York University 1936)
James D. Ouchterloney (New York University 1915)
James R. Owen (New York University 1999)
John M. Papazian (New York University 1961)
Douglas A. Parker (New York University 1940)
Adolph Parra (New York University 1939)
William M. Patterson (New York University 1893)
Denton Pearsall (New York University 1959)
Walter E. Pettigrew (New York University 1897)
Joseph Pickard (New York University 1929)
Gottfried Piel (New York University 1910)
Carl F. Pilat (New York University 1898)
Oliver R. Pilat (New York University 1924)
Eugene V. Pisani (New York University 1959)
John P. Pittari (New York University 1977)
John J. Powers (New York University 1923)
Harrison M. Pratt (New York University 1896)
Francis J. Purcell (New York University 1927)
William F. Quigley (New York University 1894)
George Rae (New York University 1895)
John A. Rahe (New York University 1939)
Leslie F. Randall (New York University 1905)
Edward S. Rawson (New York University 1894)
Howard S. Raynor (New York University 1926)
Garland W. Reese (New York University 1918)
Thomas J. Regan (New York University 1899)
Edward F. Rice (New York University 1917)
H. Louis Rich (New York University 1923)
Clarence W. Ripperger (New York University 1913)
Howard N. Ripperger (New York University 1916)
Peter C. Ritchie (New York University 1893)
Arthur Ritter (New York University 1939)
William Rivette (New York University 1906)
Fred C. Robbins (New York University 1896)
Andrew M. Robble (New York University 1975)
Edwin C. Roberts (New York University 1907)
Leslie S. Roberts (New York University 1912)
Charles W. Robinson (New York University 1957)
John A. Robinson (New York University 1899)
Clifford T. Rogers (New York University 1925)
Sanford J. Roland (New York University 1931)
Gene A. Romano (New York University 1939)
James F. Ronan (New York University 1928)
John Ross (New York University 1924)
Spencer G. Rossell (New York University 1912)
James R. Rossman (New York University 1908)
Robert C. Ruggiero (New York University 1945)
Clarence A. Russell (New York University 1913)
Paris S. Russell (New York University 1896)
James W. Salisbury (New York University 1909)
Ira P. Sarde (New York University 1971)
George T. Sargisson (New York University 1931)
Walter J. Savage (New York University 1912)
William S. Savage (New York University 1920)
Reginald H. Schenck (New York University 1901)
Ernest W. Schlieben (New York University 1935)
Stewart Schmalbach (New York University 1932)
Edson S. Schmid (New York University 1933)
Lawrence W. Schmidt (New York University 1929)
Arthur W. Schneider (New York University 1929)
George H. Scott (New York University 1917)
Murray W. Seagers (New York University 1895)
Chester W. Searle (New York University 1900)
Edward A. Sears (New York University 1915)
William P. Sears (New York University 1924)
Oscar Selber (New York University 1958)
Gun A. Seren (New York University 1963)
Austin O. Sherwood (New York University 1901)
Samuel S. Shethar (New York University 1909)
Edgar D. Shimer (New York University 1894)
Robert A. Sibenman (New York University 1904)
Francis A. Simmons (New York University 1905)
Frederick C. Simons (New York University 1901)
Colin C. Simpson (New York University 1908)
Malcolm D. Simpson (New York University 1913)
Bruce J. Singer (New York University 1931)
Gerard Sireci (New York University 1972)
Anthony F. Siriano (New York University 1978)
James J. Skedzielewski (New York University 1974)
Frederick Skene (New York University 1897)
George L. Slawson (New York University 1894)
John W. Slawson (New York University 1902)
Harold L. Smalley (New York University 1905)
William S. Smart (New York University 1951)
Alexander G. Smirnoff (New York University 1962)
Alfred J. Smith (New York University 1913)
Arthur W. Smith (New York University 1899)
George H. Smith (New York University 1911)
John T. Smith (New York University 1925)
Oliver N. Smith (New York University 1914)
Walter A. Smythe (New York University 1915)
John B. Snow (New York University 1904)
Charles C. Snowden (New York University 1927)
Charles A. Snyder (New York University 1920)
John I. Snyder (New York University 1933)
Perrin B. Snyder (New York University 1929)
Robert C. Sommer (New York University 1959)
Harry M. Specht (New York University 1903)
Charles A. Speer (New York University 1936)
Charles L. Spevak (New York University 1973)
Henry H. Stearns (New York University 1897)
Lloyd W. Stearns (New York University 1933)
Herbert Steinmuller (New York University 1920)
Henry Stengel (New York University 1901)
Arthur W. Stevens (New York University 1919)
Robert A. Stewart (New York University 1896)
Robert Stewart (New York University 1898)
Robert M. Strong (New York University 1904)
Frederick J. Sullivan (New York University 1907)
Warren S. Sullivan (New York University 1917)
Abner C. Surpless (New York University 1906)
James Surpless (New York University 1932)
Kenneth S. Sweet (New York University 1919)
S. R. Swenson (New York University 1924)
Robert M. Taft (New York University 1894)
Milton C. Tarangioli (New York University 1933)
James G. Taylor (New York University 1904)
Melville W. Taylor (New York University 1917)
Robert G. Taylor (New York University 1914)
Walter Taylor (New York University 1924)
William E. Taylor (New York University 1950)
Roy S. Teasley (New York University 1949)
Henry G. Thedford (New York University 1911)
Franklyn B. Theis (New York University 1926)
William J. Thiers (New York University 1898)
George H. Thompson (New York University 1902)
William Tiedeman (New York University 1904)
Martin J. Tierney (New York University 1911)
Albert D. Tietjen (New York University 1909)
James E. Tietjen (New York University 1911)
R. Wilbur Tietjen (New York University 1911)
Edward C. Titus (New York University 1884)
Daniel D. Tompkins (New York University 1897)
Charles C. Trembly (New York University 1898)
William J. Umbach (New York University 1949)
Dana M. Vail (New York University 1919)
Kenneth D. Valentine (New York University 1964)
Philip F. Valle (New York University 1936)
Howard S. Vanbomel (New York University 1911)
Leroy A. Vanbomel (New York University 1908)
Howard E. Vanhorn (New York University 1917)
Harold VanNote (New York University 1920)
George E. VanTassel (New York University 1928)
Herbert F. Vanvalkenburg (New York University 1906)
John D. VanZandt (New York University 1937)
Theodore E. Veltfort (New York University 1911)
Joseph R. Vicarisi (New York University 1936)
Anthony F. Villamena (New York University 1965)
Peter J. Viscardi (New York University 1939)
Francis A. Vitolo (New York University 1938)
Carl H. Voight (New York University 1926)
Antonie P. Voislawsky (New York University 1894)
William C. Waddell (New York University 1933)
Charles W. Walker (New York University 1902)
Arthur J. Walscheid (New York University 1897)
Julius E. Walscheid (New York University 1896)
Frank J. Walsh (New York University 1928)
John E. Walsh (New York University 1956)
Allen B. Ward (New York University 1905)
James Warfel (New York University 1998)
Cary D. Waters (New York University 1904)
James J. Waters (New York University 1918)
Joel C. Watson (New York University 1961)
Louis G. Weber (New York University 1904)
John W. Weiffenbach (New York University 1908)
John J. Weinheimer (New York University 1920)
Arthur R. Wellwood (New York University 1910)
Robert M. Wellwood (New York University 1911)
Eric J. Westphal (New York University 1954)
Charles G. Wheeler (New York University 1896)
James Wheeler (New York University 1911)
Thomas H. Whiffen Jr. (New York University 1897)
James C. White (New York University 1952)
Milo J. White (New York University 1914)
Louis C. Whiton (New York University 1878)
George L. Wickes (New York University 1895)
Stanley L. Wilcox (New York University 1902)
William H. Wildey (New York University 1902)
Francis A. Wilhelm (New York University 1931)
John W. Wilkes (New York University 1960)
George W. Williams (New York University 1932)
Harry P. Williams (New York University 1904)
Frank B. Willock (New York University 1932)
Alfred B. Wilson (New York University 1906)
Cortland C. Woodburn (New York University 1900)
Charles C. Woodruff (New York University 1896)
Robert B. Wooters (New York University 1943)
E. F. Wright (New York University 1903)
Alfred M. Wyman Jr. (New York University 1930)
Noyes E. Yale (New York University 1912)
Albert A. Young (New York University 1909)
Lewis G. Young (New York University 1903)
Kain M. Turner (Northern Arizona University 2020)
Ryan E. Waltman (Northern Arizona University 2019)
Doron S. Abosch (Northwestern University 1986)
Robert P. Acher (Northwestern University 1964)
David N. Adair (Northwestern University 1945)
Douglas L. Adair (Northwestern University 1951)
Harold B. Ahrensfeld (Northwestern University 1933)
Wilton M. Aikin (Northwestern University 1932)
Jeffrey L. Alexander (Northwestern University 1966)
Robert J. Alexander (Northwestern University 1946)
William F. Allen (Northwestern University 1954)
David L. Anderson (Northwestern University 1954)
Gordon H. Anderson (Northwestern University 1926)
Harold H. Anderson (Northwestern University 1923)
John R. Anderson (Northwestern University 1934)
Palmer S. Anderson (Northwestern University 1926)
Victor Andreevsky (Northwestern University 1957)
David H. Armbruster (Northwestern University 1946)
Harry L. Arnold (Northwestern University 1932)
William L. Arnold (Northwestern University 1949)
Donald C. Arries (Northwestern University 1951)
Richard H. Ashley (Northwestern University 1969)
Clifford S. Aspegren (Northwestern University 1939)
Oliver R. Aspegren (Northwestern University 1908)
Oliver R. Aspegren (Northwestern University 1935)
William A. Auer (Northwestern University 1959)
Peter C. Babcock (Northwestern University 1956)
William F. Babcock (Northwestern University 1939)
Richard F. Babcock (Northwestern University 1944)
Carl W. Bahr (Northwestern University 1949)
Benjamin U. Baker (Northwestern University 1922)
Irving F. Ball (Northwestern University 1951)
Gordon R. Banks (Northwestern University 1954)
William B. Banta (Northwestern University 1943)
David M. Barnard (Northwestern University 1979)
Robert J. Barnes (Northwestern University 1939)
William L. Barr (Northwestern University 1941)
Dirk K. Barrett (Northwestern University 1940)
Michael M. Bartleson (Northwestern University 1966)
Charles I. Bates (Northwestern University 1948)
Alfred E. Bauman (Northwestern University 1942)
Charles T. Beall (Northwestern University 1943)
James H. Beaton (Northwestern University 1934)
Mark H. Beaubien (Northwestern University 1936)
Edward L. Beckman (Northwestern University 1938)
Robert E. Beisang (Northwestern University 1941)
Owen P. Bell (Northwestern University 1958)
George M. Bennet (Northwestern University 1940)
Clarence G. Bensinger (Northwestern University 1924)
Alyn A. Benson (Northwestern University 1946)
Raymond L. Benson (Northwestern University 1945)
James C. Berg (Northwestern University 1936)
Loren M. Berry (Northwestern University 1936)
Frank H. Bertsch (Northwestern University 1947)
John T. Bilek (Northwestern University 1945)
William H. Billington (Northwestern University 1949)
Allan L. Bioff (Northwestern University 1952)
Robert W. Blanchard (Northwestern University 1956)
George A. Bodenschatz (Northwestern University 1934)
Frank M. Bolen (Northwestern University 1962)
Jeffrey C. Bootjer (Northwestern University 1968)
Bruce C. Boynick (Northwestern University 1979)
Burton A. Brannen (Northwestern University 1923)
Ralph T. Breyer (Northwestern University 1925)
Robert L. Brintnall (Northwestern University 1944)
Lelend P. Broehl (Northwestern University 1909)
Thomas E. Brown (Northwestern University 1971)
Fred T. Bruce (Northwestern University 1953)
John L. Bubul (Northwestern University 1936)
James J. Buechel (Northwestern University 1935)
Thomas E. Bump (Northwestern University 1967)
Hubert Burnham (Northwestern University 1949)
Edward E. Burwell (Northwestern University 1921)
Thomas W. Callaway (Northwestern University 1955)
James L. Cameron (Northwestern University 1949)
Gilbert L. Campbell (Northwestern University 1909)
Ross S. Campbell (Northwestern University 1952)
Peter Cappas (Northwestern University 1955)
William V. Carey (Northwestern University 1947)
David W. Carley (Northwestern University 1944)
George L. Carlson (Northwestern University 1940)
James B. Carlson (Northwestern University 1948)
Norman C. Carlson (Northwestern University 1941)
Henry F. Carlton (Northwestern University 1916)
Alpheus A. Cavaness (Northwestern University 1873)
Robert V. Cave (Northwestern University 1944)
Joe Chambers (Northwestern University 1936)
Robert W. Champion (Northwestern University 1945)
Harald J. Christopher (Northwestern University 1941)
Horace H. Cobb (Northwestern University 1951)
Miner T. Coburn (Northwestern University 1922)
Frank P. Cockrell (Northwestern University 1913)
Loran B. Cockrell (Northwestern University 1918)
James G. Coe (Northwestern University 1941)
Marshall H. Comstock (Northwestern University 1945)
Carl R. Cook (Northwestern University 1944)
Granger Cook (Northwestern University 1951)
Paul K. Cook (Northwestern University 1947)
Harry H. Coon (Northwestern University 1944)
Owen L. Coon (Northwestern University 1915)
Gordon E. Copeland (Northwestern University 1927)
Ralph L. Countryman (Northwestern University 1925)
Michael T. Coutouzis (Northwestern University 1951)
Henry B. Cowap (Northwestern University 1937)
Donald C. Cox (Northwestern University 1958)
James R. Coy (Northwestern University 1947)
James F. Crawford (Northwestern University 1949)
George G. Creal (Northwestern University 1929)
Roy E. Crummer (Northwestern University 1944)
G. D. Cutler (Northwestern University 1941)
John A. Dameron (Northwestern University 1942)
Richard L. Dameron (Northwestern University 1946)
Martin W. Davis (Northwestern University 1937)
Eugene L. Dekieffer (Northwestern University 1934)
Robert E. DeKieffer (Northwestern University 1940)
William R. Dellert (Northwestern University 1947)
Earl H. DeLong (Northwestern University 1929)
William J. Denson (Northwestern University 1944)
Clyde F. Dewitt (Northwestern University 1916)
John D. Dickie (Northwestern University 1938)
Donald R. Dobski (Northwestern University 1948)
John H. Doesburg (Northwestern University 1929)
Robert L. Doherty (Northwestern University 1959)
Donald W. Dooley (Northwestern University 1949)
Lewis F. Draper (Northwestern University 1953)
James R. Driscoll (Northwestern University 1955)
Thomas T. Dunlop (Northwestern University 1937)
Harold P. Dunsmore (Northwestern University 1918)
Richard T. Duryea (Northwestern University 1947)
Albert H. Dyon (Northwestern University 1917)
John R. Eastman (Northwestern University 1948)
Thomas R. Eby (Northwestern University 1939)
Robert M. Eginton (Northwestern University 1952)
Robert C. Eichin (Northwestern University 1932)
Floyd J. Eldridge (Northwestern University 1932)
Floyd E. Elkins (Northwestern University 1954)
Glenn J. Elston (Northwestern University 1957)
Frederick J. Emmenegger (Northwestern University 1933)
Oscar B. English (Northwestern University 1939)
James S. Erkert (Northwestern University 1976)
Walther F. Erskine (Northwestern University 1925)
Paul B. Evans (Northwestern University 1948)
Joseph S. Ewing (Northwestern University 1922)
Richard L. Fahrbach (Northwestern University 1942)
Donald J. Feeney (Northwestern University 1949)
Jack R. Feightner (Northwestern University 1942)
Courtland D. Ferguson (Northwestern University 1922)
William A. Ferries (Northwestern University 1921)
Laurence A. Field (Northwestern University 1971)
Joseph M. Fitzsimmons Jr. (Northwestern University 1960)
John N. Foster (Northwestern University 1957)
Brig G. Fowler (Northwestern University 1928)
C. P. Frantz (Northwestern University 1940)
Kurt H. Frauen (Northwestern University 1948)
Hal M. Freeman (Northwestern University 1957)
Gary R. Frohlin (Northwestern University 1964)
George R. Furth (Northwestern University 1955)
Harold I. Gelvin (Northwestern University 1917)
Coll Gillies (Northwestern University 1921)
Bruce K. Glenn (Northwestern University 1955)
Steven L. Glick (Northwestern University 1982)
David L. Glismann (Northwestern University 1946)
James L. Good (Northwestern University 1945)
John W. Gorby (Northwestern University 1929)
Paul F. Gorby (Northwestern University 1926)
Carl H. Gorr (Northwestern University 1956)
James A. Gough (Northwestern University 1950)
James Grantham (Northwestern University 1913)
Ernest C. Gray (Northwestern University 1947)
Robert W. Gregory (Northwestern University 1947)
Daniel C. Griffin (Northwestern University 1974)
Dean L. Griffith (Northwestern University 1950)
George H. Gruenwald (Northwestern University 1947)
Donald P. Gustafson (Northwestern University 1949)
Daniel B. Gute (Northwestern University 1952)
Logan Hall (Northwestern University 1918)
Richard L. Halpin (Northwestern University 1949)
John R. Hammelman (Northwestern University 1968)
George F. Haneman (Northwestern University 1925)
Kenneth H. Hanger (Northwestern University 1950)
Frederick M. Hansen (Northwestern University 1933)
Chester R. Hanson (Northwestern University 1938)
Hardin H. Hawes (Northwestern University 1925)
James D. Hemphill (Northwestern University 1952)
Joseph S. Henderson (Northwestern University 1936)
Carl L. Henn (Northwestern University 1945)
James R. Herndon (Northwestern University 1950)
Robert T. Herridge (Northwestern University 1937)
Godfrey W. Herweg (Northwestern University 1959)
Philip J. Heyboer (Northwestern University 1945)
Kimball Hill (Northwestern University 1932)
Frederick W. Hinrichs (Northwestern University 1936)
Edwin F. Hirsch (Northwestern University 1910)
Leonard C. Hobert (Northwestern University 1960)
William W. Holloway (Northwestern University 1949)
Calvin R. Holmes (Northwestern University 1926)
Orville H. Holmes (Northwestern University 1915)
Robert C. Hootman (Northwestern University 1948)
Robert M. Hoskins (Northwestern University 1948)
Robert E. Houston (Northwestern University 1937)
Donnell C. Howe (Northwestern University 1931)
Frank T. Howland (Northwestern University 1946)
Robert G. Howlett (Northwestern University 1929)
William H. Hoyerman (Northwestern University 1947)
John L. Hoyt (Northwestern University 1946)
Robert L. Hoyt (Northwestern University 1946)
Edward B. Hullinger (Northwestern University 1934)
Minard E. Hulse (Northwestern University 1920)
Reginald D. Hulse (Northwestern University 1921)
James G. Hunter (Northwestern University 1936)
Frank L. Hussey (Northwestern University 1947)
Eugene E. Husting (Northwestern University 1931)
Robert H. Illing (Northwestern University 1949)
Glenn V. Ireland (Northwestern University 1943)
George E. Irwin (Northwestern University 1916)
Rudolph D. Jacob (Northwestern University 1937)
William F. Jeffries MD (Northwestern University 1945)
John K. Jensen (Northwestern University 1971)
Lloyd J. Johnson (Northwestern University 1935)
Morse W. Johnson (Northwestern University 1932)
Norman L. Johnson (Northwestern University 1945)
Oren Keith Jones (Northwestern University 1933)
Arthur N. Julian (Northwestern University 1907)
Thomas M. Kalin (Northwestern University 1962)
Stephen J. Kaye (Northwestern University 1965)
Ernest G. Kellogg (Northwestern University 1938)
Allen L. Kelly (Northwestern University 1947)
Leslie J. Kelly (Northwestern University 1949)
John D. Keyser (Northwestern University 1941)
Charles F. Keyser Jr. (Northwestern University 1937)
Timothy M. Kiley (Northwestern University 1950)
Hal B. King (Northwestern University 1951)
Dick O. Klein (Northwestern University 1942)
Stanley W. Knapp (Northwestern University 1953)
Howard A. Koch (Northwestern University 1943)
Robert E. Koester (Northwestern University 1938)
E. A. Kovar (Northwestern University 1949)
James N. Kraft (Northwestern University 1937)
Stanley L. Krejci (Northwestern University 1964)
Donald A. Kruger (Northwestern University 1942)
Carl J. Kuehnert (Northwestern University 1939)
Franklin A. Kyser (Northwestern University 1934)
Robert P. LaBudde (Northwestern University 1951)
James V. Lamb (Northwestern University 1948)
Charles E. Lambert (Northwestern University 1875)
Thomas E. Lambert (Northwestern University 1947)
Robert M. Lamborn (Northwestern University 1941)
John E. Landes (Northwestern University 1944)
Edwin W. Lane (Northwestern University 1921)
Weldon C. Leahy (Northwestern University 1934)
James W. Leisner (Northwestern University 1946)
Robert E. Levitt (Northwestern University 1947)
Keith E. Lewis (Northwestern University 1950)
Roger S. Ligare (Northwestern University 1951)
John H. Lochridge (Northwestern University 1951)
Harold E. Logan (Northwestern University 1934)
Arthur C. Lonborg (Northwestern University 1950)
Robert W. Loos (Northwestern University 1948)
Richard E. Loughborough (Northwestern University 1936)
Robert H. Luebke (Northwestern University 1961)
Thomas B. Lugg (Northwestern University 1912)
James R. Lundeen (Northwestern University 1973)
John F. Lutz (Northwestern University 1956)
Ralph I. Mabbs (Northwestern University 1916)
Ralph R. Mabbs (Northwestern University 1940)
George H. Maddock (Northwestern University 1947)
Richard E. Maltby (Northwestern University 1936)
Richard B. Markel (Northwestern University 1950)
Daniel L. Marsh (Northwestern University 1906)
James R. Masker (Northwestern University 1954)
John A. Mayberry (Northwestern University 1950)
Robert A. Mays (Northwestern University 1943)
Charles C. McCarthy (Northwestern University 1944)
John T. McCarthy (Northwestern University 1948)
James A. McCaskill (Northwestern University 1945)
Francis J. McConnell (Northwestern University 1939)
Paul S. McCord (Northwestern University 1985)
William E. McFarland (Northwestern University 1954)
George E. McGurn (Northwestern University 1940)
Frank M. McLinn (Northwestern University 1941)
George V. McMahan (Northwestern University 1945)
Thomas R. McMahan (Northwestern University 1940)
Robert G. Meeks (Northwestern University 1948)
John V. Melick (Northwestern University 1951)
John R. Menary Jr. (Northwestern University 1944)
Henry C. Mergener (Northwestern University 1950)
Ward C. Meyers (Northwestern University 1936)
Greg H. Miday (Northwestern University 2004)
Gregory J. Mielcarek (Northwestern University 1982)
J. J. Miller (Northwestern University 1934)
John P. Miller (Northwestern University 1910)
John W. Miller (Northwestern University 1929)
Paul D. Miller (Northwestern University 1921)
Arthur R. Millner (Northwestern University 1920)
William H. Milsted (Northwestern University 1920)
Melville M. Mitschrich (Northwestern University 1950)
Harry L. Moir (Northwestern University 1933)
Richard G. Mueller (Northwestern University 1949)
Loyce B. Myers (Northwestern University 1943)
Alvin A. Nelson (Northwestern University 1957)
John R. Nicholas (Northwestern University 1955)
E. S. Nichols (Northwestern University 1945)
Frank H. Nichols (Northwestern University 1933)
Frederick W. Nichols (Northwestern University 1934)
H. C. Nichols (Northwestern University 1943)
John E. Nilson (Northwestern University 1940)
Harry J. O'Brien (Northwestern University 1936)
Joshua Oden (Northwestern University 1938)
James B. Ogden (Northwestern University 1946)
Richard S. Oldberg (Northwestern University 1931)
Robert P. Oliver (Northwestern University 1950)
L. D. Olson (Northwestern University 1950)
Cornelius S. O'Meara (Northwestern University 1949)
Dale P. Osborn (Northwestern University 1918)
William A. Owen (Northwestern University 1947)
Edwin A. Pearsall (Northwestern University 1929)
Howard W. Pearsall (Northwestern University 1931)
Charles D. Pendergrast (Northwestern University 1936)
Wendell L. Perkins (Northwestern University 1947)
G. M. Perry (Northwestern University 1969)
Martin V. Peterman (Northwestern University 1919)
Paul T. Petersen (Northwestern University 1950)
George J. Peterson (Northwestern University 1938)
Thomas R. Peterson (Northwestern University 1946)
William W. Phelps (Northwestern University 1936)
O. G. Philipp (Northwestern University 1936)
Kenneth W. Pierce (Northwestern University 1948)
George Pitt (Northwestern University 1960)
Philip A. Populorum (Northwestern University 1923)
Robert F. Powrie (Northwestern University 1945)
Lewis W. Price (Northwestern University 1930)
Thomas S. Price (Northwestern University 1947)
James P. Quinn (Northwestern University 1955)
Raymond E. Ragelis (Northwestern University 1951)
Alwyn F. Raymond (Northwestern University 1932)
Frederic W. Read (Northwestern University 1925)
Joseph T. Rech (Northwestern University 1968)
Paul R. Rectenwald (Northwestern University 1947)
James R. Redic (Northwestern University 1947)
Russell A. Reed (Northwestern University 1950)
Owen Reese (Northwestern University 1949)
Robert W. Rehfeld Jr. (Northwestern University 1968)
Robert L. Remke (Northwestern University 1946)
Richard Rhein (Northwestern University 1943)
Ronald F. Riba (Northwestern University 1954)
Leander W. Riba (Northwestern University 1955)
William D. Richardson (Northwestern University 1975)
Robert D. Rickey (Northwestern University 1943)
Wade R. Ringenberg (Northwestern University 1923)
Robert M. Rinnan (Northwestern University 1944)
John A. Ritter (Northwestern University 1964)
Willis L. Roberts (Northwestern University 1938)
Corbin J. Robertson (Northwestern University 1942)
Albert R. Robinson (Northwestern University 1875)
Walter A. Rosie (Northwestern University 1929)
David M. Ross (Northwestern University 1950)
Donal K. Ross (Northwestern University 1946)
Norman D. Ross (Northwestern University 1924)
Donald E. Rossiter (Northwestern University 1921)
John A. Rothrock (Northwestern University 1946)
Clifton D. Royal (Northwestern University 1906)
Thomas A. Russell (Northwestern University 1949)
Milton A. Rusteen (Northwestern University 1939)
Jack A. Sadler (Northwestern University 1939)
William E. Saltzman (Northwestern University 1933)
Robert J. Salvesen (Northwestern University 1942)
William H. Salvesen (Northwestern University 1945)
John W. Sampson (Northwestern University 1952)
James K. Samuelson (Northwestern University 1993)
Paul A. Sandegren (Northwestern University 1930)
Anthony J. Sapienza (Northwestern University 1965)
Richard F. Sayers (Northwestern University 1935)
Claude M. Scarborough (Northwestern University 1922)
William F. Scarborough (Northwestern University 1926)
James A. Schaefer (Northwestern University 1951)
Thomas L. Schendorf (Northwestern University 1961)
Don B. Schiewetz (Northwestern University 1950)
Thomas M. Schiewetz (Northwestern University 1946)
James D. Schnepp (Northwestern University 1941)
John L. Schnepp (Northwestern University 1940)
Richard E. Schumacher (Northwestern University 1949)
Clarence F. Schwarzwalder (Northwestern University 1919)
Frederick W. Segur (Northwestern University 1934)
Joseph L. Sewell (Northwestern University 1950)
Alan D. Shafer (Northwestern University 1947)
E. W. Shaker (Northwestern University 1949)
Eugene G. Sheasby (Northwestern University 1939)
Robert C. Shields (Northwestern University 1958)
Charles G. Shireman (Northwestern University 1950)
John B. Shumway (Northwestern University 1937)
Peter Shumway (Northwestern University 1937)
George M. Simonds (Northwestern University 1938)
Charles L. Simons (Northwestern University 1917)
Herbert E. Simpson (Northwestern University 1949)
C. B. Smith (Northwestern University 1977)
Glen C. Smith (Northwestern University 1941)
Harold L. Smith (Northwestern University 1938)
Herbert U. Smith (Northwestern University 1910)
Stephen B. Smith (Northwestern University 1940)
William B. Smith (Northwestern University 1930)
Brian D. Sogge (Northwestern University 1969)
Bryan M. Solmos (Northwestern University 1978)
Arthur L. Spalding (Northwestern University 1933)
Richard F. Sparks (Northwestern University 1954)
Philip Sparling (Northwestern University 1927)
John E. Spiess (Northwestern University 1942)
J. M. Steffey (Northwestern University 1956)
Walter W. Stegman (Northwestern University 1924)
Thomas D. Stephenson (Northwestern University 1946)
Richard E. Sterba (Northwestern University 1950)
David J. Stewart (Northwestern University 1956)
Robert M. Stewart (Northwestern University 1949)
Henry I. Stimson (Northwestern University 1934)
Kurt R. Stoehr (Northwestern University 1939)
Terry A. Stratton (Northwestern University 1961)
Arthur J. Strawson (Northwestern University 1908)
George E. Strobridge (Northwestern University 1864)
Woodrow W. Stromberg (Northwestern University 1936)
Howard J. Sumpter (Northwestern University 1913)
Robert Sundene (Northwestern University 1938)
William D. Swackhamer (Northwestern University 1945)
Everett N. Swan (Northwestern University 1926)
James R. Swan (Northwestern University 1950)
Robert S. Swasey (Northwestern University 1936)
Bruce B. Thompson (Northwestern University 1960)
Richard H. Thompson (Northwestern University 1948)
Charles S. Thorn Jr. (Northwestern University 1963)
Richard P. Thorsen (Northwestern University 1967)
Michael P. Toomin (Northwestern University 1962)
Frank S. Torgerson (Northwestern University 1931)
Donald L. Townsend (Northwestern University 1946)
Wheeler Tracy (Northwestern University 1932)
Robert J. Tribble USN (Northwestern University 1946)
Robert D. Tripp (Northwestern University 1943)
Gordon Tuller (Northwestern University 1940)
Guy W. Tunnicliffe (Northwestern University 1953)
Harford C. VanBuren (Northwestern University 1948)
Bradford Vandeusen (Northwestern University 1929)
Howard VanDis (Northwestern University 1942)
John H. VanNess (Northwestern University 1947)
Samuel S. Vernon (Northwestern University 1917)
Don G. Vieaux (Northwestern University 1932)
Julius W. Vieaux (Northwestern University 1931)
John E. Vilberg (Northwestern University 1948)
Vernon C. Voltz (Northwestern University 1933)
Forrest W. Voss (Northwestern University 1943)
Robert H. Walkmeyer (Northwestern University 1949)
Otis L. Walter (Northwestern University 1949)
John H. Warton (Northwestern University 1944)
Allen C. Wasserman (Northwestern University 1980)
Artemus D. Watson (Northwestern University 1950)
Charles H. Watson (Northwestern University 1909)
Kenneth D. Watson (Northwestern University 1956)
Lewis M. Watson (Northwestern University 1909)
William B. Webster (Northwestern University 1944)
Conrad F. Wedberg (Northwestern University 1946)
Douglas W. Wells (Northwestern University 1960)
Russell W. Wendland (Northwestern University 1943)
Melvin A. Weyand (Northwestern University 1946)
Richard A. Whitney (Northwestern University 1913)
Wilbur F. Wickman (Northwestern University 1918)
Forrest N. Williams (Northwestern University 1921)
Norman E. Williams (Northwestern University 1942)
Richard N. Williams (Northwestern University 1950)
Forrest N. Williams (Northwestern University 1948)
John F. Wilson (Northwestern University 1949)
William E. Wilson (Northwestern University 1935)
George F. Wilson (Northwestern University 1924)
G. D. Winter (Northwestern University 1959)
Harold P. Wolfe (Northwestern University 1954)
Guy V. Woody (Northwestern University 1952)
Robert C. Wynkoop (Northwestern University 1954)
Walker E. Wynkoop (Northwestern University 1945)
Norman Young (Northwestern University 1947)
Roy C. Zahn (Northwestern University 1950)
Arthur W. Zimmerman (Northwestern University 1928)
Bailey L. Abbott (Occidental College 1939)
Adrian W. Adams (Occidental College 1945)
Donald K. Adams (Occidental College 1958)
Jack H. Adams (Occidental College 1945)
Kenneth K. Adams (Occidental College 1954)
William S. Adams (Occidental College 1943)
Don C. Anderson (Occidental College 1942)
Albert J. Angus (Occidental College 1926)
Alstine Aprmenter (Occidental College 1924)
Stephen W. Arent (Occidental College 1964)
Reuel K. Attwood (Occidental College 1922)
B. J. Badham (Occidental College 1950)
Robert E. Badham (Occidental College 1951)
William G. Bailey (Occidental College 1961)
William L. Bailey (Occidental College 1958)
Harrison R. Baker (Occidental College 1917)
Sheldon H. Barrett (Occidental College 1937)
John B. Batz (Occidental College 1917)
Dean E. Beaumont (Occidental College 1946)
Edward J. Bechtel (Occidental College 1947)
Alphonzo E. Bell (Occidental College 1895)
Alphonzo E. Bell (Occidental College 1938)
Jack G. Bell (Occidental College 1944)
William L. Bents (Occidental College 1954)
Alfred B. Berry (Occidental College 1936)
Frederick H. Bigony (Occidental College 1946)
Alfred H. Bird (Occidental College 1937)
James R. Black (Occidental College 1945)
Courtland A. Blake (Occidental College 1947)
William E. Blakely (Occidental College 1962)
Robert M. Blalack (Occidental College 1932)
Willard J. Blanchard (Occidental College 1930)
Robert N. Blatherwick (Occidental College 1962)
Robert H. Blee (Occidental College 1907)
Robert J. Blee (Occidental College 1932)
Donald E. Bollinger (Occidental College 1963)
Gordon B. Bonetto (Occidental College 1953)
John L. Bonham (Occidental College 1946)
M. C. Born (Occidental College 1959)
Frederic K. Boynton (Occidental College 1943)
Jack T. Bradford (Occidental College 1945)
Douglas S. Brass (Occidental College 1942)
W. D. Breeze (Occidental College 1924)
Chapin D. Bristol (Occidental College 1932)
Richard P. Bronson (Occidental College 1969)
Donald M. Brown (Occidental College 1939)
Floyd E. Brown (Occidental College 1948)
Lawrence E. Brown (Occidental College 1931)
Merwin R. Brown (Occidental College 1931)
Robert D. Brown (Occidental College 1942)
John S. Browning (Occidental College 1955)
Lester D. Brush (Occidental College 1960)
Joseph P. Buchanan (Occidental College 1951)
Arthur H. Buell (Occidental College 1933)
Arthur W. Buell (Occidental College 1904)
James I. Buell (Occidental College 1937)
Kenneth S. Burk (Occidental College 1944)
Kenneth A. Burnette (Occidental College 1930)
Robert J. Burns (Occidental College 1924)
Thomas B. Bushey (Occidental College 1951)
Ernest G. Button (Occidental College 1937)
Harold D. Caldwell (Occidental College 1925)
Melvin J. Caldwell (Occidental College 1933)
Merton K. Cameron Jr. (Occidental College 1943)
James M. Campbell (Occidental College 1929)
Theodore J. Campbell (Occidental College 1946)
Walter L. Campbell (Occidental College 1940)
Richard G. Cannicott (Occidental College 1943)
Thomas Capstick (Occidental College 1929)
Ernest N. Carter (Occidental College 1926)
Burney Chandler (Occidental College 1926)
Paul J. Chapman (Occidental College 1940)
Robert H. Cheroske (Occidental College 1945)
Howard W. Cheverton (Occidental College 1945)
Roger V. Churton (Occidental College 1944)
George H. Cleland (Occidental College 1942)
Robert G. Cleland (Occidental College 1907)
Robert S. Cleland (Occidental College 1935)
Alfred S. Cline (Occidental College 1930)
Patrick M. Cockett (Occidental College 1968)
Victor Conde (Occidental College 1927)
Edward B. Cook Jr. (Occidental College 1929)
Arthur G. Coons (Occidental College 1920)
Arthur G. Coons (Occidental College 1952)
Ronald Cooper (Occidental College 1954)
Fred H. Coots (Occidental College 1948)
Ralph D. Cornuelle (Occidental College 1953)
Philip R. Corrin (Occidental College 1944)
John C. Cosgrove (Occidental College 1924)
George L. Coutts (Occidental College 1926)
Norval M. Craig (Occidental College 1929)
Wallace A. Craig (Occidental College 1949)
David D. Craik (Occidental College 1933)
Gilbert M. Cross (Occidental College 1945)
Harry W. Cunningham Jr. (Occidental College 1927)
Fred P. Curtis (Occidental College 1921)
Herbert S. Daniels (Occidental College 1936)
Richard D. Davis (Occidental College 1919)
Ralph F. Deems (Occidental College 1917)
Ralph F. Deems (Occidental College 1942)
Ian C. Deming (Occidental College 1947)
Arthur E. Denio (Occidental College 1968)
Dennis M. Devaney (Occidental College 1959)
James L. Dixon (Occidental College 1958)
Joseph M. Donley (Occidental College 1926)
Robert S. Dorris (Occidental College 1917)
C. P. Dubois (Occidental College 1933)
James C. Duncan (Occidental College 1927)
Andrew C. Dunlap (Occidental College 1922)
Irving A. Eckhoff (Occidental College 1927)
Harry Eddas (Occidental College 1960)
Leon G. Edgcomb (Occidental College 1919)
Sidney E. Edmondson (Occidental College 1929)
William A. Edwards (Occidental College 1900)
Arthur R. Elliott (Occidental College 1931)
Glen F. Elliott (Occidental College 1961)
Harry L. Elliott (Occidental College 1948)
Norman Elliott (Occidental College 1944)
Edward F. Ellison (Occidental College 1939)
Warren M. Epinette (Occidental College 1932)
Gregory S. Evans (Occidental College 1963)
William D. Fairfield (Occidental College 1961)
McIntyre Faries (Occidental College 1920)
John E. Fitch (Occidental College 1954)
George W. Fleer (Occidental College 1933)
Joseph M. Forbes (Occidental College 1933)
John H. Ford (Occidental College 1941)
Richard T. Frank (Occidental College 1952)
Richard K. Franz (Occidental College 1931)
Robert C. Frazer (Occidental College 1952)
Robert G. Freeman (Occidental College 1931)
J. E. Fruin (Occidental College 1948)
Donald R. Fulton (Occidental College 1952)
Richard Galbraith (Occidental College 1941)
A. N. Garman (Occidental College 1959)
David C. Gartley (Occidental College 1947)
Don F. Gates (Occidental College 1938)
James M. Gaylord (Occidental College 1932)
Philip B. Gemmell (Occidental College 1936)
Virgil H. Gillum (Occidental College 1932)
John R. Glass (Occidental College 1942)
James D. Glasse (Occidental College 1946)
Richard M. Glover (Occidental College 1931)
Gordon E. Goodhart (Occidental College 1935)
William B. Goodheart (Occidental College 1928)
Robert L. Goodwin (Occidental College 1957)
James F. Goss (Occidental College 1951)
John N. Gossom (Occidental College 1945)
John R. Gough (Occidental College 1935)
Frank W. Gove (Occidental College 1930)
Michael D. Goyan (Occidental College 1960)
Robert E. Goyette (Occidental College 1949)
George B. Greenough (Occidental College 1934)
R. M. Gregory (Occidental College 1927)
Cornelis E. Groenewegen (Occidental College 1928)
Harold D. Gross (Occidental College 1945)
Paul A. Grube (Occidental College 1920)
George G. Grupe (Occidental College 1945)
Conrad F. Gullixson (Occidental College 1948)
George A. Gustafson (Occidental College 1958)
Ronald R. Hallam (Occidental College 1956)
Clifford D. Ham (Occidental College 1928)
King D. Hamill (Occidental College 1941)
Donald S. Hammack (Occidental College 1949)
Daniel S. Hammack (Occidental College 1935)
Alfred A. Hartley (Occidental College 1936)
Arthur M. Hartwig (Occidental College 1966)
Edward W. Hasenyager (Occidental College 1934)
Howard L. Hatfield (Occidental College 1948)
John D. Hause (Occidental College 1957)
Guy M. Hawkins (Occidental College 1928)
Willard A. Hayden (Occidental College 1932)
Louis L. Haynes (Occidental College 1932)
Gerald T. Hills (Occidental College 1918)
Gerald T. Hills Jr. (Occidental College 1952)
Robert M. Hinshaw (Occidental College 1953)
William H. Hite (Occidental College 1947)
Donald R. Hodgman (Occidental College 1949)
Kenneth L. Holaday (Occidental College 1926)
Jack Holbrook (Occidental College 1933)
Robert G. Holton (Occidental College 1945)
John E. Houghton (Occidental College 1939)
Cecil C. Howard (Occidental College 1930)
John E. Howard (Occidental College 1956)
Kenneth G. Howe (Occidental College 1931)
Linwood E. Howe (Occidental College 1935)
Edward J. Hummel (Occidental College 1952)
William K. Hunt (Occidental College 1938)
Donald L. Huston (Occidental College 1942)
Charles F. Hutchins (Occidental College 1938)
Donald Imler (Occidental College 1929)
Gordon W. Imler (Occidental College 1936)
Joseph W. Ironhill (Occidental College 1942)
Gilbert K. Irvine (Occidental College 1946)
Ernest E. Jensen (Occidental College 1931)
John E. Johnson (Occidental College 1938)
Kenneth C. Johnsrud (Occidental College 1938)
Crofton E. Jones (Occidental College 1931)
Raymond P. Jones (Occidental College 1939)
Louis W. Jones (Occidental College 1949)
Alfred V. Jorgensen (Occidental College 1937)
Clement M. Judd (Occidental College 1960)
Lawrence C. Keller Jr. (Occidental College 1948)
Thomas P. Kendrick (Occidental College 1963)
Philip B. Kennedy (Occidental College 1906)
Tom H. Kinkead (Occidental College 1936)
Northrop H. Kirk (Occidental College 1941)
Rodman W. Kotter (Occidental College 1947)
Ralph E. Kristenson (Occidental College 1940)
James B. Landreth (Occidental College 1946)
A. I. Lanterman (Occidental College 1936)
Reginald R. Lavelle (Occidental College 1927)
Gregory E. Lawrence (Occidental College 1950)
John J. Lawrence Jr. (Occidental College 1932)
McIlvaine Lawrence (Occidental College 1944)
Robert B. Leisy (Occidental College 1949)
William T. Lewis (Occidental College 1932)
Walter F. Lewis (Occidental College 1960)
William F. Licht (Occidental College 1947)
Fred L. Lindner (Occidental College 1945)
Carl F. Lindquist (Occidental College 1924)
Charles N. Lindquist (Occidental College 1929)
Daniel E. Lindquist (Occidental College 1950)
R. Jerome Lindquist (Occidental College 1925)
G. C. Lindsey (Occidental College 1939)
Robert M. Lindsey (Occidental College 1938)
Irvin W. Long (Occidental College 1930)
James H. Love (Occidental College 1932)
Robert W. MacNair (Occidental College 1950)
Jerome W. MacNair (Occidental College 1947)
James W. Malsbury (Occidental College 1965)
Charles K. Marshall (Occidental College 1935)
Kenneth W. Martin (Occidental College 1951)
Sidney C. McCausland (Occidental College 1962)
Donald C. McCoy (Occidental College 1953)
Richard M. McGowen (Occidental College 1951)
Louis W. McKellar (Occidental College 1921)
Millard H. McLain (Occidental College 1943)
Gerry N. McLeod (Occidental College 1939)
Edward McNair (Occidental College 1935)
John R. McNally (Occidental College 1954)
William A. Merrill (Occidental College 1938)
Ernest C. Merryfield (Occidental College 1934)
John M. Mickelson (Occidental College 1939)
Michael J. R. Middlestetter (Occidental College 1957)
Hugh W. Mildren (Occidental College 1929)
Launce B. Millar (Occidental College 1929)
Edwin L. Miller (Occidental College 1920)
Lawrence A. Mitchell (Occidental College 1931)
Robert L. Moody (Occidental College 1949)
Daniel M. Moore (Occidental College 1965)
Glenn L. Morgan (Occidental College 1948)
Leonard H. Morgan (Occidental College 1944)
Maurice L. Muehle (Occidental College 1955)
Charles H. Mull (Occidental College 1934)
Joseph D. Mullender (Occidental College 1950)
Leo J. Munchhof (Occidental College 1949)
Milton O. Nash (Occidental College 1928)
Edward O. Nay (Occidental College 1961)
William K. Nelson (Occidental College 1944)
Blair G. Newell (Occidental College 1928)
Carson Nohrnberg (Occidental College 1938)
Julius L. Norwood (Occidental College 1922)
William T. Nowell (Occidental College 1945)
Morgan S. Odell (Occidental College 1942)
Thomas A. Ohl (Occidental College 1918)
William R. Osterholt (Occidental College 1919)
Richard E. Oswald (Occidental College 1932)
E. L. Overholt (Occidental College 1949)
Homer W. Packard (Occidental College 1934)
Robert L. Packer (Occidental College 1936)
Ellis B. Page (Occidental College 1947)
Henry M. Page (Occidental College 1936)
Donald M. Palmer (Occidental College 1924)
Phillip S. Paludan (Occidental College 1960)
William H. Parmelee (Occidental College 1946)
Al Parmenter (Occidental College 1924)
Hugh R. Parshall (Occidental College 1935)
Dan C. Patch (Occidental College 1951)
Gilbert H. Patton (Occidental College 1933)
Richard L. Paul (Occidental College 1950)
Paul E. Pauly (Occidental College 1938)
Charles A. Pearson (Occidental College 1921)
Samuel K. Pearson (Occidental College 1937)
Jonathan G. Peck (Occidental College 1966)
James F. Penney (Occidental College 1951)
James D. Peterson (Occidental College 1946)
Stanley N. Petit (Occidental College 1928)
William B. Phillips (Occidental College 1939)
Edgar C. Pierce (Occidental College 1944)
Roger A. Pohlman (Occidental College 1928)
Harry R. Portman (Occidental College 1945)
Lawrence C. Powell (Occidental College 1928)
Philip W. Powell (Occidental College 1934)
Robert A. Powell (Occidental College 1967)
Robert A. Powers (Occidental College 1922)
Louis D. Pursel (Occidental College 1925)
William E. Pyle (Occidental College 1925)
John G. Reifsnider (Occidental College 1939)
Ronald F. Reitano (Occidental College 1952)
Karl P. Renius (Occidental College 1926)
Horace W. Reynolds (Occidental College 1934)
Robert L. Risley (Occidental College 1956)
H. W. Ritchie (Occidental College 1928)
James W. Robertson (Occidental College 1957)
William H. Rogers (Occidental College 1961)
Gene W. Ross (Occidental College 1953)
Edwin G. Rozelle (Occidental College 1930)
Ralph L. Rozelle (Occidental College 1930)
Charles W. Rubsamen (Occidental College 1944)
Frank N. Rush (Occidental College 1909)
Paul W. Sampsell (Occidental College 1939)
Jack Schurch (Occidental College 1930)
Carl W. Service (Occidental College 1931)
Howard R. Shannon (Occidental College 1934)
James G. Sheppard (Occidental College 1913)
Norman B. Shoemaker (Occidental College 1932)
Richard E. Shoemaker (Occidental College 1959)
Marion Shows (Occidental College 1945)
William W. Shurtz (Occidental College 1946)
Norman W. Simpson (Occidental College 1930)
Donald S. Smiley (Occidental College 1915)
Kenneth E. Smiley (Occidental College 1917)
Hobart V. Smith (Occidental College 1937)
O. M. Smith (Occidental College 1932)
Robert H. Smith (Occidental College 1912)
Robert H. Smith Jr. (Occidental College 1940)
Stewart S. Smith (Occidental College 1917)
Earl E. Smith (Occidental College 1946)
Charles W. Smyth (Occidental College 1945)
Stilson H. Snow (Occidental College 1927)
Don H. Snyder (Occidental College 1941)
Richard E. Snyder (Occidental College 1936)
Robert F. Snyder (Occidental College 1934)
Robert A. Sohl (Occidental College 1963)
Herbert S. Speth (Occidental College 1951)
Charles Spicer (Occidental College 1939)
Cortland C. Stark (Occidental College 1940)
Robert T. Stellar (Occidental College 1948)
Judson B. Stevens (Occidental College 1924)
Larry S. Stratton (Occidental College 1935)
William L. Strong (Occidental College 1942)
John B. Stumm (Occidental College 1943)
Richard A. Stumm Jr. (Occidental College 1942)
Henry K. Swenerton (Occidental College 1939)
Roy M. Tait (Occidental College 1929)
Richard B. Tavenner (Occidental College 1931)
David J. Teviotdale (Occidental College 1926)
Stanley E. Tiberg (Occidental College 1945)
Theodore N. Tiberg (Occidental College 1949)
Stephen Titus (Occidental College 1945)
Raymond A. Todd (Occidental College 1955)
Jeffrey R. Townsend (Occidental College 1946)
E. A. Trabant (Occidental College 1941)
Chrestus D. Tripp (Occidental College 1930)
Philip A. Tull (Occidental College 1937)
Rodney J. Valentine (Occidental College 1951)
Gilbert C. VanCamp Jr. (Occidental College 1943)
Richard S. Vanderhoof (Occidental College 1946)
Richard C. Vinetz (Occidental College 1958)
Ralph F. Voight (Occidental College 1932)
Harry M. Wammack Jr. (Occidental College 1948)
Forest B. Ward (Occidental College 1955)
Douglas E. Webb (Occidental College 1942)
John A. Webb (Occidental College 1937)
Charles F. West (Occidental College 1923)
Henry W. West (Occidental College 1951)
Rouen J. Westcott (Occidental College 1939)
Roland C. White (Occidental College 1950)
William S. White (Occidental College 1947)
Eugene H. Whittlesey (Occidental College 1947)
Wallace L. Wiggins (Occidental College 1965)
Robert J. Williams (Occidental College 1932)
William R. Williams (Occidental College 1951)
Wendell G. Wollam (Occidental College 1939)
William W. Wood (Occidental College 1938)
James K. Wootan (Occidental College 1933)
Robert E. Worthington (Occidental College 1959)
Carter H. Yates (Occidental College 1938)
Robert York (Occidental College 1943)
Arthur N. Young (Occidental College 1910)
John P. Young (Occidental College 1917)
William D. Young (Occidental College 1949)
Alfred G. Zimermann (Occidental College 1938)
Ralph W. Abbett (Ohio State University 1912)
Henry I. Abbott (Ohio State University 1892)
Philip R. Adams (Ohio State University 1929)
William S. Ahrendt (Ohio State University 1948)
Oswald M. Albl (Ohio State University 1923)
Arthur S. Albright (Ohio State University 1912)
Frank S. Alexander (Ohio State University 1972)
Robert M. Allen (Ohio State University 1933)
Frank C. Amos (Ohio State University 1901)
Thomas E. Anders (Ohio State University 1952)
James T. Anderson (Ohio State University 1884)
Robert L. Anderson (Ohio State University 1932)
Louis M. Anderson (Ohio State University 1940)
Albion J. Andrews (Ohio State University 1893)
Clayton R. Arnold (Ohio State University 1914)
Leslie H. Arps (Ohio State University 1928)
Carl J. Aschinger (Ohio State University 1937)
D. W. Ashby (Ohio State University 1949)
Leonard E. Ashby (Ohio State University 1920)
Daniel B. Aston (Ohio State University 1970)
William J. Auer (Ohio State University 1991)
Robert E. Augustus (Ohio State University 1941)
Werneth J. Avril (Ohio State University 1955)
William A. Ayers (Ohio State University 1961)
Michael M. Bailey (Ohio State University 1957)
Charles A. Baird (Ohio State University 1915)
Carroll C. Baker (Ohio State University 1903)
Harry D. Baker (Ohio State University 1904)
Hugh J. Baker (Ohio State University 1931)
Jarret J. Baker (Ohio State University 1935)
John E. Baker (Ohio State University 1897)
Carl M. Baldwin (Ohio State University 1907)
William H. Bancroft (Ohio State University 1915)
Cecil O. Banks (Ohio State University 1922)
Harry B. Banning (Ohio State University 1896)
Charles M. Barber (Ohio State University 1929)
John W. Barch (Ohio State University 1946)
George R. Bare (Ohio State University 1951)
Henry N. Bargar (Ohio State University 1922)
Charles T. Barnes (Ohio State University 1932)
Edgar W. Barnhart (Ohio State University 1923)
Henry A. Barren (Ohio State University 1887)
Henry A. Barren (Ohio State University 1939)
Harold C. Bartel (Ohio State University 1921)
Charles J. Bartels (Ohio State University 1913)
John F. Beachler (Ohio State University 1938)
Richard J. Beard (Ohio State University 1932)
William G. Beatty (Ohio State University 1887)
Francis S. Beeler (Ohio State University 1930)
Henry F. Beeler (Ohio State University 1921)
Hughes Beeler (Ohio State University 1920)
Robert L. Beeler (Ohio State University 1924)
Robert S. Beightler (Ohio State University 1950)
Sanford B. Belden (Ohio State University 1895)
Howard F. Bell (Ohio State University 1909)
Henry T. Benham (Ohio State University 1885)
Henry C. Bennett (Ohio State University 1890)
Robert P. Bennett (Ohio State University 1937)
Sidney C. Bennett (Ohio State University 1893)
Frank S. Benson (Ohio State University 1946)
Calvin M. Berger (Ohio State University 1893)
Robert C. Berger (Ohio State University 1941)
Lawrence G. Bergstrom (Ohio State University 1922)
Robert W. Berry (Ohio State University 1960)
George E. Bibbee (Ohio State University 1897)
William J. Bichsel (Ohio State University 1955)
Henry A. Bickel (Ohio State University 1944)
Alfred P. Biddle (Ohio State University 1895)
Myron R. Bittikofer (Ohio State University 1937)
Richard O. Black (Ohio State University 1954)
L. N. Blacker (Ohio State University 1950)
Robert S. Blackford (Ohio State University 1893)
Ivan G. Blackman (Ohio State University 1928)
Richard R. Blower (Ohio State University 1952)
J. M. Bobb (Ohio State University 1926)
Arthur A. Boehm (Ohio State University 1937)
Reuben J. Boesel (Ohio State University 1918)
Richard E. Boesel (Ohio State University 1916)
Stephen W. Boesel (Ohio State University 1911)
Kenna J. Boeshaar (Ohio State University 1921)
Everett Bogardus (Ohio State University 1901)
Edward M. Boggs (Ohio State University 1885)
David G. Bolon (Ohio State University 1946)
Girard D. Bond (Ohio State University 1922)
Edwin S. Bonnet (Ohio State University 1909)
Frank H. Bonnett (Ohio State University 1909)
William K. Borglin (Ohio State University 1961)
A. G. Bowen (Ohio State University 1952)
Robert J. Bowman (Ohio State University 1917)
Garnett W. Brand (Ohio State University 1914)
Jon D. Brandt (Ohio State University 1983)
Kent H. Brandt (Ohio State University 1951)
Frank C. Branum (Ohio State University 1900)
Howard R. Brehmer (Ohio State University 1957)
Henry L. Breidenbach (Ohio State University 1953)
Robert E. Briggs (Ohio State University 1934)
Joseph C. Bronson (Ohio State University 1923)
Hiram S. Bronson (Ohio State University 1920)
Steven C. Broughton (Ohio State University 1963)
Christopher N. Brown (Ohio State University 1883)
Ralph H. Brown (Ohio State University 1915)
Robert N. Brumbaugh (Ohio State University 1900)
Harry W. Buckley (Ohio State University 1934)
Robert P. Burkholder (Ohio State University 1950)
Norman O. Burmaster (Ohio State University 1974)
Byron L. Burnett (Ohio State University 1949)
Ralph E. Burns (Ohio State University 1950)
Charles H. Burton (Ohio State University 1917)
Albert C. Butler (Ohio State University 1880)
Joseph R. Bybee (Ohio State University 1964)
Clovis E. Byers (Ohio State University 1921)
John J. Byrne (Ohio State University 1909)
Donald J. Byrum (Ohio State University 1920)
Ned R. Cadot (Ohio State University 1926)
Lochiel S. Cameron (Ohio State University 1920)
Herbert R. Cammerer (Ohio State University 1935)
Norman C. Cammerer (Ohio State University 1937)
Gregory L. Campbell (Ohio State University 1979)
Samuel H. Campbell (Ohio State University 1908)
Thomas R. Cantwell (Ohio State University 1947)
Carroll A. Capes (Ohio State University 1919)
William P. Carey Jr. (Ohio State University 1927)
Daniel F. Carmack (Ohio State University 1948)
Alfred E. Carpenter (Ohio State University 1904)
Robert J. Carruthers (Ohio State University 1959)
William K. Carter (Ohio State University 1949)
Herman G. Cartwright (Ohio State University 1954)
William L. Case (Ohio State University 1920)
Joseph S. Casey (Ohio State University 1885)
William F. Castle (Ohio State University 1915)
Harold G. Chamberlain (Ohio State University 1926)
Barnett C. Chambers (Ohio State University 1918)
George H. Chamblin (Ohio State University 1930)
Donald B. Chapman (Ohio State University 1948)
William C. Chard (Ohio State University 1960)
William T. Cheney (Ohio State University 1894)
Marion O. Chenoweth (Ohio State University 1930)
John J. Chester (Ohio State University 1983)
Charles S. Chubb (Ohio State University 1934)
Lewis W. Chubb (Ohio State University 1932)
Robert L. Clare (Ohio State University 1912)
Dwight S. Clayton (Ohio State University 1949)
Frederick W. Clayton (Ohio State University 1944)
Robert D. Clements (Ohio State University 1968)
Walter D. Cline (Ohio State University 1899)
Ralph H. Clinger (Ohio State University 1950)
George D. Clouse (Ohio State University 1942)
James F. Cobham (Ohio State University 1932)
William B. Cockley (Ohio State University 1904)
Paul F. Collins (Ohio State University 1927)
Carroll Cone (Ohio State University 1928)
Carl E. Congdon (Ohio State University 1912)
Howard P. Connable (Ohio State University 1911)
Albert L. Cook (Ohio State University 1938)
Clare E. Cook (Ohio State University 1922)
Donald E. Cook (Ohio State University 1950)
John S. Cook (Ohio State University 1892)
William C. Cook (Ohio State University 1947)
John B. Cool (Ohio State University 1941)
George H. Cooley (Ohio State University 1911)
John F. Corna II (Ohio State University 1975)
Robert H. Cotton (Ohio State University 1881)
William R. Cox (Ohio State University 1965)
Preston R. Crabill (Ohio State University 1945)
Fred G. Craig (Ohio State University 1898)
Robert S. Crane (Ohio State University 1946)
Thomas K. Creed (Ohio State University 1931)
Carl R. Crites (Ohio State University 1919)
Burton N. Crobaugh (Ohio State University 1914)
Robert D. Cron (Ohio State University 1934)
Jack R. Crowe (Ohio State University 1947)
Karl F. Culler (Ohio State University 1936)
Donald G. Culp (Ohio State University 1960)
David W. Cunningham (Ohio State University 1950)
Edward W. Cunningham (Ohio State University 1894)
George S. Cunningham (Ohio State University 1886)
Glenn R. Cunningham (Ohio State University 1949)
John F. Cunningham (Ohio State University 1897)
Robert H. Cunningham (Ohio State University 1905)
Robert H. Cunningham (Ohio State University 1940)
John M. Curphey (Ohio State University 1949)
Robert B. Curry (Ohio State University 1934)
Robert L. Curtis (Ohio State University 1940)
Robert R. Cutler (Ohio State University 1932)
D. K. Dadisman (Ohio State University 1959)
D. K. Dadisman Scott (Ohio State University 1958)
John J. Dauber (Ohio State University 1913)
David M. Davidson (Ohio State University 1894)
Harold G. Davidson (Ohio State University 1902)
Spencer H. Davies (Ohio State University 1921)
Arthur E. Davis (Ohio State University 1926)
James M. Davis (Ohio State University 1937)
Paul P. Davis (Ohio State University 1953)
Ralph M. Davis (Ohio State University 1934)
Frank R. Dean (Ohio State University 1887)
Wilbur E. Dean (Ohio State University 1939)
Edward G. Deister (Ohio State University 1953)
Edgar H. Delong (Ohio State University 1920)
Jack M. DeLong (Ohio State University 1942)
James C. Delong (Ohio State University 1915)
Lawrence E. Deneen (Ohio State University 1914)
John S. Depuy (Ohio State University 1923)
Forrest R. Detrick (Ohio State University 1920)
George A. Dettinger (Ohio State University 1913)
Keith DeVoe (Ohio State University 1952)
Donald W. Dick (Ohio State University 1976)
Douglas J. Dick (Ohio State University 1983)
William H. Dickinson (Ohio State University 1908)
William R. Diehl (Ohio State University 1933)
Ralph M. Dillon (Ohio State University 1923)
Frederick R. Dinsmore (Ohio State University 1936)
John N. Dinsmore (Ohio State University 1933)
Walter Dix (Ohio State University 1909)
Edwin D. Dodd (Ohio State University 1941)
Hal F. Doig (Ohio State University 1923)
R. W. Donnally (Ohio State University 1949)
Ivan L. Dorsey (Ohio State University 1919)
Joseph H. Dorst (Ohio State University 1942)
Harry L. Doud (Ohio State University 1901)
James L. Douglass (Ohio State University 1910)
Dwight L. Downing (Ohio State University 1923)
Joseph M. Downs (Ohio State University 1925)
Charles W. Drais (Ohio State University 1917)
Philip B. Drake (Ohio State University 1945)
Carl A. Dreyer (Ohio State University 1927)
Lloyd T. Duff (Ohio State University 1948)
George C. Duffy (Ohio State University 1958)
Joseph M. Dugan (Ohio State University 1981)
John J. Dun (Ohio State University 1883)
Walter A. Dun (Ohio State University 1878)
Robert A. Dunbar (Ohio State University 1914)
Daniel M. Duncan (Ohio State University 1961)
Howard D. Duncan Jr. (Ohio State University 1948)
Robert A. Duncan (Ohio State University 1915)
Thaddeus C. Dunlap (Ohio State University 1895)
Joseph M. Dunn (Ohio State University 1949)
Robert C. Dunn (Ohio State University 1914)
Ronald B. DuPerow (Ohio State University 1956)
Dan D. Dupler (Ohio State University 1944)
Dan M. Dupler (Ohio State University 1970)
Charles H. Dupre (Ohio State University 1946)
Dallas D. Dupre (Ohio State University 1944)
Donald F. Dupre (Ohio State University 1949)
Joseph A. Durfee (Ohio State University 1894)
Donald S. Durnell (Ohio State University 1914)
George J. Dyer (Ohio State University 1930)
John H. Eagleson (Ohio State University 1900)
Joseph P. Eagleson (Ohio State University 1900)
Stuart D. Eagleson (Ohio State University 1940)
Frederick R. Eckley (Ohio State University 1909)
Frederick R. Eckley (Ohio State University 1936)
Carl H. Ehrensberger (Ohio State University 1933)
Frank Eichelberger (Ohio State University 1906)
Robert L. Eichelberger (Ohio State University 1907)
John I. Eldridge (Ohio State University 1918)
Norris R. Elliott (Ohio State University 1914)
Charles D. Ellis (Ohio State University 1956)
William A. Ely (Ohio State University 1883)
Joe R. Engle (Ohio State University 1943)
Bruce D. Epstein (Ohio State University 1951)
Edwin Essington (Ohio State University 1923)
Charles E. Evans (Ohio State University 1940)
Richard B. Evans (Ohio State University 1947)
Rush E. Evans (Ohio State University 1916)
David L. Evans (Ohio State University 1943)
Paul P. Ewing (Ohio State University 1915)
Wilbur D. Fairley (Ohio State University 1931)
James R. Farst (Ohio State University 1956)
Emmett R. Featherly (Ohio State University 1911)
David L. Fenner (Ohio State University 1952)
Allan W. Ferdi (Ohio State University 1982)
James D. Ferguson (Ohio State University 1951)
Robert W. Ferguson (Ohio State University 1939)
Matthew E. Fiora (Ohio State University 1989)
Frank B. Firmin (Ohio State University 1904)
George P. Fitzgerald (Ohio State University 1968)
William F. Fitzgibbon (Ohio State University 1929)
Jeffery T. Fletcher (Ohio State University 1986)
Richard L. Fletcher (Ohio State University 1967)
Edwin E. Flickinger (Ohio State University 1904)
E. O. Florence (Ohio State University 1961)
Donald E. Focht (Ohio State University 1949)
Daniel E. Foley (Ohio State University 1952)
James M. Foley (Ohio State University 1953)
William T. Foley (Ohio State University 1931)
Mark A. Follansbee (Ohio State University 1943)
Daniel P. Forst (Ohio State University 1915)
Ronald S. Foster (Ohio State University 1960)
Charles F. Foutz (Ohio State University 1961)
Richard E. Fowler (Ohio State University 1945)
Donald K. Fox (Ohio State University 1958)
W. W. Fox (Ohio State University 1917)
Alfred S. Freeman (Ohio State University 1897)
Robin R. Freeman (Ohio State University 1956)
Edward H. French (Ohio State University 1897)
John C. French (Ohio State University 1964)
Thomas E. French (Ohio State University 1895)
Chester W. Frickman (Ohio State University 1929)
James F. Froning (Ohio State University 1952)
John H. Fulford (Ohio State University 1946)
Ralph L. Fuller (Ohio State University 1883)
Kenneth I. Fulton (Ohio State University 1914)
Jay M. Gaines (Ohio State University 1958)
Richard H. Galigher (Ohio State University 1924)
Chester P. Galleher (Ohio State University 1907)
W. Brooks Galleher (Ohio State University 1909)
Charles E. Gamper (Ohio State University 1936)
Benjamin H. Gardner (Ohio State University 1939)
Dwight D. Gardner (Ohio State University 1920)
Charles F. Garmhausen (Ohio State University 1957)
Leon M. Garrette (Ohio State University 1922)
Robert L. Gerbig (Ohio State University 1967)
Joseph W. Gheen (Ohio State University 1917)
James L. Gibboney (Ohio State University 1932)
Paul M. Gibbons (Ohio State University 1929)
William F. Gibson (Ohio State University 1941)
Edgar A. Gilbert Jr. (Ohio State University 1921)
Paul R. Gingher (Ohio State University 1922)
Leo S. Gleichauf (Ohio State University 1913)
Douglas R. Goodsell (Ohio State University 1955)
Timothy L. Gordon (Ohio State University 1982)
Irvan A. Gorrill (Ohio State University 1914)
Robert W. Gorrill (Ohio State University 1930)
Ralph W. Goshen (Ohio State University 1930)
Roy W. Gottschall (Ohio State University 1916)
Campbell H. Gould (Ohio State University 1938)
Robert J. Grady (Ohio State University 1932)
William R. Gravius (Ohio State University 1953)
Robert Gregg (Ohio State University 1934)
Hiram D. Gregory (Ohio State University 1880)
Richard H. Greiner (Ohio State University 1949)
George G. Griese (Ohio State University 1945)
Richard F. Griley (Ohio State University 1931)
Elmore E. Grim (Ohio State University 1887)
Sherman W. Griselle (Ohio State University 1917)
Edwin C. Griswold (Ohio State University 1912)
George A. Grossman (Ohio State University 1940)
Ronald G. Gump (Ohio State University 1967)
Donald H. Gunning (Ohio State University 1948)
George W. Gutches (Ohio State University 1937)
June Guthridge (Ohio State University 1933)
Clarence E. Gwinn (Ohio State University 1918)
Walter W. Gwinn (Ohio State University 1922)
Walter C. Haas (Ohio State University 1924)
Leslie J. Hague (Ohio State University 1950)
Thomas R. Hague (Ohio State University 1954)
Charles C. Hall (Ohio State University 1928)
Edwin B. Hamilton (Ohio State University 1948)
Theodore J. Hamilton (Ohio State University 1945)
Paul D. Hammond (Ohio State University 1949)
Henry W. Hane (Ohio State University 1920)
John J. Hane (Ohio State University 1920)
Jacob L. Haner (Ohio State University 1890)
Frederick C. Hanks (Ohio State University 1923)
Edward C. Hanna (Ohio State University 1935)
William H. Hannum (Ohio State University 1887)
Charles W. Harley (Ohio State University 1919)
George W. Harman (Ohio State University 1887)
Kenneth B. Harris (Ohio State University 1929)
Rodger C. Harris (Ohio State University 1935)
John R. Hartenfels (Ohio State University 1923)
C. J. Hatfield (Ohio State University 1942)
Paul M. Hatfield (Ohio State University 1945)
Robert C. Haubrich (Ohio State University 1932)
Charles W. Hauck (Ohio State University 1915)
John F. Havens (Ohio State University 1949)
Richard V. Havens (Ohio State University 1946)
William D. Havens (Ohio State University 1944)
William F. Havens (Ohio State University 1915)
Ash M. Hawk (Ohio State University 1957)
Frederick W. Hawkes (Ohio State University 1884)
Christian S. Hayes (Ohio State University 1928)
Joseph W. Heatherman (Ohio State University 1909)
Jack N. Heed (Ohio State University 1925)
Ronald D. Hefflinger (Ohio State University 1947)
Harold E. Heller (Ohio State University 1922)
Leroy W. Hendershott (Ohio State University 1926)
Maurice C. Hendershott (Ohio State University 1924)
John M. Henderson (Ohio State University 1931)
Lutrelle Henderson (Ohio State University 1883)
Robert Ray Henderson (Ohio State University 1928)
Joseph P. Henry (Ohio State University 1949)
William D. Henry (Ohio State University 1951)
Fred W. Herbst (Ohio State University 1943)
Edwin A. Hess (Ohio State University 1927)
Clyde S. Hickle (Ohio State University 1945)
James W. Hicks (Ohio State University 1975)
Charles E. Higbee (Ohio State University 1883)
Charles R. Higby (Ohio State University 1929)
Richard A. Hilinski (Ohio State University 1954)
Sterling L. Hill (Ohio State University 1937)
Lewis G. Hinchman (Ohio State University 1933)
Michael H. Hinchman (Ohio State University 1962)
William J. Hinchman (Ohio State University 1930)
Charles S. Hire (Ohio State University 1929)
Robert S. Hoag (Ohio State University 1951)
Benjamin F. Hoagland (Ohio State University 1956)
Edwin A. Hodges (Ohio State University 1925)
Willis H. Hodges (Ohio State University 1909)
Willis H. Hodges (Ohio State University 1943)
Kenneth F. Hodson (Ohio State University 1942)
Dean R. Hoge (Ohio State University 1960)
Warren S. Holloway (Ohio State University 1915)
Robert C. Holub (Ohio State University 1955)
Thomas C. Hoover (Ohio State University 1908)
Michael J. Horn (Ohio State University 1980)
Richard L. Horn (Ohio State University 1947)
Robert L. Horn (Ohio State University 1931)
Joe H. Hornbeck (Ohio State University 1938)
Alton E. Horton (Ohio State University 1920)
Edwin S. Houck (Ohio State University 1884)
Ralph N. Houck (Ohio State University 1940)
Benson W. Hough (Ohio State University 1899)
John M. Houk (Ohio State University 1922)
Harold W. Houston (Ohio State University 1909)
Henry W. Houston (Ohio State University 1940)
Mark C. Houston (Ohio State University 1905)
William D. Houston (Ohio State University 1936)
Ray S. Hovis (Ohio State University 1921)
Ferdinand Howald (Ohio State University 1878)
Dwight Howard (Ohio State University 1939)
Frank H. Howe (Ohio State University 1940)
Thomas J. Howells (Ohio State University 1897)
Robert J. Hudson (Ohio State University 1953)
John W. Hughes (Ohio State University 1882)
Charles H. Huls (Ohio State University 1925)
Frederick E. Huls (Ohio State University 1926)
John A. Hunter (Ohio State University 1964)
Robbins Hunter (Ohio State University 1903)
Joseph M. Hyde (Ohio State University 1950)
John F. Hyer (Ohio State University 1957)
Jesse D. Iams (Ohio State University 1905)
Wilmer E. Isabel (Ohio State University 1923)
Warren W. Ittner (Ohio State University 1900)
Antonio Izquierdo (Ohio State University 1921)
Elmer C. Jackson (Ohio State University 1903)
Jack C. Jackson (Ohio State University 1939)
Paul F. Jackson (Ohio State University 1905)
Paul S. Jackson (Ohio State University 1921)
Sherman B. Jackson (Ohio State University 1948)
Charles E. Jameson (Ohio State University 1889)
Michael F. Jarko (Ohio State University 1960)
Edwin H. Jelliff (Ohio State University 1940)
C. G. Jelliffe (Ohio State University 1937)
John B. Jenkins (Ohio State University 1962)
Richard H. Jenkins (Ohio State University 1929)
William R. Jenkins (Ohio State University 1927)
Jack W. Jennings (Ohio State University 1950)
Charles M. Johnson (Ohio State University 1963)
E. C. Johnson (Ohio State University 1953)
Edgar H. Johnson (Ohio State University 1905)
Truman G. Johnson (Ohio State University 1944)
Herbert C. Johnson III (Ohio State University 1973)
Frederick H. Johnston (Ohio State University 1930)
W. F. Johnston (Ohio State University 1919)
Samuel H. Jolliffe (Ohio State University 1950)
Charles R. Jones (Ohio State University 1944)
Donald E. Jones (Ohio State University 1913)
Frank N. Jones (Ohio State University 1965)
George A. Jones (Ohio State University 1930)
Gordon B. Jones (Ohio State University 1918)
James P. Jones (Ohio State University 1880)
Jesse L. Jones (Ohio State University 1890)
John O. Jones (Ohio State University 1946)
John P. Jones (Ohio State University 1946)
Justin R. Jones (Ohio State University 1940)
Samuel N. Jordan (Ohio State University 1931)
William H. Jordan (Ohio State University 1921)
Jack R. Karch (Ohio State University 1953)
Edward A. Kauffman (Ohio State University 1945)
James R. Kauffman (Ohio State University 1940)
William E. Kaufman (Ohio State University 1949)
James B. Kayser (Ohio State University 1956)
Robert A. Keating (Ohio State University 1933)
Robert W. Keeley (Ohio State University 1953)
John E. Keevert (Ohio State University 1933)
Frederick J. Keller (Ohio State University 1958)
I. Austin Kelly (Ohio State University 1899)
W. F. Kelly (Ohio State University 1883)
William P. Kelly (Ohio State University 1962)
Clyde N. Kemery (Ohio State University 1920)
Roger D. Kennedy (Ohio State University 1939)
Donald F. Kepple (Ohio State University 1931)
Byron F. Kerr (Ohio State University 1929)
Isaac N. Keyser (Ohio State University 1883)
Mikhail F. Khalil (Ohio State University 1990)
Harry A. Kiehl (Ohio State University 1889)
William D. Kientz (Ohio State University 1945)
Charles A. Kienzle (Ohio State University 1942)
Robert C. Kier (Ohio State University 1955)
James W. Kievit (Ohio State University 1929)
David W. Kindell (Ohio State University 1978)
Gordon D. Kinder (Ohio State University 1900)
Noble C. King (Ohio State University 1885)
Nathan C. Kingsbury (Ohio State University 1901)
Reynold E. Klages (Ohio State University 1946)
Charles H. Knowlton (Ohio State University 1946)
John F. Kramer (Ohio State University 1947)
Howard E. Kriss (Ohio State University 1929)
Michael S. Krzykoski (Ohio State University 1986)
James H. Kuhn (Ohio State University 1969)
W. Kumler (Ohio State University 1963)
William E. Kuntz (Ohio State University 1949)
Neff Laing (Ohio State University 1897)
Charles H. Lake (Ohio State University 1909)
Leroy A. Lallance (Ohio State University 1901)
William R. Lamb (Ohio State University 1924)
Ralph E. Lampman (Ohio State University 1938)
Herbert N. Lape (Ohio State University 1948)
David C. Larkin (Ohio State University 1951)
Stephen S. LaRue (Ohio State University 1946)
John D. Laufersweiler (Ohio State University 1950)
George F. Law (Ohio State University 1883)
Edward M. Lawrence (Ohio State University 1956)
Mortimer W. Lawrence (Ohio State University 1894)
Kenneth A. Leach (Ohio State University 1921)
Donald E. Leader (Ohio State University 1917)
John R. Leader (Ohio State University 1927)
Morgan D. Lefferdink (Ohio State University 1942)
Howard D. Leppo (Ohio State University 1913)
Christopher Lerch (Ohio State University 1976)
Charles M. Lewis (Ohio State University 1881)
Clarence E. Lewis (Ohio State University 1948)
David E. Lewis (Ohio State University 1919)
Robert M. Light (Ohio State University 1939)
Willis C. Lightburn (Ohio State University 1947)
John G. Lincoln (Ohio State University 1918)
Walter J. Lind (Ohio State University 1922)
Leo Lindenberg (Ohio State University 1906)
Robert Lindenberg (Ohio State University 1907)
Irvin Linson (Ohio State University 1882)
Fred E. Linville (Ohio State University 1965)
William S. Livingston (Ohio State University 1942)
Jack R. Lloyd (Ohio State University 1939)
Darrel D. Loeblein (Ohio State University 1926)
Wesley Lones (Ohio State University 1960)
Fred W. Long (Ohio State University 1929)
George A. Lopp (Ohio State University 1937)
William H. Lord (Ohio State University 1962)
Paul R. Lorey (Ohio State University 1946)
Ellis Lovejoy (Ohio State University 1885)
Jesse R. Lovejoy (Ohio State University 1884)
Charles V. Lutz (Ohio State University 1937)
William L. Lyman (Ohio State University 1911)
Bruce G. Lynn (Ohio State University 1938)
William R. Macdonald (Ohio State University 1928)
Robert J. MacIvor (Ohio State University 1935)
William R. Malone (Ohio State University 1885)
Donald J. Maloney (Ohio State University 1954)
William C. Marable (Ohio State University 1942)
Robert B. Marcus (Ohio State University 1976)
Donald E. Marquis (Ohio State University 1918)
Vincent B. Marquis (Ohio State University 1920)
Carl B. Martin (Ohio State University 1915)
Charles S. Martin (Ohio State University 1972)
William L. Marting (Ohio State University 1958)
Robert E. Martini (Ohio State University 1954)
George A. Masters (Ohio State University 1886)
Herburt W. Maxson (Ohio State University 1924)
Allen C. Maxwell (Ohio State University 1922)
Ray S. Maxwell (Ohio State University 1910)
Calvin W. Mayne (Ohio State University 1948)
Daniel I. Mayne Jr. (Ohio State University 1945)
Earl S. McAllister (Ohio State University 1901)
Harold A. McAllister (Ohio State University 1909)
John G. McBean (Ohio State University 1900)
C. David McCandlish (Ohio State University 1961)
Charles F. McCloud (Ohio State University 1891)
Robert H. McCormick (Ohio State University 1941)
Charles G. McCune (Ohio State University 1916)
John F. McFadden (Ohio State University 1878)
Harry G. McKemy (Ohio State University 1899)
William H. McKinley (Ohio State University 1931)
Clarence G. McLaughlin (Ohio State University 1901)
Harold H. McLaughlin (Ohio State University 1902)
William McLaughlin (Ohio State University 1898)
Fred H. McLean (Ohio State University 1952)
Amasa B. McMackin (Ohio State University 1879)
Allen P. McManigal (Ohio State University 1919)
Roy A. McMullin (Ohio State University 1903)
Clinton V. Mead (Ohio State University 1884)
Russel G. Means (Ohio State University 1949)
John J. Meckes (Ohio State University 1945)
Guy T. Meek (Ohio State University 1895)
James E. Meek (Ohio State University 1893)
Paul D. Meek (Ohio State University 1905)
Thomas B. Meek (Ohio State University 1920)
William W. Meek (Ohio State University 1889)
Andrew W. Miller (Ohio State University 1946)
Charles C. Miller (Ohio State University 1883)
Charles W. Miller (Ohio State University 1885)
George C. Miller (Ohio State University 1940)
James B. Miller (Ohio State University 1926)
John M. Miller (Ohio State University 1947)
Lawrence J. Miller (Ohio State University 1955)
Orlando C. Miller (Ohio State University 1907)
Richard H. Miller (Ohio State University 1959)
Ross C. Miller (Ohio State University 1939)
Rowland J. Miller (Ohio State University 1928)
Ward M. Miller (Ohio State University 1923)
Edward Milliken (Ohio State University 1934)
Charles W. Millikin (Ohio State University 1914)
Wilbur T. Mills Jr. (Ohio State University 1916)
Harry T. Minister (Ohio State University 1915)
Harry S. Mitchell (Ohio State University 1890)
Howard R. Mitchell (Ohio State University 1949)
Oliver T. Mitchell (Ohio State University 1922)
Ralph J. Mitchell (Ohio State University 1928)
Edgar W. Mix (Ohio State University 1888)
M. N. Mix (Ohio State University 1885)
Robert W. Mollohan (Ohio State University 1919)
Edward A. Montanus (Ohio State University 1949)
Charles W. Montgomery (Ohio State University 1903)
Howard D. Montgomery (Ohio State University 1896)
Richard Montgomery (Ohio State University 1937)
W. P. Moodey (Ohio State University 1900)
William L. Moore (Ohio State University 1950)
Andrew G. Morden (Ohio State University 1916)
John H. Morey (Ohio State University 1937)
Harold C. Morford (Ohio State University 1913)
Richard H. Morgan (Ohio State University 1940)
C. R. Moritz (Ohio State University 1953)
Michael E. Moritz (Ohio State University 1955)
Timothy B. Moritz (Ohio State University 1958)
Richard G. Morris (Ohio State University 1936)
William S. Morrison (Ohio State University 1978)
James B. Morse (Ohio State University 1967)
James R. Mossgrove (Ohio State University 1920)
Jesse S. Mossgrove (Ohio State University 1916)
Grant E. Mouser (Ohio State University 1917)
Hobart M. Munsell (Ohio State University 1948)
John G. Munsell (Ohio State University 1947)
Chester L. Myers (Ohio State University 1918)
Edward S. Myers (Ohio State University 1918)
Frederic L. Myers (Ohio State University 1899)
John W. Myers (Ohio State University 1915)
Joseph S. Myers (Ohio State University 1887)
Uriah H. Myers (Ohio State University 1887)
Robert K. Nahigian (Ohio State University 1955)
Otto Neglespach (Ohio State University 1888)
Charles S. Nelson (Ohio State University 1921)
William H. Nesser (Ohio State University 1931)
Thomas R. Neuberger (Ohio State University 1979)
Maynard E. Neville (Ohio State University 1944)
Charles B. Nevin (Ohio State University 1898)
Lurton K. Nevin (Ohio State University 1903)
Robert R. Nevin (Ohio State University 1898)
C. Guy Newton (Ohio State University 1888)
Henry S. Newton (Ohio State University 1889)
William R. Nichols (Ohio State University 1943)
W. B. Nielsen (Ohio State University 1970)
John D. Niple (Ohio State University 1937)
Warren F. Noble (Ohio State University 1879)
Elisha S. Norton (Ohio State University 1897)
John M. Norton (Ohio State University 1967)
William C. Norton (Ohio State University 1914)
William H. C. Nosker (Ohio State University 1941)
Owen C. Obetz (Ohio State University 1895)
Emmitt M. O'Connor (Ohio State University 1930)
William B. O'Donnell (Ohio State University 1965)
William H. Olmsted (Ohio State University 1948)
Irving P. Olmsted (Ohio State University 1947)
Clifton F. Orchard (Ohio State University 1943)
Richard L. Orders (Ohio State University 1949)
Edward Orton (Ohio State University 1884)
James A. Osborn (Ohio State University 1959)
William E. Ott (Ohio State University 1976)
Alva K. Overturf (Ohio State University 1906)
Marion B. Owen (Ohio State University 1916)
William C. Owen (Ohio State University 1948)
William G. Pace (Ohio State University 1948)
Ralph S. Paffenbarger (Ohio State University 1944)
Tom L. Paffenbarger (Ohio State University 1947)
Henry J. Page (Ohio State University 1919)
Matthew C. Palma (Ohio State University 1996)
Hugh C. Palmer (Ohio State University 1943)
Howard C. Park (Ohio State University 1929)
Warren S. Park (Ohio State University 1920)
Gordon N. Parmelee (Ohio State University 1911)
William M. Parrish (Ohio State University 1921)
Rufus H. Patchin (Ohio State University 1898)
Ralph L. Patrick (Ohio State University 1919)
John E. Patton Jr. (Ohio State University 1942)
Richard C. Paugh (Ohio State University 1935)
Edward A. Pearsall (Ohio State University 1920)
Edward L. Pease (Ohio State University 1895)
William A. Pease (Ohio State University 1923)
Gerard B. Pennell (Ohio State University 1955)
John J. M. Perkins (Ohio State University 1921)
Thomas A. Peter (Ohio State University 1917)
F. H. Pierce (Ohio State University 1959)
Putnam S. Pierman (Ohio State University 1957)
Lloyd A. Pixley (Ohio State University 1922)
Walter C. Polk (Ohio State University 1895)
John A. Pollard (Ohio State University 1924)
Harwood R. Pool (Ohio State University 1881)
John D. Poorman (Ohio State University 1902)
Wayne R. Porter (Ohio State University 1947)
Robert J. Post (Ohio State University 1953)
Donald S. Poulton (Ohio State University 1939)
Edwin H. Poulton (Ohio State University 1916)
Leslie B. Powell (Ohio State University 1900)
Frederick H. Pritchard (Ohio State University 1888)
George M. Pryor (Ohio State University 1938)
W. F. Pryor (Ohio State University 1950)
Robin Pulling (Ohio State University 1909)
Oregon B. Purcell (Ohio State University 1920)
Lloyd B. Rainey (Ohio State University 1910)
Frederick T. Ramsey (Ohio State University 1936)
Walter J. Rankin (Ohio State University 1938)
Murray C. Rarick (Ohio State University 1933)
Franklin A. Ray (Ohio State University 1887)
George G. Ream (Ohio State University 1930)
Howard B. Rector (Ohio State University 1906)
Don A. Reed (Ohio State University 1939)
James E. Reed (Ohio State University 1933)
Rodney H. Reese (Ohio State University 1908)
John M. Rehl (Ohio State University 1923)
Archer E. Reilly (Ohio State University 1941)
Ralph A. Reilly (Ohio State University 1943)
Ralph J. Reiser (Ohio State University 1958)
Robert L. Repp (Ohio State University 1966)
James P. Revenaugh (Ohio State University 1919)
Gordon M. Rhodes (Ohio State University 1919)
Robert R. Rhodes (Ohio State University 1944)
William W. Rhodes (Ohio State University 1948)
William S. Richards (Ohio State University 1976)
Charles H. Rideout (Ohio State University 1928)
Milton A. Rideout (Ohio State University 1931)
Clair C. Ridgeway (Ohio State University 1923)
John H. Riley (Ohio State University 1936)
Thomas C. Robb (Ohio State University 1952)
Matthew G. Roberts (Ohio State University 1931)
William C. Roberts (Ohio State University 1935)
Boyd E. Robinson (Ohio State University 1928)
Mahon A. Robinson (Ohio State University 1932)
David C. Roggenkamp (Ohio State University 1952)
Albert L. Rohrer (Ohio State University 1885)
Willis J. Root (Ohio State University 1885)
Chaney D. Ross (Ohio State University 1945)
Mylin H. Ross (Ohio State University 1931)
Bruce L. Roudebush (Ohio State University 1958)
Warren D. Rounsavell (Ohio State University 1908)
Donald R. Rowles (Ohio State University 1923)
Joseph E. Ryan (Ohio State University 1931)
Richard J. Salisbury (Ohio State University 1968)
Neil E. Salsich (Ohio State University 1950)
Herbert G. Sanderson (Ohio State University 1944)
Richard L. Sanderson (Ohio State University 1948)
William E. Sarver (Ohio State University 1895)
Frederick J. Schaad (Ohio State University 1942)
Thomas D. Schaad (Ohio State University 1944)
Donald C. Schafer (Ohio State University 1966)
Arthur A. Schauweker (Ohio State University 1912)
Arthur L. Schieber (Ohio State University 1911)
Harold L. Schieber (Ohio State University 1912)
Martin M. Schlosser (Ohio State University 1921)
Earnest T. Schneider (Ohio State University 1904)
Charles M. Schoenlaub (Ohio State University 1928)
Carey L. Schuck (Ohio State University 1898)
John L. Schwabe (Ohio State University 1968)
Frank R. Schwartz (Ohio State University 1920)
Fred H. Schwartz (Ohio State University 1920)
Robert M. Schwartz (Ohio State University 1918)
Fritz L. Schweitzer (Ohio State University 1918)
George A. Schwer (Ohio State University 1929)
Ernest G. Schwiebert (Ohio State University 1956)
Andrew H. Scott (Ohio State University 1947)
Dudley Scott (Ohio State University 1900)
Ernest Scott (Ohio State University 1897)
Harry P. Scott (Ohio State University 1890)
Willard B. Scott (Ohio State University 1927)
Wade T. Searles (Ohio State University 1928)
Chester C. Sedgwick (Ohio State University 1909)
Donald E. Seelbach (Ohio State University 1950)
Uri Seeley Jr. (Ohio State University 1881)
Samuel J. Seibert (Ohio State University 1929)
Adam A. Serva (Ohio State University 1893)
Ralph F. Setterlin (Ohio State University 1960)
Henry P. Seymour (Ohio State University 1927)
Parker M. Seymour (Ohio State University 1893)
Harry H. Shaffer (Ohio State University 1927)
Ralph W. Shafor (Ohio State University 1914)
Lloyd C. Shank (Ohio State University 1911)
Floyd E. Shannon (Ohio State University 1931)
Harold H. Shaw (Ohio State University 1915)
Melville J. Shaw (Ohio State University 1952)
Robert H. Shaw (Ohio State University 1923)
Charles T. Sheldon (Ohio State University 1908)
Sheldon B. Shepard (Ohio State University 1912)
George H. Shepherd (Ohio State University 1901)
Hoyt L. Sherman (Ohio State University 1925)
Rea N. Sherman (Ohio State University 1933)
Milton W. Sherwood (Ohio State University 1897)
James D. Shields (Ohio State University 1942)
Charles M. Shinn (Ohio State University 1913)
Earl D. Sifrit (Ohio State University 1905)
E. Carlyle Sill Jr. (Ohio State University 1922)
James F. Sipp (Ohio State University 1959)
Bradley Skeele (Ohio State University 1923)
John B. Sleeper (Ohio State University 1904)
Herbert R. Slough (Ohio State University 1927)
David B. Smith (Ohio State University 1954)
Frank J. Smith (Ohio State University 1942)
Guy Smith (Ohio State University 1882)
Harold S. Smith (Ohio State University 1910)
J. F. Smith (Ohio State University 1923)
Raymond T. Smith (Ohio State University 1917)
Walter A. Smith (Ohio State University 1926)
Walter R. Smith (Ohio State University 1917)
Warren W. Smith (Ohio State University 1918)
Ivan G. Smith (Ohio State University 1941)
Richard A. Smudz (Ohio State University 1975)
James E. Snyder (Ohio State University 1895)
Marcus M. Sommerschield (Ohio State University 1936)
John J. Sophos (Ohio State University 1950)
Paul J. Sopko (Ohio State University 1959)
Paul G. Spence (Ohio State University 1942)
Frederick W. Sperr (Ohio State University 1883)
Emerson C. Spicer (Ohio State University 1936)
Downs C. Spitler (Ohio State University 1933)
Ronald D. Spring (Ohio State University 1954)
J. W. St John (Ohio State University 1932)
Edwin D. Stackhouse (Ohio State University 1944)
Howard P. Stallman (Ohio State University 1920)
Charles H. Stamm (Ohio State University 1935)
Richard R. Stander (Ohio State University 1940)
Richard R. Stander (Ohio State University 1965)
Samuel G. Stark (Ohio State University 1902)
Neil S. Statler (Ohio State University 1936)
Jack W. Steiner (Ohio State University 1949)
Jack W. Stephenson (Ohio State University 1942)
Avery L. Sterner (Ohio State University 1910)
Paul E. Stewart (Ohio State University 1930)
Donald C. Stoeckel (Ohio State University 1957)
Ferdinand F. Stone (Ohio State University 1930)
John W. Story (Ohio State University 1929)
Charles I. Stouffer (Ohio State University 1893)
R. G. Sutton (Ohio State University 1989)
Henry R. Talmage (Ohio State University 1910)
Frank R. Tarr (Ohio State University 1981)
Ralph B. Tate (Ohio State University 1894)
William W. Tawse (Ohio State University 1914)
Arthur W. Taylor (Ohio State University 1893)
John R. Taylor (Ohio State University 1975)
Lester W. Taylor (Ohio State University 1925)
Richard I. Taylor (Ohio State University 1939)
Richard K. Taylor (Ohio State University 1948)
Robert B. Taylor (Ohio State University 1945)
Stafford R. Taylor (Ohio State University 1924)
William M. Taylor (Ohio State University 1954)
Phillip W. Tefft (Ohio State University 1940)
Matthew W. Telfair (Ohio State University 1951)
Howard B. Teter (Ohio State University 1924)
Werner Thiele (Ohio State University 1927)
Berger Thomas (Ohio State University 1924)
Robert L. Thomas (Ohio State University 1917)
William H. Thomas (Ohio State University 1926)
Gail L. Thompson (Ohio State University 1921)
Lorin O. Thompson (Ohio State University 1912)
Paul W. Thompson (Ohio State University 1931)
Robert W. Thompson (Ohio State University 1950)
Douglas J. Thorne (Ohio State University 1964)
James R. Thorson (Ohio State University 1958)
Robert J. Tischbein (Ohio State University 1945)
James E. Todd (Ohio State University 1949)
James F. Torrance (Ohio State University 1937)
Robert S. Towne (Ohio State University 1880)
Arthur B. Townshend (Ohio State University 1878)
Charles O. Tracy (Ohio State University 1932)
Robert D. Troll (Ohio State University 1978)
Glenn R. Trumbull (Ohio State University 1908)
Daniel M. Tsaloff (Ohio State University 1965)
A. M. Turner (Ohio State University 1927)
Judson W. Turton (Ohio State University 1950)
Albert F. Tynan (Ohio State University 1936)
Ferdinand W. Unckrich (Ohio State University 1938)
Bernard A. VanAntwerp (Ohio State University 1986)
Richard E. Vance (Ohio State University 1935)
William H. VanHorn (Ohio State University 1968)
Arthur A. Vanosdall (Ohio State University 1939)
Emory M. Vaughn (Ohio State University 1929)
Willis B. Viets (Ohio State University 1885)
Richard A. Von Kaenel (Ohio State University 1951)
Leslie W. Vonderau (Ohio State University 1917)
Frederick J. Waddell (Ohio State University 1882)
Merle E. Wagoner (Ohio State University 1917)
Don C. Wallace (Ohio State University 1951)
John K. Wallingford (Ohio State University 1983)
Joseph O. Walsh (Ohio State University 1918)
Howard V. Walters (Ohio State University 1923)
Leland V. Walton (Ohio State University 1943)
William V. Walton III (Ohio State University 1963)
John C. Ward (Ohio State University 1880)
Charles Warren (Ohio State University 1894)
Robert R. Wasson (Ohio State University 1900)
William H. Watkins (Ohio State University 1922)
George T. Watson (Ohio State University 1951)
Robert E. Watson (Ohio State University 1949)
William L. Watt (Ohio State University 1916)
Arnold D. Webb (Ohio State University 1959)
Scott A. Webb (Ohio State University 1887)
Ernest C. Webb (Ohio State University 1951)
Douglas M. Webster (Ohio State University 1963)
Howard H. Webster (Ohio State University 1899)
Arthur A. Weisheimer (Ohio State University 1932)
Joseph A. Welf Jr. (Ohio State University 1928)
Park A. Welling (Ohio State University 1928)
William M. Wells (Ohio State University 1937)
Richard H. Werbe (Ohio State University 1945)
Arthur L. West (Ohio State University 1910)
James P. West (Ohio State University 1880)
Milton T. Weston (Ohio State University 1893)
David B. Westwater (Ohio State University 1929)
Ross J. Wetherald (Ohio State University 1894)
William G. Wheeler (Ohio State University 1921)
Charles B. Whiley (Ohio State University 1885)
Howard J. Whitehill (Ohio State University 1916)
Charles A. Wikoff (Ohio State University 1889)
John B. Wikoff (Ohio State University 1884)
Alva N. Wilcox (Ohio State University 1895)
William C. Wilder (Ohio State University 1924)
Emil J. Wilhelm (Ohio State University 1929)
John H. Williams (Ohio State University 1890)
Paul C. Williams (Ohio State University 1929)
Paul L. Williams (Ohio State University 1952)
Robert S. Williams (Ohio State University 1932)
Stewart H. Williams (Ohio State University 1930)
Ernest J. Wills (Ohio State University 1910)
Edmund U. Wilson (Ohio State University 1931)
Jacob U. Wilson (Ohio State University 1933)
Josiah D. Wilson (Ohio State University 1882)
Philip D. Wilson (Ohio State University 1908)
Robert W. Wilson (Ohio State University 1938)
Theodore C. Wilson (Ohio State University 1924)
William A. Wilson (Ohio State University 1917)
Lucius A. Wing (Ohio State University 1903)
Shirley T. Wing (Ohio State University 1907)
Frederick N. Winkler (Ohio State University 1914)
Frederick P. Winkler (Ohio State University 1939)
Wesley P. Winkler (Ohio State University 1941)
James R. Wirtz (Ohio State University 1943)
Charles D. Wise (Ohio State University 1895)
Alfred H. Withoft (Ohio State University 1897)
Clarence W. Withoft (Ohio State University 1894)
Herman H. Wolf (Ohio State University 1895)
Emerson C. Wollam (Ohio State University 1933)
Kenneth D. Wood (Ohio State University 1881)
Philip K. Wood (Ohio State University 1955)
Philip J. Wood (Ohio State University 1937)
Clarence T. Woodard (Ohio State University 1926)
John W. Woodruff (Ohio State University 1948)
William A. Woodruff (Ohio State University 1929)
A. V. Woods (Ohio State University 1953)
James H. Woods (Ohio State University 1943)
George H. Woodworth (Ohio State University 1937)
Charles H. Wright (Ohio State University 1882)
Preston S. Wright (Ohio State University 1945)
Ralph G. Wright (Ohio State University 1914)
Robert O. Wright (Ohio State University 1946)
Lawrence B. Wyant (Ohio State University 1916)
Charles E. Yains (Ohio State University 1889)
John H. Yankee (Ohio State University 1942)
Robert N. Yeend (Ohio State University 1918)
Frank D. Young (Ohio State University 1924)
Ivor H. Young (Ohio State University 1955)
Robert E. Young (Ohio State University 1964)
William J. Young (Ohio State University 1928)
Frank E. Zimmer (Ohio State University 1932)
Darrel H. Zipfel (Ohio State University 1954)
William K. Zollinger (Ohio State University 1936)
Arthur S. Zoog (Ohio State University 1956)
Ray H. Zorn (Ohio State University 1916)
Clarence W. Zurcher (Ohio State University 1910)
Timothy J. Armstrong (Ohio University 1984)
Michael A. Bateman (Ohio University 1988)
Jeffrey K. Brown (Ohio University 1969)
Jerry L. Butzer (Ohio University 1967)
Michael J. Canter (Ohio University 1969)
Joseph E. Cesa (Ohio University 1966)
Timothy M. Coughtrie (Ohio University 1970)
Lawrence V. Damiano (Ohio University 1974)
Michael E. Daniels (Ohio University 1971)
Geoffrey R. Darling (Ohio University 1988)
Michael T. Davis (Ohio University 2001)
Phillip R. Ellis (Ohio University 1987)
David W. Ewing (Ohio University 1983)
Louis R. Grasso (Ohio University 1977)
Douglas C. Grothjan (Ohio University 1972)
Jeffrey T. Kace (Ohio University 2005)
David E. Kalil (Ohio University 1989)
Brian W. Kest (Ohio University 1970)
Cecil L. Martin (Ohio University 1967)
Robert S. Mathews (Ohio University 1966)
Harry K. McConnell (Ohio University 1970)
Kevin R. McGraw (Ohio University 1990)
Steven P. Nutini (Ohio University 1993)
Craig R. O'Hare (Ohio University 1980)
Donald M. Reed (Ohio University 1966)
Martin R. Robbins (Ohio University 1975)
Keith A. Ross (Ohio University 1971)
J. M. Sarnovsky (Ohio University 1970)
William T. Schneider (Ohio University 1976)
Thomas P. Shouvlin (Ohio University 1973)
Robert T. Smart (Ohio University 1967)
Gerald F. Stauffer (Ohio University 1966)
Fred A. Swearingen (Ohio University 1966)
John P. Trombley (Ohio University 1969)
Richard M. VanCure (Ohio University 1974)
Richard W. Walt (Ohio University 1969)
Shaun M. Zickafoos (Ohio University 1988)
C. R. Abbey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1933)
Frank L. Abbey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
David C. Agler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Laird O. Albasin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
George W. Alexander (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Philip B. Alexander (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
Richard L. Alexander (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Charles K. Allen (Ohio Wesleyan University 1899)
Fred Y. Allen (Ohio Wesleyan University 1897)
James W. Allen (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960)
Harold H. Allison (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Grove R. Amos (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
James E. Anderson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1935)
John B. Anderson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1915)
John R. Anderson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1940)
T. R. Anderson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
William C. Anderson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
Albion J. Andrews (Ohio Wesleyan University 1892)
Edward R. Andrews (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
Wendell B. Andrews (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
Dale W. Ankeney (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Jay L. Ankeney (Ohio Wesleyan University 1943)
Charles F. Annat (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
Leslie C. Archer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
Andrew F. Armstrong (Ohio Wesleyan University 1876)
Thomas H. Armstrong (Ohio Wesleyan University 1875)
Wilbur Y. Armstrong (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
Belford P. Atkinson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
George F. Atkinson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
Elias J. Aye (Ohio Wesleyan University 1901)
Frederick A. Bacon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1889)
Dana N. Badley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Herman J. Baer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Herbert C. Bahl (Ohio Wesleyan University 1937)
Ralph E. Bailey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1916)
Mervin L. Baker (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
Charles R. Ballard (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Lawrence T. Ballard (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Don L. Bambauer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
Joseph H. Banks (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960)
Robert W. Bantz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
Michael A. Banzhaf (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968)
Harry E. Barber (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
Arthur U. Barco (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
Kendall E. Barnhill (Ohio Wesleyan University 1933)
Ernest L. Barr (Ohio Wesleyan University 1911)
Harry E. Barr (Ohio Wesleyan University 1912)
Louis D. Barr (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
Irving H. Bartlett (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
Jack C. Basquin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
George N. Bates (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
Wilson D. Baysinger (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958)
Theodore M. Beal (Ohio Wesleyan University 1916)
John A. Beall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Frank J. Beasley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Robert G. Beatty (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
James T. Beck (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Frederick K. Becker (Ohio Wesleyan University 1933)
Albert H. Beckett (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
Robert C. Becotte (Ohio Wesleyan University 1977)
Carl K. Beecher (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Donald B. Beecher (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
John A. Beetham (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
Irwin R. Beiler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1907)
Claude M. Beitler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1901)
Will A. Belt (Ohio Wesleyan University 1884)
Laurence M. Benedict (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
Herbert E. Bennett (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
Arthur C. Benson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1924)
Homer T. Benton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
Dan B. BeVier (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
George E. Bibbee (Ohio Wesleyan University 1895)
Daniel R. Biello (Ohio Wesleyan University 1969)
Alan H. Bingham (Ohio Wesleyan University 1945)
Robert H. Bingham (Ohio Wesleyan University 1911)
Robert H. Bingham (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
Howard C. Black (Ohio Wesleyan University 1882)
Samuel L. Black (Ohio Wesleyan University 1883)
Frank P. Blackford (Ohio Wesleyan University 1886)
Frank T. Blair (Ohio Wesleyan University 1901)
Samuel S. Blair (Ohio Wesleyan University 1899)
John D. Blocher (Ohio Wesleyan University 1966)
Clarence E. Blume (Ohio Wesleyan University 1911)
Stephen F. Bodman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
Walter H. Bodurtha (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
Carl W. Boesel (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Robert W. Boesel (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Earl L. Bohachek (Ohio Wesleyan University 1945)
Gene P. Bond (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
Kenneth M. Bontecou (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Edward C. Bootes (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
William A. Bootes (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Lewis E. Booth (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
Gerald W. Boston (Ohio Wesleyan University 1964)
Wallace H. Bower (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Elwood L. Boyer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1895)
Stanley Boylan (Ohio Wesleyan University 1918)
Andrew V. Boysen (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
John F. Bozman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
John R. Braddon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Aubrey O. Bradley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
Charles Brand (Ohio Wesleyan University 1894)
Richard H. Brandt (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962)
Josef F. Brashares (Ohio Wesleyan University 1902)
Joseph C. Brashares (Ohio Wesleyan University 1931)
William C. Brashares (Ohio Wesleyan University 1901)
Arthur E. Breece (Ohio Wesleyan University 1887)
Herbert A. Breyfogle (Ohio Wesleyan University 1902)
Bezabel F. Bridge (Ohio Wesleyan University 1873)
Samuel C. Bright (Ohio Wesleyan University 1894)
Austin C. Brightman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
William F. Broderick (Ohio Wesleyan University 1901)
Gale M. Bronson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1919)
George A. Brooks (Ohio Wesleyan University 1878)
Edmund L. Brown (Ohio Wesleyan University 1871)
Leete R. Brown (Ohio Wesleyan University 1913)
Leroy D. Brown (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
William W. Brown (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955)
Tom M. Brownell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1969)
Dale J. Bruce (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
John M. Buckley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
Orsmond C. Bullis (Ohio Wesleyan University 1903)
Alan T. Burdge (Ohio Wesleyan University 1971)
John A. Burgess (Ohio Wesleyan University 1921)
James F. Burns (Ohio Wesleyan University 1912)
Robert C. Burton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1937)
Edward H. Burtt (Ohio Wesleyan University 1970)
William W. Byers (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
Edwin H. Cady (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
James V. Calio (Ohio Wesleyan University 1940)
Harold B. Callis (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
Carl Campbell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
J. K. Campbell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1909)
Thomas H. Campbell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1885)
Robert C. Carhart (Ohio Wesleyan University 1893)
Ervin F. Carlisle (Ohio Wesleyan University 1931)
Earl C. Carroll (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
Thomas W. Carroll (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
Richard H. Casey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Donald G. Casperson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962)
George F. Chamberlin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
J. W. Chapman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879)
Milton R. Charles (Ohio Wesleyan University 1897)
Robert M. Chase (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955)
Claud N. Chrisman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1894)
Henry J. Chrisman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1931)
Paul C. Chrisman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
Scot T. Chrisman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1967)
Charles H. Clark (Ohio Wesleyan University 1933)
Fred L. Clayton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Bert H. Clingan (Ohio Wesleyan University 1910)
Thomas C. Coates (Ohio Wesleyan University 1894)
Demas Cochlin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1886)
Leroy J. Cohagan (Ohio Wesleyan University 1897)
Carl R. Coleman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Howard L. Conard (Ohio Wesleyan University 1878)
Richard R. Cook (Ohio Wesleyan University 1919)
James H. Coon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1971)
Jasper Corn (Ohio Wesleyan University 1870)
Oscar T. Corson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1888)
Samuel G. Cosgrove (Ohio Wesleyan University 1873)
Robert F. Coverdale (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Edward F. Cowden (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
Thomas E. Cowden (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963)
William P. Cowden (Ohio Wesleyan University 1926)
Harry L. Cox (Ohio Wesleyan University 1907)
William W. Cox (Ohio Wesleyan University 1935)
Arza B. Crabb (Ohio Wesleyan University 1876)
William D. Crabb (Ohio Wesleyan University 1871)
David S. Craig (Ohio Wesleyan University 1883)
Samuel A. Craig (Ohio Wesleyan University 1901)
Frank B. Crandall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
David M. Crandell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1937)
Earl J. Cranston (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
William W. Crates (Ohio Wesleyan University 1919)
William E. Crawford (Ohio Wesleyan University 1940)
Malcolm C. Crew (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Harley R. Criss (Ohio Wesleyan University 1925)
Dean O. Crites (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
Richard D. Croft (Ohio Wesleyan University 1945)
Alja R. Crook (Ohio Wesleyan University 1887)
Henry E. Crook (Ohio Wesleyan University 1890)
Isaac C. Crook (Ohio Wesleyan University 1885)
H. D. Crow (Ohio Wesleyan University 1871)
Horace M. Crow (Ohio Wesleyan University 1873)
Donald M. Cruikshank (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
R. G. Crystal (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963)
John G. Cumming (Ohio Wesleyan University 1971)
John G. Cumming (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
John W. Cummins (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Carl F. Cunningham (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
John N. Curlett (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
Martin L. Curtis (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961)
James B. Cushing (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968)
Crawford H. Daily (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Jesse L. Dann (Ohio Wesleyan University 1884)
Edward W. Dann (Ohio Wesleyan University 1889)
Joe D. Darling (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963)
Richard W. Darrow (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Robert C. Darrow (Ohio Wesleyan University 1941)
William R. Darrow (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960)
Alexander H. Davies (Ohio Wesleyan University 1875)
William E. Davis (Ohio Wesleyan University 1913)
John S. Davis (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Homer H. Dawson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1898)
Joseph B. de Bauernfeind (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
William A. Deaton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1889)
Michael D. Decamp (Ohio Wesleyan University 1965)
Robert M. Decker Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955)
Daniel Defranco (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Edward H. Dehart (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
John L. Demand (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Francis M. Demorest (Ohio Wesleyan University 1901)
Isaac N. Demorest (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
Louis B. Demorest (Ohio Wesleyan University 1876)
Forrest R. Detrick (Ohio Wesleyan University 1918)
John S. Detrick (Ohio Wesleyan University 1957)
Frank H. Dewart (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879)
Norman J. Dicken (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Thomas G. Dickinson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879)
Don H. Didcoct (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958)
Raymond E. Dix (Ohio Wesleyan University 1930)
Robert C. Dix (Ohio Wesleyan University 1930)
Levi E. Dodd (Ohio Wesleyan University 1878)
Horatio N. Dole (Ohio Wesleyan University 1877)
John C. Dolliver (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
William A. Donnelly (Ohio Wesleyan University 1919)
George S. Doore (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
Miles E. Dorman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1931)
Harry L. Doud (Ohio Wesleyan University 1898)
James P. Dowler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
John W. Dowler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
Harry L. Dowler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
Edwin J. Doyle (Ohio Wesleyan University 1933)
Julius J. Dreiling (Ohio Wesleyan University 1912)
Raymond M. Druhot (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Robert L. DuGene (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Walter A. Dun (Ohio Wesleyan University 1876)
John G. Dupuis (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
Joseph C. Dutton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Raymond R. Dykes (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955)
John F. Eakin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
Harry G. Ebeling (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
Philip C. Ebeling (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
Frederick R. Eckley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1909)
Eugene B. Eddy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1925)
J. W. Eddy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1943)
Philip L. Edgar (Ohio Wesleyan University 1935)
Jefferson R. Edwards (Ohio Wesleyan University 1909)
Joe S. Edwards (Ohio Wesleyan University 1932)
John L. Edwards (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Oliver P. Edwards (Ohio Wesleyan University 1904)
Serge F. Edwards (Ohio Wesleyan University 1908)
Thomas R. Edwards (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
William E. Edwards (Ohio Wesleyan University 1902)
Richard B. Eglin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1891)
William H. Eglin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1890)
Morris W. Ehnes (Ohio Wesleyan University 1898)
Richard D. Eichholtz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1925)
Ralph W. Eisnaugle (Ohio Wesleyan University 1957)
William L. Ekin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
George D. Elliot (Ohio Wesleyan University 1915)
Samuel O. Elliott (Ohio Wesleyan University 1886)
Ralph I. Ellsworth (Ohio Wesleyan University 1918)
William C. Endly (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879)
Robert D. Erwin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Raymond G. Esch (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962)
Jack C. Evans (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
William S. Evans (Ohio Wesleyan University 1981)
Bruce A. Ewen (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963)
James R. Ewing (Ohio Wesleyan University 1890)
Ray E. Exum (Ohio Wesleyan University 1945)
Charles W. Fairbanks (Ohio Wesleyan University 1872)
Frederick C. Fairbanks (Ohio Wesleyan University 1903)
Warren C. Fairbanks (Ohio Wesleyan University 1898)
Cyrus L. Falconer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1880)
Alonzo J. Falknor (Ohio Wesleyan University 1891)
Wilbert T. Ferguson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879)
Clarence E. Ferree (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
David W. Fiegenbaum (Ohio Wesleyan University 1907)
Frederic S. Fink (Ohio Wesleyan University 1912)
Grafton B. Fitzpatrick (Ohio Wesleyan University 1888)
Charles C. Flarida (Ohio Wesleyan University 1904)
Merwin B. Foote (Ohio Wesleyan University 1930)
John W. Ford (Ohio Wesleyan University 1919)
Tom Ford (Ohio Wesleyan University 1956)
John W. Ford (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Robert L. Forrest (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
Edgar W. Foster (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Francis M. Foster (Ohio Wesleyan University 1912)
Sidney C. Foster (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
William H. Foster (Ohio Wesleyan University 1937)
Silas W. Fowler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1877)
Wesley R. Fowler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1924)
William L. Fox (Ohio Wesleyan University 1943)
Frederick D. Frantz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
Theodore Franz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1930)
William H. Fraser (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Robert A. Freeman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Benjamin F. Freshwater (Ohio Wesleyan University 1877)
Carl D. Freshwater (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
Donald B. Freshwater (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Frank E. Freshwater (Ohio Wesleyan University 1910)
Frank E. Freshwater (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Paul C. Fritzinger (Ohio Wesleyan University 1913)
Robert E. Fritzinger (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
William Fritzinger (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
Peter M. Fronizer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958)
Benjamin L. Frye (Ohio Wesleyan University 1892)
Howard I. Fullerton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1911)
Frank B. Fults (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
Ralph P. Gage (Ohio Wesleyan University 1896)
J. F. Gallaher (Ohio Wesleyan University 1907)
Chester P. Galleher (Ohio Wesleyan University 1907)
W. Brooks Galleher (Ohio Wesleyan University 1909)
Charles F. Garberson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1873)
John W. Gardner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
Rex Garritson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1915)
Bennett C. Gast (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
Ted A. Gathany (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
John J. Gauger (Ohio Wesleyan University 1911)
Edward L. Geist (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
John H. Gherlein (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Ralph A. Gilmore (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Robert E. Glendening (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Robert C. Goldie (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Charles H. Goode (Ohio Wesleyan University 1904)
Frank F. Goode (Ohio Wesleyan University 1912)
William H. Goode (Ohio Wesleyan University 1945)
William H. Goode (Ohio Wesleyan University 1912)
George B. Goodrich (Ohio Wesleyan University 1878)
Richard H. Gourley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Allan H. Graham (Ohio Wesleyan University 1910)
Charles M. Gray (Ohio Wesleyan University 1926)
Joseph C. Gray (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
Jeffrey H. Grayson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1971)
Charles N. Greene (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
Richard L. Gregg (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
Robert W. Gregg (Ohio Wesleyan University 1919)
Allen E. Griffin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
E. D. Griswold (Ohio Wesleyan University 1945)
Robert V. Guelich (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Gilbert J. Guscott (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955)
Walter W. Guy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
Charles H. Haberman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
James C. Hackley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Robert E. Hager (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
Edward M. Hall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1903)
John M. Hall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1908)
Walker G. Hall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
George O. Hamilton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1873)
Carlos H. Hanks (Ohio Wesleyan University 1888)
M. J. Hanni (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Kenneth L. Hardin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958)
Bryant E. Harding (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
Raymond E. Harley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1935)
Rowland R. Harley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1931)
Charles D. Harmon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1937)
Orlando C. Harn (Ohio Wesleyan University 1894)
Harold H. Harrington (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Henry B. Harris (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
John F. Harris (Ohio Wesleyan University 1933)
Stanley E. Harris (Ohio Wesleyan University 1916)
Sydney W. Harris (Ohio Wesleyan University 1916)
Warren D. Harris (Ohio Wesleyan University 1933)
Harry W. Harter (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Clarence E. Harvey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1888)
William H. Harvey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1887)
Roemer B. Hathaway (Ohio Wesleyan University 1907)
Myron Hawley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1935)
Stephen R. Heade (Ohio Wesleyan University 1903)
William W. Headline (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
Otis R. Heldman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968)
G. J. Heman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963)
John E. Henderson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
Louis J. Hendricks (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
Robert L. Henry (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
William A. Henry (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
Philip C. Herren (Ohio Wesleyan University 1924)
Ernest G. Hesser (Ohio Wesleyan University 1905)
Herman E. Heston (Ohio Wesleyan University 1924)
Christopher Hetzel (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962)
George M. Hicks (Ohio Wesleyan University 1881)
Alfred H. Hill (Ohio Wesleyan University 1932)
C. C. Hill (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Gordon W. Hill (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
James T. Hill (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
Robert G. Hill (Ohio Wesleyan University 1937)
Philip N. Hite (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
Alonzo F. Hixson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1911)
James E. Hoff (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
John P. Hoffman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
John I. Holderbaum (Ohio Wesleyan University 1902)
E. L. Holland (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Walter F. Hood (Ohio Wesleyan University 1902)
James H. S. Hoover (Ohio Wesleyan University 1889)
Richard H. Horsfall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963)
Clayton C. Hoskins (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Arthur M. Hoskinson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Benson W. Hough (Ohio Wesleyan University 1897)
Edward P. Houghton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1932)
Zachariah B. Houghton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
Lawrence C. Houston (Ohio Wesleyan University 1895)
William M. Hoyt (Ohio Wesleyan University 1969)
George B. Hubbard (Ohio Wesleyan University 1921)
Marshall L. Hubbard (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
William L. Hubbard (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Charles S. Huffman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1909)
Charles S. Huffman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
James W. Huffman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
Robert S. Huffman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
George L. Hull (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
George A. Hunt (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
William H. Husband (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
James E. Iams (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
Samuel R. Iams (Ohio Wesleyan University 1908)
John E. Imbody (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Michael B. Irvine (Ohio Wesleyan University 2013)
William R. Jackson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1981)
William R. Jackson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
Walter C. Jacobs (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
Bird W. Jacoby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1926)
Elias J. Jacoby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1881)
John W. Jacoby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1895)
Robert B. Jacoby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
Ben E. Jacoby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Howard C. James (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
Oliver B. Jaynes (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
Frank S. Jennings (Ohio Wesleyan University 1875)
William H. Johnson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1878)
Charles M. Jones (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Clyde R. Jones (Ohio Wesleyan University 1892)
Donald L. Jones (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960)
Edwal R. Jones (Ohio Wesleyan University 1933)
Edward H. Jones (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Paul W. Jones (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Walter A. Jones (Ohio Wesleyan University 1897)
Wilbur C. Jones (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
H. D. Julien (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
George B. Kauffman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1877)
Paul W. Kear (Ohio Wesleyan University 1909)
Jefferson W. Keener (Ohio Wesleyan University 1935)
W. F. Kelly (Ohio Wesleyan University 1883)
William A. Kelly (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
K. L. Kelso (Ohio Wesleyan University 1943)
Jack C. Kerby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
John W. Kercher (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963)
Bertram Kessel (Ohio Wesleyan University 1940)
Richard A. Ketner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1872)
Charles J. Kibby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1904)
Arthur F. King (Ohio Wesleyan University 1912)
Harry E. King (Ohio Wesleyan University 1932)
Ralph G. King (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
Robert A. King (Ohio Wesleyan University 1925)
Charles R. Kirk (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
Robert E. Kirk (Ohio Wesleyan University 1941)
Thomas J. Kirkpatrick (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879)
Joseph D. Kissell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1980)
Richard A. Kissner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
Glenn A. Kittinger (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Edward L. Kitts (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Charles H. Kneen (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
John O. Kneen (Ohio Wesleyan University 1937)
John B. Knight (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
Gilbert C. Knight (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
L. Richard Korn (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
Edward L. Korn (Ohio Wesleyan University 1957)
W. P. Kraft (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955)
Wilson P. Kraft (Ohio Wesleyan University 1925)
Worth H. Kramer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1930)
Frank T. Kreutz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1941)
William L. Kreutz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1945)
Ronald A. Kulp (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
Robert W. Kutscher (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Kenneth C. Kyle (Ohio Wesleyan University 1915)
Robert B. Kyle Sr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
W. Tryner Lackland (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
John P. Lacroix (Ohio Wesleyan University 1851)
Ira H. Lafetra (Ohio Wesleyan University 1872)
Tylee W. Lafetra (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
William W. Lafetra (Ohio Wesleyan University 1904)
John W. Lane (Ohio Wesleyan University 1916)
Edward T. Lane (Ohio Wesleyan University 1913)
William R. Lange (Ohio Wesleyan University 1965)
Ford H. Laning (Ohio Wesleyan University 1898)
John Laning (Ohio Wesleyan University 1907)
Sheldon R. Laning (Ohio Wesleyan University 1911)
Dale R. Larabee (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963)
Fred K. Learey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958)
Frederick D. Learey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
Karl J. Learey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1930)
Jack D. Lee (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Thomas L. Lee (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
Wallace W. Lee (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
Glenn A. Lehmann (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Claude H. Leonard (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Theodore H. Leonard (Ohio Wesleyan University 1921)
Earl T. LeSourd (Ohio Wesleyan University 1909)
Homer W. LeSourd (Ohio Wesleyan University 1898)
Howard M. LeSourd (Ohio Wesleyan University 1911)
Leonard E. LeSourd (Ohio Wesleyan University 1941)
Myran E. LeSourd (Ohio Wesleyan University 1907)
Jerry M. Lewis (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Richard E. Lewis (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Robert E. Lewis (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
McIlyar H. Lichliter (Ohio Wesleyan University 1901)
Robert C. Liggett (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
Peter L. Lindley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1943)
Richard A. Lindsey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1972)
James B. Linville (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
Joseph E. Linville (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
Joseph E. Linville (Ohio Wesleyan University 1965)
Ralph Lloyd (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
William G. S. Lodge (Ohio Wesleyan University 1956)
Donald R. Loeb (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
John R. Long (Ohio Wesleyan University 1957)
Kline C. Loomis (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Ben T. Lowell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
John M. Lowman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1967)
Joseph W. Luccock (Ohio Wesleyan University 1880)
Naphtali Luccock (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
Edmund D. Lyon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1882)
Philip E. Lyon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1916)
James G. Lytle (Ohio Wesleyan University 1926)
Charles M. Machin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1910)
Malcolm MacIvor (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
Robert A. Mack (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
John W. Mackay (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
Sylvester Mackey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1875)
William A. Mackey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1872)
J. B. MacKinnon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
Robert F. Maclaren (Ohio Wesleyan University 1873)
A. P. Madison (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962)
Benjamin F. Main (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
Ernest L. Main (Ohio Wesleyan University 1909)
Jay H. Maish (Ohio Wesleyan University 1943)
Jay H. Maish (Ohio Wesleyan University 1918)
Francis Maley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1885)
James E. Malone (Ohio Wesleyan University 1970)
Richard L. Mansfield (Ohio Wesleyan University 1941)
Robert F. Manske (Ohio Wesleyan University 1957)
Thomas A. Manuel (Ohio Wesleyan University 1957)
William A. Manuel (Ohio Wesleyan University 1937)
Carl H. Manwiller (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Richard B. Mapes (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Robert K. Marshall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
Robert S. Martin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1916)
Wilbur F. Martin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1924)
George H. Marting (Ohio Wesleyan University 1899)
Richard D. Marting (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
Sal A. Mascio (Ohio Wesleyan University 1976)
Gene H. Massar (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Robert J. Mayfield (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Harold L. McAdow (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
Roland A. McCabe (Ohio Wesleyan University 1915)
Albert W. McCally (Ohio Wesleyan University 1913)
Ward McCally (Ohio Wesleyan University 1943)
George J. McClaran (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Stanley W. McCoid (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
Stewart McConaghy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Uhler D. McDowell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1887)
William F. McDowell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879)
Benjamin L. McElroy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1883)
Robert W. McFadden (Ohio Wesleyan University 1956)
James T. McGurk (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
Richard B. McIlnay (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Frederick M. McKay (Ohio Wesleyan University 1910)
Willard H. McKay (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
John E. McKeighan (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
Philip D. McKenzie (Ohio Wesleyan University 1971)
Robert W. McKinney (Ohio Wesleyan University 1941)
James M. McKinnie (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Charles P. McLaughlin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1925)
Frank L. McVey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1893)
Erik S. McWilliams (Ohio Wesleyan University 1981)
James E. Meck (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
Charles L. Medaris (Ohio Wesleyan University 1919)
Joseph A. Meek (Ohio Wesleyan University 1925)
Royal L. Melendy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1899)
Paxton Mendelssohn (Ohio Wesleyan University 1935)
Fred T. Merchant (Ohio Wesleyan University 1933)
Lloyd C. Merriman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1912)
Charles L. Merwin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
Frederick E. Merwin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
Paul H. Merwin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1937)
Robert W. Merwin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
Cuvier A. Metzler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1937)
Donald M. Mewhort (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Charles F. Meyer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1941)
Hartley W. MF (Ohio Wesleyan University 1924)
Richard O. Michael (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
William S. Michael (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
Richard K. Miller (Ohio Wesleyan University 1943)
Richard S. Miller (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961)
Robert W. Miller (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
Charles B. Mills (Ohio Wesleyan University 1919)
Charles B. Mills (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962)
Clarence D. Mills (Ohio Wesleyan University 1916)
Kim S. Mills (Ohio Wesleyan University 1970)
Harvey C. Minnich (Ohio Wesleyan University 1890)
John S. Mooney (Ohio Wesleyan University 1965)
David W. Moore (Ohio Wesleyan University 1911)
Luman G. Moore (Ohio Wesleyan University 1875)
Lyford M. Moore (Ohio Wesleyan University 1903)
Nelson B. Moore (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
Richard W. Moore (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Lyford M. Moore (Ohio Wesleyan University 1932)
John H. Morey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Alston E. Morrison (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
William L. Morrison (Ohio Wesleyan University 1935)
Edgar K. Morrow (Ohio Wesleyan University 1905)
Harold B. Morse (Ohio Wesleyan University 1919)
Craig L. Moser (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968)
Edward M. Moss (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
Robert H. Mount (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
Grant E. Mouser (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
Frank R. Mower (Ohio Wesleyan University 1892)
James M. Mueller (Ohio Wesleyan University 1956)
Shobal P. Mulford (Ohio Wesleyan University 1876)
Clarence Murphy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1886)
Nathan N. Murray (Ohio Wesleyan University 1905)
Charles G. Myers (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
Frederick S. Nave (Ohio Wesleyan University 1895)
Norman C. Neeley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1965)
Clarence A. Neff (Ohio Wesleyan University 1895)
John F. Neff (Ohio Wesleyan University 1886)
Ralph A. Neff (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
William B. Neff (Ohio Wesleyan University 1875)
William L. Nellis (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
Robert L. Nelson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Robert A. Nevin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Eugene C. Nickle (Ohio Wesleyan University 1909)
William R. Nixon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1904)
Edwin A. Norton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
Franklyn W. Norton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1918)
Robert W. Nosker (Ohio Wesleyan University 1940)
William Nunn (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
William C. Nye (Ohio Wesleyan University 1871)
Robert A. Oakes (Ohio Wesleyan University 1930)
Robert G. Oakley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Garth B. Oberlander (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
James T. O'Brien (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
David K. Olney (Ohio Wesleyan University 1904)
Richard C. Orahood (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958)
William J. Orr III (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
Bryan H. Osborne (Ohio Wesleyan University 1880)
John L. Oster (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Frank P. Parkin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1880)
James D. Parriott Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1945)
Leander R. Parsons (Ohio Wesleyan University 1875)
Robert M. Parsons (Ohio Wesleyan University 1967)
David R. Patterson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
Donald J. Patterson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Edward B. Patterson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1880)
John T. Patterson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1940)
Joseph C. Patterson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
Edward R. Patton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Paul C. Patton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1904)
Dale E. Payne (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Norman V. Peale (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
Robert C. Peale (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Frederick T. Peck (Ohio Wesleyan University 1903)
John S. Peckinpaugh (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
Ralph L. Peckinpaugh (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Joseph D. Pender (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
J. M. Pensyl (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
Clarence L. Perry (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
John W. Perry (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Oliver H. Perry (Ohio Wesleyan University 1880)
William F. Phillips (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Douglas R. Pickett (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Robert M. Pierce (Ohio Wesleyan University 1931)
Stanley B. Pierce (Ohio Wesleyan University 1933)
Frederick W. Platt (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
William G. Plavcan (Ohio Wesleyan University 1981)
John L. Plymale (Ohio Wesleyan University 1932)
Joel S. Poetker (Ohio Wesleyan University 1956)
Edward A. Popoczy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Edward W. Porter (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879)
Eugene O. Porter (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
George L. Porter (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Moses P. Porter (Ohio Wesleyan University 1875)
Randall W. Posey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1979)
Ivan G. Pour (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Lawrence A. Powers (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
Robert B. Powers (Ohio Wesleyan University 1902)
Aldrich Prech (Ohio Wesleyan University 1937)
Myron J. Prech (Ohio Wesleyan University 1935)
Claude H. Priddy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1898)
John W. Pritchard (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
Neal A. Pritchard (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
Gerald V. Prittie (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
James A. Puglisi (Ohio Wesleyan University 1945)
Donald H. Putnam (Ohio Wesleyan University 1908)
Richard K. Rainier (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961)
Robert H. Randall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1915)
Frank S. Rarey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1878)
Frank Rathmell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1882)
John R. Rathmell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1880)
Abel M. Rawn (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879)
Fred C. Rector (Ohio Wesleyan University 1893)
Richard T. Rector (Ohio Wesleyan University 1918)
Stanley H. Reed (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
William A. Reed Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1930)
Dale L. Reeder (Ohio Wesleyan University 1972)
Fred C. Rees (Ohio Wesleyan University 1926)
Thomas R. Reese (Ohio Wesleyan University 1926)
Thomas R. Reese (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
Walter B. Reeves (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
Frederick S. Reid (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Roy A. Reitz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
Dale F. Renner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Stewart R. Reuter (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955)
Samuel E. Reynolds (Ohio Wesleyan University 1870)
George M. Rice (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
S. B. Rice (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960)
J. N. Richards (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
William M. Richards (Ohio Wesleyan University 1912)
David E. Richardson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Charles R. Richey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1945)
Robert A. Riddle (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
John C. Ridge (Ohio Wesleyan University 1870)
James C. Rinaman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
A. R. Rinda (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Joseph P. Rinnert (Ohio Wesleyan University 1931)
Herbert E. Ritchie (Ohio Wesleyan University 1915)
Edward A. Roberts (Ohio Wesleyan University 1892)
Fletcher M. Roberts (Ohio Wesleyan University 1889)
Hugh W. Robinson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1926)
James L. Robinson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
John P. Robinson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Milton C. Robinson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Russell K. Robinson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
Russell K. Robinson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Gerald F. Rodenbush (Ohio Wesleyan University 1964)
Edwin C. Rogers (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
Joseph B. Rogers (Ohio Wesleyan University 1894)
William L. Rogers (Ohio Wesleyan University 1926)
William D. Rohr (Ohio Wesleyan University 1940)
Llewellyn C. Rose (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Charles J. Rosebrook (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
John B. Rosebrook (Ohio Wesleyan University 1918)
Julian S. Rosenthal (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
George E. Ross (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955)
Glenn D. Ross (Ohio Wesleyan University 1993)
Charles M. Roudebush (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
George A. Rowland (Ohio Wesleyan University 1904)
Warwick I. Rowland (Ohio Wesleyan University 1913)
Stanley O. Royal (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
William E. Royal (Ohio Wesleyan University 1882)
Ivan D. Rudisill (Ohio Wesleyan University 1902)
William M. Russell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
John W. Ruth (Ohio Wesleyan University 1915)
Carl C. Rutledge (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
George W. Ryall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1885)
John Sagan (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Kenneth A. Saleski (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
Harlow B. Salter (Ohio Wesleyan University 1930)
John E. Sanders (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Raymond R. Sanders (Ohio Wesleyan University 1913)
Edward E. Sargent (Ohio Wesleyan University 1892)
Edward F. Saville (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
George H. Saville (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Merton E. Sawtell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Alvin A. Sayre (Ohio Wesleyan University 1885)
Starr F. Schlobohm (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Charles H. Schofield (Ohio Wesleyan University 1878)
Thomas M. Schooley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
Clarence B. Schoolfield (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
Richard H. Schoonover (Ohio Wesleyan University 1888)
Streider Schraffenberger (Ohio Wesleyan University 1925)
Louis H. Schroeder (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
Fred W. Schroeder (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
David W. Schultz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Dale E. Schumacher (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Paul W. Schwegler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960)
Thomas J. Scott (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
William D. Scott (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Norman O. Scribner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
Edwin P. Seaberg (Ohio Wesleyan University 1965)
Piatt F. Searle (Ohio Wesleyan University 1911)
Thaddeus G. Searle (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
Harold J. Seeber (Ohio Wesleyan University 1931)
Noel S. Seibert (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Terry C. Shackelford (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
Richard G. Shaffer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1956)
Robert L. Shaffer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Thomas L. Shannon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1974)
Harvey B. Sharer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1924)
Frank Sharp (Ohio Wesleyan University 1888)
Richard A. Shattuck (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955)
H. F. Shaw (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Thomas R. Shaw (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879)
L. R. Shearer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958)
Ernest A. Shepherd (Ohio Wesleyan University 1931)
Milton W. Sherwood (Ohio Wesleyan University 1897)
Arthur A. Shilt (Ohio Wesleyan University 1964)
George Shontz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Douglas D. Short (Ohio Wesleyan University 1976)
John M. Siddall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1931)
Sherrill P. Simpson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Ralph W. Sinram (Ohio Wesleyan University 1940)
Ralph W. Skeels (Ohio Wesleyan University 1909)
Edward A. Skillman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
Donald A. Slade (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Charles Slavens (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
Clifton O. Slenker (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
Ralph O. Slenker (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
Ralph O. Slenker (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
James A. Slingluff (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
J. A. Sloan (Ohio Wesleyan University 1899)
John A. Sloan (Ohio Wesleyan University 1956)
John A. Sloan (Ohio Wesleyan University 1929)
B J. Slone (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Donald F. Slutz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Robert F. Slutz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1916)
Worthington Slutz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1919)
Earl T. Smart (Ohio Wesleyan University 1898)
Homer E. Smart (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
John T. Smart (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
Alden D. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Duane W. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
Dudley F. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
Harlie R. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1967)
Howard C. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1884)
Jack A. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
James H. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1903)
John A. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1871)
Kenneth D. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
Nathan S. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1870)
Philip A. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Robert W. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1932)
Thomas D. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1956)
Harry V. Smoots (Ohio Wesleyan University 1904)
Ward H. Snook (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
Alan J. Snouffer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959)
Frank L. Sobell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
David A. Spence (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958)
Charles L. Spencer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1872)
Harold B. Spencer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
James D. Stafford (Ohio Wesleyan University 1918)
John V. Stafford (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
Robert A. Stalter (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
Howard H. Stammler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1935)
Alvin C. Stapf (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949)
John G. Starkey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963)
George C. Sternad (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Frank B. Stevens (Ohio Wesleyan University 1881)
Robert W. Stevens (Ohio Wesleyan University 1940)
B. T. Stevenson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1907)
Richard C. Stevenson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1918)
Harry G. Stewart (Ohio Wesleyan University 1896)
J. W. Stewart (Ohio Wesleyan University 1924)
William B. Stewart (Ohio Wesleyan University 1899)
William R. Stewart (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962)
Charles F. Stickler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1905)
James A. Stinchcomb (Ohio Wesleyan University 1918)
Michael J. Stocking (Ohio Wesleyan University 1977)
George E. Stokes (Ohio Wesleyan University 1876)
Henry Stone (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
Paul M. Storer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1932)
Walter W. Storms (Ohio Wesleyan University 1894)
Horace B. Story (Ohio Wesleyan University 1880)
Charles I. Stouffer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1894)
Edward M. Stoyanoff (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Robert H. Strasburg (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958)
William E. Strasburg (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
John T. Stubbs (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
Harlan H. Stuckman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
Charles L. Sullivan (Ohio Wesleyan University 1945)
Ralph B. Sullivan (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
Edward B. Summers (Ohio Wesleyan University 1932)
Francis J. Sutherin (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
William W. Sutton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1904)
John W. Swartz (Ohio Wesleyan University 1896)
Lennart F. Swedberg (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Arthur E. Swetland (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Richard P. Sword (Ohio Wesleyan University 1980)
Leroy J. Taft (Ohio Wesleyan University 1909)
Malcolm D. Talbott (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Joseph E. Targett (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Charles D. Taylor (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
Samuel M. Taylor (Ohio Wesleyan University 1882)
William L. Techmyer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1935)
Robert F. Tefft (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
Charles A. Thatcher (Ohio Wesleyan University 1884)
Brooks J. Thomas (Ohio Wesleyan University 1991)
Howard J. Thomas (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920)
A. P. Thompson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1931)
Edward C. Thompson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
James Q. Thompson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1872)
Peter R. Thompson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1965)
Thomas Thompson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955)
Walter D. Thomson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1901)
Walter D. Thomson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960)
Richard C. Tice (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
J. D. Torrance (Ohio Wesleyan University 1921)
Murray P. Torrance (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Thomas A. Torrance (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
James E. Townsend (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Douglas V. Traver (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
William W. Trout (Ohio Wesleyan University 1881)
Charles V. Truax (Ohio Wesleyan University 1943)
John R. Truesdale (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
William J. Truesdale (Ohio Wesleyan University 1889)
Benjamin Trumbull (Ohio Wesleyan University 1939)
James E. Tunnell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
Trevor J. Ufferman (Ohio Wesleyan University 2002)
Howard S. Ulrey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
Alfred Ulrich (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Eben G. Underwood (Ohio Wesleyan University 1889)
Ralph W. Updegraff (Ohio Wesleyan University 1941)
Edmund A. Upham (Ohio Wesleyan University 1897)
Howard H. Upson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1912)
Robert G. Urban (Ohio Wesleyan University 1941)
Donald E. Uth (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Donald M. Vance (Ohio Wesleyan University 1915)
Kenyon S. Vance (Ohio Wesleyan University 1918)
Michael F. Vance (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
William M. Vance (Ohio Wesleyan University 1883)
John D. Vandeman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1851)
Arthur B. VanGundy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968)
James H. Vanhorn (Ohio Wesleyan University 1905)
Edmund C. Vanpelt (Ohio Wesleyan University 1915)
John H. Vercoe (Ohio Wesleyan University 1878)
Fred P. Vergon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1940)
James M. Vernon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1871)
Keith O. Vernon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Samuel Vestal (Ohio Wesleyan University 1870)
Harold W. Waddell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1932)
Homer R. Waddell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1905)
John L. Waddell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1933)
Carl E. Wagenman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
Elisha C. Walden (Ohio Wesleyan University 1892)
James M. Walker (Ohio Wesleyan University 1925)
Joseph S. Walker (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
Charles Warren (Ohio Wesleyan University 1894)
Fred H. Warren (Ohio Wesleyan University 1896)
Grant A. Warren (Ohio Wesleyan University 1893)
Robert B. Warren (Ohio Wesleyan University 1927)
Dale S. Washburn (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
Frank L. Watkins (Ohio Wesleyan University 1915)
Lyman Watkins (Ohio Wesleyan University 1879)
Clark M. Watson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
Cyrus E. Weatherby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1872)
William D. Webb (Ohio Wesleyan University 1957)
Charles S. Weber (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Ebert Weidner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944)
Jon L. Weingart (Ohio Wesleyan University 1957)
Richard T. Weir (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Dwight W. Weist (Ohio Wesleyan University 1931)
Robert C. Wells (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Thomas L. Wells (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
William M. Wells (Ohio Wesleyan University 1902)
Edward W. Werner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Edgar R. Westfall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1932)
John W. Wetmore (Ohio Wesleyan University 1889)
Peter G. Whedon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954)
Alfred F. White (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Carr B. White (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
Roger O. White (Ohio Wesleyan University 1934)
George E. Whitney (Ohio Wesleyan University 1897)
Howard Wilhelm (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
James A. Wilkins (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955)
John M. Wilkins (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938)
Lee Wilkins (Ohio Wesleyan University 1904)
Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
George H. Willett (Ohio Wesleyan University 1935)
Theodore F. Willey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1916)
Walter B. Willey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1916)
George L. Williams (Ohio Wesleyan University 1898)
James C. Williams (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Richard D. Williams (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Wright C. Williams (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
Joseph A. Wilmes (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
Cassius H. Wilson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1891)
Harlen A. Wilson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
Leo C. Wilson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1921)
Stephen M. Wilson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1976)
Thomas B. Wilson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946)
Jack E. Wing (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Joseph D. Winsor (Ohio Wesleyan University 1966)
Fred B. Winter (Ohio Wesleyan University 1900)
Henry Witham (Ohio Wesleyan University 1874)
John M. Withrow (Ohio Wesleyan University 1877)
Howard G. Wittmer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
Walter G. Wolfley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1913)
Clarence B. Wood (Ohio Wesleyan University 1908)
James C. Wood (Ohio Wesleyan University 1881)
Ralph H. Woodmansee (Ohio Wesleyan University 1916)
James C. Woods (Ohio Wesleyan University 1940)
Jess L. Worley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1918)
H. W. Worline (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
Paul Yarnell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
Emerson P. Yocum (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
Amos Yoder (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Charles S. Young (Ohio Wesleyan University 1875)
Lucien C. Young (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952)
Ralph A. Young (Ohio Wesleyan University 1923)
Edwin R. Zartman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1943)
John C. Zartman (Ohio Wesleyan University 1947)
William H. Zeder (Ohio Wesleyan University 1917)
Alfred J. Zentmeyer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
Robert A. Zentmeyer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
Thomas R. Zesiger (Ohio Wesleyan University 1957)
Walter H. Ziegler (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942)
Harry A. Zink (Ohio Wesleyan University 1941)
Lawrence M. Zipsir (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963)
Charles T. Abercrombie (Oklahoma State University 1971)
Patrick M. Aldredge (Oklahoma State University 1969)
Dean C. Alexander (Oklahoma State University 1967)
Rex W. Allen (Oklahoma State University 1978)
Staunton A. Baker (Oklahoma State University 1970)
R. K. Bethel (Oklahoma State University 1983)
Richard W. Buchanan (Oklahoma State University 2014)
Richard P. Cornish (Oklahoma State University 1964)
Robert L. Curtis (Oklahoma State University 1968)
James L. Daniel Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1964)
William C. Douce (Oklahoma State University 1971)
S. L. Edwards (Oklahoma State University 1973)
Michael J. Farrell (Oklahoma State University 1971)
D. S. Fooshee (Oklahoma State University 1977)
Benjamin C. Freeny (Oklahoma State University 1981)
Martin E. Glasser (Oklahoma State University 1964)
James M. Gober (Oklahoma State University 1972)
Scott A. Guysi (Oklahoma State University 1975)
Bob C. Hamm (Oklahoma State University 1969)
Thomas L. Hardesty (Oklahoma State University 1973)
Ingram R. Henry (Oklahoma State University 1970)
Douglas R. Herrick (Oklahoma State University 1969)
Craig H. Hicks (Oklahoma State University 1972)
Michael C. Hill (Oklahoma State University 1968)
Christopher R. Hobza (Oklahoma State University 1995)
Randy R. Johnson (Oklahoma State University 1984)
Corey E. Kaiser (Oklahoma State University 2005)
James H. Kopacka (Oklahoma State University 1981)
Monroe W. Kriegel (Oklahoma State University 1967)
Monroe W. Kriegel (Oklahoma State University 1939)
Jerry L. Levine (Oklahoma State University 1975)
Albert H. Lucas (Oklahoma State University 1971)
Dan A. Lucas (Oklahoma State University 1969)
Herbert W. Maas (Oklahoma State University 1970)
Mark A. McClay (Oklahoma State University 1980)
Albert L. McNew (Oklahoma State University 1967)
Russell E. McNew (Oklahoma State University 1966)
James T. Mott (Oklahoma State University 1948)
Allen C. Neimeyer (Oklahoma State University 1965)
Marshall F. Persson (Oklahoma State University 1967)
Jay D. Reinking (Oklahoma State University 1990)
Michael C. Reynolds (Oklahoma State University 1981)
Mark A. Rice (Oklahoma State University 1983)
Kenneth T. Ricker (Oklahoma State University 1952)
Wade W. Scruggs (Oklahoma State University 2000)
John D. Shaw (Oklahoma State University 1971)
Robert B. Sherwood (Oklahoma State University 1974)
Jack M. Smith (Oklahoma State University 1968)
James F. Tredway (Oklahoma State University 1968)
Robert P. Varner (Oklahoma State University 1968)
John J. Vater (Oklahoma State University 1970)
E. V. Wheeler (Oklahoma State University 1966)
Jason M. Wright (Oklahoma State University 2007)
Jon Yee (Oklahoma State University 1976)
Ernest C. Young (Oklahoma State University 1966)
Austin M. Cook (Old Dominion University 2017)
G. R. Jennings (Old Dominion University 1980)
Duane A. Kampe (Old Dominion University 1985)
Robert L. Lewis (Old Dominion University 1986)
Leroy A. Pratt (Old Dominion University 1987)
Edward E. Sheehy (Old Dominion University 1981)
Ralph B. Summerlin (Old Dominion University 1981)
Stafford R. Woodall (Old Dominion University 1984)
George E. Adams (Oregon State University 1933)
George M. Adams (Oregon State University 1928)
William D. Aitken (Oregon State University 1932)
John M. Alexander (Oregon State University 1939)
J. M. Allen (Oregon State University 1933)
Charles E. Allison (Oregon State University 1925)
Robert L. Allord (Oregon State University 1957)
John J. Amort (Oregon State University 1949)
Hal B. Anawalt (Oregon State University 1946)
Robert L. Anderson (Oregon State University 1953)
John H. Armstrong (Oregon State University 1927)
Ernest C. Arthur (Oregon State University 1921)
Ronald J. Aschbacher (Oregon State University 1955)
Fred S. Ashdown (Oregon State University 1981)
Stanford W. Atwood (Oregon State University 1935)
Bert G. Babb (Oregon State University 1922)
Walter R. Babb (Oregon State University 1936)
Lloyd Babler (Oregon State University 1953)
Kingman B. Bailey (Oregon State University 1933)
Paul F. Bailey (Oregon State University 1951)
Richard B. Bailey (Oregon State University 1940)
Thomas H. Bailey (Oregon State University 1930)
Wallace E. Baker (Oregon State University 1938)
Herbert A. Ballin (Oregon State University 1920)
Herbert A. Ballin (Oregon State University 1942)
Russell L. Balzer (Oregon State University 1933)
Allan E. Bankus (Oregon State University 1950)
James E. Barnett (Oregon State University 1939)
Thomas F. Basgen (Oregon State University 1964)
Jacob F. Bashor (Oregon State University 1929)
Benjamin P. Bates (Oregon State University 1943)
Robert U. Baucke (Oregon State University 1942)
Malcolm J. Beall (Oregon State University 1920)
Bruce Beardsley (Oregon State University 1935)
Robert M. Beardsley (Oregon State University 1939)
Richard H. Beech (Oregon State University 1941)
Carl H. Behnke (Oregon State University 1919)
Fred G. Behnke (Oregon State University 1925)
Rex L. Behnke (Oregon State University 1970)
Robert S. Benton (Oregon State University 1974)
Karl D. Berman (Oregon State University 1942)
Edmund S. Berven (Oregon State University 1918)
Robert S. Binford (Oregon State University 1941)
William R. Blade (Oregon State University 1946)
Lawrence G. Blunt (Oregon State University 1952)
William L. Blythe (Oregon State University 1929)
Delmar C. Bogart (Oregon State University 1932)
Stephen J. Borda (Oregon State University 1979)
John K. Bosking (Oregon State University 1960)
James H. Boultinghouse (Oregon State University 1931)
Donald A. Bourne (Oregon State University 1942)
Robert T. Bragg (Oregon State University 1953)
Henry W. Brands (Oregon State University 1935)
M. D. Brands (Oregon State University 1935)
Philip Brandt (Oregon State University 1936)
Theodore J. Brewer (Oregon State University 1956)
Frank A. Briggs (Oregon State University 1927)
John C. Briggs (Oregon State University 1943)
Bryce J. Brisbin (Oregon State University 1948)
Lowell R. Brisbin (Oregon State University 1948)
Paul R. Bruner (Oregon State University 1955)
Malcolm S. Bryant (Oregon State University 1934)
H. S. Burdin (Oregon State University 1937)
Richard W. Burger (Oregon State University 1947)
Samuel D. Burks (Oregon State University 1938)
James R. Burnett (Oregon State University 1956)
James M. Cameron (Oregon State University 1921)
Harry A. Carter (Oregon State University 1950)
Charles M. Cartwright (Oregon State University 1930)
Robert M. Catlin (Oregon State University 1939)
Lewis W. Church (Oregon State University 1948)
James P. Clancy (Oregon State University 1918)
Frank L. Clark (Oregon State University 1917)
Alfred B. Clough (Oregon State University 1922)
Arthur H. Clough (Oregon State University 1950)
Robert L. Clough (Oregon State University 1953)
Edwin J. Clough (Oregon State University 1929)
Thomas R. Cockerline (Oregon State University 1945)
James J. Collins (Oregon State University 1946)
John M. Collins (Oregon State University 1937)
Robert Collins (Oregon State University 1918)
George B. Condon (Oregon State University 1924)
Robert I. Conn (Oregon State University 1940)
Glenn H. Connelly (Oregon State University 1952)
Philip F. Conrad (Oregon State University 1941)
John N. Constans (Oregon State University 1967)
Jeffrey D. Conway (Oregon State University 1934)
Hubert M. Cook (Oregon State University 1932)
Lloyd L. Cook (Oregon State University 1923)
Richard E. Cook (Oregon State University 1942)
Frederick W. Cookman (Oregon State University 1934)
Michael A. Cordes (Oregon State University 1975)
Donald E. Corum (Oregon State University 1952)
Peter W. Corum (Oregon State University 1952)
William M. Cory (Oregon State University 1920)
Robert S. Cosgrove (Oregon State University 1929)
George E. Covert (Oregon State University 1931)
Eric W. Craig (Oregon State University 1957)
Lewis G. Cram (Oregon State University 1925)
Bruce A. Crichton (Oregon State University 1942)
Charles S. Crookham (Oregon State University 1945)
Robert D. Crookham (Oregon State University 1941)
Newton R. Crum (Oregon State University 1935)
Bud J. Curtner (Oregon State University 1949)
Lorenzo G. Cutlip (Oregon State University 1941)
Donald J. Dabney (Oregon State University 1952)
E. S. Daley (Oregon State University 1934)
Lionel C. Dalton (Oregon State University 1922)
Ronald H. Dalton (Oregon State University 1952)
Robert E. Damon (Oregon State University 1921)
Darrell C. Daniels (Oregon State University 1959)
Harold K. Davies (Oregon State University 1946)
Berkeley L. Davis (Oregon State University 1953)
Frank R. Davis (Oregon State University 1925)
John S. Day (Oregon State University 1932)
James F. Deller (Oregon State University 1958)
Maurice E. Deller (Oregon State University 1955)
John R. Deniston (Oregon State University 1951)
Merrill A. Denny (Oregon State University 1924)
Ralph L. Dichter (Oregon State University 1949)
Robert L. Digerness (Oregon State University 1978)
Byron F. Disselhorst (Oregon State University 1945)
Frank B. Dixon (Oregon State University 1945)
Joseph P. Dobell (Oregon State University 1937)
Richard N. Dodd (Oregon State University 1951)
Myron E. Doty (Oregon State University 1941)
Leland R. Dressler (Oregon State University 1946)
Kevin J. Drew (Oregon State University 1983)
George S. Drury (Oregon State University 1969)
Donald A. Dryer (Oregon State University 1936)
Thomas P. Duffey (Oregon State University 1971)
Michael D. Duffy (Oregon State University 1923)
Harry A. Dyhrman (Oregon State University 1933)
Stearns D. Eason (Oregon State University 1936)
George C. Easton (Oregon State University 1927)
Donald A. Edy (Oregon State University 1950)
J. E. Efteland (Oregon State University 1932)
William H. Egan (Oregon State University 1949)
Edward C. Eikelman (Oregon State University 1924)
John A. Eikelman (Oregon State University 1922)
Michael D. Eilers (Oregon State University 1964)
David S. Ellsworth (Oregon State University 1950)
Burdette F. Emery (Oregon State University 1920)
Richard L. Engdahl (Oregon State University 1951)
William D. Enyart (Oregon State University 1969)
Rick A. Ervin (Oregon State University 2006)
Eldon E. Estrada (Oregon State University 1964)
Leonard H. Falk (Oregon State University 1951)
Russell W. Ferguson (Oregon State University 1930)
Rodney O. Fety (Oregon State University 1941)
Allen B. Finch (Oregon State University 1956)
Donnell G. Fisher (Oregon State University 1936)
Carlos E. Fisk (Oregon State University 1916)
John S. Fisk (Oregon State University 1941)
George W. Flatt (Oregon State University 1933)
Paul B. Foreman (Oregon State University 1933)
Donald E. Foss (Oregon State University 1954)
Dirks B. Foster (Oregon State University 1950)
Robert G. Fowler (Oregon State University 1939)
Charles W. Fox (Oregon State University 1927)
Leonard K. Frank (Oregon State University 1954)
Richard Frederick (Oregon State University 1949)
Henry R. Freed (Oregon State University 1967)
Charles R. Fuller (Oregon State University 1935)
Michael F. Gallagher (Oregon State University 1964)
Cyrus K. Gates (Oregon State University 1927)
William D. Gender (Oregon State University 1951)
Robert P. Getz (Oregon State University 1934)
Charles D. Gewalt (Oregon State University 1956)
Robert W. Geyer (Oregon State University 1942)
Gordon A. Giebisch (Oregon State University 1923)
Donald D. Giesy (Oregon State University 1930)
Francis A. Gilfillan (Oregon State University 1918)
Gordon A. Gilfillan (Oregon State University 1942)
Homer M. Gilfillan (Oregon State University 1927)
Denzil C. Glines (Oregon State University 1928)
Gary G. Goble (Oregon State University 1959)
Ray E. Goble (Oregon State University 1916)
Crawford H. Graham (Oregon State University 1935)
David W. Graham (Oregon State University 1944)
Burt B. Granning (Oregon State University 1916)
James R. Grant (Oregon State University 1959)
George D. Graves (Oregon State University 1924)
Jack B. Greenwell (Oregon State University 1933)
Charles W. Grenfell (Oregon State University 1918)
Thomas W. Grenfell (Oregon State University 1945)
Daniel B. Griffith (Oregon State University 1956)
Leroy E. Grote (Oregon State University 1930)
Frank L. Guerena (Oregon State University 1946)
Robert V. Hale (Oregon State University 1944)
John H. Hall (Oregon State University 1923)
Jonathan R. Hammack (Oregon State University 1965)
George F. Hanigan (Oregon State University 1960)
Chester J. Hargrove (Oregon State University 1940)
David Harkleroad (Oregon State University 1933)
Richard R. Harlow (Oregon State University 1950)
Donald W. Harris (Oregon State University 1951)
Clarence D. Hartley (Oregon State University 1951)
Marcus F. Hathaway (Oregon State University 1916)
Otto E. Hathaway (Oregon State University 1922)
Rudolph E. Hathaway (Oregon State University 1923)
Frank R. Hedges (Oregon State University 1951)
Gerald E. Helms (Oregon State University 1967)
Alfred C. Henderson (Oregon State University 1926)
George Henderson (Oregon State University 1921)
Milton F. Henderson (Oregon State University 1935)
William K. Henderson (Oregon State University 1924)
Rupert J. Henry (Oregon State University 1941)
Thomas B. Henshaw (Oregon State University 1944)
John A. Heppeard (Oregon State University 1943)
Charles H. Herman (Oregon State University 1946)
Arvid E. Herner (Oregon State University 1929)
Douglas A. Hieronimus (Oregon State University 1977)
John R. Higgins (Oregon State University 1941)
Paul R. Higgins (Oregon State University 1937)
Jeremy J. Hillhouse (Oregon State University 1962)
Ernest C. Hobbs (Oregon State University 1922)
Dan Hoffer (Oregon State University 1923)
Robert H. Hollister (Oregon State University 1942)
Dewey Holmquist (Oregon State University 1924)
William S. Hood (Oregon State University 1937)
Bud M. Hoover (Oregon State University 1944)
Claud W. Hoover (Oregon State University 1970)
John E. Houck (Oregon State University 1921)
William G. Howard (Oregon State University 1944)
George B. Howe (Oregon State University 1917)
Meredith M. Huggins (Oregon State University 1938)
Walter M. Hulden (Oregon State University 1938)
Kenneth M. Hunter (Oregon State University 1924)
George C. Huntington (Oregon State University 1932)
Andrew W. Ibert (Oregon State University 2001)
Roland Irving (Oregon State University 1925)
Thomas B. Jackson (Oregon State University 1944)
Karl F. Jacobsen (Oregon State University 1934)
Marc B. Jarmin (Oregon State University 1946)
Bob L. Jeremiah (Oregon State University 1969)
Charles C. Johnson (Oregon State University 1939)
Donald E. Johnson (Oregon State University 1936)
James L. Johnson (Oregon State University 1952)
Kent A. Johnson (Oregon State University 1993)
William B. Johnson (Oregon State University 1929)
Dalton D. Johnson Jr. (Oregon State University 1950)
Lory M. Johnston (Oregon State University 1950)
Rolland I. Jones (Oregon State University 1926)
Edward R. Joplin (Oregon State University 1923)
Tracy T. Journey (Oregon State University 1949)
Charles J. Judson (Oregon State University 1943)
Joseph G. Kaarhus (Oregon State University 1949)
Lex T. Kaiser (Oregon State University 1946)
Troy F. Kannier (Oregon State University 1986)
Douglas W. Keech (Oregon State University 1925)
John T. Keeler (Oregon State University 1933)
Robert O. Keiser (Oregon State University 1931)
Richard B. Kennedy (Oregon State University 1939)
Albert G. Kennings (Oregon State University 1935)
Leslie W. Kincaid (Oregon State University 1940)
Charles D. Kline (Oregon State University 1952)
Robert F. Kline (Oregon State University 1949)
Raymond P. Koch (Oregon State University 1949)
Richard A. Koch (Oregon State University 1952)
Louis T. Kraemer (Oregon State University 1927)
Laurence D. Kretzmeier (Oregon State University 1932)
Richard E. Kriesien (Oregon State University 1935)
James R. Kuse (Oregon State University 1953)
Walter G. Kuzman (Oregon State University 1945)
Howard W. Lackman (Oregon State University 1960)
Jack S. Laird (Oregon State University 1944)
Burdette W. Launtz (Oregon State University 1939)
William R. LaValley (Oregon State University 1954)
Benjamin H. Lee (Oregon State University 1961)
Robert A. Lee (Oregon State University 1937)
James D. Leedy (Oregon State University 1943)
Ralph G. Leedy (Oregon State University 1941)
William E. Leer (Oregon State University 1938)
William H. Leever (Oregon State University 1940)
Randolph E. Leland (Oregon State University 1917)
Berlan Lemon (Oregon State University 1941)
Richard A. Lende (Oregon State University 1946)
George R. Leppo (Oregon State University 1928)
A. B. Lind (Oregon State University 1943)
Monte P. Lindmoe (Oregon State University 1928)
Allan E. Lindstrom (Oregon State University 1951)
Richard G. Livingston (Oregon State University 1942)
Robert S. Livingston (Oregon State University 1924)
Robert Livingstone (Oregon State University 1948)
Wayne P. Loder (Oregon State University 1922)
Hans W. Looff (Oregon State University 1916)
Frederick H. Loomis (Oregon State University 1931)
Charles R. Loop (Oregon State University 1920)
Alexander H. Lowe (Oregon State University 1923)
Kenneth H. Luenser (Oregon State University 1959)
Walker Lundberg (Oregon State University 1946)
Arthur W. Lung (Oregon State University 1945)
Scott MacEachron (Oregon State University 1945)
G. P. March (Oregon State University 1946)
Larry J. Marsh (Oregon State University 1949)
William H. Maudsley (Oregon State University 1932)
Robert L. McCaslin (Oregon State University 1950)
Robert S. McClenaghan (Oregon State University 1949)
William A. McClenaghan (Oregon State University 1948)
Robert N. McCook (Oregon State University 1931)
Raymond L. McCorkle (Oregon State University 1979)
John McCourt (Oregon State University 1954)
Donald R. McCoy (Oregon State University 1952)
Alexander B. McEachern (Oregon State University 1930)
Jack F. McEachern (Oregon State University 1935)
Bob L. McEvers (Oregon State University 1950)
William S. McFadden (Oregon State University 1943)
Hugh McKenna (Oregon State University 1923)
Charles E. McKenney (Oregon State University 1929)
William B. McNary (Oregon State University 1958)
William E. McPherson (Oregon State University 1933)
Roy H. Meckley (Oregon State University 1950)
Edward C. Meek Jr. (Oregon State University 1941)
Maurice E. Mercer (Oregon State University 1938)
Charles W. Messing (Oregon State University 1926)
William G. Meyer (Oregon State University 1939)
Mikal S. Mikkelsen (Oregon State University 1953)
Riley M. Milligan (Oregon State University 1924)
Victor B. Mills (Oregon State University 1939)
William S. Milne (Oregon State University 1943)
William F. Mitchell (Oregon State University 1929)
Jack C. Mitchem (Oregon State University 1954)
Louis R. Mize (Oregon State University 1934)
Roger M. Moksness (Oregon State University 1959)
Darrel L. Monteith (Oregon State University 1950)
Robert D. Moody (Oregon State University 1960)
William E. Moore (Oregon State University 1934)
George W. Morback (Oregon State University 1917)
William D. Morgan (Oregon State University 1941)
Jack E. Morrison (Oregon State University 1939)
Robert A. Morrison (Oregon State University 1943)
Merle A. Mosar (Oregon State University 1946)
Robert M. Mosar (Oregon State University 1945)
Albert J. Moser (Oregon State University 1932)
Robert P. Moser (Oregon State University 1929)
Richard H. Mote (Oregon State University 1938)
Ross T. Mudge (Oregon State University 1942)
Thomas B. Muller (Oregon State University 1963)
Donald R. Munro (Oregon State University 1935)
Milton E. Musa (Oregon State University 1956)
Everett D. Nance (Oregon State University 1949)
George A. Newcomer (Oregon State University 1929)
Lyle C. Newcomer (Oregon State University 1926)
Franklin H. Nichoson (Oregon State University 1937)
Stanley O. Norman (Oregon State University 1939)
Robert K. Norris (Oregon State University 1923)
Richard E. Odell (Oregon State University 1928)
Joseph C. Oliver (Oregon State University 1938)
Alfred A. Olsen (Oregon State University 1931)
Alvin E. Olson (Oregon State University 1941)
Frank A. Olson (Oregon State University 1955)
Ralph N. Olson (Oregon State University 1926)
William J. O'Neil (Oregon State University 1917)
Jack R. Ostenson (Oregon State University 1958)
David L. Palmer (Oregon State University 1951)
Jack W. Parker (Oregon State University 1949)
Lewis R. Parker USAF (Oregon State University 1927)
W. Hugh Parker (Oregon State University 1927)
Gordon E. Patton (Oregon State University 1933)
Edward M. Paulsen (Oregon State University 1917)
Richard G. Paulson (Oregon State University 1943)
Edward A. Payne (Oregon State University 1961)
Don Peake (Oregon State University 1941)
Alvin R. Pearson (Oregon State University 1933)
Harrison Peck (Oregon State University 1943)
David Pedemonte (Oregon State University 1929)
Charles G. Peterson (Oregon State University 1956)
Ralph E. Peterson (Oregon State University 1952)
Bruce Petrie (Oregon State University 1948)
Gordon Petrie (Oregon State University 1943)
Keith Petrie (Oregon State University 1952)
Ross Petrie (Oregon State University 1949)
Roy E. Phelan (Oregon State University 1950)
Norman A. J. Pierson (Oregon State University 1956)
John S. Pihas (Oregon State University 1955)
Stanley C. Pintarich (Oregon State University 1957)
John M. Poorman (Oregon State University 1963)
John M. Poorman (Oregon State University 1932)
Andrew R. Porter (Oregon State University 1937)
Arthur J. Porter (Oregon State University 1932)
Wallace A. Portouw (Oregon State University 1953)
Thomas I. Potter (Oregon State University 1939)
Edwin H. Pratt Jr. (Oregon State University 1940)
Frederick J. Pratt (Oregon State University 1939)
Bruce C. Price (Oregon State University 1931)
F. E. Price (Oregon State University 1922)
Kenneth C. Price (Oregon State University 1932)
George J. Puentes (Oregon State University 1990)
Francis A. Randall (Oregon State University 1959)
Clarence L. Ranney (Oregon State University 1932)
Emil O. Rasmussen (Oregon State University 1942)
William T. Read (Oregon State University 1946)
Malcolm W. Reed (Oregon State University 1956)
Martin L. Reilly (Oregon State University 1950)
Arthur H. Remmel (Oregon State University 1930)
James O. Richardson (Oregon State University 1959)
Carl A. Rickson (Oregon State University 1921)
Richard S. Riddle (Oregon State University 1958)
David G. Rimbach (Oregon State University 1958)
Douglas A. Rimbach (Oregon State University 1985)
Ronald L. Ring (Oregon State University 1950)
James K. Romig (Oregon State University 1924)
Bernard N. Ruddock (Oregon State University 1944)
Frank L. Russell (Oregon State University 1917)
Jerome F. Ruzek (Oregon State University 1937)
Thomas K. Sammons (Oregon State University 1951)
Robert T. Sanders (Oregon State University 1966)
Greg A. Sarine (Oregon State University 1968)
Robert J. Savage (Oregon State University 1939)
Wallace A. Sawyer (Oregon State University 1939)
Walter M. Sawyer (Oregon State University 1937)
Edward A. Schaefers (Oregon State University 1943)
Kris L. Schindler (Oregon State University 1979)
Dillane G. Schloth (Oregon State University 1927)
Eugene G. Schluter (Oregon State University 1944)
John G. Schmidt (Oregon State University 1930)
J. T. Schneider (Oregon State University 1952)
Arthur R. Schoenfeld (Oregon State University 1937)
Lyle W. Seccombe (Oregon State University 1924)
Norman K. Seethoff (Oregon State University 1945)
Duncan Shields (Oregon State University 1926)
George D. Shields USA (Oregon State University 1953)
Robert M. Simington (Oregon State University 1924)
L. W. Sims (Oregon State University 1930)
William W. Sims (Oregon State University 1967)
Marvin A. Sloan (Oregon State University 1925)
Arthur L. Smith (Oregon State University 1929)
Donald G. Smith (Oregon State University 1951)
Jerome H. Smith (Oregon State University 1958)
Kermit C. Smith (Oregon State University 1968)
Roy V. Smith (Oregon State University 1935)
Walter H. Smith (Oregon State University 1941)
Charles F. Sperr (Oregon State University 1949)
William V. Spicer (Oregon State University 1958)
Edwin M. Stanley (Oregon State University 1959)
Kenneth M. Stevens (Oregon State University 1960)
Robert S. Stewart (Oregon State University 1925)
Byron H. Stoddard (Oregon State University 1939)
Calvin C. Stoddard (Oregon State University 1938)
George M. Stone (Oregon State University 1932)
Lolen R. Strahan (Oregon State University 1925)
Byron W. Strong (Oregon State University 1940)
Charles W. Strong (Oregon State University 1920)
Charles C. Susmill (Oregon State University 1963)
Donald L. Sutton (Oregon State University 1932)
Raymond J. Sweeney (Oregon State University 1942)
Robert B. Taylor (Oregon State University 1930)
Robert H. Theis (Oregon State University 1939)
Herbert F. Thomas (Oregon State University 1917)
Allan G. Thompson (Oregon State University 1956)
Lester R. Thurman (Oregon State University 1969)
Louis R. Thurman (Oregon State University 1945)
John B. Tomassene (Oregon State University 1942)
Robert S. Tonnesen (Oregon State University 1946)
Theodore M. Townes (Oregon State University 1934)
William A. Townes (Oregon State University 1948)
Philip R. Tramontano (Oregon State University 1961)
Jesse J. Truax (Oregon State University 1943)
Leroy J. Tuttle (Oregon State University 1917)
Gerald W. Ulett (Oregon State University 1951)
Gary L. Van Gordon (Oregon State University 1977)
William R. VanDyke (Oregon State University 1950)
H. O. Varty (Oregon State University 1938)
Ray M. Versteeg (Oregon State University 1923)
Thomas E. Ward (Oregon State University 1956)
Frank E. Wascher (Oregon State University 1917)
Richard M. Weaver (Oregon State University 1956)
Alse W. Webber (Oregon State University 1950)
Robert A. Weibel (Oregon State University 1941)
Roger L. Weinheimer (Oregon State University 1951)
George L. Whipps (Oregon State University 1928)
Keith S. Whitman (Oregon State University 1950)
Thomas R. Whitmore (Oregon State University 1943)
Robert E. Wiegand (Oregon State University 1943)
Charles B. Wiggett (Oregon State University 1932)
Buell E. Wilcox (Oregon State University 1927)
Lyle P. Wilcox (Oregon State University 1916)
John L. Wilkinson (Oregon State University 1958)
Donnally B. Williamson (Oregon State University 1929)
Ede J. Wilson (Oregon State University 1932)
Edward E. Wilson (Oregon State University 1946)
Carl G. Wilson (Oregon State University 1932)
Emmett E. Woodward (Oregon State University 1944)
David J. Wright (Oregon State University 1958)
Richard S. Wynne (Oregon State University 1926)
David K. Young (Oregon State University 1949)
Robert P. Zentner (Oregon State University 1939)
Jon H. Zurcher (Oregon State University 1961)
Henry F. Ackhoff (Pennsylvania State University 1915)
Raymond E. Adams (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
John S. Albert (Pennsylvania State University 1898)
Samuel G. Allen (Pennsylvania State University 1891)
Russell B. Alvis (Pennsylvania State University 1946)
Frank M. Anderson (Pennsylvania State University 1939)
John A. Anderson (Pennsylvania State University 1928)
S. B. Anderson (Pennsylvania State University 1945)
Robert S. Andre (Pennsylvania State University 1946)
Robert E. Anstadt (Pennsylvania State University 1942)
George F. Armstrong (Pennsylvania State University 1946)
Charles E. Aull (Pennsylvania State University 1892)
Joseph V. Babb (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
Harry E. Backus (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
Raymond B. Baer (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Herbert B. Baetz (Pennsylvania State University 1911)
Donald C. Baird (Pennsylvania State University 1903)
Robert W. Ball (Pennsylvania State University 1942)
Robert C. Banes (Pennsylvania State University 1958)
Charles E. Barb (Pennsylvania State University 1961)
Carl M. Barton (Pennsylvania State University 1934)
Robert W. Barton (Pennsylvania State University 1968)
Warren H. Barton (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
Kevin E. Baugh (Pennsylvania State University 1984)
William W. Beall (Pennsylvania State University 1924)
Francis H. Beam (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Thomas Beaver (Pennsylvania State University 1945)
Ralph C. Beerbower (Pennsylvania State University 1941)
Joseph J. Bellas (Pennsylvania State University 1966)
John D. Benford (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
George C. Bentrem (Pennsylvania State University 1961)
Robert G. Bernreuter (Pennsylvania State University 1935)
Roy D. Bertolet (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
George Berzkalns (Pennsylvania State University 1965)
William F. Beyer (Pennsylvania State University 1939)
Hugo F. Bezdek (Pennsylvania State University 1932)
Fred N. Biesecker (Pennsylvania State University 1960)
John E. Binns (Pennsylvania State University 1936)
George W. Blackmore (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Norman L. Blackmore (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Wesley E. Blaha (Pennsylvania State University 1952)
John K. Boal (Pennsylvania State University 1935)
Milton W. Bohn (Pennsylvania State University 1888)
Lloyd W. Borland (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Mark M. Borland (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
John B. Bott (Pennsylvania State University 1935)
Robert G. Bottorf (Pennsylvania State University 1935)
Paul J. Boucher (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Milton K. Brandt (Pennsylvania State University 1945)
John C. Bristor (Pennsylvania State University 1952)
Potter M. Brown (Pennsylvania State University 1890)
Richard F. Brown (Pennsylvania State University 1949)
Sydney H. Brown (Pennsylvania State University 1893)
William H. Brown (Pennsylvania State University 1894)
Theodore D. Browne (Pennsylvania State University 1954)
Fred A. Bryan (Pennsylvania State University 1890)
James L. Buchanan (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
Richard M. Buck (Pennsylvania State University 1954)
Charles W. Burkett (Pennsylvania State University 1895)
James E. Burleigh (Pennsylvania State University 1948)
Stewart H. Burns (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
John H. Burrell (Pennsylvania State University 1929)
Charles A. Butz (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
George C. Butz (Pennsylvania State University 1882)
Paul F. Butz (Pennsylvania State University 1908)
Richard L. Buzin (Pennsylvania State University 1968)
Ernest M. Cameron (Pennsylvania State University 1908)
Robert B. Campbell (Pennsylvania State University 1982)
Henry A. Carson (Pennsylvania State University 1941)
Charles K. Cartwright (Pennsylvania State University 1895)
Erasmo M. Castaneda (Pennsylvania State University 1915)
Donald E. Caum (Pennsylvania State University 1964)
Charles L. Cecil (Pennsylvania State University 1913)
Edward D. Chapin (Pennsylvania State University 1917)
Joseph L. Cheetham (Pennsylvania State University 1904)
Charles M. Christiansen (Pennsylvania State University 1956)
Gill Chubb (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
Houghton W. Clarke (Pennsylvania State University 1940)
William H. Clarke (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
Walter H. Clingerman (Pennsylvania State University 1934)
Roy G. Clough (Pennsylvania State University 1907)
Roy G. Clough (Pennsylvania State University 1939)
Thomas E. Clough (Pennsylvania State University 1935)
Harold D. Cochrane (Pennsylvania State University 1924)
James A. Cochrane (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
Louis H. Cochrane (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
Robert S. Cole (Pennsylvania State University 1963)
Dix D. Colvin (Pennsylvania State University 1910)
John R. Connelly (Pennsylvania State University 1949)
John Leon Connely (Pennsylvania State University 1928)
Chance B. Conner (Pennsylvania State University 1974)
Francis H. Conrad (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
A. H. Coon (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
Harold B. Coon (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Lewis H. Cort (Pennsylvania State University 1915)
Wallace F. Cowan (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Hugh W. Craig (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
Clifford L. Cramer (Pennsylvania State University 1938)
Spencer C. Cramer (Pennsylvania State University 1933)
John S. Crandell (Pennsylvania State University 1904)
N. R. Cressman (Pennsylvania State University 1936)
John N. Critchlow (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
J. W. Cronemeyer (Pennsylvania State University 1912)
Frank M. Crooks (Pennsylvania State University 1906)
Joel E. Crouch (Pennsylvania State University 1946)
James Cumming (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
Ralph L. Cummings (Pennsylvania State University 1903)
Arthur R. Cunningham (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
William J. Cunningham (Pennsylvania State University 1930)
Arnold J. Currier Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1942)
John R. Curry (Pennsylvania State University 1968)
Thomas W. Curry (Pennsylvania State University 1932)
John E. Curtis (Pennsylvania State University 1965)
R. Philip Custer MD (Pennsylvania State University 1924)
Thomas J. Danner (Pennsylvania State University 1927)
Jared W. Darlington (Pennsylvania State University 1952)
Jesse M. Darlington (Pennsylvania State University 1955)
Edward E. Datz (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
William E. Davidson Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1963)
Robert G. Davies (Pennsylvania State University 1887)
Frederick D. Day (Pennsylvania State University 1964)
William A. Dean (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
Walter J. Decker (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Carl W. DeLong (Pennsylvania State University 1941)
Benjamin W. Demming (Pennsylvania State University 1890)
Wells H. Denney (Pennsylvania State University 1928)
Victor J. DePallo (Pennsylvania State University 1972)
Charles S. Detwiler (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Leon S. Detwiler (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Edwin G. Dill (Pennsylvania State University 1934)
Frank J. Dilworth (Pennsylvania State University 1910)
Ralph E. Disque (Pennsylvania State University 1911)
John M. Dom (Pennsylvania State University 1897)
John A. Donnal (Pennsylvania State University 1953)
William J. Dorworth (Pennsylvania State University 1941)
Russell L. Dotts (Pennsylvania State University 1946)
George M. Downing (Pennsylvania State University 1888)
Harold S. Downing (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Frederic S. Dubbs (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Edward B. Duffy (Pennsylvania State University 1965)
Robert S. Duich (Pennsylvania State University 1980)
Lee C. Duncan (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
Paul J. Duncan (Pennsylvania State University 1923)
Charles Eachus (Pennsylvania State University 1893)
Ralph N. Eaton (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
H. A. Eberhardt (Pennsylvania State University 1948)
Francis A. Egan (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
William M. Eggleston (Pennsylvania State University 1988)
Chester A. Eichelberger (Pennsylvania State University 1910)
Joseph R. Ellicott (Pennsylvania State University 1939)
David W. Ellis (Pennsylvania State University 1962)
Joseph F. Elverson (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
E. R. Emmers (Pennsylvania State University 1948)
Jack W. Enterline (Pennsylvania State University 1952)
Robert H. Ernest (Pennsylvania State University 1938)
Clarence E. Erwin (Pennsylvania State University 1943)
Charles L. Eshleman (Pennsylvania State University 1905)
Charles S. Esrey (Pennsylvania State University 1911)
William W. Evans (Pennsylvania State University 1892)
Frank C. Everitt (Pennsylvania State University 1930)
Ralph L. Eves (Pennsylvania State University 1920)
Charles W. Faris (Pennsylvania State University 1932)
Larry B. Faulkner (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
Charles R. Fay (Pennsylvania State University 1893)
Donald R. Ferguson (Pennsylvania State University 1957)
Lyle D. Filkins (Pennsylvania State University 1928)
Frank V. Firestine (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
David R. Fishburn (Pennsylvania State University 1954)
H. R. Fishburn (Pennsylvania State University 1957)
Hummel Fishburn (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Gorman L. Fisher (Pennsylvania State University 1952)
James C. Fitzgibbon (Pennsylvania State University 1913)
Albert D. Ford (Pennsylvania State University 1901)
William B. Ford (Pennsylvania State University 1938)
Henry P. Forker (Pennsylvania State University 1917)
James C. Foster (Pennsylvania State University 1923)
Marshall S. Foster (Pennsylvania State University 1920)
William H. Foster (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Philip W. Fraleigh (Pennsylvania State University 1915)
Charles C. Fritz (Pennsylvania State University 1912)
Frank D. Frymire (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
John K. Furst (Pennsylvania State University 1893)
Robert G. Furst (Pennsylvania State University 1893)
Bertus D. Gamble (Pennsylvania State University 1905)
Robert L. Gardner (Pennsylvania State University 1946)
C. D. Garson (Pennsylvania State University 1954)
Russell A. Gaul (Pennsylvania State University 1953)
Cecil Gillespie (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
Edward M. Gillespie (Pennsylvania State University 1924)
Charles J. Girvin (Pennsylvania State University 1893)
Robert M. Girvin (Pennsylvania State University 1896)
John L. Given (Pennsylvania State University 1896)
William N. Given (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
Thomas O. Glenn (Pennsylvania State University 1929)
Earl F. Glock (Pennsylvania State University 1912)
Mowry E. Goetz (Pennsylvania State University 1916)
Bartley J. Gori (Pennsylvania State University 1966)
Carl E. Goslin (Pennsylvania State University 1906)
John J. Goss (Pennsylvania State University 1938)
Albert F. Goyne (Pennsylvania State University 1910)
Donald A. Graef (Pennsylvania State University 1964)
Robert W. Graham (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
Florence K. Gray (Pennsylvania State University 1891)
Gazexer G. Green (Pennsylvania State University 1943)
George D. Green (Pennsylvania State University 1895)
George R. Greene (Pennsylvania State University 1927)
Richard C. Gridley (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
Alvan R. Grier (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
Charles L. Griffin (Pennsylvania State University 1906)
Joseph J. Griffin Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1972)
Daniel W. Gross (Pennsylvania State University 1893)
Richard C. Grove (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
Glen E. Guy (Pennsylvania State University 1900)
Frederick Haas (Pennsylvania State University 1940)
Howard Hager (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
Edwin J. Haley (Pennsylvania State University 1890)
Isaac F. Ham (Pennsylvania State University 1898)
Clarence E. Hamill (Pennsylvania State University 1934)
Louis M. Hamilton (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Wilbur H. Hamilton (Pennsylvania State University 1957)
William L. Hamilton (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
Eugene P. Hammitt (Pennsylvania State University 1916)
John K. Hammitt (Pennsylvania State University 1912)
Percy T. Hammonds (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Donald K. Haney (Pennsylvania State University 1966)
John W. Harkins (Pennsylvania State University 1942)
John W. Harman (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
Thomas D. Harman (Pennsylvania State University 1911)
Robert G. Harmon (Pennsylvania State University 1936)
Herbert F. Harrelson (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
John T. Harris (Pennsylvania State University 1897)
Thomas M. Hart (Pennsylvania State University 1941)
Charles R. Harte (Pennsylvania State University 1964)
Henry L. Harvey (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
Carl W. Hasek (Pennsylvania State University 1936)
Robert H. Hasek (Pennsylvania State University 1939)
Glen B. Hastings (Pennsylvania State University 1908)
Harry H. Hauth (Pennsylvania State University 1940)
William B. Hawk (Pennsylvania State University 1889)
Oliver R. Hawley (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
William B. Hazen (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
Harry C. Heaton (Pennsylvania State University 1901)
William S. Heinen (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
Herbert L. Henderson (Pennsylvania State University 1917)
Charles V. Henry (Pennsylvania State University 1956)
Eugene F. Henry (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Vance L. Henry (Pennsylvania State University 1930)
Vane L. Henry (Pennsylvania State University 1907)
C. W. Heppenstall (Pennsylvania State University 1895)
Thomas A. Herr (Pennsylvania State University 1905)
John W. Heston (Pennsylvania State University 1879)
Otto J. Hetzel (Pennsylvania State University 1955)
A. O. Hiester (Pennsylvania State University 1898)
W. D. Hilbish (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Charles C. Hildebrand (Pennsylvania State University 1892)
A. K. Hile (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
Charles H. Hile (Pennsylvania State University 1892)
Albert R. Hinkle (Pennsylvania State University 1949)
Edward A. Hinkle (Pennsylvania State University 1949)
Paul K. Hirsch (Pennsylvania State University 1935)
John F. Hogan (Pennsylvania State University 1955)
Kenneth L. Holderman (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
Henry K. Holmes (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
Harold W. Hooker (Pennsylvania State University 1943)
R. J. Hoover (Pennsylvania State University 1900)
Harlan P. Hostetter (Pennsylvania State University 1941)
Kenneth G. Houck (Pennsylvania State University 1946)
Barry L. Hough (Pennsylvania State University 1958)
Mark W. Houser (Pennsylvania State University 1943)
William H. Howard Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
George M. Howell (Pennsylvania State University 1901)
Rowland R. Howenstein (Pennsylvania State University 1924)
J. D. Huber (Pennsylvania State University 1951)
William H. Hubner (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Donald R. Hudson (Pennsylvania State University 1967)
Henry R. Huffman (Pennsylvania State University 1927)
George C. Hull (Pennsylvania State University 1927)
William C. Hunt (Pennsylvania State University 1964)
James D. Hunter (Pennsylvania State University 1889)
Mark N. Hunter (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
Blair G. Husted (Pennsylvania State University 1949)
George F. Hutchinson (Pennsylvania State University 1915)
Robert R. Hutchison (Pennsylvania State University 1939)
James A. Irwin (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
Howard B. Jackson (Pennsylvania State University 1964)
Rudolph W. Japchen (Pennsylvania State University 1958)
Arthur W. Jones (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Walter A. Jones (Pennsylvania State University 1940)
Walter H. Jones (Pennsylvania State University 1916)
Reginald R. Kearton (Pennsylvania State University 1932)
Kevin C. Kellow (Pennsylvania State University 1979)
Irving Kennard (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
John E. Kennedy (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
Ralph G. Kennedy Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1928)
Harry F. Kern (Pennsylvania State University 1943)
Andrew Kerr (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
Meredith B. Kerstetter (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
Clarence A. Keyser (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
Thomas M. Kilcullen (Pennsylvania State University 1965)
Huston B. Killian (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Huston B. Killian (Pennsylvania State University 1949)
Sidney T. Killian (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
Charles F. Kindred (Pennsylvania State University 1929)
Kenneth B. Kirk (Pennsylvania State University 1920)
Edwin H. Kistler (Pennsylvania State University 1916)
George H. Kittredge (Pennsylvania State University 1901)
Harry C. Kittredge (Pennsylvania State University 1904)
Charles W. Kline (Pennsylvania State University 1920)
Warren C. Kolkebeck (Pennsylvania State University 1942)
Jack M. Krumrine (Pennsylvania State University 1953)
Albert J. Krushank (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Norman B. Kuhn (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
Samuel H. Kuhn (Pennsylvania State University 1901)
Raymond R. Kuhns (Pennsylvania State University 1929)
Charles D. Lamade (Pennsylvania State University 1907)
David N. Lamond (Pennsylvania State University 1943)
John P. Lange (Pennsylvania State University 1959)
John V. Leighou (Pennsylvania State University 1912)
J. R. Lemmon (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
William E. Lenkaitis (Pennsylvania State University 1968)
Kenneth W. Lent (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
John A. Lessig (Pennsylvania State University 1957)
Henry M. Lewis (Pennsylvania State University 1907)
Henry V. Lindeman (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
John G. Lindeman (Pennsylvania State University 1917)
David W. Ling (Pennsylvania State University 1970)
Richard Little (Pennsylvania State University 1948)
Samuel Llewellyn (Pennsylvania State University 1909)
David W. Lloyd (Pennsylvania State University 1911)
Edward C. Lloyd (Pennsylvania State University 1910)
Leroy D. Locke (Pennsylvania State University 1915)
Melvin J. Locke Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Harold R. Long (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Stuart B. Lucas (Pennsylvania State University 1929)
John H. Ludwig (Pennsylvania State University 1904)
Craig A. Lyle (Pennsylvania State University 1972)
C. A. MacDougall (Pennsylvania State University 1982)
Frank E. Macintire Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1923)
Donald L. Mackay (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
George B. Mackay (Pennsylvania State University 1920)
Charles W. MacKenzie (Pennsylvania State University 1958)
S. C. Mader (Pennsylvania State University 1964)
Donald G. Maize (Pennsylvania State University 1946)
Rolland S. Mangel (Pennsylvania State University 1941)
John E. Manner (Pennsylvania State University 1933)
Edward A. Martin (Pennsylvania State University 1915)
Edwin H. Martin (Pennsylvania State University 1927)
Joseph L. Martin (Pennsylvania State University 1910)
Ralph F. Martin (Pennsylvania State University 1895)
Charles H. Martin (Pennsylvania State University 1912)
Stephen N. Martin (Pennsylvania State University 1948)
Frank R. Mascia (Pennsylvania State University 1962)
George E. Matson (Pennsylvania State University 1920)
Elmer S. Mattner (Pennsylvania State University 1920)
P. R. Matz (Pennsylvania State University 1954)
Earl W. Maurer (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Robert H. Maurer (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Robert H. Maurer (Pennsylvania State University 1945)
Lewis D. Mayers (Pennsylvania State University 1905)
Herbert B. McCabe (Pennsylvania State University 1927)
Joseph N. McCabe (Pennsylvania State University 1924)
Donald P. McCain (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
John L. McCain (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
Willard E. McCain (Pennsylvania State University 1936)
Walter B. McCaskey (Pennsylvania State University 1896)
John K. McCauley (Pennsylvania State University 1988)
John W. McCauley (Pennsylvania State University 1945)
Edward B. McColly (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
Donald V. McConnel (Pennsylvania State University 1907)
Donald J. McCormick (Pennsylvania State University 1980)
Edward McCrady Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1924)
Arthur C. McCune (Pennsylvania State University 1904)
John P. McCune (Pennsylvania State University 1934)
William H. McCune (Pennsylvania State University 1904)
James K. McDonald (Pennsylvania State University 1912)
Winfield H. McDowell (Pennsylvania State University 1905)
Charles C. McGregor (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
Albert D. McGrew (Pennsylvania State University 1920)
James M. McGurk (Pennsylvania State University 1972)
Edgar D. McKean (Pennsylvania State University 1943)
James A. McKechnie (Pennsylvania State University 1945)
William B. McKechnie (Pennsylvania State University 1935)
George M. McKee (Pennsylvania State University 1896)
George M. McKee (Pennsylvania State University 1924)
William K. McKnight (Pennsylvania State University 1912)
Henry L. McKown (Pennsylvania State University 1940)
Robert W. McKune (Pennsylvania State University 1932)
Francis D. McMillin (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
Robert K. McQuiston (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
Andrew H. McQuitty (Pennsylvania State University 1913)
Clifford D. McWhinney (Pennsylvania State University 1911)
Robert S. Mechling (Pennsylvania State University 1938)
George R. Meek (Pennsylvania State University 1890)
Peter G. Meek (Pennsylvania State University 1932)
George R. Meek (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
John F. Meyer (Pennsylvania State University 1894)
Edward L. Middower (Pennsylvania State University 1913)
Frank H. Miles (Pennsylvania State University 1911)
Robert T. Miller (Pennsylvania State University 1955)
Kenneth C. Milliken (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
Albert E. Mische (Pennsylvania State University 1976)
Joel E. Mitchell (Pennsylvania State University 1928)
Richard S. Mitchell (Pennsylvania State University 1907)
E. Parke Montague Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
John B. Moore (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
Walter L. Moore (Pennsylvania State University 1909)
Hugh A. Moore (Pennsylvania State University 1958)
Jack E. Morgan (Pennsylvania State University 1942)
Marshall B. Morgan (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
Robert A. Morgan (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
William G. Morgan (Pennsylvania State University 1932)
Charles D. Morrill (Pennsylvania State University 1930)
Charles F. Morrill (Pennsylvania State University 1920)
Frank F. Morris (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
William T. Morris (Pennsylvania State University 1949)
Thomas K. Morris Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1924)
Lucius B. Morse (Pennsylvania State University 1981)
Thomas J. Mosser (Pennsylvania State University 1904)
William R. Motz (Pennsylvania State University 1893)
Barclay M. Moyer (Pennsylvania State University 1946)
Walter W. Muffly (Pennsylvania State University 1910)
James H. Mullen (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Robert L. Murrer (Pennsylvania State University 1953)
John C. Nagy (Pennsylvania State University 1960)
Chester C. Neal (Pennsylvania State University 1908)
Daniel D. Neff (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
William K. Negley (Pennsylvania State University 1916)
Lavern N. Nelsen (Pennsylvania State University 1941)
Joseph M. Nelson (Pennsylvania State University 1903)
Donald S. Newbury (Pennsylvania State University 1940)
Walter A. Newton (Pennsylvania State University 1907)
Harry L. Nicholson (Pennsylvania State University 1933)
Andrew G. Noble (Pennsylvania State University 1970)
James M. Noel (Pennsylvania State University 1954)
Ray C. Noll (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
James B. Norcross (Pennsylvania State University 1943)
Donald G. Norris (Pennsylvania State University 1913)
Earle B. Norris (Pennsylvania State University 1904)
Edwin R. Norris (Pennsylvania State University 1903)
Harry B. Norris (Pennsylvania State University 1909)
Walter L. Norris (Pennsylvania State University 1923)
Willard L. Noyes (Pennsylvania State University 1955)
Frank J. Oakes (Pennsylvania State University 1953)
Charles R. Oberfell (Pennsylvania State University 1906)
Harry T. Ochs (Pennsylvania State University 1934)
George C. Oehmler (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
Jack E. Osman (Pennsylvania State University 1935)
Randolph G. Pack (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
Jim C. Page (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
Joseph H. Palmer (Pennsylvania State University 1930)
Mark C. Palumbo (Pennsylvania State University 1987)
William S. Parkinson (Pennsylvania State University 1915)
Raymond W. Parks (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
Graham C. Parsons (Pennsylvania State University 1984)
William W. Patterson (Pennsylvania State University 1939)
Robert W. Patton (Pennsylvania State University 1951)
Donald W. Peck (Pennsylvania State University 1948)
Robert S. Peck (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
Eugene Pelesh (Pennsylvania State University 1969)
Ormand R. Pendy (Pennsylvania State University 1923)
Morris P. Penrose (Pennsylvania State University 1901)
Michael J. Pescherine (Pennsylvania State University 1991)
James R. Pfriem (Pennsylvania State University 1952)
John C. Phillips (Pennsylvania State University 1936)
Alexander R. Phillips (Pennsylvania State University 1929)
Dana R. Pickup (Pennsylvania State University 1965)
James R. Pierce (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
William D. Polk (Pennsylvania State University 1903)
Samuel T. Pollock (Pennsylvania State University 1910)
Daniel F. Pomeroy (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
John H. Pond (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
Thomas J. Powers (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
Walter Pownall (Pennsylvania State University 1905)
D. J. Pratt (Pennsylvania State University 1959)
George I. Purnell (Pennsylvania State University 1947)
Leslie C. Pyle (Pennsylvania State University 1927)
Louis W. Pyle (Pennsylvania State University 1953)
John A. Ralston (Pennsylvania State University 1938)
Edward O. Rapp (Pennsylvania State University 1956)
Edward V. Rawn (Pennsylvania State University 1898)
Calvin Rayburn (Pennsylvania State University 1916)
James B. Reber (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
A. P. Redifer (Pennsylvania State University 1923)
Sherman R. Reed (Pennsylvania State University 1915)
Charles F. Reeves (Pennsylvania State University 1878)
Joseph W. Reeves (Pennsylvania State University 1884)
Thomas A. Reich (Pennsylvania State University 1966)
William C. Reutti (Pennsylvania State University 1946)
John T. Richards (Pennsylvania State University 1903)
Robert F. Riddle (Pennsylvania State University 1913)
Leroy A. Riegel (Pennsylvania State University 1929)
Charles C. Rieger (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
J. J. Riehl (Pennsylvania State University 1905)
Alvin S. Riley (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Fred V. Ritner (Pennsylvania State University 1927)
Thomas H. Ritner (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Thomas L. Rittenhouse (Pennsylvania State University 1941)
William H. Ritts (Pennsylvania State University 1965)
Richard A. Rivers Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1956)
Richard B. Robb (Pennsylvania State University 1948)
Henry H. Roberts (Pennsylvania State University 1915)
Joseph C. Robinson (Pennsylvania State University 1939)
Gerald B. Robison (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
Francis E. Rockey (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Rex Rockwell (Pennsylvania State University 1934)
Charles A. Rodgers (Pennsylvania State University 1951)
George T. Rodgers (Pennsylvania State University 1913)
Donald K. Rogers (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Michael J. Romance (Pennsylvania State University 1984)
Robert R. Root (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
Edward C. Rose (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
Frank P. Ross (Pennsylvania State University 1916)
William F. Ross (Pennsylvania State University 1901)
Donald N. Rothrock (Pennsylvania State University 1955)
David H. Routsong (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
Ralph C. Routsong (Pennsylvania State University 1941)
Roger W. Rowland (Pennsylvania State University 1917)
Norman J. Rubash (Pennsylvania State University 1954)
Craig M. Rumler (Pennsylvania State University 1963)
Stuart C. Runkle (Pennsylvania State University 1927)
John M. Russell (Pennsylvania State University 1928)
John M. Russell III (Pennsylvania State University 1956)
Thomas W. Rutherford (Pennsylvania State University 1895)
Fabian T. Ryan (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Ralph L. Sackett (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Abner W. Sallada (Pennsylvania State University 1909)
Palmer C. Saricks (Pennsylvania State University 1928)
J. Archibald Saxe (Pennsylvania State University 1908)
Guido V. Sborigi (Pennsylvania State University 1903)
Philip S. Schoeneck (Pennsylvania State University 1920)
William E. Schoeneck (Pennsylvania State University 1930)
Theodore R. Scholl (Pennsylvania State University 1935)
Thomas A. Schott (Pennsylvania State University 1954)
Elwood J. Schrader (Pennsylvania State University 1938)
Walter F. Schroeder (Pennsylvania State University 1909)
Robert E. Schuler (Pennsylvania State University 1940)
James Z. Schultz (Pennsylvania State University 1957)
Richard Schwoebel (Pennsylvania State University 1955)
Ralph C. Scotney (Pennsylvania State University 1929)
Charles E. Scott (Pennsylvania State University 1896)
Jerome E. Scott (Pennsylvania State University 1961)
Stephen A. Scott (Pennsylvania State University 1936)
Henry C. Scott (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
Neil S. See (Pennsylvania State University 1951)
Edward R. Seel (Pennsylvania State University 1945)
Fred M. Selkregg (Pennsylvania State University 1913)
Paulding F. Sellers (Pennsylvania State University 1897)
Franklin C. Senior (Pennsylvania State University 1936)
Bruce W. Shafer (Pennsylvania State University 1979)
Richard E. Shaffer (Pennsylvania State University 1945)
Lloyd C. Shank (Pennsylvania State University 1911)
Charles S. Sharp (Pennsylvania State University 1928)
Charles S. Shoemaker (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
Harry D. Short (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Elmer P. Shumaker (Pennsylvania State University 1915)
A. T. Sibley (Pennsylvania State University 1974)
G. R. Simon (Pennsylvania State University 1963)
Davis G. Skinner (Pennsylvania State University 1908)
Donald K. Skinner (Pennsylvania State University 1913)
Frederick Skirving (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
Carl L. Slear (Pennsylvania State University 1928)
Jack A. Sloan (Pennsylvania State University 1942)
Raymond G. Sloan (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
Charles T. Slonaker (Pennsylvania State University 1917)
John M. Small (Pennsylvania State University 1893)
Otis C. Small (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
James S. Smiley (Pennsylvania State University 1952)
John H. Smiley (Pennsylvania State University 1891)
Russell M. Smiley (Pennsylvania State University 1945)
Andrew F. Smith (Pennsylvania State University 1917)
Austin P. Smith (Pennsylvania State University 1924)
Everett W. Smith (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
J. B. Smith (Pennsylvania State University 1907)
Jay L. Smith (Pennsylvania State University 1910)
Malcolm W. Smith (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Morell Smith (Pennsylvania State University 1911)
Nathan R. Smith (Pennsylvania State University 1927)
Robert L. Smith (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
Thomas C. Smith (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Donald L. Sommerville (Pennsylvania State University 1892)
Robert M. Spicer (Pennsylvania State University 1923)
Clark P. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1906)
John P. Stief (Pennsylvania State University 1943)
William E. Stohldrier (Pennsylvania State University 1940)
Richard N. Stouffer (Pennsylvania State University 1923)
Walton Sudduth (Pennsylvania State University 1909)
George E. Sutherland (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Merrill Swain (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
Luke H. Swank (Pennsylvania State University 1911)
Frederick F. Swingle (Pennsylvania State University 1946)
Dale L. Sypherd (Pennsylvania State University 1959)
James G. Tate (Pennsylvania State University 1947)
Frank O. Tawney (Pennsylvania State University 1907)
Frederick L. Taylor (Pennsylvania State University 1934)
Charles S. Teal (Pennsylvania State University 1899)
William H. Teas (Pennsylvania State University 1897)
Thurman C. Tejan (Pennsylvania State University 1936)
Edwin C. Tew (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Gordon B. Thomas (Pennsylvania State University 1953)
Griffith J. Thomas (Pennsylvania State University 1888)
Raymond M. Thomas (Pennsylvania State University 1924)
Frank F. Thompson (Pennsylvania State University 1904)
John E. Thompson (Pennsylvania State University 1900)
Wayne B. Thompson (Pennsylvania State University 1904)
Irving P. Thompson (Pennsylvania State University 1904)
John E. Thompson (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
Charles W. Tilden (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
James F. Torrance (Pennsylvania State University 1909)
Eden A. Townsend (Pennsylvania State University 1920)
Bruce M. Trabue (Pennsylvania State University 1939)
Louis C. Tronzo (Pennsylvania State University 1959)
Julian C. Trout (Pennsylvania State University 1896)
Charles S. Truxell (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
William W. Twaddell (Pennsylvania State University 1910)
Dwight L. Umstead (Pennsylvania State University 1954)
John S. Unger (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
John H. Vance (Pennsylvania State University 1926)
Paul B. Vandine (Pennsylvania State University 1906)
Frederick F. Vannan (Pennsylvania State University 1933)
Benjamin W. Vanriper (Pennsylvania State University 1916)
Palmer W. Vedder (Pennsylvania State University 1924)
Peter J. Ververelli (Pennsylvania State University 1978)
Boyd V. Vonsenden (Pennsylvania State University 1910)
Robert B. Voskamp (Pennsylvania State University 1925)
Ned F. Wagner (Pennsylvania State University 1911)
William C. Wagner (Pennsylvania State University 1909)
Howard B. Waha (Pennsylvania State University 1909)
Ralph D. Waite (Pennsylvania State University 1961)
A. D. Walter (Pennsylvania State University 1937)
Andrew T. Walter (Pennsylvania State University 1941)
Allan D. Wampler (Pennsylvania State University 1953)
Robert J. Wampler (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
Luther P. Waring (Pennsylvania State University 1928)
John W. Weatherby (Pennsylvania State University 1936)
Edgar C. Weichel (Pennsylvania State University 1932)
Hank Welling (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
Searle D. Welling (Pennsylvania State University 1918)
Howard B. Wentz (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
John F. Wetzel (Pennsylvania State University 1951)
Robert V. Wetzel (Pennsylvania State University 1945)
Jackson Wheatley (Pennsylvania State University 1928)
Herbert A. White (Pennsylvania State University 1917)
John F. Whitworth (Pennsylvania State University 1921)
Anthony E. Wickham (Pennsylvania State University 1910)
John E. Wilfong (Pennsylvania State University 1913)
Russel M. Willard (Pennsylvania State University 1916)
John E. Williams (Pennsylvania State University 1935)
Edward A. Willson (Pennsylvania State University 1916)
Burnett H. Wilson (Pennsylvania State University 1919)
Charles J. Wilson (Pennsylvania State University 1934)
Graham T. Wilson (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
Harry M. Wilson (Pennsylvania State University 1933)
Robert I. Wilson (Pennsylvania State University 1939)
Howard M. Wilson (Pennsylvania State University 1923)
Robert B. Wisherd (Pennsylvania State University 1947)
Kenneth T. Wood (Pennsylvania State University 1900)
Michael J. Wootten (Pennsylvania State University 1979)
John E. Wray (Pennsylvania State University 1939)
William B. Wray (Pennsylvania State University 1935)
Clifford T. Wright (Pennsylvania State University 1950)
Walter E. Wright (Pennsylvania State University 1943)
Conrad Wunderlich (Pennsylvania State University 1933)
John M. Yahres (Pennsylvania State University 1948)
Robert M. Yahres (Pennsylvania State University 1939)
John B. Yerkes (Pennsylvania State University 1933)
Owens H. Yeuell (Pennsylvania State University 1942)
Frank H. Yocum (Pennsylvania State University 1902)
Gene H. Yocum (Pennsylvania State University 1930)
John H. Yocum (Pennsylvania State University 1891)
Donald J. Young (Pennsylvania State University 1932)
George J. Young (Pennsylvania State University 1914)
Paul S. Young (Pennsylvania State University 1934)
Charles O. Young (Pennsylvania State University 1932)
George Yovetich (Pennsylvania State University 1962)
Howard A. Zink (Pennsylvania State University 1908)
Charles C. Adams (Purdue University 1905)
Edward W. Adams (Purdue University 1928)
Harry C. Adams (Purdue University 1905)
Harl L. Ahl USAF (Purdue University 1926)
Donald E. Albert (Purdue University 1955)
Albert H. Aldinger (Purdue University 1927)
Cyrus B. Aldinger (Purdue University 1931)
David L. Alexander (Purdue University 1962)
Earl F. Allen (Purdue University 1914)
Jerre G. Allen (Purdue University 1950)
Benjamin T. Allison (Purdue University 1967)
David V. Anderson (Purdue University 1953)
Donald E. Anderson (Purdue University 1928)
James L. Apple (Purdue University 1967)
Richard A. Arnett (Purdue University 1931)
George O. Ashman (Purdue University 1933)
Robert R. Augsburger (Purdue University 1947)
Robert J. Bader (Purdue University 1932)
Charles L. Bailey (Purdue University 1909)
Eugene C. Bailey (Purdue University 1932)
Ernest V. Baker (Purdue University 1930)
George W. Baker (Purdue University 1941)
James M. Baker (Purdue University 1937)
Ronald W. Ballantyne (Purdue University 1953)
Alan J. Bardach (Purdue University 1965)
George K. Barger (Purdue University 1956)
Frank Barnes (Purdue University 1925)
William A. Barnes (Purdue University 1921)
William A. Barnes (Purdue University 1949)
Bernard P. Barnett (Purdue University 1923)
Max C. Barrett (Purdue University 1910)
Milton W. Bass (Purdue University 1925)
Elbert E. Bates (Purdue University 1956)
Richard A. Bates (Purdue University 1941)
Leland B. Battin (Purdue University 1923)
John W. Bauerle (Purdue University 1955)
Herbert C. Bauers (Purdue University 1932)
L. C. Beatty (Purdue University 1931)
Howard C. Becker (Purdue University 1918)
Otto E. Becker (Purdue University 1961)
J. W. Wilson Beckman (Purdue University 1958)
Vernon C. Beebe (Purdue University 1941)
William T. Bell (Purdue University 1943)
E. M. Benjamin (Purdue University 1949)
Andrew Berkley (Purdue University 1945)
Louis R. Berner (Purdue University 1945)
John M. Berry (Purdue University 1926)
Homer P. Binder (Purdue University 1911)
Russell P. Bissman (Purdue University 1915)
John E. Bixler (Purdue University 1924)
Kent H. Blacklidge (Purdue University 1906)
Richard H. Blacklidge (Purdue University 1936)
Paul A. Blakely (Purdue University 1948)
Stephen W. Blakely (Purdue University 1958)
Paul W. Blakeman (Purdue University 1947)
William C. Blue (Purdue University 1958)
Robert W. Boeshaar (Purdue University 1949)
Andrew B. Bolles (Purdue University 1967)
C. P. Bonham (Purdue University 1950)
Merrill K. Boone (Purdue University 1924)
Samuel L. Booth (Purdue University 1922)
Miner C. Borden (Purdue University 1922)
Lee H. Boyd (Purdue University 1953)
Brig G. Bradshaw (Purdue University 1935)
Charles T. Bragg (Purdue University 1906)
Robert E. Bragg (Purdue University 1921)
Kenneth S. Brake (Purdue University 1932)
Charles E. Brandt (Purdue University 1942)
William C. Brandt (Purdue University 1957)
Stephen B. Bray (Purdue University 1955)
John H. Brickley (Purdue University 1949)
John R. Brill (Purdue University 1932)
Roy A. Brintnall (Purdue University 1908)
Arthur O. Brockenbrough (Purdue University 1906)
Louis M. Bromm (Purdue University 1920)
Harry E. Brookby (Purdue University 1903)
William G. Brothers (Purdue University 1972)
Don M. Brown (Purdue University 1930)
Donald S. Brown (Purdue University 1904)
Edmund R. Brown (Purdue University 1938)
Herman A. Brown (Purdue University 1949)
Horace M. Brown (Purdue University 1911)
Levant R. Brown (Purdue University 1908)
Richard J. Brown (Purdue University 1947)
Robert W. Brown (Purdue University 1962)
Ward B. Brown (Purdue University 1912)
Charles W. Brubaker (Purdue University 1948)
John F. Brubaker (Purdue University 1937)
David L. Brubeck (Purdue University 1941)
Robert H. Buck (Purdue University 1939)
Dexter C. Buell (Purdue University 1899)
John F. Bullock (Purdue University 1935)
Homer E. Bunnell (Purdue University 1921)
John W. Bunting (Purdue University 1907)
John R. Burchfield (Purdue University 1946)
William J. Burich (Purdue University 1936)
Allan M. Burke (Purdue University 1907)
Morgan J. Burke (Purdue University 1973)
Thomas A. Burke (Purdue University 1965)
James W. Burt (Purdue University 1956)
Eugene C. Burton (Purdue University 1909)
Wayne J. Burton (Purdue University 1903)
A. L. Butterworth (Purdue University 1920)
Frank L. Butterworth (Purdue University 1917)
Robert J. Byron (Purdue University 1912)
C. D. Caldwell (Purdue University 1950)
William A. Callison (Purdue University 1928)
Martin W. Cameron (Purdue University 1914)
Robert C. Cameron (Purdue University 1946)
William A. Campbell (Purdue University 1942)
William C. Campbell (Purdue University 1902)
D. M. Cannady (Purdue University 1970)
Charles E. Capron (Purdue University 1937)
Charles A. Carlisle (Purdue University 1917)
Thomas R. Carolan (Purdue University 1961)
Harold R. Carper (Purdue University 1926)
Howard D. Carr (Purdue University 1930)
William E. Carter (Purdue University 1950)
Eugene A. Cernan (Purdue University 1956)
Collis P. Chandler (Purdue University 1947)
Arthur J. Chevrolet (Purdue University 1933)
Wilbur E. Christena (Purdue University 1927)
Rodney J. Christensen (Purdue University 1947)
Jerome B. Christine (Purdue University 1945)
Paul B. Church (Purdue University 1920)
William A. Clare (Purdue University 1906)
George E. Clark (Purdue University 1949)
Ross B. Clark (Purdue University 1931)
Wycliffe L. Clark (Purdue University 1907)
Edgar W. Closson (Purdue University 1965)
Robert B. Coen (Purdue University 1939)
Harrell W. Coers (Purdue University 1923)
John O. Coffin (Purdue University 1959)
Ralph L. Colby (Purdue University 1940)
Albert E. Cole (Purdue University 1914)
Frederick R. Colvert (Purdue University 1924)
Wendell C. Compton (Purdue University 1937)
Andrew J. Condon (Purdue University 1963)
Anthony J. Condon (Purdue University 1963)
Harvie D. Conlin (Purdue University 1951)
Raymond F. Cook (Purdue University 1930)
Carl B. Coombs (Purdue University 1937)
Irvin V. Coppes (Purdue University 1907)
John F. Coppes (Purdue University 1932)
Robert I. Coppes (Purdue University 1940)
Wendell L. Covalt (Purdue University 1934)
Robert J. Covert (Purdue University 1930)
Steven J. Covert (Purdue University 1968)
William V. Covert (Purdue University 1934)
Richard D. Cox (Purdue University 1947)
George H. Craig (Purdue University 1935)
Herbert C. Crane (Purdue University 1923)
Jay A. Craven (Purdue University 1909)
Charles L. Crissman (Purdue University 1964)
David W. Crowner (Purdue University 1957)
Robert P. Crowner (Purdue University 1950)
Charles T. Crumpacker (Purdue University 1906)
Wilbur S. Cummins (Purdue University 1929)
Marshall E. Cusic (Purdue University 1934)
Robert T. Cutler (Purdue University 1942)
William H. Daeschner (Purdue University 1950)
Clarence O. Dailey (Purdue University 1916)
Maurice L. Dawes (Purdue University 1929)
Mark A. Dawson (Purdue University 1905)
Francis S. Denneen (Purdue University 1903)
David H. Dennis (Purdue University 1945)
Frederick A. Dewenter (Purdue University 1923)
John E. Dewenter (Purdue University 1923)
William R. Dewenter (Purdue University 1927)
Harry W. Dietrich (Purdue University 1903)
Wallace J. Dillingham (Purdue University 1952)
Joseph W. Disque (Purdue University 1961)
Joseph C. Dissette (Purdue University 1917)
John C. Dittrich (Purdue University 1946)
Gordon C. Dix (Purdue University 1936)
Emery E. Dobbins (Purdue University 1907)
William P. Dorner (Purdue University 1928)
Frederick O. Douglas (Purdue University 1942)
Perry Dudley (Purdue University 1952)
Roy W. Duncan (Purdue University 1903)
Gilbert T. Dunklin (Purdue University 1910)
James R. Dunn (Purdue University 1943)
William V. Dunn (Purdue University 1945)
Eugene H. DuVal (Purdue University 1939)
Brian M. Duwe (Purdue University 1964)
William C. Eger (Purdue University 1909)
Richard J. Eitman (Purdue University 1954)
William R. Elden (Purdue University 1905)
Daniel P. Elledge (Purdue University 1944)
Robert B. Elliott (Purdue University 1950)
Clyde C. Elmes (Purdue University 1910)
Frederick S. Engelking (Purdue University 1937)
David B. Erwin (Purdue University 1948)
Donald H. Erwin (Purdue University 1953)
Raymond A. Erwin (Purdue University 1919)
C. W. Etherton (Purdue University 1956)
Ronald C. Etherton (Purdue University 1959)
Edward J. Evans (Purdue University 1930)
Edward J. Evans (Purdue University 1946)
Edward J. Evans (Purdue University 1959)
Henry P. Evans (Purdue University 1942)
Maynard B. Evans (Purdue University 1933)
Carl E. Everly (Purdue University 1947)
Williard R. Ewing (Purdue University 1903)
Sidney E. Fenstermaker (Purdue University 1935)
Ward R. Fenstermaker (Purdue University 1939)
Frank M. Ferguson (Purdue University 1920)
Waymouth A. Finn (Purdue University 1915)
Edward J. Fitzgerald (Purdue University 1933)
Eugene L. Fleece (Purdue University 1926)
Dale B. Flickinger (Purdue University 1949)
Frederick W. Foley (Purdue University 1948)
G. B. Ford (Purdue University 1945)
Alan R. Foster (Purdue University 1963)
Charles B. Foster (Purdue University 1926)
Neville C. Foster (Purdue University 1913)
Robert M. Fox (Purdue University 1947)
John S. Fralich (Purdue University 1932)
Horace J. Francis (Purdue University 1923)
Titus E. Frankenfield (Purdue University 1931)
William G. Frazier (Purdue University 1945)
William A. Freeman (Purdue University 1948)
Alfred T. Frey (Purdue University 1927)
Robert D. Frick (Purdue University 1924)
Russell O. Fristoe (Purdue University 1925)
Francis C. Gaddis (Purdue University 1914)
Albert F. Ganier (Purdue University 1937)
Craig A. Garceau (Purdue University 2001)
Melvyn J. Garland (Purdue University 1964)
Harold H. Gates (Purdue University 1922)
Robert R. Gentry (Purdue University 1952)
James H. Genung (Purdue University 1915)
Dorsey R. George (Purdue University 1922)
Carl M. Geupel (Purdue University 1913)
Louis A. Geupel (Purdue University 1910)
Charles A. Geupel (Purdue University 1923)
Albert Giuliano (Purdue University 1929)
John H. Gleason (Purdue University 1934)
Lee H. Goebel (Purdue University 1910)
Edward G. Goeke (Purdue University 1917)
James G. Goodhue (Purdue University 1905)
Daniel R. Goodin (Purdue University 1922)
Robert K. Gossett (Purdue University 1943)
Jack C. Gottman (Purdue University 1931)
Roy W. Gottschall (Purdue University 1916)
Cale R. Gough (Purdue University 1901)
Gordon H. Graham (Purdue University 1930)
Thomas E. Graham (Purdue University 1943)
Lee S. Graves (Purdue University 1937)
Dallas M. Gray (Purdue University 1960)
Richard W. Green (Purdue University 1959)
Anthony S. Greene (Purdue University 1947)
Donald J. Greening (Purdue University 1946)
Alfred W. Gregg (Purdue University 1903)
James P. Grishaw (Purdue University 1919)
Hillis F. Hackedorn (Purdue University 1917)
John O. Hackemeyer (Purdue University 1947)
Edwin C. Hackleman (Purdue University 1929)
Virgil D. Hager (Purdue University 1927)
John G. Hager (Purdue University 1924)
Gregory E. Hales (Purdue University 1964)
Albert L. Hall (Purdue University 1905)
John H. Hall (Purdue University 1955)
Joseph E. Hall (Purdue University 1906)
Joseph C. Hanley (Purdue University 1911)
Allan Hanna (Purdue University 1928)
George W. Hanna (Purdue University 1922)
Arthur G. Hansen (Purdue University 1947)
Martin D. Harder (Purdue University 1962)
Charles F. Harper (Purdue University 1926)
Charles A. Harrison (Purdue University 1947)
John C. Harrison (Purdue University 1944)
Clarence A. Hartley (Purdue University 1932)
Richard T. Hartzell (Purdue University 1957)
Bayard B. Harvey (Purdue University 1945)
William J. Harvey (Purdue University 1956)
John S. Hawley (Purdue University 1922)
Glen E. Hayden (Purdue University 1922)
Rodney G. Hayler (Purdue University 1913)
Theodore H. Heemstra (Purdue University 1948)
Charles A. Heidbreder (Purdue University 1940)
Paul J. Hellmich (Purdue University 1983)
Morgan Henika (Purdue University 1948)
C. R. Hershman (Purdue University 1950)
Frederic H. Herzsch (Purdue University 1905)
Robert E. Hines (Purdue University 1927)
Charles T. Hoban (Purdue University 1967)
James T. Hobbs (Purdue University 1966)
Robert L. Hoenk (Purdue University 1935)
Robert B. Hohn (Purdue University 1932)
Darrin R. Hollensbe (Purdue University 1994)
Robert E. Hollowell (Purdue University 1948)
Harold R. Holman (Purdue University 1915)
Rolla L. Holman (Purdue University 1914)
David O. Holmes (Purdue University 1949)
H. L. Holtman (Purdue University 1929)
Philip Z. Horton (Purdue University 1938)
Louis B. Howard (Purdue University 1927)
Donald M. Howell (Purdue University 1914)
Robert A. Howell (Purdue University 1912)
Dwight G. Hubbell (Purdue University 1906)
Glen S. Hubbell (Purdue University 1909)
William W. Hudson (Purdue University 1911)
Ralph H. Hughes (Purdue University 1915)
Peter M. Huntington (Purdue University 1947)
Charles G. Hurd (Purdue University 1909)
Maurice H. Iddings (Purdue University 1911)
William G. Ikins (Purdue University 1951)
Alden L. Irmscher (Purdue University 1943)
Clifford A. Ives (Purdue University 1952)
William A. Jackson (Purdue University 1943)
Robert J. Jameson (Purdue University 1966)
John C. Jamison (Purdue University 1956)
William C. Jamison (Purdue University 1920)
Thomas W. Jay (Purdue University 1942)
Heeber G. Jenkins (Purdue University 1904)
Charles A. Jennings (Purdue University 1906)
George S. Jewett (Purdue University 1930)
William R. Johnson (Purdue University 1965)
David C. Johnston (Purdue University 1952)
R. C. Johnston (Purdue University 1950)
Roscoe C. Johnston (Purdue University 1914)
Hughling B. Jones (Purdue University 1947)
Lucian G. Jones (Purdue University 1938)
Paul W. Jones (Purdue University 1927)
Richard D. Jones (Purdue University 1947)
Robert W. Jones (Purdue University 1942)
Harold E. Julien (Purdue University 1923)
John A. Kany (Purdue University 1937)
Charles E. Kaufman (Purdue University 1922)
Hugh A. Kaumeier (Purdue University 1930)
John R. Keck (Purdue University 1939)
John N. Keene (Purdue University 1931)
Harold M. Kelley (Purdue University 1928)
Matthew D. Kelly (Purdue University 2005)
Brian M. Kennedy (Purdue University 1999)
James C. King (Purdue University 1962)
Frank P. Kinsinger (Purdue University 1955)
Walter M. Kirby (Purdue University 1915)
Philip C. Kirlin (Purdue University 1908)
Samuel J. Kishline (Purdue University 1955)
Noble E. Kizer (Purdue University 1956)
Earl L. Kleiman (Purdue University 1911)
Milton C. Kling (Purdue University 1924)
Leon C. Klingaman (Purdue University 1968)
Willis H. Knipe (Purdue University 1946)
Marshall G. Knox (Purdue University 1936)
Muriel C. Koetter (Purdue University 1930)
Albert J. Krabbe (Purdue University 1934)
Robert A. Kramer (Purdue University 1933)
William B. Kramer (Purdue University 1919)
Victor H. Kupferer (Purdue University 1949)
William B. Kurtz (Purdue University 1921)
Joseph M. Ladouceur (Purdue University 1970)
Byron E. Lafollette (Purdue University 1909)
Donald F. Laird (Purdue University 1930)
James E. Lamb (Purdue University 1966)
Shawn E. Lambacher (Purdue University 1978)
Frank G. Lambertus (Purdue University 1934)
Bruce A. Lancet (Purdue University 1967)
Richard A. Lancet (Purdue University 1943)
William K. Lancet (Purdue University 1942)
Lawrence C. Lane (Purdue University 1950)
Alexander T. Lange (Purdue University 1947)
Lance L. Lange (Purdue University 1960)
William H. Lange III (Purdue University 1941)
Melvin R. Lannert (Purdue University 1951)
Carl F. Lauenstein (Purdue University 1922)
Hugh Law Jr. (Purdue University 1932)
James H. Leech (Purdue University 1904)
James S. Lefler (Purdue University 1953)
James N. Lemon (Purdue University 1941)
Frank B. Lesher (Purdue University 1906)
Rosier W. Levering (Purdue University 1907)
Russell W. Lewis (Purdue University 1938)
Robert W. Lind (Purdue University 1933)
Donald G. Lindner (Purdue University 1960)
Roy S. Lindstrom (Purdue University 1969)
Morris R. Line (Purdue University 1929)
John E. Linkmeyer (Purdue University 1934)
John I. Lippincott (Purdue University 1946)
Stephen C. Lobdell (Purdue University 1944)
Arthur G. Lockwood (Purdue University 1936)
Robert W. Loehr (Purdue University 1937)
Sherman C. Longacre (Purdue University 1950)
Frederick A. Loop (Purdue University 1928)
Arthur T. Lorentsen (Purdue University 1976)
George H. Losey (Purdue University 1910)
Amos W. Lowles (Purdue University 1938)
Swift M. Lowry (Purdue University 1915)
Brig G. Lucas (Purdue University 1926)
Robert H. Lucas (Purdue University 1937)
Robert T. Luce (Purdue University 1919)
H. M. Lukens (Purdue University 1924)
Paul E. Lull (Purdue University 1949)
James C. Lyboult (Purdue University 1939)
Edward K. MacDonald (Purdue University 1951)
James P. Macey (Purdue University 1961)
John W. Mackie (Purdue University 1939)
Robert F. Manifold (Purdue University 1967)
Howard W. Marsh (Purdue University 1907)
Thomas G. Marshall (Purdue University 1952)
Harry W. Marshall (Purdue University 1916)
Royal S. Martin (Purdue University 1933)
Legrande Marvin (Purdue University 1902)
Lowell B. Mason (Purdue University 1948)
Robert J. Mastrovitch (Purdue University 1952)
Gordon W. Matthews (Purdue University 1939)
Hugh M. Mattix (Purdue University 1916)
Edwin M. May (Purdue University 1902)
John L. McCallister (Purdue University 1944)
Robert L. McCallum (Purdue University 1912)
Creighton McChord (Purdue University 1956)
David C. McClellan (Purdue University 1930)
Donald L. McCollum (Purdue University 1918)
Charles W. McConaughy (Purdue University 1919)
Mark A. McCoy (Purdue University 1976)
Elmore S. McCray (Purdue University 1922)
Richard B. McCreary (Purdue University 1955)
Michael T. McFarren (Purdue University 1973)
John C. McGaughey (Purdue University 1931)
James H. McKinley (Purdue University 1906)
Wintrhop L. McMichael (Purdue University 1930)
Darrell G. McQuitty (Purdue University 1962)
David Mead (Purdue University 1921)
Robert H. Means (Purdue University 1948)
James E. Meck (Purdue University 1914)
Henry W. Merkel (Purdue University 1904)
Lawson C. Merritt (Purdue University 1921)
E. B. Merritt (Purdue University 1931)
Alexander Metzger (Purdue University 1917)
Charles E. Meyer (Purdue University 1941)
Frederick E. Meyer (Purdue University 1944)
Raymond B. Millard (Purdue University 1905)
Albert L. Miller (Purdue University 1930)
I. Wilson Miller (Purdue University 1916)
Richard A. Miller (Purdue University 1964)
Thomas D. Miller (Purdue University 1948)
Edward F. Mills (Purdue University 1903)
Emory S. Mills (Purdue University 1907)
James O. Mills (Purdue University 1940)
John G. Mingle (Purdue University 1943)
Charles E. Minor (Purdue University 1929)
Robert J. Mohlman (Purdue University 1927)
Jack P. Mollenkopf (Purdue University 1957)
John C. Montgomery (Purdue University 1947)
Ronald E. Montgomery (Purdue University 1950)
George F. Moore (Purdue University 1941)
John R. Moore (Purdue University 1928)
Louis D. Moore (Purdue University 1920)
Carl F. Morgenthaler (Purdue University 1918)
William C. Morin (Purdue University 1935)
Donald A. Morrison (Purdue University 1938)
Millard C. Morrison (Purdue University 1921)
Lewis E. Morrison (Purdue University 1940)
Thomas P. Morrissey (Purdue University 1950)
Chancellor F. Moschell (Purdue University 1914)
Herbert H. Mosher (Purdue University 1913)
John P. Moss (Purdue University 1924)
William G. Moss (Purdue University 1927)
Gregg Mueller (Purdue University 1940)
Jacob Q. Mueller (Purdue University 1941)
Donald K. Munroe (Purdue University 1927)
Edward T. Munroe (Purdue University 1926)
Ferdinand L. Murr (Purdue University 1906)
Franz O. Myers (Purdue University 1908)
Howard B. Myers (Purdue University 1928)
James S. Neff (Purdue University 1922)
Raymond A. Nehf (Purdue University 1918)
Cortlandt W. Nelson (Purdue University 1944)
Paul W. Neuman (Purdue University 1925)
James N. Newhall (Purdue University 1937)
C. B. Noelting (Purdue University 1945)
Edward R. Noreus (Purdue University 1930)
Jack D. Noyes (Purdue University 1952)
Bernus D. Nurnberger (Purdue University 1920)
John M. Nutt (Purdue University 1928)
Robert I. Nystrom (Purdue University 1951)
James H. Oakes (Purdue University 1928)
Alan R. Oatey (Purdue University 1945)
Jon E. Ohlheiser (Purdue University 1957)
Richard B. Olerich (Purdue University 1959)
George H. O'Neil (Purdue University 1945)
Claude H. Orr (Purdue University 1913)
Dwight M. Orr (Purdue University 1928)
Hal B. Orr (Purdue University 1935)
Robert W. Orr (Purdue University 1942)
Laurence A. Pahlman (Purdue University 1973)
Sanford G. Palmer (Purdue University 1919)
William R. Palmer (Purdue University 1943)
Nelson M. Parkhurst (Purdue University 1938)
Cayce B. Parrish (Purdue University 1943)
Ronald W. Payne (Purdue University 1955)
Robert G. Pearse (Purdue University 1934)
George M. Pearse (Purdue University 1932)
Victor O. Peck (Purdue University 1956)
David M. Peffer (Purdue University 1937)
Richard H. Peirce (Purdue University 1933)
Douglas A. Peklo (Purdue University 1961)
Walter L. Pendleton (Purdue University 1948)
Lee Perkins (Purdue University 1905)
Walter E. Perry (Purdue University 1933)
Walter J. Perry (Purdue University 1922)
Richard E. Pershing (Purdue University 1949)
Peter O. Peterson (Purdue University 1932)
Verne A. Petry (Purdue University 1956)
James E. Phillips (Purdue University 1937)
Ralph R. Pinkerton (Purdue University 1917)
James R. Pirtle (Purdue University 1958)
Arthur Pittenger (Purdue University 1923)
Richard H. Pletcher (Purdue University 1957)
Richard C. Potter (Purdue University 1940)
Richard A. Powell (Purdue University 1959)
David R. Price (Purdue University 1962)
James V. Proesel (Purdue University 1943)
Philip M. Puterbaugh (Purdue University 1950)
J. F. Quest (Purdue University 1913)
Richard G. Ramsdell (Purdue University 1954)
Neal J. Randolph (Purdue University 1949)
David P. Ransburg (Purdue University 1960)
Keith S. Raudebaugh (Purdue University 1954)
Thomas B. Redinger (Purdue University 1954)
Harry J. Reed (Purdue University 1911)
Harry J. Reed (Purdue University 1943)
Michael J. Reed (Purdue University 1981)
Robert B. Reed (Purdue University 1947)
William T. Reed (Purdue University 1933)
Charles C. Reeves (Purdue University 1941)
James A. Reeves (Purdue University 1951)
Clarence L. Retherford (Purdue University 1915)
Earl Retherford (Purdue University 1920)
Harley W. Rhodehamel (Purdue University 1940)
Harley Rhodehamel (Purdue University 1907)
Robert R. Rice (Purdue University 1901)
Frederick Riebel (Purdue University 1904)
Carl F. Riegel (Purdue University 1932)
Malcolm S. Riegel (Purdue University 1928)
Charles A. Robards (Purdue University 1931)
Gordon B. Robbins (Purdue University 1942)
John W. Robbins (Purdue University 1960)
Charles A. Robertson (Purdue University 1926)
William L. Roth (Purdue University 1941)
George C. Rothrock (Purdue University 1973)
Joseph I. Routh (Purdue University 1933)
James J. Rowe (Purdue University 1917)
Edgar C. Rowland (Purdue University 1951)
Edward G. Rowlett (Purdue University 1949)
Raymond J. Rudolph (Purdue University 1948)
Raymond R. Rudolph (Purdue University 1914)
Frederick Rueckert (Purdue University 1911)
John H. Ryan (Purdue University 1912)
Henry C. Ryder (Purdue University 1948)
Robert L. Sackett (Purdue University 1912)
John R. Sadd (Purdue University 1955)
Frederick P. Salzman (Purdue University 1953)
William J. Sanders (Purdue University 1940)
John W. Sanford (Purdue University 1922)
Charles L. Sargeant (Purdue University 1926)
Charles R. Sargeant (Purdue University 1953)
Alfred B. Schachte (Purdue University 1945)
James A. Schaffer (Purdue University 1958)
James O. Schirmer (Purdue University 1909)
Charles W. Schlemmer (Purdue University 1914)
Oscar F. Schmidt (Purdue University 1917)
Harley A. Schmitt (Purdue University 1922)
Robert J. Schultz (Purdue University 1963)
Roy E. Schwettman (Purdue University 1946)
Elvin H. Seaton (Purdue University 1943)
Paul A. Seiberling (Purdue University 1918)
Herbert A. Seidell (Purdue University 1945)
Martin A. Seidell (Purdue University 1943)
Gordon F. Seversen (Purdue University 1951)
Percy D. Seybold (Purdue University 1907)
Roscoe Seybold (Purdue University 1907)
Frederick C. Shafer (Purdue University 1908)
Bernard F. Shearon (Purdue University 1931)
Robert E. Shearon (Purdue University 1935)
Earl C. Sherry (Purdue University 1912)
Joseph H. Shewmaker (Purdue University 1922)
Robert F. Shewmaker (Purdue University 1919)
Richard B. Shideler (Purdue University 1925)
Douglass R. Shortridge (Purdue University 1953)
Norman H. Shortridge (Purdue University 1949)
Arthur H. Showalter (Purdue University 1910)
J. Frederick Shroyer (Purdue University 1923)
Robert M. Sisson (Purdue University 1923)
Douglas L. Smart (Purdue University 1925)
William D. Smiley (Purdue University 1946)
Carl R. Smith (Purdue University 1970)
Donald B. Smith (Purdue University 1942)
Douglas K. Smith (Purdue University 1948)
George H. Smith (Purdue University 1935)
Hastings A. Smith (Purdue University 1965)
Paul M. Smith (Purdue University 1915)
William H. Smith (Purdue University 1939)
Ralph B. Sollitt (Purdue University 1948)
Murray M. Sommer (Purdue University 1950)
Richard J. Sorenson (Purdue University 1949)
Everett C. Sorrells (Purdue University 1933)
Donald R. Sparka (Purdue University 1950)
Ralph N. Sparks (Purdue University 1911)
Thomas H. Spitler (Purdue University 1945)
Woodhull I. Spitler (Purdue University 1937)
George C. Spradling (Purdue University 1923)
Richard L. Stafford (Purdue University 1951)
Robert H. Stahlschmidt (Purdue University 1949)
Eugene W. Stallings (Purdue University 1950)
John R. Stallings (Purdue University 1948)
Frank B. Standiford (Purdue University 1905)
Maurice E. Steele (Purdue University 1907)
John C. Steinmetz (Purdue University 1959)
Lafayette Stewart (Purdue University 1924)
Richard H. Stiffler (Purdue University 1951)
Robert E. Stong (Purdue University 1975)
Richard G. Supple (Purdue University 1954)
C. D. Sursa (Purdue University 1946)
Burr S. Swezey (Purdue University 1913)
Walter W. Taggart (Purdue University 1906)
Joseph E. Tappan (Purdue University 1921)
Frederick W. Taylor (Purdue University 1915)
George A. Taylor (Purdue University 1946)
William L. Temple Jr. (Purdue University 1911)
Gordon F. Teter (Purdue University 1966)
Oscar E. Thaleg (Purdue University 1904)
Carl M. Thomas (Purdue University 1948)
Charles H. Thomas (Purdue University 1930)
Gardner J. Thomas (Purdue University 1915)
Herbert C. Thomas (Purdue University 1910)
James R. Thomas (Purdue University 1906)
Ken C. Thomas (Purdue University 1956)
Claude M. Thompson (Purdue University 1908)
George B. Thompson (Purdue University 1912)
Eugene P. Thoms (Purdue University 1935)
Charles H. Thuman (Purdue University 1934)
John J. Tierney (Purdue University 1942)
Frank G. Todd (Purdue University 1903)
Mark T. Trook (Purdue University 1915)
Frost S. Troot (Purdue University 1937)
Leonard R. Tucker (Purdue University 1957)
Winloch M. Turner (Purdue University 1909)
Upshur F. Turpin (Purdue University 1918)
Rawson Vaile (Purdue University 1909)
Richard S. Vaile (Purdue University 1945)
Anthony van Westrum (Purdue University 1966)
Maurice B. VanCleve (Purdue University 1925)
Paul H. Vernor (Purdue University 1937)
Philip W. Vickery (Purdue University 1926)
Robert W. Viehe (Purdue University 1940)
Mitchell J. Vogel (Purdue University 1951)
Eric A. Volk (Purdue University 1985)
Arthur Vonderlippe (Purdue University 1908)
William A. Voorhees (Purdue University 1950)
Albert H. Voras (Purdue University 1957)
Raymond E. Voreis (Purdue University 1934)
Clarence A. Wacker (Purdue University 1932)
Balfe J. Wagner (Purdue University 1924)
Norbert A. Wagner (Purdue University 1919)
Evan N. Wagoner (Purdue University 1927)
Robert H. Walpole (Purdue University 1937)
Kiah Wampler (Purdue University 1924)
Edwin A. Warren (Purdue University 1932)
Lee D. Warrender (Purdue University 1919)
William L. Weintz (Purdue University 1910)
Paul V. Weir (Purdue University 1923)
Raymond E. Wemyss (Purdue University 1928)
Wilbur P. Westfall (Purdue University 1900)
Walton M. Wheeler (Purdue University 1929)
Richard E. Whinrey (Purdue University 1925)
Robert B. Whinrey (Purdue University 1928)
Laurance J. Whitmarsh (Purdue University 1934)
Ronald L. Wigginton (Purdue University 1975)
George A. Wildhack (Purdue University 1939)
George O. Wildhack (Purdue University 1906)
Eugene X. Wiley (Purdue University 1943)
Frank J. Will (Purdue University 1975)
Charles L. Williams (Purdue University 1953)
Edward H. Williams (Purdue University 1915)
Homer W. Williams (Purdue University 1910)
Robert O. Williams (Purdue University 1952)
William M. Williams (Purdue University 1955)
Charles G. Williamson (Purdue University 1910)
Maurice A. Williamson (Purdue University 1913)
Robert L. Williamson (Purdue University 1929)
James A. Wilson (Purdue University 1951)
James W. Wilson (Purdue University 1916)
Robert B. Wiltshire (Purdue University 1938)
Maurice R. Winfield (Purdue University 1928)
Robert C. Winsted (Purdue University 1930)
Andrew J. Witchger (Purdue University 2002)
Charlie C. Witt (Purdue University 1906)
Andrew H. Witwer (Purdue University 1916)
John C. Woelfel (Purdue University 1928)
Robert B. Wood (Purdue University 1932)
Robert M. Woodard (Purdue University 1961)
Mark J. Woodhull (Purdue University 1936)
Ralph M. Woodley (Purdue University 1949)
Logan P. Woodward (Purdue University 1920)
Hugh L. Woolverton (Purdue University 1912)
Hugh Woolverton (Purdue University 1949)
William D. Woolverton (Purdue University 1984)
Paul D. Wray (Purdue University 1921)
Joseph W. Yant (Purdue University 1928)
Harold J. Yarling (Purdue University 1921)
Randall G. Yeager (Purdue University 1946)
William R. Yeo (Purdue University 1974)
Norman V. Yost (Purdue University 1950)
Gilbert A. Young (Purdue University 1899)
J. C. Young (Purdue University 1918)
Ronald Keith Young (Purdue University 1931)
Robert M. Zehring (Purdue University 1932)
Richard D. Zeller Jr. (Purdue University 1949)
Conrad W. Zimmerman (Purdue University 1905)
John F. Zubrod (Purdue University 1933)
Frank S. Bright (Racine College 1884)
Richard R. Bright (Racine College 1886)
Frank F. Brumback (Racine College 1883)
Herman Brumback (Racine College 1983)
John V. Cowling (Racine College 1885)
James H. Dearborn (Racine College 1887)
William C. Dewitt (Racine College 1883)
Risley Edgerly (Racine College 1884)
Richard M. Edwards (Racine College 1883)
Norwood Fitch (Racine College 1883)
Edward L. Gaylord (Racine College 1883)
Jackson B. Kemper (Racine College 1884)
Andrew H. Lance (Racine College 1882)
Henry D. Robinson (Racine College 1884)
George B. Schadmann (Racine College 1886)
Sanger Steel (Racine College 1884)
Edward S. Welles (Racine College 1883)
Charles H. Williamson (Racine College 1884)
Albert J. Willson (Racine College 1888)
J. Joseph Wright (Racine College 1887)
Matthew T. Freddo (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2005)
Amory U. Lee (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987)
Ananth V. Sridhar (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2015)
Berkeley D. Adams (Roanoke College 1893)
Rupert S. Allison (Roanoke College 1896)
Marvin H. Altizer (Roanoke College 1899)
Rhiner G. Altizer (Roanoke College 1896)
Baker W. Armstrong (Roanoke College 1876)
Charles M. Armstrong (Roanoke College 1892)
David G. Armstrong (Roanoke College 1885)
Edward M. Armstrong (Roanoke College 1890)
Robert Armstrong (Roanoke College 1876)
William G. Armstrong (Roanoke College 1890)
William J. Armstrong (Roanoke College 1897)
Harvey P. Bailey (Roanoke College 1874)
Hugh E. Bailey (Roanoke College 1874)
William H. Baker (Roanoke College 1870)
William W. Ballard Jr. (Roanoke College 1896)
John H. Barb (Roanoke College 1869)
Robert Y. Barber (Roanoke College 1902)
Joseph G. Barns (Roanoke College 1893)
Walter C. Boesch (Roanoke College 1902)
Robert E. Borden (Roanoke College 1880)
William D. Boyle (Roanoke College 1882)
William A. Broad (Roanoke College 1880)
N. J. Brosius (Roanoke College 1870)
Charles A. Brown (Roanoke College 1875)
George L. Brown (Roanoke College 1868)
J. V. Brown (Roanoke College 1870)
John G. Brown (Roanoke College 1870)
Frank C. Burdette (Roanoke College 1894)
Custis A. Burwell (Roanoke College 1901)
John S. Burwell (Roanoke College 1869)
Frank L. Bushong (Roanoke College 1894)
Kenna C. Campbell (Roanoke College 1894)
Willis C. Campbell (Roanoke College 1904)
Carl H. Cannaday (Roanoke College 1904)
Charles B. Cannaday (Roanoke College 1892)
George R. Cannaday (Roanoke College 1894)
John D. Carnahan (Roanoke College 1870)
Walter C. Carroll (Roanoke College 1886)
Edwin R. Carter (Roanoke College 1897)
Clarence V. Cavitt (Roanoke College 1876)
Josephus W. Cavitt (Roanoke College 1876)
Sheridan A. Cavitt (Roanoke College 1880)
William C. Clanton (Roanoke College 1885)
Albert E. Clattenburg (Roanoke College 1902)
James B. Clay (Roanoke College 1878)
Henry A. Cline (Roanoke College 1875)
William Y. Cline (Roanoke College 1873)
Dewitt M. Coiner (Roanoke College 1878)
Henry A. Coles (Roanoke College 1888)
Joseph E. Cooper (Roanoke College 1873)
Bascom E. Copenhaver (Roanoke College 1893)
Robert C. Craig (Roanoke College 1894)
James P. Critz (Roanoke College 1891)
John G. Crook (Roanoke College 1902)
John D. Crowle (Roanoke College 1899)
Wallace M. Cunningham (Roanoke College 1902)
Christopher Davis (Roanoke College 1869)
Luther Davis (Roanoke College 1872)
Frank L. Day (Roanoke College 1891)
Harry W. Delaplaine (Roanoke College 1878)
George E. Deyerle (Roanoke College 1899)
James H. Deyerle (Roanoke College 1896)
Andrew B. Drafts (Roanoke College 1894)
Julius D. Dreher (Roanoke College 1871)
Thaddeus W. Dreher (Roanoke College 1877)
Robert D. Duncan (Roanoke College 1879)
John S. Epes (Roanoke College 1894)
Richard R. Farr (Roanoke College 1869)
Thomas J. Fitzgerald (Roanoke College 1890)
Willis R. Foley (Roanoke College 1881)
Louis L. Ford (Roanoke College 1903)
Samuel G. French (Roanoke College 1886)
Robert G. Galloway (Roanoke College 1908)
Joseph S. Gillespie (Roanoke College 1871)
William A. Goodwin (Roanoke College 1889)
Peter K. Graybill (Roanoke College 1872)
J. A. Greenland (Roanoke College 1905)
Joseph B. Greever (Roanoke College 1871)
Robert E. Guy (Roanoke College 1895)
Norman Hale (Roanoke College 1871)
Charles D. Hall (Roanoke College 1885)
William H. Harman (Roanoke College 1905)
Charles G. Harnsberger (Roanoke College 1873)
Ashley Harris (Roanoke College 1888)
John B. Haskell (Roanoke College 1875)
Charles N. Hawkins (Roanoke College 1870)
John D. Hawkins (Roanoke College 1900)
Hugh Henry (Roanoke College 1871)
Thomas C. Herndon (Roanoke College 1874)
Emmett F. Hilliard (Roanoke College 1868)
Andrew P. Hoover (Roanoke College 1901)
William E. Hubbert (Roanoke College 1867)
Edward Jeter (Roanoke College 1883)
Maurice Jeter (Roanoke College 1897)
George B. Jones (Roanoke College 1894)
Gustavus A. Jones (Roanoke College 1890)
James P. Jones (Roanoke College 1904)
M. G. Jones (Roanoke College 1898)
Robert T. Jones (Roanoke College 1878)
Charles R. Keels (Roanoke College 1886)
George W. Kehl (Roanoke College 1890)
Robert M. Kelly (Roanoke College 1891)
James C. Killey (Roanoke College 1904)
J. K. Kimm (Roanoke College 1903)
Fred S. Kitts (Roanoke College 1908)
Ernest C. Klipstein (Roanoke College 1872)
James J. Lane (Roanoke College 1886)
Jessey M. Layne (Roanoke College 1871)
Samuel H. Lewis (Roanoke College 1886)
John G. Logan (Roanoke College 1906)
Joseph C. Logan (Roanoke College 1895)
George W. Logan (Roanoke College 1897)
Henry L. Long (Roanoke College 1882)
J. P. Lorick (Roanoke College 1902)
Archie L. Lotspeich (Roanoke College 1893)
Samuel H. Lucas (Roanoke College 1866)
Jonathan N. Luce (Roanoke College 1899)
John T. Lupton (Roanoke College 1882)
Thomas A. Marshall (Roanoke College 1904)
George P. Mayo (Roanoke College 1898)
Marcellus D. McBride (Roanoke College 1902)
James M. McCarty (Roanoke College 1893)
Edward A. McCauley (Roanoke College 1859)
James G. McCune (Roanoke College 1883)
Charles G. McDonald (Roanoke College 1887)
Lindsay McGee (Roanoke College 1905)
Clive Metcalfe (Roanoke College 1883)
Frederick A. Metcalfe (Roanoke College 1881)
Harley Metcalfe (Roanoke College 1885)
John A. Metcalfe (Roanoke College 1883)
Clyde P. Miller (Roanoke College 1902)
Patrick H. Miller (Roanoke College 1873)
Thomas E. Mitchell (Roanoke College 1880)
Albert A. Moore (Roanoke College 1877)
Oscar P. Moore (Roanoke College 1876)
Henry C. Moyer (Roanoke College 1905)
Robert W. Mullin (Roanoke College 1884)
John H. Neff (Roanoke College 1870)
Arthur B. Nelson (Roanoke College 1884)
George A. Nelson (Roanoke College 1869)
George A. Nelson (Roanoke College 1884)
James J. Nelson (Roanoke College 1871)
W. P. Nelson (Roanoke College 1882)
Silvan Newburger (Roanoke College 1880)
Eugene P. Nicholson (Roanoke College 1893)
William B. Nicholson (Roanoke College 1893)
Paul C. Nugent (Roanoke College 1889)
Perry R. Nugent (Roanoke College 1883)
James W. Ownby (Roanoke College 1877)
Franklin V. Painter (Roanoke College 1874)
Randolph F. Palmer (Roanoke College 1904)
James T. Patterson (Roanoke College 1873)
Simon T. Patterson (Roanoke College 1905)
Rufus B. Peery (Roanoke College 1890)
James W. Peterman (Roanoke College 1877)
William P. Peyton (Roanoke College 1902)
Ernest C. Porter (Roanoke College 1892)
James C. Purnell (Roanoke College 1900)
William E. Raht (Roanoke College 1877)
William P. Reese (Roanoke College 1868)
John L. Rendleman (Roanoke College 1892)
Frederick G. Ribble (Roanoke College 1888)
John F. Ribble (Roanoke College 1889)
Bushrod Rust (Roanoke College 1869)
Alexander B. Sanders (Roanoke College 1885)
Thomas L. Sanderson (Roanoke College 1868)
William S. Saunders (Roanoke College 1888)
James A. Scherer (Roanoke College 1890)
Melanchthon Scherer (Roanoke College 1880)
William B. Seabrook (Roanoke College 1904)
William M. Semple (Roanoke College 1887)
James E. Sentz (Roanoke College 1888)
John W. Sentz Jr. (Roanoke College 1887)
Robert B. Shackelford (Roanoke College 1905)
John W. Sheffield (Roanoke College 1886)
Edwin H. Shepherd (Roanoke College 1886)
James W. Shields (Roanoke College 1870)
Stanley P. Shugert (Roanoke College 1905)
Louis M. Smead (Roanoke College 1882)
Owen Smith (Roanoke College 1896)
Henderson Snell (Roanoke College 1874)
Robert L. Spencer (Roanoke College 1885)
James E. Stansbury (Roanoke College 1904)
Charles H. Stebbins (Roanoke College 1885)
Lawrence C. Steele (Roanoke College 1892)
James B. Stephenson (Roanoke College 1878)
John W. Stephenson (Roanoke College 1872)
William W. Stephenson (Roanoke College 1878)
Robert P. Stewart (Roanoke College 1898)
Clyde R. Stingily (Roanoke College 1901)
John B. Stovall (Roanoke College 1872)
James C. Stras (Roanoke College 1899)
Joseph Stras (Roanoke College 1871)
Harry P. Sturdivant (Roanoke College 1901)
Joseph O. Swartz (Roanoke College 1874)
Hermon M. Taylor (Roanoke College 1896)
Zachary T. Taylor (Roanoke College 1871)
Benjamin T. Tinsley (Roanoke College 1902)
Frank B. Trotter (Roanoke College 1890)
James H. Turner (Roanoke College 1867)
James H. Utz (Roanoke College 1896)
Andrew M. Waddill (Roanoke College 1891)
Arthur S. Ward (Roanoke College 1905)
Frederick E. Wedemeyer (Roanoke College 1905)
Memorable C. Weir (Roanoke College 1879)
McKim H. Wells (Roanoke College 1869)
George W. Welton (Roanoke College 1907)
William D. Wilcoxen (Roanoke College 1871)
Arthur G. Williams (Roanoke College 1902)
Charles R. Williams (Roanoke College 1870)
James M. Williams (Roanoke College 1887)
John M. Williams (Roanoke College 1870)
John W. Williams (Roanoke College 1870)
Thomas L. Williamson (Roanoke College 1872)
William F. Williamson (Roanoke College 1902)
Emmanuel A. Wingard (Roanoke College 1873)
Walter J. Wingate (Roanoke College 1875)
Henry Withers (Roanoke College 1869)
Robert H. Woffard (Roanoke College 1878)
James C. Wood (Roanoke College 1887)
Walker L. Wood (Roanoke College 1893)
James P. Woods (Roanoke College 1892)
Luther B. Woodward (Roanoke College 1896)
William Wunderlich (Roanoke College 1878)
Grosbrenner Yonce (Roanoke College 1877)
Edward J. Young (Roanoke College 1878)
Jacob Yutzy (Roanoke College 1875)
JJ Boyce (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2012)
Michael J. Cherbak (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976)
Brandon D. Couch (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2007)
Donald B. Daugherty (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980)
Edmond L. Doerflein (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1975)
John K. Frump (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1979)
Gregory B. Harbin (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1973)
John B. Hodsden (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1970)
Michael R. Lawrence (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1994)
Benjamin D. Motsinger (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2007)
Richard A. Newman (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1971)
Mark A. Nicholas (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1981)
Donald D. Nolan (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974)
Thomas V. O'Brien (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974)
Kevin M. O'Sullivan (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1972)
Anilkumar C. Patel (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1979)
Kelby V. Ridenour (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1993)
David A. Robinson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976)
John C. Temple (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1973)
Thomas A. Weaver (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974)
Stephen R. Whitesell (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1970)
Curtis C. Ackerman (Rutgers University 1931)
Samuel Ackroyd (Rutgers University 1922)
Fred L. Adams (Rutgers University 1955)
John M. Adams (Rutgers University 1949)
Joseph F. Adda (Rutgers University 1945)
Chester B. Ahlgren (Rutgers University 1934)
J. A. Ahlgren (Rutgers University 1930)
G. R. Ainslie (Rutgers University 1942)
William Albert (Rutgers University 1949)
W. J. Alford (Rutgers University 1958)
Harry M. Allen (Rutgers University 1914)
Harry J. Almond (Rutgers University 1940)
William J. Anthony (Rutgers University 1959)
Armond L. Arnurius (Rutgers University 1929)
Fred B. Astley (Rutgers University 1931)
Robert S. Aubry (Rutgers University 1945)
Robert S. Aubry (Rutgers University 1984)
Victor G. Aubry (Rutgers University 1939)
James B. Austin (Rutgers University 1934)
William W. Austin (Rutgers University 1959)
Paul A. Avery (Rutgers University 1943)
Dwight M. Babbitt (Rutgers University 1919)
Hugh M. Babbitt (Rutgers University 1925)
Robert S. Baehr (Rutgers University 1925)
Richard N. Baisden (Rutgers University 1944)
Clifford N. Baker (Rutgers University 1920)
Francis H. Baker (Rutgers University 1926)
Douglas P. Baldwin (Rutgers University 1942)
William E. Ball (Rutgers University 1965)
John W. Bartlett (Rutgers University 1939)
Howard S. Barto (Rutgers University 1939)
Perry W. Bascom (Rutgers University 1937)
Louis A. Bauer (Rutgers University 1943)
Walter C. Bauer (Rutgers University 1913)
August F. Bauer (Rutgers University 1943)
William F. Beach (Rutgers University 1957)
Albert S. Beams (Rutgers University 1931)
Robert W. Beardsley (Rutgers University 1968)
Norman G. Becker (Rutgers University 1919)
William L. Belknap III (Rutgers University 1933)
Arthur D. Bergen (Rutgers University 1913)
Philip G. Berger (Rutgers University 1943)
Russell M. Bettes (Rutgers University 1929)
Edward J. Bilderback (Rutgers University 1934)
Willis P. Bilderback (Rutgers University 1929)
Edmond W. Billetdoux (Rutgers University 1921)
Clifton A. Bischoff (Rutgers University 1942)
John W. Black (Rutgers University 1929)
Leslie M. Black (Rutgers University 1922)
Conrad R. Blackman (Rutgers University 1954)
Charles H. Blasberg (Rutgers University 1931)
Robert B. Bleecker (Rutgers University 1942)
Winfred C. Bloom (Rutgers University 1917)
Winfred C. Bloom (Rutgers University 1940)
William F. Bock (Rutgers University 1927)
Herbert W. Boes (Rutgers University 1917)
John Bolton (Rutgers University 1924)
Winfield Bonynge (Rutgers University 1931)
Andrew C. Borden (Rutgers University 1984)
George W. Borden (Rutgers University 1936)
Scott Borenstein (Rutgers University 1992)
Daniel H. Bowman (Rutgers University 1918)
James E. Bradberry (Rutgers University 1924)
Ames D. Bradish (Rutgers University 1938)
William E. Brown (Rutgers University 1945)
Howard F. Bruggeman (Rutgers University 1930)
Louis L. Bruggeman (Rutgers University 1926)
Walter R. Bruyere (Rutgers University 1939)
Robert M. Bunnell (Rutgers University 1942)
Edmund U. Burhans (Rutgers University 1921)
Arthur H. Burkhardt (Rutgers University 1928)
Howard E. Butcher (Rutgers University 1925)
Harold J. Cadmus (Rutgers University 1912)
David J. Campbell (Rutgers University 1938)
Leon A. Campbell (Rutgers University 1946)
Frederick R. Carriker (Rutgers University 1945)
Vaughn S. Cary (Rutgers University 1938)
Carol V. Casey (Rutgers University 1923)
James M. Cassady (Rutgers University 1924)
Irving K. Christensen (Rutgers University 1931)
S. R. Christensen (Rutgers University 1942)
Francis J. Christie (Rutgers University 1921)
Warren S. Cluff (Rutgers University 1938)
Dennis R. Cole (Rutgers University 1969)
Albert R. Colville (Rutgers University 1924)
Clifford J. Colville (Rutgers University 1916)
Donald H. Colville (Rutgers University 1922)
Donald H. Colville Jr. (Rutgers University 1945)
Richard M. Congdon (Rutgers University 1964)
Steven A. Conti (Rutgers University 1985)
George W. Coombe (Rutgers University 1946)
Ralston E. Coslett (Rutgers University 1947)
Jack A. Cowan (Rutgers University 1952)
George L. Cox (Rutgers University 1925)
Edwin E. Craig (Rutgers University 1956)
Donald R. Creighton (Rutgers University 1931)
Victor I. Cruser (Rutgers University 1921)
Lee W. Curley (Rutgers University 1962)
Eugene A. Curry (Rutgers University 1934)
Edgar G. Curtin (Rutgers University 1933)
Norman F. Dahl (Rutgers University 1920)
Michael S. D'Aries (Rutgers University 1959)
Joseph W. Darlington (Rutgers University 1939)
John F. Davies (Rutgers University 1930)
Everett F. Davis (Rutgers University 1923)
William D. Davison (Rutgers University 1940)
Witsel L. DeCamp (Rutgers University 1939)
Andrew J. Deile (Rutgers University 1939)
Alan E. D'Elia (Rutgers University 1969)
Daniel E. Devine (Rutgers University 1963)
Elmore J. DeWitt (Rutgers University 1915)
Richard DeWitt (Rutgers University 1935)
James A. Dey (Rutgers University 1929)
Charles E. Dickinson (Rutgers University 1940)
Thomas J. Dolphin (Rutgers University 1951)
Thomas P. Donohue (Rutgers University 1984)
Michael R. Donovan (Rutgers University 1978)
Elmer E. Dougherty (Rutgers University 1923)
Robert O. Downs (Rutgers University 1932)
William R. Drayton (Rutgers University 1952)
Andrew C. Dundon (Rutgers University 1951)
Warren S. Dunn (Rutgers University 1925)
William R. Dunn (Rutgers University 1922)
Eugene C. Duryee (Rutgers University 1923)
William B. Duryee (Rutgers University 1910)
A. W. Duryee (Rutgers University 1967)
A. Wilbur Duryee MD (Rutgers University 1921)
Kenneth E. Eckrode (Rutgers University 1924)
Charles R. Edgerly (Rutgers University 1938)
Michael J. Egan (Rutgers University 1992)
Lars G. Ehnebuske (Rutgers University 1946)
Richard O. Ely (Rutgers University 1939)
Paul W. Engelke (Rutgers University 1931)
Louis W. Eppel (Rutgers University 1936)
Edward H. Eppel (Rutgers University 1931)
Edward G. Eskesen (Rutgers University 1933)
Edward Evans (Rutgers University 1956)
Philip C. Faletto (Rutgers University 1943)
Charles E. Farnsworth (Rutgers University 1941)
Edward G. Farrell (Rutgers University 1956)
Robert L. Feil (Rutgers University 1944)
William A. Feitner (Rutgers University 1919)
Charles F. Fischer (Rutgers University 1945)
M. B. Fitzgerald (Rutgers University 1935)
Ross H. Flanagan (Rutgers University 1916)
Francis W. Flanagin (Rutgers University 1913)
Richard K. Flitcraft (Rutgers University 1942)
Alexander Forbes (Rutgers University 1940)
James I. Fox (Rutgers University 1949)
Walter E. Franke (Rutgers University 1920)
Leo H. Fretz (Rutgers University 1913)
William C. Gammons (Rutgers University 1928)
Hector R. Gardner Jr. (Rutgers University 1936)
Robert E. Gardner (Rutgers University 1944)
Harry C. Geib (Rutgers University 1923)
Daniel H. George (Rutgers University 1989)
Louis B. Gerold (Rutgers University 1953)
C. R. Gildersleeve (Rutgers University 1918)
Frederic Glander (Rutgers University 1912)
Clement D. Gordon (Rutgers University 1930)
Robert A. Gould (Rutgers University 1946)
Robert A. Greacen (Rutgers University 1941)
Edward D. Griswold (Rutgers University 1943)
H. V. Grohmann (Rutgers University 1925)
William M. Groman (Rutgers University 1954)
Robert Grote (Rutgers University 1956)
Vinton E. Gwinn (Rutgers University 1956)
Henry G. Haas (Rutgers University 1919)
Richard M. Hadden (Rutgers University 1932)
Aaron M. Hageman (Rutgers University 1912)
Henry M. Hale (Rutgers University 1945)
Harry M. Halstead (Rutgers University 1941)
Robert D. Hamilton (Rutgers University 1942)
Spencer C. Hamilton (Rutgers University 1917)
Claude W. Harkins (Rutgers University 1921)
Earl S. Harris (Rutgers University 1919)
Walter W. Harris (Rutgers University 1927)
Charles B. Harrison (Rutgers University 1929)
Richard W. Hartman (Rutgers University 1939)
Alfred T. Hawkinson (Rutgers University 1925)
Louis M. Hayes (Rutgers University 1931)
William L. Heinl (Rutgers University 1939)
Louis Hemerda (Rutgers University 1935)
Donald F. Herridge (Rutgers University 1929)
William F. Herzog (Rutgers University 1943)
George A. Hiecke (Rutgers University 1927)
M. H. Higgins (Rutgers University 1919)
Frederick W. Hock (Rutgers University 1948)
Frederick G. Hoffmann (Rutgers University 1939)
James M. B. Holsaert (Rutgers University 1929)
Arthur C. Homeyer (Rutgers University 1924)
George C. Horwood (Rutgers University 1937)
Robert E. Howard (Rutgers University 1956)
Ned O. Howlett (Rutgers University 1915)
Howard F. Huber (Rutgers University 1914)
Isaac L. Hughes (Rutgers University 1943)
Charles O. Hulse (Rutgers University 1951)
Wilbur B. Hummel (Rutgers University 1931)
Milton E. Hummer (Rutgers University 1936)
Howard Hunt (Rutgers University 1929)
John R. Huntley (Rutgers University 1942)
William T. Hutchinson (Rutgers University 1916)
Theodore A. Imbach (Rutgers University 1958)
Fred W. Jackson (Rutgers University 1918)
Carl H. Johnson (Rutgers University 1950)
Charles A. Johnson (Rutgers University 1925)
Frank L. Johnson (Rutgers University 1922)
Robert C. Johnson (Rutgers University 1929)
Robert M. Johnson (Rutgers University 1942)
Klemmer Kalteissen (Rutgers University 1916)
Leon P. Kays Jr. (Rutgers University 1943)
Copeland Kell (Rutgers University 1950)
Norbert J. Kelly Jr. (Rutgers University 1971)
Ronald C. Kennedy (Rutgers University 1976)
Thomas E. Kenney (Rutgers University 1956)
William G. Kieb (Rutgers University 1924)
Ralph J. Kieffer (Rutgers University 1912)
Bryan D. King (Rutgers University 1948)
Andrew J. Kowalski (Rutgers University 1961)
Vincent R. Kramer (Rutgers University 1941)
Alfred G. Kuehn (Rutgers University 1928)
Richard A. Kuehn (Rutgers University 1926)
Daniel G. Kuhlthau (Rutgers University 1922)
Kearney Y. Kuhlthau (Rutgers University 1924)
Robert L. Kyte (Rutgers University 1926)
James E. Lamb Jr. (Rutgers University 1932)
Richard J. Lanahan (Rutgers University 1986)
Gary N. Lauten (Rutgers University 1962)
John R. Leeds (Rutgers University 1961)
Herbert G. Lehmann (Rutgers University 1930)
Frederic C. LeRocker (Rutgers University 1930)
Stanley W. Letson (Rutgers University 1935)
Thomas H. Letson (Rutgers University 1896)
Lloyd N. Lewis (Rutgers University 1915)
Joseph A. Liddy (Rutgers University 1924)
Joseph T. Lieblein (Rutgers University 1954)
Raymond E. Lines (Rutgers University 1941)
Daniel H. Lipman (Rutgers University 1933)
Edward V. Lipman (Rutgers University 1933)
Jacob G. Lipman (Rutgers University 1918)
Leonard H. Lipman (Rutgers University 1925)
Jesse R. Lippincott (Rutgers University 1920)
Alson C. Llewellyn (Rutgers University 1912)
Raymond A. Loppacker (Rutgers University 1925)
David S. Lowe (Rutgers University 1922)
John Lowery (Rutgers University 1914)
Edwin C. Ludwig (Rutgers University 1927)
Robert G. Lusardi (Rutgers University 1958)
J. H. MacArt (Rutgers University 1932)
George K. Macdonald (Rutgers University 1923)
Herbert N. Macewen (Rutgers University 1918)
Roy G. MacKnight (Rutgers University 1926)
George D. MacNaughton (Rutgers University 1926)
George R. Magee (Rutgers University 1923)
Richard A. Magella (Rutgers University 1959)
Donald L. Mahan (Rutgers University 1946)
James W. Mailler (Rutgers University 1912)
John P. Mailler (Rutgers University 1912)
Harry H. Mallett (Rutgers University 1929)
Russell F. Mann (Rutgers University 1928)
Alfred R. Manville (Rutgers University 1938)
Keith R. Manville Jr. (Rutgers University 1934)
Walter O. Manwaring (Rutgers University 1923)
Richard W. Marshall (Rutgers University 1937)
Brooks C. Martin (Rutgers University 1919)
Charles R. Martin (Rutgers University 1915)
William H. Martin (Rutgers University 1912)
Henry Lea Mason (Rutgers University 1921)
John C. Mason (Rutgers University 1935)
Mayne S. Mason (Rutgers University 1918)
Ralph W. Massey (Rutgers University 1936)
Donald W. May (Rutgers University 1935)
Thomas E. McCafferty (Rutgers University 1960)
James J. McGrath Jr. (Rutgers University 1954)
Charles H. McKinney (Rutgers University 1927)
Malcolm G. McLaren (Rutgers University 1950)
Philip V. McLaughlin (Rutgers University 1932)
Kenneth C. Mehrhof (Rutgers University 1940)
John Mellor (Rutgers University 1904)
Frank C. Mencini (Rutgers University 1961)
Robert L. Mentzer (Rutgers University 1933)
Jerome A. Merquelin (Rutgers University 1922)
James Mettler (Rutgers University 1945)
Leonard G. Metzger (Rutgers University 1924)
John L. Miletich (Rutgers University 1965)
Ellis F. Millard (Rutgers University 1943)
John M. Miller (Rutgers University 1995)
D. R. Mojo (Rutgers University 1949)
Fearon D. Moore (Rutgers University 1918)
Perry M. Moore (Rutgers University 1919)
Charles R. Mudie (Rutgers University 1967)
Frederick L. Muller (Rutgers University 1921)
K. Friedrich Muller (Rutgers University 1962)
David G. Mullison (Rutgers University 1921)
David T. Murphy (Rutgers University 1955)
David B. Musikant (Rutgers University 1989)
John Mutch (Rutgers University 1928)
William E. Mutch (Rutgers University 1920)
Albert E. Nash (Rutgers University 1945)
Robert A. Nash (Rutgers University 1916)
Robert T. Natarelli (Rutgers University 1960)
Howard E. Nehms (Rutgers University 1938)
Firman A. Nelson (Rutgers University 1955)
J. R. Nelson (Rutgers University 1923)
W. A. Nelson (Rutgers University 1955)
Philip Nicholson (Rutgers University 1938)
Charles M. Nicol (Rutgers University 1922)
William H. Nigh (Rutgers University 1971)
Henry B. North (Rutgers University 1918)
Alan E. Nourse MD (Rutgers University 1951)
William A. O'Brien (Rutgers University 1963)
Craig R. Olsen (Rutgers University 1967)
Robert I. Owen (Rutgers University 1941)
Charles W. Oxberry (Rutgers University 1931)
Ernest R. Palen (Rutgers University 1922)
Robert W. Palilonis (Rutgers University 1979)
Edgar C. Pangburn (Rutgers University 1943)
Jon W. Paulson (Rutgers University 1964)
Herbert R. Peebles (Rutgers University 1912)
William A. Pellington (Rutgers University 1951)
Edward R. Perkins (Rutgers University 1949)
Richard H. Perrine (Rutgers University 1939)
Charles J. Petreins (Rutgers University 1931)
James A. Petrozzello (Rutgers University 1963)
Frederick A. Pfirrmann (Rutgers University 1953)
Lionel F. Phillips (Rutgers University 1912)
Norman C. Pierce (Rutgers University 1925)
Joseph T. Plummer (Rutgers University 1926)
Herbert M. Porch (Rutgers University 1932)
Herbert T. Potter (Rutgers University 1941)
Delbert H. Praeg (Rutgers University 1937)
R. M. Probasco (Rutgers University 1944)
Robert E. Purcell (Rutgers University 1950)
Robert N. Putnam (Rutgers University 1932)
Irving A. Quackenboss (Rutgers University 1930)
D. T. Rankin (Rutgers University 1963)
Robert W. Rankin (Rutgers University 1966)
William A. Redfield (Rutgers University 1933)
William P. Regan (Rutgers University 1967)
Roy G. Reynolds (Rutgers University 1937)
Robert D. Rhodes (Rutgers University 1926)
Austin M. Rice (Rutgers University 1919)
Llewellyn C. Richards (Rutgers University 1927)
Peter G. Richdale (Rutgers University 1966)
Guy Richdale (Rutgers University 1935)
Arthur T. Riedel (Rutgers University 1937)
Robert L. Riker (Rutgers University 1935)
John E. Riordan (Rutgers University 1957)
Emory C. Risley (Rutgers University 1929)
Kenneth E. Ritscher (Rutgers University 1924)
Robert T. Ross (Rutgers University 1949)
Edward J. Rowe (Rutgers University 1920)
John J. Ruiz (Rutgers University 1955)
Walter W. Runge (Rutgers University 1932)
Henry A. Schell (Rutgers University 1919)
Edward P. Schirmer (Rutgers University 1935)
Arthur E. Schmauder (Rutgers University 1925)
William L. Schoonmaker (Rutgers University 1921)
William A. Schure (Rutgers University 1916)
Otto N. Schuster (Rutgers University 1929)
Jules Schwartz (Rutgers University 1968)
Edward P. Scott (Rutgers University 1959)
George Seibert (Rutgers University 1924)
Darrell J. Seike (Rutgers University 1954)
David K. Sengstack (Rutgers University 1944)
Joshua H. Shane (Rutgers University 2003)
Edward B. Shaw (Rutgers University 1945)
Ralph P. Shaw Jr. (Rutgers University 1939)
Furman L. Sheppard (Rutgers University 1930)
Donald A. Shwedo (Rutgers University 1954)
Theodore H. Smith (Rutgers University 1915)
Robert C. Smith (Rutgers University 1950)
Francis B. Smock (Rutgers University 1936)
William P. Soto (Rutgers University 1981)
William H. Souder (Rutgers University 1952)
Leicester T. Spence (Rutgers University 1950)
William S. Sprague (Rutgers University 1916)
J. H. Sprague (Rutgers University 1919)
Thomas B. Stadden (Rutgers University 1954)
Walter E. Stager (Rutgers University 1931)
Milton R. Stalker (Rutgers University 1930)
Walter A. Stasiak (Rutgers University 1967)
Jasper L. Stewart (Rutgers University 1980)
Richard P. Stewart (Rutgers University 1955)
Robert D. Stiefel (Rutgers University 1940)
Herman S. Stillwell (Rutgers University 1922)
Ralph E. Stone (Rutgers University 1922)
William B. Stone (Rutgers University 1918)
Jack L. Stover (Rutgers University 1952)
Jack B. Stowman (Rutgers University 1950)
Rodney W. Strang (Rutgers University 1944)
Culbert S. Strauss (Rutgers University 1934)
Elmer R. Struyk (Rutgers University 1936)
Thomas C. Summerill (Rutgers University 1923)
William W. Summerill (Rutgers University 1914)
Frederick Summerill (Rutgers University 1917)
Kenneth E. Taaffe (Rutgers University 1945)
Robert P. Taylor (Rutgers University 1956)
Richard Telloni (Rutgers University 1969)
Ira G. Terbush (Rutgers University 1922)
Richard M. Thews (Rutgers University 1942)
Peter M. Thompson (Rutgers University 1920)
C. H. Tiger (Rutgers University 1929)
Harvey J. Tiger (Rutgers University 1919)
Harvey J. Tiger Jr. (Rutgers University 1944)
James D. Toal (Rutgers University 1967)
Arnold T. Truex (Rutgers University 1935)
Harold S. Vanaman (Rutgers University 1950)
Earl E. Vanderwerker (Rutgers University 1912)
Ralph J. VanDerwerker (Rutgers University 1927)
Earl E. VanDerwerker (Rutgers University 1946)
Robert E. Vangoor (Rutgers University 1948)
Henry L. Vanmater (Rutgers University 1913)
James T. VanOrden (Rutgers University 1960)
Bayard V. VanRensselaer (Rutgers University 1925)
C. J. VanWinkle (Rutgers University 1941)
Edgar W. VanWinkle (Rutgers University 1940)
William F. Veenstra (Rutgers University 1939)
Foster M. Voorhees (Rutgers University 1920)
John H. Wade (Rutgers University 1952)
C. P. Wagner (Rutgers University 1952)
Edward P. Wagner (Rutgers University 1935)
Marshall W. Walsh (Rutgers University 1932)
George T. Weber (Rutgers University 1969)
Russell T. Webster (Rutgers University 1955)
Richard E. Wegryn (Rutgers University 1959)
Walter C. Weller (Rutgers University 1919)
James M. Wells (Rutgers University 1943)
John A. Wells (Rutgers University 1952)
Edward T. Wertheim (Rutgers University 1932)
Howard R. West (Rutgers University 1935)
Harold E. Wettyen (Rutgers University 1917)
James T. White (Rutgers University 1980)
James W. Wightman (Rutgers University 1954)
David T. Williams (Rutgers University 1929)
John B. Williams (Rutgers University 1942)
Eric Williamson (Rutgers University 1933)
G. F. Wilson (Rutgers University 1958)
George W. Wilson Jr. (Rutgers University 1958)
John H. Winant (Rutgers University 1929)
Russell H. Winters (Rutgers University 1922)
George R. Wirth (Rutgers University 1923)
Elmer C. Wolf (Rutgers University 1947)
George N. Woods (Rutgers University 1954)
Carl R. Woodward (Rutgers University 1939)
Carl R. Woodward (Rutgers University 1914)
W. S. Woodward (Rutgers University 1917)
Hulbert A. Woolfall (Rutgers University 1927)
Keith E. Worthington (Rutgers University 1957)
Cassius M. Wright Jr. (Rutgers University 1923)
Thomas T. Wylie (Rutgers University 1940)
Wesley H. Zeliff (Rutgers University 1931)
Richard W. Ziegler (Rutgers University 1944)
Robert K. Zimmerman (Rutgers University 1936)
Eric D. Barton (San Diego State University 1989)
Richard E. Carlson (San Diego State University 1994)
Garrett C. Chipman (San Diego State University 2018)
Lorne Kittle (San Diego State University 1990)
Karl B. Schmidt (San Diego State University 1993)
Michael A. McGuire (San Jose State University 1990)
Harit K. Parekh (San Jose State University 2001)
Brian S. Rosa (San Jose State University 2000)
Tommie A. Archer (Southern Methodist University 1960)
Edward A. Arianna (Southern Methodist University 1960)
Thomas E. Armstrong (Southern Methodist University 1960)
William W. Atwell (Southern Methodist University 1955)
Timothy O. Austin (Southern Methodist University 1951)
Joseph A. Baird (Southern Methodist University 1953)
Arthur M. Baker (Southern Methodist University 1950)
James G. Baker (Southern Methodist University 1960)
Patrick Ball (Southern Methodist University 1962)
Wayne B. Barfield (Southern Methodist University 1960)
Raymond C. Barnett (Southern Methodist University 1952)
Frank S. Baum Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1957)
Robert E. Best (Southern Methodist University 1957)
Jason D. Blakey (Southern Methodist University 1995)
Frank M. Bockus (Southern Methodist University 1953)
George W. Bramblett (Southern Methodist University 1963)
David M. Bray (Southern Methodist University 1963)
Robert O. Brooks (Southern Methodist University 1958)
Larry M. Browndyke (Southern Methodist University 1962)
Robert T. Browne (Southern Methodist University 1949)
Mark D. Buckner (Southern Methodist University 1977)
Darwin B. Burlison (Southern Methodist University 1959)
Floyd W. Burnside (Southern Methodist University 1954)
Roger D. Bush (Southern Methodist University 1959)
William H. Butterfield (Southern Methodist University 1963)
Lee R. Byrd (Southern Methodist University 1967)
Mark A. Byrum (Southern Methodist University 1989)
Jefferson H. Campbell (Southern Methodist University 1952)
Jack D. Cannon (Southern Methodist University 1952)
James E. Caswell (Southern Methodist University 1963)
G. R. Chenoweth (Southern Methodist University 1959)
T. R. Connally (Southern Methodist University 1958)
Edward P. Cooper (Southern Methodist University 1967)
Wayne D. Coulter (Southern Methodist University 1959)
William C. Crouch (Southern Methodist University 1953)
James R. Darwin (Southern Methodist University 1959)
Michael S. Davis (Southern Methodist University 1975)
Samuel J. Davis (Southern Methodist University 1954)
Douglas R. Dettman (Southern Methodist University 1975)
J. R. Dobbs (Southern Methodist University 1953)
Kenneth W. Dusek (Southern Methodist University 1960)
George E. Echerd (Southern Methodist University 1952)
C. A. Ferguson (Southern Methodist University 1962)
K T. Finsterbusch (Southern Methodist University 1955)
Roderick E. Flagler (Southern Methodist University 1962)
David L. Florence (Southern Methodist University 1955)
Donald N. Francey (Southern Methodist University 1955)
Peter C. Gould (Southern Methodist University 1985)
Patrick E. Green (Southern Methodist University 1957)
John R. Greenstreet (Southern Methodist University 1951)
Todd O. Hardin (Southern Methodist University 1981)
Eric W. Harrison (Southern Methodist University 1984)
Reid A. Haygood (Southern Methodist University 1976)
Woodfin C. Henderson (Southern Methodist University 1962)
James T. Hill (Southern Methodist University 1960)
Carroll L. Hooser (Southern Methodist University 1966)
M. D. Horn (Southern Methodist University 1971)
Frederick W. Houchins (Southern Methodist University 1970)
Paul D. Hove (Southern Methodist University 1977)
Kenneth H. Hughes (Southern Methodist University 1967)
Kenneth M. Jackson (Southern Methodist University 1960)
Stephen J. Johnson (Southern Methodist University 1971)
David A. Kemp (Southern Methodist University 1962)
Robert J. Kollar (Southern Methodist University 1977)
Ivor J. Lee (Southern Methodist University 1971)
Edward A. Lewis (Southern Methodist University 1959)
Theodore L. Lindbergh (Southern Methodist University 1960)
Guion M. Lindsay (Southern Methodist University 1955)
Thomas W. Lisle (Southern Methodist University 1980)
John W. Lodewick (Southern Methodist University 1959)
Michael B. Macaulay (Southern Methodist University 1964)
Douglas MacDonald (Southern Methodist University 1968)
W. R. Madden (Southern Methodist University 1960)
Charles W. Mann (Southern Methodist University 1965)
P. T. Mann (Southern Methodist University 1969)
Charles M. Martin (Southern Methodist University 1963)
James A. Maxwell (Southern Methodist University 1957)
John E. May (Southern Methodist University 1948)
Ted D. Mayo (Southern Methodist University 1962)
Malcolm C. McGee (Southern Methodist University 1961)
James R. McGuire (Southern Methodist University 1961)
Gerald McNevin (Southern Methodist University 1952)
Harold E. Meadows (Southern Methodist University 1956)
John C. Meadows (Southern Methodist University 1970)
Robert L. Melcher (Southern Methodist University 1962)
Henry J. Meyer (Southern Methodist University 1954)
Rudy Moore (Southern Methodist University 1965)
Joseph W. Mosby (Southern Methodist University 1976)
Jay N. Murphy (Southern Methodist University 1962)
Randall L. Nickell (Southern Methodist University 1977)
Jackson A. Norman (Southern Methodist University 1962)
David M. Paluga (Southern Methodist University 1983)
James W. Patterson (Southern Methodist University 1952)
John M. Peacock (Southern Methodist University 1965)
Richard B. Perkins (Southern Methodist University 1962)
Jason L. Polan (Southern Methodist University 1963)
John D. Polley (Southern Methodist University 1955)
Richard W. Quick (Southern Methodist University 1965)
Carl M. Ream (Southern Methodist University 1954)
Albert S. Reed (Southern Methodist University 1977)
Roy D. Rinkle (Southern Methodist University 1959)
Jackson K. Roach (Southern Methodist University 1954)
Trent C. Root (Southern Methodist University 1955)
Grady H. Sanford (Southern Methodist University 1972)
Aaron Q. Sartain (Southern Methodist University 1928)
Kent C. Schulz (Southern Methodist University 1984)
Donald M. Scott (Southern Methodist University 1972)
James B. Seaman (Southern Methodist University 1970)
Thomas H. Seltzer (Southern Methodist University 1954)
Ronald R. Sevier (Southern Methodist University 1958)
Joe O. Shirley (Southern Methodist University 1960)
David C. Shoudy (Southern Methodist University 1956)
Roger N. Simpson (Southern Methodist University 1966)
Willard D. Simpson (Southern Methodist University 1957)
Joseph H. Skiles Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1965)
Kevin D. Sledge (Southern Methodist University 1987)
Damon P. Smith (Southern Methodist University 1993)
Stephen C. Smith (Southern Methodist University 1964)
Tatum C. Smith (Southern Methodist University 2003)
William G. Smith (Southern Methodist University 1954)
W. P. Stewart (Southern Methodist University 1979)
C. G. Taylor (Southern Methodist University 1960)
J. D. Taylor (Southern Methodist University 1964)
Robert W. Taylor (Southern Methodist University 1952)
Leon M. Todd (Southern Methodist University 1979)
Lovell M. Turner (Southern Methodist University 1952)
Michael D. Waggoner (Southern Methodist University 1981)
James T. Walker (Southern Methodist University 1959)
G. M. Watson (Southern Methodist University 1961)
Stanley L. Wessel (Southern Methodist University 1958)
Ira O. Whittenberg (Southern Methodist University 1954)
John T. Wilkinson (Southern Methodist University 1957)
Keith M. Williams (Southern Methodist University 1979)
Walter P. Wink (Southern Methodist University 1957)
Mark S. Wolling (Southern Methodist University 1973)
David J. Yaggy (Southern Methodist University 1968)
Phillip F. Abbott (Stanford University 1898)
Delos Abrams (Stanford University 1923)
Frederick L. Adams (Stanford University 1921)
Wilbur F. Adams (Stanford University 1927)
James R. Agar (Stanford University 1953)
Henry A. Alderton (Stanford University 1918)
Franklin D. Aleshire (Stanford University 1947)
Clarence A. Allen (Stanford University 1911)
Calvin R. Antrim (Stanford University 1945)
George F. Arps (Stanford University 1904)
William C. Arrasmith (Stanford University 1940)
Dell B. Arrell (Stanford University 1910)
James L. Arrell (Stanford University 1912)
Harold V. Aupperle (Stanford University 1917)
Graham E. Babcock (Stanford University 1896)
Joseph G. Babich (Stanford University 1948)
John E. Bacon (Stanford University 1934)
Burton A. Baker (Stanford University 1928)
Walter E. Barnard (Stanford University 1913)
John D. Barnes (Stanford University 1950)
Charles G. Barnett (Stanford University 1950)
Richardson D. Barrett (Stanford University 1905)
Kittredge Batchelder (Stanford University 1919)
Lawrence H. Bayer (Stanford University 1937)
Jerome C. Beatie (Stanford University 1957)
James E. Bednar (Stanford University 1932)
James W. Beebe (Stanford University 1942)
Virgil F. Bellows (Stanford University 1909)
Gerald E. Bennett (Stanford University 1912)
Boyd H. Benson (Stanford University 1951)
John R. Benson (Stanford University 1959)
F. L. Berry (Stanford University 1937)
Basil F. Bickel (Stanford University 1910)
Karl A. Bickel (Stanford University 1907)
Robert K. Birkie (Stanford University 1956)
Harry A. Black (Stanford University 1969)
Richard A. Black (Stanford University 1955)
Harold E. Blazier (Stanford University 1927)
Philip H. Blodget (Stanford University 1958)
George E. Bodle (Stanford University 1930)
Thomas G. Bond (Stanford University 1945)
William J. Bondy (Stanford University 1917)
W. F. Bonner (Stanford University 1924)
Richard T. Bourns (Stanford University 1923)
William T. Bowles (Stanford University 1952)
Charles R. Boydston (Stanford University 1919)
Harry Boyle (Stanford University 1906)
Robert Boynton (Stanford University 1925)
Mason B. Boys (Stanford University 1920)
William H. Bradley (Stanford University 1907)
Dana B. Braislin (Stanford University 1920)
David M. Brant (Stanford University 1956)
Alexander L. Brewer (Stanford University 1920)
Herman W. Broenkow (Stanford University 1925)
William C. Broenkow (Stanford University 1898)
William W. Brokaw (Stanford University 1948)
Franklin V. Brooks (Stanford University 1896)
Willard L. Brooks (Stanford University 1908)
Lee G. Brown (Stanford University 1930)
Ray S. Brown (Stanford University 1915)
Robert D. Brown (Stanford University 1942)
Valentine Brown (Stanford University 1942)
James W. Bucklin (Stanford University 1920)
Frederick G. Bullard (Stanford University 1928)
Arthur W. Bumiller (Stanford University 1897)
Foster C. Bumpus (Stanford University 1955)
William S. Burns (Stanford University 1914)
Grant Calhoun (Stanford University 1895)
Paul G. Camera (Stanford University 1957)
Howard W. Campen (Stanford University 1936)
Rodney C. Carley (Stanford University 1943)
Clifford N. Carlsen (Stanford University 1951)
Cyrus C. Carpenter (Stanford University 1923)
Charles J. Chapel (Stanford University 1958)
Edwin M. Chase (Stanford University 1926)
Darrel G. Clark (Stanford University 1920)
Richard C. Clark (Stanford University 1946)
Thomas S. Clark (Stanford University 1926)
Harry W. Clatworthy (Stanford University 1939)
Charles E. Clowe (Stanford University 1909)
Robert L. Coate (Stanford University 1948)
Madison R. Coblentz (Stanford University 1949)
Maurice H. Coblentz (Stanford University 1949)
Guy H. Cochran (Stanford University 1896)
Owen B. Coffman (Stanford University 1942)
Donald L. Colvin (Stanford University 1931)
Timothy E. Colvin (Stanford University 1924)
Thomas A. Condit (Stanford University 1926)
Larry A. Cook (Stanford University 1959)
Mills P. Cook (Stanford University 1911)
Harold W. Cookson (Stanford University 1915)
Howard A. Cookson (Stanford University 1919)
Edgerton C. Cooley (Stanford University 1942)
Frederick B. Cooley (Stanford University 1942)
Robert W. Coons (Stanford University 1928)
Samuel W. Cooper (Stanford University 1909)
Fernano J. Cordova (Stanford University 1915)
George R. Corey Jr. (Stanford University 1936)
Stewart W. Cotton (Stanford University 1898)
John D. Couch (Stanford University 1915)
Clarence B. Council (Stanford University 1918)
Howard H. Council (Stanford University 1947)
George N. Cox (Stanford University 1910)
Walter E. Craig (Stanford University 1931)
Howard Crail (Stanford University 1938)
Stewart A. Crawford (Stanford University 1933)
Victor E. Creighton (Stanford University 1924)
Franklin A. Crittenden (Stanford University 1907)
Albert H. Curtner (Stanford University 1933)
Richard B. Daley (Stanford University 1940)
John Daniel (Stanford University 1929)
Eugene A. Danner (Stanford University 1908)
Val Davajan (Stanford University 1956)
Alanson B. Davis (Stanford University 1937)
Benjamin F. Davis (Stanford University 1919)
Don D. Davis Jr. (Stanford University 1947)
Donald D. Dawson (Stanford University 1958)
Frank F. de Lisle (Stanford University 1947)
Henry J. Dean (Stanford University 1946)
Jerome V. DeCamp (Stanford University 1945)
Robert Dejournal (Stanford University 1914)
Robert G. Demailly (Stanford University 1940)
Donald F. Dillon (Stanford University 1943)
Leslie H. Dills (Stanford University 1924)
Jay T. Dirlam (Stanford University 1938)
William A. Doble (Stanford University 1940)
George S. Dodge (Stanford University 1946)
Raphael M. Dorman (Stanford University 1932)
James A. Doty (Stanford University 1945)
James C. Doud (Stanford University 1927)
John F. Downey (Stanford University 1936)
Stephen W. Downey (Stanford University 1939)
John D. Driggs (Stanford University 1952)
John E. Drury (Stanford University 1958)
Chauncey H. Dunn (Stanford University 1919)
Henry M. Dunn (Stanford University 1916)
William P. Dwyer (Stanford University 1933)
Orrin K. Earl (Stanford University 1931)
George P. Easton (Stanford University 1928)
John B. Eaton (Stanford University 1938)
Jon A. Eaton (Stanford University 1954)
Louis R. Eaton (Stanford University 1909)
John G. Edmundson (Stanford University 1936)
Charles N. Edwards (Stanford University 1922)
David P. Eldredge (Stanford University 1953)
David K. Elliott (Stanford University 1927)
Elmer E. Elliott (Stanford University 1923)
Harrison E. Elliott (Stanford University 1943)
Arthur L. Emery (Stanford University 1895)
Kirk E. Evans (Stanford University 1953)
Lyle B. Everett (Stanford University 1928)
Henry O. Eversole (Stanford University 1937)
Edwin C. Ewell (Stanford University 1895)
Roy E. Ewing Jr. (Stanford University 1932)
William K. Eyer (Stanford University 1917)
Claredon B. Eyer Jr. (Stanford University 1920)
John C. Fahs (Stanford University 1962)
Gordon F. Fairclough (Stanford University 1925)
George C. Faulkner (Stanford University 1910)
Frank E. Feliz (Stanford University 1927)
Louis H. Fentnor (Stanford University 1950)
James D. Fleming (Stanford University 1918)
Forest E. Fleming (Stanford University 1919)
Frederick W. Flint (Stanford University 1896)
Ralph A. Floodberg (Stanford University 1916)
Engelbert F. Folda (Stanford University 1933)
George H. Force (Stanford University 1929)
William A. Fort (Stanford University 1928)
Thomas G. Franck (Stanford University 1921)
George G. Franklin (Stanford University 1907)
Alfred P. Fraser (Stanford University 1895)
Richard A. Furlanic (Stanford University 1956)
John H. Fyfe (Stanford University 1941)
Joseph Gaestel Jr. (Stanford University 1945)
Francis A. Ganahl (Stanford University 1948)
Frank J. Gard (Stanford University 1914)
Todd Gardner (Stanford University 1944)
Robert H. Garretson (Stanford University 1938)
Charles C. Gates (Stanford University 1916)
Fred H. Gates (Stanford University 1915)
Frederick R. Gates (Stanford University 1944)
William C. Gehrmann (Stanford University 1911)
William C. Genrmann (Stanford University 1911)
Robert P. Getz (Stanford University 1934)
Robert E. Gold (Stanford University 1961)
James P. Gordon (Stanford University 1954)
William C. Gover (Stanford University 1924)
Thomas J. Grace (Stanford University 1925)
Douglas A. Graham (Stanford University 1949)
Richard H. Grant (Stanford University 1917)
John D. Grant Jr. (Stanford University 1928)
Mitchell J. Gratz (Stanford University 1952)
Willis A. Greenwood (Stanford University 1897)
Richard A. Gritschke (Stanford University 1964)
Sam G. Grosch (Stanford University 1935)
Dean P. Grunland (Stanford University 1927)
Edmund C. Haberfelde (Stanford University 1922)
John M. Haffner (Stanford University 1938)
Shirley Haile (Stanford University 1937)
Raymond B. Haizlip (Stanford University 1922)
Homer S. Hall (Stanford University 1906)
Gordon Hall (Stanford University 1928)
Rex G. Hamaker (Stanford University 1916)
James W. Hamilton (Stanford University 1954)
B. C. Hampton (Stanford University 1908)
Lewis E. Hanchett (Stanford University 1937)
John L. Hankins (Stanford University 1918)
James W. Hanson (Stanford University 1906)
Paul H. Hardacre (Stanford University 1937)
Edward C. Harkins (Stanford University 1943)
Marvin H. Harms (Stanford University 1943)
John W. Harrison (Stanford University 1937)
Robert Hart (Stanford University 1946)
Russell B. Hart (Stanford University 1931)
Esdras K. Hartley (Stanford University 1944)
Raymond B. Hartman (Stanford University 1920)
Fessenden C. Haskell (Stanford University 1919)
Peter S. Hass (Stanford University 1938)
Ross R. Hastings (Stanford University 1926)
Eric V. Hauser (Stanford University 1944)
Casey H. Hayes (Stanford University 1912)
Carl K. Hedemann (Stanford University 1908)
Edmund Hedemann (Stanford University 1912)
Charles W. Henderson (Stanford University 1907)
James A. Henderson (Stanford University 1935)
Harvey H. Hiber (Stanford University 1955)
John C. Hickinbotham (Stanford University 1920)
Charles N. Hildebrandt (Stanford University 1938)
John W. Hinchliffe (Stanford University 1932)
Henry C. Hinds (Stanford University 1941)
Walter E. Hinds (Stanford University 1944)
Frederick T. Hinton (Stanford University 1918)
John R. Hitchcock (Stanford University 1934)
Robert L. Hoegh (Stanford University 1953)
Jack W. Hoerner (Stanford University 1935)
Lawrence C. Hoff (Stanford University 1950)
John F. Horth (Stanford University 1950)
Dale E. Hosman (Stanford University 1944)
Charles M. Hudson (Stanford University 1931)
Charles C. Hughes (Stanford University 1895)
Henry C. Huiskamp (Stanford University 1913)
Robert W. Hunt (Stanford University 1926)
Frank C. Hunter (Stanford University 1916)
Lewis W. Hunter (Stanford University 1928)
William F. Hunting (Stanford University 1933)
Arthur L. Irelan (Stanford University 1936)
Ruhland D. Isaly (Stanford University 1931)
David Jackman (Stanford University 1941)
William M. Jaekle (Stanford University 1934)
Stewart D. James (Stanford University 1924)
W. E. James (Stanford University 1923)
Frank G. Jameson (Stanford University 1945)
Kenneth B. Jenkins (Stanford University 1929)
Christopher M. Jenks (Stanford University 1922)
William H. Jennings (Stanford University 1956)
William E. Johnson (Stanford University 1928)
William R. Johnson (Stanford University 1927)
William P. Johnston (Stanford University 1936)
Edward C. H. Jones (Stanford University 1896)
William C. Jordan (Stanford University 1940)
Richard J. Kartzke (Stanford University 1967)
Don Keller (Stanford University 1918)
Alan F. Kelsey (Stanford University 1935)
Forrest H. Kennedy (Stanford University 1923)
Robert W. Kenny (Stanford University 1921)
Lyle O. Kepford (Stanford University 1961)
Stephen E. Keusseff (Stanford University 1939)
Clarence E. Kiggens (Stanford University 1923)
Harold S. Kiggens (Stanford University 1917)
Francis C. Kilpatrick (Stanford University 1914)
Parker W. Kimball (Stanford University 1942)
George C. Kincaid (Stanford University 1917)
Shepard W. King III (Stanford University 1921)
Robert C. Kirkwood (Stanford University 1931)
Nicholas P. Kirwan (Stanford University 1926)
Sergius Klotz (Stanford University 1929)
Courtland W. Knight (Stanford University 1914)
Harold P. Knight (Stanford University 1911)
Jeffry R. Knoles (Stanford University 1966)
Nelson S. Kogler (Stanford University 1939)
Carlos C. Kohler (Stanford University 1918)
Edward B. Krehbiel (Stanford University 1893)
Charles B. Kuhn (Stanford University 1932)
Harold B. Landreth (Stanford University 1912)
Warren G. Lane (Stanford University 1927)
David S. Larimer (Stanford University 1951)
Ken R. Larkin (Stanford University 1967)
David O. Larson (Stanford University 1957)
Francis V. Lee (Stanford University 1897)
Robert C. Leefeldt (Stanford University 1949)
Lewis F. Lever (Stanford University 1915)
Gerald R. Lewis (Stanford University 1962)
Bayard T. Lindley (Stanford University 1962)
Phillip W. Link (Stanford University 1957)
Everett S. Litchfield (Stanford University 1921)
George P. Lombard (Stanford University 1925)
Merrill E. Long (Stanford University 1926)
William B. Loughborough (Stanford University 1907)
James W. Lowrie (Stanford University 1946)
James M. Lundy (Stanford University 1941)
John W. Maccormack (Stanford University 1894)
Kenneth Mackintosh (Stanford University 1895)
Charles A. Magnuson (Stanford University 1949)
Richard A. Magnuson (Stanford University 1957)
Arthur G. Magnuson (Stanford University 1942)
Fred B. Maguire (Stanford University 1932)
Roger D. Manwaring (Stanford University 1942)
John E. Marble (Stanford University 1895)
Burnham W. Marsh (Stanford University 1912)
Joseph W. Marshall (Stanford University 1932)
Vincent L. Martin (Stanford University 1925)
Robert B. Mathias (Stanford University 1953)
Howard R. McBride (Stanford University 1898)
James R. McBrier (Stanford University 1943)
Robert E. McConaughy (Stanford University 1921)
Paul D. McCormick (Stanford University 1928)
Charles H. McDonald (Stanford University 1935)
Ralph T. McElvenny (Stanford University 1928)
Jock McGregor (Stanford University 1955)
John T. McGrew (Stanford University 1896)
Charles E. McGuire Jr. (Stanford University 1948)
Robert A. McHugh (Stanford University 1929)
Claude I. McLaine (Stanford University 1900)
Louis D. McLaine (Stanford University 1896)
William L. McLaine (Stanford University 1896)
Wilbur C. McNeil (Stanford University 1898)
John E. Medau (Stanford University 1931)
Woodward Melone (Stanford University 1933)
John N. Metcalf (Stanford University 1895)
Darryl E. Metzger (Stanford University 1959)
Robert F. Milligan (Stanford University 1931)
Carl S. Milliken (Stanford University 1916)
Donald C. Mills (Stanford University 1949)
J. Hart Miner (Stanford University 1939)
Emery F. Mitchell (Stanford University 1950)
John B. Moore (Stanford University 1971)
John D. Morgan (Stanford University 1938)
Raymond R. Morgan (Stanford University 1948)
Robert V. Morris (Stanford University 1941)
James C. Muir (Stanford University 1925)
Joseph D. Mullender (Stanford University 1925)
Lane B. Murlin (Stanford University 1913)
James A. Murphy (Stanford University 1954)
John A. Murphy (Stanford University 1924)
Ronald A. Murphy (Stanford University 1952)
Frederick W. Nantker (Stanford University 1939)
Tom B. Nichols (Stanford University 1938)
Charles C. Nimmo (Stanford University 1936)
Leroy C. Nimmo (Stanford University 1911)
Robert R. Nolte (Stanford University 1959)
David W. Oberlin (Stanford University 1951)
Percy H. O'Brien (Stanford University 1895)
Edward S. O'Donnell (Stanford University 1930)
Stephen F. O'Donnell (Stanford University 1926)
Benjamin F. Ogden (Stanford University 1908)
Gilbert L. Oliver (Stanford University 1957)
Frank W. Oliver Jr. (Stanford University 1908)
Jack T. Otterson (Stanford University 1946)
Richard F. Outcault (Stanford University 1945)
Hugh T. Paddleford (Stanford University 1931)
Richard B. Paddock (Stanford University 1938)
Morris H. Palmer (Stanford University 1934)
Charles E. Parson (Stanford University 1926)
Howard B. Patrick (Stanford University 1910)
Omer H. Patrick (Stanford University 1954)
Clement M. Patten (Stanford University 1923)
James L. Patten (Stanford University 1915)
William T. Patterson (Stanford University 1941)
Henry A. Paulden (Stanford University 1946)
John G. Paules (Stanford University 1945)
Frederick N. Pauly (Stanford University 1931)
Benjamin W. Pelton (Stanford University 1917)
William D. Peppard (Stanford University 1940)
Jackson B. Perego (Stanford University 1934)
Robert L. Philippi (Stanford University 1928)
Laforest E. Phillips (Stanford University 1925)
Louis P. Picetti Jr. (Stanford University 1950)
Frederic R. Pierce (Stanford University 1921)
Don B. Pinnell (Stanford University 1937)
Raymond B. Pitts (Stanford University 1921)
John L. Porter (Stanford University 1950)
Jack B. Power (Stanford University 1965)
Charles A. Prevost (Stanford University 1909)
Robert E. Prince (Stanford University 1957)
Albert G. Putnam (Stanford University 1929)
Emmet A. Quinn (Stanford University 1921)
Phillip W. Rainey (Stanford University 1928)
Leonard E. Read Jr. (Stanford University 1944)
William C. Reeder (Stanford University 1945)
George L. Reid (Stanford University 1940)
Roland W. Reinholdt (Stanford University 1958)
Harry B. Reynolds (Stanford University 1896)
Jackson E. Reynolds (Stanford University 1896)
Willis E. Rhinehart (Stanford University 1915)
Archie B. Rice (Stanford University 1895)
John B. Rice (Stanford University 1897)
David D. Richardson (Stanford University 1971)
Harold F. Riede (Stanford University 1931)
H. E. Riggins (Stanford University 1936)
Lynn M. Rising (Stanford University 1961)
James M. Roberts (Stanford University 1931)
Alfred W. Robertson (Stanford University 1911)
Percy M. Robinson (Stanford University 1917)
Robert B. Rockwell (Stanford University 1947)
Frederick A. Roehrig (Stanford University 1918)
Harold B. Rorke (Stanford University 1924)
James M. Ross (Stanford University 1916)
Norman Ross (Stanford University 1946)
Merle B. Rounds (Stanford University 1910)
Ralph M. Rounds (Stanford University 1913)
Elbert T. Rulison (Stanford University 1936)
Charles B. Russell (Stanford University 1940)
David A. Russell (Stanford University 1928)
George T. Russell (Stanford University 1895)
James L. Russell (Stanford University 1921)
Edward B. Rust (Stanford University 1940)
Edward C. Sammons (Stanford University 1947)
John B. Schaupp (Stanford University 1940)
Karl L. Schaupp (Stanford University 1912)
Karl L. Schaupp (Stanford University 1938)
Jacques Schnier (Stanford University 1920)
Andrew R. Schottky (Stanford University 1948)
John W. Schulte (Stanford University 1935)
Louis E. Schulz (Stanford University 1904)
John Schumacher (Stanford University 1921)
George D. Serfass (Stanford University 1937)
Samuel S. Sewall (Stanford University 1948)
Richard S. Shannon Jr. (Stanford University 1938)
Franklin E. Shaw (Stanford University 1915)
William R. Sheehy (Stanford University 1940)
Vance Sheffey (Stanford University 1950)
Robert W. Sheldon (Stanford University 1953)
John T. Sibley (Stanford University 1922)
John P. Skillern (Stanford University 1931)
John W. Skinner (Stanford University 1932)
Chester H. Slater (Stanford University 1922)
William D. Smalley (Stanford University 1918)
Donald L. Smith (Stanford University 1945)
Joe W. Smith (Stanford University 1941)
Ward M. Smith (Stanford University 1947)
William A. Smith (Stanford University 1942)
Raymond W. Smith (Stanford University 1942)
Charles F. Smyth (Stanford University 1909)
Glen M. Smyth (Stanford University 1913)
John Snell (Stanford University 1920)
Rufe Soule (Stanford University 1959)
Frederic W. Speers (Stanford University 1928)
Robert M. Speidel (Stanford University 1940)
George W. Springmeyer (Stanford University 1903)
Robert F. Stahler (Stanford University 1928)
Donald S. Stamm (Stanford University 1950)
Felix J. Stapleton (Stanford University 1942)
George E. Stevens (Stanford University 1961)
Leland C. Stoll (Stanford University 1912)
Ernest B. Stone (Stanford University 1956)
Grover S. Stone (Stanford University 1943)
Hal M. Stone (Stanford University 1942)
David R. Stott (Stanford University 1950)
William C. Stover (Stanford University 1943)
Clarence B. Strohn (Stanford University 1900)
Roys N. Strohn (Stanford University 1898)
A. W. Strowger (Stanford University 1928)
Owen M. Sullivan (Stanford University 1919)
Oleg V. Suzdaleff (Stanford University 1954)
Raymond J. Sweeney (Stanford University 1916)
Shirley G. Sweet (Stanford University 1909)
Harry E. Templeton (Stanford University 1925)
Carl C. Thomas (Stanford University 1895)
Robert L. Thomas (Stanford University 1930)
John W. Thompson (Stanford University 1895)
David A. Thomson (Stanford University 1959)
Franklyn R. Tibbetts (Stanford University 1944)
Charles E. Tiffany (Stanford University 1948)
F. Gile Tiffany Jr. (Stanford University 1945)
Olin H. Timm (Stanford University 1935)
T. P. Tissot (Stanford University 1917)
Gerald B. Todd (Stanford University 1943)
Frank H. Trowbridge (Stanford University 1938)
Norman M. Tucker (Stanford University 1926)
Lloyd J. Vance (Stanford University 1929)
Kryne V. Vandenakker (Stanford University 1928)
Stanley W. Vanderburgh (Stanford University 1942)
Melvin E. Vandine (Stanford University 1904)
Bernard J. Vierling (Stanford University 1936)
Fred C. Vincent (Stanford University 1898)
Robert H. Volk (Stanford University 1954)
Arthur P. Von Wronski (Stanford University 1960)
Herbert E. Waite (Stanford University 1919)
Frank H. Walker (Stanford University 1897)
Thomas H. Wallace Jr. (Stanford University 1956)
Richard W. Walt (Stanford University 1937)
Harold J. Ward (Stanford University 1950)
James M. Warren (Stanford University 1955)
Francis A. Watson (Stanford University 1951)
Thomas S. Watson (Stanford University 1895)
Leslie J. Webb (Stanford University 1906)
Locke E. Webster (Stanford University 1922)
James S. Webster (Stanford University 1929)
Robert G. Welch (Stanford University 1937)
Robert A. Welsh (Stanford University 1927)
William P. Wentworth (Stanford University 1933)
Howard D. Wheeler (Stanford University 1905)
Nelson O. Wheeler (Stanford University 1938)
Thomas H. Whiffen Jr. (Stanford University 1897)
Arthur F. White (Stanford University 1952)
Lynn T. White Jr. (Stanford University 1928)
Max B. Whitney (Stanford University 1907)
James H. Whitted (Stanford University 1916)
Chase Wickersham (Stanford University 1944)
Walton A. Wickett (Stanford University 1937)
John M. Wight (Stanford University 1893)
Floyd A. Wildman (Stanford University 1909)
Earl B. Wilkins (Stanford University 1917)
Peter S. Willett (Stanford University 1950)
John W. Williams (Stanford University 1923)
Frederick B. Wilmar (Stanford University 1932)
Francis E. Wilson (Stanford University 1924)
John R. Wilton (Stanford University 1939)
Quentin L. Wood (Stanford University 1932)
Lloyd H. Woodnutt (Stanford University 1910)
F. Harlow Wright (Stanford University 1923)
George I. Wright (Stanford University 1913)
Roger E. Wright (Stanford University 1950)
Earnest N. Wright (Stanford University 1916)
Edward C. Wynne (Stanford University 1909)
George K. York (Stanford University 1946)
Albert L. Young (Stanford University 1907)
Lemuel W. Young (Stanford University 1899)
Neil C. Zane (Stanford University 1919)
Richard D. Zanuck (Stanford University 1956)
Fred Zimmerman (Stanford University 1907)
Fred Zimmerman (Stanford University 1935)
Joseph Zukin (Stanford University 1949)
August H. Abendroth (Syracuse University 1916)
Albert R. Acheson (Syracuse University 1912)
Carl F. Ackerman (Syracuse University 1897)
Erle L. Ackley (Syracuse University 1905)
Charles A. Adams (Syracuse University 1945)
Robert G. Adams (Syracuse University 1947)
Harold M. Adkins (Syracuse University 1901)
Newman W. Adsit (Syracuse University 1905)
Edward M. Albright (Syracuse University 1956)
Russel A. Allen (Syracuse University 1932)
Lyonel K. Almy (Syracuse University 1916)
Howard A. Anderson (Syracuse University 1938)
Russell E. Anderson (Syracuse University 1935)
Lewis P. Andreas (Syracuse University 1921)
George N. Angell (Syracuse University 1907)
Arthur W. Anibal (Syracuse University 1956)
Frank M. Annis (Syracuse University 1919)
Ernest C. Ansley (Syracuse University 1912)
Richard B. Arnold (Syracuse University 1940)
Kenneth R. Atwater (Syracuse University 1923)
Douglas G. Auld (Syracuse University 1972)
Robert G. Averill (Syracuse University 1944)
Floyd B. Avery (Syracuse University 1916)
Lawrence G. Avery (Syracuse University 1918)
James W. Ayars (Syracuse University 1921)
John A. Bachers (Syracuse University 1963)
Purley D. Bailey (Syracuse University 1913)
Harry W. Baker (Syracuse University 1922)
Herbert N. Baker (Syracuse University 1926)
Robert N. Baker (Syracuse University 1933)
Michael D. Balamoti (Syracuse University 1960)
Allan R. Ballantyne (Syracuse University 1931)
Christian R. Bang (Syracuse University 1921)
Don E. Banks (Syracuse University 1909)
Mark B. Banks (Syracuse University 1909)
Henry S. Barckley (Syracuse University 1923)
Clifford A. Barden (Syracuse University 1914)
Jefferson L. Barker (Syracuse University 1912)
Winfield S. Barlow (Syracuse University 1920)
Donald P. Barner (Syracuse University 1935)
Fred W. Barrett (Syracuse University 1906)
Albin A. Barthelson Jr. (Syracuse University 1950)
Chester L. Bartram (Syracuse University 1921)
John R. Bass (Syracuse University 1956)
Paul E. Basye (Syracuse University 1945)
Wilford S. Batchelder (Syracuse University 1922)
Harold W. Baysinger (Syracuse University 1929)
Reaves H. Baysinger (Syracuse University 1924)
Reaves H. Baysinger (Syracuse University 1948)
Daniel B. Beard (Syracuse University 1930)
Frank C. Bedell (Syracuse University 1936)
John A. Beers (Syracuse University 1901)
Harry B. Belcher (Syracuse University 1906)
Robert E. Bell (Syracuse University 1923)
John E. Belle (Syracuse University 1957)
Bruce M. Benedict (Syracuse University 1943)
Frank E. Benjamin Jr. (Syracuse University 1931)
M. F. Benjamin (Syracuse University 1934)
Lester C. Bennett (Syracuse University 1926)
James G. Bennett (Syracuse University 1961)
Frank L. Benns (Syracuse University 1914)
Archibald A. Bernard (Syracuse University 1910)
Albert H. Betts (Syracuse University 1920)
Frederic H. Betz (Syracuse University 1928)
Richard J. Beyer (Syracuse University 1953)
Noel W. Beyle (Syracuse University 1962)
Thad L. Beyle (Syracuse University 1956)
Paul D. Bicksler (Syracuse University 1916)
Frederick H. Biederstedt (Syracuse University 1921)
Clayton E. Bixby (Syracuse University 1908)
Harry W. Bixby (Syracuse University 1913)
Schuyler L. Black (Syracuse University 1924)
Milton J. Bock (Syracuse University 1934)
Earl E. Bolt (Syracuse University 1949)
Henry Bomgardner (Syracuse University 1917)
Donald E. Borchers (Syracuse University 1942)
Kenneth Borst (Syracuse University 1949)
Glenn E. Borton (Syracuse University 1950)
Jules T. Bouckhuyt (Syracuse University 1949)
Ripley C. Bowman (Syracuse University 1914)
John W. Boyce (Syracuse University 1959)
Louis E. Boyce (Syracuse University 1931)
Donald W. Boyd (Syracuse University 1937)
Frank A. Boyd (Syracuse University 1904)
Wilbur G. Boyd (Syracuse University 1902)
C. R. Braley (Syracuse University 1913)
Thomas B. Brayton (Syracuse University 1952)
Floyd L. Brewster (Syracuse University 1912)
Howard A. Brewster (Syracuse University 1911)
Morell K. Brewster (Syracuse University 1914)
Deane H. Brink (Syracuse University 1955)
Harry C. Britton (Syracuse University 1916)
Gurdon S. Brotherton (Syracuse University 1936)
J. A. Brown (Syracuse University 1905)
Richard H. Brown (Syracuse University 1948)
William E. Brown (Syracuse University 1957)
William M. Brown (Syracuse University 1905)
John L. Bruch (Syracuse University 1944)
William C. Bryant Jr. (Syracuse University 1907)
Wayne P. Bundy (Syracuse University 1961)
Carl U. Burbank (Syracuse University 1920)
J. H. Burchit (Syracuse University 1915)
Richard H. Burdick (Syracuse University 1936)
Joseph E. Burgess (Syracuse University 1914)
Perry G. Burleigh (Syracuse University 1912)
Robert Burns (Syracuse University 1930)
Adelbert P. Burrett (Syracuse University 1928)
Claude A. Burrett (Syracuse University 1902)
Charles V. Byrne (Syracuse University 1946)
Charles K. Cabeen (Syracuse University 1918)
David C. Cabeen (Syracuse University 1908)
Earl O. Cady (Syracuse University 1922)
Edward F. Cady (Syracuse University 1935)
J. Crawford Caflisch (Syracuse University 1925)
Douglas P. Cagwin (Syracuse University 1941)
Paul S. Calkins (Syracuse University 1922)
Richard G. Calthrop (Syracuse University 1903)
John F. Camman (Syracuse University 1929)
Raymond N. Campbell (Syracuse University 1907)
Warren D. Campbell (Syracuse University 1909)
Michael J. Carlton-Jones (Syracuse University 1984)
Ronald B. Carpenter (Syracuse University 1949)
Paul M. Carrick (Syracuse University 1920)
Charles A. Carroll (Syracuse University 1963)
Arnold N. Carter (Syracuse University 1951)
Lewis E. Carter (Syracuse University 1902)
Elliot P. Case (Syracuse University 1925)
W. Park Catchpole (Syracuse University 1940)
Lewis B. Chaloux (Syracuse University 1904)
Louis Y. Chaloux (Syracuse University 1934)
Noble R. Chambers (Syracuse University 1916)
Donald K. Champaign (Syracuse University 1941)
Robert H. Chase (Syracuse University 1939)
William G. Christensen (Syracuse University 1949)
Carl W. Clark (Syracuse University 1971)
John C. Clark (Syracuse University 1937)
M. M. Clark (Syracuse University 1922)
George A. Clyde (Syracuse University 1923)
David R. Coffman (Syracuse University 1938)
William L. Coffman (Syracuse University 1943)
John H. Coit (Syracuse University 1945)
George H. Cole (Syracuse University 1911)
James E. Cole (Syracuse University 1924)
Arnold B. Coleman (Syracuse University 1926)
Aramos V. Collart (Syracuse University 1927)
Robert H. Collins (Syracuse University 1963)
Curtis L. Collison (Syracuse University 1961)
John E. Condon (Syracuse University 1950)
Randall W. Conklin (Syracuse University 1911)
Carl D. Cook Jr. (Syracuse University 1954)
Leslie H. Coons (Syracuse University 1921)
Ward Cooper (Syracuse University 1942)
Richard L. Cotter (Syracuse University 1943)
John H. Coulter (Syracuse University 1910)
James E. Covell (Syracuse University 1944)
Milton K. Cox (Syracuse University 1923)
Robert E. Cramer (Syracuse University 1948)
Finla G. Crawford (Syracuse University 1958)
Richard G. Crawford (Syracuse University 1948)
Bruce J. Crisman (Syracuse University 1907)
George C. Criticos (Syracuse University 1964)
Charles I. Cross (Syracuse University 1929)
William A. Crossett (Syracuse University 1940)
William L. Cuddeback (Syracuse University 1932)
Patrick J. Cunningham (Syracuse University 1950)
George W. Curry (Syracuse University 1937)
Elam C. Curtis (Syracuse University 1918)
Donald R. D'Apriz (Syracuse University 1929)
Fred T. Davidson (Syracuse University 1956)
Leroy H. Davidson (Syracuse University 1917)
Sylvanus S. Davies (Syracuse University 1904)
Arthur C. Davis (Syracuse University 1909)
Lee A. Davis (Syracuse University 1951)
Parkman W. Davis (Syracuse University 1940)
Robert L. Davis (Syracuse University 1946)
Ernest J. De La Motte (Syracuse University 1944)
Howard H. Dearing (Syracuse University 1936)
William E. Debevoise (Syracuse University 1945)
John J. Delaney (Syracuse University 1946)
Albert H. Demarest (Syracuse University 1924)
Clifford S. Demarest (Syracuse University 1924)
William A. Denman (Syracuse University 1951)
Ralph E. DeWitt (Syracuse University 1913)
Walter M. Dewitt (Syracuse University 1923)
Leon G. Dibble (Syracuse University 1942)
William H. Dinehart Jr. (Syracuse University 1937)
Douglas W. Diver (Syracuse University 1933)
Harry B. Dixon (Syracuse University 1912)
Peter M. Donald (Syracuse University 1961)
Jerome W. Donnelly (Syracuse University 1972)
Uri Doolittle (Syracuse University 1934)
Donald L. Doorly (Syracuse University 1937)
Robert H. Doty (Syracuse University 1950)
William E. Doughty (Syracuse University 1904)
Bruce C. Douglas (Syracuse University 1927)
Wesley H. Douglass (Syracuse University 1904)
Robert J. Dubuque Jr. (Syracuse University 1926)
Joseph J. Dudleston (Syracuse University 1915)
John H. Dudley (Syracuse University 1910)
John W. Durgee (Syracuse University 1966)
Lester H. Dye (Syracuse University 1942)
Louis H. Eaton (Syracuse University 1915)
Edward D. Eddy (Syracuse University 1902)
Marc P. Eisen (Syracuse University 1976)
Glenn L. Elkins (Syracuse University 1958)
Dayton Ellis (Syracuse University 1902)
Herbert N. Ellis (Syracuse University 1911)
William E. Endres (Syracuse University 1955)
C. F. Ertz-Berger (Syracuse University 1938)
Karl E. Eschholz (Syracuse University 1944)
Francis E. Esmay (Syracuse University 1929)
John P. Ettwein (Syracuse University 1927)
Donald J. Evans (Syracuse University 1924)
Edmund L. Evans (Syracuse University 1969)
Henry C. J. Evans (Syracuse University 1938)
William R. Evans (Syracuse University 1950)
Lloyd R. Fanton (Syracuse University 1921)
Henry A. Farnham (Syracuse University 1909)
Ray H. Fenner (Syracuse University 1957)
Frederic R. Fenno (Syracuse University 1935)
Robert K. Fenno (Syracuse University 1933)
Kenneth G. Fernalld (Syracuse University 1929)
Jesse L. Ferris (Syracuse University 1931)
Robert W. Feucht (Syracuse University 1954)
Irvin E. Finical (Syracuse University 1951)
Charles M. Fisher (Syracuse University 1933)
George H. Fisher (Syracuse University 1923)
Robert J. Fisher (Syracuse University 1938)
Frank E. Fisk (Syracuse University 1901)
William G. Fitzpatrick (Syracuse University 1938)
J. P. Fleishel (Syracuse University 1930)
Peter C. Fleming (Syracuse University 1966)
Lawton J. Fontaine (Syracuse University 1929)
Clifford H. Foster (Syracuse University 1921)
Ralph W. Foster (Syracuse University 1950)
Jan E. Fowler (Syracuse University 1965)
Joseph P. Fox (Syracuse University 1992)
Charles W. Freudenberg (Syracuse University 1937)
Edward J. Frick (Syracuse University 1961)
Alan C. Friedrich (Syracuse University 1927)
Rowe C. Gage (Syracuse University 1928)
Maurice J. Gardner (Syracuse University 1931)
Harvey R. Gardyne (Syracuse University 1945)
John N. Garlock (Syracuse University 1934)
Sterling A. Garlock (Syracuse University 1927)
John H. Gary (Syracuse University 1952)
John R. Gasser (Syracuse University 1926)
William G. Genant (Syracuse University 1936)
Robert Genteman (Syracuse University 1952)
Raymond C. George (Syracuse University 1917)
William J. Giangiobbe (Syracuse University 1958)
Don E. Giffin (Syracuse University 1903)
Frederick Giffin (Syracuse University 1902)
Glenn F. Gill (Syracuse University 1960)
William W. Glass (Syracuse University 1935)
Carl H. Glismann (Syracuse University 1913)
Marvin B. Glismann (Syracuse University 1915)
Thomas M. Goins (Syracuse University 1954)
Harold E. Goodwin (Syracuse University 1938)
William J. Grabau (Syracuse University 1959)
Newell H. Grace (Syracuse University 1958)
Charles A. Gray (Syracuse University 1963)
Donald M. Green (Syracuse University 1921)
Eben G. Greene (Syracuse University 1933)
Macdonald L. Grieve (Syracuse University 1929)
Roy D. Griffin (Syracuse University 1916)
Cyrus B. Griffith (Syracuse University 1906)
Ray C. Groner (Syracuse University 1918)
Herbert R. Guion (Syracuse University 1915)
John S. Hafer (Syracuse University 1935)
William W. Hafer (Syracuse University 1939)
Elmore W. Hagadorn (Syracuse University 1915)
Frank B. Hagan (Syracuse University 1928)
William V. Haggerty (Syracuse University 1968)
Paul J. Haight (Syracuse University 1934)
Roland S. Hall (Syracuse University 1923)
George W. Hallett (Syracuse University 1914)
Douglas M. Hancock (Syracuse University 1964)
Wesley C. Hanks (Syracuse University 1923)
Harry J. Hanmer (Syracuse University 1906)
George H. Harp (Syracuse University 1915)
Garland A. Harris (Syracuse University 1954)
Rollin K. Harrison (Syracuse University 1925)
James N. Harvey (Syracuse University 1951)
George W. Hatzenbuhler (Syracuse University 1944)
Charles M. Havens (Syracuse University 1935)
John H. Hawkins (Syracuse University 1924)
Carl T. Hawley (Syracuse University 1894)
Eugene H. Hawley Jr. (Syracuse University 1932)
Christopher D. Hays (Syracuse University 1993)
Charles C. Heck (Syracuse University 1926)
Charles W. Hedges (Syracuse University 1925)
Dennis E. Heitner (Syracuse University 1969)
William M. Hekkling (Syracuse University 1908)
Robert E. Helm (Syracuse University 1960)
Ross D. Helmer (Syracuse University 1904)
Edward O. Hemenway (Syracuse University 1909)
Allyn M. Herrick (Syracuse University 1934)
Clinton S. Herrick (Syracuse University 1903)
Charles M. Hersh (Syracuse University 1943)
Emory I. Hessler (Syracuse University 1915)
Charles D. Hicks (Syracuse University 1932)
William W. Hicks (Syracuse University 1952)
William W. Hicks (Syracuse University 1917)
Lyman F. Higbee (Syracuse University 1932)
Ward C. Hitchings (Syracuse University 1949)
David P. Hoaglin (Syracuse University 1958)
Robert A. Hoberg (Syracuse University 1950)
Harlow B. Hopkins (Syracuse University 1931)
Marquis F. Horr (Syracuse University 1909)
Arthur R. Horton (Syracuse University 1902)
Russell S. Howard (Syracuse University 1912)
Charles G. Howell (Syracuse University 1928)
William C. Huber (Syracuse University 1944)
George K. Huckins (Syracuse University 1946)
John H. Hughes (Syracuse University 1945)
William T. Hulse (Syracuse University 1914)
Henry L. Hulst (Syracuse University 1937)
Clarence E. Hutt (Syracuse University 1922)
Henry W. Hutt (Syracuse University 1917)
Lester R. Hutt (Syracuse University 1928)
Raymond A. Ilg (Syracuse University 1943)
Nelson S. Ireton (Syracuse University 1917)
Clarence E. Jack (Syracuse University 1933)
Harry C. Jackson (Syracuse University 1945)
Henry A. Jacobsen (Syracuse University 1928)
Francis M. Jeffe (Syracuse University 1934)
Richard J. Jeffries (Syracuse University 1952)
Lawrence E. Jenkins (Syracuse University 1918)
David H. Jennison (Syracuse University 1976)
Richard F. Jensen (Syracuse University 1940)
David M. Jewett (Syracuse University 1951)
Stephen R. Jewett (Syracuse University 1944)
Joseph Ivan Johnson (Syracuse University 1922)
Leonard B. Johnson (Syracuse University 1939)
Sherwood Johnson (Syracuse University 1935)
Carlton P. Jones (Syracuse University 1934)
Charles A. Jones (Syracuse University 1948)
Evan M. Jones (Syracuse University 1906)
Mac G. Jones (Syracuse University 1942)
Robert H. Jones (Syracuse University 1944)
Robert W. Jones (Syracuse University 1927)
Gerald H. Kane (Syracuse University 1926)
William E. Kassmann (Syracuse University 1953)
Alden O. Kehlhof (Syracuse University 1932)
William J. Kellogg (Syracuse University 1923)
H. K. Kerr (Syracuse University 1935)
Kennard F. Killewald (Syracuse University 1938)
Harold L. King (Syracuse University 1917)
Herbert F. King (Syracuse University 1928)
Thomas H. King (Syracuse University 1956)
Harvey S. Kinne (Syracuse University 1929)
Albert S. Kinney (Syracuse University 1920)
Hayward S. Kirby (Syracuse University 1905)
James C. Kirby (Syracuse University 1921)
Frederick E. Kless (Syracuse University 1959)
William J. Kliber (Syracuse University 1952)
Egbert M. Kline (Syracuse University 1925)
Blair A. Knapp (Syracuse University 1954)
Carter S. Knight (Syracuse University 1941)
Richard A. Kramer (Syracuse University 1971)
William L. Kron MD (Syracuse University 1936)
Norman A. Kropf (Syracuse University 1929)
John W. Laird (Syracuse University 1909)
Charles A. Lapham (Syracuse University 1941)
Burton F. Latham (Syracuse University 1908)
Kyle P. Laughlin (Syracuse University 1921)
Ross B. Lautzenheiser (Syracuse University 1925)
Robert P. Lee (Syracuse University 1952)
Charles A. Lee (Syracuse University 1927)
Thomas H. Lehr (Syracuse University 1952)
Peter R. Lessard (Syracuse University 1953)
Grant W. Lewis (Syracuse University 1930)
Charles F. Libbey (Syracuse University 1920)
Stephen A. Lloyd (Syracuse University 1904)
Sanford J. Locke (Syracuse University 1920)
Herbert C. Lockwood (Syracuse University 1922)
James M. Long (Syracuse University 1912)
James M. Long (Syracuse University 1950)
John A. Longland (Syracuse University 1908)
Thomas M. Lotz (Syracuse University 1957)
Earle S. Lougee (Syracuse University 1912)
Maurice D. Low (Syracuse University 1920)
Warren H. Loyster (Syracuse University 1922)
Chester W. Luce (Syracuse University 1914)
Edward D. Lynde (Syracuse University 1911)
Michael R. Maar (Syracuse University 1972)
Edward R. Maccallum (Syracuse University 1931)
Theodore D. Macgregor (Syracuse University 1902)
Edward H. Mackey (Syracuse University 1932)
Roderick J. MacLean (Syracuse University 1947)
Evander G. Macrae (Syracuse University 1924)
David L. Madronal (Syracuse University 1982)
Herbert A. Magoon (Syracuse University 1906)
Thomas F. Maguire (Syracuse University 1943)
John H. Mahoney (Syracuse University 1950)
Robert T. Malany (Syracuse University 1949)
Lawrence F. Malchow (Syracuse University 1927)
Robert E. Malcom (Syracuse University 1970)
Charles H. Maltby (Syracuse University 1931)
Gerald B. Manley (Syracuse University 1928)
Glenn E. Manning (Syracuse University 1930)
Bert L. Marcy (Syracuse University 1907)
Enzo D. Marinelli (Syracuse University 1953)
Jeffrey A. Markle (Syracuse University 1969)
Benjamin R. Martin (Syracuse University 1934)
Frederick G. Martin (Syracuse University 1934)
Lee A. Martin (Syracuse University 1955)
Philip C. Mason (Syracuse University 1948)
Albert L. Massey (Syracuse University 1960)
George H. Mathisen (Syracuse University 1950)
Russell J. May (Syracuse University 1919)
Charles S. Maynard (Syracuse University 1931)
Richard K. McCormack (Syracuse University 1948)
William P. McGrath (Syracuse University 1955)
Roger J. McLaughlin (Syracuse University 1953)
Claude H. McMaster (Syracuse University 1938)
Charles J. McPhail (Syracuse University 1942)
Crandall Melvin (Syracuse University 1911)
Luther W. Mendenhall (Syracuse University 1919)
Samuel R. Mercer (Syracuse University 1924)
Andrew H. Mercer (Syracuse University 1920)
G. H. Merry (Syracuse University 1934)
Henry B. Mertens (Syracuse University 1921)
Horace W. Merwin (Syracuse University 1909)
Charles W. Mesick (Syracuse University 1916)
John V. Mesick (Syracuse University 1935)
Martin R. Mesick (Syracuse University 1928)
Thomas H. Mesick (Syracuse University 1902)
Harry F. Mett (Syracuse University 1929)
Richard H. Meyer (Syracuse University 1923)
Bruce M. Miller (Syracuse University 1943)
Howard F. Miller (Syracuse University 1942)
John E. Miner (Syracuse University 1933)
Wesley P. Montgomery (Syracuse University 1921)
Edward T. Moore (Syracuse University 1909)
Donald E. Moore (Syracuse University 1948)
Alan C. More (Syracuse University 1969)
Archibald J. Morgan (Syracuse University 1916)
Clarke H. Morian (Syracuse University 1913)
David J. Morris (Syracuse University 1968)
Earl W. Morris (Syracuse University 1913)
Myron B. Morris Jr. (Syracuse University 1931)
Myron B. Morris Sr. (Syracuse University 1904)
Richard A. Mullins (Syracuse University 1949)
Charles A. Murphy (Syracuse University 1987)
James R. Myers (Syracuse University 1957)
Theodore D. Mysliborski (Syracuse University 1967)
Herbert G. Nalton (Syracuse University 1916)
Crosby Nash (Syracuse University 1953)
Gilbert D. Nelson (Syracuse University 1918)
Mark W. Nelson (Syracuse University 1904)
Robert C. Nelson (Syracuse University 1952)
William C. Neuhardt (Syracuse University 1933)
Claude C. Newbury (Syracuse University 1918)
John H. Newell (Syracuse University 1950)
Arthur T. Newkirk (Syracuse University 1917)
Fletcher N. Newman (Syracuse University 1942)
Frederick H. Newman (Syracuse University 1963)
Gorham I. Newton (Syracuse University 1950)
Lewis W. Newton (Syracuse University 1932)
Morris H. Newton (Syracuse University 1912)
Henry A. Niven (Syracuse University 1909)
Howard D. Noble (Syracuse University 1932)
Henry J. Noerling MD (Syracuse University 1933)
Oscar W. Oberlander (Syracuse University 1944)
Francis J. O'Connor (Syracuse University 1940)
Robert F. Osswald (Syracuse University 1951)
Carl L. Oswald (Syracuse University 1914)
Clark L. Oviatt (Syracuse University 1926)
Willard T. Pangmon (Syracuse University 1902)
Courtley R. Parker (Syracuse University 1939)
George W. Parker (Syracuse University 1919)
Henry M. Parker (Syracuse University 1911)
Stuart F. Parker (Syracuse University 1955)
Robert K. Patterson (Syracuse University 1935)
Raymond E. Paul (Syracuse University 1941)
Stuart A. Peebles (Syracuse University 1949)
Irvin B. Perry (Syracuse University 1921)
Carl O. Peterson (Syracuse University 1919)
Ray A. Peterson (Syracuse University 1910)
Birney B. Petigrue (Syracuse University 1907)
Robert N. Petigrue (Syracuse University 1913)
Warren A. Pfitzenmayer (Syracuse University 1987)
John F. Phelan Jr. (Syracuse University 1943)
Albert D. Phillips (Syracuse University 1902)
Harold B. Phillips (Syracuse University 1929)
Donald C. Pickard (Syracuse University 1935)
Gary W. Pickard (Syracuse University 1968)
Frank S. Pierce (Syracuse University 1945)
Leslie A. Pierce (Syracuse University 1917)
William A. Pierce (Syracuse University 1930)
Jay R. Pinover (Syracuse University 1961)
Leroy L. Pitkin (Syracuse University 1934)
Edward T. Pittock (Syracuse University 1923)
George F. Pollock (Syracuse University 1905)
Anthony J. Ponturiero (Syracuse University 1954)
Ernest B. Poole (Syracuse University 1939)
Robert W. Poole (Syracuse University 1937)
Sidman P. Poole (Syracuse University 1917)
Theodore L. Poole (Syracuse University 1904)
Theodore L. Poole (Syracuse University 1934)
Thomas E. Pope (Syracuse University 1915)
Leslie B. Porter (Syracuse University 1959)
Carlton F. Potter (Syracuse University 1907)
Joseph I. Potter (Syracuse University 1926)
Harold H. Powers (Syracuse University 1915)
Roy G. Pratt (Syracuse University 1909)
John F. Price Jr. (Syracuse University 1950)
Stephen R. Pritchard (Syracuse University 1986)
George C. Quereau (Syracuse University 1925)
Edward J. Ralston (Syracuse University 1952)
Loren P. Ransom (Syracuse University 1909)
Perry B. Rauch (Syracuse University 1933)
Emerson M. Raynor (Syracuse University 1921)
James M. Raynor (Syracuse University 1917)
Pierson T. Raynor (Syracuse University 1937)
W. Stanley Rees Jr. (Syracuse University 1926)
Henry A. Remington Jr. (Syracuse University 1932)
Thomas Rennie (Syracuse University 1965)
Quentin L. Reutershan (Syracuse University 1949)
Burt L. Rich (Syracuse University 1955)
Douglas C. Richards (Syracuse University 1940)
Roland W. Richards (Syracuse University 1916)
Daniel J. Richardson (Syracuse University 1903)
Ardeen E. Richmond (Syracuse University 1902)
Harry L. Richmond (Syracuse University 1914)
Marvin G. Ricker (Syracuse University 1950)
James E. Roach (Syracuse University 1955)
Richard L. Roach (Syracuse University 1962)
Mark R. Roadarmel (Syracuse University 1961)
Paul D. Roadarmel (Syracuse University 1964)
Thomas R. Robinson (Syracuse University 1908)
James A. Roe (Syracuse University 1969)
John W. Root (Syracuse University 1902)
Harry F. Rose (Syracuse University 1923)
Ralph E. Rosenberg (Syracuse University 1930)
Judson M. Rosengrant (Syracuse University 1924)
Dean W. Rounds (Syracuse University 1961)
Charles M. Royle (Syracuse University 1930)
Sheldon T. Sage (Syracuse University 1950)
Howard F. Sanders (Syracuse University 1945)
A. R. Scala (Syracuse University 1958)
Fred F. Scanlan (Syracuse University 1910)
William Z. Scarborough (Syracuse University 1905)
Herbert W. Schaefer (Syracuse University 1907)
Fred J. Schumaker (Syracuse University 1910)
George J. Schunck (Syracuse University 1952)
William T. Schwarz (Syracuse University 1909)
F. David Schweizer (Syracuse University 1931)
Marvin P. Schwert (Syracuse University 1956)
John A. Scott (Syracuse University 1904)
Oliver Scott (Syracuse University 1936)
William G. Scott (Syracuse University 1917)
Edward W. Seager (Syracuse University 1953)
Robert W. Semple (Syracuse University 1925)
A. D. Severance (Syracuse University 1963)
Carleton F. Sharpe (Syracuse University 1926)
Elmer B. Shaul (Syracuse University 1914)
Louis C. Shaul (Syracuse University 1906)
C. R. Shaw (Syracuse University 1939)
Kennedy Shaw (Syracuse University 1950)
Lester A. Shaw (Syracuse University 1912)
Maxwell S. Shaw (Syracuse University 1928)
Walter E. Shaw (Syracuse University 1915)
William W. Shaw (Syracuse University 1926)
Dennis P. Sheehan (Syracuse University 1978)
Alvin L. Shepherd (Syracuse University 1969)
Michael O. Shipley (Syracuse University 1958)
Ernest A. Simons (Syracuse University 1908)
Peter B. Skelton (Syracuse University 1960)
Ernest C. Slater (Syracuse University 1924)
Harold E. Slawson (Syracuse University 1941)
Benjamin F. Sloat (Syracuse University 1927)
William T. Smith (Syracuse University 1929)
Voorhees K. Smock (Syracuse University 1946)
Alton W. Snyder (Syracuse University 1924)
Jay L. Southworth (Syracuse University 1906)
Frank Sowers (Syracuse University 1904)
James M. Spencer (Syracuse University 1924)
W. E. Spencer (Syracuse University 1918)
Linn T. Stafford (Syracuse University 1922)
George H. Stanton (Syracuse University 1933)
Wayne E. Steele (Syracuse University 1945)
John C. Stetson (Syracuse University 1955)
Harold D. Steward (Syracuse University 1919)
James P. Stimson (Syracuse University 1908)
James W. Stokes (Syracuse University 1928)
Thomas H. Storrier (Syracuse University 1918)
Charles E. Strang (Syracuse University 1931)
Julian L. Stratton (Syracuse University 1922)
Walter D. Strause (Syracuse University 1931)
Ralph F. Strebel (Syracuse University 1916)
Eric D. Struck (Syracuse University 1989)
Ernest H. Sumner (Syracuse University 1903)
Thomas S. Svensson (Syracuse University 1967)
Robert J. Swackhamer (Syracuse University 1922)
Cyrus H. Sweet (Syracuse University 1905)
Shirley G. Sweet (Syracuse University 1909)
Merritt A. Switzer (Syracuse University 1911)
Charles M. Taggart (Syracuse University 1934)
Richard T. Talpey (Syracuse University 1912)
Bruce P. Tarbox (Syracuse University 1961)
Clarence M. Taylor (Syracuse University 1928)
Donald E. Taylor (Syracuse University 1940)
Donald J. Taylor (Syracuse University 1955)
John O. Taylor (Syracuse University 1928)
Paul B. Taylor (Syracuse University 1953)
Robert B. Taylor (Syracuse University 1907)
Timothy H. Taylor (Syracuse University 1965)
Henry R. Tennant (Syracuse University 1917)
Earl D. Terry (Syracuse University 1922)
Frederic G. Terry (Syracuse University 1917)
Roy M. Terry (Syracuse University 1937)
Harley E. Thompson (Syracuse University 1903)
Laurence H. Tibbetts (Syracuse University 1930)
Raymond L. Tice (Syracuse University 1942)
George E. Tickner (Syracuse University 1932)
Arthur P. Tourville (Syracuse University 1969)
Tulloch M. Townsend (Syracuse University 1912)
Walter P. Townsend (Syracuse University 1924)
John B. Tracy (Syracuse University 1960)
Howard L. Trage (Syracuse University 1922)
Floyd W. Treible (Syracuse University 1906)
Jacob C. Tressler (Syracuse University 1906)
Alex D. Trumble (Syracuse University 1930)
Frank A. Trumble (Syracuse University 1930)
William E. Tweedy (Syracuse University 1924)
Charles O. Tyler (Syracuse University 1938)
Cyril M. Tyler (Syracuse University 1916)
Everett A. Tyler (Syracuse University 1910)
Orlan L. Tyler (Syracuse University 1912)
Lee F. Uhlmann (Syracuse University 1937)
Arthur A. Ullman (Syracuse University 1931)
Clarence C. Ulmer (Syracuse University 1941)
Kern A. Ulrich (Syracuse University 1939)
Albert M. Vandenburg (Syracuse University 1911)
Lawrence F. VanDer Bogart (Syracuse University 1943)
Eugene W. Vandeventer (Syracuse University 1918)
Cornelius Vanduyne (Syracuse University 1904)
Norton L. Vanduyne (Syracuse University 1913)
William A. Vanslyke (Syracuse University 1905)
Charles A. Volz (Syracuse University 1943)
Lorne S. Waddell (Syracuse University 1942)
Norman K. Wagner (Syracuse University 1966)
Deane H. Waite (Syracuse University 1912)
Charles B. Walker (Syracuse University 1899)
James J. Walker (Syracuse University 1962)
W. Harold Walker (Syracuse University 1919)
Merlin B. Ward (Syracuse University 1920)
Laurence M. Watson (Syracuse University 1960)
Leon A. Watson (Syracuse University 1910)
Alton L. Wells (Syracuse University 1908)
Frederick G. Welsh (Syracuse University 1935)
Edward M. Wharff (Syracuse University 1903)
Carl G. Whattler (Syracuse University 1910)
John R. Wheatley (Syracuse University 1958)
Charles D. White (Syracuse University 1958)
Donald W. White (Syracuse University 1916)
Harry F. White (Syracuse University 1913)
Floyd B. Whitebread (Syracuse University 1917)
John W. Wholahan (Syracuse University 1906)
Harry Wickland (Syracuse University 1910)
Earl N. Wikoff (Syracuse University 1904)
Edmund M. Wilcox (Syracuse University 1920)
Leonard H. Wilcox (Syracuse University 1923)
George A. Wildridge (Syracuse University 1942)
William N. Wildridge (Syracuse University 1918)
Howard A. Wiley (Syracuse University 1927)
William J. Wilkes (Syracuse University 1959)
Frederick R. Williams (Syracuse University 1950)
Ralph B. Williams (Syracuse University 1926)
Raymond W. Williams (Syracuse University 1923)
Robert D. Williamson (Syracuse University 1916)
Bradley L. Wilson (Syracuse University 1928)
Frank S. Winship (Syracuse University 1946)
Robert C. Winters (Syracuse University 1961)
Charles W. Wohlford (Syracuse University 1942)
Herbert E. Wolstencroft (Syracuse University 1944)
John R. Wood (Syracuse University 1911)
Alan J. Woodard (Syracuse University 1907)
George D. Worrell (Syracuse University 1937)
George D. Wright (Syracuse University 1920)
I. C. Wright (Syracuse University 1939)
Lynn B. Wyckoff (Syracuse University 1903)
Peter P. Wyman (Syracuse University 1915)
Edward W. Xander (Syracuse University 1949)
Lee J. Yanney (Syracuse University 1925)
Robert J. Yeomans (Syracuse University 1958)
George E. Young (Syracuse University 1905)
Reuben L. Young (Syracuse University 1909)
Robert F. Young (Syracuse University 1904)
Paul C. Zaenglein (Syracuse University 1945)
Gifford G. Zimmerman (Syracuse University 1924)
Jeffery A. Brown (Tennessee Technological University 1987)
Robert T. Burton (Tennessee Technological University 1985)
Benjamin R. Clark (Tennessee Technological University 1996)
Danny R. Dotson (Tennessee Technological University 1987)
David J. Einerson (Tennessee Technological University 1989)
Gregory S. Hamrick (Tennessee Technological University 1984)
Timothy L. Harmon (Tennessee Technological University 1984)
Mark A. Manasco (Tennessee Technological University 1985)
Kenneth W. Owen (Tennessee Technological University 1985)
Michael Darren Whitehead (Tennessee Technological University 1995)
Douglas T. Blaz (Texas A & M University 1998)
Travis L. Booher (Texas A & M University 1992)
Roy P. Clayton (Texas A & M University 2000)
Patrick C. Conoly (Texas A & M University 1987)
Michael T. Dellinger (Texas A & M University 1986)
Robert L. Gililland (Texas A & M University 1987)
Bryan R. Hill (Texas A & M University 1984)
Ronald I. Hord (Texas A & M University 2005)
Thomas C. Knight (Texas A & M University 1984)
Andrew D. Kreston (Texas A & M University 1980)
William K. Looney (Texas A & M University 1996)
Steven P. Minor (Texas A & M University 1990)
Edward J. Moss (Texas A & M University 1980)
Richard G. Tiller (Texas A & M University 1982)
Eric R. Charlton (Texas Christian University 1997)
Judd G. Cox (Texas Christian University 1993)
Robert B. Lewis (Texas Christian University 1991)
Lynn Oates (Texas Christian University 1979)
Jordan M. Peek (Texas Christian University 2005)
Matthew S. Pera (Texas Christian University 1993)
Teddy Abrams (Texas State University 1994)
C. D. Alexander (Texas Tech University 1959)
Hugh A. Anderson (Texas Tech University 1954)
Lee D. Anderson (Texas Tech University 1947)
Darryn D. Andrews (Texas Tech University 1999)
William R. Anthony (Texas Tech University 1945)
Charles R. Arnold (Texas Tech University 1950)
Matthew J. Arntt (Texas Tech University 1996)
Steven R. Arrington (Texas Tech University 1990)
Rossie G. Atwood (Texas Tech University 1952)
John D. Ayres (Texas Tech University 1963)
Matthew K. Bailes (Texas Tech University 1979)
William R. Bailey (Texas Tech University 1998)
Barrett T. Ballinger (Texas Tech University 2011)
Don R. Barber (Texas Tech University 1958)
Tommy E. Barksdale (Texas Tech University 1961)
Samuel S. Bates (Texas Tech University 1951)
Robert D. Batson (Texas Tech University 1964)
Van N. Baucum (Texas Tech University 1954)
Ellis G. Bauereis (Texas Tech University 1955)
Bryan R. Baxter (Texas Tech University 1961)
Gary B. Bean (Texas Tech University 1960)
William J. Bearden (Texas Tech University 1966)
T. K. Beasley (Texas Tech University 2000)
Guy R. Beckham (Texas Tech University 1956)
Benny J. Bedford (Texas Tech University 1957)
George Belcheff (Texas Tech University 1951)
Chase G. Bennett (Texas Tech University 2008)
James N. Bennett (Texas Tech University 1970)
Ronald O. Bennett (Texas Tech University 1951)
Warren F. Bennett (Texas Tech University 1965)
Clifford D. Bequette (Texas Tech University 1977)
Kenneth A. Blenden (Texas Tech University 1975)
G. C. Blocker (Texas Tech University 1962)
Robert W. Bond (Texas Tech University 1979)
Patrick H. Booth (Texas Tech University 1961)
David L. Bourland (Texas Tech University 1960)
Roy W. Boyd (Texas Tech University 1958)
James H. Bradley (Texas Tech University 1951)
Randolph R. Brantley (Texas Tech University 1940)
William A. Bratton (Texas Tech University 1940)
William R. Bravenec (Texas Tech University 1966)
Louis K. Breuer IV (Texas Tech University 1969)
Robert L. Brien (Texas Tech University 1959)
Lucien A. Brundage (Texas Tech University 1965)
Walter D. Bryan (Texas Tech University 1955)
Roy C. Butler (Texas Tech University 1977)
Richard D. Byrd (Texas Tech University 1961)
John P. Cain (Texas Tech University 1960)
James I. Campbell (Texas Tech University 1948)
James E. Cannon (Texas Tech University 1958)
Robert B. Cannon (Texas Tech University 1976)
Raymond W. Carlton (Texas Tech University 1978)
Keith W. Cecil (Texas Tech University 1959)
Gary M. Cevin (Texas Tech University 1986)
Billy C. Chandler (Texas Tech University 1951)
S. R. Clark (Texas Tech University 1938)
Hardy S. Clemons (Texas Tech University 1954)
James W. Cochran (Texas Tech University 1944)
James O. Collins (Texas Tech University 1960)
Billy R. Cooper (Texas Tech University 1951)
Jerome A. Cowan (Texas Tech University 1962)
Kevin B. Crick (Texas Tech University 2015)
Otto L. Croslin (Texas Tech University 1964)
John A. Crumpler (Texas Tech University 1959)
Bryan S. Cuppy (Texas Tech University 1988)
Charles M. Currie (Texas Tech University 1956)
E. F. Currie (Texas Tech University 1955)
James R. Darden (Texas Tech University 1967)
David M. DeBusk (Texas Tech University 1974)
Ernest L. Duncan (Texas Tech University 1965)
Robert D. Echols (Texas Tech University 1960)
Lewis C. Ellis (Texas Tech University 1966)
Hugh English (Texas Tech University 1948)
Charles R. Fifer (Texas Tech University 1963)
Richard F. Flatt (Texas Tech University 1961)
Andrew L. Fono (Texas Tech University 1987)
Geoffrey F. Forbes (Texas Tech University 1982)
G. T. Ford (Texas Tech University 1988)
Billy J. Fraley (Texas Tech University 1954)
Warren T. Freeman (Texas Tech University 1981)
William D. Gaither (Texas Tech University 1956)
James A. Gibson (Texas Tech University 1963)
Craig R. Gilbert (Texas Tech University 1974)
Joe R. Goodin (Texas Tech University 1955)
Greg N. Grantham (Texas Tech University 1981)
Terry L. Grantham (Texas Tech University 1979)
Jimmy B. Green (Texas Tech University 1954)
Sid T. Gregory (Texas Tech University 1966)
Alton R. Griffin (Texas Tech University 1951)
Bill M. Grist (Texas Tech University 1969)
Freeman F. Gross (Texas Tech University 1956)
Van W. Hall (Texas Tech University 1956)
Robert P. Harle (Texas Tech University 1969)
Charles T. Hatchett (Texas Tech University 1962)
Richard E. Helm (Texas Tech University 1971)
William H. Hoffmann (Texas Tech University 1948)
Ernest C. Holleman (Texas Tech University 1960)
Charles A. Holmquest (Texas Tech University 1955)
Emil J. Holub (Texas Tech University 1961)
James L. Horstman (Texas Tech University 1963)
Norman G. Igo (Texas Tech University 1943)
Raymond B. Ince (Texas Tech University 1948)
Ronald M. Jackson (Texas Tech University 1967)
Robert E. Jameson (Texas Tech University 1953)
Claude E. Jarrett Jr. (Texas Tech University 1947)
Justin J. Jeffries (Texas Tech University 2005)
Glen V. Jenkins (Texas Tech University 1960)
John T. Johnson (Texas Tech University 1960)
Robert L. Johnson (Texas Tech University 1958)
Gordon E. Joiner (Texas Tech University 1960)
Wilbur C. Keith Jr. (Texas Tech University 1969)
Carl E. Kennedy (Texas Tech University 1955)
Robert E. Killian (Texas Tech University 1956)
Roy M. King (Texas Tech University 1938)
James H. Knight (Texas Tech University 1956)
Robert H. Koonce (Texas Tech University 1958)
Martin L. Koonsman (Texas Tech University 1961)
William V. Lapham (Texas Tech University 1960)
David P. Larson (Texas Tech University 1955)
Jack P. Lawrence (Texas Tech University 1959)
Fred A. LeBeau (Texas Tech University 1959)
James R. Lile (Texas Tech University 1952)
John R. Link (Texas Tech University 1956)
James F. Loper (Texas Tech University 1961)
Roy H. Loveless (Texas Tech University 1965)
Daryl L. Lowe (Texas Tech University 1972)
Larry K. Lowe (Texas Tech University 1967)
William Lowrimore (Texas Tech University 1960)
Raymond N. Lunn (Texas Tech University 1955)
Jim R. Lynch (Texas Tech University 1950)
Robert P. Macina (Texas Tech University 1949)
Timothy B. Maginnis (Texas Tech University 1973)
George W. Mallett (Texas Tech University 1955)
R. Carter Manly (Texas Tech University 1988)
Bruce W. Matson (Texas Tech University 1956)
Richard S. McClure (Texas Tech University 1958)
Charles F. McCown (Texas Tech University 1959)
Robert J. McCune (Texas Tech University 1959)
Douglas R. McCutchen (Texas Tech University 1972)
Stout S. McDonnold (Texas Tech University 1949)
David L. McDougal (Texas Tech University 1969)
Thomas R. McElhenney (Texas Tech University 1973)
John T. Mellinger (Texas Tech University 1955)
William H. Menzies (Texas Tech University 1965)
Roy J. Milhoan (Texas Tech University 1959)
Duane L. Miller (Texas Tech University 1958)
Leroy F. Miller (Texas Tech University 1968)
John A. Mills (Texas Tech University 1952)
Carl L. Minor (Texas Tech University 1966)
Joe L. Moore (Texas Tech University 1957)
Michael G. Moore (Texas Tech University 1966)
Scott J. Moore (Texas Tech University 1998)
Thomas E. Morris (Texas Tech University 1955)
James K. Murph (Texas Tech University 1967)
Richard W. Murphy (Texas Tech University 1961)
Robert M. Newsom (Texas Tech University 1965)
Royce G. Newsom (Texas Tech University 1964)
E. N. Nichols (Texas Tech University 1944)
Jimmy E. Nickell (Texas Tech University 1954)
Bill W. Parks (Texas Tech University 1956)
Tom G. Parks (Texas Tech University 1957)
Steven K. Parsons (Texas Tech University 1975)
Thomas A. Paul (Texas Tech University 1975)
Michael A. Pearson (Texas Tech University 1970)
Jonathan C. Pelton (Texas Tech University 1969)
Howard M. Phillips (Texas Tech University 1950)
Paul W. Phillips (Texas Tech University 1958)
H. D. Phillips Jr. (Texas Tech University 1941)
I. J. Pierce (Texas Tech University 1951)
Robert A. Pigg (Texas Tech University 1970)
Jerry R. Pitts (Texas Tech University 1974)
John D. Pool (Texas Tech University 1957)
Richard B. Putman (Texas Tech University 1966)
David D. Rainey (Texas Tech University 1975)
Jack D. Rawdon (Texas Tech University 1960)
Michael N. Ray (Texas Tech University 1976)
Floyd E. Read (Texas Tech University 1948)
Newell A. Reed (Texas Tech University 1949)
Garnet O. Reeves (Texas Tech University 1954)
Carl N. Rennert (Texas Tech University 1962)
Rudolph Rice (Texas Tech University 1946)
R. T. Rieger (Texas Tech University 1974)
Jack W. Robbins (Texas Tech University 1966)
Dale A. Roberts (Texas Tech University 1957)
I. L. Rose (Texas Tech University 1980)
Ronald L. Rushing (Texas Tech University 1951)
Torrey S. Ruzicka (Texas Tech University 1993)
A. C. Sanders (Texas Tech University 1935)
Jimmy D. Sawyer (Texas Tech University 1971)
Melvin R. Schlegel (Texas Tech University 1955)
Howard W. Schmidt (Texas Tech University 1950)
Walter L. Schuler (Texas Tech University 1959)
John W. Scott (Texas Tech University 1977)
Barry J. Sell (Texas Tech University 1973)
Ralph E. Sharp (Texas Tech University 1956)
John C. Shinn (Texas Tech University 1969)
O. W. Shipley (Texas Tech University 1955)
James W. Shive (Texas Tech University 1954)
Brian D. Short (Texas Tech University 1996)
Martin E. Sikes (Texas Tech University 1968)
Stone M. Sivertsen (Texas Tech University 2007)
Roy D. Smith (Texas Tech University 1959)
Eldon L. Smith (Texas Tech University 1956)
Raiford H. Stainback (Texas Tech University 1958)
J. R. Stargel (Texas Tech University 1955)
Curtis J. Sterling (Texas Tech University 1950)
Steve W. Sterquell (Texas Tech University 1975)
Ronald G. Stewart (Texas Tech University 1954)
Roy L. Stine (Texas Tech University 1952)
Philip M. Stribling (Texas Tech University 1954)
Billie D. Sumners (Texas Tech University 1955)
Royce D. Tankersley (Texas Tech University 1959)
Charles E. Taylor (Texas Tech University 1960)
George C. Taylor Jr. (Texas Tech University 1970)
Louis N. Thomas (Texas Tech University 1967)
William J. Thurman (Texas Tech University 1949)
Chad W. Tinsley (Texas Tech University 2001)
James M. Truitt (Texas Tech University 1965)
Hayes H. Tucker (Texas Tech University 1953)
Max S. Von Roeder (Texas Tech University 1954)
Billy J. Waddle (Texas Tech University 1958)
W. K. Waite (Texas Tech University 1961)
Jerry F. Wales (Texas Tech University 1956)
James E. Warren (Texas Tech University 1949)
Ken T. Weaver (Texas Tech University 1962)
David J. Webster (Texas Tech University 1975)
George G. White (Texas Tech University 1969)
James B. Wilde (Texas Tech University 1955)
Larry F. Wiley (Texas Tech University 1981)
Charles E. Wilkes (Texas Tech University 1955)
Bryan J. Williams (Texas Tech University 1962)
John G. Williams (Texas Tech University 1966)
Lee W. Williams (Texas Tech University 1966)
Jack D. Williamson (Texas Tech University 1959)
Tim D. Williamson (Texas Tech University 1963)
Walter E. Wilmeth (Texas Tech University 1963)
George C. Wilson (Texas Tech University 1940)
Jerry A. Wilson (Texas Tech University 1957)
Monte J. Wise (Texas Tech University 1956)
William D. Witherspoon (Texas Tech University 1978)
Robert F. Wood (Texas Tech University 1971)
William H. Young (Texas Tech University 1964)
John B. Bott (Thiel College 1874)
George W. Critchlow (Thiel College 1876)
John B. Duff (Thiel College 1877)
Horace E. Dunlap (Thiel College 1877)
William D. James (Thiel College 1878)
Albert J. Kepple (Thiel College 1876)
Jacob C. Kunzmann (Thiel College 1875)
John H. Martin (Thiel College 1877)
D. P. Packard (Thiel College 1876)
George L. Rankin (Thiel College 1874)
William S. Ross (Thiel College 1875)
John M. Roth (Thiel College 1874)
Lewis M. Roth (Thiel College 1878)
Samuel S. Roth (Thiel College 1877)
Theophilus B. Roth (Thiel College 1874)
Wilbert P. Shanor (Thiel College 1877)
John E. Whitteker (Thiel College 1875)
Robert H. Zimmerman (Thiel College 1876)
John M. Askew (Transylvania University 1860)
William C. Goodloe (Transylvania University 1862)
Charles R. Harrison (Transylvania University 1861)
Alexander R. Milligan (Transylvania University 1861)
John W. Moore (Transylvania University 1862)
George G. Mullins (Transylvania University 1862)
Micah C. Saufley (Transylvania University 1862)
Robert W. Sea (Transylvania University 1862)
Samuel R. Smith (Transylvania University 1861)
Joseph E. Tucker (Transylvania University 1861)
Richard R. Wheatley (Transylvania University 1862)
Thomas J. Ahern (Trinity College 1922)
Philip E. Aldrich (Trinity College 1916)
Merrill K. Allen (Trinity College 1914)
Edward C. Andersen (Trinity College 1922)
William C. Andrews (Trinity College 1912)
Roswald L. Armstrong (Trinity College 1917)
Harold S. Backus (Trinity College 1902)
Clinton J. Backus (Trinity College 1909)
William H. Bailey (Trinity College 1909)
Edwin L. Baker (Trinity College 1905)
Frederick B. Bartlett (Trinity College 1904)
Henry A. Beers (Trinity College 1912)
Louis I. Belden (Trinity College 1894)
Charles A. Bennett (Trinity College 1915)
Sanford I. Benton (Trinity College 1897)
John R. Bernklow (Trinity College 1919)
Thomas J. Birmingham (Trinity College 1924)
Douglas A. Blease (Trinity College 1918)
Charles W. Bonner (Trinity College 1908)
George L. Booth (Trinity College 1919)
Madison B. Bordley (Trinity College 1896)
Harold J. Brickley (Trinity College 1919)
Frank S. Brown (Trinity College 1905)
Joseph H. Buell (Trinity College 1896)
William F. Bulkley (Trinity College 1905)
Vere G. Burdick (Trinity College 1911)
Fred D. Carpenter (Trinity College 1910)
Edmund S. Carr (Trinity College 1905)
Edward C. Carroll (Trinity College 1918)
Joseph O. Carroll (Trinity College 1911)
Sherman Cawley (Trinity College 1911)
Charles G. Chamberlin (Trinity College 1907)
George D. Chambers (Trinity College 1906)
Lester H. Church (Trinity College 1921)
Lloyd W. Clarke (Trinity College 1907)
Philip S. Clarke (Trinity College 1903)
Thomas R. Clendinen (Trinity College 1909)
Dexter E. Coggeshall (Trinity College 1907)
Charles W. Collins (Trinity College 1908)
William E. Conklin (Trinity College 1893)
Ashley L. Cook (Trinity College 1911)
Frederic J. Corbett (Trinity College 1908)
Alexander W. Creedon (Trinity College 1909)
John F. Cronan (Trinity College 1906)
Francis T. Curley (Trinity College 1915)
Leslie L. Curtis (Trinity College 1919)
Ray Davies (Trinity College 1906)
Paul A. Demacarte (Trinity College 1922)
Louis F. Dettenborn Jr. (Trinity College 1922)
Edward E. Dissell (Trinity College 1911)
Edwin J. Donnelly (Trinity College 1908)
Philip Dougherty (Trinity College 1907)
Albert J. Draper (Trinity College 1913)
George W. Draper (Trinity College 1910)
Edward L. Duffee (Trinity College 1905)
Donald A. Dunham (Trinity College 1906)
Harold B. Dye (Trinity College 1909)
Frederick P. Easland (Trinity College 1918)
Robert L. Eaton (Trinity College 1905)
William G. Emerson (Trinity College 1915)
Edwin J. Emmons (Trinity College 1922)
Benjamin H. Fairbrother (Trinity College 1907)
Clark T. Falknor (Trinity College 1903)
Everett S. Fallow (Trinity College 1906)
Karl Fenning (Trinity College 1903)
Joseph D. Flynn (Trinity College 1897)
Frank R. Fox (Trinity College 1920)
Eugene E. George (Trinity College 1907)
James H. George (Trinity College 1905)
Frederick T. Gilbert (Trinity College 1909)
Robert Glenney (Trinity College 1904)
Allen R. Goodale (Trinity College 1905)
Hubert D. Goodale (Trinity College 1903)
Harold C. Green (Trinity College 1910)
Stephen W. Green (Trinity College 1910)
George C. Griffith (Trinity College 1918)
John E. Griffith (Trinity College 1917)
Paul H. Guilfoil (Trinity College 1908)
James W. Gunning (Trinity College 1896)
Leroy K. Hagenow (Trinity College 1896)
Albert Haithwaite (Trinity College 1913)
Caleb A. Harding (Trinity College 1920)
Robert V. Harris (Trinity College 1918)
Thaddeus W. Harris (Trinity College 1917)
Walter C. Hathaway (Trinity College 1913)
Arthur B. Henshaw (Trinity College 1910)
William A. Henshaw (Trinity College 1909)
Fred A. Higginbothan (Trinity College 1902)
Raymond T. Higgins (Trinity College 1917)
Austin E. Hodge (Trinity College 1915)
Robert S. Hooper (Trinity College 1916)
Harry L. Howe (Trinity College 1902)
William S. Hyde (Trinity College 1902)
Robert Ingleson (Trinity College 1912)
L. Brewster Ives (Trinity College 1925)
Louis F. Jefferson (Trinity College 1915)
Charles Judd (Trinity College 1893)
Arthur P. Kelley (Trinity College 1901)
Philip T. Kennedy (Trinity College 1905)
Austin A. King (Trinity College 1919)
Ronald E. Kinney (Trinity College 1915)
Archer E. Knowlton (Trinity College 1910)
Wade H. Knowlton (Trinity College 1911)
Walter F. Lakin (Trinity College 1909)
James C. Landefeldt (Trinity College 1907)
George F. Langdon (Trinity College 1896)
William R. Langdon (Trinity College 1914)
Jacob A. Laubenstein (Trinity College 1902)
Peter P. Lawlor (Trinity College 1914)
William H. Lee (Trinity College 1908)
August H. Leschke (Trinity College 1910)
Alfred J. L'Heureux (Trinity College 1913)
William E. L'Heureux (Trinity College 1918)
Howard J. Livermore (Trinity College 1914)
Norman M. Loomis (Trinity College 1899)
Francis A. Loveland (Trinity College 1912)
William F. Madden (Trinity College 1908)
Samuel W. Maguire (Trinity College 1895)
John F. Maher (Trinity College 1919)
George Malcolm-Smith (Trinity College 1925)
Edward J. Mason (Trinity College 1901)
Robert L. Mason (Trinity College 1908)
Edward G. McKay (Trinity College 1917)
Charles W. McKone (Trinity College 1908)
George D. McNamara (Trinity College 1922)
Harry J. McNamara (Trinity College 1921)
George E. Mercer (Trinity College 1918)
Albert D. Merwin (Trinity College 1898)
Arthur F. Miller (Trinity College 1895)
Charles A. Monagan (Trinity College 1893)
Charles E. Morrow (Trinity College 1909)
Joseph J. Mullen (Trinity College 1923)
James P. Murray (Trinity College 1914)
Clarence E. Needham (Trinity College 1911)
Byron E. Newton (Trinity College 1909)
Richard B. Noble (Trinity College 1925)
Henry J. Nolan (Trinity College 1905)
William G. Oliver (Trinity College 1910)
Ewald E. Olsson (Trinity College 1910)
Michael F. Owens (Trinity College 1905)
Sherman C. Parker (Trinity College 1922)
Benjamin W. Pelton (Trinity College 1917)
Clarence I. Penn (Trinity College 1912)
Anthony L. Poto (Trinity College 1918)
Vincent H. Potter (Trinity College 1919)
John F. Powell (Trinity College 1906)
Earl B. Ramsdell (Trinity College 1911)
Frank M. Rathbone (Trinity College 1906)
Brainerd S. Ray (Trinity College 1916)
Paul M. Reardon (Trinity College 1922)
Harold T. Reddish (Trinity College 1920)
Henry C. Redfield (Trinity College 1918)
Ralph M. Ridings (Trinity College 1916)
Harold E. Robbins (Trinity College 1908)
Lawrence S. Roberts (Trinity College 1915)
Wallace S. Roberts (Trinity College 1923)
Carlton A. Rosa (Trinity College 1909)
Daniel T. Rourke (Trinity College 1923)
Ralph H. Saltsman (Trinity College 1912)
Henry W. Selden (Trinity College 1914)
Charles T. Senay (Trinity College 1914)
Edmund F. Singer (Trinity College 1925)
Harold T. Slattery (Trinity College 1921)
Ward W. Slawson (Trinity College 1910)
Clarence A. Smith (Trinity College 1899)
Kenneth D. Smith (Trinity College 1925)
Robert R. Smith (Trinity College 1915)
Percival S. Smithe (Trinity College 1899)
Karl L. Sommer (Trinity College 1912)
Kenneth N. Soule (Trinity College 1922)
Reginald I. Spier (Trinity College 1907)
Cyrus T. Steven (Trinity College 1914)
William E. Steven (Trinity College 1912)
Charles H. Street (Trinity College 1896)
Roland Symonds (Trinity College 1916)
William S. Terrell (Trinity College 1924)
Herman E. Tull (Trinity College 1897)
Harvey B. Vanderbogart (Trinity College 1903)
James R. Veitch (Trinity College 1903)
Arthur W. Wainwright (Trinity College 1916)
Charles B. Walsh (Trinity College 1905)
George H. Wartman (Trinity College 1908)
Alfred H. Wedge (Trinity College 1895)
Sidney H. Whipple (Trinity College 1920)
Allan A. White (Trinity College 1923)
William C. White (Trinity College 1897)
Francis E. Williams (Trinity College 1913)
John W. Williams (Trinity College 1919)
Clifford K. Wood (Trinity College 1900)
Percival A. Wood (Trinity College 1897)
Frederick P. Woolley (Trinity College 1916)
Charles E. Wright (Trinity College 1924)
Clifton Wright (Trinity College 1915)
Raymond S. Yeomans (Trinity College 1899)
Frank R. Young (Trinity College 1895)
Charles C. Zwingman (Trinity College 1917)
Anthony C. Chesson (Tulane University 1994)
Terry M. Duncan (Tulane University 1990)
Todd D. Durand (Tulane University 1987)
Kevin C. Limp (Tulane University 1986)
A. A. Martin (Tulane University 1986)
Ryan J. Morey (Tulane University 2017)
Richard B. Paolillo (Tulane University 1987)
Steven C. Sandler (Tulane University 1985)
Howard N. Vinokur (Tulane University 1989)
Phillip R. Zeigler (Tulane University 1989)
Warren Ackerman (Union College 1935)
Frederick E. Ackley (Union College 1928)
William A. Ackroyd (Union College 1910)
Herbert H. Adams (Union College 1944)
William J. Akitt (Union College 1953)
James J. Albrecht (Union College 1948)
Herrick C. Allen (Union College 1899)
Marston Ames (Union College 1939)
John T. Appleton (Union College 1908)
Ernest B. Augur (Union College 1920)
Adams Bailey (Union College 1919)
Harold R. Baird (Union College 1919)
Richard M. Baird (Union College 1930)
William W. Baird (Union College 1925)
Millis J. Baker (Union College 1947)
Charles C. Ballard (Union College 1899)
William R. Barnett (Union College 1919)
Eugene B. Barrett (Union College 1921)
W. D. Barry (Union College 1945)
Lyman G. Barton (Union College 1939)
Charles T. Beach (Union College 1949)
Havilah Beardsley (Union College 1899)
Nathan Beckwith (Union College 1894)
Fay B. Begor (Union College 1937)
Carroll E. Benedict (Union College 1920)
Alden R. Benson (Union College 1932)
Peter Bishko (Union College 1963)
Richard D. Blanchard (Union College 1934)
William C. Blase (Union College 1944)
Albert V. Blessing (Union College 1916)
Everett D. Bliss (Union College 1932)
Arba M. Blodgett (Union College 1897)
Allan G. Blue (Union College 1951)
Douglas K. Blue (Union College 1939)
Robert P. Bocek (Union College 1960)
Herbert Bothamley (Union College 1947)
Francis R. Bourquin (Union College 1957)
Charles A. Bouteiller (Union College 1927)
Charles H. Bowman (Union College 1918)
H. Douglas Boynton (Union College 1943)
Francis C. Bradt (Union College 1929)
Richard L. Brandhorst (Union College 1956)
Henry W. Brandow (Union College 1936)
Edward H. Branson (Union College 1911)
Parker N. Bridges (Union College 1933)
Charles C. Briggs (Union College 1889)
James W. Brooks (Union College 1914)
Edgar Brown (Union College 1895)
George H. Brown (Union College 1903)
Henry S. Brown Jr. (Union College 1927)
Joseph R. Brown (Union College 1903)
George H. Buckbee (Union College 1960)
Franklin S. Burleigh (Union College 1932)
D. B. Burns (Union College 1944)
Charles E. Burton (Union College 1909)
John H. Burwell (Union College 1914)
Bradford W. Buttner (Union College 1939)
John A. Callan (Union College 1920)
Donald F. Cameron (Union College 1923)
I. Lamont Cameron (Union College 1932)
J. Alister Cameron (Union College 1926)
William C. Campbell (Union College 1900)
Herbert H. Cantwell (Union College 1907)
James M. Cass (Union College 1895)
Shelby L. Castleman (Union College 1947)
Kenneth W. Cermak (Union College 1931)
Grant W. Chadwick (Union College 1906)
William H. Champlin (Union College 1943)
Byron E. Chapman Jr. (Union College 1948)
William T. Cherry (Union College 1897)
Arthur P. Clark (Union College 1903)
Bertrand M. Clark (Union College 1922)
Preston R. Clark (Union College 1929)
R. P. Clark (Union College 1909)
Frederic P. Clifton (Union College 1937)
James M. Cline (Union College 1920)
John H. Cline (Union College 1922)
Frederick P. Cole (Union College 1947)
Morey C. Collier (Union College 1903)
James A. Collins (Union College 1895)
Leroy P. Collins (Union College 1905)
James M. Conklin (Union College 1908)
Harry Cook (Union College 1906)
John H. Cook (Union College 1901)
Nelson Coon (Union College 1917)
Frank S. Corey (Union College 1914)
Donald G. Cormack (Union College 1934)
Vincent H. Coryell (Union College 1950)
Stanley M. Coulter (Union College 1960)
Thaddeus G. Cowell (Union College 1904)
Walter A. Cowell (Union College 1902)
Walter R. Crocker (Union College 1925)
Ralph S. Cross (Union College 1927)
Thalen L. Cross (Union College 1924)
Glen P. Dalton (Union College 1929)
Henry B. Daly (Union College 1913)
James F. Davidson (Union College 1919)
Ernest W. Davis (Union College 1906)
Frederic R. Davis (Union College 1900)
Hugh G. Davis (Union College 1907)
James H. Davis (Union College 1981)
Norman A. Davis (Union College 1913)
Robert B. Davis (Union College 1942)
Robert C. Davis (Union College 1948)
William B. Davis (Union College 1899)
Benjamin E. Dean (Union College 1922)
John T. Dempster (Union College 1943)
Kendall T. Dempster (Union College 1949)
Wells C. Dennison (Union College 1937)
Douglas S. DeWeese (Union College 1944)
William H. Dinehart (Union College 1961)
Albert F. Dingley (Union College 1948)
Donald D. Dingman (Union College 1942)
Norman M. Dingman (Union College 1912)
O. L. Donald (Union College 1924)
Richard K. Donohue (Union College 1946)
Edward R. Doyle (Union College 1915)
Robert C. Duncan (Union College 1951)
J. H. Dunham (Union College 1896)
Lewis O. Dunn (Union College 1925)
Edgar D. Dunning (Union College 1924)
Frederick M. Eames (Union College 1895)
Robert M. Eames (Union College 1899)
Robert Easterly (Union College 1929)
Clarence H. Edmonds (Union College 1926)
Francis M. Edwards (Union College 1907)
Herbert L. Egner (Union College 1927)
William T. Ellis (Union College 1947)
George L. Elmendorf (Union College 1935)
Anson A. Emmerling (Union College 1917)
John H. English (Union College 1941)
Albert H. Faber (Union College 1916)
Leroy G. Fales (Union College 1916)
Robert J. Feldman (Union College 1940)
Alan C. Ferguson (Union College 1922)
Roswell E. Fisher (Union College 1927)
David J. Fitzgerald (Union College 1956)
Ulrich O. Fontaine (Union College 1962)
Leon B. Foote (Union College 1909)
James S. Forbes (Union College 1931)
John J. Ford (Union College 1946)
Carl L. Forshee (Union College 1923)
William R. Fox (Union College 1899)
Leonard H. Frasier (Union College 1918)
Chauncey French (Union College 1899)
Seward H. French (Union College 1900)
Wallace V. Fretts (Union College 1921)
Lewis W. Friederich (Union College 1928)
Walter J. Friederich (Union College 1928)
Henry R. Froehlig (Union College 1932)
David W. Frost (Union College 1952)
Herbert L. Fuller (Union College 1902)
Raymond D. Fuller (Union College 1897)
Chester G. Fullerton (Union College 1908)
George R. Galbraith (Union College 1916)
Warren S. Gale (Union College 1920)
Frederick M. Galloway (Union College 1959)
Henry C. Gates (Union College 1930)
Donald J. Gestwick (Union College 1954)
John A. Giles (Union College 1897)
William R. Gilgore (Union College 1929)
Robert B. Gillie (Union College 1943)
Joseph L. Gillson (Union College 1943)
George O. Gilman (Union College 1918)
Raymond J. Girvin (Union College 1933)
John E. Glen (Union College 1937)
Paul R. Gordon (Union College 1908)
Karl H. Gorham (Union College 1919)
Milton E. Goul (Union College 1926)
George N. Gow (Union College 1944)
Spencer C. Gowrie (Union College 1948)
David Grant (Union College 1908)
Guy A. Graves (Union College 1937)
H. K. Gray (Union College 1954)
John C. Gresham (Union College 1944)
John F. Gribbon (Union College 1928)
James H. Griffin (Union College 1912)
Malcolm L. Griffing (Union College 1935)
Gardner P. Griffith (Union College 1931)
Guy B. Griswold (Union College 1903)
William C. Griswold (Union College 1894)
Guy B. Griswold (Union College 1936)
Paul J. Hackett (Union College 1953)
George C. Halla (Union College 1908)
Johnson P. Hallenbeck (Union College 1909)
Alonzo W. Hallock (Union College 1922)
Peter H. Hamilton (Union College 1979)
Charles B. Hane (Union College 1897)
James Hane (Union College 1931)
John Hanson (Union College 1949)
James P. Harrigan (Union College 1978)
Thurlow D. Harter (Union College 1920)
Clark L. Hastings (Union College 1928)
Joseph L. Hayden (Union College 1907)
William J. Herman (Union College 1957)
Leonard W. Herrick (Union College 1951)
Roy M. Hershey (Union College 1968)
Charles W. Hewett (Union College 1978)
Arthur A. Highland (Union College 1946)
Roger W. Hogue (Union College 1930)
Michael C. Holowaty (Union College 1965)
Ira A. Hotaling (Union College 1897)
J. M. Hotchkiss (Union College 1910)
Louis D. Howard (Union College 1931)
Warren M. Howell (Union College 1946)
Claude K. Huston (Union College 1906)
Ralph A. Hutcheson (Union College 1948)
John W. Jackson (Union College 1916)
Herbert L. Jaycox (Union College 1920)
Carl B. Jenkins (Union College 1916)
R. I. Johannesen (Union College 1920)
Carl C. Johnson (Union College 1934)
Richard C. Johnson (Union College 1964)
Robert H. Johnston (Union College 1904)
Clinton Jones (Union College 1900)
Elloit V. Jones (Union College 1917)
Frederick R. Jones (Union College 1892)
Ira F. Jones (Union College 1931)
Leslie W. Jones (Union College 1921)
Gilbert H. Jordan (Union College 1922)
Louis W. Joy (Union College 1981)
William G. Keens (Union College 1936)
Ralph B. Kenney (Union College 1929)
Elvin S. Ketchum (Union College 1900)
Irving M. Ketchum (Union College 1899)
Milton D. Ketchum (Union College 1916)
Gulick Z. Knight (Union College 1925)
Willard C. Knight (Union College 1930)
William H. Knolle (Union College 1944)
Ernest R. Koth (Union College 1925)
Roland E. LaGrange (Union College 1957)
Richard H. Lange (Union College 1946)
Walter C. Langsam (Union College 1939)
Erwin E. Lanpher (Union College 1899)
John L. Lehman (Union College 1919)
L S. Lennartson (Union College 1952)
Donald H. Lescohier (Union College 1940)
Charles H. Lewis (Union College 1951)
William F. Licht (Union College 1947)
William U. Light (Union College 1930)
Charles T. Locke (Union College 1922)
Charles C. Lord (Union College 1899)
Charles R. Lord (Union College 1944)
William C. Loughlin (Union College 1916)
George C. Ludwig (Union College 1966)
William B. Lynn (Union College 1940)
John G. MacDougal (Union College 1953)
Kenneth E. Mackenzie (Union College 1941)
Tyler F. MacMaster (Union College 1931)
Winthrop A. Macmaster (Union College 1927)
Roger W. Macmillan (Union College 1915)
Stuart F. MacMillan (Union College 1920)
Wallace H. Macmillan (Union College 1912)
Wallace H. MacMillan (Union College 1943)
Tiit T. Maekask (Union College 1960)
Theodore Male (Union College 1943)
Douglas G. Marone (Union College 1936)
David L. Martin (Union College 1957)
Edgar H. Martin (Union College 1915)
George E. Martin (Union College 1952)
Augustine Marx (Union College 1908)
John M. Mason (Union College 1945)
George E. Mayo (Union College 1933)
Ezekiel McCleary (Union College 1920)
William McCleary (Union College 1920)
Robert H. McEwen (Union College 1910)
Willard H. McKay (Union College 1922)
William F. Meier (Union College 1946)
Clifford C. Meldrum (Union College 1948)
Kirk A. Mellen (Union College 1961)
Edward W. Miller (Union College 1887)
Friend J. Miller (Union College 1933)
George J. Miller (Union College 1940)
Sanford A. Moeller (Union College 1903)
Paul C. Moran Jr. (Union College 1944)
Ray Morris (Union College 1897)
William Muirhead (Union College 1939)
Amos K. Munson (Union College 1912)
Charles F. Murphy (Union College 1898)
Richard D. Muzdakis (Union College 1955)
Harold A. Nadeau (Union College 1926)
Frank W. Neary (Union College 1902)
Samuel J. Neff (Union College 1901)
James R. Newell (Union College 1965)
Arthur H. Newman (Union College 1918)
Leroy C. Nimmo (Union College 1910)
James L. Noecker (Union College 1923)
Simon F. Nottidge (Union College 1991)
Jay C. O'Brien (Union College 1939)
John J. O'Brien (Union College 1946)
Bernard L. O'Connell (Union College 1951)
Henry S. Olmsted (Union College 1904)
Henry D. Osborne II (Union College 1907)
Lester B. Osterhout (Union College 1928)
Myron E. Osterhout (Union College 1918)
Kenneth N. Palmer (Union College 1923)
John W. Parker (Union College 1933)
Edward M. Patnode (Union College 1949)
William G. Pattison (Union College 1969)
Edwin V. Payne (Union College 1895)
James R. Pemrick (Union College 1949)
Albert H. Pepper (Union College 1887)
Lee H. Perry (Union College 1909)
Orlando B. Pershing (Union College 1897)
Gordon R. Personeus (Union College 1948)
Arthur W. Peters (Union College 1897)
Donald M. Phillips (Union College 1942)
Horatio M. Pollock (Union College 1895)
John E. Post (Union College 1949)
Russell C. Priess (Union College 1923)
Charles S. Prosser (Union College 1883)
Alton R. Ramey (Union College 1937)
Lawrence C. Rapelje (Union College 1921)
Henry V. Rector (Union College 1923)
Rollin D. Reed (Union College 1907)
Aaron T. Rees (Union College 1995)
Henry G. Reist (Union College 1902)
Edward G. Reville (Union College 1931)
Thomas W. Reynolds (Union College 1921)
Gillam W. Rice (Union College 1932)
Stanley F. Rice (Union College 1937)
Edwin W. Rice (Union College 1907)
Kenneth W. Richards (Union College 1930)
Donal M. Rickard (Union College 1941)
Earle G. Robbins (Union College 1947)
William T. Roberts (Union College 1898)
James A. Robertson (Union College 1947)
Arthur H. Robinson (Union College 1901)
Rodman H. Robinson (Union College 1901)
William C. Robinson (Union College 1907)
Walter V. Rockwell (Union College 1918)
Edward H. Rodgers (Union College 1898)
Dow G. Roof (Union College 1917)
Peter V. Roosa (Union College 1974)
Richard K. Rosa (Union College 1922)
George C. Rowell (Union College 1899)
John P. Ruebsamen (Union College 1958)
Howard E. Sands (Union College 1902)
Howard E. Sands (Union College 1938)
John H. Saunders (Union College 1932)
Harold L. Saxton (Union College 1924)
James R. Saylor (Union College 1947)
David W. Scherbarth (Union College 1980)
Henry A. Schermerhorn (Union College 1912)
Roland E. Schermerhorn (Union College 1921)
Sherwin M. Schrade (Union College 1938)
Louis F. Schroeder (Union College 1903)
Arthur W. Schuyler (Union College 1912)
Roy A. Schuyler (Union College 1918)
Franklin T. Seidlich (Union College 1964)
Edward F. Seitz (Union College 1932)
John Sherburne (Union College 1914)
Arthur H. Sherin (Union College 1937)
Robert G. Short (Union College 1979)
W. T. Shugg (Union College 1939)
Pierre J. Simkins (Union College 1909)
Harold G. Simmons (Union College 1923)
Arthur A. Simolunas (Union College 1956)
Frederick G. Sims (Union College 1931)
Richard A. Sitts (Union College 1951)
Charles A. Skillman (Union College 1926)
Emmet Sloat (Union College 1894)
Edwin C. Smith (Union College 1944)
Harry A. Smith (Union College 1908)
Wilmot M. Smith (Union College 1919)
Charles W. Snell (Union College 1943)
Ronald J. Sontag (Union College 1964)
Willard H. Spear (Union College 1919)
Harold C. Spencer (Union College 1922)
Charles P. Steinmetz (Union College 1903)
Robert G. Stephenson (Union College 1932)
Joel W. Stevens (Union College 1964)
Harry E. Stevens Jr. (Union College 1942)
James R. Stevens (Union College 1905)
Alexander Stewart (Union College 1921)
Charles L. Stitt (Union College 1922)
Fred E. Stockwell (Union College 1913)
Henry G. Streeter (Union College 1917)
George A. Stubbs (Union College 1926)
John C. Stuckey (Union College 1948)
Donald G. Sutherland (Union College 1934)
Frank B. Swan (Union College 1950)
Walter M. Swann (Union College 1898)
James F. Sweet (Union College 1959)
Edwin R. Sweetland (Union College 1898)
George J. Sweetland (Union College 1897)
Hudson H. Tanner (Union College 1940)
Jackson H. Taylor (Union College 1926)
William J. Taylor (Union College 1931)
Charles H. Terry (Union College 1904)
Joseph S. Terry (Union College 1948)
Stephen J. Thierry (Union College 1977)
Malcolm G. Thomas (Union College 1951)
Robert R. Thompson (Union College 1935)
Allrich S. Tiedeman (Union College 1907)
David V. Tiedeman (Union College 1941)
John A. Tiedeman (Union College 1926)
Walter D. Tiedeman (Union College 1913)
Francis M. Tierney (Union College 1954)
Hubert J. Titus (Union College 1950)
John M. Todd III (Union College 1948)
Ronald W. Tompkins (Union College 1960)
Walter J. Toner (Union College 1949)
Arthur T. Torrey (Union College 1945)
Harold E. Townsend (Union College 1924)
Tulloch M. Townsend (Union College 1911)
Thomas R. Trabasso (Union College 1957)
James W. Tracy (Union College 1945)
Gilbert W. Tuck (Union College 1934)
Robert B. Tummonds (Union College 1902)
Jack C. Tway (Union College 1948)
Thomas G. Van Norstrand (Union College 1959)
Robert B. Vanbeusekom (Union College 1894)
John E. Vaughn (Union College 1921)
Ernst K. Wahl (Union College 1920)
Kenneth J. Waite (Union College 1917)
David E. Wallis (Union College 1935)
Sydney W. Warner (Union College 1922)
Ulysses G. Warren II (Union College 1930)
Kenneth H. Watson (Union College 1931)
Edward J. Weber (Union College 1970)
Arnold N. Weeks (Union College 1917)
Daniel R. Weeks (Union College 1928)
Harry C. Weiler (Union College 1947)
Charles H. Weissner (Union College 1946)
Milton Wend (Union College 1913)
John D. West (Union College 1912)
Daniel M. Westfall (Union College 1896)
Myron F. Westover (Union College 1907)
Harry F. White (Union College 1913)
Orris K. White (Union College 1945)
Roy C. Whitney (Union College 1913)
Paul R. Wiesner (Union College 1960)
Kirby D. Wilcox (Union College 1922)
Joseph Wilcox Jr. (Union College 1913)
James H. Wilson (Union College 1965)
Wiley C. Wilson (Union College 1943)
Frederic I. Winslow (Union College 1951)
Herbert C. Wirt (Union College 1890)
John M. Witherspoon (Union College 1973)
John S. Witmer (Union College 1935)
John M. Wittke (Union College 1935)
B. F. Wood (Union College 1914)
C. L. Wood (Union College 1911)
Dann L. Wood (Union College 1897)
Roger C. Wood (Union College 1928)
Grover A. Woodard (Union College 1912)
Robert H. Woollard (Union College 1939)
George W. Wright (Union College 1908)
William J. Wrighton (Union College 1940)
Owen W. Young (Union College 1947)
Charles B. Zeitler (Union College 1924)
Martin F. Ziac (Union College 1956)
Langdon C. Allen (Union University In Tennessee 1855)
W. J. F. Allen (Union University In Tennessee 1858)
Napoleon A. Bailey (Union University In Tennessee 1857)
William G. Baird (Union University In Tennessee 1873)
F. A. Baker (Union University In Tennessee 1860)
Presley C. Baker (Union University In Tennessee 1860)
R. A. Baker (Union University In Tennessee 1862)
Giddings J. Buck (Union University In Tennessee 1857)
Thomas S. Burnett (Union University In Tennessee 1861)
J. H. Cason (Union University In Tennessee 1856)
Charles T. Conn (Union University In Tennessee 1855)
Caleb L. Cooper (Union University In Tennessee 1856)
Lunsford P. Cooper (Union University In Tennessee 1852)
Elijah C. Cox (Union University In Tennessee 1860)
Newell W. Crain (Union University In Tennessee 1858)
E. J. Crutcher (Union University In Tennessee 1856)
J. R. Darden (Union University In Tennessee 1855)
Thomas J. Dupree (Union University In Tennessee 1854)
George E. Eagleton (Union University In Tennessee 1851)
Henry W. Elliott (Union University In Tennessee 1871)
John B. Fitzhugh (Union University In Tennessee 1856)
Charles W. Gaillard (Union University In Tennessee 1853)
J. B. Gaulding (Union University In Tennessee 1862)
W. H. Gordon (Union University In Tennessee 1857)
Amos B. Haines (Union University In Tennessee 1853)
Joel J. Halbert (Union University In Tennessee 1853)
Cadwallader Harris (Union University In Tennessee 1852)
Simpson Harris (Union University In Tennessee 1856)
William H. Harris (Union University In Tennessee 1853)
Needham Holland (Union University In Tennessee 1860)
Daniel W. Holman (Union University In Tennessee 1853)
Lysander Houk (Union University In Tennessee 1854)
Thomas B. Hutcheson (Union University In Tennessee 1858)
Henry C. Irby (Union University In Tennessee 1860)
James C. Ivie (Union University In Tennessee 1855)
Theophilus D. Jones (Union University In Tennessee 1856)
N. P. Jonston (Union University In Tennessee 1857)
Stanhope H. King (Union University In Tennessee 1862)
Leonard K. Lowe (Union University In Tennessee 1857)
Samuel C. Lusk (Union University In Tennessee 1872)
J. Henry Major (Union University In Tennessee 1857)
J. W. Mallory (Union University In Tennessee 1861)
Robert A. Mansfield (Union University In Tennessee 1854)
Joseph B. McCallum (Union University In Tennessee 1858)
J. M. McFarland (Union University In Tennessee 1861)
John A. McQuaid (Union University In Tennessee 1855)
George W. Montgomery (Union University In Tennessee 1862)
Gilbert L. Morgan (Union University In Tennessee 1855)
Gilbert L. Morgan (Union University In Tennessee 1856)
E. G. Musgrove (Union University In Tennessee 1873)
Charles E. Newsom (Union University In Tennessee 1854)
John C. Nicholson (Union University In Tennessee 1853)
M. V. Noffsinger (Union University In Tennessee 1862)
George W. Overall (Union University In Tennessee 1872)
William F. Owen (Union University In Tennessee 1854)
David Phillips (Union University In Tennessee 1861)
J. M. Phillips (Union University In Tennessee 1871)
Robert W. Priest (Union University In Tennessee 1855)
S. H. Ransom (Union University In Tennessee 1856)
Heywood Y. Riddle (Union University In Tennessee 1854)
B. H. Sandeford (Union University In Tennessee 1852)
Thomas G. Sellers (Union University In Tennessee 1854)
Duncan H. Selph (Union University In Tennessee 1852)
George W. Stamps (Union University In Tennessee 1856)
William H. Stamps (Union University In Tennessee 1856)
John W. Thomas (Union University In Tennessee 1851)
Robert S. Thomas (Union University In Tennessee 1860)
Woodlief Thomas (Union University In Tennessee 1854)
Benjamin C. Thompson (Union University In Tennessee 1856)
John R. Thompson (Union University In Tennessee 1855)
Ellison Y. Vanhoose (Union University In Tennessee 1854)
Leslie Waggener (Union University In Tennessee 1858)
Benjamin F. Wamnuck (Union University In Tennessee 1873)
James Waters (Union University In Tennessee 1858)
Shelah Waters (Union University In Tennessee 1860)
Thomas Waters (Union University In Tennessee 1862)
J. P. Weaver (Union University In Tennessee 1873)
A. N. White (Union University In Tennessee 1872)
George D. Whitson (Union University In Tennessee 1871)
Aaron F. Williams (Union University In Tennessee 1855)
Granville S. Williams (Union University In Tennessee 1873)
John B. Williams (Union University In Tennessee 1861)
Robert W. Williamson (Union University In Tennessee 1852)
F. M. Windes (Union University In Tennessee 1860)
Benjamin R. Womack (Union University In Tennessee 1872)
Alexander H. Young (Union University In Tennessee 1853)
Scott E. Denney (University of Akron 1993)
Christopher D. Miklos (University of Akron 2001)
David H. Schworm (University of Akron 1993)
James B. Abbott (University of Alabama 1909)
Ernest R. Acton (University of Alabama 1943)
Fred L. Acton (University of Alabama 1950)
Benjamin C. Adams (University of Alabama 1858)
Omar L. Adams (University of Alabama 1921)
Claude H. Alexander (University of Alabama 1927)
Eugene M. Alexander (University of Alabama 1929)
Michael R. Alexander (University of Alabama 1983)
Benjamin L. Allen (University of Alabama 1923)
William F. Allen (University of Alabama 1933)
William D. Anderson (University of Alabama 1926)
William L. Andress (University of Alabama 1906)
Keith B. Arendall (University of Alabama 2001)
Richard H. Arrington (University of Alabama 1941)
Walter T. Ashurst (University of Alabama 1945)
Robert T. Ashurst (University of Alabama 1941)
Earl C. Atkins (University of Alabama 1918)
Frank M. Atkins (University of Alabama 1915)
Stewart G. Austin (University of Alabama 1966)
T. L. Austin (University of Alabama 1942)
Donald C. Bailey (University of Alabama 1952)
Walter H. Bailey (University of Alabama 1925)
Lee E. Bains (University of Alabama 1934)
Thomas H. Barfield (University of Alabama 1937)
Bruce W. Barnes (University of Alabama 1972)
Michael S. Barnes (University of Alabama 2004)
Reginald W. Barnes (University of Alabama 1905)
Robert A. Barr (University of Alabama 1950)
Robert S. Batson (University of Alabama 1971)
John M. Baty (University of Alabama 1963)
William C. Baty (University of Alabama 1924)
Charles K. Beauchamp (University of Alabama 1932)
James L. Beech (University of Alabama 1948)
John C. Bell (University of Alabama 1917)
Thomas R. Bell Jr. (University of Alabama 1938)
Edgar L. Bellenger (University of Alabama 1924)
William A. Benson (University of Alabama 1936)
John B. Bethea (University of Alabama 1910)
Lee Bidgood (University of Alabama 1941)
Willis D. Bidgood (University of Alabama 1944)
James E. Billingsley (University of Alabama 1949)
Marion S. Bingham (University of Alabama 1903)
Fredricke L. Blackmon (University of Alabama 1931)
Loyal R. Blackwood (University of Alabama 1949)
Norman R. Blaylock (University of Alabama 1965)
Laurence T. Bliss (University of Alabama 1954)
John M. Bolton (University of Alabama 1951)
John B. Bomar (University of Alabama 1936)
John B. Bomar (University of Alabama 1964)
Marvin H. Bomar Jr. (University of Alabama 1949)
Bleecker F. Born (University of Alabama 1933)
Ashby W. Boulware (University of Alabama 1964)
William C. Bradford (University of Alabama 1958)
John M. Bradley (University of Alabama 1912)
John M. Bradley (University of Alabama 1946)
Thomas C. Bradley Jr. (University of Alabama 1934)
Francis H. Brady (University of Alabama 1950)
Edgar C. Brantly (University of Alabama 1910)
John E. Brantly (University of Alabama 1911)
Elbert C. Brazelton (University of Alabama 1950)
Llewellyn P. Bricken (University of Alabama 1938)
Henry J. Brislin (University of Alabama 1950)
William W. Broadfoot (University of Alabama 1965)
Richard S. Brooks (University of Alabama 1939)
Ansley G. Brown (University of Alabama 1942)
Atwell J. Brown (University of Alabama 1918)
Joseph L. Brown (University of Alabama 1915)
James M. Brown MD (University of Alabama 1940)
Edward W. Brownell (University of Alabama 1935)
Jack Bryant (University of Alabama 1917)
William H. Bryce (University of Alabama 1917)
Roy M. Buchanan (University of Alabama 1923)
Robert G. Burch (University of Alabama 2015)
Benjamin R. Burke (University of Alabama 1990)
Malcolm C. Burke (University of Alabama 1857)
Ozmus S. Burke Jr. (University of Alabama 1962)
John C. Bush (University of Alabama 1932)
John J. Bush (University of Alabama 1878)
William B. Bush (University of Alabama 1933)
Robert F. Butts (University of Alabama 1950)
Charles O. Caddis (University of Alabama 1965)
Benjamin W. Cade (University of Alabama 1948)
Edward L. Cain (University of Alabama 1965)
Joseph E. Caine (University of Alabama 1907)
John S. Caldwell (University of Alabama 1935)
John M. Cameron (University of Alabama 1939)
Turner C. Cameron (University of Alabama 1936)
Robert G. Campbell (University of Alabama 1936)
William R. Campbell (University of Alabama 1928)
Robert H. Carlson (University of Alabama 1937)
Bernard Y. Carmichael Jr. (University of Alabama 1940)
Charlie E. Carmichael (University of Alabama 1949)
Milton W. Carothers (University of Alabama 1919)
John L. Casey (University of Alabama 1931)
Ethbert E. Caulk (University of Alabama 1927)
Wilford Caulkins (University of Alabama 1916)
James L. Cawthon Jr. (University of Alabama 1918)
Albert H. Chalmers Jr. (University of Alabama 1934)
John M. Christian (University of Alabama 1964)
Thomas W. Christian (University of Alabama 1960)
Charles W. Christy (University of Alabama 1950)
Basil M. Clarke (University of Alabama 1916)
J. T. Cobb (University of Alabama 1943)
James G. Cobb (University of Alabama 1930)
David M. Cochrane (University of Alabama 1933)
William M. Cochrane (University of Alabama 1931)
Robert H. Cochrane (University of Alabama 1957)
Robert H. Cochrane (University of Alabama 1925)
Elmer G. Coe (University of Alabama 1937)
Richard E. Coffee (University of Alabama 1950)
Bernard T. Collier (University of Alabama 1906)
Donald Comer (University of Alabama 1961)
Joseph D. Cook (University of Alabama 1857)
Blucher H. Cooper (University of Alabama 1954)
Waller R. Cooper (University of Alabama 1913)
Taft R. Corum (University of Alabama 1929)
Charles A. Cowart (University of Alabama 1978)
James W. Cowley (University of Alabama 1926)
Raymond F. Cox (University of Alabama 1975)
James H. Craig (University of Alabama 1936)
William W. Crawford (University of Alabama 1913)
Charles W. Crews (University of Alabama 1955)
James F. Crist (University of Alabama 1958)
Byrne Cross (University of Alabama 1917)
Clement S. Cross (University of Alabama 1907)
William G. Cross (University of Alabama 1960)
Robert C. Crouch (University of Alabama 1925)
Warren B. Crow (University of Alabama 1952)
Charles A. Cunningham (University of Alabama 1932)
Donald A. DaLee (University of Alabama 1958)
Willis C. Darby (University of Alabama 1945)
John A. Darby (University of Alabama 1917)
John E. Darling (University of Alabama 1936)
Rankin M. Daugette (University of Alabama 1933)
Thomas B. Daves (University of Alabama 1909)
Marvin M. Davidson (University of Alabama 1904)
James G. Davis (University of Alabama 1908)
Homer C. Day (University of Alabama 1924)
Ernest L. Deal (University of Alabama 1952)
Robert H. Dean (University of Alabama 1946)
Johnnie A. DeGaris (University of Alabama 1957)
Edward A. Demiller (University of Alabama 1909)
Claiborne P. Deming (University of Alabama 1911)
Roger M. Deming (University of Alabama 1954)
James B. DePriest (University of Alabama 1949)
John S. Detlie (University of Alabama 1928)
Stanley C. Detlie (University of Alabama 1924)
Phillip A. Devore (University of Alabama 1950)
Kenneth W. Dickerson (University of Alabama 1987)
Marvin A. Dinsmore (University of Alabama 1906)
Walter F. D'Olive (University of Alabama 1959)
August M. Donahoo (University of Alabama 1902)
John S. Donovan (University of Alabama 1932)
William S. Donovan (University of Alabama 1925)
Dan O. Dowe Jr. (University of Alabama 1950)
James D. Draper (University of Alabama 1908)
Otis W. Dresslar (University of Alabama 1914)
Robert A. Drew (University of Alabama 1948)
Benjamin W. Dubose (University of Alabama 1909)
Joel C. Dubose (University of Alabama 1878)
Creighton W. Duffey (University of Alabama 1917)
Donald S. Dugan (University of Alabama 1937)
Lloyd L. Duggar (University of Alabama 1934)
Paul Duncan (University of Alabama 1932)
Joe A. Dunn Sr. (University of Alabama 1950)
William R. Dunn (University of Alabama 1965)
Oscar L. Dupre (University of Alabama 1926)
John D. Durham (University of Alabama 1954)
Max H. Durham (University of Alabama 1922)
Wilson E. Durham (University of Alabama 1944)
Bartlett C. Durham (University of Alabama 1918)
Arnold H. Edmonds (University of Alabama 1928)
William A. Edwards (University of Alabama 1950)
Robert Clayton Ellingwood (University of Alabama 1994)
Nesbitt Elmore (University of Alabama 1939)
Clinton E. Esco (University of Alabama 1949)
Sam E. Esco (University of Alabama 1948)
John W. Etter Jr. (University of Alabama 1930)
Frank K. Exum (University of Alabama 1934)
William H. Farmer (University of Alabama 1967)
John W. Fielder (University of Alabama 1902)
Charley J. Fisher (University of Alabama 1968)
Charles M. Fitts (University of Alabama 1914)
Charles R. Fletcher (University of Alabama 1973)
Donald F. Fletcher (University of Alabama 1940)
Marshall L. Follo (University of Alabama 1939)
Paige B. Follo (University of Alabama 1945)
John L. Folsom (University of Alabama 1947)
James M. Forbes (University of Alabama 1961)
Alexander Foreman (University of Alabama 1936)
Henry S. Fowlkes (University of Alabama 1919)
Lucius G. Freeman (University of Alabama 1925)
Maclin H. Frierson (University of Alabama 1936)
Howard M. Fulenwider (University of Alabama 1915)
Leslie Fulenwider (University of Alabama 1920)
Charles E. Fuller (University of Alabama 1931)
Charles E. Fuller (University of Alabama 1903)
Henry H. Fuqua (University of Alabama 1926)
Wilfred Galbraith (University of Alabama 1941)
John M. Gallalee (University of Alabama 1914)
Eugene D. Galyon (University of Alabama 1929)
Harold Gamble (University of Alabama 1940)
William T. Gaskell (University of Alabama 1946)
Charles W. Gaston (University of Alabama 1945)
William B. Gathings (University of Alabama 1921)
William B. Gathings Jr. (University of Alabama 1951)
Charles W. Gazzam (University of Alabama 1933)
Charles H. Gilder (University of Alabama 1919)
Claude H. Glasgow (University of Alabama 1909)
Julian S. Glasgow (University of Alabama 1909)
William R. Godshalk (University of Alabama 1988)
John L. Godwin (University of Alabama 1956)
Robert L. Godwin (University of Alabama 1947)
G. W. Gray (University of Alabama 1949)
James E. Gray (University of Alabama 1878)
John B. Gray (University of Alabama 1990)
Robert C. Gray (University of Alabama 1955)
William Gray (University of Alabama 1917)
Leslie A. Green (University of Alabama 1939)
Tappan G. Green (University of Alabama 1950)
Henry F. Greet (University of Alabama 1914)
Joseph L. Griffin (University of Alabama 1974)
Adlai S. Grove (University of Alabama 1913)
Frank L. Grove (University of Alabama 1909)
Lon W. Grove (University of Alabama 1912)
Walter Guild (University of Alabama 1859)
James C. Gwin (University of Alabama 1904)
Jerry W. Gwin (University of Alabama 1945)
Wellington M. Gwin (University of Alabama 1950)
Henry H. Hale (University of Alabama 1946)
Floy Hall (University of Alabama 1904)
Charles C. Hall (University of Alabama 1941)
Winthrop M. Hallett (University of Alabama 1937)
E. B. Haltom (University of Alabama 1948)
Ernest A. Hammett (University of Alabama 1931)
John M. Hampton (University of Alabama 1877)
Harden H. Hancock (University of Alabama 1926)
Henry H. Hancock (University of Alabama 1926)
Thomas H. Hancock (University of Alabama 1951)
James D. Handley (University of Alabama 1951)
William N. Handley (University of Alabama 1984)
Frank Hardy (University of Alabama 1924)
Edward A. Harris (University of Alabama 1933)
John J. Harris (University of Alabama 1856)
Reuben R. Harris MD (University of Alabama 1935)
George M. Harrison (University of Alabama 1964)
Alfred E. Hawkins (University of Alabama 1942)
Eugene H. Hawkins (University of Alabama 1919)
George V. Hawkins (University of Alabama 1925)
Harry O. Hawkins (University of Alabama 1940)
Michael E. Haworth (University of Alabama 1950)
Molette U. Hearin (University of Alabama 1911)
Robert C. Hemphill (University of Alabama 1911)
Robinson L. Henderson (University of Alabama 1928)
William J. Henderson Jr. (University of Alabama 1939)
Benjamin E. Henig (University of Alabama 1940)
Edmond D. Henley (University of Alabama 1953)
Samuel P. Hennegan (University of Alabama 1909)
John S. Henry (University of Alabama 1917)
Perry S. Hicks (University of Alabama 1950)
John B. Hill (University of Alabama 1921)
Wiley C. Hill (University of Alabama 1919)
Harry P. Hillhouse (University of Alabama 1920)
Jack W. Hines (University of Alabama 1942)
James A. Hines (University of Alabama 1903)
Thomas F. Hines (University of Alabama 1948)
William C. Hines (University of Alabama 1936)
William N. Hinton Jr. (University of Alabama 1949)
Claude A. Hinton (University of Alabama 1942)
Carey F. Hollingsworth (University of Alabama 1951)
Carey F. Hollingsworth Sr. (University of Alabama 1926)
Gilbert B. Hollingsworth Jr. (University of Alabama 1942)
Donald Holt (University of Alabama 1946)
William A. Holt (University of Alabama 1915)
William E. Hood (University of Alabama 1931)
Albert J. Hope (University of Alabama 1937)
Claude M. Howard (University of Alabama 1931)
Leland P. Howard (University of Alabama 1960)
Seymour P. Howard (University of Alabama 1858)
William E. Howe (University of Alabama 1942)
Mardis W. Howle (University of Alabama 1963)
Robert W. Humpidge (University of Alabama 1953)
Norvin W. Hunnicutt (University of Alabama 1918)
Norvin W. Hunnicutt (University of Alabama 1943)
John R. Hunter (University of Alabama 1950)
Robert E. Hunter (University of Alabama 1948)
Alfred H. Hutchinson (University of Alabama 1857)
Thomas C. Hutto (University of Alabama 1950)
Elbridge T. Hydinger (University of Alabama 1958)
Robert D. Isaksen (University of Alabama 1945)
John T. Ivey (University of Alabama 1931)
Joseph L. Ivey (University of Alabama 1929)
Robert R. Ivey (University of Alabama 1907)
Vreeland S. Ivey (University of Alabama 1929)
Charles R. Ivey (University of Alabama 1925)
James H. Ivey (University of Alabama 1925)
Marcellus H. Jagoe (University of Alabama 1958)
William D. Jamison (University of Alabama 1944)
Robert B. Jeffries (University of Alabama 1928)
Andrew L. Johnson (University of Alabama 1965)
Guy R. Johnson (University of Alabama 1915)
Donald H. Johnston (University of Alabama 1963)
Brice S. Jones (University of Alabama 1907)
Walter L. Jones (University of Alabama 1963)
Leo M. Karpeles (University of Alabama 2004)
Leo M. Karpeles (University of Alabama 1962)
John D. Kelly (University of Alabama 1930)
James O. Kenan (University of Alabama 1927)
Robert L. Kenan (University of Alabama 1916)
S. R. Kennamer (University of Alabama 1942)
B. H. Kennedy (University of Alabama 1945)
Walter W. Kennedy (University of Alabama 1920)
Hughes Kennedy (University of Alabama 1916)
William T. Kennon (University of Alabama 1920)
Charles J. Kettler (University of Alabama 1928)
W. R. Kimbrough (University of Alabama 1906)
Paul King (University of Alabama 1877)
Everett F. Kitchen (University of Alabama 1914)
Robert E. Kochenderfer (University of Alabama 1930)
Roy R. Kracke (University of Alabama 1950)
Charles W. Lacey (University of Alabama 1906)
Alexander S. Lacy (University of Alabama 1943)
Benjamin W. Lacy (University of Alabama 1934)
John F. Land (University of Alabama 1912)
Douglas Lanford (University of Alabama 1951)
Edward D. Lanford (University of Alabama 1926)
William H. Lanford (University of Alabama 1959)
Lumus A. Langley (University of Alabama 1957)
William D. Lanning (University of Alabama 1924)
Wirt A. Laun (University of Alabama 1940)
Donald H. Lawley (University of Alabama 1933)
Woodrow Layfield (University of Alabama 1960)
Sumpter Lea (University of Alabama 1857)
James H. Ledbetter (University of Alabama 1953)
Ernest H. Lee (University of Alabama 1940)
Robert B. LeMay (University of Alabama 1958)
Robert V. Lentz (University of Alabama 1948)
George H. Lewis (University of Alabama 1937)
William G. Lewis (University of Alabama 1922)
Winfield S. Lewis (University of Alabama 1877)
William C. Lindsey (University of Alabama 1923)
James H. Little (University of Alabama 1879)
Harold H. Livingston (University of Alabama 1970)
James E. Livingston (University of Alabama 1918)
Willard W. Livingston (University of Alabama 1937)
Tennent Lomax (University of Alabama 1877)
Milo S. Long (University of Alabama 1910)
Lamar B. Longshore (University of Alabama 1949)
Yancey E. Lovelace (University of Alabama 2001)
Frank J. Loy (University of Alabama 1920)
Kenneth E. Luckie (University of Alabama 1924)
Arthur L. Lukens (University of Alabama 1944)
William A. Lyman (University of Alabama 1932)
Elbert J. Lyman (University of Alabama 1932)
James B. Lyon (University of Alabama 1907)
Van Marcus (University of Alabama 1953)
Don H. Maring (University of Alabama 1950)
William B. Marriott (University of Alabama 1931)
James H. Mars (University of Alabama 1923)
Charlie W. Marsh (University of Alabama 1910)
Clarence H. Martin (University of Alabama 1922)
Harry A. Martin (University of Alabama 1926)
John H. Martin (University of Alabama 1961)
John M. Martin (University of Alabama 1856)
Peter Martin (University of Alabama 1859)
Manly L. Mathews (University of Alabama 1950)
Frederick R. Maxwell (University of Alabama 1911)
George N. Maxwell (University of Alabama 1904)
Joseph A. Maxwell (University of Alabama 1907)
Luther H. Maxwell (University of Alabama 1918)
Samuel H. Maxwell (University of Alabama 1910)
Charles N. Maxwell Jr. (University of Alabama 1905)
Robert E. McAlister (University of Alabama 1939)
Marshall A. McAuley (University of Alabama 1935)
George W. McBurney (University of Alabama 1938)
Ralph McBurney (University of Alabama 1942)
Paul G. McClintock (University of Alabama 1925)
Harry J. McCormack (University of Alabama 1915)
Perry R. McCormack (University of Alabama 1917)
William M. McCullough (University of Alabama 1920)
Edward H. McDaniel (University of Alabama 1924)
Malcolm B. McDaniel (University of Alabama 1920)
Philip A. McDaniel (University of Alabama 1939)
Philip A. McDaniel (University of Alabama 1914)
Sid L. McDonald (University of Alabama 1961)
Daniel F. McDonough (University of Alabama 1931)
Sam F. McDonough (University of Alabama 1933)
Joseph H. McGuire (University of Alabama 1905)
Osgood C. McIntyre (University of Alabama 1915)
Max V. McLaughlin (University of Alabama 1952)
Kenton T. McLemore (University of Alabama 1921)
Thomas J. McLendon (University of Alabama 2009)
David C. McLeod (University of Alabama 1970)
Douglas C. McMullen (University of Alabama 1932)
W. R. McNeal (University of Alabama 1905)
Kenneth R. McNeil (University of Alabama 1928)
Jack McWhirter (University of Alabama 1950)
Robert M. McWhirter (University of Alabama 1981)
Hobart A. McWhorter (University of Alabama 1919)
R. D. McWhorter (University of Alabama 1952)
Paul K. McWhorter (University of Alabama 1945)
Paul K. McWhorter (University of Alabama 1921)
John W. McWilliams (University of Alabama 1951)
John U. Mears (University of Alabama 1946)
Thomas W. Mears (University of Alabama 1944)
Herbert R. Meek (University of Alabama 1927)
Harry R. Melton (University of Alabama 1934)
Harlan C. Meredith (University of Alabama 1941)
James W. Miller (University of Alabama 1858)
Patrick H. Miller (University of Alabama 1931)
William J. Mitchell (University of Alabama 1959)
Charles W. Moffett (University of Alabama 1911)
Tyler C. Moffett (University of Alabama 1944)
B. W. Moncrief (University of Alabama 1943)
Malcolm G. Moncrief (University of Alabama 1945)
Sage A. Monnish (University of Alabama 1909)
Elliott F. Monroe (University of Alabama 1965)
William W. Monroe (University of Alabama 1912)
Claude H. Moore (University of Alabama 1950)
Council D. Moore (University of Alabama 1878)
James E. Moore (University of Alabama 1948)
Jerome T. Moore (University of Alabama 1932)
Lewis J. Moore Jr. (University of Alabama 1924)
Marlin D. Moore (University of Alabama 1934)
James M. Morgan (University of Alabama 1944)
James K. Morris (University of Alabama 1917)
Joseph M. Morris (University of Alabama 1932)
Robert F. Moseley (University of Alabama 1926)
Gustav U. Mueller (University of Alabama 1927)
Charles H. Mullins (University of Alabama 1969)
Frank O. Munn (University of Alabama 1950)
Houston C. Munson (University of Alabama 1928)
David R. Murphey (University of Alabama 1927)
Albert P. Murphy (University of Alabama 1929)
W. N. Mustin (University of Alabama 1939)
James W. Mustin (University of Alabama 1929)
Richard G. Myers (University of Alabama 1951)
Samuel E. Neilson (University of Alabama 1909)
Perry F. Nelson (University of Alabama 1957)
George F. Nettles (University of Alabama 1922)
William H. Nevins (University of Alabama 1918)
C. Frank Newell (University of Alabama 1969)
James H. Newman (University of Alabama 1929)
Frederick W. Nicol (University of Alabama 1932)
Thomas H. Nicol (University of Alabama 1941)
Charles H. Noble (University of Alabama 1947)
Charles W. Nolen (University of Alabama 1950)
Jack M. Nolen (University of Alabama 1950)
Leon A. Nolen (University of Alabama 1963)
Wilbur B. Nolen (University of Alabama 1917)
John F. Northrup (University of Alabama 1950)
Harold W. Nunn (University of Alabama 1950)
Samuel A. O'Cain (University of Alabama 1950)
George S. O'Neal (University of Alabama 1919)
Judson Orear (University of Alabama 1912)
Marvin T. Ormond (University of Alabama 1941)
Sydney C. Orr (University of Alabama 1914)
William H. Orrison (University of Alabama 1932)
Lee M. Otts (University of Alabama 1944)
Fulton Pace (University of Alabama 1904)
Gordon D. Palmer (University of Alabama 1919)
Joe H. Palmer (University of Alabama 1922)
Robert T. Palmer (University of Alabama 1916)
Linn Palmer (University of Alabama 1903)
Wesley C. Palmes (University of Alabama 1947)
Louis F. Parrish (University of Alabama 1903)
George B. Partridge (University of Alabama 1940)
Donald H. Patterson (University of Alabama 1957)
Francis B. Patterson (University of Alabama 1920)
Reginald J. Patterson (University of Alabama 1940)
Abner P. Patton (University of Alabama 1878)
William H. Patton (University of Alabama 1876)
Theodore G. Pearce (University of Alabama 1857)
James O. Pearson (University of Alabama 1916)
John H. Pearson (University of Alabama 1916)
Edward W. Pennington (University of Alabama 1926)
William C. Perdue (University of Alabama 1943)
Andrew C. Perkins (University of Alabama 1931)
Edward S. Perkins (University of Alabama 1952)
John L. Perry (University of Alabama 1930)
C. P. Persons Jr. (University of Alabama 1934)
Urban J. Peters (University of Alabama 1926)
Frank P. Phillips (University of Alabama 1950)
Ambrose L. Pietrowicz (University of Alabama 1935)
Howard E. Pill (University of Alabama 1920)
Michael R. Pinkerton (University of Alabama 1973)
Olin G. Pinkston (University of Alabama 1909)
James C. Pinkston (University of Alabama 1908)
Claudie H. Pipes (University of Alabama 1925)
Walter W. Pippen Jr. (University of Alabama 1912)
David E. Platt (University of Alabama 1966)
Lee Porter (University of Alabama 1939)
Wallace C. Porter (University of Alabama 1918)
Dee K. Powell (University of Alabama 1987)
Addison Y. Prickett (University of Alabama 1950)
Edward H. Pritchett (University of Alabama 1926)
Harry H. Pritchett (University of Alabama 1930)
H. M. Privett (University of Alabama 1958)
James A. Prowell (University of Alabama 1931)
Marion A. Prowell (University of Alabama 1934)
Richard P. Prowell (University of Alabama 1927)
Matthew M. Pulliam (University of Alabama 1914)
John D. Quarles (University of Alabama 1964)
A. B. Ragsdale (University of Alabama 1921)
Luney V. Ragsdale (University of Alabama 1917)
Milton C. Ragsdale (University of Alabama 1942)
Velpeau H. Ragsdale (University of Alabama 1904)
Robert J. Raney (University of Alabama 1903)
Alex B. Ray (University of Alabama 1906)
Thomas M. Ray (University of Alabama 1912)
William G. Ray (University of Alabama 1923)
Samuel M. Rayburn Jr. (University of Alabama 1937)
Robert G. Redden (University of Alabama 1905)
Scott M. Rembert (University of Alabama 1974)
Eugene D. Reynolds (University of Alabama 1920)
Charles E. Rice (University of Alabama 1907)
H. G. Rice (University of Alabama 1949)
Henry B. Rice (University of Alabama 1940)
James Rice (University of Alabama 1905)
Joseph S. Rice (University of Alabama 1901)
Orlando A. Richardson (University of Alabama 1941)
Robert E. Rickles (University of Alabama 1948)
Francis M. Riegel (University of Alabama 1933)
Kermit R. Riegel (University of Alabama 1935)
James F. Rikard (University of Alabama 1941)
Bun Roberts (University of Alabama 1904)
Michael D. Roberts (University of Alabama 1962)
John V. Robertson (University of Alabama 1949)
William B. Robertson (University of Alabama 1945)
David P. Robinson (University of Alabama 1950)
Grover C. Robson (University of Alabama 1908)
Henry C. Rodgers (University of Alabama 1927)
Edward C. Rogers Jr. (University of Alabama 1935)
Stephen C. Ronilo (University of Alabama 1972)
Walter C. Roper (University of Alabama 1857)
W. A. Rose (University of Alabama 1921)
William E. Rudolph (University of Alabama 1914)
James C. Russell (University of Alabama 1946)
George A. Ryan (University of Alabama 1928)
Samuel M. Ryburn (University of Alabama 1937)
Guy S. Saffold (University of Alabama 1937)
Paul P. Salter (University of Alabama 1912)
Horace V. Sanders (University of Alabama 1876)
Samuel J. Sanders (University of Alabama 1906)
Walter R. Sanders (University of Alabama 1908)
Frank N. Savage (University of Alabama 1920)
Andrew G. Scarborough (University of Alabama 1919)
J. B. Schilleci (University of Alabama 1966)
Jerry W. Schoel (University of Alabama 1962)
Joseph D. Schoel (University of Alabama 1950)
Ramsey O. Scott (University of Alabama 1950)
Charles L. Scott (University of Alabama 1878)
Thomas H. Selman (University of Alabama 1951)
James O. Sentell Jr. (University of Alabama 1930)
Robert C. Sharpe (University of Alabama 1924)
Charles E. Shaver (University of Alabama 1989)
Edwin Sheild (University of Alabama 1876)
William A. Shell (University of Alabama 1952)
John D. Sherrill (University of Alabama 1951)
Joseph E. Shirley (University of Alabama 1902)
H. O. Shropshire (University of Alabama 1924)
Curtis S. Shugart (University of Alabama 1900)
Robert T. Shugart (University of Alabama 1902)
John K. Sisk (University of Alabama 1934)
Joseph R. Skinner (University of Alabama 1992)
George E. Sledge (University of Alabama 1927)
Charles N. Small (University of Alabama 1950)
Charles H. Smith (University of Alabama 1948)
Dodge D. Smith (University of Alabama 1974)
Joseph R. Smith (University of Alabama 1877)
Lewis M. Smith (University of Alabama 1916)
Marcus M. Smith (University of Alabama 1905)
Paul A. Smith (University of Alabama 1945)
Henry B. Smith (University of Alabama 1932)
Donald D. Snyder (University of Alabama 1954)
Alex W. Sokol (University of Alabama 2001)
Charles A. Soule (University of Alabama 1925)
John E. Soule (University of Alabama 1923)
William W. Sowell (University of Alabama 1920)
James L. Sowell (University of Alabama 1922)
Daniel W. Speake (University of Alabama 1878)
Robert E. Spivey (University of Alabama 1951)
Allen D. Stafford (University of Alabama 1921)
Joseph P. Stanford (University of Alabama 1969)
James G. Stanley (University of Alabama 1946)
Rollo J. Steinmehl (University of Alabama 1920)
William R. Stewart (University of Alabama 1949)
Bass G. Stokes (University of Alabama 1927)
Henry Stokes (University of Alabama 1928)
Robert N. Sturdevant (University of Alabama 1935)
William L. Sturdevant (University of Alabama 1936)
S. E. Sullivan (University of Alabama 1960)
Stanley B. Sutton (University of Alabama 1940)
Moses M. Swaim (University of Alabama 1933)
Floyd G. Swearingen (University of Alabama 1950)
Claude C. Swindle (University of Alabama 1911)
William T. Tarpley (University of Alabama 1951)
Albert F. Tatum (University of Alabama 1941)
Joe R. Taylor (University of Alabama 1939)
John H. Taylor (University of Alabama 1951)
William F. Tebbetts (University of Alabama 1911)
Shelby D. Thames (University of Alabama 1929)
Charles W. Thomas (University of Alabama 1949)
James R. Thomas (University of Alabama 1931)
Joab L. Thomas (University of Alabama 1919)
John P. Thomas (University of Alabama 1920)
Ralph C. Thomas (University of Alabama 1917)
William E. Thomas (University of Alabama 1968)
Charlie R. Thomason (University of Alabama 1955)
C. H. Thompson (University of Alabama 1940)
Carey M. Thompson (University of Alabama 1974)
Robert D. Thorington (University of Alabama 1953)
Leander E. Thornton (University of Alabama 1878)
James M. Thorp (University of Alabama 2011)
Martin M. Thoss (University of Alabama 1946)
Robert M. Tillman (University of Alabama 1949)
Lawrence B. Tipton (University of Alabama 1932)
Reuben E. Tipton (University of Alabama 1904)
Thomas A. Tolleson (University of Alabama 1965)
Henry B. Tonsmeire (University of Alabama 1922)
Will H. Trammell (University of Alabama 1935)
Peter A. Trice (University of Alabama 1944)
Richard F. Troiano (University of Alabama 1983)
Edward G. Tucker (University of Alabama 1946)
Eliott W. Turnbull (University of Alabama 1932)
John P. Turner (University of Alabama 1922)
George E. Turner (University of Alabama 1939)
Horace S. Turner (University of Alabama 1932)
Charles E. Tweedy (University of Alabama 1926)
Garrison S. Twing (University of Alabama 1935)
Edward B. Vaughan (University of Alabama 1931)
David A. Vaughan Jr. (University of Alabama 1914)
Dallas M. Villines (University of Alabama 1946)
Edward W. Wadsworth (University of Alabama 1909)
H. Vann Waldrop (University of Alabama 1951)
Sam D. Waldrop MD (University of Alabama 1946)
Jim M. Walker (University of Alabama 1949)
Gerald O. Wallace (University of Alabama 1950)
Jack W. Wallace (University of Alabama 1949)
William R. Walley (University of Alabama 1943)
James P. Ward (University of Alabama 1927)
William Ward (University of Alabama 1879)
Burl S. Watson (University of Alabama 1916)
Thaddeus C. Watts (University of Alabama 1860)
Homer D. Webb (University of Alabama 1941)
Charles N. Weir (University of Alabama 1876)
Oliver W. Welch (University of Alabama 1929)
William W. Wertz (University of Alabama 1943)
George H. Wheary (University of Alabama 1932)
Charles A. Wheeler (University of Alabama 1930)
Rexford L. Wheeler (University of Alabama 1939)
Harry J. White (University of Alabama 1917)
James C. White (University of Alabama 1942)
Joseph H. White (University of Alabama 1950)
Lonnie B. White Jr. (University of Alabama 1950)
Miller A. Widemire (University of Alabama 1954)
Charles R. Wiggins (University of Alabama 1913)
Peyton N. Wiggins (University of Alabama 1954)
Charles R. Wiggins (University of Alabama 1944)
J. H. Williams (University of Alabama 1941)
Mont S. Williams (University of Alabama 1931)
Richard E. Williams (University of Alabama 1949)
Roger S. Williams (University of Alabama 1912)
Thomas H. Williams (University of Alabama 1941)
James A. Williams (University of Alabama 1929)
Thomas W. Willingham (University of Alabama 1858)
Kent K. Winford (University of Alabama 1974)
Clement R. Wood (University of Alabama 1909)
Leighton C. Wood (University of Alabama 1941)
Leighton Wood (University of Alabama 1914)
Sterling A. Wood (University of Alabama 1877)
Wiley D. Wood (University of Alabama 2000)
Arthur C. Woods (University of Alabama 1908)
William M. Wren (University of Alabama 1930)
Jesse J. Wright (University of Alabama 1917)
Albert M. Wynn (University of Alabama 1950)
James S. Young (University of Alabama 1977)
Jeffery E. Bauder (University of Alberta 1994)
Terry J. Connelly (University of Alberta 1972)
Jonathan J. Doody (University of Alberta 1998)
Murray W. Dorin (University of Alberta 1976)
John C. Edwards (University of Alberta 1974)
Joseph A. Francese (University of Alberta 1992)
Ronald L. Hill (University of Alberta 1982)
Michael H. Jackson (University of Alberta 1979)
Barry P. Laiss (University of Alberta 1985)
Kenneth R. MacDonald (University of Alberta 1987)
Craig C. McLachlan (University of Alberta 1978)
Brent W. Murray (University of Alberta 1979)
C. R. Pawluk (University of Alberta 1972)
James P. Prentice (University of Alberta 1977)
Scott J. Thorkelson (University of Alberta 1983)
Norman Abell (University of Arizona 1923)
Roy L. Albertson (University of Arizona 1952)
Roger M. Alison (University of Arizona 1952)
Gordon T. Alley (University of Arizona 1960)
Michael E. Anderson (University of Arizona 2017)
J. R. Anklam (University of Arizona 1955)
James L. Anklam (University of Arizona 1982)
James S. Appleby (University of Arizona 1944)
Rex A. Applegate (University of Arizona 1978)
Thomas E. Arnold (University of Arizona 1966)
Robert N. Bailey (University of Arizona 1952)
David D. Baker (University of Arizona 1923)
Richard W. Baker (University of Arizona 1952)
Howard R. Baker (University of Arizona 1948)
John B. Ballard (University of Arizona 1942)
Lawrence N. Ballentine (University of Arizona 1947)
Spencer B. Barkell (University of Arizona 1934)
Robert P. Barraclough (University of Arizona 1945)
Donald E. Bartlett (University of Arizona 1956)
Robert L. Bayless (University of Arizona 1938)
Kenneth G. Beaubien (University of Arizona 1956)
David L. Beaugureau (University of Arizona 1970)
William G. Berger (University of Arizona 1939)
Andrew C. Berkenkamp (University of Arizona 2004)
Lowell M. Berry (University of Arizona 1956)
J. K. Biggs (University of Arizona 1977)
Cyrus D. Bishop (University of Arizona 1935)
Brent L. Blacketor (University of Arizona 1962)
John H. Blair (University of Arizona 1946)
William P. Bliss (University of Arizona 1957)
Frank S. Boice (University of Arizona 1950)
Robert G. Boice (University of Arizona 1950)
Roger W. Boll (University of Arizona 1965)
William W. Brady (University of Arizona 1936)
William A. Brehm (University of Arizona 1942)
Dirk Broekema (University of Arizona 1960)
Barry Brokaw (University of Arizona 1950)
Arthur H. Brooks (University of Arizona 1924)
Robert S. Broussard (University of Arizona 1936)
Gilbert C. Brown (University of Arizona 1935)
Ralph W. Brown (University of Arizona 1947)
Robert B. Brown (University of Arizona 1932)
James E. Bruemmer (University of Arizona 1956)
Bruce R. Bryant (University of Arizona 1945)
John Budlong (University of Arizona 1935)
Brian R. Bulley (University of Arizona 1961)
Raymond T. Burke (University of Arizona 1925)
S. W. Burke (University of Arizona 1921)
Herb J. Burrows (University of Arizona 1925)
Osmond A. Burton (University of Arizona 1956)
Gurdon M. Butler (University of Arizona 1931)
Gurdon M. Butler (University of Arizona 1933)
L. N. Butler (University of Arizona 1963)
David M. Campbell (University of Arizona 1935)
Gary K. Carlough (University of Arizona 1975)
Edwin R. Casady (University of Arizona 1928)
Richard H. Chambers (University of Arizona 1929)
William P. Chandler (University of Arizona 1944)
Wayne A. Chapman (University of Arizona 1962)
Robert M. Charles (University of Arizona 1951)
Neil V. Christensen (University of Arizona 1944)
William M. Clark (University of Arizona 1959)
Jon D. Clements (University of Arizona 1989)
Charles M. Cochran (University of Arizona 1937)
Lawrence D. Coffing Jr. (University of Arizona 1945)
Richard S. Cohen (University of Arizona 1972)
J. R. Coil (University of Arizona 1964)
Tom C. Cole (University of Arizona 1959)
William W. Cole (University of Arizona 1924)
Charles W. Collier (University of Arizona 1941)
Robert M. Cooney (University of Arizona 1952)
Richard E. Coutchie (University of Arizona 1954)
Howard L. Crittendon (University of Arizona 1960)
Frederick N. Cromwell (University of Arizona 1933)
Robert O. Cromwell (University of Arizona 1933)
Wayne G. Crutchfield (University of Arizona 1951)
Ivan Culbertson (University of Arizona 1957)
William H. Daily (University of Arizona 1941)
Richard M. Daley (University of Arizona 1949)
Arthur J. Dalies Jr. (University of Arizona 1947)
George H. Dalton (University of Arizona 1936)
Charles E. Davis (University of Arizona 1977)
Charles H. Davis (University of Arizona 1965)
J. L. Davis (University of Arizona 1946)
James H. Davis (University of Arizona 1950)
Nolan L. Davis (University of Arizona 1960)
Rodger Davis (University of Arizona 1931)
Gerlad R. Delue (University of Arizona 1954)
Wallace E. Devaney (University of Arizona 1941)
George C. Dick (University of Arizona 1942)
Richard B. Dicus (University of Arizona 1959)
Edmund J. Dienz (University of Arizona 1941)
Douglas Diggs (University of Arizona 1954)
Luke D. Dominy (University of Arizona 2007)
William D. Dotterrer (University of Arizona 1940)
Rodney D. Drake (University of Arizona 1973)
Peter L. Dryden (University of Arizona 1969)
Robert E. Duncan (University of Arizona 1965)
Donald A. Dunham (University of Arizona 1939)
Charles H. Dunlap (University of Arizona 1941)
Alexander W. Edelen Jr. (University of Arizona 1933)
James M. Edmunds (University of Arizona 1945)
Karl Eller (University of Arizona 1952)
Carol S. Ellsworth (University of Arizona 1950)
Charles E. Evans (University of Arizona 1930)
Thomas A. Evans (University of Arizona 1931)
Ronald A. Ewing (University of Arizona 1965)
Russell C. Ewing (University of Arizona 1963)
Clarence G. Falk (University of Arizona 1924)
Kurt J. Fanuka (University of Arizona 1978)
Rollo L. Faubion Jr. (University of Arizona 1948)
Robert E. Felten (University of Arizona 1954)
Frederick A. Fielder (University of Arizona 1935)
Robert W. Fifield (University of Arizona 1938)
Robert W. Fifield (University of Arizona 1964)
Delmer W. Fisher (University of Arizona 1932)
John F. Fisher (University of Arizona 1937)
William O. Fisher (University of Arizona 1960)
Michael C. Fletcher (University of Arizona 1952)
Patrick J. Flynn (University of Arizona 2007)
Richard Forbes (University of Arizona 1941)
Ralph F. Forch (University of Arizona 1925)
Wilson Forrester (University of Arizona 2013)
Raymond C. Forsnas (University of Arizona 1933)
Brian K. Foster (University of Arizona 1987)
Ray R. Foster (University of Arizona 1925)
John F. Fox (University of Arizona 1951)
Selim H. Franklin (University of Arizona 1928)
Brit Fulbright (University of Arizona 1932)
Eugene E. Fuller (University of Arizona 1955)
F. P. Gaines (University of Arizona 1967)
Robert C. Garis (University of Arizona 1962)
J. W. Garrett (University of Arizona 1956)
Scott D. Gibson (University of Arizona 1978)
Thomas A. Gibson (University of Arizona 1937)
Shawn R. Giffin (University of Arizona 1987)
Bernard A. Gillespie (University of Arizona 1942)
Frank L. Gilmore (University of Arizona 1936)
Richard K. Grant (University of Arizona 1941)
James W. Grantman (University of Arizona 1948)
Robert N. Gregory (University of Arizona 1946)
Crellin Griffith (University of Arizona 1944)
Joel I. Guerrero (University of Arizona 1964)
Oliver T. Hamilton (University of Arizona 1945)
Robert C. Hanger (University of Arizona 1950)
Lee T. Hanley (University of Arizona 1964)
Ture J. Hanley (University of Arizona 1984)
Ernest A. Hanson (University of Arizona 1922)
Thomas L. Harris (University of Arizona 1960)
Kenneth C. Harrison (University of Arizona 1929)
John L. Hart (University of Arizona 1932)
John C. Hartsuff (University of Arizona 1945)
George H. Hawke (University of Arizona 1940)
Thomas E. Hawke (University of Arizona 1943)
Carl E. Hazlett (University of Arizona 1960)
William H. Hearne (University of Arizona 1949)
James H. Hearon (University of Arizona 1955)
L D. Heckler (University of Arizona 1961)
Malcolm C. Heffelman (University of Arizona 1924)
Ralph B. Heffelman (University of Arizona 1926)
George P. Heidler (University of Arizona 1964)
Robert E. Heineman (University of Arizona 1926)
Bakari J. Henderson (University of Arizona 2017)
Robert S. Hendry (University of Arizona 1941)
Horace P. Hening (University of Arizona 1981)
James T. Hennessy (University of Arizona 1950)
G. R. Henshaw (University of Arizona 1933)
J. P. Herndon (University of Arizona 1919)
Paul E. Hershcel III (University of Arizona 1944)
Clayton D. Hibner (University of Arizona 1945)
John C. Hickcox (University of Arizona 1941)
Charles B. Hickcox (University of Arizona 1936)
Harvard H. Hill (University of Arizona 1958)
David R. Hilton (University of Arizona 1976)
Joseph E. Hipple (University of Arizona 1949)
Kenneth W. Holbrook (University of Arizona 1962)
Paul W. Holloway (University of Arizona 1964)
Hubert V. Hopkins (University of Arizona 1944)
Sydney R. Hopkins (University of Arizona 1927)
Bob M. Hoskin (University of Arizona 1982)
Terry L. Howard (University of Arizona 1965)
Peter E. Howell (University of Arizona 1952)
Archie V. Humphrys (University of Arizona 1955)
Robert E. Jacobs (University of Arizona 1956)
Floyd S. James (University of Arizona 1962)
Willis F. Jaynes (University of Arizona 1929)
David H. Johns (University of Arizona 1962)
Blake Johnson Jr. (University of Arizona 1949)
Chris T. Johnson (University of Arizona 1961)
Ronald W. Johnson (University of Arizona 1961)
Stanley J. Johnson (University of Arizona 1939)
William R. Johnson (University of Arizona 1941)
Osborn G. Johnson (University of Arizona 1947)
James H. Johnston (University of Arizona 1952)
Herbert F. Jones (University of Arizona 1937)
Warner E. Jones (University of Arizona 1959)
A. M. Jones (University of Arizona 1943)
Eric C. Jorgensen (University of Arizona 1966)
John P. Keith (University of Arizona 1945)
John J. Kelly (University of Arizona 1935)
Kenneth A. Kemmeries (University of Arizona 1955)
Thomas W. Kennedy (University of Arizona 1959)
John T. Kettlewell (University of Arizona 1938)
Robert P. Kirk (University of Arizona 1934)
John G. Kirman (University of Arizona 1951)
William L. M. Kitch (University of Arizona 1936)
Michael F. Knill (University of Arizona 1985)
Donald W. Knotts (University of Arizona 1952)
Walter S. Knotts (University of Arizona 1962)
Robert R. Koch (University of Arizona 1946)
Mark H. Kolter (University of Arizona 1945)
James P. Kratz (University of Arizona 1936)
Milton L. Laflen (University of Arizona 1960)
Robert L. Lake (University of Arizona 1947)
Stephen R. Larson (University of Arizona 1971)
Harold Jackson Lauver Jr. (University of Arizona 1949)
Charles J. Leftault (University of Arizona 1954)
Arthur C. Lewis (University of Arizona 1941)
William S. Lindamood (University of Arizona 1943)
Samuel J. Lindamood (University of Arizona 1952)
Maxfield H. Lininger (University of Arizona 1943)
Schuyler W. Lininger (University of Arizona 1944)
Bruce M. Litt (University of Arizona 1982)
Leland S. Livingston (University of Arizona 1954)
J. Frank Lockhart (University of Arizona 1955)
J. V. Loftfield (University of Arizona 1924)
Frank B. Losee (University of Arizona 1934)
William Lott (University of Arizona 1929)
Warren H. Lynch (University of Arizona 1949)
James Lyon (University of Arizona 1932)
Malcolm R. Maben (University of Arizona 1931)
Alex R. Mannen (University of Arizona 1933)
Herbert E. Manning (University of Arizona 1964)
Michael R. Manning (University of Arizona 1966)
Robert C. Marquis (University of Arizona 1942)
Jerome P. Martin Jr. (University of Arizona 1952)
Jerome P. Martin Jr. (University of Arizona 1945)
Thomas L. Matkins Jr. (University of Arizona 1938)
Richard B. Matteson DDS (University of Arizona 1953)
Gary L. Mauck (University of Arizona 1965)
Oliver H. Maud (University of Arizona 1958)
Michael P. McCarroll (University of Arizona 1970)
H. S. McCartney (University of Arizona 1963)
Richard V. McDonald (University of Arizona 1954)
Robert M. McGeorge (University of Arizona 1944)
William G. McGinnies (University of Arizona 1922)
William J. McGinnies (University of Arizona 1948)
Donald R. McGrath (University of Arizona 1948)
D. Thomas McGregor Jr. (University of Arizona 1952)
Donald T. McGregor (University of Arizona 1931)
Grant M. McGregor (University of Arizona 1931)
William C. McIntosh (University of Arizona 1948)
Charles A. McKeand (University of Arizona 1944)
David Bruce McMicken (University of Arizona 1937)
Robert A. McMicken (University of Arizona 1938)
Gerald M. McNiece (University of Arizona 1948)
Hamilton E. McRae (University of Arizona 1960)
Fred J. McWenie (University of Arizona 1954)
James S. Medeiros (University of Arizona 1988)
Thomas D. Mendenhall (University of Arizona 1953)
Joseph R. Metcalf (University of Arizona 1948)
James A. Middleton (University of Arizona 1931)
Edward J. Miles (University of Arizona 1945)
Cecil H. Miller (University of Arizona 1949)
Duane D. Miller (University of Arizona 1951)
George W. Miller (University of Arizona 1937)
Michael E. Moffat (University of Arizona 1993)
Danny W. Montgomery (University of Arizona 1974)
Brent F. Moody (University of Arizona 1961)
Thomas T. Moore (University of Arizona 1960)
Martin J. Moran (University of Arizona 1959)
Edward L. Morgan (University of Arizona 1960)
Robert L. Morgan (University of Arizona 1936)
Stephen W. Morgan (University of Arizona 1965)
Donald E. Morris (University of Arizona 1959)
James R. Morris (University of Arizona 1953)
William W. Nabours (University of Arizona 1941)
Tower B. Nairn (University of Arizona 1994)
John B. Neff (University of Arizona 1930)
Chester I. Nelson (University of Arizona 1932)
James H. Nelson (University of Arizona 1936)
Jack W. Newman (University of Arizona 1931)
William H. O'Brien (University of Arizona 1945)
Richard E. Oglesby (University of Arizona 1968)
William A. Okeson (University of Arizona 1950)
Edward B. Oliver (University of Arizona 1937)
Peter J. O'Loughlin (University of Arizona 1949)
Homer H. Osborne (University of Arizona 1951)
Herbert R. Oxnam (University of Arizona 1951)
Roy Pace (University of Arizona 1926)
Benjamin W. Parker (University of Arizona 1941)
William O. Parks (University of Arizona 1966)
Ralph M. Pateman Jr. (University of Arizona 1955)
George W. Paul (University of Arizona 1934)
Ralph N. Pearce (University of Arizona 1930)
Mark R. Pearson (University of Arizona 1979)
Clarence C. Pendergast (University of Arizona 1951)
Brian L. Pepe (University of Arizona 1996)
Thomas A. Perrodin (University of Arizona 1956)
Richard C. Pfersdorf (University of Arizona 1978)
Donald E. Phillips (University of Arizona 1928)
Robert W. Pickrell (University of Arizona 1946)
Bayly R. Pilcher (University of Arizona 1932)
William K. Pittis (University of Arizona 1948)
George B. Pond (University of Arizona 1936)
Wilfrid R. Pope (University of Arizona 1949)
John H. Post Jr. (University of Arizona 1942)
Morton E. Pratt (University of Arizona 1942)
Arthur C. Price (University of Arizona 1950)
William H. Puntenney (University of Arizona 1941)
John C. Quinn (University of Arizona 1953)
Hart Randall (University of Arizona 1934)
Robert A. Read (University of Arizona 1939)
Richard H. Rechif (University of Arizona 1940)
Thomas A. Reeb (University of Arizona 1975)
A. T. Reid (University of Arizona 1946)
Steven C. Reid (University of Arizona 1967)
John A. Renner (University of Arizona 1962)
Welmon O. Renner (University of Arizona 1937)
Arthur L. Reynolds (University of Arizona 1933)
Merl W. Rich (University of Arizona 1942)
Walter L. Richards (University of Arizona 1964)
George R. Ridgway (University of Arizona 1931)
George V. Roark (University of Arizona 1922)
Douglas G. Roberts (University of Arizona 1943)
Alvin L. Robinson (University of Arizona 1965)
Gail W. Rogers (University of Arizona 1951)
T. D. Romero (University of Arizona 1922)
Christopher M. Roth (University of Arizona 2013)
Thomas S. Royden (University of Arizona 1953)
Sidney M. Runke (University of Arizona 1934)
Walter Runke (University of Arizona 1930)
Andrew M. Rupkey (University of Arizona 1929)
Harold L. Rupkey (University of Arizona 1933)
Harry C. Rupkey (University of Arizona 1930)
Robert H. Rupkey (University of Arizona 1922)
Welford C. Rupkey (University of Arizona 1927)
Karl Ruppert (University of Arizona 1920)
Robert S. Russell (University of Arizona 1948)
Thomas J. Salb (University of Arizona 1948)
Francis T. Sampson (University of Arizona 1945)
Elgin E. Sanders (University of Arizona 1932)
William J. Sanders (University of Arizona 1957)
Harold L. Sanner (University of Arizona 1952)
Hudson C. Sarrels (University of Arizona 1932)
David E. Sauble (University of Arizona 1943)
John W. Saunders (University of Arizona 1951)
Lawrence E. Schaller (University of Arizona 1950)
Gordon L. Schenck (University of Arizona 1946)
Robert R. Schermerhorn (University of Arizona 1958)
Edward E. Schirmer (University of Arizona 1950)
James B. Schnake (University of Arizona 1947)
Walter H. Schulze (University of Arizona 1953)
Edwin H. Season (University of Arizona 1935)
John M. Shanley (University of Arizona 1972)
Irvin H. Shannon (University of Arizona 1929)
Joseph L. Sharber (University of Arizona 1942)
Bernard W. Simons (University of Arizona 1947)
James E. Slusher (University of Arizona 1935)
Charles A. Smith (University of Arizona 1922)
Cleveland A. Smith (University of Arizona 1969)
John O. Smith (University of Arizona 1953)
Steven L. Smith (University of Arizona 1972)
William J. Smith (University of Arizona 1945)
Thomas R. Snee (University of Arizona 1969)
Charles E. Starns Jr. (University of Arizona 1943)
E. A. Stratton (University of Arizona 1935)
Robert A. Stratton (University of Arizona 1933)
John D. Striegel (University of Arizona 1930)
Joseph L. Stutte (University of Arizona 1945)
Frank R. Sutherland (University of Arizona 1945)
Fred R. Sutter (University of Arizona 1958)
John F. Swain (University of Arizona 1934)
Charles T. Swanson (University of Arizona 1961)
Carl E. Teeter (University of Arizona 1932)
Francis R. Templeton (University of Arizona 1940)
Harry E. Templeton (University of Arizona 1954)
Harlan J. Thompson (University of Arizona 1938)
William M. Thompson (University of Arizona 1931)
Burke Tolbert (University of Arizona 1949)
Willis B. Tolley (University of Arizona 1950)
Henry H. Toms (University of Arizona 1935)
Maurice B. Tribby (University of Arizona 1933)
Walter K. Tweedy (University of Arizona 1925)
Douglas A. Unruh (University of Arizona 1961)
Kenneth E. Uvodich (University of Arizona 1958)
James B. Vanhorn (University of Arizona 1935)
Edmund F. Voss (University of Arizona 1954)
John V. Waddle (University of Arizona 1957)
Jack M. Walker (University of Arizona 1932)
John M. Wallace (University of Arizona 1968)
Hugh F. Walti (University of Arizona 1943)
Howard O. Welty (University of Arizona 1931)
Russell M. Wheeler (University of Arizona 1935)
Richard O. Whipple (University of Arizona 1931)
David Wick (University of Arizona 1943)
George A. Wickstrom (University of Arizona 1942)
John S. Wikle (University of Arizona 1996)
Burr W. Williams (University of Arizona 1943)
Floyd Williams (University of Arizona 1938)
Robert I. Williams (University of Arizona 1946)
Walter P. Wilson (University of Arizona 1958)
Charles B. Wilson Jr. (University of Arizona 1935)
John R. Wise (University of Arizona 1962)
John B. Woodward (University of Arizona 1936)
Marcus A. Wuerschmidt (University of Arizona 1940)
James B. Wyss (University of Arizona 1970)
George K. York (University of Arizona 1923)
James W. Young (University of Arizona 1952)
Warren E. Young (University of Arizona 1942)
Robert E. Yount (University of Arizona 1931)
William D. Zinn (University of Arizona 1945)
Merl O. Barns (University of Arkansas 1970)
Richard D. Baugh (University of Arkansas 1990)
Jeffrey A. Bell (University of Arkansas 1973)
Lenny J. Blaschke (University of Arkansas 1985)
Paul R. Bradshaw (University of Arkansas 1972)
Elton H. Donaubauer (University of Arkansas 1951)
Matthew G. Frank (University of Arkansas 1993)
Edward P. Frazier (University of Arkansas 1975)
Steven D. Guthrie (University of Arkansas 1990)
John H. Hall (University of Arkansas 1992)
Fred C. Inman (University of Arkansas 1970)
Michael D. Malone (University of Arkansas 1978)
Don D. Miller (University of Arkansas 1983)
Frank V. Miller (University of Arkansas 1977)
James N. Miller (University of Arkansas 1978)
Clyde W. Page (University of Arkansas 1931)
James G. Russell (University of Arkansas 1981)
Bradley R. Schuldt (University of Arkansas 1985)
Mark A. Spears (University of Arkansas 1975)
John M. Stevens (University of Arkansas 1973)
Jerry W. Stewart (University of Arkansas 1969)
John M. Wallis (University of Arkansas 1984)
Alan Waters (University of Arkansas 1982)
Ray West (University of Arkansas 1974)
Thomas F. Williams (University of Arkansas 1982)
Arnold T. Abbott (University of British Columbia 1947)
H. W. Akhurst (University of British Columbia 1935)
Stephen D. Allison (University of British Columbia 1968)
Stafford D. Alliston (University of British Columbia 1967)
William S. Amm (University of British Columbia 1950)
George C. Andersen (University of British Columbia 1929)
Robert N. Anderson (University of British Columbia 1930)
Ronald C. Andrews (University of British Columbia 1938)
George M. Annable (University of British Columbia 1950)
Heileman O. Arkley (University of British Columbia 1925)
Jack M. Arkley (University of British Columbia 1922)
Stanley T. Arkley (University of British Columbia 1925)
John T. Armstrong (University of British Columbia 1961)
William S. Armstrong (University of British Columbia 1957)
John L. Ashbaugh (University of British Columbia 1961)
Robin C. Asselstine (University of British Columbia 1968)
Graeme S. Balcom (University of British Columbia 1957)
P. W. Barchard (University of British Columbia 1940)
James M. Bardsley (University of British Columbia 1934)
James R. Barr (University of British Columbia 1992)
Edward S. Barton (University of British Columbia 1942)
Thomas V. Berto (University of British Columbia 1930)
Norman J. Black (University of British Columbia 1945)
Frederic D. Bolton (University of British Columbia 1932)
James E. Boughton (University of British Columbia 1943)
John A. Bourne (University of British Columbia 1934)
John H. Bowles (University of British Columbia 1967)
Douglas H. Brawn (University of British Columbia 1969)
Ronald C. Bray (University of British Columbia 1949)
W. Earle Brennan (University of British Columbia 1932)
Donald I. Brenner (University of British Columbia 1966)
Frederick L. Brewis (University of British Columbia 1949)
Jack H. Bricker (University of British Columbia 1934)
Ian G. Brisay (University of British Columbia 1953)
Pearley R. Brissenden (University of British Columbia 1931)
George G. Brown (University of British Columbia 1943)
Robert W. Bryan (University of British Columbia 1960)
Frank N. Buckley (University of British Columbia 1933)
Thomas E. Burgess (University of British Columbia 1931)
Ralph K. Cameron (University of British Columbia 1923)
Daniel R. Campbell (University of British Columbia 1947)
James D. Campbell (University of British Columbia 1934)
Andrew J. Carmichael (University of British Columbia 1943)
Angus H. Carmichael (University of British Columbia 1943)
George W. Catherall (University of British Columbia 1954)
Frederick W. Charlton (University of British Columbia 1936)
John W. Charlton (University of British Columbia 1937)
William J. Charlton (University of British Columbia 1941)
Earl Clark (University of British Columbia 1949)
Frank B. Clark (University of British Columbia 1939)
Donald W. Colwell (University of British Columbia 1941)
Stanley A. Copp (University of British Columbia 1937)
Carroll H. Corkum (University of British Columbia 1929)
Cecil S. Cosulich (University of British Columbia 1940)
Allan L. Cox (University of British Columbia 1950)
John H. Cox (University of British Columbia 1964)
John H. Currie (University of British Columbia 1928)
Campbell C. Dagg (University of British Columbia 1962)
Christopher Dagg (University of British Columbia 1962)
Colin G. Davidson (University of British Columbia 1955)
Kenneth H. Dean (University of British Columbia 1952)
A. G. DesBrisay (University of British Columbia 1954)
Peter J. DeVooght (University of British Columbia 1950)
Archibald N. Dick (University of British Columbia 1933)
Gary D. Dickson (University of British Columbia 1963)
Eric S. Ditmars (University of British Columbia 1937)
John C. Dixon (University of British Columbia 1959)
Edward A. Drake (University of British Columbia 1945)
James H. Dwinnell (University of British Columbia 1939)
Blythe A. Eagles (University of British Columbia 1922)
Warren S. Edgett (University of British Columbia 1955)
Gordon A. Elliott (University of British Columbia 1955)
Richard L. Elson (University of British Columbia 1935)
John K. Fairbairn (University of British Columbia 1949)
John W. Faulkes (University of British Columbia 1965)
Ethan Filosof (University of British Columbia 1991)
Thomas K. Fisher (University of British Columbia 1946)
Peter C. Forward (University of British Columbia 1952)
John B. Foubister (University of British Columbia 1931)
Robert E. Fowler (University of British Columbia 1952)
William M. Gartside (University of British Columbia 1956)
Paul R. Genest (University of British Columbia 1978)
Bruce M. Gordon (University of British Columbia 1937)
Frayne G. Gordon (University of British Columbia 1929)
Ronald E. K. Gordon (University of British Columbia 1927)
Ray T. Gorman (University of British Columbia 1944)
Robert W. Gourlay (University of British Columbia 1970)
William H. Gracey (University of British Columbia 1947)
Gordon P. Grant (University of British Columbia 1937)
Hugh Grant (University of British Columbia 1931)
David Gray (University of British Columbia 1932)
John S. Gray (University of British Columbia 1943)
Robert V. Gray (University of British Columbia 1948)
Ralph A. Green (University of British Columbia 1965)
Michael A. Grigg (University of British Columbia 1988)
Frederic K. Grimmett (University of British Columbia 1932)
Douglas H. Gross (University of British Columbia 1942)
Jordan R. D. Guy (University of British Columbia 1930)
Ormonde J. Hall (University of British Columbia 1942)
W. B. Hansen (University of British Columbia 1958)
John A. Harkness (University of British Columbia 1928)
Joseph A. Harris (University of British Columbia 1922)
Laurence G. Harris (University of British Columbia 1933)
Stanley L. Harris (University of British Columbia 1939)
Thomas E. Harris (University of British Columbia 1935)
Roland G. D. Hawes (University of British Columbia 1962)
Donald A. Hay (University of British Columbia 1944)
Frank G. Hay (University of British Columbia 1938)
Guy N. Hedreen (University of British Columbia 1931)
Robert F. Hetherington (University of British Columbia 1948)
John C. Hibberd (University of British Columbia 1953)
George G. A. Hilliard (University of British Columbia 1950)
J. Walter Hornstein (University of British Columbia 1954)
Betram I. Horwood (University of British Columbia 1940)
Arnold J. Houghland (University of British Columbia 1950)
Robert D. Howieson (University of British Columbia 1947)
Howard F. Hume (University of British Columbia 1939)
Norman H. Ingledew (University of British Columbia 1931)
William E. Ingledew (University of British Columbia 1927)
Paul E. Inkman (University of British Columbia 1960)
Ronald J. Isaac (University of British Columbia 1955)
Brian P. Jackson (University of British Columbia 1949)
Wallace M. Johnston (University of British Columbia 1942)
Howard F. Jones (University of British Columbia 1934)
Peter J. Kelly (University of British Columbia 1964)
Donald N. King (University of British Columbia 1949)
Hubert B. King (University of British Columbia 1927)
Denis L. Kirby (University of British Columbia 1933)
Anton H. Kuipers (University of British Columbia 1976)
Charles E. Kules (University of British Columbia 1956)
Philip M. Lafleur (University of British Columbia 1946)
Thomas A. L. Leach Jr. (University of British Columbia 1931)
Alf H. Lean (University of British Columbia 1946)
John M. Lecky (University of British Columbia 1961)
George M. Ledingham (University of British Columbia 1926)
John P. Ledingham (University of British Columbia 1925)
Clayton G. Lehman (University of British Columbia 1961)
William D. Lighthall (University of British Columbia 1946)
J. R. Lindsay (University of British Columbia 1945)
William K. Lindsay (University of British Columbia 1942)
Donald A. Livingston (University of British Columbia 1942)
Gordon A. Livingston (University of British Columbia 1936)
Kenneth C. Logan (University of British Columbia 1932)
Thomas N. Louden (University of British Columbia 1926)
Kenneth M. Lysyk (University of British Columbia 1954)
John E. Macdonald (University of British Columbia 1930)
Norman D. MacDonald (University of British Columbia 1928)
Barry L. MacFarlane (University of British Columbia 1964)
Donal C. Mackay (University of British Columbia 1925)
John C. Mackay (University of British Columbia 1929)
Gordon H. MacKenzie (University of British Columbia 1933)
Robert A. MacPherson (University of British Columbia 1990)
J. P. Madill (University of British Columbia 1959)
N S. Madill (University of British Columbia 1956)
Douglas W. Maloney (University of British Columbia 1942)
Clarence W. Mann (University of British Columbia 1942)
Rory Patrick Manning (University of British Columbia 1996)
Douglas Markham (University of British Columbia 1941)
Alexander M. Marshall (University of British Columbia 1928)
Stanley J. Mason (University of British Columbia 1949)
Daniel J. Matheson (University of British Columbia 1940)
William M. Matheson Sr. (University of British Columbia 1931)
John A. Maxwell (University of British Columbia 1927)
Edward W. Mayers (University of British Columbia 1932)
John A. McCrossan (University of British Columbia 1951)
Ian W. McDonald (University of British Columbia 1943)
Robert S. McDonald (University of British Columbia 1933)
Theodore S. McEwen (University of British Columbia 1932)
Herbert B. McGregor (University of British Columbia 1933)
Charles G. McIlmoyl (University of British Columbia 1931)
John A. McIntyre (University of British Columbia 1935)
Robert G. McKee (University of British Columbia 1961)
John McMillan (University of British Columbia 1937)
Charles J. McPherson (University of British Columbia 1945)
Kenneth F. McPherson (University of British Columbia 1947)
Kenneth J. McRae (University of British Columbia 1939)
M. Albert Menzies (University of British Columbia 1941)
John E. Milburn (University of British Columbia 1934)
Douglas W. Miller (University of British Columbia 1950)
William F. Millerd (University of British Columbia 1942)
Dennis D. G. Milne (University of British Columbia 1949)
John H. Mitchell (University of British Columbia 1924)
George B. Moffatt (University of British Columbia 1961)
John G. Morrison (University of British Columbia 1937)
Charles M. Mottley (University of British Columbia 1927)
Walter D. Mottley (University of British Columbia 1938)
James H. Moulds (University of British Columbia 1949)
R. R. Munn (University of British Columbia 1930)
Robert E. Munn (University of British Columbia 1953)
Hector G. Munro (University of British Columbia 1927)
Donald J. Murray (University of British Columbia 1958)
Ronald S. Nairne (University of British Columbia 1945)
Kingsley C. Neil (University of British Columbia 1942)
R. Cleveland Neil (University of British Columbia 1955)
Kenneth M. Noble (University of British Columbia 1960)
Oscar F. Orr (University of British Columbia 1942)
Robert F. Osborne (University of British Columbia 1933)
Richard M. Palmer (University of British Columbia 1953)
Ian D. Parker (University of British Columbia 1956)
Jack R. Parker (University of British Columbia 1932)
Ewart Parnum (University of British Columbia 1945)
P. E. Paulson (University of British Columbia 1933)
James R. Peacock (University of British Columbia 1949)
Frederick G. Pearce (University of British Columbia 1939)
Kenneth D. Pedlow (University of British Columbia 1946)
James R. Pegg (University of British Columbia 1965)
Frank H. Pendleton (University of British Columbia 1941)
Wayne S. Pendleton (University of British Columbia 1943)
Jason C. Pentecost (University of British Columbia 1994)
Alfred K. Plant (University of British Columbia 1961)
James M. Pollock (University of British Columbia 1957)
Richard J. Pomeroy (University of British Columbia 1960)
William R. Prentice (University of British Columbia 1938)
Daniel C. Quigley (University of British Columbia 1934)
Jeremy J. Ralph (University of British Columbia 1979)
George H. Reifel (University of British Columbia 1944)
William Robbins (University of British Columbia 1930)
George R. Robinson (University of British Columbia 1927)
William A. Rosene (University of British Columbia 1948)
Bruce M. Rowland (University of British Columbia 1965)
John C. Rudolph (University of British Columbia 1948)
Terrence T. Saklofsky (University of British Columbia 1970)
John P. Sargent (University of British Columbia 1932)
Richard W. Sargent (University of British Columbia 1935)
Stuart J. Schofield (University of British Columbia 1929)
Charles D. Schultz (University of British Columbia 1931)
Robert D. Schultz (University of British Columbia 1939)
William A. Schultz (University of British Columbia 1933)
Frank A. Scott (University of British Columbia 1934)
Gary R. Scott (University of British Columbia 1965)
Harry J. Seed (University of British Columbia 1928)
Robert B. Selkirk (University of British Columbia 1948)
Roderick W. Shearing (University of British Columbia 1956)
Philip Shier (University of British Columbia 1949)
John S. Slater (University of British Columbia 1944)
Jack V. Smedley (University of British Columbia 1944)
John D. Smiley (University of British Columbia 1935)
Alexander G. Smith (University of British Columbia 1930)
David R. Smith (University of British Columbia 1962)
Henry B. Smith (University of British Columbia 1925)
Louis F. Smith (University of British Columbia 1926)
Malcolm B. Smith (University of British Columbia 1947)
R. H. Smith (University of British Columbia 1931)
Frederic H. Soward (University of British Columbia 1929)
Stuart J. St. Clair (University of British Columbia 1949)
Robert G. Steele (University of British Columbia 1949)
Richard R. Stephens (University of British Columbia 1951)
Benjamin R. Stevenson (University of British Columbia 1936)
Kenny N. Stewart (University of British Columbia 1932)
Byron W. Straight (University of British Columbia 1940)
Leland R. Straight (University of British Columbia 1940)
David C. Swackhamer (University of British Columbia 1943)
Harold F. Swan (University of British Columbia 1951)
Robert H. Talling (University of British Columbia 1938)
Raymond R. Taylor (University of British Columbia 1937)
Ross S. Thompson (University of British Columbia 1945)
W. Bruce Thomson (University of British Columbia 1955)
William E. Thomson (University of British Columbia 1928)
Paterson A. Todd (University of British Columbia 1949)
Mark W. Tranter (University of British Columbia 1988)
F. T. Tremblay (University of British Columbia 1942)
John S. Trimble (University of British Columbia 1962)
James N. Trites (University of British Columbia 1968)
Robert J. N. Turner (University of British Columbia 1964)
Stuart W. Turner (University of British Columbia 1943)
David G. Verchere (University of British Columbia 1958)
Chris J. Wall (University of British Columbia 1993)
Fraser G. Wallace (University of British Columbia 1958)
Fraser M. Wallace (University of British Columbia 1923)
Lawrence Walmsley (University of British Columbia 1952)
Kevin J. Watson (University of British Columbia 1992)
Marcel I. Wesson (University of British Columbia 1949)
Ernest P. West (University of British Columbia 1940)
Bill O. Whiles (University of British Columbia 1933)
William H. Whimster (University of British Columbia 1933)
Ian G. White (University of British Columbia 1957)
Leonard E. Wild (University of British Columbia 1958)
John H. Wilkinson-Brig (University of British Columbia 1927)
C. B. Williams (University of British Columbia 1957)
Percy A. Williams (University of British Columbia 1932)
Arthur W. Willoughby (University of British Columbia 1936)
Charles H. Wills (University of British Columbia 1949)
Ridgeway W. Wilson (University of British Columbia 1937)
Thomas H. Wilson (University of British Columbia 1932)
James L. Winters (University of British Columbia 1933)
Frederic G. Wood (University of British Columbia 1929)
George J. C. Woodward (University of British Columbia 1955)
Basil O. Wright (University of British Columbia 1930)
Douglas E. Yates (University of British Columbia 1947)
Andrew B. Young (University of British Columbia 1956)
Robert J. Boon (University of Calgary 1956)
Brian M. Collins (University of Calgary 2004)
Robert A. Ersfeld (University of Calgary 1992)
Elbert V. Abbott (University of California Berkeley 1918)
Ortus F. Adams Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1938)
Frank E. Agar (University of California Berkeley 1915)
Eddie H. Aguilar (University of California Berkeley 1994)
Alfred C. Aitken (University of California Berkeley 1928)
Charles A. Allin (University of California Berkeley 1891)
Thomas D. Allin (University of California Berkeley 1890)
Charles B. Ames (University of California Berkeley 1946)
Edgar P. Ames (University of California Berkeley 1928)
Arthur A. Amos (University of California Berkeley 1977)
Arthur A. Amos (University of California Berkeley 1960)
William C. Anderson (University of California Berkeley 1950)
Craig C. Angel (University of California Berkeley 1929)
Harrison M. Arnold (University of California Berkeley 1931)
Millard D. Arnold (University of California Berkeley 1931)
William B. Ashton (University of California Berkeley 1954)
Arthur S. Bachman (University of California Berkeley 1888)
Jesse O. Bacon (University of California Berkeley 1911)
William V. Bailey (University of California Berkeley 1951)
William O. Baird (University of California Berkeley 1946)
Sheridan Baker (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Shirley H. Baker (University of California Berkeley 1929)
Lloyd Baldwin (University of California Berkeley 1897)
Orville R. Baldwin (University of California Berkeley 1899)
Barry Baldwin (University of California Berkeley 1897)
Richard J. Banks (University of California Berkeley 1983)
Curtiss M. Barbour (University of California Berkeley 1914)
Charles H. Barker (University of California Berkeley 1884)
Garret H. Barrett (University of California Berkeley 1931)
Malcolm D. Barrows (University of California Berkeley 1891)
Edmund G. Bartlett (University of California Berkeley 1952)
Paul D. Bartlett (University of California Berkeley 1914)
Ross B. Baze (University of California Berkeley 1926)
Archie J. Beckett (University of California Berkeley 1913)
Arthur H. Bell (University of California Berkeley 1911)
Byran Bell (University of California Berkeley 1903)
Grant Bennett (University of California Berkeley 1951)
Ralph R. Bennett (University of California Berkeley 1952)
Harlo U. Bennett (University of California Berkeley 1937)
Henry M. Benson (University of California Berkeley 1935)
Samuel E. Biddle (University of California Berkeley 1957)
John S. Bishop (University of California Berkeley 1882)
Robert J. Bishopp (University of California Berkeley 1937)
Donald L. Bittner (University of California Berkeley 1947)
John J. Bittner (University of California Berkeley 1945)
Kenneth E. Blake (University of California Berkeley 1950)
F. K. Blakeney (University of California Berkeley 1959)
Howard K. Blesh (University of California Berkeley 1926)
George D. Blood (University of California Berkeley 1892)
Gerard A. Bogue (University of California Berkeley 1961)
Harold C. Bolster (University of California Berkeley 1913)
Richard M. Bond (University of California Berkeley 1946)
Samuel T. Boone (University of California Berkeley 1958)
William P. Boone (University of California Berkeley 1923)
Frederic C. Boucke (University of California Berkeley 1936)
Robert W. Boucke (University of California Berkeley 1940)
Merrill C. Boyle (University of California Berkeley 1924)
William Bradford (University of California Berkeley 1883)
Rafael P. Bricca (University of California Berkeley 1932)
William W. Brier (University of California Berkeley 1882)
Leroy H. Briggs (University of California Berkeley 1903)
Steven D. Brinkman (University of California Berkeley 1963)
Edward D. Bronson (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Richard P. Bronson (University of California Berkeley 1927)
Tingley K. Bronson (University of California Berkeley 1925)
Frank H. Brooks (University of California Berkeley 1911)
Frank B. Brophy (University of California Berkeley 1916)
Douglas N. Brown (University of California Berkeley 1952)
F. E. Brown (University of California Berkeley 1903)
Gordon F. Brown (University of California Berkeley 1953)
Isadore I. Brown (University of California Berkeley 1888)
Robert M. Brown (University of California Berkeley 1955)
James M. Bryan (University of California Berkeley 1887)
George J. Bryte (University of California Berkeley 1921)
Donald C. Burgess (University of California Berkeley 1928)
James J. Burke (University of California Berkeley 1922)
Walter E. Burns (University of California Berkeley 1906)
Robert E. Bush (University of California Berkeley 1885)
John W. Butler (University of California Berkeley 1921)
Justinian Caire (University of California Berkeley 1929)
Clark C. Campbell (University of California Berkeley 1961)
Jack H. Canvin (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Harry C. Cardell (University of California Berkeley 1916)
Donald E. Carithers (University of California Berkeley 1921)
William R. Carithers (University of California Berkeley 1923)
Earl M. Carminati (University of California Berkeley 1954)
Richard P. Caroe (University of California Berkeley 1922)
Daniel S. Carter (University of California Berkeley 1938)
Erskine P. Clark (University of California Berkeley 1920)
George L. Clark (University of California Berkeley 1916)
John M. Clark (University of California Berkeley 1942)
Paul W. Clark (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Philip T. Clay (University of California Berkeley 1902)
Clarence A. Cobb (University of California Berkeley 1928)
Robert W. Cole (University of California Berkeley 1947)
Charles C. Coleman Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1924)
Asa W. Collins (University of California Berkeley 1922)
Philip Collischonn Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1918)
Robert M. Coman (University of California Berkeley 1941)
James F. Conklin (University of California Berkeley 1899)
Elvin B. Connolly (University of California Berkeley 1932)
Albert J. Coogan (University of California Berkeley 1906)
Charles F. Copeland (University of California Berkeley 1934)
John B. Copeland (University of California Berkeley 1941)
Harvey W. Corbett (University of California Berkeley 1895)
Fred D. Corfee Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1952)
William Corlett (University of California Berkeley 1941)
William Couch (University of California Berkeley 1919)
Thomas Couch (University of California Berkeley 1944)
James B. Cowden (University of California Berkeley 1884)
Stanley D. Cowden (University of California Berkeley 1911)
J. Jeff Cowen Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1928)
Francis J. Cox (University of California Berkeley 1929)
Thomas F. Cox (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Daron P. Craft (University of California Berkeley 1990)
Edward P. Crockett (University of California Berkeley 1949)
John B. Crow (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Sheldon B. Crow (University of California Berkeley 1919)
Richard D. Crowe (University of California Berkeley 1938)
Robert S. Currey (University of California Berkeley 1912)
Francis H. Curry (University of California Berkeley 1905)
Allen R. Curtis (University of California Berkeley 1903)
Carlton A. Curtis (University of California Berkeley 1904)
Garniss H. Curtis (University of California Berkeley 1942)
Merritt B. Curtis (University of California Berkeley 1915)
John F. Cutler (University of California Berkeley 1918)
Robert K. Cutter Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1945)
Manuel E. Dakis (University of California Berkeley 1951)
Donald R. Dalby (University of California Berkeley 1928)
William T. Dalby (University of California Berkeley 1923)
Richard D. Dale (University of California Berkeley 1962)
Dennis H. Dalton (University of California Berkeley 1923)
John E. Dalton (University of California Berkeley 1923)
Samuel M. Davenport (University of California Berkeley 1916)
David J. Davis (University of California Berkeley 1944)
Duncan H. Davis (University of California Berkeley 1909)
Louis S. Davis (University of California Berkeley 1913)
James E. Deasy (University of California Berkeley 1947)
Frederick E. Delger (University of California Berkeley 1916)
William G. Demas (University of California Berkeley 1954)
Arthur C. Denton (University of California Berkeley 1938)
Charles C. Dexter (University of California Berkeley 1920)
David Dibble (University of California Berkeley 1950)
Oliver Dibble (University of California Berkeley 1899)
Oliver Dibble (University of California Berkeley 1927)
George F. Dickinson (University of California Berkeley 1901)
Loy A. Dickinson (University of California Berkeley 1949)
Philip C. Dieckman (University of California Berkeley 1930)
George E. Dierssen (University of California Berkeley 1916)
Henry E. Dikeman (University of California Berkeley 1885)
John W. Dinsmore (University of California Berkeley 1915)
Thomas S. Dinsmore (University of California Berkeley 1916)
William R. Dorr (University of California Berkeley 1895)
Howard T. Douglas (University of California Berkeley 1911)
John H. Doval (University of California Berkeley 1935)
Chester J. Doyle (University of California Berkeley 1934)
Jackson A. Doyle (University of California Berkeley 1942)
Melville B. Doyle (University of California Berkeley 1952)
Olline B. Doyle (University of California Berkeley 1930)
Curtis Dreyer (University of California Berkeley 1948)
Henry C. Duffie (University of California Berkeley 1951)
Carroll C. Dunn (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Dean E. Dunnicliff (University of California Berkeley 1941)
Robert T. Durbrow (University of California Berkeley 1933)
William Durbrow (University of California Berkeley 1899)
Rex A. Dzura (University of California Berkeley 1966)
Lawrence C. Earnist (University of California Berkeley 1909)
Louis S. Eaton (University of California Berkeley 1937)
Edward Eccleston (University of California Berkeley 1890)
William Ede (University of California Berkeley 1899)
William J. Edinger (University of California Berkeley 1916)
Edward C. Edson (University of California Berkeley 1896)
Edwin M. Elam (University of California Berkeley 1917)
James R. Elder (University of California Berkeley 1966)
Frank T. Elliott (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Richard C. Enderly (University of California Berkeley 1919)
Charles L. Ennis (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Myron E. Etienne (University of California Berkeley 1919)
Lowell A. Eugley (University of California Berkeley 1892)
Wallace W. Everett (University of California Berkeley 1897)
Wallace W. Everett (University of California Berkeley 1927)
Robert H. Fagan (University of California Berkeley 1950)
Egbert N. Fairchild (University of California Berkeley 1920)
Richard A. Falge (University of California Berkeley 1957)
Robert F. Falge (University of California Berkeley 1955)
W. S. Farr (University of California Berkeley 1931)
Arthur R. Fennimore (University of California Berkeley 1902)
Paul B. Ferguson (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Raymond W. Fisher (University of California Berkeley 1914)
Henry A. Fisk (University of California Berkeley 1890)
Peter A. Flamer (University of California Berkeley 1958)
John V. Fleming (University of California Berkeley 1940)
William K. Flowerree (University of California Berkeley 1918)
John S. Fobes (University of California Berkeley 1945)
Kenneth D. Fobes (University of California Berkeley 1915)
John M. Fowler (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Donald R. Franson (University of California Berkeley 1947)
Gordon E. French (University of California Berkeley 1942)
Robert C. Froeschle (University of California Berkeley 1953)
Richard C. Frost (University of California Berkeley 1949)
Marion C. Gale (University of California Berkeley 1929)
Glenn D. Gallison (University of California Berkeley 1947)
Robert A. Gallison (University of California Berkeley 1949)
Albert V. Gear (University of California Berkeley 1887)
Donald Geary (University of California Berkeley 1914)
Richard V. Gerdau (University of California Berkeley 1948)
Henry W. Gibbons (University of California Berkeley 1899)
Morton R. Gibbons (University of California Berkeley 1895)
George Gibbs (University of California Berkeley 1895)
John Gilcrest (University of California Berkeley 1949)
Edmund G. Gildersleeve (University of California Berkeley 1954)
Jonathan M. Gilmore (University of California Berkeley 1894)
William P. Gilmore (University of California Berkeley 1942)
Richard E. Girvin (University of California Berkeley 1903)
Frank B. Gleason (University of California Berkeley 1951)
Joseph H. Glide (University of California Berkeley 1923)
Philip Godley (University of California Berkeley 1892)
Robert L. Goetz (University of California Berkeley 1946)
Alvin K. Goodmundson (University of California Berkeley 1935)
Donald A. Goodwin (University of California Berkeley 1947)
Franklin M. Gould (University of California Berkeley 1951)
William S. Govan (University of California Berkeley 1953)
James C. Grace (University of California Berkeley 1930)
John N. Grant (University of California Berkeley 1923)
Victor L. Grant (University of California Berkeley 1954)
David E. Graves (University of California Berkeley 1977)
Prentiss N. Gray (University of California Berkeley 1906)
James C. Greenan (University of California Berkeley 1948)
Mark H. Gregg (University of California Berkeley 1932)
David M. Gregory (University of California Berkeley 1901)
Frank P. Gribner (University of California Berkeley 1914)
John T. Gribner (University of California Berkeley 1913)
John M. Griesser (University of California Berkeley 1965)
Philip D. Groff (University of California Berkeley 1935)
Thomas L. Gross (University of California Berkeley 1951)
Peter B. Gruening (University of California Berkeley 1945)
Ted C. Gruhler (University of California Berkeley 1933)
Gordon M. Grundy (University of California Berkeley 1910)
Elmer R. Gustafson (University of California Berkeley 1951)
Emil E. Gustafson (University of California Berkeley 1949)
Madison Haas (University of California Berkeley 1940)
Gordon W. Hackett (University of California Berkeley 1950)
Read Hager (University of California Berkeley 1927)
Albert R. Hager (University of California Berkeley 1929)
Clarence W. Halderman (University of California Berkeley 1921)
Lawrence Hall (University of California Berkeley 1934)
Ross E. Hamlin (University of California Berkeley 1938)
Edwin M. Hamlin Sr. (University of California Berkeley 1938)
Walter C. Hansel (University of California Berkeley 1940)
Ruland Hardy Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1941)
George G. Harlowe (University of California Berkeley 1911)
Henry W. Harlowe (University of California Berkeley 1915)
Joseph B. Harvey (University of California Berkeley 1921)
Ralph L. Hathorn (University of California Berkeley 1893)
William K. Hathorn (University of California Berkeley 1920)
Thomas W. Hawkins (University of California Berkeley 1940)
William E. Hawkins (University of California Berkeley 1944)
John M. Hayden (University of California Berkeley 1955)
Horrace H. Hayes (University of California Berkeley 1919)
Lyman D. Heacock (University of California Berkeley 1916)
James R. Head (University of California Berkeley 1910)
James P. Healey (University of California Berkeley 1933)
Edwin C. Heinz (University of California Berkeley 1922)
Norman C. Heinz (University of California Berkeley 1920)
Ernest C. Helme (University of California Berkeley 1949)
Ernest N. Henderson (University of California Berkeley 1890)
Charles W. Hendrickson (University of California Berkeley 1984)
Herbert J. Heywood (University of California Berkeley 1916)
Edward W. Hill (University of California Berkeley 1890)
Edward F. Hilliard (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Grayson W. Hinckley Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1938)
Henry H. Hinman (University of California Berkeley 1923)
Oliver J. Hinman (University of California Berkeley 1926)
Allen T. Hinman (University of California Berkeley 1931)
Benjamin J. Hoffacker Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1900)
Don L. Hollingsworth (University of California Berkeley 1916)
William R. Holmes (University of California Berkeley 1916)
George H. Hoppin (University of California Berkeley 1896)
Laurence P. Horan (University of California Berkeley 1952)
John S. Horsford (University of California Berkeley 1930)
Joseph M. Hotle (University of California Berkeley 1954)
Gordon T. House (University of California Berkeley 1921)
Albert J. Houston (University of California Berkeley 1895)
William H. Houston (University of California Berkeley 1899)
William H. Houston (University of California Berkeley 1933)
John L. Howard (University of California Berkeley 1901)
Albert S. Hubbard (University of California Berkeley 1920)
Frank S. Hudson (University of California Berkeley 1911)
James A. Hughes (University of California Berkeley 1960)
William P. Humphreys (University of California Berkeley 1892)
Harry C. Hunt (University of California Berkeley 1902)
James M. Hunt (University of California Berkeley 1912)
Leroy P. Hunt (University of California Berkeley 1914)
John E. Hunt (University of California Berkeley 1942)
Irving J. Hurd (University of California Berkeley 1956)
Christopher Hurtt (University of California Berkeley 1929)
John N. Hurtt (University of California Berkeley 1921)
Herschel Hyde (University of California Berkeley 1955)
Adrien Hynes (University of California Berkeley 1926)
William H. Hynes (University of California Berkeley 1897)
Bethune M. Ireland (University of California Berkeley 1941)
Jess S. Jackson (University of California Berkeley 1952)
Hobart S. Jensen (University of California Berkeley 1928)
C. R. Johnson (University of California Berkeley 1935)
Frederick O. Johnson (University of California Berkeley 1895)
Gerald R. Johnson (University of California Berkeley 1919)
Milo F. Johnson (University of California Berkeley 1918)
Otis R. Johnson (University of California Berkeley 1909)
Everett H. Johnston (University of California Berkeley 1961)
Richard P. Jones (University of California Berkeley 1937)
James F. Jordan (University of California Berkeley 1947)
Tracy T. Journey (University of California Berkeley 1949)
Frederick A. Juilliard (University of California Berkeley 1891)
Kenneth C. Juster (University of California Berkeley 1916)
Arthur F. Kales (University of California Berkeley 1903)
Spencer M. Kales (University of California Berkeley 1911)
Terrance W. Kelley (University of California Berkeley 1960)
Harold R. Kelly (University of California Berkeley 1916)
David G. Kenfield (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Ciaran B. Kennedy (University of California Berkeley 1950)
Frank E. Kilpatrick Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1932)
Henry H. Kilpatrick (University of California Berkeley 1931)
Joseph C. Kimble (University of California Berkeley 1931)
Robert Kimble (University of California Berkeley 1925)
Edward J. Kirwan (University of California Berkeley 1932)
Reginald W. Kittrelle (University of California Berkeley 1936)
Gorham B. Knowles (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Ralph O. Krueger (University of California Berkeley 1952)
L. T. Kruse (University of California Berkeley 1962)
Clarence E. Laboyteaux (University of California Berkeley 1912)
Ramon H. Landsberger (University of California Berkeley 1920)
Howard M. Lang (University of California Berkeley 1937)
Ernest R. Lasell (University of California Berkeley 1914)
Donald C. Lawton (University of California Berkeley 1918)
Harry R. Lawton (University of California Berkeley 1912)
John J. Leavitt (University of California Berkeley 1957)
Frank E. R. Lee (University of California Berkeley 1918)
Martin J. Lemcke (University of California Berkeley 1945)
Richard T. Lemmon (University of California Berkeley 1951)
Nicolas V. Leslie (University of California Berkeley 2018)
Harold G. Lind (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Jack B. Lindsey (University of California Berkeley 1947)
George K. Littlefield (University of California Berkeley 1944)
Charles W. Livingston (University of California Berkeley 1947)
Alexander M. Locke (University of California Berkeley 1885)
John E. Locke (University of California Berkeley 1942)
Marcel P. Lohse (University of California Berkeley 1914)
George J. Long (University of California Berkeley 1924)
William H. Low (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Fred L. Lowell (University of California Berkeley 1897)
Edward R. Lowndes (University of California Berkeley 1924)
Gerald J. Lyons (University of California Berkeley 1955)
John D. Macgavin (University of California Berkeley 1900)
Paul E. Macy (University of California Berkeley 1967)
Judson Madden (University of California Berkeley 1937)
Ergo A. Majors (University of California Berkeley 1925)
John A. Marsh (University of California Berkeley 1893)
John E. Marsh (University of California Berkeley 1921)
William R. Martin (University of California Berkeley 1913)
Burton Mason (University of California Berkeley 1951)
Elmer M. Mason (University of California Berkeley 1924)
Raymond B. Mattson (University of California Berkeley 1922)
Augustine D. McBryde (University of California Berkeley 1898)
Robert A. McClung (University of California Berkeley 1937)
Howard H. McCreary (University of California Berkeley 1919)
Robert H. McCreary (University of California Berkeley 1926)
John D. McDonald (University of California Berkeley 1928)
Paul L. McDonald (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Jay D. McEvoy (University of California Berkeley 1932)
Thomas L. McGrath (University of California Berkeley 1953)
Carson R. McKissick (University of California Berkeley 1957)
William H. McLallen Sr. (University of California Berkeley 1927)
James E. McMahon (University of California Berkeley 1884)
Robert S. McNamara (University of California Berkeley 1937)
David McNutt (University of California Berkeley 1937)
Charles E. Meek (University of California Berkeley 1921)
Philip C. Mering (University of California Berkeley 1950)
Whitney P. Merritt (University of California Berkeley 1930)
Stacy R. Mettier (University of California Berkeley 1923)
John W. Meux (University of California Berkeley 1902)
William C. Meux (University of California Berkeley 1935)
Frederick W. Mielke (University of California Berkeley 1943)
George W. Mills (University of California Berkeley 1924)
Robert E. Mills (University of California Berkeley 1915)
Thomas S. Molloy (University of California Berkeley 1892)
Robert A. Molthen (University of California Berkeley 1951)
James C. Monroe (University of California Berkeley 1957)
Willis R. Montgomery (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Alfred W. Moody (University of California Berkeley 1936)
Joseph G. Moody (University of California Berkeley 1909)
William S. Moody (University of California Berkeley 1932)
Frederick B. Moore (University of California Berkeley 1913)
John P. Morgan (University of California Berkeley 1926)
Thomas C. Morgan (University of California Berkeley 1984)
Robert W. Musgrove (University of California Berkeley 1879)
William M. Mutch (University of California Berkeley 1944)
Warren F. Myers (University of California Berkeley 1945)
George L. Najarian (University of California Berkeley 1955)
James M. Nelson (University of California Berkeley 1954)
H. J. Nevin (University of California Berkeley 1953)
John C. Newlands (University of California Berkeley 1897)
William A. Newsom (University of California Berkeley 1937)
J. R. Newson (University of California Berkeley 1912)
Richard V. Newton (University of California Berkeley 1940)
Wilbur D. Nicol (University of California Berkeley 1930)
James W. Nicoson (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Steven M. Nixon (University of California Berkeley 1985)
Leo E. Noonan (University of California Berkeley 1915)
Charles G. Norris (University of California Berkeley 1903)
Frank Norris (University of California Berkeley 1894)
Andrew W. Norton (University of California Berkeley 1928)
John B. Nowland (University of California Berkeley 1942)
Robert R. Nye (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Percy H. O'Brien (University of California Berkeley 1895)
Victor L. O'Brien (University of California Berkeley 1892)
Richard T. Ohm (University of California Berkeley 1941)
William H. Ohm (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Louis B. Olson (University of California Berkeley 1945)
Murray S. Orrick (University of California Berkeley 1901)
William H. Orrick (University of California Berkeley 1901)
Oliver S. Orrick (University of California Berkeley 1902)
Jasper Ostrander (University of California Berkeley 1908)
Willis F. Ostrander (University of California Berkeley 1916)
J. W. Owen (University of California Berkeley 1922)
John B. Palmer (University of California Berkeley 1892)
Harrison M. Parker (University of California Berkeley 1898)
Robert E. Patterson (University of California Berkeley 1941)
Lloyd V. Patton (University of California Berkeley 1928)
John A. Percy III (University of California Berkeley 1929)
James D. Peschel (University of California Berkeley 1967)
Donald V. Peters (University of California Berkeley 1944)
Wallace D. Peterson (University of California Berkeley 1949)
Charles B. Phillips (University of California Berkeley 1912)
Ernest J. Phillips (University of California Berkeley 1920)
John R. Phillips (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Robert P. Pierpont (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Arthur L. Piper (University of California Berkeley 1912)
Henry O. Pixley (University of California Berkeley 1902)
Francis B. Plant (University of California Berkeley 1902)
Alfred D. Plaw (University of California Berkeley 1902)
Harold P. Plummer (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Josiah G. Poage (University of California Berkeley 1882)
Harry P. Pohlman (University of California Berkeley 1914)
John P. Pollock (University of California Berkeley 1967)
Arthur S. Powell (University of California Berkeley 1933)
Donald F. Powell (University of California Berkeley 1961)
James F. Pressley (University of California Berkeley 1934)
William R. Prindle (University of California Berkeley 1948)
Lloyd E. Pringle (University of California Berkeley 1954)
Christopher D. Purtz (University of California Berkeley 2006)
Richard M. Railsback (University of California Berkeley 1932)
Jack M. Rasmussen (University of California Berkeley 1951)
Stuart L. Rawlings (University of California Berkeley 1899)
Charles M. Reed (University of California Berkeley 1968)
John K. Reese (University of California Berkeley 1911)
John K. Reese (University of California Berkeley 1942)
Spencer B. Reid (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Richard D. Reid (University of California Berkeley 1950)
John L. Reith (University of California Berkeley 1918)
Lindley M. Reith (University of California Berkeley 1916)
Harry F. Rethers (University of California Berkeley 1892)
Dell S. Reynolds (University of California Berkeley 1916)
Vincent F. Reynolds (University of California Berkeley 1913)
Richard Rhein (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Harry W. Rhodes (University of California Berkeley 1894)
Frank E. Rich (University of California Berkeley 1890)
Preston E. Richardson (University of California Berkeley 1943)
William A. Richardson (University of California Berkeley 1910)
Leslie A. Richter (University of California Berkeley 1952)
Jack F. Robberson (University of California Berkeley 1957)
George R. Roberts (University of California Berkeley 1933)
John D. Roberts (University of California Berkeley 1945)
William E. Roberts (University of California Berkeley 1944)
Robley M. Robesky (University of California Berkeley 1923)
Edward B. Robinson (University of California Berkeley 1903)
William L. Rodgers (University of California Berkeley 1890)
John B. Rosson (University of California Berkeley 1924)
Robert R. Rosson Sr. (University of California Berkeley 1932)
Charles T. Rosson (University of California Berkeley 1927)
Walter B. Rountree (University of California Berkeley 1894)
Joseph D. Rowe (University of California Berkeley 1951)
O. N. Rugen (University of California Berkeley 1952)
Robert L. Ryan (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Erwin L. Sadler (University of California Berkeley 1897)
Herrmann Sadler (University of California Berkeley 1906)
Alexander E. Sarthou (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Frederick N. Scatena (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Fred P. Schader (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Bruno Schatz (University of California Berkeley 2012)
Herbert A. Schmidt (University of California Berkeley 1908)
Frederick J. Schoeneman (University of California Berkeley 1931)
George F. Schorr (University of California Berkeley 1882)
John H. Schutte (University of California Berkeley 1889)
Carl E. Schwarz (University of California Berkeley 1958)
Frederick D. Schwarz (University of California Berkeley 1960)
Jack A. Scott (University of California Berkeley 1921)
Thomas J. Scott (University of California Berkeley 1946)
Charles H. Seaver Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1961)
Robert L. See (University of California Berkeley 1951)
Clayton L. Seitz (University of California Berkeley 1929)
Edward A. Selfridge (University of California Berkeley 1894)
James R. Selfridge (University of California Berkeley 1897)
Grove M. Sellers (University of California Berkeley 1930)
Ernest Sevier (University of California Berkeley 1920)
Randolph Sevier (University of California Berkeley 1923)
Richard Shaffer (University of California Berkeley 1909)
Edward J. Sherman (University of California Berkeley 1947)
Robert S. Sherman (University of California Berkeley 1938)
A. C. Sholl (University of California Berkeley 1945)
John Sibbald (University of California Berkeley 1914)
William R. Sibbett (University of California Berkeley 1950)
Louis J. Simpson (University of California Berkeley 1900)
Ernest A. Sinclair (University of California Berkeley 1909)
Chester W. Skaggs (University of California Berkeley 1911)
John F. Skelly (University of California Berkeley 1931)
George W. Skinner (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Timothy J. Sloat (University of California Berkeley 1964)
Conway Smith (University of California Berkeley 1946)
Emery T. Smith (University of California Berkeley 1900)
Lewis H. Smith (University of California Berkeley 1952)
Ormond R. Smith (University of California Berkeley 1913)
Robert L. Smith (University of California Berkeley 1947)
William H. Smith (University of California Berkeley 1898)
Charles W. Snook (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Charles W. Snook (University of California Berkeley 1946)
Roy J. Somers (University of California Berkeley 1904)
Clay H. Sorrick (University of California Berkeley 1919)
Warde W. Sorrick (University of California Berkeley 1914)
Mark V. Sparks (University of California Berkeley 1926)
Francis W. Spearman (University of California Berkeley 1929)
William G. Spiers (University of California Berkeley 1895)
James Spiers (University of California Berkeley 1894)
Howard E. Springer (University of California Berkeley 1910)
Philip W. Stafford (University of California Berkeley 1908)
Edward L. Stenger (University of California Berkeley 1907)
Joseph H. Stephens (University of California Berkeley 1921)
R. A. Stevenson (University of California Berkeley 1957)
Alpheus L. Stewart (University of California Berkeley 1915)
Gary G. Stoecker (University of California Berkeley 1964)
Andrew H. Stone (University of California Berkeley 1956)
Douglas L. Stone (University of California Berkeley 1953)
James C. Stone (University of California Berkeley 1956)
Herbert L. Stow (University of California Berkeley 1924)
Eric B. Sutcliffe (University of California Berkeley 1929)
Norman Sutcliffe (University of California Berkeley 1936)
Fred B. Sutherland (University of California Berkeley 1891)
Albert R. Swallow (University of California Berkeley 1926)
Cloyd J. Sweigert (University of California Berkeley 1918)
Dudley Tait (University of California Berkeley 1924)
William C. Tarr (University of California Berkeley 1927)
Jackson B. Taylor (University of California Berkeley 1925)
John H. Thayer (University of California Berkeley 1948)
J. Hutton Theller (University of California Berkeley 1907)
Alvin R. Thomas (University of California Berkeley 1923)
James R. Thompson (University of California Berkeley 1940)
Malcolm C. Tracy (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Carl R. Travis (University of California Berkeley 1948)
Leroy V. Traynham (University of California Berkeley 1935)
Charles S. Tripler (University of California Berkeley 1900)
George J. Tschumy (University of California Berkeley 1919)
Robert S. Tucker (University of California Berkeley 1942)
Erving P. Tucker (University of California Berkeley 1933)
Charles L. Turner (University of California Berkeley 1892)
Stanley M. Tutton (University of California Berkeley 1940)
Benjamin P. Upham (University of California Berkeley 1899)
Isaac O. Upham (University of California Berkeley 1898)
Ralph R. Vandernaillen (University of California Berkeley 1927)
Robert W. Vandeusen (University of California Berkeley 1925)
Eugene W. Vanhorn (University of California Berkeley 1929)
Richard E. Vanhorn (University of California Berkeley 1924)
John J. Vannostrand (University of California Berkeley 1926)
John C. Volker (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Kenneth F. Volker (University of California Berkeley 1949)
Daniel G. Volkmann (University of California Berkeley 1908)
William G. Volkmann (University of California Berkeley 1908)
Paul Von Kempf (University of California Berkeley 1940)
Jack B. Wachhorst (University of California Berkeley 1922)
Herbert E. Waite (University of California Berkeley 1919)
Stanton G. Ware (University of California Berkeley 1952)
Moulton Warner (University of California Berkeley 1902)
George T. Warren (University of California Berkeley 1949)
Robert E. Warren (University of California Berkeley 1958)
Alden C. Waterhouse (University of California Berkeley 1922)
Ralph W. Waterhouse (University of California Berkeley 1925)
Seymour Waterhouse (University of California Berkeley 1895)
Gordon L. Watson (University of California Berkeley 1941)
Clifford P. Weaver (University of California Berkeley 1959)
Philip L. Weaver Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1891)
Douglas D. Weber (University of California Berkeley 1953)
Howard L. Weed (University of California Berkeley 1882)
Gilbert N. Weeks (University of California Berkeley 1929)
Jack C. Wells (University of California Berkeley 1943)
Gordon White (University of California Berkeley 1942)
Jack F. White (University of California Berkeley 1919)
John H. White (University of California Berkeley 1891)
Kennon P. White Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Ralston White (University of California Berkeley 1901)
William M. White (University of California Berkeley 1933)
Pen T. Whitehead (University of California Berkeley 1950)
Kurt W. Whiteman (University of California Berkeley 1983)
Norris H. Wiggins (University of California Berkeley 1930)
Wilfred W. Wiggins (University of California Berkeley 1925)
Harold R. Wilbur (University of California Berkeley 1900)
Harry R. Wiley (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Floyd Wilkins (University of California Berkeley 1946)
Harold P. Williams (University of California Berkeley 1914)
Russell Williams (University of California Berkeley 1903)
Richard C. Willits (University of California Berkeley 1927)
Raymond A. Willson (University of California Berkeley 1923)
Francis A. Wilson (University of California Berkeley 1928)
Joseph L. Wilson (University of California Berkeley 1901)
John M. Wilson (University of California Berkeley 1955)
M. L. Wishon (University of California Berkeley 1921)
Glenn R. Wollman (University of California Berkeley 1944)
George D. Wood (University of California Berkeley 1914)
Elmer D. Woodward (University of California Berkeley 1912)
Robert D. Woodward (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Stanley H. Woolery (University of California Berkeley 1933)
Harry M. Wright (University of California Berkeley 1894)
William S. Wright (University of California Berkeley 1948)
Kevin B. Aguilar (University of California Irvine 2000)
Daniel G. Aldrich (University of California Irvine 1939)
John R. Duchi (University of California Irvine 1988)
Michael A. Gonet (University of California Irvine 1989)
Thomas R. Hinton (University of California Irvine 1983)
Tisan J. Lao (University of California Irvine 2004)
Warren Raymond Newall (University of California Irvine 1948)
Hung T. Tran (University of California Irvine 1995)
Ernest R. Adams (University of California Los Angeles 1932)
John M. Adams (University of California Los Angeles 1931)
Robert M. Albright (University of California Los Angeles 1941)
Max R. Allen (University of California Los Angeles 1957)
Harrison J. Allen (University of California Los Angeles 1933)
Lewis E. Allison (University of California Los Angeles 1935)
Glen A. Almquist (University of California Los Angeles 1961)
Robert C. Alutin (University of California Los Angeles 1958)
Richard L. Anawalt (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
Nicholos T. Angeles (University of California Los Angeles 1943)
Wayne K. Aozasa (University of California Los Angeles 1981)
Atlee S. Arnold (University of California Los Angeles 1929)
Atlee S. Arnold (University of California Los Angeles 1959)
Edward C. Arnold (University of California Los Angeles 1926)
D. W. Atherton (University of California Los Angeles 1929)
Herman C. Atienza (University of California Los Angeles 1992)
H. B. Bagley (University of California Los Angeles 1946)
Lionel C. Banks (University of California Los Angeles 1955)
Robert E. Battles (University of California Los Angeles 1933)
Frederick J. Baumgarten (University of California Los Angeles 1930)
Frederic Beck (University of California Los Angeles 1951)
Edward G. Bennion (University of California Los Angeles 1930)
Carl W. Benton (University of California Los Angeles 1948)
William J. Berry (University of California Los Angeles 1963)
Robert S. Billingsley (University of California Los Angeles 1956)
Lawrence L. Bird (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
David K. Bjork (University of California Los Angeles 1936)
David M. Bjork PhD (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Norman H. Blatherwick (University of California Los Angeles 1935)
Carlton E. Block (University of California Los Angeles 1931)
Floyd W. Bodle (University of California Los Angeles 1925)
Wellington F. Bonner (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Richard P. Booth (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
Edward Borley (University of California Los Angeles 1933)
Charles A. Brodie (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Colin M. Brown (University of California Los Angeles 1949)
Jack R. Brown (University of California Los Angeles 1949)
Hugh R. Brownson (University of California Los Angeles 1954)
Dickson Brunnenkant (University of California Los Angeles 1941)
Max B. Buerger (University of California Los Angeles 1932)
William S. Butler (University of California Los Angeles 1939)
John B. Cain (University of California Los Angeles 1943)
William D. Cain (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
James H. Camplin (University of California Los Angeles 1930)
John T. Camplin (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
Robert L. Cantwell (University of California Los Angeles 1943)
Fred L. Carter (University of California Los Angeles 1935)
Lauren W. Casaday (University of California Los Angeles 1926)
Robert J. Chard (University of California Los Angeles 1934)
Robert M. Chelew (University of California Los Angeles 1956)
Richard C. Chenoweth (University of California Los Angeles 1945)
Michael E. Clancy (University of California Los Angeles 1958)
Lewis L. Clarke (University of California Los Angeles 1931)
Alfred S. Cline (University of California Los Angeles 1930)
Charles L. Clustka (University of California Los Angeles 1949)
Charles M. Coffland (University of California Los Angeles 1931)
John F. Cohee (University of California Los Angeles 1928)
James C. Collier (University of California Los Angeles 1958)
John B. Colligan (University of California Los Angeles 1948)
Arnold S. Cook (University of California Los Angeles 1955)
Robert E. Cooling (University of California Los Angeles 1946)
Donald S. Corey (University of California Los Angeles 1939)
E. A. Cowman (University of California Los Angeles 1926)
Eugene E. Cowman (University of California Los Angeles 1925)
I. H. Crittenden (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Dwight W. Cummings (University of California Los Angeles 1926)
James B. Curran (University of California Los Angeles 1939)
Robley S. Dalton (University of California Los Angeles 1929)
James J. Dambach (University of California Los Angeles 1953)
Victor S. Davenport (University of California Los Angeles 1929)
Philip J. Davis (University of California Los Angeles 1946)
Ronald C. Davis (University of California Los Angeles 1949)
Geoffrey C. Dean (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Frank M. Dearing (University of California Los Angeles 1928)
Robert S. Dement (University of California Los Angeles 1925)
John C. Denning (University of California Los Angeles 1937)
George E. Deshon (University of California Los Angeles 1937)
Robert E. Deshon (University of California Los Angeles 1940)
Arnold K. Dilzer (University of California Los Angeles 1955)
Peter G. Dolbee (University of California Los Angeles 1942)
John W. Doran (University of California Los Angeles 1929)
Robert A. Dorne (University of California Los Angeles 1967)
R. Vincent Douglas (University of California Los Angeles 1924)
Roy Doumani (University of California Los Angeles 1958)
Willis D. Eblen (University of California Los Angeles 1958)
Thomas N. Echternach (University of California Los Angeles 1951)
Gould L. Eddy (University of California Los Angeles 1930)
H. R. Erdman (University of California Los Angeles 1953)
Thomas J. Fambrough (University of California Los Angeles 1932)
John F. Farrer (University of California Los Angeles 1948)
Ronald H. Fauria (University of California Los Angeles 1958)
Hugh G. Ferguson (University of California Los Angeles 1935)
Robert C. Flattery (University of California Los Angeles 1941)
James H. Forgie (University of California Los Angeles 1939)
Paul W. Fornaciari (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
John J. French (University of California Los Angeles 1942)
John W. Gaines (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Marvin Gallagher (University of California Los Angeles 1930)
Harvey J. L. Gallinger (University of California Los Angeles 1941)
Kevin F. Gallivan (University of California Los Angeles 1981)
Edward G. Gamer (University of California Los Angeles 1926)
David C. Gartley (University of California Los Angeles 1947)
Right R. Garver (University of California Los Angeles 1945)
Edson B. Gaston (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Charles J. George (University of California Los Angeles 1955)
Harvey V. Gilmer (University of California Los Angeles 1941)
Nick V. Giovinazzo (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Stanley N. Gleis (University of California Los Angeles 1932)
Edward D. Graf (University of California Los Angeles 1948)
Herbert S. Grau (University of California Los Angeles 1951)
Michael F. Gray (University of California Los Angeles 1967)
Ralph C. Green (University of California Los Angeles 1931)
De W. Griffin (University of California Los Angeles 1938)
Roger W. Haglund (University of California Los Angeles 1925)
John L. Hall (University of California Los Angeles 1933)
Steven J. Hanley (University of California Los Angeles 1959)
John S. Hanna (University of California Los Angeles 1928)
James F. Hargear (University of California Los Angeles 1959)
Henry G. Harper (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
John F. Harris (University of California Los Angeles 1934)
Howard F. Harrison (University of California Los Angeles 1932)
Gage C. Hartman (University of California Los Angeles 1929)
Thomas M. Hartman (University of California Los Angeles 1958)
David W. Harvey (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
John G. Hastings (University of California Los Angeles 1953)
Vincent Hatton (University of California Los Angeles 1956)
John A. Hefti (University of California Los Angeles 1938)
Stephen H. Herron (University of California Los Angeles 1947)
Richard L. Hiatt (University of California Los Angeles 1939)
Robert L. Hildebrand (University of California Los Angeles 1951)
Gordon J. Hille (University of California Los Angeles 1953)
Arthur O. Hodge (University of California Los Angeles 1927)
James Hokom (University of California Los Angeles 1942)
Paul D. Holland (University of California Los Angeles 1931)
Jack T. Hollander (University of California Los Angeles 1934)
George W. Hollingsworth (University of California Los Angeles 1925)
John S. Howard (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
Douglas F. Hudson (University of California Los Angeles 1941)
Lyle I. Ingerick (University of California Los Angeles 1960)
William J. Ivory (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
Roger M. Jacobson (University of California Los Angeles 1955)
William G. Jacobson (University of California Los Angeles 1934)
Alan W. Johnson (University of California Los Angeles 1937)
Milbank Johnson (University of California Los Angeles 1931)
Robert W. Johnson (University of California Los Angeles 1955)
Roger G. Johnson (University of California Los Angeles 1954)
Russell R. Johnson (University of California Los Angeles 1932)
David W. Jones (University of California Los Angeles 1939)
Earle F. Jones (University of California Los Angeles 1949)
Gary E. Jones (University of California Los Angeles 1963)
Warren A. Jones (University of California Los Angeles 1946)
Calvin O. Joy (University of California Los Angeles 1931)
Arthur E. Kaiser (University of California Los Angeles 1943)
Leslie W. Kalb (University of California Los Angeles 1925)
Grant W. Kanston (University of California Los Angeles 1933)
George L. Kauffmann (University of California Los Angeles 1951)
Robert E. Keefer (University of California Los Angeles 1948)
Larry W. Kepford (University of California Los Angeles 1962)
Hal C. Kern (University of California Los Angeles 1943)
Robert J. Kern Jr. (University of California Los Angeles 1943)
Kenneth B. Kilbourne (University of California Los Angeles 1942)
Paul S. Kilbourne (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
Richard S. Killen (University of California Los Angeles 1945)
Kenneth E. King (University of California Los Angeles 1945)
Harry L. Kitselman (University of California Los Angeles 1933)
Wayne R. Knickmeyer (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
Schuyler A. Krebs (University of California Los Angeles 1969)
Neil A. Lake (University of California Los Angeles 1954)
Donald B. Lane (University of California Los Angeles 1956)
Edward G. Lansdale (University of California Los Angeles 1931)
Stewart N. Larson (University of California Los Angeles 1933)
Robert J. Lawson (University of California Los Angeles 1939)
William E. Lawson (University of California Los Angeles 1929)
Garold A. Leach (University of California Los Angeles 1926)
Lionel B. LeBel (University of California Los Angeles 1947)
Robert Lee (University of California Los Angeles 1927)
John A. Leeds (University of California Los Angeles 1930)
Walter H. Leimert Jr. (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
Fred E. Lettice (University of California Los Angeles 1940)
James F. Liebenguth (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Dale B. Lillywhite (University of California Los Angeles 1935)
Les Liscom (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Kenneth J. Litchfield (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
Albert M. Loomis (University of California Los Angeles 1947)
Richard L. Love (University of California Los Angeles 1926)
Walter N. Lynch (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
John L. Malloy (University of California Los Angeles 1949)
James R. March (University of California Los Angeles 1929)
Edgar S. Marrotte (University of California Los Angeles 1956)
Gilbert J. Martin (University of California Los Angeles 1935)
Walter P. Martin (University of California Los Angeles 1934)
William L. McCall (University of California Los Angeles 1941)
John P. McClelland (University of California Los Angeles 1955)
George H. McCord (University of California Los Angeles 1937)
William W. McCullough (University of California Los Angeles 1927)
Henry R. McCune (University of California Los Angeles 1940)
John R. McDougall USAF (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Robert G. McFall (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
Louis L. McGonigal (University of California Los Angeles 1953)
Daniel S. McHargue (University of California Los Angeles 1938)
Robert M. McHargue (University of California Los Angeles 1935)
Leon C. McLaughlin (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Joseph D. McNeil (University of California Los Angeles 1953)
Joseph B. McNeill (University of California Los Angeles 1945)
George W. Mefferd (University of California Los Angeles 1948)
James A. Miller (University of California Los Angeles 1946)
John M. Miller (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
John R. Miller (University of California Los Angeles 1948)
John W. Minick (University of California Los Angeles 1956)
Harwood D. Mitchell (University of California Los Angeles 1930)
J. William Mitchell (University of California Los Angeles 1942)
Paul H. Mitchem (University of California Los Angeles 1928)
Robert G. Moore (University of California Los Angeles 1985)
William K. Morley (University of California Los Angeles 1933)
Edwin L. Morris (University of California Los Angeles 1932)
Mark W. Morris (University of California Los Angeles 1932)
Richard T. Morrow (University of California Los Angeles 1947)
William R. Muller (University of California Los Angeles 1949)
John Mumma (University of California Los Angeles 1949)
Leland S. Murphy (University of California Los Angeles 1946)
Cortland Myers III (University of California Los Angeles 1945)
Richard D. Naulty (University of California Los Angeles 1953)
William L. Newkirk (University of California Los Angeles 1958)
George B. Niblock (University of California Los Angeles 1934)
Kenneth C. Nichols (University of California Los Angeles 1949)
Robert A. Nichols (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
James M. O'Brien (University of California Los Angeles 1941)
Harold L. Orr (University of California Los Angeles 1924)
David W. Owen (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
John M. Owen (University of California Los Angeles 1947)
Robert J. Page (University of California Los Angeles 1933)
George M. Pardee (University of California Los Angeles 1938)
Leland A. Parker (University of California Los Angeles 1946)
Thomas M. Paterson (University of California Los Angeles 1946)
Malcolm C. Patten (University of California Los Angeles 1938)
Mac M. Pedersen (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
George M. Peet (University of California Los Angeles 1942)
Herbert C. Peiffer (University of California Los Angeles 1928)
Lawrence J. Pelham (University of California Los Angeles 1934)
Albert W. Petersen (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Robert D. Phelan (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
Glenn G. Phillips (University of California Los Angeles 1948)
Mortimer D. Pier (University of California Los Angeles 1932)
Robert E. Pope (University of California Los Angeles 1938)
Roger S. Porter (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
William E. Porter (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Roy W. Potter (University of California Los Angeles 1947)
James A. Powers (University of California Los Angeles 1954)
Michael M. Pringle (University of California Los Angeles 1968)
Hal Randall (University of California Los Angeles 1927)
Walter D. Ranney Jr. (University of California Los Angeles 1942)
Roger T. Reid (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Thomas W. Richards (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
Robert A. Rieden (University of California Los Angeles 1957)
Richard G. Ritchie (University of California Los Angeles 1953)
Clifton B. Robertson (University of California Los Angeles 1966)
Richard R. Rodgers (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
George R. Rohrs (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
Thomas F. Rounsavell (University of California Los Angeles 1942)
Richard F. Ryan (University of California Los Angeles 1937)
Joseph G. Sabol (University of California Los Angeles 1953)
James W. Salsbury (University of California Los Angeles 1955)
Lee C. Sammis (University of California Los Angeles 1954)
Robert S. Scott (University of California Los Angeles 1941)
Alfred J. Scott (University of California Los Angeles 1937)
John E. Sende (University of California Los Angeles 1955)
Bashford P. Sewall (University of California Los Angeles 1937)
Robert K. Shellaby (University of California Los Angeles 1934)
Ben L. Sheppard (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
Roderick L. Shinn (University of California Los Angeles 1951)
Richard L. Shinnick (University of California Los Angeles 1956)
Charles B. Shryock (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
Harry J. W. Smart (University of California Los Angeles 1929)
John M. Smeallie (University of California Los Angeles 1941)
James W. Smith (University of California Los Angeles 1951)
La V. Smith (University of California Los Angeles 1927)
Richard F. Smith (University of California Los Angeles 1957)
Rodney S. Sprigg (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
Donald W. Stalwick (University of California Los Angeles 1954)
Robert L. Stanford (University of California Los Angeles 1928)
James C. Stanley (University of California Los Angeles 1964)
James W. Steffen (University of California Los Angeles 1959)
Dugald R. Stermer (University of California Los Angeles 1959)
Andrew H. Stock (University of California Los Angeles 1981)
Robert D. Strock (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
John D. Strock (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
Albert C. Stuebing (University of California Los Angeles 1951)
William S. Sullivan (University of California Los Angeles 1940)
Urban F. Sur (University of California Los Angeles 1942)
Charles W. Swallow (University of California Los Angeles 1945)
Stanley C. Swartz (University of California Los Angeles 1956)
Walter J. Swirczynski (University of California Los Angeles 1934)
Russell W. Tausheck (University of California Los Angeles 1948)
Brian F. Taylor (University of California Los Angeles 1981)
Thomas M. Thiel (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
Walter R. Thiel (University of California Los Angeles 1955)
Warren E. Thornburgh (University of California Los Angeles 1940)
Jack W. Thornton (University of California Los Angeles 1956)
John G. Thorpe (University of California Los Angeles 1946)
William F. Tritt (University of California Los Angeles 1948)
Steven D. Trotter (University of California Los Angeles 1984)
James E. Tucker (University of California Los Angeles 1946)
B. D. Turner (University of California Los Angeles 1947)
John C. Tweedie (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Richardson J. Twohy (University of California Los Angeles 1943)
Edgar F. Twomey (University of California Los Angeles 1940)
Richard G. Valentine (University of California Los Angeles 1936)
Donald R. Vallance (University of California Los Angeles 1956)
Walter W. Von Gremp (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
H. L. Waldthausen (University of California Los Angeles 1937)
John H. Walker (University of California Los Angeles 1954)
William M. Wallace (University of California Los Angeles 1949)
James M. Walters (University of California Los Angeles 1951)
John S. Watson (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Walter J. Wayman (University of California Los Angeles 1938)
William W. Welge (University of California Los Angeles 1960)
Sherman S. Welpton (University of California Los Angeles 1956)
Leon E. Wentz (University of California Los Angeles 1960)
Roy C. Wheeler (University of California Los Angeles 1946)
J. Fletcher White (University of California Los Angeles 1941)
Nathan L. White (University of California Los Angeles 1927)
Henry W. Whitney (University of California Los Angeles 1929)
Jack D. Wilgus (University of California Los Angeles 1934)
Edgar A. Wilkerson (University of California Los Angeles 1933)
Frank L. Wilkinson (University of California Los Angeles 1948)
David F. Willardson (University of California Los Angeles 1952)
Donald G. Willardson (University of California Los Angeles 1950)
Philip J. Winterbottom (University of California Los Angeles 1937)
Carl S. Wisniewski (University of California Los Angeles 1970)
Emmet E. Wolter (University of California Los Angeles 1943)
Richard P. Woods (University of California Los Angeles 1939)
Robert L. Woods (University of California Los Angeles 1933)
Stanley H. Woolery (University of California Los Angeles 1934)
Arthur Wright (University of California Los Angeles 1933)
Glenn R. Wyman (University of California Los Angeles 1946)
James R. Young (University of California Los Angeles 1944)
David W. Yule (University of California Los Angeles 1929)
William S. Elliott III (University of California Riverside 1990)
Scott A. Iteen (University of California Riverside 1983)
Kevin M. Kordys (University of California Riverside 1982)
Van B. Lemons (University of California Riverside 1982)
Christian M. Lynch (University of California Riverside 1987)
Michael C. Shafai (University of California Riverside 1992)
Jeremiah T. Belda (University of California San Diego 2014)
Peter Carrara (University of California Santa Barbara 1993)
Justin S. Kent (University of California Santa Barbara 1994)
Stephen A. Martin (University of California Santa Barbara 2004)
Jacob D. Phillips (University of Central Arkansas 2020)
Robert A. Lawrence (University of Central Florida 1949)
Frederick G. Neff (University of Central Florida 1960)
Jonathan B. Roberts (University of Central Florida 2007)
Joseph D. Abatie (University of Chicago 1957)
Charles S. Aguila (University of Chicago 1958)
Louis J. Akerman (University of Chicago 1962)
Edward W. Allen (University of Chicago 1907)
Gordon R. Allen (University of Chicago 1931)
Ralph C. Allen (University of Chicago 1907)
Luis W. Alvarez (University of Chicago 1932)
Robert S. Alvarez (University of Chicago 1934)
Edward L. Anderson (University of Chicago 1948)
Ted A. Anderson (University of Chicago 1928)
Virgil D. Angerman (University of Chicago 1917)
Amasa F. Anglemyer (University of Chicago 1918)
George P. Antonic (University of Chicago 1938)
Joel T. Ashenfarb (University of Chicago 1962)
John M. Ashenhurst (University of Chicago 1921)
Wilson A. Austin (University of Chicago 1908)
Joseph W. Bailey (University of Chicago 1931)
Frederick R. Baird (University of Chicago 1906)
Robert W. Baird (University of Chicago 1912)
Roger A. Baird (University of Chicago 1935)
Russell M. Baird (University of Chicago 1938)
Harry E. Baker (University of Chicago 1934)
Willard R. Balhatchett (University of Chicago 1924)
John C. Ballin (University of Chicago 1949)
George E. Bancroft (University of Chicago 1943)
Luther M. Bang (University of Chicago 1923)
Franklin D. Barber (University of Chicago 1923)
Thomas O. Barcus (University of Chicago 1949)
Hartley B. Barker (University of Chicago 1949)
Miles H. Barker (University of Chicago 1947)
Alan K. Barlow (University of Chicago 1931)
John A. Bartlett (University of Chicago 1927)
Harold J. Bassett (University of Chicago 1948)
Maturin B. Bay (University of Chicago 1928)
James G. Beardsley (University of Chicago 1940)
John F. Beardsley (University of Chicago 1934)
Vernon D. Beatty (University of Chicago 1919)
Richard L. Bechtolt (University of Chicago 1946)
Vernon C. Beebe (University of Chicago 1905)
Renato Beghe (University of Chicago 1954)
Chester S. Bell (University of Chicago 1913)
Donald H. Bell (University of Chicago 1929)
Edwin W. Benson (University of Chicago 1928)
Fred S. Benson (University of Chicago 1912)
George P. Benson (University of Chicago 1916)
Robert C. Benson (University of Chicago 1961)
Delbert M. Bergenstal (University of Chicago 1946)
Robert Berger (University of Chicago 1957)
Erwin F. Beyer Sr. (University of Chicago 1939)
Joseph W. Bingham (University of Chicago 1902)
John W. Bishop (University of Chicago 1921)
Francis T. Bitter (University of Chicago 1923)
Charles C. Blanchard (University of Chicago 1932)
Irwin S. Block (University of Chicago 1931)
Eugene I. Blount (University of Chicago 1949)
Robert E. Bondy (University of Chicago 1917)
Ronald E. Bowen (University of Chicago 1937)
Stephen T. Bowen (University of Chicago 1902)
Martin A. Bowers (University of Chicago 1931)
Walter A. Bowers (University of Chicago 1918)
Bruce A. Bowman (University of Chicago 1960)
Richard J. Boyd (University of Chicago 1916)
William J. Bradford (University of Chicago 1921)
Preston R. Bransky (University of Chicago 1950)
Charles Breasted (University of Chicago 1919)
James A. Bredin (University of Chicago 1917)
Joseph W. Brewer (University of Chicago 1924)
Alexander L. Brewer (University of Chicago 1920)
Robert H. Brier (University of Chicago 1968)
Carl W. Broman (University of Chicago 1929)
Willard L. Brooks (University of Chicago 1908)
Frank L. Brown (University of Chicago 1924)
Dudley Buck Jr. (University of Chicago 1934)
Dale H. Budlong (University of Chicago 1948)
William R. Burns (University of Chicago 1925)
Edgar L. Burtis (University of Chicago 1930)
Ellis E. Busse (University of Chicago 1931)
Charles A. Butler (University of Chicago 1936)
William W. Byers Jr. (University of Chicago 1925)
James Caldwell (University of Chicago 1935)
Howard M. Campbell (University of Chicago 1928)
Patrick H. Carey (University of Chicago 1952)
Joseph M. Carlin (University of Chicago 1926)
George C. Carlson (University of Chicago 1945)
Charles R. Carpenter (University of Chicago 1931)
Hugh G. Casey (University of Chicago 1956)
John C. Cass (University of Chicago 1928)
Dunlap Castle (University of Chicago 1920)
Rollin T. Chamberlin (University of Chicago 1903)
William R. Childress (University of Chicago 1947)
Gordon A. Chissom (University of Chicago 1932)
George A. Chritton (University of Chicago 1925)
Max D. Clark (University of Chicago 1949)
William E. Clark (University of Chicago 1950)
Henry W. Coe (University of Chicago 1956)
James R. Coffee (University of Chicago 1947)
Cecil E. Combs (University of Chicago 1933)
John A. Cooper (University of Chicago 1940)
William R. Corson (University of Chicago 1946)
Duane E. Cozart (University of Chicago 1949)
Harmon B. Craig (University of Chicago 1946)
James C. Crandall (University of Chicago 1921)
Frank S. Crowder (University of Chicago 1932)
Kenneth C. Crowder (University of Chicago 1931)
Stanley M. Crowe (University of Chicago 1920)
Steven F. Crowley (University of Chicago 1985)
Gene D. Cruz-Uribe (University of Chicago 1975)
Creighton P. Cunningham (University of Chicago 1930)
William J. Cuppy (University of Chicago 1907)
Thurber W. Cushing (University of Chicago 1912)
John Daley (University of Chicago 1950)
Ronald L. Danzig (University of Chicago 1963)
Arthur A. Daronatsy (University of Chicago 1939)
Benjamin H. Davison (University of Chicago 1927)
Edward R. Deboth (University of Chicago 1911)
Lawrence G. Deets (University of Chicago 1948)
Eric G. Deflon (University of Chicago 1923)
Leo C. Detray (University of Chicago 1908)
Charles R. Dickens (University of Chicago 1954)
John F. Dille (University of Chicago 1909)
Milan J. Divina (University of Chicago 1951)
Armand S. Donian (University of Chicago 1942)
Paul E. Donker (University of Chicago 1917)
Patrick D. Dorman (University of Chicago 1963)
John M. Dorsey (University of Chicago 1926)
James W. R. Dow (University of Chicago 1929)
George E. Downing (University of Chicago 1925)
Erwin E. Ducker (University of Chicago 1909)
Jacob M. Duker (University of Chicago 1950)
Henry L. Duncombe (University of Chicago 1934)
Robert C. Dwyer (University of Chicago 1942)
George W. Dyer (University of Chicago 1934)
William W. Dyer (University of Chicago 1932)
James Dyrenforth (University of Chicago 1916)
Peter P. Dzubay (University of Chicago 1939)
Richard H. Earle (University of Chicago 1952)
Walter C. Earle (University of Chicago 1918)
Arthur H. Edwards (University of Chicago 1941)
Dalton D. Eggert (University of Chicago 1950)
Preston E. Ehmann (University of Chicago 1976)
William L. Embree (University of Chicago 1925)
Charles D. Enfield (University of Chicago 1907)
Richard D. Englehart (University of Chicago 1937)
James R. Fahs (University of Chicago 1907)
Stanley K. Faye (University of Chicago 1907)
Joseph L. Fearing (University of Chicago 1948)
John G. Feldes (University of Chicago 1945)
Lansing R. Felker (University of Chicago 1955)
A. G. Ferrari (University of Chicago 1952)
Jack Fineberg (University of Chicago 1950)
Carl V. Fisher (University of Chicago 1916)
Vories Fisher (University of Chicago 1922)
James C. Fitzgibbon (University of Chicago 1913)
Horace C. Fitzpatrick (University of Chicago 1914)
Charles L. Flanagan (University of Chicago 1946)
Arthur J. Flory (University of Chicago 1937)
Jack L. Fons (University of Chicago 1942)
Raymond J. Fontaine (University of Chicago 1946)
John M. Foote (University of Chicago 1916)
Harry W. Ford (University of Chicago 1904)
Frederick M. Fowkes (University of Chicago 1936)
Courtland B. Frain (University of Chicago 1926)
Clarence P. Freeman (University of Chicago 1913)
Richard W. Frey (University of Chicago 1926)
Keith E. Fry (University of Chicago 1952)
George A. Funkhouser (University of Chicago 1910)
George W. Furtado (University of Chicago 1960)
Alex C. Furtwangler (University of Chicago 1938)
Robert W. Gabler (University of Chicago 1951)
William H. Gage (University of Chicago 1921)
Sheridan P. Gallagher (University of Chicago 1927)
Richard L. Garcia (University of Chicago 1953)
William C. Gehrmann (University of Chicago 1911)
William C. Genrmann (University of Chicago 1911)
Richard A. Gerwin (University of Chicago 1954)
Joseph M. Ginet (University of Chicago 1931)
John A. Glomset (University of Chicago 1949)
Wendell E. Godwin (University of Chicago 1951)
Earle A. Goodenow (University of Chicago 1909)
Lawrence M. Goodyear (University of Chicago 1919)
Robert F. Goodyear (University of Chicago 1916)
Christopher J. Gordon (University of Chicago 1976)
William A. Gordon (University of Chicago 1902)
Mahlon L. Gore (University of Chicago 1920)
Charles J. Gouse (University of Chicago 1958)
John I. Graham (University of Chicago 1926)
Robert C. Grant (University of Chicago 1928)
George W. Graves (University of Chicago 1907)
Donald M. Greer (University of Chicago 1958)
Lennox B. Grey (University of Chicago 1923)
F. W. Griffith (University of Chicago 1922)
Homer A. Guck (University of Chicago 1902)
Richard I. Gumport (University of Chicago 1959)
Arthur M. Guthrie (University of Chicago 1907)
Robert J. Hahn (University of Chicago 1951)
Stanley H. Hamberg (University of Chicago 1932)
Thomas H. Handy (University of Chicago 1948)
Martin E. Hanke (University of Chicago 1948)
Robert F. Hanson (University of Chicago 1943)
Melvin A. Hardies (University of Chicago 1932)
Raymond A. Hardvall (University of Chicago 1958)
Alexander Harmon (University of Chicago 1941)
Oliver C. Harper (University of Chicago 1919)
Robert H. Harper (University of Chicago 1916)
Peter A. Harrison (University of Chicago 1961)
Paul W. Harrison (University of Chicago 1942)
William R. Harshe (University of Chicago 1930)
Albert D. Hart (University of Chicago 1937)
Joseph T. Hart (University of Chicago 1946)
Robert B. Hasner (University of Chicago 1906)
Augustus P. Hauss (University of Chicago 1909)
Gene R. Hay (University of Chicago 1948)
Oscar P. Headland (University of Chicago 1914)
Noble S. Heaney (University of Chicago 1903)
Alva W. Henderson (University of Chicago 1909)
Orgis T. Henkle (University of Chicago 1931)
Ralph J. Henkle (University of Chicago 1955)
Clark C. Heritage (University of Chicago 1912)
D. G. Hetz (University of Chicago 1960)
Thomas B. Hill (University of Chicago 1943)
Charles G. Himan (University of Chicago 1930)
Paul C. Hitchcock (University of Chicago 1921)
Rex W. Hitchcock (University of Chicago 1948)
George C. Hoffmann (University of Chicago 1925)
Clarence E. Hoiles (University of Chicago 1934)
Henry T. Holsman (University of Chicago 1924)
Herbert G. Hopkins (University of Chicago 1910)
Peter M. Huntington (University of Chicago 1947)
Harold J. Iddings (University of Chicago 1909)
Louis Igert (University of Chicago 1933)
Charles C. Inglefield (University of Chicago 1919)
Francis A. Irwin (University of Chicago 1927)
William H. Jacobs (University of Chicago 1954)
Harry L. James (University of Chicago 1906)
Allan V. Jay (University of Chicago 1945)
John E. Jensen (University of Chicago 1949)
Howard W. Johnson (University of Chicago 1950)
Jerald S. Jordan (University of Chicago 1956)
Michael W. Joyce (University of Chicago 1955)
Karl F. Keefer (University of Chicago 1911)
William T. Keeton (University of Chicago 1952)
Herbert A. Kellar (University of Chicago 1909)
Henry R. Keller (University of Chicago 1955)
Walter L. Kennedy (University of Chicago 1914)
Richard D. Kershner (University of Chicago 1945)
Lewis B. Kinney (University of Chicago 1930)
Jack L. Kinsey (University of Chicago 1926)
Edgar B. Kixmiller (University of Chicago 1911)
Herbert G. Klink (University of Chicago 1921)
Harold S. Knight (University of Chicago 1926)
Marsden M. Knowles (University of Chicago 1937)
James T. Kramer (University of Chicago 1924)
William B. Kramer (University of Chicago 1921)
Gerard N. Krost (University of Chicago 1911)
Robert J. Kurland (University of Chicago 1955)
Carl H. Lambach (University of Chicago 1909)
Howard K. Lanigor (University of Chicago 1924)
Arthur Lansiedell (University of Chicago 1907)
Caspar G. Larsen (University of Chicago 1904)
Adam Laschever (University of Chicago 1983)
Frederick E. Law (University of Chicago 1925)
Kenneth E. Lawton (University of Chicago 1922)
Mitchell Leavitt (University of Chicago 1916)
Cecil Leboy (University of Chicago 1936)
Earl M. Lehman (University of Chicago 1944)
Hugh G. Leighton (University of Chicago 1903)
Douglass M. Leishman (University of Chicago 1923)
Alan B. Lemay (University of Chicago 1920)
David R. Leonetti (University of Chicago 1958)
Leon P. Lewis (University of Chicago 1902)
Lawrence M. Lichtenstein (University of Chicago 1925)
John A. Liggett (University of Chicago 1904)
John E. Lind (University of Chicago 1901)
Harvey W. Littlejohn (University of Chicago 1968)
Stuart P. Lloyd (University of Chicago 1943)
Walter M. Loeb (University of Chicago 1942)
Hargrave A. Long (University of Chicago 1911)
Roger D. Long (University of Chicago 1913)
Ausby L. Lowe (University of Chicago 1903)
Winfield Lowe (University of Chicago 1931)
William H. Lowery (University of Chicago 1947)
Paul M. Luskin (University of Chicago 1971)
Anthony D. Luvison (University of Chicago 2014)
John R. Lynn (University of Chicago 1923)
J. H. Lyon (University of Chicago 1948)
Robert B. Macduff (University of Chicago 1914)
Alexander I. Mackenzie (University of Chicago 1928)
Kenneth F. Macneal (University of Chicago 1916)
Clarence W. Magaret (University of Chicago 1917)
Bruce A. Mahon (University of Chicago 1952)
Armin A. Manske (University of Chicago 1935)
James Manuel (University of Chicago 1921)
Sanford S. Maremont (University of Chicago 1947)
Ward H. Maris (University of Chicago 1915)
Joseph Markusich (University of Chicago 1939)
Bernard F. Martin (University of Chicago 1923)
F. D. Martin (University of Chicago 1942)
Richard B. Martin (University of Chicago 1961)
Fred L. Marx (University of Chicago 1930)
Richard G. Mathers (University of Chicago 1974)
Thomas J. Mathieu (University of Chicago 1947)
Austin R. McCarty (University of Chicago 1926)
Oliver L. McCaskill (University of Chicago 1901)
George D. McConnell (University of Chicago 1926)
Frank H. McCracken (University of Chicago 1941)
William A. McDermid (University of Chicago 1907)
John F. McGuire (University of Chicago 1924)
Chester E. McKttrick (University of Chicago 1921)
Warren B. McLaughlin (University of Chicago 1910)
Steward Y. McMullen (University of Chicago 1929)
Donald E. McVicker (University of Chicago 1955)
Nicholas J. Melas (University of Chicago 1945)
Herman M. Mendel (University of Chicago 1904)
Max L. Mendel (University of Chicago 1906)
Arthur W. Mercier (University of Chicago 1933)
Paul E. Merrill (University of Chicago 1908)
Herbert Mertz (University of Chicago 1937)
Harold R. Metcalf (University of Chicago 1953)
John C. Meyer (University of Chicago 1954)
Lowell J. Meyer (University of Chicago 1962)
Edward H. Miller (University of Chicago 1913)
Howard L. Miller (University of Chicago 1937)
Robert W. Mitchell (University of Chicago 1946)
John M. Montgomery (University of Chicago 1909)
William T. Moore (University of Chicago 1928)
David P. Morris (University of Chicago 1959)
Winfield G. Morrissey (University of Chicago 1928)
Elmer A. Morrow (University of Chicago 1930)
Willard C. Morton (University of Chicago 1934)
Gilford S. Moss (University of Chicago 1938)
Robert W. Muldoon (University of Chicago 1929)
Lorenz A. Mundstock (University of Chicago 1949)
James O. Murdock (University of Chicago 1916)
Lou Nagy (University of Chicago 1945)
Robert M. Neer (University of Chicago 1928)
Aubrey P. Nelson (University of Chicago 1902)
Theodore A. Newcomb (University of Chicago 1918)
Kenneth D. Nordin (University of Chicago 1959)
Robert A. Oakes (University of Chicago 1930)
Charles D. O'Connell (University of Chicago 1947)
Frank H. O'Hara (University of Chicago 1915)
Howard M. O'Hara (University of Chicago 1933)
Dale E. Owens (University of Chicago 1949)
Charles A. Paltzer (University of Chicago 1941)
Charles W. Paltzer (University of Chicago 1906)
James T. Pancoast (University of Chicago 1952)
Dominic G. Parisi (University of Chicago 1943)
Cola G. Parker (University of Chicago 1910)
Gerald B. Parker (University of Chicago 1935)
George M. Parrish (University of Chicago 1921)
Arthur R. Parsons (University of Chicago 1947)
Carman C. Payne (University of Chicago 1951)
Frank S. Peace (University of Chicago 1946)
Benjamin D. Peare (University of Chicago 1941)
Donald C. Peattie (University of Chicago 1920)
John B. Perlee (University of Chicago 1914)
William W. Peterson (University of Chicago 1931)
Wallace R. Pfeil (University of Chicago 1943)
Ermine J. Phillips (University of Chicago 1904)
Mervyn C. Phillips (University of Chicago 1922)
Marvin S. Pittman (University of Chicago 1941)
George L. Playe (University of Chicago 1980)
Ray E. Poplett Jr. (University of Chicago 1946)
Thomas W. Prosser (University of Chicago 1915)
Michael J. Purcell (University of Chicago 1988)
Vail E. Purdy (University of Chicago 1906)
Wendall D. Rausher (University of Chicago 1943)
Richard C. Redden (University of Chicago 1950)
Robert Redfield (University of Chicago 1919)
J. Philip Reilly (University of Chicago 1948)
Vincent P. Reilly (University of Chicago 1961)
Isabello Reyes (University of Chicago 1977)
C. H. Rhodes (University of Chicago 1951)
Michael J. Rich (University of Chicago 1951)
Donald R. Richberg (University of Chicago 1901)
Hugh Riddle (University of Chicago 1930)
John B. Riddle (University of Chicago 1942)
Dean L. Rider (University of Chicago 1920)
Joseph A. Rider (University of Chicago 1942)
Hans Riemer (University of Chicago 1935)
Julian C. Risk (University of Chicago 1914)
James T. Ritchie (University of Chicago 1950)
Alan M. Robertson (University of Chicago 1941)
David A. Robertson (University of Chicago 1902)
Egbert I. Robertson (University of Chicago 1902)
Allen J. Rodgers (University of Chicago 1918)
Orin C. Rogers (University of Chicago 1920)
Thomas Rogers (University of Chicago 1923)
Franklin E. Rolston (University of Chicago 1926)
William B. Rose (University of Chicago 1937)
William B. Rose (University of Chicago 1961)
Henry R. Ruby (University of Chicago 1947)
Joseph M. Rudolph (University of Chicago 1909)
Frederic Ruggles (University of Chicago 1927)
George W. Ryall (University of Chicago 1915)
Theodore K. Rydin (University of Chicago 1950)
Joseph R. Sakala (University of Chicago 1943)
Galen E. Sargent (University of Chicago 1948)
Azad A. Sarkisian (University of Chicago 1942)
Aristotle P. Sarlas (University of Chicago 1953)
Raymond J. Sauer (University of Chicago 1934)
Riley Schaeffer (University of Chicago 1946)
Sumner E. Scherubel (University of Chicago 1933)
Claude Schofield (University of Chicago 1907)
George E. Schroeder (University of Chicago 1946)
Carl E. Schulz (University of Chicago 1930)
John N. Schumacher (University of Chicago 1932)
Duncan R. Scott (University of Chicago 1942)
Earl W. Seaborg (University of Chicago 1934)
Russell P. Sebold (University of Chicago 1949)
John K. Segrave (University of Chicago 1941)
Donald D. Sells (University of Chicago 1917)
Willis J. Service (University of Chicago 1947)
James A. Servies (University of Chicago 1946)
Brian D. Seykora (University of Chicago 1989)
William S. Shaffer (University of Chicago 1930)
Connor B. Shaw (University of Chicago 1912)
James V. Sheean (University of Chicago 1921)
John D. Sheehy (University of Chicago 1921)
Francis J. Sherwin (University of Chicago 1915)
Bill Shew (University of Chicago 1963)
Harvey B. Shick (University of Chicago 1913)
Walter L. Shirley (University of Chicago 1949)
Robert J. Sickels (University of Chicago 1953)
Don F. Sieverman (University of Chicago 1941)
Frank J. Siska (University of Chicago 1943)
Daniel W. Smith (University of Chicago 1954)
James M. Smith (University of Chicago 1949)
John M. Smith (University of Chicago 1927)
Matthew T. Smith (University of Chicago 1920)
William R. Smith (University of Chicago 1953)
Frank F. Soule (University of Chicago 1912)
Dennis W. Sprinkel (University of Chicago 1970)
John R. Stanek (University of Chicago 1958)
Alfred D. Sterges (University of Chicago 1931)
Hampton R. Stevenson (University of Chicago 1927)
Joshua Stevenson (University of Chicago 1915)
John E. Stoll (University of Chicago 1921)
Robert S. Stone (University of Chicago 1947)
Robert D. Story (University of Chicago 1946)
Max I. Stucker (University of Chicago 1952)
Stanley K. Stynes (University of Chicago 1953)
Charles L. Sullivan (University of Chicago 1911)
Douglas Sutherland (University of Chicago 1933)
Douglas Sutherland (University of Chicago 1902)
Harry R. Swanson (University of Chicago 1917)
Dean C. Tasher (University of Chicago 1940)
Herbert M. Taylor (University of Chicago 1954)
Russell W. Taylor (University of Chicago 1926)
Otto O. Teichgraeber (University of Chicago 1919)
Richard F. Teichgraeber (University of Chicago 1912)
William E. Teichgraeber (University of Chicago 1912)
Evan O. Thomas (University of Chicago 1917)
John E. Thomas (University of Chicago 1913)
Richard C. Thompson (University of Chicago 1961)
John W. Thomson (University of Chicago 1907)
Grant E. Timmons (University of Chicago 1920)
Lawrence D. Tintor (University of Chicago 1949)
Otto J. Tinzmann (University of Chicago 1947)
Donald M. Trask (University of Chicago 1956)
William G. Traver (University of Chicago 1921)
Peter G. Tribby (University of Chicago 1959)
Warren R. Tucker (University of Chicago 1931)
Charles M. Vanpatten (University of Chicago 1901)
Leroy A. Vanpatten (University of Chicago 1907)
George I. VanRiper (University of Chicago 1944)
Robert J. Velde (University of Chicago 1933)
Jack L. Vertuno (University of Chicago 1940)
Harold C. Vogtel (University of Chicago 1918)
Frederic E. Vonammon (University of Chicago 1928)
Ross A. Vonwiegand (University of Chicago 1953)
Harry F. Vories Jr. (University of Chicago 1921)
Proctor C. Waldo (University of Chicago 1917)
Marquis E. Wallace (University of Chicago 1963)
J. R. Ward (University of Chicago 1923)
George H. Watkins (University of Chicago 1935)
William W. Watson (University of Chicago 1936)
John P. Weaver (University of Chicago 1929)
William H. Weaver (University of Chicago 1930)
Joseph W. Wechselberger (University of Chicago 1937)
William I. Wellcome (University of Chicago 1955)
Allen S. Weller (University of Chicago 1928)
J. M. Weller (University of Chicago 1921)
Carl D. Werner (University of Chicago 1921)
Dennis G. Werner (University of Chicago 1985)
Victor J. West (University of Chicago 1905)
Carl W. Wester (University of Chicago 1927)
Thurston W. Weum (University of Chicago 1906)
Joseph E. Wheeler (University of Chicago 1918)
Lester M. Wheeler (University of Chicago 1912)
Clarence R. White (University of Chicago 1919)
James A. White (University of Chicago 1928)
Welton E. White (University of Chicago 1939)
William T. White (University of Chicago 1940)
C. T. Whittier (University of Chicago 1936)
John G. Wilcox (University of Chicago 1938)
Bradford Wiles (University of Chicago 1937)
Russell Wiles (University of Chicago 1901)
William E. Wiley (University of Chicago 1917)
Walter G. Williamson (University of Chicago 1927)
Samuel H. Williston (University of Chicago 1919)
Campbell P. Wilson (University of Chicago 1936)
George W. Wilson (University of Chicago 1920)
Hugh H. Wilson (University of Chicago 1929)
Don L. Winks (University of Chicago 1949)
Allen N. Wiseley (University of Chicago 1942)
John A. Woodford (University of Chicago 1949)
Mark D. Woolery (University of Chicago 1907)
Paul C. Wray (University of Chicago 1951)
Charles A. Wright (University of Chicago 1957)
Harold H. Wright (University of Chicago 1914)
John S. Wright (University of Chicago 1905)
William K. Wright (University of Chicago 1906)
William S. Wright (University of Chicago 1924)
Andrew R. Wyant (University of Chicago 1898)
Walker W. Wynekoop (University of Chicago 1925)
Donald E. Yochem (University of Chicago 1931)
George A. Young (University of Chicago 1902)
Ralph H. Young (University of Chicago 1913)
Richard H. Young (University of Chicago 1926)
William G. Yule (University of Chicago 1951)
Thomas A. Zalan (University of Chicago 1982)
Karl M. Zander (University of Chicago 1928)
Karl E. Zener (University of Chicago 1923)
John L. Zink (University of Chicago 1930)
Andrew W. Breidenbach PhD (University of Cincinnati 1949)
P. D. Brinkmeyer (University of Cincinnati 1972)
Bruce E. Cane (University of Cincinnati 1973)
Bruce B. Cline (University of Cincinnati 1978)
William H. Gaiser (University of Cincinnati 1980)
Daniel E. Horvath (University of Cincinnati 1980)
Jeffrey S. Hurwitz (University of Cincinnati 1972)
John P. Kalaman (University of Cincinnati 1991)
Jeffrey A. Kohl (University of Cincinnati 1983)
David W. Lampi (University of Cincinnati 1982)
James D. Mofield (University of Cincinnati 1972)
Gregory Nagy (University of Cincinnati 1975)
James A. O'Brien (University of Cincinnati 1971)
Robert B. Searle (University of Cincinnati 1972)
Donald R. Strahler (University of Cincinnati 1979)
Stephen D. Able (University of Colorado 1968)
Albyn W. Adams (University of Colorado 1919)
William T. Ahlborg (University of Colorado 1939)
Kent L. Aitken (University of Colorado 1966)
Leo E. Alexander (University of Colorado 1936)
Mark H. Allison (University of Colorado 1935)
Gordon L. Allott (University of Colorado 1927)
Glenn W. Anderson (University of Colorado 1921)
Malcolm S. Anderson (University of Colorado 1938)
Charles F. Andrew (University of Colorado 1933)
Harold H. Andrews (University of Colorado 1919)
Frank Andrews Jr. (University of Colorado 1936)
Dwight W. Arundale (University of Colorado 1957)
Rea E. Ashly (University of Colorado 1918)
Thomas R. Aurelius (University of Colorado 1930)
Robert E. Ayers (University of Colorado 1950)
Charles M. Bagnall (University of Colorado 1930)
Harry D. Bagnall (University of Colorado 1929)
Bayard M. Bailey (University of Colorado 1920)
Walter B. Bailey (University of Colorado 1946)
Mark W. Baker (University of Colorado 1939)
Maurice G. Baker (University of Colorado 1950)
Richard B. Baker (University of Colorado 1935)
William A. Baker (University of Colorado 1935)
John H. Baker (University of Colorado 1925)
George W. Bancroft (University of Colorado 1913)
William D. Barber (University of Colorado 1949)
Dan E. Bare (University of Colorado 1933)
Edward K. Bare (University of Colorado 1924)
Alfred W. Baxter (University of Colorado 1920)
Larry L. Bean (University of Colorado 1957)
Harold F. Beattie (University of Colorado 1949)
Lynn L. Belcher (University of Colorado 1921)
Robert L. Belcher (University of Colorado 1945)
Ralph E. Belding (University of Colorado 1914)
Ralph E. Bennett (University of Colorado 1916)
Robert P. Bennett (University of Colorado 1946)
Donald W. Bentley (University of Colorado 1956)
John L. Berg (University of Colorado 1966)
Homer A. Berger (University of Colorado 1924)
Axel E. Berggren (University of Colorado 1908)
Robert F. Bessee (University of Colorado 1943)
James V. Betts (University of Colorado 1930)
Robert J. Beveridge (University of Colorado 1946)
Richard C. Billehus (University of Colorado 1954)
Francis E. Bird (University of Colorado 1933)
Wilms H. Bird (University of Colorado 1929)
John D. Bishop (University of Colorado 1981)
Charles O. Bishop (University of Colorado 1968)
Albyn B. Blake (University of Colorado 1917)
Edward M. Blanchard (University of Colorado 1927)
Jarrel L. Boatright (University of Colorado 1960)
James P. Boggs (University of Colorado 1958)
Charles R. Bohn (University of Colorado 1934)
William V. Bohn (University of Colorado 1926)
Robert D. Boland (University of Colorado 1983)
John W. Borden (University of Colorado 1938)
Alvin A. Borg (University of Colorado 1964)
Hal Borland (University of Colorado 1922)
Benjamin R. Boutell Jr. (University of Colorado 1960)
Richard E. Boyle (University of Colorado 1942)
Laban J. Brady (University of Colorado 1915)
Howard F. Bramley (University of Colorado 1937)
John G. Bramley (University of Colorado 1935)
John F. Brandenburg (University of Colorado 1938)
Charles F. Breinig (University of Colorado 1950)
William R. Breuner (University of Colorado 1947)
J. M. Brill (University of Colorado 1940)
W. T. Brinton (University of Colorado 1942)
Thomas J. Brookshier (University of Colorado 1953)
Roy W. Brower (University of Colorado 1937)
Frank E. Brown (University of Colorado 1923)
Donald D. Brunkhardt (University of Colorado 1967)
Robert L. Brymer (University of Colorado 1954)
Lawrence D. Buchanan (University of Colorado 1929)
William S. Buchanan (University of Colorado 1956)
Arnold F. Buck (University of Colorado 1921)
Neal Burch (University of Colorado 1922)
John F. Burke (University of Colorado 1918)
Robert E. Burke (University of Colorado 1920)
Richard H. Burkhardt (University of Colorado 1949)
Clarence D. Burkholder (University of Colorado 1920)
Bernard R. Buster (University of Colorado 1931)
Lee J. Caffrey (University of Colorado 1952)
Jonathan C. Cain (University of Colorado 1997)
Claude M. Campbell (University of Colorado 1915)
Donald M. Campbell (University of Colorado 1950)
Lloyd H. Campbell (University of Colorado 1915)
Barry D. Capaul (University of Colorado 1968)
Justin R. Card (University of Colorado 1940)
John S. Carlson (University of Colorado 1932)
Paul S. Carlson (University of Colorado 1985)
Robert E. Carlson (University of Colorado 1951)
George A. Carlson (University of Colorado 1931)
James L. Carpenter (University of Colorado 1948)
Lester G. Carpenter (University of Colorado 1960)
Marion S. Carpenter (University of Colorado 1922)
Frank Carroon (University of Colorado 1929)
Carl W. Chamberlin (University of Colorado 1930)
Hal G. Chapman (University of Colorado 1928)
Elbridge G. Chapman (University of Colorado 1918)
Marlin C. Chenburg (University of Colorado 1940)
Ralph F. Chlanda (University of Colorado 1926)
Walter W. Clarkson (University of Colorado 1933)
Lavar D. Click (University of Colorado 1949)
Marion H. Click (University of Colorado 1942)
Max E. J. Coffman (University of Colorado 1918)
Jason E. Cohen (University of Colorado 1990)
William K. Cole (University of Colorado 1919)
Robert E. Connell (University of Colorado 1924)
Harold M. Conway (University of Colorado 1931)
Ashley L. Cook (University of Colorado 1911)
R. S. Cook (University of Colorado 1915)
Richard H. Cooper (University of Colorado 1936)
Paul R. Cope (University of Colorado 1940)
Richard L. Corbetta (University of Colorado 1954)
Dudley E. Cornell (University of Colorado 1922)
George F. Costello (University of Colorado 1918)
James N. Counter (University of Colorado 1935)
Bert G. Cox (University of Colorado 1943)
John S. Creaghe (University of Colorado 1943)
Ernest S. Croasdale (University of Colorado 1917)
William E. Crompton (University of Colorado 1928)
William J. Crompton (University of Colorado 1943)
J. D. Crouch (University of Colorado 1925)
Jerry P. Cunningham (University of Colorado 1939)
Stuart Cuthbertson (University of Colorado 1916)
William L. Davidson (University of Colorado 1931)
Robert S. Davies (University of Colorado 1945)
Stanton W. Davies (University of Colorado 1939)
Frederick W. Davis (University of Colorado 1912)
Harmon H. Davis (University of Colorado 1934)
John C. Davis (University of Colorado 1957)
John M. Davis (University of Colorado 1926)
Vaughn F. Davis (University of Colorado 1946)
William A. Davis (University of Colorado 1925)
John W. Deal (University of Colorado 1946)
William Debacker (University of Colorado 1936)
Robert B. Decker (University of Colorado 1942)
Robert H. Dee (University of Colorado 1944)
Leonard L. DeLue (University of Colorado 1951)
Bernelle Demo (University of Colorado 1954)
William P. DeMoulin (University of Colorado 1956)
John H. Dendahl (University of Colorado 1961)
Clyde B. Denslow (University of Colorado 1923)
Ford H. Denslow (University of Colorado 1926)
Milo G. Derham (University of Colorado 1912)
William C. Derryberry (University of Colorado 1936)
Richard J. Desjardins (University of Colorado 1929)
Gerald M. Dick (University of Colorado 1946)
Deane H. Dickason (University of Colorado 1920)
Fred L. Dixon (University of Colorado 1944)
Thomas A. Dixon (University of Colorado 1939)
William L. Dodds (University of Colorado 1956)
Brinton C. Donalson (University of Colorado 1954)
Asmund H. Dordal (University of Colorado 1962)
Charles L. Doughty (University of Colorado 1913)
Frederic H. Douglas (University of Colorado 1920)
Sumner Downing (University of Colorado 1950)
Ray F. Drummond (University of Colorado 1948)
James B. Dumm (University of Colorado 1944)
Donald P. Dunklee (University of Colorado 1940)
Robert L. Eastman (University of Colorado 1946)
David L. Ebben (University of Colorado 1982)
Albert V. Echternach (University of Colorado 1914)
R. V. Edgar (University of Colorado 1944)
J. Henry Edwards (University of Colorado 1929)
D. G. Egbert (University of Colorado 1944)
Richard T. Ekrem (University of Colorado 1948)
Henry L. Elliott (University of Colorado 1926)
Russel K. Ephland (University of Colorado 1943)
Donald F. Evans (University of Colorado 1948)
Thomas J. Evans (University of Colorado 1953)
James A. Farrier (University of Colorado 1958)
Sim F. Farrow (University of Colorado 1951)
Jeffrey S. Feld (University of Colorado 1988)
Ronald E. Fenton (University of Colorado 1951)
J. T. Field (University of Colorado 1921)
Eugene H. Fischer (University of Colorado 1947)
Robert R. Fishel (University of Colorado 1943)
Lionel L. Fisher (University of Colorado 1925)
Bernard J. Fitzgerald (University of Colorado 1943)
Dan B. Foley (University of Colorado 1950)
Ralph L. Fowler (University of Colorado 1918)
Edwin J. Fowler Jr. (University of Colorado 1932)
James P. Fox (University of Colorado 1955)
Walter B. Franklin (University of Colorado 1949)
Walter B. Franklin (University of Colorado 1920)
Robert E. Frederic (University of Colorado 1949)
S. J. Fredregill (University of Colorado 1959)
John E. Freeman (University of Colorado 1938)
William C. French (University of Colorado 1953)
Ernest F. Fuller (University of Colorado 1949)
Joe R. Fuller (University of Colorado 1941)
Robert B. Fullerton (University of Colorado 1945)
William S. Gaddis (University of Colorado 1937)
Gerald G. Galligan (University of Colorado 1927)
James G. Gamble (University of Colorado 1952)
Robert T. Gates (University of Colorado 1939)
John P. Geiger (University of Colorado 1941)
Russell D. George (University of Colorado 1897)
Robert W. Giacomini (University of Colorado 1951)
John P. Giberson (University of Colorado 1945)
Howard P. Gilbert (University of Colorado 1930)
Oscar M. Gilbert (University of Colorado 1916)
Warren Gilbert (University of Colorado 1928)
Carl J. Gilman (University of Colorado 1930)
Rex F. Gilman (University of Colorado 1932)
Clark R. Gittings (University of Colorado 1931)
Douglas M. Goebel (University of Colorado 1947)
Gordon W. Goebel (University of Colorado 1951)
William R. Goebel (University of Colorado 1921)
Harold Goldsworthy (University of Colorado 1934)
Stewart L. Gooding (University of Colorado 1945)
John V. Gordon (University of Colorado 1932)
Harold K. Graves (University of Colorado 1933)
Robert S. Graves (University of Colorado 1929)
Harold W. Gray (University of Colorado 1930)
Jay B. Gray (University of Colorado 1946)
Richard C. Gray (University of Colorado 1943)
Holley D. Greene (University of Colorado 1935)
John W. Griffin (University of Colorado 1941)
Grove B. Griffith (University of Colorado 1916)
James A. Griffith (University of Colorado 1949)
Alonzo C. Gross Jr. (University of Colorado 1922)
George A. Grosvenor (University of Colorado 1934)
Clarence L. Gumeson (University of Colorado 1934)
Albert C. Gunning (University of Colorado 1938)
Donald H. Gunning (University of Colorado 1941)
Lester D. Haase (University of Colorado 1952)
Darrel A. Hafling (University of Colorado 1949)
Donald E. Hagin (University of Colorado 1951)
James S. Haley (University of Colorado 1932)
Floyd D. Hall (University of Colorado 1938)
John K. Hall (University of Colorado 1940)
Richard M. Hall (University of Colorado 1933)
George J. Haller (University of Colorado 1952)
Robert G. Hammond (University of Colorado 1950)
Richard J. Handy (University of Colorado 1926)
Dale W. Hardy (University of Colorado 1946)
Elmer W. Harner (University of Colorado 1940)
William B. Harris (University of Colorado 1923)
Frank Harshman (University of Colorado 1920)
John M. Hartman (University of Colorado 1933)
Harold H. Healy (University of Colorado 1912)
Roscoe H. Healy (University of Colorado 1916)
Robert D. Heppes (University of Colorado 1944)
Max W. Hill (University of Colorado 1925)
Robert C. Hill (University of Colorado 1939)
Norman E. A. Hinds (University of Colorado 1914)
Lester D. Hinkley (University of Colorado 1948)
Donald S. Holdridge (University of Colorado 1938)
Samuel S. Hoover (University of Colorado 1941)
Jack M. Horner (University of Colorado 1953)
William J. Horton (University of Colorado 1954)
Gerald E. Howe (University of Colorado 1956)
Harry E. Howlett (University of Colorado 1927)
Richard H. Howlett (University of Colorado 1935)
Harold Huber (University of Colorado 1928)
Henry C. Huiskamp (University of Colorado 1913)
Donald M. Humphreys (University of Colorado 1949)
Edwin B. Humphreys (University of Colorado 1944)
Jesse H. Humphries (University of Colorado 1945)
Robert C. Hunter (University of Colorado 1926)
Harry L. Inglee (University of Colorado 1925)
Clarence L. Ireland (University of Colorado 1915)
Gail L. Ireland (University of Colorado 1918)
Roger G. Ireland (University of Colorado 1944)
Glenn W. Jernigan (University of Colorado 1929)
Alrick L. Johnson (University of Colorado 1926)
Frank L. Johnson (University of Colorado 1942)
John L. Johnson (University of Colorado 1929)
James E. Johnstone (University of Colorado 1952)
Daniel S. Jones (University of Colorado 1921)
David E. Jones (University of Colorado 1957)
Kenneth M. Jones (University of Colorado 1944)
Malcolm K. Jones (University of Colorado 1951)
Robert E. Jones (University of Colorado 1949)
James G. Kay (University of Colorado 1953)
Victor Keen (University of Colorado 1922)
Howard L. Keirns (University of Colorado 1955)
Herbert A. Kellar (University of Colorado 1922)
Forrest L. Kelley (University of Colorado 1914)
Francis J. Kelley (University of Colorado 1919)
Thomas C. Kerrigan (University of Colorado 1936)
Dale Y. Kibby (University of Colorado 1917)
Clair W. Killebrew (University of Colorado 1921)
Stuart A. Kilpatrick (University of Colorado 1956)
Harry L. King (University of Colorado 1939)
Robert M. Kirchner (University of Colorado 1943)
Richard C. Klett (University of Colorado 1941)
Forrest E. Knight (University of Colorado 1938)
Roger D. Knight (University of Colorado 1962)
Walter A. Koelbel (University of Colorado 1947)
Frank J. Koenigs (University of Colorado 1919)
Richard L. Kramer (University of Colorado 1940)
William G. Krueger (University of Colorado 1948)
Jim D. Lacy (University of Colorado 1958)
William S. Lacy (University of Colorado 1932)
Joseph F. Lake (University of Colorado 1956)
Steven L. Landin (University of Colorado 1979)
Ira D. Lanmon (University of Colorado 1938)
David B. Large (University of Colorado 1961)
Leonard E. Larsen (University of Colorado 1948)
Paul O. Larson (University of Colorado 1956)
Paul G. Lathrop (University of Colorado 1918)
Mark E. Lawson (University of Colorado 1955)
Eugene R. LeBert (University of Colorado 1936)
Loy W. Ledbetter (University of Colorado 1947)
Frank C. Lee (University of Colorado 1915)
Richard M. Lee (University of Colorado 1929)
J. M. Leonard (University of Colorado 1960)
Charles S. Lewis (University of Colorado 1927)
Jerome A. Lewis (University of Colorado 1949)
Edwin C. Likes (University of Colorado 1936)
David B. Lindsay (University of Colorado 1916)
Sam A. Lindsey (University of Colorado 1940)
George E. Lindsley (University of Colorado 1951)
Kennith E. Linscott (University of Colorado 1940)
Jack Lintz (University of Colorado 1966)
Roy J. Lloyd (University of Colorado 1940)
Philip E. Lockwood (University of Colorado 1930)
William H. Lockwood (University of Colorado 1928)
Earl G. Loser (University of Colorado 1924)
Ronald S. Loser (University of Colorado 1955)
Tom C. Ludy (University of Colorado 1931)
Doran W. Lummis (University of Colorado 1916)
Daniel L. Macey (University of Colorado 1942)
Wallace J. Macintyre (University of Colorado 1921)
Norman E. Mains (University of Colorado 1965)
Lee W. Marshall (University of Colorado 1954)
Willis M. Marshall Jr. (University of Colorado 1917)
Herbert W. Martin (University of Colorado 1917)
George T. Mason (University of Colorado 1942)
Lawrence H. Mathers (University of Colorado 1929)
Earl L. Mayne (University of Colorado 1914)
Bruce S. McAllister (University of Colorado 1963)
Bruce R. McBride (University of Colorado 1944)
William R. McBride (University of Colorado 1957)
Frank P. McCarty (University of Colorado 1947)
Edward R. McCleary (University of Colorado 1943)
W. D. McClintock (University of Colorado 1934)
Paul V. McClung (University of Colorado 1942)
Norman F. McDevitt (University of Colorado 1936)
Frank L. McFarlane (University of Colorado 1921)
Roy K. McFarlane (University of Colorado 1925)
Burt H. McGhee (University of Colorado 1935)
C. Bernard McGhee (University of Colorado 1937)
Donald McInnes (University of Colorado 1921)
John G. McInnes (University of Colorado 1923)
Kohler McInnis (University of Colorado 1945)
Carl H. McLauthlin (University of Colorado 1937)
Donald H. McLean (University of Colorado 1924)
Kenneth J. McLean (University of Colorado 1934)
Orange M. McNeil (University of Colorado 1911)
Gordon L. McNeill (University of Colorado 1949)
Leroy McWhinney (University of Colorado 1947)
Donald F. Middlekauf (University of Colorado 1920)
Lester B. Millard (University of Colorado 1922)
Ross D. Miller (University of Colorado 1943)
Willard W. Miller (University of Colorado 1944)
Warren L. Mills (University of Colorado 1918)
Jack L. Mitchell (University of Colorado 1953)
Harry H. Moll (University of Colorado 1939)
Philip T. Montenie (University of Colorado 1933)
Robert R. Moodie (University of Colorado 1938)
Ralph C. Moore (University of Colorado 1929)
Stanley S. Moore (University of Colorado 1932)
Norman R. Morison (University of Colorado 1915)
Sidney Moritz Jr. (University of Colorado 1924)
William C. Mortensen (University of Colorado 1958)
Max T. Morton (University of Colorado 1941)
Charles A. Mott (University of Colorado 1950)
Richard C. Mott (University of Colorado 1954)
Charles P. Mulcahy (University of Colorado 1910)
John A. Munger (University of Colorado 1949)
Douglas H. Murray (University of Colorado 1933)
James J. Murray (University of Colorado 1938)
Mark E. Murray (University of Colorado 1956)
John R. Murtha (University of Colorado 1946)
John P. Nafe (University of Colorado 1912)
Robert G. Nafe (University of Colorado 1916)
Norman M. Neel (University of Colorado 1936)
William B. Neeley (University of Colorado 1922)
George G. Nellis (University of Colorado 1941)
Edwin D. Nelson (University of Colorado 1935)
Robley W. Nelson (University of Colorado 1934)
Donald J. Nesladek (University of Colorado 1953)
Keith R. Nesladek (University of Colorado 1950)
Richard E. Newman (University of Colorado 1942)
John I. Newsom (University of Colorado 1924)
George A. Newton (University of Colorado 1933)
John A. Nicholas (University of Colorado 1954)
Robert D. Nichols (University of Colorado 1948)
Robert L. Niebel (University of Colorado 1948)
Alva R. Noggle (University of Colorado 1920)
George F. Norlin (University of Colorado 1893)
Howard G. Oakes (University of Colorado 1928)
Roy E. O'Brien (University of Colorado 1922)
Thomas W. O'Hanlon (University of Colorado 1953)
Harvey C. Olander (University of Colorado 1930)
Donald P. Olson (University of Colorado 1934)
Robert M. Osborn (University of Colorado 1935)
Almon E. Oviatt (University of Colorado 1935)
Richard G. Pace (University of Colorado 1945)
George B. Packard (University of Colorado 1910)
Harold A. Padfield (University of Colorado 1933)
Harry C. Parker (University of Colorado 1953)
Forbes J. Parkhill (University of Colorado 1915)
Arthur A. Parkhurst (University of Colorado 1910)
Frederick B. Parkhurst (University of Colorado 1938)
John F. Parrish (University of Colorado 1912)
George S. Parsons (University of Colorado 1922)
Richard E. Pate (University of Colorado 1921)
Donald L. Patterson (University of Colorado 1931)
Ernest G. Patterson (University of Colorado 1919)
John P. Paul (University of Colorado 1911)
Stephen E. Paul (University of Colorado 1966)
W. S. Payne (University of Colorado 1939)
J. H. Peck (University of Colorado 1942)
Jack M. Pelissier (University of Colorado 1937)
William H. Peltier Sr. (University of Colorado 1936)
George Penney (University of Colorado 1918)
Harry A. Perry (University of Colorado 1944)
John W. Perry (University of Colorado 1922)
Cyrus L. Pershing II (University of Colorado 1928)
Paul O. Peters (University of Colorado 1924)
David W. Peterson (University of Colorado 1914)
Donald C. Peterson (University of Colorado 1946)
Nicholas R. Petry (University of Colorado 1940)
William E. Phelps (University of Colorado 1950)
Robert G. Phillips (University of Colorado 1945)
Allen W. Pinger (University of Colorado 1919)
Harlow C. Platts (University of Colorado 1916)
Harvey R. Platts (University of Colorado 1917)
Robert H. Platts (University of Colorado 1951)
Charles F. Poe (University of Colorado 1910)
David C. Polley (University of Colorado 1956)
Robert V. Potter (University of Colorado 1953)
Roy R. Prangley (University of Colorado 1932)
Glenard H. Preston (University of Colorado 1924)
G. E. Price (University of Colorado 1942)
John W. Price (University of Colorado 1924)
Hubert L. Pritchard (University of Colorado 1936)
Wilbur M. Pryor (University of Colorado 1939)
Edward J. Pudlik (University of Colorado 1950)
Matthew M. Pulliam (University of Colorado 1911)
Hunter T. Railey (University of Colorado 1942)
James B. Railey (University of Colorado 1935)
John W. Railey (University of Colorado 1938)
Matt M. Railey (University of Colorado 1941)
William R. Railey (University of Colorado 1932)
Charles C. Ransom (University of Colorado 1950)
Edward C. Rathbun (University of Colorado 1924)
James M. Ray (University of Colorado 1945)
Francis D. Reagan (University of Colorado 1930)
Raymond F. Reardon (University of Colorado 1921)
Charles E. Reed (University of Colorado 1919)
Homer J. Reed (University of Colorado 1918)
Paul W. Reed (University of Colorado 1923)
William L. Reid (University of Colorado 1952)
Oliver S. Remington (University of Colorado 1911)
John F. Reynes (University of Colorado 1918)
Harry A. Rheem (University of Colorado 1939)
George B. Rice (University of Colorado 1938)
Carl H. Roath (University of Colorado 1925)
Harold E. Robbins (University of Colorado 1909)
Lee R. Robbins (University of Colorado 1948)
Harry A. Robertson (University of Colorado 1947)
Philip D. Robinson (University of Colorado 1951)
Norman P. Rockwell (University of Colorado 1942)
Allan K. Rogers (University of Colorado 1943)
Waldo H. Rogers (University of Colorado 1929)
George N. Rohwer (University of Colorado 1912)
Stanley H. Ross (University of Colorado 1949)
Dwight M. Rounds (University of Colorado 1950)
Ralph C. Rounds (University of Colorado 1948)
Ben W. Rowland (University of Colorado 1916)
Ewart G. Rowland (University of Colorado 1962)
Jay M. Rowland (University of Colorado 1914)
Kenneth H. Rudd (University of Colorado 1931)
Walter Ruddy (University of Colorado 1941)
Rowe Rudolph (University of Colorado 1943)
John J. Rupp (University of Colorado 1934)
Frederick W. Russell (University of Colorado 1928)
Donald B. Rymer (University of Colorado 1944)
Carroll D. Sack (University of Colorado 1939)
John W. Salter (University of Colorado 1923)
Ray L. Sauter (University of Colorado 1915)
Kenneth C. Sawyer (University of Colorado 1951)
Robert B. Sawyer (University of Colorado 1955)
John M. Sayre (University of Colorado 1943)
John J. Schaefer (University of Colorado 1965)
Roy S. Scottt (University of Colorado 1946)
David M. Scoville (University of Colorado 1926)
Bernard J. Seaman (University of Colorado 1915)
Herman W. Seaman (University of Colorado 1914)
Harold T. Sears (University of Colorado 1918)
Thomas D. Sears (University of Colorado 1921)
Thomas H. Sears (University of Colorado 1924)
James C. Seccombe (University of Colorado 1951)
David D. Seerie (University of Colorado 1938)
Alston J. Shakeshaft (University of Colorado 1949)
Richard D. Shakeshaft (University of Colorado 1943)
Blanchard G. Shaw (University of Colorado 1924)
Harold A. Sheldon (University of Colorado 1926)
Richard C. Shepard (University of Colorado 1937)
Ellis B. Shepherd (University of Colorado 1934)
Henry S. Sherman (University of Colorado 1918)
Richard C. Sinclair (University of Colorado 1951)
Robert B. Slater (University of Colorado 1938)
Burnsley D. Smith (University of Colorado 1915)
Douglas H. Smith (University of Colorado 1951)
F. T. Smith (University of Colorado 1945)
Keene Z. Smith (University of Colorado 1945)
Leonard K. Smith (University of Colorado 1932)
Richard G. Smith (University of Colorado 1934)
Robert G. Smith (University of Colorado 1916)
William V. Smith (University of Colorado 1929)
Walter E. Smith (University of Colorado 1944)
Richard G. Spademan (University of Colorado 1956)
Edwin L. Spangler (University of Colorado 1946)
Donald C. Spencer (University of Colorado 1934)
Frank R. Spencer (University of Colorado 1910)
Robert W. Spencer (University of Colorado 1931)
J. R. Spencer (University of Colorado 1939)
Robert Spicer (University of Colorado 1950)
J. S. Standley (University of Colorado 1937)
John D. Stapp (University of Colorado 1933)
Henry L. Stark (University of Colorado 1933)
John H. Stark (University of Colorado 1930)
Louis B. Stark (University of Colorado 1930)
Meritt W. Stark (University of Colorado 1938)
C. R. Starks (University of Colorado 1922)
William P. Stein (University of Colorado 1914)
Paul R. Stephens (University of Colorado 1943)
Francis F. Stevens (University of Colorado 1940)
Richard B. Stevens (University of Colorado 1951)
Charles F. Stine (University of Colorado 1923)
John H. Stirling (University of Colorado 1944)
Harold L. Stitt MD (University of Colorado 1953)
Todd C. Storer (University of Colorado 1913)
Arthur D. Storke (University of Colorado 1918)
Doyle A. Stout (University of Colorado 1938)
Carl W. Strain (University of Colorado 1942)
Dean B. Strain (University of Colorado 1943)
Earl E. Strain (University of Colorado 1941)
George L. Strain (University of Colorado 1938)
Alfred L. Stroman (University of Colorado 1964)
Willard F. Suess (University of Colorado 1921)
Lloyd J. Sugaski (University of Colorado 1948)
John L. Swigert (University of Colorado 1953)
John R. Swinton (University of Colorado 1917)
John L. Talbott (University of Colorado 1949)
Robert H. Taylor (University of Colorado 1920)
Wallace D. Taylor (University of Colorado 1935)
Bernard E. Teets (University of Colorado 1932)
David E. Teets (University of Colorado 1989)
Peter B. Teets (University of Colorado 1963)
Donald Tempest (University of Colorado 1943)
John W. Tempest (University of Colorado 1950)
Robert M. Terry (University of Colorado 1951)
Robert W. Theis (University of Colorado 1949)
Ted G. Tholen (University of Colorado 1983)
Colin J. Thomas (University of Colorado 1919)
Milo W. Thomas (University of Colorado 1929)
Thomas L. Thompson (University of Colorado 1950)
Hugh Tincher (University of Colorado 1921)
John G. Tippit (University of Colorado 1969)
Robert R. Tipton (University of Colorado 1945)
Christopher E. Todd (University of Colorado 1991)
George W. Touhy (University of Colorado 1924)
Harris G. Tower (University of Colorado 1936)
Michael C. Trent (University of Colorado 1946)
Ronald O. Trowbridge (University of Colorado 1920)
Wayne O. Tucker (University of Colorado 1951)
Howard E. Viney (University of Colorado 1942)
Robert J. Vining (University of Colorado 1943)
George W. Waite (University of Colorado 1927)
Lincoln D. Wallbank (University of Colorado 1946)
Stanley T. Wallbank (University of Colorado 1917)
Donald M. Ward (University of Colorado 1929)
Charles F. Warmoll (University of Colorado 1927)
George S. Warner (University of Colorado 1952)
Theodore F. Warshauer (University of Colorado 1946)
Peter P. Watson (University of Colorado 1945)
Louis Weiss (University of Colorado 1918)
Donald L. Welch (University of Colorado 1918)
Leonard J. Weldon (University of Colorado 1930)
William W. Welge (University of Colorado 1960)
Charles E. Weller (University of Colorado 1934)
Harry H. Wells (University of Colorado 1925)
Braint H. Wells (University of Colorado 1951)
Frederick J. Wenter (University of Colorado 1971)
James L. Whistler (University of Colorado 1968)
Byron R. White (University of Colorado 1938)
Clayton S. White (University of Colorado 1934)
John P. White (University of Colorado 1931)
Donald E. Whiting (University of Colorado 1949)
Frank C. Wigginton (University of Colorado 1921)
John L. Wilkey (University of Colorado 1964)
Martin E. Williams (University of Colorado 1946)
Carroll J. Wilson (University of Colorado 1940)
Charles E. Wilson (University of Colorado 1918)
Paul E. Wilson (University of Colorado 1956)
Phillip Wilson (University of Colorado 1946)
Albert F. Winegardner (University of Colorado 1945)
James H. Witherspoon (University of Colorado 1950)
George Wittemyer (University of Colorado 1927)
Leonard Wittemyer (University of Colorado 1928)
Deane J. Wolff (University of Colorado 1914)
Hiram B. Wolff (University of Colorado 1920)
John R. Wolff (University of Colorado 1928)
Louis C. Wollenweber (University of Colorado 1947)
James C. Wollrab (University of Colorado 1966)
Arthur R. Woodburne (University of Colorado 1953)
Thomas T. Woodruff (University of Colorado 1942)
Logan A. Woodson (University of Colorado 1925)
Daniel H. Woodward (University of Colorado 1952)
Robert V. Work (University of Colorado 1921)
Russell M. Writer Jr. (University of Colorado 1953)
Jack C. Yeager (University of Colorado 1937)
Joseph L. Yrisarri (University of Colorado 1937)
Harry Zimmerhackel (University of Colorado 1945)
Matthew J. Siwinski (University of Delaware 2011)
Roger A. Conklin (University of Denver 1985)
Richard D. Goforth (University of Denver 1986)
Troy G. Gomes (University of Denver 1989)
Scott M. Greene (University of Denver 1984)
Brian E. Knudsen (University of Denver 1982)
Hiten R. Shah (University of Denver 1987)
Geoffrey W. Keller (University of Evansville 2008)
Kyle D. Korkhouse (University of Evansville 2001)
Ross J. Adams (University of Florida 1985)
William M. Addington (University of Florida 1950)
Jack G. Admire (University of Florida 1949)
John R. Albrecht (University of Florida 1941)
Andrew L. Anderson (University of Florida 1958)
Daniel A. Andrews (University of Florida 1946)
Jack C. Arnold (University of Florida 1956)
Arthur N. Athanason (University of Florida 1959)
Samuel A. Baglier (University of Florida 1971)
Stanley S. Barchan (University of Florida 1949)
Michael D. Barnard (University of Florida 1969)
Robert E. Barrett (University of Florida 1956)
Morris L. Barwick (University of Florida 1959)
Jerry W. Bassett (University of Florida 1946)
Ralph W. Beaty (University of Florida 1935)
John G. Benken (University of Florida 1944)
William V. Benton (University of Florida 1944)
John T. Benz (University of Florida 1945)
Ronald M. Binney (University of Florida 1970)
Ernest L. Bivans (University of Florida 1942)
Robert B. Black (University of Florida 1953)
Wallace W. Blackburn (University of Florida 1951)
William S. Board (University of Florida 1946)
W. C. Brandon (University of Florida 1942)
Vincent E. Brecht (University of Florida 1944)
Donald A. Bridges (University of Florida 1965)
Douglas A. Broome (University of Florida 1949)
L. B. Brown (University of Florida 1988)
Joseph E. Bryan Jr. (University of Florida 1952)
Kenneth W. Buchanan (University of Florida 1958)
Charles M. Burk (University of Florida 1952)
Richard B. Burk (University of Florida 1953)
Henry A. Cabanas (University of Florida 1948)
Robert E. Caldwell (University of Florida 1937)
Joel T. Campbell (University of Florida 1940)
James F. Campbell (University of Florida 1957)
Charles H. Carroll (University of Florida 1941)
Ray C. Chancey (University of Florida 1957)
John S. Chowning (University of Florida 1947)
Daniel L. Claville (University of Florida 1942)
Herbert Clayton (University of Florida 1942)
Price M. Cleveland (University of Florida 1971)
Lowell H. Coffman (University of Florida 1953)
Joseph D. Collner (University of Florida 1962)
John A. Cornell (University of Florida 1962)
James W. Corpening (University of Florida 1960)
James W. Crabtree (University of Florida 1965)
Walter S. Crumbley (University of Florida 1954)
Phillip G. Curry (University of Florida 1952)
Wilfred J. Curry (University of Florida 1949)
Roy F. Custer (University of Florida 1954)
Donald E. Davis (University of Florida 1960)
Albert G. Dawson (University of Florida 1962)
Eugene F. Dearing (University of Florida 1952)
Forbes R. Detamble (University of Florida 1942)
Harold H. Dillinger (University of Florida 1950)
Jack L. Dixon (University of Florida 1957)
Frank S. Dusyn (University of Florida 1941)
John T. Ebert (University of Florida 1960)
Lowell R. Edwards (University of Florida 1953)
James C. Fielden (University of Florida 1950)
Herbert R. Fields Jr. (University of Florida 1954)
Mark A. Fisher (University of Florida 1974)
Kenneth L. Fleming (University of Florida 1974)
Raymond C. Fleming (University of Florida 1951)
H. S. Foster (University of Florida 1939)
Robert S. Gallagher (University of Florida 1981)
Joseph G. Gamble (University of Florida 1948)
Charles C. Gentry (University of Florida 1960)
Sanford W. Goin (University of Florida 1963)
Thomas W. Grant (University of Florida 1951)
Harold H. Griffin (University of Florida 1950)
William E. Griffin (University of Florida 1941)
Walter D. Griffin (University of Florida 1937)
Fred M. Grose (University of Florida 1959)
Harold D. Haldeman (University of Florida 1950)
Harry F. Hammock (University of Florida 1960)
James G. Hayhurst (University of Florida 1962)
William T. Hegert (University of Florida 1970)
Robert J. Heisterman (University of Florida 1963)
James H. Hendrie (University of Florida 1950)
Gerald L. Hester (University of Florida 1954)
Paul M. Hicks (University of Florida 1972)
Ira T. Hodges (University of Florida 1959)
Horace W. Holland (University of Florida 1951)
William M. Hood (University of Florida 1956)
James T. Howard (University of Florida 1957)
Robert E. Hudson (University of Florida 1949)
H. H. Hume (University of Florida 1941)
Brady A. James (University of Florida 1951)
Richard S. Johnson (University of Florida 1932)
William L. Johnson (University of Florida 1941)
Jay B. Johnston (University of Florida 1934)
Herman O. Jones (University of Florida 1956)
Thomas F. Keating (University of Florida 1962)
Harold W. Kendrick (University of Florida 1961)
Hayes L. Kennedy (University of Florida 1951)
Michael J. Kennedy (University of Florida 1947)
Kirk N. Kirkconnell (University of Florida 1965)
William G. Kowalske (University of Florida 1948)
Alan G. Krigline (University of Florida 1958)
William P. Lane (University of Florida 1951)
Brooks Leffingwell (University of Florida 1959)
James B. Lenahan (University of Florida 1944)
Francis P. Leukel (University of Florida 1944)
Walter J. Leukel (University of Florida 1951)
Allen E. Lightcap (University of Florida 1990)
Ammons J. Lindsey Jr. (University of Florida 1946)
William C. Lockhart (University of Florida 1950)
Jeffrey L. Luber (University of Florida 1964)
Clifford P. Lyons (University of Florida 1941)
George B. Maish (University of Florida 1962)
George E. Marshall (University of Florida 1947)
Raymond B. Martinez (University of Florida 1962)
Fred W. Mashburn (University of Florida 1983)
Edgar W. Maxson (University of Florida 1945)
Steven R. McCain (University of Florida 1971)
Allen K. McCormick (University of Florida 1952)
James B. McDonald (University of Florida 1951)
Kenneth A. McGlon (University of Florida 1964)
Donald B. McKechnie (University of Florida 1966)
William B. McKechnie III (University of Florida 1962)
David H. McMullen (University of Florida 1960)
Robert H. McQuady (University of Florida 1957)
Raymond E. Millard (University of Florida 1963)
John G. Miller (University of Florida 1950)
Joseph R. Mims (University of Florida 1952)
Joseph H. Mitchell (University of Florida 1952)
James F. Montgomery (University of Florida 1949)
Douglas M. Moore (University of Florida 1950)
Arthur H. Mugge (University of Florida 1953)
Richard A. Mugge (University of Florida 1950)
George A. Nadeau (University of Florida 1961)
Howard C. Nelson (University of Florida 1937)
Michael W. Oliver (University of Florida 1974)
Richard H. Padgett (University of Florida 1961)
Norman N. Pagano (University of Florida 1974)
George R. Peacock (University of Florida 1949)
H. F. Perritt (University of Florida 1956)
William E. Poole (University of Florida 1944)
Steven G. Powell (University of Florida 1971)
Joseph E. Price (University of Florida 1930)
M. V. Protheroe (University of Florida 1953)
William A. Reagan (University of Florida 1959)
Armond J. Renzi (University of Florida 1967)
H. D. Richardson (University of Florida 1944)
Charles E. Riggs (University of Florida 1945)
James F. Rinehart (University of Florida 1972)
Thomas D. Ryan (University of Florida 1942)
William E. Sadowski (University of Florida 1966)
Robert J. Sanders (University of Florida 1949)
Robert L. Schroll (University of Florida 1957)
Laurence B. Senterfit (University of Florida 1949)
W. H. Sharron (University of Florida 1962)
Richard S. Shoemaker (University of Florida 1949)
Paul G. Shupe (University of Florida 1950)
Wayne M. Singletary (University of Florida 1969)
James F. Skirven (University of Florida 1957)
Warren A. Smith (University of Florida 1962)
Brian L. Snell (University of Florida 1981)
William G. Stewart (University of Florida 1974)
Kenneth E. Strong (University of Florida 1951)
Collins W. Swords (University of Florida 1944)
Howard Taylor (University of Florida 1951)
Bruce V. Templin (University of Florida 1970)
Russell W. Thresher (University of Florida 1978)
Thomas J. Tobiassen (University of Florida 1983)
Thomas K. Todsen (University of Florida 1939)
John W. Totty (University of Florida 1959)
Richard P. Tracy (University of Florida 1946)
John T. Trekell (University of Florida 1957)
Nicholas Tricarico (University of Florida 1942)
William Trickel (University of Florida 1960)
Allen Trovillion (University of Florida 1949)
James E. Tyler (University of Florida 1950)
Homer S. Vanture (University of Florida 1946)
Prentice L. Veal (University of Florida 1959)
Walter T. Vetter (University of Florida 1950)
Harrison M. Wadsworth (University of Florida 1946)
Alan F. Wager (University of Florida 1958)
Homer E. Wakefield (University of Florida 1935)
James P. Walker (University of Florida 1943)
Bruce S. Webster (University of Florida 1948)
Kurt R. Westfall (University of Florida 1970)
Richard H. Whitehead (University of Florida 1940)
Thoedore F. Wilisch (University of Florida 1963)
Barry L. Williams (University of Florida 1953)
Willard E. Williams (University of Florida 1949)
George W. Windsor (University of Florida 1967)
Byron M. Winn (University of Florida 1964)
George E. Wolff (University of Florida 1944)
Jonathan H. Wood (University of Florida 1938)
Norman R. Wyckoff (University of Florida 1958)
James H. Yarborough (University of Florida 1959)
Louis G. Zelenka (University of Florida 1956)
Percy H. Adams (University of Georgia 1885)
James W. Anderson (University of Georgia 1884)
Marshal Andrews (University of Georgia 1874)
E. L. Antony (University of Georgia 1873)
Richard C. Armstrong (University of Georgia 1968)
Osborne S. Barnett (University of Georgia 1874)
Vance M. Barnwell (University of Georgia 1972)
Matthew R. Barton (University of Georgia 2003)
Robert L. Berner (University of Georgia 1871)
James R. Black (University of Georgia 1973)
Randall Blackwood (University of Georgia 1974)
Michael J. Bryan (University of Georgia 1989)
Henry C. Bussey (University of Georgia 1876)
James L. Carlton (University of Georgia 1876)
Howard A. Carson (University of Georgia 1885)
Robert A. Cason (University of Georgia 1885)
Joseph E. Cheeley (University of Georgia 1952)
Rufus B. Clark (University of Georgia 1887)
William H. Cobb (University of Georgia 1885)
Emmett Cody (University of Georgia 1873)
Benjamin F. Coleman (University of Georgia 1875)
William C. Cousins (University of Georgia 1887)
William M. Crane (University of Georgia 1890)
Adcus L. Crawley (University of Georgia 1982)
Matthew C. Crews (University of Georgia 1972)
Hiram O. Crittenden (University of Georgia 1890)
Zack A. Crittenden (University of Georgia 1889)
David P. Day (University of Georgia 1977)
Alfred L. Dearing (University of Georgia 1876)
Llewellyn S. Dearing (University of Georgia 1872)
William B. Dixon (University of Georgia 1889)
Phillip H. Durden (University of Georgia 1968)
John R. Evans (University of Georgia 1888)
Churchill P. Goree (University of Georgia 1873)
Arthur H. Gray (University of Georgia 1872)
Asa W. Griggs (University of Georgia 1887)
Billy B. Ham (University of Georgia 1980)
Robert M. Harbin (University of Georgia 1885)
Thomas W. Harbin (University of Georgia 1885)
Franklin H. Hardin (University of Georgia 1987)
Charles E. Harman (University of Georgia 1872)
William M. Hawes (University of Georgia 1888)
William M. Head (University of Georgia 1874)
Burwell M. Hill (University of Georgia 1875)
John Hill (University of Georgia 1875)
Walter L. Hodges (University of Georgia 1887)
George A. Illges (University of Georgia 1874)
Alexander S. Jenkins (University of Georgia 1874)
Timothy M. Jett (University of Georgia 1979)
William E. Jones (University of Georgia 1876)
Stuart S. Kennedy (University of Georgia 1990)
Benning M. Kennon (University of Georgia 1887)
William A. Kennon (University of Georgia 1887)
B. P. Kimbrough (University of Georgia 1888)
Robert H. Kinney (University of Georgia 2001)
Lavoisier L. Lamar (University of Georgia 1877)
David R. Little (University of Georgia 1973)
Edward K. Martin (University of Georgia 2019)
Mark M. McGough (University of Georgia 1978)
Robert McGough (University of Georgia 1876)
Benjamin I. McKinney (University of Georgia 1874)
Robt E. L. McNeer (University of Georgia 1889)
William L. Means (University of Georgia 1885)
Thomas M. Melo (University of Georgia 1974)
Allen P. Moye (University of Georgia 1887)
Robert L. Moye (University of Georgia 1884)
Randolph E. Mozley (University of Georgia 1974)
J. M. Myers (University of Georgia 1874)
John M. O'Reilly (University of Georgia 1988)
Brent G. Patrick (University of Georgia 1975)
Logan R. Pitts (University of Georgia 1886)
Frederick Pope (University of Georgia 1875)
Nathaniel H. Pope (University of Georgia 1878)
William G. Pope (University of Georgia 1993)
Warren A. Ragsdale (University of Georgia 1980)
Sidney P. Reaves (University of Georgia 1890)
William A. Redd (University of Georgia 1875)
Samuel A. Reid (University of Georgia 1873)
W. Dennis Reid (University of Georgia 1890)
Gordon H. Respess (University of Georgia 1967)
Charles B. Rice (University of Georgia 1970)
Samuel B. Robison (University of Georgia 1875)
Steven R. Schuette (University of Georgia 1973)
Randal E. Shiver (University of Georgia 1971)
Stuart L. Sims (University of Georgia 2001)
A. M. Smith (University of Georgia 1988)
O. B. Stefansen (University of Georgia 1971)
Marcus D. Stewart (University of Georgia 1974)
Ross H. Stillwell (University of Georgia 1989)
Howell C. Strickland (University of Georgia 1887)
Charles A. Talmage (University of Georgia 1890)
Ora E. Tate (University of Georgia 1886)
Carlisle Terry (University of Georgia 1875)
Wallace D. Thompson (University of Georgia 1969)
Francis L. Threadcraft (University of Georgia 1890)
Steven W. Tmay (University of Georgia 1976)
Robert H. Tritschler (University of Georgia 1979)
J. A. Tucker (University of Georgia 1977)
Edward I. Wade (University of Georgia 1891)
Eugene W. Wade (University of Georgia 1888)
Peyton L. Wade (University of Georgia 1886)
Henry B. Walker (University of Georgia 1876)
David B. Walters (University of Georgia 1977)
Robert I. Walton (University of Georgia 1876)
Glen Waters (University of Georgia 1887)
Edgar W. Watkins (University of Georgia 1889)
William H. Whipple (University of Georgia 1885)
Ylysses V. Whipple (University of Georgia 1887)
James R. Williams (University of Georgia 1884)
Warren H. Williams (University of Georgia 1889)
Rabun M. Wood (University of Georgia 1972)
Jas H. Worrill (University of Georgia 1875)
William Wynne (University of Georgia 1872)
Robert C. York (University of Georgia 1968)
Ray D. Agee (University of Idaho 1920)
Herbert W. Aitchison (University of Idaho 1931)
Richard L. Allen (University of Idaho 1967)
Donald C. Alvord (University of Idaho 1946)
Grant L. Ambrose (University of Idaho 1937)
James W. Anderson (University of Idaho 1954)
John W. Anderson (University of Idaho 1968)
Rex W. Anderson (University of Idaho 1942)
Scott L. Anderson (University of Idaho 1982)
Jefferson T. Anderson (University of Idaho 1937)
Marvin W. Angel (University of Idaho 1920)
Henry S. Arms (University of Idaho 1936)
William D. Arms (University of Idaho 1937)
Blair C. Armstrong (University of Idaho 1925)
Joseph M. Aspray (University of Idaho 1929)
James H. Aston (University of Idaho 1953)
Alan F. Atwood (University of Idaho 1950)
Fred S. Auger (University of Idaho 1930)
Daniel B. Aukett (University of Idaho 1933)
Robert B. Austin (University of Idaho 1934)
Harold S. Ayers (University of Idaho 1921)
Edward E. Babcock (University of Idaho 1926)
William A. Babcock (University of Idaho 1932)
Eugene E. Babin (University of Idaho 1950)
James D. Babin (University of Idaho 1944)
Bradford W. Baker (University of Idaho 1942)
Ralph A. Baker (University of Idaho 1938)
Horace F. Baldridge (University of Idaho 1933)
Michael Barclay (University of Idaho 1946)
Harold T. Barnes (University of Idaho 1947)
Steele Barnett (University of Idaho 1944)
Ruel H. Barrus (University of Idaho 1950)
Robert L. Bassett (University of Idaho 1967)
Eugene G. Bauman (University of Idaho 1929)
James H. Bauman (University of Idaho 1937)
Thad P. Beatty (University of Idaho 1935)
John A. Beckwith (University of Idaho 1933)
Robert W. Beckwith (University of Idaho 1919)
Laurence J. Bellinger (University of Idaho 1934)
Willis B. Benjamin (University of Idaho 1961)
Maurice C. Berg (University of Idaho 1933)
William F. Bergeson (University of Idaho 1943)
George A. Bertonneau (University of Idaho 1960)
Kurt C. Billmeyer (University of Idaho 1980)
Keith L. Bing (University of Idaho 1949)
Donald E. Blackburn (University of Idaho 1944)
Marshall L. Blair (University of Idaho 1923)
Wayne F. Blair (University of Idaho 1931)
Clinton R. Bohman (University of Idaho 1928)
William H. Bonneville (University of Idaho 1916)
Earl A. Bopp (University of Idaho 1935)
Conrad L. Borresen (University of Idaho 1943)
Stanley Bower (University of Idaho 1928)
Edwin G. Bowker (University of Idaho 1934)
Aldrich E. Bowler (University of Idaho 1937)
Holden A. Bowler (University of Idaho 1934)
William B. Bowler (University of Idaho 1933)
Richard G. Boyce (University of Idaho 1960)
Douglas B. Bradshaw (University of Idaho 1933)
Kenneth P. Bradshaw (University of Idaho 1933)
Eugene H. Bramhall (University of Idaho 1923)
James J. Branom (University of Idaho 1958)
Joseph F. Brashear (University of Idaho 1941)
Harry M. Brenn (University of Idaho 1955)
William S. Briscoe (University of Idaho 1922)
Donal W. Brislain (University of Idaho 1948)
Elsworth M. Bristol (University of Idaho 1924)
Ralph S. Bristol (University of Idaho 1923)
Frederick L. Brough (University of Idaho 1949)
Carl H. Brown (University of Idaho 1923)
W. Francis M. Buchanan (University of Idaho 1937)
Philip W. Buck (University of Idaho 1923)
Walter L. Budge (University of Idaho 1929)
Donald M. Bullock (University of Idaho 1946)
Carey A. Bunker (University of Idaho 1947)
Robert V. Burggraf (University of Idaho 1943)
Carl A. Burke (University of Idaho 1921)
Thomas B. Burnam (University of Idaho 1936)
James E. Burnett (University of Idaho 1927)
Ernest R. Burns (University of Idaho 1937)
Robert J. Burns (University of Idaho 1980)
William C. Burns (University of Idaho 1950)
Donald H. Butler (University of Idaho 1929)
James F. Butler (University of Idaho 1931)
Herbert I. Caine (University of Idaho 1928)
Francis R. Cammack (University of Idaho 1915)
Henry E. Canine (University of Idaho 1924)
Dale L. Carlisle (University of Idaho 1957)
Charles P. Carroll Jr. (University of Idaho 1955)
Newton T. Carter (University of Idaho 1933)
Titus N. Carter (University of Idaho 1933)
Art Chase (University of Idaho 1968)
William E. Chase (University of Idaho 1939)
Charles R. Chick (University of Idaho 1923)
Andrew B. Christensen (University of Idaho 1952)
James P. Christensen (University of Idaho 1947)
Robert B. Christensen (University of Idaho 1950)
Charles H. Christie (University of Idaho 1926)
William L. Clark (University of Idaho 1949)
Alan Y. Clarke (University of Idaho 1939)
Ira G. Clary (University of Idaho 1962)
John R. Cluen (University of Idaho 1926)
Charles T. Collins (University of Idaho 1937)
Roger R. Cone (University of Idaho 1950)
Gene L. Conklin (University of Idaho 1937)
Charles F. Cook (University of Idaho 1942)
Robert G. Cook (University of Idaho 1941)
Clifford A. Coons (University of Idaho 1927)
Donald L. Coons (University of Idaho 1926)
Geoffrey G. Coope (University of Idaho 1938)
John R. Corkery (University of Idaho 1932)
John W. Cramer (University of Idaho 1922)
Leavitt H. Craven (University of Idaho 1933)
Robert G. Cross (University of Idaho 1963)
Clyde E. Culp (University of Idaho 1941)
Kim S. Culp (University of Idaho 1972)
Perry Culp (University of Idaho 1935)
Marshall P. Dalling (University of Idaho 1950)
A. S. Daniels (University of Idaho 1957)
Albert S. Daniels (University of Idaho 1922)
Gordon F. Davidson (University of Idaho 1938)
Edward G. Davis (University of Idaho 1942)
George A. Davis (University of Idaho 1939)
Glendon V. Davis (University of Idaho 1938)
John W. Davis (University of Idaho 1960)
Oliver T. Davis (University of Idaho 1934)
Robert J. Davis (University of Idaho 1940)
William P. Davis (University of Idaho 1919)
Vernon R. Dawson (University of Idaho 1942)
George E. Denman (University of Idaho 1949)
Raymond L. Dills (University of Idaho 1945)
M. A. Dingel (University of Idaho 1958)
P. R. Doane (University of Idaho 1954)
Joseph H. Doss (University of Idaho 1945)
Egan W. Drenker (University of Idaho 1944)
Ralph M. Dunkle (University of Idaho 1944)
James T. Dunn (University of Idaho 1930)
Robert E. Dunn (University of Idaho 1933)
Raoul M. DuPuis (University of Idaho 1945)
Allan F. Eddy (University of Idaho 1919)
John T. Edwards (University of Idaho 1959)
Clarence H. Ehrenberg (University of Idaho 1932)
John C. Ehrhardt (University of Idaho 1930)
Max Eiden (University of Idaho 1933)
Carl G. Eisinger (University of Idaho 1946)
Dominic Elcox (University of Idaho 2009)
George R. Elliot (University of Idaho 1941)
Edward G. Elliott (University of Idaho 1938)
Paul M. Ellis (University of Idaho 1922)
Jack W. Emahiser (University of Idaho 1935)
Patrick W. Emmingham (University of Idaho 1969)
Lowell A. Engstrom (University of Idaho 1975)
Kenneth W. Erickson (University of Idaho 1949)
Blaine F. Evans (University of Idaho 1945)
James W. Farrell (University of Idaho 1922)
Robert E. Farrell (University of Idaho 1946)
James C. Fisher (University of Idaho 1966)
Merle C. Fisher (University of Idaho 1937)
Raymond R. Fitting (University of Idaho 1942)
Dewilton E. Fjeldsted (University of Idaho 1940)
Gary P. Floan (University of Idaho 1962)
Allen R. Fowler (University of Idaho 1928)
Alexander J. Fox (University of Idaho 1923)
James H. Fox (University of Idaho 1921)
Richard A. Fox (University of Idaho 1922)
Aulbert L. Frahm (University of Idaho 1930)
Conrad O. Frazier (University of Idaho 1933)
Gerald W. Freedman (University of Idaho 1922)
James R. Freeman (University of Idaho 1948)
John E. Freeman (University of Idaho 1960)
Leroy E. Freeman (University of Idaho 1927)
Leo J. Freiermuth (University of Idaho 1950)
John T. Frew (University of Idaho 1981)
Bernard V. Friedman (University of Idaho 1927)
Lawrence V. Frisch (University of Idaho 1931)
Arthur E. Fry (University of Idaho 1931)
John P. Fuller (University of Idaho 1937)
Melvin F. Fuller (University of Idaho 1927)
James R. Fullmer (University of Idaho 1956)
Robert E. Fullmer (University of Idaho 1953)
William L. Fullmer (University of Idaho 1959)
Frederick G. Fulton (University of Idaho 1943)
George W. Gahan (University of Idaho 1924)
Clair E. Gale (University of Idaho 1929)
William P. Gale (University of Idaho 1930)
Richard L. Garlock (University of Idaho 1950)
Richard A. Gast (University of Idaho 1956)
James W. Geddes (University of Idaho 1954)
William J. Gennoy (University of Idaho 1949)
Harold C. Geyer (University of Idaho 1923)
George W. Gibson (University of Idaho 1943)
Frank C. Gibson (University of Idaho 1936)
Leverett W. Giffin (University of Idaho 1934)
William A. Giffin (University of Idaho 1935)
Kenneth M. Giles (University of Idaho 1953)
Gerald J. Gill USAF (University of Idaho 1923)
James J. Gill (University of Idaho 1921)
Laurence A. Gill (University of Idaho 1926)
Thomas A. Gill (University of Idaho 1938)
John E. Gilman (University of Idaho 1919)
George M. Gilson (University of Idaho 1925)
Boyd M. Given (University of Idaho 1968)
James P. Glenny (University of Idaho 1960)
Tom H. Glenny (University of Idaho 1951)
George W. Glidden (University of Idaho 1956)
Howard F. Goldsmith (University of Idaho 1936)
Clifford M. Gooby (University of Idaho 1946)
William W. Goss (University of Idaho 1964)
Lewis J. Gourley (University of Idaho 1955)
James J. Gowanlock (University of Idaho 1957)
James J. Gowlanlock (University of Idaho 1957)
Raymond T. Greene (University of Idaho 1941)
Michael C. Greer (University of Idaho 1970)
Frederick B. Griffin (University of Idaho 1949)
Lloyd A. Grobe (University of Idaho 1943)
J. D. Guy (University of Idaho 1937)
Gerald F. Hagedorn (University of Idaho 1945)
Alfred L. Hahn (University of Idaho 1958)
Stanton G. Hale (University of Idaho 1932)
Clyde M. Hallam (University of Idaho 1916)
Vaughn W. Halliday (University of Idaho 1945)
Bud S. Harris (University of Idaho 1944)
John F. Harvey (University of Idaho 1942)
Richard T. Hauff (University of Idaho 1956)
Roderic W. Hearn (University of Idaho 1938)
Walter R. Hearne (University of Idaho 1934)
Karl R. Hefti (University of Idaho 1929)
Clark C. Hege (University of Idaho 1950)
Louis H. Helphrey (University of Idaho 1925)
Glenn W. Henderson (University of Idaho 1923)
Wynne B. Henderson (University of Idaho 1950)
William F. Herrington (University of Idaho 1940)
Wendell L. Hersey (University of Idaho 1941)
Warren M. Higley (University of Idaho 1929)
John L. Hill (University of Idaho 1925)
Eric M. Hofferber (University of Idaho 2015)
Robert J. Hofmann (University of Idaho 1946)
Cyril R. Holden (University of Idaho 1945)
John S. Holland (University of Idaho 1942)
Everett A. Holt (University of Idaho 1939)
Joseph J. Holzer (University of Idaho 1938)
Irvin L. Hopkins (University of Idaho 1941)
Fred F. Horning (University of Idaho 1923)
William K. Horning (University of Idaho 1922)
Michael R. Hovorka (University of Idaho 1966)
Robert W. Hudelson (University of Idaho 1925)
Edward W. Hughes (University of Idaho 1921)
J. A. Hull (University of Idaho 1941)
Harold J. Hull (University of Idaho 1943)
Charles R. Hungerford (University of Idaho 1945)
Howard A. Hurst (University of Idaho 1935)
Donald W. Hutchinson (University of Idaho 1931)
Paul V. Hutchinson (University of Idaho 1928)
Roland B. Hutchinson (University of Idaho 1927)
James C. Hutchinson (University of Idaho 1927)
Franklin A. Hyke (University of Idaho 1944)
Elbert E. Inman (University of Idaho 1936)
Clair M. Jackson (University of Idaho 1937)
Leslie G. Jackson (University of Idaho 1936)
Thomas B. Jackson (University of Idaho 1919)
Andrew F. James (University of Idaho 1938)
Robert M. Jelinek (University of Idaho 1943)
Eugene V. Jenkins (University of Idaho 1930)
Charles F. Jensen (University of Idaho 1939)
Jack D. Johansen (University of Idaho 1947)
Howard W. Johns (University of Idaho 1933)
Albert R. Johnson (University of Idaho 1924)
F. B. Johnson (University of Idaho 1923)
James B. Johnson (University of Idaho 1953)
Milton M. Johnson (University of Idaho 1928)
Roger G. Johnson (University of Idaho 1955)
Stanley C. Johnson (University of Idaho 1924)
Arnold L. Johnston (University of Idaho 1929)
Edward M. Jones (University of Idaho 1935)
Dallas F. Jordan (University of Idaho 1940)
Gerald W. Jorgensen (University of Idaho 1958)
Frank E. Judy (University of Idaho 1930)
Jordon S. Kanikkeberg (University of Idaho 1951)
Oswald Kanikkeberg (University of Idaho 1951)
Dean C. Kaylor (University of Idaho 1929)
James S. Keel (University of Idaho 1936)
Fred A. Keiper (University of Idaho 1947)
James R. Kelly (University of Idaho 1933)
Archie A. Kennedy (University of Idaho 1928)
James D. Kennedy (University of Idaho 1947)
Bruce W. Kenney (University of Idaho 1955)
Harry W. Kenney (University of Idaho 1956)
Aleck P. Ketchen (University of Idaho 1930)
Thomas J. Kiblen (University of Idaho 1979)
Marvin S. Kimberling (University of Idaho 1950)
Realto E. Kimes (University of Idaho 1937)
Gustav D. Kjosness (University of Idaho 1942)
Dean Kloepfer (University of Idaho 1938)
Cletus R. Koenigs (University of Idaho 1928)
Brian B. Koester (University of Idaho 1932)
Kenneth T. Kofmehl (University of Idaho 1941)
Craig C. Kosonen (University of Idaho 1958)
Robert J. Kramer (University of Idaho 1949)
Frederick W. Krause (University of Idaho 1929)
Stephen J. Kroh (University of Idaho 1913)
Robert M. Krummes (University of Idaho 1937)
Darrell L. Kuelpman (University of Idaho 1955)
Buford E. Kuhns (University of Idaho 1924)
John C. Lacy (University of Idaho 1953)
Thomas F. Lacy (University of Idaho 1940)
Lorin G. LaFoe (University of Idaho 1953)
Erik L. Laughlin (University of Idaho 1984)
Dynes H. Lawson (University of Idaho 1933)
Jack H. Lee (University of Idaho 1932)
Ralph B. Lee (University of Idaho 1937)
Donald S. Leeper (University of Idaho 1946)
Robert D. Leeper (University of Idaho 1946)
Halbert A. LeFebre (University of Idaho 1938)
Christian R. Leighty (University of Idaho 1923)
Ralph B. Lemon (University of Idaho 1948)
Jack H. Levander (University of Idaho 1930)
Harold H. Lewis (University of Idaho 1920)
Charles W. Lloyd (University of Idaho 1928)
Robert G. Logan (University of Idaho 1929)
Ray B. Long (University of Idaho 1958)
Kenneth C. Lovgren (University of Idaho 1963)
Reginald C. Lyons (University of Idaho 1935)
Irving C. Lystad (University of Idaho 1936)
Marshall B. Macey (University of Idaho 1922)
Jack D. Macgregor (University of Idaho 1929)
Keenan B. Mains (University of Idaho 1934)
William P. Marineau (University of Idaho 1950)
Boyd A. Martin (University of Idaho 1936)
John T. Mast (University of Idaho 1948)
David W. Matlock (University of Idaho 1972)
Laurence F. Mauser (University of Idaho 1929)
William V. Mayer (University of Idaho 1950)
John R. McBride (University of Idaho 1934)
Robertson McBride (University of Idaho 1932)
Thomas A. McBride (University of Idaho 1934)
William A. McCoy (University of Idaho 1931)
David F. McCune III (University of Idaho 1968)
Jack A. McEntire (University of Idaho 1952)
Norman W. McGinty (University of Idaho 1929)
Gary I. McIntosh (University of Idaho 1949)
Frank McMillin (University of Idaho 1930)
Ernest E. McNee (University of Idaho 1953)
H. Q. Melgard (University of Idaho 1926)
Robert A. Melgard (University of Idaho 1956)
Michael D. Mendiola (University of Idaho 1972)
Beardslee B. Merrill (University of Idaho 1928)
Eugene Meyer Jr. (University of Idaho 1944)
John T. Meyer (University of Idaho 1984)
Claude B. Mickelwait (University of Idaho 1916)
John H. Millard (University of Idaho 1952)
John S. Miller (University of Idaho 1929)
Mark L. Miller (University of Idaho 1977)
Raymond L. Miller (University of Idaho 1949)
Wallace D. Miller (University of Idaho 1954)
William A. Miller (University of Idaho 1941)
George M. Miller Jr. (University of Idaho 1934)
Gary R. Milliken (University of Idaho 1965)
William H. Mills III (University of Idaho 1960)
Herbert V. Mitchell (University of Idaho 1927)
Robert E. Mitchell (University of Idaho 1930)
Richard F. Monahan (University of Idaho 1962)
Albert A. Monnett Jr. (University of Idaho 1938)
Charles E. Mooney (University of Idaho 1965)
E. R. Mooney (University of Idaho 1963)
Boyd A. Moore (University of Idaho 1938)
Daniel Morgan Jr. (University of Idaho 1934)
Edward P. Morin (University of Idaho 1943)
David J. Morken (University of Idaho 1941)
Paul G. Morken (University of Idaho 1939)
Ralph C. Morse (University of Idaho 1940)
J. D. Mosher (University of Idaho 1949)
John F. Mosher (University of Idaho 1944)
Raymond M. Mosher (University of Idaho 1930)
Alton W. Nash (University of Idaho 1929)
Lyn W. Nash (University of Idaho 1922)
True L. Neher (University of Idaho 1932)
Richard P. Neilsen (University of Idaho 1962)
Albert C. Nelson (University of Idaho 1955)
John R. Nelson (University of Idaho 1928)
Wilfred E. Newman (University of Idaho 1922)
Richard A. Newport (University of Idaho 1947)
Merrill L. Nielsen (University of Idaho 1948)
Hudson R. Nieman (University of Idaho 1941)
John E. Nixon (University of Idaho 1954)
James M. Nowierski (University of Idaho 1976)
Robert J. O'Connor (University of Idaho 1948)
Donovan C. Ogsbury (University of Idaho 1947)
Earl G. Ogsbury (University of Idaho 1946)
Richard B. Ott (University of Idaho 1919)
Glenn B. Owen (University of Idaho 1969)
Stanley B. Palmer (University of Idaho 1957)
Thomas J. Parker (University of Idaho 1928)
Luther D. Parks (University of Idaho 1954)
William L. Parry (University of Idaho 1924)
Richard G. Patrick (University of Idaho 1950)
Richard B. Paulsen (University of Idaho 1941)
John H. Payne (University of Idaho 1956)
Joe S. Pearson (University of Idaho 1931)
Garth B. Peck (University of Idaho 1938)
George N. Pennell (University of Idaho 1944)
Richard L. Pennell (University of Idaho 1950)
Arvid A. Peterson (University of Idaho 1927)
Charles M. Peterson (University of Idaho 1946)
Phil R. Peterson (University of Idaho 1938)
Walner L. Peterson (University of Idaho 1923)
Stanley I. Phillippi (University of Idaho 1924)
Wesley F. Phillippi (University of Idaho 1925)
Vaun J. Pickett (University of Idaho 1943)
John V. Pohlman (University of Idaho 1932)
Joseph M. Pond (University of Idaho 1915)
Elmer E. Poston (University of Idaho 1931)
Charles R. Potter (University of Idaho 1964)
Donald C. Potter (University of Idaho 1927)
Harry W. Poulson (University of Idaho 1927)
Edward E. Poulton (University of Idaho 1924)
Ellis W. Poulton (University of Idaho 1933)
Ulia D. Powell (University of Idaho 1925)
Vaughn A. Price (University of Idaho 1923)
Chase W. Raney (University of Idaho 1920)
Frank R. Raney (University of Idaho 1943)
Brooks M. Ranney (University of Idaho 1966)
Kenneth D. Ray (University of Idaho 1972)
Cecil L. Rea (University of Idaho 1916)
Eugene W. Read (University of Idaho 1944)
John E. Redford (University of Idaho 1928)
Elliott E. Redman (University of Idaho 1931)
Wallace Reed (University of Idaho 1944)
Francis E. Reid (University of Idaho 1932)
Ralph R. Reid (University of Idaho 1940)
Malcolm M. Renfrew (University of Idaho 1932)
Emera W. Renshaw (University of Idaho 1925)
George G. Rensink (University of Idaho 1956)
William S. Reser (University of Idaho 1975)
Edwin C. Rettig (University of Idaho 1919)
Frank M. Rettig (University of Idaho 1929)
Bert H. Richardson (University of Idaho 1931)
William H. Richardson (University of Idaho 1943)
Gerald W. Ridgeway (University of Idaho 1939)
Kenneth C. Robertson (University of Idaho 1937)
Chester E. Rodell (University of Idaho 1935)
Robert J. Rohrbach (University of Idaho 1940)
Ira A. Rohrer (University of Idaho 1933)
Eugene W. Roth (University of Idaho 1948)
George W. Rounsavell (University of Idaho 1937)
Paul T. Rowell (University of Idaho 1922)
Peter P. Rowell (University of Idaho 1947)
Ralph R. Rowell (University of Idaho 1922)
Joseph N. Rumble (University of Idaho 1952)
Donald F. Runner (University of Idaho 1954)
Harold L. Ryan (University of Idaho 1945)
Richard F. Ryan (University of Idaho 1943)
Victor E. Saad (University of Idaho 1950)
Steven B. Samuelson (University of Idaho 1976)
Richard B. Sargent (University of Idaho 1931)
Thomas B. Sayles (University of Idaho 1927)
Ronald J. Schaffer (University of Idaho 1977)
John R. Schiller (University of Idaho 1938)
Henry N. Schmitz (University of Idaho 1942)
Stephen S. Scott (University of Idaho 1968)
Thomas R. Sherwood (University of Idaho 1981)
William G. Shull MD (University of Idaho 1948)
Thomas N. Sickels (University of Idaho 1923)
Arthur D. Simm (University of Idaho 1931)
Daniel A. Slavin (University of Idaho 1961)
Jack E. Smedley (University of Idaho 1941)
Raleigh W. Smedley (University of Idaho 1940)
Don C. Smith (University of Idaho 1950)
Edward O. Smith (University of Idaho 1923)
Harold H. Smith (University of Idaho 1937)
Howard E. Smith (University of Idaho 1942)
Keith J. Smith (University of Idaho 1927)
Kenneth C. Smith (University of Idaho 1948)
Todd D. Smith (University of Idaho 1990)
Willis M. Smith (University of Idaho 1934)
Irving M. Smith (University of Idaho 1929)
Arnold D. Soderberg (University of Idaho 1928)
Joe L. Soderberg (University of Idaho 1954)
Louis A. Soderberg (University of Idaho 1928)
Paulmer S. Soderberg (University of Idaho 1923)
William M. Sohns (University of Idaho 1931)
David L. Soule (University of Idaho 1974)
R. M. Southcombe (University of Idaho 1957)
A. R. Spaulding (University of Idaho 1942)
Nicholas G. Speropulos (University of Idaho 1952)
Thomas P. Stafford (University of Idaho 1938)
Allen D. Stanley (University of Idaho 1948)
Gordon J. Staples (University of Idaho 1924)
Howard W. Staples (University of Idaho 1920)
D. G. Starlin (University of Idaho 1938)
Marion L. Steffensen (University of Idaho 1932)
Earl H. Stellmon (University of Idaho 1925)
Elbert A. Stellmon (University of Idaho 1928)
William A. Stellmon (University of Idaho 1955)
William V. Stenton (University of Idaho 1932)
Robert T. Stewart (University of Idaho 1980)
William A. Stewart (University of Idaho 1945)
John R. Stillinger (University of Idaho 1943)
Richard C. Stillinger (University of Idaho 1943)
Rodney E. Storey (University of Idaho 1959)
Harold B. Stowell (University of Idaho 1930)
Robert R. Strachan (University of Idaho 1937)
Horace R. Stradley (University of Idaho 1965)
Blaine Stubblefield (University of Idaho 1926)
James H. Sullivan (University of Idaho 1964)
William W. Sutherland (University of Idaho 1921)
Cyrus B. Sweet (University of Idaho 1951)
Robert B. Tarola (University of Idaho 1962)
Philip W. Tate (University of Idaho 1926)
Clarence J. Taylor (University of Idaho 1919)
John R. Taylor (University of Idaho 1948)
Leon B. Taylor (University of Idaho 1921)
Verne L. Taylor (University of Idaho 1914)
Frank H. Thomas (University of Idaho 1919)
Joseph J. Thomas (University of Idaho 1925)
Richard W. Thomas (University of Idaho 1945)
Walter F. Thomas (University of Idaho 1917)
Donald W. Thompson (University of Idaho 1950)
Robert M. Thompson (University of Idaho 1936)
Dean D. Thornton (University of Idaho 1952)
Freeland C. Thorson (University of Idaho 1957)
Roman C. Thune (University of Idaho 1939)
Edward C. Thunen (University of Idaho 1967)
Robert L. Tidd (University of Idaho 1952)
Ronald K. Tisdall (University of Idaho 1957)
John T. Tobin (University of Idaho 1949)
John T. Tobyn (University of Idaho 1941)
Albert E. Torelle (University of Idaho 1938)
Robert E. Towle (University of Idaho 1933)
H. J. Townley (University of Idaho 1950)
Milan J. Tresnit (University of Idaho 1955)
Lawrence G. Trousdale (University of Idaho 1933)
Cecil L. True (University of Idaho 1950)
Thomas W. Tudder (University of Idaho 1949)
William R. Van Engelen (University of Idaho 1971)
Richard G. Vance (University of Idaho 1968)
Tim M. Vaughan (University of Idaho 1938)
Chester L. Vincent (University of Idaho 1917)
Wilbur D. Vincent (University of Idaho 1939)
Carl A. Von Ende (University of Idaho 1932)
Elmer C. Wagner (University of Idaho 1938)
Herman E. Wagner (University of Idaho 1935)
Gerald W. Walch (University of Idaho 1932)
Alvin B. Wallace (University of Idaho 1924)
Fairly J. Walrath (University of Idaho 1925)
Theodore M. Walrath (University of Idaho 1926)
Richard S. Walton (University of Idaho 1943)
Paul C. Ward (University of Idaho 1934)
Donald P. Warner (University of Idaho 1929)
Keith L. Warner (University of Idaho 1940)
Ronald D. Warrick (University of Idaho 1968)
Wilfrid Waters (University of Idaho 1915)
Fred B. Watson (University of Idaho 1945)
Oscar R. Weaver (University of Idaho 1921)
Jay L. Webb (University of Idaho 1956)
Roy H. Weipert (University of Idaho 1933)
John W. Werkowski (University of Idaho 1944)
Robert M. Wetherell (University of Idaho 1935)
Marvin J. Whitcomb (University of Idaho 1950)
Norman R. White (University of Idaho 1926)
Richard G. White (University of Idaho 1942)
Robert B. White (University of Idaho 1952)
Compton I. White (University of Idaho 1942)
Edward J. Whittington (University of Idaho 1932)
Wallace B. Wilkinson (University of Idaho 1929)
Glen R. Wilkison (University of Idaho 1924)
Wallace B. Wilkison (University of Idaho 1929)
Edward B. Williams (University of Idaho 1948)
Frank N. Williamson (University of Idaho 1925)
John E. Williamson (University of Idaho 1924)
David G. Wilson (University of Idaho 1942)
Patrick J. Wilson (University of Idaho 1945)
Galen C. Winter (University of Idaho 1936)
Don E. Wolcott (University of Idaho 1952)
William D. Wood (University of Idaho 1949)
Don A. Woodard (University of Idaho 1932)
J. R. Woodruff (University of Idaho 1936)
Ralph Woodward (University of Idaho 1940)
Francis T. Wyman (University of Idaho 1926)
Harold C. Wyman (University of Idaho 1925)
Wilbur L. Yearsley (University of Idaho 1930)
Dan B. True (University of Idaho 1957)
Philip J. Aaron (University of Illinois 1898)
Thomas E. Aaron (University of Illinois 1949)
Arthur W. Abbott (University of Illinois 1912)
Robert E. Abbott (University of Illinois 1919)
Thomas A. Ainsley (University of Illinois 1957)
E. W. Alderson (University of Illinois 1920)
Gregory S. Alexander (University of Illinois 1970)
Corliss D. Anderson (University of Illinois 1956)
Corliss D. Anderson (University of Illinois 1926)
Rivers M. Anderson (University of Illinois 1940)
William E. Andreae (University of Illinois 1943)
William J. Armstrong (University of Illinois 1960)
George F. Arps (University of Illinois 1899)
Keith G. Asher (University of Illinois 1962)
David R. Atkins (University of Illinois 1948)
Ray E. Atteberry (University of Illinois 2015)
Raymond C. Augustine (University of Illinois 1922)
William A. Averill (University of Illinois 1909)
Robert T. Babcock (University of Illinois 1930)
Eugene R. Bailey (University of Illinois 1945)
Jacob W. Balbach (University of Illinois 1980)
Robert E. Baldwin (University of Illinois 1928)
Fredrick W. Ballantine (University of Illinois 1951)
Alfred W. Barkson (University of Illinois 1951)
William F. Barnett (University of Illinois 1910)
James R. Barracks (University of Illinois 1944)
Daniel R. Barry (University of Illinois 1958)
George R. Bascom (University of Illinois 1905)
Danny E. Bates (University of Illinois 1966)
Paul W. Bauer (University of Illinois 1942)
William H. Bayley (University of Illinois 1955)
E. J. Beam (University of Illinois 1942)
Field Beam (University of Illinois 1937)
Robert M. Beam (University of Illinois 1944)
Robert V. Bebb (University of Illinois 1943)
Christian J. Bechtel (University of Illinois 1987)
Paul A. Becker (University of Illinois 1956)
William A. Beich (University of Illinois 1944)
George A. Bengel (University of Illinois 1909)
William J. Bengel (University of Illinois 1935)
H. Gordon Benson (University of Illinois 1940)
Walter L. Benson (University of Illinois 1940)
Joseph L. Berner (University of Illinois 1924)
Brian A. Bertha (University of Illinois 1963)
Charles M. Bigelow (University of Illinois 1906)
W. D. Bishop (University of Illinois 1937)
York K. Bishop (University of Illinois 1933)
Earl R. Blair (University of Illinois 1906)
Elmer F. Blakeslee (University of Illinois 1911)
Harry H. Boggs (University of Illinois 1902)
Joseph F. Bohrer (University of Illinois 1921)
John E. Bone (University of Illinois 1958)
Robert W. Booth (University of Illinois 1939)
Donald O. Boyd (University of Illinois 1952)
Houston C. Boyles (University of Illinois 1930)
Edwin L. Boynton (University of Illinois 1935)
Carroll W. Bradshaw (University of Illinois 1923)
Orin W. Bradshaw (University of Illinois 1910)
Andrew G. Bradt (University of Illinois 1922)
Bruce L. Brayton (University of Illinois 1904)
Louis F. Brayton (University of Illinois 1901)
Lane W. Brearton (University of Illinois 1932)
William G. Brewster (University of Illinois 1920)
Eugene H. Bridges (University of Illinois 1949)
Paul C. Brines (University of Illinois 1931)
Edward B. Brittin (University of Illinois 1913)
Fred C. Brittin (University of Illinois 1903)
Glen E. Brolander (University of Illinois 1951)
Alvin C. Bromm (University of Illinois 1918)
Carl R. Bromm (University of Illinois 1923)
Oscar G. Bromm (University of Illinois 1927)
Matthew S. Bromwell (University of Illinois 1922)
Allen B. Brown (University of Illinois 1917)
Charles A. Brown (University of Illinois 1926)
Charles A. Brown (University of Illinois 1952)
Charles E. Brown (University of Illinois 1950)
Clifford A. Brown (University of Illinois 1913)
Dale E. Brown (University of Illinois 1929)
Edward S. Brown (University of Illinois 1914)
Everett A. Brown (University of Illinois 1925)
Lloyd W. Brown (University of Illinois 1919)
M. L. Brown (University of Illinois 1903)
S. D. Brown (University of Illinois 1904)
Thomas E. Brown (University of Illinois 1953)
William R. Brown (University of Illinois 1925)
Peter B. Brune (University of Illinois 1967)
Christopher L. Brunette (University of Illinois 1988)
Gordon D. Bryan (University of Illinois 1930)
Ralph C. Bryant (University of Illinois 1900)
Arthur G. Buck (University of Illinois 1923)
Warren B. Buckley (University of Illinois 1913)
Thomas C. Bunting (University of Illinois 1948)
Gary W. Burdick (University of Illinois 1970)
Charles W. Burton (University of Illinois 1913)
Edward M. Bush (University of Illinois 1910)
John K. Bush (University of Illinois 1900)
Ralph H. Bush (University of Illinois 1911)
Robert J. Buswell (University of Illinois 1936)
Harry G. Butler (University of Illinois 1906)
Edwin F. Caldwell (University of Illinois 1907)
Gilbert F. Campbell (University of Illinois 1938)
Robert H. Campbell (University of Illinois 1907)
John O. Campbell Jr. (University of Illinois 1930)
Evans E. Cantrall (University of Illinois 1908)
Arthur G. Carlson (University of Illinois 1959)
William J. Carmichael (University of Illinois 1942)
Charles R. Carpenter (University of Illinois 1931)
Horace Carpenter (University of Illinois 1931)
Daniel T. Carroll (University of Illinois 1989)
Franklin J. Carroll (University of Illinois 1950)
Christopher P. Casey (University of Illinois 1993)
Joseph L. Cavins (University of Illinois 1921)
Hobart E. Chapel (University of Illinois 1953)
John P. Christie (University of Illinois 1930)
George H. Clark (University of Illinois 1942)
Jason M. Clark (University of Illinois 1912)
Wharton Clay (University of Illinois 1905)
Howard W. Clement (University of Illinois 1938)
James W. Clement (University of Illinois 1935)
Edgar M. Clinton (University of Illinois 1899)
Harry C. Coffeen (University of Illinois 1898)
Jewett Cole (University of Illinois 1937)
Arthur A. Colling (University of Illinois 1928)
Edwin T. Colton (University of Illinois 1917)
Russell S. Colton (University of Illinois 1914)
Norton W. Compton (University of Illinois 1952)
Stephen W. Cook Jr. (University of Illinois 1919)
Arthur A. Cooling (University of Illinois 1928)
Hugh E. Cooper (University of Illinois 1911)
Ralph G. Cornell (University of Illinois 1908)
James B. Corrigan Jr. (University of Illinois 1956)
John P. Crandall (University of Illinois 1929)
John W. Crane (University of Illinois 1944)
Paul J. Cratty (University of Illinois 1906)
Robert W. Cress (University of Illinois 1946)
Jesse R. Cripe (University of Illinois 1993)
Frederick S. Crook (University of Illinois 1935)
Richard B. Crook (University of Illinois 1937)
Robert P. Crook (University of Illinois 1933)
William H. Crook (University of Illinois 1930)
Kenneth G. Crouch (University of Illinois 1925)
Thomas P. Cunningham (University of Illinois 1949)
Robert W. Cunz (University of Illinois 1948)
Burton T. Curtis (University of Illinois 1917)
Willard B. Curtis (University of Illinois 1924)
Lee E. Curtiss (University of Illinois 1955)
Charles F. Cushing (University of Illinois 1910)
Arthur H. Daniels (University of Illinois 1897)
E. W. Darmstatter (University of Illinois 1929)
Bernard E. Davidson (University of Illinois 1920)
A. J. Davis (University of Illinois 1932)
Champ W. Davis (University of Illinois 1962)
Hadley D. Davis (University of Illinois 1952)
Ned T. Davis (University of Illinois 1938)
Wallace R. Deuel (University of Illinois 1926)
John E. DeVos (University of Illinois 1969)
Darrell T. Dicks (University of Illinois 1957)
Robert J. Diefenthaler (University of Illinois 1939)
Earl W. Donoho (University of Illinois 1908)
Alfred A. Drummond (University of Illinois 1917)
Donald J. Drummond (University of Illinois 1957)
Clair F. Drury (University of Illinois 1902)
Frank E. Dubach (University of Illinois 1931)
Kenneth M. Dubach (University of Illinois 1925)
Merrill K. Dubach (University of Illinois 1924)
John W. Duff (University of Illinois 1941)
Jess W. Dungey (University of Illinois 1937)
Ralph G. Dunlop (University of Illinois 1939)
Clifford G. Dunphy (University of Illinois 1920)
Charles J. Eastman (University of Illinois 1906)
Robert M. Eastman (University of Illinois 1939)
Charles J. Eastman (University of Illinois 1936)
Edward D. Ebert (University of Illinois 1939)
Clarence L. Eddy (University of Illinois 1900)
Harold H. Elbert (University of Illinois 1928)
Frederick C. Engelman (University of Illinois 1939)
Charles L. Engstrom (University of Illinois 1910)
Roy V. Engstrom (University of Illinois 1904)
Donald M. Erb (University of Illinois 1922)
John L. Erickson (University of Illinois 1962)
Robert M. Evans (University of Illinois 1906)
Rollin O. Everhart (University of Illinois 1898)
John R. Ewbank (University of Illinois 1911)
Robert M. Eyster (University of Illinois 1945)
John J. Faissler (University of Illinois 1929)
Robert L. Faith (University of Illinois 1947)
Harry L. Farrar (University of Illinois 1911)
Robert D. Fast (University of Illinois 1938)
Guy C. Faurote (University of Illinois 1915)
Donald L. Feldman (University of Illinois 1950)
Thomas G. Felke (University of Illinois 1955)
James H. Felt (University of Illinois 1942)
Loren B. Felt (University of Illinois 1941)
Wilbert H. Ferguson (University of Illinois 1919)
William H. Ferrell (University of Illinois 1935)
Harrison H. Ferris (University of Illinois 1924)
Bruce H. Fink (University of Illinois 1979)
Robert T. Fischer (University of Illinois 1959)
Arthur G. Fish (University of Illinois 1938)
Julian L. Fish (University of Illinois 1915)
Gail R. Fisher (University of Illinois 1928)
Morris L. Fisher (University of Illinois 1934)
Raymond E. Fisher (University of Illinois 1930)
Harris D. Fisk (University of Illinois 1917)
Frederick I. Fletemeyer (University of Illinois 1942)
Warren D. Foltz (University of Illinois 1932)
Stephen A. Forbes (University of Illinois 1900)
Stuart F. Forbes (University of Illinois 1898)
Gerald W. Ford (University of Illinois 1959)
Allmon G. Fordyce (University of Illinois 1922)
August F. Forster (University of Illinois 1908)
John M. Foster (University of Illinois 1923)
George L. Fowler (University of Illinois 1923)
Bonham M. Fox (University of Illinois 1934)
Fred G. Fox (University of Illinois 1898)
Frank D. Francis (University of Illinois 1900)
George H. Francis (University of Illinois 1912)
Oscar J. Francis (University of Illinois 1902)
Theodore H. Frison (University of Illinois 1947)
Donald A. Fruland (University of Illinois 1931)
Arthur E. Fullenwider (University of Illinois 1898)
Claude C. Fuller (University of Illinois 1906)
Wilford W. Fuller (University of Illinois 1906)
Clifton D. Fulton (University of Illinois 1944)
Lafayette Funk (University of Illinois 1921)
Eugene D. Funk (University of Illinois 1922)
Lion Gardiner (University of Illinois 1909)
Charles H. Garnett (University of Illinois 1896)
Elmer L. Garnett (University of Illinois 1904)
Robert E. Garnett (University of Illinois 1908)
Ralph P. Gates (University of Illinois 1912)
Edward J. Gaus (University of Illinois 1954)
Frederick C. Gedge (University of Illinois 1939)
David R. Geist (University of Illinois 1960)
Kenneth C. Gerard (University of Illinois 1928)
Clarence L. Gerdes (University of Illinois 1964)
James L. Gernant (University of Illinois 1952)
Charles R. Gibbs (University of Illinois 1942)
James D. Gibson (University of Illinois 1921)
John T. Gibson (University of Illinois 1922)
Harry W. Gibson (University of Illinois 1918)
Ira E. Gillen (University of Illinois 1918)
Harry I. Gillogly (University of Illinois 1936)
Ralph C. Goetz (University of Illinois 1949)
George A. Goodenough (University of Illinois 1908)
Philip E. Gore (University of Illinois 1936)
William A. Gore (University of Illinois 1933)
James C. Gorin (University of Illinois 1934)
Carmen E. Governale (University of Illinois 1974)
James M. Graham (University of Illinois 1961)
Paul H. Graven (University of Illinois 1943)
Frederick F. Greco (University of Illinois 1952)
Richard J. Green (University of Illinois 1960)
Arthur R. Greene (University of Illinois 1914)
Hibbard S. Greene (University of Illinois 1905)
William A. Greene (University of Illinois 1947)
William B. Greene (University of Illinois 1908)
Richard S. Gregg (University of Illinois 1913)
Russell C. Groffmann (University of Illinois 1926)
Richard B. Grometer (University of Illinois 1934)
Roy R. Guenther (University of Illinois 1928)
John W. Gunnell (University of Illinois 1935)
John C. Gustafson (University of Illinois 1905)
Dick T. Haas (University of Illinois 1946)
Milton C. Haas (University of Illinois 1926)
Raymond C. Haas (University of Illinois 1919)
Elmer J. Haase (University of Illinois 1908)
Harold R. Haase (University of Illinois 1919)
Herbert E. Haase (University of Illinois 1906)
Paul F. Haase (University of Illinois 1922)
Clyde S. Hale (University of Illinois 1942)
Hugh K. Hale (University of Illinois 1928)
James B. Hale (University of Illinois 1932)
Arthur N. Hall (University of Illinois 1930)
Fred S. Hall (University of Illinois 1898)
Ivan G. Harmon (University of Illinois 1906)
Mervin T. Harmon (University of Illinois 1910)
William M. Harnish (University of Illinois 1941)
Bruce E. Harrison (University of Illinois 1962)
Harry Hasson (University of Illinois 1900)
Robert H. Hayes (University of Illinois 1954)
George C. Hayward (University of Illinois 1929)
Thos M. Headon (University of Illinois 1901)
Gale C. Hedrick (University of Illinois 1940)
Charles G. Heins (University of Illinois 1973)
Otis L. Helfrich (University of Illinois 1914)
Douglas W. Helm (University of Illinois 1949)
Milton M. Helm (University of Illinois 1945)
Julius N. Henriott (University of Illinois 1930)
Smith T. Henry (University of Illinois 1904)
Vernon W. Henry (University of Illinois 1922)
Gifford H. Henry (University of Illinois 1922)
Frank V. Herdman (University of Illinois 1919)
Robert L. Herting (University of Illinois 1950)
G. R. Hess (University of Illinois 1928)
Paul D. Hess (University of Illinois 1919)
Howard P. Hetzner (University of Illinois 1936)
Byron W. Hicks (University of Illinois 1901)
Byron W. Hicks (University of Illinois 1926)
Frank W. Hilliard (University of Illinois 1904)
George E. Hinchliff (University of Illinois 1912)
Homer A. Hindman (University of Illinois 1941)
Bruce E. Hiser (University of Illinois 1949)
Albert C. Hobart (University of Illinois 1897)
David G. Hoff (University of Illinois 1937)
Roy M. Hoppe (University of Illinois 1944)
Edward L. Hubbell (University of Illinois 1922)
Edgar G. Hudson (University of Illinois 1915)
Burr L. Hughes (University of Illinois 1943)
Charles E. Hughes (University of Illinois 1935)
Clarence W. Hughes (University of Illinois 1900)
Seth M. Hughes (University of Illinois 1925)
Harold G. Hungate (University of Illinois 1914)
Robert C. Hunter (University of Illinois 1926)
Robert S. Hunter (University of Illinois 1940)
Alexander H. Hunziker (University of Illinois 1929)
Charles S. Hurt (University of Illinois 1929)
Terrence R. Hustedt (University of Illinois 1967)
Owen G. Hutchinson (University of Illinois 1903)
Leonard W. Ingham (University of Illinois 1902)
Robert S. Jackson (University of Illinois 1967)
Harry E. Jacoby Jr. (University of Illinois 1939)
John B. Jenkins (University of Illinois 1958)
Sam G. Jenkins (University of Illinois 1929)
Norman C. Johanning (University of Illinois 1930)
James E. Johnson (University of Illinois 1949)
Thomas W. Johnston (University of Illinois 1958)
Wayne A. Johnston (University of Illinois 1917)
John S. Jones (University of Illinois 1948)
Tristan Joseph (University of Illinois 2012)
Thomas M. Jump (University of Illinois 1979)
James H. Kahlert (University of Illinois 1955)
Dennis H. Kapral (University of Illinois 1973)
William G. Karnes (University of Illinois 1933)
John T. Karnezis (University of Illinois 1988)
John H. Kasbeer (University of Illinois 1917)
Thomas Keane (University of Illinois 1990)
Edward O. Keator (University of Illinois 1902)
Richard M. Keck (University of Illinois 1928)
David L. Keith (University of Illinois 1938)
John C. Kiest (University of Illinois 1954)
William S. Kinne (University of Illinois 1936)
Warren Kinsey (University of Illinois 1933)
Roger Kirkwood (University of Illinois 1915)
John A. Klickna (University of Illinois 1968)
Harry J. Klotz (University of Illinois 1912)
George E. Knappenberger (University of Illinois 1907)
Harry F. Knappenberger (University of Illinois 1914)
William A. Knight (University of Illinois 1934)
Stephen E. Kniss (University of Illinois 1969)
Leonard A. Knopf (University of Illinois 1945)
Louis S. Knorr (University of Illinois 1906)
Peter B. Koeppen (University of Illinois 1958)
Daniel C. Koturov (University of Illinois 1965)
James P. Kratz (University of Illinois 1900)
Stephen C. Kratz (University of Illinois 1940)
William M. Kratz (University of Illinois 1932)
Charles S. Kritzer (University of Illinois 1949)
Richard W. Kritzer (University of Illinois 1916)
Clifford W. Kuhn (University of Illinois 1936)
William R. Lackland (University of Illinois 1914)
Richard L. Lacy (University of Illinois 1955)
John K. Lagemann (University of Illinois 1931)
John E. Lair (University of Illinois 1952)
J. R. Lammering (University of Illinois 1938)
Floyd C. Larimer (University of Illinois 1921)
Don G. Larson (University of Illinois 1960)
John W. Larson (University of Illinois 1944)
Harry P. Larson (University of Illinois 1940)
Norris V. Lateer (University of Illinois 1942)
Kurt V. Lauridsen (University of Illinois 1959)
Bradley C. Lawton (University of Illinois 1915)
Gordon L. Leach (University of Illinois 1953)
Walter C. Leck (University of Illinois 1934)
Frederic E. Lee (University of Illinois 1936)
Nicholas J. Leever (University of Illinois 1983)
Fred O. Lehman (University of Illinois 1953)
William B. Lehman (University of Illinois 1952)
John A. Leifheit (University of Illinois 1942)
Charles W. Leigh (University of Illinois 1897)
Earl H. Lemenager (University of Illinois 1921)
William A. Lemenager (University of Illinois 1921)
Mark P. Leonetti (University of Illinois 1967)
Jack M. Lepp (University of Illinois 1941)
Robert C. Lewis (University of Illinois 1936)
William F. Lewis (University of Illinois 1931)
Robert A. Linberg (University of Illinois 1932)
Willard A. Lindahl (University of Illinois 1942)
Walter C. Lindley (University of Illinois 1901)
William C. Lindquist (University of Illinois 1947)
James H. Linn (University of Illinois 1909)
Donald Lippincott (University of Illinois 1947)
Charles R. Little (University of Illinois 1916)
Edwin C. Little (University of Illinois 1950)
Lowell P. Little (University of Illinois 1938)
Richard F. Little (University of Illinois 1956)
John R. Littler (University of Illinois 1944)
Michael J. Londrigan (University of Illinois 1962)
Donald H. Longley (University of Illinois 1945)
Maurice F. Lord (University of Illinois 1909)
John R. Lotz (University of Illinois 1901)
Charles E. Lovejoy (University of Illinois 1920)
Robert E. Lowry (University of Illinois 1944)
R. A. Lundahl (University of Illinois 1943)
Donald M. Maechtle (University of Illinois 1946)
George Maier (University of Illinois 1953)
Stuart M. Mamer (University of Illinois 1942)
Alban W. Mann (University of Illinois 1954)
Stewart D. Marquis (University of Illinois 1916)
Richard A. Martin (University of Illinois 1955)
Robert C. Martin (University of Illinois 1931)
Samuel L. Martin (University of Illinois 1922)
John E. Martin (University of Illinois 1941)
Donald E. Mather (University of Illinois 1905)
James S. Mathis (University of Illinois 1957)
Herbert J. Matter (University of Illinois 1947)
Robert G. McCarthey (University of Illinois 1949)
Anthony J. McCarthy (University of Illinois 1960)
Daniel McCaskill (University of Illinois 1943)
Robert A. McClelland (University of Illinois 1904)
Charles P. McCormick (University of Illinois 1919)
Charles D. McGregor (University of Illinois 1921)
Ernest G. McKay (University of Illinois 1919)
Lewis P. McKay (University of Illinois 1921)
Paul S. McKee (University of Illinois 1911)
Robert D. McKnelly (University of Illinois 1953)
Lawrence O. McKnelly (University of Illinois 1957)
William A. McKnight (University of Illinois 1904)
William W. McMein (University of Illinois 1915)
Robert D. McNeil (University of Illinois 1950)
Kenneth L. Means (University of Illinois 1940)
Lee P. Mehlig (University of Illinois 1951)
Alan L. Metz (University of Illinois 1963)
Clarence H. Meyer (University of Illinois 1922)
Frank L. Meyer (University of Illinois 1925)
Dennis P. Miller (University of Illinois 1965)
Henry W. Miller (University of Illinois 1912)
Richard R. Miller (University of Illinois 1955)
John G. Miller (University of Illinois 1934)
David K. Mills (University of Illinois 1949)
Mark D. Moline (University of Illinois 1982)
Albert F. Monroe (University of Illinois 1903)
John H. Morse (University of Illinois 1915)
Gregory D. Mosetick (University of Illinois 1976)
Robert H. Mosher (University of Illinois 1949)
Will W. Mounts (University of Illinois 1915)
Albert C. Mueller (University of Illinois 1940)
C. B. Mueller (University of Illinois 1938)
Robert L. Mueller (University of Illinois 1944)
Robert E. Murphy (University of Illinois 1919)
Everett B. Murray (University of Illinois 1908)
Thomas E. Musselman (University of Illinois 1910)
Burnham E. Neal (University of Illinois 1945)
Thomas T. Neal (University of Illinois 1965)
Otto M. Nedved (University of Illinois 1949)
Robert H. Nelson (University of Illinois 1952)
Thomas R. Nelson (University of Illinois 1963)
William H. Nelson (University of Illinois 1954)
Robert G. Nesbit (University of Illinois 1957)
David M. Neupert (University of Illinois 1961)
James L. Nichols (University of Illinois 1913)
James L. Nichols (University of Illinois 1944)
Robert B. Nickell (University of Illinois 1942)
Thomas A. Nickell (University of Illinois 1948)
Clarence E. Noerenberg (University of Illinois 1910)
Richard A. Norberg (University of Illinois 1951)
Charles W. Norton (University of Illinois 1901)
Charles W. Norton (University of Illinois 1943)
Robert D. Nutt (University of Illinois 1966)
Benjamin F. Oakes (University of Illinois 1934)
Milo T. Oakland (University of Illinois 1943)
Daniel M. O'Connell (University of Illinois 1954)
Chauncey B. Oliver (University of Illinois 1912)
Carl W. Ostrand (University of Illinois 1957)
William G. Palmer (University of Illinois 1900)
Howard K. Parker (University of Illinois 1912)
Robert J. Passaneau (University of Illinois 1959)
George E. Patterson (University of Illinois 1962)
Wilbur C. Patton (University of Illinois 1939)
Richard J. Pawlak (University of Illinois 1953)
Paul H. Payne (University of Illinois 1938)
Tom C. Perkins (University of Illinois 1913)
Richard A. Peterson (University of Illinois 1958)
John M. Pettit (University of Illinois 1958)
Guy D. Philips (University of Illinois 1907)
Carter E. Phillips (University of Illinois 1934)
Cedric H. Pierce (University of Illinois 1914)
Gail E. Pierce (University of Illinois 1951)
John J. Pitts (University of Illinois 1914)
Francis B. Plant (University of Illinois 1902)
Francis J. Plym (University of Illinois 1897)
Lawrence J. Plym (University of Illinois 1928)
James S. Potter (University of Illinois 1925)
William L. Poust (University of Illinois 1949)
John H. Powell (University of Illinois 1920)
William C. Prather (University of Illinois 1942)
Edward A. Probst (University of Illinois 1952)
Marvin G. Probst (University of Illinois 1923)
Michael A. Prosen (University of Illinois 1969)
James E. Purcell (University of Illinois 1954)
Ernest A. Purnell (University of Illinois 1946)
Carl R. Purtill (University of Illinois 1906)
F. M. RA (University of Illinois 1938)
Donald L. Raggio (University of Illinois 1946)
Fred H. Railsbach (University of Illinois 1910)
Ben F. Railsback (University of Illinois 1936)
Howard M. Railsback (University of Illinois 1909)
Lee W. Railsback (University of Illinois 1904)
Roy J. Railsback (University of Illinois 1932)
Roy J. Railsback (University of Illinois 1899)
Julius O. Randahl (University of Illinois 1939)
Thomas D. Randall (University of Illinois 1915)
Otto A. Randolph (University of Illinois 1949)
Otto C. Randolph (University of Illinois 1912)
James T. Rankin (University of Illinois 1926)
Charles A. Raper (University of Illinois 1949)
Milton P. Rasmussen (University of Illinois 1933)
Allan B. Rayburn (University of Illinois 1915)
William G. Read (University of Illinois 1918)
Melton A. Reasoner (University of Illinois 1933)
Cecil H. Reehl (University of Illinois 1941)
Francis A. Resch (University of Illinois 1927)
Hugh M. Rice (University of Illinois 1914)
Roscoe M. Rice (University of Illinois 1907)
Friedel C. Richey (University of Illinois 1914)
Jack C. Richmond (University of Illinois 1940)
Dean L. Rider (University of Illinois 1920)
Alden G. Roach (University of Illinois 1922)
Gilbert J. Roberts (University of Illinois 1925)
Charles V. Robertson (University of Illinois 1917)
James T. Robertson (University of Illinois 1960)
Robert D. Robertson (University of Illinois 1918)
Albert W. Robinson (University of Illinois 1916)
Harry F. Robinson (University of Illinois 1906)
Laurence E. Robinson (University of Illinois 1944)
Kile E. Rowand (University of Illinois 1907)
Edward M. Rowe (University of Illinois 1946)
Robert H. Rugh (University of Illinois 1931)
David B. Runnells (University of Illinois 1935)
Carlton P. Russell (University of Illinois 1934)
Robert B. Rutherford (University of Illinois 1933)
Gerald A. Sams (University of Illinois 1928)
David R. Sargis (University of Illinois 1973)
Donald H. Sawyer (University of Illinois 1902)
Fred S. Sawyer (University of Illinois 1905)
George L. Sawyer (University of Illinois 1903)
John W. Sawyer (University of Illinois 1923)
Albert B. Sawyer (University of Illinois 1910)
Frederick W. Schacht (University of Illinois 1897)
Ernest J. Schalk (University of Illinois 1963)
William F. Schefelbein (University of Illinois 1947)
Dennis M. Schepke (University of Illinois 1963)
Michael A. Schlueter (University of Illinois 1963)
Hugo R. Schmidt (University of Illinois 1932)
William D. Schmitt (University of Illinois 1944)
Herbert J. Schmitz (University of Illinois 1921)
Thomas F. Schmitz (University of Illinois 1952)
Otto F. Schulzke (University of Illinois 1910)
William H. Schulzke (University of Illinois 1909)
William H. Schulzke Jr. (University of Illinois 1939)
Paul B. Schumacher (University of Illinois 1951)
Horace V. Schwarzkopf (University of Illinois 1915)
Lynn D. Searcy (University of Illinois 1920)
Garrett T. Seely (University of Illinois 1890)
Irving R. Seely (University of Illinois 1935)
John G. Seely (University of Illinois 1909)
Ralph W. Seely (University of Illinois 1934)
Joseph L. Seger (University of Illinois 1927)
Christian H. Seger Jr. (University of Illinois 1930)
Victor C. Seiter (University of Illinois 1925)
John J. Selmer (University of Illinois 1905)
Earl P. Shapland Jr. (University of Illinois 1948)
Harold A. Sharts (University of Illinois 1927)
James A. Shaw (University of Illinois 1971)
Charles T. Shellabarger (University of Illinois 1923)
David S. Shellabarger (University of Illinois 1914)
William L. Shellabarger (University of Illinois 1916)
Charles H. Sheller (University of Illinois 1921)
George H. Shevlin (University of Illinois 1935)
Bert A. Shields (University of Illinois 1927)
Andrew B. Shipman (University of Illinois 1905)
Charles H. Shoemake (University of Illinois 1921)
Wilfred G. Simmering (University of Illinois 1927)
Arthur M. Simpson (University of Illinois 1913)
Richard S. Simpson (University of Illinois 1938)
Allan F. Sindell (University of Illinois 1949)
Matthew T. Sinise (University of Illinois 2000)
Pomeroy Sinnock (University of Illinois 1932)
Jeffrey W. Slavish (University of Illinois 1986)
Eugene D. Sloan (University of Illinois 1971)
John R. Small (University of Illinois 1948)
Harry C. Smith (University of Illinois 1917)
Harvey H. Smith (University of Illinois 1934)
Parker B. Smith (University of Illinois 1933)
Robert M. Smith (University of Illinois 1905)
Fred R. Snell (University of Illinois 1927)
Milton S. Spaeth (University of Illinois 1950)
Arthur H. Speaker Jr. (University of Illinois 1938)
Ralph F. Spicer (University of Illinois 1922)
Phil M. Spink (University of Illinois 1918)
John M. Stebbins (University of Illinois 1917)
Selden L. Stebbins (University of Illinois 1914)
Leonard H. Steele (University of Illinois 1942)
Jerome A. Stefani (University of Illinois 1963)
Gene P. Steffy (University of Illinois 1953)
Paul B. Stephens (University of Illinois 1955)
George D. Stevens (University of Illinois 1949)
John L. Stevenson (University of Illinois 1949)
Ralph D. Stevenson (University of Illinois 1904)
Charles D. Stewart (University of Illinois 1931)
John W. Stewart (University of Illinois 1908)
Walter M. Stewart (University of Illinois 1907)
John F. Stillwell (University of Illinois 1913)
Ralph S. Stoetzel (University of Illinois 1939)
Frank J. Strachota (University of Illinois 1955)
D. A. Strauss (University of Illinois 1920)
Correll M. Striegel (University of Illinois 1949)
James D. Stroud (University of Illinois 1982)
William C. Stubbs Jr. (University of Illinois 1923)
William T. Studebaker (University of Illinois 1924)
Allen P. Stults (University of Illinois 1935)
Charles M. Stults (University of Illinois 1943)
Elmer E. Stults (University of Illinois 1907)
Robert B. Sullan (University of Illinois 1950)
Dennis G. Summers (University of Illinois 1953)
Harold H. Sutherland (University of Illinois 1917)
James E. Sutherland (University of Illinois 1939)
Leon E. Sutherland (University of Illinois 1910)
Wilbor M. Sutherland (University of Illinois 1916)
Robert L. Sweet (University of Illinois 1924)
Arthur D. Swift (University of Illinois 1940)
Ronald M. Swinford (University of Illinois 1967)
Robert M. Switzer (University of Illinois 1902)
George W. Talbot (University of Illinois 1909)
Roy M. Talbot (University of Illinois 1905)
William J. Tapp (University of Illinois 1939)
Raymond W. Tewdsbury (University of Illinois 1931)
Richard F. Thomas (University of Illinois 1941)
Donald E. Thompson (University of Illinois 1929)
Ira N. Thompson (University of Illinois 1933)
John C. Thompson (University of Illinois 1954)
Richard A. Thompson (University of Illinois 1921)
John C. Thorpe (University of Illinois 1900)
Edwin L. Tiedemann (University of Illinois 1938)
Richard D. Tindall (University of Illinois 1954)
Donald L. Titus (University of Illinois 1940)
Melvin L. Toepke (University of Illinois 1945)
Robert N. Trapp (University of Illinois 1934)
Albert Triebel (University of Illinois 1905)
Albert Triebel (University of Illinois 1937)
Henry H. Triebel (University of Illinois 1933)
James B. Trimble (University of Illinois 1968)
Robert W. Tureman (University of Illinois 1922)
Gilbert H. Turner (University of Illinois 1928)
James M. Turner (University of Illinois 1934)
William L. Unzicker (University of Illinois 1898)
William L. Unzicker (University of Illinois 1931)
Max O. Urbahn (University of Illinois 1935)
Robert M. Vance (University of Illinois 1941)
Russell H. Vandevelde (University of Illinois 1933)
Eugene H. Vandewalker (University of Illinois 1945)
James A. Vandoorn (University of Illinois 1925)
Franklin H. VanDoren (University of Illinois 1929)
Frederick C. Vennum (University of Illinois 1926)
Maris H. Vernon (University of Illinois 1917)
Alexander Wagner (University of Illinois 1915)
Richard R. Wagner (University of Illinois 1923)
Fritz Wagner Jr. (University of Illinois 1908)
Elby J. Wallace (University of Illinois 1960)
James D. Ward (University of Illinois 1929)
William J. Wardall (University of Illinois 1908)
Harry D. Warren (University of Illinois 1920)
Glenn A. Waser (University of Illinois 1933)
John E. Watkins (University of Illinois 1945)
Howard G. Weakley (University of Illinois 1907)
Maurice J. Weaver (University of Illinois 1960)
Merrill R. Weber (University of Illinois 1941)
Frank J. Wehrli (University of Illinois 1945)
James C. Welch (University of Illinois 1942)
Wallace M. Welty (University of Illinois 1914)
Duncan O. Welty (University of Illinois 1918)
John C. West II (University of Illinois 1931)
Harold R. White (University of Illinois 1927)
James M. White (University of Illinois 1890)
William M. White (University of Illinois 1944)
Robert B. Whitelaw (University of Illinois 1927)
George I. Whitney (University of Illinois 1960)
Lawrence T. Whitney (University of Illinois 1949)
Richard R. Whitney (University of Illinois 1962)
Hammond W. Whitsitt (University of Illinois 1903)
Milton J. Whitson (University of Illinois 1902)
John D. Wilcox (University of Illinois 1951)
Fenton H. Williams (University of Illinois 1916)
Norman B. Williams (University of Illinois 1920)
Walker Williams (University of Illinois 1926)
Donald H. Wilson (University of Illinois 1941)
Henry E. Wilson (University of Illinois 1932)
Joseph W. Wilson (University of Illinois 1903)
Robert E. Wilson (University of Illinois 1948)
Walter C. Wilson (University of Illinois 1923)
Durl A. Winterroth (University of Illinois 1948)
James C. Wollrab (University of Illinois 1941)
Rodney A. Wright (University of Illinois 1941)
Henry E. Wurst (University of Illinois 1923)
Henry T. Wurtzbacher (University of Illinois 1966)
Clifford T. Young (University of Illinois 1950)
William H. Young (University of Illinois 1946)
John W. Zedrow (University of Illinois 1945)
Henry W. Zimmer (University of Illinois 1926)
Kenneth W. Zimmerman (University of Illinois 1939)
Stuart H. Zuck (University of Illinois 1950)
William W. Abraham (University of Iowa 1962)
Ward C. Abrams (University of Iowa 1920)
Edwin C. Albright (University of Iowa 1936)
Howard R. Alexander (University of Iowa 1949)
William L. Amburn (University of Iowa 1956)
Ralph K. Amend (University of Iowa 1952)
Ernest W. Anderson (University of Iowa 1931)
Howard L. Anderson (University of Iowa 1918)
Richard C. Anderson (University of Iowa 1933)
Virgil M. Anderson (University of Iowa 1925)
Vernon J. Anderson (University of Iowa 1936)
William W. Andrew (University of Iowa 1919)
Charles W. Applegate (University of Iowa 1953)
B. O. Ashenfelter (University of Iowa 1929)
Arthur L. Augustine (University of Iowa 1923)
Donald W. Axon (University of Iowa 1919)
Robert W. Babcock (University of Iowa 1924)
Stuart B. Bailey (University of Iowa 1993)
James S. Baker (University of Iowa 1945)
Chester H. Barger (University of Iowa 1920)
Richard W. Barger (University of Iowa 1873)
Robert O. Barkley Sr. (University of Iowa 1923)
Robert N. Bartels (University of Iowa 1933)
John O. Beckner (University of Iowa 1932)
Glen E. Behrens (University of Iowa 1934)
Lee O. Behrens (University of Iowa 1932)
Charles A. Bell (University of Iowa 1933)
James W. Bellamy (University of Iowa 1928)
Charles E. Beman (University of Iowa 1925)
Earle E. Beman (University of Iowa 1928)
Walter A. Benson (University of Iowa 1956)
John D. Berg (University of Iowa 1948)
Charles J. Berryhill (University of Iowa 1873)
James G. Berryhill (University of Iowa 1874)
Michael C. Bevins (University of Iowa 1948)
William G. Birch (University of Iowa 1930)
Jack B. Bladine (University of Iowa 1928)
Toby M. Blanford (University of Iowa 1958)
David G. Bleakley (University of Iowa 1926)
Kenneth A. Bock (University of Iowa 2006)
John L. Boecklen (University of Iowa 1944)
Paul E. Boettcher (University of Iowa 1932)
Douglas A. Bogenreif (University of Iowa 1954)
William F. Boiler (University of Iowa 1943)
Glenn L. Book (University of Iowa 1960)
Loy M. Booton (University of Iowa 1948)
Emil Bordewick (University of Iowa 1922)
Gilbert S. Bowers (University of Iowa 1929)
C. Wendell Bowles (University of Iowa 1915)
Bernard F. Bracher (University of Iowa 1947)
John M. Brady (University of Iowa 1938)
James J. Brandt (University of Iowa 1984)
Ned C. Brandt (University of Iowa 1953)
Walter J. Breckenridge (University of Iowa 1926)
Richard H. Briceland (University of Iowa 1954)
Walter E. Brinker (University of Iowa 1938)
Donald E. Brinkman (University of Iowa 1952)
Charles E. Brockway (University of Iowa 1941)
Robert W. Brown (University of Iowa 1933)
Frank E. Brush (University of Iowa 1874)
James R. Buckroyd (University of Iowa 1946)
John J. Burgess (University of Iowa 1946)
Floyd E. Burns (University of Iowa 1959)
David A. Burrus (University of Iowa 1948)
Richard B. Burt (University of Iowa 1928)
George W. Burton (University of Iowa 1873)
Roberts H. Burton (University of Iowa 1950)
William H. Burton (University of Iowa 1955)
Frederick H. Butler (University of Iowa 1924)
Frederick M. Butler (University of Iowa 1928)
Lawrence G. Cain (University of Iowa 1934)
Gail R. Camblin (University of Iowa 1931)
Robert W. Cameron (University of Iowa 1935)
Richard W. Camp (University of Iowa 1944)
H. D. Carson (University of Iowa 1943)
Leland W. Casburn (University of Iowa 1934)
John K. Chalmers (University of Iowa 1927)
John G. Champlin (University of Iowa 1935)
Constantine L. Chipokas (University of Iowa 1959)
Roger K. Christianson (University of Iowa 1961)
Edwy J. Clapp (University of Iowa 1934)
Charles R. Clark (University of Iowa 1943)
Gordon E. Clark (University of Iowa 1955)
Jack M. Clark (University of Iowa 1937)
William M. Clark (University of Iowa 1944)
Keith C. Clifton (University of Iowa 1928)
Charles H. Clifton Jr. (University of Iowa 1925)
Banford J. Cochrane (University of Iowa 1940)
Edgar U. Cochrane (University of Iowa 1938)
Marvin E. Collentine (University of Iowa 1954)
Glenn I. Conger (University of Iowa 1948)
Robert A. Conklin (University of Iowa 1946)
George R. Conn (University of Iowa 1950)
Lloyd V. Coomes (University of Iowa 1948)
Chan F. Coulter (University of Iowa 1925)
Chan L. Coulter (University of Iowa 1950)
Luther Coulter (University of Iowa 1937)
Gerald B. Cox (University of Iowa 1946)
Paul M. Criswell (University of Iowa 1932)
John A. Cronkhite (University of Iowa 1963)
James F. Crookham (University of Iowa 1933)
Maurice J. Cruise DDS (University of Iowa 1930)
Robert R. Crum (University of Iowa 1954)
George B. Cullison (University of Iowa 1924)
Robert E. Cunningham (University of Iowa 1939)
Ronald W. Curnes (University of Iowa 1946)
Wayne C. Currell (University of Iowa 1916)
Orville B. Curtis (University of Iowa 1942)
Wilbur E. Dallenbach (University of Iowa 1934)
H. L. Dalton (University of Iowa 1921)
Thomas S. Daugherty (University of Iowa 1928)
Virgil David (University of Iowa 1930)
John E. Davis (University of Iowa 1918)
William E. Davis (University of Iowa 1960)
William G. Davis (University of Iowa 1950)
Hobart S. Dawson (University of Iowa 1925)
Murray H. Dawson (University of Iowa 1944)
Robert H. Day (University of Iowa 1935)
Harold W. DeGroote (University of Iowa 1937)
David T. Denmead (University of Iowa 1938)
John A. Denmead (University of Iowa 1946)
Birchel R. Dew (University of Iowa 1965)
George F. Dickinson (University of Iowa 1945)
Max G. Dillion (University of Iowa 1933)
Roy J. Diwoky (University of Iowa 1933)
Harry C. Doane (University of Iowa 1917)
Charles E. Dodd (University of Iowa 1950)
Robert M. Donhowe (University of Iowa 1942)
Andrew G. Dooley (University of Iowa 1937)
Joseph K. Doran (University of Iowa 1935)
Robert D. Dotson (University of Iowa 1950)
Sherman D. Drake (University of Iowa 1922)
Jo S. Drechsler (University of Iowa 1964)
Leland R. Duncan (University of Iowa 1951)
Wendell C. Dunkerton (University of Iowa 1930)
Duke S. Durfee (University of Iowa 1919)
Alvin H. Ehresman (University of Iowa 1922)
Donald C. Elder (University of Iowa 1940)
Stratton R. Eller (University of Iowa 1931)
Vance J. Elliott (University of Iowa 1934)
Robert S. Enabnit (University of Iowa 1941)
Paul H. Engle (University of Iowa 1932)
Herbert A. Ericson (University of Iowa 1943)
John R. Everingham (University of Iowa 1956)
Frank R. Eyerly (University of Iowa 1927)
William B. Fagan (University of Iowa 1944)
William H. Fannon (University of Iowa 1873)
Murray H. Finley (University of Iowa 1933)
Bennett M. Fischer (University of Iowa 1946)
Karl W. Fischer (University of Iowa 1923)
Robert L. Fischer (University of Iowa 1944)
Donald R. Fleming (University of Iowa 1944)
Albert T. Flickinger (University of Iowa 1873)
Donald M. Foerster (University of Iowa 1936)
Carson L. Foggy (University of Iowa 1942)
John H. Ford (University of Iowa 1946)
Joseph E. Fortune (University of Iowa 1936)
Eugene D. Foss (University of Iowa 1930)
Robert H. Foss (University of Iowa 1937)
Philip D. Foster (University of Iowa 1927)
Richard R. Foster (University of Iowa 1923)
Barry W. Freeman (University of Iowa 1972)
Theodore C. Fritcher (University of Iowa 1951)
George H. Frohwein (University of Iowa 1922)
Robert E. Frush (University of Iowa 1931)
Richard R. Fry (University of Iowa 1958)
John D. Fuller (University of Iowa 1927)
Richard A. Gadbois (University of Iowa 1930)
Robert N. Gadbois (University of Iowa 1930)
Wallace H. Gallup (University of Iowa 1932)
Harold C. Gamble (University of Iowa 1929)
William O. Gamble (University of Iowa 1928)
William F. Gammack (University of Iowa 1961)
Ivan S. Gardiner (University of Iowa 1924)
Kenneth T. Gardiner (University of Iowa 1926)
Gene A. Gardner (University of Iowa 1958)
Jack K. Gardner (University of Iowa 1951)
Nile P. Gartner (University of Iowa 1939)
Merriam Gearhart (University of Iowa 1934)
John D. Gemmill (University of Iowa 1920)
Frank M. Gibson (University of Iowa 1926)
Keith C. Gilpin (University of Iowa 1933)
William E. Gisel (University of Iowa 1934)
Richard L. Glendening (University of Iowa 1946)
R. Murray Goodman (University of Iowa 1929)
James D. Graham (University of Iowa 1948)
William W. Graham (University of Iowa 1928)
Thomas W. Graydon (University of Iowa 1873)
John P. Greene (University of Iowa 1950)
Ralph H. Griffin (University of Iowa 1918)
William E. Grimm (University of Iowa 1926)
Albert J. Grother (University of Iowa 1926)
William Hagens (University of Iowa 1941)
Donald R. Hagge (University of Iowa 1943)
Perry E. Haist Jr. (University of Iowa 1944)
Dexter H. Hake (University of Iowa 1948)
Douglas D. Hall (University of Iowa 1965)
Adam T. Hallberg (University of Iowa 2006)
Eugene N. Hamilton (University of Iowa 1937)
Adolph J. Hamre (University of Iowa 1944)
Arthur W. Hannes (University of Iowa 1932)
Darrell J. Hanson (University of Iowa 1952)
Richard W. Hanten Sr. (University of Iowa 1935)
Lowell E. Harrison (University of Iowa 1928)
George E. Harvey (University of Iowa 1930)
John A. Harvey (University of Iowa 1949)
Walter O. Hauer (University of Iowa 1947)
Richard C. Haw (University of Iowa 1932)
Lester L. Hawthorne (University of Iowa 1956)
Victor C. Hayes (University of Iowa 1942)
Brent D. Hege (University of Iowa 1970)
Richard W. Heldridge (University of Iowa 1940)
John G. Helwig (University of Iowa 1928)
John H. Hermann (University of Iowa 1935)
Hugh E. Herring (University of Iowa 1916)
Donald W. Hess (University of Iowa 1938)
John L. Heston (University of Iowa 1949)
Walter H. Hewicker (University of Iowa 1919)
J. R. Hicks (University of Iowa 1958)
Wayland K. Hicks (University of Iowa 1924)
John W. Hild (University of Iowa 1961)
Aaron C. Hill (University of Iowa 1999)
John O. Hill (University of Iowa 1955)
Sidney L. Hill (University of Iowa 1928)
Scott V. Hitchcock (University of Iowa 1937)
John D. Hodges (University of Iowa 1934)
Robert D. Hoff (University of Iowa 1951)
Harvey E. Hoffa (University of Iowa 1928)
Kenneth L. Hoffmann (University of Iowa 1948)
Frederick B. Hohenhorst (University of Iowa 1940)
John A. Holbrook (University of Iowa 1936)
Thomas J. Holcomb (University of Iowa 1960)
Delavan V. H. Holman (University of Iowa 1927)
Roy F. Holmberg (University of Iowa 1928)
Thomas D. Horn (University of Iowa 1940)
Frank B. Humphrey (University of Iowa 1933)
Vernon B. Hunt (University of Iowa 1930)
George O. Hurley (University of Iowa 1925)
Christopher M. Huston (University of Iowa 1988)
Frederick H. Hutchinson (University of Iowa 1943)
John W. Hutchison (University of Iowa 1943)
Thomas Inghram (University of Iowa 1920)
John Inghram (University of Iowa 1921)
Demarest I. Ingraham (University of Iowa 1948)
Thomas B. Irvine (University of Iowa 1939)
Charles B. Jack (University of Iowa 1875)
Earl F. Jensen (University of Iowa 1932)
Robert C. Jensky (University of Iowa 1944)
Chris F. Jepson (University of Iowa 1936)
Peter Jepson (University of Iowa 1951)
Richard N. Jepson (University of Iowa 1925)
William G. Jepson (University of Iowa 1929)
Donald B. Johnson (University of Iowa 1927)
William R. Johnson (University of Iowa 1954)
George H. Johnson (University of Iowa 1934)
William R. Johnstone (University of Iowa 1924)
David D. Jones (University of Iowa 1923)
Isham Jones (University of Iowa 1964)
Jerry L. Jones (University of Iowa 1958)
Lonzo Jones (University of Iowa 1929)
George G. Kalbach (University of Iowa 1932)
John J. Kalen (University of Iowa 1943)
Wilfred C. Kearney (University of Iowa 1925)
William W. Kearney (University of Iowa 1934)
Joseph C. Keefe (University of Iowa 1950)
G. G. Kelly (University of Iowa 1974)
William M. Kelly (University of Iowa 1958)
Richard F. Killebrew (University of Iowa 1958)
Don B. Kincaid (University of Iowa 1956)
Courtney P. Kline (University of Iowa 1941)
Jordan R. Kline (University of Iowa 2006)
Bob L. Knapp (University of Iowa 1960)
Walker Knierem (University of Iowa 1920)
John C. Koehn (University of Iowa 1994)
Philip V. Kohlhaas (University of Iowa 1956)
Clyde F. Kohn (University of Iowa 1935)
Alvin C. Kramer (University of Iowa 1938)
Bertram H. Kruse (University of Iowa 1933)
Thomas R. Kruse (University of Iowa 1940)
Gerald W. Lang (University of Iowa 1969)
James W. Lannon (University of Iowa 1964)
Henning Larsen (University of Iowa 1921)
Carrol B. Larson (University of Iowa 1963)
Leslie J. Larson (University of Iowa 1949)
Craig R. Lawrence (University of Iowa 1950)
Fred M. Lazell (University of Iowa 1924)
Frederick J. Lazell (University of Iowa 1925)
Ronald W. Lee (University of Iowa 1930)
Thomas D. Lewis (University of Iowa 1974)
Arthur E. Lindquist (University of Iowa 1933)
Robert C. Lochrie (University of Iowa 1946)
Donald R. Lund (University of Iowa 1960)
Charles J. Lynch (University of Iowa 1928)
Frank T. Lyon (University of Iowa 1877)
Warren E. Magee (University of Iowa 1930)
John J. Maher (University of Iowa 1942)
Ward L. Maish (University of Iowa 1931)
Harlan D. Malcolm (University of Iowa 1949)
Roderic W. Malcolm (University of Iowa 1955)
Stephen L. Malcolm (University of Iowa 1948)
Charles D. Maley (University of Iowa 1946)
Wilbur R. Martin (University of Iowa 1930)
James D. Martindale (University of Iowa 1933)
Ralph H. Matheson (University of Iowa 1921)
Edmund A. McCardell (University of Iowa 1955)
Elvert L. McCormick (University of Iowa 1917)
Carlos L. McDowell (University of Iowa 1921)
John R. McKey (University of Iowa 1936)
David L. McPherren (University of Iowa 1950)
Paul L. Mercer (University of Iowa 1921)
John E. Meyer (University of Iowa 1943)
Robert L. Mighell (University of Iowa 1948)
Scott J. Mighell (University of Iowa 1943)
Duncan R. Miller (University of Iowa 1933)
Harold B. Miller (University of Iowa 1922)
John M. Miller (University of Iowa 1950)
Robert S. Miller (University of Iowa 1950)
Woodrow R. Miller (University of Iowa 1940)
George A. Miller (University of Iowa 1942)
Frank T. Milligan (University of Iowa 1930)
Robert P. Milligan (University of Iowa 1932)
Dale S. Missildine (University of Iowa 1933)
Harold A. Mitchell (University of Iowa 1934)
Robert O. Mitterling (University of Iowa 1940)
Edward S. Mitterling (University of Iowa 1945)
Anton J. Moe (University of Iowa 1936)
Terrence J. Montgomery (University of Iowa 1990)
Harold L. Moody (University of Iowa 1924)
Fred E. Morain (University of Iowa 1935)
Retson A. Morris (University of Iowa 1917)
Bruce J. Morrow (University of Iowa 1937)
Penfield H. Mower (University of Iowa 1950)
Edward F. Mullahey (University of Iowa 1955)
John S. Mummey (University of Iowa 1970)
Robert E. Munn (University of Iowa 1923)
Newton J. Murphy (University of Iowa 1952)
Paul R. Murphy (University of Iowa 1933)
David A. Myers (University of Iowa 1873)
Paule L. Myhre (University of Iowa 1929)
Richard B. Neff (University of Iowa 1942)
Jack G. Neighbor (University of Iowa 1937)
Charles G. Neighbor (University of Iowa 1940)
Leroy I. Nelson (University of Iowa 1931)
Richard B. Neu (University of Iowa 1958)
Eugene F. Newlin (University of Iowa 1931)
John A. Newton (University of Iowa 1936)
Louis J. Nockels (University of Iowa 1938)
John R. Nordstrom (University of Iowa 1977)
Carroll D. Norling (University of Iowa 1926)
Robert G. Oberbroeckling (University of Iowa 1955)
Rexford P. Oleson (University of Iowa 1942)
William F. Olinger (University of Iowa 1960)
Glenn C. Olney (University of Iowa 1936)
Lester L. Orsborn (University of Iowa 1920)
Ben F. Osborn (University of Iowa 1935)
John L. Osgood (University of Iowa 1928)
Roy E. Ott (University of Iowa 1927)
Frederic L. Otte (University of Iowa 1925)
Paul C. Packer (University of Iowa 1924)
Donald E. Palmer (University of Iowa 1951)
Aristotle Pappajohn (University of Iowa 1952)
Socrates G. Pappajohn (University of Iowa 1956)
Donald W. Parmelee (University of Iowa 1926)
Donald C. Parr (University of Iowa 1930)
John C. Parsons (University of Iowa 1918)
Ronald R. Paschall (University of Iowa 1939)
William R. Paschall (University of Iowa 1948)
Randall A. Patterson (University of Iowa 1970)
Townsend B. Paul (University of Iowa 1938)
Philip A. Paule (University of Iowa 1948)
Arthur F. Pears (University of Iowa 1946)
Donald M. Pendleton (University of Iowa 1935)
Kenneth R. Pennington (University of Iowa 1957)
Warren A. Perdew (University of Iowa 1929)
Fred C. Perkins (University of Iowa 1967)
Thomas E. Perry (University of Iowa 1933)
Karl J. Peters (University of Iowa 1926)
Edward E. Peterson (University of Iowa 1930)
Robert B. Pettit (University of Iowa 1923)
Robert A. Phillips (University of Iowa 1954)
Robert F. Phillips (University of Iowa 1925)
William C. Pierson (University of Iowa 1958)
Leon G. Pine (University of Iowa 1933)
Doyal E. Plunkitt (University of Iowa 1930)
James L. Pohl (University of Iowa 1959)
William B. Poinsett (University of Iowa 1936)
Leroy P. Porter (University of Iowa 1929)
Walter R. Powers (University of Iowa 1918)
Harold W. Powers (University of Iowa 1924)
Erwin T. Prasse (University of Iowa 1940)
Everett G. Pratt (University of Iowa 1929)
Paul E. Prentiss (University of Iowa 1931)
Herbert M. Prince (University of Iowa 1923)
Myron A. Prince (University of Iowa 1917)
Frank Punelli Jr. (University of Iowa 1965)
Jerry S. Purdum (University of Iowa 1953)
Arthur G. Pyles (University of Iowa 1920)
William F. Quick (University of Iowa 1935)
Henry L. Quinn (University of Iowa 1948)
Charles S. Ramsay (University of Iowa 1924)
Robert J. Ratcliff (University of Iowa 1940)
Maurice E. Rawlings (University of Iowa 1929)
Powell A. Rayburn (University of Iowa 1925)
Theodore M. Rehder (University of Iowa 1930)
Carl W. Reinking (University of Iowa 1929)
Harold J. Reister (University of Iowa 1953)
William J. Restelli (University of Iowa 1966)
Donald W. Richardson (University of Iowa 1949)
Ernest A. Rickett (University of Iowa 1958)
Dwight G. Rider (University of Iowa 1922)
Vincent E. Riggleman (University of Iowa 1949)
Robert L. Ritter (University of Iowa 1946)
Edward Rohner (University of Iowa 1943)
Eugene Roof (University of Iowa 1921)
Howard C. Ross (University of Iowa 1916)
John M. Ruhe Jr. (University of Iowa 1934)
George P. Russell (University of Iowa 1873)
Howard H. Russell (University of Iowa 1928)
Richard W. Russell (University of Iowa 1966)
William F. Russell (University of Iowa 1921)
Russell E. Sadler (University of Iowa 1929)
Roger C. Sanders (University of Iowa 1925)
Fred L. Schar (University of Iowa 1970)
Benjamin C. Scharnberg (University of Iowa 2005)
Herman J. Schmidt (University of Iowa 1938)
Yaro M. Schnoebelen (University of Iowa 1951)
Spencer E. Schott (University of Iowa 1997)
Harry E. Schreiber (University of Iowa 1917)
Howard A. Schumacher (University of Iowa 1931)
George W. Scott (University of Iowa 1933)
Robert B. Scroggs (University of Iowa 1956)
Ted N. Seela (University of Iowa 1952)
John J. Seerley (University of Iowa 1875)
Charles R. Settlemeyer (University of Iowa 1957)
R. R. Settlemyer (University of Iowa 1955)
James D. Shea (University of Iowa 1931)
John H. Sheldon (University of Iowa 1925)
William E. Shields (University of Iowa 1951)
Charles K. Shinkle (University of Iowa 1959)
Stuart W. Short (University of Iowa 1923)
Francis M. Shriver (University of Iowa 1946)
Jay M. Shriver (University of Iowa 1937)
Byron L. Sifford (University of Iowa 1914)
John E. Simmons (University of Iowa 1947)
Norris E. Simonson (University of Iowa 1921)
James G. Skophammer (University of Iowa 1949)
Stephen F. Slaughter USA (University of Iowa 1943)
Charles G. Sleichter (University of Iowa 1967)
A. A. Smith (University of Iowa 1942)
Deane K. Smith (University of Iowa 1956)
Howard M. Smith (University of Iowa 1918)
L. R. Smith (University of Iowa 1948)
Marquis M. Smith (University of Iowa 1921)
O. K. Smith (University of Iowa 1943)
Edward F. Snyder (University of Iowa 1918)
Lester L. Snyder (University of Iowa 1917)
Merle B. Snyder (University of Iowa 1925)
Wallace F. Snyder (University of Iowa 1929)
Harold D. Sorenson (University of Iowa 1949)
Ralph C. Souchek (University of Iowa 1945)
Warren M. Sparks (University of Iowa 1932)
Clyde W. Sparks (University of Iowa 1942)
Robert H. Spradling (University of Iowa 1930)
Jack R. Stanfield (University of Iowa 1927)
Clifford J. Stanton (University of Iowa 1936)
Bowen D. Stassforth (University of Iowa 1951)
Granville H. Steele (University of Iowa 1939)
Hugh H. Steele (University of Iowa 1938)
Robert H. Stensby (University of Iowa 1987)
George F. Stevens (University of Iowa 1958)
Francis K. Stokely (University of Iowa 1922)
John W. Stowe (University of Iowa 1941)
Harlan C. Strong (University of Iowa 1927)
Donald T. Stroy (University of Iowa 1946)
William H. Sutton (University of Iowa 1960)
William D. Swaim (University of Iowa 1950)
Harold W. Swift (University of Iowa 1928)
L. Jack Swink (University of Iowa 1939)
Gerald E. Synhorst (University of Iowa 1948)
Wilfred B. Tapper (University of Iowa 1938)
Roger G. Teig (University of Iowa 1961)
William F. Thill (University of Iowa 1936)
Arthur W. Thomas (University of Iowa 1931)
Arthur B. Thompson (University of Iowa 1940)
George D. Thompson (University of Iowa 1923)
John R. Thompson (University of Iowa 1948)
Willie N. Thomsen (University of Iowa 1939)
Paul M. Thorngren (University of Iowa 1940)
William D. Tisdale (University of Iowa 1875)
John N. Toomey (University of Iowa 1939)
Joseph E. Toomey (University of Iowa 1935)
James R. Treichler (University of Iowa 1931)
Gerald D. Trobaugh (University of Iowa 1954)
Jack R. Trott (University of Iowa 1932)
Charles H. Turner (University of Iowa 1932)
John T. Urice (University of Iowa 1927)
Frank G. Uriell (University of Iowa 1949)
Herbert A. VanScoy (University of Iowa 1934)
William P. Vogt (University of Iowa 1940)
John C. Voss (University of Iowa 1937)
Charles W. Wagner (University of Iowa 1946)
Donald N. Wagner (University of Iowa 1943)
Francis E. Walker (University of Iowa 1937)
Ray J. Walther (University of Iowa 1952)
Jerrold Wanek (University of Iowa 1980)
William K. Washburne (University of Iowa 1953)
Hugh S. Watters (University of Iowa 1939)
Richard D. Weatherly (University of Iowa 1959)
Timothy L. Weissinger MD (University of Iowa 1968)
Dale W. Welt (University of Iowa 1931)
Donald D. Welt (University of Iowa 1944)
John W. Welt (University of Iowa 1939)
Michael O. Welton (University of Iowa 1966)
Carroll H. Wendel (University of Iowa 1931)
Henry E. Wendt (University of Iowa 1933)
Jason L. Wendt (University of Iowa 1994)
Frank E. Whitacre (University of Iowa 1920)
Billy G. White (University of Iowa 1945)
Donald E. White (University of Iowa 1933)
George H. White (University of Iowa 1933)
Robert K. White (University of Iowa 1965)
Roland W. White (University of Iowa 1935)
Jesse C. Wiese (University of Iowa 1919)
George W. Wilimek (University of Iowa 1920)
Richard M. Wilke (University of Iowa 1955)
Richard M. Wilke (University of Iowa 1955)
William J. Wilken (University of Iowa 1949)
Gardner S. Williams (University of Iowa 1944)
Gary W. Williams (University of Iowa 1959)
Hollis W. Williams (University of Iowa 1951)
Hugh J. Williams (University of Iowa 1925)
Joe W. Williams (University of Iowa 1959)
Ernest C. Wills (University of Iowa 1917)
Frank F. Wilson (University of Iowa 1920)
Thomas G. Wilson (University of Iowa 1923)
Walter W. Wilson (University of Iowa 1926)
Robert J. Wischmeier (University of Iowa 1951)
Robert W. Wollenweber (University of Iowa 1941)
Stephan M. Wollman (University of Iowa 1924)
Harry T. Wood (University of Iowa 1925)
Merrill C. Workhoven (University of Iowa 1933)
Glen G. Worseldine (University of Iowa 1930)
Carroll Wright (University of Iowa 1875)
Denton W. Yeast (University of Iowa 1945)
Arthur G. Yetter (University of Iowa 1915)
Robert A. Yetter (University of Iowa 1942)
James E. Zack (University of Iowa 1951)
Ernest L. Ackley (University of Kansas 1890)
Ernest L. Ackley (University of Kansas 1923)
Dee D. Adams (University of Kansas 1927)
Dickens S. Adams (University of Kansas 1907)
Edward C. Adams (University of Kansas 1928)
Randolph B. Adams (University of Kansas 1921)
Frank M. Affleck (University of Kansas 1936)
J. Fred Agnew (University of Kansas 1930)
Warren N. Akers (University of Kansas 1897)
Fred S. Albertson (University of Kansas 1908)
Myron C. Albertson (University of Kansas 1906)
Watie M. Alberty (University of Kansas 1942)
Creston H. Alexander (University of Kansas 1932)
Glenn E. Alexander (University of Kansas 1935)
Samuel K. Alexander (University of Kansas 1945)
Gerard Allen (University of Kansas 1919)
Lloyd E. Allen (University of Kansas 1909)
Roy E. Allen (University of Kansas 1899)
Robert E. Allison (University of Kansas 1959)
Wade S. Alloway (University of Kansas 1975)
John M. Amberg (University of Kansas 1951)
Edgar A. Amsden (University of Kansas 1911)
Forest W. Amsden (University of Kansas 1911)
Arthur S. Anderson (University of Kansas 1919)
James L. Anderson (University of Kansas 1962)
Paul S. Andreson (University of Kansas 1934)
Daniel R. Anthony (University of Kansas 1950)
Thomas G. Ash (University of Kansas 1961)
Walter B. Ash (University of Kansas 1954)
John Ashley (University of Kansas 1953)
James N. Atkinson (University of Kansas 1903)
Sidney P. Bacon (University of Kansas 1977)
Thomas F. Bailey (University of Kansas 1946)
Robert T. Banks (University of Kansas 1911)
Larry N. Barger (University of Kansas 1958)
Andrew W. Bark (University of Kansas 2002)
John F. Barr (University of Kansas 1954)
L. J. Bauman (University of Kansas 1961)
Robert R. Bayles (University of Kansas 1945)
Spencer Bayles (University of Kansas 1942)
Ormand Beach (University of Kansas 1933)
Richard C. Beach (University of Kansas 1950)
John T. Beatty (University of Kansas 1889)
Frank C. Beck (University of Kansas 1899)
Walter Beck (University of Kansas 1953)
William E. Beckhart (University of Kansas 1890)
Henry B. Behrens (University of Kansas 1904)
George R. Bell (University of Kansas 1948)
Joe A. Bell (University of Kansas 1925)
Ralph E. Bennett (University of Kansas 1916)
Thomas D. Bennett (University of Kansas 1894)
Thomas B. Bentson (University of Kansas 1986)
Eugene P. Bernardin (University of Kansas 1919)
Christian L. Berneking Jr. (University of Kansas 1937)
William A. Beven (University of Kansas 1941)
James H. Bicket (University of Kansas 1937)
M. M. Bicket (University of Kansas 1933)
Joseph B. Bishop (University of Kansas 1914)
Lewis A. Bitting (University of Kansas 1905)
Rob R. Bittmann (University of Kansas 1937)
Arthur J. Black Jr. (University of Kansas 1943)
Edward G. Blair (University of Kansas 1887)
John W. Blair (University of Kansas 1947)
William W. Blair (University of Kansas 1931)
Clyde D. Blake (University of Kansas 1940)
Keith W. Blinn (University of Kansas 1939)
William S. Blount (University of Kansas 1945)
Roger C. Boeger (University of Kansas 1960)
Frederick E. Boggs (University of Kansas 1934)
Robert L. Boggs (University of Kansas 1927)
Kerry A. Bolton (University of Kansas 1965)
Larry J. Borden (University of Kansas 1962)
Jerry D. Bottenfield (University of Kansas 1970)
Kenneth D. Bower (University of Kansas 1915)
Patrick H. Bowers (University of Kansas 1951)
J. D. Bowles (University of Kansas 1989)
Warren M. Bowman (University of Kansas 1946)
Leonard R. Boyd (University of Kansas 1967)
Robert C. Boyd (University of Kansas 1947)
Mason B. Boys (University of Kansas 1920)
Reginald Brack (University of Kansas 1935)
Donald R. Bradley (University of Kansas 1961)
Horace B. Brain (University of Kansas 1910)
Edward L. Branson (University of Kansas 1893)
Keith M. Bras (University of Kansas 1962)
Edward E. Brass (University of Kansas 1950)
John W. Breyfogle (University of Kansas 1930)
Clarence R. Briggs (University of Kansas 1902)
William D. Bright (University of Kansas 1940)
Sidney J. Brooks (University of Kansas 1919)
Charles L. Brown (University of Kansas 1936)
Donald B. Brown (University of Kansas 1949)
Earl V. D. Brown (University of Kansas 1893)
George M. Brown (University of Kansas 1903)
George T. Brown (University of Kansas 1903)
Harry H. Brown (University of Kansas 1939)
William H. Brown (University of Kansas 1888)
George M. Brown (University of Kansas 1933)
Samuel V. Buchanan (University of Kansas 1929)
Robert E. Buck (University of Kansas 1950)
W. P. Buck (University of Kansas 1941)
Neill W. Buie (University of Kansas 1955)
George I. Bullene (University of Kansas 1924)
Frank L. Bunn (University of Kansas 1917)
Robert M. Bunten (University of Kansas 1950)
William W. Bunten (University of Kansas 1952)
Donald L. Burnett (University of Kansas 1956)
Frederick W. Burnett (University of Kansas 1933)
Theodore S. Burnett (University of Kansas 1927)
Clarence A. Burney (University of Kansas 1895)
Thomas A. Burney (University of Kansas 1898)
Jack B. Burns (University of Kansas 1945)
Osborne D. Butcher Jr. (University of Kansas 1942)
Cranston W. Butterworth (University of Kansas 1890)
Lon M. Buzick (University of Kansas 1938)
William A. Buzick (University of Kansas 1913)
William A. Buzick (University of Kansas 1942)
Antonio M. Buzzi (University of Kansas 1930)
Robert D. Buzzi (University of Kansas 1934)
John M. Cain (University of Kansas 1910)
William Q. Cain (University of Kansas 1913)
Aaron B. Caldwell (University of Kansas 2007)
Ford Campbell (University of Kansas 1931)
Fred B. Campbell (University of Kansas 1916)
Harry Campbell (University of Kansas 1907)
James G. Campbell (University of Kansas 1901)
James W. Campbell (University of Kansas 1909)
Ray Campbell (University of Kansas 1904)
James W. Campbell (University of Kansas 1940)
Norman E. Capps (University of Kansas 1955)
William A. Carlisle (University of Kansas 1910)
Richard P. Carmean (University of Kansas 1947)
Robert R. Carpenter (University of Kansas 1955)
Albert D. Carroll (University of Kansas 1904)
Walter D. Carson (University of Kansas 1893)
Jean C. Carter (University of Kansas 1920)
William E. Carter (University of Kansas 1957)
John L. Casson (University of Kansas 1958)
Henry H. Cate (University of Kansas 1955)
John E. Chadwick (University of Kansas 1929)
John H. Chain (University of Kansas 1936)
James M. Challiss (University of Kansas 1894)
John V. Challiss (University of Kansas 1917)
Lawrence S. Chamberlain (University of Kansas 1896)
Charles D. Chanute (University of Kansas 1891)
Larry D. Cheatham (University of Kansas 1954)
William M. Clark (University of Kansas 1910)
Jack D. Clawson (University of Kansas 1958)
Wilbur Clemens (University of Kansas 1935)
Donald K. Clinger (University of Kansas 1940)
John M. Cloyes (University of Kansas 1899)
David H. Clymer (University of Kansas 1943)
Robert C. Clyne (University of Kansas 1934)
Azel F. Cochran (University of Kansas 1909)
Forrest C. Cochran (University of Kansas 1900)
W. M. Coe (University of Kansas 1928)
James D. Coffin (University of Kansas 1929)
John G. Coffman (University of Kansas 1907)
Dean H. Coleman (University of Kansas 1938)
Harry S. Collinson (University of Kansas 1901)
John L. Constant (University of Kansas 1921)
Joseph D. Conwill (University of Kansas 1939)
Sanborn D. Cook (University of Kansas 1946)
Donald W. Cooper (University of Kansas 1916)
Lawrence C. Coors (University of Kansas 1923)
Edward R. Costello (University of Kansas 1950)
Robert J. Costello (University of Kansas 1955)
Victor L. Costello (University of Kansas 1945)
William F. Coulson (University of Kansas 1906)
Edwin T. Coulter (University of Kansas 1908)
Henry F. Coulter (University of Kansas 1945)
John W. Cover (University of Kansas 1922)
Monte G. Cox (University of Kansas 1951)
Halleck I. Craig (University of Kansas 1917)
Richard B. Cray (University of Kansas 1976)
Frank G. Crowell (University of Kansas 1888)
Harold B. Crowell (University of Kansas 1916)
Edgar D. Cruise (University of Kansas 1887)
James K. Cubbison (University of Kansas 1919)
William P. Cullen (University of Kansas 1957)
Ralston W. Culp (University of Kansas 1931)
Wayne G. Culp (University of Kansas 1929)
Glenn V. Cunningham (University of Kansas 1934)
Robert J. Curdy (University of Kansas 1889)
M. D. Curran (University of Kansas 1929)
Morven T. Curran (University of Kansas 1934)
Francis H. Curry (University of Kansas 1900)
William E. Curry (University of Kansas 1893)
James R. Cushing (University of Kansas 1936)
John H. Dahlgren (University of Kansas 1935)
Dio D. Daily (University of Kansas 1907)
Dio D. Daily (University of Kansas 1932)
Benjamin A. Dalton (University of Kansas 1955)
Carl W. Davis (University of Kansas 1944)
Donald D. Davis (University of Kansas 1918)
Frank T. Davis (University of Kansas 1949)
Harold F. Davis (University of Kansas 1925)
Manvel H. Davis (University of Kansas 1914)
James E. Davis (University of Kansas 1931)
George M. Davison (University of Kansas 1901)
Wilmont E. Day (University of Kansas 1926)
Lamont D. Decamp (University of Kansas 1891)
Charles T. Deeble (University of Kansas 1965)
John H. Deford (University of Kansas 1887)
William A. Deford (University of Kansas 1890)
Andrew O. Delaney (University of Kansas 1921)
Richard C. Delaney (University of Kansas 1927)
Alonzo G. Deleon (University of Kansas 1904)
Charles G. Delo (University of Kansas 1890)
Jack R. Denney (University of Kansas 1937)
William G. Deweese (University of Kansas 1909)
Carlton C. Dickinson (University of Kansas 1938)
Hillman Dickinson (University of Kansas 1946)
Jacob A. Dickinson (University of Kansas 1932)
Glen W. Dickinson (University of Kansas 1936)
Paul C. Diegel (University of Kansas 1942)
Alexis F. Dillard (University of Kansas 1992)
William A. Dingman (University of Kansas 1938)
Paul A. Dinsmoor (University of Kansas 1900)
James C. Dittmer (University of Kansas 1949)
Otto H. Dittmer (University of Kansas 1917)
Frederic C. Dobson (University of Kansas 1892)
George H. Dolbee (University of Kansas 1918)
Edward M. Dolson (University of Kansas 1960)
Philip O. Doornbos (University of Kansas 1935)
Robert E. Douce (University of Kansas 1944)
William C. Douce (University of Kansas 1941)
Lawrence L. Douglas (University of Kansas 1951)
William H. Douglas (University of Kansas 1948)
Richard B. Drury (University of Kansas 1932)
Woodson E. Dryden (University of Kansas 1948)
Charles H. Dunagin (University of Kansas 1969)
Emmett M. Duncan (University of Kansas 1950)
John D. Duncan (University of Kansas 1964)
Paul B. Dunn (University of Kansas 1922)
John H. Dykes (University of Kansas 1916)
Edward S. Earhart (University of Kansas 1889)
Lee M. Egan (University of Kansas 1916)
Freeman H. Egolf (University of Kansas 1933)
Curtis G. Ekiss (University of Kansas 1959)
John R. Ellis (University of Kansas 1912)
Charles Elwell (University of Kansas 1887)
Tom P. Emerich (University of Kansas 1929)
Alan C. Endacott (University of Kansas 1961)
John F. Eulich (University of Kansas 1951)
Melvel S. Evans (University of Kansas 1935)
Earle W. Evans (University of Kansas 1930)
Fred Exline (University of Kansas 1963)
Milton M. Fadler (University of Kansas 1950)
Carlos N. Fajardo (University of Kansas 1905)
Paul C. Faucher (University of Kansas 1972)
John B. Ferguson (University of Kansas 1950)
Phillip C. Ferguson (University of Kansas 1925)
Robert L. Ferguson (University of Kansas 1956)
Lloyd B. Ferrell (University of Kansas 1959)
Arthur J. Field (University of Kansas 1905)
Charles R. Fisk (University of Kansas 1952)
Lawrence L. Fiss (University of Kansas 1956)
James E. Fitzpatrick (University of Kansas 1919)
Russell M. Fitzpatrick (University of Kansas 1914)
Thurman H. Fitzpatrick (University of Kansas 1911)
Thomas J. Flannelly (University of Kansas 1890)
Charles W. Fletcher (University of Kansas 1897)
Edmond C. Fletcher (University of Kansas 1900)
Forrest D. Fletcher (University of Kansas 1957)
John F. Fletcher (University of Kansas 1960)
Roy M. Fletcher (University of Kansas 1897)
Frederick R. Flint (University of Kansas 1929)
Frank S. Forman (University of Kansas 1939)
Edward B. Fox (University of Kansas 1886)
Harry I. Fox (University of Kansas 1894)
Jared C. Fox (University of Kansas 1923)
Walter D. Fox (University of Kansas 1974)
Jared C. Fox (University of Kansas 1894)
G. W. Frank (University of Kansas 1947)
John B. Franks (University of Kansas 1913)
Nathan F. Frazier (University of Kansas 1935)
William T. Frazier (University of Kansas 1939)
Eliot N. Freeman (University of Kansas 1931)
Marson H. French (University of Kansas 1927)
Paul H. Friend (University of Kansas 1917)
Russell D. Friend (University of Kansas 1918)
Edward R. Fritsche (University of Kansas 1909)
Robert R. Frizell (University of Kansas 1945)
Milton H. Frohlich (University of Kansas 1935)
Alfred G. Frost (University of Kansas 1898)
W. W. Fuller (University of Kansas 1915)
Herbert M. Fuller (University of Kansas 1934)
Walter Fuller (University of Kansas 1927)
Don Gardner (University of Kansas 1950)
John J. Garland (University of Kansas 1912)
Richard W. Garlichs (University of Kansas 1922)
Gerold F. Garrett (University of Kansas 1954)
Harold A. Garrett (University of Kansas 1926)
Spencer P. Garrett (University of Kansas 1962)
William P. Garside (University of Kansas 1903)
Dale D. Gear (University of Kansas 1898)
Albert J. Gebert III (University of Kansas 1957)
W. R. Gelvin (University of Kansas 1956)
Francis B. Gemmill (University of Kansas 1934)
Robert O. Gemmill (University of Kansas 1927)
Paul A. Gempel (University of Kansas 1920)
John E. Geohegan (University of Kansas 1903)
Howard W. Gibson (University of Kansas 1966)
Lawson A. Gilbert (University of Kansas 1889)
Edward A. Gildermeister (University of Kansas 1888)
Hunter B. Gilkeson (University of Kansas 1932)
Charles W. Gill Jr. (University of Kansas 1937)
Van A. Gillespie (University of Kansas 1952)
James H. Gillpatrick (University of Kansas 1924)
Bruce N. Gleissner (University of Kansas 1903)
John H. Gleissner (University of Kansas 1939)
Paul N. Gleissner (University of Kansas 1908)
Marion A. Goff (University of Kansas 1925)
Cary C. Goodman (University of Kansas 1965)
John D. Gordon (University of Kansas 1957)
Paul G. Gordon (University of Kansas 1926)
Clarence M. Gorrill (University of Kansas 1918)
Galen A. Gorrill (University of Kansas 1920)
Louis W. Goudy (University of Kansas 1939)
Jack E. Gove (University of Kansas 1950)
John F. Grant Jr. (University of Kansas 1946)
Joel D. Grantham (University of Kansas 1989)
Charles W. Gray (University of Kansas 1941)
Cooper R. Graybill (University of Kansas 1924)
Richard A. Green (University of Kansas 1962)
John E. Greene (University of Kansas 1939)
Charles R. Greenlees (University of Kansas 1914)
Charles R. Greenlees (University of Kansas 1939)
Milton W. Grinstead (University of Kansas 1928)
Robert T. Grogger (University of Kansas 1956)
George T. Guernsey (University of Kansas 1936)
George T. Guernsey (University of Kansas 1904)
Wendell D. Gugler (University of Kansas 1950)
Alexander H. Gurley (University of Kansas 1909)
James B. Gurley (University of Kansas 1952)
Mark L. Hackett (University of Kansas 1891)
E. Blair Hackney (University of Kansas 1915)
Bryan L. Hall (University of Kansas 1922)
Warren J. Halpin (University of Kansas 1917)
Roscoe O. Hambric (University of Kansas 1942)
Gordon H. Hamilton (University of Kansas 1955)
Dwight H. Hardman (University of Kansas 1920)
Lewis A. Hardman (University of Kansas 1931)
John T. Harlow (University of Kansas 1882)
Albert J. Harmon (University of Kansas 1935)
D. A. Harmon (University of Kansas 1923)
Clarence L. Harper (University of Kansas 1890)
James O. Harrison (University of Kansas 1924)
Thomas G. Harrison (University of Kansas 1930)
Herbert A. Hartman (University of Kansas 1941)
Arthur S. Harvey (University of Kansas 1910)
Alfred J. Harwi (University of Kansas 1931)
Frank E. Harwi (University of Kansas 1907)
Robert C. Harwi (University of Kansas 1946)
Frank E. Harwi (University of Kansas 1938)
Almon G. Hawk (University of Kansas 1906)
Thomas T. Hawkins (University of Kansas 1950)
Robert A. Haynes (University of Kansas 1941)
Chain V. Healy (University of Kansas 1942)
Elmer R. Heaton (University of Kansas 1910)
Larry L. Heck (University of Kansas 1962)
Steven D. Heck (University of Kansas 1968)
Richard D. Heeney (University of Kansas 1954)
Max B. Heffner (University of Kansas 1934)
Paul H. Heinz (University of Kansas 1941)
Raymond C. Helgesen (University of Kansas 1944)
Warren C. Helgesen (University of Kansas 1950)
George A. Helmstadter (University of Kansas 1954)
Arthur D. Hemphill (University of Kansas 1923)
Lawrence W. Hemphill (University of Kansas 1932)
Raymond P. Hemphill (University of Kansas 1919)
Paul N. Henderson (University of Kansas 1924)
Carl B. Henrichson (University of Kansas 1944)
G. W. Henry (University of Kansas 1966)
Charles E. Henshall (University of Kansas 1938)
George W. Hepler (University of Kansas 1918)
John A. Herron (University of Kansas 1945)
Fred R. Heryer (University of Kansas 1929)
John Heryer (University of Kansas 1934)
Walter W. Hess (University of Kansas 1901)
G. F. Hetherington (University of Kansas 1917)
Hale H. Hetherington (University of Kansas 1907)
John U. Higinbotham (University of Kansas 1888)
Lewis P. Hill (University of Kansas 1892)
Thurman Hill (University of Kansas 1944)
B. H. Hill (University of Kansas 1943)
Donald W. Hinchman (University of Kansas 1949)
William E. Hinesley (University of Kansas 1914)
Stephen C. Hinshaw (University of Kansas 1945)
Wallace B. Hinshaw (University of Kansas 1943)
Harlan M. Hise (University of Kansas 1954)
Charles M. Hoag (University of Kansas 1953)
Oliver Hobbs (University of Kansas 1935)
Clarence M. Hocker (University of Kansas 1909)
Frank H. Hodgson (University of Kansas 1934)
Robert B. Hodgson (University of Kansas 1944)
Charles E. Hoffhaus (University of Kansas 1950)
Arthur G. Hoffman (University of Kansas 1950)
James N. Hoge (University of Kansas 1958)
Denton Hogeboom (University of Kansas 1889)
Emmett R. Hook (University of Kansas 1942)
John S. Hookins (University of Kansas 1943)
Clarence E. Hoopes (University of Kansas 1925)
William H. Hoover (University of Kansas 1920)
Albert H. Horton (University of Kansas 1897)
Benjamin J. Horton (University of Kansas 1894)
Richard S. Horton (University of Kansas 1889)
William M. Hougland (University of Kansas 1952)
Frank T. Housh (University of Kansas 1900)
John E. Howe (University of Kansas 1938)
William F. Howe (University of Kansas 1931)
Robert M. Hubbard (University of Kansas 1956)
Dale C. Hudkins (University of Kansas 1926)
Douglas W. Huff (University of Kansas 1975)
Homer H. Huffaker (University of Kansas 1931)
Thomas B. Huffaker (University of Kansas 1928)
Frederic M. Hulett (University of Kansas 1944)
Elmer E. Humphrey (University of Kansas 1938)
Paul F. Hunt (University of Kansas 1956)
William J. Huse (University of Kansas 1959)
James A. Hutcheson (University of Kansas 1886)
Donald L. Hutt (University of Kansas 1916)
Clair D. Hyter (University of Kansas 1934)
Richard S. Hyter (University of Kansas 1968)
Richard Imboden (University of Kansas 1904)
David B. Ingalls (University of Kansas 1932)
John J. Ingalls (University of Kansas 1931)
Sheffield Ingalls (University of Kansas 1895)
Charles C. Inglefield (University of Kansas 1919)
Arthur M. Irwin (University of Kansas 1917)
Rees M. Jackman (University of Kansas 1963)
Harry F. Jackman (University of Kansas 1930)
Edward V. Jackson (University of Kansas 1922)
Jared F. Jackson (University of Kansas 1917)
William A. Jackson (University of Kansas 1888)
Orville T. James (University of Kansas 1926)
Benno Janssen (University of Kansas 1895)
John E. Jenkins (University of Kansas 1894)
Jerry J. Jester (University of Kansas 1953)
Charles H. Johnson (University of Kansas 1892)
Kenneth W. Johnson (University of Kansas 1945)
William R. Johnson (University of Kansas 1950)
Richard W. Johnston (University of Kansas 1956)
Raymond B. Jones (University of Kansas 1924)
William K. Jones (University of Kansas 1968)
Neil C. Jouvenat (University of Kansas 1965)
Lloyd M. Kagey (University of Kansas 1925)
Fred G. Kaiser (University of Kansas 1889)
John R. Kaiser (University of Kansas 1930)
Max E. Kaiser (University of Kansas 1924)
Harry E. Kane (University of Kansas 1922)
John F. Kapfer (University of Kansas 1947)
Lee P. Kaull (University of Kansas 1898)
J. W. Kearney (University of Kansas 1927)
Robert E. Keith (University of Kansas 1916)
Kenneth B. Kell (University of Kansas 1935)
James A. Kell (University of Kansas 1938)
Joseph M. Kellogg (University of Kansas 1907)
Carl P. Kennedy (University of Kansas 1917)
J. R. Kennedy (University of Kansas 1915)
James C. Kennedy (University of Kansas 1944)
Benjamin H. Kerfoot (University of Kansas 1901)
Bruce P. Kimball (University of Kansas 1913)
Charles W. Kimball (University of Kansas 1904)
Paul H. Kimball (University of Kansas 1907)
Webster W. Kimball (University of Kansas 1914)
Ralph G. Kimble (University of Kansas 1889)
James W. Kincaid (University of Kansas 1937)
Richard C. King (University of Kansas 1966)
Woodrow J. Kipp (University of Kansas 1937)
Robert D. Kirchner (University of Kansas 1932)
Earl L. Kirk (University of Kansas 1934)
Robert H. Kirk (University of Kansas 1943)
William F. Kirk (University of Kansas 1945)
William M. Kirk (University of Kansas 1939)
Carl M. Kirmayer (University of Kansas 1908)
John O. Kirtland (University of Kansas 1918)
Joe F. Klaner (University of Kansas 1931)
Robert B. Kline (University of Kansas 1950)
Helmer A. Klock (University of Kansas 1918)
Robert J. Knox (University of Kansas 1943)
Kevin S. Koehn (University of Kansas 1976)
Kerwin S. Koerper (University of Kansas 1952)
Robert L. Kraus (University of Kansas 1958)
Kenneth D. Krehbiel (University of Kansas 1961)
Marion R. Krehbiel (University of Kansas 1928)
Glenn Krieckhaus (University of Kansas 1927)
John A. Lahmer (University of Kansas 1895)
Henry O. Lail (University of Kansas 1931)
Burr L. Lakin (University of Kansas 1892)
David L. Lakin (University of Kansas 1899)
Orrin J. Lamm (University of Kansas 1892)
Alfred M. Landon (University of Kansas 1908)
Robert L. Larrabee (University of Kansas 1929)
William L. Larrabee (University of Kansas 1955)
Marion J. Lasater (University of Kansas 1946)
Austin M. Lashbrook (University of Kansas 1964)
David B. Latinis (University of Kansas 1964)
Henry J. Laughlin (University of Kansas 1952)
Frederick L. Lawson (University of Kansas 1942)
O. H. Lee (University of Kansas 1911)
Richard H. Lee (University of Kansas 1960)
William F. Leeka (University of Kansas 1927)
Samuel Lehman (University of Kansas 1921)
Albert N. Lemoine (University of Kansas 1939)
Paul E. Leoni (University of Kansas 1955)
Guy W. Levy (University of Kansas 1904)
James R. Lewis (University of Kansas 1941)
Luther N. Lewis (University of Kansas 1891)
Henry F. Libby (University of Kansas 1945)
Albert J. Lindsly (University of Kansas 1902)
Robert W. Linley (University of Kansas 1915)
Victor L. Linley (University of Kansas 1885)
Harry I. Linn (University of Kansas 1940)
Bernhardt I. Litowich (University of Kansas 1904)
John T. Little (University of Kansas 1902)
David M. Lockhart (University of Kansas 1951)
Herbert L. Lodge (University of Kansas 1938)
Henry W. Logan (University of Kansas 1950)
John K. Lonborg (University of Kansas 1959)
Ronald B. Loneski (University of Kansas 1959)
Harold E. Long (University of Kansas 1940)
Milton R. Long (University of Kansas 1939)
James W. Lord (University of Kansas 1951)
William B. Loughborough (University of Kansas 1906)
Robert D. Love (University of Kansas 1945)
Cecil E. Lucas (University of Kansas 1925)
Rex Lucas Jr. (University of Kansas 1950)
Leo C. Lutz (University of Kansas 1961)
Charles H. Lyons (University of Kansas 1889)
Paul H. Maccaskill (University of Kansas 1937)
Hervey W. Macferran (University of Kansas 1950)
W. S. Macferran (University of Kansas 1946)
Keith A. Macivor (University of Kansas 1953)
Roderick K. Macivor (University of Kansas 1948)
David C. Mackie (University of Kansas 1923)
Thomas J. Mackie (University of Kansas 1932)
William R. Mackie (University of Kansas 1937)
George K. Mackie Jr. (University of Kansas 1927)
Hector K. MacLeod (University of Kansas 1930)
Clyde Magill (University of Kansas 1912)
Joseph R. Mahan (University of Kansas 1919)
Ellis P. Mallam (University of Kansas 1910)
Dale E. Mallon (University of Kansas 1948)
Terry K. Malott (University of Kansas 1958)
Alvin O. Maltby (University of Kansas 1904)
Thomas W. Mangelsdorf (University of Kansas 1939)
Robert E. Manion (University of Kansas 1955)
Robert C. Manley (University of Kansas 1896)
Alfred C. Mann (University of Kansas 1940)
Ward H. Maris (University of Kansas 1914)
John P. Markey (University of Kansas 1921)
John S. Markey (University of Kansas 1971)
Charles W. Marsh (University of Kansas 1949)
Hunter L. Martin (University of Kansas 1905)
Robert L. Martin (University of Kansas 1956)
Ralf S. Martin (University of Kansas 1931)
George H. Marts (University of Kansas 1930)
Robert F. Mason (University of Kansas 1919)
Benjamin H. Matkins (University of Kansas 1910)
Raymond E. Mattison (University of Kansas 1924)
Cartter G. Maule (University of Kansas 1939)
Donald L. May (University of Kansas 1950)
Nelson A. May (University of Kansas 1945)
John H. Mayer (University of Kansas 1961)
Nathan M. McCague (University of Kansas 1892)
David J. McCarty (University of Kansas 1943)
John O. McClelland (University of Kansas 1950)
Joseph S. McClelland (University of Kansas 1954)
Adelbert McCleverty (University of Kansas 1908)
Rensselaer W. McClure (University of Kansas 1946)
Stanton A. McCool (University of Kansas 1936)
John J. McDermott (University of Kansas 1948)
Daniel J. McDevitt (University of Kansas 1989)
William B. McElhenny (University of Kansas 1942)
John R. McFarland (University of Kansas 1956)
John W. McGilley (University of Kansas 1954)
George M. McGrew (University of Kansas 1935)
Hugh L. McGuire (University of Kansas 1934)
James B. McKay (University of Kansas 1945)
James R. McKnight (University of Kansas 1902)
S. A. McLain (University of Kansas 1911)
Wray E. McLain (University of Kansas 1913)
John D. McLaren (University of Kansas 1886)
Thomas W. McLaughlin (University of Kansas 1969)
Drew McLaughlin (University of Kansas 1938)
John C. McMann (University of Kansas 1926)
Donald M. McNichols (University of Kansas 1960)
Harold D. McSpadden (University of Kansas 1945)
Larry E. McSpadden (University of Kansas 1943)
Roy V. McVey (University of Kansas 1947)
Scott L. McWhorter (University of Kansas 1997)
James L. Mead (University of Kansas 1885)
Hugh Means (University of Kansas 1895)
James W. Means (University of Kansas 1899)
C. C. Meeks (University of Kansas 1987)
Byron H. Mehl (University of Kansas 1918)
Bertrand H. Meigs (University of Kansas 1891)
Mark W. Meisinger (University of Kansas 1969)
Frank D. Merriam (University of Kansas 1890)
Wilder S. Metcalf (University of Kansas 1898)
Donald E. Metzler (University of Kansas 1938)
Lloyd A. Metzler (University of Kansas 1935)
Jack K. Middlekauff (University of Kansas 1921)
John F. Middlestetter (University of Kansas 1931)
Whittier S. Miles (University of Kansas 1890)
Blonn Miller (University of Kansas 1932)
De L. Miller (University of Kansas 1914)
Frank V. Miller (University of Kansas 1917)
Glen Miller (University of Kansas 1884)
John M. Miller (University of Kansas 1917)
Lewis L. Miller (University of Kansas 1922)
Norman R. Miller (University of Kansas 1925)
Phillip D. Miller (University of Kansas 1915)
Robert H. Miller (University of Kansas 1940)
Walter L. Miller (University of Kansas 1946)
John D. Miller (University of Kansas 1925)
William M. Mills (University of Kansas 1964)
Alexander B. Mitchell (University of Kansas 1915)
Alexander C. Mitchell (University of Kansas 1939)
Andrew D. Mitchell (University of Kansas 1941)
Rolla R. Mitchell (University of Kansas 1895)
Samuel E. Mitchell (University of Kansas 1919)
William C. Mitchell (University of Kansas 1937)
Fred Mitchelson (University of Kansas 1944)
James S. Moore (University of Kansas 1933)
Thomas J. Moore (University of Kansas 1958)
Randolph N. Moore (University of Kansas 1946)
Thomas W. Moorman (University of Kansas 1974)
Jacques L. Morgan (University of Kansas 1896)
William Y. Morgan (University of Kansas 1885)
Daniel J. Morris (University of Kansas 1963)
David R. Morris (University of Kansas 1968)
Kenneth D. Morris (University of Kansas 1959)
Mark L. Morris (University of Kansas 1956)
Thomas J. Morris (University of Kansas 1940)
Edward A. Morse (University of Kansas 1886)
Ernest A. Morse (University of Kansas 1940)
Paul G. Morse (University of Kansas 1940)
Asa H. Morton (University of Kansas 1882)
Thomas E. Morton (University of Kansas 1955)
Thomas I. Motter (University of Kansas 1894)
James E. Mount (University of Kansas 1935)
Michael H. Mount (University of Kansas 1964)
Thomas R. Muir (University of Kansas 1876)
William R. Mulhern (University of Kansas 1951)
L. M. Nardyz (University of Kansas 1956)
Robert A. Nash (University of Kansas 1951)
William G. Neely (University of Kansas 1894)
William L. Neff (University of Kansas 1947)
James S. Nellis (University of Kansas 1953)
Louis C. Nelson (University of Kansas 1930)
Richard R. Nelson (University of Kansas 1921)
Wade W. Nelson (University of Kansas 1939)
James Nelson (University of Kansas 1940)
Harold E. Neptune (University of Kansas 1916)
John B. Nicholson (University of Kansas 1897)
Robert I. Nicholson (University of Kansas 1935)
Hiram A. Nickles (University of Kansas 1925)
Donald J. Nigg (University of Kansas 1943)
Arthur Noble (University of Kansas 1903)
Robert M. Noll (University of Kansas 1909)
Laird G. Noller (University of Kansas 1959)
David E. Norris (University of Kansas 1966)
Ned D. Norris (University of Kansas 1959)
Frank T. Oakley (University of Kansas 1886)
Thomas N. Ober (University of Kansas 1947)
Francis B. Odell (University of Kansas 1899)
Harold F. O'Donnell (University of Kansas 1922)
William F. Ogg (University of Kansas 1895)
Robert S. Ogilvie (University of Kansas 1950)
Carl E. Olander (University of Kansas 1950)
Jim B. Olander (University of Kansas 1950)
John B. Old (University of Kansas 1922)
Gordon C. Oldham (University of Kansas 1904)
Henry F. Olds (University of Kansas 1922)
Robert J. Oliver (University of Kansas 1907)
Earl M. Olson (University of Kansas 1943)
Harry E. Olson (University of Kansas 1923)
Otis Orendorff (University of Kansas 1892)
Wayne F. Orlowski (University of Kansas 1956)
Albert J. O'Rourke (University of Kansas 1955)
George C. Orr (University of Kansas 1907)
Robert J. Orr (University of Kansas 1942)
Daniel M. O'Shea (University of Kansas 1940)
Mark E. Otis (University of Kansas 1891)
William R. Palmer (University of Kansas 1945)
Benjamin F. Park (University of Kansas 1942)
John E. Park (University of Kansas 1937)
W. Park (University of Kansas 1935)
Charles R. Parker (University of Kansas 1923)
James Parker (University of Kansas 1914)
J. Parmenter (University of Kansas 1927)
Louis C. Parmenter (University of Kansas 1929)
Jay N. Patmor (University of Kansas 1903)
James R. Patterson (University of Kansas 1934)
Robert M. Patterson (University of Kansas 1941)
Fred L. Pausch (University of Kansas 1918)
H. T. Payne (University of Kansas 1952)
William B. Payne (University of Kansas 1954)
Rochester C. Pearson (University of Kansas 1912)
George W. Penfield (University of Kansas 1897)
Richard L. Penfold (University of Kansas 1952)
Elvin C. Penney (University of Kansas 1922)
Gerald H. Penney (University of Kansas 1923)
Clement D. Perkins (University of Kansas 1908)
Edward O. Perkins (University of Kansas 1901)
Lucius J. Perkins (University of Kansas 1921)
William C. Perry (University of Kansas 1922)
William T. Perry (University of Kansas 1895)
Samuel R. Peters (University of Kansas 1900)
William L. Peters (University of Kansas 1931)
Frederick J. Petzold (University of Kansas 1962)
George A. Phillips (University of Kansas 1943)
John M. Phillips (University of Kansas 1937)
Lee A. Phillips (University of Kansas 1895)
Harvey J. Pierce (University of Kansas 1905)
Hulbert G. Pierce (University of Kansas 1903)
Louis C. Poehler (University of Kansas 1890)
Richard A. Pollard (University of Kansas 1960)
Billie J. Porter (University of Kansas 1950)
Edwin C. Porter (University of Kansas 1934)
George A. Porter (University of Kansas 1909)
John M. Porter (University of Kansas 1921)
Neal A. Post (University of Kansas 1950)
James L. Potts (University of Kansas 1952)
Jere J. Potts (University of Kansas 1958)
Raymond S. Prewitt (University of Kansas 1933)
John T. Puckett (University of Kansas 1945)
George E. Putnam (University of Kansas 1907)
H. D. Putney (University of Kansas 1937)
Charles O. Radcliffe (University of Kansas 1922)
Robert P. Radcliffe (University of Kansas 1961)
William O. Radcliffe (University of Kansas 1994)
Robert H. Ramsay (University of Kansas 1946)
Ronald H. Ramsay (University of Kansas 1916)
James B. Ramsey (University of Kansas 1937)
Richard H. Raney (University of Kansas 1949)
James F. Ranson (University of Kansas 1960)
John S. Ranson (University of Kansas 1951)
Mason W. Rector (University of Kansas 1923)
Bobby N. Reed (University of Kansas 1944)
Francis S. Reed (University of Kansas 1920)
John E. Rees (University of Kansas 1984)
Gilbert M. Reich (University of Kansas 1954)
Richard J. Reich (University of Kansas 1956)
Richard R. Reid (University of Kansas 1942)
John E. Rein (University of Kansas 1954)
Phillip A. Rein (University of Kansas 1957)
Robert E. Rein (University of Kansas 1951)
Jack E. Reinhart (University of Kansas 1948)
Milton F. Reitz (University of Kansas 1899)
Robert F. Revelette (University of Kansas 1952)
John M. Reynolds (University of Kansas 1945)
Herbert A. Rice (University of Kansas 1897)
Jack M. Rice (University of Kansas 1937)
Clement L. Richardson (University of Kansas 1904)
George C. Richardson (University of Kansas 1911)
James P. Richardson (University of Kansas 1904)
James J. Richey (University of Kansas 1947)
Karl L. Riddle (University of Kansas 1913)
Kenyon Riddle (University of Kansas 1913)
Floyd L. Riederer (University of Kansas 1942)
John E. Riederer (University of Kansas 1953)
Robert M. Riegle (University of Kansas 1950)
Hamilton V. Riggs (University of Kansas 1925)
Henry E. Riggs (University of Kansas 1886)
Dave Ritchie (University of Kansas 1950)
H. D. Ritchie (University of Kansas 1940)
J. P. Ritchie (University of Kansas 1939)
Earl L. Robbins (University of Kansas 1947)
Charles L. Roberts (University of Kansas 1945)
Elmore K. Roberts (University of Kansas 1910)
Ernest M. Roberts (University of Kansas 1928)
Grosvenor G. Roberts (University of Kansas 1943)
John E. Roberts (University of Kansas 1929)
Thomas H. Rockwell (University of Kansas 1886)
Edward F. Rodgers (University of Kansas 1951)
Douglas K. Rogers (University of Kansas 1979)
Fred C. Rogers (University of Kansas 1929)
Harry L. Rogers (University of Kansas 1910)
James L. Rogers (University of Kansas 1923)
William A. Rogers (University of Kansas 1896)
William H. Rolfs (University of Kansas 1939)
Wayne Q. Rolley (University of Kansas 1958)
Robert Roos (University of Kansas 1911)
H. J. Rose (University of Kansas 1908)
Robert E. Roth (University of Kansas 1954)
Dwight M. Rounds (University of Kansas 1950)
Gene R. Rourke (University of Kansas 1927)
Russel K. Rourke (University of Kansas 1937)
George W. Rourke (University of Kansas 1920)
Wallace T. Rouse (University of Kansas 1950)
Robert J. Rowlands (University of Kansas 1938)
William M. Rowlands (University of Kansas 1940)
Edward F. Ruese (University of Kansas 1955)
John M. Rugh (University of Kansas 1934)
Richard H. Rumsey (University of Kansas 1956)
David T. Runyan (University of Kansas 1958)
James L. Russell (University of Kansas 1913)
Ralph E. Russell (University of Kansas 1955)
John R. Sabin (University of Kansas 1927)
Eugene E. Sallee (University of Kansas 1948)
Edwin P. Sample (University of Kansas 1899)
Rudloph A. Sandberg (University of Kansas 1949)
William F. Sanders (University of Kansas 1942)
Daniel D. Santry (University of Kansas 1928)
Horace A. Santry (University of Kansas 1932)
Elmer H. Schaake (University of Kansas 1933)
Frederic W. Schell (University of Kansas 1979)
Gregory G. Schieffer (University of Kansas 1972)
John R. Schneider (University of Kansas 1971)
Herbert A. Schnierle (University of Kansas 1914)
Henry W. Schott (University of Kansas 1894)
Donald E. Schreiber (University of Kansas 1947)
C. A. Schrock (University of Kansas 1984)
Edgar C. Schroers (University of Kansas 1919)
Harry G. Schroers (University of Kansas 1915)
Kenneth N. Scott (University of Kansas 1930)
Samuel T. Seaton (University of Kansas 1884)
Herbert E. Semper (University of Kansas 1951)
Sam F. Sexton (University of Kansas 1955)
C. W. Shank (University of Kansas 1945)
Lester A. Sharrard (University of Kansas 1888)
Henry H. Shawhan (University of Kansas 1887)
Don D. Shawver (University of Kansas 1955)
Jesse C. Shearman (University of Kansas 1911)
Jack R. Shears (University of Kansas 1952)
Harry W. Sheets (University of Kansas 1922)
Frank L. Shellabarger (University of Kansas 1901)
Alvin W. Shepard (University of Kansas 1896)
Dale D. Sherriff (University of Kansas 1925)
Clarence B. Sherwood (University of Kansas 1930)
Clifford C. Sherwood (University of Kansas 1934)
Oscar C. Sherwood (University of Kansas 1928)
John P. Shields (University of Kansas 1952)
Richard L. Shields (University of Kansas 1946)
Clyde T. Shifflet (University of Kansas 1922)
Joseph C. Shinn (University of Kansas 1888)
Edison B. Shive (University of Kansas 1946)
Arthur B. Sim (University of Kansas 1904)
Robert B. Simons (University of Kansas 1930)
W. R. Simonson (University of Kansas 1948)
Harry F. Sinclair (University of Kansas 1899)
Daniel L. Slavens (University of Kansas 1951)
John B. Sleeper (University of Kansas 1936)
Milo G. Sloo (University of Kansas 1937)
Clarence A. Sluss (University of Kansas 1899)
Fred H. Smiley (University of Kansas 1887)
Dean E. Smith (University of Kansas 1953)
Duane T. Smith (University of Kansas 1943)
Edgar B. Smith (University of Kansas 1891)
Edward W. Smith (University of Kansas 1895)
Ethan A. Smith (University of Kansas 1930)
Ethan A. Smith (University of Kansas 1956)
Fred S. Smith (University of Kansas 1942)
Harold H. Smith (University of Kansas 1927)
Harrison Smith (University of Kansas 1938)
Harry A. Smith (University of Kansas 1886)
Harry D. Smith (University of Kansas 1887)
Louis F. Smith (University of Kansas 1951)
Shelby W. Smith (University of Kansas 1952)
Ned W. Smull (University of Kansas 1948)
Herbert C. Sommers (University of Kansas 1913)
Clarence R. Sowers (University of Kansas 1915)
Claude E. Sowers (University of Kansas 1914)
John W. Sponable (University of Kansas 1925)
James M. Staker (University of Kansas 1945)
Sam B. Stall (University of Kansas 1913)
Ray J. Stanclift (University of Kansas 1941)
Earl C. Stanton (University of Kansas 1922)
James H. Stanton (University of Kansas 1920)
Earl C. Stanton Jr. (University of Kansas 1949)
Richard R. Starr (University of Kansas 1947)
Norman G. Steanson (University of Kansas 1953)
Charles H. Steeper (University of Kansas 1950)
Walt A. Steiger (University of Kansas 1934)
William H. Steiger (University of Kansas 1938)
Ray K. Stemen (University of Kansas 1914)
Donald L. Stevens (University of Kansas 1956)
Joseph C. Stevens (University of Kansas 1933)
William C. Stevens (University of Kansas 1885)
Dan G. Stevenson (University of Kansas 1963)
Byron L. Stewart (University of Kansas 1925)
Oran H. Stewart (University of Kansas 1910)
Albert C. Stewell (University of Kansas 1918)
Sam B. Stoll (University of Kansas 1913)
Albert C. Stowell (University of Kansas 1911)
Morris H. Straight (University of Kansas 1931)
Earl W. Strong (University of Kansas 1949)
Joe E. Strong (University of Kansas 1952)
Edmond M. Stryker (University of Kansas 1950)
Joseph M. Stryker (University of Kansas 1945)
Charles G. Stucker (University of Kansas 1945)
Harry T. Stucker (University of Kansas 1947)
Carl K. Suderman (University of Kansas 1924)
Paul D. Surber (University of Kansas 1913)
Thomas K. Sutton (University of Kansas 1938)
Bert Sutton Jr. (University of Kansas 1933)
Asa T. Swan (University of Kansas 1906)
L. H. Swan (University of Kansas 1908)
H. W. Sweeny (University of Kansas 1956)
Cyrus B. Sweet (University of Kansas 1924)
James A. Swenson (University of Kansas 1950)
A. C. Syler (University of Kansas 1960)
George H. Tate (University of Kansas 1963)
Bradley R. Taylor (University of Kansas 1918)
John W. Taylor (University of Kansas 1906)
Oscar F. Teichgraeber (University of Kansas 1921)
George R. Temple (University of Kansas 1921)
Jack R. Tenison (University of Kansas 1916)
Frank L. Tenney (University of Kansas 1937)
Vincent M. Tharp (University of Kansas 1942)
E. E. Thayer (University of Kansas 1945)
W. P. Thayer (University of Kansas 1941)
Robert H. Thomas (University of Kansas 1914)
Hugh J. Thompson (University of Kansas 1934)
Ralph B. Thompson (University of Kansas 1930)
Sanford P. Thomson (University of Kansas 1943)
Dean E. Tilton (University of Kansas 1941)
Edward A. Todd (University of Kansas 1950)
Hugh H. Todd (University of Kansas 1899)
Luther A. Todd (University of Kansas 1897)
William L. Todd (University of Kansas 1947)
Lawrence G. Trickett (University of Kansas 1914)
Miller H. Troup (University of Kansas 1928)
Walter J. Trousdale (University of Kansas 1913)
Marvin F. Truby (University of Kansas 1915)
Gilbert G. Tucker (University of Kansas 1930)
John R. Tucker (University of Kansas 1929)
Charles H. Tucker (University of Kansas 1940)
Frank H. Tuke (University of Kansas 1934)
Josiah S. Turner (University of Kansas 1948)
William H. Udell (University of Kansas 1939)
Burns H. Uhrich (University of Kansas 1906)
Harry E. Valentine (University of Kansas 1888)
Harry E. Valentine (University of Kansas 1936)
Ralph E. Valentine (University of Kansas 1895)
Andrew S. Vaneman (University of Kansas 1912)
Jess W. VanErt (University of Kansas 1948)
Harry L. Vanvelzer (University of Kansas 1919)
Vernon Vanzandt (University of Kansas 1921)
Michael A. Vaughn (University of Kansas 1973)
William H. Vernon (University of Kansas 1934)
Conrad L. Voelker (University of Kansas 1942)
Robert E. Voelker (University of Kansas 1944)
Emil T. Voights (University of Kansas 1900)
Mark S. Waggener (University of Kansas 1921)
Balie P. Waggener (University of Kansas 1921)
George H. Waitt (University of Kansas 1924)
George H. Waitt Jr. (University of Kansas 1949)
Carol J. Wakenhut (University of Kansas 1917)
John H. Walker (University of Kansas 1934)
Philip L. Ward (University of Kansas 1928)
Robert J. Waters (University of Kansas 1914)
John S. Weaver (University of Kansas 1889)
Warren J. Weed (University of Kansas 1976)
Bruce E. Welch (University of Kansas 1961)
Kenneth R. Welch (University of Kansas 1960)
John R. Wellington (University of Kansas 1950)
Robert B. Wellington (University of Kansas 1943)
Loren W. Wheeler (University of Kansas 1957)
John L. Whitaker (University of Kansas 1938)
Jack A. White (University of Kansas 1937)
Malberne H. White (University of Kansas 1913)
John C. Whiteside (University of Kansas 1894)
Steven E. Wickliff (University of Kansas 1963)
Ralph Wickliffe (University of Kansas 1900)
Arthur S. Wickstrum (University of Kansas 1916)
Herman K. Widick (University of Kansas 1953)
Theodore Wiklund (University of Kansas 1964)
Ira S. Wilbur (University of Kansas 1929)
Frank R. Wilcox (University of Kansas 1929)
Philip V. Wiley (University of Kansas 1927)
Robert E. Wiley (University of Kansas 1940)
William E. Wiley (University of Kansas 1933)
Eugene V. Williams (University of Kansas 1945)
J. R. Williams (University of Kansas 1950)
John A. Williams (University of Kansas 1913)
Reginald V. Williams (University of Kansas 1915)
Donald M. Wilson (University of Kansas 1921)
Keith Wilson (University of Kansas 1949)
Hill P. Wilson (University of Kansas 1905)
Burle F. Wobker (University of Kansas 1938)
Thomas F. Wobker (University of Kansas 1967)
William H. Wolfe (University of Kansas 1940)
John W. Wolfe (University of Kansas 1955)
Georgia N. Wood (University of Kansas 1908)
William M. Wood (University of Kansas 1910)
Scott D. Woodard (University of Kansas 1972)
Delos P. Woods (University of Kansas 1900)
Taft Woody (University of Kansas 1932)
Wayne V. Woody (University of Kansas 1953)
Richard A. Worrel (University of Kansas 1983)
North A. Wright (University of Kansas 1920)
Richard C. Wright (University of Kansas 1937)
Fred O. Wulfekuhler (University of Kansas 1906)
Irving Wulfekuhler (University of Kansas 1920)
Louis E. Wulfekuhler (University of Kansas 1918)
Louis E. Wulfekuhler (University of Kansas 1940)
Chester L. Wurster (University of Kansas 1914)
Nathan D. Wynkoop (University of Kansas 1924)
Paul C. Yankey Jr. (University of Kansas 1942)
Alfred F. Yohe (University of Kansas 1888)
Donald G. Allie (University of Kentucky 1964)
Frederick J. Anderson (University of Kentucky 1965)
Jeffrey A. Baltzer (University of Kentucky 1986)
Patrick C. Bean (University of Kentucky 1963)
Leonard J. Best (University of Kentucky 1967)
Oren A. Bogardus (University of Kentucky 1963)
Joseph T. Boggs (University of Kentucky 1967)
Dennis E. Bricking (University of Kentucky 1965)
David R. Browning (University of Kentucky 1964)
John H. Butler (University of Kentucky 1963)
John E. Callahan (University of Kentucky 1962)
Victor C. Caven (University of Kentucky 1970)
Gene A. Clabes (University of Kentucky 1968)
John T. Cook (University of Kentucky 1971)
Steven H. Cook (University of Kentucky 1968)
David E. Copeland (University of Kentucky 1959)
Stephen Curtis (University of Kentucky 1967)
Ralph G. Dunbar (University of Kentucky 1960)
Patrick A. Fister (University of Kentucky 1974)
Kendall C. Grant (University of Kentucky 1973)
Woodson B. Gudgell (University of Kentucky 1960)
James M. Hansen (University of Kentucky 1968)
Harry G. Hoffman (University of Kentucky 1961)
James M. Howell (University of Kentucky 1964)
William B. Howell (University of Kentucky 1961)
Michael C. Johnston (University of Kentucky 1969)
Robert L. Kelley (University of Kentucky 1968)
Lawrence V. King (University of Kentucky 1969)
Joseph H. Kurre (University of Kentucky 1965)
George W. Layne (University of Kentucky 1960)
Frank H. McCartney (University of Kentucky 1971)
Nicholas D. McCubbin (University of Kentucky 1963)
David W. McLellan (University of Kentucky 1961)
Maurice L. Miller (University of Kentucky 1960)
Thomas A. Miller (University of Kentucky 1973)
James E. Morrison (University of Kentucky 1970)
Kurt S. Niedenzu (University of Kentucky 1981)
Michael J. Niehoff (University of Kentucky 1982)
Donald O. Nodler (University of Kentucky 1967)
Charles W. Nunnelley (University of Kentucky 1998)
William R. Piel (University of Kentucky 1966)
Henry R. Prewitt (University of Kentucky 1959)
Russell E. Puckett (University of Kentucky 1963)
John P. Rhody (University of Kentucky 1969)
Harry B. Scott (University of Kentucky 1969)
Lee H. Stinnett (University of Kentucky 1961)
Randall J. Thornton (University of Kentucky 1975)
Paul R. Townsend (University of Kentucky 1969)
John H. Tyler (University of Kentucky 1958)
Robert B. Warn (University of Kentucky 1974)
Charles D. Weaver (University of Kentucky 1967)
Russell G. Williams (University of Kentucky 1974)
Arthur W. Abbott (University of Maine Orono 1914)
Clarence J. Abbott Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Edward B. Aborn (University of Maine Orono 1906)
Richard D. Acheson (University of Maine Orono 1964)
Thomas M. Acheson (University of Maine Orono 1962)
Earle B. Adams (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Jonathan E. Adams (University of Maine Orono 1939)
Elwood P. Additon (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Richard C. Alden (University of Maine Orono 1934)
Donald F. Alexander (University of Maine Orono 1923)
Bert J. Allan (University of Maine Orono 1886)
Charles D. Allen (University of Maine Orono 1943)
Richard C. Allen (University of Maine Orono 1953)
W. A. Allen (University of Maine Orono 1874)
Wayne R. Allen (University of Maine Orono 1951)
Charles A. Ames (University of Maine Orono 1961)
George H. Ames (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Robert B. Ames (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Bryant W. Anderson (University of Maine Orono 1927)
John R. Anderson (University of Maine Orono 1942)
Philip D. Anderson (University of Maine Orono 1960)
Thomas A. Anderson (University of Maine Orono 1902)
William L. Anderson (University of Maine Orono 1909)
Ernest F. Andrews (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Walter J. Anliker (University of Maine Orono 1932)
Ceylon R. Archer (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Paul S. Armstrong (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Donald M. Ashton (University of Maine Orono 1916)
Charles R. Atherton (University of Maine Orono 1927)
G. F. Atherton (University of Maine Orono 1892)
William H. Atkinson (University of Maine Orono 1892)
Horace W. Atwood (University of Maine Orono 1880)
Victor G. Aubry (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Scott B. Austin (University of Maine Orono 1978)
Guy S. Bachelder (University of Maine Orono 1914)
Francis H. Bacon (University of Maine Orono 1876)
Eugene L. Bailey (University of Maine Orono 1944)
Guy R. Bailey (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Irving S. Bailey (University of Maine Orono 1925)
Morton S. Bailey (University of Maine Orono 1927)
O. A. Bailey (University of Maine Orono 1899)
Elmer L. Baird (University of Maine Orono 1916)
Edward H. Baker (University of Maine Orono 1927)
Gerald F. Baker (University of Maine Orono 1926)
Robert C. Baker (University of Maine Orono 1904)
Robert L. Baker (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Russell B. Baker (University of Maine Orono 1928)
Walter Balentine (University of Maine Orono 1874)
John W. Ballou (University of Maine Orono 1949)
William R. Ballou (University of Maine Orono 1912)
George G. Barker (University of Maine Orono 1886)
Carl W. Barnard (University of Maine Orono 1928)
John H. Barnard (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Willett C. Barrett (University of Maine Orono 1918)
C. S. Bartlett (University of Maine Orono 1897)
Edmund H. Bartlett (University of Maine Orono 1925)
James M. Bartlett (University of Maine Orono 1880)
Gerald M. Bates (University of Maine Orono 1923)
John E. Bates (University of Maine Orono 1933)
Silas L. Bates (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Karl F. Bean (University of Maine Orono 1994)
Ricky M. Bean (University of Maine Orono 1982)
Eldridge H. Beckler (University of Maine Orono 1886)
Patrick M. Belknap (University of Maine Orono 2000)
George T. Bell (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Waldo H. Bennett (University of Maine Orono 1903)
George R. Berger (University of Maine Orono 1948)
Edward J. Bickterman (University of Maine Orono 1955)
Bruce S. Billings (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Nathaniel A. Billings (University of Maine Orono 1941)
John H. Bixby (University of Maine Orono 1901)
Oscar M. Bixby (University of Maine Orono 1901)
Charles E. Blackwell (University of Maine Orono 1899)
Edward J. Blake (University of Maine Orono 1879)
Edward M. Blanding (University of Maine Orono 1876)
Fred A. Blethen (University of Maine Orono 1925)
Harold A. Blethen (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Melvin S. Blethen (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Charles V. Blood (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Leslie A. Boadway (University of Maine Orono 1891)
Byron H. Bodge (University of Maine Orono 1902)
Alfred O. Bottcher (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Gerald R. Bouchard (University of Maine Orono 1958)
Joseph S. Boulos (University of Maine Orono 1941)
William R. Bourbon (University of Maine Orono 1964)
John C. Bowler (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Clayton W. Bowles (University of Maine Orono 1905)
H. Louis Boyle Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1943)
Alson E. Boynton (University of Maine Orono 1899)
Loren F. Boynton (University of Maine Orono 1881)
Donald T. Brackett (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Burke Bradbury (University of Maine Orono 1916)
Ira M. Bradbury (University of Maine Orono 1914)
Kent F. Bradbury (University of Maine Orono 1934)
Merrill R. Bradford (University of Maine Orono 1939)
Milton L. Bradford (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Walter H. Brady (University of Maine Orono 1943)
Lester M. Bragg (University of Maine Orono 1910)
Everett H. Brasier (University of Maine Orono 1918)
William T. Brastow (University of Maine Orono 1897)
Allen W. Bratton (University of Maine Orono 1932)
William V. Bratton (University of Maine Orono 1933)
Edgar S. Brewer (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Warren G. Brewer (University of Maine Orono 1913)
Fred P. Briggs (University of Maine Orono 1899)
John W. Brookings (University of Maine Orono 1949)
George F. Brookman (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Darrell H. Brooks (University of Maine Orono 1954)
Albert H. Brown (University of Maine Orono 1880)
Amon B. Brown (University of Maine Orono 1907)
Charles L. Brown (University of Maine Orono 1900)
Clifford Brown (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Ernest H. Brown (University of Maine Orono 1936)
Henry W. Brown (University of Maine Orono 1881)
Leon F. Brown (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Ralph L. Brown (University of Maine Orono 1919)
James H. Browne (University of Maine Orono 1972)
Arnold B. Brownell (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Clarence P. Bryant (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Edward C. Bryant (University of Maine Orono 1931)
Charles S. Bryer (University of Maine Orono 1897)
Theodore S. Bryer (University of Maine Orono 1901)
Bruce A. Buck (University of Maine Orono 1977)
Hosea B. Buck (University of Maine Orono 1893)
Robert J. Buck (University of Maine Orono 1944)
Wilbur A. Bumps (University of Maine Orono 1874)
Andrew R. Bunker (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Dana E. Bunker (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Paul S. Bunker (University of Maine Orono 1929)
Stephen S. Bunker (University of Maine Orono 1897)
Marshall F. Burk (University of Maine Orono 1954)
Roger W. Burke (University of Maine Orono 1936)
Waldo H. Burnham (University of Maine Orono 1943)
Alfred S. Burns (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Caleb E. Burns (University of Maine Orono 1907)
Michael F. Burns (University of Maine Orono 1979)
Robert B. Burns (University of Maine Orono 1877)
William B. Burns (University of Maine Orono 1903)
Frederick H. Butler (University of Maine Orono 1886)
Harry Butler (University of Maine Orono 1920)
Harry Butler (University of Maine Orono 1888)
Harry W. Butler (University of Maine Orono 1931)
Leon J. Butler (University of Maine Orono 1924)
Terchak F. Bye (University of Maine Orono 1907)
Philip D. Cabot (University of Maine Orono 1944)
A. J. Caldwell (University of Maine Orono 1878)
Charles W. Camack (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Dudley E. Campbell (University of Maine Orono 1888)
Donald L. Card (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Harry P. Carle (University of Maine Orono 1910)
Leon P. Carle (University of Maine Orono 1915)
Charles F. Carlisle (University of Maine Orono 1950)
George D. Carlisle (University of Maine Orono 1935)
John D. Carlisle (University of Maine Orono 1940)
Robert Carlisle (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Horace L. Carter (University of Maine Orono 1920)
Ray M. Carter (University of Maine Orono 1917)
William S. Carter (University of Maine Orono 1913)
Lester K. Cary (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Harold A. Caswell (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Charles V. Catell (University of Maine Orono 1924)
Lewis J. Catheron (University of Maine Orono 1912)
William T. Cavanaugh (University of Maine Orono 1925)
John B. Cervone (University of Maine Orono 1949)
John E. Chadbourne (University of Maine Orono 1951)
Richard Y. Chadwick (University of Maine Orono 1944)
Austin H. Chamberlain (University of Maine Orono 1939)
Charles E. Chamberlain (University of Maine Orono 1902)
Clifton E. Chandler (University of Maine Orono 1913)
Robert F. Chandler (University of Maine Orono 1903)
Carroll S. Chaplin (University of Maine Orono 1904)
James S. Chaplin (University of Maine Orono 1971)
William G. Chaplin (University of Maine Orono 1973)
Joseph B. Chaplin (University of Maine Orono 1945)
George H. Cheney (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Leon A. Cheney DDS (University of Maine Orono 1928)
Wilbur R. Christopherson (University of Maine Orono 1923)
Fred R. Churchill (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Orman T. Cimpher (University of Maine Orono 1903)
Elwood I. Clapp (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Milton H. Clapp (University of Maine Orono 1927)
S. H. Clapp (University of Maine Orono 1875)
Elwood I. Clapp (University of Maine Orono 1944)
Arnold H. Clark (University of Maine Orono 1941)
B. E. Clark (University of Maine Orono 1887)
Donald S. Clark (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Edmund Clark (University of Maine Orono 1891)
Frederic A. Clark (University of Maine Orono 1968)
Gordon A. Clark (University of Maine Orono 1933)
John T. Clark (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Wilkie C. Clark (University of Maine Orono 1900)
James W. Clark (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Justin R. Clary (University of Maine Orono 1897)
Carl S. Cleaves (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Charles B. Cleaves (University of Maine Orono 1912)
John C. Clement (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Zora G. Clevenger (University of Maine Orono 1905)
Paul Cloke (University of Maine Orono 1927)
Edgar D. Coffin (University of Maine Orono 1926)
Fred M. Cogswell (University of Maine Orono 1940)
Charles F. Colesworthy (University of Maine Orono 1875)
Arthur W. Collings (University of Maine Orono 1901)
Jerome H. Comins (University of Maine Orono 1933)
Henry G. Conklin (University of Maine Orono 1933)
Arthur B. Conner (University of Maine Orono 1929)
Ernest L. Coolbroth (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Allen B. Cooper (University of Maine Orono 1916)
Elston F. Cooper (University of Maine Orono 1929)
William A. Cosgrove (University of Maine Orono 1919)
George B. Cotton (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Philip A. Coulombe (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Herbert B. Cousins (University of Maine Orono 1920)
Francis A. Craig (University of Maine Orono 1933)
Ernest V. Cram (University of Maine Orono 1917)
George P. Creighton (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Maynard J. Creighton (University of Maine Orono 1915)
George L. Cristy (University of Maine Orono 1914)
Bayard M. Cronkhite (University of Maine Orono 1947)
Ernest D. Crosby (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Oliver Crosby (University of Maine Orono 1876)
Robert A. Crosby (University of Maine Orono 1901)
Donald H. Cross (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Hugo H. Cross (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Hugo S. Cross (University of Maine Orono 1919)
William H. Crowell (University of Maine Orono 1900)
Robert V. Cullinan (University of Maine Orono 1939)
Abraham L. Cummings (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Nathan C. Cummings (University of Maine Orono 1911)
Norman H. Cummings (University of Maine Orono 1951)
Philip E. Cummings (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Robert L. Cummings (University of Maine Orono 1908)
Robert L. Cunningham (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Laurence E. Curran (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Gustavus N. Currie (University of Maine Orono 1960)
Theodore S. Curtis (University of Maine Orono 1923)
Louis E. Curtis (University of Maine Orono 1923)
Raymond G. Cushman (University of Maine Orono 1964)
Cecil J. Cutts (University of Maine Orono 1925)
David J. Daigle (University of Maine Orono 1958)
Paul J. Dailey (University of Maine Orono 1969)
Ralph O. Dale (University of Maine Orono 1942)
William H. Daley (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Robert A. Dalrymple Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1942)
George W. Damon (University of Maine Orono 1929)
Edward F. Danforth (University of Maine Orono 1877)
Frank W. Danforth (University of Maine Orono 1948)
Clyde F. Daniels (University of Maine Orono 1914)
James H. Davidson (University of Maine Orono 1920)
Harry W. Davis (University of Maine Orono 1885)
Manley W. Davis (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Raymond W. Davis (University of Maine Orono 1911)
Eugene G. Day (University of Maine Orono 1904)
Lawrence C. Day (University of Maine Orono 1946)
Buel D. Dean (University of Maine Orono 1938)
John B. Dearborn (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Charles J. DeBiase (University of Maine Orono 1953)
Wilbur F. Decker (University of Maine Orono 1879)
Carrol R. Decoster (University of Maine Orono 1927)
Howard O. DeCoster (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Gerard C. DeGrandpre (University of Maine Orono 1960)
Eben B. DeGrasse (University of Maine Orono 1957)
Gerard A. Dehaseth (University of Maine Orono 1895)
James L. DeLois (University of Maine Orono 1951)
William H. Demant (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Paul A. Devine (University of Maine Orono 1960)
Franklin D. Dexter (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Dominic J. Dibiase (University of Maine Orono 1953)
George T. Digby (University of Maine Orono 1940)
Carleton Doak (University of Maine Orono 1939)
Marthon Doak (University of Maine Orono 1913)
Asher Dole (University of Maine Orono 1885)
Scott T. Doten (University of Maine Orono 1974)
Malcolm S. Douglas (University of Maine Orono 1926)
Rosco L. Douglas (University of Maine Orono 1900)
Fred T. Dow (University of Maine Orono 1890)
Harold R. Dow (University of Maine Orono 1944)
James F. Dow (University of Maine Orono 1937)
Owen O. Dow (University of Maine Orono 1908)
Kenneth W. Downing (University of Maine Orono 1929)
Matthew Doyle (University of Maine Orono 1992)
Albert W. Drew (University of Maine Orono 1890)
Irving H. Drew (University of Maine Orono 1899)
Mark J. DuBois (University of Maine Orono 1985)
Stanley T. Dunlap (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Thomas J. Dunn (University of Maine Orono 1970)
James A. Dunning (University of Maine Orono 1884)
Robert B. Dunning (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Oscar H. Dunton (University of Maine Orono 1882)
Robert C. Dutton (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Russell H. Dyer (University of Maine Orono 1927)
Hamilton H. Dyer (University of Maine Orono 1939)
Arthur F. Eastman (University of Maine Orono 1924)
Fred L. Eastman (University of Maine Orono 1908)
Charles F. Eaton (University of Maine Orono 1922)
James M. Eaton (University of Maine Orono 1910)
Henry B. Eaton (University of Maine Orono 1926)
Emory D. Eddy (University of Maine Orono 1916)
Robert H. Eddy (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Omar K. Edes (University of Maine Orono 1916)
John B. Edgar (University of Maine Orono 1957)
Glenn E. Edgerly (University of Maine Orono 1920)
Merton E. Ellis (University of Maine Orono 1895)
Charles C. Elwell (University of Maine Orono 1878)
E. H. Elwood Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1888)
Edwin A. Emerson (University of Maine Orono 1929)
O. S. English (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Howard T. Engstrom (University of Maine Orono 1926)
Robert J. Erskine (University of Maine Orono 1937)
Carl B. Estabrooke (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Horace M. Estabrooke (University of Maine Orono 1876)
Roland F. Estes (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Vaughn B. Everett (University of Maine Orono 1925)
Robert E. Fales (University of Maine Orono 1955)
Ralph W. Fannon (University of Maine Orono 1916)
Yana D. Farrally-Plour (University of Maine Orono 1964)
Herbert O. Farrington (University of Maine Orono 1902)
Mellen E. Farrington (University of Maine Orono 1892)
Oscar S. Farrington (University of Maine Orono 1924)
Harris F. Farwell (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Howard L. Farwell (University of Maine Orono 1909)
Frank F. Farwell Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1911)
Malcolm E. Fassett (University of Maine Orono 1910)
Frank Fellows (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Oscar Fellows (University of Maine Orono 1934)
Raymond Fellows (University of Maine Orono 1908)
Darwin H. Field (University of Maine Orono 1958)
Ralph H. Fifield (University of Maine Orono 1905)
Harry P. Files (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Judson G. Files (University of Maine Orono 1930)
John R. Finch (University of Maine Orono 1943)
Francis B. Fish (University of Maine Orono 1916)
Guy B. Fitz (University of Maine Orono 1903)
John F. Fleming (University of Maine Orono 1954)
Donald T. Flint (University of Maine Orono 1923)
Ralph J. Flint (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Walter Flint (University of Maine Orono 1882)
Harlow Floyd (University of Maine Orono 1961)
John E. Flynn (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Howard M. Foley (University of Maine Orono 1952)
P. M. Foley (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Herbert G. Follett (University of Maine Orono 1933)
Garth O. Folsom (University of Maine Orono 1953)
John M. Forrester Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1944)
Charles K. Foster (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Robert B. Fraser (University of Maine Orono 1905)
George G. Freeman (University of Maine Orono 1889)
Heywood S. French (University of Maine Orono 1886)
Calvin Friar (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Ernest M. Frost (University of Maine Orono 1938)
H. S. Frost (University of Maine Orono 1925)
Horace P. Frost (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Howard R. Frost (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Walter O. Frost (University of Maine Orono 1906)
James W. Fuller (University of Maine Orono 1932)
Charles E. Furbish (University of Maine Orono 1948)
Richard V. Gaffney (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Blakeley Gallagher (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Charles C. Garland (University of Maine Orono 1882)
Clarence L. Garland (University of Maine Orono 1905)
Philip Garland (University of Maine Orono 1912)
George H. Garrison (University of Maine Orono 1916)
Mark E. Gebauer (University of Maine Orono 1983)
Clifford H. George (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Albert F. Gerry (University of Maine Orono 1932)
Stephen A. Getchell (University of Maine Orono 1958)
John G. Gibson (University of Maine Orono 1952)
William E. Gill (University of Maine Orono 1904)
Sidney G. Gilman (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Charles B. Gilman Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Alvin L. Gilmore (University of Maine Orono 1907)
George A. Giostra (University of Maine Orono 1959)
John D. Glenn (University of Maine Orono 1926)
Everett G. Glidden (University of Maine Orono 1896)
Charles L. Glover (University of Maine Orono 1946)
Martin F. Godfrey (University of Maine Orono 1965)
Joseph C. Godin (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Allen B. Goff (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Thomas W. Golden (University of Maine Orono 1955)
Alfred M. Goodale (University of Maine Orono 1875)
Elmer O. Goodridge (University of Maine Orono 1885)
Burton W. Goodwin (University of Maine Orono 1903)
George P. Goodwin (University of Maine Orono 1907)
John E. Goodwin (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Forrest C. Gordon (University of Maine Orono 1915)
Owen P. Gormley (University of Maine Orono 1955)
Benjamin F. Gould (University of Maine Orono 1872)
Clifford P. Gould (University of Maine Orono 1919)
George P. Gould (University of Maine Orono 1890)
Joseph F. Gould (University of Maine Orono 1882)
Samuel W. Gould (University of Maine Orono 1877)
George R. Grange (University of Maine Orono 1937)
Albert L. Gray (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Harland A. Gray (University of Maine Orono 1920)
Jesse A. Gray (University of Maine Orono 1892)
James M. Green (University of Maine Orono 1902)
Harry L. Greenleaf (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Laurie J. Greenleaf (University of Maine Orono 1942)
Stewart W. Grimmer (University of Maine Orono 1940)
John I. Gurney (University of Maine Orono 1874)
Edward W. Hackett (University of Maine Orono 1953)
William K. Hadlock (University of Maine Orono 1943)
Martin Hagopian (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Edward R. Hale (University of Maine Orono 1926)
Edward C. Hall (University of Maine Orono 1920)
Howe W. Hall (University of Maine Orono 1914)
Preston M. Hall (University of Maine Orono 1915)
William D. Hall (University of Maine Orono 1907)
Bicknell Hall (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Robert J. Hamilton (University of Maine Orono 1936)
George H. Hamlin (University of Maine Orono 1873)
George H. Hamlin (University of Maine Orono 1913)
Arthur A. Hammond (University of Maine Orono 1912)
William J. Hancock (University of Maine Orono 1888)
Arthur S. Hanscom (University of Maine Orono 1908)
Edwin C. Hanscom (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Ernest F. Hanson (University of Maine Orono 1914)
Fred C. Hanson (University of Maine Orono 1941)
James B. Hanson (University of Maine Orono 1927)
Robert H. Hanson (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Stuart W. Hanson (University of Maine Orono 1904)
Walter K. Hanson (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Allan C. Hardison (University of Maine Orono 1890)
Philip M. Harmon (University of Maine Orono 1965)
Donald C. Harper (University of Maine Orono 1943)
John Evans Harrington Esq. (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Clarence E. Hart (University of Maine Orono 1926)
James N. Hart (University of Maine Orono 1885)
Malcolm C. Hart (University of Maine Orono 1900)
Austin J. Harvey (University of Maine Orono 1877)
Bartle T. Harvey (University of Maine Orono 1905)
Chandler C. Harvey (University of Maine Orono 1890)
Clifford D. Harvey (University of Maine Orono 1901)
Leigh I. Harvey (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Leroy H. Harvey (University of Maine Orono 1901)
Willis L. Harvey (University of Maine Orono 1909)
Harry E. Hasey (University of Maine Orono 1934)
Benjamin Haskell (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Edwin J. Haskell (University of Maine Orono 1872)
Ralph W. Haskell (University of Maine Orono 1905)
Robert N. Haskell (University of Maine Orono 1925)
Theodore W. Haskell (University of Maine Orono 1914)
William O. Haskell (University of Maine Orono 1911)
James E. Hastings (University of Maine Orono 1944)
John W. Hatch (University of Maine Orono 1888)
William B. Hatfield (University of Maine Orono 1925)
Lloyd G. Hay (University of Maine Orono 1923)
Clarence M. Hayes (University of Maine Orono 1899)
Guy E. Hayward (University of Maine Orono 1907)
E. F. Heath (University of Maine Orono 1890)
Gordon R. Heath (University of Maine Orono 1936)
Stanley D. Henderson (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Winslow K. Herrick (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Mark L. Hersey (University of Maine Orono 1884)
Frank G. Hickey (University of Maine Orono 1956)
Donald S. Higgins (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Leon F. Higgins (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Roy E. Higgins (University of Maine Orono 1905)
William A. Hill (University of Maine Orono 1908)
Edward K. Hilliard (University of Maine Orono 1905)
John H. Hilliard (University of Maine Orono 1903)
Stanley T. Hilliard (University of Maine Orono 1908)
John H. Hinchliffe (University of Maine Orono 1903)
Edson F. Hitchings (University of Maine Orono 1875)
George P. Hitchings (University of Maine Orono 1937)
Samuel L. Hitchings (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Robert L. Hodgins (University of Maine Orono 1909)
Byron C. Hodgkins (University of Maine Orono 1891)
Edward M. Hodgkins (University of Maine Orono 1914)
Malcolm P. Holden (University of Maine Orono 1944)
Howard C. Holman (University of Maine Orono 1933)
John L. Holter (University of Maine Orono 1943)
Kenneth A. Honey (University of Maine Orono 1955)
Cleveland H. Hooper (University of Maine Orono 1932)
Bryant L. Hopkins (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Gerald W. Hopkins (University of Maine Orono 1929)
Jacob M. Horne Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1923)
A. D. Houghton (University of Maine Orono 1897)
Clayton W. Howard (University of Maine Orono 1940)
Preston O. Howard (University of Maine Orono 1939)
Sheldon K. Howard (University of Maine Orono 1939)
Francis E. Howe (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Louis W. Howe Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1940)
Ralph W. Hoyt (University of Maine Orono 1915)
Charles E. Huff (University of Maine Orono 1967)
Jean G. Hufnagel (University of Maine Orono 1947)
Laurence M. Hunt (University of Maine Orono 1916)
Hugh W. Hunter (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Rodney D. Hunter (University of Maine Orono 1874)
William D. Hurd (University of Maine Orono 1904)
John A. Hussey (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Robert S. Hussey (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Alfred Hutchinson (University of Maine Orono 1944)
George W. Hutchinson (University of Maine Orono 1893)
Harold F. Hutchinson (University of Maine Orono 1957)
Myles W. Illingworth (University of Maine Orono 1907)
Frederick M. Ingersoll (University of Maine Orono 1911)
R. S. Ingraham (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Robert M. Irvine (University of Maine Orono 1941)
William L. Irvine (University of Maine Orono 1942)
Harry L. Jackson (University of Maine Orono 1921)
James M. Jackson (University of Maine Orono 1934)
George H. Jewett Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1940)
Frank D. Johnson (University of Maine Orono 1900)
Gustave P. Johnson (University of Maine Orono 1956)
William V. Johnson (University of Maine Orono 1924)
Frederick J. Johnston (University of Maine Orono 1940)
Franklyn L. Jones (University of Maine Orono 1940)
Winslow L. Jones (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Whitman H. Jordan (University of Maine Orono 1875)
Bryce H. Jose (University of Maine Orono 1933)
Wallace H. Jose (University of Maine Orono 1894)
Shirley A. Joyce (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Charles W. Kalloch (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Arthur F. Kaulfuss (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Julius E. Kaulfuss (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Ralph C. Keef (University of Maine Orono 1955)
Louis B. Keen (University of Maine Orono 1926)
William P. Keenan (University of Maine Orono 1940)
George F. Kehoe (University of Maine Orono 1927)
Alfred J. Keith (University of Maine Orono 1882)
Alfred J. Keith (University of Maine Orono 1946)
Ballard F. Keith (University of Maine Orono 1908)
Edward H. Keith (University of Maine Orono 1949)
William H. Keith (University of Maine Orono 1891)
William H. Keith (University of Maine Orono 1932)
Basil L. Kellis (University of Maine Orono 1963)
Roger A. Kelloch (University of Maine Orono 1933)
Russell I. Kendall (University of Maine Orono 1933)
Lawrence E. Keniston (University of Maine Orono 1964)
Charles F. Kenney (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Prescott H. Keyes (University of Maine Orono 1891)
Frank E. Kidder (University of Maine Orono 1879)
John G. Kindbom (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Bruce W. King (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Frederick W. King (University of Maine Orono 1903)
Scott H. King (University of Maine Orono 1965)
Clinton D. Kittredge (University of Maine Orono 1902)
Theodore E. Kloss (University of Maine Orono 1916)
William H. Knowlton (University of Maine Orono 1917)
John Kostopoulos (University of Maine Orono 1956)
Bernard A. LaBarge (University of Maine Orono 1940)
Fred L. Lachapelle (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Edwin F. Ladd (University of Maine Orono 1884)
Lloyd P. LaFountain (University of Maine Orono 1954)
Robert E. Lane (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Edward W. Larrabee (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Albert M. Larsen (University of Maine Orono 1944)
Robert A. Larson (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Edward S. Lawrence (University of Maine Orono 1923)
Alfred J. Lee (University of Maine Orono 1929)
John B. Leet (University of Maine Orono 1951)
Frank Leonard (University of Maine Orono 1900)
Paul C. Leonard (University of Maine Orono 1913)
Frederic C. Libby (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Herbert I. Libby (University of Maine Orono 1898)
Richard S. Libby (University of Maine Orono 1954)
Donald E. Lincoln (University of Maine Orono 1953)
Robert W. Linn (University of Maine Orono 1901)
Clark N. Liscomb (University of Maine Orono 1960)
Ernest Lisherness (University of Maine Orono 1907)
Leonard P. Litchfield (University of Maine Orono 1937)
Henry P. Little (University of Maine Orono 1936)
Leslie E. Little (University of Maine Orono 1904)
Adelbert Y. Locke (University of Maine Orono 1906)
Edwin G. Logan (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Robert W. Lord (University of Maine Orono 1891)
Harry R. Lovely (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Carlton M. Lowery (University of Maine Orono 1953)
Cecil R. Luce (University of Maine Orono 1931)
Kenneth S. Ludden (University of Maine Orono 1930)
George W. E. Lundquist (University of Maine Orono 1916)
Lawrence W. Lyford (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Alpheus C. Lyon (University of Maine Orono 1902)
Brian J. Lyons (University of Maine Orono 1972)
Frank E. Mace (University of Maine Orono 1951)
Roderick N. Macklin (University of Maine Orono 1969)
Donald N. Maclean (University of Maine Orono 1925)
Roland MacLeod (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Edward A. C. MacPerson (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Howard L. Maddocks (University of Maine Orono 1900)
George H. Mader (University of Maine Orono 1937)
John A. Malcomson (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Carl B. Malone (University of Maine Orono 1931)
Charles W. Margesson (University of Maine Orono 1902)
Carl W. Marr (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Robert B. Marsh (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Frank L. Marston (University of Maine Orono 1898)
Frederick F. Marston (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Bertrand C. Martin (University of Maine Orono 1901)
Charles B. Martin (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Charles H. Martin (University of Maine Orono 1907)
George N. Martin (University of Maine Orono 1927)
Preston H. Martin (University of Maine Orono 1914)
Willis G. Martin (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Charles J. Mason (University of Maine Orono 1905)
James M. Mathews (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Donald K. Mayo (University of Maine Orono 1916)
George H. Mayo (University of Maine Orono 1958)
Joseph E. McCarthy (University of Maine Orono 1959)
Robert B. McCloy (University of Maine Orono 1915)
Donald F. McCusker (University of Maine Orono 1946)
Frank McDonald (University of Maine Orono 1900)
Warren McDonald (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Paul J. McDonnell (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Robert B. McDougall (University of Maine Orono 1984)
Elmer F. McFarland (University of Maine Orono 1926)
Raymond P. McGinley (University of Maine Orono 1938)
John A. McKay (University of Maine Orono 1923)
George F. McKenney (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Joey R. McLafferty (University of Maine Orono 1956)
David M. McMahon (University of Maine Orono 1996)
Edward T. McManus (University of Maine Orono 1954)
Lincoln E. McRae (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Philip E. McSorley (University of Maine Orono 1928)
Otis W. Means (University of Maine Orono 1908)
Willis H. Merriam (University of Maine Orono 1886)
Charles N. Merrill (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Charles R. Merrill (University of Maine Orono 1944)
Clyde H. Merrill (University of Maine Orono 1911)
George P. Merrill (University of Maine Orono 1879)
John N. Merrill (University of Maine Orono 1905)
Richard W. Michaud (University of Maine Orono 1960)
Philip D. Miller (University of Maine Orono 1947)
George E. Mincher (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Albert E. Mitchell (University of Maine Orono 1875)
Allen G. Mitchell (University of Maine Orono 1875)
Berne W. Mitchell (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Charles A. Mitchell (University of Maine Orono 1901)
Donald D. Mitchell (University of Maine Orono 1926)
Ezra G. Mitchell (University of Maine Orono 1902)
Frank H. Mitchell (University of Maine Orono 1900)
Fred C. Mitchell (University of Maine Orono 1900)
Lester H. Mitchell (University of Maine Orono 1905)
Robie L. Mitchell (University of Maine Orono 1907)
Clifford L. Moir (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Carroll L. Montgomery (University of Maine Orono 1903)
Donald L. Mooers (University of Maine Orono 1960)
Chester H. Moore (University of Maine Orono 1930)
James R. Moore (University of Maine Orono 1956)
Millard G. Moore (University of Maine Orono 1919)
John W. Moran (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Elmer L. Morey (University of Maine Orono 1890)
Monroe O. Morris (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Franck P. Morrison (University of Maine Orono 1926)
Richard P. Morrison (University of Maine Orono 1933)
John L. Morrow (University of Maine Orono 1936)
Charles A. Morse (University of Maine Orono 1879)
James L. Morse (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Robert C. Morse (University of Maine Orono 1931)
Joseph P. Moulton (University of Maine Orono 1885)
Charles B. Moyer (University of Maine Orono 1934)
Harrison L. Moyer (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Charles E. Mullen (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Charles W. Mullen (University of Maine Orono 1883)
Joseph N. Mullen (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Joseph N. Muller (University of Maine Orono 1942)
Charles C. Murphy (University of Maine Orono 1893)
John K. Murphy (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Paul E. Murphy (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Thomas H. Murphy (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Herbert E. Murray (University of Maine Orono 1894)
Joseph M. Murray (University of Maine Orono 1925)
Thomas A. Murray (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Thomas A. Murray Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1947)
William S. Murray (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Edmund J. Musteikis (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Andrew H. Nash (University of Maine Orono 1928)
Charles J. Nason (University of Maine Orono 1909)
Gary A. Nealey (University of Maine Orono 2006)
Calvin H. Nealley (University of Maine Orono 1892)
William B. Nealley (University of Maine Orono 1954)
John H. Needham (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Fred C. Newhall (University of Maine Orono 1926)
Robert D. Newton (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Malcolm G. Nichols (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Clifton S. Nickerson (University of Maine Orono 1943)
Osgood A. Nickerson (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Elton C. Nisbet (University of Maine Orono 1955)
Evans B. Norcross (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Fernando T. Norcross (University of Maine Orono 1914)
Adelbert T. Norwood (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Carlton F. Noyes (University of Maine Orono 1933)
Herman F. Noyes (University of Maine Orono 1899)
Robert W. Nutter (University of Maine Orono 1944)
William E. Nutter (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Charles E. Oak (University of Maine Orono 1876)
Willis L. Oak (University of Maine Orono 1880)
Charles J. Ochmanski (University of Maine Orono 1960)
John E. Olivenbaum (University of Maine Orono 1904)
James A. Oliver (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Loomis R. Osborne (University of Maine Orono 1969)
George E. Osgood (University of Maine Orono 1934)
George S. Owen (University of Maine Orono 1906)
John W. Owen (University of Maine Orono 1890)
Arthur D. Page (University of Maine Orono 1886)
David D. Page (University of Maine Orono 1937)
James H. Page (University of Maine Orono 1934)
Sherman R. Paine (University of Maine Orono 1909)
Earl J. Parker (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Harold G. Parker (University of Maine Orono 1920)
John R. Parker (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Robert D. Parks (University of Maine Orono 1929)
Clifford J. Pattee (University of Maine Orono 1895)
Amory M. Patten (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Bryant M. Patten (University of Maine Orono 1923)
Franklin R. Patten (University of Maine Orono 1880)
James H. Patten (University of Maine Orono 1882)
John C. Patterson (University of Maine Orono 1878)
Duane L. Pease (University of Maine Orono 1984)
Earle S. Peckham (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Jerome B. Pedro (University of Maine Orono 1957)
L. R. Pelletier (University of Maine Orono 1958)
Frank J. Perkins (University of Maine Orono 1878)
Newell R. Perkins (University of Maine Orono 1901)
Walter L. Perro (University of Maine Orono 1922)
Benjamin C. Perry (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Charles L. Pfeiffer (University of Maine Orono 1943)
Charles L. Phillips (University of Maine Orono 1888)
Hollis H. Phillips (University of Maine Orono 1929)
Stanley G. Phillips (University of Maine Orono 1917)
William B. Pierce (University of Maine Orono 1890)
Niles C. Pinkham (University of Maine Orono 1911)
Raymond A. Piper (University of Maine Orono 1967)
Arnold F. Plummer (University of Maine Orono 1927)
Arthur B. Plummer (University of Maine Orono 1903)
Lester L. Plummer (University of Maine Orono 1924)
Norman D. Plummer (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Roland S. Plummer (University of Maine Orono 1923)
Ralph B. Pond (University of Maine Orono 1911)
William B. Pond (University of Maine Orono 1933)
John F. Pooler (University of Maine Orono 1901)
Morrill S. Pope (University of Maine Orono 1913)
Byron B. Porter (University of Maine Orono 1928)
Byron F. Porter (University of Maine Orono 1897)
John L. Porter (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Norman A. Porter (University of Maine Orono 1931)
Donald W. Powell (University of Maine Orono 1925)
Harold N. Powell (University of Maine Orono 1929)
Maurice H. Powell (University of Maine Orono 1899)
Fred W. Powers (University of Maine Orono 1880)
Stanley L. Pratt (University of Maine Orono 1956)
Herbert P. Preble (University of Maine Orono 1928)
Richard B. Preble (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Warren H. Preble (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Robert B. Prescott (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Donald J. Pruett (University of Maine Orono 1968)
Frederick G. Quincy (University of Maine Orono 1890)
Thomas M. Rand (University of Maine Orono 1968)
Herbert E. Randall (University of Maine Orono 1930)
James M. Randall (University of Maine Orono 1955)
James S. Randall (University of Maine Orono 1915)
John Reed (University of Maine Orono 1889)
Morrill E. Reed (University of Maine Orono 1930)
George Renwick (University of Maine Orono 1923)
Thomas H. Reynolds (University of Maine Orono 1906)
John J. Rhodes (University of Maine Orono 1971)
Richard R. Rhodes (University of Maine Orono 1971)
Edmund H. Rich (University of Maine Orono 1920)
Henry L. Richards (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Donald E. Richardson (University of Maine Orono 1959)
Fred J. Richardson (University of Maine Orono 1908)
Ernest S. Ridlon (University of Maine Orono 1925)
Frank B. Rinn USAF (University of Maine Orono 1937)
Leo V. Robbins (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Fred C. Roberts (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Clayton M. Robertson (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Frank C. Robertson (University of Maine Orono 1943)
Chauncey S. Robinson (University of Maine Orono 1911)
William D. Roche (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Allen Rogers (University of Maine Orono 1897)
Deane W. Rollins (University of Maine Orono 1907)
Kenneth A. Rollins (University of Maine Orono 1909)
Lawrence T. Ronco (University of Maine Orono 1957)
Levi M. Ross (University of Maine Orono 1960)
Richard L. Ross (University of Maine Orono 1957)
Wayne H. Ross (University of Maine Orono 1958)
Sherman Rossiter (University of Maine Orono 1920)
Arthur L. Rourke (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Merrill T. Rummel (University of Maine Orono 1966)
A. M. Russell (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Fremont L. Russell (University of Maine Orono 1885)
John P. Russell (University of Maine Orono 1957)
Leo B. Russell (University of Maine Orono 1899)
Luther S. Russell (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Richard W. Russell (University of Maine Orono 1959)
John S. Sabin (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Norman C. Sanborn (University of Maine Orono 1993)
Paul D. Sargent (University of Maine Orono 1896)
Harry C. Saunders (University of Maine Orono 1935)
John I. Sawyer (University of Maine Orono 1917)
James G. Scales (University of Maine Orono 1909)
Nelson N. Scales (University of Maine Orono 1911)
Anthony P. Schneider (University of Maine Orono 1916)
Charles C. Scott (University of Maine Orono 1899)
Walter E. Scott (University of Maine Orono 1904)
Herbert W. Sewall (University of Maine Orono 1902)
Albert L. Shaw (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Lewis E. Shaw (University of Maine Orono 1911)
Orrin J. Shaw (University of Maine Orono 1893)
Samuel Shaw (University of Maine Orono 1877)
Robert S. Shean (University of Maine Orono 1932)
Mark R. Shedd (University of Maine Orono 1950)
John R. Sheedy (University of Maine Orono 1940)
George C. Shepard (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Frederick J. Shepard (University of Maine Orono 1943)
Allen Sherman (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Clifford P. Sherman (University of Maine Orono 1916)
Lowell T. Sherwood (University of Maine Orono 1964)
Donald V. Shields (University of Maine Orono 1956)
Victor H. Shields (University of Maine Orono 1914)
Herbert C. Simmons (University of Maine Orono 1937)
Henry S. Simms (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Robert L. Simons (University of Maine Orono 1928)
Peter T. Skovron (University of Maine Orono 1969)
Paul F. Slocum (University of Maine Orono 1915)
Frank L. Small (University of Maine Orono 1902)
James R. Small (University of Maine Orono 1894)
Walter E. Smart (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Leon W. Smiley (University of Maine Orono 1912)
Carl D. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1905)
Charles F. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1910)
Dwight F. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1905)
Everett L. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Frank A. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1888)
Lewis E. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1903)
Raymond J. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1908)
Richard M. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Godfrey L. Soderstrom (University of Maine Orono 1904)
Henry M. Soper (University of Maine Orono 1903)
Reynold J. Soucy (University of Maine Orono 1960)
Sidney S. Soule (University of Maine Orono 1875)
Frederick D. Southard (University of Maine Orono 1902)
Louis C. Southard (University of Maine Orono 1875)
Anthony G. Soychak (University of Maine Orono 1959)
Robinson Speirs (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Garrett D. Speirs (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Howard J. Stagg (University of Maine Orono 1937)
Edward C. Stanley (University of Maine Orono 1939)
Howard A. Stanley (University of Maine Orono 1905)
John H. Stephan (University of Maine Orono 1931)
Marshall A. Stern (University of Maine Orono 1964)
Frederick L. Stevens (University of Maine Orono 1884)
Ray P. Stevens (University of Maine Orono 1898)
Roy F. Stevens (University of Maine Orono 1910)
Stanley A. Stevens (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Thomas J. Stevens (University of Maine Orono 1877)
Robert K. Steward (University of Maine Orono 1908)
Jeffrey G. Stewart (University of Maine Orono 1985)
Charles E. Stickney (University of Maine Orono 1910)
Paul L. Stimpson (University of Maine Orono 1964)
Frank P. Stone (University of Maine Orono 1877)
Kenneth B. Stone (University of Maine Orono 1932)
Richard D. Stone (University of Maine Orono 1977)
Winfred L. Stone (University of Maine Orono 1934)
Eugene F. Sturgeon (University of Maine Orono 1952)
George W. Sturtevant (University of Maine Orono 1881)
Clark B. Sundin (University of Maine Orono 1956)
John Supranovich (University of Maine Orono 1967)
John J. Suslavich (University of Maine Orono 1942)
George A. Sutton (University of Maine Orono 1883)
Harry E. Sutton (University of Maine Orono 1909)
George H. Sweetnam (University of Maine Orono 1934)
Marston O. Sweetser (University of Maine Orono 1924)
Otto A. Swickert (University of Maine Orono 1928)
Karl F. Switzer (University of Maine Orono 1926)
George E. Sylvester (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Frederick S. Sypek (University of Maine Orono 1956)
Loring M. Tapley (University of Maine Orono 1918)
Joseph S. Tardif (University of Maine Orono 1962)
Roderick D. Tarr (University of Maine Orono 1898)
James R. Taylor (University of Maine Orono 1950)
Kenneth E. Taylor (University of Maine Orono 1934)
Oscar M. Taylor (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Philip H. Taylor (University of Maine Orono 1924)
Arthur L. Teall (University of Maine Orono 1942)
Kent D. Thalacker (University of Maine Orono 1984)
Brian C. Thayer (University of Maine Orono 1970)
Hans M. Thoma (University of Maine Orono 1953)
G. M. Thomas (University of Maine Orono 1939)
Phillip W. Thomas (University of Maine Orono 1914)
Carl J. Thompson (University of Maine Orono 1920)
Guy A. Thompson (University of Maine Orono 1903)
William K. Thorndike (University of Maine Orono 1954)
Robert L. Thorpe (University of Maine Orono 1955)
Robert F. Thurrell (University of Maine Orono 1915)
Frank H. Todd (University of Maine Orono 1882)
Lewis B. Tolman (University of Maine Orono 1915)
Elwood S. Toothaker (University of Maine Orono 1930)
Eugene E. Toothaker (University of Maine Orono 1957)
Elton L. Towle (University of Maine Orono 1909)
Horace H. Towle (University of Maine Orono 1914)
Christopher J. Tremblay (University of Maine Orono 1969)
John J. Turbyne (University of Maine Orono 1933)
James M. Turner (University of Maine Orono 1969)
Willard F. Turner (University of Maine Orono 1929)
Clayton T. Ulrey (University of Maine Orono 1911)
Horace M. VanHorn (University of Maine Orono 1910)
Lewis B. Varney (University of Maine Orono 1934)
Norman K. Varnum (University of Maine Orono 1958)
Bruce A. Verrill (University of Maine Orono 1977)
Charles J. Vickery (University of Maine Orono 1922)
J. Gerard Vigue (University of Maine Orono 1952)
Norman Waddington (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Robert A. Wagg (University of Maine Orono 1929)
John P. Waite (University of Maine Orono 1921)
Sumner Waite (University of Maine Orono 1911)
James N. Waldron (University of Maine Orono 1928)
George B. Walker (University of Maine Orono 1944)
J. D. Walker (University of Maine Orono 1955)
Perley F. Walker (University of Maine Orono 1896)
Kim D. Wallace (University of Maine Orono 1974)
Edward P. Warner (University of Maine Orono 1922)
David W. Warren (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Charles M. Washburn (University of Maine Orono 1927)
Raymond C. Wass (University of Maine Orono 1921)
David S. Watts (University of Maine Orono 1963)
Stephen B. Webb (University of Maine Orono 1956)
Robert P. Webber (University of Maine Orono 1944)
William Webber (University of Maine Orono 1884)
John P. Webster (University of Maine Orono 1943)
John E. Welch (University of Maine Orono 1953)
Arthur C. Wescott (University of Maine Orono 1899)
Chester A. Wescott (University of Maine Orono 1913)
Gerald R. Wescott (University of Maine Orono 1954)
Linwood A. Wessell (University of Maine Orono 1934)
Nicholai F. Wessell (University of Maine Orono 1929)
Danforth E. West (University of Maine Orono 1944)
Stuart E. West (University of Maine Orono 1956)
William F. West (University of Maine Orono 1940)
Benjamin T. Weston (University of Maine Orono 1900)
Wallace A. Weston (University of Maine Orono 1900)
Ralph W. Wetherbee (University of Maine Orono 1913)
Arthur P. Weymouth (University of Maine Orono 1906)
John G. Whalen (University of Maine Orono 1946)
Edward M. Wharff (University of Maine Orono 1903)
Gerald S. Wheeler (University of Maine Orono 1926)
Frank M. White (University of Maine Orono 1907)
Mark E. White (University of Maine Orono 1889)
William P. Whitman (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Harvey D. Whitney (University of Maine Orono 1917)
Charles C. Whittier (University of Maine Orono 1899)
George A. Whittier (University of Maine Orono 1929)
Harold K. Willets (University of Maine Orono 1932)
Boardman S. Williams (University of Maine Orono 1911)
Frank R. Williams (University of Maine Orono 1941)
Hugh M. Williams (University of Maine Orono 1921)
John S. Williams (University of Maine Orono 1887)
Matthew Williams (University of Maine Orono 1928)
Douglas J. Williamson (University of Maine Orono 1949)
Cuthbert B. Wilson (University of Maine Orono 1925)
Donald B. Wilson (University of Maine Orono 1931)
Eino E. Wilson (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Nathaniel E. Wilson (University of Maine Orono 1888)
Newell J. Wilson (University of Maine Orono 1937)
Paul B. Wilson (University of Maine Orono 1937)
Douglas J. Wishart (University of Maine Orono 1938)
Robert F. Wishart (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Andrew M. Wiswell (University of Maine Orono 1927)
Harry S. Wiswell (University of Maine Orono 1924)
James A. Wolfe (University of Maine Orono 1970)
Benjamin T. Wood (University of Maine Orono 1931)
Elmore L. Wood (University of Maine Orono 1936)
William S. Wood (University of Maine Orono 1935)
Edward Woodman (University of Maine Orono 1915)
Winslow A. Work (University of Maine Orono 1945)
Bert H. Young (University of Maine Orono 1908)
Donnell B. Young (University of Maine Orono 1928)
George E. Young (University of Maine Orono 1913)
Paul A. Young (University of Maine Orono 1933)
Nathan F. True (University of Maine Orono 1919)
Winfield S. Amoss (University of Maryland 1880)
James E. Carr (University of Maryland 1880)
Eustathius A. Chancellor (University of Maryland 1879)
William A. Dietrich (University of Maryland 1879)
Zachary F. Garcia (University of Maryland 2019)
William E. Gard (University of Maryland 1879)
Alfred B. Giles (University of Maryland 1880)
Kyle A. Greaver (University of Maryland 2014)
Jason D. Hadeed (University of Maryland 1996)
George E. Ijams (University of Maryland 1879)
William D. James (University of Maryland 1881)
Jeffrey M. Keffer (University of Maryland 1985)
Joseph H. Middlekauff (University of Maryland 1879)
Frank V. Rhodes (University of Maryland 1880)
Edmund C. Rivers (University of Maryland 1879)
Robert J. Schulze (University of Maryland 1996)
Zachary B. Schwartz (University of Maryland 2009)
W. L. Seabrook (University of Maryland 1879)
Dennis H. Sulkowski (University of Maryland 1998)
Will D. Turner (University of Maryland 1879)
Frank West (University of Maryland 1879)
James M. White (University of Maryland 1879)
Charles R. Beavers (University of Memphis 1998)
Gary K. Beck (University of Memphis 1986)
John J. Boosalis (University of Memphis 1976)
Larry T. Cunningham (University of Memphis 1973)
Louis J. DeAngelis (University of Memphis 1975)
David M. Eddins (University of Memphis 1978)
David W. Harshfield (University of Memphis 1986)
Linwood H. Husted (University of Memphis 1982)
Alan S. Mangum (University of Memphis 1994)
Rodney J. Simard (University of Memphis 1974)
Paul W. White (University of Memphis 1988)
A. G. Abbott (University of Michigan 1924)
Laverne R. Aiken (University of Michigan 1945)
Robert C. Aiken (University of Michigan 1968)
Edgar H. Ailes (University of Michigan 1925)
Edgar R. Ailes (University of Michigan 1904)
James S. Ake (University of Michigan 1966)
Lawrence R. Alberti (University of Michigan 1945)
John B. Alexander (University of Michigan 1890)
Durwin D. Algyer (University of Michigan 1929)
Ronald C. Allan (University of Michigan 1959)
John R. Allen (University of Michigan 1892)
Kenneth E. Allen (University of Michigan 1943)
Robert A. Allen (University of Michigan 1945)
Roger A. Andersen (University of Michigan 1956)
Fred T. Anderson Jr. (University of Michigan 1943)
Harold A. Anderson (University of Michigan 1945)
Harry F. Anderson (University of Michigan 1943)
John P. Anderson (University of Michigan 1924)
Mauritz G. Anderson (University of Michigan 1942)
Philip C. Anderson (University of Michigan 1952)
Robert E. Angley (University of Michigan 1939)
Thomas Anton (University of Michigan 1953)
Ellis J. Arnold (University of Michigan 1919)
Charles B. Ashmead (University of Michigan 1910)
Daniel G. Auer (University of Michigan 1946)
George P. Bailey (University of Michigan 1916)
J. W. Bailey (University of Michigan 1920)
Frederick H. Baldwin (University of Michigan 1924)
Jerry C. Barker (University of Michigan 1937)
Charles N. Barnum (University of Michigan 1922)
Howard F. Barnum (University of Michigan 1913)
Thomas E. Barnum (University of Michigan 1892)
John J. Barth (University of Michigan 1912)
Nicholas B. Bartz (University of Michigan 1919)
Leonard C. Battle (University of Michigan 1951)
Arthur L. Beck (University of Michigan 1955)
Albert J. Becker (University of Michigan 1903)
Edgar D. Becker (University of Michigan 1909)
Frank E. Beeman (University of Michigan 1897)
Hugh G. Benson (University of Michigan 1923)
Stanley E. Betz (University of Michigan 1932)
Herbert A. Beyer (University of Michigan 1947)
Samuel S. Bickford (University of Michigan 1939)
Elliot W. Bisbee (University of Michigan 1916)
Vernon Bishop (University of Michigan 1933)
Edwin A. Blakeslee (University of Michigan 1889)
Willis Blakeslee (University of Michigan 1920)
John W. Blanchard (University of Michigan 1928)
Armin A. Bohn (University of Michigan 1909)
Nelson R. Boice (University of Michigan 1912)
Albert G. Boldizar (University of Michigan 1933)
Henry S. Booth (University of Michigan 1922)
Clarence W. Boydell (University of Michigan 1921)
John F. Boydell (University of Michigan 1918)
Robert M. Bradley (University of Michigan 1976)
Robert S. Bradley (University of Michigan 1938)
John C. Brennan (University of Michigan 1939)
Herbert S. Breyfogle (University of Michigan 1933)
James B. Brill (University of Michigan 1918)
Robert M. Bristor (University of Michigan 1949)
William M. Bristor (University of Michigan 1949)
George O. Brophy (University of Michigan 1919)
Andrew M. Brown (University of Michigan 1889)
Francis L. Brown (University of Michigan 1928)
Herbert H. Brown (University of Michigan 1888)
Lewis F. Brown (University of Michigan 1929)
Chester G. Browne (University of Michigan 1897)
Wilber M. Brucker (University of Michigan 1916)
Paul R. Brunt (University of Michigan 1935)
William T. Buchanan (University of Michigan 1929)
Stratton H. Bull (University of Michigan 1948)
M. P. Burkholder (University of Michigan 1917)
Paul W. Burkholder (University of Michigan 1921)
Lawrence C. Butler (University of Michigan 1920)
Fred G. Cadwell (University of Michigan 1925)
George H. Calhoun (University of Michigan 1907)
Leo M. Calhoun (University of Michigan 1950)
Walter W. Calkins (University of Michigan 1915)
Norman D. Call (University of Michigan 1942)
George R. Callaway (University of Michigan 1907)
R. F. Campbell (University of Michigan 1936)
George C. Caron (University of Michigan 1914)
John R. Carpenter (University of Michigan 1948)
Orrin O. Carpenter (University of Michigan 1911)
Robert W. Carr (University of Michigan 1953)
William C. Carrier (University of Michigan 1934)
Howard L. Carroll (University of Michigan 1917)
Edgar M. Carrothers (University of Michigan 1907)
C. R. Carson (University of Michigan 1949)
Harold B. Carter (University of Michigan 1891)
J. S. Carter (University of Michigan 1922)
Robert E. Caster (University of Michigan 1929)
James D. Caufield (University of Michigan 1947)
Chester A. Cave (University of Michigan 1927)
Henry J. Cawthra (University of Michigan 1937)
Alfred P. Chambe (University of Michigan 1910)
Dale S. Chamberlin (University of Michigan 1942)
Charles C. Chandler (University of Michigan 1888)
Robert C. Chapman (University of Michigan 1930)
William H. Charnley (University of Michigan 1893)
Edwin H. Cheney (University of Michigan 1892)
Foral F. Cherry (University of Michigan 1926)
Edward P. Childs (University of Michigan 1891)
Frederick J. Childs (University of Michigan 1944)
Robert M. Claflin (University of Michigan 1936)
Harvey W. Clarke (University of Michigan 1939)
Lawrence G. Clayton (University of Michigan 1935)
Walter R. Clayton (University of Michigan 1895)
Keith H. Coats (University of Michigan 1956)
Dale S. Coenen (University of Michigan 1950)
Burton L. Coffey (University of Michigan 1938)
Perry M. Cohen (University of Michigan 1959)
George T. Cole (University of Michigan 1963)
Robert A. Cole (University of Michigan 1945)
John P. Comstock (University of Michigan 1924)
Guy C. Conkle (University of Michigan 1936)
Donald D. Conn (University of Michigan 1917)
David D. Connell (University of Michigan 1953)
Phelps M. Connell (University of Michigan 1950)
Ambrose W. Connelly (University of Michigan 1930)
Jack H. Connelly (University of Michigan 1917)
Henry G. Coors (University of Michigan 1907)
David W. Cornwell (University of Michigan 1959)
Frank M. Cornwell (University of Michigan 1955)
Bruce Corson (University of Michigan 1943)
Franklin D. Cossitt (University of Michigan 1951)
Frederick H. Cossitt (University of Michigan 1922)
George M. Cossitt (University of Michigan 1911)
Harry R. Cossitt (University of Michigan 1919)
James L. Cossitt (University of Michigan 1924)
Franklin D. Cossitt (University of Michigan 1909)
Clair E. Cox (University of Michigan 1955)
Larry G. Cox (University of Michigan 1956)
John P. Craighead (University of Michigan 1950)
Freeman Crampton (University of Michigan 1928)
Robert B. Crane (University of Michigan 1949)
Martin E. Cranston (University of Michigan 1947)
Gary P. Crawford (University of Michigan 1961)
Charles A. Crowe (University of Michigan 1914)
Charles W. Crowe (University of Michigan 1939)
John D. Cruise (University of Michigan 1919)
William E. Cullen (University of Michigan 1893)
Harry T. Culver (University of Michigan 1911)
Andrew R. Cunningham (University of Michigan 1887)
William B. Dale (University of Michigan 1945)
Charles E. Darling (University of Michigan 1938)
M. A. Darling (University of Michigan 1942)
Charles B. Darner (University of Michigan 1933)
Geoffrey A. D'Atri (University of Michigan 1966)
Talmon A. Davenport (University of Michigan 1925)
Thomas M. Davis (University of Michigan 1932)
George M. Davison (University of Michigan 1903)
William F. Dawson (University of Michigan 1943)
Floyd A. Deahl (University of Michigan 1907)
Orlo R. Deahl (University of Michigan 1916)
Ray Deahl (University of Michigan 1907)
David B. Decker (University of Michigan 1888)
David H. Decker (University of Michigan 1920)
Russell N. DeJong (University of Michigan 1967)
Angus A. Dekruif (University of Michigan 1907)
Howard R. DeMallie (University of Michigan 1948)
Richard M. Denise (University of Michigan 1961)
John P. Deniston (University of Michigan 1960)
Frederick E. Densmore (University of Michigan 1937)
John R. Deo (University of Michigan 1964)
Thomas L. Depuy (University of Michigan 1910)
Ellsworth T. Derr (University of Michigan 1888)
William J. Dibble (University of Michigan 1952)
Doanld D. Dickerson (University of Michigan 1918)
Barlow C. Dickey (University of Michigan 1893)
Charles W. Dickinson (University of Michigan 1908)
Raymond E. Dixon (University of Michigan 1944)
Charles H. Dodge (University of Michigan 1886)
John G. Donaldson (University of Michigan 1951)
Charles M. Dotterrer (University of Michigan 1944)
Benjamin H. Douglas (University of Michigan 1943)
Stephen A. Douglass (University of Michigan 1893)
Hubert A. Downey (University of Michigan 1914)
J. Russell Downey (University of Michigan 1944)
Harry F. Downing (University of Michigan 1891)
Walter S. Drew (University of Michigan 1891)
Charles M. Drinkwater (University of Michigan 1910)
James L. Driscoll (University of Michigan 1918)
Robert E. Driscoll (University of Michigan 1911)
Robert B. Dunlap (University of Michigan 1946)
Lionel H. Duschak (University of Michigan 1904)
Edsell M. Eady (University of Michigan 1945)
Ernest E. Eady (University of Michigan 1916)
Orrin A. Eames (University of Michigan 1931)
James A. Ebersole (University of Michigan 1950)
Alfred Eckert (University of Michigan 1914)
William D. Edwards Jr. (University of Michigan 1928)
Howard E. Egert (University of Michigan 1941)
Paul F. Ehinger (University of Michigan 1946)
Dale L. Eldred (University of Michigan 1957)
Robert A. Elliott (University of Michigan 1938)
Thomas F. Emerson (University of Michigan 1950)
Charles B. Emery (University of Michigan 1925)
Charles B. Emery (University of Michigan 1952)
Gordon K. Emery (University of Michigan 1958)
John H. Emery (University of Michigan 1919)
Samuel E. Emmons (University of Michigan 1916)
Frank C. Engelhart (University of Michigan 1908)
Robert K. Erf (University of Michigan 1953)
Ralph L. Erlewine (University of Michigan 1939)
Duncan S. Erley (University of Michigan 1952)
Robert B. Evans (University of Michigan 1953)
Forest Evashevski (University of Michigan 1941)
Bernard B. Fallon (University of Michigan 1913)
Charles W. Farley (University of Michigan 1914)
Todd L. Fay (University of Michigan 1962)
Pierre P. Ferry (University of Michigan 1891)
Henry T. Fielding (University of Michigan 1942)
Joseph J. Finn (University of Michigan 1926)
Robert E. Finn (University of Michigan 1934)
Robert C. Fisher (University of Michigan 1912)
Wendell T. Fitzgerald (University of Michigan 1920)
Francis W. Flanagan (University of Michigan 1913)
Clement R. Flannigan (University of Michigan 1910)
Burton D. Floyd (University of Michigan 1926)
Jack D. Fors (University of Michigan 1946)
Lewis L. Forsythe (University of Michigan 1904)
Harley L. Fortier (University of Michigan 1948)
Robert J. Foukal (University of Michigan 1949)
Richard E. Frame (University of Michigan 1951)
John B. Franks (University of Michigan 1917)
Alvah B. Frederick (University of Michigan 1914)
David L. Freedman (University of Michigan 1973)
John D. Freeman (University of Michigan 1914)
C. W. French (University of Michigan 1947)
Charles K. Friedman (University of Michigan 1894)
Curtis M. Frillmann (University of Michigan 1989)
Benjamin R. Fullerton (University of Michigan 1919)
John B. Fullerton (University of Michigan 1982)
Philip C. Furst (University of Michigan 1916)
Frank N. Gaethke (University of Michigan 1921)
Geoffrey F. Gaidos (University of Michigan 1965)
Rolla M. Galloway (University of Michigan 1910)
Joseph E. Gandy (University of Michigan 1926)
Martin D. Garber (University of Michigan 1927)
Daniel E. Gardiner (University of Michigan 1946)
Charles C. Garland (University of Michigan 1917)
James T. Gascoigne (University of Michigan 1960)
John H. Gatiss (University of Michigan 1921)
Elmer J. Gedeon (University of Michigan 1939)
Harold R. Geimer (University of Michigan 1945)
John T. Gelder (University of Michigan 1940)
Robert B. Gelston (University of Michigan 1942)
John C. George (University of Michigan 1934)
James C. Gielow (University of Michigan 1953)
Owen D. Gilman (University of Michigan 1912)
Frederick E. Gilner (University of Michigan 1924)
Thomas R. Glover (University of Michigan 1954)
Gerald N. Goldberg (University of Michigan 1960)
Charles L. Gooding (University of Michigan 1954)
Ernest P. Goodrich (University of Michigan 1901)
Francis L. D. Goodrich (University of Michigan 1903)
Lawrence K. Goodrich (University of Michigan 1928)
Ralph D. Goodrich (University of Michigan 1903)
Ralph D. Goodrich Jr. (University of Michigan 1932)
Earl F. Gowen (University of Michigan 1925)
Benjamin G. Gower (University of Michigan 1922)
Robert M. Grandy (University of Michigan 1947)
Peter Grant (University of Michigan 1942)
Gary E. Graves (University of Michigan 1952)
Charles J. Greenstreet (University of Michigan 1890)
Guerdon D. Greenway (University of Michigan 1965)
Mark H. Gregg (University of Michigan 1904)
Robert W. Gregg (University of Michigan 1949)
Carl R. Grever (University of Michigan 1927)
Earl C. Grever (University of Michigan 1926)
Charles A. Gridley (University of Michigan 1896)
Robert F. Gross (University of Michigan 1966)
Charles E. Grove (University of Michigan 1887)
James T. Groves (University of Michigan 1919)
Wylie E. Groves (University of Michigan 1919)
Mark D. Guenther (University of Michigan 1929)
Ray V. Guerin (University of Michigan 1951)
Edward W. Guitteau (University of Michigan 1897)
Theodore R. Gustafson (University of Michigan 1921)
Robert K. Guy (University of Michigan 1948)
Mayo A. Hadden (University of Michigan 1915)
Ray W. Hadden (University of Michigan 1908)
James F. Hadley (University of Michigan 1961)
Benjamin J. Hahn (University of Michigan 1995)
Emil F. Halbach (University of Michigan 1910)
Eugene B. Halbrook (University of Michigan 1956)
Charles A. Hall (University of Michigan 1942)
Edward C. Hall (University of Michigan 1920)
Morris A. Hall (University of Michigan 1904)
Robert L. Hall (University of Michigan 1927)
James V. Halligan (University of Michigan 1940)
Harry F. Hamlin (University of Michigan 1906)
Jacob L. Haner (University of Michigan 1891)
Donald W. Hannah (University of Michigan 1961)
Clarence W. Hannon (University of Michigan 1912)
Walter J. Hans (University of Michigan 1949)
James M. Hardy (University of Michigan 1958)
George R. Harper (University of Michigan 1898)
Norman T. Harrington (University of Michigan 1891)
William J. Harris (University of Michigan 1951)
James J. Harrison (University of Michigan 1941)
James R. Harrison (University of Michigan 1941)
William R. Harrison (University of Michigan 1921)
Frank G. Harrison (University of Michigan 1932)
William A. Hart (University of Michigan 1914)
Andrew M. Harvey (University of Michigan 1893)
William J. Hastie (University of Michigan 1941)
Donald T. Hastings (University of Michigan 1907)
William H. Hattendorf (University of Michigan 1924)
Bruce E. Haynam (University of Michigan 1953)
Harley A. Haynes (University of Michigan 1938)
Robert C. Hays (University of Michigan 1947)
Jonathan Heaton (University of Michigan 1886)
Thomas V. Heaton (University of Michigan 1947)
George Hefferan (University of Michigan 1891)
James M. Hefferen (University of Michigan 1909)
H. W. Heidbreder (University of Michigan 1923)
Ralph I. Heikkinen (University of Michigan 1939)
Walter E. Heimerdinger (University of Michigan 1913)
Joseph C. Heinlein (University of Michigan 1953)
Gaylord T. Heinz (University of Michigan 1909)
Charles G. Helmick (University of Michigan 1947)
George P. Henry (University of Michigan 1966)
Karl D. Hermanson (University of Michigan 1972)
Robert F. Hext (University of Michigan 1941)
Preston M. Hickey (University of Michigan 1888)
Walter P. Hickey (University of Michigan 1930)
John K. Hickman (University of Michigan 1966)
William B. Hickman (University of Michigan 1952)
Walter R. Hobbie (University of Michigan 1907)
John S. Hodgman (University of Michigan 1956)
Fred L. Hoffman (University of Michigan 1890)
Robert W. Holland (University of Michigan 1949)
Harold W. Holmes (University of Michigan 1906)
Harold A. Holt (University of Michigan 1954)
Robert R. Holt (University of Michigan 1939)
Walter A. Holt (University of Michigan 1932)
Kent F. Holwadel (University of Michigan 1954)
Avery Hopwood (University of Michigan 1905)
William E. Horan (University of Michigan 1938)
Theodore Hornberger (University of Michigan 1927)
Sumner A. Host (University of Michigan 1911)
William B. Houle (University of Michigan 1943)
Ralph W. Hovis (University of Michigan 1918)
Donald M. Howell (University of Michigan 1912)
Richard S. Howell (University of Michigan 1952)
Glenn A. Howland (University of Michigan 1917)
Lyons M. Howland (University of Michigan 1943)
Clair B. Hughes (University of Michigan 1912)
Thomas W. Hughes (University of Michigan 1916)
Ernest F. Hughitt (University of Michigan 1915)
John R. Hulbert (University of Michigan 1940)
Lawrence A. Hulbert (University of Michigan 1943)
Cyrus Huling (University of Michigan 1934)
Edward L. Hulse (University of Michigan 1929)
Stewart H. Hulse (University of Michigan 1925)
Henry R. Hume (University of Michigan 1945)
Robert H. Hume Jr. (University of Michigan 1945)
Albert B. Humphrey (University of Michigan 1910)
Richard N. Humphreys (University of Michigan 1931)
Manly Hunt (University of Michigan 1928)
Richard G. Hunt (University of Michigan 1968)
E. R. Hurst (University of Michigan 1950)
Glenn V. Ireland (University of Michigan 1943)
Frederick E. Ittner (University of Michigan 1952)
Allen M. Jackson (University of Michigan 1951)
Robert J. Jay (University of Michigan 1944)
Paul B. Jenkins (University of Michigan 1917)
Orrin L. Jenks (University of Michigan 1921)
Harold Jerome (University of Michigan 1914)
William B. Jewitt (University of Michigan 1939)
Frederick M. Johnson (University of Michigan 1921)
Gary A. Johnson (University of Michigan 1977)
James J. Johnson (University of Michigan 1923)
John D. Johnson (University of Michigan 1965)
Neal S. Johnson (University of Michigan 1993)
Arthur J. Jones (University of Michigan 1905)
Ira B. Jones (University of Michigan 1929)
Forrest R. Jordan (University of Michigan 1939)
R. K. Jordan (University of Michigan 1949)
Howard W. Joyce (University of Michigan 1946)
Nelson Joyner (University of Michigan 1922)
Vernon C. Judd (University of Michigan 1947)
Kim R. Jurmu (University of Michigan 1978)
Herbert C. Jussen (University of Michigan 1910)
John E. Kamin (University of Michigan 1945)
Paul H. Kangas (University of Michigan 1959)
William P. Kavanagh (University of Michigan 1897)
David J. Kay (University of Michigan 1961)
Bert A. Keats (University of Michigan 1947)
Charles E. Keeler (University of Michigan 1904)
Nelson A. Kellogg (University of Michigan 1904)
Edward H. Kelly (University of Michigan 1910)
John T. Kelly (University of Michigan 1946)
Raymond K. Kenaga (University of Michigan 1954)
John B. Kentch (University of Michigan 1947)
Robert B. Kerr (University of Michigan 1944)
Norman E. Kewley (University of Michigan 1940)
George C. Kiesel (University of Michigan 1948)
Erle A. Kightlinger (University of Michigan 1933)
Edward A. King (University of Michigan 1941)
John J. Kistler (University of Michigan 1950)
Harley B. Kline (University of Michigan 1928)
Donald E. Knapp (University of Michigan 1952)
Myron D. Knapp (University of Michigan 1911)
John G. Knecht (University of Michigan 1940)
William C. Knecht (University of Michigan 1938)
James R. Koehler (University of Michigan 1974)
Ernest S. Kratzet (University of Michigan 1917)
Adolph K. Krause (University of Michigan 1922)
Richard H. Krause (University of Michigan 1924)
Victor W. Krause (University of Michigan 1909)
Lawrence A. Kuhnke (University of Michigan 1972)
Thomas G. Kuzma (University of Michigan 1944)
Richard H. Laird (University of Michigan 1947)
Minot E. Lane (University of Michigan 1920)
Edward F. Langs (University of Michigan 1962)
Donald E. Lathrup (University of Michigan 1949)
David A. Lauer (University of Michigan 1952)
Jeffrey L. Lawrence (University of Michigan 1959)
J. D. Lawson (University of Michigan 1953)
Michael J. Lawson (University of Michigan 1970)
Charles B. Lawton (University of Michigan 1917)
William G. Layhe (University of Michigan 1939)
Robert B. Lederle (University of Michigan 1891)
Miles D. Lee (University of Michigan 1954)
William M. Lee (University of Michigan 1910)
George T. Leonard (University of Michigan 1917)
James E. Lewis (University of Michigan 1911)
Charles W. Lewis (University of Michigan 1922)
Bertrand F. Lichtenberger (University of Michigan 1896)
Neumann E. Lindskold (University of Michigan 1932)
Arthur H. Little (University of Michigan 1912)
Howard H. Liverance (University of Michigan 1954)
Charles D. Livingstone (University of Michigan 1925)
Benjamin N. Lobdell (University of Michigan 1920)
Raymond S. Locke (University of Michigan 1961)
Andrew L. Long (University of Michigan 1930)
Robert C. Loomis (University of Michigan 1917)
William E. Loughborough (University of Michigan 1943)
Rufus R. Loveland (University of Michigan 1918)
William K. Lovering (University of Michigan 1917)
Robert B. Lueking (University of Michigan 1939)
Glen E. Luke (University of Michigan 1910)
Gregg D. Lundquist (University of Michigan 1980)
John B. Lyman (University of Michigan 1915)
William H. Lyman (University of Michigan 1943)
Richard H. Lyons (University of Michigan 1932)
T. H. Mabley (University of Michigan 1931)
Douglas Macduff (University of Michigan 1903)
William B. MacGowan (University of Michigan 1946)
James J. MacIsaac (University of Michigan 1945)
Barry B. MacKay (University of Michigan 1957)
Arthur P. Madden (University of Michigan 1913)
Edmond Madden (University of Michigan 1925)
John Madden (University of Michigan 1922)
Donald A. Magill (University of Michigan 1910)
Henry I. Mahon (University of Michigan 1944)
Arthur E. Mancl (University of Michigan 1945)
Amos C. Maple (University of Michigan 1891)
Frederic W. Marble (University of Michigan 1915)
Richard H. Marshall (University of Michigan 1966)
Edward G. Martin (University of Michigan 1940)
George S. Martin (University of Michigan 1925)
James S. Martin (University of Michigan 1891)
Robert O. Martin (University of Michigan 1923)
William B. Martin (University of Michigan 1930)
John C. Martindale (University of Michigan 1922)
Eder C. Matthews (University of Michigan 1920)
Harold E. Maude (University of Michigan 1953)
Warren H. Mayo (University of Michigan 1934)
William O. Mays (University of Michigan 1942)
Roy D. McAllister (University of Michigan 1921)
Russell J. McCaughey (University of Michigan 1919)
James R. McCollum (University of Michigan 1935)
Francis T. McCormick (University of Michigan 1905)
Malcolm McCormick (University of Michigan 1915)
William S. McCormick (University of Michigan 1912)
James McCracken (University of Michigan 1940)
Richard V. McCracken (University of Michigan 1957)
Cecil M. McCutcheon (University of Michigan 1933)
Joseph P. McFarlen (University of Michigan 1919)
Benjamin G. McFate (University of Michigan 1933)
John E. McFate (University of Michigan 1938)
William J. McFate (University of Michigan 1935)
John R. McFie Jr. (University of Michigan 1914)
Arthur B. McGee (University of Michigan 1916)
Robert E. McGuire (University of Michigan 1978)
John M. McHale (University of Michigan 1911)
William R. McIntyre (University of Michigan 1952)
Douglas P. McLaury (University of Michigan 1971)
David E. McLean (University of Michigan 1960)
Philip H. McLean (University of Michigan 1948)
Frederick A. McMahon (University of Michigan 1916)
William N. McNair (University of Michigan 1903)
Richard H. McWilliams (University of Michigan 1951)
Edwin H. Meibeyer (University of Michigan 1918)
Paul L. Melgaard (University of Michigan 1959)
Claire Mendel (University of Michigan 1911)
Edwin J. Mercer (University of Michigan 1913)
Robert E. Merrill (University of Michigan 1936)
Woodbridge Metcalf (University of Michigan 1911)
Philip H. Middleditch (University of Michigan 1915)
Donald C. Miller (University of Michigan 1927)
Gleed Miller (University of Michigan 1914)
Jerome S. Miller (University of Michigan 1943)
Stuart J. Miller (University of Michigan 1943)
Harry D. Mills (University of Michigan 1895)
Arthur B. Modine (University of Michigan 1908)
John J. Molenda (University of Michigan 1928)
Stephen P. Montgomery (University of Michigan 1968)
Joseph H. Moore (University of Michigan 1913)
Frederick C. Morgan (University of Michigan 1906)
Kenneth E. Morgaridges (University of Michigan 1926)
Hamilton F. Morris (University of Michigan 1939)
Glenn B. Morse (University of Michigan 1938)
L. M. Moss (University of Michigan 1976)
Ladimir J. Moudry (University of Michigan 1935)
Mark A. Mrozek (University of Michigan 1970)
Foorman L. Mueller (University of Michigan 1927)
Robert C. Mueller (University of Michigan 1938)
James R. Mulkey (University of Michigan 1947)
William L. Mullin (University of Michigan 1927)
William Mutschler (University of Michigan 1906)
Glenn C. Neff (University of Michigan 1948)
Otto Neglespach (University of Michigan 1887)
Alphonso G. Newcomer (University of Michigan 1887)
Donald M. Nichols (University of Michigan 1950)
John W. Nichols (University of Michigan 1981)
John B. Nicolls (University of Michigan 1940)
Carl C. Nissler (University of Michigan 1908)
Christian W. Nissler (University of Michigan 1911)
Robert J. Norwick (University of Michigan 1943)
Charles H. Norwood (University of Michigan 1950)
Frederick O'Brien (University of Michigan 1910)
Edward J. O'Connell (University of Michigan 1940)
Charles W. O'Dell (University of Michigan 1967)
Joseph A. Oeming (University of Michigan 1944)
Andrew F. Olis (University of Michigan 1946)
Harold O. Olson (University of Michigan 1930)
John M. Ormond (University of Michigan 1889)
David H. Orr (University of Michigan 1931)
W. Reed Orr (University of Michigan 1931)
Robert P. Orth (University of Michigan 1948)
John T. O'Shaughnessey (University of Michigan 1946)
Robert B. Otis (University of Michigan 1903)
David E. Ott (University of Michigan 1947)
Thomas Outland (University of Michigan 1921)
Gerald P. Overton (University of Michigan 1920)
Thomas E. Owen (University of Michigan 1961)
J. B. Owens (University of Michigan 1903)
John C. Pahl (University of Michigan 1965)
James M. Palmer (University of Michigan 1941)
John C. Parker (University of Michigan 1901)
Robert G. Parker (University of Michigan 1940)
Carleton C. Patterson (University of Michigan 1949)
Carleton C. Patterson (University of Michigan 1920)
Edward B. Patterson (University of Michigan 1886)
Kenneth C. Patterson (University of Michigan 1925)
Peter J. Paulus (University of Michigan 1955)
Alvick A. Pearson (University of Michigan 1894)
Walter S. Peckinpaugh (University of Michigan 1939)
Edwin D. Peifer (University of Michigan 1886)
George F. Perrin (University of Michigan 1923)
John S. Perrin (University of Michigan 1920)
Ward D. Peterson (University of Michigan 1919)
Albert V. Peterson (University of Michigan 1944)
Nicholas A. Petrick (University of Michigan 1945)
William E. Petritz (University of Michigan 1912)
Philip M. Pfaffmann Jr. (University of Michigan 1927)
Martin C. Phalen (University of Michigan 1947)
Leland E. Phipps (University of Michigan 1908)
C. J. Pilcher (University of Michigan 1942)
Frederic L. Pitner (University of Michigan 1926)
Alfred H. Plummer (University of Michigan 1935)
Dene E. Polglase (University of Michigan 1903)
John W. Pollins (University of Michigan 1961)
David S. Pollock (University of Michigan 1944)
Robert L. Porter (University of Michigan 1986)
Claude L. Post (University of Michigan 1909)
William E. Post (University of Michigan 1904)
James K. Posther (University of Michigan 1965)
Charles A. Pratt (University of Michigan 1893)
Charles S. Pratt (University of Michigan 1922)
Philip Pratt (University of Michigan 1948)
C. R. Precious (University of Michigan 1950)
Robert W. Precious (University of Michigan 1946)
Archibald D. Price (University of Michigan 1933)
Enoch J. Price (University of Michigan 1891)
William E. Pryor (University of Michigan 1960)
Frederick C. Purcell (University of Michigan 1903)
William C. Pusch (University of Michigan 1928)
George F. Qua (University of Michigan 1952)
Michael L. Quinn (University of Michigan 1969)
Nicholas J. Radell (University of Michigan 1952)
Robert A. Radford (University of Michigan 1911)
Thurlow M. Ralph (University of Michigan 1927)
Horace P. Ramey (University of Michigan 1907)
Stephen W. Randolph (University of Michigan 1968)
Vernon C. Randolph (University of Michigan 1907)
Matthew T. Rea (University of Michigan 1940)
Walter B. Rea (University of Michigan 1922)
Thomas H. Read (University of Michigan 1906)
Howard C. Reed (University of Michigan 1911)
Paul C. Reed (University of Michigan 1906)
Ray W. Replogle (University of Michigan 1910)
Michael J. Reynolds (University of Michigan 1968)
Frederick Riebel (University of Michigan 1932)
Lynn C. Riess (University of Michigan 1941)
Joseph A. Riggs (University of Michigan 1922)
Samuel H. Riggs (University of Michigan 1958)
Samuel H. Riggs (University of Michigan 1918)
George B. Riker (University of Michigan 1920)
John A. Rinek (University of Michigan 1939)
Lorenz W. Rinek (University of Michigan 1940)
William D. Roesser (University of Michigan 1925)
James A. Rolls (University of Michigan 1920)
Floyd A. Rowe (University of Michigan 1908)
Richard H. Rowland Jr. (University of Michigan 1923)
Eugene L. Ryan (University of Michigan 1950)
William R. Ryan (University of Michigan 1903)
William F. Ryburn (University of Michigan 1891)
Herbert C. Sadler (University of Michigan 1917)
Paul L. Sampsell (University of Michigan 1916)
Ralph T. Sayles (University of Michigan 1909)
John A. Schaefer (University of Michigan 1955)
Alexander K. Scherer (University of Michigan 1930)
Walter K. Scherer (University of Michigan 1924)
William O. Schoedinger (University of Michigan 1947)
Hal F. Schulte (University of Michigan 1971)
Donald S. Scott (University of Michigan 1924)
Frederick L. Searing (University of Michigan 1895)
John W. Seens (University of Michigan 1904)
F. H. Servatius (University of Michigan 1924)
George D. Seymour (University of Michigan 1939)
George H. Shaffer (University of Michigan 1948)
Isaac S. Sheets (University of Michigan 1895)
Benjamin O. Shepherd (University of Michigan 1914)
George W. Sherman (University of Michigan 1958)
John B. Sherman (University of Michigan 1914)
Richard M. Shick (University of Michigan 1931)
William A. Shrosbree (University of Michigan 1980)
Norman E. Shumway (University of Michigan 1945)
Christopher L. Simmons (University of Michigan 1977)
Charles E. Skinner (University of Michigan 1895)
Henry S. Slyfield (University of Michigan 1906)
Kenneth G. Smiles (University of Michigan 1926)
Clement A. Smith (University of Michigan 1923)
David M. Smith (University of Michigan 1956)
Donald D. Smith (University of Michigan 1905)
Donald S. Smith (University of Michigan 1929)
Edward R. Smith (University of Michigan 1919)
Gilbert L. Smith (University of Michigan 1949)
Herbert W. Smith (University of Michigan 1910)
Milton C. Smith (University of Michigan 1932)
Raymond C. Smith (University of Michigan 1920)
Reynolds R. Smith (University of Michigan 1922)
Robert E. Smith (University of Michigan 1945)
Ross E. Smith (University of Michigan 1958)
Shirley W. Smith (University of Michigan 1897)
Stanley P. Smith (University of Michigan 1917)
John R. Smolenski (University of Michigan 1940)
James D. Snodgrass (University of Michigan 1943)
John M. Snodgrass (University of Michigan 1949)
Frederick C. Solms (University of Michigan 1906)
Laurence M. Sorensen (University of Michigan 1937)
Calvin N. Souther (University of Michigan 1927)
Milton S. Spaeth (University of Michigan 1950)
William W. Spain (University of Michigan 1938)
Luther P. Spalding (University of Michigan 1907)
George N. Spaulding (University of Michigan 1947)
Richard L. Spaulding (University of Michigan 1951)
Harvey L. Spaunburg (University of Michigan 1945)
John L. Spencer (University of Michigan 1932)
Roscoe D. Spencer (University of Michigan 1916)
Robert J. Spiegel (University of Michigan 1949)
Charles W. Spooner (University of Michigan 1906)
Dandridge Spotswood (University of Michigan 1895)
Harvey H. Sprick (University of Michigan 1916)
Harmon C. St Clair (University of Michigan 1889)
Edward S. Stagg (University of Michigan 1936)
William D. Stahl (University of Michigan 1986)
Malcolm T. Stamper (University of Michigan 1946)
David Standiford (University of Michigan 1946)
DeWolf M. Stanley (University of Michigan 1949)
John G. Staudt (University of Michigan 1931)
Louis W. Staudt (University of Michigan 1935)
Joyce M. Stedman (University of Michigan 1922)
Charles L. Steiner (University of Michigan 1959)
James Stephen (University of Michigan 1959)
Charles M. Stephens (University of Michigan 1886)
Laurence E. Stephenson (University of Michigan 1919)
Charles B. Stevens (University of Michigan 1888)
Roger L. Stevens (University of Michigan 1932)
Frederic C. Stevens (University of Michigan 1931)
Frederic C. Stevens (University of Michigan 1903)
Donald B. Stewart (University of Michigan 1936)
Donald F. Stiver (University of Michigan 1916)
Alfred C. Stoddard (University of Michigan 1931)
John M. Stokely (University of Michigan 1934)
Albert E. Stoll (University of Michigan 1917)
Charles I. Stouffer (University of Michigan 1892)
Gregg E. Stover (University of Michigan 1961)
Ralph W. Street (University of Michigan 1905)
Jay H. Strickler (University of Michigan 1954)
Gary J. Sulzer (University of Michigan 1977)
Edson R. Sunderland (University of Michigan 1901)
Thomas E. Sunderland (University of Michigan 1928)
Forest G. Sweet (University of Michigan 1890)
Stanley M. Swinton (University of Michigan 1940)
Samuel P. Szor (University of Michigan 1952)
Martin W. Tanner (University of Michigan 1927)
James E. Tatge (University of Michigan 1966)
James F. Temple (University of Michigan 1933)
William H. Theidel (University of Michigan 1947)
Walter H. Thiele (University of Michigan 1930)
E. T. Thieme (University of Michigan 1929)
Steven B. Thom (University of Michigan 1968)
William B. Thom (University of Michigan 1915)
Jerome G. Thomas (University of Michigan 1923)
John S. Thomas (University of Michigan 1921)
Thomas Thomas (University of Michigan 1929)
Claude A. Thompson (University of Michigan 1905)
Lorin O. Thompson (University of Michigan 1911)
Elmore D. Tichenor (University of Michigan 1920)
Walter V. Tiedeman (University of Michigan 1944)
Thomas L. Tiernan (University of Michigan 1952)
C. N. Tinker (University of Michigan 1954)
Robert W. Titus (University of Michigan 1942)
J. S. Todd (University of Michigan 1951)
Bauchman Tom (University of Michigan 1969)
Neale T. Traves (University of Michigan 1952)
Guy L. Tribble (University of Michigan 1951)
Austin H. Trier (University of Michigan 1911)
Edward S. Tripp (University of Michigan 1941)
Kenneth C. Tripp (University of Michigan 1921)
Harold S. Trueman (University of Michigan 1919)
Stephen R. Truesdell (University of Michigan 1913)
Maurice R. Twomey (University of Michigan 1915)
Robert D. Ulrich (University of Michigan 1941)
Emmett P. Updegraff (University of Michigan 1896)
William R. Upthegrove (University of Michigan 1950)
Sherwood A. Upton (University of Michigan 1931)
Kenneth W. Vance (University of Michigan 1916)
Berg H. Vanden (University of Michigan 1905)
Edward A. VanDyke (University of Michigan 1949)
Jack H. Vaughn (University of Michigan 1943)
Alexander B. Vial (University of Michigan 1940)
Lawrence E. Vilas (University of Michigan 1917)
Condit Voorhees (University of Michigan 1892)
Richard L. Vukin (University of Michigan 1964)
Mulford Wade (University of Michigan 1888)
Clinton C. Wagner (University of Michigan 1958)
Guy L. Wait (University of Michigan 1908)
Richard C. Wakefield (University of Michigan 1948)
Arthur J. Waldron (University of Michigan 1894)
Hicks B. Waldron (University of Michigan 1944)
Fred M. Walker (University of Michigan 1907)
Howard C. Walker (University of Michigan 1911)
William H. Walker (University of Michigan 1945)
Harold L. Walters (University of Michigan 1947)
James P. Ward (University of Michigan 1922)
Albert M. Warner (University of Michigan 1948)
Joseph R. Washnock (University of Michigan 1972)
Frederick T. Waterhouse (University of Michigan 1892)
Douglas B. Watkins (University of Michigan 1945)
Elba E. Watson (University of Michigan 1895)
Samuel T. Watson (University of Michigan 1927)
Wilmer B. Weathers (University of Michigan 1920)
Bennett Weaver (University of Michigan 1938)
Carl K. Weaver (University of Michigan 1962)
Johs S. Weaver (University of Michigan 1893)
Charles D. Webster (University of Michigan 1897)
Otho C. Webster (University of Michigan 1947)
Robert B. Webster (University of Michigan 1953)
Arthur H. Webster (University of Michigan 1962)
Harrison G. Wehner (University of Michigan 1957)
Pierre R. Welch (University of Michigan 1955)
Horatio E. West (University of Michigan 1897)
John T. Whitehead (University of Michigan 1908)
John P. Whiting (University of Michigan 1893)
Robert P. Whitney (University of Michigan 1949)
Chase Wickersham (University of Michigan 1918)
Ray B. Wiggins (University of Michigan 1911)
Rex G. Wilcox (University of Michigan 1957)
G. M. Williams (University of Michigan 1936)
Robert D. Williamson (University of Michigan 1902)
Elmer G. Willyoung (University of Michigan 1888)
James Wilson (University of Michigan 1890)
Samuel A. Wilson (University of Michigan 1889)
Steven B. Wilson (University of Michigan 1915)
W. W. Wilson (University of Michigan 1950)
John F. Winch (University of Michigan 1946)
John F. Wine (University of Michigan 1956)
Joseph D. Wingfield (University of Michigan 1967)
Frederick W. Winter (University of Michigan 1894)
Samuel C. Witherspoon (University of Michigan 1910)
James B. Wood (University of Michigan 1889)
Frederick F. Woodward (University of Michigan 1949)
Richard H. Woodward (University of Michigan 1918)
Charles R. Worst (University of Michigan 1933)
Wesley J. Wuerfel (University of Michigan 1898)
William R. Wyckoff (University of Michigan 1949)
Forrest I. Yeakey (University of Michigan 1924)
James C. Yeakey (University of Michigan 1922)
Keith A. Yoder (University of Michigan 1941)
Floyd M. Zarbock (University of Michigan 1953)
William S. Zerman (University of Michigan 1949)
Arthur E. Zigler (University of Michigan 1919)
Alexander Ziwet (University of Michigan 1880)
George F. Adams (University of Minnesota 1895)
Paul E. Airheart (University of Minnesota 1933)
Malcolm M. Aldrich (University of Minnesota 1921)
Oreste G. Alessio (University of Minnesota 1948)
Joseph H. Alexander (University of Minnesota 1905)
Kenneth K. Anderson (University of Minnesota 1931)
Norbert J. Anderson (University of Minnesota 1956)
Robert P. Anthony (University of Minnesota 1946)
Laurence F. Armstrong III (University of Minnesota 1949)
Edward B. Arntsen (University of Minnesota 1941)
Thomas S. Arntsen (University of Minnesota 1943)
Clifford S. Ashmun (University of Minnesota 1947)
Edward W. Axt (University of Minnesota 1942)
John O. Bach (University of Minnesota 1903)
Lucas M. Bacon (University of Minnesota 1919)
F. N. Ball (University of Minnesota 1945)
Caswell A. Ballard (University of Minnesota 1894)
Clinton E. Banik (University of Minnesota 1950)
William S. Baring-Gould (University of Minnesota 1935)
Arthur R. Barke (University of Minnesota 1912)
Ralph J. Barke (University of Minnesota 1914)
William K. Bartlett (University of Minnesota 1901)
William A. Barto (University of Minnesota 1894)
Richard K. Barton (University of Minnesota 1942)
Frank L. Batcheldor (University of Minnesota 1893)
Edmund E. Bates (University of Minnesota 1921)
Gordon R. Bates (University of Minnesota 1919)
Lyle K. Batterton (University of Minnesota 1909)
Charles R. Beattie (University of Minnesota 1932)
Arthur H. Beaven (University of Minnesota 1896)
Robert C. Becker (University of Minnesota 1951)
James S. Beecher (University of Minnesota 1901)
Harold W. Beggs (University of Minnesota 1929)
Lloyd W. Behler (University of Minnesota 1951)
William P. Beinhorn (University of Minnesota 1919)
Leonard N. Bennett (University of Minnesota 1932)
William H. Bennetts (University of Minnesota 1938)
Herbert G. Benz (University of Minnesota 1919)
Herbert J. Berge (University of Minnesota 1902)
Robert E. Bergquist (University of Minnesota 1930)
Charles P. Berkey (University of Minnesota 1892)
D. H. Berlin (University of Minnesota 1919)
Franklin R. Bertheau (University of Minnesota 1953)
Frank D. Bessesen (University of Minnesota 1925)
Nelson D. Bessesen (University of Minnesota 1898)
Philip N. Bettenburg (University of Minnesota 1946)
Jay C. Bevan (University of Minnesota 1936)
William A. Bevan (University of Minnesota 1936)
Gene M. Bierhaus (University of Minnesota 1943)
Angelo A. Bissell (University of Minnesota 1902)
Stanley H. Bissell (University of Minnesota 1896)
Harold S. Bjornstad (University of Minnesota 1926)
Burgess Blackburn (University of Minnesota 1939)
John J. Blekkink (University of Minnesota 1940)
Jule L. Block (University of Minnesota 1953)
Herbert H. Blodget (University of Minnesota 1935)
Donald N. Blossom (University of Minnesota 1923)
Rudyard E. Blume (University of Minnesota 1935)
Michael W. Bockman (University of Minnesota 1903)
Siguard Bockman (University of Minnesota 1904)
Robert L. Borchardt (University of Minnesota 1950)
Robert F. Born (University of Minnesota 1947)
Paul F. Brabec (University of Minnesota 1924)
Benson C. Brainard (University of Minnesota 1948)
Albert S. Brasie (University of Minnesota 1916)
John M. Bridge (University of Minnesota 1924)
Robert E. Broholm (University of Minnesota 1941)
John C. Brown (University of Minnesota 1900)
Joseph M. Brown (University of Minnesota 1929)
Minot J. Brown (University of Minnesota 1899)
Scott S. Brown (University of Minnesota 1997)
Thomas J. Brown (University of Minnesota 1955)
David D. Brubacher (University of Minnesota 1948)
John R. Bruce (University of Minnesota 1938)
Roger C. Buck (University of Minnesota 1944)
Solon J. Buck (University of Minnesota 1916)
Stephen F. Buck (University of Minnesota 1950)
Joseph H. Buckhouse (University of Minnesota 1949)
Howard L. Budlong (University of Minnesota 1925)
Michael H. Buol (University of Minnesota 1970)
Edward P. Burch (University of Minnesota 1892)
Frank E. Burch (University of Minnesota 1897)
Thomas O. Burgess (University of Minnesota 1901)
Robert J. Burgess (University of Minnesota 1910)
John A. Burke (University of Minnesota 1933)
Robert W. Burns (University of Minnesota 1915)
Austin Burt (University of Minnesota 1896)
George W. Bush (University of Minnesota 1929)
Ovid M. Butler (University of Minnesota 1902)
William A. Caine (University of Minnesota 1902)
Robert A. Campbell (University of Minnesota 1896)
Walter H. Campbell (University of Minnesota 1895)
Robert G. Cargill (University of Minnesota 1926)
John R. Carlson (University of Minnesota 1931)
John R. Carriveau (University of Minnesota 1941)
Alvin H. Carstensen (University of Minnesota 1957)
William F. Carver (University of Minnesota 1922)
Robert T. Cassidy (University of Minnesota 1952)
Charles J. Cawley (University of Minnesota 1910)
Frank S. Cawley (University of Minnesota 1910)
Elmer T. Cedar (University of Minnesota 1928)
George V. Chamberlain (University of Minnesota 1922)
Winslow C. Chambers (University of Minnesota 1900)
Jenner D. Chance (University of Minnesota 1915)
Robert M. Chapman (University of Minnesota 1925)
Ezra D. Chase (University of Minnesota 1903)
Jeffrey Chase (University of Minnesota 2009)
Walter S. Chase (University of Minnesota 1900)
Isaac W. Choate (University of Minnesota 1904)
Grant R. Christenson (University of Minnesota 1929)
Clayton D. Chrysler (University of Minnesota 1918)
Karl G. Chrysler (University of Minnesota 1901)
Louis G. Chrysler (University of Minnesota 1905)
Milo A. Clarke (University of Minnesota 1906)
Arthur Clarkson (University of Minnesota 1936)
Robert M. Clementson (University of Minnesota 1944)
Fred H. Cobb (University of Minnesota 1914)
Willard L. Collins (University of Minnesota 1931)
Edward J. Colliton (University of Minnesota 1928)
Dean Conley (University of Minnesota 1928)
Willard J. Conley (University of Minnesota 1932)
Robert H. Conley (University of Minnesota 1939)
William G. Cooper (University of Minnesota 1937)
Richard R. Cooper (University of Minnesota 1944)
William D. Corrigan (University of Minnesota 1909)
Edward B. Cosgrove (University of Minnesota 1910)
Robert H. Cosgrove (University of Minnesota 1898)
Henry Cotton (University of Minnesota 1890)
Lyman H. Coult (University of Minnesota 1921)
Thomas B. Coulter (University of Minnesota 1951)
William T. Coulter (University of Minnesota 1920)
Verne L. Cowan (University of Minnesota 1916)
Harry L. Craddick (University of Minnesota 1926)
Warren L. Crandall (University of Minnesota 1946)
Seldon Crockett (University of Minnesota 1894)
Bert S. Cross (University of Minnesota 1929)
Richard J. Crouse (University of Minnesota 1948)
Edward R. Cunningham (University of Minnesota 1956)
Leroy Cunningham (University of Minnesota 1950)
Charles M. Curtis (University of Minnesota 1918)
William E. Dahl (University of Minnesota 1927)
William E. Daley (University of Minnesota 1943)
William E. Daley (University of Minnesota 1978)
Burr Dalton (University of Minnesota 1928)
Lester V. Daniels (University of Minnesota 1921)
Benjamin E. Darby (University of Minnesota 1930)
Ivan H. Dart (University of Minnesota 1923)
Culver Davis (University of Minnesota 1937)
Jed H. Davis (University of Minnesota 1947)
Ralph E. Davis (University of Minnesota 1923)
Robert S. Davis (University of Minnesota 1935)
William C. Davis (University of Minnesota 1923)
Lavelle P. Davlin (University of Minnesota 1922)
Frank E. Dean (University of Minnesota 1898)
John P. Dedon (University of Minnesota 1949)
Rix H. Delambert (University of Minnesota 1917)
Douglas W. DeLaurier (University of Minnesota 1925)
Percy W. Demo (University of Minnesota 1921)
John P. Devaney (University of Minnesota 1905)
John P. Devaney (University of Minnesota 1932)
Larry M. Dickerson (University of Minnesota 1966)
Ernest W. Dielentheis (University of Minnesota 1951)
William C. Dietrich (University of Minnesota 1954)
Ted E. Dietrick (University of Minnesota 1949)
Carl W. Dobler (University of Minnesota 1921)
Donald H. Dooley (University of Minnesota 1948)
Arthur M. Dougherty (University of Minnesota 1923)
Richard L. Dougherty (University of Minnesota 1954)
Harold L. Downing (University of Minnesota 1912)
Dan M. Driscoll (University of Minnesota 1932)
William M. Drum USA (University of Minnesota 1953)
Donald C. Dunlop (University of Minnesota 1924)
Halbert B. Dunn (University of Minnesota 1943)
Harold F. Dunn (University of Minnesota 1915)
Dana M. Easton (University of Minnesota 1907)
William E. Eberlein (University of Minnesota 1920)
Edward E. Eder (University of Minnesota 1912)
Howard L. Eder (University of Minnesota 1919)
Lawrence F. Eder (University of Minnesota 1922)
Walter H. Eder (University of Minnesota 1911)
George P. Edgerton (University of Minnesota 1946)
Karl A. Edgerton (University of Minnesota 1923)
Stephen W. Ellingson (University of Minnesota 1964)
Franklin F. Ellsworth (University of Minnesota 1902)
Graham E. Elvgren (University of Minnesota 1945)
George M. Elwinger (University of Minnesota 1950)
Stephen R. Endean (University of Minnesota 1970)
Eric N. Ericson (University of Minnesota 1950)
John Esslinger (University of Minnesota 1949)
Thorolf G. Evensen (University of Minnesota 1917)
Richard A. Fair (University of Minnesota 1965)
Egbert N. Fairchild (University of Minnesota 1923)
James I. Faricy (University of Minnesota 1925)
John W. Farl (University of Minnesota 1946)
David K. Farmer (University of Minnesota 1952)
Joseph W. Farr (University of Minnesota 1917)
Charles J. Feddema (University of Minnesota 1966)
John G. Feely (University of Minnesota 1939)
Charles M. Felland (University of Minnesota 1978)
Frank O. Fernald (University of Minnesota 1903)
Robert W. Fernald (University of Minnesota 1910)
Robert M. Fife (University of Minnesota 1945)
Paul S. Finden (University of Minnesota 1960)
Chester F. Firkins (University of Minnesota 1904)
Dale C. Firth (University of Minnesota 1948)
Joseph L. Fleming (University of Minnesota 1929)
David A. Fletcher (University of Minnesota 1929)
Richard R. Fliehr (University of Minnesota 1941)
Willard A. Foley (University of Minnesota 1923)
Thomas R. Foley (University of Minnesota 1907)
Daniel Ford (University of Minnesota 1899)
Adam C. Forsch (University of Minnesota 2010)
Harry A. Fowler (University of Minnesota 1895)
A. T. Frank (University of Minnesota 1950)
Frank A. Frankoviz (University of Minnesota 1903)
Charles R. Frazee (University of Minnesota 1927)
Max A. Freitag (University of Minnesota 1921)
Wendell L. Frelander (University of Minnesota 1949)
William P. Friday (University of Minnesota 1950)
Robert B. Fritz (University of Minnesota 1933)
Leslie G. Fuller (University of Minnesota 1894)
Lester J. Fuller (University of Minnesota 1894)
Lawrence T. Gaffney (University of Minnesota 1928)
Richard A. Gaffney (University of Minnesota 1935)
Ralph A. Gale (University of Minnesota 1929)
A. Brookins Gardner (University of Minnesota 1944)
Stanley J. Gardner (University of Minnesota 1924)
Everett K. Geer (University of Minnesota 1917)
Prentice S. Geer (University of Minnesota 1918)
Philip J. Geib (University of Minnesota 1918)
Charles V. Geise (University of Minnesota 1933)
Ralph T. Gemmel (University of Minnesota 1932)
Lester J. Gilbert Jr. (University of Minnesota 1949)
Donald W. Gilfillan (University of Minnesota 1925)
Richard S. Gilfillan (University of Minnesota 1921)
Earl W. Gilroy (University of Minnesota 1914)
Robert L. Glasby (University of Minnesota 1893)
William H. Glindeman (University of Minnesota 1940)
Paul H. Goddard (University of Minnesota 1930)
Alexander G. Graif (University of Minnesota 1904)
Jerome D. Grams (University of Minnesota 1988)
Vance B. Grannis (University of Minnesota 1932)
John E. Grathwol (University of Minnesota 1923)
Robert L. Grathwol (University of Minnesota 1920)
Joel E. Gregory (University of Minnesota 1896)
Paul B. Greig (University of Minnesota 1941)
Paul B. Greig (University of Minnesota 1918)
Haakon B. Groseth (University of Minnesota 1929)
Thor A. Groseth (University of Minnesota 1932)
William H. Ground (University of Minnesota 1924)
Deil O. Gustafson (University of Minnesota 1953)
Charles E. Guthrie (University of Minnesota 1891)
John D. Guthrie (University of Minnesota 1893)
Dean L. Hall (University of Minnesota 1944)
Francis D. Hall (University of Minnesota 1909)
Levi M. Hall (University of Minnesota 1913)
Pearl M. Hall (University of Minnesota 1890)
Rollin O. Hall (University of Minnesota 1924)
Ferdinand Hallet (University of Minnesota 1924)
William Hamm (University of Minnesota 1915)
John Hancock (University of Minnesota 1929)
Gordon F. Handevidt (University of Minnesota 1946)
John F. Hanley Jr. (University of Minnesota 1952)
Thomas C. Hanna (University of Minnesota 1926)
Charles H. Hansen (University of Minnesota 1949)
Alanson L. Harris (University of Minnesota 1935)
Daniel L. Harris (University of Minnesota 1936)
George G. Harris (University of Minnesota 1941)
J. Arthur Harris (University of Minnesota 1932)
Clarence M. Harter (University of Minnesota 1908)
Paul D. Hartlage (University of Minnesota 1978)
Robert E. Hatch (University of Minnesota 1934)
Harrison Hatton (University of Minnesota 1942)
Neal C. Hawley (University of Minnesota 1907)
Jess B. Hawley (University of Minnesota 1909)
Carl B. Headland (University of Minnesota 1952)
Robert L. Heim (University of Minnesota 1930)
Albert H. Heimbach (University of Minnesota 1942)
Larry G. Helgerson (University of Minnesota 1969)
George W. Heller (University of Minnesota 1945)
Raymond L. Henderson (University of Minnesota 1917)
Martin J. Her (University of Minnesota 1927)
William F. Heydrick (University of Minnesota 1931)
Herald J. Hickenbotham (University of Minnesota 1932)
Clifford C. Hield (University of Minnesota 1909)
Ralph V. Hilgedick (University of Minnesota 1922)
Charles W. Hill (University of Minnesota 1905)
Paul Hillsdale (University of Minnesota 1908)
Walter O. Hobe (University of Minnesota 1921)
John P. Hoeffler (University of Minnesota 1924)
Mitchell R. Hoenig (University of Minnesota 2019)
Arthur C. Hoffman (University of Minnesota 1909)
Ralph M. Hoffman (University of Minnesota 1911)
Walter F. Hoffman (University of Minnesota 1904)
John W. Hoffmann (University of Minnesota 1933)
William I. Holbrook (University of Minnesota 1950)
Leroy C. Holm (University of Minnesota 1922)
Jon O. Hondrum (University of Minnesota 1942)
Richard A. Hoppin (University of Minnesota 1942)
Lyman B. Horton (University of Minnesota 1929)
Alexander W. Hoss (University of Minnesota 2011)
Elting W. Houghtaling (University of Minnesota 1915)
Don A. Howard (University of Minnesota 1930)
Edwin M. Howey (University of Minnesota 1942)
Gerald F. Hubbard (University of Minnesota 1925)
Marlin E. Hudson (University of Minnesota 1950)
Robert C. Hudson (University of Minnesota 1921)
W. P. Hughes (University of Minnesota 1914)
John P. Hummel (University of Minnesota 1941)
Arthur E. Huntington (University of Minnesota 1893)
George L. Huntington (University of Minnesota 1893)
Cecil C. Hurd (University of Minnesota 1919)
Mark M. Hurd (University of Minnesota 1916)
Cecil C. Hutchens (University of Minnesota 1923)
George W. Hyser (University of Minnesota 1911)
Gregg A. Iverson (University of Minnesota 1967)
Robert L. Jackson (University of Minnesota 1893)
William A. Jackson (University of Minnesota 1891)
Leonard H. Jacobsen (University of Minnesota 1905)
Milton A. Jacobsen (University of Minnesota 1919)
Walter J. Jacobsen (University of Minnesota 1905)
Parker L. Jacobson (University of Minnesota 1931)
Harold G. Jansen (University of Minnesota 1947)
Jasper J. Jepson (University of Minnesota 1926)
Fredric C. Joerns (University of Minnesota 1927)
Alfred C. B. John (University of Minnesota 1915)
Charles T. John (University of Minnesota 1913)
Elmer T. Johnson (University of Minnesota 1932)
Lorin K. Johnson (University of Minnesota 1935)
Robert E. Johnson (University of Minnesota 1931)
Robert G. Johnson (University of Minnesota 1948)
Kenneth A. Johnston (University of Minnesota 1921)
Ralph E. Johnston (University of Minnesota 1916)
Charles H. Jones (University of Minnesota 1933)
Earl W. Jones (University of Minnesota 1933)
Willys P. Jones (University of Minnesota 1939)
Frank W. Jordan (University of Minnesota 1919)
Alfred M. Joyce (University of Minnesota 1915)
Garfield C. Kachel (University of Minnesota 1921)
George G. Kalbach (University of Minnesota 1933)
Frederick R. Kanning (University of Minnesota 1927)
Raymond S. Karinen (University of Minnesota 1945)
Leland K. Karr (University of Minnesota 1945)
Walter F. Kasper (University of Minnesota 1911)
Lincoln F. Katter (University of Minnesota 1928)
Wilson A. Katter (University of Minnesota 1927)
Curtis B. Kellar (University of Minnesota 1937)
Smith T. Kellogg (University of Minnesota 1906)
Thomas R. Kelly (University of Minnesota 1905)
Ralph J. Keltner (University of Minnesota 1915)
Adam G. Kendhammer (University of Minnesota 2007)
Arthur H. Kennedy (University of Minnesota 1900)
Paul S. Kerfott (University of Minnesota 1919)
Richard C. Kern (University of Minnesota 1942)
Ralph G. Kimble (University of Minnesota 1892)
Francis L. King (University of Minnesota 1904)
Owen King (University of Minnesota 1914)
Philip L. King (University of Minnesota 1916)
Ray W. King (University of Minnesota 1938)
Robert A. King (University of Minnesota 1900)
Owen King Jr. (University of Minnesota 1932)
Fayette C. Kinyon (University of Minnesota 1898)
Stanley V. Kinyon (University of Minnesota 1913)
William W. Kinyon (University of Minnesota 1899)
Robert B. Klaverkamp (University of Minnesota 1951)
Robert J. Klepinski (University of Minnesota 1969)
Robert C. Klingler (University of Minnesota 1945)
Arthur H. Klobe (University of Minnesota 1941)
Earle S. Knox (University of Minnesota 1901)
Richard C. Kogl (University of Minnesota 1949)
Robert F. Korsmo (University of Minnesota 1944)
Frederick J. Kraemer (University of Minnesota 1907)
Foster H. Kreis (University of Minnesota 1913)
Lee A. Kunz (University of Minnesota 1941)
Richard E. Kyle (University of Minnesota 1925)
Greeley Ladd (University of Minnesota 1913)
Herbert S. Lamberton (University of Minnesota 1903)
Herbert S. Lamberton (University of Minnesota 1934)
Leonard F. Lampert (University of Minnesota 1942)
Carl W. Lang (University of Minnesota 1927)
James J. Lange (University of Minnesota 1954)
Leonard O. Langer (University of Minnesota 1951)
Herbert L. Langevin (University of Minnesota 1924)
Stanley G. Langland (University of Minnesota 1949)
Robert E. Langsdorf (University of Minnesota 1951)
Chandler C. Larkin (University of Minnesota 1908)
Kent W. Larson (University of Minnesota 1971)
Robert E. Larson (University of Minnesota 1956)
James A. LaShomb (University of Minnesota 1991)
John D. Lathrop (University of Minnesota 1927)
Arthur H. Laubach (University of Minnesota 1919)
John L. Lawson (University of Minnesota 1904)
Les Layton (University of Minnesota 1969)
Theodore L. Lee (University of Minnesota 1911)
Rudolph Lehmicke (University of Minnesota 1935)
Ralph N. Leuthold (University of Minnesota 1904)
Vernal A. LeVoir (University of Minnesota 1936)
Frank P. Light (University of Minnesota 1927)
Wayne A. Lindskoog (University of Minnesota 1960)
George H. Linton (University of Minnesota 1942)
Eugene E. Little (University of Minnesota 1917)
Floyd R. Livingston (University of Minnesota 1953)
John F. Longtin (University of Minnesota 1953)
Russell J. Loomis (University of Minnesota 1930)
Donald E. Loop (University of Minnesota 1950)
Charles R. Lord (University of Minnesota 1971)
Theodore L. Losby (University of Minnesota 1923)
Lorin A. Luedtke (University of Minnesota 1921)
Irving J. Luger (University of Minnesota 1918)
Richard W. Lundgren (University of Minnesota 1945)
John M. Lupton (University of Minnesota 1970)
Robert R. Macall (University of Minnesota 1901)
Walter F. Macgregor (University of Minnesota 1917)
William G. Maclean (University of Minnesota 1921)
Arthur Madison (University of Minnesota 1919)
Byron Magelssen (University of Minnesota 1908)
Paul B. Magnuson (University of Minnesota 1905)
Robert V. Magnuson (University of Minnesota 1937)
George B. Manuel (University of Minnesota 1929)
Malcolm O. Manuel (University of Minnesota 1932)
Waldo F. Marquart (University of Minnesota 1931)
Edward N. Mattson (University of Minnesota 1948)
Joseph A. Maun (University of Minnesota 1932)
Jack A. Maurer (University of Minnesota 1946)
Russell B. Mayberry (University of Minnesota 1948)
Roland G. Mayer (University of Minnesota 1914)
Robert J. McCall (University of Minnesota 1948)
Charles V. McCarthy (University of Minnesota 1923)
Arthur H. McChesney (University of Minnesota 1928)
Donald M. McClintock (University of Minnesota 1919)
Thomas E. McClintock (University of Minnesota 1912)
Charles F. McClumpha (University of Minnesota 1898)
Frederic F. McConnell (University of Minnesota 1961)
Merritt W. McDonald (University of Minnesota 1925)
Dennis B. McGrath (University of Minnesota 1963)
Herbert A. McGrath (University of Minnesota 1916)
Ralph W. McGrath (University of Minnesota 1915)
William H. McGrath (University of Minnesota 1904)
William J. McGrath (University of Minnesota 1952)
C. Graham McGuire (University of Minnesota 1921)
James F. McKeon (University of Minnesota 1943)
Thomas B. McKeon (University of Minnesota 1927)
James C. McKercher (University of Minnesota 1908)
William A. McMahon (University of Minnesota 1946)
Richard F. McNamara (University of Minnesota 1956)
Robert J. McNamara (University of Minnesota 1953)
Malcolm L. McQuiston (University of Minnesota 1944)
Clifford H. Medcalf (University of Minnesota 1923)
Frederick G. Medcalf (University of Minnesota 1918)
Richard A. Meland Sr. (University of Minnesota 1956)
John W. Merrill (University of Minnesota 1922)
Thomas V. Metz (University of Minnesota 1946)
Clayton N. Miller (University of Minnesota 1932)
David E. Miller (University of Minnesota 1970)
Frank E. Miller (University of Minnesota 1898)
John F. Miller (University of Minnesota 1941)
William J. Miller (University of Minnesota 1967)
William D. Misbach (University of Minnesota 1944)
John Moir (University of Minnesota 1913)
Robert H. Monahan (University of Minnesota 1937)
Ernest J. Mooney (University of Minnesota 1938)
Thomas H. Morgan (University of Minnesota 1944)
William T. Morin (University of Minnesota 1922)
Donald E. Moritz (University of Minnesota 1943)
Frank J. Morley (University of Minnesota 1896)
Arnold G. Morrison (University of Minnesota 1918)
Joseph B. Morrison (University of Minnesota 1921)
Thomas R. Mulcahy (University of Minnesota 1950)
Daniel J. Mullady (University of Minnesota 1931)
Rudolph T. Muller (University of Minnesota 1917)
Otto H. Muller (University of Minnesota 1922)
Arthur C. Mulvey (University of Minnesota 1927)
James S. Mulvey (University of Minnesota 1925)
Stephen G. Munson (University of Minnesota 1971)
Allen T. Murphy (University of Minnesota 1924)
Arthur L. Murphy (University of Minnesota 1917)
Lawrence J. Murphy (University of Minnesota 1951)
Lyle V. Nash (University of Minnesota 1950)
Douglas M. Nelson (University of Minnesota 1966)
Lloyd W. Nelson (University of Minnesota 1929)
W. P. Nelson (University of Minnesota 1957)
Ralph G. Nevins (University of Minnesota 1946)
Eugene T. Newhall (University of Minnesota 1935)
Roger H. Newhall (University of Minnesota 1940)
Erwin W. Newman (University of Minnesota 1929)
Frank A. Neyhart (University of Minnesota 1901)
Pablo M. Nogues (University of Minnesota 1941)
Harald Nomland (University of Minnesota 1920)
Willard F. Noonan (University of Minnesota 1927)
William J. Noonan (University of Minnesota 1930)
Hugh S. Norman (University of Minnesota 1940)
Wallace Notestein (University of Minnesota 1900)
Allen B. Nourse (University of Minnesota 1929)
Charles W. Nye (University of Minnesota 1904)
L. D. Nye (University of Minnesota 1908)
Donald V. Oathout (University of Minnesota 1928)
Edward C. O'Brien (University of Minnesota 1905)
Joseph E. O'Brien (University of Minnesota 1929)
William F. Odell (University of Minnesota 1900)
J. P. O'Grady (University of Minnesota 1947)
S. B. O'Leary (University of Minnesota 1947)
Jack G. Olsen (University of Minnesota 1946)
Lester B. Orfield (University of Minnesota 1927)
Frederick J. Osander (University of Minnesota 1924)
Lawrence B. Otis (University of Minnesota 1929)
Horbart K. Painter (University of Minnesota 1913)
Charles C. Palmeter (University of Minnesota 1907)
Earl B. Paulson (University of Minnesota 1918)
Richard A. Paulson (University of Minnesota 1932)
Warner W. Pendergast (University of Minnesota 1896)
Donald B. Perry (University of Minnesota 1935)
Gordon R. Peterson (University of Minnesota 1932)
Lowell C. Peterson (University of Minnesota 1966)
Richard J. Peterson (University of Minnesota 1947)
Willard C. Peterson (University of Minnesota 1953)
Charles Philip (University of Minnesota 1939)
Frank R. Philip (University of Minnesota 1918)
James E. Phillips (University of Minnesota 1893)
William L. Phillips (University of Minnesota 1944)
Louis J. Pilney (University of Minnesota 1928)
John D. Pitcher (University of Minnesota 1921)
Erling S. Platou (University of Minnesota 1918)
Ralph V. Platou (University of Minnesota 1932)
Harold J. Polta (University of Minnesota 1942)
John K. Porter (University of Minnesota 1931)
Leslie A. Potter (University of Minnesota 1918)
Araba J. Powers (University of Minnesota 1906)
Clifford V. Pratt (University of Minnesota 1918)
Desmond F. Pratt (University of Minnesota 1929)
Gerald H. Pratt (University of Minnesota 1925)
Robert J. Prescott (University of Minnesota 1896)
Edward L. Protzeller (University of Minnesota 1950)
Gordon G. Quale (University of Minnesota 1960)
Rupert G. Quinn (University of Minnesota 1952)
J. Tom Rae (University of Minnesota 1928)
Milton G. Ramer (University of Minnesota 1925)
Arthur Randall (University of Minnesota 1913)
Olaf H. Rask (University of Minnesota 1895)
Benjamin J. Rastal (University of Minnesota 1923)
Neil H. Rauk (University of Minnesota 1954)
Lawrence M. Redmond (University of Minnesota 1939)
Richard B. Regan (University of Minnesota 1931)
Frank E. Reidhead (University of Minnesota 1893)
James C. Remington (University of Minnesota 1924)
Richard J. Reuteler (University of Minnesota 1953)
Frank B. Rice (University of Minnesota 1942)
Charles C. Richardson (University of Minnesota 1945)
Harold C. Richter (University of Minnesota 1926)
Julius M. Richter (University of Minnesota 1916)
Donald H. Ricker (University of Minnesota 1915)
Norman D. Robertson (University of Minnesota 1909)
Frederick E. Robinson (University of Minnesota 1969)
James R. Robinson (University of Minnesota 1939)
Sidney H. Robson (University of Minnesota 1905)
Frank B. Rommel (University of Minnesota 1937)
George E. Roscoe (University of Minnesota 1936)
Howard J. Rosenberry (University of Minnesota 1937)
Steven M. Roverud (University of Minnesota 1962)
Paul H. Rowe (University of Minnesota 1917)
Ford O. Rowell (University of Minnesota 1932)
Chester M. Rownd (University of Minnesota 1921)
Kenneth B. Rubrecht (University of Minnesota 1931)
Peter J. Ruffenach Jr. (University of Minnesota 1971)
Paul M. Runnestrand (University of Minnesota 1936)
Robert E. Ruud (University of Minnesota 1938)
Orren E. Safford (University of Minnesota 1908)
Robert R. Safford (University of Minnesota 1915)
Verne C. Sandwall (University of Minnesota 1929)
F. L. Sanna (University of Minnesota 1934)
John C. Sargent (University of Minnesota 1943)
Eldreth L. Sawyer (University of Minnesota 1912)
Emmons W. Sawyer (University of Minnesota 1914)
Alfred A. Scheffer (University of Minnesota 1916)
Alfred H. Schmidt (University of Minnesota 1904)
Oscar F. Schmidt (University of Minnesota 1916)
Henry N. Schmitz (University of Minnesota 1942)
Donald L. Schott (University of Minnesota 1942)
John A. Schott (University of Minnesota 1926)
Oscar W. Schroeder (University of Minnesota 1930)
Harry Schurmeier (University of Minnesota 1909)
Elijah J. Schwan (University of Minnesota 2019)
Hans J. Schwepcke (University of Minnesota 1950)
Andrew J. Scott (University of Minnesota 1978)
Arthur W. Selover (University of Minnesota 1893)
Mark L. Severance (University of Minnesota 1923)
John S. Shadbolt (University of Minnesota 1915)
Robert E. Shay (University of Minnesota 1928)
Roger H. Sheehy (University of Minnesota 1955)
Fred W. Sheffield (University of Minnesota 1909)
McClelland Shellman (University of Minnesota 1931)
Edward A. Silberstein (University of Minnesota 1894)
Robert O. Simonson (University of Minnesota 1949)
Tyrus W. Sincock (University of Minnesota 1937)
Edwin C. Skinner USA (University of Minnesota 1927)
James P. Slattery (University of Minnesota 1957)
Raymond A. Sleeper (University of Minnesota 1909)
Richard P. Slight (University of Minnesota 1978)
Chauncey G. Smith (University of Minnesota 1913)
G. F. Smith (University of Minnesota 1898)
Gerald J. Smith (University of Minnesota 1925)
Roderick T. Smith (University of Minnesota 1911)
Bruce W. Soderling (University of Minnesota 1967)
Anthony B. Sparboe (University of Minnesota 1917)
Jerome H. Sparboe (University of Minnesota 1925)
William A. Spencer (University of Minnesota 1918)
Walter J. Spriggs (University of Minnesota 1916)
John J. Stanley (University of Minnesota 1951)
William F. Stanley (University of Minnesota 1920)
Merrill L. Starr (University of Minnesota 1921)
Edward C. Starrett (University of Minnesota 1907)
Howard M. Starrett (University of Minnesota 1909)
Mark L. Starrett (University of Minnesota 1914)
Raymond L. Starrett (University of Minnesota 1911)
Cecil M. Stephens (University of Minnesota 1914)
Samuel K. Stephens (University of Minnesota 1945)
C. L. Stewart (University of Minnesota 1942)
Eugene Stolarik (University of Minnesota 1942)
Goodrich M. Sullivan (University of Minnesota 1925)
Earl G. Svendsen (University of Minnesota 1937)
George P. Svendsen (University of Minnesota 1936)
James E. Swan (University of Minnesota 1908)
Donald E. Swanson (University of Minnesota 1955)
Donald F. Swanson (University of Minnesota 1943)
Lawrence E. Swanson (University of Minnesota 1926)
Osca W. Swanson (University of Minnesota 1951)
Selmer J. Swenson (University of Minnesota 1955)
David H. Syme (University of Minnesota 1922)
David H. Syme (University of Minnesota 1951)
Clarence L. Tanner (University of Minnesota 1906)
Charles H. Tappan (University of Minnesota 1932)
William J. Taylor (University of Minnesota 1895)
Richard C. Thompson (University of Minnesota 1906)
Donald Timerman (University of Minnesota 1917)
Connor D. Tjarks (University of Minnesota 1961)
Harry H. Tolerton (University of Minnesota 1902)
Murald R. Tollefson (University of Minnesota 1931)
Anthony T. Tomasek (University of Minnesota 1918)
Louis E. Torinus (University of Minnesota 1926)
James E. Trainor (University of Minnesota 1937)
Edson N. Tuckey (University of Minnesota 1904)
Edwin T. Turnbladh (University of Minnesota 1928)
Clarence E. Tuttle (University of Minnesota 1905)
Henry F. Ulrich (University of Minnesota 1923)
Henry R. Underhill (University of Minnesota 1929)
Warren V. Van (University of Minnesota 1943)
Erskine W. Vance (University of Minnesota 1910)
Mark Vanderwater (University of Minnesota 1900)
George Vanstrum (University of Minnesota 1907)
Melvin A. Vogtel (University of Minnesota 1914)
Harold E. Wade (University of Minnesota 1913)
Harry E. Wakemann (University of Minnesota 1896)
Keith L. Walker (University of Minnesota 1969)
Riese A. Walker (University of Minnesota 1913)
James M. Walls (University of Minnesota 1892)
Milton G. Walls (University of Minnesota 1922)
Milton G. Walls Jr. (University of Minnesota 1952)
Linus P. Ward (University of Minnesota 1940)
William J. Ward (University of Minnesota 1954)
Bernard G. Warner (University of Minnesota 1933)
Douglas M. Warner (University of Minnesota 1923)
William D. Warren (University of Minnesota 1902)
Alfred F. Washburn (University of Minnesota 1936)
Harold J. Watson (University of Minnesota 1944)
Robert E. Weaver (University of Minnesota 1955)
Warren F. Weck (University of Minnesota 1945)
Robert W. Weise (University of Minnesota 1937)
Benjamin S. Wells (University of Minnesota 1895)
Edgar C. Wells (University of Minnesota 1897)
George E. Wells (University of Minnesota 1918)
Robert N. Wellsley (University of Minnesota 1950)
Allen R. Welsh (University of Minnesota 1922)
John W. West (University of Minnesota 1938)
Peter J. Weum (University of Minnesota 1908)
Rudolph L. Weum (University of Minnesota 1920)
Thurston W. Weum (University of Minnesota 1904)
David H. Wheaton (University of Minnesota 1944)
Earl M. White (University of Minnesota 1909)
Gordon S. Whittaker (University of Minnesota 1946)
Kleber Will (University of Minnesota 1924)
Lester J. Will (University of Minnesota 1929)
Lawrence D. Williams (University of Minnesota 1944)
Richard J. Williams (University of Minnesota 1949)
Richard J. Williams (University of Minnesota 1968)
Guy L. Willits (University of Minnesota 1911)
Alexander N. Winchell (University of Minnesota 1896)
Harold C. Wold (University of Minnesota 1940)
Raymond M. Wollum (University of Minnesota 1950)
Mark D. Woolery (University of Minnesota 1905)
William W. Worzalla (University of Minnesota 1953)
Eugene Young (University of Minnesota 1900)
Eugene C. Young (University of Minnesota 1927)
Raymond C. Youngberg (University of Minnesota 1940)
Walter E. Yungbauer (University of Minnesota 1925)
James A. Andrus (University of Mississippi 1878)
Jordon M. Boone (University of Mississippi 1878)
Cranmer R. Boyce (University of Mississippi 1873)
Hershel P. Burney (University of Mississippi 1871)
Henry W. Byers (University of Mississippi 1870)
Franklin W. Canon (University of Mississippi 1874)
St Ledger L. Carter (University of Mississippi 1875)
Isham H. Cook (University of Mississippi 1877)
Charles T. Cooper (University of Mississippi 1877)
Thomas B. Cox (University of Mississippi 1868)
John H. Davidson (University of Mississippi 1872)
Hiram W. Drane (University of Mississippi 1871)
Stephen J. D'Surney (University of Mississippi 1999)
Harvey W. Flinn (University of Mississippi 1874)
John W. Flinn (University of Mississippi 1871)
Thomas B. Garrett (University of Mississippi 1872)
Charles B. Gilmer (University of Mississippi 1871)
William H. Gilmer (University of Mississippi 1875)
George M. Gilmore (University of Mississippi 1872)
Louis Guion (University of Mississippi 1858)
Thomas B. Harvey (University of Mississippi 1875)
James H. Hearon (University of Mississippi 1872)
James A. Ison (University of Mississippi 1876)
John E. Joiner (University of Mississippi 1873)
Luke W. Keithley (University of Mississippi 1873)
Robert J. Lum (University of Mississippi 1874)
James T. McClellan (University of Mississippi 1873)
Samuel B. McClellan (University of Mississippi 1870)
Edward S. McDaniel (University of Mississippi 1874)
Sidney T. Moreland (University of Mississippi 1872)
Robert O. Morrow (University of Mississippi 1873)
Zachary T. Morrow (University of Mississippi 1877)
Stephen W. Mullins (University of Mississippi 1877)
J. Tarrant Pattison (University of Mississippi 1871)
Alexander G. Paxton (University of Mississippi 1879)
William F. Paxton (University of Mississippi 1879)
Andrew J. Paxton Jr. (University of Mississippi 1878)
Lawrence S. Pearce (University of Mississippi 1871)
George M. Ragsdale (University of Mississippi 1876)
John Roach Jr. (University of Mississippi 1856)
William T. Ross (University of Mississippi 1871)
Noah Scales (University of Mississippi 1876)
Samuel S. Scales (University of Mississippi 1872)
Joseph Shirley (University of Mississippi 1871)
Joseph M. Sloan (University of Mississippi 1873)
Eagleton M. Smith (University of Mississippi 1875)
Robert E. Smith (University of Mississippi 1874)
Granville T. Storey (University of Mississippi 1875)
John S. Tatum (University of Mississippi 1872)
Henry S. Taylor (University of Mississippi 1873)
Walter N. Thatcher (University of Mississippi 1873)
Frank P. Thompson (University of Mississippi 1874)
Mirza L. Weller (University of Mississippi 1855)
Thomas J. Wharton (University of Mississippi 1871)
Samuel P. Wiseman (University of Mississippi 1878)
Lester M. Abbott (University of Missouri 1928)
William J. Abbott (University of Missouri 1926)
Henry H. Abernathy (University of Missouri 1922)
Young E. Agee (University of Missouri 1939)
Henning Akerson (University of Missouri 1905)
Guy F. Aldrich (University of Missouri 1922)
Joseph H. Allen (University of Missouri 1921)
Walter J. Allen (University of Missouri 1955)
William B. Allen (University of Missouri 1933)
Henry D. Allison (University of Missouri 1921)
Ray S. Ames (University of Missouri 1938)
Daniel C. Anderson (University of Missouri 1929)
James M. Anderson (University of Missouri 1938)
John L. Anderson (University of Missouri 1900)
John M. Anderson (University of Missouri 1906)
Rivers M. Anderson (University of Missouri 1911)
Robert R. Anderson (University of Missouri 1959)
Clay J. Anderson (University of Missouri 1947)
John L. Anderson (University of Missouri 1926)
Johnson B. Angle (University of Missouri 1912)
Paul J. Arnold (University of Missouri 1910)
William P. Arnold (University of Missouri 1948)
Franz Arzt (University of Missouri 1922)
Ara R. Ash (University of Missouri 1908)
Lee D. Ash (University of Missouri 1910)
Oscar O. Askren (University of Missouri 1900)
Henry W. Atherton (University of Missouri 1928)
James W. Atkinson (University of Missouri 1953)
Newton Atterbury (University of Missouri 1923)
Samuel Ayres (University of Missouri 1915)
John R. Bailey (University of Missouri 1938)
Lewis E. Baker (University of Missouri 1924)
Robert S. Baker (University of Missouri 1944)
Thomas O. Baker (University of Missouri 1955)
Grover C. Baker Jr. (University of Missouri 1942)
George A. Baldry (University of Missouri 1932)
Amos H. Baldwin (University of Missouri 1917)
Robert L. Baldwin (University of Missouri 1906)
Robert L. Baldwin (University of Missouri 1934)
Harry E. Ball (University of Missouri 1942)
John F. Ball (University of Missouri 1946)
Steven S. Ball (University of Missouri 1976)
William D. Ball (University of Missouri 1948)
Graydon L. Ballard (University of Missouri 1953)
Carey L. Ballew (University of Missouri 1932)
Charles S. Balsamo (University of Missouri 1950)
J. L. Barrett (University of Missouri 1960)
Lester E. Barrett (University of Missouri 1930)
William W. Bates (University of Missouri 1967)
Ernest R. Baum (University of Missouri 1925)
Alec C. Bayless (University of Missouri 1917)
Earle G. Bayless (University of Missouri 1905)
J. Richard Beard (University of Missouri 1944)
Harold A. Beck (University of Missouri 1921)
Robert L. Behrens (University of Missouri 1973)
John P. Beihl (University of Missouri 1959)
Brig G. Bell (University of Missouri 1916)
Lloyd R. Bell (University of Missouri 1948)
O. N. Bell (University of Missouri 1961)
Tod H. Berger (University of Missouri 1963)
George C. Berry (University of Missouri 1943)
Robert H. Berry (University of Missouri 1954)
William F. Berry (University of Missouri 1955)
Collier M. Berry (University of Missouri 1931)
Robert L. Besterfeldt (University of Missouri 1939)
Albert R. Bienert (University of Missouri 1947)
Don E. Biggers (University of Missouri 1954)
Alan K. Bird (University of Missouri 1934)
Paul A. Blackwell (University of Missouri 1900)
Philip J. Bliss (University of Missouri 1945)
John S. Bond (University of Missouri 1939)
Alfred N. Borman (University of Missouri 1946)
Robert W. Bosworth (University of Missouri 1949)
Harry B. Boughan (University of Missouri 1940)
Clyde J. Boyd (University of Missouri 1955)
Robert M. Bragg (University of Missouri 1950)
Russell D. Bray (University of Missouri 1929)
Howard R. Breck (University of Missouri 1934)
Burns W. Brewer Jr. (University of Missouri 1934)
Matthew M. Bridge (University of Missouri 1951)
John M. Bridger (University of Missouri 1932)
J. N. Broaddus (University of Missouri 1905)
Bert Brooks (University of Missouri 1941)
Jerry O. Brooks (University of Missouri 1954)
Stanley M. Broski (University of Missouri 1954)
Carl W. Brown (University of Missouri 1910)
Charles E. Brown (University of Missouri 1919)
Hez Brown (University of Missouri 1932)
James L. Brown (University of Missouri 1913)
Kent T. Brown (University of Missouri 1932)
Robert M. Brown (University of Missouri 1926)
Maurice D. Brummall (University of Missouri 1927)
Monte B. Brummall (University of Missouri 1957)
Paul E. Buehner (University of Missouri 1941)
Richard Burg (University of Missouri 1935)
Douglas G. Burrill (University of Missouri 1946)
Jarvis C. Bush (University of Missouri 1929)
Charles H. Caldwell (University of Missouri 1915)
Edwin F. Caldwell (University of Missouri 1907)
Donald Calhoun (University of Missouri 1924)
James E. Campbell (University of Missouri 1948)
Harry C. Caray (University of Missouri 1961)
Charles W. Cargill (University of Missouri 1917)
Drury H. Cargill (University of Missouri 1944)
Jesse T. Cargill (University of Missouri 1916)
John P. Cargill (University of Missouri 1913)
Peter M. Cargill (University of Missouri 1979)
Raymond L. Cargill (University of Missouri 1905)
William J. Cargill (University of Missouri 1942)
Frank D. Carr (University of Missouri 1919)
Clay D. Carrithers (University of Missouri 1931)
Max S. Carrithers (University of Missouri 1935)
Curtis R. Carter (University of Missouri 1957)
Robert L. Caruther (University of Missouri 1904)
John H. Caruthers (University of Missouri 1929)
W. L. Caruthers (University of Missouri 1934)
Everett S. Cason (University of Missouri 1904)
Lee G. Cass (University of Missouri 1942)
Mark W. Castle (University of Missouri 1981)
John E. Cerny (University of Missouri 1957)
Thomas E. Chantron (University of Missouri 1934)
Harry L. Chapin (University of Missouri 1923)
Fillmore H. Chapman (University of Missouri 1910)
James W. Chapman (University of Missouri 1915)
William G. Cheney (University of Missouri 1939)
Cummings C. Clark (University of Missouri 1925)
Terence O. Clark (University of Missouri 1944)
Jewell I. Clatanoff (University of Missouri 1927)
Phillips B. Clay (University of Missouri 1932)
George H. Clay (University of Missouri 1934)
Charles M. Cleek (University of Missouri 1917)
David A. Clements (University of Missouri 1966)
Clyde W. Cleveland (University of Missouri 1913)
Charles M. Clifton (University of Missouri 1905)
Charles E. Close (University of Missouri 1922)
Jay B. Close (University of Missouri 1950)
Donald L. Coates (University of Missouri 1934)
Vincent K. Coates USA (University of Missouri 1933)
Loris R. Cochran (University of Missouri 1930)
Joseph J. Cockriel (University of Missouri 1949)
Max J. Coffman (University of Missouri 1922)
Charles W. Collier (University of Missouri 1918)
C. B. Combs (University of Missouri 1922)
Henry R. Conkey (University of Missouri 1909)
Calvin A. Connett (University of Missouri 1945)
Frank D. Connett (University of Missouri 1949)
Guy D. Cooper (University of Missouri 1933)
John R. Cooper (University of Missouri 1948)
Sam G. Cornelius (University of Missouri 1963)
Byron E. Costello (University of Missouri 1922)
Theodore G. Coursault (University of Missouri 1934)
Fred D. Courtney (University of Missouri 1951)
Donald W. Craig (University of Missouri 1929)
William W. Craig (University of Missouri 1957)
Edwin B. Crandall (University of Missouri 1929)
PFC Michael L. Crim (University of Missouri 1972)
Henry L. Crosby (University of Missouri 1901)
Browning Crow (University of Missouri 1948)
Elton C. Curran (University of Missouri 1954)
Dana B. Currence (University of Missouri 1940)
M. Stowe Curtis (University of Missouri 1915)
Walter N. Curtis II (University of Missouri 1945)
John M. Dalton (University of Missouri 1922)
Sam F. Dalton (University of Missouri 1922)
Charles S. Davis (University of Missouri 1928)
George F. Davis (University of Missouri 1910)
Mark G. Davis (University of Missouri 1979)
Robert J. Davis (University of Missouri 1916)
F. R. Dawson (University of Missouri 1946)
James M. Dawson (University of Missouri 1955)
Harry A. Day (University of Missouri 1923)
Robert T. Day (University of Missouri 1959)
Dillion M. Dean (University of Missouri 2014)
La V. Decker (University of Missouri 1925)
Lewis M. Decker (University of Missouri 1928)
Robert G. Deindorfer (University of Missouri 1944)
Reinhold R. Demeter (University of Missouri 1906)
William C. Dennis (University of Missouri 1943)
Frank S. Depew (University of Missouri 1953)
Walter G. Desteiguer (University of Missouri 1905)
Joseph M. Dicapo (University of Missouri 1973)
Clement P. Dickinson (University of Missouri 1908)
Thomas G. Diekroeger (University of Missouri 1954)
Robert B. Dishman (University of Missouri 1939)
Le R. Dixon (University of Missouri 1941)
Robert M. Dixon (University of Missouri 1941)
George R. Dobson (University of Missouri 1946)
Milton R. Dodson (University of Missouri 1951)
Robert C. Dodson (University of Missouri 1952)
Benjaman S. Drain (University of Missouri 1919)
Walter S. Ducker (University of Missouri 1906)
Allen H. Dudley (University of Missouri 1908)
John W. Duehren (University of Missouri 1947)
Louis W. Dumas (University of Missouri 1910)
Baxter Dunbar (University of Missouri 1954)
Irwin Dunbar (University of Missouri 1912)
Arthur C. Duncan (University of Missouri 1903)
Earl F. Dunkle (University of Missouri 1922)
J. E. Dunn (University of Missouri 1900)
Stewart W. Dunn (University of Missouri 1920)
Francis P. Dunne (University of Missouri 1920)
John F. Earley (University of Missouri 1971)
John C. Edwards (University of Missouri 1928)
Fred C. Edwards (University of Missouri 1920)
Clarence R. Egelhoff (University of Missouri 1908)
Leo E. Eickhoff (University of Missouri 1954)
Edwin S. Elgin (University of Missouri 1940)
C. R. Elliot (University of Missouri 1938)
Carey B. Elliott (University of Missouri 1909)
Lance F. Ellis (University of Missouri 1909)
Steven J. Engelbert (University of Missouri 1969)
William H. Ennis (University of Missouri 1942)
Hugh J. Evans (University of Missouri 1921)
Rex W. Evans (University of Missouri 1924)
Richard W. Evans (University of Missouri 1942)
George M. Eyssell (University of Missouri 1912)
Henry O. Eyssell (University of Missouri 1908)
Walter Eyssell (University of Missouri 1908)
Perry C. Fairfax (University of Missouri 1963)
Lawrence B. Farley (University of Missouri 1910)
Henry C. Farrell (University of Missouri 1911)
Frederic F. Farrow (University of Missouri 1955)
Ernest H. Favor (University of Missouri 1902)
Harry Ferguson (University of Missouri 1925)
Hosea V. Ferrell (University of Missouri 1902)
Frank B. Ficklin (University of Missouri 1911)
Howard Fike (University of Missouri 1955)
James A. Finch (University of Missouri 1929)
Joseph E. Finley (University of Missouri 1942)
Edward W. Fischer (University of Missouri 1935)
Francis G. Fitzgerald (University of Missouri 1927)
Howard Flagg (University of Missouri 1910)
Richard V. Fletcher (University of Missouri 1952)
William H. Floyd (University of Missouri 1906)
Marion Y. Fonville (University of Missouri 1917)
William B. Ford (University of Missouri 1959)
William Ford (University of Missouri 1920)
Hazelett T. Fordyce (University of Missouri 1926)
William S. Forgey (University of Missouri 1914)
Daniel S. Forney (University of Missouri 1927)
August F. Forster (University of Missouri 1908)
Claude S. Foulds (University of Missouri 1913)
Robert J. Fowks (University of Missouri 1938)
William E. Fowks (University of Missouri 1930)
Alfred C. Frampton (University of Missouri 1903)
Marion S. Francis (University of Missouri 1928)
William F. Freehoff (University of Missouri 1941)
Herbert A. French (University of Missouri 1943)
Michael S. Frogge (University of Missouri 1991)
Benton S. Gabbert (University of Missouri 1921)
Glen Gaff (University of Missouri 1944)
Robert S. Gardner (University of Missouri 1953)
Jeffrey R. Garrett (University of Missouri 1990)
Paul Garrison (University of Missouri 1925)
Flint Garrison (University of Missouri 1926)
James L. Gartner (University of Missouri 1915)
John H. Gauntlett (University of Missouri 1942)
James P. Gill (University of Missouri 1933)
Lawrence T. Gill (University of Missouri 1951)
Roy A. Gill (University of Missouri 1917)
William L. Gill (University of Missouri 1940)
Harry A. Glenn (University of Missouri 1907)
Aubrey L. Glines (University of Missouri 1924)
Paul Goodwin (University of Missouri 1946)
Henry C. Gordon (University of Missouri 1954)
Miles F. Gordon (University of Missouri 1899)
Richard M. Graham (University of Missouri 1915)
Thomas D. Graham (University of Missouri 1944)
Burdett Green (University of Missouri 1921)
Richard C. Green (University of Missouri 1946)
Green B. Greer (University of Missouri 1941)
Lon S. Gregory (University of Missouri 1924)
John M. Grimes (University of Missouri 1925)
John W. Ground (University of Missouri 1916)
James W. Guest (University of Missouri 1939)
James R. Guffey (University of Missouri 1952)
Neal H. Guffey (University of Missouri 1942)
Robert L. Guffin (University of Missouri 1966)
J. B. Gum (University of Missouri 1938)
George C. Haas (University of Missouri 1911)
David L. Hall (University of Missouri 1928)
Elmer E. Hall (University of Missouri 1923)
James G. Hall (University of Missouri 1923)
Raymond W. Hall (University of Missouri 1915)
Warren E. Hall (University of Missouri 1918)
Christopher B. Halstenberg (University of Missouri 1987)
Ellis H. Hamel (University of Missouri 1922)
Gordon H. Hamilton (University of Missouri 1928)
Courtney N. Hamlin (University of Missouri 1929)
William F. Hanes (University of Missouri 1946)
Floyd F. Hanly (University of Missouri 1909)
William C. Hanly (University of Missouri 1914)
John H. Hannah (University of Missouri 1911)
Warren E. Harber (University of Missouri 1939)
Robert P. Hardt (University of Missouri 1942)
George W. Harlan (University of Missouri 1947)
Milton E. Harper (University of Missouri 1965)
Elisha B. Harrington (University of Missouri 1909)
Dale E. Harris (University of Missouri 1965)
John T. Harris Jr. (University of Missouri 1929)
Philip W. Harsh (University of Missouri 1939)
William P. Harsh (University of Missouri 1935)
Michael S. Hart (University of Missouri 1990)
Milton A. Hatfield (University of Missouri 1953)
George W. Hawley (University of Missouri 1947)
George L. Hax (University of Missouri 1903)
John Hay (University of Missouri 1930)
J. E. Hazel (University of Missouri 1928)
Paul R. Heck (University of Missouri 1941)
Charles V. Henderson (University of Missouri 1946)
Ralph A. Henderson (University of Missouri 1945)
Robert L. Henry (University of Missouri 1948)
Albert E. Hensel (University of Missouri 1941)
David R. Hensley (University of Missouri 1933)
Louis J. Hensley (University of Missouri 1937)
Luis M. Herrera (University of Missouri 1992)
Arthur M. Hewitt (University of Missouri 1909)
Herbert O. Hewitt (University of Missouri 1911)
John C. Hickerson (University of Missouri 1950)
John C. Hickerson (University of Missouri 1917)
James T. Hightower (University of Missouri 1928)
Jon K. Hill (University of Missouri 1946)
Kenneth E. Hill (University of Missouri 1940)
Stephen L. Hill (University of Missouri 1956)
George I. Hilliard (University of Missouri 1938)
Albert F. Hillix (University of Missouri 1918)
Richard T. Hillyard (University of Missouri 1920)
Albert G. Hinman (University of Missouri 1917)
Wilbur E. Hoag (University of Missouri 1906)
Richard W. Hocker (University of Missouri 1912)
William S. Hocker (University of Missouri 1923)
Allen P. Hoffman (University of Missouri 1928)
Harry J. Hoffman (University of Missouri 1930)
Theodore R. Hoffman (University of Missouri 1949)
Clifford W. Hollenbaugh (University of Missouri 1915)
Albert W. Holman (University of Missouri 1947)
Conway L. Holmes (University of Missouri 1937)
William G. Holmes (University of Missouri 1909)
Warren Holtzclaw (University of Missouri 1905)
John O. Honan (University of Missouri 1952)
Bryan R. Horner (University of Missouri 1934)
John E. Horton (University of Missouri 1939)
Charles L. Hough (University of Missouri 1931)
James L. House (University of Missouri 1936)
Daniel M. Houser (University of Missouri 1946)
Richard C. Houser (University of Missouri 1950)
William C. Houser (University of Missouri 1912)
Joseph K. Houts (University of Missouri 1943)
Oliver L. Houts (University of Missouri 1943)
Charles C. Huber (University of Missouri 1950)
James F. Hudson (University of Missouri 1946)
Richard J. Hughes (University of Missouri 1956)
George R. Humphrey (University of Missouri 1924)
William W. Humphrey (University of Missouri 1917)
Ardath W. Hunt (University of Missouri 1922)
Clifton A. Hunt (University of Missouri 1949)
Grover C. Huston (University of Missouri 1912)
John H. Hutchison (University of Missouri 1908)
Tirentus E. Hutson (University of Missouri 2001)
William M. Ilgenfritz (University of Missouri 1906)
William R. Illing (University of Missouri 1969)
James L. Isham (University of Missouri 1942)
Frank J. Iuen (University of Missouri 1964)
Douglas A. Jackson (University of Missouri 1929)
Brent L. Jacobson (University of Missouri 1961)
Julian D. James (University of Missouri 1925)
James A. Jarvis (University of Missouri 1927)
Robert M. Jenkins (University of Missouri 1952)
Robert K. Jeske (University of Missouri 1957)
A. L. Johnson (University of Missouri 1922)
Benjamin O. Johnson (University of Missouri 1939)
Carrol A. Johnson (University of Missouri 1903)
Haynes B. Johnson (University of Missouri 1952)
Randolph D. Johnson (University of Missouri 1944)
Terry V. Johnson (University of Missouri 1968)
Thomas A. Johnson (University of Missouri 1934)
Robert A. Johnstone (University of Missouri 1928)
Harold T. Jolley (University of Missouri 1911)
Charles R. Jones (University of Missouri 1932)
Marshall V. Jones (University of Missouri 1934)
Robert G. Jones (University of Missouri 1956)
Vernon M. Jones (University of Missouri 1951)
William R. Jones (University of Missouri 1956)
Robert C. Joplin (University of Missouri 1952)
William A. Joplin (University of Missouri 1940)
Earl E. Jordan (University of Missouri 1922)
Raymond E. Judd (University of Missouri 1950)
William H. Kamp (University of Missouri 1948)
Gerald F. Keeley (University of Missouri 1929)
Victor Keen (University of Missouri 1922)
Henry H. Keith (University of Missouri 1917)
Joe C. Keith (University of Missouri 1948)
Trent C. Kelly (University of Missouri 1993)
Matthew A. Kenney (University of Missouri 1938)
Royal D. Kercheval (University of Missouri 1913)
Benton L. Kieffer (University of Missouri 1949)
Richard L. Killingsworth (University of Missouri 1931)
Harry E. Kilmer (University of Missouri 1905)
Ben D. Kimpel (University of Missouri 1906)
John M. King (University of Missouri 1938)
Richard E. Knight (University of Missouri 1960)
Maurice E. Knoles (University of Missouri 1940)
Robert D. Koerner (University of Missouri 1949)
Richard A. Kottmann (University of Missouri 1952)
James W. Kramer (University of Missouri 1989)
John R. Kretzschmar (University of Missouri 1956)
Richard E. Kunish (University of Missouri 1940)
Jack Lackey (University of Missouri 1940)
George R. Lamade (University of Missouri 1915)
Thomas K. Lamb (University of Missouri 1929)
Richard J. Lanning (University of Missouri 1954)
Marion R. Larson (University of Missouri 1929)
Norman S. Lawnick (University of Missouri 1950)
Donald R. Lawrenz (University of Missouri 1948)
Charles W. Leaphart (University of Missouri 1905)
James D. Leaphart (University of Missouri 1919)
William E. Leimert (University of Missouri 1944)
Thomas G. Letchworth (University of Missouri 1919)
Marshall V. Lewis (University of Missouri 1924)
Clarence C. Lightner (University of Missouri 1919)
Rush H. Limbaugh (University of Missouri 1941)
Paul W. Limerick (University of Missouri 1924)
Graham C. Lincoln (University of Missouri 1912)
Charles B. Link (University of Missouri 1937)
J. N. Livingston (University of Missouri 1917)
John T. Lockton (University of Missouri 1936)
Clarence D. Lockwood (University of Missouri 1923)
Loren Logan (University of Missouri 1938)
Walter J. Lopp (University of Missouri 1960)
James E. Luth (University of Missouri 1953)
Thomas G. Mack (University of Missouri 1970)
James D. Magee (University of Missouri 1909)
Ralph M. Major (University of Missouri 1943)
Hardin B. Manard (University of Missouri 1936)
Almon W. Manlove (University of Missouri 1932)
Robert A. Mansur (University of Missouri 1943)
William L. Mapel (University of Missouri 1926)
John H. Marshall (University of Missouri 1919)
W. Oliver Marshall (University of Missouri 1932)
John W. Martin (University of Missouri 1931)
Leslie O. Martin (University of Missouri 1908)
William H. Martin (University of Missouri 1905)
O. Lilbourn Martin MD (University of Missouri 1932)
John C. Martz (University of Missouri 1938)
Robert D. Martz (University of Missouri 1941)
Paul F. Maschoff (University of Missouri 1929)
Roy L. Mason (University of Missouri 1933)
Singleton W. Mason (University of Missouri 1944)
Byron G. Massie (University of Missouri 1904)
Terry A. Mathers (University of Missouri 1925)
Bob N. Maupin (University of Missouri 1924)
Thomas F. Maxwell (University of Missouri 1932)
Charles H. May (University of Missouri 1920)
Jack L. Mayer (University of Missouri 1950)
Irwin E. McCabe (University of Missouri 1914)
James M. McCloud (University of Missouri 1963)
J. A. McCollum (University of Missouri 1932)
Robert B. McCracken (University of Missouri 1932)
Robert R. McDonald (University of Missouri 1950)
Swan T. McDonald (University of Missouri 1931)
James C. McDonough (University of Missouri 1926)
John W. McHugh (University of Missouri 1922)
Charles J. McMullin (University of Missouri 1939)
Matthew J. McNeill (University of Missouri 1941)
William P. Meriwether (University of Missouri 1915)
Joseph E. Metschan (University of Missouri 1941)
Raymond J. Meyer (University of Missouri 1912)
David L. Miksche (University of Missouri 1949)
James Millan (University of Missouri 1953)
William R. Millan (University of Missouri 1920)
Davidson Miller (University of Missouri 1949)
H. K. Miller (University of Missouri 1944)
Herbert F. Miller (University of Missouri 1951)
John G. Miller III (University of Missouri 1941)
Paul M. Miller (University of Missouri 1925)
Wynn D. Miller (University of Missouri 1937)
Andrew Mills (University of Missouri 1918)
George H. Molony (University of Missouri 1918)
Everett F. Monsees (University of Missouri 1933)
James A. Montgomery (University of Missouri 1957)
Ernest Moore (University of Missouri 1929)
Milton S. Moore (University of Missouri 1909)
Edward A. More (University of Missouri 1939)
Ernest E. Morlan (University of Missouri 1908)
Davis L. Morris (University of Missouri 1958)
Lafayette I. Morris (University of Missouri 1915)
Lucius B. Morse (University of Missouri 1960)
Allin C. Morton (University of Missouri 1924)
Gerard J. Mos (University of Missouri 1937)
Alex M. Mounce (University of Missouri 1912)
Hugh P. Muir (University of Missouri 1919)
Francis J. Mullin (University of Missouri 1929)
Frederick C. Mullinix (University of Missouri 1901)
Ralph A. Murphy (University of Missouri 1925)
David E. Musgrave (University of Missouri 1930)
Elzie H. Musgrave (University of Missouri 1933)
Vincent P. Nangle (University of Missouri 1930)
John V. Neale (University of Missouri 1930)
Ward A. Neff (University of Missouri 1913)
Raymond B. Nelson (University of Missouri 1922)
Samuel S. Newby (University of Missouri 1965)
Charles G. Newcomer (University of Missouri 1917)
George W. Noel (University of Missouri 1927)
Robert G. Nollman (University of Missouri 1946)
Rodney E. Nollman (University of Missouri 1951)
Henry L. Norton (University of Missouri 1914)
Don H. Notzon (University of Missouri 1933)
John C. Nowell (University of Missouri 1943)
Guy E. Noyes (University of Missouri 1934)
Clyde E. O'Brien (University of Missouri 1912)
Barratt O'Hara (University of Missouri 1905)
Edward B. Orr (University of Missouri 1917)
William L. Orr (University of Missouri 1964)
Robert T. Osborn (University of Missouri 1912)
Ralph T. Osterloh (University of Missouri 1926)
Robert H. Osterloh (University of Missouri 1928)
Ted J. O'Sullivan (University of Missouri 1927)
Frederick B. Owen (University of Missouri 1903)
Jack L. Owen (University of Missouri 1957)
Daniel B. Packard (University of Missouri 1904)
William W. Padan (University of Missouri 1926)
John M. Park (University of Missouri 1931)
William H. Parker (University of Missouri 1941)
James A. Parks (University of Missouri 1906)
Donald C. Patterson (University of Missouri 1950)
Edwin R. Patterson (University of Missouri 1950)
Barney Patton (University of Missouri 1939)
Daniel J. Patton (University of Missouri 1918)
George H. Pearson (University of Missouri 1946)
Grayson E. Peters (University of Missouri 1956)
Leonard L. Pharr (University of Missouri 1944)
Leroy C. Pieplow (University of Missouri 1949)
Donald V. Pierce (University of Missouri 1971)
C. W. Placke (University of Missouri 1918)
Hugh Points (University of Missouri 1933)
Robert M. Polk (University of Missouri 1931)
Brittain Poteet (University of Missouri 1924)
Watson W. Powell (University of Missouri 1940)
Bradley E. Priebe (University of Missouri 1956)
Ralph D. Priesmeyer (University of Missouri 1940)
John A. Proctor (University of Missouri 1969)
Roland T. Pundmann (University of Missouri 1938)
William M. Ransdell (University of Missouri 1950)
John J. Ratchford (University of Missouri 1942)
Elmar L. Rau (University of Missouri 1930)
Carl E. Reed (University of Missouri 1922)
Leonidas F. Reed (University of Missouri 1904)
Ronald S. Reed (University of Missouri 1927)
Ronald S. Reed (University of Missouri 1954)
James R. Reid (University of Missouri 1917)
John M. Reid (University of Missouri 1957)
Hugh F. Reilly (University of Missouri 1915)
Grant Renne (University of Missouri 1939)
Evan F. Reynolds (University of Missouri 1950)
Sterling C. Reynolds (University of Missouri 1913)
Charles W. Rice (University of Missouri 1939)
Roscoe M. Rice (University of Missouri 1907)
John E. Richardson (University of Missouri 1906)
Allen L. Ricks (University of Missouri 1971)
Nelson J. Riley (University of Missouri 1925)
Lloyd L. Ringler (University of Missouri 1937)
Frederick C. Robbins (University of Missouri 1936)
Robert K. Roberts (University of Missouri 1939)
J. S. Robertson (University of Missouri 1933)
Leroy L. Robertson (University of Missouri 1919)
William W. Rodgers (University of Missouri 1928)
Charles G. Ross (University of Missouri 1943)
Clarence D. Ross (University of Missouri 1912)
William W. Rubey (University of Missouri 1920)
Walter A. Ruch (University of Missouri 1916)
Bryan W. Rudder (University of Missouri 1943)
John C. Rudder (University of Missouri 1944)
William G. Rule (University of Missouri 1914)
John B. Runnels (University of Missouri 1937)
George F. Rush (University of Missouri 1947)
John W. Rush (University of Missouri 1969)
Brandon L. Russell (University of Missouri 2004)
Frank D. Rust (University of Missouri 1925)
Paul D. Rynell (University of Missouri 1956)
Edward K. Sanders (University of Missouri 1930)
Richard X. Sarvis (University of Missouri 1944)
Charles M. Scanlan (University of Missouri 1965)
Albert G. Schanbacher (University of Missouri 1952)
Richard E. Schanbacher (University of Missouri 1955)
Edwin W. Schindler (University of Missouri 1948)
William E. Schlueter (University of Missouri 1939)
Richard J. Scholfield (University of Missouri 1949)
Theodore J. Schultz (University of Missouri 1945)
Jack R. Schulze (University of Missouri 1948)
Gerald D. Scott (University of Missouri 1944)
John B. Scurry (University of Missouri 1950)
Loy R. Seabaugh (University of Missouri 1944)
Paul A. Seifert (University of Missouri 1945)
Arthur F. Settlage (University of Missouri 1941)
Gordon C. Shaffer (University of Missouri 1949)
Charles R. Shale (University of Missouri 1923)
Edwin B. Shannon (University of Missouri 1925)
William D. Shannon (University of Missouri 1955)
Robert A. Sheetz (University of Missouri 1970)
Nelson W. Sheley (University of Missouri 1916)
Charles W. Shelton (University of Missouri 1905)
Jeffery A. Shrum (University of Missouri 1990)
William L. Shuman (University of Missouri 1973)
James D. Sickal (University of Missouri 1959)
George J. Simons (University of Missouri 1900)
John M. Singleton (University of Missouri 1915)
Raphael W. Sipple (University of Missouri 1908)
Ben E. Slusher (University of Missouri 1924)
Clyde H. Slusher (University of Missouri 1918)
Horace E. Slusher (University of Missouri 1918)
John P. Slusher (University of Missouri 1957)
John W. Slusher (University of Missouri 1919)
Paul V. Slusher (University of Missouri 1925)
Alfred H. Smith (University of Missouri 1902)
Brocke B. Smith (University of Missouri 1955)
Charles L. Smith (University of Missouri 1950)
Charles W. Smith (University of Missouri 1929)
Clifford B. Smith (University of Missouri 1941)
Dell W. Smith (University of Missouri 1920)
Norman D. Smith (University of Missouri 1940)
Ronald I. Smith (University of Missouri 1917)
Tom K. Smith (University of Missouri 1904)
Elbert E. Smith (University of Missouri 1934)
Max L. Smith Jr. (University of Missouri 1966)
Hudson V. Smoot (University of Missouri 1901)
James R. Sone (University of Missouri 1955)
David L. Spalding (University of Missouri 1955)
John F. Spalding (University of Missouri 1947)
Richard Spencer (University of Missouri 1923)
Tony L. Sportsman (University of Missouri 1982)
Murray H. Sprague (University of Missouri 1919)
James E. Spring (University of Missouri 1971)
John B. Stabler (University of Missouri 1943)
Lawrence E. Stark (University of Missouri 1915)
Thomas W. Stark (University of Missouri 1914)
Aflred F. Steen (University of Missouri 1926)
James M. Stehley (University of Missouri 1949)
Robert L. Stewart (University of Missouri 1924)
Robert J. Stiegemeyer (University of Missouri 1941)
Robert J. Stifel (University of Missouri 1939)
Henry W. Stiles (University of Missouri 1905)
Andrew T. Still (University of Missouri 1942)
Daniel G. Stine (University of Missouri 1907)
Irvin R. Stockton (University of Missouri 1904)
Curtis B. Stokes (University of Missouri 1960)
James S. Stokes (University of Missouri 1940)
Ira T. Stone (University of Missouri 1903)
Walter J. Stradal (University of Missouri 1920)
Philip W. Stroupe (University of Missouri 1949)
Edward L. Stuart (University of Missouri 1942)
Harry R. Studer (University of Missouri 1934)
Thomas A. Sturerke (University of Missouri 1935)
Thomas G. Swaney (University of Missouri 1959)
Hinton W. Swearingen (University of Missouri 1959)
Jeffrey J. Swearingen (University of Missouri 1986)
Clinton G. Sweazea (University of Missouri 1940)
James P. Swofford (University of Missouri 1949)
John H. Tatlock (University of Missouri 1940)
George D. Taylor (University of Missouri 1916)
Jesse R. Taylor (University of Missouri 1900)
Carl J. Teichman (University of Missouri 1923)
Roland D. Teichman (University of Missouri 1920)
William A. Tenkhoff (University of Missouri 1949)
John M. Terrill (University of Missouri 1922)
Albert L. Terwilleger (University of Missouri 1931)
Gottfried Theilkas (University of Missouri 1930)
Richard D. Thomas Sr. (University of Missouri 1944)
Frank Thornton (University of Missouri 1908)
James F. Thornton (University of Missouri 1960)
Donald B. Thurman (University of Missouri 1935)
Clarence W. Tiemeyer (University of Missouri 1922)
Wade H. Tisdale (University of Missouri 1929)
John J. Traynor Jr. (University of Missouri 1928)
William M. Trenholme (University of Missouri 1946)
Thomas R. Tucker (University of Missouri 1947)
Arthur L. Turner (University of Missouri 1925)
Guy A. Turner (University of Missouri 1947)
James T. Turner (University of Missouri 1950)
Donald C. Ungerott (University of Missouri 1952)
Thomas B. Usrey (University of Missouri 1984)
Robert W. Vanatta (University of Missouri 1967)
Robert F. Vandoren (University of Missouri 1943)
Carl A. Vanhafften (University of Missouri 1922)
Frank W. Vanhorne (University of Missouri 1942)
Leonard F. Vanhouten (University of Missouri 1936)
Allan C. Vasterling (University of Missouri 1962)
Dan P. Violette (University of Missouri 1902)
Clarence G. Vogt (University of Missouri 1913)
August F. Voss (University of Missouri 1944)
W. C. Voss (University of Missouri 1946)
John H. Vossbrink (University of Missouri 1925)
Robert M. Wachter (University of Missouri 1950)
Leslie W. Wackher (University of Missouri 1920)
Gerald N. Waddell (University of Missouri 1922)
Robert D. Waddell (University of Missouri 1924)
Billie Waers (University of Missouri 1921)
Billie G. Waers (University of Missouri 1951)
Thomas A. Walker (University of Missouri 1920)
James L. Wall (University of Missouri 1936)
C. W. Walter (University of Missouri 1933)
Harvey S. Walter (University of Missouri 1936)
Dennis M. Ward (University of Missouri 1976)
Jerry L. Watkins (University of Missouri 1960)
Donald G. Watts (University of Missouri 1920)
David Webb (University of Missouri 1951)
Lynn E. Webb (University of Missouri 1914)
Wilbur G. Webb (University of Missouri 1924)
Austin H. Welch (University of Missouri 1904)
Barrett F. Welch (University of Missouri 1935)
Howard Welch (University of Missouri 1906)
John G. Welch (University of Missouri 1903)
John H. Welch (University of Missouri 1936)
William E. Wells (University of Missouri 1959)
Elmer L. West (University of Missouri 1933)
George C. West (University of Missouri 1937)
Frank G. Wharton (University of Missouri 1927)
Elliott M. Whitbread (University of Missouri 1923)
Marshall W. White (University of Missouri 1933)
Loftin E. White (University of Missouri 1940)
J. B. Whitney (University of Missouri 1919)
Allen H. Wiedenman (University of Missouri 1924)
Charles T. Wiggins (University of Missouri 1925)
Walter A. Wilber (University of Missouri 1905)
Edward H. Wilkie (University of Missouri 1935)
John M. Wilkie (University of Missouri 1937)
John W. Wilkin (University of Missouri 1930)
William R. Williams (University of Missouri 1966)
Jack S. Willoughby (University of Missouri 1932)
James N. Wilson (University of Missouri 1899)
Willis B. Windle (University of Missouri 1927)
Frontis S. Winford (University of Missouri 1950)
Joseph J. Winger (University of Missouri 1949)
Louis P. Wingert (University of Missouri 1930)
Amos E. Winsett (University of Missouri 1918)
John S. Wise (University of Missouri 1908)
John W. Wiseman (University of Missouri 1952)
Ralph Witten (University of Missouri 1923)
Ezra D. Woodbury (University of Missouri 1938)
Pollard C. Wreath (University of Missouri 1944)
James E. Wren (University of Missouri 1950)
Robert C. Wren (University of Missouri 1951)
Jack C. Wrenn (University of Missouri 1941)
John W. Wright (University of Missouri 1927)
Maurice W. Wright (University of Missouri 1935)
Montgomery M. Wright (University of Missouri 1916)
Roy T. Wright (University of Missouri 1927)
Charles E. Yancey (University of Missouri 1921)
Robert T. Young (University of Missouri 1947)
William J. Young (University of Missouri 1929)
Wylie H. Young (University of Missouri 1946)
Arthur H. Zeitz (University of Missouri 1917)
Arthur H. Zeitz (University of Missouri 1944)
Niles E. Brush (University of Montana 1997)
D. J. Henderson (University of Montana 2001)
Todd J. Lawton (University of Montana 2000)
Ryan P. Maxie (University of Montana 2001)
John R. McGregor (University of Montana 1990)
Charles H. Adams (University of Nebraska 1901)
Edward B. Adams (University of Nebraska 1906)
Roy B. Adams (University of Nebraska 1902)
Samuel E. Adams (University of Nebraska 1926)
John V. Addison (University of Nebraska 1951)
Howard F. Ahmanson (University of Nebraska 1927)
William I. Aitken (University of Nebraska 1918)
Harold N. Aldrich (University of Nebraska 1918)
John C. Alexander (University of Nebraska 1937)
Roy F. Allan (University of Nebraska 1913)
Ralph K. Amerman (University of Nebraska 1914)
Jeffrey S. Amsler (University of Nebraska 1964)
Harold W. Andersen (University of Nebraska 1945)
Blanchard R. Anderson (University of Nebraska 1924)
Goodwin E. Anderson (University of Nebraska 1919)
Jesse F. Anderson (University of Nebraska 1909)
Lester H. Anderson (University of Nebraska 1921)
Norris A. Anderson (University of Nebraska 1944)
Ralph M. Anderson (University of Nebraska 1922)
Robert D. Anderson (University of Nebraska 1929)
Donald W. Andresen (University of Nebraska 1944)
Wilton H. Andresen (University of Nebraska 1918)
Elton M. Armitage (University of Nebraska 1924)
Frederick C. Arnold (University of Nebraska 1931)
William J. Arrasmith (University of Nebraska 1913)
Allen A. Artman (University of Nebraska 1943)
Auburn H. Atkins (University of Nebraska 1923)
Murray D. Backhaus (University of Nebraska 1955)
Walter G. Baker (University of Nebraska 1931)
Bob Banning (University of Nebraska 1956)
Charles E. Barber (University of Nebraska 1898)
Herbert K. Barber (University of Nebraska 1907)
Irven D. Barr (University of Nebraska 1932)
S. B. Barton (University of Nebraska 1952)
Tim H. Bates (University of Nebraska 1949)
Elmer H. Bauer (University of Nebraska 1938)
Alfred E. Baum (University of Nebraska 1940)
Charles A. Beal (University of Nebraska 1956)
Gerald H. Beck (University of Nebraska 1916)
Donald G. Bell (University of Nebraska 1918)
Ronald C. Bell (University of Nebraska 1961)
Paul H. Bellamy (University of Nebraska 1944)
Lee H. Bennett (University of Nebraska 1931)
Robert D. Benter (University of Nebraska 1957)
Jerry Berigan (University of Nebraska 1952)
Byron E. Bernard (University of Nebraska 1931)
Ralph L. Bernard (University of Nebraska 1926)
William L. Berner (University of Nebraska 1950)
Waldean C. Bierman (University of Nebraska 1947)
J. E. Billings (University of Nebraska 1905)
John H. Binning (University of Nebraska 1945)
Morris J. Blish (University of Nebraska 1911)
Donald L. Bloom (University of Nebraska 1951)
Donald H. Bocken (University of Nebraska 1936)
Frank E. Bocken (University of Nebraska 1917)
Herman Bocken (University of Nebraska 1911)
Rea E. Bodwell (University of Nebraska 1920)
Edward V. Bogue (University of Nebraska 1917)
Carl L. Bohs (University of Nebraska 1953)
Charles H. Bomgardner (University of Nebraska 1944)
Harold K. Bond (University of Nebraska 1929)
Dan D. Boren (University of Nebraska 1970)
Frederic B. Boucher (University of Nebraska 1956)
James W. Boyd (University of Nebraska 1920)
Howland Boyer (University of Nebraska 1934)
Carlisle B. Boyes (University of Nebraska 1937)
Robert W. Boyes (University of Nebraska 1936)
Thomas L. Bradshaw (University of Nebraska 1906)
John B. Brain (University of Nebraska 1911)
Jerold L. Branson (University of Nebraska 1923)
Paul E. Brazelton (University of Nebraska 1941)
Eugene T. Brennan (University of Nebraska 1952)
Thomas J. Brennan (University of Nebraska 1921)
Charles A. Bridge (University of Nebraska 1916)
John W. Bridge (University of Nebraska 1951)
Henry C. Brock (University of Nebraska 1930)
Burnham H. Brown (University of Nebraska 1927)
Claire N. Brown (University of Nebraska 1923)
Don W. Brown (University of Nebraska 1949)
Kenneth J. Brown (University of Nebraska 1951)
Harold Bruce (University of Nebraska 1920)
Elroy A. Brugh (University of Nebraska 1944)
George E. Brugh (University of Nebraska 1968)
Richard A. Brunmeier (University of Nebraska 1982)
Edward E. Brush (University of Nebraska 1933)
Jack R. Bryant (University of Nebraska 1948)
Richard P. Bryson (University of Nebraska 1920)
Albert E. Bryson (University of Nebraska 1917)
Samuel R. Buck (University of Nebraska 1908)
William F. Buck (University of Nebraska 1918)
Theodore T. Buell (University of Nebraska 1910)
Clyde J. Bullock (University of Nebraska 1908)
Eugene W. Burdic (University of Nebraska 1931)
L. D. Burdic (University of Nebraska 1939)
Lloyd D. Burdic (University of Nebraska 1911)
Orville W. Burg (University of Nebraska 1935)
Harold R. Burke (University of Nebraska 1922)
Herbert A. Burke (University of Nebraska 1928)
John G. Burkett (University of Nebraska 1908)
Russell E. Burkett (University of Nebraska 1909)
George D. Bushnell (University of Nebraska 1920)
John D. Bushnell (University of Nebraska 1913)
Herbert M. Bushnell (University of Nebraska 1915)
William H. Butterfield (University of Nebraska 1933)
Robert J. Butz (University of Nebraska 1941)
Lorin C. Caley (University of Nebraska 1954)
Jerold W. Calhoun (University of Nebraska 1950)
Edmund J. Callaway (University of Nebraska 1902)
John I. Cameron (University of Nebraska 1927)
John P. Cameron (University of Nebraska 1897)
Max L. Cameron (University of Nebraska 1922)
Louis S. Campbell (University of Nebraska 1935)
William G. Campbell (University of Nebraska 1956)
La V. Campbell (University of Nebraska 1948)
Rogers S. Cannell (University of Nebraska 1943)
Theodore C. Cannon (University of Nebraska 1953)
William C. Cannon (University of Nebraska 1956)
Arthur B. Carlson (University of Nebraska 1932)
Porter H. Carpenter (University of Nebraska 1904)
John W. Carson (University of Nebraska 1949)
Norman L. Case (University of Nebraska 1951)
Ray Case (University of Nebraska 1926)
Grant G. Caughey (University of Nebraska 1908)
C. M. Cavender (University of Nebraska 1946)
Richard H. Chaffin (University of Nebraska 1974)
Edgar A. Champe (University of Nebraska 1930)
John L. Champe (University of Nebraska 1918)
G. P. Charlton (University of Nebraska 1933)
James F. Chatt (University of Nebraska 1945)
Orville Chatt (University of Nebraska 1916)
Orville K. Chatt (University of Nebraska 1948)
Robert D. Chatt (University of Nebraska 1940)
William H. Cheek (University of Nebraska 1912)
Frank E. Cherry (University of Nebraska 1936)
Walter F. Christensen (University of Nebraska 1934)
John C. Church DDS (University of Nebraska 1950)
Randolph M. Claassen (University of Nebraska 1933)
Frank J. Coad (University of Nebraska 1903)
Elmer T. Coates (University of Nebraska 1930)
Ralph W. Coates (University of Nebraska 1921)
William D. Coffey (University of Nebraska 1953)
Clifton L. Conaway (University of Nebraska 1934)
Newton E. Copple (University of Nebraska 1942)
Harold W. Coulter (University of Nebraska 1911)
Guy W. Craig (University of Nebraska 1931)
Dwight L. Cramer (University of Nebraska 1907)
Ray A. Crancer (University of Nebraska 1913)
Ray A. Crancer (University of Nebraska 1941)
Walter H. Cronk (University of Nebraska 1928)
Orval J. Cunningham (University of Nebraska 1903)
W. A. Daggett (University of Nebraska 1957)
Guilford F. Darst (University of Nebraska 1943)
E. W. Davenport (University of Nebraska 1936)
Edward C. Davenport (University of Nebraska 1905)
Harrison W. Davenport (University of Nebraska 1905)
Robert J. Davenport (University of Nebraska 1943)
Jay W. Davies (University of Nebraska 1919)
Archie H. Davis (University of Nebraska 1918)
Burr R. Davis (University of Nebraska 1931)
Charles E. Davis (University of Nebraska 1947)
Claude E. Davis (University of Nebraska 1933)
Dean D. Davison (University of Nebraska 1956)
Oliver W. De Wolf (University of Nebraska 1932)
Byron R. Deck (University of Nebraska 1942)
Paul W. Deck (University of Nebraska 1938)
Robert A. Decou (University of Nebraska 1907)
Ralph L. Delong (University of Nebraska 1928)
Duane D. Demaree (University of Nebraska 1949)
Harold N. Dempcy (University of Nebraska 1932)
William L. Deneke (University of Nebraska 1949)
Darrell D. Devoe (University of Nebraska 1949)
Reid E. Devoe (University of Nebraska 1947)
Stanley F. Devore (University of Nebraska 1926)
Lloyd R. Devorss (University of Nebraska 1926)
Jack E. Dewey (University of Nebraska 1941)
Robert E. Dickman (University of Nebraska 1931)
Robert G. Diekmann (University of Nebraska 1967)
Jerry P. Dierks (University of Nebraska 1957)
John M. Dierks (University of Nebraska 1923)
Lyle P. Dierks (University of Nebraska 1924)
John M. Dierks (University of Nebraska 1950)
Thorne P. Dillon (University of Nebraska 1948)
Maurice D. Dingwell (University of Nebraska 1944)
Donald M. Dory (University of Nebraska 1949)
Joe T. Dougherty (University of Nebraska 1922)
John H. Drexel (University of Nebraska 1917)
Donald W. Dunbar (University of Nebraska 1926)
Robert O. Dunn (University of Nebraska 1939)
George K. Durrie (University of Nebraska 1949)
Robert P. Durrie (University of Nebraska 1944)
Laurence O. Eames (University of Nebraska 1946)
Lyle Eason (University of Nebraska 1917)
Daniel C. Easterday (University of Nebraska 1934)
Donald P. Easterday (University of Nebraska 1933)
Fred R. Easterday (University of Nebraska 1932)
Harlan G. Easton (University of Nebraska 1931)
Ernst J. Eggerss (University of Nebraska 1922)
Roland A. Egly (University of Nebraska 1923)
Donald W. Eisenhart USAF (University of Nebraska 1932)
Edward Wood Eisenhart (University of Nebraska 1931)
Hugh W. Eisenhart (University of Nebraska 1939)
Kenneth D. Eisenhart (University of Nebraska 1940)
Wayne R. Eisenhart (University of Nebraska 1951)
Leo A. Eistetter (University of Nebraska 1951)
Harley S. Eklund (University of Nebraska 1927)
Curtis M. Elliott (University of Nebraska 1950)
Joe B. Elliott (University of Nebraska 1939)
Robert I. Elliott (University of Nebraska 1908)
James W. Ellis (University of Nebraska 1912)
Kenneth W. Ellis (University of Nebraska 1940)
John W. Elwell (University of Nebraska 1953)
Larry R. Enstrom (University of Nebraska 1964)
Donald L. Erb (University of Nebraska 1948)
Wesley H. Evans (University of Nebraska 1939)
Edwin S. Ewart (University of Nebraska 1937)
Harry W. Ewing (University of Nebraska 1909)
William F. Familton (University of Nebraska 1910)
Walden T. Felber (University of Nebraska 1933)
Charles L. Ferguson (University of Nebraska 1956)
Rex R. Fischer (University of Nebraska 1956)
Roderick W. Fletcher (University of Nebraska 1950)
William R. Flower (University of Nebraska 1916)
James W. Focht (University of Nebraska 1958)
W. P. Forcade (University of Nebraska 1928)
William B. Force (University of Nebraska 1935)
James G. Ford (University of Nebraska 1932)
Travis A. Ford (University of Nebraska 1997)
William R. Forney (University of Nebraska 1909)
John C. Forsyth (University of Nebraska 1955)
Harry Fox (University of Nebraska 1949)
George W. France (University of Nebraska 1902)
Jeffrey L. Freed (University of Nebraska 1972)
Ward C. Freeman (University of Nebraska 1943)
Thomas B. Fry (University of Nebraska 1964)
Laurence B. Frye (University of Nebraska 1946)
Harry O. Fullbrook (University of Nebraska 1930)
Duane E. Funk (University of Nebraska 1950)
Ronald L. Gabrielson (University of Nebraska 1966)
Vaughn E. Gaddis (University of Nebraska 1920)
Jacob G. Geier (University of Nebraska 1950)
Charles R. Geotowski (University of Nebraska 1967)
George H. Gesman (University of Nebraska 1929)
Curtis W. Gettman (University of Nebraska 1942)
Steven D. Gilbaugh (University of Nebraska 1968)
John P. Gilligan (University of Nebraska 1917)
John P. Gilligan III (University of Nebraska 1952)
Wesley J. Glassgow (University of Nebraska 1928)
Calvin Gloor (University of Nebraska 1950)
Robert D. Glover (University of Nebraska 1933)
James T. Godfrey (University of Nebraska 1951)
James M. Gogela (University of Nebraska 1975)
Robert W. Goldsmith (University of Nebraska 1940)
James E. Goll (University of Nebraska 1950)
William E. Gordon (University of Nebraska 1934)
Guy T. Graves (University of Nebraska 1922)
Kenneth R. Greenwood (University of Nebraska 1948)
Donald T. Gregg (University of Nebraska 1915)
Thaddeus C. Gregory (University of Nebraska 1930)
Bayard F. Griffin (University of Nebraska 1914)
I. B. Griffin (University of Nebraska 1950)
Sam S. Griffin (University of Nebraska 1914)
Burke M. Griffiths (University of Nebraska 1916)
Bruce H. Grigsby (University of Nebraska 1903)
Edward C. Gross (University of Nebraska 1953)
Herbert E. Grote (University of Nebraska 1947)
Walter F. Guhl (University of Nebraska 1930)
James H. Guilfoil (University of Nebraska 1914)
Jack V. Gwynn (University of Nebraska 1952)
James R. Gwynn (University of Nebraska 1949)
Fred P. Haas (University of Nebraska 1949)
Richard D. Hadley (University of Nebraska 1921)
Stuart S. Hadley (University of Nebraska 1919)
Homer H. Hahn (University of Nebraska 1933)
Clark H. Hamilton (University of Nebraska 1935)
William Ladd Hanscom (University of Nebraska 1955)
Elmer M. Hansen (University of Nebraska 1915)
Herman F. Hansen (University of Nebraska 1948)
Jesse M. Harding (University of Nebraska 1908)
Rex R. Harding (University of Nebraska 1938)
Ulysses S. Harkson (University of Nebraska 1916)
Derrill E. Harlan (University of Nebraska 1938)
Julius V. Harpham (University of Nebraska 1913)
Robert L. Harris (University of Nebraska 1938)
Joe M. Hart (University of Nebraska 1959)
John P. Hart (University of Nebraska 1957)
Edward R. Harvey (University of Nebraska 1901)
Robert L. Harvey (University of Nebraska 1901)
Robert C. Hasty (University of Nebraska 1938)
Oliver C. Hathaway (University of Nebraska 1914)
Verne L. Havens (University of Nebraska 1905)
Charles C. Healy (University of Nebraska 1945)
Robert A. Hedgecock (University of Nebraska 1963)
Maurice L. Henderson (University of Nebraska 1926)
Donald L. Hendrickson (University of Nebraska 1948)
Victor W. Henningsen (University of Nebraska 1918)
George S. Hesse (University of Nebraska 1922)
Glenn L. Hickey (University of Nebraska 1930)
Larry C. Hickman (University of Nebraska 1967)
Paul H. Hildebrand (University of Nebraska 1933)
Victor D. Hildebrand (University of Nebraska 1934)
Lloyd J. Hill (University of Nebraska 1938)
Ralph W. Hill (University of Nebraska 1916)
Raymond S. Hill (University of Nebraska 1907)
Herbert D. Hillman (University of Nebraska 1941)
Ralph W. Hillman (University of Nebraska 1948)
John W. Hills (University of Nebraska 1919)
A. T. Hinds (University of Nebraska 1949)
Darrel G. Hinkle (University of Nebraska 1934)
Robert Y. Hinman (University of Nebraska 1958)
York A. Hinman (University of Nebraska 1926)
Charles E. Hirsch (University of Nebraska 1923)
Dale P. Hockabout (University of Nebraska 1924)
Donald R. Hodder (University of Nebraska 1934)
Donald W. Hodder (University of Nebraska 1951)
Ernest C. Hodder (University of Nebraska 1926)
Carl W. Hogerson (University of Nebraska 1919)
Fredrick J. Hollstein (University of Nebraska 1971)
William F. Holman (University of Nebraska 1904)
Searle F. Holmes (University of Nebraska 1912)
Claire W. Holmquist (University of Nebraska 1928)
Harold G. Holmquist (University of Nebraska 1953)
Harold M. Holmquist (University of Nebraska 1921)
James H. Holmquist (University of Nebraska 1936)
Merwyn G. Holmquist (University of Nebraska 1923)
August C. Holmquist (University of Nebraska 1955)
August C. Holmquist (University of Nebraska 1927)
Kenneth A. Holst (University of Nebraska 1982)
Walter K. Hopewell (University of Nebraska 1929)
Walter M. Hopewell (University of Nebraska 1901)
John R. Hornberger (University of Nebraska 1946)
Lauren B. Housel (University of Nebraska 1940)
Jack C. Houston (University of Nebraska 1935)
John C. Hughes (University of Nebraska 1948)
Raymond J. Hughes (University of Nebraska 1919)
Robert W. Hull (University of Nebraska 1950)
Frank B. Hunt (University of Nebraska 1938)
Frederick J. Hurtz (University of Nebraska 1906)
Leonard E. Hurtz (University of Nebraska 1903)
Harry G. Huse (University of Nebraska 1911)
Harlan G. Hutchins (University of Nebraska 1930)
Harold B. Hutchison (University of Nebraska 1926)
Bernard E. Ingram (University of Nebraska 1939)
Chester T. Isgrig (University of Nebraska 1928)
Matthew L. Jaap (University of Nebraska 1951)
S. Scott Jackman (University of Nebraska 1974)
Harold E. Jacobsen (University of Nebraska 1948)
Jay G. Jacupke (University of Nebraska 1973)
Jack H. James (University of Nebraska 1954)
Merlin L. James (University of Nebraska 1944)
Gordon H. Jenkins (University of Nebraska 1952)
Jimmie J. Jensen (University of Nebraska 1947)
Lyle R. Jensen (University of Nebraska 1937)
Robert E. Jensen (University of Nebraska 1961)
Charles M. Johnson (University of Nebraska 1901)
Clark P. Johnson (University of Nebraska 1922)
George E. Johnson Jr. (University of Nebraska 1928)
George S. Johnson (University of Nebraska 1921)
Henry T. Johnson (University of Nebraska 1908)
J. R. Johnson (University of Nebraska 1926)
John B. Johnson (University of Nebraska 1909)
Kent M. Johnson (University of Nebraska 1941)
Lutannies T. Johnson (University of Nebraska 1903)
Roland M. Johnson (University of Nebraska 1947)
Ted Johnson (University of Nebraska 1927)
George T. Johnston (University of Nebraska 1949)
Calmar C. Jones (University of Nebraska 1930)
Robert E. Jordan (University of Nebraska 1950)
Gary A. Jorgenson (University of Nebraska 1974)
L. D. Kampe (University of Nebraska 1959)
Evars Karklins (University of Nebraska 1961)
Frederick W. Karrer (University of Nebraska 1953)
Virgil L. Kastens (University of Nebraska 1931)
Park F. Keays (University of Nebraska 1927)
Carl R. Keil (University of Nebraska 1931)
Wyman B. Kenagy (University of Nebraska 1929)
Valerius H. Kendall (University of Nebraska 1907)
Howard Kennedy (University of Nebraska 1930)
John I. Kerl (University of Nebraska 1942)
Vernon V. Ketring (University of Nebraska 1929)
Jack R. Killian (University of Nebraska 1948)
John S. Killian (University of Nebraska 1930)
Warren R. Killian (University of Nebraska 1945)
George P. Kimball (University of Nebraska 1903)
Willard P. Kimball (University of Nebraska 1906)
H. S. King (University of Nebraska 1924)
Richard W. King (University of Nebraska 1933)
Howard I. Kirkpatrick (University of Nebraska 1896)
Donald D. Kirkwood (University of Nebraska 1958)
Charles Kittelson (University of Nebraska 1924)
Robert N. Kivett (University of Nebraska 1931)
Andrew J. Kleager (University of Nebraska 1968)
J. Alan Klein (University of Nebraska 1930)
Donald L. Kleinschmidt (University of Nebraska 1948)
Harry E. Knudsen (University of Nebraska 1948)
Henry A. Knutzen (University of Nebraska 1917)
Walter M. Knutzen (University of Nebraska 1952)
Willis H. Koeneke (University of Nebraska 1939)
Kenneth C. Kolb (University of Nebraska 1928)
Robert L. Korte (University of Nebraska 1949)
Harold A. Kottmann (University of Nebraska 1929)
John F. Kramer (University of Nebraska 1922)
Harold F. Kreizinger (University of Nebraska 1951)
John D. Kucera (University of Nebraska 1954)
Richard C. Kuhl (University of Nebraska 1950)
John H. Kuns (University of Nebraska 1909)
Arnold D. Lahrs (University of Nebraska 1952)
Herschel R. Lamme (University of Nebraska 1933)
Mark T. Landgren (University of Nebraska 1990)
Bradley J. Lange (University of Nebraska 1996)
Kenneth E. Larsen (University of Nebraska 1950)
Auldwin M. Larson (University of Nebraska 1929)
Edward H. Larson (University of Nebraska 1920)
Wallace T. Larson (University of Nebraska 1921)
William L. Larson (University of Nebraska 1950)
Arthur J. Latta (University of Nebraska 1925)
John B. Latta (University of Nebraska 1927)
Kenneth R. Laux (University of Nebraska 1968)
Robert T. Lear (University of Nebraska 2017)
Charles B. Lee (University of Nebraska 1913)
Charles M. Lefler (University of Nebraska 1906)
Jay C. Lefler (University of Nebraska 1910)
Lewis R. Leigh (University of Nebraska 1938)
Charles L. Lewis (University of Nebraska 1914)
Joseph W. Lichtenstiger (University of Nebraska 1925)
Clyde M. Liephart (University of Nebraska 1913)
Albert L. Light (University of Nebraska 1926)
Charles E. Light (University of Nebraska 1926)
Gene C. Littler (University of Nebraska 1942)
Roland A. Locke (University of Nebraska 1926)
Karl A. Loerch (University of Nebraska 1945)
Russel D. Loerch (University of Nebraska 1950)
Frank E. Long (University of Nebraska 1913)
John E. Long (University of Nebraska 1917)
Roy J. Long (University of Nebraska 1947)
William B. Long (University of Nebraska 1943)
William E. Long (University of Nebraska 1914)
Kahn L. Lortscher (University of Nebraska 1936)
Antone L. Lott Jr. (University of Nebraska 1907)
John G. Lowe (University of Nebraska 1953)
Stephen G. Lowe Sr. (University of Nebraska 1932)
Stephen S. Lowe (University of Nebraska 1958)
John G. Lowe (University of Nebraska 1924)
Clyde D. Lowry (University of Nebraska 1926)
Frederick J. Ludwig (University of Nebraska 1950)
Isaiah K. Lukens (University of Nebraska 1950)
Isaiah Lukens (University of Nebraska 1924)
Claude D. Lutton (University of Nebraska 1941)
Harold J. Lutton (University of Nebraska 1938)
John J. Lyons (University of Nebraska 1918)
Samuel H. Macdonald (University of Nebraska 1902)
T. J. Machamer (University of Nebraska 1922)
William M. Maddox (University of Nebraska 1919)
Edward G. Maggi (University of Nebraska 1901)
Otto R. Mallat (University of Nebraska 1907)
Charles F. Mann (University of Nebraska 1903)
Roger W. Martin (University of Nebraska 1947)
Joseph N. Martin (University of Nebraska 1942)
Homer M. Martyn (University of Nebraska 1907)
Paul A. Mastin (University of Nebraska 1938)
George W. Mathews (University of Nebraska 1904)
Thomas H. Matters (University of Nebraska 1908)
Donald C. Mattison (University of Nebraska 1927)
Raymond E. Mattison (University of Nebraska 1924)
M. M. Maupin (University of Nebraska 1954)
Myron M. Maupin (University of Nebraska 1923)
Edwin L. May (University of Nebraska 1931)
John R. Mayberry (University of Nebraska 1957)
James J. McConnell (University of Nebraska 1957)
John W. McConnell (University of Nebraska 1952)
Dwight E. McCormack (University of Nebraska 1927)
Charles S. McCulloch (University of Nebraska 1939)
John B. McCulloch (University of Nebraska 1922)
Wallace B. McDonald (University of Nebraska 1915)
James D. McFarland (University of Nebraska 1971)
James A. McGeachin (University of Nebraska 1907)
James R. McGeachin (University of Nebraska 1953)
Robert L. McGeachin (University of Nebraska 1939)
Thomas K. McGeachin (University of Nebraska 1949)
William R. McGeachin (University of Nebraska 1905)
Sherman W. McKinley (University of Nebraska 1925)
Owen J. McManus (University of Nebraska 1932)
John E. McMeekin (University of Nebraska 1946)
Bruce A. McMichael (University of Nebraska 1950)
Russell J. McMichael (University of Nebraska 1927)
James W. McNair (University of Nebraska 1948)
Cloyd C. McWilliams (University of Nebraska 1907)
Keith D. Meininger (University of Nebraska 1950)
Edward R. Melker (University of Nebraska 1932)
Howard D. Mengshal (University of Nebraska 1944)
Homer C. Merrick (University of Nebraska 1943)
Gerald Merritt (University of Nebraska 1925)
Gerald Merritt (University of Nebraska 1954)
Walter W. Merten (University of Nebraska 1949)
Max A. Mertz (University of Nebraska 1943)
Cecil F. Metzger (University of Nebraska 1955)
Louis Meyers (University of Nebraska 1949)
Loren H. Miller (University of Nebraska 1932)
Paul R. Miller (University of Nebraska 1964)
Reginald C. Miller (University of Nebraska 1932)
Richard K. Miller (University of Nebraska 1942)
Robert R. Miller (University of Nebraska 1943)
Charles C. Miller (University of Nebraska 1907)
Andrew L. Minier (University of Nebraska 1935)
Thomas L. Minthorn (University of Nebraska 1942)
J. H. Mohrman (University of Nebraska 1952)
William D. Montgomery (University of Nebraska 1918)
Bernard T. Moore (University of Nebraska 1908)
Harold L. Moore (University of Nebraska 1949)
Donal H. Morgan (University of Nebraska 1948)
Lafayette I. Morris (University of Nebraska 1916)
Timothy M. Morrison (University of Nebraska 1992)
Paul N. Morrow (University of Nebraska 1929)
Maurice J. Moss (University of Nebraska 1929)
Frank W. Mounts (University of Nebraska 1930)
Claire R. Mudge (University of Nebraska 1903)
Lester C. Mudge (University of Nebraska 1900)
Karl J. Mueller (University of Nebraska 1949)
Jack H. Myers (University of Nebraska 1949)
Arthur E. Nafe (University of Nebraska 1908)
Ronald F. Nathan (University of Nebraska 1958)
Grove E. Nelson (University of Nebraska 1942)
Jean O. Nelson (University of Nebraska 1919)
William A. Nelson (University of Nebraska 1954)
Frank R. Neuswanger (University of Nebraska 1932)
George E. Neuswanger (University of Nebraska 1917)
Burton Newby (University of Nebraska 1932)
William J. Newens (University of Nebraska 1930)
Robert A. Nickerson (University of Nebraska 1948)
Thomas C. Nilsson (University of Nebraska 1971)
Everett W. Northrop (University of Nebraska 1922)
Deane E. Nutzman (University of Nebraska 1942)
Ned N. Nutzman (University of Nebraska 1945)
Francis D. Obert (University of Nebraska 1928)
Brian O'Brian (University of Nebraska 1917)
William P. O'Brien (University of Nebraska 1928)
Allen T. O'Connor (University of Nebraska 1942)
Daniel J. O'Connor (University of Nebraska 1973)
Raymond A. Ogier (University of Nebraska 1922)
Robert E. Ogier (University of Nebraska 1929)
Thomas J. O'Holleran (University of Nebraska 1980)
Louis F. O'Konski (University of Nebraska 1981)
Carl F. Olenberger (University of Nebraska 1941)
Edwin R. Olmstead (University of Nebraska 1950)
Francis E. Olsen (University of Nebraska 1923)
Augustus T. Olson (University of Nebraska 1928)
John R. Ord (University of Nebraska 1934)
William P. Otten Jr. (University of Nebraska 1933)
Oliver O. Over (University of Nebraska 1932)
George B. Packard (University of Nebraska 1910)
Richard C. Packer (University of Nebraska 1929)
Richard B. Paddock (University of Nebraska 1912)
Theodore C. Page (University of Nebraska 1927)
Jack B. Palmer (University of Nebraska 1949)
Jerry C. Palmer (University of Nebraska 1954)
Lloyd D. Palmer (University of Nebraska 1920)
Arthur C. Pancoast (University of Nebraska 1901)
Harry T. Parker (University of Nebraska 1904)
Lee T. Parker (University of Nebraska 1914)
Tynan A. Parriott (University of Nebraska 1928)
James R. Parrish (University of Nebraska 1955)
Harold R. Partridge (University of Nebraska 1950)
Albert R. Patterson (University of Nebraska 1913)
C. M. Patterson (University of Nebraska 1934)
Harold C. Patterson (University of Nebraska 1921)
Phil H. Patterson (University of Nebraska 1956)
John L. Peck (University of Nebraska 1950)
Charles L. Pedersen Sr. (University of Nebraska 1954)
Donald W. Pederson (University of Nebraska 1953)
Arthur J. Pence (University of Nebraska 1911)
Claibourne G. Perry (University of Nebraska 1911)
Charles C. Petersen (University of Nebraska 1933)
Louis H. Petersen (University of Nebraska 1937)
Carl E. Peterson (University of Nebraska 1906)
Charles A. Peterson (University of Nebraska 1948)
Dexter R. Peterson (University of Nebraska 1954)
Harold C. Peterson (University of Nebraska 1951)
Harold S. Peterson (University of Nebraska 1923)
Robert M. Phillips (University of Nebraska 1932)
Richard L. Piderit (University of Nebraska 1949)
Emmeitt R. Pipher (University of Nebraska 1949)
Don F. Pollock (University of Nebraska 1941)
Kevin K. Popp (University of Nebraska 1972)
George N. Porter (University of Nebraska 1898)
Joseph H. Poynter (University of Nebraska 1956)
Wilbur J. Prichard (University of Nebraska 1922)
Philip W. Proctor (University of Nebraska 1918)
Harrie M. Prouty (University of Nebraska 1911)
John D. Provost (University of Nebraska 1949)
Leonard Purdy (University of Nebraska 1915)
Girard M. Putnam (University of Nebraska 1937)
J. H. Quigley (University of Nebraska 1908)
George A. Racely (University of Nebraska 1914)
George J. Racely (University of Nebraska 1946)
Jason E. Racely (University of Nebraska 1978)
Wilbur A. Racely (University of Nebraska 1909)
Frank M. Rain (University of Nebraska 1933)
Charles E. Raitt (University of Nebraska 1955)
Dale B. Raitt (University of Nebraska 1950)
Morris S. Ranger (University of Nebraska 1936)
Claude V. Rau (University of Nebraska 1914)
Nathan R. Reasoner (University of Nebraska 1916)
Eugene K. Reece (University of Nebraska 1944)
Jack W. Reece (University of Nebraska 1947)
Allan E. Reiff (University of Nebraska 1929)
Stanley G. Reiff (University of Nebraska 1928)
Stanly G. Reiff (University of Nebraska 1928)
Gary E. Reimers (University of Nebraska 1958)
Travis L. Reimers (University of Nebraska 1993)
Royal A. Rich (University of Nebraska 1957)
John A. Ricker (University of Nebraska 1926)
Craig R. Roberts (University of Nebraska 1980)
Rodney M. Roberts (University of Nebraska 1929)
Gerald C. Robertson (University of Nebraska 1953)
Ralph K. Robertson (University of Nebraska 1951)
Rhees R. Robinson Jr. (University of Nebraska 1949)
James P. Rockefellow (University of Nebraska 1900)
Jerry E. Roe (University of Nebraska 1956)
Paul M. Rogers (University of Nebraska 1913)
Thomas C. Rogers (University of Nebraska 1913)
Byron F. Rohrbough (University of Nebraska 1918)
Jack C. Rohrbough (University of Nebraska 1941)
Merrill C. Rohrbough (University of Nebraska 1914)
Eugene A. Rose (University of Nebraska 1902)
Glenn C. Rosenquist (University of Nebraska 1953)
Daniel C. Ruden (University of Nebraska 1930)
Augustus G. Ruggles (University of Nebraska 1903)
Donald A. Russell (University of Nebraska 1928)
Earl C. Sage (University of Nebraska 1916)
Harold S. Salter (University of Nebraska 1932)
Neil S. Sanborn (University of Nebraska 1924)
Fredric M. Sanders (University of Nebraska 1902)
Gordon E. Sawyers (University of Nebraska 1948)
Murray G. Schad (University of Nebraska 1963)
Lawrence E. Scharmann (University of Nebraska 1948)
Bernard J. Scherer (University of Nebraska 1936)
Leo V. Scherer (University of Nebraska 1923)
Leo V. Scherer (University of Nebraska 1956)
William A. Scheurich (University of Nebraska 1948)
Theodore H. Schiefen (University of Nebraska 1927)
James E. Schleiger (University of Nebraska 1953)
Henry H. Schleuning (University of Nebraska 1950)
Ralph A. Schlientz (University of Nebraska 1932)
Arthur H. Schmale (University of Nebraska 1945)
William O. Schneiderwind (University of Nebraska 1937)
G. A. Schrimpf (University of Nebraska 1931)
Gaybert P. Schroeder (University of Nebraska 1948)
Harold E. Schroeder (University of Nebraska 1942)
Glenn D. Schwenker (University of Nebraska 1931)
Warren L. Schwenker (University of Nebraska 1928)
Emerson W. Scott (University of Nebraska 1954)
Everett B. Scott (University of Nebraska 1915)
Robert C. Scott (University of Nebraska 1932)
William A. Scott (University of Nebraska 1918)
George P. Scoular (University of Nebraska 1929)
Robert M. Scoular (University of Nebraska 1926)
Raynold J. Sedlak (University of Nebraska 1946)
Martin C. Shallenberger (University of Nebraska 1905)
George O. Shaner (University of Nebraska 1928)
William O. Shcneiderwind (University of Nebraska 1937)
Harold C. Shubert (University of Nebraska 1919)
Fred W. Sieman (University of Nebraska 1933)
Gary H. Silver (University of Nebraska 1969)
Benjamin A. Silverstein (University of Nebraska 2000)
David S. Simms (University of Nebraska 1910)
John S. Simms (University of Nebraska 1909)
Robert A. Sitzman (University of Nebraska 1967)
John A. Skinner (University of Nebraska 1950)
Alfred L. Smith (University of Nebraska 1932)
Brace F. Smith (University of Nebraska 1933)
Charles M. Smith (University of Nebraska 1944)
Foye E. Smith (University of Nebraska 1933)
Gene R. Smith (University of Nebraska 1974)
Henry I. Smith (University of Nebraska 1930)
Malcolm R. Smith (University of Nebraska 1919)
O. L. Smith (University of Nebraska 1924)
Peter F. Smith (University of Nebraska 1935)
Rollin B. Smith (University of Nebraska 1921)
Albert J. Smullin (University of Nebraska 1931)
Jack E. Soder (University of Nebraska 1954)
Calvin C. Solem (University of Nebraska 1951)
N. W. Solomon (University of Nebraska 1951)
Gerald L. Spahn (University of Nebraska 1941)
Glen J. Spahn (University of Nebraska 1927)
Boardman E. Speice (University of Nebraska 1925)
Gus B. Speice (University of Nebraska 1929)
Clemens E. Spellman (University of Nebraska 1928)
Don V. Spohn (University of Nebraska 1916)
Ray S. Spurek (University of Nebraska 1946)
Richard J. Stacy (University of Nebraska 1961)
Court R. Stanley (University of Nebraska 1907)
Emory D. Stanley (University of Nebraska 1904)
Harry C. Stanley (University of Nebraska 1912)
John T. Stanton (University of Nebraska 1923)
Edwin G. Steckley (University of Nebraska 1911)
Harold B. Stedman (University of Nebraska 1923)
Walter G. Stephenson (University of Nebraska 1951)
Ralph P. Stewart (University of Nebraska 1948)
Jerry C. Stirtz (University of Nebraska 1957)
Robert A. Stoldt (University of Nebraska 1964)
R. R. Stotts (University of Nebraska 1947)
Richard F. Stout (University of Nebraska 1914)
Robert B. Stowell (University of Nebraska 1923)
Don E. Strasheim (University of Nebraska 1951)
Neil K. Strong (University of Nebraska 1979)
J. R. Strough (University of Nebraska 1935)
Ralph M. Sturm (University of Nebraska 1918)
David W. Sumner (University of Nebraska 1910)
Charles A. Sunderlin (University of Nebraska 1907)
William D. Sutter (University of Nebraska 1964)
Melvin T. Swanson (University of Nebraska 1933)
Walter C. Swanson (University of Nebraska 1931)
Warren M. Swanson (University of Nebraska 1943)
Tom P. Swedenborg (University of Nebraska 1960)
C. Dale Talbot (University of Nebraska 1907)
Milton H. Tappan (University of Nebraska 1927)
Dale E. Taylor (University of Nebraska 1934)
Donald E. Taylor (University of Nebraska 1948)
Ross N. Tegeler (University of Nebraska 1976)
Clifford C. Thoene (University of Nebraska 1950)
Clay H. Thomas (University of Nebraska 1914)
Frederick W. Thomas (University of Nebraska 1908)
Howard F. Thomas (University of Nebraska 1911)
Marion E. Thomas (University of Nebraska 1938)
Rowland P. Thomas (University of Nebraska 1913)
Benjamin F. Thomas Jr. (University of Nebraska 1924)
Richard E. Thompsen (University of Nebraska 1962)
Gerald R. Thompson (University of Nebraska 1941)
Marvin D. Thompson (University of Nebraska 1943)
James E. Thomson (University of Nebraska 1950)
Charles Thone (University of Nebraska 1944)
Kent H. Thornell (University of Nebraska 1915)
Thomas R. Tibbels (University of Nebraska 1956)
Allen W. Tillotson (University of Nebraska 1927)
Laurence B. Tipling (University of Nebraska 1910)
Liscomb W. Titus (University of Nebraska 1913)
Edward D. Tollefsen (University of Nebraska 1941)
Robert L. Tollefsen (University of Nebraska 1940)
Raphael J. Toman (University of Nebraska 1946)
Jerry E. Tomsik (University of Nebraska 1950)
Mark R. Torghele (University of Nebraska 1978)
George E. Towne (University of Nebraska 1927)
Russel A. Townsend (University of Nebraska 1928)
Donald R. Treadway (University of Nebraska 1957)
Raymond F. Treinen (University of Nebraska 1942)
Wallace B. Troup (University of Nebraska 1916)
Preston T. Tucker (University of Nebraska 1955)
Clyde G. Tunberg (University of Nebraska 1916)
Linn K. Twinem (University of Nebraska 1929)
William A. Twinem (University of Nebraska 1934)
Varro E. Tyler (University of Nebraska 1949)
Norris F. Tym (University of Nebraska 1915)
Max R. Updegraff (University of Nebraska 1922)
William G. Ure (University of Nebraska 1931)
Monroe H. Usher Jr. (University of Nebraska 1958)
Joseph D. Vaccaro (University of Nebraska 1959)
August E. Van Wie (University of Nebraska 1957)
Dana B. Vandusen (University of Nebraska 1912)
Harold A. Vandusen (University of Nebraska 1911)
Maurice VanNostrand (University of Nebraska 1946)
Kenneth F. Vansant (University of Nebraska 1931)
Ralph W. Vansant (University of Nebraska 1912)
Floyd Vanvalin (University of Nebraska 1900)
Fred K. Veale (University of Nebraska 1936)
Frank R. Vierling (University of Nebraska 1933)
John R. Vogler (University of Nebraska 1938)
Mathias G. Volz (University of Nebraska 1925)
John B. Von Seggern (University of Nebraska 1937)
William E. Von Seggern (University of Nebraska 1934)
Richard T. Voss (University of Nebraska 1986)
Wallace D. Voss (University of Nebraska 1950)
William F. Wagner (University of Nebraska 1940)
Oliver M. Walcott (University of Nebraska 1910)
Clement L. Waldron (University of Nebraska 1906)
Taylor C. Waldron (University of Nebraska 1936)
Forest C. Wallace (University of Nebraska 1926)
Harry W. Wallace (University of Nebraska 1955)
Edward J. Walt (University of Nebraska 1928)
Ivan R. Walter (University of Nebraska 1927)
Robert C. Walters (University of Nebraska 1949)
Marvin G. Walvoord (University of Nebraska 1933)
James R. Wamsley (University of Nebraska 1951)
Weldon H. Warren (University of Nebraska 1910)
Randall K. Weeth (University of Nebraska 1924)
Theodore G. Weidner (University of Nebraska 1951)
Charles E. Wells (University of Nebraska 1902)
Sherman S. Welpton (University of Nebraska 1930)
Mark R. Wendland (University of Nebraska 1972)
Lawrence E. Wentz (University of Nebraska 1946)
Neal J. Westphal (University of Nebraska 1963)
John M. Whalen (University of Nebraska 1938)
Henry J. Wharton (University of Nebraska 1906)
Dwight R. Whitaker (University of Nebraska 1940)
Harvey B. Whitaker (University of Nebraska 1928)
Franklin M. White (University of Nebraska 1943)
Kenneth R. White (University of Nebraska 1934)
Lawrence J. Whiteford (University of Nebraska 1909)
Tim R. Whiting (University of Nebraska 1906)
James E. Whitney (University of Nebraska 1910)
Glen S. Whitwer Jr. (University of Nebraska 1966)
Clifton A. Wiener (University of Nebraska 1931)
Clare C. Wiley (University of Nebraska 1937)
Edward F. Wiley (University of Nebraska 1971)
Stuart P. Wiley (University of Nebraska 1940)
John C. Wilkerson (University of Nebraska 1936)
Melvin E. Wilkins (University of Nebraska 1933)
Donald D. Williams (University of Nebraska 1930)
Joseph B. Williams (University of Nebraska 1933)
William B. Williams (University of Nebraska 1939)
Carroll E. Wilson (University of Nebraska 1937)
Earle B. Wilson (University of Nebraska 1909)
Mortimer P. Wilson (University of Nebraska 1901)
E. K. Wiltse (University of Nebraska 1909)
Reginald B. Wiltse (University of Nebraska 1918)
Eldon O. Wise (University of Nebraska 1948)
K. E. Wolcott (University of Nebraska 1956)
Clifford E. Wolf (University of Nebraska 1934)
J. D. Wolf (University of Nebraska 1944)
Robert L. Wolf (University of Nebraska 1951)
Frank J. Wolff (University of Nebraska 1944)
Daniel J. Wolkensdorfer (University of Nebraska 1955)
Donald L. Wood (University of Nebraska 1914)
J. Ralph Wood (University of Nebraska 1912)
Peter Woodke (University of Nebraska 2012)
Charles M. Woodworth (University of Nebraska 1949)
Evarts J. Worcester (University of Nebraska 1949)
Claude R. Wright (University of Nebraska 1942)
George J. Wright (University of Nebraska 1946)
Mark A. Wright (University of Nebraska 1974)
Richard C. Wright (University of Nebraska 1965)
Willis D. Wright (University of Nebraska 1928)
Paul V. Wykert (University of Nebraska 1944)
Robert E. Yarwood (University of Nebraska 1952)
Arthur H. Yost (University of Nebraska 1917)
Herman S. Yost (University of Nebraska 1918)
David K. Young (University of Nebraska 1930)
Kenneth A. Young (University of Nebraska 1936)
Naasson S. Young (University of Nebraska 1917)
Richard H. Young (University of Nebraska 1926)
Norman D. Zahn (University of Nebraska 1950)
William D. Zinn (University of Nebraska 1944)
Joshua C. Annen (University of Nebraska Kearney 2014)
Teynor L. Krason (University of Nebraska Kearney 2019)
Robert Bowers (University of New Mexico 1966)
Patrick F. Breen (University of New Mexico 1983)
Baldwin G. Burr (University of New Mexico 1968)
James M. Coffman (University of New Mexico 1975)
James C. Colegrove (University of New Mexico 1984)
David A. Conarty (University of New Mexico 1991)
Mark J. Conway (University of New Mexico 1973)
J. M. Dunn (University of New Mexico 1987)
Brian R. Flora (University of New Mexico 1972)
Robert D. Hindi (University of New Mexico 1972)
Hans J. Huber (University of New Mexico 1992)
Greg J. Hunter (University of New Mexico 1993)
Keith E. Keller (University of New Mexico 1978)
Thomas S. Key (University of New Mexico 1970)
Robert K. Latven (University of New Mexico 1974)
Paul A. Lucero (University of New Mexico 1974)
Robert G. MacGregor (University of New Mexico 1970)
Victor C. Mott (University of New Mexico 1990)
Daniel L. Pedroza (University of New Mexico 1989)
Juan L. Rivera (University of New Mexico 1989)
Kyle R. Robinson (University of New Mexico 1994)
Lanny S. Rominger (University of New Mexico 1967)
Philip D. Schildknecht (University of New Mexico 1969)
Robb D. Seymour (University of New Mexico 1993)
Jeffrey C. Strittmatter (University of New Mexico 1992)
M. L. Benjamin (University of North Alabama 1988)
Brett T. Blowers (University of North Alabama 1984)
Leonard W. Brown (University of North Alabama 1981)
Joseph C. Daniel (University of North Alabama 1984)
Esteban Davila (University of North Alabama 1986)
Raymond J. Draper (University of North Alabama 1973)
George J. Ellis (University of North Alabama 1980)
Jeffrey C. Eubanks (University of North Alabama 1996)
James R. Faulkner (University of North Alabama 1974)
Michael C. Gargis (University of North Alabama 1984)
Michael L. Goodsell (University of North Alabama 1978)
C. M. Grayson (University of North Alabama 1989)
Donnie R. Guyse (University of North Alabama 1982)
James L. Hunt (University of North Alabama 1959)
Benjamin B. Kingsley (University of North Alabama 2009)
Herschel N. May (University of North Alabama 1984)
Guy Y. McClure (University of North Alabama 1984)
Todd B. Minch (University of North Alabama 1982)
Charles H. Mullins (University of North Alabama 1974)
Henry B. Prater (University of North Alabama 1985)
Matthew S. Southers (University of North Alabama 2002)
Thomas L. Tabereaux (University of North Alabama 1973)
Daniel C. Tallman (University of North Alabama 1976)
James J. Tucker (University of North Alabama 1977)
John T. Wallace (University of North Alabama 1984)
James E. Adams (University of North Carolina 1954)
James E. Adams (University of North Carolina 1924)
James Adderton (University of North Carolina 1897)
Richard S. Adderton (University of North Carolina 1934)
Luther A. Ahrendts (University of North Carolina 1946)
Ellis T. Alexander (University of North Carolina 1975)
Thomas T. Allison (University of North Carolina 1900)
William I. Anderson (University of North Carolina 1947)
Leon P. Andrews (University of North Carolina 1942)
Troy A. Apple (University of North Carolina 1938)
Eugene M. Armfield (University of North Carolina 1888)
Harvey Armstrong (University of North Carolina 1893)
J. Volney Armstrong (University of North Carolina 1897)
Dewitt R. Austin (University of North Carolina 1945)
Charles B. Aycock (University of North Carolina 1929)
Edwin B. Aycock (University of North Carolina 1964)
John G. Aycock (University of North Carolina 1966)
Henry A. Badgett (University of North Carolina 1945)
L. D. Ballance (University of North Carolina 1971)
Donald C. Ballou (University of North Carolina 1938)
Harrison I. Barbee (University of North Carolina 1950)
John W. Barber (University of North Carolina 1952)
DeVan Barbour (University of North Carolina 1948)
Cyril O. Barlow (University of North Carolina 1943)
William D. Barnes (University of North Carolina 1852)
Wallace C. Barrett (University of North Carolina 1945)
Joseph M. Barrier (University of North Carolina 1929)
Luther T. Bass (University of North Carolina 1926)
Walter C. Bateman (University of North Carolina 1935)
Charles C. Bean (University of North Carolina 1943)
George M. Beasley (University of North Carolina 1927)
Arthur R. Beebe (University of North Carolina 1938)
Luther R. Bell (University of North Carolina 1861)
Deane F. Bell Jr. (University of North Carolina 1947)
George S. Belli (University of North Carolina 1945)
Robert E. Bencini (University of North Carolina 1945)
William S. Bencini (University of North Carolina 1946)
John T. Bennett (University of North Carolina 1924)
H. C. Benton (University of North Carolina 1963)
Robert L. Bernhardt (University of North Carolina 1933)
Paul B. Bissette (University of North Carolina 1947)
William M. Bliss (University of North Carolina 1932)
Ben M. Boddie (University of North Carolina 1953)
John D. Boger (University of North Carolina 1892)
W. Scott K. Booker (University of North Carolina 1982)
John C. Borden (University of North Carolina 1954)
Charles K. Boren (University of North Carolina 1943)
George W. Boss (University of North Carolina 1961)
George P. Boucher (University of North Carolina 1933)
John R. Bourne (University of North Carolina 1947)
Walter V. Boyd (University of North Carolina 1946)
J. T. Boyette (University of North Carolina 1957)
S. S. Bradfield (University of North Carolina 1958)
Julian C. Brantley (University of North Carolina 1940)
Edgar C. Brantly (University of North Carolina 1937)
Boyden Brawley (University of North Carolina 1937)
Henry C. Bridgers (University of North Carolina 1935)
Robert B. Brock (University of North Carolina 1933)
Robert B. Broughton (University of North Carolina 1948)
Bertram H. Brown (University of North Carolina 1930)
Travis T. Brown (University of North Carolina 1930)
Luther C. Bruce (University of North Carolina 1935)
Donald T. Bryan (University of North Carolina 1957)
William D. Bryan (University of North Carolina 1932)
John C. Bryant (University of North Carolina 1961)
Herman J. Bryson (University of North Carolina 1949)
Meredith S. Buel (University of North Carolina 1947)
Rowland Burnstan (University of North Carolina 1954)
Thomas B. Burton (University of North Carolina 1852)
John A. Cameron (University of North Carolina 1862)
Bradford C. Cantwell (University of North Carolina 1952)
David M. Carter (University of North Carolina 1851)
Milton B. Cash (University of North Carolina 1948)
Jerome C. Cashion (University of North Carolina 1963)
John S. Chapman (University of North Carolina 1936)
Paul Chatham (University of North Carolina 1891)
Richard B. Cheatham (University of North Carolina 1948)
John M. Cheek (University of North Carolina 1893)
Cleveland P. Cherry (University of North Carolina 1963)
William G. Cherry (University of North Carolina 1929)
John G. Clark Jr. (University of North Carolina 1939)
Stuart L. Clark (University of North Carolina 1932)
Sam N. Clark (University of North Carolina 1936)
Berry P. Clifton (University of North Carolina 1864)
John W. Clinard (University of North Carolina 1932)
David A. Cobb (University of North Carolina 1948)
John C. Cobb (University of North Carolina 1948)
Thomas W. Cobb (University of North Carolina 1950)
John L. Cobbs (University of North Carolina 1939)
Robert L. Cole (University of North Carolina 1937)
Ray M. Conner (University of North Carolina 1948)
David M. Connor (University of North Carolina 1957)
Donald P. Cooke (University of North Carolina 1932)
Luther L. Copenhaver (University of North Carolina 1937)
Giles P. Corey (University of North Carolina 1947)
Sam B. Cothran (University of North Carolina 1952)
James M. Covington (University of North Carolina 1862)
Hugh B. Cowan (University of North Carolina 1957)
James L. Cox (University of North Carolina 1953)
Erle B. Craven III (University of North Carolina 1956)
Julius R. Creech (University of North Carolina 1945)
William A. Creech (University of North Carolina 1948)
Kenton B. Creuser (University of North Carolina 1954)
Stanley E. Crew (University of North Carolina 1931)
James W. Crew (University of North Carolina 1928)
Walter S. Crump (University of North Carolina 1946)
Daniel K. Currie (University of North Carolina 1887)
James H. Darden (University of North Carolina 1940)
Henry J. Darnall (University of North Carolina 1890)
Robert D. Davis (University of North Carolina 1933)
Robert M. Davis (University of North Carolina 1892)
Frank P. Davis Jr. (University of North Carolina 1933)
John C. Devore (University of North Carolina 1949)
Robert F. Dewey (University of North Carolina 1931)
George E. Deyo (University of North Carolina 1941)
Edward R. Dickerson (University of North Carolina 1940)
James P. Dillard (University of North Carolina 1946)
James R. Dillingham (University of North Carolina 1955)
Murdock E. Dowd (University of North Carolina 1952)
John S. Dozier Jr. (University of North Carolina 1933)
John C. Drake (University of North Carolina 1897)
Otis B. Drake (University of North Carolina 1900)
Richard H. Driscoll (University of North Carolina 1946)
C. C. Dudley (University of North Carolina 1952)
Jack Edwards (University of North Carolina 1949)
William G. Edwards (University of North Carolina 1947)
R. C. Eliason (University of North Carolina 1896)
Benjamin L. Ellington (University of North Carolina 1953)
John D. Elliot (University of North Carolina 1942)
Harvey C. Elliott (University of North Carolina 1940)
William E. Elmore (University of North Carolina 1943)
Lewis W. Evans (University of North Carolina 1951)
Thomas C. Evans (University of North Carolina 1944)
William B. Everett (University of North Carolina 1972)
Jack N. Farmer USAF (University of North Carolina 1949)
William F. Farrell III (University of North Carolina 1962)
Philip D. Faurote (University of North Carolina 1946)
Orion T. Finklea (University of North Carolina 1951)
John D. Fleming (University of North Carolina 1947)
Arthur H. Fleming Jr. (University of North Carolina 1932)
Julius I. Foust (University of North Carolina 1890)
Thomas R. Foust (University of North Carolina 1892)
Fabius H. Fowle (University of North Carolina 1949)
John W. Frazier (University of North Carolina 1949)
Donald B. Freeman (University of North Carolina 1982)
Berry G. French (University of North Carolina 1931)
Robert A. Furtado (University of North Carolina 1959)
George A. Garey Jr. (University of North Carolina 1953)
Richard B. Gibson (University of North Carolina 1947)
Thomas H. Gilliam (University of North Carolina 1852)
John C. Glover (University of North Carolina 1940)
John R. Goldfinch (University of North Carolina 1972)
Raymond H. Goodrich (University of North Carolina 1943)
Ernest H. Graham (University of North Carolina 1950)
Walter R. Graham (University of North Carolina 1936)
Robert E. Graham (University of North Carolina 1930)
R. S. Gravely (University of North Carolina 1974)
James C. Gray (University of North Carolina 1897)
Carson Greenwood (University of North Carolina 1952)
James B. Greenwood (University of North Carolina 1942)
E. S. Gregg (University of North Carolina 1940)
Alfred W. Griffin (University of North Carolina 1948)
Reginald B. Griffin (University of North Carolina 1953)
William B. Griffin (University of North Carolina 1972)
James G. Groome (University of North Carolina 1922)
James I. Groome (University of North Carolina 1943)
Robert L. Grubb (University of North Carolina 1956)
Robert H. Hackler (University of North Carolina 1956)
Carl R. Hackney (University of North Carolina 1949)
William A. Hackney (University of North Carolina 1948)
Thomas J. Hadley (University of North Carolina 1862)
David C. Hall (University of North Carolina 1853)
Roger G. Hall (University of North Carolina 1947)
Russell F. Hall Jr. (University of North Carolina 1944)
John A. Hamilton (University of North Carolina 1971)
J. R. Hammer (University of North Carolina 1946)
Walter M. Hammond (University of North Carolina 1888)
Richard V. Hanson (University of North Carolina 1951)
John Harding (University of North Carolina 1853)
R. B. Hare (University of North Carolina 1953)
William E. Harrington (University of North Carolina 1939)
Charles J. Harriss (University of North Carolina 1939)
John W. Harriss (University of North Carolina 1950)
Ross C. Hawkins (University of North Carolina 1961)
Robert S. Hays (University of North Carolina 1951)
Charles C. Hazell (University of North Carolina 1928)
Charles A. Headlee (University of North Carolina 1942)
Lloyd B. Hedrick (University of North Carolina 1951)
Robert T. Hedrick (University of North Carolina 1946)
William G. Hendren (University of North Carolina 1959)
Robert R. Henggi (University of North Carolina 1938)
Champ C. Henry (University of North Carolina 1933)
Victor G. Herring (University of North Carolina 1953)
Richard H. Hicks (University of North Carolina 1937)
Stephen F. Hicks Jr. (University of North Carolina 1957)
Edward H. Hill (University of North Carolina 1964)
Robert O. Hill III (University of North Carolina 2000)
Graham K. Hobbs (University of North Carolina 1944)
Chester E. Hocker (University of North Carolina 1944)
Ralph H. Hodges (University of North Carolina 1941)
Rusty H. Hodges (University of North Carolina 1964)
Matthew M. Hodgson (University of North Carolina 1949)
John T. Hoggard (University of North Carolina 1935)
John A. Holcombe (University of North Carolina 1950)
Richard A. Holder (University of North Carolina 1972)
Robert P. Holmes (University of North Carolina 1953)
Walter A. Holt (University of North Carolina 1948)
Charles W. Horne (University of North Carolina 1895)
Hugh G. Horton (University of North Carolina 1951)
William J. Houck (University of North Carolina 1967)
William A. Howard (University of North Carolina 1933)
Jesse M. Howard (University of North Carolina 1931)
David S. Howell (University of North Carolina 1945)
Charles T. Hoyt (University of North Carolina 1955)
James R. Hubbard (University of North Carolina 1933)
Robert E. Hubbard (University of North Carolina 1931)
Walter T. Hughes (University of North Carolina 1950)
Charles E. Hussey (University of North Carolina 1942)
Howard S. Hussey (University of North Carolina 1938)
William T. Hussey (University of North Carolina 1934)
James L. Hutton (University of North Carolina 1943)
Charles W. Idol (University of North Carolina 1941)
E. C. Irby (University of North Carolina 1948)
Samuel S. Jackson (University of North Carolina 1854)
Edward S. Jefferies Jr. (University of North Carolina 1956)
John B. Jernigan (University of North Carolina 1953)
Harold H. Jeter (University of North Carolina 1949)
John M. Johnson (University of North Carolina 1864)
Lawrence M. Johnson (University of North Carolina 1947)
Walter R. Jones (University of North Carolina 1934)
Raymond A. Jordan (University of North Carolina 1944)
David W. Joyner (University of North Carolina 1928)
John W. E. Joyner (University of North Carolina 1925)
Robert W. Joyner (University of North Carolina 1863)
John M. Julian (University of North Carolina 1895)
Edgar J. Keech (University of North Carolina 1892)
Page C. Keel (University of North Carolina 1969)
Page C. Keel (University of North Carolina 1938)
H. L. Keith (University of North Carolina 1953)
Luther W. Kelly (University of North Carolina 1946)
Edwin W. Kerr (University of North Carolina 1969)
Edwin W. Kerr (University of North Carolina 1934)
R. B. Kimble (University of North Carolina 1936)
Warren L. Kluttz (University of North Carolina 1900)
William C. Kluttz (University of North Carolina 1895)
Robert P. Knickerbocker (University of North Carolina 1940)
Lee E. Knott (University of North Carolina 1954)
Allen R. Koenig (University of North Carolina 1951)
Howard J. Lamade (University of North Carolina 1946)
Zee R. Lamb (University of North Carolina 2010)
Ben J. Lamb (University of North Carolina 1939)
Charles F. Lambeth (University of North Carolina 1947)
Harry L. Lamm (University of North Carolina 1950)
James G. Lamm (University of North Carolina 1948)
William T. Lamm (University of North Carolina 1937)
O. W. Lane (University of North Carolina 1947)
Emsley A. Laney (University of North Carolina 1924)
George M. Laney (University of North Carolina 1928)
Neill M. Laney (University of North Carolina 1961)
Richard P. Lawrence (University of North Carolina 1944)
Clarence E. Leake (University of North Carolina 1937)
Henry D. Ledbetter (University of North Carolina 1890)
James M. Ledbetter (University of North Carolina 1892)
James M. Ledbetter (University of North Carolina 1933)
Guy C. Lee (University of North Carolina 1894)
Henry N. Lee (University of North Carolina 1928)
Thomas B. Lee (University of North Carolina 1894)
J. V. Lewis (University of North Carolina 1891)
Nelson P. Liles (University of North Carolina 1924)
Walter S. Lineberger (University of North Carolina 1964)
William E. Little (University of North Carolina 1947)
Curtis G. Logan (University of North Carolina 1927)
Zachary F. Long (University of North Carolina 1923)
Lionel H. Love (University of North Carolina 1895)
Nicholas A. Love (University of North Carolina 1947)
James S. Lucas (University of North Carolina 1863)
Morris C. Lumpkin (University of North Carolina 1944)
William J. Lyman (University of North Carolina 1946)
Theodore K. Lynch (University of North Carolina 1956)
Edwin B. Lyon (University of North Carolina 1934)
Harlee Maccall (University of North Carolina 1895)
Ernest L. Mackie (University of North Carolina 1917)
William E. Mackie (University of North Carolina 1947)
Donald S. MacKintosh (University of North Carolina 1949)
George L. Mardre (University of North Carolina 1954)
Lemuel H. Marks (University of North Carolina 1962)
Franklin K. Marshburn (University of North Carolina 1953)
Le Roy D. Marshburn (University of North Carolina 1951)
William R. Martin (University of North Carolina 1948)
William T. Martin (University of North Carolina 1942)
Carl N. Mathis (University of North Carolina 1949)
Robert L. Mauney (University of North Carolina 1929)
Clyde H. May (University of North Carolina 1931)
Larry S. McCall (University of North Carolina 1957)
J. L. McColman (University of North Carolina 1926)
Dewitt C. McCotter Jr. (University of North Carolina 1930)
Felix G. McGavock (University of North Carolina 1851)
Robert C. McInnes (University of North Carolina 1938)
Alexander McIver (University of North Carolina 1854)
Evan G. McIver (University of North Carolina 1934)
Hobart L. McKeever (University of North Carolina 1943)
Ernest C. McLean (University of North Carolina 1948)
J. D. McLean (University of North Carolina 1949)
William D. McLean (University of North Carolina 1938)
Charles B. McNairy (University of North Carolina 1949)
Alfred G. Merritt (University of North Carolina 1853)
John M. Mickle (University of North Carolina 1853)
James I. Miller (University of North Carolina 1930)
Jack H. Milne (University of North Carolina 1944)
Cecil J. Milton (University of North Carolina 1952)
Richard M. Mitchell (University of North Carolina 1938)
James E. Moore (University of North Carolina 1862)
Sam W. Moore (University of North Carolina 1952)
William A. Moore (University of North Carolina 1851)
Jack C. Morisey (University of North Carolina 1933)
James K. Morisey (University of North Carolina 1931)
Abbott G. Morris (University of North Carolina 1960)
David J. Morrison (University of North Carolina 1941)
Thomas L. Morrow (University of North Carolina 1941)
Guillermo Moscoso (University of North Carolina 1941)
Robert H. Mumper (University of North Carolina 1946)
F. T. Munsell (University of North Carolina 1927)
George P. Myatt (University of North Carolina 1959)
Burton K. Myers (University of North Carolina 1950)
William H. Naff (University of North Carolina 1937)
John S. Neblett (University of North Carolina 1945)
Robert P. Neuhauser (University of North Carolina 1948)
Marshall J. Newman (University of North Carolina 1956)
Donnell G. Nicholson (University of North Carolina 1943)
H. G. Nicholson (University of North Carolina 1940)
T. A. Nisbet (University of North Carolina 1946)
Walter L. Noneman Jr. (University of North Carolina 1954)
Terry O. Norris (University of North Carolina 1947)
Charles A. Northend (University of North Carolina 1951)
Lewis T. Nunnelee (University of North Carolina 1949)
Gilbert F. Oberfell (University of North Carolina 1933)
Jim U. Oliver (University of North Carolina 1944)
David L. Ormond (University of North Carolina 1949)
John B. Owens (University of North Carolina 1959)
Raymond W. Owens (University of North Carolina 1943)
Robert R. Padgett (University of North Carolina 1946)
Owen H. Page (University of North Carolina 1937)
Marion H. Parker (University of North Carolina 1950)
Walter L. Parsley (University of North Carolina 1942)
D. O. Pate (University of North Carolina 1957)
Andrew H. Patterson (University of North Carolina 1954)
Henry N. Patterson (University of North Carolina 1931)
William W. Patterson (University of North Carolina 1936)
James A. Patton (University of North Carolina 1851)
John C. Paty (University of North Carolina 1944)
John H. Peacock (University of North Carolina 1938)
Dudley G. Pearson (University of North Carolina 1965)
Calvert G. Peebles (University of North Carolina 1892)
Carl D. Peiffer (University of North Carolina 1938)
George E. Pennington (University of North Carolina 1931)
Howard A. Penton (University of North Carolina 1953)
George E. Petty (University of North Carolina 1890)
Albert S. Phelps (University of North Carolina 1951)
Luther J. Phipps (University of North Carolina 1922)
Frank M. Pinnix (University of North Carolina 1899)
Stephen H. Pitkin (University of North Carolina 1934)
Thomas R. Pitts (University of North Carolina 1940)
William G. Quarles (University of North Carolina 1952)
William G. Raker (University of North Carolina 1949)
Thomas D. Ramsey (University of North Carolina 1941)
Henry C. Rancke (University of North Carolina 1935)
Arthur A. Rauchfuss (University of North Carolina 1967)
J. L. Rawls (University of North Carolina 1953)
Albert P. Raynor (University of North Carolina 1946)
Marland C. Reid (University of North Carolina 1963)
David A. Rendleman (University of North Carolina 1918)
John F. Renger (University of North Carolina 1961)
Paul B. Reynolds (University of North Carolina 1938)
Peter L. Reynolds (University of North Carolina 1959)
Arthur E. Reynolds (University of North Carolina 1931)
Nevin J. Rice (University of North Carolina 1948)
Frank L. Robbins (University of North Carolina 1893)
W. B. Rodman (University of North Carolina 1935)
Leamon E. Rogers (University of North Carolina 1946)
Frank M. Ross (University of North Carolina 1947)
William D. Ross (University of North Carolina 1948)
Thomas R. Royall (University of North Carolina 1979)
Clarence L. Ruffin (University of North Carolina 1942)
Robert G. Russell (University of North Carolina 1864)
Alexander A. Sakhnovsky (University of North Carolina 1948)
Archibald C. Sanders (University of North Carolina 1947)
William M. Saunders (University of North Carolina 1926)
James Sawyer (University of North Carolina 1894)
Junius I. Scales (University of North Carolina 1854)
Harry Scherr (University of North Carolina 1967)
Samuel J. Scott (University of North Carolina 1947)
William L. Scott (University of North Carolina 1854)
Joseph B. Sellars (University of North Carolina 1893)
Paul V. Severin (University of North Carolina 1941)
Jefferson D. Sewell (University of North Carolina 1941)
Angus Shaw (University of North Carolina 1862)
Leonidas F. Siler (University of North Carolina 1852)
Paul F. Simmons (University of North Carolina 1944)
H. M. Simpson (University of North Carolina 1961)
Francis T. Sisson (University of North Carolina 1935)
Lester H. Slate (University of North Carolina 1929)
Joshua H. Slaughter (University of North Carolina 1945)
David B. Sloan (University of North Carolina 1959)
Alexander R. Smith (University of North Carolina 1852)
Irving L. Smith (University of North Carolina 1955)
James C. Smith (University of North Carolina 1852)
Julius C. Smith (University of North Carolina 1944)
Robert L. Smith (University of North Carolina 1888)
Robert Y. Smith (University of North Carolina 1949)
William D. Smith (University of North Carolina 1953)
Rodney E. Snow (University of North Carolina 1941)
Jack H. Spain (University of North Carolina 1923)
John H. Spell (University of North Carolina 1966)
James M. Spencer (University of North Carolina 1853)
William H. Spencer (University of North Carolina 1854)
William K. Spiers (University of North Carolina 1928)
Horace E. Stacy (University of North Carolina 1950)
Durwood E. Steed (University of North Carolina 1928)
Jack W. Stokes (University of North Carolina 1934)
Sterling A. Stoudemire (University of North Carolina 1923)
Thomas P. Stratford (University of North Carolina 1948)
Mark B. Strickland (University of North Carolina 1997)
Samuel A. Summerlin (University of North Carolina 1949)
Orlando H. Sumpter (University of North Carolina 1892)
John M. Swanner (University of North Carolina 1948)
Leon W. Sylvester (University of North Carolina 1954)
Paul G. Sylvester (University of North Carolina 1955)
Robert H. Tate (University of North Carolina 1956)
David T. Tayloe (University of North Carolina 1947)
Charles E. Taylor (University of North Carolina 1931)
Charles W. Taylor (University of North Carolina 1932)
Herbert H. Taylor (University of North Carolina 1932)
Aubrey B. Taylor (University of North Carolina 1969)
James N. Thomas (University of North Carolina 1960)
Basil M. Thompson (University of North Carolina 1852)
Sanford W. Thompson (University of North Carolina 1949)
Charles H. Tietjen (University of North Carolina 1948)
L. B. Tillery (University of North Carolina 1945)
John D. Titchener (University of North Carolina 1944)
Charles F. Tomlinson (University of North Carolina 1895)
Robert Tomlinson (University of North Carolina 1946)
Benjamin W. Trueblood (University of North Carolina 1945)
Adam R. Tucker (University of North Carolina 1943)
Roger S. Turlington (University of North Carolina 1896)
Raymond C. Turrentine (University of North Carolina 1944)
Roy W. Upchurch (University of North Carolina 1922)
Zebulon B. Vance (University of North Carolina 1854)
Merwin S. VanHecke (University of North Carolina 1949)
John R. VanWagoner Jr. (University of North Carolina 1943)
Carl V. Venters (University of North Carolina 1926)
E. J. Venters (University of North Carolina 1969)
Leon S. Venters (University of North Carolina 1922)
Wayne V. Venters (University of North Carolina 1958)
Thomas D. Wall (University of North Carolina 1924)
L. S. Wallace (University of North Carolina 1970)
Hallett S. Ward Jr. (University of North Carolina 1952)
William J. Wardle (University of North Carolina 1949)
Alexander S. Watkins Jr. (University of North Carolina 1951)
Edward O. Watson (University of North Carolina 1950)
Robert J. Weaver (University of North Carolina 1997)
Archibald J. Webb (University of North Carolina 1950)
John Webb (University of North Carolina 1950)
William H. Webb (University of North Carolina 1940)
Edwin L. Webb (University of North Carolina 1946)
John P. Weeks (University of North Carolina 1953)
Leslie Weil (University of North Carolina 1895)
David J. Whichard (University of North Carolina 1948)
Chalmers H. White (University of North Carolina 1931)
Chalmers L. White Jr. (University of North Carolina 1931)
George M. White (University of North Carolina 1853)
Thomas J. White (University of North Carolina 1927)
Victor E. Whitlock (University of North Carolina 1893)
Joseph G. Whitsett (University of North Carolina 1941)
Lemuel D. Whitsett III (University of North Carolina 1950)
William T. Whitsett (University of North Carolina 1890)
William H. Wilkerson (University of North Carolina 1970)
Jack R. Wilkinson (University of North Carolina 1943)
Eugene B. Williams (University of North Carolina 1941)
Harper B. Williams (University of North Carolina 2008)
Harry W. Williamson (University of North Carolina 1935)
Claude R. Wilson (University of North Carolina 1952)
James W. Wilson (University of North Carolina 1853)
Lawrence G. Wilson (University of North Carolina 1956)
Noah R. Wilson Jr. (University of North Carolina 1951)
John L. Winship (University of North Carolina 1946)
Hilliard H. Wolfe (University of North Carolina 1944)
John D. Wood (University of North Carolina 1962)
Benjamin W. Woodruff (University of North Carolina 1998)
Andy G. Woods (University of North Carolina 1957)
James Woods (University of North Carolina 1853)
Walter H. Woodson (University of North Carolina 1896)
Augustus P. Young (University of North Carolina 1863)
G. M. Young (University of North Carolina 1933)
Edward J. Abbey (University of Oklahoma 1957)
Frank W. Abbott (University of Oklahoma 1926)
Louis D. Abney (University of Oklahoma 1916)
Louis D. Abney (University of Oklahoma 1941)
William C. Abney (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Paul S. Ache (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Myrl T. Adamson CPA (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Robert E. Aikman (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Edmond C. Alden (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Doyle C. Alexander (University of Oklahoma 1938)
John D. Alexander (University of Oklahoma 1974)
Virgil Alexander (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Thomas H. Alford (University of Oklahoma 1972)
Otis G. Allen (University of Oklahoma 1929)
James A. Allison (University of Oklahoma 1944)
William H. Almen (University of Oklahoma 1945)
George D. Almen (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Julius H. Almond (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Earl F. Amundsen (University of Oklahoma 1952)
John B. Anderson (University of Oklahoma 1939)
John W. Anderson (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Robert J. Anderson (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Louis L. Anthis (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Glenwood D. Arbuckle (University of Oklahoma 1926)
Charles R. Armour (University of Oklahoma 1953)
James E. Arnold (University of Oklahoma 1953)
Ralph T. Asbury (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Donald B. Atkins (University of Oklahoma 1951)
Fred B. Aurin (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Gordon S. Avery (University of Oklahoma 1927)
James L. Avery (University of Oklahoma 1926)
Lee R. Axtell (University of Oklahoma 1915)
George R. Bailey (University of Oklahoma 1963)
Phillip P. Baird (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Guy D. Baldwin (University of Oklahoma 1968)
Hal D. Balyeat (University of Oklahoma 1962)
Kenneth L. Banes (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Don R. Barber (University of Oklahoma 1953)
Edward L. Barbour (University of Oklahoma 1949)
William H. Barlow (University of Oklahoma 1932)
Cecil C. Barnett (University of Oklahoma 1961)
Fitzgerald Barnett (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Joseph M. Barnhill (University of Oklahoma 1931)
Mark E. Barry (University of Oklahoma 1981)
Paul D. Barton (University of Oklahoma 1919)
William M. Bascom (University of Oklahoma 1931)
Clifford M. Bassett (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Richard K. Batten (University of Oklahoma 1969)
Howard G. Baylis (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Lloyd C. Beach (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Wiley B. Beasley (University of Oklahoma 1915)
Raymond A. Beck (University of Oklahoma 1933)
William E. Beckman (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Ralph A. Beegle (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Ralph A. Beegle Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Rutledge Beesley (University of Oklahoma 1942)
Scott C. Beesley Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Joe A. Bell (University of Oklahoma 1925)
William M. Bell (University of Oklahoma 1925)
William M. Bell (University of Oklahoma 1959)
William E. Bender (University of Oklahoma 1939)
James L. Benefield (University of Oklahoma 1966)
Russell O. Bennett (University of Oklahoma 1936)
James M. Berry (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Ted M. Berry (University of Oklahoma 1959)
Boyd L. Bibb (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Joseph F. Birge (University of Oklahoma 1931)
James A. Bivens (University of Oklahoma 1917)
Charles L. Blackburn (University of Oklahoma 1952)
James S. Blackburn (University of Oklahoma 1955)
Harry L. Blackstock (University of Oklahoma 1941)
John N. Blair (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Churchill E. Blakey (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Roger P. Bloyd (University of Oklahoma 1972)
Edward C. Blubaugh (University of Oklahoma 1955)
Don L. Bolen (University of Oklahoma 1966)
Marion S. Bowen (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Edward S. Bowles (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Clark H. Boyles (University of Oklahoma 1962)
David M. Bradley (University of Oklahoma 1930)
James D. Bradley (University of Oklahoma 1954)
William C. Bradley (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Storrs T. Brigham (University of Oklahoma 1955)
Norman W. Brillhart (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Vance C. Broach (University of Oklahoma 1933)
F. W. Brokaw (University of Oklahoma 1938)
William D. Brosseau (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Jack A. Brosseau (University of Oklahoma 1932)
Dahl P. Brown (University of Oklahoma 1950)
James N. Brown (University of Oklahoma 1922)
L. Z. Brown (University of Oklahoma 1967)
Samuel C. Brown (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Thomas A. Bryce (University of Oklahoma 1944)
William A. Bullis (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Lynn J. Bullis (University of Oklahoma 1932)
Mack S. Burks (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Buffinton B. Burtis (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Norman B. Burwell (University of Oklahoma 1936)
William W. Busby (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Robert J. Butts (University of Oklahoma 1943)
Terrance L. Byers (University of Oklahoma 1969)
James S. Bynum (University of Oklahoma 1934)
William J. Bynum (University of Oklahoma 1932)
Willis Bynum (University of Oklahoma 1916)
Chester E. Cadieux (University of Oklahoma 1954)
David A. Cain (University of Oklahoma 1966)
Jon A. Cain (University of Oklahoma 1954)
John C. Caldwell (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Ben M. Campbell (University of Oklahoma 1933)
Joe R. Cannon (University of Oklahoma 1949)
Clyde M. Cantrell (University of Oklahoma 1924)
John R. Carlson (University of Oklahoma 1958)
John P. Carman (University of Oklahoma 1930)
John A. Carstarphen (University of Oklahoma 1937)
Jan E. Cartwright (University of Oklahoma 1960)
Harry Carver (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Charles W. Casey (University of Oklahoma 1954)
Byron L. Cate Sr. (University of Oklahoma 1964)
Jack K. Chandler (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Craig A. Chaney (University of Oklahoma 1982)
Melvin W. Chesnut (University of Oklahoma 1961)
Roswell D. Clark (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Stuart W. Clark (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Thomas G. Clark (University of Oklahoma 1963)
C. Clifton Clay (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Frank S. Cleckler (University of Oklahoma 1921)
Richard J. Clements (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Reese Cleveland (University of Oklahoma 1923)
John R. Clover (University of Oklahoma 1934)
James R. Clowe (University of Oklahoma 1952)
John W. Coast (University of Oklahoma 1933)
Jack M. Cochran (University of Oklahoma 1965)
Steven K. Cochran (University of Oklahoma 1956)
James B. Cockrell (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Keith B. Cogswell (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Joseph G. Cole (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Charles L. Coleman (University of Oklahoma 1952)
James V. Collier (University of Oklahoma 1921)
Henry W. Collins (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Harry S. Collinson (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Thomas H. Collinson (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Harold G. Connell (University of Oklahoma 1930)
James R. Connor (University of Oklahoma 1943)
David M. Cook (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Willie H. Cook (University of Oklahoma 1954)
Ben H. Cooley (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Fred S. Coombs (University of Oklahoma 1938)
James F. Cooper (University of Oklahoma 1951)
Orville N. Coppedge (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Damon E. Corbin (University of Oklahoma 1929)
G. S. Corbyn (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Marmaduke Corbyn (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Fred E. Cordell (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Frederick R. Cornell (University of Oklahoma 1961)
J. D. Coulter (University of Oklahoma 1953)
James W. Cowman (University of Oklahoma 1933)
Paul H. Craker (University of Oklahoma 1919)
Paul L. Cramm (University of Oklahoma 1932)
Donald B. Crawford (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Herbert G. Crockett (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Jessie L. Cromwell (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Hal L. Crouch (University of Oklahoma 1924)
James P. Crow (University of Oklahoma 1931)
Emory S. Crow (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Edwin B. Crowder (University of Oklahoma 1953)
William J. Crowe (University of Oklahoma 1915)
William J. Crowe (University of Oklahoma 1946)
John W. Crutchfield (University of Oklahoma 1941)
Charles Z. Cunningham (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Clark M. Cunningham (University of Oklahoma 1916)
Gene C. Cunningham (University of Oklahoma 1940)
John F. Curran (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Orlan L. Dallas (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Paul G. Darrough (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Charles H. Davis (University of Oklahoma 1933)
George M. Davis (University of Oklahoma 1949)
R. C. Davis (University of Oklahoma 1969)
Robert D. Davis (University of Oklahoma 1945)
William D. Davis (University of Oklahoma 1939)
William H. Deal (University of Oklahoma 1962)
William H. Deal (University of Oklahoma 1931)
John F. DeJarnette (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Richard D. Delee (University of Oklahoma 1960)
Samuel M. Dendy (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Edward L. Dew (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Richard E. Dial (University of Oklahoma 1953)
Walter L. Ditzler (University of Oklahoma 1917)
Joe E. Dobry (University of Oklahoma 1920)
John L. Dobry (University of Oklahoma 1924)
James W. Dodge (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Wilmer J. Donovan (University of Oklahoma 1918)
James M. Doolin (University of Oklahoma 1943)
John B. Doolin (University of Oklahoma 1939)
William H. Dougherty (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Alfred J. Douglas (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Daniel D. Douglass (University of Oklahoma 1964)
Larry L. Dow (University of Oklahoma 1966)
William D. Dow (University of Oklahoma 1938)
William P. Dowling (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Richard L. Downing (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Russell W. Dozier (University of Oklahoma 1921)
Russell W. Dozier (University of Oklahoma 1953)
John W. Drake (University of Oklahoma 1953)
Frank R. Drake (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Paul W. Dudley (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Richard F. Dudley (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Richard F. Dudley (University of Oklahoma 1957)
John B. Dudley (University of Oklahoma 1932)
L. T. Dulaney (University of Oklahoma 1961)
Charles T. Dumenil (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Malcolm T. Dungan (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Terry K. Dunlap (University of Oklahoma 1961)
John S. Dunn (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Jack F. Durkee (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Jack R. Durland (University of Oklahoma 1938)
John R. Dyer (University of Oklahoma 1953)
Alan R. Dysart (University of Oklahoma 1953)
William H. Dysart (University of Oklahoma 1951)
Wiley R. Ecton (University of Oklahoma 1940)
James H. Edmondson (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Edmond A. Edmondson (University of Oklahoma 1942)
James H. Edmondson (University of Oklahoma 1969)
Edmond A. Edmonston (University of Oklahoma 1942)
Gordon W. Edwards (University of Oklahoma 1967)
John S. Egan (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Willard D. Egolf (University of Oklahoma 1925)
Harold E. Eisele (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Joseph S. Ellis (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Richard F. Ellis (University of Oklahoma 1953)
Merrick M. Evans (University of Oklahoma 1920)
Edward Ewens Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1920)
Lawrence F. Eyerly (University of Oklahoma 1931)
Glenn W. Faris (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Hershell L. Farish (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Lester A. Farmer (University of Oklahoma 1943)
Michael W. Farmer (University of Oklahoma 1979)
Thomas W. Fentem (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Richard E. Fentress (University of Oklahoma 1940)
M. D. Fezler (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Lee C. Field (University of Oklahoma 1921)
Glenn A. Finefrock (University of Oklahoma 1945)
John B. Fink (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Robert W. Finley (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Warren H. Finley (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Robert B. Finney (University of Oklahoma 1943)
Thomas M. Finney (University of Oklahoma 1934)
Frank F. Finney (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Thomas D. Finney (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Coleman B. Fite (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Fulton W. Fite (University of Oklahoma 1950)
James M. Fite (University of Oklahoma 1948)
William P. Fite (University of Oklahoma 1944)
James Fitz-Gerald (University of Oklahoma 1926)
William M. Fleetwood (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Harry B. Fleming (University of Oklahoma 1928)
James W. Fleming (University of Oklahoma 1926)
William A. Fleming (University of Oklahoma 1922)
William H. Flesher (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Kevin P. Flynn (University of Oklahoma 1985)
H. W. Ford (University of Oklahoma 1931)
Lloyd H. Foster (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Lester E. Fouts (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Robert E. Fox (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Bryan L. Fraker (University of Oklahoma 1974)
Craig J. Franseen (University of Oklahoma 1977)
James A. Fuller (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Russell W. Fuller (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Gustavus D. Funk (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Joseph Funk (University of Oklahoma 1929)
William A. Gardner (University of Oklahoma 1919)
Benny E. Garner (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Hugh B. Garnett (University of Oklahoma 1932)
Stephen P. Garrett (University of Oklahoma 1966)
Bettis A. Garside (University of Oklahoma 1913)
Joseph M. George (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Robert W. Gibson (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Christopher W. Gilbert (University of Oklahoma 2010)
Francis M. Gilbert (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Warren G. Gilbert (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Arthur C. Gilbert (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Jack S. Gilchrist (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Jack M. Godfrey (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Murray Gordon (University of Oklahoma 1931)
Robert C. Gordon (University of Oklahoma 1959)
Roy G. Gordon (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Harry C. Gossard (University of Oklahoma 1917)
Louis W. Goudy (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Clifton D. Govan Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Lewis J. Gowland (University of Oklahoma 1927)
Charles E. Grady (University of Oklahoma 1932)
James E. Grady (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Robert L. Grady (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Allan P. Grage (University of Oklahoma 1959)
Raymond Gramlich (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Bryan H. Greene (University of Oklahoma 1988)
Virgil H. Greene (University of Oklahoma 1946)
John T. Griffin (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Robert W. Griffin (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Fred Jack Griffith (University of Oklahoma 1919)
Edgar F. Grimm (University of Oklahoma 1927)
William S. Grimm (University of Oklahoma 1951)
Homer D. Grimmett (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Robert P. Grimmett (University of Oklahoma 1958)
Robert P. Grimmett (University of Oklahoma 1925)
Sidney M. Groom (University of Oklahoma 1921)
James R. Gurley (University of Oklahoma 1932)
John H. Gurley (University of Oklahoma 1941)
Thomas H. Gutelius (University of Oklahoma 1933)
Gordon N. Guthrey (University of Oklahoma 1927)
Charles A. Guy (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Tom P. Hadley (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Charles P. Hall (University of Oklahoma 1979)
David Hall (University of Oklahoma 1952)
John M. Hall (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Maxwelton E. Hamilton (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Dallas Charles Hardcastle (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Pleas O. Hardwick (University of Oklahoma 1921)
John R. Harff (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Thomas A. Harmon (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Ben Harned Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1934)
Jonathan M. Harris (University of Oklahoma 1958)
John D. Harrison (University of Oklahoma 1949)
John E. Hatch (University of Oklahoma 1941)
Oscar Hatcher (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Thomas W. Hatcher (University of Oklahoma 1951)
George D. Hayes (University of Oklahoma 1921)
Benjamin T. Head (University of Oklahoma 1942)
R. P. Heap (University of Oklahoma 1943)
Gene G. Heape (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Milton M. Heath (University of Oklahoma 1916)
L. F. Heenan (University of Oklahoma 1943)
Harry W. Heffner (University of Oklahoma 1941)
Paul Heffner (University of Oklahoma 1924)
W. A. Henderson (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Robert A. Henry (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Ingram R. Henry (University of Oklahoma 1942)
Jack W. Hensley (University of Oklahoma 1959)
Albert N. Henson (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Clyde L. Henson (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Ernest D. Hill (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Robert D. Hill (University of Oklahoma 1951)
Robert M. Hippard (University of Oklahoma 1941)
Kenneth Hoffman (University of Oklahoma 1931)
Arthur G. Hoge (University of Oklahoma 1939)
W. David Holbert (University of Oklahoma 1953)
William J. Holloway (University of Oklahoma 1945)
G. Harris Holmes (University of Oklahoma 1950)
John R. Holmes (University of Oklahoma 1962)
Joseph R. Holmes (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Paul J. Hoopes (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Joy W. Hoover (University of Oklahoma 1927)
W. D. Hoover (University of Oklahoma 1967)
Wilkie Hoover (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Joseph W. Hoppe (University of Oklahoma 1941)
Norris J. Hopping (University of Oklahoma 1922)
James E. Horigan (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Richard M. Horton (University of Oklahoma 1958)
Van S. Hosmer (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Frank W. Howard (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Jack E. Howard (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Robert S. Howe (University of Oklahoma 1921)
Clyde M. Howell (University of Oklahoma 1915)
Ernest L. Howell (University of Oklahoma 1915)
Robert C. Howell (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Paul W. Howell (University of Oklahoma 1948)
Oscar O. Hrabe (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Lucius W. Hubbell (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Sherrill E. Hudman (University of Oklahoma 1958)
Richard M. Huff (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Huston Huffman (University of Oklahoma 1970)
Sherman A. Huffman (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Bernard L. Hughes (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Eugene J. Hughes (University of Oklahoma 1951)
Jack H. Hughes (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Larry T. Hughes (University of Oklahoma 1960)
Robert W. Hughes (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Scott K. Hunt (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Cecil C. Hutchens (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Mac L. Hutchens (University of Oklahoma 1926)
James A. Hyde (University of Oklahoma 1968)
Walter W. Isle (University of Oklahoma 1915)
George W. James (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Hugh G. James (University of Oklahoma 1928)
John A. Jameson (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Jerry V. Jarrett (University of Oklahoma 1953)
J. P. Jenness (University of Oklahoma 1953)
Martin D. Jenness (University of Oklahoma 1957)
George H. Jennings (University of Oklahoma 1916)
Douglas P. Jeppe (University of Oklahoma 1952)
John B. Johnson (University of Oklahoma 1955)
Samuel H. Johnson (University of Oklahoma 1959)
Terry W. Johnson (University of Oklahoma 1987)
John Johnstone (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Joseph S. Jondahl (University of Oklahoma 1960)
Albert L. Jones (University of Oklahoma 1921)
Asher B. Jones (University of Oklahoma 1934)
Jack D. Jones (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Ralph S. Jones (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Roy D. Jones (University of Oklahoma 1921)
William D. Jones (University of Oklahoma 1933)
G. W. Jordan (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Doyle R. Justice (University of Oklahoma 1930)
George E. Kadane (University of Oklahoma 1961)
Donald S. Kauffmann (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Howard C. Kauffmann (University of Oklahoma 1943)
Robert W. Keahey JD (University of Oklahoma 1966)
Frank L. Kebelman (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Edwin A. Keegan (University of Oklahoma 1953)
U. G. Keener (University of Oklahoma 1975)
Benjamin K. Kelley (University of Oklahoma 1953)
Maurice W. Kelley (University of Oklahoma 1927)
Christopher A. Kenison (University of Oklahoma 1967)
Joe R. Kennedy (University of Oklahoma 1961)
Robert B. Kennedy (University of Oklahoma 1943)
William H. Kennedy (University of Oklahoma 1930)
William J. Kennedy (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Mainard Kennerly (University of Oklahoma 1926)
James K. Kerr (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Edwin S. Kerrigan (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Frank L. Kerstetter (University of Oklahoma 1921)
Clay J. Kessler (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Gary Ketcham (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Summie S. Kidd (University of Oklahoma 1928)
George Kidd Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1929)
H. T. Kight (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Wesley P. Kincaid (University of Oklahoma 1925)
Ray Kinsinger (University of Oklahoma 1961)
Edison D. Kipp (University of Oklahoma 1919)
John P. Klass (University of Oklahoma 1916)
John P. Klass (University of Oklahoma 1953)
Louis L. Klostermyer (University of Oklahoma 1920)
Stephen T. Kneale (University of Oklahoma 1974)
Tim A. Knight (University of Oklahoma 1982)
Beryl L. Knox (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Douglas R. Knox (University of Oklahoma 1967)
James G. Knox (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Richard M. Knox (University of Oklahoma 1944)
George J. Koch (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Joe M. Kouri (University of Oklahoma 1972)
Peary K. Krout (University of Oklahoma 1995)
Byrum T. Kroutil (University of Oklahoma 1935)
John P. Lackey (University of Oklahoma 1957)
Dalton W. Lain (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Walter G. Lamb (University of Oklahoma 1944)
John A. Lambe (University of Oklahoma 1931)
David H. Lampton (University of Oklahoma 1964)
Maurice E. Lampton (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Preston L. Lampton (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Richard E. Lampton (University of Oklahoma 1958)
Walter J. Lampton (University of Oklahoma 1932)
James A. Lane (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Robert O. Laneve (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Francis S. Langdon (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Horace B. Langdon (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Francis C. Lareau (University of Oklahoma 1932)
R. M. Lasater (University of Oklahoma 1971)
Gwynne D. Laughlin (University of Oklahoma 1935)
David B. Lawrence (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Richard B. Lawrence Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Richard G. Lawton (University of Oklahoma 1926)
Frank H. Leach (University of Oklahoma 1935)
H. K. Leathers (University of Oklahoma 1961)
Joshua B. Lee (University of Oklahoma 1917)
Theodore R. Lee (University of Oklahoma 1927)
Thomas J. Lee (University of Oklahoma 1921)
John R. Leonard (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Steve A. LeValley (University of Oklahoma 1960)
George E. Levan (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Andrew T. Leverett (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Gene M. Lewis (University of Oklahoma 1948)
H. M. Lewis (University of Oklahoma 1928)
William W. Lewis (University of Oklahoma 1927)
J. G. Liebmann (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Kent A. Lindahl (University of Oklahoma 1968)
Robert R. Lindsly (University of Oklahoma 1932)
James L. Lisk USNR (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Robert C. Lisk (University of Oklahoma 1933)
Robert D. Lochridge (University of Oklahoma 1954)
Myers W. Lockard (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Roy Lockhart (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Jack London (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Robert D. Looney (University of Oklahoma 1941)
Robert A. Loosley (University of Oklahoma 1960)
Clifford R. Loucks (University of Oklahoma 1915)
James E. Loucks (University of Oklahoma 1945)
John C. Loucks (University of Oklahoma 1951)
Stratton D. Loucks (University of Oklahoma 1942)
Larry L. Lowery MD (University of Oklahoma 1952)
William B. Lowry (University of Oklahoma 1939)
James W. Loy (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Robert L. Loy (University of Oklahoma 1937)
Edmondson D. Luman (University of Oklahoma 1919)
Edward A. Lyon (University of Oklahoma 1957)
W. C. Mabrey (University of Oklahoma 1945)
James L. Maddin (University of Oklahoma 1955)
Roy A. Mahaffy (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Gene W. Mahanay (University of Oklahoma 1960)
James W. Major (University of Oklahoma 1935)
William R. Major Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1934)
Robert G. Marchant (University of Oklahoma 1941)
Todd W. Markum (University of Oklahoma 1962)
Stanley Marsh (University of Oklahoma 1934)
Charles F. Martin (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Douglas E. Martin (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Edward F. Martin (University of Oklahoma 1942)
Joseph T. Martin (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Walter V. Martin (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Thomas E. Matson (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Sam B. Mattison (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Verne H. Maxwell (University of Oklahoma 1932)
William D. Maxwell (University of Oklahoma 1920)
James E. Mayden (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Jerry D. Mayes (University of Oklahoma 1985)
Watt H. McBrayer (University of Oklahoma 1937)
Herman W. McCallister (University of Oklahoma 1925)
George E. McCloud (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Joseph A. McCloud (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Jay H. McClure (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Lawrence F. McCrady (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Delbert N. McCullough (University of Oklahoma 1928)
George R. McDannold (University of Oklahoma 1942)
Frederick D. McDaris (University of Oklahoma 1969)
Martin E. McElreath Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Larry H. McFarland (University of Oklahoma 1954)
Ralph A. McGill (University of Oklahoma 1920)
William C. McGlothlin (University of Oklahoma 1919)
Robert L. McGowen (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Mack A. McGuire (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Robert M. McKinney (University of Oklahoma 1932)
Mike McKoy (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Harvey J. McMains (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Thomas McMurray (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Marvin S. McMurtrey (University of Oklahoma 1916)
Dewey I. McNabb (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Charles H. McNeese (University of Oklahoma 1921)
Charles R. McNeese (University of Oklahoma 1951)
James A. McNeese (University of Oklahoma 1942)
Clarence M. McRae (University of Oklahoma 1922)
James C. McWilliams (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Mark J. Medley (University of Oklahoma 1975)
Kevin J. Meehan (University of Oklahoma 1979)
Robert Meloy (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Forrest H. Mertz (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Walter C. Metcalfe (University of Oklahoma 1961)
Stewart E. Meyers (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Stewart E. Meyers (University of Oklahoma 1928)
William T. Milam (University of Oklahoma 1941)
Charles W. Miller (University of Oklahoma 1927)
Darrell C. Miller (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Edward F. Miller (University of Oklahoma 1919)
Edward W. Miller (University of Oklahoma 1949)
Jim T. Miller (University of Oklahoma 1957)
Nesbitt L. Miller (University of Oklahoma 1927)
John C. Milliken (University of Oklahoma 1920)
James F. Mills (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Joseph E. Mills (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Max A. Minnig (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Donald I. Minnig (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Ernest J. Minshall (University of Oklahoma 1922)
T. D. Mitchell (University of Oklahoma 1942)
Patrick R. Mocha (University of Oklahoma 1987)
Richard P. Moerschell (University of Oklahoma 1962)
Edward H. Moler (University of Oklahoma 1945)
John C. Moler (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Almer S. Monroney (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Herman L. Montgomery (University of Oklahoma 1926)
C. J. Moore (University of Oklahoma 1961)
Clyde J. Moore (University of Oklahoma 1927)
James D. Moore (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Ray B. Moore (University of Oklahoma 1956)
James D. Moran (University of Oklahoma 1966)
David B. Morgan (University of Oklahoma 1926)
Hal P. Morrow (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Walter A. Morrow (University of Oklahoma 1917)
John L. Mosier (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Raymond G. Moss (University of Oklahoma 1967)
Larry A. Mulkey (University of Oklahoma 1960)
George B. Murray (University of Oklahoma 1954)
Charles R. Musgrave (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Thomas F. Myers (University of Oklahoma 1960)
Donald R. Nash (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Mell A. Nash (University of Oklahoma 1915)
H. A. Nedom (University of Oklahoma 1946)
John W. Newlon (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Edgar D. Nichols (University of Oklahoma 1932)
William H. Nichols (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Howard A. Nicholson (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Donald J. Niemann (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Hal T. Niemann (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Clay B. Nixon (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Stephen W. Noever (University of Oklahoma 1969)
Frank C. Nonnamaker (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Crofford Norman (University of Oklahoma 1916)
Robert C. O'Brien (University of Oklahoma 1933)
George W. Oliphant (University of Oklahoma 1931)
Warren M. Oliver (University of Oklahoma 1977)
John R. Orr (University of Oklahoma 1917)
Nelson M. Owen (University of Oklahoma 1962)
Michael L. Parham (University of Oklahoma 1968)
Charles R. Parker (University of Oklahoma 1921)
Kenneth W. Parker (University of Oklahoma 1949)
Milton E. Parker (University of Oklahoma 1943)
Ira T. Parker (University of Oklahoma 1954)
Parley D. Parkinson (University of Oklahoma 1922)
J. Parmenter (University of Oklahoma 1927)
Louis C. Parmenter (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Hillard Parsons (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Harold B. Patterson (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Carl E. Paul (University of Oklahoma 1943)
Homer Paul (University of Oklahoma 1954)
Frank R. Pauly (University of Oklahoma 1916)
Irving Perrine (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Otis C. Petty (University of Oklahoma 1934)
James H. Philips (University of Oklahoma 1917)
Reuben L. Philips (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Dudley C. Phillips (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Richard D. Phillips (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Bobby J. Pickens (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Melvin E. Pickens (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Laurence G. Piersol (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Max A. Pischel (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Robert G. Pischel (University of Oklahoma 1939)
John M. Pitts (University of Oklahoma 1966)
John H. Poe (University of Oklahoma 1931)
Lewis L. Poe (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Lewis M. Poe (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Robert M. Poe (University of Oklahoma 1942)
Roy G. Pool (University of Oklahoma 1950)
James R. Pope (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Charles B. Popkin (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Paul A. Powell (University of Oklahoma 1921)
Lev H. Prichard (University of Oklahoma 1932)
Marcellus F. Priebe (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Victor H. Priebe (University of Oklahoma 1934)
Lytal M. Pruitt (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Wilson F. Pruitt (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Donald R. Puddy (University of Oklahoma 1960)
Charles L. Pugsley (University of Oklahoma 1951)
James C. Quillian (University of Oklahoma 1972)
Gregory L. Quinn (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Rufus L. Ragsdale (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Bruce R. Raley (University of Oklahoma 1968)
Charles E. Ramsey (University of Oklahoma 1932)
Hal C. Ramsey (University of Oklahoma 1968)
Thor H. Ramsing (University of Oklahoma 1941)
Richard Rankin (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Forest L. Rankin (University of Oklahoma 1923)
John N. Redman (University of Oklahoma 1983)
John R. Redman (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Manville R. Redman (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Marvin C. Reed (University of Oklahoma 1944)
William J. Reese (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Dean E. Rice (University of Oklahoma 1933)
Allen W. Rigsby (University of Oklahoma 1927)
L. Claude Roark (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Stephen A. Roberson (University of Oklahoma 1999)
Frank D. Robinson (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Thomas E. Robinson (University of Oklahoma 1966)
Dorrance D. Roderick (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Albert F. Rollins (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Gene C. Roop (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Robert L. Roop (University of Oklahoma 1953)
S. Dale Rorem (University of Oklahoma 1919)
Tom E. Rose (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Louis C. Ross (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Paul E. Rowsey (University of Oklahoma 1950)
W. E. Rowsey (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Randolph D. Royse (University of Oklahoma 1966)
Joseph G. Rucks (University of Oklahoma 1934)
O. H. Rundell (University of Oklahoma 1962)
Maurice O. Ruppert (University of Oklahoma 1925)
John B. Rushing (University of Oklahoma 1955)
Claude W. Rutterford (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Jay C. Sanders (University of Oklahoma 1951)
Robert F. Sandlin (University of Oklahoma 1956)
James S. Sanger (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Walter B. Sanger (University of Oklahoma 1933)
Welborn W. Sanger (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Robert C. Saunders (University of Oklahoma 1952)
James W. Savage (University of Oklahoma 1958)
Robert Scarth (University of Oklahoma 1932)
Amos E. Schaefer (University of Oklahoma 1925)
Leonard W. Schaefer (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Jack C. Schaff (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Robert L. Schafroth (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Alan H. Schmitz (University of Oklahoma 1972)
J. F. Schofield (University of Oklahoma 1933)
Theodore C. Schrader (University of Oklahoma 1937)
Lloyd T. Schuneman (University of Oklahoma 1957)
George J. Seibold (University of Oklahoma 1931)
Kyle D. Sellmyer (University of Oklahoma 2006)
Edward B. Setliff (University of Oklahoma 1944)
John F. Sexton (University of Oklahoma 1987)
C. Roy Shaw (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Clinton M. Shaw (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Edwin O. Shaw (University of Oklahoma 1937)
James E. Shaw (University of Oklahoma 1955)
Clinton M. Shaw (University of Oklahoma 1945)
William H. Shipley (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Forrest F. Shoemaker (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Otho W. Shumate (University of Oklahoma 1953)
Douglass H. Sickles (University of Oklahoma 1968)
Henry F. Simms (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Grady B. Skillern (University of Oklahoma 1954)
Grady L. Skillern (University of Oklahoma 1924)
William S. Slease (University of Oklahoma 1963)
William J. Slivka (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Jackson M. Sloan (University of Oklahoma 1924)
John K. Smart (University of Oklahoma 1974)
M. Hearn Smith (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Robert H. Smith (University of Oklahoma 1954)
Sam O. Smith (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Willis W. Smith (University of Oklahoma 1937)
Will J. Snoddy (University of Oklahoma 1924)
John F. Snodgrass (University of Oklahoma 1947)
John O. Sparks (University of Oklahoma 1961)
R. K. Sparks (University of Oklahoma 1958)
Streeter Speakman (University of Oklahoma 1968)
Kristian K. Speegle (University of Oklahoma 1990)
Robert W. Spradling (University of Oklahoma 1941)
William P. Stacy (University of Oklahoma 1951)
Robley Standard (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Robert J. Stanton (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Steven R. Steakley (University of Oklahoma 1968)
Carl S. Steckelberg (University of Oklahoma 1934)
Frederick A. Steckelberg (University of Oklahoma 1933)
Alfred F. Steen (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Marvin G. Stephens (University of Oklahoma 1925)
Willard A. Stephens (University of Oklahoma 1934)
William Stephens (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Van W. Stewart (University of Oklahoma 1920)
Richard A. Storts (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Fred R. Strelow (University of Oklahoma 1946)
William F. Strong (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Daniel D. Stuart (University of Oklahoma 1966)
Royal E. Stuart (University of Oklahoma 1937)
Charles C. Stueve (University of Oklahoma 1949)
Elijah S. Sullivan (University of Oklahoma 1964)
Joseph A. Swofford (University of Oklahoma 1933)
Harold H. Taft (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Richard G. Taft (University of Oklahoma 1935)
William H. Taft (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Gerald A. Talbert (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Fred E. Tarman (University of Oklahoma 1910)
Robert A. Tatlock (University of Oklahoma 1943)
Franlin D. Taylor (University of Oklahoma 1956)
Varley H. Taylor (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Robert A. Teague (University of Oklahoma 1958)
Harold Teverbaugh (University of Oklahoma 1942)
J. Rolland Thomas (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Wallace C. Thomas (University of Oklahoma 1935)
William J. Thompson (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Lal D. Threlkeld (University of Oklahoma 1938)
James E. Thrift (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Robert E. Thurston (University of Oklahoma 1962)
Vergil E. Tims (University of Oklahoma 1925)
Harold R. Tinklepaugh (University of Oklahoma 1917)
Lucius C. Tirey III (University of Oklahoma 1971)
Edwin W. Toribio (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Robert L. Townsend (University of Oklahoma 1954)
Todd M. Tradelius (University of Oklahoma 1990)
Sheldon L. Trimble (University of Oklahoma 1986)
Robert S. Trippet (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Edwin A. Troutt (University of Oklahoma 1951)
Thomas H. Trower (University of Oklahoma 1940)
Richard L. Tryon (University of Oklahoma 1932)
Edward S. Turner (University of Oklahoma 1957)
Francis H. Turner (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Robert R. Tway (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Sidney P. Upsher (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Albert E. Upsher (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Richard M. VanCleef (University of Oklahoma 1951)
Robert P. VanCleef (University of Oklahoma 1950)
J. Martin Vandaveer (University of Oklahoma 1928)
John J. Vater (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Hammond C. Vickers (University of Oklahoma 1921)
Paris D. Vizard (University of Oklahoma 1926)
Mark T. Vogle (University of Oklahoma 1983)
Ted G. Vogle (University of Oklahoma 1989)
Anthony S. Voise (University of Oklahoma 1996)
Ludolph J. Vontungeln (University of Oklahoma 1919)
Victor M. Wade (University of Oklahoma 1917)
William O. Waid (University of Oklahoma 1932)
Jerome Wall (University of Oklahoma 1930)
Fred W. Wallace (University of Oklahoma 1925)
Ralph W. Wallace (University of Oklahoma 1923)
Jud R. Waller (University of Oklahoma 1954)
Nelson J. Waller (University of Oklahoma 1933)
William R. Walner Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1929)
Thomas J. Walsh (University of Oklahoma 1936)
Justin C. Walters (University of Oklahoma 2002)
Bartlett A. Ward (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Frederick H. Ward (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Robert M. Warner (University of Oklahoma 1920)
Clarence A. Warren (University of Oklahoma 1924)
J. N. Watt (University of Oklahoma 1942)
Robert W. Watts (University of Oklahoma 1961)
Eran A. Weaver (University of Oklahoma 1945)
James T. Weeks (University of Oklahoma 1955)
Harry E. Weir (University of Oklahoma 1919)
Don E. Welch (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Donavon E. Welch (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Noel L. Welsh (University of Oklahoma 1961)
Allan C. West (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Kelly M. West (University of Oklahoma 1946)
William E. West (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Holmes C. Wheeler (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Richard O. Wheeler (University of Oklahoma 1925)
Arch T. Wheeler (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Fred S. Whitaker (University of Oklahoma 1948)
Frank B. White (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Gene R. White (University of Oklahoma 1946)
Harvel E. White (University of Oklahoma 1924)
Louis O. White (University of Oklahoma 1938)
Samuel B. White (University of Oklahoma 1915)
Stanley E. White (University of Oklahoma 1958)
Thomas W. White (University of Oklahoma 1919)
William W. Whiteman Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Max R. Wiecks (University of Oklahoma 1936)
J. D. Wiet (University of Oklahoma 1931)
Robert E. Wilbur (University of Oklahoma 1963)
Andrew C. Wilcoxen Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1939)
Addison F. Williams (University of Oklahoma 1928)
Dale M. Williams (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Harvey R. Williams (University of Oklahoma 1948)
J. D. Williams (University of Oklahoma 1964)
Joe E. Williams (University of Oklahoma 1959)
Leslie V. Williams (University of Oklahoma 1970)
Marlin S. Williams (University of Oklahoma 1926)
Milton B. Williams (University of Oklahoma 1944)
H. R. Wilson (University of Oklahoma 1946)
J. V. Wilson (University of Oklahoma 1933)
James R. Wilson (University of Oklahoma 1967)
Lyman P. Wilson (University of Oklahoma 1917)
Richard A. Wilson (University of Oklahoma 1947)
Robert R. Wilson (University of Oklahoma 1973)
Lawrence H. Wilson Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1964)
Rufus R. Winningham (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Thomas B. Winningham (University of Oklahoma 1919)
Charles B. Winters (University of Oklahoma 1982)
Hal H. Wolfe (University of Oklahoma 1952)
Jack M. Wolfe (University of Oklahoma 1945)
Eugene G. Wolff (University of Oklahoma 1922)
Burton C. Wood (University of Oklahoma 1947)
V. W. Wood (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Andrew J. Woodward (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Fred H. Wright (University of Oklahoma 1926)
Frederic H. Wright (University of Oklahoma 1977)
Fredric H. Wright (University of Oklahoma 1954)
Hesler H. Wyand (University of Oklahoma 1920)
Gordon H. Wynn (University of Oklahoma 1969)
Eugene O. Yates (University of Oklahoma 1916)
John K. Young (University of Oklahoma 1944)
Leith F. Abbott (University of Oregon 1921)
Willard C. Ables (University of Oregon 1923)
Alvin J. Adolf (University of Oregon 1952)
Lee R. Allen (University of Oregon 1935)
William P. Allyn (University of Oregon 1914)
Leon F. Altstock (University of Oregon 1924)
Edgar K. Anderson (University of Oregon 1950)
Irving H. Anderson (University of Oregon 1931)
John J. Anderson Jr. (University of Oregon 1930)
Barton J. Andrews (University of Oregon 1960)
Maxwell W. Angus (University of Oregon 1949)
Robin P. Arkley (University of Oregon 1949)
George A. Arvola (University of Oregon 1932)
David O. Ashodian (University of Oregon 1968)
Edward E. Atiyeh (University of Oregon 1945)
Richard A. Atiyeh (University of Oregon 1945)
Victor G. Atiyeh (University of Oregon 1945)
Rosser P. Atkinson (University of Oregon 1930)
John D. Atkinson (University of Oregon 1963)
Thomas Aughinbaugh (University of Oregon 1936)
James C. Babson (University of Oregon 1933)
Charles A. Bailey (University of Oregon 1938)
Lyle M. Bain (University of Oregon 1920)
Charles T. Baker (University of Oregon 1924)
Richard M. Baker (University of Oregon 1934)
Richard W. Bale (University of Oregon 1961)
Melvin K. Battee (University of Oregon 1927)
Clay A. Baxter (University of Oregon 1934)
Edward L. Bayly (University of Oregon 1917)
Frederick Beck (University of Oregon 1938)
Russell L. Belknap (University of Oregon 1956)
James E. Benham (University of Oregon 1948)
James V. Bernhard (University of Oregon 1950)
William S. Bevins (University of Oregon 1961)
Harry S. Black (University of Oregon 1914)
John A. Black (University of Oregon 1915)
Gerlad W. Blagen (University of Oregon 1942)
David H. Blunt (University of Oregon 1949)
Ray T. Bolger (University of Oregon 1927)
William S. Bolger (University of Oregon 1922)
Harry E. Bowen (University of Oregon 1924)
Jacob H. Bowles (University of Oregon 1919)
Robert C. Bradshaw (University of Oregon 1914)
Creed D. Brinton (University of Oregon 1956)
Harry L. Brock (University of Oregon 1928)
Stanford E. Brooks (University of Oregon 1931)
Robert G. Brown (University of Oregon 1942)
Russell S. Brown (University of Oregon 1924)
Robert W. Buckendahl (University of Oregon 1956)
Amos Burg (University of Oregon 1930)
Gerald N. Burk (University of Oregon 1927)
Jack C. Burleson (University of Oregon 1928)
Robert G. Byington (University of Oregon 1929)
Donald W. Byrd (University of Oregon 1918)
Jack E. Cady (University of Oregon 1965)
Harold H. Cake (University of Oregon 1918)
Ralph H. Cake (University of Oregon 1913)
William M. Cake (University of Oregon 1910)
Merton K. Cameron (University of Oregon 1924)
James M. Campbell (University of Oregon 1945)
John F. Campbell (University of Oregon 1936)
Albert M. Capps (University of Oregon 1924)
Harry C. Carman (University of Oregon 1942)
Eugene Carr (University of Oregon 1926)
Jack Casey (University of Oregon 1939)
John T. Casey (University of Oregon 1934)
Robert R. Catalano (University of Oregon 1962)
Lee J. Caufield (University of Oregon 1912)
Raymond P. Caufield (University of Oregon 1913)
Wallace B. Caufield (University of Oregon 1914)
Arthur C. Caviness (University of Oregon 1947)
Frank J. Chapman (University of Oregon 1925)
John B. Charlton (University of Oregon 1958)
Leland R. Chester (University of Oregon 1933)
Earle A. Chiles (University of Oregon 1927)
George W. Christensen (University of Oregon 1931)
Dudley F. Clark (University of Oregon 1927)
E. G. Clark (University of Oregon 1918)
E. H. Clark (University of Oregon 1932)
Loren R. Clark (University of Oregon 1946)
Paul M. Clark (University of Oregon 1928)
Reed L. Clark (University of Oregon 1930)
Sydney B. Clarke (University of Oregon 1918)
Charles D. Coate (University of Oregon 1941)
Roland W. Coleman (University of Oregon 1930)
Richard E. Collins (University of Oregon 1957)
Kenneth B. Comstock (University of Oregon 1921)
Edmund S. Conklin (University of Oregon 1928)
Martin H. Conlin (University of Oregon 1944)
Elmer D. Cook (University of Oregon 1923)
Robert D. Corgan (University of Oregon 1951)
George M. Cornwall (University of Oregon 1939)
Lawrence E. Crane (University of Oregon 1938)
William T. Cromwell (University of Oregon 1958)
Thomas G. Cross (University of Oregon 1929)
David H. Crosse (University of Oregon 1937)
William M. Crowe (University of Oregon 1932)
Jack R. Dant (University of Oregon 1931)
Herbert J. Darby (University of Oregon 1923)
Alan F. Dardis (University of Oregon 1964)
Edwin C. Davis (University of Oregon 1912)
Frederic K. Davis (University of Oregon 1941)
Warren E. Davis (University of Oregon 1950)
Robert P. DeKoning (University of Oregon 1951)
Joseph G. Deming (University of Oregon 1935)
John A. Denning (University of Oregon 1944)
Roger T. Dennis (University of Oregon 1932)
Douglas P. Devers (University of Oregon 1967)
William N. Dielschneider (University of Oregon 1929)
John L. Diffenderfer (University of Oregon 1928)
William H. Dills (University of Oregon 1926)
Frank R. Diven (University of Oregon 1933)
Roy H. Dobell (University of Oregon 1943)
Paul L. Dodds (University of Oregon 1926)
Benjamin F. Dorris (University of Oregon 1915)
John J. Dougherty (University of Oregon 1931)
Vincent F. Dulcich (University of Oregon 1950)
Thomas H. Dunham (University of Oregon 1931)
Ronald A. Dunning (University of Oregon 1963)
Richard C. Easton (University of Oregon 1959)
Carmelo Echanis (University of Oregon 1948)
David R. Edenholm (University of Oregon 1942)
Homer W. Egan (University of Oregon 1918)
Gus A. Elbow (University of Oregon 1933)
Richard C. English (University of Oregon 1928)
David B. Evans (University of Oregon 1921)
Robert C. Everts (University of Oregon 1931)
Neil Farnham (University of Oregon 1941)
Charles F. Fehely (University of Oregon 1956)
Frank G. Felthouse (University of Oregon 1945)
Frederick R. Findtner (University of Oregon 1939)
John F. Finneran (University of Oregon 1921)
Walter S. Fisher (University of Oregon 1912)
Robert M. Fitzmaurice (University of Oregon 1917)
John A. Fitzpatrick (University of Oregon 1963)
Donald V. Flynn (University of Oregon 1927)
Richard G. Ford (University of Oregon 1962)
David D. Foreman (University of Oregon 1961)
John L. Fowler Jr. (University of Oregon 1940)
C. E. Francis (University of Oregon 1939)
William L. Frank (University of Oregon 1944)
William W. Frater (University of Oregon 1922)
Kenneth F. Frazer (University of Oregon 1913)
Floyd A. Fredrickson (University of Oregon 1949)
Charles Mead French (University of Oregon 1939)
Aubrey P. Furry (University of Oregon 1923)
John H. Gaiser (University of Oregon 1969)
Thomas L. Galt (University of Oregon 1945)
Theodore E. Garbade (University of Oregon 1918)
Robert S. Geen (University of Oregon 1958)
Herbert L. George (University of Oregon 1916)
Donald J. Georgeson (University of Oregon 1954)
Francis M. German (University of Oregon 1928)
Eugene L. Getz (University of Oregon 1912)
Robert B. Giffen (University of Oregon 1928)
Dewitt Gilbert (University of Oregon 1918)
Norman K. Gill (University of Oregon 1952)
Charles F. Gillespie (University of Oregon 1933)
Leo L. Goar (University of Oregon 1924)
Myron H. Goodell (University of Oregon 1926)
Robert M. Goodwin (University of Oregon 1954)
Harold L. Gordinier (University of Oregon 1927)
Raymond E. Gorman (University of Oregon 1916)
Nathaniel O. Gould (University of Oregon 1917)
Aaron H. Gould (University of Oregon 1915)
Michael R. Graeper (University of Oregon 1962)
William J. Graeper (University of Oregon 1959)
Harlan B. Gram (University of Oregon 1924)
Howard Gray (University of Oregon 1913)
John D. Gray (University of Oregon 1929)
Myron V. Gray (University of Oregon 1930)
Carl M. Grayson (University of Oregon 1913)
Walter H. Grebe (University of Oregon 1918)
Donald H. Greene (University of Oregon 1955)
Harold D. Grey (University of Oregon 1918)
Lawrence E. Grey (University of Oregon 1922)
David P. Griffiths (University of Oregon 1941)
Joseph O. C. Griggs (University of Oregon 1959)
Donald E. Grothe (University of Oregon 1951)
Alva R. Grout (University of Oregon 1914)
Glen H. Gummess (University of Oregon 1934)
Chester C. Haliski (University of Oregon 1941)
E. L. Hall (University of Oregon 1930)
Patrick C. Hall (University of Oregon 1971)
Richard A. Haney (University of Oregon 1963)
Darrel D. Hansen (University of Oregon 1959)
John B. Harding (University of Oregon 1942)
Stanley W. Hargrave (University of Oregon 1951)
Lyle J. Harrington (University of Oregon 1931)
William A. Haseltine (University of Oregon 1918)
William J. Haseltine (University of Oregon 1950)
Marcus H. Hathaway (University of Oregon 1949)
Windom L. Havens (University of Oregon 1946)
Richard Z. Hawes (University of Oregon 1949)
Robert A. Hawkins (University of Oregon 1925)
Edward M. Hawkins (University of Oregon 1932)
Wallace G. Haworth (University of Oregon 1947)
Philip Hayter (University of Oregon 1935)
Donald J. Hazelett (University of Oregon 1956)
Dwight S. Hedges (University of Oregon 1928)
Joseph C. Hedges (University of Oregon 1918)
Winchester H. Heicher (University of Oregon 1931)
Herbert R. Hein (University of Oregon 1939)
Earl Heitschmidt Jr. (University of Oregon 1952)
Earl T. Heitschmidt (University of Oregon 1919)
John Helmer (University of Oregon 1946)
Michael Helmken (University of Oregon 1964)
Roscoe D. Hemenway (University of Oregon 1922)
Harry J. Hemmings (University of Oregon 1927)
Ferdinand Henkel (University of Oregon 1911)
Lloyd L. Hennagin (University of Oregon 1932)
Frederick A. Henningsen (University of Oregon 1929)
Michael E. Henningsen (University of Oregon 1961)
Robert A. Henningsen (University of Oregon 1928)
Walter F. Henningsen Jr. (University of Oregon 1930)
Herbert J. Heywood (University of Oregon 1918)
Jerrold J. Hickok (University of Oregon 1956)
Lloyd A. Hickok (University of Oregon 1950)
Charles E. Hidden (University of Oregon 1916)
John T. Hilgedick (University of Oregon 1961)
Dudley M. Hill (University of Oregon 1925)
Maurice B. Hill (University of Oregon 1915)
Robert F. Hill (University of Oregon 1925)
Bruce E. Hindman (University of Oregon 1964)
Brig G. Hodson (University of Oregon 1920)
Beryl R. Holden (University of Oregon 1938)
Claude N. Hollister (University of Oregon 1925)
J. H. Hollister (University of Oregon 1923)
Walter E. Holman Jr. (University of Oregon 1949)
William O. Holmes (University of Oregon 1922)
Robert F. Holt (University of Oregon 1936)
D. R. Hone (University of Oregon 1943)
C. G. Horton (University of Oregon 1944)
Robert P. Hosford (University of Oregon 1930)
Ivan D. Houston (University of Oregon 1924)
John H. Houston (University of Oregon 1921)
Dunham G. Howard (University of Oregon 1935)
Thornton W. Howard (University of Oregon 1915)
Guy W. Hoyt (University of Oregon 1939)
Robert A. Hudson Jr. (University of Oregon 1936)
Harrison D. Huggins (University of Oregon 1923)
William B. Huggins (University of Oregon 1910)
Patrick H. Hughes (University of Oregon 1927)
James R. Hughs Jr. (University of Oregon 1954)
Giles Hunter (University of Oregon 1918)
Richard B. Hutchison (University of Oregon 1940)
William P. Hutchison (University of Oregon 1940)
Cecil E. Inman (University of Oregon 1935)
Robert J. Irvin (University of Oregon 1944)
Frank S. Ison (University of Oregon 1930)
Gene V. Ison (University of Oregon 1933)
Bertrand L. Jacobberger (University of Oregon 1925)
Francis B. Jacobberger (University of Oregon 1921)
Hubert E. Jacobberger (University of Oregon 1923)
Vincent W. Jacobberger (University of Oregon 1922)
Roy W. Jarman (University of Oregon 1953)
Luther L. Jensen (University of Oregon 1922)
Peter L. Jensen (University of Oregon 1919)
Ogden Johnson (University of Oregon 1922)
Robert F. Johnson (University of Oregon 1934)
Evan D. Jones (University of Oregon 1925)
Joseph F. Jones (University of Oregon 1914)
Robert C. Jones (University of Oregon 1943)
Eino S. Juola (University of Oregon 1941)
Fredrick A. Karlson (University of Oregon 1943)
Roy C. Karr (University of Oregon 1954)
John R. Keating (University of Oregon 1926)
William H. Keenan (University of Oregon 1933)
Alan L. Keller (University of Oregon 1967)
Walter L. Kelsey (University of Oregon 1926)
Robert E. Kendall (University of Oregon 1943)
Rolland C. Kennedy (University of Oregon 1912)
Francis J. Kern (University of Oregon 1923)
Bruce S. Kerr (University of Oregon 1959)
Charles K. Kiggins (University of Oregon 1919)
James K. King (University of Oregon 1923)
John L. King (University of Oregon 1963)
Carl M. Knudsen (University of Oregon 1920)
David N. Kolden (University of Oregon 1950)
Frederick W. Krug (University of Oregon 1967)
Paul W. Kunkel (University of Oregon 1953)
Willett R. Lake (University of Oregon 1950)
John W. Lally (University of Oregon 1956)
Michael J. Lally (University of Oregon 1953)
Charles M. Lane (University of Oregon 1934)
Richard H. Larkin (University of Oregon 1941)
George D. LaRoche (University of Oregon 1922)
Paul W. Larsen (University of Oregon 1952)
Stanford A. Laughlin (University of Oregon 1930)
Lyman J. Laycock (University of Oregon 1928)
Jason D. Lee (University of Oregon 1937)
Sam Lehman (University of Oregon 1921)
Harold F. Leonard (University of Oregon 1931)
John T. Lewis (University of Oregon 1949)
Thomas H. Lewis (University of Oregon 1960)
Hugh C. Lieuallen (University of Oregon 1917)
Herman L. Lind (University of Oregon 1920)
Herman L. Lind (University of Oregon 1951)
Harvey E. Lindsey (University of Oregon 1916)
Donald W. Lindstedt (University of Oregon 1950)
Benson V. Lloyd (University of Oregon 1955)
John E. Lochridge (University of Oregon 1939)
Elton C. Loucks (University of Oregon 1915)
Baylor M. Lowes (University of Oregon 1951)
Richard M. Lyman Sr. (University of Oregon 1926)
Hugh F. Lynch (University of Oregon 1927)
Patrick A. Lynch (University of Oregon 1942)
Ralph R. Macartney (University of Oregon 1936)
Arthur H. Mack (University of Oregon 1924)
Michael Madden (University of Oregon 1949)
David K. Maguire (University of Oregon 1937)
H. R. Maguire (University of Oregon 1933)
Laurence C. Mann (University of Oregon 1917)
Maurice R. Mann (University of Oregon 1922)
Orton R. Mann (University of Oregon 1946)
William H. Manning (University of Oregon 1934)
Robert L. Marland (University of Oregon 1943)
Larry J. Marsh (University of Oregon 1949)
Donald R. Marshall (University of Oregon 1939)
Richard L. Martin (University of Oregon 1953)
Neil A. Mathison (University of Oregon 1954)
Robert W. Matthews Jr. (University of Oregon 1951)
Earl E. Mayo (University of Oregon 1909)
Robert B. McCormmach (University of Oregon 1932)
Ferlan B. McCroskey (University of Oregon 1928)
Jerry S. McCroskey (University of Oregon 1945)
V. L. McCroskey (University of Oregon 1920)
Justin A. McDonald (University of Oregon 1930)
Gordon L. McDowell (University of Oregon 1930)
Don McEachern (University of Oregon 1942)
Andrew B. McElroy (University of Oregon 1929)
Robert L. McFarlane (University of Oregon 1946)
J. R. McGill (University of Oregon 1946)
Clinton S. McGill (University of Oregon 1942)
Adelbert O. McIntyre (University of Oregon 1927)
William J. McKevitt (University of Oregon 1943)
Samuel D. McKinney (University of Oregon 1950)
William A. McMillan (University of Oregon 1924)
Roderick D. McMillen (University of Oregon 1941)
Oscar J. McMillin (University of Oregon 1919)
George W. McMurphey (University of Oregon 1929)
Robert G. McNary (University of Oregon 1919)
George W. Mead (University of Oregon 1924)
Charles R. Mears (University of Oregon 1936)
Chester C. Medler (University of Oregon 1928)
E. C. Meek (University of Oregon 1914)
James A. Meek (University of Oregon 1924)
Joseph T. Meier Jr. (University of Oregon 1950)
Richard E. Mertz (University of Oregon 1928)
David L. Miksche (University of Oregon 1950)
Clarke P. Miller (University of Oregon 1954)
McGowan Miller (University of Oregon 1933)
Robert C. Millspaugh (University of Oregon 1941)
William L. Moersch (University of Oregon 1946)
Fred L. Mueller (University of Oregon 1953)
Robert A. Muir (University of Oregon 1929)
Ronald D. Murray (University of Oregon 1930)
George D. Neely (University of Oregon 1959)
Roland W. Nicol (University of Oregon 1918)
Gerald J. Norville (University of Oregon 1940)
Frederick F. Ohrt (University of Oregon 1910)
Milton G. Oliotti (University of Oregon 1966)
Donald T. Orput (University of Oregon 1916)
Keith D. Osborn (University of Oregon 1989)
William A. Ott (University of Oregon 1933)
George H. Otten (University of Oregon 1911)
George W. Otten (University of Oregon 1944)
M. R. Parelius (University of Oregon 1953)
Henry M. Patton (University of Oregon 1929)
James J. Pedrojetti (University of Oregon 1992)
Arthur H. Pengra (University of Oregon 1939)
John L. Penland (University of Oregon 1932)
Guy W. Phillips (University of Oregon 1923)
John S. Phillips (University of Oregon 1960)
Dylan B. Pietrs (University of Oregon 2019)
Theodore J. Pilip (University of Oregon 1942)
Gail K. Pinkstaff (University of Oregon 1937)
Myron F. Pinkstaff (University of Oregon 1935)
Richard E. Platt (University of Oregon 1937)
Sanford L. Platt (University of Oregon 1933)
Chalmer L. Pond (University of Oregon 1952)
J. Martin Pond Jr. (University of Oregon 1946)
William R. Poulson (University of Oregon 1925)
John A. Powers (University of Oregon 1943)
James A. Rademacher (University of Oregon 1965)
William C. Ralston (University of Oregon 1921)
William K. Ralston (University of Oregon 1950)
Robert Ramsdell (University of Oregon 1911)
Robert L. Range (University of Oregon 1942)
Merwin Rankin (University of Oregon 1911)
Norman K. Rankin (University of Oregon 1940)
Ormond Rankin (University of Oregon 1910)
Emmett Rathbun (University of Oregon 1917)
Donald J. Reed (University of Oregon 1952)
Ronald B. Reid (University of Oregon 1923)
Max Reigard (University of Oregon 1917)
Robert D. Richards (University of Oregon 1939)
J. D. Richen (University of Oregon 1962)
Dennis D. Ridge (University of Oregon 1980)
Jacob S. Risley (University of Oregon 1918)
Jacob S. Risley (University of Oregon 1943)
Victor S. Risley (University of Oregon 1924)
Ralph W. Risley (University of Oregon 1952)
Arthur C. Ritter (University of Oregon 1922)
Edwin P. Robb (University of Oregon 1933)
Donald C. Roberts (University of Oregon 1918)
Charles V. Robinson (University of Oregon 1922)
William T. Robison (University of Oregon 1928)
Allen L. Rogers (University of Oregon 1938)
Edward L. Rogers (University of Oregon 1954)
Donald C. Root (University of Oregon 1939)
Kurt C. Rossman (University of Oregon 1955)
Roland L. Rourke (University of Oregon 1935)
George H. Royer (University of Oregon 1923)
Arthur S. Rudd (University of Oregon 1924)
James A. Russell (University of Oregon 1951)
William B. Ryan (University of Oregon 1914)
Gilman M. Ryder Jr. (University of Oregon 1933)
Paul D. Salmen (University of Oregon 1934)
Earl A. Sandness (University of Oregon 1941)
Joseph T. Sandvall (University of Oregon 1930)
Snowden G. Sargent (University of Oregon 1918)
Clare T. Scallon (University of Oregon 1929)
Henry E. Schaefer (University of Oregon 1926)
John H. Schaefers (University of Oregon 1943)
Mark A. Schatz (University of Oregon 1985)
Harold G. Schluter (University of Oregon 1943)
Allan K. Schmeer (University of Oregon 1928)
James H. Schmeer (University of Oregon 1921)
Millard H. Schmeer (University of Oregon 1930)
Jack E. Schnaidt (University of Oregon 1950)
Edward P. C. Schofield (University of Oregon 1932)
Irving F. Schulz (University of Oregon 1932)
Robert C. Schulze (University of Oregon 1940)
Charles D. Scofield (University of Oregon 1944)
Alfred Seale (University of Oregon 1934)
Gary P. Senko (University of Oregon 1968)
George W. Sensenich (University of Oregon 1923)
Robert A. Sergeant (University of Oregon 1929)
Shelton G. Sessions (University of Oregon 1950)
Robert A. Seufert (University of Oregon 1936)
Edward Seufert (University of Oregon 1939)
Frank E. Shafer (University of Oregon 1932)
William E. Shafer (University of Oregon 1924)
John W. Shattuck (University of Oregon 1912)
Howard I. Shaw (University of Oregon 1930)
John A. Shaw (University of Oregon 1935)
James S. Sheehy (University of Oregon 1918)
John W. Sheehy (University of Oregon 1919)
Philip A. Sheridan (University of Oregon 1928)
Bryce L. Sidesinger (University of Oregon 1945)
Arvol A. Simola (University of Oregon 1920)
Homer Simola (University of Oregon 1926)
George E. Smith (University of Oregon 1941)
Gerald J. Smith (University of Oregon 1951)
Paul L. Smith (University of Oregon 1949)
William G. Smith (University of Oregon 1922)
James Z. Snow (University of Oregon 1950)
William B. Souther (University of Oregon 1929)
Harrison M. Spain (University of Oregon 1933)
Robert A. Spezza (University of Oregon 1988)
Stanley A. Staiger (University of Oregon 1941)
Paul H. Staley (University of Oregon 1925)
Donald R. Stark (University of Oregon 1951)
Newton A. Stearns (University of Oregon 1937)
Robert D. Steinmetz (University of Oregon 1958)
Raymond E. Stevens (University of Oregon 1954)
Richard Stevenson (University of Oregon 1931)
Warren E. Stoffer (University of Oregon 1934)
Richard T. Stoutt (University of Oregon 1952)
Robert W. Strebig (University of Oregon 1950)
W. P. Sullivan (University of Oregon 1925)
George E. Sullivan (University of Oregon 1940)
David S. Swanson (University of Oregon 1945)
Raymond J. Sweeney (University of Oregon 1916)
Don G. Swink (University of Oregon 1942)
Eugene R. Talboy (University of Oregon 1962)
Byron C. Tarr (University of Oregon 1954)
Howard P. Teich (University of Oregon 1962)
John D. Tennant (University of Oregon 1932)
Arno G. Thies (University of Oregon 1959)
Clarence M. Thomas (University of Oregon 1934)
William N. Thomas (University of Oregon 1929)
Avery W. Thompson (University of Oregon 1929)
Phyllip R. Thorn (University of Oregon 1950)
Ivan J. Tofft (University of Oregon 1932)
Paul C. Townsend (University of Oregon 1933)
Frederic M. Treadgold (University of Oregon 1944)
Henry I. Trowbridge (University of Oregon 1916)
Joe F. Trowbridge (University of Oregon 1921)
David S. Troy Sr. (University of Oregon 1959)
John K. Tuerck (University of Oregon 1922)
William P. Tuerck (University of Oregon 1917)
Dale M. Underwood (University of Oregon 1952)
Cyril F. Vallentyne (University of Oregon 1924)
George F. Vance (University of Oregon 1935)
John A. Vannatta (University of Oregon 1952)
Charles W. Vannatta (University of Oregon 1946)
Paul W. Vanscoy (University of Oregon 1909)
Frederick W. Vincent (University of Oregon 1942)
Henry J. Voderberg (University of Oregon 1945)
Frank L. Waller (University of Oregon 1935)
Frank E. Walton USMC (University of Oregon 1932)
Richard O. Ward (University of Oregon 1946)
George H. Wardner (University of Oregon 1928)
James K. Watts (University of Oregon 1934)
Lloyd E. Webster (University of Oregon 1926)
Thomas L. Weems (University of Oregon 1929)
David K. Wells (University of Oregon 1955)
Graham W. West (University of Oregon 1934)
Vernon F. Wheeler (University of Oregon 1946)
Robert A. Wheeless (University of Oregon 1953)
William T. White (University of Oregon 1933)
Ronald H. Williamson (University of Oregon 1924)
Robert D. Willits (University of Oregon 1962)
Douglas M. Wilson (University of Oregon 1926)
James B. Wilson (University of Oregon 1952)
Joseph D. Wilson (University of Oregon 1919)
L. D. Wilson (University of Oregon 1920)
Richard H. Wilson (University of Oregon 1932)
Robert B. Wilson (University of Oregon 1931)
Lawrence S. Wingard (University of Oregon 1933)
John G. Wood (University of Oregon 1941)
Thomas M. Word (University of Oregon 1912)
George F. Yoran (University of Oregon 1918)
Minor F. Abel (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
C. W. Adams (University of Pennsylvania 1905)
Glenn T. Adams (University of Pennsylvania 1953)
James R. Adams (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
T. R. Adams (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
George W. Aderhold (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Archibald W. Adkins (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Lewis H. Adler (University of Pennsylvania 1888)
Henry R. Alburger (University of Pennsylvania 1902)
C. W. Alden (University of Pennsylvania 1937)
Hollis E. Alden (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
William D. Allison (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
E. L. Anderson (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
W. A. Anderson (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Donald K. Angell Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1961)
Brent J. Arcuni (University of Pennsylvania 1966)
Benjamin L. Arnold (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
John P. Arnold (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
Lane C. Ash (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Richard Ault (University of Pennsylvania 1963)
Perry C. Ausbrook (University of Pennsylvania 1954)
C. W. Austin (University of Pennsylvania 1930)
Harvey B. Austin (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Robert M. Ayres (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
James A. Babbitt (University of Pennsylvania 1898)
Clifford J. Backstrand (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Charles W. Bacon (University of Pennsylvania 1904)
Francis J. Bagnell (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Charles Bahr (University of Pennsylvania 1944)
Robert B. Bailey (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
John K. Baillie (University of Pennsylvania 1903)
Allan H. Baker (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
Bruce O. Baker (University of Pennsylvania 1957)
John W. Baldwin (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
William R. Baldwin (University of Pennsylvania 1902)
William W. Ballard III (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
Albert C. Barnes (University of Pennsylvania 1892)
Richard S. Barr (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Henry M. Baskerville (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Walter G. Baskerville Sr. (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Henry Bassett (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
Robert M. Bassett (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
John M. Baum (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
Charles T. Beach (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Richard M. Bean (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
Ralph H. Beard (University of Pennsylvania 1930)
James O. Beaver (University of Pennsylvania 1960)
Edward J. Bechtold (University of Pennsylvania 1940)
Robert L. Becker (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Edward W. Beetem (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
Richard W. Belfield (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
Harry A. Bell (University of Pennsylvania 1897)
Robert V. Benner Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1981)
Herbert H. Bennett (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
George S. Bennitt (University of Pennsylvania 1925)
Dabney B. Benson (University of Pennsylvania 1955)
Harold J. Berry (University of Pennsylvania 1935)
Cecil E. Bertie (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Paul K. Bidwell (University of Pennsylvania 1930)
Henry S. Bieber (University of Pennsylvania 1944)
James P. Bird (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
Joseph A. Bishop (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
William A. Black (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
John E. Blackledge (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
William S. Blakeley (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
John L. Blaul (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Robert B. Bloom (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
Harry H. Bock (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
Henry D. Boenning (University of Pennsylvania 1935)
Raynard F. Bohman (University of Pennsylvania 1955)
Alfred H. Bolton (University of Pennsylvania 1899)
Henry H. Bonsall (University of Pennsylvania 1954)
Herbert Booth (University of Pennsylvania 1908)
Ernest W. Borkland (University of Pennsylvania 1929)
Robinson Bosler (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
Norton P. Bowler (University of Pennsylvania 1929)
James W. Boyd (University of Pennsylvania 1957)
Robert J. Boyd Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1953)
Leonard L. Boyer (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
James F. Bradford Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
Michael W. Bradley (University of Pennsylvania 1884)
Fred Bremier (University of Pennsylvania 1944)
Chas W. Brenneiser (University of Pennsylvania 1894)
John F. Bresnahan (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Benjamin H. Brinton (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
Raymond F. Brittain (University of Pennsylvania 1932)
Roy E. Broadbent (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Richard E. Broome (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
James H. Brothers (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
Howard B. Brown (University of Pennsylvania 1929)
Walter D. Brown (University of Pennsylvania 1929)
William S. Brown (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
Garrett A. Brownback (University of Pennsylvania 1908)
Robert C. Bryan (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
William J. Buchanan (University of Pennsylvania 1932)
Wilmarth S. Buck (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
Erwine T. Buckenmaier (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
Charles F. Buckwalter (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Robert T. Burke (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
John E. Burris (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
Grant J. Butterbaugh (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Clarence B. Caldwell (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
Kenneth L. Caldwell (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
Joseph S. Calhoun (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Markley C. Cameron (University of Pennsylvania 1885)
Richard L. Campbell (University of Pennsylvania 1954)
Richard P. Campbell (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Robert G. Campbell (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Edwin J. Carey (University of Pennsylvania 1960)
Edward S. Carothers (University of Pennsylvania 1909)
Robert I. Carson (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
David E. Cassidy (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
Joseph W. Catharine Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
Samuel H. Cavin (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
Charles B. Chadwell (University of Pennsylvania 1956)
Richard H. Chadwell (University of Pennsylvania 1955)
Burton K. Chance (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
Joseph W. Chandler (University of Pennsylvania 1940)
Charles C. Chase (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
James E. Christiansen (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Lee A. Christiansen (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
Howard S. Christman (University of Pennsylvania 1904)
Harold W. Churchill (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Jonathan B. Cilley (University of Pennsylvania 1899)
George B. Clapp (University of Pennsylvania 1938)
Kenneth S. Clark (University of Pennsylvania 1957)
Logan Clarke (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
Ray S. Clarke (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Norborne R. Clarke (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
Edward C. Close (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Hugh W. Close (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
George M. Coates (University of Pennsylvania 1894)
Henry T. Coates (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Alban W. Coen (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
John S. Coffey (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
William M. Coffey (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
Benjamin K. Cohee (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Douglas J. Cohen (University of Pennsylvania 1978)
John K. Coleman (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Robert Coleman (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
Meredith B. Colket (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
George L. Compton (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Clayton W. Conklin (University of Pennsylvania 1911)
Lawrence M. Conklin (University of Pennsylvania 1963)
Joseph J. Connolly (University of Pennsylvania 1962)
Leon W. Conrow (University of Pennsylvania 1957)
Cornelius H. Convery (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
Redmond Conyngham (University of Pennsylvania 1884)
John S. Cook (University of Pennsylvania 1940)
Roy F. Cook (University of Pennsylvania 1944)
Stanley F. Cooper (University of Pennsylvania 1907)
John C. Cope (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
Philip Corbin (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
William G. Costin (University of Pennsylvania 1967)
Victor M. Covington (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Arthur D. Cowperthwait (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
John A. Cowperthwait (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
Arthur W. Cox (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Judd B. Cox (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
Lee E. Cozens (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
William E. Cozens (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Harry M. Crafts (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Lewis H. Crafts (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Charles E. Crain (University of Pennsylvania 1898)
Andrew W. Crawford (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
Herbert C. Crawford (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
Robert F. Creed (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
William J. Creighton (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
James G. Crockett (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
George Crow (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Charles A. Cruikshank (University of Pennsylvania 1919)
George A. Cruse (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
William T. Cruse (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Edwin R. Culver (University of Pennsylvania 1919)
John T. Cumbler (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
Wallace M. Cunningham (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
Philip B. Currier (University of Pennsylvania 1970)
Roland G. Curtin (University of Pennsylvania 1860)
Jesse J. Dagenhardt (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
John J. Dailey (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Howard L. Danenhauer (University of Pennsylvania 1908)
Joseph T. Danforth (University of Pennsylvania 1892)
Frank C. Daniels (University of Pennsylvania 1907)
Pierre Dannals (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Clement H. Darby (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
Percival W. Darrah (University of Pennsylvania 1898)
J. W. Daugherty (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
Fuller L. Davenport (University of Pennsylvania 1903)
Spencer T. Davies (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
A. B. Davis (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
Don P. Davis (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Frederick E. Davis (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
Lambert L. Davis (University of Pennsylvania 1912)
Robert B. Davis (University of Pennsylvania 1944)
Andrew J. Davis (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
George W. Dawson (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
Jackson T. Dawson (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
James F. Dawson (University of Pennsylvania 1937)
John W. Day (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
Henry H. Dean (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
Charles E. Dearnley Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
Arthur Deering (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
Thomas F. Deery (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
William L. Deetjen (University of Pennsylvania 1917)
Edward C. DeLone (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
Frank X. DeLone (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
Frank X. Delone (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
Joseph M. Delone (University of Pennsylvania 1907)
Leo A. Delone (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Louis S. Delone (University of Pennsylvania 1905)
Joseph M. DeLone (University of Pennsylvania 1938)
John V. Denison (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
William C. Denny (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
Harvey N. Desanno (University of Pennsylvania 1917)
Albert P. Desanno (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
John A. Deuchler (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
William K. Devictor (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
Theodore M. Dewey (University of Pennsylvania 1919)
Clark G. Diamond (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Asa Dickinson (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
Charles E. Dickinson (University of Pennsylvania 1919)
James T. Dillon (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Frank J. Dilworth (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Julian A. Dissel (University of Pennsylvania 1903)
Albert B. Dissell (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
Jeffrey O. Donahue (University of Pennsylvania 1961)
William W. Donelson (University of Pennsylvania 1917)
Charles P. Donnelly (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
J. C. Doremus (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
Percy N. Doremus (University of Pennsylvania 1935)
Theodore A. Doremus (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Thomas P. Doremus (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
John B. Dougherty (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Robert E. Dougherty (University of Pennsylvania 1938)
Edward B. Douglass (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
Charles L. Downing (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
Robert E. Doyle (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
Duane W. Draper (University of Pennsylvania 1917)
Samuel M. Dreher (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Arthur R. Dreyer (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
Frank S. DuBois (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Richard J. Duffus (University of Pennsylvania 1938)
Charles S. Duffy (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Thos D. Dunn (University of Pennsylvania 1882)
Norman R. Dutton (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
Clifford H. Dwinell (University of Pennsylvania 1937)
Thomas A. Eadon (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Warner G. Earnshaw (University of Pennsylvania 1930)
Herbert C. Eberhart (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Ferdinand Eble (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Robert M. Edmiston (University of Pennsylvania 1940)
Demotte P. Eggie (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Henry J. Egle (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Frederick J. Eierman (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Ernest J. Eisen (University of Pennsylvania 1897)
Rudolph S. Elliot (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
C. A. Elliott (University of Pennsylvania 1904)
Charles K. Elliott (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
Walter C. Elliott (University of Pennsylvania 1907)
Grant R. Ellis (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
James W. Ellis (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
Samuel M. Ellis (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
Walter J. Ellis (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Samuel M. Ellis (University of Pennsylvania 1944)
Francis J. Engel (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Carl A. Erikson (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Frank K. Esherick (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
Joseph Esherick (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
Eric V. Eulich (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
John N. Eustis (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Victor F. Eva (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
Robert B. Evans (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
Robert B. Evans (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
William K. Evans (University of Pennsylvania 1925)
George O. Everett (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
William V. Ewers (University of Pennsylvania 1894)
George C. Fahy (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Robert F. Fairchild (University of Pennsylvania 1964)
Gerald N. Fariello (University of Pennsylvania 1965)
Ralph P. Farnsworth (University of Pennsylvania 1957)
James Farquhar (University of Pennsylvania 1938)
Thomas M. Farr (University of Pennsylvania 1929)
James S. Farson (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Thomas J. Fatkin (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
Leonard A. Fay (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Robert W. Fay (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
James F. Feehan (University of Pennsylvania 1956)
Richard W. Fenwick (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Wilfred B. Fetterman (University of Pennsylvania 1898)
Joseph H. Fichthorn (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
Sydney S. Field (University of Pennsylvania 1929)
Franklin W. Figner (University of Pennsylvania 1902)
Charles E. Filbert (University of Pennsylvania 1892)
Frederick V. Filbert (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
Elmer E. Finck (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Peter R. Fink (University of Pennsylvania 1955)
Eugene N. Finley (University of Pennsylvania 1966)
Thomas T. Firth (University of Pennsylvania 1903)
Alan B. Fisher (University of Pennsylvania 1929)
John J. Fisher (University of Pennsylvania 1912)
James Fitzpatrick (University of Pennsylvania 1883)
Donald Flanigan (University of Pennsylvania 1911)
William H. Flanigen (University of Pennsylvania 1909)
Montgomery W. Fleming (University of Pennsylvania 1908)
Harry R. Foerster (University of Pennsylvania 1912)
Oscar E. Foerster (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Otto H. Foerster (University of Pennsylvania 1898)
George C. Fogwell (University of Pennsylvania 1937)
Edgar C. Fonde (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
George H. Fonde (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Marshall S. Ford (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Vincent H. Forkey (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Earl M. Forte (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Kenneth W. Foucar (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
John S. Francis (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
Charles M. Franklin (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
Thomas A. Franklin (University of Pennsylvania 1954)
Arthur R. Fraser (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
B. G. Frazier (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
Joseph M. Freed (University of Pennsylvania 1932)
Howard Z. Fretz (University of Pennsylvania 1938)
Horace H. Fritz (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
George H. Fuller (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
James C. Fulton Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1932)
Dean B. Furst (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
Vivian F. Gable (University of Pennsylvania 1892)
James J. Gallagher (University of Pennsylvania 1954)
Walter B. Galloway (University of Pennsylvania 1903)
Norbert S. Garbisch (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
John F. Gardiner (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
John H. Geil (University of Pennsylvania 1883)
Paul H. George (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
H. B. Gervin (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
Sydney A. Gervin (University of Pennsylvania 1930)
Frank L. Getman (University of Pennsylvania 1935)
John M. Gibbons (University of Pennsylvania 1899)
John E. Gilda (University of Pennsylvania 1958)
Russell H. Giles (University of Pennsylvania 1955)
W. D. Gillen (University of Pennsylvania 1957)
Arthur T. Gillespie (University of Pennsylvania 1955)
Frank K. Gillingham (University of Pennsylvania 1912)
Oliver W. Gilpin (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
John N. Gish (University of Pennsylvania 1930)
William H. Gish (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
Robert C. Goetze (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
Raymond E. Goodwin (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
Robert L. Gordon (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
George H. Gosman (University of Pennsylvania 1898)
Stanley Q. Grady (University of Pennsylvania 1907)
William S. Granlees (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
John B. Grant (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
Theodore J. Grayson (University of Pennsylvania 1902)
John D. Greaves (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
Robert C. Greeley (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Lawrence E. Green (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Tom S. Green (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Harry L. Green (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Jeffery N. Greene (University of Pennsylvania 1974)
Allen R. Greenlaw (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Harry T. Grieb (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Dana B. Griffin (University of Pennsylvania 1938)
Leon A. Grigg (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Daingerfield Groome (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
Richard W. Gulick (University of Pennsylvania 1953)
Hubert V. Haag (University of Pennsylvania 1958)
Terry Hackett (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
Paul E. Hadden (University of Pennsylvania 1925)
William A. Haddock (University of Pennsylvania 1925)
Daniel H. Hafner (University of Pennsylvania 1917)
Donald L. Hagamster (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
James J. Hagan (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Jacques R. Hagemans (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
J. W. Marshall Haight (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Wilbur H. Haines (University of Pennsylvania 1911)
Mitchell F. Hall (University of Pennsylvania 1949)
Thomas H. Hall (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Paul S. Halloran (University of Pennsylvania 1899)
John O. Halsted (University of Pennsylvania 1929)
William H. Hamersley (University of Pennsylvania 1883)
David K. Hamilton (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
Frank C. Hamilton (University of Pennsylvania 1916)
Walker Hamilton (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Walker Hamilton (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Pierce A. Hammond (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Bruce E. Haney (University of Pennsylvania 1978)
Roger A. Hanger (University of Pennsylvania 1937)
William A. Hanger (University of Pennsylvania 1940)
Robert H. Hanover (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Eugene P. Hanrahan (University of Pennsylvania 1957)
Robert J. Hanss (University of Pennsylvania 1956)
William T. Hardaker (University of Pennsylvania 1963)
Edward J. Hardiman (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Albert L. Harris (University of Pennsylvania 1892)
Frederick L. Hartmann (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
David H. Harvey (University of Pennsylvania 1953)
H. D. Harvey (University of Pennsylvania 1958)
Lewis B. Harvey (University of Pennsylvania 1902)
William S. Harvey III (University of Pennsylvania 1935)
John V. Hastings (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
James P. Hawkes (University of Pennsylvania 1883)
Harry J. Hayden (University of Pennsylvania 1917)
W. K. Haydock (University of Pennsylvania 1949)
Henry E. Hayward (University of Pennsylvania 1894)
Andrew J. Hazelton (University of Pennsylvania 1972)
Donald Z. Hegamaster (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
Ralph S. Heilman (University of Pennsylvania 1907)
Greer C. Heindel (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Joseph L. Heinl (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
Chas W. Heisler (University of Pennsylvania 1880)
James B. Heller (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
Phillip A. Hemingway (University of Pennsylvania 1954)
Elijah D. Hemphill (University of Pennsylvania 1899)
Erik J. Hendricks (University of Pennsylvania 1965)
Anker B. Henningsen (University of Pennsylvania 1925)
Stokes T. Henry (University of Pennsylvania 1940)
Edwin S. Henry (University of Pennsylvania 1919)
Howard M. Herr (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Arthur W. Hess (University of Pennsylvania 1883)
Seth C. Hetherington (University of Pennsylvania 1961)
Theodore Heysham (University of Pennsylvania 1894)
Joseph G. Hibbs (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
Joseph G. Hickey (University of Pennsylvania 1899)
Robert H. Hicks (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
John D. Higgins (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Charles A. Hill (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
Frank W. Hinkle (University of Pennsylvania 1883)
Frank W. Hinkle (University of Pennsylvania 1879)
Thomas E. Hinkson (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
George P. Hippee (University of Pennsylvania 1909)
Herndon P. Hippee (University of Pennsylvania 1912)
Henry V. Hoagland (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
Henry W. Hoagland (University of Pennsylvania 1899)
John H. Hodgdon (University of Pennsylvania 1932)
Clarence Hodge (University of Pennsylvania 1898)
John G. Hoffstot (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
Frederick M. Holcomb (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
John E. Holden (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
John W. Hook (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
William C. Hook Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
George C. Horter (University of Pennsylvania 1894)
John W. Horwood (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
Everett L. Hoskins (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Edward M. Hotchkiss (University of Pennsylvania 1972)
Harry D. Howe (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Murray M. Howell (University of Pennsylvania 1967)
Francis C. Hubley (University of Pennsylvania 1909)
Martin F. Hubley (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
Gerard L. Huiskamp (University of Pennsylvania 1919)
Harris B. Hull (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
Robert M. Humphreys (University of Pennsylvania 1929)
Lucius C. Hunt (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
John G. Hunter (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
David T. Huston (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
J. H. Huston (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
John W. Hyland (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
William H. Hynard (University of Pennsylvania 1917)
Thomas M. Hynson (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
N. D. Hynson (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
Orren H. Ingram (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
David K. Irwin (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
Walter W. Irwin (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
Walter B. Ives (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
Arthur C. Jack (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Henry W. Jackson (University of Pennsylvania 1911)
Samuel M. Jackson (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
John E. James (University of Pennsylvania 1899)
Peter J. Jannetta (University of Pennsylvania 1953)
Samuel M. Jannetta (University of Pennsylvania 1962)
Stephen R. Jenkins (University of Pennsylvania 1884)
Robert E. Johnson (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
Cyrus C. Jones (University of Pennsylvania 1909)
Harold F. Jones (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Robert T. Jones (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
Thomas C. Jones (University of Pennsylvania 1903)
William W. Jones (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
Thomas S. Jorde (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Charles H. Judd (University of Pennsylvania 1897)
David M. Judkins (University of Pennsylvania 1961)
John J. Kane (University of Pennsylvania 1962)
George J. Keefer (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
Edward B. Keffer (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
George W. Kehl (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
N. M. Keiser (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
Louis J. Kelleher (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
James L. Kendrick (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
Donald F. Kent (University of Pennsylvania 1935)
Richard A. Kern (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Frederick W. Keyes (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
Douglas H. Kiesewetter (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
Hugh R. King (University of Pennsylvania 1925)
Willis E. King (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
Adkin W. Kingsbury Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1919)
Charles P. Kirby (University of Pennsylvania 1932)
William G. Klenk II (University of Pennsylvania 1955)
Joseph T. Kloman (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
Thomas M. Knapp (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Walter E. Knecht (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
George A. Knowles Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Vernon M. Knox (University of Pennsylvania 1919)
Richard C. Koelle (University of Pennsylvania 1937)
Jost D. Kramer (University of Pennsylvania 1902)
Hugh R. Kremer (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Charles N. Krewson (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
George B. Kunkel (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
John A. Kunz (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
Harold H. Kynett (University of Pennsylvania 1912)
Francis A. Labaw (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
Harold G. Lacy (University of Pennsylvania 1916)
Harold W. Laird (University of Pennsylvania 1912)
Charles W. Lake (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
James L. Lambert (University of Pennsylvania 1938)
James E. Landis (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Franklin F. Lane (University of Pennsylvania 1911)
Herbert Lane (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
Samuel Lange (University of Pennsylvania 1949)
Eric G. Larson (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Edward S. Lawrence (University of Pennsylvania 1909)
J. S. Lawrence (University of Pennsylvania 1905)
Ralph W. Leach (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
Russell M. Lee (University of Pennsylvania 1912)
Robert J. LeFort (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Juan Leguia (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Frederick Leist Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
John G. Lemon (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Aaron F. Leopold (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
Guy P. Levering (University of Pennsylvania 1899)
William E. Levering (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
James P. Lewis (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Robert C. Ligget (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
James C. Lincoln (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
Philip N. Linde (University of Pennsylvania 1937)
Presley M. Lloyd (University of Pennsylvania 1905)
Joseph H. Locke (University of Pennsylvania 1930)
Leroy D. Locke (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
A. G. Loder (University of Pennsylvania 1897)
F. L. Lodwick (University of Pennsylvania 1944)
William L. Lomax (University of Pennsylvania 1929)
Albert C. Long (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Jay W. Long (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Ralph B. Lourie Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
George A. Lowander Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1937)
James G. Lowden (University of Pennsylvania 1903)
Charles R. Lowery (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
Jack C. Lugrin (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
Donald A. Lux (University of Pennsylvania 1949)
Charles E. Lynch (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
Edmund C. Lynch (University of Pennsylvania 1953)
Norman D. MacBean (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
George C. MacDonald (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
Harold W. MacDonald (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
W. J. MacIntosh (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Donald A. Mackie (University of Pennsylvania 1953)
John F. Macklin (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Donald L. Maclea (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
Robert K. Maclea (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
Charles C. MacMinn Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Paul B. Magnuson (University of Pennsylvania 1908)
Paul D. Magnuson Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Charles J. Maguire (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Stanley F. Malin (University of Pennsylvania 1958)
Peter F. Malloy (University of Pennsylvania 1959)
Harry K. Marcy (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
Harry K. Marcy (University of Pennsylvania 1938)
Donald H. Margeson (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
Richman S. Margeson (University of Pennsylvania 1925)
James Marshall (University of Pennsylvania 1882)
William B. Marshall (University of Pennsylvania 1968)
Robert H. Martin (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
Joseph K. Masten (University of Pennsylvania 1916)
John D. Mattern (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Edward B. Matthews (University of Pennsylvania 1949)
Orus J. Matthews (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Frank K. Mayers (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
William K. McAfee (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
James E. McCambridge (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Robert E. McCann (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Ronald J. McCarthy (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
James H. McCollough (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
John S. McCollough (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
Albert McConaghy (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
Howard H. McConnell (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Saml A. McCosh (University of Pennsylvania 1874)
Charles K. McCracken (University of Pennsylvania 1949)
Roswell C. McCrea (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
Alexander K. McCullagh (University of Pennsylvania 1891)
Samuel McCullagh (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Archibald McCullagh (University of Pennsylvania 1892)
Thomas E. McDermott (University of Pennsylvania 1892)
Norris S. McDowell (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Cornelius A. McGillicuddy (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
Edward F. McGinley (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Benjamin J. McGlinchy (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Ralph W. McIntosh (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
F. Paul McKaig (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Charles J. McManus (University of Pennsylvania 1908)
Charles J. McManus (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Irvin S. McMullen (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
Philip J. McNally (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
William O. McQuaid (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Robert D. McWhorter (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
Howard A. Medholdt (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Stewart B. Mein (University of Pennsylvania 1937)
Walter Mellor (University of Pennsylvania 1904)
Don A. Mershon (University of Pennsylvania 1957)
Donald B. Millar (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
Alfred F. Millard (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Clinton H. Miller (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
Daniel S. Miller (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
Morris B. Miller (University of Pennsylvania 1889)
Philip N. Miller (University of Pennsylvania 1964)
Wilbert W. Miller (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
William H. Miller (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
William S. Miller (University of Pennsylvania 1890)
Albert B. Mills (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Robert Y. Mills (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Henry S. Minster (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
John A. Miskey (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
Bogardus S. Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania 1930)
Frank R. Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
Henry A. Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
John P. Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Edward D. Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
George R. Moffitt (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
John J. Moffitt (University of Pennsylvania 1899)
Thomas R. Moffitt (University of Pennsylvania 1907)
Jose V. Mogollon Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1937)
Rudolph C. Mollmann (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
Donald E. Montgomery (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Robert H. Montgomery (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
James H. Moore (University of Pennsylvania 1859)
Norman T. Moore (University of Pennsylvania 1908)
Samuel R. Moore (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
Samuel R. Moore (University of Pennsylvania 1917)
Thornton Moore (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
William F. Moore (University of Pennsylvania 1905)
Luiz Moretzsohn (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
T. O. Morgan (University of Pennsylvania 1925)
David M. Morley (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Edward B. Morley (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Ralph C. Morley (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
F. Vance Morris (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
Leland B. Morris (University of Pennsylvania 1908)
James A. Morris (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Andrew L. Moscript (University of Pennsylvania 1907)
James A. Moss (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
Merle E. Mott (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Alfred C. Moyer (University of Pennsylvania 1884)
Henry M. Muhlenberg (University of Pennsylvania 1881)
William F. Muhlenberg (University of Pennsylvania 1882)
Raymond A. Munder (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
Greville L. Munger (University of Pennsylvania 1960)
Graeme Murdoch (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Benjamin R. Murphy (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
Charles T. Murphy (University of Pennsylvania 1894)
William A. Murphy Sr. (University of Pennsylvania 1949)
Howard L. Murray (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
George D. Myers (University of Pennsylvania 1885)
Malcolm E. Nafe (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
Jackson Neall Sr. (University of Pennsylvania 1949)
Richard A. Neall (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Winthrop C. Neilson (University of Pennsylvania 1899)
Paul L. Nelms (University of Pennsylvania 1937)
William H. Nelson (University of Pennsylvania 1912)
Warren B. Neville (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Edgar A. Newberry (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
William E. Newing (University of Pennsylvania 1944)
Henry C. Newkirk (University of Pennsylvania 1897)
Wilber J. Newstetter (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Zachariah B. Newton (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Walter W. Niebling (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
Robert K. Nielsen (University of Pennsylvania 1958)
John W. Noble (University of Pennsylvania 1919)
John M. Nobre (University of Pennsylvania 1885)
Arthur M. Nord (University of Pennsylvania 1917)
Addison H. Nordyke (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
Eugene S. Northrop (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Voris R. Norton (University of Pennsylvania 1911)
Eugene L. Oakes (University of Pennsylvania 1954)
Robert P. Oberly (University of Pennsylvania 1953)
Edward C. O'Donoghue (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
William J. Orr (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
George W. Orton (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
F. E. Osborne (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Winchester D. Osgood (University of Pennsylvania 1894)
Eric Ostergaard (University of Pennsylvania 1955)
Ralph T. Osterloh (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
Edison E. Owens (University of Pennsylvania 1935)
Thomas A. Owens (University of Pennsylvania 1932)
Norman W. Oyster (University of Pennsylvania 1919)
Harold G. Paine (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Donald M. Palmer (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
David W. Papenfuss (University of Pennsylvania 1981)
Charles C. Parker (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Benjamin R. Parks (University of Pennsylvania 1960)
Samuel D. Parry (University of Pennsylvania 1892)
John T. Parsons (University of Pennsylvania 1932)
William D. Patterson (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
Marion D. Patterson (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
William S. Pattison (University of Pennsylvania 1935)
Thomas J. Payne (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Clyde S. Payne (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
H. R. Peck (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
Philip F. Peck (University of Pennsylvania 1970)
Philip V. Peck (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Hubert R. Peck (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Verlin H. Peckham (University of Pennsylvania 1955)
Roderic K. Penfield (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
John J. Penney (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Vincent J. Pepicelli (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Edward H. Peplow (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
Nelson W. Perine (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Owen H. Perry (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Stephen T. Perry (University of Pennsylvania 1968)
Allan M. Peterson (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
George E. Peterson (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
Philip N. Phillips (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
William J. Phymister (University of Pennsylvania 1897)
Dante N. Piccone (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
Frederick B. Pickering (University of Pennsylvania 1969)
Harry C. Picking (University of Pennsylvania 1882)
Frederick G. Pierce (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
Warren A. Pike (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Burrall A. Pinney (University of Pennsylvania 1953)
Harold C. Pond (University of Pennsylvania 1916)
Santiago Porcella (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
William S. Porter (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
John S. Portser (University of Pennsylvania 1938)
Roland E. Prasse (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
J. A. Prescott (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
J. P. Price (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
William A. Price (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
William E. Price (University of Pennsylvania 1940)
Peter P. Prichett (University of Pennsylvania 1930)
Thomas B. Prichett (University of Pennsylvania 1878)
Joseph B. Priestley (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
James T. Priestley Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
Frederick H. Pritchard (University of Pennsylvania 1885)
John C. Purinton (University of Pennsylvania 1953)
Donald A. Purviance (University of Pennsylvania 1912)
William B. Purvis (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
William J. Pusey (University of Pennsylvania 1908)
Gerard J. Quinn (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
James J. Quinn (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
John B. Railsback (University of Pennsylvania 1938)
William C. Ramme (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
Clarence S. Ramsey (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
John E. Ramsey (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
Roland R. Randall (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Stephen Ransom (University of Pennsylvania 1959)
Gresham P. Redden (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
William F. Reed (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
Robert H. Reeder (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Frank K. Reese (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Theodore H. Rehmeyer (University of Pennsylvania 1956)
Frederick H. Reilly (University of Pennsylvania 1904)
George S. Reinoehl (University of Pennsylvania 1898)
John K. Reinoehl (University of Pennsylvania 1882)
Sylvester W. Rennie (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
C. K. Reynolds (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Thomas L. Rhoads (University of Pennsylvania 1898)
John P. Richards (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
George Rieger (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
George H. Righter (University of Pennsylvania 1909)
Ezra H. Ripple (University of Pennsylvania 1904)
Clifford W. Ritt (University of Pennsylvania 1971)
William S. Robb (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Kenneth L. Robbins (University of Pennsylvania 1957)
Spencer Roberts (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Hugh J. Robertson (University of Pennsylvania 1916)
John P. Robertson (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
Blight S. Robinson (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Edwin T. Robinson (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
Lawrence E. Robinson (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
Robert H. Robinson (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
William O. Robinson (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
Marion R. Rodgers (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
Allen Rogers (University of Pennsylvania 1902)
G. F. Roll (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Elton A. Root (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
John S. Ross (University of Pennsylvania 1940)
George C. Ruch (University of Pennsylvania 1949)
James L. Rutledge (University of Pennsylvania 1953)
C. R. Ryan (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
Harry V. Ryder (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Francis R. Salisbury (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
William S. Sampson (University of Pennsylvania 1902)
Robert A. Sander (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Michael V. SanPhillip (University of Pennsylvania 1967)
Gene Sattler (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
Russell H. Scapp (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Hunter W. Scarlett (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
William J. Scarlett (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Robert H. Scarlett (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
Rufus B. Scarlett (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
Adolph O. Schaefer (University of Pennsylvania 1954)
Henry B. Schaffer (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
William C. Schaub (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
James F. Schell (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Aaron Schloss (University of Pennsylvania 1883)
George Schuele (University of Pennsylvania 1932)
Howard L. Schuele (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
John R. Schulte (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Herman C. Schumm (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Leroy L. Scott (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
Philip E. Scott (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
Joseph B. Scott (University of Pennsylvania 1881)
Le R. Scott (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
John S. Scully (University of Pennsylvania 1905)
Donald B. Seem (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
William L. Seidel (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
William C. Seifred (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Ralph E. Seltzer Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Edwin Selvin (University of Pennsylvania 1897)
M. A. Shaaber (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Louis R. Shallenberger (University of Pennsylvania 1892)
Cooper Shapley (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Fred Sharp (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Jay Sharp (University of Pennsylvania 1956)
William N. Shedaker (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Roscoe R. Sheffield (University of Pennsylvania 1908)
Victor F. Sheronas (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
Orlando Shoemaker (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Henry L. Shute (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Frederick H. Siegfried (University of Pennsylvania 1898)
Frederick L. Simonin (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Frederick E. Simpich (University of Pennsylvania 1932)
Frank H. Simpson (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
William W. Sketchley (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
Ross-Hall Skillern (University of Pennsylvania 1897)
Stephen E. Slocum (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
William B. Small (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
Alvin J. Smallwood (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
James L. Smith (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
William N. Smith (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Allen C. Smith (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Walter S. Smith (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Robert Smithwick (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Robert W. Snow (University of Pennsylvania 1949)
George F. Snyder (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
Joe S. Snyder (University of Pennsylvania 1940)
Louis W. Snyder (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Wellington J. Snyder (University of Pennsylvania 1896)
Ralph W. Soars (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Francis P. Spalding (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Melvin P. Spalding (University of Pennsylvania 1912)
Edgar B. Speer (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
George O. Spencer (University of Pennsylvania 1904)
Frederick H. Sperr (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
Bernhard G. Spille (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
William R. Spiller (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Walter E. Spindler (University of Pennsylvania 1911)
Powell Stackhouse (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Harry L. Stahler (University of Pennsylvania 1882)
Philip W. Stair (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
Rhys L. Stanger (University of Pennsylvania 1944)
Kenneth L. Stedman (University of Pennsylvania 1913)
Peter M. Steer (University of Pennsylvania 1961)
Frank G. Steiner (University of Pennsylvania 1920)
Robert F. Stengelin (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
William B. Stephens (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Horace N. Sterling (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Charles M. Stevenson (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Thomas P. Stevenson (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
Lever F. Stewart (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Ernest A. Stifel (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
John F. Stiffler (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Thomas E. Stilwell (University of Pennsylvania 1981)
John P. Stokes (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
Sydney N. Stokes (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Carl B. Stoye (University of Pennsylvania 1937)
Meyer F. Straus (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
John A. Sullivan (University of Pennsylvania 1956)
William W. Swan (University of Pennsylvania 1925)
Martin R. Swift (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Samuel W. Tator (University of Pennsylvania 1940)
George H. Taylor (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
James G. Taylor (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Robert D. Taylor (University of Pennsylvania 1903)
Ryan L. Taylor (University of Pennsylvania 1993)
John C. Teas (University of Pennsylvania 1902)
David W. Thomas (University of Pennsylvania 1946)
Adam C. Thompson (University of Pennsylvania 1892)
Arthur R. Thompson (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
William J. Thompson (University of Pennsylvania 1884)
Ferris Thomsen (University of Pennsylvania 1954)
Bruce H. Throckmorton (University of Pennsylvania 1949)
George E. Tippin (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Michael E. Tobin (University of Pennsylvania 1994)
James C. Todd (University of Pennsylvania 1900)
John H. Todd (University of Pennsylvania 1892)
Joseph Z. Todd (University of Pennsylvania 1907)
Jay E. Tone (University of Pennsylvania 1930)
Robert P. Tongren (University of Pennsylvania 1940)
Mark Townsend (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
Russell L. Tracy (University of Pennsylvania 1921)
Maurice N. Trainer (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Robert F. Trainer (University of Pennsylvania 1898)
Franklin C. Tramutola (University of Pennsylvania 1954)
George M. Trautman (University of Pennsylvania 1955)
Russell A. Turner (University of Pennsylvania 1925)
John S. Tuthill (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
William A. Tuttle (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
Charles N. Ulrich (University of Pennsylvania 1908)
Harlan Updegraff (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Craig D. Vail (University of Pennsylvania 1942)
William P. Vail (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
Troy M. Vance (University of Pennsylvania 1989)
Bartel J. VanDerWal (University of Pennsylvania 1947)
Donald P. Verlenden (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
Hamilton Vogdes (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
John R. Walchli (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
James A. Walker (University of Pennsylvania 1907)
Charles P. Walker (University of Pennsylvania 1930)
Fred B. Wallace (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
James L. Walsh (University of Pennsylvania 1959)
John L. Walther (University of Pennsylvania 1938)
Hugh C. Ward (University of Pennsylvania 1977)
Thomas M. Ward (University of Pennsylvania 1993)
Frederick H. Warfield (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Edward K. Warren (University of Pennsylvania 1932)
Ralph L. Warren (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Walter B. Warren (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Samuel D. Warriner (University of Pennsylvania 1964)
Ernest C. Watson (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
Francis Watson (University of Pennsylvania 1948)
Howard R. Watt (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Herbert B. Weaver (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
Charles H. Weber (University of Pennsylvania 1893)
Chandler B. Weeks (University of Pennsylvania 1940)
Andrew J. Weidener (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
Arthur M. Weirick (University of Pennsylvania 1916)
Francis X. Wells (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
John M. Welsh Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
William W. Welsh (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
Alfred R. Wentworth (University of Pennsylvania 1943)
Edward Wertimer (University of Pennsylvania 1949)
Sidney Wertimer (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
John O. Wesley (University of Pennsylvania 1931)
Charles W. West (University of Pennsylvania 1903)
Shippen D. West (University of Pennsylvania 1904)
Leslie M. Westfall (University of Pennsylvania 1905)
Harry L. Wettlaufer (University of Pennsylvania 1950)
John L. Whalen (University of Pennsylvania 1966)
Walter E. Whalen (University of Pennsylvania 1908)
John I. Wheatley (University of Pennsylvania 1939)
Allan C. Whetstone (University of Pennsylvania 1909)
George M. Whitehouse (University of Pennsylvania 1930)
Kenneth B. Whitehurst (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
James H. Whitmoyer (University of Pennsylvania 1953)
Walter F. Whitney (University of Pennsylvania 1925)
Gershom V. Wiborn (University of Pennsylvania 1901)
John A. Wiborn (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
Chase Wickersham (University of Pennsylvania 1918)
Anthony E. Wickham (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Manolo M. Wiechers (University of Pennsylvania 1914)
Edward H. Wigham (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
Stanley O. Wilkins (University of Pennsylvania 1959)
George P. Williams (University of Pennsylvania 1941)
William J. Williamson (University of Pennsylvania 1926)
Park W. Willis (University of Pennsylvania 1915)
Clyde F. Wilmeth (University of Pennsylvania 1927)
James L. Wilmeth Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Harry D. Wilson (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
Franz H. Wolf (University of Pennsylvania 1906)
Geo C. Wood (University of Pennsylvania 1895)
G. H. Woodroffe (University of Pennsylvania 1907)
Edward R. Woodruff (University of Pennsylvania 1917)
Richard A. Worrall (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Richard M. Worrilow (University of Pennsylvania 1928)
Charles H. Wright (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Noyes E. Yale (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Edward J. Young (University of Pennsylvania 1882)
Frank R. Young (University of Pennsylvania 1890)
Roger A. Young (University of Pennsylvania 1936)
Stuart F. Young (University of Pennsylvania 1945)
Thomas B. Young (University of Pennsylvania 1902)
Townsend B. Young (University of Pennsylvania 1923)
Samuel M. Ziegler (University of Pennsylvania 1899)
John N. Zigler (University of Pennsylvania 1917)
Charles H. Zimmerman (University of Pennsylvania 1952)
Frank G. Zimmerman (University of Pennsylvania 1904)
Perry Addleman (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Wilbert H. Alder (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Charles M. Alexander (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Clarence H. Alexander (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
John F. Alexander (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
Stanley R. Allen (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
David F. Altimier (University of Pittsburgh 1939)
Edward R. Ames (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Axel J. Anderson (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Philip E. Angle (University of Pittsburgh 1908)
John C. Ankeny (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Donald B. Arbuckle (University of Pittsburgh 1957)
Hugh Arthur (University of Pittsburgh 1903)
William C. Arthur (University of Pittsburgh 1907)
Clarence O. Ashbaugh (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
William D. Ashbaugh (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
Robert C. Ashcom (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
Walter V. Babic (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
Howard J. Bacon (University of Pittsburgh 1955)
Philip A. Baird (University of Pittsburgh 1951)
Edward F. Baker (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
William D. Baker (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
James V. Ballantyne (University of Pittsburgh 1936)
John R. Balmer (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
Albert M. Barnes (University of Pittsburgh 1929)
Arthur M. Barnes (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
John P. Barry (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
George M. Bauman (University of Pittsburgh 1928)
William E. Bean (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Robert A. Beck (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
James C. Beech (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
John M. Bennett (University of Pittsburgh 1953)
Frederick H. Bentzel (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
Charles F. Berg (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Clammer B. Berkey (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
Donald C. Besterman (University of Pittsburgh 1958)
William D. Beswick (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Paul J. Betz (University of Pittsburgh 1937)
Charles M. Bezdek (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
Richard H. Biddle (University of Pittsburgh 1928)
Charles D. Bierer (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
John D. Bitner (University of Pittsburgh 1942)
Charles W. Black (University of Pittsburgh 1914)
Ray E. Black (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
George W. Blackmore (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Robert A. Blair (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
Felix J. Boake (University of Pittsburgh 1955)
David B. Board (University of Pittsburgh 1967)
Lawrence G. Boggs (University of Pittsburgh 1913)
Edward H. Bohn (University of Pittsburgh 1920)
William R. Bolitho (University of Pittsburgh 1937)
John F. Bonavita (University of Pittsburgh 1975)
William A. Bonesteel (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Robert H. Bork (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
William H. Bortz (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
Robert G. Bowdler (University of Pittsburgh 1936)
Edward R. Bowser (University of Pittsburgh 1934)
Charles C. Bradley (University of Pittsburgh 1942)
John B. Brand (University of Pittsburgh 1939)
Albert G. Brandon (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Carl E. Brant (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
John A. Brashear (University of Pittsburgh 1910)
Robert H. Braun (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Ernest S. Breneman (University of Pittsburgh 1951)
Warren T. Brennan (University of Pittsburgh 1967)
David W. Bright (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
Robert K. Brinker (University of Pittsburgh 1929)
William E. Brinker (University of Pittsburgh 1928)
Rush W. Brisbine (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
Charles W. Brossman (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
Jesse J. Brown (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Robert C. Brown (University of Pittsburgh 1894)
Wood H. Bruder (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
Joseph F. Buchanan (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
Alfred L. Buhl (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Paul O. Burggraf (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Ray G. Burkett (University of Pittsburgh 1966)
Frederich M. Burkhart (University of Pittsburgh 1966)
Laurence J. Burley (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Robert S. Burns (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
John R. Byers (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
Robert L. Calvin (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Mortimer B. Cameron (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Oliver C. Camp (University of Pittsburgh 1914)
Robert R. Campbell (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
Philip J. Carlin (University of Pittsburgh 1971)
Henry C. Carlson (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
James R. Carlson (University of Pittsburgh 1960)
Robert E. Carmack (University of Pittsburgh 1920)
John G. Carr (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
George B. Carson (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Robert M. Cartwright (University of Pittsburgh 1912)
Robert R. Catney (University of Pittsburgh 1959)
Winfield E. Channing (University of Pittsburgh 1937)
Gustave E. Chartener (University of Pittsburgh 1916)
Ralph E. Chase (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Herbert A. Cherry Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Samuel C. Clements (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Hugh Clemmer (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
William B. Clemmer (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
Edward B. Clingman (University of Pittsburgh 1957)
William C. Coffin (University of Pittsburgh 1883)
Joseph W. Cole (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Walter R. Cole (University of Pittsburgh 1910)
Loy C. Collingwood (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Charles C. Collman (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
Montgomery S. Colmery (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
Richard J. Conley (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
C. H. Constandy (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
Scott M. Conway (University of Pittsburgh 1916)
Homer E. Cornell (University of Pittsburgh 1953)
Robert P. Cornell (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Richard L. Cotter (University of Pittsburgh 1969)
Wallace F. Cowan (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
William C. Cowan (University of Pittsburgh 1958)
Charles E. Craig (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
William H. Craig (University of Pittsburgh 1914)
Forrest F. Craig (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
James R. Crawford (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
John W. Creighton (University of Pittsburgh 1954)
Gerard A. Cresswell (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Harold W. Crick (University of Pittsburgh 1915)
Joseph L. Cripple (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
Jesse W. Crissinger (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
William H. Cronemeyer (University of Pittsburgh 1942)
Lewis M. Crowe (University of Pittsburgh 1915)
B. H. Culbertson (University of Pittsburgh 1871)
John W. Culbertson (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
Roger M. Currier (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
John E. Danton (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
Charles B. Daugherty (University of Pittsburgh 1916)
Harry E. Daugherty (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Roger H. Davidheiser (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
William A. Davidson (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Ellsworth K. Davies (University of Pittsburgh 1914)
Thomas J. Davies (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Alan M. Davis (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
Arthur O. Davis (University of Pittsburgh 1920)
Donald A. Davis (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Karl E. Davis (University of Pittsburgh 1910)
Philip O. Davis (University of Pittsburgh 1913)
Scott M. Davis (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
Wesley F. Davis (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
James H. Day (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Neil H. Decima (University of Pittsburgh 1958)
James Dehart (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
Donald L. DePaolis (University of Pittsburgh 1969)
Alan W. Detweiler (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Ralph W. Detwiler (University of Pittsburgh 1942)
Robert S. Dewaters (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Aubrey F. Diamond (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Lloyd E. Dickey (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Samuel D. DiGregory (University of Pittsburgh 1986)
Charles E. Dimit (University of Pittsburgh 1939)
Ray W. Dimit (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
Ralph N. Dougherty (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
Harold S. Downing (University of Pittsburgh 1915)
Richard B. Drawbaugh (University of Pittsburgh 1971)
Alton C. Dressler (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Charles L. Dye (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Robert H. Eckhardt (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
Alexander W. Edgar (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Ralph C. Edgar (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
Thomas D. Edgar (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
William J. Edmunds (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
Stanley D. Edsall (University of Pittsburgh 1916)
Frederick W. Edwards (University of Pittsburgh 1936)
William A. Eiler (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
John A. Eitel (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
Lloyd H. Ellis (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Donald C. England (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
George F. Evans (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
Frederick M. Ewing (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Donald R. Fanning (University of Pittsburgh 1953)
Homer G. Farmer (University of Pittsburgh 1911)
Joseph H. Fauset (University of Pittsburgh 1920)
Paul D. Ferrell (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
William J. Fetter (University of Pittsburgh 1916)
John G. Finlayson (University of Pittsburgh 1934)
Frank E. Finley (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Richard W. Fisher (University of Pittsburgh 1910)
Joseph H. Fitzgibbon (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
George W. Flaccus (University of Pittsburgh 1915)
James E. Flinn (University of Pittsburgh 1928)
Willard C. Ford (University of Pittsburgh 1916)
Robert B. Forman (University of Pittsburgh 1914)
Robert L. Forsyth (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
George E. Fowkes (University of Pittsburgh 1956)
John N. Fowler (University of Pittsburgh 1929)
George C. Fox (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Robert M. Francis (University of Pittsburgh 1955)
Harry E. Frank (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
George O. Frazier (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Samuel B. Frazier (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
William A. Frey (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
Charles P. Friedrich (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
Charles E. Friesell (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Elmer M. Fritz (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
Richard B. Frost (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
L. J. Frymire (University of Pittsburgh 1936)
Walter R. Fullerton (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
Parker K. Fulton (University of Pittsburgh 1915)
Dwight A. Fyock (University of Pittsburgh 1928)
Hezekiah D. Gamble (University of Pittsburgh 1866)
William C. Garner (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Edward O. Garrett Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Charles F. Gaut (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
George R. Geeseman (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
William H. Genge (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Robert J. Gibb (University of Pittsburgh 1958)
Thomas M. Gigliotti (University of Pittsburgh 1979)
Morris H. Givens (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Harry P. Good (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
Stephen L. Goodale (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
Paul M. Goodwin (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
John O. Gordon (University of Pittsburgh 1866)
Robert M. Gordon (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
Leroy M. Gougler (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Roscoe A. Gougler (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Giles J. Grabiak (University of Pittsburgh 1979)
Alton W. Graeff (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
Frank R. Graham (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
Wilfred D. Graham (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Robert T. Grannis (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
George H. Gray (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
John W. Greene (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Chester L. Greenwood (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Eugene S. Grennan (University of Pittsburgh 1936)
John D. Griffith (University of Pittsburgh 1953)
William J. Griffith (University of Pittsburgh 1920)
Wilson A. Griffiths (University of Pittsburgh 1937)
William J. Grose (University of Pittsburgh 1915)
J. M. Gross (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Robert D. Groves (University of Pittsburgh 1952)
William B. Gumbert (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
G. W. Guthrie (University of Pittsburgh 1866)
Donald S. Gwinn (University of Pittsburgh 1929)
Milo M. Gwosden (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
Thomas M. Hadden (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
James W. Hagan (University of Pittsburgh 1928)
Chalmers Hall (University of Pittsburgh 1913)
Samuel E. Hall (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
John W. Hallock (University of Pittsburgh 1912)
Alfred R. Hamilton (University of Pittsburgh 1894)
James C. Hamilton (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Paul A. Hamilton (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Willis R. Hamilton (University of Pittsburgh 1920)
Malcolm B. Hargrave (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
Harvey J. Harman (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
James G. Harper (University of Pittsburgh 1951)
Orpheus M. Harper (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Thomas M. Hart (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
Kenneth F. Hartman (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
Charles E. Hastings (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
Paul M. Hawkins (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
John J. Hay (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Lawrence H. Hazeltine (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
Lawrence C. Heim (University of Pittsburgh 1956)
Bert S. Heintzelman (University of Pittsburgh 1897)
John H. Heintzelman (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
James A. Helman (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Oscar G. Hendrian (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Leland T. Henry (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
John B. Heron (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
Merle W. Hileman (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Ira R. Hill (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Lewis L. Hill (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Robert D. Hill (University of Pittsburgh 1937)
Charles C. Hill (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
Donald E. Hilliker (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
Gary W. Hirsch (University of Pittsburgh 1973)
Carl D. Hockensmith (University of Pittsburgh 1916)
Stanley L. Hoehl (University of Pittsburgh 1966)
John B. Holbrook (University of Pittsburgh 1934)
John L. Holloway (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
George W. Holt (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
James L. Hoobler MD (University of Pittsburgh 1951)
James F. Hood (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
William R. Hovis (University of Pittsburgh 1916)
Howard M. Howe (University of Pittsburgh 1866)
William Howe (University of Pittsburgh 1866)
William N. Hudson (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Henry A. Hudson (University of Pittsburgh 1960)
Humphrey F. Hughes (University of Pittsburgh 1869)
Lawrence B. Hurst (University of Pittsburgh 1902)
Charles D. Hyatt Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
Francis J. Ingersoll (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
James W. Inglefield (University of Pittsburgh 1920)
Robert L. Irwin (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Robert W. Irwin (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Clyde A. Jack (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
William D. James (University of Pittsburgh 1935)
Rudolph Janata (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
Raymond W. Jenkins (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Paul L. Jennings (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
Eugene W. Johannesmeyer (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Paul R. Johnson (University of Pittsburgh 1928)
Robert C. Johnson (University of Pittsburgh 1899)
S. Marsh Johnson (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
John M. Johnston (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Ralph T. Johnston (University of Pittsburgh 1951)
William A. Johnston (University of Pittsburgh 1891)
Allan F. Jones (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
D. C. Jones (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
James B. Jones (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
John G. Jones (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
Richard H. Jones (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
George A. Keck (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
Frank W. Keeley (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Robert H. Keeley (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Edward D. Keiper (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
Albert S. Keister (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Charles R. Keister (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
William R. Kelley (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
Thomas R. Kendrick (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Thomas R. Kendrick (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
Thomas B. Kerr (University of Pittsburgh 1867)
Elmer J. Kidney (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
John J. Kifer (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Wade E. Kimball (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Edgar W. Kimmell (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Christopher King (University of Pittsburgh 1956)
Alexander B. Kiser (University of Pittsburgh 1928)
John J. Kish (University of Pittsburgh 1961)
George L. Klewer (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
Philip L. Klewer (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
Lawrence I. Klinestiver (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
John A. Klingensmith (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Karl E. Klinger (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
Russell E. Klob (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
Norman R. Knauer (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
J. Clinton Kohberger (University of Pittsburgh 1973)
Paul B. Kohberger (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
George F. Kowallis (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
Jack H. Kreider (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
James A. Kummer (University of Pittsburgh 1952)
James D. Lalor (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
Charles A. Lander (University of Pittsburgh 1911)
William F. Lang (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Richard H. Lange (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
J. R. LaRue (University of Pittsburgh 1936)
Charles R. Lawrence (University of Pittsburgh 1951)
William H. Lawrence (University of Pittsburgh 1934)
James G. Lee (University of Pittsburgh 1939)
Anthony P. Leech (University of Pittsburgh 1981)
J. F. Leech (University of Pittsburgh 1870)
Hugo M. Leidenroth (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Thomson L. Leiper (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
Charles D. Lemme (University of Pittsburgh 1966)
Ronald J. Lenart (University of Pittsburgh 1959)
Leroy L. Lewis (University of Pittsburgh 1934)
Paul R. Lewis (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Robert E. Lewis (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
William H. Lewis (University of Pittsburgh 1935)
William W. Lewis (University of Pittsburgh 1952)
Carroll K. Liller (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Howard Linn (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
Howard Linn (University of Pittsburgh 1956)
Charles A. Locke (University of Pittsburgh 1897)
Frederick A. Long (University of Pittsburgh 1909)
Wendell J. Long (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
William R. Lovelace (University of Pittsburgh 1935)
Clinton H. Lowery (University of Pittsburgh 1951)
Franklin A. Lowstetter (University of Pittsburgh 1958)
William J. Lynam (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Herbert G. Lytle (University of Pittsburgh 1914)
Robert P. Lytle (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
James C. Mackrell (University of Pittsburgh 1912)
Dan R. MacLean (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
Paul G. Macneill (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
Louis A. MacPherson (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
William C. MacQuown (University of Pittsburgh 1913)
Frank B. Madden (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Lee Madden (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
William Madden (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
John F. Maeder (University of Pittsburgh 1937)
Frederick Magill Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
Stanley H. Malone (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
James E. Mapes (University of Pittsburgh 1972)
Lawrence K. Marston (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
Samuel D. Martin (University of Pittsburgh 1960)
John H. Martin (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
Winfield S. Martin (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Mark F. Mason (University of Pittsburgh 1934)
John H. Mason (University of Pittsburgh 1935)
Robert C. Mason (University of Pittsburgh 1951)
Howard W. Masquelier (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
Sherman H. Massingham (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Stanley H. Mayhall (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
John J. McAleesse (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Russell G. McBride (University of Pittsburgh 1954)
John S. McCafferty (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
Harold E. McCamey (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
John H. McCandless (University of Pittsburgh 1864)
Alfred N. McCandliss (University of Pittsburgh 1934)
John H. McCandliss (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
Lester C. McCandliss (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
Albert F. McCardle (University of Pittsburgh 1942)
Homer G. McClintock (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
George P. McClure (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
William T. McClure (University of Pittsburgh 1939)
John A. McConnell (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
Alden W. McCormick (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
John S. McCormick (University of Pittsburgh 1915)
Robert L. McCormick (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Roscoe T. McCormick (University of Pittsburgh 1888)
Samuel B. McCormick Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1913)
Edward McCrady (University of Pittsburgh 1959)
Howard C. McCrady (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
John B. McCrady (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
Roland A. McCrady (University of Pittsburgh 1911)
James C. McCune (University of Pittsburgh 1871)
Ray McCune (University of Pittsburgh 1934)
Carl W. McCutcheon (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
R. L. McFadden (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
C. D. McGinnis (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
Elliott B. McGrew (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
George D. McGrew (University of Pittsburgh 1929)
Edwin J. McIntosh (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
William L. McKay (University of Pittsburgh 1954)
William A. McKean (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
Earl W. McKee (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Kenneth N. McKee (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
T. C. McKee (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Roy C. McKenna (University of Pittsburgh 1903)
William R. McKenna (University of Pittsburgh 1954)
John C. McKown (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Rex E. McLain (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
George W. McLaren (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
George W. McLaren (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
Blair V. McMillin (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
John R. McMorris (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Joseph H. McNaugher (University of Pittsburgh 1915)
Albert D. McPherson (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Roland A. McPherson (University of Pittsburgh 1920)
Roland A. McPherson Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Paul F. McQuiggan (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
Thomas L. McVerry (University of Pittsburgh 1961)
Robert M. Mease (University of Pittsburgh 1936)
George W. Megahan (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Lawrence N. Meier (University of Pittsburgh 1968)
Jacob A. Menges (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Michael A. Metz (University of Pittsburgh 1979)
Philip L. Meyer (University of Pittsburgh 1942)
Clarence L. Miller (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
Dennis J. Miller (University of Pittsburgh 1967)
J. P. Miller (University of Pittsburgh 1915)
James P. Miller (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
John K. Miller (University of Pittsburgh 1929)
Paul C. Miller (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
Robert F. Miller (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Walter S. Milligan (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
Lindsay L. Mitchell (University of Pittsburgh 1907)
Harold L. Mitchell (University of Pittsburgh 1953)
Michael J. Mitchell (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
William T. Mitchell (University of Pittsburgh 1913)
Walter W. Mockett (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Robert C. Moore (University of Pittsburgh 1867)
John H. Moore (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
John R. Morgart (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Edwin J. Morrell (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
Earl H. Morris (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
Robert C. Morris (University of Pittsburgh 1973)
Robert R. Morris (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
James T. Morrow (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Robert R. Mowry (University of Pittsburgh 1990)
William J. Murchison (University of Pittsburgh 1936)
Harry R. Murray (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
James W. Murray (University of Pittsburgh 1865)
George C. Myers (University of Pittsburgh 1935)
Paul E. Myers (University of Pittsburgh 1916)
Philip C. Newbaker (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Edward J. Newbaker (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
John C. Newsome (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Wilbur I. Newstetter (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
Ernst R. Nickel (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Frank B. Nimick (University of Pittsburgh 1870)
Howard L. Noble (University of Pittsburgh 1961)
Charles R. Noll (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Charles L. Norton (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
S. E. Nowry (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Donald E. Oakley (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Harry G. O'Brien (University of Pittsburgh 1963)
Harold R. Olson (University of Pittsburgh 1929)
Karl Olson (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
James O. Onderka (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
Octave B. Opsion (University of Pittsburgh 1915)
Robert W. Osterhout (University of Pittsburgh 1954)
Raymond D. Overholt (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Gary A. Painter (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
William G. Park (University of Pittsburgh 1868)
William B. Parsons (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Thomas C. Pascoe (University of Pittsburgh 1934)
Murray E. Patrick (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
James M. Patton (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
David W. Peacock (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
K. H. Pearson (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Sture E. Pearson (University of Pittsburgh 1934)
Edward F. Peck (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
John C. Pender (University of Pittsburgh 1951)
William G. Peterson (University of Pittsburgh 1928)
Arthur M. Petsinger (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
Paul W. Petsinger (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
William E. Pfeiffer (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Kenneth D. Phifer (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
John E. Phillips (University of Pittsburgh 1939)
Carl H. Pieper (University of Pittsburgh 1937)
Paul S. Porter (University of Pittsburgh 1959)
Wiliam J. Porter (University of Pittsburgh 1953)
Clayton Potter Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1942)
Wallace T. Preitz (University of Pittsburgh 1983)
Henry M. Preston (University of Pittsburgh 1869)
J. W. Price (University of Pittsburgh 1867)
W. E. Pry (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
Edward C. Quick (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Frank H. Ramsey (University of Pittsburgh 1910)
Donovan F. Randolph (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Jay E. Rauch (University of Pittsburgh 1929)
Webster J. Raymond (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Carl P. Rebele (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
John G. Rebich (University of Pittsburgh 1977)
Charles A. Reed (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Jay L. Reed (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Dennis E. Reese (University of Pittsburgh 1964)
John C. Reid (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
George N. Reis (University of Pittsburgh 1916)
John S. Reis (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
Thomas E. Renton (University of Pittsburgh 1909)
Ray E. Reppert (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
Norris L. Reynolds (University of Pittsburgh 1964)
William D. Reynolds (University of Pittsburgh 1953)
Jerry L. Rhoades (University of Pittsburgh 1954)
Elmer E. Richardson (University of Pittsburgh 1943)
Frederick E. Richardson (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
Jason Richardson (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
Charles W. Ridinger (University of Pittsburgh 1893)
John S. Ridinger (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
John S. Ridinger (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Charles W. Ridinger (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Robert J. Riley (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
John S. Robb (University of Pittsburgh 1974)
Joseph L. Roberts (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
Charles B. Robertson (University of Pittsburgh 1893)
William A. Robinette (University of Pittsburgh 1951)
Bryan F. Robinson (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Paul W. Robinson (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
Joseph R. Robinson (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
William Robusch (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Paul H. Rock (University of Pittsburgh 1928)
Victor P. Rockhill (University of Pittsburgh 1960)
Stephen M. Rodnok Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1939)
Frank R. Rodzwicz (University of Pittsburgh 1973)
H. M. Rogers (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Lawrence A. Roofner (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
Floyd Rose (University of Pittsburgh 1896)
Gail L. Rose (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
Robert S. Rose (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
Donald N. Rothrock (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Byron N. Rowland (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Albert L. Rugh (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
Frank A. Rugh (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Marriott J. Ruse (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
Philip E. Rush (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Malvin G. Sander (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Dallas Sanders (University of Pittsburgh 1866)
Harvey L. Sarles (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Robert O. Sarver (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
William E. Saul (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
George G. Sautter (University of Pittsburgh 1929)
Nathaniel R. Savage (University of Pittsburgh 1991)
Henry S. Sawin (University of Pittsburgh 1937)
Roy A. Schafer (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Robert A. Schieber (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
Richard C. Schleihauf (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
Gustavus A. Schnabel (University of Pittsburgh 1915)
Aubrey W. Schofield (University of Pittsburgh 1920)
Joseph M. Schuckers (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Howard I. Scott (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
James H. Scott (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Wallace W. Scott (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
Frederick R. Seidel (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Walter R. Seip (University of Pittsburgh 1961)
George H. Seruset (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Adam B. Shaffer (University of Pittsburgh 1937)
Carl H. Shaffer (University of Pittsburgh 1927)
Edward C. Shaler (University of Pittsburgh 1893)
Andrew Shaw (University of Pittsburgh 1867)
John D. Sheppard (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
John D. Shidemantle (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
Thomas G. Shields (University of Pittsburgh 1920)
John J. Shore (University of Pittsburgh 1981)
G. D. Shrum (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Nicklas Shuler (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Barry W. Sicard (University of Pittsburgh 1971)
Robert S. Sill (University of Pittsburgh 1866)
John W. Simmonds (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Lowell E. Simonson (University of Pittsburgh 1954)
Paul L. Simpson (University of Pittsburgh 1913)
John H. Slick (University of Pittsburgh 1929)
Wilson M. Slick (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
Philip A. Small (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Louis J. Smalley (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
Frank S. Smith (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Joseph G. Smith (University of Pittsburgh 1937)
Richard G. Smith (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
Richard K. Smith (University of Pittsburgh 1950)
Wayne B. Smith (University of Pittsburgh 1915)
William Smith (University of Pittsburgh 1914)
Charles A. Smullin (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
Edward C. Smyers (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
William H. Smyers (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Bertrand H. Smyers (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Bertrand H. Smyers (University of Pittsburgh 1893)
Samuel R. Sorber (University of Pittsburgh 1913)
John H. Sorg (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
Alvin B. Speer (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
John R. Speer (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
Harry F. Speidel (University of Pittsburgh 1951)
William R. Stambaugh (University of Pittsburgh 1913)
Edwin C. Starbird (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
William S. Stauff (University of Pittsburgh 1951)
William A. Steele (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
William W. Steele (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Lawrence C. Steele (University of Pittsburgh 1930)
John W. Steiner (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
Robert B. Steiner (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Thomas W. Stevenson (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Howard B. Stewart (University of Pittsburgh 1936)
Robert H. Svenson (University of Pittsburgh 1914)
Charles A. Swartz (University of Pittsburgh 1912)
James H. Taylor (University of Pittsburgh 1954)
Robert C. Thomas (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
Ross J. Thomas (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Joseph H. Thompson (University of Pittsburgh 1905)
Kevin J. Thompson (University of Pittsburgh 1981)
Alexander C. Thompson (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
E. C. Thornton (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
Robert W. Thurbon (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
George A. Tice (University of Pittsburgh 1957)
William M. Townsend (University of Pittsburgh 1920)
Richard W. Toy (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Joe C. Trees (University of Pittsburgh 1895)
Ernest C. Ullom (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
Karl R. Ulrey (University of Pittsburgh 1939)
H. Howard Updegraff (University of Pittsburgh 1941)
Walter D. Uptegraff (University of Pittsburgh 1942)
Frederick C. VanScoyoc (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
Samuel W. Verner (University of Pittsburgh 1948)
Roy W. Walker (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
W. P. Walker (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
H. John Wallace (University of Pittsburgh 1963)
Henry H. Wallace (University of Pittsburgh 1962)
A. B. Wallgren (University of Pittsburgh 1902)
James H. Walsh (University of Pittsburgh 1925)
Frederic B. Walters (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
Roy W. Walters (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
Roy W. Walters (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
William S. Walters (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
James E. Warden (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
James K. Warne (University of Pittsburgh 1942)
Willard M. Warren (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
Jack L. Watkins (University of Pittsburgh 1952)
Andrew J. Watson (University of Pittsburgh 1935)
Richard S. Weigle (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
Robert R. Weitershausen (University of Pittsburgh 1935)
Gilbert L. Welch (University of Pittsburgh 1928)
Howard B. Wentz (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
William P. Werme (University of Pittsburgh 1949)
John L. Werry (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
George I. Whitney (University of Pittsburgh 1864)
John F. Whitworth (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Alexander M. Wightman (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Algernon S. Wightman (University of Pittsburgh 1871)
James S. Wightman (University of Pittsburgh 1867)
John R. Wightman (University of Pittsburgh 1865)
Alan H. Wikoff (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Orson W. Wilcox (University of Pittsburgh 1920)
S. Dallas Wilkins (University of Pittsburgh 1868)
William D. Wilkins (University of Pittsburgh 1867)
Arthur D. Williams (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
Audrey C. Williams (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
Frank W. Williams (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Harold M. Williams (University of Pittsburgh 1931)
John Williams (University of Pittsburgh 1932)
Rex J. Williams (University of Pittsburgh 1939)
Richard W. Williams (University of Pittsburgh 1921)
Guy M. Williamson (University of Pittsburgh 1917)
Mark E. Williamson (University of Pittsburgh 1938)
Alfred W. Wilson (University of Pittsburgh 1918)
Harry W. Wilson (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
John R. Wilson (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Samuel R. Wilson (University of Pittsburgh 1919)
John M. Wilson (University of Pittsburgh 1936)
John C. Winterburn (University of Pittsburgh 1923)
Robert W. Winters (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
Zoner A. Wissinger (University of Pittsburgh 1926)
William G. Wonderly (University of Pittsburgh 1945)
Roger H. Wood (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
Charles H. Wunderlich (University of Pittsburgh 1929)
David L. Wunderlich (University of Pittsburgh 1957)
Paul R. Wyble (University of Pittsburgh 1946)
Thomas B. Wylie (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Donald K. Yahrling (University of Pittsburgh 1970)
William C. Yocum (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
Weldon C. York (University of Pittsburgh 1933)
Raymond A. Yourd (University of Pittsburgh 1947)
William H. Zeder (University of Pittsburgh 1922)
Waldemar W. Zieg (University of Pittsburgh 1909)
Walton C. Zieg (University of Pittsburgh 1953)
James Zoccola (University of Pittsburgh 1957)
Frank W. Zwinggi (University of Pittsburgh 1924)
Floyd D. Carpenter (University of Puget Sound 1967)
Richard C. Esterley (University of Puget Sound 1972)
John G. Feldtman (University of Puget Sound 1968)
John S. French (University of Puget Sound 1973)
Thomas T. Georges (University of Puget Sound 1973)
Guy Gilbo (University of Puget Sound 1969)
Keith R. Johnson (University of Puget Sound 1970)
James E. Leede (University of Puget Sound 1971)
R. Michael Noah (University of Puget Sound 1967)
George H. Alexander (University of Rhode Island 1927)
Alvan J. Allen (University of Rhode Island 1923)
Robert W. Allen (University of Rhode Island 1972)
Joseph E. Amaral (University of Rhode Island 1969)
James P. Anderson (University of Rhode Island 1969)
Clinton L. Armstrong (University of Rhode Island 1927)
Everitte G. Baird (University of Rhode Island 1955)
Reuben C. Bates (University of Rhode Island 1913)
Frank H. Baxter (University of Rhode Island 1914)
Dominick A. Berretto (University of Rhode Island 1970)
William R. Blinn (University of Rhode Island 1972)
Gary W. Blount (University of Rhode Island 1977)
Herbert H. Boden (University of Rhode Island 1948)
Richard N. Boden (University of Rhode Island 1953)
Peter J. Boiani (University of Rhode Island 1956)
Gary J. Bowen (University of Rhode Island 1968)
Edward S. Bowen (University of Rhode Island 1956)
Edward R. Brayton (University of Rhode Island 1957)
John J. Breen (University of Rhode Island 1959)
Howard S. Brightman (University of Rhode Island 1932)
Melvin H. Brightman (University of Rhode Island 1918)
John W. Burdick (University of Rhode Island 1950)
Wayland M. Burgess (University of Rhode Island 1919)
Raymond M. Cappiello (University of Rhode Island 1971)
Daniel O. Cargill (University of Rhode Island 1919)
Norman B. Carlson (University of Rhode Island 1954)
Robert J. Carnevale (University of Rhode Island 1998)
Gabriel O. Caroselli (University of Rhode Island 1951)
Richard B. Carpenter (University of Rhode Island 1960)
Gordon W. Champlin (University of Rhode Island 1950)
Harry C. Chandler (University of Rhode Island 1924)
Frank L. Cherms (University of Rhode Island 1952)
Everett P. Christopher (University of Rhode Island 1926)
Raymond H. Christopher (University of Rhode Island 1927)
Edward Ciesla (University of Rhode Island 1953)
Luke Clarke (University of Rhode Island 1924)
H. N. Collins (University of Rhode Island 1955)
Robert J. Collins (University of Rhode Island 1960)
Thomas K. Collins (University of Rhode Island 1952)
Stephen W. Collis (University of Rhode Island 1969)
George Cosmo (University of Rhode Island 1958)
Armand J. Croce (University of Rhode Island 1969)
Richard N. Cyr (University of Rhode Island 1963)
Edward W. Davis (University of Rhode Island 1958)
Kenneth D. Dellner (University of Rhode Island 1955)
Robert F. Devolve (University of Rhode Island 1955)
Elmer V. Devolve (University of Rhode Island 1952)
Henry F. Dreyer (University of Rhode Island 1935)
Daniel L. Dumas (University of Rhode Island 1973)
Daniel F. Dunn (University of Rhode Island 1954)
Charles W. Eastwood (University of Rhode Island 1949)
Charles J. Edmonds (University of Rhode Island 1917)
Eugene W. Ferland (University of Rhode Island 1974)
William S. Fort (University of Rhode Island 1923)
Eugene P. Fucile (University of Rhode Island 1962)
George T. Gaddes (University of Rhode Island 1925)
Harvey W. Gay (University of Rhode Island 1926)
Gilbert E. Gelineau (University of Rhode Island 1946)
Robert H. Gelineau (University of Rhode Island 1941)
James I. Gifford (University of Rhode Island 1950)
Elia J. Giusti (University of Rhode Island 1957)
Ralph J. Gizzi (University of Rhode Island 1973)
Richard H. Gleason (University of Rhode Island 1961)
Kenneth B. Goff Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1966)
Harrison M. Gorton (University of Rhode Island 1940)
Norman B. Grant (University of Rhode Island 1925)
Carlisle Hall (University of Rhode Island 1915)
Emery H. Hall (University of Rhode Island 1927)
Gordon B. Hall (University of Rhode Island 1949)
James R. Hanley (University of Rhode Island 1923)
Alexander D. Harry (University of Rhode Island 1962)
Michael J. Hattub (University of Rhode Island 1956)
Andrew J. Healy (University of Rhode Island 1962)
Charles E. Heaton (University of Rhode Island 1928)
Roy A. Henrikson (University of Rhode Island 1931)
Charles N. Hirst (University of Rhode Island 1978)
Arthur T. Holley (University of Rhode Island 1919)
Leonard S. Holley (University of Rhode Island 1916)
David J. Horridge (University of Rhode Island 1965)
Leslie B. Howard (University of Rhode Island 1957)
Arthur C. Huggard (University of Rhode Island 1952)
Jack M. Hunt (University of Rhode Island 1936)
F. J. Hurd (University of Rhode Island 1955)
I. E. Johnson (University of Rhode Island 1960)
William C. Kenney (University of Rhode Island 1943)
William C. Kenney (University of Rhode Island 1918)
Joseph I. Kenny (University of Rhode Island 1924)
Charles W. King (University of Rhode Island 1960)
Daniel J. King (University of Rhode Island 1962)
John R. King (University of Rhode Island 1951)
Horace W. Knowles (University of Rhode Island 1954)
Joseph M. Lamb (University of Rhode Island 1926)
John K. Lamond (University of Rhode Island 1907)
Walter E. Larmie (University of Rhode Island 1949)
Alan P. Lavender (University of Rhode Island 1965)
George H. Lawrence (University of Rhode Island 1932)
Michael R. Lettieri (University of Rhode Island 1931)
Ralph C. Lewis (University of Rhode Island 1943)
Robert R. Libby (University of Rhode Island 1951)
Frank J. Logler (University of Rhode Island 1933)
Ralph B. Lombardo (University of Rhode Island 1932)
Kenneth M. Luther (University of Rhode Island 1974)
David M. Macaulay (University of Rhode Island 1949)
Kenneth G. MacKenzie (University of Rhode Island 1947)
Wallace E. MacKenzie (University of Rhode Island 1930)
Dennis F. Magner (University of Rhode Island 1962)
Kenneth A. Marshall (University of Rhode Island 1953)
Lawrence F. McClusky (University of Rhode Island 1929)
Joseph H. McCusker (University of Rhode Island 1957)
Michael K. McKenna (University of Rhode Island 1967)
William F. Medeiros (University of Rhode Island 1979)
Raymond I. Millar (University of Rhode Island 1952)
Timothy J. Mills (University of Rhode Island 1984)
Robert E. Mitchell (University of Rhode Island 1953)
Edward A. Mowbray (University of Rhode Island 1927)
Barry T. Murphy (University of Rhode Island 1963)
William E. Murphy (University of Rhode Island 1969)
George J. Natt (University of Rhode Island 1962)
Joseph A. Newton (University of Rhode Island 1935)
Arnold Nightingale (University of Rhode Island 1950)
Mark B. Nisbet (University of Rhode Island 1981)
Richard M. Nolan (University of Rhode Island 1953)
Ray M. Norberg (University of Rhode Island 1957)
Joseph X. O'Brien Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1977)
Daniel A. O'Connell (University of Rhode Island 1930)
Howard J. O'Connell (University of Rhode Island 1921)
Thomas W. O'Connell (University of Rhode Island 1968)
William E. O'Hara (University of Rhode Island 1981)
Brian R. Pattarozzi (University of Rhode Island 1992)
Barry G. Patton (University of Rhode Island 1959)
Arthur H. Pearson (University of Rhode Island 1958)
Will G. Peigelbeck (University of Rhode Island 1965)
Russell G. Pickthall (University of Rhode Island 1956)
John W. Pickup (University of Rhode Island 1952)
Richard G. Pincus (University of Rhode Island 1965)
Paul E. Poitras (University of Rhode Island 1953)
Edwin J. Quigley (University of Rhode Island 1953)
Donald N. Raesner (University of Rhode Island 1960)
Richard D. Ratta (University of Rhode Island 1955)
Richard L. Regan (University of Rhode Island 1963)
Raymond J. Rioux (University of Rhode Island 1919)
Edward F. Rodak (University of Rhode Island 1968)
Samuel L. Rodman (University of Rhode Island 1917)
Brian R. Salisbury (University of Rhode Island 1986)
Robert H. Schaller (University of Rhode Island 1962)
Angelo Scorpio (University of Rhode Island 1922)
Sandro D. Segalini (University of Rhode Island 1962)
I. T. Sherman (University of Rhode Island 1921)
William H. Simas (University of Rhode Island 1922)
James A. Simmons (University of Rhode Island 1949)
Edward E. Singleton (University of Rhode Island 1968)
Thomas M. Slater (University of Rhode Island 1973)
George E. Slocum (University of Rhode Island 1913)
Holbert T. Smales (University of Rhode Island 1921)
Raymond C. Smedberg (University of Rhode Island 1967)
John H. Spooner (University of Rhode Island 1924)
Carl F. Stahl (University of Rhode Island 1955)
William B. Stillman (University of Rhode Island 1970)
Thomas C. Stones (University of Rhode Island 1960)
Arthur W. Suddard (University of Rhode Island 1921)
Theodore A. Suddard (University of Rhode Island 1948)
Eric Swider (University of Rhode Island 1963)
Frank E. Tabor (University of Rhode Island 1915)
Robert E. Taylor (University of Rhode Island 1955)
Robert W. Taylor (University of Rhode Island 1984)
Louis E. Tilley Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1925)
Adriaan VanLaarhoven (University of Rhode Island 1978)
Norman L. Vaughn (University of Rhode Island 1939)
Richard E. Viall (University of Rhode Island 1956)
Harold F. Voorhees (University of Rhode Island 1958)
Ronald F. Wall (University of Rhode Island 1955)
David G. Ward (University of Rhode Island 1967)
Peter D. Washburn (University of Rhode Island 1975)
Henry C. Wilbourn (University of Rhode Island 1926)
Vernon J. Wilbourn (University of Rhode Island 1920)
Herbert A. Wisbey (University of Rhode Island 1941)
Herbert A. Wisbey (University of Rhode Island 1917)
Porter S. Wood (University of Rhode Island 1956)
Frederic B. Wotton (University of Rhode Island 1958)
William L. Wright (University of Rhode Island 1952)
James F. Young (University of Rhode Island 1949)
James H. Young (University of Rhode Island 1913)
Donald J. Zinn (University of Rhode Island 1937)
John P. Abernethy (University of Richmond 1940)
Ernest L. Ackiss (University of Richmond 1910)
Lawton C. Addington (University of Richmond 1924)
George R. Aldhizer (University of Richmond 1953)
Richard E. Alford (University of Richmond 1962)
Clyde N. Allen (University of Richmond 1925)
Truett E. Allen (University of Richmond 1954)
Donald R. Alley (University of Richmond 1967)
Clarence W. Alston (University of Richmond 1947)
Walter B. Anderson (University of Richmond 1921)
George G. Anderton (University of Richmond 1914)
Mark Andrews (University of Richmond 1931)
Osbourne O. Ashworth (University of Richmond 1919)
William H. Atkins (University of Richmond 1927)
John Atkinson (University of Richmond 1944)
Frank H. Atwill (University of Richmond 1925)
Albert M. Austin (University of Richmond 1924)
T. S. Bagby (University of Richmond 1898)
William H. Bahlke (University of Richmond 1952)
Robert S. Barbour (University of Richmond 1949)
Vincent T. Bargamin (University of Richmond 1939)
Joseph P. Barker (University of Richmond 1931)
Willard G. Barker (University of Richmond 1923)
William E. Barnett (University of Richmond 1949)
Martin E. Barnette (University of Richmond 1954)
Robert B. Barringer (University of Richmond 1958)
Frank K. Bates (University of Richmond 1928)
John W. Bates (University of Richmond 1896)
Alger Batts (University of Richmond 1967)
Arthur H. Beale (University of Richmond 1939)
Luther E. Beaman (University of Richmond 1908)
Charles D. Beard (University of Richmond 1964)
James E. Beck (University of Richmond 1952)
Edward R. Belknap (University of Richmond 1967)
George M. Betty (University of Richmond 1910)
W. R. Beverley (University of Richmond 1910)
Hinton C. Binford (University of Richmond 1919)
Jesse H. Binford (University of Richmond 1896)
Hinton C. Binford (University of Richmond 1943)
Lucien W. Bingham (University of Richmond 1917)
E. Mallary Binns (University of Richmond 1943)
J. W. Binns (University of Richmond 1946)
Walter M. Bixby (University of Richmond 1927)
James A. Black (University of Richmond 1958)
Winston R. Blenckstone (University of Richmond 1966)
Benjamin G. Boatwright (University of Richmond 1908)
Wheeler Boggess (University of Richmond 1894)
Robert L. Boggs (University of Richmond 1952)
H. M. Boldin (University of Richmond 1979)
Carrington L. Booker (University of Richmond 1931)
James M. Booker (University of Richmond 1935)
Robert E. Booker (University of Richmond 1929)
Edward E. Bowden (University of Richmond 1944)
Darnall L. Boyd (University of Richmond 1902)
Whitmell C. Boyd (University of Richmond 1896)
J. P. Bradshaw (University of Richmond 1918)
Joseph L. Bradshaw (University of Richmond 1894)
C. Merwin Branch Jr. (University of Richmond 1894)
Robert G. Bremner (University of Richmond 1932)
Walter D. Bremner (University of Richmond 1906)
Graham Brimm (University of Richmond 1951)
Arthur B. Bristow (University of Richmond 1905)
Cuthbert Bristow (University of Richmond 1913)
Jack M. Bristow (University of Richmond 1937)
Joseph C. Bristow (University of Richmond 1925)
Nelson D. Bristow (University of Richmond 1963)
Robert S. Bristow (University of Richmond 1921)
Schuyler W. Bristow (University of Richmond 1924)
Falkner C. Broach (University of Richmond 1925)
John A. Broaddus (University of Richmond 1927)
John G. Broaddus (University of Richmond 1901)
William B. Broaddus (University of Richmond 1893)
Charles C. Broaddus (University of Richmond 1931)
Richard D. Brock (University of Richmond 1969)
Walter L. Brock (University of Richmond 1938)
William F. Brott (University of Richmond 1932)
Donald R. Broughton (University of Richmond 1967)
Irby B. Brown (University of Richmond 1954)
William H. Brown (University of Richmond 1906)
Robert A. Browning (University of Richmond 1948)
Rudolph H. Bruni (University of Richmond 1948)
William J. Bryan (University of Richmond 1944)
Henry A. Bullock (University of Richmond 1941)
David L. Burke (University of Richmond 1962)
Roy B. Burnett (University of Richmond 1957)
James D. Burnette (University of Richmond 1950)
William S. Burton (University of Richmond 1964)
James H. Bush (University of Richmond 1965)
Millard K. Bushong (University of Richmond 1948)
M. C. Butler (University of Richmond 1946)
Newell Butler (University of Richmond 1927)
John F. Butterworth (University of Richmond 1948)
William J. Cain (University of Richmond 1934)
Edward G. Cale (University of Richmond 1928)
Paul H. Cale (University of Richmond 1931)
Daniel V. Cantrell (University of Richmond 1971)
Benjamin L. Carney (University of Richmond 1930)
Eugene L. Carroll (University of Richmond 1898)
Beverley F. Carson (University of Richmond 1950)
J. Archer Carter (University of Richmond 1916)
David J. Carver (University of Richmond 1905)
Robert P. Castriciano (University of Richmond 1966)
Francis F. Causey (University of Richmond 1890)
Irvin W. Cavedo (University of Richmond 1946)
H. Morrison Chambers (University of Richmond 1928)
John R. Chappell III (University of Richmond 1948)
James H. Chenery (University of Richmond 1931)
Richard L. Chenery (University of Richmond 1932)
Henry G. Chesley (University of Richmond 1925)
Clarence C. Chewning (University of Richmond 1931)
Dudley Chipley (University of Richmond 1902)
George T. Christian (University of Richmond 1897)
Robert S. Christian (University of Richmond 1896)
Herbert M. Church (University of Richmond 1939)
John N. Clark (University of Richmond 1928)
Thomas R. Clarke (University of Richmond 1962)
Richard S. Clements (University of Richmond 1971)
Robert A. Coghill (University of Richmond 1895)
Carlos W. Coleman (University of Richmond 1964)
Vincent W. Collins (University of Richmond 1942)
Frederick H. Combs (University of Richmond 1968)
Henry A. Cook (University of Richmond 1922)
Douglas H. Cooper (University of Richmond 1934)
Charles H. Copeland (University of Richmond 1946)
Harry S. Corey (University of Richmond 1892)
Eugene W. K. Cornwell Jr. (University of Richmond 1940)
Samuel S. Cottrell (University of Richmond 1910)
Solon B. Cousins (University of Richmond 1947)
Wilton G. Cousins (University of Richmond 1949)
Stanley I. Craft (University of Richmond 1930)
Cecil A. Creasy (University of Richmond 1940)
Carlton C. Crenshaw (University of Richmond 1947)
Joseph P. Crenshaw (University of Richmond 1909)
William D. Crockett (University of Richmond 1970)
Richard R. Crose (University of Richmond 1960)
John B. Crowder (University of Richmond 1925)
J. T. Crump (University of Richmond 1925)
Coleman Cutchins Jr. (University of Richmond 1934)
James B. Dalton Jr. (University of Richmond 1946)
Frank P. Davis (University of Richmond 1908)
Harry H. Davis (University of Richmond 1911)
Claude J. Dawson (University of Richmond 1952)
Horace L. Deans (University of Richmond 1904)
Henry C. Decker (University of Richmond 1945)
Henry W. Decker (University of Richmond 1915)
John L. Decker (University of Richmond 1942)
John W. Decker (University of Richmond 1912)
Richard H. Decker (University of Richmond 1928)
William C. Decker (University of Richmond 1932)
M. G. Dennis (University of Richmond 1948)
Robert W. Dew (University of Richmond 1931)
William P. Dickey (University of Richmond 1907)
Alfred J. Dickinson (University of Richmond 1937)
Enders Dickinson (University of Richmond 1940)
Jay V. C. Donohue (University of Richmond 1951)
James H. Donohue III (University of Richmond 1941)
C. L. Dorsey (University of Richmond 1920)
John R. Doughtie (University of Richmond 1916)
Robert S. Downs (University of Richmond 1949)
George V. Drew (University of Richmond 1938)
John B. Dudley Jr. (University of Richmond 1946)
Edward L. Dunford (University of Richmond 1950)
J. E. Dunford (University of Richmond 1948)
John V. Dunford (University of Richmond 1922)
Robert W. Durrett (University of Richmond 1941)
Garland Dyches (University of Richmond 1931)
Horace R. Eckles (University of Richmond 1912)
Donald G. Edel (University of Richmond 1948)
Benjamin R. Eldridge (University of Richmond 1910)
Richard W. Elliott (University of Richmond 1966)
Roland J. Elliott (University of Richmond 1946)
William Ellyson (University of Richmond 1923)
Robert L. Elwood (University of Richmond 1975)
Claude W. Estes (University of Richmond 1959)
John E. Etchison (University of Richmond 1894)
Ernest W. Eubank (University of Richmond 1940)
Page L. Ewell (University of Richmond 1959)
Edwin S. Farley (University of Richmond 1935)
Ernst W. Farley (University of Richmond 1933)
J. P. Farmer (University of Richmond 1956)
William E. Farrar (University of Richmond 1890)
W. W. Farrow (University of Richmond 1899)
Ray D. Faulconer (University of Richmond 1961)
Victor D. Fedorov (University of Richmond 2007)
Thomas H. Felts (University of Richmond 1983)
Henry G. Ferguson (University of Richmond 1925)
Robert G. Fitzgerald (University of Richmond 1931)
Ernest I. Fleming Jr. (University of Richmond 1937)
William D. Fleming (University of Richmond 1953)
Herman V. Fleming (University of Richmond 1947)
William L. Flowers (University of Richmond 1948)
Charles E. Ford (University of Richmond 1916)
Wilton E. Ford (University of Richmond 1969)
John D. Fortna (University of Richmond 1949)
Donald T. Foster (University of Richmond 1960)
James S. Fox (University of Richmond 1900)
Hugh E. Fraser (University of Richmond 1952)
William D. Frazier (University of Richmond 1924)
Philip Frederick Jr. (University of Richmond 1950)
Allen W. Freeman (University of Richmond 1899)
Douglas S. Freeman (University of Richmond 1904)
Roger M. Freeman (University of Richmond 1947)
Frederick A. Frohbose (University of Richmond 1942)
Henly M. Fugate (University of Richmond 1899)
Watkins Fugate (University of Richmond 1932)
William H. Fuqua (University of Richmond 1960)
Charles M. Gaines (University of Richmond 1913)
Francis P. Gaines (University of Richmond 1912)
Wilbur K. Gaines (University of Richmond 1929)
William J. Gaines (University of Richmond 1933)
Richard D. Gardner (University of Richmond 1963)
Jenifer Garnett (University of Richmond 1908)
Thomas A. Garrett (University of Richmond 1966)
Richard H. Gascoigne (University of Richmond 1956)
Kenneth G. Gentil (University of Richmond 1950)
Joseph G. Gibson (University of Richmond 1906)
Robert E. Gilliam (University of Richmond 1963)
E. J. Goetz (University of Richmond 1949)
Aylett W. Goode (University of Richmond 1942)
William A. Goodwin (University of Richmond 1890)
John K. Goolsby (University of Richmond 1954)
Marshall P. Gordon (University of Richmond 1964)
C. J. Gray (University of Richmond 1933)
Kenneth S. Gray (University of Richmond 1966)
Franklin E. Gray (University of Richmond 1958)
Edmund W. Greaner (University of Richmond 1891)
Thomas W. Green (University of Richmond 1942)
Waverly S. Green MD (University of Richmond 1941)
Sidney H. Greer (University of Richmond 1960)
William D. Gresham (University of Richmond 1948)
James A. Griffin (University of Richmond 1936)
Owen Gwathmey (University of Richmond 1942)
Basil V. Haislip (University of Richmond 1913)
Walter B. Haislip (University of Richmond 1910)
Marion L. Hall (University of Richmond 1958)
Lucien T. Hall (University of Richmond 1954)
Charles T. Hallowell (University of Richmond 1940)
Gordon E. Hamlet (University of Richmond 1962)
Frank H. Hancock (University of Richmond 1897)
Philip H. Hann (University of Richmond 1908)
Howard H. Hannabass (University of Richmond 1947)
Jack A. Hansell (University of Richmond 1937)
Clyde T. Hardy Jr. (University of Richmond 1938)
Frederick T. Hardy (University of Richmond 1968)
Howard H. Harlan (University of Richmond 1933)
Michael G. Harmon (University of Richmond 1895)
George L. Harper (University of Richmond 1937)
Harvey T. Harris (University of Richmond 1961)
Robert L. Harrison Jr. (University of Richmond 1909)
Harris Hart (University of Richmond 1896)
Bruce A. Harvell (University of Richmond 1970)
Samuel G. Harwood (University of Richmond 1907)
Robert M. Hathaway (University of Richmond 1943)
Christopher J. Hausler (University of Richmond 1989)
John S. Haw (University of Richmond 1938)
Alvah E. Haydon Jr. (University of Richmond 1937)
W. T. Haynes (University of Richmond 1922)
Harry R. Heflin (University of Richmond 1900)
Joseph L. Helms (University of Richmond 1957)
Gilbert G. Henley (University of Richmond 1948)
Rudolph G. Hetzer Jr. (University of Richmond 1950)
Richard E. Hight (University of Richmond 1956)
Harry L. Hill (University of Richmond 1927)
Ben Hilliard (University of Richmond 1927)
Larry J. Hitchner (University of Richmond 1965)
Cornelius E. Hohmann (University of Richmond 1951)
Walter S. Holman (University of Richmond 1936)
T. R. Holt (University of Richmond 1950)
Samuel T. Honeycutt (University of Richmond 1897)
C. G. Hooten (University of Richmond 1942)
Linwood T. Horne (University of Richmond 1943)
Kenneth D. Howard (University of Richmond 1945)
G. N. Hudmon (University of Richmond 1903)
Elliott A. Hudson (University of Richmond 1963)
John M. Hughes (University of Richmond 1904)
P. Alexander Hughes (University of Richmond 1907)
Richard G. Hughes (University of Richmond 1926)
Thomas E. Hughes (University of Richmond 1906)
Richard E. Humbert (University of Richmond 1941)
James T. Hurst (University of Richmond 1921)
William A. Hurst (University of Richmond 1933)
Werter H. Hurt (University of Richmond 1918)
Walter F. Hyer (University of Richmond 1949)
Alvin G. Ildas (University of Richmond 1950)
Parker W. Ingalls (University of Richmond 1934)
James H. Ivey (University of Richmond 1957)
Robert C. Jackson (University of Richmond 1958)
Lacey M. Jacobs (University of Richmond 1956)
William B. James (University of Richmond 1925)
Barnum L. Jenkins (University of Richmond 1940)
Edgar M. Johnson (University of Richmond 1923)
Edward C. Johnson (University of Richmond 1923)
R. I. Johnson (University of Richmond 1915)
Carter D. Johnston (University of Richmond 1897)
V. Daniel Johnston Jr. (University of Richmond 1942)
Arthur E. Jones Jr. (University of Richmond 1941)
Catesby G. Jones (University of Richmond 1915)
Catesby G. Jones (University of Richmond 1949)
John E. Jordan (University of Richmond 1940)
Larry T. Joyner (University of Richmond 1972)
Randolph W. Joynes (University of Richmond 1933)
Linwood H. Justis (University of Richmond 1915)
David W. Kelly (University of Richmond 1921)
Harold R. Kelly (University of Richmond 1928)
Verbon E. Kemp (University of Richmond 1949)
Arthur R. Kershaw (University of Richmond 1911)
J. A. Kesler (University of Richmond 1958)
Robert D. Kilpatrick (University of Richmond 1948)
Charles T. Kincanon (University of Richmond 1890)
Joseph B. Kincanon (University of Richmond 1927)
C. S. King (University of Richmond 1943)
James G. King (University of Richmond 1896)
Joseph L. King (University of Richmond 1913)
Robert S. King (University of Richmond 1914)
William M. King (University of Richmond 1926)
Carl J. Knorr Jr. (University of Richmond 1968)
Algart M. Kudukis (University of Richmond 1950)
Keith R. Kunberger (University of Richmond 1979)
Benjamin W. Lacy (University of Richmond 1902)
Lane Lacy (University of Richmond 1903)
Richmond T. Lacy (University of Richmond 1904)
Frank H. Lake (University of Richmond 1898)
Samuel R. Lake (University of Richmond 1908)
Edward E. Lane (University of Richmond 1947)
Hobart L. Langrall (University of Richmond 1947)
Edwin B. Lautenslager (University of Richmond 1955)
James T. Lawrence (University of Richmond 1895)
Guy A. Leath (University of Richmond 1949)
Thomas H. Leath (University of Richmond 1948)
William P. Lecky (University of Richmond 1912)
F. H. Lee (University of Richmond 1906)
Joseph D. Lee USAF (University of Richmond 1930)
Kenneth F. Lee (University of Richmond 1927)
Richard H. Lee (University of Richmond 1936)
William H. Leftwich (University of Richmond 1952)
Ronald L. Lehnowsky (University of Richmond 1964)
Robert E. Leitch (University of Richmond 1939)
Edward V. Lightfoot (University of Richmond 1920)
John B. Lightfoot (University of Richmond 1903)
William A. Ligon (University of Richmond 1930)
Elvin S. Ligon (University of Richmond 1931)
Thomas W. Lipscomb (University of Richmond 1895)
John P. Livingston (University of Richmond 1976)
Ernest M. Long (University of Richmond 1896)
Garland L. Long (University of Richmond 1951)
Henry P. Long (University of Richmond 1934)
O. W. Long (University of Richmond 1953)
R. C. Long (University of Richmond 1944)
H. G. Longaker (University of Richmond 1944)
Robert E. Loving (University of Richmond 1897)
Ernest A. Lumsden (University of Richmond 1953)
F. S. Lusby (University of Richmond 1944)
William H. Lyne Jr. (University of Richmond 1894)
Giddings E. Mabry (University of Richmond 1898)
Jesse H. Mabry Jr. (University of Richmond 1945)
Vaughn J. Mackey (University of Richmond 1973)
William C. Magee (University of Richmond 1948)
Larry A. Maier (University of Richmond 1972)
Charles N. Major (University of Richmond 1939)
Dudley W. Mallory Jr. (University of Richmond 1947)
Fred C. Mallory (University of Richmond 1956)
Jack C. Mallory (University of Richmond 1950)
Thomas H. Markley (University of Richmond 1954)
Hunter W. Martin (University of Richmond 1938)
Michael M. Martin (University of Richmond 1973)
Ralph S. Martin (University of Richmond 1929)
Robert R. Martin (University of Richmond 1939)
Berkeley H. Martin (University of Richmond 1937)
H. S. Massie (University of Richmond 1949)
G. E. Massie (University of Richmond 1941)
William W. McClure (University of Richmond 1945)
Strubbe McConnell (University of Richmond 1901)
William C. McCorkel (University of Richmond 1926)
Howard M. McCue (University of Richmond 1937)
Randolph McCutcheon (University of Richmond 1947)
Thomas C. McDow Jr. (University of Richmond 1951)
Ellett R. McGeorge (University of Richmond 1947)
Malcolm P. McGregor (University of Richmond 1964)
Jake W. McLain Jr. (University of Richmond 1933)
Guy E. McNiel (University of Richmond 1918)
David McPherson (University of Richmond 1979)
Christopher L. McRae (University of Richmond 1932)
Marvin E. McRae (University of Richmond 1930)
Thomas K. McRae (University of Richmond 1927)
Cecil D. Mercer (University of Richmond 1965)
Harvey L. Milbourne (University of Richmond 1918)
Waldo G. Miles (University of Richmond 1934)
Hudson C. Millar (University of Richmond 1908)
George H. Miller (University of Richmond 1958)
Roderick D. Miller (University of Richmond 1949)
Henry F. Miller (University of Richmond 1936)
Charles A. Mink (University of Richmond 1954)
Perry L. Mitchell (University of Richmond 1916)
Samuel C. Mitchell (University of Richmond 1918)
Terry Mitchell (University of Richmond 1918)
Stephen L. Mitchell (University of Richmond 1943)
Ingersoll Moffat (University of Richmond 1904)
George D. Morgan (University of Richmond 1901)
Lloyd V. Morris (University of Richmond 1955)
Francis G. Morrison (University of Richmond 1914)
Ferdinand H. Morton (University of Richmond 1940)
Ernest Mosby (University of Richmond 1897)
Harry R. Mundy (University of Richmond 1947)
James E. Murphy (University of Richmond 1955)
Allen T. Murphy (University of Richmond 1945)
Louis C. Nelson (University of Richmond 1930)
Warren R. Nelson (University of Richmond 1915)
William R. Newhouse (University of Richmond 1951)
William W. Nicholls (University of Richmond 1955)
Hugh G. Noffsinger Jr. (University of Richmond 1928)
John E. Nye (University of Richmond 1953)
Curtis D. Oakes (University of Richmond 1951)
Philip W. Oden (University of Richmond 1931)
Roderick L. O'Flaherty (University of Richmond 1939)
George L. Oliver (University of Richmond 1939)
John B. Omohundro (University of Richmond 1918)
Stuart W. Omohundro (University of Richmond 1953)
Alec M. O'Neill (University of Richmond 1991)
Edward F. Overton (University of Richmond 1931)
Frank M. Paget (University of Richmond 1922)
James S. Paget (University of Richmond 1921)
Woodrow W. Paris (University of Richmond 1940)
Charles S. Parker (University of Richmond 1962)
Julian B. Parr (University of Richmond 1948)
Thomas P. Parsley (University of Richmond 1926)
William T. Patrick (University of Richmond 1930)
Travis T. Patterson (University of Richmond 1930)
Richard R. Patterson Jr. (University of Richmond 1932)
Wiley T. Payne (University of Richmond 1932)
Wilbur S. Peck (University of Richmond 1937)
Percy Pemberton (University of Richmond 1901)
Cornelius B. Penzold (University of Richmond 1929)
Lewis H. Perkins (University of Richmond 1910)
Leslie H. Phillips (University of Richmond 1945)
Walter D. Phillips (University of Richmond 1895)
Charles H. Phillips (University of Richmond 1938)
Malcolm U. Pitt (University of Richmond 1942)
R. C. Poindexter (University of Richmond 1904)
Garnett R. Poindexter (University of Richmond 1930)
George M. Pollard (University of Richmond 1940)
Peyton M. Pollard (University of Richmond 1951)
Wallace B. Poteat (University of Richmond 1944)
Douglas C. Powell (University of Richmond 1956)
William A. Powell (University of Richmond 1938)
Thomas B. Powers (University of Richmond 1912)
Roland M. Pugh (University of Richmond 1964)
Edward D. Quarles (University of Richmond 1892)
Edwin G. Quattlebaum (University of Richmond 1920)
Robert C. Quick (University of Richmond 1931)
Bernard G. Ragland (University of Richmond 1956)
George Ragland (University of Richmond 1898)
Herbert S. Ragland (University of Richmond 1906)
John F. Ragland (University of Richmond 1896)
Edward E. Ralston (University of Richmond 1945)
Andrew J. Ramsey (University of Richmond 1890)
Marion W. Ransone (University of Richmond 1923)
Albert T. Ransone Jr. (University of Richmond 1910)
George Rayland (University of Richmond 1898)
Thomas O. Reardon (University of Richmond 1961)
Charles R. Revere (University of Richmond 1961)
James R. Richman (University of Richmond 1947)
James H. Ricks (University of Richmond 1908)
James H. Ricks (University of Richmond 1937)
George G. Ritchie (University of Richmond 1945)
William K. Roberson (University of Richmond 1953)
Harvey W. Roberts (University of Richmond 1967)
Russell P. Robertson (University of Richmond 1962)
Bertram L. Robins (University of Richmond 1917)
Hubel Robins (University of Richmond 1923)
Robert P. Roper (University of Richmond 1937)
George W. Ross (University of Richmond 1940)
George W. Ross (University of Richmond 1917)
William F. Rowe (University of Richmond 1948)
Edmund H. Rucker (University of Richmond 1919)
Ashton C. Rudd (University of Richmond 1898)
Wortley F. Rudd (University of Richmond 1898)
Ashton C. Rudd (University of Richmond 1928)
Charles D. Rue (University of Richmond 1911)
Charles H. Ryland (University of Richmond 1936)
Garnett Ryland (University of Richmond 1892)
James F. Ryland (University of Richmond 1896)
John M. Ryland (University of Richmond 1909)
Samuel P. Ryland (University of Richmond 1905)
Wilbur Ryland (University of Richmond 1919)
Charles H. Ryland (University of Richmond 1896)
George W. Sadler (University of Richmond 1943)
Richard S. Sadler (University of Richmond 1920)
David A. Sandridge (University of Richmond 1961)
Dave E. Satterfield (University of Richmond 1917)
David E. Satterfield (University of Richmond 1943)
Leander T. Saunders (University of Richmond 1942)
Robert L. Saville (University of Richmond 1936)
Robert L. Saville (University of Richmond 1910)
F. M. Sayre (University of Richmond 1906)
Wayne H. Scearce (University of Richmond 1969)
John J. Scherer (University of Richmond 1929)
Ernest R. Schoen (University of Richmond 1904)
George W. Schools (University of Richmond 1932)
Maxwell R. Schools (University of Richmond 1935)
Charles K. Scott (University of Richmond 1955)
Guy M. Scott (University of Richmond 1955)
John W. Sexton (University of Richmond 1990)
George H. Shackelford (University of Richmond 1941)
Barry G. Sharp (University of Richmond 1964)
Garland H. Sharp (University of Richmond 1928)
John R. Shell (University of Richmond 1946)
William P. Shelton (University of Richmond 1893)
Esten H. Shomo (University of Richmond 1948)
W. S. Short (University of Richmond 1950)
Frank T. Shumate (University of Richmond 1897)
Russell O. Siler (University of Richmond 1964)
Randolph T. Skinner (University of Richmond 1968)
Linwood R. Slagle (University of Richmond 1928)
Albert G. Smith (University of Richmond 1922)
John B. Smith (University of Richmond 1913)
John M. Smith (University of Richmond 1949)
Russell G. Smith (University of Richmond 1911)
J. E. Snead (University of Richmond 1935)
William H. Snead (University of Richmond 1950)
Wesley L. Snelson (University of Richmond 1936)
John H. Snodgrass (University of Richmond 1924)
Reid M. Spencer (University of Richmond 1946)
Austin P. Spotts (University of Richmond 1890)
Clarence W. Sprenkle (University of Richmond 1966)
John A. St Clair (University of Richmond 1931)
Vernon E. Stafford (University of Richmond 1929)
Warren A. Stansbury (University of Richmond 1944)
Raymond F. Staples (University of Richmond 1903)
Frank D. Stoneburner (University of Richmond 1947)
Richard G. Stoneburner (University of Richmond 1938)
Seabury D. Stoneburner (University of Richmond 1940)
Thomas R. Storer (University of Richmond 1968)
Ewing P. Stringfellow (University of Richmond 1910)
James L. Stringfellow (University of Richmond 1909)
J. S. Strum (University of Richmond 1959)
Edwin W. Sudduth (University of Richmond 1907)
Thomas B. Summerell (University of Richmond 1962)
Vernon M. Swaim III (University of Richmond 1951)
Hunter M. Sweaney (University of Richmond 1915)
John M. Tabb (University of Richmond 1937)
Randolph P. Tabb (University of Richmond 1936)
C. W. Taber (University of Richmond 1903)
Robert H. Talley (University of Richmond 1900)
Edgar H. Taylor (University of Richmond 1902)
Jackson J. Taylor (University of Richmond 1942)
Jesse R. Taylor (University of Richmond 1900)
John M. D. Taylor (University of Richmond 1936)
Joseph C. Taylor (University of Richmond 1898)
Robert B. Taylor (University of Richmond 1980)
Samuel B. Taylor Jr. (University of Richmond 1953)
Samuel H. Templeman (University of Richmond 1938)
Andrew J. Thomas (University of Richmond 1918)
Maurice W. Thomas (University of Richmond 1891)
Frank K. Thompson (University of Richmond 1949)
Harry L. Thompson (University of Richmond 1945)
Andrew T. Thornton (University of Richmond 1945)
George W. Tiller (University of Richmond 1964)
Milton D. Todd (University of Richmond 1934)
John M. Toler (University of Richmond 1939)
Charles W. Trainham (University of Richmond 1913)
James W. Trevillian (University of Richmond 1923)
Mark F. Troxell (University of Richmond 1950)
Joseph R. Troy (University of Richmond 1940)
Theodore W. Troy (University of Richmond 1951)
Franklin D. Tuck (University of Richmond 1952)
Richard C. Tuck (University of Richmond 1946)
Wiliam G. Turbyfill (University of Richmond 1937)
Dillwyn P. Tyler (University of Richmond 1918)
Sidney V. Upjohn (University of Richmond 1930)
Burton Vandyke (University of Richmond 1918)
C. P. Vaughan (University of Richmond 1940)
Frederick A. Waddington (University of Richmond 1941)
George T. Waite (University of Richmond 1907)
George T. Waite (University of Richmond 1941)
Dan C. Walker (University of Richmond 1949)
Basil M. Walthall (University of Richmond 1909)
Clarence R. Walton (University of Richmond 1961)
Henry G. Warinner (University of Richmond 1916)
Jack H. Watkins (University of Richmond 1919)
George J. Weeden Jr. (University of Richmond 1964)
Hemmetter E. Weeks (University of Richmond 1931)
David S. Weller (University of Richmond 1980)
Robert G. West (University of Richmond 1934)
William H. West (University of Richmond 1906)
Edward S. White (University of Richmond 1934)
Lawrence M. Whitehurst (University of Richmond 1923)
John D. Whitehurst (University of Richmond 1927)
Stuart W. Whitehurst (University of Richmond 1924)
Coleman M. Whitlock (University of Richmond 1919)
Roy D. Whitlock (University of Richmond 1919)
R. M. Whittet (University of Richmond 1939)
Robert Whittet (University of Richmond 1919)
Douglas W. Wiley (University of Richmond 1949)
J. Hundley Wiley Jr. (University of Richmond 1945)
Howard H. Williams (University of Richmond 1907)
Kenton A. Williams (University of Richmond 1948)
Marian E. Williams (University of Richmond 1927)
Ramoth P. Williams (University of Richmond 1917)
Walter H. Williams (University of Richmond 1946)
Buren O. Williams (University of Richmond 1949)
Alfred R. Willingham (University of Richmond 1898)
Leon K. Willingham (University of Richmond 1902)
Wright R. Willingham (University of Richmond 1898)
Edward B. Willingham (University of Richmond 1921)
Clodius H. Willis (University of Richmond 1914)
J. Harry Willis (University of Richmond 1922)
Robert G. Willis (University of Richmond 1909)
Channing W. Wilson (University of Richmond 1925)
W. W. Wilson (University of Richmond 1947)
George H. Winfrey (University of Richmond 1910)
Harris B. Winfrey (University of Richmond 1919)
John G. Winston (University of Richmond 1891)
Lawrence C. Wood (University of Richmond 1908)
Mason D. Wood (University of Richmond 1952)
Matthew L. Wood Jr. (University of Richmond 1929)
Harold M. Woodall (University of Richmond 1930)
Richard H. Worrell (University of Richmond 1956)
C. F. Wortham (University of Richmond 1940)
Edwin Wortham (University of Richmond 1939)
John W. Wright Jr. (University of Richmond 1940)
O. Raymond Yates Jr. (University of Richmond 1946)
Stephen A. Grasso (University of San Diego 2019)
Stephen F. Bohon (University of South Florida 1970)
John M. Bradbeer (University of South Florida 1971)
Cyril B. Haughn (University of South Florida 1976)
Charles G. Strickler (University of South Florida 1972)
Louis L. Abbott (University of Southern California 1949)
Thomas W. Anderegg (University of Southern California 1968)
David A. Anderson (University of Southern California 1969)
Lee Anderson (University of Southern California 1975)
Edwin E. Bach (University of Southern California 1954)
Winston S. Bachelder (University of Southern California 1951)
Robert G. Barton (University of Southern California 1951)
Bradley S. Bemis (University of Southern California 1988)
James A. Bradley (University of Southern California 1975)
Paul L. Brannan (University of Southern California 1956)
Ronald L. Brown (University of Southern California 1959)
William E. Burby (University of Southern California 1951)
William E. Burby (University of Southern California 1952)
Robert W. Burke (University of Southern California 1976)
Kenneth G. Carlson (University of Southern California 1976)
Norman T. Christina (University of Southern California 1956)
Charles H. Christopher (University of Southern California 1957)
John M. Clyman (University of Southern California 1961)
James F. Conlon (University of Southern California 1951)
Larry A. Cossairt (University of Southern California 1957)
Douglas G. Dalpe (University of Southern California 1954)
John T. Davis (University of Southern California 1974)
Jacques M. DeBrer (University of Southern California 1960)
John P. Devine (University of Southern California 1952)
David I. Dirkes (University of Southern California 1966)
Jason R. Doyle (University of Southern California 1984)
Karl M. Drummond (University of Southern California 1979)
Richard C. Dryer (University of Southern California 1954)
Raymond J. Dunning (University of Southern California 1954)
Timothy W. Edwards (University of Southern California 1977)
Carlos Elias (University of Southern California 1955)
William J. Ellis (University of Southern California 1952)
Robert S. Erhart (University of Southern California 1951)
Richard D. Evans (University of Southern California 1957)
Ray T. Fisher (University of Southern California 1958)
John A. Fox (University of Southern California 1958)
Brian R. Franks (University of Southern California 1965)
Robert W. Frayne (University of Southern California 1950)
Raymond R. Garcia (University of Southern California 1951)
John E. Gary (University of Southern California 1952)
Richard G. Gauger (University of Southern California 1967)
Kevin J. Gentile (University of Southern California 1982)
Wayne P. Grogan (University of Southern California 1951)
G. W. Grundy (University of Southern California 1949)
Owen J. Haggerty (University of Southern California 1957)
Hrvose A. Han (University of Southern California 1988)
Donald D. Hanson (University of Southern California 1953)
Don Harper (University of Southern California 1952)
Robert Hart (University of Southern California 1949)
Robert E. Hartley (University of Southern California 1956)
Robert F. Hayes (University of Southern California 1950)
Kenneth M. Helwig (University of Southern California 1986)
Peter C. Henderson (University of Southern California 1959)
Paul R. Hess (University of Southern California 1975)
C. M. Hinshilwood (University of Southern California 1954)
Milton C. Hubatka (University of Southern California 1972)
Garet H. Hughes (University of Southern California 1959)
Corydon D. Hurtado (University of Southern California 1959)
Lambert M. Javelera (University of Southern California 1952)
Ralph G. Jensen (University of Southern California 1966)
Joseph E. Johnson (University of Southern California 1952)
James Karayn (University of Southern California 1956)
H. C. Kellogg (University of Southern California 1952)
Donald H. Landwehr (University of Southern California 1952)
Robert G. Lane (University of Southern California 1953)
W. Richard Lang Jr. (University of Southern California 1961)
David M. Leckie (University of Southern California 1971)
John R. Lehman (University of Southern California 1951)
Alan H. Lewis (University of Southern California 1988)
Arthur E. Lewis (University of Southern California 1958)
Blaik W. Llewellyn (University of Southern California 1974)
Kenneth S. Loewen (University of Southern California 1974)
Robert Martin (University of Southern California 1950)
Hazen L. Matthews (University of Southern California 1950)
Robert B. Maxwell (University of Southern California 1972)
Arthur M. McClure (University of Southern California 1955)
Robert D. McLaren (University of Southern California 1952)
Shawn K. Millbern (University of Southern California 1976)
Robert M. Minot (University of Southern California 1951)
William J. Moffitt (University of Southern California 1950)
Robert K. Moore (University of Southern California 1970)
Michael C. Moran (University of Southern California 1966)
Brendan D. Mulhall (University of Southern California 1957)
George J. Murphy (University of Southern California 1970)
Michael Murphy (University of Southern California 2001)
Richard H. Myers (University of Southern California 1953)
Howard A. Nye (University of Southern California 1950)
Kevin J. O'Donnell (University of Southern California 1979)
Verne R. Olson (University of Southern California 1971)
William R. Peters (University of Southern California 1961)
William T. Pittenger (University of Southern California 1976)
Lynn P. Rehm (University of Southern California 1963)
William M. Reitzell (University of Southern California 1951)
Charles A. Renard (University of Southern California 1967)
Ronald S. Rice (University of Southern California 1955)
Robert E. Richardson (University of Southern California 1977)
Will S. Richeson (University of Southern California 1983)
Johnathan S. Ritter (University of Southern California 1970)
Freeman D. Sardou (University of Southern California 1959)
Eric J. Scheldrup (University of Southern California 1989)
George T. Schiess (University of Southern California 1952)
J. Martin Suckiel (University of Southern California 1969)
C. L. Thompson (University of Southern California 1953)
Kenneth F. Thompson (University of Southern California 1955)
David M. VanName (University of Southern California 1952)
Charles T. Von Der Ahe (University of Southern California 1982)
John W. Warren (University of Southern California 1966)
Andrew D. Westhem (University of Southern California 1955)
Walter White (University of Southern California 1956)
Laurence Wilson (University of Southern California 1950)
Stephen J. Witt (University of Southern California 1960)
Ralph E. Wolter (University of Southern California 1971)
Joseph E. Acker (University of Tennessee 1939)
Robert E. Acker (University of Tennessee 1943)
Gary D. Adams (University of Tennessee 1956)
C. Bauman Alexander Jr. (University of Tennessee 1949)
Frank K. Allen (University of Tennessee 1929)
Edwin P. Almond (University of Tennessee 1952)
Edward R. Anderson (University of Tennessee 1955)
Hugh W. Anderson (University of Tennessee 1950)
Walter L. Anderson (University of Tennessee 1927)
Sidney N. Anthony (University of Tennessee 1919)
Orgie C. Armitage (University of Tennessee 1935)
Foster D. Arnett (University of Tennessee 1943)
William S. Arnett (University of Tennessee 1946)
Robert A. Asquith (University of Tennessee 1946)
Carter H. Austin (University of Tennessee 1923)
Robert C. Austin (University of Tennessee 1940)
Tom N. Austin (University of Tennessee 1937)
William S. Austin (University of Tennessee 1895)
Samuel W. Ayres (University of Tennessee 1906)
John W. Bachman (University of Tennessee 1905)
John B. Bailey (University of Tennessee 1926)
Charles N. Baker (University of Tennessee 1906)
George I. Baker (University of Tennessee 1922)
John F. Baker (University of Tennessee 1908)
John M. Baker (University of Tennessee 1920)
Joseph A. Baker (University of Tennessee 1911)
William G. Baker (University of Tennessee 1908)
Charles S. Baldwin (University of Tennessee 1935)
Albert L. Ball (University of Tennessee 1932)
Leland P. Bannister (University of Tennessee 1920)
Thomas O. Barnett Jr. (University of Tennessee 1964)
William D. Barton (University of Tennessee 1951)
Clarke N. Bass (University of Tennessee 1918)
George B. Bass (University of Tennessee 1970)
Robert L. Bass (University of Tennessee 1924)
George N. Bass (University of Tennessee 1940)
George M. Bates (University of Tennessee 1947)
William M. Bates (University of Tennessee 1896)
Alvin G. Beaman (University of Tennessee 1933)
Clarence Beaman (University of Tennessee 1937)
Robert H. Bean (University of Tennessee 1920)
Jones C. Beene (University of Tennessee 1936)
Bobby A. Beever (University of Tennessee 1964)
Robert F. Behrens (University of Tennessee 1955)
Daniel B. Benscoter (University of Tennessee 1920)
Roy M. Biddle (University of Tennessee 1952)
Russell B. Billings (University of Tennessee 1984)
Percy P. Bishop (University of Tennessee 1898)
Ben F. Black (University of Tennessee 1956)
W. R. Blackard (University of Tennessee 1924)
Clarence E. Blackburn (University of Tennessee 1935)
Jim L. Bohannon (University of Tennessee 1962)
James B. Bolin (University of Tennessee 1951)
John C. Bolinger (University of Tennessee 1944)
William H. Bone (University of Tennessee 1926)
Harvey A. Borum (University of Tennessee 1940)
Donal C. Bosson (University of Tennessee 1944)
Ernest R. Bourkard (University of Tennessee 1938)
Harrison O. Bourkard (University of Tennessee 1936)
Nicholls W. Bowden (University of Tennessee 1941)
Hugh A. Bowling (University of Tennessee 1939)
Jasper H. Bowling (University of Tennessee 1936)
Edward S. Bowman (University of Tennessee 1938)
James W. Bowman (University of Tennessee 1942)
Thomas M. Boyd (University of Tennessee 1951)
John H. Boyd (University of Tennessee 1948)
William T. Bozeman (University of Tennessee 1969)
Fay W. Brabson (University of Tennessee 1901)
George D. Brabson (University of Tennessee 1918)
Joseph R. Brabson (University of Tennessee 1906)
Thomas D. Brabson (University of Tennessee 1905)
John W. Bradley (University of Tennessee 1942)
John E. Brady (University of Tennessee 1929)
Kevin L. Branche (University of Tennessee 1992)
Nicholas F. Brent (University of Tennessee 1891)
James C. Bresnahan (University of Tennessee 1952)
John G. Brewer (University of Tennessee 1973)
Neil D. Briggs (University of Tennessee 1950)
Fred Bright (University of Tennessee 1955)
Charles O. Browder Jr. (University of Tennessee 1932)
David D. Browder (University of Tennessee 1930)
Frank M. Brown (University of Tennessee 1911)
Frank R. Brown (University of Tennessee 1942)
Thoburn K. Brown (University of Tennessee 1910)
Charles H. Brown (University of Tennessee 1938)
Arthur C. Bruner Jr. (University of Tennessee 1948)
Robert H. Bruner (University of Tennessee 1976)
Robert J. Bruner (University of Tennessee 1951)
A. J. Bryan (University of Tennessee 1945)
Frank C. Buford (University of Tennessee 1920)
Alva B. Bundren (University of Tennessee 1954)
Robert P. Burke (University of Tennessee 1928)
William L. Burks (University of Tennessee 1930)
William M. Burnett (University of Tennessee 1898)
Warren Butler (University of Tennessee 1955)
William H. Caffey (University of Tennessee 1927)
Fred H. Cagle (University of Tennessee 1946)
Robert H. Cagle (University of Tennessee 1954)
Byrd D. Cain (University of Tennessee 1925)
Harry T. Caldwell (University of Tennessee 1955)
William E. Caldwell (University of Tennessee 1955)
Cleland B. Calfee (University of Tennessee 1928)
John D. Calfee (University of Tennessee 1933)
William G. Calhoon (University of Tennessee 1970)
Charles N. Callaway (University of Tennessee 1913)
Frank B. Callaway (University of Tennessee 1916)
John L. Callaway (University of Tennessee 1928)
Henry N. Camp (University of Tennessee 1906)
George Y. Campbell (University of Tennessee 1944)
John P. Campbell (University of Tennessee 1908)
Thomas E. Cantrell (University of Tennessee 1946)
Ben L. Capell (University of Tennessee 1904)
Samuel E. Carey (University of Tennessee 1950)
A. A. Carlen (University of Tennessee 1909)
Alvin D. Carmany (University of Tennessee 1971)
Frederick W. Carr (University of Tennessee 1934)
Bruce A. Carson (University of Tennessee 1964)
Richard L. Carson (University of Tennessee 1934)
Heber H. Carter Jr. (University of Tennessee 1947)
Paul D. Carter (University of Tennessee 1918)
Tate L. Carty (University of Tennessee 1970)
Clifton B. Cates (University of Tennessee 1916)
Estill L. Caudill (University of Tennessee 1938)
Earl C. Channell (University of Tennessee 1959)
John W. Chapman (University of Tennessee 1972)
Robert C. Chapman (University of Tennessee 1953)
Paul S. Chappell (University of Tennessee 1949)
Albert L. Chavannes (University of Tennessee 1918)
Edward L. Chavannes (University of Tennessee 1927)
Julian J. Cheviron (University of Tennessee 1912)
John T. Church (University of Tennessee 1934)
Charles W. Churchill (University of Tennessee 1928)
Glen R. Claiborne (University of Tennessee 1951)
William L. Clapp (University of Tennessee 1945)
Champ E. Clark (University of Tennessee 1974)
Elam F. Clark (University of Tennessee 1931)
James L. Clarke (University of Tennessee 1932)
George W. Clay (University of Tennessee 1894)
Edward S. Clayton (University of Tennessee 1959)
Edward S. Clayton Jr. (University of Tennessee 1921)
Everett M. Clayton (University of Tennessee 1918)
Joseph R. Clayton (University of Tennessee 1919)
William B. Clayton (University of Tennessee 1925)
James M. Cleveland (University of Tennessee 1945)
Wallace F. Clift (University of Tennessee 1891)
Bernard C. Clippard (University of Tennessee 1945)
Stephen R. Cobble (University of Tennessee 1976)
Charles S. Cochran (University of Tennessee 1968)
Marshall B. Coker (University of Tennessee 1952)
Lee J. Cole (University of Tennessee 1988)
George J. Coleman (University of Tennessee 1919)
Even T. Collinsworth (University of Tennessee 1943)
John A. Columbus (University of Tennessee 1972)
Beamon S. Cooley (University of Tennessee 1962)
Dennis Coughlin (University of Tennessee 1953)
Dedrick A. Courtney (University of Tennessee 1988)
James J. Cowan (University of Tennessee 1955)
Raymond R. Cowles (University of Tennessee 1975)
Charles H. Cox (University of Tennessee 1929)
Henry M. Cox (University of Tennessee 1916)
James T. Cox (University of Tennessee 1901)
John R. Cox (University of Tennessee 1950)
Lyman Cox (University of Tennessee 1933)
Newton C. Cox (University of Tennessee 1953)
Robert A. Cox (University of Tennessee 1931)
William B. Cox (University of Tennessee 1942)
James N. Cox (University of Tennessee 1938)
Philip T. Crawford (University of Tennessee 1934)
Hugh F. Crawford (University of Tennessee 1932)
Charles E. Creagh (University of Tennessee 1931)
John P. Crews (University of Tennessee 1942)
Carter W. Criner (University of Tennessee 1978)
Robert C. Criner (University of Tennessee 1991)
Hugh P. Crumbliss (University of Tennessee 1935)
Roy C. Crumbliss (University of Tennessee 1939)
Philip R. Crye (University of Tennessee 1959)
Kermit F. Cuff (University of Tennessee 1947)
David Cummins (University of Tennessee 1894)
Logan Cummins (University of Tennessee 1894)
Wells R. Cunningham (University of Tennessee 1932)
Fred W. Dahnke (University of Tennessee 1925)
George W. Dahnke (University of Tennessee 1932)
James S. Dallas (University of Tennessee 1948)
Edward T. Dance (University of Tennessee 1947)
Philip S. Dance (University of Tennessee 1950)
Frank M. Darnall (University of Tennessee 1903)
Henry J. Darnall (University of Tennessee 1887)
Walter M. Darnall (University of Tennessee 1908)
Frank B. Davant (University of Tennessee 1904)
William H. Davenport Jr. (University of Tennessee 1941)
William D. Davidson (University of Tennessee 1972)
Edmund M. Davis (University of Tennessee 1890)
G.C. Davis (University of Tennessee 1944)
John P. Davis (University of Tennessee 1956)
Raymond H. Davis (University of Tennessee 1933)
Thomas A. Davis (University of Tennessee 1893)
Victor M. Davis (University of Tennessee 1947)
William M. Davis (University of Tennessee 1952)
William W. Davis (University of Tennessee 1969)
L. N. Davy (University of Tennessee 1954)
Charles H. Dean (University of Tennessee 1947)
Eugene F. Dearing (University of Tennessee 1928)
Everette H. Deaver (University of Tennessee 1927)
Robert J. DeBerry (University of Tennessee 1930)
Alexander M. Denison (University of Tennessee 1954)
Harlen D. Dewey (University of Tennessee 1936)
Luther A. Dick (University of Tennessee 1941)
Stacey M. Dobbs (University of Tennessee 1978)
George E. Dodge (University of Tennessee 1893)
George D. Dodson (University of Tennessee 1905)
Charles E. Dominick (University of Tennessee 1935)
Paul M. Dominick (University of Tennessee 1957)
Daniel Donahue (University of Tennessee 1942)
Meriwether R. Donaldson (University of Tennessee 1906)
Robert C. Donaldson (University of Tennessee 1897)
Wellington Donaldson (University of Tennessee 1901)
William J. Donaldson (University of Tennessee 1903)
Lauchlan Donaldson (University of Tennessee 1898)
Robert C. Donaldson Jr. (University of Tennessee 1927)
Charles T. Dooley (University of Tennessee 1960)
James E. Dooley (University of Tennessee 1941)
George W. Doughty (University of Tennessee 1941)
James M. Doughty (University of Tennessee 1927)
John H. Doughty (University of Tennessee 1925)
Richard H. Doughty (University of Tennessee 1947)
Willis H. Doughty (University of Tennessee 1928)
Leonard M. Dow (University of Tennessee 1913)
Peter S. Dow (University of Tennessee 1909)
Sumner A. Dow (University of Tennessee 1908)
John B. Dow (University of Tennessee 1922)
James C. Droke (University of Tennessee 1933)
Frank D. Duncan (University of Tennessee 1998)
Eddie N. Duncan (University of Tennessee 1965)
Sexton W. Dungan (University of Tennessee 1905)
J. C. Dunn (University of Tennessee 1949)
M. B. Dunsmore (University of Tennessee 1953)
George E. Dyer (University of Tennessee 1955)
Charles F. Eager (University of Tennessee 1951)
Lelon R. Eager (University of Tennessee 1949)
William B. Earthman (University of Tennessee 1929)
Ward H. Eastman (University of Tennessee 1938)
James G. Eblen (University of Tennessee 1927)
Wilbert J. Eblen (University of Tennessee 1922)
William J. Edelen (University of Tennessee 1897)
Henry M. Edmonds (University of Tennessee 1899)
H. B. Edwards (University of Tennessee 1934)
Robert W. Edwards (University of Tennessee 1937)
Cecil B. Egerton (University of Tennessee 1952)
M. W. Egerton (University of Tennessee 1947)
James H. Eldridge (University of Tennessee 1930)
James L. Ellis (University of Tennessee 1987)
Paul W. Elmore (University of Tennessee 1915)
Frederick A. Elmore (University of Tennessee 1941)
Walter M. Emery (University of Tennessee 1903)
John A. Evans (University of Tennessee 1949)
Leo I. Fanz (University of Tennessee 1917)
Kenneth L. Faulkner (University of Tennessee 1959)
William B. Feathers (University of Tennessee 1934)
Maurice W. Fender (University of Tennessee 1915)
Paul C. Ferrell (University of Tennessee 1910)
Howard M. Fields (University of Tennessee 1956)
Thomas A. Finch (University of Tennessee 1950)
Henry T. Finley (University of Tennessee 1922)
Franklin A. Fisher (University of Tennessee 1975)
Arthur R. Fite (University of Tennessee 1900)
Charles V. Flowers Jr. (University of Tennessee 1947)
Charles H. Fonde (University of Tennessee 1914)
Donald Forcum (University of Tennessee 1942)
Charles M. Ford (University of Tennessee 1898)
Ernest A. Forsten (University of Tennessee 1956)
John C. Forster (University of Tennessee 1970)
Clifton G. Foster (University of Tennessee 1953)
Edward C. Fowler (University of Tennessee 1923)
Harley G. Fowler (University of Tennessee 1909)
Hornsby J. Fowler (University of Tennessee 1917)
Sam F. Fowler (University of Tennessee 1950)
Samuel F. Fowler (University of Tennessee 1923)
James A. Fowler (University of Tennessee 1916)
George G. Fowlkes (University of Tennessee 1931)
Dillard M. Francisco (University of Tennessee 1953)
French B. Frazier (University of Tennessee 1941)
Jack G. Frazier (University of Tennessee 1942)
Benjamin S. Fretz (University of Tennessee 1947)
Eugene C. Fretz (University of Tennessee 1919)
Eugene C. Fretz (University of Tennessee 1943)
Daniel G. Friend (University of Tennessee 1950)
Aldrich C. Fuller (University of Tennessee 1925)
Robert W. Fulton (University of Tennessee 1938)
Roberto H. Galvez (University of Tennessee 1961)
John C. Galvin (University of Tennessee 1949)
Eugene D. Galyon (University of Tennessee 1929)
Barnett J. Gamble (University of Tennessee 1968)
Roger Ganier (University of Tennessee 1935)
William E. Garity (University of Tennessee 1944)
Thomas E. Garrett (University of Tennessee 1956)
William N. Garrett (University of Tennessee 1906)
Mac Roy Gasque (University of Tennessee 1936)
Gavin M. Gentry (University of Tennessee 1952)
David Getaz (University of Tennessee 1918)
James L. Getaz (University of Tennessee 1905)
James L. Getaz (University of Tennessee 1940)
Raymond R. Gibson (University of Tennessee 1946)
William P. Gideon (University of Tennessee 1945)
Gary R. Gleaves (University of Tennessee 1972)
Abner M. Glover (University of Tennessee 1950)
James S. Goddard (University of Tennessee 1974)
William H. Goddard (University of Tennessee 1968)
Otto F. Goetz (University of Tennessee 1914)
Robert W. Gooch (University of Tennessee 1924)
Eugene Gooch (University of Tennessee 1930)
Martin G. Goodwin (University of Tennessee 1927)
William A. Gore (University of Tennessee 1933)
Joseph B. Gorman (University of Tennessee 1962)
Leicel L. Gragg (University of Tennessee 1915)
James M. Grainger (University of Tennessee 1904)
Joseph H. Grainger (University of Tennessee 1907)
William O. Graves (University of Tennessee 1944)
George E. Greene (University of Tennessee 1984)
William F. Gresham (University of Tennessee 1906)
Roy F. Griffin Jr. (University of Tennessee 1960)
James W. Grimes (University of Tennessee 1925)
Harry F. Griscom (University of Tennessee 1941)
Walter C. Groner (University of Tennessee 1924)
Terrell E. Guy (University of Tennessee 1920)
Joseph E. Hacker (University of Tennessee 1908)
Victor N. Hacker (University of Tennessee 1906)
Toby W. Hackett (University of Tennessee 1990)
William J. Hagan III (University of Tennessee 1939)
William O. Haggard (University of Tennessee 1930)
Thomas H. Haile (University of Tennessee 1933)
Michael W. Haithcoat (University of Tennessee 1968)
Matthew Hale (University of Tennessee 2013)
Robert I. Hale (University of Tennessee 1954)
Fergus S. Hall Jr. (University of Tennessee 1892)
Elza D. Hammer (University of Tennessee 1907)
William R. Hammer (University of Tennessee 1904)
Jerome Hampton (University of Tennessee 1900)
Foster F. Hampton (University of Tennessee 1936)
Charles L. Hardin (University of Tennessee 1962)
Jack M. Hardin (University of Tennessee 1958)
James M. Hardin (University of Tennessee 1977)
Jeffery K. Hardin (University of Tennessee 1979)
Alexander J. Harkness (University of Tennessee 1950)
Paul S. Harlan (University of Tennessee 1908)
Charles B. Harle (University of Tennessee 1929)
Homer T. Harle (University of Tennessee 1934)
Luke L. Harle (University of Tennessee 1927)
Alvin B. Harper (University of Tennessee 1952)
Robert M. Harper (University of Tennessee 1956)
James Harrington (University of Tennessee 1949)
Giles L. Harris (University of Tennessee 1917)
James M. Harris (University of Tennessee 1912)
George F. Harrison (University of Tennessee 1890)
Phillip N. Harrold (University of Tennessee 1957)
John C. Hartong (University of Tennessee 1913)
William B. Hartz (University of Tennessee 1946)
Jon E. Hastings (University of Tennessee 1980)
Porter H. Hawkins (University of Tennessee 1951)
Cyril L. Hay (University of Tennessee 1944)
George H. Hayes (University of Tennessee 1920)
Charles R. Haynes (University of Tennessee 1918)
William T. Haynes (University of Tennessee 1918)
Edwin T. Hearn (University of Tennessee 1950)
Ernest L. Hendrix (University of Tennessee 1952)
Stokes T. Henry (University of Tennessee 1938)
John R. Hickerson (University of Tennessee 1913)
Hunter M. Hicks (University of Tennessee 1952)
R. G. Higgins (University of Tennessee 1978)
Carl K. Hill (University of Tennessee 1912)
Oliver W. Hill (University of Tennessee 1933)
Harry M. Hoe (University of Tennessee 1949)
Virgil I. Holcombe (University of Tennessee 1901)
C. W. Hollingsworth (University of Tennessee 1944)
John B. Hollingsworth (University of Tennessee 1952)
James B. Hollis (University of Tennessee 1965)
Bruce K. Holloway (University of Tennessee 1933)
Charles H. Holman (University of Tennessee 2010)
J. S. Holt (University of Tennessee 1916)
Elliott W. Hooser (University of Tennessee 1901)
Lapsley G. Hope (University of Tennessee 1943)
James E. Horton (University of Tennessee 1944)
Charles H. Houk (University of Tennessee 1929)
Harry C. Howard (University of Tennessee 1913)
Gordon T. Huddleston (University of Tennessee 1944)
William M. Hudgens (University of Tennessee 1938)
James M. Humphries (University of Tennessee 1941)
Richard S. Hutchinson (University of Tennessee 1973)
Ivan T. Jacks (University of Tennessee 1910)
William L. Jackson (University of Tennessee 1925)
Newton T. James (University of Tennessee 1934)
Herbert D. Jarvis (University of Tennessee 1925)
Ralph C. Jennings (University of Tennessee 1973)
William D. Jetton (University of Tennessee 1936)
Harold A. Johnson (University of Tennessee 1971)
Harry C. Johnson (University of Tennessee 1921)
Herner R. Johnson (University of Tennessee 1921)
Howard C. Johnson (University of Tennessee 1940)
Joseph A. Johnson (University of Tennessee 1912)
Richard P. Johnson (University of Tennessee 1930)
Thomas E. Johnson (University of Tennessee 1899)
Tommy M. Johnson (University of Tennessee 1960)
Oscar Jones (University of Tennessee 1891)
William I. Jones (University of Tennessee 1945)
Beverly Jones (University of Tennessee 1931)
J. B. Jones (University of Tennessee 1963)
John B. Jones (University of Tennessee 1929)
Michael F. Kabool (University of Tennessee 1950)
Samuel H. Keener (University of Tennessee 1909)
Marion N. Kelly (University of Tennessee 1956)
Van W. Kelly (University of Tennessee 1939)
Edward F. Kern (University of Tennessee 1897)
Frank L. Kerr (University of Tennessee 1943)
James D. Kerr (University of Tennessee 1943)
Thomas O. Kesterson (University of Tennessee 1913)
Carl S. Kincaid (University of Tennessee 1946)
Garnett C. Kincaid (University of Tennessee 1948)
Bert B. King (University of Tennessee 1912)
Ralph D. King (University of Tennessee 1912)
Oliver Kinsey (University of Tennessee 1907)
Solon S. Kipp (University of Tennessee 1910)
Clifford C. Kirk (University of Tennessee 1961)
H. A. Klyce (University of Tennessee 1928)
Walter B. Klyce (University of Tennessee 1930)
Clyde V. Knisly (University of Tennessee 1941)
Michael N. Kosanovich (University of Tennessee 1983)
John D. Kreis (University of Tennessee 1950)
William W. Kreis (University of Tennessee 1938)
George M. Krisle (University of Tennessee 1938)
Carl D. Kuhlman (University of Tennessee 1922)
Archie Kyle (University of Tennessee 1900)
William F. Lacy (University of Tennessee 1936)
William M. Lacy (University of Tennessee 1950)
J. W. Ladd (University of Tennessee 1951)
Robert T. Lane (University of Tennessee 1892)
Loyd W. Lang (University of Tennessee 1912)
William G. Lanham (University of Tennessee 1945)
Lester Larimer (University of Tennessee 1943)
George C. Larkin (University of Tennessee 1903)
Luke L. Larue (University of Tennessee 1912)
David G. Lea (University of Tennessee 1947)
James D. Lea (University of Tennessee 1934)
John S. Lea (University of Tennessee 1941)
Arthur E. Leonhardt (University of Tennessee 1913)
Norbert J. Lester (University of Tennessee 1935)
William B. Lewallen (University of Tennessee 1948)
John D. Lewis (University of Tennessee 1929)
Robert P. Lewis (University of Tennessee 1967)
Samuel L. Lewis (University of Tennessee 1919)
Roy D. Liles (University of Tennessee 1909)
Willis B. Lincoln (University of Tennessee 1922)
Julian V. Link (University of Tennessee 1914)
Stephen W. Lockett (University of Tennessee 1960)
John D. Lockridge (University of Tennessee 1956)
George E. Long (University of Tennessee 1906)
Joe B. Long Jr. (University of Tennessee 1945)
Clinton D. Lothrop (University of Tennessee 1946)
Douglas B. Lothrop (University of Tennessee 1918)
Claude M. Lotspeich (University of Tennessee 1899)
Edgar S. Lotspeich (University of Tennessee 1906)
Bill E. Love (University of Tennessee 1955)
James W. Love (University of Tennessee 1940)
Robert J. Love (University of Tennessee 1905)
James C. Lowery (University of Tennessee 1949)
Theodore M. Lucas (University of Tennessee 1912)
Richard L. Luna (University of Tennessee 1922)
Jeff M. Lunsford (University of Tennessee 1993)
William W. Luttrell (University of Tennessee 1941)
Elbert J. Lyman (University of Tennessee 1900)
William L. Lyman (University of Tennessee 1909)
Richard F. Machamer (University of Tennessee 1947)
John B. Maerker (University of Tennessee 1943)
Milton E. Magee (University of Tennessee 1931)
William A. Magee (University of Tennessee 1927)
Francis O. Mahery (University of Tennessee 1937)
Edward G. Mann (University of Tennessee 1950)
Wendell A. Manner (University of Tennessee 1947)
F. C. Manning (University of Tennessee 1933)
George M. Manning (University of Tennessee 1933)
Robert C. Manning (University of Tennessee 1935)
Paul B. Marfield (University of Tennessee 1904)
William T. Marfield (University of Tennessee 1890)
Samuel A. Mars (University of Tennessee 1950)
James C. Marshall (University of Tennessee 1948)
Thomas E. Martin (University of Tennessee 1939)
William B. Martin (University of Tennessee 1908)
William H. Martin (University of Tennessee 1916)
Chester A. Massey Jr. (University of Tennessee 1945)
J. Mayes (University of Tennessee 1926)
Thomas C. Mayes (University of Tennessee 1920)
William C. Mayes (University of Tennessee 1940)
Thomas B. Mayfield (University of Tennessee 1941)
Charles S. Mayfield (University of Tennessee 1936)
Pearson B. Mayfield (University of Tennessee 1936)
Samuel J. McAllester Jr. (University of Tennessee 1936)
Spears McAllester (University of Tennessee 1940)
Perry S. McCallen (University of Tennessee 1915)
William A. McCallie (University of Tennessee 1911)
David N. McClure (University of Tennessee 1938)
Wallace M. McClure (University of Tennessee 1910)
Gilbert McCulloch (University of Tennessee 1899)
William L. McDonald (University of Tennessee 1909)
James H. McDowell (University of Tennessee 1942)
John R. McDowell (University of Tennessee 1950)
Eugene T. McEver (University of Tennessee 1931)
Richard S. McEver (University of Tennessee 1927)
James W. McGlathery (University of Tennessee 1902)
William J. McGlothlin (University of Tennessee 1929)
William L. McGuire (University of Tennessee 1967)
George S. McIntosh (University of Tennessee 1916)
Marion B. McKinney (University of Tennessee 1941)
Joseph W. McSpadden (University of Tennessee 1897)
Lawrence B. McSpadden (University of Tennessee 1918)
Malcolm McSpadden (University of Tennessee 1915)
William J. Mead (University of Tennessee 1901)
James M. Meek (University of Tennessee 1911)
Charles M. Meriwether Jr. (University of Tennessee 1932)
Robert L. Metsker (University of Tennessee 1928)
Alma B. Midgett (University of Tennessee 1950)
Richard C. Miller (University of Tennessee 1944)
Richard L. Miller (University of Tennessee 1932)
Samuel R. Miller (University of Tennessee 1943)
Winston D. Miller (University of Tennessee 1950)
Walter W. Miller (University of Tennessee 1938)
Jonathan D. Mills (University of Tennessee 2010)
Robert B. Mills (University of Tennessee 1949)
Donald O. Mirts (University of Tennessee 1949)
Peter M. Mitchel (University of Tennessee 1943)
Bogardus S. Mitchell (University of Tennessee 1930)
George D. Montgomery (University of Tennessee 1939)
John W. Montgomery (University of Tennessee 1952)
Joe B. Montgomery (University of Tennessee 1940)
Charles C. Moore (University of Tennessee 1891)
Franklin P. Moore (University of Tennessee 1931)
James L. Moore (University of Tennessee 1933)
John K. Moore (University of Tennessee 1964)
Martin S. Moore (University of Tennessee 1928)
Nathan T. Moore (University of Tennessee 1920)
Richard L. Moore (University of Tennessee 1932)
Milton I. Morgan (University of Tennessee 1931)
Lynn Z. Morris (University of Tennessee 1950)
William W. Morris (University of Tennessee 1918)
Donald T. Morrison (University of Tennessee 1928)
Elgin Morrison (University of Tennessee 1915)
Joseph A. Moser (University of Tennessee 1934)
Samuel D. Moses (University of Tennessee 1910)
Cecil Moss (University of Tennessee 1916)
Chase Moss (University of Tennessee 1935)
Clark P. Moss (University of Tennessee 1926)
Joe H. Moss (University of Tennessee 1930)
Robert H. Moss (University of Tennessee 1941)
Walter S. Moss (University of Tennessee 1943)
Jack D. Motlow (University of Tennessee 1911)
James D. Moulton (University of Tennessee 1945)
Patrick H. Moulton (University of Tennessee 1966)
Reginald M. Murray (University of Tennessee 1913)
Peter J. Murry (University of Tennessee 1901)
Benjamin H. Mynatt (University of Tennessee 1912)
Charles G. Mynatt (University of Tennessee 1922)
Jack R. Mynatt (University of Tennessee 1952)
Alfred D. Mynders (University of Tennessee 1911)
Victor A. Needham (University of Tennessee 1947)
Eugene A. Neely (University of Tennessee 1913)
Samuel T. Neely (University of Tennessee 1892)
Hugh G. Neil (University of Tennessee 1942)
David W. Newell (University of Tennessee 1962)
F. E. Newhouse (University of Tennessee 1930)
Jacob H. Nicholson (University of Tennessee 1923)
Joseph T. Nixon (University of Tennessee 1949)
Samuel E. Noble (University of Tennessee 1918)
James R. Norton (University of Tennessee 1931)
Richard B. Nowling (University of Tennessee 1946)
William E. Nowling (University of Tennessee 1943)
David L. Oakley (University of Tennessee 1934)
Robert L. Ogle Jr. (University of Tennessee 1950)
Richard J. Oglesby (University of Tennessee 1956)
George W. Oliphant (University of Tennessee 1948)
Hinton J. Orr (University of Tennessee 1916)
John Orr (University of Tennessee 1926)
John A. Osborne (University of Tennessee 1924)
Robert W. Painter (University of Tennessee 1945)
Rankin M. Palmer (University of Tennessee 1925)
John A. Parker (University of Tennessee 1938)
Samuel E. Parker (University of Tennessee 1905)
Robert S. Patrick (University of Tennessee 1945)
John G. Pelham (University of Tennessee 1927)
William B. Pennebaker (University of Tennessee 1956)
Marion F. Perkins (University of Tennessee 1937)
John L. Peters (University of Tennessee 1958)
Leonard D. Peters Jr. (University of Tennessee 1956)
Guy M. Peterson (University of Tennessee 1902)
Scott N. Pettit (University of Tennessee 1998)
Volney G. Phillips (University of Tennessee 1913)
Thomas S. Pierce (University of Tennessee 1923)
Norman H. Pitman (University of Tennessee 1895)
Alfred H. Plant (University of Tennessee 1918)
Samuel J. Platt (University of Tennessee 1912)
Lewis L. Poates (University of Tennessee 1951)
William G. Polk (University of Tennessee 1939)
Clyde W. Portlock (University of Tennessee 1899)
Charles H. Potter (University of Tennessee 1926)
Frank C. Powell (University of Tennessee 1924)
Howard M. Powell (University of Tennessee 1920)
William B. Prater (University of Tennessee 1940)
E. M. Pratt (University of Tennessee 1930)
Richard A. Pressly (University of Tennessee 1963)
Lafayette T. Prigmore (University of Tennessee 1918)
Matthew S. Prince (University of Tennessee 1950)
Harwell W. Proffitt (University of Tennessee 1940)
George H. Prugh (University of Tennessee 1930)
John C. Prugh (University of Tennessee 1933)
W. D. Pryor (University of Tennessee 1939)
John T. Purvis (University of Tennessee 1950)
David S. Quinn (University of Tennessee 1938)
Harvey E. Ragland (University of Tennessee 1917)
William E. Ragland (University of Tennessee 1917)
Lee M. Ragsdale (University of Tennessee 1947)
Jack A. Raines (University of Tennessee 1945)
Walter R. Randolph (University of Tennessee 1939)
Cloyd H. Read (University of Tennessee 1896)
Thomas R. Read (University of Tennessee 1920)
James A. Reagan (University of Tennessee 1929)
Frazier Reams (University of Tennessee 1919)
Herschel B. Reams (University of Tennessee 1917)
Robert G. Reaves (University of Tennessee 1943)
Tommy T. Reaves (University of Tennessee 1943)
Calvin A. Rector (University of Tennessee 1948)
Warren G. Reed (University of Tennessee 1976)
P. M. Richardson (University of Tennessee 1973)
David M. Robbins (University of Tennessee 1970)
William H. Roberson (University of Tennessee 1948)
Bill S. Robertson (University of Tennessee 1947)
Joseph G. Rodgers (University of Tennessee 1940)
Cowan Rodgers (University of Tennessee 1938)
Norman Roe (University of Tennessee 1909)
William E. Roehl (University of Tennessee 1922)
Richard A. Rogers (University of Tennessee 1967)
Bernard I. Rose (University of Tennessee 1930)
Robert W. Ross (University of Tennessee 1976)
Millard I. Ross (University of Tennessee 1968)
Frederick G. Rule (University of Tennessee 1934)
Edward B. Sample (University of Tennessee 1926)
William M. Sample (University of Tennessee 1931)
Sidney D. Samuel (University of Tennessee 1924)
Thowald D. Sandberg (University of Tennessee 1924)
William R. Sanders (University of Tennessee 1912)
Charles D. Saunders (University of Tennessee 1927)
J. R. Savage (University of Tennessee 1966)
L. G. Sawyer (University of Tennessee 1947)
William H. Schettler (University of Tennessee 1959)
Bernadotte E. Schmitt (University of Tennessee 1904)
Ralph S. Schmitt (University of Tennessee 1914)
Jack C. Schriver (University of Tennessee 1944)
Chester B. Searle (University of Tennessee 1897)
James G. Seat (University of Tennessee 1963)
William R. Selden (University of Tennessee 1944)
Samuel B. Selecman (University of Tennessee 2013)
Charles F. Sexton (University of Tennessee 1918)
Jack B. Sharp (University of Tennessee 1963)
John S. Shaw (University of Tennessee 1909)
Thomas G. Shea (University of Tennessee 1921)
William F. Sheffer (University of Tennessee 1952)
Ralph L. Sheffer (University of Tennessee 1947)
Philip E. Shelley (University of Tennessee 1957)
Ernest L. Shipe (University of Tennessee 1943)
Alex B. Shipley (University of Tennessee 1929)
John A. Shipley (University of Tennessee 1943)
Fred L. Shoemaker (University of Tennessee 1958)
Joe W. Shugart (University of Tennessee 1949)
Robert M. Sims (University of Tennessee 1946)
Wallace W. Skaggs (University of Tennessee 1983)
William M. Slayden (University of Tennessee 1972)
J. P. Slayden (University of Tennessee 1937)
Alvin E. Smith (University of Tennessee 1941)
Elliott B. Smith (University of Tennessee 1937)
Herbert S. Smith (University of Tennessee 1929)
James C. Smith (University of Tennessee 1970)
James F. Smith (University of Tennessee 1923)
James H. Smith (University of Tennessee 1936)
McGregor Smith (University of Tennessee 1921)
Oscar N. Smith (University of Tennessee 1922)
P. S. Smith (University of Tennessee 2002)
Stephen M. Smith (University of Tennessee 1972)
Thomas F. Smith (University of Tennessee 1959)
McGregor Smith (University of Tennessee 1947)
William G. Smyth (University of Tennessee 1933)
Jerome H. Sneed (University of Tennessee 1928)
William B. Sneed (University of Tennessee 1924)
John D. Sprouse (University of Tennessee 1926)
George F. St. John (University of Tennessee 1938)
George E. Stack (University of Tennessee 1948)
David M. Stair (University of Tennessee 1945)
Joseph B. Stanley (University of Tennessee 1930)
R. Elliott Stanley USN (University of Tennessee 1931)
Harry R. Stephenson (University of Tennessee 1911)
R. T. Stinnett (University of Tennessee 1967)
Elvin G. Stooksbury (University of Tennessee 1908)
Joseph W. Sullivan (University of Tennessee 1922)
Thomas W. Sumpter (University of Tennessee 1928)
Charles K. Swan (University of Tennessee 1947)
John H. Swan (University of Tennessee 1953)
Alexander Swingle (University of Tennessee 1925)
Donald D. Swisher (University of Tennessee 1903)
Eugene H. Switzer (University of Tennessee 1950)
William D. Switzer (University of Tennessee 1947)
Arthur B. Tarwater (University of Tennessee 1900)
Edward J. Tate (University of Tennessee 1933)
Edward O. Tate (University of Tennessee 1933)
George S. Tate (University of Tennessee 1934)
Hugh M. Tate (University of Tennessee 1902)
William K. Tate (University of Tennessee 1946)
William M. Tate (University of Tennessee 1945)
Clarence B. Tate (University of Tennessee 1927)
Benjamin H. Taylor (University of Tennessee 1927)
James L. Taylor (University of Tennessee 1930)
Jerome G. Taylor (University of Tennessee 1936)
Harry C. Templeton (University of Tennessee 1933)
C. O. Terry (University of Tennessee 1909)
James L. Terry (University of Tennessee 1902)
William L. Terry (University of Tennessee 1900)
Paul D. Thomas (University of Tennessee 1908)
John M. Thornburgh (University of Tennessee 1902)
Davis B. Thornton (University of Tennessee 1907)
Richard W. Tillery (University of Tennessee 1948)
Alan D. Toomey (University of Tennessee 1956)
John G. Townsend (University of Tennessee 1945)
Joseph F. Trent (University of Tennessee 1927)
Tom L. Trent (University of Tennessee 1939)
Alvin B. Tripp (University of Tennessee 1929)
Arthur M. Tripp (University of Tennessee 1930)
Philip H. Tritschler (University of Tennessee 1949)
John R. Tucker (University of Tennessee 1938)
Joseph M. Tucker (University of Tennessee 1930)
Landrum Tucker (University of Tennessee 1931)
Matthew Tucker (University of Tennessee 1940)
Paul W. Tucker (University of Tennessee 1979)
Charles B. Tucker Jr. (University of Tennessee 1966)
Donald L. Turner (University of Tennessee 1952)
Floyd E. Tuttle (University of Tennessee 1948)
Henry P. Tyler (University of Tennessee 1956)
John F. Vaughan (University of Tennessee 1921)
Emmet P. Vaughn (University of Tennessee 1959)
Emmet P. Vaughn (University of Tennessee 1926)
James E. Vestal (University of Tennessee 1943)
Holland Vestal (University of Tennessee 1937)
Warren A. Vick (University of Tennessee 1942)
Harry N. Waggoner (University of Tennessee 1932)
Robert E. Wait (University of Tennessee 1890)
Clarence B. Walker (University of Tennessee 1966)
Iverson J. Walker (University of Tennessee 1931)
Jeremiah W. Walker (University of Tennessee 1996)
L. N. Walker (University of Tennessee 1952)
William W. Walker (University of Tennessee 1946)
Campbell Wallace (University of Tennessee 1948)
Paul Wallace (University of Tennessee 1960)
H. C. Walter (University of Tennessee 1946)
Evan T. Warner (University of Tennessee 1900)
Phil M. Warren (University of Tennessee 1909)
Frank H. Waterhouse (University of Tennessee 1922)
Nathaniel C. Watkins (University of Tennessee 1946)
H. P. Watson (University of Tennessee 1948)
Guy E. Webb (University of Tennessee 1946)
Hu M. Webb (University of Tennessee 1945)
James S. Webb (University of Tennessee 1953)
Frank W. Webster (University of Tennessee 1938)
Roy A. Wedekind (University of Tennessee 1946)
Benjamin C. Welch (University of Tennessee 1915)
Benjamin C. Welch (University of Tennessee 1946)
J. F. Wells (University of Tennessee 1946)
Jack Wells (University of Tennessee 1938)
James R. West (University of Tennessee 1950)
William K. West (University of Tennessee 1944)
Edward W. Whaley (University of Tennessee 1927)
Edward O. White (University of Tennessee 1943)
Joseph R. White (University of Tennessee 1955)
Lynn T. White (University of Tennessee 1897)
Merrill J. White (University of Tennessee 1943)
Robert B. Whittle (University of Tennessee 1953)
Robert C. Wilder (University of Tennessee 1974)
William C. Wilkinson (University of Tennessee 1945)
George N. Willard (University of Tennessee 1952)
John E. Williams (University of Tennessee 1941)
Johnny T. Williams (University of Tennessee 1945)
Malcolm R. Williams (University of Tennessee 1921)
James K. Williams (University of Tennessee 1957)
Knox Williams (University of Tennessee 1930)
Malcolm R. Williams (University of Tennessee 1958)
Hugh M. Willson (University of Tennessee 1951)
John S. Wilson (University of Tennessee 1958)
Thomas E. Wilson (University of Tennessee 1962)
William S. Wilson (University of Tennessee 1938)
Marion L. Winfrey (University of Tennessee 1954)
Frank G. Wingfield (University of Tennessee 1945)
Alan S. Wolf (University of Tennessee 1977)
Henry C. Wood (University of Tennessee 1923)
James W. Woods (University of Tennessee 1939)
James P. Worden (University of Tennessee 1945)
Penn W. Worden (University of Tennessee 1913)
James B. Wray (University of Tennessee 1949)
Robert A. Wright (University of Tennessee 1958)
Asa L. Wrightman (University of Tennessee 1904)
William W. Wynegar (University of Tennessee 1950)
Arthur E. Yates (University of Tennessee 1940)
Adolph P. Young (University of Tennessee 1920)
Frank L. Young (University of Tennessee 1900)
Lindsay Young (University of Tennessee 1934)
Robert S. Young (University of Tennessee 1903)
Robert S. Young (University of Tennessee 1934)
S. K. Young (University of Tennessee 1950)
Sam E. Young (University of Tennessee 1912)
William E. Zuccarello (University of Tennessee 1924)
Charles W. Abbott (University of Texas 1907)
James L. Ables (University of Texas 1947)
Louis D. Abney (University of Texas 1916)
Craig J. Adams (University of Texas 1914)
J. W. Adams (University of Texas 1947)
M. C. Adams (University of Texas 1964)
Paul W. Adams (University of Texas 1916)
Jay E. Adams (University of Texas 1918)
William S. Adams (University of Texas 1964)
Hubert K. Adkins (University of Texas 1918)
Bob G. Agnew (University of Texas 1952)
John M. Ainsworth (University of Texas 1940)
Danny J. Akers (University of Texas 1986)
Hugh E. Alexander (University of Texas 1953)
James M. Alexander (University of Texas 1983)
Jay Alexander (University of Texas 1916)
Charles H. Alexander (University of Texas 1913)
Archibald C. Allen (University of Texas 1911)
C. Randolph Allen (University of Texas 1920)
Dugal A. Allen (University of Texas 1912)
Gabriel P. Allen (University of Texas 1919)
Harvey H. Allen (University of Texas 1923)
Robert B. Allen (University of Texas 1916)
Clayton M. Amacker (University of Texas 1938)
Wesley B. Ammerman (University of Texas 1906)
Bennett C. Anderson (University of Texas 1941)
George B. Anderson (University of Texas 1953)
Marlin O. Andrews (University of Texas 1939)
James C. Archer (University of Texas 1927)
Blackwell S. Arendale (University of Texas 1934)
Stewart E. Arledge (University of Texas 1918)
George H. Armistead (University of Texas 1929)
Robert W. Armstrong (University of Texas 1949)
Sam C. Arnett Jr. (University of Texas 1929)
Thomas D. Arnhold (University of Texas 1959)
Ray C. Arnhold (University of Texas 1954)
Joe E. Arnold (University of Texas 1952)
Thomas O. Arnold (University of Texas 1944)
W. B. Arnold (University of Texas 1941)
Stanley R. Ashby (University of Texas 1904)
William Aubrey (University of Texas 1919)
Benjamin P. Bailey (University of Texas 1886)
C. A. Bailey (University of Texas 1957)
Edward H. Bailey (University of Texas 1904)
Benjamin P. Bailey (University of Texas 1925)
William C. Baker (University of Texas 1955)
Richard H. Ballinger (University of Texas 1936)
John A. Barclay (University of Texas 1910)
Robert D. Barclay (University of Texas 1907)
Sam A. Barclay (University of Texas 1912)
Walter L. Barlow (University of Texas 1922)
James A. Barnes (University of Texas 1949)
J. R. Barnett (University of Texas 1922)
Alva P. Barrett (University of Texas 1905)
Charles L. Barrow (University of Texas 1919)
John W. Bartholow (University of Texas 1940)
Theodore O. Bartholow (University of Texas 1940)
Jack L. Barton (University of Texas 1954)
W. D. Battle (University of Texas 1942)
Alec F. Beck (University of Texas 1978)
Francis L. Beck (University of Texas 1956)
Joe W. Beckham (University of Texas 1948)
Beverly W. Beckham (University of Texas 1930)
Werner N. Beckman (University of Texas 1917)
Kurt D. Beckmann (University of Texas 1919)
L. G. Beckworth (University of Texas 1965)
Jerrold G. Belcher (University of Texas 1918)
Francis K. Bell (University of Texas 1937)
J. B. Benefield (University of Texas 1902)
James H. Benefield (University of Texas 1904)
Charles M. Berkey (University of Texas 1952)
Charles E. Berry (University of Texas 1935)
William B. Berry (University of Texas 1947)
John T. Bills (University of Texas 1945)
John W. Bishop (University of Texas 1943)
Webster Bishop (University of Texas 1921)
John R. Black Jr. (University of Texas 1943)
James A. Blalock (University of Texas 1957)
James G. Blanchette (University of Texas 1943)
David C. Bland (University of Texas 1938)
Olin B. Blanks (University of Texas 1928)
Robert G. Bledsoe (University of Texas 1919)
Ross G. Bohannon (University of Texas 1933)
Glenn T. Bohn (University of Texas 1933)
James M. Bolding (University of Texas 1929)
Daniel P. Bolin (University of Texas 1945)
Robert L. Bolin (University of Texas 1948)
Walter W. Bolton (University of Texas 1948)
Stayton M. Bonner (University of Texas 1948)
William A. Bonnet (University of Texas 1930)
Charles E. Booth (University of Texas 1927)
Guy Borden (University of Texas 1942)
Guy S. Borden (University of Texas 1907)
Edgar O. Bottler (University of Texas 1949)
M. D. Bourn (University of Texas 1919)
Tom W. Bradfield (University of Texas 1943)
Joe H. Bradley (University of Texas 1949)
Paul G. Bradley (University of Texas 1975)
Dudley Q. Braly (University of Texas 1956)
John D. Brasher (University of Texas 1957)
Marshall B. Breath (University of Texas 1936)
Walter M. Breath (University of Texas 1929)
Lester C. Brenizer (University of Texas 1912)
Willard V. Brenizer (University of Texas 1913)
Bethea W. Brindley (University of Texas 1959)
Roy B. Bronson (University of Texas 1941)
Sidney J. Brooks (University of Texas 1918)
Harold W. Broome (University of Texas 1922)
Bernard B. Brown (University of Texas 1931)
John T. Brown (University of Texas 1901)
Oscar F. Brown (University of Texas 1909)
W. M. Brown (University of Texas 1951)
William B. Brown (University of Texas 1953)
Carey C. Bruce (University of Texas 1955)
William P. Bruce (University of Texas 1950)
George H. Brush (University of Texas 1911)
Brandon Bryan (University of Texas 1926)
William K. Bryant (University of Texas 1957)
J. H. Buaas (University of Texas 1943)
James F. Buchanan (University of Texas 1921)
Albert S. Burleson (University of Texas 1884)
Nesom Burt (University of Texas 1953)
Gerald L. Burton (University of Texas 1955)
L. F. Buss (University of Texas 1957)
Jack R. Buster (University of Texas 1941)
James S. Byerly (University of Texas 1952)
Patton H. Caldwell (University of Texas 1909)
Samuel T. Camp (University of Texas 1919)
Charles N. Campbell (University of Texas 1902)
David C. Campbell (University of Texas 1948)
Robert J. Campbell (University of Texas 1977)
Wallace R. Campbell (University of Texas 1904)
Wallace R. Campbell (University of Texas 1943)
William H. Campbell (University of Texas 1909)
William T. Campbell (University of Texas 1944)
Robert N. Campbell Jr. (University of Texas 1932)
John E. Canaday (University of Texas 1928)
George Cannon (University of Texas 1922)
James R. Cannon (University of Texas 1905)
Reagan J. Caraway (University of Texas 1928)
John W. Carlyle (University of Texas 1933)
Amos E. Carmichael (University of Texas 1919)
Richard H. Carnahan (University of Texas 1964)
John P. Carnes (University of Texas 1935)
Richard P. Carr (University of Texas 1935)
Champe G. Carter (University of Texas 1910)
Randolph L. Carter (University of Texas 1912)
W. W. Carter (University of Texas 1978)
Cal C. Chambers Jr. (University of Texas 1950)
Charles C. Chambers (University of Texas 1983)
William K. Chandler (University of Texas 1929)
Fillmore H. Chapman (University of Texas 1910)
Thomas Chilton (University of Texas 1911)
Lawrence D. Christian (University of Texas 1945)
Pat S. Chumney (University of Texas 1955)
William T. Chumney (University of Texas 1948)
William T. Chumney (University of Texas 1921)
Donald J. Clark (University of Texas 1930)
James Clark (University of Texas 1917)
William G. Clark (University of Texas 1930)
William K. Clark (University of Texas 1942)
James F. Clarkson (University of Texas 1902)
O. R. Clay (University of Texas 1950)
William C. Clegg (University of Texas 1919)
Nathan F. Cliett (University of Texas 1933)
Thomas M. Cloud (University of Texas 1946)
Bayless E. Cobb (University of Texas 1935)
Billy B. Cobb (University of Texas 1945)
John H. Cobb (University of Texas 1884)
James R. Cochran (University of Texas 1957)
Raymond A. Colbern (University of Texas 1947)
Malcolm Y. Colby (University of Texas 1937)
Norman G. Coleman (University of Texas 1946)
James C. Collins (University of Texas 1930)
Bern R. Collum (University of Texas 1945)
Jack N. Colquitt (University of Texas 1936)
R. J. Comeaux (University of Texas 1960)
Sidney M. Conolly (University of Texas 1939)
Arlie B. Cook (University of Texas 1935)
Covert B. Cooper (University of Texas 1910)
Richard C. Cooper (University of Texas 1940)
A. E. Cornwell (University of Texas 1941)
Truett H. Coston (University of Texas 1936)
Tullos O. Coston (University of Texas 1926)
Marshall D. Couch (University of Texas 1948)
Claude W. Courand (University of Texas 1926)
Duke M. Covert (University of Texas 1968)
Will E. Cowan (University of Texas 1902)
Gilbert E. Cox (University of Texas 1940)
Royston C. Crane (University of Texas 1886)
Frank B. Crawford (University of Texas 1922)
Samuel W. Crawford (University of Texas 1913)
Victor E. Creighton (University of Texas 1924)
Anderson B. Crisp (University of Texas 1925)
Thomas M. Crisp (University of Texas 1930)
Henry L. Crosby (University of Texas 1901)
Herbert V. Crowder (University of Texas 1930)
William T. Crowder (University of Texas 1932)
James A. Cullum (University of Texas 1948)
Landon H. Cullum (University of Texas 1912)
Jacob D. Cullum (University of Texas 1912)
Hatch W. Cummings (University of Texas 1925)
Lewis M. Dabney (University of Texas 1887)
S. B. Dabney (University of Texas 1886)
Hugh B. Dahlberg (University of Texas 1948)
Carter T. Dalton (University of Texas 1903)
Ralph W. Dau (University of Texas 1959)
Harris Davenport (University of Texas 1928)
Allen V. Davis (University of Texas 1930)
David L. Davis (University of Texas 1938)
Duane A. Davis (University of Texas 1972)
Paul L. Davis (University of Texas 1920)
Robert T. Davis (University of Texas 1952)
William H. Davis (University of Texas 1950)
James C. Davis (University of Texas 1920)
Robert R. Deen (University of Texas 1918)
Jerry P. Dehlinger (University of Texas 1962)
Joseph J. Deiss (University of Texas 1933)
Joseph C. Delaney (University of Texas 1937)
James E. Delehanty (University of Texas 1944)
Alexander S. Delgado (University of Texas 1934)
John N. Dever (University of Texas 1937)
Bartholomew Dewitt (University of Texas 1883)
Etheridge Dibrell (University of Texas 1940)
Frank L. Dibrell (University of Texas 1906)
James F. Dibrell (University of Texas 1907)
Joseph B. Dibrell (University of Texas 1903)
Joseph B. Dickey (University of Texas 1922)
Thomas J. Dix (University of Texas 1925)
John L. Douglas (University of Texas 1956)
Eugene J. Dozier (University of Texas 1961)
Frederick T. Drake (University of Texas 1934)
John G. Drummond (University of Texas 1921)
Jackson A. Dudley (University of Texas 2001)
Charles S. Dudley (University of Texas 1937)
Clarence E. Duffner (University of Texas 1949)
Frederic Duncalf (University of Texas 1910)
Ralph C. Dunkelberg (University of Texas 1949)
Edward L. Dunlap (University of Texas 1915)
Robert P. Dupree (University of Texas 1937)
William G. Dwyer (University of Texas 1944)
Louis M. Earle (University of Texas 1920)
James Y. Eastham (University of Texas 1931)
James S. Edwards (University of Texas 1935)
Jesse I. Edwards (University of Texas 1927)
Lum C. Edwards (University of Texas 1954)
Sam Edwards (University of Texas 1945)
Ronald L. Ehrig (University of Texas 1968)
Ernest G. Eiband (University of Texas 1927)
John M. Eiband (University of Texas 1952)
Fred J. Elbert (University of Texas 1949)
Nelson B. Eldred (University of Texas 1951)
Charles W. Ellis (University of Texas 1956)
Tully M. Embrey (University of Texas 1965)
George C. Embry (University of Texas 1905)
D. M. English (University of Texas 1920)
Walter C. English (University of Texas 1918)
James L. Eppler (University of Texas 1943)
H. C. Etheridge (University of Texas 1934)
James H. Etheridge (University of Texas 1907)
Audrey J. Everton (University of Texas 1929)
William M. Fail (University of Texas 1952)
Henry L. Fannin (University of Texas 1938)
Kenneth R. Farabee (University of Texas 1956)
Winston Farbar (University of Texas 1939)
Robert G. Farris (University of Texas 1952)
Warren L. Farris (University of Texas 1954)
Walter Faust (University of Texas 1927)
Anson T. Feagin (University of Texas 1905)
Elon F. Ferguson (University of Texas 1908)
Reagan Ferguson (University of Texas 1932)
Osborne Fernald (University of Texas 1934)
Frederic E. Fields (University of Texas 1962)
Thomas P. Finnegan (University of Texas 1933)
Robert S. Fisher (University of Texas 1940)
William C. Fisher (University of Texas 1965)
William C. Fisher III (University of Texas 1939)
Charles H. Flato (University of Texas 1929)
Henry B. Fleming (University of Texas 1951)
Ernest S. Fletcher (University of Texas 1946)
David L. Floeter (University of Texas 1942)
John S. Floeter (University of Texas 1938)
Walter W. Fondren (University of Texas 1958)
William N. Foster (University of Texas 1902)
M. D. Fowler (University of Texas 1952)
Ralph L. Fowler (University of Texas 1921)
Robert P. Fowler (University of Texas 1955)
Byron C. Foy (University of Texas 1916)
Lawrence T. Franks (University of Texas 1966)
Charles P. Freeman (University of Texas 1919)
Zeb H. French (University of Texas 1913)
Alvin E. Frick (University of Texas 1958)
Alfred S. Fuller (University of Texas 1940)
Lonnie C. Fuller (University of Texas 1916)
William E. Fullingim (University of Texas 1958)
Joseph E. Funk (University of Texas 1961)
Richard L. Gannett (University of Texas 1958)
J. D. Gardner (University of Texas 1950)
Max P. Gardner (University of Texas 1953)
Robert E. Gardner (University of Texas 1962)
Addison W. Garrett (University of Texas 1888)
Charles E. Garrett (University of Texas 1944)
William B. Garrett (University of Texas 1885)
Daniel E. Garrett (University of Texas 1952)
Charles E. George (University of Texas 1948)
Charles Gibbs (University of Texas 1939)
A. M. Gibson (University of Texas 1936)
Harold N. Giddens (University of Texas 1964)
Justin Y. Gifford (University of Texas 1993)
James W. Gilbert (University of Texas 1963)
James N. Gilliam (University of Texas 1960)
Ed B. Gilliam (University of Texas 1927)
Howard C. Gilstrap (University of Texas 1924)
Thomas N. Givens (University of Texas 1933)
Raymond B. Goddard (University of Texas 1916)
Walter C. Goddard (University of Texas 1922)
James B. Godwin (University of Texas 1949)
Jerry D. Godwin (University of Texas 1953)
John R. Golden (University of Texas 1904)
Edwin M. Goldman (University of Texas 1950)
George I. Goodenow (University of Texas 1933)
Julius M. Gordon (University of Texas 1934)
Albert E. Goudge (University of Texas 1919)
Barney G. Graham (University of Texas 1967)
Amos M. Graves (University of Texas 1920)
Ghent Graves (University of Texas 1920)
George L. Gray (University of Texas 1905)
Robert M. Gray (University of Texas 1929)
William D. Green (University of Texas 1921)
Eric S. Greenfield (University of Texas 1955)
Rex W. Greenstreet (University of Texas 1960)
W. H. Greenstreet (University of Texas 1957)
Bruce T. Greenwood (University of Texas 1908)
John B. Greer (University of Texas 1920)
John B. Greer (University of Texas 1944)
John W. Greer (University of Texas 1943)
Benjamin F. Grier (University of Texas 1947)
Steven W. Griffin (University of Texas 1971)
Virgil E. Griffin (University of Texas 1928)
Ernest K. Gruene (University of Texas 1921)
Lawrence E. Guillot (University of Texas 1939)
Maury D. Guin (University of Texas 1952)
Arthur M. Guthrie (University of Texas 1908)
George E. Haddaway (University of Texas 1930)
Will T. Hale (University of Texas 1911)
H. D. Hall (University of Texas 1950)
Laurence O. Hall (University of Texas 1927)
Thornton G. Hamilton (University of Texas 1919)
George B. Hamilton Jr. (University of Texas 1930)
Ben R. Hammond (University of Texas 1955)
John W. Hampton (University of Texas 1952)
Whitmore B. Hampton Jr. (University of Texas 1937)
James R. Hargis (University of Texas 1973)
Oscar D. Hargis (University of Texas 1902)
William H. Hargis (University of Texas 1934)
Wayne R. Harkins (University of Texas 1965)
Wesley L. Harrell (University of Texas 1934)
William B. Harrell (University of Texas 1907)
Joe T. Harren (University of Texas 1961)
Arthur L. Harris (University of Texas 1909)
Bill P. Harris (University of Texas 1954)
Ralph H. Harris Jr. (University of Texas 1929)
Charles E. Haydon (University of Texas 1932)
Lloyd L. Hayes (University of Texas 1957)
Robert W. Haynie (University of Texas 1907)
Robert W. Haynie (University of Texas 1934)
Brig G. Heard (University of Texas 1918)
Charles R. Heare (University of Texas 1947)
B. G. Heath (University of Texas 1947)
Robert H. Heiser (University of Texas 1941)
Jeffrey M. Heller (University of Texas 1961)
Udo R. Hellman (University of Texas 1914)
Lucien G. Henderson (University of Texas 1909)
Simon W. Henderson (University of Texas 1955)
Harold B. Hendrix (University of Texas 1948)
Robert M. Hill (University of Texas 1948)
William D. Hill (University of Texas 1950)
Daniel L. Hilliard (University of Texas 1957)
David R. Hillman (University of Texas 1985)
Arthur H. Hoag (University of Texas 1947)
James F. Hodges (University of Texas 1921)
Joe H. Hodges (University of Texas 1947)
William L. Hoey (University of Texas 1951)
John S. Hogan (University of Texas 1936)
Thomas F. Hogan Jr. (University of Texas 1948)
Clay S. Holden (University of Texas 1953)
Thomas S. Holden (University of Texas 1911)
William W. Holden (University of Texas 1910)
John G. Holland (University of Texas 1941)
Eugene A. Holmgreen (University of Texas 1958)
Jack H. Hooper (University of Texas 1944)
W. B. Hopkins (University of Texas 1939)
Shawn D. Howard (University of Texas 1987)
Williamson S. Howell (University of Texas 1916)
Albert H. Howze (University of Texas 1924)
George J. Hucherson (University of Texas 1929)
Wade C. Huggins (University of Texas 1985)
Don F. Hugus (University of Texas 1958)
James T. Hunt (University of Texas 1953)
Thomas C. Hutchings (University of Texas 1903)
Kenneth K. Hutson (University of Texas 1933)
George W. Imhoff (University of Texas 1942)
Willard E. Imhoff (University of Texas 1948)
David B. Irons (University of Texas 1938)
Charles G. Jackson (University of Texas 1918)
John N. Jackson (University of Texas 1927)
Charles G. Jackson (University of Texas 1948)
Louis Jacoby (University of Texas 1907)
Thomas R. James (University of Texas 1911)
T. J. Jarrett (University of Texas 1961)
Gordon W. Jennings (University of Texas 1963)
James R. Jennings (University of Texas 1950)
Julius L. Jinkins (University of Texas 1944)
Alfred S. John (University of Texas 1909)
Everett F. Johnson (University of Texas 1927)
Forrest R. Johnson (University of Texas 1937)
Mark D. Johnson (University of Texas 1990)
William P. Johnson (University of Texas 1944)
Bruce M. Jones (University of Texas 1952)
Charles R. Jones (University of Texas 1958)
George T. Kean (University of Texas 1923)
John R. Keel (University of Texas 1972)
David M. Keeton (University of Texas 1976)
Winchester Kelso (University of Texas 1918)
Francis M. Kemp (University of Texas 1902)
William J. Kemp (University of Texas 1932)
Abraham L. Kendall (University of Texas 1934)
John F. Kennedy (University of Texas 1945)
William D. Kennedy (University of Texas 1941)
Jack W. Kenney (University of Texas 1929)
John I. Kercheville (University of Texas 1907)
Henry E. Kerry (University of Texas 1954)
Kent D. Kibbie (University of Texas 1961)
Philip W. Kidd (University of Texas 1956)
R. B. Kidd (University of Texas 1924)
Alfred W. Kilgore (University of Texas 1919)
James R. Killebrew (University of Texas 1948)
James L. Kincaid (University of Texas 1929)
Joe M. Kincaid (University of Texas 1928)
Albert C. King (University of Texas 1927)
Alfred A. King (University of Texas 1941)
John H. King (University of Texas 1945)
Ben J. Kinney (University of Texas 1953)
William G. Kinney (University of Texas 1948)
William M. Kirby (University of Texas 1951)
J. I. Kircheville (University of Texas 1907)
Emil H. Klatt (University of Texas 1922)
Max F. Klemcke (University of Texas 1950)
Roger Knight (University of Texas 1963)
W. R. Knight (University of Texas 1941)
William R. Knight (University of Texas 1963)
John C. Koch (University of Texas 1948)
Arthur D. Kohler (University of Texas 1922)
Augustus C. Krey (University of Texas 1906)
Robert A. Kugle (University of Texas 1971)
Henry H. Ladd (University of Texas 1911)
Julio S. Laguarta (University of Texas 1956)
Samuel B. Landrum (University of Texas 1930)
William Langley (University of Texas 2003)
Robert R. Lanier (University of Texas 1960)
D. G. Lattimer Jr. (University of Texas 1933)
George T. Lee (University of Texas 1914)
Hamilton I. Lee (University of Texas 1911)
Samuel H. Lee (University of Texas 1939)
Daniel C. Leeper (University of Texas 1920)
Don E. Legge (University of Texas 1951)
Hubert Lesley (University of Texas 1945)
Sam F. Leslie (University of Texas 1902)
Richard S. Lewis (University of Texas 1964)
Walter M. Lewright (University of Texas 1916)
Charles P. Lingle (University of Texas 1919)
Linder W. Link (University of Texas 1912)
Albert D. Lipscomb (University of Texas 1888)
Samuel C. Lipscomb (University of Texas 1913)
Archibald A. Little (University of Texas 1888)
Jack M. Little (University of Texas 1956)
Richard A. Livers (University of Texas 1941)
C. L. Lloyd (University of Texas 1937)
James O. Lockett (University of Texas 1908)
Landon J. Lockett (University of Texas 1954)
John W. Lockhart (University of Texas 1917)
R. L. Lockwood (University of Texas 1922)
Henry C. Lomax (University of Texas 1936)
G. Lawson Long (University of Texas 1913)
A. L. Lott (University of Texas 1945)
William J. Lyons (University of Texas 1931)
George L. MacGregor (University of Texas 1923)
Gregor C. MacGregor (University of Texas 1954)
John H. Mackechney (University of Texas 1922)
Thomas C. Main (University of Texas 1940)
James D. Malone (University of Texas 1945)
John B. Marshall (University of Texas 1908)
Robert M. Martin (University of Texas 1942)
William H. Massey (University of Texas 1917)
Edward O. Mather (University of Texas 1926)
Walter N. Mathis (University of Texas 1941)
Harvey B. Matthews (University of Texas 1905)
John L. Matthews (University of Texas 1929)
John E. May (University of Texas 1948)
M. R. Maynor (University of Texas 1959)
J. B. McAdams (University of Texas 1922)
Walter W. McAllister (University of Texas 1910)
Stanley R. McCampbell (University of Texas 1947)
Thomas A. McCampbell (University of Texas 1955)
Thomas P. McCampbell (University of Texas 1925)
James E. McCann (University of Texas 1948)
Neil M. McCarter (University of Texas 1933)
James A. McCaul (University of Texas 1944)
Henry G. McConnell (University of Texas 1885)
Monroe H. McConnell (University of Texas 1926)
David F. McCormick (University of Texas 1908)
Victor C. McCrea (University of Texas 1933)
Archibald H. McCulloch (University of Texas 1922)
Archibald H. McCulloch (University of Texas 1949)
William C. McCulloch (University of Texas 1962)
Douthit Y. McDaniel (University of Texas 1922)
Doyle McDonald (University of Texas 1938)
Thomas R. McElhenney (University of Texas 1949)
Samuel E. McHard Jr. (University of Texas 1944)
Jack A. McKay (University of Texas 1950)
Edgar P. McKinney (University of Texas 1928)
Chad M. McLaughlin (University of Texas 1994)
John L. McMahon (University of Texas 1943)
Thomas A. McMann (University of Texas 1957)
James S. McNamara (University of Texas 1938)
Winfree W. Meachum Jr. (University of Texas 1913)
Dudley H. Meek (University of Texas 1921)
William K. Merkel (University of Texas 1950)
George J. Merriman (University of Texas 1936)
Logan U. Mewhinney (University of Texas 1939)
John C. Meyer (University of Texas 1941)
Donald R. Mighell (University of Texas 1956)
A. D. Miller (University of Texas 1929)
Alfred M. Miller (University of Texas 1950)
Judd Miller (University of Texas 1928)
Orville B. Miller (University of Texas 1942)
Paul B. Miller (University of Texas 1942)
Roy E. Miller (University of Texas 1961)
Sunny Miller (University of Texas 1945)
Samuel G. Milliken (University of Texas 1922)
Sidney S. Millspaugh (University of Texas 1933)
Thomas D. Mitchell (University of Texas 1918)
James G. Moll (University of Texas 1949)
Richard Mollison (University of Texas 1947)
Robert E. Monroe (University of Texas 1948)
James T. Montgomery (University of Texas 1948)
Irving W. Moody (University of Texas 1933)
Leslie M. Moor (University of Texas 1952)
Dolph B. Moore (University of Texas 1963)
Homer J. Moore (University of Texas 1943)
Thomas W. Moore (University of Texas 1975)
Ian H. Morgan (University of Texas 1922)
Joseph G. Morgan (University of Texas 1919)
William M. Morgan (University of Texas 1911)
Steven A. Morphis (University of Texas 1969)
John W. Muncy (University of Texas 1933)
John D. Munn (University of Texas 1988)
Robert L. Murphree (University of Texas 1923)
Ernest C. Muse (University of Texas 1911)
R. V. Muse (University of Texas 1938)
Marshall G. Muse Jr. (University of Texas 1933)
F. W. Myers (University of Texas 1945)
Ralph P. Neely (University of Texas 1936)
Jack E. Neff (University of Texas 1945)
Horace Nelms (University of Texas 1919)
Robert J. Nelms (University of Texas 1922)
Robert M. Nelms (University of Texas 1972)
Tommy H. Nelms (University of Texas 1965)
Joe P. Nelson (University of Texas 1949)
Paul Nemir (University of Texas 1942)
James L. Newsom (University of Texas 1934)
Walter L. Newsom (University of Texas 1925)
Thomas H. Newton (University of Texas 1947)
Tom R. Newton (University of Texas 1969)
Percy T. Norton (University of Texas 1927)
William S. Nunn (University of Texas 1936)
Donald P. Odom (University of Texas 1994)
Howard B. Ogden (University of Texas 1949)
Robert B. O'Hara (University of Texas 1942)
Levie Old (University of Texas 1936)
James A. Oliver (University of Texas 1937)
William G. Ordway (University of Texas 1936)
Douglas B. Owen (University of Texas 1967)
Julius F. Pabst (University of Texas 1936)
Alexander Palmros (University of Texas 1959)
Charles B. Parker (University of Texas 1944)
David C. Parker (University of Texas 1956)
Howard W. Parker (University of Texas 1946)
Arlis B. Parkhurst (University of Texas 1960)
Robert J. Parkin (University of Texas 1945)
John C. Patterson (University of Texas 1919)
Jesse M. Patton (University of Texas 1908)
John B. Payne (University of Texas 1947)
Ray D. Peeler (University of Texas 1948)
William Pelham (University of Texas 1947)
Oscar E. Pendleton (University of Texas 1939)
William R. Penn (University of Texas 1948)
Charles E. Perkins (University of Texas 1903)
W. J. Perlitz (University of Texas 1950)
Allen Perry (University of Texas 1949)
Harley Perry (University of Texas 1916)
T. R. Perry (University of Texas 1952)
Earl H. Peterson (University of Texas 1939)
Hugh S. Peterson (University of Texas 1936)
John B. Petter (University of Texas 1939)
Eugene M. Phillips (University of Texas 1953)
Jack L. Phillips (University of Texas 1949)
Bert L. Phillips (University of Texas 1939)
John P. Pillet (University of Texas 1940)
Roger W. Pipkin (University of Texas 1964)
Dean W. Plath (University of Texas 1949)
Aaron W. Pleasants (University of Texas 1910)
Robert A. Pleasants (University of Texas 1884)
Raymond C. Poage Jr. (University of Texas 1963)
David L. Pollard (University of Texas 1960)
Russell S. Ponder (University of Texas 1927)
Henry C. Porter (University of Texas 1913)
Louis H. Porter (University of Texas 1914)
Richard M. Portwood (University of Texas 1950)
Benjamin H. Powell (University of Texas 1903)
William M. Powell (University of Texas 1906)
William M. Powell (University of Texas 1931)
Robert W. Pratt (University of Texas 1953)
Luther D. Prescott (University of Texas 1966)
Thomas E. Price (University of Texas 1943)
David Proctor (University of Texas 1915)
Louis H. Proctor (University of Texas 1910)
V. Bland Proctor Jr. (University of Texas 1914)
Venable B. Proctor Sr. (University of Texas 1885)
August J. Proll (University of Texas 1947)
Andrew B. Pumphrey (University of Texas 1924)
Andrew B. Pumphrey (University of Texas 1951)
John D. Pumphrey (University of Texas 1952)
William B. Pyle (University of Texas 1950)
Dewitt T. Quick (University of Texas 1940)
Edgar C. Rach (University of Texas 1920)
Guy S. Rachal (University of Texas 1911)
Samuel D. Ramsey (University of Texas 1912)
Robert E. Raney (University of Texas 1943)
Jack M. Ransom (University of Texas 1955)
Robert W. Ratliff (University of Texas 1973)
William D. Ratliff (University of Texas 1971)
John J. Redfern (University of Texas 1961)
Willis M. Renick (University of Texas 1914)
Frank Werner Rennert Jr. (University of Texas 1958)
John W. Rettig (University of Texas 1941)
H. J. Reul (University of Texas 1950)
Gaillard T. Reuss (University of Texas 1919)
Joseph H. Reuss (University of Texas 1886)
Bruce L. Rhea (University of Texas 1957)
Herbert U. Rhodius (University of Texas 1907)
Ben H. Rice (University of Texas 1911)
Valentine R. Richardson (University of Texas 1917)
Robert A. Richey (University of Texas 1904)
Theodore H. Riggs (University of Texas 1939)
David T. Roark (University of Texas 1967)
Ralph M. Roberg (University of Texas 1909)
Charles D. Robertson (University of Texas 1924)
Ivan D. Robertson (University of Texas 1924)
James G. Robertson (University of Texas 1906)
Thomas W. Robinson (University of Texas 1981)
Herbert E. Robinson (University of Texas 1939)
Jerry K. Robison (University of Texas 1946)
Charles N. Roddy (University of Texas 1947)
Dorrance D. Roderick (University of Texas 1947)
Pleas B. Rogers (University of Texas 1919)
J. M. Rolston (University of Texas 1885)
Stephen W. Roper (University of Texas 1971)
Joe B. Ruby (University of Texas 1948)
Albert J. Ruckman (University of Texas 1935)
William L. Rudd (University of Texas 1974)
John F. Rudin (University of Texas 1948)
Clarence A. Rudisill (University of Texas 1925)
John H. Runge (University of Texas 1968)
Roy E. Rushing (University of Texas 1965)
William S. B. Russel Jr. (University of Texas 1929)
Frederick D. Russell (University of Texas 1905)
Neil Salsich (University of Texas 1980)
Forrest A. Salter (University of Texas 1942)
Rod E. Sands (University of Texas 1979)
Charles M. Sawtelle (University of Texas 1948)
William Y. Schleicher (University of Texas 1888)
Otis E. Schleyer (University of Texas 1944)
Albert W. Schmidt Jr. (University of Texas 1946)
Charles R. Schneider (University of Texas 1944)
Stephen W. Schneider (University of Texas 1946)
Hugo W. Schoelkopf (University of Texas 1942)
Louis A. Schreiner (University of Texas 1981)
W. S. Schreiner (University of Texas 1912)
Charles E. Scoggins (University of Texas 1909)
Alfred M. Scott (University of Texas 1922)
Louis A. Scott (University of Texas 1949)
Robert C. Scott (University of Texas 1918)
Thomas B. Scott (University of Texas 1922)
William T. Scott (University of Texas 1915)
F. B. Scott (University of Texas 1952)
James M. Scurlock (University of Texas 1954)
Everett R. Seale (University of Texas 1925)
Charles E. Seay (University of Texas 1964)
George E. Seay (University of Texas 1963)
William H. Seay (University of Texas 1941)
Edwin Sehorn (University of Texas 1921)
John D. Seibert (University of Texas 1945)
Kenneth D. Seibert (University of Texas 1942)
Gerald E. Self (University of Texas 1941)
George W. Sergeant (University of Texas 1904)
George W. Sergeant (University of Texas 1939)
Charles N. Shaffer (University of Texas 1935)
Datus Sharp (University of Texas 1956)
Ralph G. Sharpless (University of Texas 1939)
Robert H. Sharpless (University of Texas 1942)
James H. Shaw (University of Texas 1948)
Rex B. Shaw (University of Texas 1910)
Louis H. Shearer (University of Texas 1932)
Joe S. Sheldon (University of Texas 1947)
Thomas O. Shelton (University of Texas 1937)
Allen C. Shields (University of Texas 1922)
George T. Shields (University of Texas 1930)
Don M. Shine (University of Texas 1960)
Harold A. Shryock (University of Texas 1906)
Jack D. Sides (University of Texas 1961)
William H. Sides (University of Texas 1962)
Paul A. Simmons (University of Texas 1916)
Robert C. Simmons Sr. (University of Texas 1915)
Frank F. Simpson (University of Texas 1911)
Robert F. Simpson (University of Texas 1913)
Robert K. Simpson (University of Texas 1914)
George Sladczyk (University of Texas 1951)
John W. Slusser (University of Texas 1910)
Allen C. Smith (University of Texas 1986)
Barney W. Smith (University of Texas 1951)
Cecil H. Smith (University of Texas 1903)
Charles H. Smith (University of Texas 1903)
Clyde T. Smith (University of Texas 1923)
David M. Smith (University of Texas 1953)
Eugene B. Smith (University of Texas 1951)
Forrest M. Smith (University of Texas 1948)
George W. Smith (University of Texas 1906)
Gregory D. Smith (University of Texas 1911)
H. B. Smith (University of Texas 1921)
James R. Smith (University of Texas 1957)
Richard N. Smith (University of Texas 1912)
William A. Smith (University of Texas 1921)
Harvey P. Smith Jr. (University of Texas 1940)
Killough K. Smith (University of Texas 1941)
Louis E. Smith (University of Texas 1976)
James E. Smyth (University of Texas 1939)
James H. Snyder (University of Texas 1943)
Ned Snyder (University of Texas 1938)
Steven W. Solsbery (University of Texas 1973)
Charles L. Sowell (University of Texas 1952)
Jack R. Sowell (University of Texas 1953)
William H. Speaker (University of Texas 1933)
Thane T. Sponsel (University of Texas 1944)
D. T. Stafford (University of Texas 1922)
Gerald M. Stafford (University of Texas 1929)
Charles R. Stall (University of Texas 1938)
Trovall L. Stall (University of Texas 1937)
Thomas D. Stamps (University of Texas 1913)
William M. Stanley (University of Texas 1916)
George W. Staples Jr. (University of Texas 1931)
H. J. L. Stark (University of Texas 1910)
John R. Steele (University of Texas 1984)
William B. Steele (University of Texas 1941)
John H. Steinle (University of Texas 1964)
Claude E. Stewart (University of Texas 1888)
Gordon L. Stewart (University of Texas 1933)
Robert W. Stewart (University of Texas 1930)
Roderick G. Stockey (University of Texas 1909)
Lorenz W. Stolz (University of Texas 1950)
Mack A. Stolz (University of Texas 1950)
William J. Sullivan (University of Texas 1951)
Richard Surkamp (University of Texas 1919)
William W. Swanson (University of Texas 1942)
Patrick H. Swearingen (University of Texas 1916)
Richard M. Swearingen (University of Texas 1914)
Robert G. Swearingen (University of Texas 1931)
Hart T. Sweeney (University of Texas 1915)
William C. Tatom (University of Texas 1948)
Harry E. Taylor (University of Texas 1958)
James M. Taylor (University of Texas 1900)
Jason V. Teague (University of Texas 1993)
Robert E. Terry (University of Texas 1911)
Felix S. Thaxton (University of Texas 1920)
Henry J. Thaxton (University of Texas 1919)
Hilliard S. Thomas (University of Texas 1939)
Robert L. Thomas (University of Texas 1954)
Atlas H. Thompson (University of Texas 1930)
Gerald J. Thompson (University of Texas 1951)
J. Z. Thompson (University of Texas 1949)
Jack S. Thompson (University of Texas 1962)
John P. Thompson (University of Texas 1948)
Leone S. Thompson (University of Texas 1945)
Lloyd G. Thompson (University of Texas 1956)
Robert C. Thompson (University of Texas 1943)
Thomas N. Thompson (University of Texas 1949)
Wilkie H. Thompson (University of Texas 1948)
Joseph C. Thompson (University of Texas 1922)
Walter L. Thornton (University of Texas 1909)
Robert M. Timberlake (University of Texas 1948)
Oliver H. Timmins (University of Texas 1936)
Charles R. Tips (University of Texas 1912)
Thomas C. Tips (University of Texas 1954)
William J. Todd (University of Texas 1913)
George J. Toland (University of Texas 1956)
Oren H. Tomlinson (University of Texas 1956)
John K. Torbert (University of Texas 1913)
John W. Tottenham III (University of Texas 1957)
Murphy W. Townsend (University of Texas 1899)
Charles J. Treaccar (University of Texas 1909)
Heiman H. Treaccar (University of Texas 1914)
John C. Treadwell (University of Texas 1963)
Felix H. Tucker (University of Texas 1928)
Francis I. Tucker (University of Texas 1920)
Frederick F. Tucker (University of Texas 1920)
Harrison B. Tucker (University of Texas 1919)
Lawrence J. Tucker (University of Texas 1948)
Stephen B. Tucker (University of Texas 1919)
William E. Tucker (University of Texas 1953)
Edward B. Tucker (University of Texas 1952)
Charles N. Turner (University of Texas 1909)
David O. Turner (University of Texas 1960)
Lovell M. Turner (University of Texas 1923)
Scott A. Turner (University of Texas 1992)
Thomas H. Tyrell (University of Texas 1945)
Chester R. Upham (University of Texas 1945)
Richard L. Upham (University of Texas 1979)
Fred M. Ussery (University of Texas 2002)
Roy C. Vance (University of Texas 1936)
Richard Vander Straten (University of Texas 1954)
Richard Vanderstraten (University of Texas 1918)
Gerald E. Veltmann (University of Texas 1932)
Joseph R. Veltmann (University of Texas 1931)
Jack G. Vowell (University of Texas 1922)
Jess E. Wade (University of Texas 1948)
Basil E. Walker (University of Texas 1952)
James A. Walker (University of Texas 1937)
James W. Walker (University of Texas 1958)
Robert H. Walker (University of Texas 1916)
William W. Walker (University of Texas 1950)
Frank H. Walki (University of Texas 1910)
Ned G. Wallace (University of Texas 1927)
Charles S. Wallace (University of Texas 1923)
Dewitt Waltmon (University of Texas 1920)
DeWitt Waltmon (University of Texas 1949)
Wallis Warren (University of Texas 1932)
Robert S. Watson (University of Texas 1943)
Richard D. Watt (University of Texas 1969)
Joe N. Weatherby (University of Texas 1930)
James J. Weatherford (University of Texas 1968)
Sam H. Weatherford (University of Texas 1944)
Tom M. Webb (University of Texas 1930)
James D. Welch (University of Texas 1958)
William M. Welsh (University of Texas 1947)
Arthur J. Wessely (University of Texas 1951)
Robert M. Wessely (University of Texas 1951)
Charles R. West (University of Texas 1962)
Christopher M. West (University of Texas 1978)
Albert W. West (University of Texas 1945)
Albert W. West (University of Texas 1970)
Duval West (University of Texas 1938)
Duval West (University of Texas 1916)
George C. Westervelt (University of Texas 1916)
Edward J. Westmoreland (University of Texas 1984)
Frank B. Whaley (University of Texas 1944)
Byrd E. White (University of Texas 1904)
Dan T. White (University of Texas 1923)
Donald L. White (University of Texas 1951)
Joseph T. White (University of Texas 1914)
Kennon P. White (University of Texas 1915)
Leland C. White (University of Texas 1922)
Leslie G. White (University of Texas 1914)
William H. White (University of Texas 1923)
Lacey R. Whitten (University of Texas 1949)
Gary P. Whitworth (University of Texas 1972)
Charles F. Widdecke (University of Texas 1941)
Henry A. Widdecke (University of Texas 1939)
Doyle K. Wilcox (University of Texas 1945)
Wilson E. Wilcox (University of Texas 1940)
Clifton M. Wilkinson (University of Texas 1927)
James T. Willerson (University of Texas 1961)
Billy W. Williams (University of Texas 1947)
Joseph R. Williams (University of Texas 1952)
Abner W. Wilson (University of Texas 1956)
Anthony W. Wilson (University of Texas 1959)
James P. Wilson (University of Texas 1952)
Arthur L. Wimmer (University of Texas 1915)
Tony M. Windrow (University of Texas 1930)
George S. Winterbotham (University of Texas 1928)
Robert L. Wirtz (University of Texas 1947)
Ralph Wofford (University of Texas 1909)
T. A. Womack (University of Texas 1956)
Dred T. Wood (University of Texas 1940)
F. M. Wood (University of Texas 1968)
Forest E. Wood (University of Texas 1912)
Robert L. Wood (University of Texas 1952)
David G. Woodward (University of Texas 1946)
E. P. Woodward (University of Texas 1944)
Joseph W. Woolford (University of Texas 1913)
Charles A. Worthen (University of Texas 1957)
Richard O. Wupperman (University of Texas 1921)
Herbert A. Yarbrough (University of Texas 1947)
Frank W. Yeagley (University of Texas 1929)
Clarence S. Yoakum (University of Texas 1912)
H. Lee Zimpleman (University of Texas 1886)
Bailey D. Cawthron (University of Texas Arlington 1981)
Thomas R. Dailey (University of Texas Arlington 1971)
John M. Elliott (University of Texas Arlington 1970)
Kenneth H. Fletcher (University of Texas Arlington 1975)
Arlie V. Goyne (University of Texas Arlington 1968)
Rickey Groves (University of Texas Arlington 1970)
John M. Harris (University of Texas Arlington 1968)
Peter J. Huizar (University of Texas Arlington 1984)
Bruce J. Hutson (University of Texas Arlington 1970)
Cliff L. Koraska (University of Texas Arlington 1984)
Bruce A. Legan (University of Texas Arlington 1988)
James R. Lemmond (University of Texas Arlington 1989)
Carl K. Marshall (University of Texas Arlington 1970)
Scott C. McLeroy (University of Texas Arlington 1978)
Cordell B. Moore Jr. (University of Texas Arlington 1970)
Michael W. Nix (University of Texas Arlington 1973)
Thomas J. Oldani (University of Texas Arlington 1984)
Ronald W. Overbeek (University of Texas Arlington 1971)
Roger G. Pierson (University of Texas Arlington 1965)
M. B. Queton (University of Texas Arlington 1974)
Larry E. Richardson (University of Texas Arlington 1973)
Glen M. Rodgers (University of Texas Arlington 1968)
J. C. Soladay (University of Texas Arlington 1969)
Cleo D. Stephens (University of Texas Arlington 1974)
Raymond W. Theesfeld (University of Texas Arlington 1969)
Thomas F. Warner (University of Texas Arlington 1974)
Robert C. Whitesel (University of Texas Arlington 1969)
Stephen B. Will (University of Texas Arlington 1972)
John D. Wollenman (University of Texas Arlington 1970)
Andrew P. Sockwell (University of Texas Dallas 2015)
Austin C. Kromer (University of Toledo 2012)
Nathan D. Adams (University of Toronto 1930)
Walter S. Anderson (University of Toronto 1934)
Edward G. Archer (University of Toronto 1912)
Dickson T. Armitage (University of Toronto 1950)
George R. Armstrong (University of Toronto 1929)
James M. Babcock (University of Toronto 1962)
Kenneth W. Baker (University of Toronto 1947)
Arthur G. Barnes (University of Toronto 1950)
John A. Bennet (University of Toronto 1932)
Keith G. Bentley (University of Toronto 1958)
Cecil H. Best (University of Toronto 1951)
John T. Birkenshaw (University of Toronto 1950)
Ernest A. Black (University of Toronto 1932)
George E. Boake (University of Toronto 1950)
Melvin R. Boake (University of Toronto 1928)
Wilfred R. Boake (University of Toronto 1924)
Lester G. Bowles (University of Toronto 1931)
Earl J. Bradshaw (University of Toronto 1926)
W. G. Brayley (University of Toronto 1947)
Edward K. Brickenden (University of Toronto 1948)
William A. Buik (University of Toronto 1950)
Norman R. Bulley (University of Toronto 1961)
John F. Burgess (University of Toronto 1913)
Robert V. Burgess (University of Toronto 1967)
Roderick W. Cameron (University of Toronto 1946)
Colin B. Campbell (University of Toronto 1956)
Ivor Campbell (University of Toronto 1926)
Lorne S. Campbell (University of Toronto 1923)
William G. Carmichael (University of Toronto 1948)
James R. Carson (University of Toronto 1943)
R. K. Carson (University of Toronto 1912)
Frank W. Casserly (University of Toronto 1940)
William D. Chalmers (University of Toronto 1972)
Alan T. Christie (University of Toronto 1928)
Wayne P. Cipollone (University of Toronto 1967)
Donald G. Coburn (University of Toronto 1950)
William C. Coles (University of Toronto 1952)
John M. Conn (University of Toronto 1928)
James D. Conover (University of Toronto 1923)
Victor B. Cook (University of Toronto 1948)
Marsh A. Cooper (University of Toronto 1935)
William N. Cornwall (University of Toronto 1943)
John F. Cosgriffe (University of Toronto 1961)
Bunting S. Crocker (University of Toronto 1932)
George M. Crossgrove (University of Toronto 1925)
David J. Cuddy (University of Toronto 1925)
Frederick B. Cuddy (University of Toronto 1930)
George A. Cummings (University of Toronto 1950)
Andrew G. Curry (University of Toronto 1922)
Wesley Cutler (University of Toronto 1933)
James A. Dauphinee (University of Toronto 1950)
Gordon P. Davidson (University of Toronto 1945)
Michael N. Davies (University of Toronto 1955)
Samuel S.T. DeBeauregard (University of Toronto 1930)
Harry R. Deyman (University of Toronto 1932)
Brian H. Dingle (University of Toronto 1971)
Christopher Dingle (University of Toronto 1966)
John R. Dingle (University of Toronto 1965)
Elliott R. Dixon (University of Toronto 1920)
Robert M. Doggett (University of Toronto 1943)
John L. Donaldson (University of Toronto 1932)
Arthur M. Doyle (University of Toronto 1930)
Frederick N. Dundas (University of Toronto 1928)
George L. Dunn (University of Toronto 1929)
John R. Dunn (University of Toronto 1937)
Donald B. Dyment (University of Toronto 1953)
Morrison D. Earle (University of Toronto 1923)
John B. Fell (University of Toronto 1945)
Donald G. Ferguson (University of Toronto 1914)
Rodney S. Fowler (University of Toronto 1951)
James G. Foy (University of Toronto 1958)
William K. Fullerton (University of Toronto 1955)
Alfred M. George (University of Toronto 1949)
Theodore C. Graham (University of Toronto 1925)
Gerald M. Gray (University of Toronto 1929)
Clifford P. Greenan (University of Toronto 1953)
Dallas R. Grogan (University of Toronto 1957)
Warren Groombridge (University of Toronto 1950)
Harrington L. Guy (University of Toronto 1925)
Malcolm M. Hall (University of Toronto 1928)
Walter M. Hall (University of Toronto 1963)
William A. Hall (University of Toronto 1926)
Edward J. Hambley (University of Toronto 1958)
George W. Hamilton (University of Toronto 1930)
Franklin D. Handley (University of Toronto 1940)
Bradley M. Hannigan (University of Toronto 1945)
Philip E. Harper (University of Toronto 1956)
William C. Harris (University of Toronto 1925)
Howard L. Hayman (University of Toronto 1923)
James H. Henry (University of Toronto 1943)
James M. Hershey (University of Toronto 1927)
John H. Hershey (University of Toronto 1924)
Robert Hewitt (University of Toronto 1935)
Kenneth V. Heyland (University of Toronto 1924)
G. D. Holder (University of Toronto 1944)
Richard G. Howe (University of Toronto 1956)
Frank W. Hunnisett (University of Toronto 1931)
Robert S. Hunter (University of Toronto 1925)
James K. Hunton (University of Toronto 1943)
Frederick L. Hutchison (University of Toronto 1922)
George F. Inglis (University of Toronto 1925)
Peter J. Irvine (University of Toronto 1956)
Harry N. Jennings (University of Toronto 1924)
William D. Jewett (University of Toronto 1923)
Benjamin I. Johnstone (University of Toronto 1924)
Ellis M. Jones (University of Toronto 1940)
J. Lorne Jowsey (University of Toronto 1935)
Lawson A. Kaake (University of Toronto 1941)
Hubert B. Keenleyside (University of Toronto 1923)
Hubert B. Keenleyside (University of Toronto 1951)
John M. Keith (University of Toronto 1929)
Melvin K. Kenny (University of Toronto 1928)
John R. Kimber (University of Toronto 1941)
Carman G. King (University of Toronto 1931)
Alan K. Kingdon (University of Toronto 1958)
Joseph W. Knox (University of Toronto 1940)
Donald A. Kopplin (University of Toronto 1965)
J. A. Langford (University of Toronto 1954)
John G. Langs (University of Toronto 1930)
Robert N. Laughlen (University of Toronto 1944)
Alexander D. Leask (University of Toronto 1932)
Harry B. Legate (University of Toronto 1921)
Thomas J. Legate (University of Toronto 1921)
W. Stephen Legate (University of Toronto 1933)
Allan G. Leslie (University of Toronto 1916)
Philip K. Lewis (University of Toronto 1951)
Wilfred G. Lewitt (University of Toronto 1956)
David B. Liddle (University of Toronto 1967)
Arthur G. Little (University of Toronto 1933)
Elliott M. Little (University of Toronto 1924)
James G. Little (University of Toronto 1952)
James H. Little (University of Toronto 1960)
Robert K. Little (University of Toronto 1932)
Donald L. Lloyd (University of Toronto 1956)
R. D. Lloyd (University of Toronto 1947)
Warren G. Lloyd (University of Toronto 1925)
Joseph C. Lougheed (University of Toronto 1946)
Donald C. Lowe (University of Toronto 1954)
Ernest C. Mabee (University of Toronto 1928)
Charles A. Macdonald (University of Toronto 1915)
Edward A. Macdonald (University of Toronto 1928)
Andrew W. MacFarlane (University of Toronto 1949)
Robert B. Mackenzie (University of Toronto 1941)
Donald J. MacLennan (University of Toronto 1952)
John A. Macleod (University of Toronto 1955)
George W. Macneil (University of Toronto 1915)
Douglas W. Maddock (University of Toronto 1953)
H. R. Maddock (University of Toronto 1946)
Bruce C. Matson (University of Toronto 1924)
David R. McCamus (University of Toronto 1955)
John C. McClelland (University of Toronto 1922)
Allan S. McClure (University of Toronto 1950)
Byron A. McCrodan (University of Toronto 1916)
John E. McCutcheon (University of Toronto 1933)
Norman C. McFadden (University of Toronto 1948)
George A. McGillivray (University of Toronto 1928)
John R. McGillivray (University of Toronto 1928)
Wilson G. McKay (University of Toronto 1933)
Kenneth C. H. McNichol (University of Toronto 1933)
John H. Meek (University of Toronto 1956)
Ian A. Meikleham (University of Toronto 1952)
Robert J. Merritt (University of Toronto 1938)
Robert B. Millan (University of Toronto 1967)
J. R. Millar (University of Toronto 1963)
Larry G. Miller (University of Toronto 1972)
William G. Milsom (University of Toronto 1950)
Eric B. Moore (University of Toronto 1940)
Charles A. Morrison (University of Toronto 1926)
William R. Morrison (University of Toronto 1935)
Donald R. Morrow (University of Toronto 1956)
Robert L. Neff (University of Toronto 1952)
Charles W. Ness (University of Toronto 1939)
Frederick H. Newman (University of Toronto 1942)
Richard F. Newman (University of Toronto 1957)
William J. Nichol (University of Toronto 1920)
Clarence E. Nugent (University of Toronto 1926)
Edward A. Nugent (University of Toronto 1952)
Alfred W. Ogden (University of Toronto 1929)
Donald D. Oldreive (University of Toronto 1943)
Lyman W. Orr (University of Toronto 1943)
John T. Osbourne (University of Toronto 1950)
William A. Osbourne (University of Toronto 1924)
John M. Oswald (University of Toronto 1934)
Edward A. Overton (University of Toronto 1958)
Philippe M. Park (University of Toronto 1977)
William Park (University of Toronto 1928)
David F. Parker (University of Toronto 1959)
William B. Parsons (University of Toronto 1934)
William B. Paterson (University of Toronto 1915)
John R. Patrick (University of Toronto 1944)
Dougald W. Patterson (University of Toronto 1940)
Robert F. Patterson (University of Toronto 1944)
Paul D. Payne (University of Toronto 1961)
Edwin A. Peaker (University of Toronto 1932)
John A. Peck (University of Toronto 1971)
Gary K. Pepper (University of Toronto 1948)
Carl A. Pollock (University of Toronto 1926)
Edward B. Potter (University of Toronto 1940)
Arthur R. Poyntz (University of Toronto 1929)
Beverley C. Price (University of Toronto 1945)
Donald F. Prowse (University of Toronto 1949)
Hugh J. Pugsley (University of Toronto 1924)
Hardy E. Purdy (University of Toronto 1921)
Howard C. Quennell (University of Toronto 1963)
John D. Reid (University of Toronto 1963)
William B. Reynolds (University of Toronto 1948)
Ronald G. Rice (University of Toronto 1962)
Charles A. Richardson (University of Toronto 1920)
Gordon M. Richardson (University of Toronto 1950)
Philip G. Rimmington (University of Toronto 1964)
Douglas W. Ritchie (University of Toronto 1971)
Dennis J. Robertson (University of Toronto 1967)
Gordon H. Robertson (University of Toronto 1924)
Struan F. Robertson (University of Toronto 1935)
W. H. Robertson (University of Toronto 1926)
Harry E. Robinson (University of Toronto 1936)
Edward A. Rolph (University of Toronto 1921)
Harvey C. Rose (University of Toronto 1916)
Arthur H. Rowan (University of Toronto 1927)
George A. Russell (University of Toronto 1926)
Robert I. Ryerson (University of Toronto 1948)
John H. Salter (University of Toronto 1934)
Wilson A. Salter (University of Toronto 1937)
Donald A. Saunders (University of Toronto 1948)
Gordon D. Schroeder (University of Toronto 1924)
Norbert J. Schuller (University of Toronto 1964)
Robert D. Scythes (University of Toronto 1950)
Adrian J. Setacci (University of Toronto 1980)
Donald P. Shaw (University of Toronto 1941)
Douglas S. Shaw (University of Toronto 1954)
Norman J. Shaw (University of Toronto 1939)
Beverley S. Shenstone (University of Toronto 1928)
John H. Shirriff (University of Toronto 1950)
Harland A. Simpson (University of Toronto 1952)
Robert A. Simpson (University of Toronto 1957)
Nevin S. Sivers (University of Toronto 1934)
George W. Smart (University of Toronto 1925)
Edward S. Smith (University of Toronto 1942)
John D. Smith (University of Toronto 1923)
Philip B. Smith (University of Toronto 1931)
W. D. Smith (University of Toronto 1933)
Harry S. Spencer (University of Toronto 1921)
Harry E. Sproule (University of Toronto 1949)
Harland W. Steele (University of Toronto 1925)
Michael C. Stephen (University of Toronto 1972)
Robert L. Stephenson (University of Toronto 1950)
Charles D. Stewart (University of Toronto 1926)
Kenneth A. Stewart (University of Toronto 1939)
Andrew G. Stirrett (University of Toronto 1924)
Willaim F. Sutherland (University of Toronto 1917)
Arthur C. Swanson (University of Toronto 1955)
Richard M. Symsyk (University of Toronto 1968)
Robert K. Taylor (University of Toronto 1948)
John D. Tempest (University of Toronto 1945)
John F. Terry (University of Toronto 1953)
James E. Thom (University of Toronto 1932)
G. M. Thompson (University of Toronto 1930)
W. Duff Thompson (University of Toronto 1931)
John A. C. Thomson (University of Toronto 1932)
Thomas H. Thomson (University of Toronto 1957)
Eric V. Tidman (University of Toronto 1935)
Reginald H. Timms (University of Toronto 1940)
William M. Toone (University of Toronto 1937)
Samuel B. Trainer Jr. (University of Toronto 1930)
J. M. Trott (University of Toronto 1939)
William A. Turner (University of Toronto 1929)
Robert C. Vincent (University of Toronto 1940)
Reginald P. Vivian (University of Toronto 1926)
Gordon T. Walmsley (University of Toronto 1920)
Robert J. Walmsley (University of Toronto 1950)
Allan Ward (University of Toronto 1944)
John Ward (University of Toronto 1944)
Robert A. Weir (University of Toronto 1946)
William L. Wheler (University of Toronto 1941)
Francis E. Wigle (University of Toronto 1939)
Burton A. Williscroft (University of Toronto 1927)
James D. Wilson (University of Toronto 1912)
John M. Wilson (University of Toronto 1945)
James H. Wylie (University of Toronto 1926)
Alan E. Young (University of Toronto 1928)
Alfred H. Young (University of Toronto 1924)
John F. Young (University of Toronto 1921)
William A. Young (University of Toronto 1955)
Matthew A. Curtis (University of Utah 1990)
Richard A. Dupaix (University of Utah 1991)
Parker D. Glaus (University of Utah 1992)
Matthew A. Jones (University of Utah 1995)
Brandon J. Laseter-Bauer (University of Utah 1996)
Chad Morgan (University of Utah 1988)
Zane R. Sentker (University of Utah 1989)
Michael G. Blotner (University of Vermont 1998)
Luke B. Bouthillette (University of Vermont 1976)
Samuel L. Cresson (University of Vermont 1970)
Matthew E. Forster (University of Vermont 1992)
Gregory L. Foster (University of Vermont 1970)
Peter H. Godfrey (University of Vermont 1986)
Richard L. Green (University of Vermont 1975)
Richard M. Klein (University of Vermont 1969)
Jeffrey A. Lind (University of Vermont 1981)
Rajesh A. Mirpuri (University of Vermont 1992)
Jonathan S. Parrish (University of Vermont 1996)
John P. St. Onge (University of Vermont 1977)
John D. Abbitt Jr. (University of Virginia 1936)
James Abernathy (University of Virginia 1927)
James C. Adams (University of Virginia 1935)
Joseph Addison (University of Virginia 1945)
Robert B. Albertson (University of Virginia 1930)
Edwin A. Alderman (University of Virginia 1927)
Robert B. Aldrich (University of Virginia 1964)
Henry G. Allen Jr. (University of Virginia 1924)
T. W. Allen (University of Virginia 1927)
Robert B. Allen (University of Virginia 1919)
Robert H. Allison (University of Virginia 1959)
Marvin H. Altizer (University of Virginia 1902)
Rhiner G. Altizer (University of Virginia 1902)
Obediah P. Amacker (University of Virginia 1859)
Ronald R. Ames (University of Virginia 1925)
Winfield S. Amoss (University of Virginia 1877)
Emory H. Anderson (University of Virginia 1929)
George D. Andrews (University of Virginia 1924)
Edward M. Armstrong (University of Virginia 1893)
John W. Avirett II (University of Virginia 1923)
Claude M. Bain (University of Virginia 1908)
Kenneth A. Bain (University of Virginia 1877)
W. L. Baldwin (University of Virginia 1936)
William M. Ballard (University of Virginia 1950)
Julius P. Barclay (University of Virginia 1917)
John E. Barnes (University of Virginia 1930)
Conway O. Barton (University of Virginia 1877)
James V. Basche (University of Virginia 1915)
Sampson P. Bayley (University of Virginia 1873)
Richard Baylor (University of Virginia 1903)
Nathaniel Beaman (University of Virginia 1920)
Edward S. Beardsley (University of Virginia 1933)
Leonard D. Beardsley (University of Virginia 1937)
Kenneth H. Beer (University of Virginia 1937)
Karl S. Belczyk (University of Virginia 1984)
John H. Bell (University of Virginia 1907)
Luther R. Bell (University of Virginia 1861)
James A. Bentley (University of Virginia 1945)
Walter J. Bergstrom (University of Virginia 1922)
Howard W. Biers (University of Virginia 1925)
William M. Bigelow (University of Virginia 1949)
William Kennedy Bishop (University of Virginia 1958)
Barron F. Black (University of Virginia 1919)
Munro Black (University of Virginia 1919)
Donald M. Blair (University of Virginia 1905)
Frank B. Blanchard (University of Virginia 1914)
Edward C. Boone (University of Virginia 1953)
John M. Bowcock (University of Virginia 1899)
Henry Bowden (University of Virginia 1937)
Morton Boyd (University of Virginia 1922)
Henry G. Boykin (University of Virginia 1901)
John S. Brady (University of Virginia 1917)
Robert A. Brent (University of Virginia 1947)
Robert F. Brent (University of Virginia 1868)
Horace T. Bretelle (University of Virginia 1921)
James C. Bright (University of Virginia 1895)
Henry A. Brinkley (University of Virginia 1899)
William O. Bristow (University of Virginia 1929)
Charles C. Broaddus (University of Virginia 1957)
Nathaniel L. Bronaugh (University of Virginia 1879)
David W. Brown (University of Virginia 1908)
Harold G. Brown (University of Virginia 1958)
Tom T. Brown (University of Virginia 1953)
Walter D. Brown (University of Virginia 1912)
Decatur G. Browne (University of Virginia 1936)
Edward K. Bruce (University of Virginia 1909)
John J. Bruce (University of Virginia 1926)
Weston Bruner (University of Virginia 1896)
Frank W. Buckner (University of Virginia 1918)
James B. Bullitt (University of Virginia 1897)
Warren L. Bullock (University of Virginia 1949)
Gordon T. Burke (University of Virginia 1927)
Nicholas B. Burke (University of Virginia 1924)
Arden W. Bush (University of Virginia 1947)
Howard H. Butz (University of Virginia 1936)
William W. Butzner (University of Virginia 1933)
Allen W. Cadwell (University of Virginia 1924)
William Caldwell (University of Virginia 1873)
Alexander Cameron (University of Virginia 1899)
William Cameron Jr. (University of Virginia 1891)
Patrick C. Campbell (University of Virginia 1894)
Willis C. Campbell (University of Virginia 1904)
Lester L. Carlisle (University of Virginia 1931)
John D. Carnahan (University of Virginia 1871)
G. W. Carneal (University of Virginia 1950)
A. D. Carpenter (University of Virginia 1897)
Braxton C. Carter (University of Virginia 1873)
John D. Carter (University of Virginia 1870)
Robert D. Carter (University of Virginia 1949)
Thomas R. Cartmell (University of Virginia 1894)
Alexander H. Caryl (University of Virginia 1905)
Eustathius A. Chancellor (University of Virginia 1876)
James K. Checkovich (University of Virginia 1970)
Robert D. Chenault (University of Virginia 1886)
Joseph W. Chinn (University of Virginia 1934)
Philip S. Clarke (University of Virginia 1932)
Buckner Clay (University of Virginia 1942)
Jesse A. Clifton (University of Virginia 1867)
William A. Clough (University of Virginia 1944)
Samuel C. Clubb (University of Virginia 1905)
Elton C. Cluff Jr. (University of Virginia 1936)
Shelby C. Coblentz (University of Virginia 1952)
J. L. Cochran (University of Virginia 1945)
Joseph S. Cochran (University of Virginia 1939)
Robert A. Coghill (University of Virginia 1897)
Robert W. Cogswell (University of Virginia 1948)
John Cole (University of Virginia 1918)
Francis P. Coleman (University of Virginia 1929)
Henry A. Coles (University of Virginia 1892)
Walter L. Coles (University of Virginia 1933)
Dean P. Collias (University of Virginia 1964)
Caldwallader Collins (University of Virginia 1937)
Paul H. Connair (University of Virginia 1948)
Conway W. Cooke (University of Virginia 1916)
Richard B. Cooke (University of Virginia 1904)
Willoughby T. Cooke (University of Virginia 1913)
Albert B. Cooper (University of Virginia 1947)
Timothy M. Corneli (University of Virginia 1952)
Lewis M. Costello (University of Virginia 1955)
J. R. Coupland (University of Virginia 1942)
Lawrence S. Cowling (University of Virginia 1949)
Thomas B. Cox (University of Virginia 1868)
Robert C. Craig (University of Virginia 1897)
George G. Crawford (University of Virginia 1900)
Edgar P. Cromwell (University of Virginia 1928)
David Cummins (University of Virginia 1896)
Logan Cummins (University of Virginia 1893)
Howard H. Curd (University of Virginia 1933)
Charles W. Dabney (University of Virginia 1878)
Samuel B. Dabney (University of Virginia 1880)
R. B. Dailey (University of Virginia 1970)
Calvin H. Dalby (University of Virginia 1926)
C. P. Daniel (University of Virginia 1950)
Colgate W. Darden (University of Virginia 1953)
Colgate W. Darden Jr. (University of Virginia 1918)
Pretlow Darden (University of Virginia 1927)
William E. Darnall (University of Virginia 1895)
Alexander R. Davenport (University of Virginia 1910)
Harris Davenport (University of Virginia 1924)
Alfred B. Davis (University of Virginia 1921)
Charles G. Davis (University of Virginia 1873)
John M. Davis (University of Virginia 1910)
Alva C. Debow (University of Virginia 1868)
Frank W. Decker (University of Virginia 1943)
Ward Delaney Jr. (University of Virginia 1953)
Walter W. DeMelman (University of Virginia 1948)
Claiborne P. Deming (University of Virginia 1912)
George Denison (University of Virginia 1943)
George R. B. Deschapelles (University of Virginia 1928)
Charles W. Devier Jr. (University of Virginia 1946)
James H. Deyerle (University of Virginia 1902)
John D. Dibrell (University of Virginia 1926)
Charles N. Dickinson (University of Virginia 1878)
Waverly W. Dickson (University of Virginia 1932)
George L. Dischinger (University of Virginia 1947)
Armistead M. Dobie (University of Virginia 1902)
Edward J. Dodge (University of Virginia 1896)
George E. Dodge (University of Virginia 1894)
Malcolm T. Douglas (University of Virginia 1914)
Henry H. Downing (University of Virginia 1874)
Andrew B. Drafts (University of Virginia 1896)
David S. Drake (University of Virginia 1867)
Otis B. Drake (University of Virginia 1900)
John P. Driscoll (University of Virginia 1916)
Robert B. Driver (University of Virginia 1924)
Wilson E. Driver (University of Virginia 1922)
James F. Duncan (University of Virginia 1873)
James M. Duncan (University of Virginia 1921)
Dale M. Duvall (University of Virginia 1955)
Frank H. Earle (University of Virginia 1947)
Nathaniel B. Early (University of Virginia 1894)
James W. Eaton (University of Virginia 1935)
Edward E. Ebbert (University of Virginia 1972)
Guy L. Edie (University of Virginia 1878)
Bennett Edson (University of Virginia 1929)
William E. Eipper (University of Virginia 1935)
Henry G. Ellett (University of Virginia 1902)
Robert E. Elmer (University of Virginia 1944)
Warrick E. Elrod (University of Virginia 1965)
John R. English (University of Virginia 1970)
Kenneth H. Epple (University of Virginia 1946)
William L. Estes (University of Virginia 1876)
Walter C. Euwer (University of Virginia 1943)
Gordon K. Evans (University of Virginia 1928)
James W. Ewing (University of Virginia 1894)
Edward G. Face (University of Virginia 1938)
James B. Fagge (University of Virginia 1928)
John C. Fahey (University of Virginia 1939)
William B. Farant Jr. (University of Virginia 1924)
Louis D. Farina Jr. (University of Virginia 1962)
Hunter P. Farish (University of Virginia 1895)
Alfred E. Farrar (University of Virginia 1935)
Thomas L. Farrar (University of Virginia 1899)
William E. Farrar (University of Virginia 1890)
Mark R. Faville (University of Virginia 1910)
Richmond G. Favrot (University of Virginia 1959)
Omar C. Fitch (University of Virginia 1940)
E. H. Fite (University of Virginia 1922)
Edward H. Fite Jr. (University of Virginia 1947)
Julian B. Fite (University of Virginia 1928)
William P. Fite (University of Virginia 1916)
F. B. Fite (University of Virginia 1922)
Henry Fitzhugh Jr. (University of Virginia 1927)
Benjamin F. Fitzpatrick (University of Virginia 1873)
A. W. Ford (University of Virginia 1870)
Carl S. Forsberg (University of Virginia 1924)
Charles R. Foster (University of Virginia 1957)
James M. Foster (University of Virginia 1890)
Warren B. Foster (University of Virginia 1950)
Robert L. Frackelton (University of Virginia 1942)
John J. Frederick (University of Virginia 1950)
Frank A. Frederick (University of Virginia 1928)
George C. Freeman (University of Virginia 1945)
Lloyd R. Freeman (University of Virginia 1906)
Terah M. Freeman (University of Virginia 1861)
James S. Frick (University of Virginia 1868)
J. W. Frost (University of Virginia 1944)
Charles Gachet (University of Virginia 1859)
George W. Gail (University of Virginia 1942)
Granville G. Gaines (University of Virginia 1874)
Joseph F. Gallagher (University of Virginia 1950)
Floyd W. Garrett (University of Virginia 1927)
Benjamin M. Gaston Jr. (University of Virginia 1955)
William E. Gavaghen (University of Virginia 1985)
William D. Gay (University of Virginia 1984)
William Gaylord (University of Virginia 1943)
Charles W. Gazzam (University of Virginia 1930)
Ernest F. Gehrmann (University of Virginia 1932)
James W. Geissal (University of Virginia 1953)
Donn A. Gerst (University of Virginia 1959)
Harry W. Glenn (University of Virginia 1933)
John M. Goldsmith (University of Virginia 1928)
Mercer W. Goldsmith (University of Virginia 1937)
Morton G. Goode (University of Virginia 1910)
John H. Gordon (University of Virginia 1975)
Kenneth B. Gore (University of Virginia 1953)
Edwin F. Green (University of Virginia 1952)
Berryman Green (University of Virginia 1921)
Edward M. Gresham (University of Virginia 1880)
W. Griffin (University of Virginia 1871)
Edward H. Gross (University of Virginia 1917)
John W. Ground (University of Virginia 1916)
Alfred E. Grover (University of Virginia 1872)
Julius C. Gunter (University of Virginia 1876)
Peter W. Hairston (University of Virginia 1894)
James L. Hall (University of Virginia 1928)
Edward F. Halsell (University of Virginia 1925)
George T. Halsell (University of Virginia 1926)
John R. Halsell (University of Virginia 1925)
Thomas M. Handy (University of Virginia 1878)
Thomas K. Hanna (University of Virginia 1935)
Clarence B. Hanson (University of Virginia 1929)
John F. Hardie (University of Virginia 1920)
Jot G. Hardie (University of Virginia 1917)
Richard B. Harless Jr. (University of Virginia 1931)
Charles G. Harnsberger (University of Virginia 1874)
Laurence K. Harper (University of Virginia 1943)
Randolph Harrison (University of Virginia 1922)
Roger C. Harvey (University of Virginia 1952)
W. S. Harvin (University of Virginia 1953)
James A. Hathaway (University of Virginia 1869)
Norman W. Hay (University of Virginia 1925)
Richard R. Hegamaster (University of Virginia 1951)
W. William Herberich (University of Virginia 1938)
C. George Herndon (University of Virginia 1873)
E. Frantz Hershey Jr. (University of Virginia 1939)
William S. Hildreth (University of Virginia 1916)
George A. Hill (University of Virginia 1869)
William B. Hill Jr. (University of Virginia 1941)
Emmett F. Hilliard (University of Virginia 1866)
G. O. Hart Hinkle (University of Virginia 1920)
Moses D. Hoge (University of Virginia 1881)
Thurmer C. Hoggard (University of Virginia 1900)
Thurmer Hoggard (University of Virginia 1929)
Kenneth W. Holbert USAF (University of Virginia 1939)
William H. Holcombe (University of Virginia 1912)
Joseph E. Holladay (University of Virginia 1904)
Edward W. Hollingsworth (University of Virginia 1918)
William Y. Hollingsworth (University of Virginia 1914)
Ralph T. Holsapple (University of Virginia 1943)
Francis B. Hoopes (University of Virginia 1937)
Beirne Hopkins (University of Virginia 1932)
Henry A. Hopkins (University of Virginia 1897)
Howard W. Houghton Jr. (University of Virginia 1930)
William House (University of Virginia 1867)
Robert H. Houser (University of Virginia 1940)
James N. Howard (University of Virginia 1949)
John R. Howard (University of Virginia 1950)
Blake Howe (University of Virginia 1955)
Melville H. Hudson III (University of Virginia 1929)
Herbert G. Huffman (University of Virginia 1945)
Henry W. Hughes (University of Virginia 1876)
Isaac W. Hughes (University of Virginia 1878)
Thomas E. Hughes (University of Virginia 1910)
Walter J. Hughes (University of Virginia 1876)
William C. Huston (University of Virginia 1892)
Robert M. Hutt (University of Virginia 1948)
Aurelius W. Hutton (University of Virginia 1868)
Frank L. Irvine (University of Virginia 1882)
Joseph K. Irving (University of Virginia 1907)
George R. Ives (University of Virginia 1949)
Timothy R. Ives (University of Virginia 1952)
George R. Jacob (University of Virginia 1922)
William H. Jacques (University of Virginia 1925)
Thomas R. Jarman Jr. (University of Virginia 1952)
C. F. Jenkins (University of Virginia 1944)
Charles E. Jenkins (University of Virginia 1918)
William M. Jenkins (University of Virginia 1922)
James I. Jenkins (University of Virginia 1933)
John B. Jenkins (University of Virginia 1913)
Robert B. Jennings (University of Virginia 1960)
C. J. Jessee (University of Virginia 1949)
Crawford T. Johnson (University of Virginia 1947)
James S. Johnson (University of Virginia 1894)
John H. Johnson (University of Virginia 1911)
Lawrence A. Johnson (University of Virginia 1981)
Joseph S. Johnston (University of Virginia 1932)
R. W. Johnston (University of Virginia 1942)
Alfred D. Jones (University of Virginia 1878)
Arthur F. Jones (University of Virginia 1926)
James P. Jones (University of Virginia 1907)
John T. Jones (University of Virginia 1861)
Lyle M. Jones (University of Virginia 1915)
Robert D. Jordan (University of Virginia 1924)
Paul W. Kear (University of Virginia 1908)
Harry L. Keel (University of Virginia 1918)
Harry J. Kelly Jr. (University of Virginia 1945)
Norman Kelsey (University of Virginia 1930)
H. H. Kennard (University of Virginia 1948)
Walter M. King (University of Virginia 1948)
Oliver Kinsey (University of Virginia 1908)
William L. Kinsolving (University of Virginia 1870)
Charles Knap Jr. (University of Virginia 1877)
Gerald Koslow (University of Virginia 1947)
Cecil B. Lacy (University of Virginia 1905)
James H. Lacy (University of Virginia 1883)
Norman R. Lacy (University of Virginia 1922)
George C. Lamb (University of Virginia 1950)
Byron H. Lamotte (University of Virginia 1937)
Stewart V. Lancaster (University of Virginia 1948)
Philip E. Landrum (University of Virginia 1948)
Douglas T. Larsen (University of Virginia 1985)
Dean G. Lauritzen (University of Virginia 1947)
John S. Lawrence (University of Virginia 1921)
John G. Lawton (University of Virginia 1867)
William P. Lecky (University of Virginia 1912)
Arthur Lee (University of Virginia 1869)
Bradford H. Lee (University of Virginia 1945)
John F. Lee (University of Virginia 1869)
Frank N. Lewis (University of Virginia 1912)
Herbert I. Lewis (University of Virginia 1931)
Gilbert B. Lewis (University of Virginia 1931)
John B. Lightfoot (University of Virginia 1904)
John J. Lipop (University of Virginia 1894)
John C. Little Jr. (University of Virginia 1944)
David M. Liverett (University of Virginia 1969)
Fred S. Loar (University of Virginia 1920)
John W. Lockhart (University of Virginia 1917)
Raymond E. Long (University of Virginia 1922)
Thornton F. Lorentzen (University of Virginia 1934)
Karl K. Louther (University of Virginia 1960)
Lionel H. Love (University of Virginia 1895)
Henry C. Lowry (University of Virginia 1935)
Charles N. Luckie (University of Virginia 1955)
David S. Lyon (University of Virginia 1875)
James B. Lyon (University of Virginia 1908)
Henry C. Maddux (University of Virginia 1908)
Danner L. Mahood (University of Virginia 1923)
James Mann (University of Virginia 1932)
William H. Marriott (University of Virginia 1877)
Burwell K. Marshall (University of Virginia 1875)
William C. Marshall (University of Virginia 1875)
A. L. Martin (University of Virginia 1930)
Edward C. Martz (University of Virginia 1892)
Sherwood F. Marvin (University of Virginia 1927)
James M. Mason (University of Virginia 1902)
James T. Mason (University of Virginia 1905)
Larry R. Matheny (University of Virginia 1961)
William G. Maupin (University of Virginia 1912)
James S. May (University of Virginia 1917)
William May (University of Virginia 1868)
Marcellus D. McBride (University of Virginia 1905)
Richard C. McCahan (University of Virginia 1957)
Charles A. McCauley (University of Virginia 1868)
Donald S. McClain (University of Virginia 1919)
Robert H. McCord (University of Virginia 1925)
J. Alexander McCosh (University of Virginia 1969)
Frank C. McCue (University of Virginia 1898)
Frank McCutchan (University of Virginia 1919)
Harry B. McDowell (University of Virginia 1947)
Harry B. McEuen Jr. (University of Virginia 1949)
James H. McGlothlin (University of Virginia 1930)
John E. McHugh Jr. (University of Virginia 1930)
Charles A. McKeand (University of Virginia 1915)
James R. McKelvin (University of Virginia 1925)
Edgar P. McKinney (University of Virginia 1928)
Jack R. McKinney (University of Virginia 1935)
Andrew V. McLaglen (University of Virginia 1943)
G. B. McLemore (University of Virginia 1900)
John B. McLemore (University of Virginia 1899)
Donaldson R. McMullin (University of Virginia 1935)
William F. McQueen (University of Virginia 1871)
Robert H. Means (University of Virginia 1947)
Samuel H. Meeks (University of Virginia 1943)
Lawrence A. Menefee Jr. (University of Virginia 1958)
Sereno Merrill (University of Virginia 1941)
Landon L. Merritt (University of Virginia 1899)
Frederick A. Metcalfe (University of Virginia 1882)
George A. Meyls III (University of Virginia 1959)
Benjamin Michaelson (University of Virginia 1957)
Edward H. Miller (University of Virginia 1938)
Walter T. Miller (University of Virginia 1919)
Samuel J. Milligan Jr. (University of Virginia 1951)
Richard S. Miner (University of Virginia 1876)
Michael J. Molloy (University of Virginia 1959)
W. W. Moore (University of Virginia 1900)
William E. Moore (University of Virginia 1952)
Charles L. Moore (University of Virginia 1900)
Edward J. Moore (University of Virginia 1946)
Benjamin Morris Jr. (University of Virginia 1927)
Henry R. Morrison (University of Virginia 1887)
Robert W. Morton (University of Virginia 1950)
Richard F. Moschell (University of Virginia 1949)
William R. Moss (University of Virginia 1918)
Edwin C. Muhly (University of Virginia 1953)
Harry T. Muller-Thym (University of Virginia 1942)
Gail B. Munsill (University of Virginia 1929)
James A. Murphy (University of Virginia 1952)
George M. Murray (University of Virginia 1937)
John G. Murray (University of Virginia 1945)
Kenton F. Murray (University of Virginia 1897)
Arthur M. Murray (University of Virginia 1945)
Robert B. Myers (University of Virginia 1907)
Joseph R. Naylor (University of Virginia 1901)
George H. Neale (University of Virginia 1894)
Sidney C. Neale (University of Virginia 1869)
Arthur B. Nelson (University of Virginia 1886)
George E. Nelson (University of Virginia 1866)
James J. Nelson (University of Virginia 1871)
John P. Newbold (University of Virginia 1935)
Campbell W. Newman (University of Virginia 1922)
Donald L. Nichols (University of Virginia 1956)
James M. Nixon (University of Virginia 1941)
William R. Noble (University of Virginia 1880)
Joseph M. Nouel II (University of Virginia 1927)
John W. Oast (University of Virginia 1900)
William E. Oates (University of Virginia 1926)
Guy W. Oliver (University of Virginia 1941)
James B. Orrick (University of Virginia 1922)
Jesse L. Orrick (University of Virginia 1926)
Hugh N. Page (University of Virginia 1905)
Gustav A. Pagenstecher (University of Virginia 1918)
Estes Paine (University of Virginia 1900)
Allison E. Palmer (University of Virginia 1920)
James L. Parrish Jr. (University of Virginia 1958)
T. K. Parrish (University of Virginia 1885)
Thomas W. Parry (University of Virginia 1952)
Michael R. Pascucci (University of Virginia 1988)
William W. Patterson (University of Virginia 1936)
Robert L. Payne Jr. (University of Virginia 1936)
Harold Peery (University of Virginia 1900)
Edmund T. Penzold (University of Virginia 1922)
Thomas D. Pepper (University of Virginia 1925)
G. T. Perkins (University of Virginia 1953)
Marvin B. Perry (University of Virginia 1940)
William C. Perry (University of Virginia 1941)
John D. Peteet (University of Virginia 1872)
Donal H. Phillips (University of Virginia 1950)
James H. Pillow (University of Virginia 1900)
Edward D. Pitts (University of Virginia 1870)
Thomas L. Pogue (University of Virginia 1892)
Clyde W. Portlock (University of Virginia 1896)
Alvin O. Portner (University of Virginia 1900)
Paul V. Portner (University of Virginia 1905)
Virgil M. Potter (University of Virginia 1877)
Harry R. Pratt (University of Virginia 1925)
Henning W. Prentis (University of Virginia 1871)
Barclay Pretlow (University of Virginia 1909)
Bogart A. Pretlow (University of Virginia 1922)
Robert A. Pretlow Jr. (University of Virginia 1935)
Wilson E. Prince (University of Virginia 1873)
Houston R. Puckett (University of Virginia 1925)
John B. Purcell (University of Virginia 1936)
Thomas W. Purcell (University of Virginia 1940)
William T. Purdum (University of Virginia 1937)
Peter D. Purvis (University of Virginia 1951)
William G. Quackenbush (University of Virginia 1872)
George M. Ragsdale (University of Virginia 1878)
John B. Ranson (University of Virginia 1895)
Robert B. Rawles (University of Virginia 1938)
Oscar P. Redford (University of Virginia 1895)
Eben B. Reese (University of Virginia 1935)
Thompson Reid (University of Virginia 1927)
Thorburn Reid (University of Virginia 1885)
Frank W. Rennert (University of Virginia 1922)
Allan S. Reynolds (University of Virginia 1952)
Charles W. Rhodes (University of Virginia 1941)
Gwynne Richards (University of Virginia 1923)
John T. Richards (University of Virginia 1891)
Paul C. Richards (University of Virginia 1893)
Burr H. Richards (University of Virginia 1893)
William P. Richardson (University of Virginia 1914)
Carroll L. Richardson (University of Virginia 1927)
Hugh A. Richbourg III (University of Virginia 1968)
Frank R. Richmond (University of Virginia 1947)
James H. Ricks (University of Virginia 1909)
Harwood H. Ritter (University of Virginia 1931)
Austin M. Robinson (University of Virginia 1873)
Lindsay Rogers (University of Virginia 1917)
Louis M. Rogers (University of Virginia 1861)
Robert A. Rogers (University of Virginia 1880)
William N. Rogers (University of Virginia 1926)
Charles H. Rohrer (University of Virginia 1955)
George I. Rommel (University of Virginia 1943)
Albert L. Roper (University of Virginia 1918)
Leighton P. Roper (University of Virginia 1935)
Frank W. Rose (University of Virginia 1929)
Harry P. Roseberry (University of Virginia 1896)
Theodore A. Rosseau (University of Virginia 1875)
Edgar C. Rowe (University of Virginia 1860)
Warwick I. Rowland (University of Virginia 1913)
Harold J. Rust Jr. (University of Virginia 1962)
Robert K. Ryland (University of Virginia 1917)
John A. Sabanosh (University of Virginia 1960)
John G. Sakellaris (University of Virginia 1965)
Francis S. Sargeant (University of Virginia 1937)
Richard B. Satterfield (University of Virginia 1950)
Allen J. Saville (University of Virginia 1908)
Robert L. Saville (University of Virginia 1910)
Robert Sayers (University of Virginia 1892)
John L. Schaefer (University of Virginia 1917)
John J. Scherer (University of Virginia 1930)
Robert P. Schlenger (University of Virginia 1953)
Ernest R. Schoen (University of Virginia 1904)
Roy J. Scott (University of Virginia 1917)
G. H. Seaks (University of Virginia 1968)
Alfred C. Shackelford (University of Virginia 1912)
John G. Shackelford (University of Virginia 1871)
Robert B. Shackelford (University of Virginia 1909)
Clarence W. Sharp (University of Virginia 1955)
Tilghman H. Sharp (University of Virginia 1916)
Charles W. Shaw (University of Virginia 1930)
William P. Shelton (University of Virginia 1892)
Berkeley W. Shelton (University of Virginia 1922)
James O. Shepherd (University of Virginia 1874)
Lawrence B. Sheppard (University of Virginia 1920)
Charles H. Shield (University of Virginia 1875)
Ernest Sibley (University of Virginia 1956)
Robert C. Simmons III (University of Virginia 1969)
Robert C. Simmons (University of Virginia 1940)
Richard H. Simpson (University of Virginia 1912)
John R. Sims (University of Virginia 1950)
William B. Sinclair (University of Virginia 1894)
Charles R. Skinker Jr. (University of Virginia 1890)
John R. Slidell (University of Virginia 1932)
Daniel M. Smith (University of Virginia 1871)
Gregory L. Smith (University of Virginia 1871)
Griffin B. Smith (University of Virginia 1968)
H. M. Smith (University of Virginia 1936)
Herbert M. Smith (University of Virginia 1897)
Lucian R. Smith (University of Virginia 1901)
Robert L. Smith (University of Virginia 1969)
Walter B. Smith (University of Virginia 1916)
William M. Smith (University of Virginia 1968)
George G. Snarr (University of Virginia 1950)
Harvey J. Snively (University of Virginia 1878)
John E. Snyder (University of Virginia 1962)
Thomas D. Soutter (University of Virginia 1955)
Allen E. Sowder (University of Virginia 1932)
Baker C. Springfield (University of Virginia 1867)
William W. Spurlock (University of Virginia 1926)
Otis E. St Clair (University of Virginia 1908)
George E. Stack (University of Virginia 1951)
Edward A. Stafford (University of Virginia 1882)
Bolling C. Stanley (University of Virginia 1922)
William W. Starke (University of Virginia 1935)
Robert W. Stayton (University of Virginia 1878)
John W. Steacy Jr. (University of Virginia 1943)
Nevett Steele (University of Virginia 1928)
Brett A. Stein (University of Virginia 1999)
James B. Stephenson (University of Virginia 1880)
John W. Stephenson (University of Virginia 1874)
D. Sterrett (University of Virginia 1861)
Thomas E. Stevens (University of Virginia 1931)
Walter D. Stevenson (University of Virginia 1933)
Alan D. Stillwell (University of Virginia 1925)
James C. Stras Jr. (University of Virginia 1939)
Henry V. Strayer (University of Virginia 1874)
Charles W. Strickling (University of Virginia 1916)
Charles A. Stringfellow (University of Virginia 1959)
Charles B. Stringfellow (University of Virginia 1923)
Thornton Stringfellow (University of Virginia 1920)
Charles E. Stuart (University of Virginia 1871)
E. H. Stuart (University of Virginia 1941)
Ralph I. Sullivan (University of Virginia 1923)
Timothy J. Sullivan (University of Virginia 1936)
Joseph J. Summerill (University of Virginia 1947)
Page H. Sutherland (University of Virginia 1956)
William T. Sutton (University of Virginia 1932)
Stark A. Sutton Jr. (University of Virginia 1924)
Peter Swart (University of Virginia 1971)
Oliver P. Swope (University of Virginia 1942)
Richard W. Talley (University of Virginia 1931)
William G. Talley (University of Virginia 1932)
Robert H. Talley (University of Virginia 1934)
Robert L. Tanner (University of Virginia 1953)
Terry W. Tarkington (University of Virginia 1948)
Donald G. Taylor (University of Virginia 1968)
Frederick C. Taylor (University of Virginia 1944)
Harry B. Taylor (University of Virginia 1902)
Joseph C. Taylor (University of Virginia 1899)
Lewis S. Taylor (University of Virginia 1915)
Robert W. Taylor (University of Virginia 1924)
Tazewell Taylor (University of Virginia 1922)
Dwight H. Thompson (University of Virginia 1916)
William T. Thornton (University of Virginia 1920)
Morris P. Tilley (University of Virginia 1894)
Harrison Tillinghast (University of Virginia 1860)
Frank M. Tinkham (University of Virginia 1929)
George F. Todd (University of Virginia 1914)
James M. Tompkins (University of Virginia 1903)
A. D. Tor (University of Virginia 1968)
Theodore D. Torok (University of Virginia 1965)
Alfred E. Townes (University of Virginia 1874)
Murphy W. Townsend (University of Virginia 1899)
Robert T. Townsend Jr. (University of Virginia 1933)
Burton C. Tremaine (University of Virginia 1913)
Gary B. Trento (University of Virginia 1963)
Edward B. Tucker (University of Virginia 1925)
Hugh N. Tunstall (University of Virginia 1933)
Richard D. Tuttle (University of Virginia 1950)
Goldsboro S. Tyler (University of Virginia 1929)
Randolph M. Valz (University of Virginia 1937)
James K. Vaughan (University of Virginia 1942)
Michael M. Vermillion (University of Virginia 1964)
Joseph B. Violette Jr. (University of Virginia 1960)
Andrew W. Volin (University of Virginia 1986)
James E. Voorhees (University of Virginia 1943)
David M. Wakelee (University of Virginia 1951)
James M. Walcott (University of Virginia 1917)
H. L. Walker (University of Virginia 1905)
Samuel P. Walker (University of Virginia 1903)
Frank L. Walters (University of Virginia 1948)
Samuel N. Walton (University of Virginia 1875)
Charles K. Warren (University of Virginia 1940)
Conrad K. Warren (University of Virginia 1931)
Hugh S. Warren (University of Virginia 1965)
Joseph M. Warren (University of Virginia 1929)
Robert L. Warren II (University of Virginia 1929)
Joel H. Watkins (University of Virginia 1934)
Thaddeus C. Watts (University of Virginia 1861)
Albert B. Wayland (University of Virginia 1897)
Edward M. Wayland (University of Virginia 1908)
Donald D. Wear (University of Virginia 1941)
Marshall S. Wells (University of Virginia 1926)
Charles E. Wheeler (University of Virginia 1939)
Sherman L. Whipple (University of Virginia 1943)
Craig W. White (University of Virginia 1946)
John Tobin White USN (University of Virginia 1930)
William H. Whiting (University of Virginia 1880)
C. E. Whitlock (University of Virginia 1905)
Howard D. Whitmore (University of Virginia 1962)
William C. Whittle (University of Virginia 1902)
Laurence C. Wild (University of Virginia 1939)
Robert S. Willadsen (University of Virginia 1943)
George C. Williams (University of Virginia 1950)
Leigh D. Williams (University of Virginia 1917)
Richard L. Williams (University of Virginia 1949)
Robert T. Williams (University of Virginia 1960)
Thomas N. Williams (University of Virginia 1870)
Willis E. Williams (University of Virginia 1962)
Edward H. Wilson (University of Virginia 1874)
John T. Wingo (University of Virginia 1908)
Henry Withers (University of Virginia 1867)
Davis M. Wood (University of Virginia 1875)
Charles G. Wood (University of Virginia 1921)
James P. Woods (University of Virginia 1893)
Dave J. Woodward (University of Virginia 1919)
George A. Worthen (University of Virginia 1879)
William C. Worthington (University of Virginia 1939)
Morton M. Wright (University of Virginia 1937)
Cecil J. Wright Jr. (University of Virginia 1939)
Thomas S. Yancey (University of Virginia 1940)
Robert S. Young (University of Virginia 1919)
Thomas T. Young (University of Virginia 1943)
Charles W. Yulee (University of Virginia 1869)
Carl F. Zeisberg (University of Virginia 1913)
Alfred G. Zimermann (University of Virginia 1938)
Philip J. Aaron Jr. (University of Washington 1933)
John H. Abrams (University of Washington 1918)
George B. Adams (University of Washington 1925)
Thomas E. Allen (University of Washington 1943)
Chase Anderson (University of Washington 2011)
Edwin L. Anderson (University of Washington 1924)
Raleigh Angst (University of Washington 1931)
Joseph J. Apostolou (University of Washington 1950)
Peter G. Apostolou (University of Washington 1946)
Robert C. Armstead (University of Washington 1941)
Pete J. Arrivey (University of Washington 1956)
James W. Art (University of Washington 1947)
Howard Atkinson (University of Washington 1909)
Paul T. Atkinson (University of Washington 1929)
Wallace L. Atkinson (University of Washington 1906)
Wallace L. Atkinson (University of Washington 1938)
Charles R. Bachmeier (University of Washington 1978)
Manson F. Backus (University of Washington 1931)
Wilbur F. Badley (University of Washington 1920)
Nathan P. Bahner (University of Washington 2001)
Albert L. Baker (University of Washington 1919)
Tracy L. Baker (University of Washington 1913)
Charles H. Ballard (University of Washington 1946)
Hugh C. Banks (University of Washington 1940)
Robert T. Banks IV (University of Washington 1936)
Robert F. Bannick (University of Washington 1947)
William R. Bannick (University of Washington 1950)
Marvin K. Barlow (University of Washington 1928)
Maxwell E. Barlow (University of Washington 1929)
T. M. Barlow (University of Washington 1900)
Ardell D. Barnes (University of Washington 1956)
John E. Barnett (University of Washington 1940)
Robert P. Barnett (University of Washington 1945)
Robert M. Barr (University of Washington 1946)
Robert H. Barrett (University of Washington 1944)
Thomas F. Barrett (University of Washington 1965)
Emery P. Bayley (University of Washington 1927)
Warren L. Bennett (University of Washington 1954)
Charles K. Benton (University of Washington 1935)
Jack M. Bergstrom (University of Washington 1933)
Lloyd L. Berry (University of Washington 1960)
Richard K. Beymer (University of Washington 1919)
Mark H. Bianchi (University of Washington 1981)
Carlisle H. Bibb (University of Washington 1921)
John T. Bibb (University of Washington 1919)
G. B. Biddle (University of Washington 1946)
Wellington S. Bingham (University of Washington 1939)
Bernard J. Bird (University of Washington 1932)
Jack E. Bird (University of Washington 1932)
Joseph P. Bird (University of Washington 1938)
Michael C. Bird (University of Washington 1936)
Raymond E. Black (University of Washington 1955)
Francis A. Blethen (University of Washington 1927)
Clarence B. Blethen (University of Washington 1928)
Harry W. Boetzkes (University of Washington 1903)
George M. Bogardus (University of Washington 1935)
Douglas G. Bonamy (University of Washington 1927)
Clement E. Bonnell (University of Washington 1918)
Bruce W. Bordeaux (University of Washington 1954)
Earl D. Borie (University of Washington 1908)
Wallace M. Bostick (University of Washington 1952)
Noel W. Bouley (University of Washington 1931)
Altus E. Bower (University of Washington 1917)
H. H. Boyd (University of Washington 1944)
Dean G. Boyle (University of Washington 1927)
Joseph W. Boyle (University of Washington 1913)
Jack C. Bradner (University of Washington 1935)
Robert C. Brambach (University of Washington 1946)
C. W. Brasier (University of Washington 1951)
Donald H. Brazier (University of Washington 1924)
Donald H. Brazier (University of Washington 1954)
John M. Brazier (University of Washington 1920)
John M. Brazier (University of Washington 1956)
John R. Breen (University of Washington 1928)
George C. Briggs (University of Washington 1947)
James F. Brink (University of Washington 1947)
William H. Brinker (University of Washington 1905)
James F. Brinkley (University of Washington 1943)
William W. Brinkley (University of Washington 1944)
Robert N. Brobst (University of Washington 1927)
James C. Brock (University of Washington 1935)
Robert E. Bronson (University of Washington 1945)
Gregory M. Brooks (University of Washington 1978)
Harland G. Brooks (University of Washington 1947)
Eugene B. Brownell (University of Washington 1929)
Frederick H. Brush (University of Washington 1937)
James W. Bryan (University of Washington 1923)
Guy C. Buck (University of Washington 1938)
Robert F. Buck (University of Washington 1938)
Samuel R. Buck (University of Washington 1950)
Curtis D. Buford (University of Washington 1942)
Barry W. Bullard (University of Washington 1962)
John O. Burgess (University of Washington 1959)
James R. Burgett (University of Washington 1942)
Charles T. Burkland (University of Washington 1948)
John S. Burklund (University of Washington 1951)
James A. Burns (University of Washington 1945)
Robert M. Burns (University of Washington 1943)
Benjamin L. Burroughs (University of Washington 1904)
William T. Burwell (University of Washington 1904)
Lyle K. Bush (University of Washington 1922)
Judson R. Butler (University of Washington 1920)
Chester J. Caithness (University of Washington 1913)
Grant G. Calhoun (University of Washington 1928)
Charles W. Cameron (University of Washington 1936)
James R. Campbell (University of Washington 1950)
Pete Campbell (University of Washington 1954)
William B. Campbell (University of Washington 1958)
William P. Campbell (University of Washington 1933)
Willis L. Campbell (University of Washington 1921)
Leonard A. Carey (University of Washington 1944)
Axel J. Carlson (University of Washington 1919)
William H. Carlyon (University of Washington 1946)
L. R. Carpenter (University of Washington 1904)
George E. Casperson (University of Washington 1952)
James A. Catlin (University of Washington 1932)
Glenn W. Caulkins (University of Washington 1901)
John H. Cavin (University of Washington 1929)
George Chalich (University of Washington 1952)
Norman B. Chaney (University of Washington 1950)
Paul E. Chapman Jr. (University of Washington 1945)
George M. Chatalas (University of Washington 1960)
Gordon L. Chatterton (University of Washington 1946)
Fred D. Chesnut (University of Washington 1902)
Ross E. Chesnut (University of Washington 1900)
James F. Chorlton (University of Washington 1947)
KB Chorlton (University of Washington 1951)
Charles R. Cissna (University of Washington 1930)
Jack R. Cissna (University of Washington 1930)
Arthur M. Clark (University of Washington 1909)
Samuel H. Clark (University of Washington 1943)
George E. Clarke (University of Washington 1926)
Owen F. Clarke (University of Washington 1936)
Clarence M. Cole (University of Washington 1906)
Clinton J. Coleman (University of Washington 1948)
Michael H. Coles (University of Washington 1948)
Paul D. Coles (University of Washington 1920)
William J. Coles (University of Washington 1948)
Joseph B. Colesworthy (University of Washington 1919)
Alton L. Collins (University of Washington 1920)
John J. Collins (University of Washington 1945)
Kenneth Collins (University of Washington 1919)
Donald F. Condon (University of Washington 1934)
Harold T. Condon (University of Washington 1926)
Herbert T. Condon (University of Washington 1921)
John T. Condon (University of Washington 1923)
Robert W. Condon (University of Washington 1929)
Herbert T. Condon (University of Washington 1936)
John R. Conley (University of Washington 1983)
Paul W. Conolley (University of Washington 1941)
Erving S. Cook (University of Washington 1920)
John F. Cooper (University of Washington 1908)
Chester Coulter (University of Washington 1908)
Abram Courtwright (University of Washington 1907)
Dudley S. Cox (University of Washington 1968)
Frank Coyle (University of Washington 1910)
J. K. Crick (University of Washington 1964)
James K. Crick (University of Washington 1939)
Robert H. Crick (University of Washington 1941)
Charles M. Cromwell (University of Washington 1911)
Robert L. Crook (University of Washington 1965)
Coburn B. Crosby (University of Washington 1946)
Richard J. Crowder (University of Washington 1941)
Roger H. Cutting (University of Washington 1923)
Barry C. Davidson (University of Washington 1965)
Leigh S. Davidson (University of Washington 1967)
Stephen M. Davis (University of Washington 1921)
John P. Day (University of Washington 1959)
E. W. Dearborn (University of Washington 1943)
Frank W. Dearborn (University of Washington 1916)
Donald H. Dehn (University of Washington 1946)
William M. Dehn (University of Washington 1944)
David Deming (University of Washington 1938)
Duane B. Deming (University of Washington 1970)
Robert L. Deming (University of Washington 1937)
Arthur P. Denton (University of Washington 1906)
Pierce E. Denton (University of Washington 1913)
Hurley E. DeRoin (University of Washington 1935)
Richard D. Devine (University of Washington 1915)
James A. Devoe (University of Washington 1932)
Albert P. Dickinson (University of Washington 1906)
Richard C. Dills (University of Washington 1933)
Peter Dix (University of Washington 1934)
Donald D. Douglass (University of Washington 1927)
Gregory L. Draper (University of Washington 1957)
Mark S. Drennan (University of Washington 1975)
John H. Dresslar (University of Washington 1945)
Henry O. Drotning (University of Washington 1917)
Charles J. Dugan (University of Washington 1944)
Reynolds Durand (University of Washington 1926)
William R. Durand (University of Washington 1926)
Charles J. Dutcher (University of Washington 1953)
John K. Dykeman (University of Washington 1930)
James A. Dykes (University of Washington 1955)
James M. Eagleson (University of Washington 1916)
James S. Eagleson (University of Washington 1939)
F. D. Eason (University of Washington 1907)
Charles W. Easter (University of Washington 1929)
Edward K. Easter (University of Washington 1930)
Frank K. Easter (University of Washington 1932)
Richard C. Easter (University of Washington 1940)
J. A. Eastwood (University of Washington 1937)
George K. Edwards (University of Washington 1917)
Charles V. Eells (University of Washington 1948)
David L. Egan (University of Washington 1956)
John D. Eicher (University of Washington 1940)
John G. Eicher (University of Washington 1968)
Floyd E. Ellis (University of Washington 1918)
Harold A. Ellis (University of Washington 1920)
Robert L. Ellis (University of Washington 1946)
Michael L. Emmons (University of Washington 1963)
Negley F. England (University of Washington 1935)
William R. England (University of Washington 1937)
Jack A. Englert (University of Washington 1953)
David T. English (University of Washington 1964)
Rudolph C. Enquist (University of Washington 1935)
Daniel L. Evans (University of Washington 1917)
Donaldson H. Evans (University of Washington 1913)
Roger M. Evans (University of Washington 1935)
William H. Evans (University of Washington 1947)
Johnston R. Everett (University of Washington 1909)
Richard F. Everett (University of Washington 1938)
Stuart W. Evey (University of Washington 1956)
Bradford Eyman (University of Washington 1918)
Lewis E. Eyman Jr. (University of Washington 1922)
John M. Farley (University of Washington 1926)
Glenn B. Faulk (University of Washington 1924)
Theodore E. Faulk (University of Washington 1919)
Ralph B. Faulkner (University of Washington 1915)
John H. Fawcett (University of Washington 1930)
Edward P. Ferry (University of Washington 1924)
Thomas L. Fishburne (University of Washington 1962)
John I. Fisher (University of Washington 1908)
Walter C. Fisher (University of Washington 1922)
Donald G. Flye (University of Washington 1955)
Charles J. Flynn (University of Washington 1935)
Robert J. Folk (University of Washington 1933)
Harold F. Forsyth (University of Washington 1910)
Harold B. Foss (University of Washington 1932)
W. Page Fowle (University of Washington 1908)
Robert R. Fox Jr. (University of Washington 1921)
Rowland G. France (University of Washington 1924)
William H. France (University of Washington 1933)
Thomas G. Franck (University of Washington 1922)
Daniel C. Frank (University of Washington 1938)
James T. Fraser (University of Washington 1947)
Frank E. Freshwater (University of Washington 1936)
Richard F. Frost (University of Washington 1921)
Gary P. Gaffner (University of Washington 1957)
Haines B. Gaffner (University of Washington 1929)
Andrew Galbraith (University of Washington 1943)
James E. Galbraith (University of Washington 1933)
Walter E. Galbraith (University of Washington 1910)
Uilisereti Galoia (University of Washington 1981)
Alexander J. Gamble (University of Washington 1914)
Boyd E. Gamble (University of Washington 1927)
Ray Gardner (University of Washington 1920)
Manch D. Garhart (University of Washington 1946)
Theodore M. Garhart (University of Washington 1942)
William N. Garhart (University of Washington 1946)
Robert F. Garing (University of Washington 1942)
Mansfield W. Garratt (University of Washington 1918)
Frank E. Garretson (University of Washington 1940)
Ronald B. Garretson (University of Washington 1943)
Herman J. Garretson (University of Washington 1941)
Wilhelm A. Gartner (University of Washington 1906)
Robert H. Garvin (University of Washington 1953)
Donald W. Gay (University of Washington 1915)
Henry S. George (University of Washington 1936)
Robert L. George (University of Washington 1925)
Glenn A. German (University of Washington 1909)
Robert S. Gidner (University of Washington 1965)
Fred H. Gilbert (University of Washington 1920)
John R. Gilbert (University of Washington 1950)
Warren G. Gilbert (University of Washington 1918)
Frank P. Giles (University of Washington 1900)
Harold Gjolme (University of Washington 1943)
Harold V. Glen (University of Washington 1920)
Irving M. Glen (University of Washington 1920)
Irving P. Glen (University of Washington 1924)
Robert W. Goldberg (University of Washington 1946)
Robert S. Goss (University of Washington 1945)
Kenneth S. Goulter (University of Washington 1937)
Berle A. Graham (University of Washington 1948)
Richard F. Graham (University of Washington 1942)
David J. Grant (University of Washington 1905)
James E. Grant (University of Washington 1952)
Gordon H. Gray (University of Washington 1945)
Joseph M. Greene (University of Washington 1949)
Richard H. Greene (University of Washington 1948)
Taylor M. Greene (University of Washington 1912)
James M. Greene (University of Washington 1946)
Burke M. Griffiths (University of Washington 1915)
Thomas E. Griffiths (University of Washington 1913)
Charles H. Grinnell (University of Washington 1919)
James B. Grinnell (University of Washington 1943)
George Gunn (University of Washington 1916)
Robert W. Guthrie (University of Washington 1976)
Gerald C. Hagen (University of Washington 1949)
Raymond E. Hagen (University of Washington 1946)
Richard B. Hagen (University of Washington 1946)
William H. Hagen (University of Washington 1946)
Neil Haig (University of Washington 1941)
Burton C. Haines (University of Washington 1905)
Arthur S. Hainsworth (University of Washington 1921)
Roderick L. Hainsworth (University of Washington 1929)
William R. Hainsworth (University of Washington 1918)
Rae D. Hakes (University of Washington 1906)
John B. Hallawell (University of Washington 1971)
Edwin T. Hamilton (University of Washington 1939)
Lester H. Hamley (University of Washington 1912)
Nelson O. Hamlin (University of Washington 1908)
Evan B. Hannay (University of Washington 1936)
George B. Hannay (University of Washington 1935)
Neil K. Hansen (University of Washington 1947)
W. W. Hansen (University of Washington 1950)
Peter T. Hanson (University of Washington 1959)
Rodman L. Hanson (University of Washington 1963)
Thomas A. Harman (University of Washington 1938)
Eugene L. Harold (University of Washington 1920)
Joseph C. Harper (University of Washington 1917)
Donn W. Harrison (University of Washington 1948)
Joseph B. Harrison (University of Washington 1909)
Joseph H. Harrison (University of Washington 1933)
Max Harrison (University of Washington 1905)
Richard H. Harrison (University of Washington 1929)
William W. Hartley (University of Washington 1961)
Dwight D. Hartman (University of Washington 1911)
Fred L. Hartman (University of Washington 1908)
Harold H. Hartman (University of Washington 1915)
Robert N. Hartman (University of Washington 1919)
Fred L. Hatch (University of Washington 1950)
Mertin D. Hatch (University of Washington 1939)
Willard P. Hatch (University of Washington 1940)
Ernest R. Hatheway (University of Washington 1923)
Don M. Hawley (University of Washington 1912)
Neal C. Hawley (University of Washington 1908)
Loyal B. Hays (University of Washington 1928)
Calvin C. Hazelet (University of Washington 1914)
Craig P. Hazelet (University of Washington 1914)
Stewart K. Hazlet (University of Washington 1964)
John C. Hazlett (University of Washington 1944)
William D. Heaton (University of Washington 1927)
Rudolf E. Heine (University of Washington 1925)
Paul B. Helsby (University of Washington 1953)
Vincent D. Henehan (University of Washington 1907)
Rupert J. Henry (University of Washington 1941)
Willard G. Herron (University of Washington 1919)
Gene G. Hickok (University of Washington 1949)
Alfred H. Higgins (University of Washington 1932)
Frank M. Higgins (University of Washington 1923)
Peter S. Higgins (University of Washington 1952)
Philip G. Hilditch (University of Washington 1935)
Clime E. Hill (University of Washington 1900)
Stirling B. Hill (University of Washington 1901)
William R. Hill (University of Washington 1906)
Chester W. Hills (University of Washington 1922)
Truman B. Hinkle (University of Washington 1935)
Van R. Hinkle (University of Washington 1931)
Frank Hiscock (University of Washington 1941)
Smith F. Hogsett (University of Washington 1964)
Walter E. Holman (University of Washington 1926)
Joseph D. Holmes (University of Washington 1952)
M. A. Holt (University of Washington 1955)
Frederic D. Honey (University of Washington 1921)
William D. Hopf (University of Washington 1955)
Charles L. Horjes (University of Washington 1944)
Frank Horsley (University of Washington 1945)
Frank S. Horsley (University of Washington 1924)
William H. Horsley (University of Washington 1913)
Howard D. Horton (University of Washington 1905)
James R. Houston (University of Washington 1955)
Theodore P. Hovind (University of Washington 1988)
Jasper V. Howard (University of Washington 1946)
Dolph G. Hoyt (University of Washington 1943)
George W. Hoyt (University of Washington 1931)
William J. Hubbach (University of Washington 1939)
Glenn C. Hubbard (University of Washington 1918)
John P. Hubbard Jr. (University of Washington 1951)
Myron S. Huckle (University of Washington 1958)
Wesley G. Hudson (University of Washington 1944)
Daniel E. Hughes (University of Washington 1914)
George G. Hughes (University of Washington 1925)
Harold C. Hughes (University of Washington 1917)
Granvyl G. Hulse (University of Washington 1930)
Donald B. Hume (University of Washington 1940)
Arthur A. Hunt (University of Washington 1957)
Marshall A. Hunt (University of Washington 1920)
David H. Huntoon (University of Washington 1935)
Richard W. Huntoon (University of Washington 1902)
Robert M. Hurlbut (University of Washington 1918)
Charles L. Hurst (University of Washington 1937)
Fred M. Hurst (University of Washington 1939)
Archie D. Hutchinson (University of Washington 1921)
Henry Hyllengren (University of Washington 1925)
Michael K. Hynes (University of Washington 1964)
Wilson G. Ide (University of Washington 1920)
David S. Ingham (University of Washington 1994)
David V. Irish (University of Washington 1946)
Conrad W. Jacobsen (University of Washington 1958)
Kurt O. Jacobsen (University of Washington 1953)
Kenneth N. Janeck (University of Washington 1922)
Don C. Jaxtheimer (University of Washington 1914)
W. H. Jaynes (University of Washington 1939)
Thomas R. Jemison (University of Washington 1939)
Eric C. Jensen (University of Washington 1965)
Ole J. Jensen (University of Washington 1967)
William H. Jensen (University of Washington 1937)
Charles H. Jepsen (University of Washington 1951)
Paul H. Johns (University of Washington 1942)
Ellis L. Johnson (University of Washington 1929)
Ervin A. Johnson (University of Washington 1953)
Guy J. Johnson (University of Washington 1912)
G. W. Joost (University of Washington 1946)
Robert F. Jorgensen (University of Washington 1948)
Robert T. Kane (University of Washington 1949)
Rinaldo Keasal (University of Washington 1909)
Robert D. Keedy (University of Washington 1934)
Edward J. Keenan (University of Washington 1970)
John E. Kelleher (University of Washington 1922)
David M. Kellogg (University of Washington 1936)
James Y. Kellogg (University of Washington 1903)
John A. Kellogg (University of Washington 1931)
Brian E. Kelly (University of Washington 1957)
Roger V. Kelly (University of Washington 1958)
David E. Kent (University of Washington 1943)
Stuart R. Kerr (University of Washington 1931)
William Z. Kerr (University of Washington 1910)
William Z. Kerr (University of Washington 1940)
Robert P. Kilgore (University of Washington 1939)
Shirley B. Kimmel (University of Washington 1928)
John R. King (University of Washington 1906)
Richard A. Kinzer (University of Washington 1935)
Roland V. Kirkby (University of Washington 1951)
Thomas L. Kirkby (University of Washington 1955)
Michael D. Kirkland (University of Washington 1961)
Ronald M. Kirtland (University of Washington 1954)
Henry G. Knight (University of Washington 1902)
Frederick C. Knowlton (University of Washington 1921)
Bernard J. Kohls (University of Washington 1938)
Richard L. Kohls (University of Washington 1944)
Alan C. Konker (University of Washington 1964)
Casey R. Korach (University of Washington 1975)
Iven Krabbe (University of Washington 1933)
John A. Kullberg (University of Washington 1968)
Max J. Kuney (University of Washington 1940)
William L. Kydd (University of Washington 1945)
R. S. Laing (University of Washington 1940)
Robert D. Lajala (University of Washington 1952)
La F. Lamson (University of Washington 1939)
Robert T. Lamson (University of Washington 1937)
Otis F. Lamson (University of Washington 1940)
Herbert J. Lane (University of Washington 1930)
Carl E. Laney (University of Washington 1944)
William L. Lappenbusch (University of Washington 1963)
Clarence M. Larson (University of Washington 1900)
H. G. Larson (University of Washington 1964)
John J. Latham (University of Washington 1938)
Allan W. Latimer (University of Washington 1921)
Allan W. Latimer (University of Washington 1954)
Earl H. Latimer (University of Washington 1919)
Norval H. Latimer (University of Washington 1948)
Ray N. Latimer (University of Washington 1928)
Vernon G. Latimer (University of Washington 1926)
Walter B. Latimer (University of Washington 1923)
William L. Latimer (University of Washington 1948)
Arthur G. Latimer (University of Washington 1948)
Fred E. Laube (University of Washington 1906)
William T. Laube (University of Washington 1902)
William T. Laube (University of Washington 1933)
Alfred C. Lauritsen (University of Washington 1950)
Arthur J. Lavell (University of Washington 1910)
Douglas C. Lawson (University of Washington 1921)
Robert L. Layne (University of Washington 1943)
Larry J. Leckenby (University of Washington 1965)
Harold G. Lee (University of Washington 1934)
Robert E. Lee (University of Washington 1950)
David D. Leland (University of Washington 1958)
Maxwell F. Leslie (University of Washington 1925)
Joseph H. Lewis (University of Washington 1920)
Michael L. Lewis (University of Washington 1969)
Robert P. Lewis (University of Washington 1946)
Bryce L. Lilly (University of Washington 1950)
Russell S. Lindberg (University of Washington 1919)
Andrew L. Lindsell (University of Washington 1942)
William C. Lindsell (University of Washington 1939)
Raymond W. Lindstrom (University of Washington 1965)
John T. Little (University of Washington 1939)
William J. Livengood (University of Washington 1925)
Carl D. Livingston (University of Washington 1911)
Laurence F. Livingston (University of Washington 1914)
Lawrence F. Loer (University of Washington 1923)
John W. Lohuis (University of Washington 1949)
Henry H. Lombard (University of Washington 1928)
Michael A. Lonac (University of Washington 1970)
John C. Long (University of Washington 1943)
Charles R. Longfellow (University of Washington 1906)
Henry Loquvam (University of Washington 1940)
Robert C. Lorentz (University of Washington 1946)
Thomas W. Lough (University of Washington 1900)
Allen V. Love (University of Washington 1931)
John C. Lowe (University of Washington 1947)
Herbert C. Lynch (University of Washington 1927)
Robert R. Lynch (University of Washington 1944)
Thomas H. MacGeorge (University of Washington 1950)
Russell A. Mackey (University of Washington 1912)
Walton F. Mackey (University of Washington 1909)
Gary MacLeod (University of Washington 1955)
George L. Madden (University of Washington 1942)
Walter T. Madigan (University of Washington 1916)
Mattias A. Madsen (University of Washington 1949)
Edward M. Maher (University of Washington 1955)
Carl C. Mahnken (University of Washington 1958)
John W. Malloy (University of Washington 1952)
Gordon W. Marsh (University of Washington 1922)
Murray B. Marsh (University of Washington 1962)
Donald H. Martin (University of Washington 1968)
Robert D. Martin (University of Washington 1946)
Robert W. Martin (University of Washington 1937)
Arthur R. Masoero (University of Washington 1957)
C. V. Mason (University of Washington 1966)
James A. Mason (University of Washington 1969)
James B. Matthews (University of Washington 1927)
Stewart Matthews (University of Washington 1925)
Kim I. Matzdorf (University of Washington 1959)
James W. Maxwell (University of Washington 1924)
Walter T. McAllister (University of Washington 1942)
Lawrence D. McCartney (University of Washington 1950)
Adelbert McCleverty (University of Washington 1912)
Warren F. McClure (University of Washington 1944)
John I. McDermott (University of Washington 1941)
Clive W. McDonald (University of Washington 1920)
Darrel W. McDonald (University of Washington 1923)
Harold J. McDonald (University of Washington 1917)
Thomas G. McDonald (University of Washington 1907)
William J. McDonald (University of Washington 1908)
Stanley S. McEachran (University of Washington 1929)
Joel N. McFee (University of Washington 1915)
John McFee (University of Washington 1915)
Malcolm McFee (University of Washington 1941)
Cornelius O. McGillicuddy (University of Washington 1911)
Jeremiah A. McGillicuddy (University of Washington 1914)
John P. McGlinn (University of Washington 1929)
James P. McGoldrick (University of Washington 1939)
Scott A. McIntyre (University of Washington 1971)
Charles A. McKay (University of Washington 1914)
Donald T. McKay (University of Washington 1951)
Theodore A. McKay (University of Washington 1942)
William O. McKay (University of Washington 1912)
Bruce H. McKibbin (University of Washington 1955)
William R. McKinley (University of Washington 1958)
John A. McLallen (University of Washington 1929)
E. L. McLallen (University of Washington 1943)
Robert S. McLean (University of Washington 1975)
Sutherland B. McLean (University of Washington 1944)
Walter G. McLean (University of Washington 1905)
John P. McLean (University of Washington 1943)
Horace N. McLeod (University of Washington 1925)
Howard W. McLeod (University of Washington 1927)
William E. McMicken (University of Washington 1910)
Patrick McNamara (University of Washington 1946)
Kenneth McPherson (University of Washington 1902)
Duncan W. McRae (University of Washington 1911)
E. E. Meader (University of Washington 1929)
Rensselaer A. Meader (University of Washington 1934)
Robert A. Mendel (University of Washington 1955)
Eugene W. Mercer (University of Washington 1950)
Thomas Mesdag (University of Washington 1906)
John D. Meyers (University of Washington 1962)
Mike P. Michael (University of Washington 1951)
Lowell P. Mickelwait (University of Washington 1928)
Colin A. Miller (University of Washington 1964)
Fred W. Miller (University of Washington 1949)
Gilbert A. Miller (University of Washington 1924)
James M. Miller (University of Washington 1915)
Sidney R. Miller (University of Washington 1915)
Armand S. Miller (University of Washington 1942)
Robert G. Moch (University of Washington 1936)
Robert E. Moen (University of Washington 1951)
Charles W. Moffett (University of Washington 1943)
Harold A. Moldstad (University of Washington 1956)
Elmer R. Moller (University of Washington 1935)
Thomas M. Montague (University of Washington 1929)
John G. Montgomery (University of Washington 1939)
Madison D. Moores (University of Washington 1947)
Kenneth D. Moores (University of Washington 1946)
Donald R. Moreland (University of Washington 1959)
David C. Morgan (University of Washington 1952)
Irving B. Morgan (University of Washington 1947)
Charles P. Morrill (University of Washington 1942)
Arthur J. Mortensen (University of Washington 1947)
Gayley D. Mortland (University of Washington 1937)
Michael H. Moses (University of Washington 1962)
Donald W. Mowat (University of Washington 1961)
John P. Mucklestone (University of Washington 1950)
Stewart S. Mullen (University of Washington 1945)
J. S. Mullin (University of Washington 1956)
Edward A. Mullon (University of Washington 1917)
John C. Mulvehill (University of Washington 1947)
John Mumma (University of Washington 1940)
J. R. Muncaster (University of Washington 1917)
Gordon C. Murphy (University of Washington 1928)
Joseph J. Murphy (University of Washington 1953)
Wayne Murray (University of Washington 1938)
Randolph E. Nau (University of Washington 1960)
Arthur S. Nelson (University of Washington 1946)
Brian J. Nelson (University of Washington 1987)
John R. Nevers (University of Washington 1946)
Albert C. Newell (University of Washington 1916)
Albert C. Newell (University of Washington 1943)
Daniel L. Newman (University of Washington 1955)
George C. Nichols (University of Washington 1940)
William A. Nichols (University of Washington 1905)
David A. Niemi (University of Washington 1967)
Jack L. Nilles (University of Washington 1963)
Marvin H. Nilsen (University of Washington 1956)
Carl C. Nissler (University of Washington 1934)
Edwin A. Nixon (University of Washington 1950)
Lawrence R. Nord (University of Washington 1971)
Jon F. Nordby (University of Washington 1963)
Henry L. Norton (University of Washington 1945)
Jack L. Nugent (University of Washington 1953)
Gordon S. Nyberg (University of Washington 1941)
Peter A. Odabashian (University of Washington 1971)
Burr Odell (University of Washington 1937)
Thomas K. O'Hara (University of Washington 1923)
Thomas H. Olin (University of Washington 1924)
William C. Olin (University of Washington 1926)
Oscar M. Olsen (University of Washington 1921)
Robert Q. Olsen (University of Washington 1951)
Darryl D. Olson (University of Washington 1956)
Kenneth B. Olson (University of Washington 1929)
Roderic M. Olzendam (University of Washington 1945)
Allen G. Orton (University of Washington 1929)
David C. Oswald (University of Washington 1928)
David P. Oswald (University of Washington 1934)
Hugo E. Oswald (University of Washington 1945)
Richard M. Oswald (University of Washington 1946)
David P. Ovenell (University of Washington 1952)
Henry M. Owen (University of Washington 1940)
Frank B. Packard (University of Washington 1930)
A. H. Palmer (University of Washington 1930)
Ben B. Palmer (University of Washington 1913)
Curtiss E. Palmer (University of Washington 1973)
Don H. Palmer (University of Washington 1900)
Lee C. Palmer (University of Washington 1909)
Robert L. Palmer (University of Washington 1932)
Rex B. Palmer MD (University of Washington 1930)
A. B. Park (University of Washington 1923)
Eugene S. Parmeter (University of Washington 1926)
Robert M. Parsons (University of Washington 1940)
Leonard S. Patricelli (University of Washington 1964)
Scott S. Patrick (University of Washington 1980)
William A. Patterson (University of Washington 1923)
Robert L. Peabody (University of Washington 1954)
Joseph U. Pearson (University of Washington 1904)
Robert G. Pearson (University of Washington 1904)
Aldridge C. Pease (University of Washington 1927)
Douglas L. Peek (University of Washington 1952)
Robert M. Peek (University of Washington 1950)
Gary L. Pence (University of Washington 1959)
Brooks L. Pendleton (University of Washington 1918)
Crosby Pendleton (University of Washington 1931)
Francis S. Pendleton (University of Washington 1923)
Ross L. Pendleton (University of Washington 1912)
James A. Perkins (University of Washington 1945)
Percy J. Perry (University of Washington 1907)
Arthur C. Peters (University of Washington 1923)
Harold A. Peterson (University of Washington 1966)
Robert J. Peterson (University of Washington 1951)
Frank J. Philip (University of Washington 1910)
Philip M. Philips (University of Washington 1922)
Jack K. Phillips (University of Washington 1944)
Judson T. Pierce (University of Washington 1910)
Ralph S. Pierce (University of Washington 1907)
Richard H. Pierson (University of Washington 1925)
George H. Pigion (University of Washington 1944)
Roscoe W. Pike (University of Washington 1914)
Harold R. Pirret (University of Washington 1930)
Arthur S. Pittelkau (University of Washington 1923)
Louis C. Pittwood (University of Washington 1924)
Harry M. Pitzer (University of Washington 1946)
Fred M. Plath (University of Washington 1946)
Stanley R. Pocock (University of Washington 1946)
Charles S. Polson (University of Washington 1923)
F. A. Polson (University of Washington 1917)
William G. Porter (University of Washington 1943)
Alfred N. Potter (University of Washington 1932)
Edwin A. Potter (University of Washington 1933)
John L. Power (University of Washington 1939)
L. E. Pratt (University of Washington 1958)
Howard K. Prentice (University of Washington 1950)
D. C. Prescott (University of Washington 1946)
John E. Prescott (University of Washington 1957)
Loren D. Prescott (University of Washington 1951)
Newell W. Priess (University of Washington 1940)
Frank A. Pritchard (University of Washington 1915)
Frank A. Pritchard (University of Washington 1942)
Joel M. Pritchard (University of Washington 1947)
Jack Propstra (University of Washington 1943)
Chester C. Pullen (University of Washington 1915)
Daniel D. Pullen (University of Washington 1907)
Royal R. Pullen (University of Washington 1912)
Clarence B. Quigley (University of Washington 1920)
William W. Quillian (University of Washington 1955)
Richard K. Quinn (University of Washington 1952)
Colin F. Radford (University of Washington 1932)
John S. Radford (University of Washington 1932)
Richard R. Radloff (University of Washington 1959)
John C. Radovich (University of Washington 1955)
Joseph B. Ramseyer (University of Washington 1957)
Arthur L. Reagh (University of Washington 1909)
Ray E. Redman (University of Washington 1945)
Gerald E. Redmond (University of Washington 1956)
Henry L. Reese (University of Washington 1900)
Carl H. Reeves (University of Washington 1901)
John E. Reilly (University of Washington 1926)
William W. Reinhart (University of Washington 1901)
Gerald W. Relf (University of Washington 1919)
Henry C. Relf (University of Washington 1923)
John D. Riach (University of Washington 1946)
Roger D. Rice (University of Washington 1944)
Robert M. Richardson (University of Washington 1933)
George M. Richner (University of Washington 1951)
Emsley M. Ridenour (University of Washington 1914)
John J. Riley (University of Washington 1947)
Richard J. Riley (University of Washington 1950)
Freeman A. Roberts (University of Washington 1927)
James Robertson (University of Washington 1942)
Gerald S. Robinson (University of Washington 1931)
James E. Robinson (University of Washington 1939)
John B. Robinson (University of Washington 1939)
Ralph Robinson (University of Washington 1916)
David M. Roderick (University of Washington 1944)
George G. Rogge (University of Washington 1922)
John H. Rolfe (University of Washington 1950)
Rex L. Ross (University of Washington 1909)
Rex L. Ross Jr. (University of Washington 1931)
Robertson Ross (University of Washington 1944)
William A. Ross (University of Washington 1913)
Philip W. Rucker (University of Washington 1922)
Harmon A. Rulifson (University of Washington 1922)
Orrel A. Rumbaugh (University of Washington 1908)
Burton W. Runkel (University of Washington 1932)
John N. Rupp (University of Washington 1934)
Carl E. Ruppe (University of Washington 1911)
Marvin M. Russell (University of Washington 1917)
Francis Dean Ryker (University of Washington 1932)
Gerald F. Ryles (University of Washington 1958)
Dean W. Saffle (University of Washington 1951)
Richard I. Sampson (University of Washington 1946)
William L. Sanborn (University of Washington 1951)
Alvis M. Sanders (University of Washington 1917)
David S. Sanders (University of Washington 1918)
Richard F. Schacht (University of Washington 1930)
Ronald W. Schacht (University of Washington 1926)
Harold R. Schlicting (University of Washington 1941)
Alan F. Schmitz (University of Washington 1957)
Dietrich G. Schmitz (University of Washington 1917)
Ferdinand Schmitz (University of Washington 1926)
Helmuth F. Schmitz (University of Washington 1916)
Henry Schmitz (University of Washington 1914)
Lawrence K. Schneider (University of Washington 1959)
Ernest W. Schoder (University of Washington 1900)
Robert J. Schoettler (University of Washington 1928)
Harold L. Scholes (University of Washington 1910)
Aaron C. Schulte (University of Washington 2003)
Myron A. Scott (University of Washington 1926)
Hugo A. Seren (University of Washington 1944)
Jack H. Shanstrom (University of Washington 1944)
Wilfred S. Shaw (University of Washington 1910)
Thomas H. Shelly (University of Washington 1903)
Edward M. Shelton (University of Washington 1917)
Howard E. Shiel (University of Washington 1921)
Howard E. Shiel (University of Washington 1948)
Walter P. Shiel (University of Washington 1916)
Walter P. Shiel (University of Washington 1946)
Loyal A. Shoudy (University of Washington 1904)
Paul A. Shoudy (University of Washington 1938)
Jack W. Sickenga (University of Washington 1936)
Jack E. Simpson (University of Washington 1946)
Frank H. Skinner (University of Washington 1920)
James R. Slover (University of Washington 1929)
Albert W. Slusher (University of Washington 1907)
Robert B. Smalley (University of Washington 1914)
Charles R. Smith (University of Washington 1945)
David L. Smith (University of Washington 1950)
Delford M. Smith (University of Washington 1954)
Eugene R. Smith (University of Washington 1908)
H. M. Smith (University of Washington 1946)
Hans M. Smith (University of Washington 1914)
Lawrence K. Smith (University of Washington 1921)
Stuart M. Smith (University of Washington 1936)
Lawrence K. Smith (University of Washington 1953)
Richard V. Snyder (University of Washington 1938)
Clinton E. Sohns (University of Washington 1921)
E. K. Solid (University of Washington 1947)
Jack R. Springgate (University of Washington 1945)
Emery R. Stanley (University of Washington 1925)
Erik G. Sten (University of Washington 1967)
Edward L. Stenger (University of Washington 1905)
Richard L. Stenshoel (University of Washington 1950)
Alan G. Stephenson (University of Washington 1956)
Thomas B. Stevenson (University of Washington 1931)
Alexander D. Stewart (University of Washington 1915)
Harold H. Stewart (University of Washington 1911)
Robert L. Stewart (University of Washington 1956)
James W. Stoddard (University of Washington 1954)
Fred N. Strudwick (University of Washington 1904)
Cyrus C. Sturgis (University of Washington 1913)
James H. Sturgis (University of Washington 1912)
David P. Suddendorf (University of Washington 2005)
Starr S. Sutherland (University of Washington 1944)
John H. Sutton (University of Washington 1937)
Donald M. Swick (University of Washington 1944)
Stewart R. Swift (University of Washington 1951)
Archibald W. Talbot (University of Washington 1920)
Ernest R. Talbot (University of Washington 1926)
Hilton W. Talbot (University of Washington 1933)
Reginald S. Talbot (University of Washington 1921)
Herbert C. Talbott (University of Washington 1913)
Ivan Talbott (University of Washington 1913)
Wilson S. Talbott (University of Washington 1948)
Max W. Tanzer (University of Washington 1925)
Arthur R. Taylor (University of Washington 1941)
Roy F. Taylor (University of Washington 1919)
William D. Taylor (University of Washington 1926)
William H. Taylor (University of Washington 1946)
Neal A. Tebb (University of Washington 1930)
John J. Tharp (University of Washington 1959)
Dale D. Thomason (University of Washington 1952)
Thomas R. Thompsen (University of Washington 1951)
Chester Thompson (University of Washington 1906)
Douglas B. Thompson (University of Washington 1975)
Richard E. Thompson (University of Washington 1905)
Robert K. Thompson (University of Washington 1929)
Henry C. Tibbals (University of Washington 1909)
Maurice L. Tibbals (University of Washington 1906)
Walter H. Tiedeman (University of Washington 1901)
Gerald B. Todd (University of Washington 1920)
Donald V. Trueblood (University of Washington 1911)
Donald V. Trueblood (University of Washington 1941)
Robert G. Trumbull (University of Washington 1925)
Walter H. Tuesley (University of Washington 1917)
Gerald D. Turman (University of Washington 1954)
Thomas B. Ullman (University of Washington 1945)
Be Van Presley (University of Washington 1914)
Maurice A. VanAntwerp (University of Washington 1928)
Earl C. Vance (University of Washington 1932)
Lloyd J. Vance (University of Washington 1929)
Richard A. VanDer Las (University of Washington 1922)
Herbert G. Vankuran (University of Washington 1912)
Karl E. Vankuran (University of Washington 1904)
Richard L. VanZandt (University of Washington 1950)
Leonard J. Vaupell (University of Washington 1938)
Robert S. Viele (University of Washington 1944)
Lyman S. Viles (University of Washington 1943)
Chester Vincent (University of Washington 1924)
Fred W. Vincent (University of Washington 1908)
Eustace Vynne (University of Washington 1943)
Donald G. Waller (University of Washington 1921)
John C. Wallingford (University of Washington 1977)
Wesley G. Walloch (University of Washington 1976)
John G. Walls (University of Washington 1948)
Richard A. Walter (University of Washington 1940)
John L. Walters (University of Washington 1950)
Lawrence C. Walton (University of Washington 1932)
Peter T. Walton (University of Washington 1927)
Kermit F. Wasmuth (University of Washington 1937)
Jack B. Wassard (University of Washington 1943)
Theodore L. Wassard (University of Washington 1939)
Robert F. Watkins (University of Washington 1937)
John R. Watt (University of Washington 1936)
Richard F. Watt (University of Washington 1937)
Robert D. Watt (University of Washington 1935)
George H. Wayland (University of Washington 1910)
Norman B. Wayland (University of Washington 1938)
Russell G. Wayland (University of Washington 1906)
Russell G. Wayland (University of Washington 1934)
Harold T. Weaver (University of Washington 1940)
Henry C. Webb (University of Washington 1950)
Joseph Weber (University of Washington 1935)
Clifford H. Weigel (University of Washington 1949)
William R. Welch (University of Washington 1951)
Ernest F. Wells (University of Washington 1910)
Paul S. Wells (University of Washington 1956)
Theodore R. Wernecke (University of Washington 1936)
Charles H. Westaby (University of Washington 1915)
Lawrence A. Westerweller (University of Washington 1930)
Warren D. Westlund (University of Washington 1948)
Henry J. Wharton (University of Washington 1906)
Robert F. Wheeler (University of Washington 1925)
Roy R. Wheeler (University of Washington 1908)
Coral B. White (University of Washington 1906)
Gerald R. White (University of Washington 1915)
Harold C. White (University of Washington 1920)
Roydon W. White (University of Washington 1915)
Stephen L. Whoolery (University of Washington 1963)
Brayton Wilbur (University of Washington 1917)
William J. Wilcox (University of Washington 1939)
Robert I. Will (University of Washington 1950)
C. P. Williams (University of Washington 1934)
Carl H. Williams (University of Washington 1973)
Gene B. Williams (University of Washington 1940)
Robert C. Williams (University of Washington 1923)
Sidney J. Williams (University of Washington 1901)
William C. Williams (University of Washington 1936)
Cecil D. Willis (University of Washington 1920)
Forbes Wilson (University of Washington 1937)
John W. Wilson (University of Washington 1962)
R. K. Wilson (University of Washington 1960)
William L. Winsor (University of Washington 1909)
William N. Winter Jr. (University of Washington 1931)
Jack P. Wolf (University of Washington 1939)
Warren B. Wood (University of Washington 1917)
Lloyd H. Woodnutt (University of Washington 1909)
John K. Woodruff (University of Washington 1957)
Lorin E. Woods (University of Washington 1926)
John B. Woods (University of Washington 1936)
Harry E. Worley (University of Washington 1946)
Edgar J. Wright (University of Washington 1901)
Newell L. Wright (University of Washington 1912)
Robert Wright (University of Washington 1926)
Bruce E. Wylder (University of Washington 1945)
Richard O. Yeager (University of Washington 1939)
Stuart E. Yeaton (University of Washington 1934)
Thomas A. Young (University of Washington 1916)
Ian M. Begg (University of Western Ontario 1967)
Paul Bralovich (University of Western Ontario 1973)
Charles Butlin (University of Western Ontario 1989)
John C. Campbell (University of Western Ontario 1967)
William F. Desjardins (University of Western Ontario 1973)
William F. DeWolf (University of Western Ontario 1971)
David G. Fraser (University of Western Ontario 1970)
Daniel Horwitz (University of Western Ontario 1997)
William A. Hudson (University of Western Ontario 1974)
Teddy F. Koss (University of Western Ontario 1975)
Michael D. Malone (University of Western Ontario 1978)
Barry J. Mees (University of Western Ontario 1970)
Alex S. Pappas (University of Western Ontario 1991)
Paul A. Renaud (University of Western Ontario 1974)
Jonathon M. Ritchie (University of Western Ontario 1993)
Alan W. Stewart (University of Western Ontario 1968)
Brent H. Thrall (University of Western Ontario 1972)
David A. Warren (University of Western Ontario 1967)
Michael G. Woods (University of Western Ontario 1973)
Donald B. Abert (University of Wisconsin 1928)
E. R. Abert (University of Wisconsin 1930)
Charles W. Adair (University of Wisconsin 1935)
Robert G. Adair (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Lawson M. Adams (University of Wisconsin 1925)
William S. Ahrbeck (University of Wisconsin 1935)
Ernest S. Albee (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Alister B. Alexander (University of Wisconsin 1918)
Joseph H. Alexander (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Donald T. Allen (University of Wisconsin 1919)
John E. Allen (University of Wisconsin 1960)
James T. Alling (University of Wisconsin 1948)
E. P. Altemeier (University of Wisconsin 1941)
Gaylord E. Anderson (University of Wisconsin 1922)
Jerry P. Anderson (University of Wisconsin 1948)
Thomas J. Anderson (University of Wisconsin 1951)
John L. Archie (University of Wisconsin 1952)
Arthur H. Ardiel (University of Wisconsin 1924)
Gordon Arey (University of Wisconsin 1925)
Walter T. Arndt (University of Wisconsin 1896)
Theodore I. Arneson (University of Wisconsin 1950)
C. L. Austin (University of Wisconsin 1920)
Alvin H. Babler (University of Wisconsin 1941)
Donald M. Bailey (University of Wisconsin 1922)
George D. Bailey (University of Wisconsin 1912)
Burton A. Baker (University of Wisconsin 1928)
John L. Baker (University of Wisconsin 1961)
Everitte K. Barnes (University of Wisconsin 1896)
William R. Barrett (University of Wisconsin 1906)
John H. Barsch (University of Wisconsin 1988)
Charles L. Bartlett (University of Wisconsin 1900)
Deane S. Bascom (University of Wisconsin 1918)
Roger P. Batchelor (University of Wisconsin 1911)
Jack L. Bates (University of Wisconsin 1960)
Willard A. Batzle (University of Wisconsin 1939)
Joseph H. Batzle (University of Wisconsin 1936)
Frederick L. Bauch (University of Wisconsin 1947)
John N. Bauch (University of Wisconsin 1938)
Robert O. Bauch (University of Wisconsin 1940)
Chris M. Bauer (University of Wisconsin 1970)
Frederick C. Baxter (University of Wisconsin 1902)
John C. Baxter (University of Wisconsin 1935)
Lee F. Bays (University of Wisconsin 1900)
Hoyt E. Beans (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Donald W. Bearder (University of Wisconsin 1955)
John A. Beck (University of Wisconsin 1939)
Walter C. Becker (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Isaac W. Beeson (University of Wisconsin 1913)
Donald C. Bell (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Theodore Benfey (University of Wisconsin 1893)
Benjamin F. Bennett (University of Wisconsin 1907)
George M. Bennett (University of Wisconsin 1932)
Robert H. R. Benson (University of Wisconsin 1918)
Harvey G. Bent (University of Wisconsin 1935)
Donald L. Berg (University of Wisconsin 1956)
Robert D. Bergmann (University of Wisconsin 1934)
Raymond C. Bice (University of Wisconsin 1940)
Franz L. Bidinger (University of Wisconsin 1936)
Harlow P. Bielefeldt (University of Wisconsin 1953)
Albert W. Bierly (University of Wisconsin 1929)
Charles M. Bigelow (University of Wisconsin 1905)
George T. Bigelow (University of Wisconsin 1905)
Oscar W. Bilharz (University of Wisconsin 1918)
Burton G. Billings (University of Wisconsin 1925)
J. C. Billings (University of Wisconsin 1925)
William S. Binning (University of Wisconsin 1934)
Ralph R. Birchard (University of Wisconsin 1910)
Wayne D. Bird (University of Wisconsin 1905)
Clement W. Bissell (University of Wisconsin 1911)
Thomas B. Blackburn (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Adelbert L. Blackstone (University of Wisconsin 1897)
Herbert L. Blackstone (University of Wisconsin 1936)
John E. Blackstone (University of Wisconsin 1931)
Evarts H. Blakeslee (University of Wisconsin 1907)
John C. Blankenagel (University of Wisconsin 1912)
William J. Bleckwenn (University of Wisconsin 1917)
William J. Bleckwenn (University of Wisconsin 1943)
Harold E. Blodgett (University of Wisconsin 1917)
Frederick M. Blossom (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Todd G. Boehm (University of Wisconsin 1963)
Edward I. Boldon (University of Wisconsin 1946)
Edward R. Bollenbeck (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Roman W. Bollenbeck (University of Wisconsin 1923)
William J. Bollenbeck (University of Wisconsin 1908)
John L. Borman (University of Wisconsin 1945)
Charles H. Bradley (University of Wisconsin 1914)
William R. Bradley (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Laban J. Brady (University of Wisconsin 1913)
Arthur F. Brandt (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Jack V. Braskamp (University of Wisconsin 1944)
Richard K. Brayton (University of Wisconsin 1927)
David H. Brenner (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Chester L. Brewer (University of Wisconsin 1898)
Russell W. Brickham (University of Wisconsin 1941)
Grant L. Brightman (University of Wisconsin 1910)
Loren L. Brindley (University of Wisconsin 1937)
Gordon F. Brine (University of Wisconsin 1926)
Robert H. Brinkmeyer (University of Wisconsin 1935)
Norman D. Brophy (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Melvin L. Brorby (University of Wisconsin 1918)
George H. Brownell (University of Wisconsin 1904)
Malcolm C. Bruce (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Gordon L. Brunsell (University of Wisconsin 1956)
Herbert E. Brushe (University of Wisconsin 1924)
Milton J. Bublitz (University of Wisconsin 1936)
Joseph L. Bubul (University of Wisconsin 1939)
Roger S. Buchanan (University of Wisconsin 1930)
Walter A. Buchen (University of Wisconsin 1911)
Theodore T. Buell (University of Wisconsin 1909)
John E. Bullard (University of Wisconsin 1947)
Franklin E. Bump (University of Wisconsin 1896)
Millard Bump (University of Wisconsin 1926)
Warner S. Bump (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Franklin E. Bump (University of Wisconsin 1920)
William H. Bundy (University of Wisconsin 1927)
John M. Bunn (University of Wisconsin 1940)
Thomas S. Burdon (University of Wisconsin 1927)
Mead Burke (University of Wisconsin 1917)
Charles I. Burkholder (University of Wisconsin 1896)
Karl O. Burrer (University of Wisconsin 1907)
Jack M. Buss (University of Wisconsin 1958)
Cyrus M. Butt (University of Wisconsin 1897)
Arthur S. Butterworth (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Stanley V. Butts (University of Wisconsin 1920)
John C. Callahan (University of Wisconsin 1906)
Douglas C. Campbell (University of Wisconsin 1953)
Willard V. Campbell (University of Wisconsin 1902)
John S. Cant (University of Wisconsin 1968)
William R. Cape (University of Wisconsin 1972)
Donald W. Carlson (University of Wisconsin 1923)
Marshall C. Carlson (University of Wisconsin 1938)
Richard E. Carney (University of Wisconsin 1945)
James M. Carr (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Charles K. Carroll (University of Wisconsin 1923)
Lawrence K. Carroll (University of Wisconsin 1918)
Richard G. Carter (University of Wisconsin 1937)
Carl F. Ceaser (University of Wisconsin 1921)
George C. Cermak (University of Wisconsin 1983)
Douglas W. Chadwick (University of Wisconsin 1955)
George H. Chamberlain (University of Wisconsin 1920)
Charles C. Chambers (University of Wisconsin 1912)
Marshall F. Chapman (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Albert V. Chase Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1929)
Charles A. Chidsey (University of Wisconsin 1920)
Peter J. Chinetti (University of Wisconsin 1955)
Burton E. Clark (University of Wisconsin 1941)
Farnham A. Clark (University of Wisconsin 1924)
Robert F. Clarke (University of Wisconsin 1966)
Roger W. Claus (University of Wisconsin 1960)
Frederick H. Clausen (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Harry E. Clausen (University of Wisconsin 1904)
Thomas P. Cleary (University of Wisconsin 1951)
Charles P. Clogher (University of Wisconsin 1932)
Edward P. Cole (University of Wisconsin 1929)
Jack E. Cole (University of Wisconsin 1935)
Walter S. Coleman (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Robert J. Colleran (University of Wisconsin 1967)
Paul R. Conaghan Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1955)
Dudley N. Condit (University of Wisconsin 1903)
Arthur M. Cook (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Edwin B. Copeland (University of Wisconsin 1895)
Herbert B. Copeland (University of Wisconsin 1896)
Walter D. Copeland (University of Wisconsin 1926)
Robert A. Cowles (University of Wisconsin 1902)
John B. Crabtree (University of Wisconsin 1901)
Albert S. Crane (University of Wisconsin 1905)
Paul J. Cratty (University of Wisconsin 1905)
Frederick S. Crawshaw (University of Wisconsin 1931)
Horace G. Crawshaw (University of Wisconsin 1934)
Thomas P. Creagan (University of Wisconsin 1963)
Timothy J. Cronin (University of Wisconsin 1948)
Harold C. Curtis (University of Wisconsin 1922)
Herbert H. Curtis (University of Wisconsin 1917)
Asbury D. Daggett (University of Wisconsin 1896)
Maynard L. Daggy (University of Wisconsin 1904)
Ralph W. Danuser (University of Wisconsin 1902)
Bryan A. Davia (University of Wisconsin 2015)
Bernard O. Davis (University of Wisconsin 1952)
Ernest D. Davis (University of Wisconsin 1939)
John W. Davis (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Phillip H. Davis (University of Wisconsin 1927)
Willard B. Davis (University of Wisconsin 1915)
David E. Day (University of Wisconsin 1918)
Robert E. Decou (University of Wisconsin 1908)
Warren G. Delaney (University of Wisconsin 1944)
Henri G. Demontigny (University of Wisconsin 1900)
Earl S. Detienne (University of Wisconsin 1915)
John M. Detling (University of Wisconsin 1905)
Samuel K. Dickenson (University of Wisconsin 1903)
Thomas W. Dickinson (University of Wisconsin 1948)
William C. Dill (University of Wisconsin 1936)
Joseph G. Dillon (University of Wisconsin 1900)
Arthur B. Doe (University of Wisconsin 1911)
Emmett A. Donnelly (University of Wisconsin 1910)
Oscar L. Dorschel (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Peter F. Dorschel (University of Wisconsin 1934)
Bruce B. Douglas (University of Wisconsin 1955)
Alexander E. Douglass Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Herbert W. Dow (University of Wisconsin 1936)
Benjamin F. Downing (University of Wisconsin 1902)
Charles J. Downing (University of Wisconsin 1916)
Harold S. Downing (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Ralph V. Downing (University of Wisconsin 1902)
John L. Doyle (University of Wisconsin 1952)
Harold W. Drew (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Charles M. Drinkwater (University of Wisconsin 1910)
John O. Drinkwater (University of Wisconsin 1912)
Henry O. Drotning (University of Wisconsin 1922)
Thomas W. Dubose (University of Wisconsin 1939)
John H. Dudomaine (University of Wisconsin 1941)
Arthur S. Dulaney (University of Wisconsin 1907)
Frank C. Durham (University of Wisconsin 1928)
Worth J. Durham (University of Wisconsin 1928)
William J. Dye (University of Wisconsin 1922)
George M. Dyke (University of Wisconsin 1939)
Stanley R. Easthope (University of Wisconsin 1913)
Paul O. Eckhardt (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Harry Edwards (University of Wisconsin 1901)
John B. Edwards (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Robert G. Eiring (University of Wisconsin 1940)
Phillip O. Elbert (University of Wisconsin 1952)
John E. Ema (University of Wisconsin 1946)
Richard P. Embick (University of Wisconsin 1941)
Fred L. Emerson (University of Wisconsin 1934)
Mark T. Emery (University of Wisconsin 1984)
John W. Emmerling (University of Wisconsin 1937)
Ned H. Engelhart (University of Wisconsin 1968)
Donald J. Esser (University of Wisconsin 1948)
George B. Evans (University of Wisconsin 1918)
John V. Evans (University of Wisconsin 1931)
Evan A. Evans (University of Wisconsin 1923)
Evan A. Evans (University of Wisconsin 1897)
Dale D. Evenson (University of Wisconsin 1951)
Ralph S. Evinrude (University of Wisconsin 1929)
William T. Evjue (University of Wisconsin 1906)
Robert H. Fagan (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Reginald J. Fallis (University of Wisconsin 1930)
Robert E. Fallis (University of Wisconsin 1931)
Richard W. Farnsworth (University of Wisconsin 1924)
Thomas H. Fay (University of Wisconsin 1913)
Phillips B. Ferry (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Robert P. Ferry (University of Wisconsin 1908)
Stephen G. Fest (University of Wisconsin 1961)
Edgar R. Fiedler (University of Wisconsin 1951)
Abiathar W. Field (University of Wisconsin 1907)
David A. Findlay (University of Wisconsin 1964)
Emory G. Findley (University of Wisconsin 1937)
Frederick R. Fischer (University of Wisconsin 1917)
M. M. Fisher (University of Wisconsin 1920)
Earl E. Fisk (University of Wisconsin 1913)
Perry W. Fisk (University of Wisconsin 1946)
William J. Fisk (University of Wisconsin 1940)
Ronald W. Fitzgerald (University of Wisconsin 1929)
Walter J. Fitzgerald (University of Wisconsin 1929)
William M. Fleming (University of Wisconsin 1937)
Clinton P. Flick (University of Wisconsin 1931)
Karsten C. Flory (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Harry R. Foerster (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Gery H. Forsythe (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Carlton H. Foster (University of Wisconsin 1920)
Charles M. Fox (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Edwin G. Fox (University of Wisconsin 1908)
Michael A. Fox (University of Wisconsin 1958)
John G. Foyer (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Adelbert G. Fradenburgh (University of Wisconsin 1894)
Harvey J. Frame (University of Wisconsin 1898)
William S. Frame (University of Wisconsin 1896)
Bryan A. Frame (University of Wisconsin 1967)
William M. Fraser (University of Wisconsin 1945)
Eugene O. Frederick (University of Wisconsin 1951)
Robert F. Frederickson (University of Wisconsin 1956)
William H. Freytag (University of Wisconsin 1953)
William D. Frick (University of Wisconsin 1931)
F. E. Friday (University of Wisconsin 1926)
Thomas M. Friday (University of Wisconsin 1926)
Morton C. Frost (University of Wisconsin 1923)
Richard J. Frost (University of Wisconsin 1930)
Harry E. Fryatt (University of Wisconsin 1943)
Jon R. Fryxell (University of Wisconsin 1968)
Pattison Fulton (University of Wisconsin 1937)
Herman V. Gaertner (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Joseph T. Gallagher (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Richard D. Galstad (University of Wisconsin 1952)
Milton B. Garber (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Milton L. Gardner (University of Wisconsin 1917)
John J. Garland (University of Wisconsin 1913)
David L. Garlick (University of Wisconsin 1931)
Howard S. Gates (University of Wisconsin 1932)
Eugene A. Gatterdam (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Ward J. Gauntlett (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Richard D. Gebhardt (University of Wisconsin 1961)
John H. Gehrmann (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Robert E. Genske (University of Wisconsin 1940)
John W. Gibson (University of Wisconsin 1954)
Richard G. Gibson (University of Wisconsin 1949)
Don E. Giffin (University of Wisconsin 1905)
Joseph J. Gimiano (University of Wisconsin 1946)
Lloyd D. Gladfelter (University of Wisconsin 1926)
Dean W. Glaspell (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Charles R. Glass (University of Wisconsin 1901)
Edward C. Glennon (University of Wisconsin 1909)
John C. Goodale (University of Wisconsin 1946)
Scott H. Goodnight (University of Wisconsin 1929)
William H. Graebner (University of Wisconsin 1943)
William J. Graham (University of Wisconsin 1939)
Louis L. Grambs (University of Wisconsin 1928)
Dean P. Grant (University of Wisconsin 1954)
Norman C. Greening (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Robert W. Greening (University of Wisconsin 1937)
Max W. Griffith (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Stephen M. Griffith (University of Wisconsin 1903)
John E. Grimm (University of Wisconsin 1916)
Oliver A. Grootemaat (University of Wisconsin 1934)
Asa B. Groves (University of Wisconsin 1912)
Robert H. Grupe (University of Wisconsin 1922)
Lee E. Gulick (University of Wisconsin 1929)
Alfred E. Gunnterman Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1965)
Lawrence W. Gutsch (University of Wisconsin 1929)
Paul F. Haase (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Clarence B. Hadden (University of Wisconsin 1894)
John T. Hadsell (University of Wisconsin 1960)
Albert R. Hager (University of Wisconsin 1897)
Lennox G. Haldeman (University of Wisconsin 1920)
James H. Hanchett (University of Wisconsin 1913)
Fred C. Hannahs (University of Wisconsin 1912)
Lynn T. Hannahs (University of Wisconsin 1908)
Lynn T. Hannahs (University of Wisconsin 1935)
Guido J. Hansen (University of Wisconsin 1902)
John E. Hansen (University of Wisconsin 1913)
Robert M. Hanson (University of Wisconsin 1950)
John L. Hanssen (University of Wisconsin 1918)
D. Bruce Harcus (University of Wisconsin 1943)
Charles A. Hart Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1945)
Frederic B. Harting (University of Wisconsin 1927)
Ralph W. Harting (University of Wisconsin 1923)
Francis L. Harvey (University of Wisconsin 1961)
David M. Hasbrouck (University of Wisconsin 1908)
Herbert M. Haskell (University of Wisconsin 1893)
Walter G. Hately (University of Wisconsin 1906)
Arthur W. Hatton (University of Wisconsin 1907)
Edward H. Hatton (University of Wisconsin 1890)
Frederick H. Hatton (University of Wisconsin 1901)
Harrison L. Hatton (University of Wisconsin 1908)
Henry H. Hay (University of Wisconsin 1916)
Henry W. Hay (University of Wisconsin 1898)
Donald F. Haylett (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Daniel O. Head (University of Wisconsin 1925)
Oscar P. Headland (University of Wisconsin 1912)
Robert S. Heinze (University of Wisconsin 1937)
Clarence W. Hendricksen (University of Wisconsin 1918)
Sherburne B. Henning (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Stanley M. Herlin (University of Wisconsin 1931)
Edwin A. Hess (University of Wisconsin 1925)
Harold W. Hibscher (University of Wisconsin 1941)
Eugene A. Hildreth (University of Wisconsin 1918)
Richard P. Hildreth (University of Wisconsin 1917)
William S. Hildreth (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Byron M. Hill (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Charles W. Hill (University of Wisconsin 1907)
Gillette Hill (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Robert R. Hiller (University of Wisconsin 1939)
Bill R. Hippenmeyer (University of Wisconsin 1961)
William M. Hitt (University of Wisconsin 1913)
Frank B. Hoag (University of Wisconsin 1901)
Martin B. Hoag (University of Wisconsin 1897)
Frank L. Hodges (University of Wisconsin 1895)
Charles R. Hoffmann (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Karl V. Hohlfeld (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Rudolf L. Hohlfeld (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Frederic R. Holt (University of Wisconsin 1934)
James J. Holt (University of Wisconsin 1964)
John F. Holt (University of Wisconsin 1940)
Orley C. Holt (University of Wisconsin 1923)
Robert L. Holt (University of Wisconsin 1895)
George R. Holton (University of Wisconsin 1904)
William L. Hoos (University of Wisconsin 1963)
Robert L. Horneck (University of Wisconsin 1952)
Edwin L. Hotchkiss (University of Wisconsin 1927)
Eugene B. Hotchkiss (University of Wisconsin 1927)
William F. Hovis Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1936)
E. W. Howland (University of Wisconsin 1894)
Frank A. Hoyt (University of Wisconsin 1897)
Edwin P. Hubbard (University of Wisconsin 1907)
Tom Hubbard (University of Wisconsin 1949)
Ernest H. Hubbell (University of Wisconsin 1920)
Marvin J. Huebner (University of Wisconsin 1950)
James W. Hughes (University of Wisconsin 1958)
John R. Hulten (University of Wisconsin 1941)
Herbert C. Humke (University of Wisconsin 1957)
John R. Humphrey (University of Wisconsin 1949)
Willard L. Huson (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Harold H. Huston (University of Wisconsin 1916)
John T. Hutchins (University of Wisconsin 1952)
Frank S. Hyman (University of Wisconsin 1902)
H. R. Hymer (University of Wisconsin 1924)
Howard G. Hymer (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Frederick W. Ives (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Fred M. Jackson (University of Wisconsin 1893)
Jean A. Jackson (University of Wisconsin 1898)
Ulf O. Janson (University of Wisconsin 1957)
James Q. Jefferies (University of Wisconsin 1963)
Robert K. Jennings (University of Wisconsin 1961)
Frederick G. Jensen (University of Wisconsin 1929)
Richard A. Jensen (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Carl F. John (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Arthur E. Johnson (University of Wisconsin 1956)
David P. Johnson (University of Wisconsin 1942)
Harold A. Johnson (University of Wisconsin 1955)
Harold W. Johnson (University of Wisconsin 1943)
Jesse W. Johnson (University of Wisconsin 1901)
Nathan R. Johnson (University of Wisconsin 1913)
John H. Johntry (University of Wisconsin 1900)
Charles W. Jones (University of Wisconsin 1895)
Harley W. Jones (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Jenkin L. Jones (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Richard L. Jones (University of Wisconsin 1897)
Richard L. Jones (University of Wisconsin 1932)
Edward S. Jordan (University of Wisconsin 1905)
Isaac F. Kahn (University of Wisconsin 1907)
Samuel C. Kahn (University of Wisconsin 1913)
Rufus B. Keator (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Ernest J. Keck (University of Wisconsin 1932)
John A. Keck (University of Wisconsin 1951)
Richard F. Keck (University of Wisconsin 1962)
J. D. Keenan (University of Wisconsin 1962)
William H. Kelly (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Richard D. Kennedy (University of Wisconsin 1961)
Richard J. Kennedy (University of Wisconsin 1952)
Roger K. Keyes (University of Wisconsin 1964)
George H. Kieckhefer (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Clarence A. King (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Merrill J. King (University of Wisconsin 1916)
Myron A. King (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Timothy L. King (University of Wisconsin 1967)
James C. King Sr. (University of Wisconsin 1955)
William S. Kinne (University of Wisconsin 1904)
William S. Kinne (University of Wisconsin 1934)
John H. Kirkpatrick (University of Wisconsin 1932)
Robert L. Kitz (University of Wisconsin 1948)
Oscar A. Klenert (University of Wisconsin 1898)
John S. Kloehn DDS (University of Wisconsin 1952)
Arnold E. Knuppel (University of Wisconsin 1908)
David A. Kocourek (University of Wisconsin 1959)
Joseph Koffend (University of Wisconsin 1900)
Richard L. Kole (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Robert E. Konovsky (University of Wisconsin 1956)
Otto L. Kowalke (University of Wisconsin 1906)
Thomas W. Krehl (University of Wisconsin 1944)
Alexander G. Krembs (University of Wisconsin 1901)
M. A. Krembs (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Roy T. Kryszak (University of Wisconsin 1984)
Harold E. Kubly (University of Wisconsin 1927)
Michael C. Kubly (University of Wisconsin 1958)
Raymond R. Kubly (University of Wisconsin 1926)
Stanley V. Kubly (University of Wisconsin 1930)
David B. Kuenzli (University of Wisconsin 1919)
James T. Lacey (University of Wisconsin 1923)
Bronson C. LaFollette (University of Wisconsin 1958)
Harold W. Lamb (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Gilbert L. Landsberg (University of Wisconsin 1913)
Paul W. Landsberg (University of Wisconsin 1910)
Richard W. Lane (University of Wisconsin 1955)
Alexander D. Lange (University of Wisconsin 1917)
Terence C. Langetieg (University of Wisconsin 1971)
Arthur G. Latimer (University of Wisconsin 1917)
Walter J. LaTour (University of Wisconsin 1944)
Kenelm J. Lee (University of Wisconsin 1900)
Kent H. Lee (University of Wisconsin 1964)
Joel E. Leetzow (University of Wisconsin 1965)
John C. Lehmkuhl (University of Wisconsin 1991)
Albert M. Lehr (University of Wisconsin 1920)
George H. Lemmer (University of Wisconsin 1961)
John K. Lester (University of Wisconsin 1913)
Steven J. Leverenz (University of Wisconsin 1979)
Harmon G. Lewis (University of Wisconsin 1943)
Harmon Lewis (University of Wisconsin 1911)
Michael R. Lewis (University of Wisconsin 1972)
John W. Lichty (University of Wisconsin 1942)
John E. Lillich (University of Wisconsin 1922)
George E. Lindahl (University of Wisconsin 1922)
John B. Lindberg (University of Wisconsin 1950)
David J. Lippert (University of Wisconsin 1941)
John J. Little (University of Wisconsin 1934)
John S. Little (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Charles E. Lofland (University of Wisconsin 1914)
George K. Lovering (University of Wisconsin 1946)
Charles A. Ludlow (University of Wisconsin 1902)
Charles Ludlow (University of Wisconsin 1932)
Frank W. Lyle (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Melvin E. Lynn (University of Wisconsin 1951)
Widney Lyon (University of Wisconsin 1929)
Donald W. MacDonald (University of Wisconsin 1954)
Douglas Macduff (University of Wisconsin 1907)
Darrell W. MacIntyre (University of Wisconsin 1957)
Harold R. Maier (University of Wisconsin 1951)
Louis R. Mann (University of Wisconsin 1921)
John E. Marling (University of Wisconsin 1943)
William R. Marling (University of Wisconsin 1941)
Howard W. Marsh (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Emory M. Marshall (University of Wisconsin 1910)
Richard G. Marter (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Rodney H. Marter (University of Wisconsin 1936)
Hal E. Martin (University of Wisconsin 1904)
Stanley Martin (University of Wisconsin 1930)
Albert F. Martin Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1924)
Harry G. Mason (University of Wisconsin 1938)
John A. Matchette (University of Wisconsin 1938)
William H. Mathee (University of Wisconsin 1918)
Arthur C. Maxey (University of Wisconsin 1931)
James H. Maybury (University of Wisconsin 1896)
Norbert J. Mayer (University of Wisconsin 1949)
Frederick L. Maytag (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Ivor C. McBeath (University of Wisconsin 1933)
William E. McCabe (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Joseph H. McCartney (University of Wisconsin 1927)
Alan I. McCone (University of Wisconsin 1958)
George T. McConville (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Robert B. McCormick (University of Wisconsin 1930)
Robert J. McCoy (University of Wisconsin 1943)
James W. McCrossen (University of Wisconsin 1903)
Ralph W. McCrossen (University of Wisconsin 1905)
James C. McFadzean (University of Wisconsin 1943)
Thomas L. McGlachlin (University of Wisconsin 1898)
Allan W. McGovern (University of Wisconsin 1940)
Timothy J. McGrath (University of Wisconsin 1971)
Todd R. McGrath (University of Wisconsin 1969)
David G. McMillan (University of Wisconsin 1952)
John G. McMillan (University of Wisconsin 1956)
Everett E. McQuillen (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Thomas W. Medaris (University of Wisconsin 1930)
Bryant A. Melendy (University of Wisconsin 1940)
James P. Melhuse (University of Wisconsin 1937)
Luther W. Mendenhall (University of Wisconsin 1943)
Albert S. Merrill (University of Wisconsin 1900)
Paul E. Merrill (University of Wisconsin 1908)
Dana R. Messenger (University of Wisconsin 1973)
Carl F. Michel (University of Wisconsin 1898)
G. P. Miller (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Hugh B. Miller (University of Wisconsin 1913)
James R. Miller (University of Wisconsin 1966)
Robert T. Miller (University of Wisconsin 1923)
William B. Miller (University of Wisconsin 1906)
Frank C. Minch (University of Wisconsin 1942)
Fernan G. Montero (University of Wisconsin 1970)
Richard Moreau (University of Wisconsin 1943)
Paul J. Morris (University of Wisconsin 1910)
Charles A. Morsbach (University of Wisconsin 1930)
Melvin H. Morsbach (University of Wisconsin 1926)
Ralph D. Morse (University of Wisconsin 1914)
George V. Moss (University of Wisconsin 1898)
Michael E. Moss (University of Wisconsin 1954)
Richard C. Mueller (University of Wisconsin 1944)
Orlando H. Murray (University of Wisconsin 1933)
George L. Naught (University of Wisconsin 1896)
Maurice H. Needham (University of Wisconsin 1910)
Brian R. Nelson (University of Wisconsin 1972)
Don O. Nelson (University of Wisconsin 1934)
Richard L. Neuman (University of Wisconsin 1958)
Charles J. Newcomb (University of Wisconsin 1928)
Don C. Newcomb (University of Wisconsin 1923)
Burnet P. Newton (University of Wisconsin 1926)
Lyman E. Newton (University of Wisconsin 1935)
Percival H. Nicholson (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Edward W. Nicoll (University of Wisconsin 1917)
Philip M. Niederaur (University of Wisconsin 1916)
Walter Nitcher (University of Wisconsin 1935)
Walter W. Noelting (University of Wisconsin 1917)
Glen A. Noffke (University of Wisconsin 1953)
Gerald C. North (University of Wisconsin 1966)
Russell W. Nowles (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Norman L. Nulsen (University of Wisconsin 1923)
William H. Oatway (University of Wisconsin 1924)
Michael K. O'Brien (University of Wisconsin 1974)
Robert E. O'Brien (University of Wisconsin 1950)
William W. O'Brien (University of Wisconsin 1943)
Francis J. O'Connor (University of Wisconsin 1929)
Athol F. Odell (University of Wisconsin 1924)
Clifford J. Oley (University of Wisconsin 1937)
William H. Olin (University of Wisconsin 1899)
John C. Olmsted (University of Wisconsin 1949)
Earl R. Olsen (University of Wisconsin 1956)
Edward B. Orr (University of Wisconsin 1916)
William R. Orton (University of Wisconsin 1912)
Willard B. Overson (University of Wisconsin 1894)
Harry D. Page (University of Wisconsin 1929)
Henry B. Page (University of Wisconsin 1930)
Russell R. Palmer (University of Wisconsin 1919)
George M. Parker (University of Wisconsin 1922)
Harry L. Parker (University of Wisconsin 1927)
Bruce H. Patzer (University of Wisconsin 1958)
Hereward J. Peele (University of Wisconsin 1901)
Robert E. Pender (University of Wisconsin 1940)
Edmund Pendleton (University of Wisconsin 1894)
William Penn (University of Wisconsin 1930)
John P. Pepper (University of Wisconsin 1918)
Benjamin H. Petley (University of Wisconsin 1897)
James R. Petley (University of Wisconsin 1897)
James M. Pfiffner (University of Wisconsin 1912)
James S. Pfiffner (University of Wisconsin 1939)
Joseph R. Pfiffner (University of Wisconsin 1938)
Joseph R. Pfiffner (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Walter F. Plumb (University of Wisconsin 1919)
James B. Pollock (University of Wisconsin 1893)
Robert T. Polzer (University of Wisconsin 1953)
Thomas H. Pond (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Thomas T. Pontius (University of Wisconsin 1916)
John W. Porter (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Rex V. Porter (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Ira D. Potts (University of Wisconsin 1901)
Charles H. Powell (University of Wisconsin 1912)
Daniel W. Powell (University of Wisconsin 1910)
William A. Powell (University of Wisconsin 1897)
William C. Powell (University of Wisconsin 1931)
Herbert W. Preston (University of Wisconsin 1922)
George G. Price (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Edward F. Pritzlaff (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Frederick C. Pritzlaff (University of Wisconsin 1950)
John C. Pritzlaff (University of Wisconsin 1913)
John W. Prussing (University of Wisconsin 1952)
John R. Pugh (University of Wisconsin 1950)
William H. Purnell (University of Wisconsin 1922)
Cullen Purple (University of Wisconsin 1906)
Horace S. Pyatt (University of Wisconsin 1904)
Buell H. Quain (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Joseph A. Ramage (University of Wisconsin 1897)
Hiram S. Rankin (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Herbert H. Rasche (University of Wisconsin 1929)
Theodore E. Rathert (University of Wisconsin 1972)
Alfred S. Reed (University of Wisconsin 1929)
Edward F. Reed (University of Wisconsin 1930)
Roscoe C. Reed (University of Wisconsin 1904)
Alanson A. Remley (University of Wisconsin 1928)
Robert R. Remley (University of Wisconsin 1941)
William M. Revenaugh (University of Wisconsin 1953)
Stanley H. Richards (University of Wisconsin 1901)
Hubert H. Richardson (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Walter H. Richardson (University of Wisconsin 1905)
Robert P. Ricker (University of Wisconsin 1935)
Dewitt F. Riess (University of Wisconsin 1908)
Donald F. Rikkers (University of Wisconsin 1926)
Edward H. Rikkers (University of Wisconsin 1928)
Judson J. Rikkers (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Gorton Ritchie (University of Wisconsin 1923)
Hugh Robertson (University of Wisconsin 1940)
James A. Robsen (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Eugene F. Roeder (University of Wisconsin 1952)
Lester W. Ross (University of Wisconsin 1925)
Frank A. Ross (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Raymond K. Rounds (University of Wisconsin 1910)
Frank D. Row (University of Wisconsin 1918)
Graham A. Ruhl (University of Wisconsin 1921)
John P. Ruka (University of Wisconsin 1922)
Frederick S. Rye (University of Wisconsin 1926)
Robert W. Sampson (University of Wisconsin 1938)
Edwin W. Sanborn (University of Wisconsin 1923)
Roy A. Sanborn (University of Wisconsin 1901)
Wilfred A. Sanborn (University of Wisconsin 1927)
John H. Sarles Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1953)
William B. Sarles (University of Wisconsin 1926)
John H. Sarles (University of Wisconsin 1923)
John F. Sawyer (University of Wisconsin 1902)
James C. Schaper (University of Wisconsin 1952)
Joseph D. Schaus (University of Wisconsin 1912)
Robert E. Schenck (University of Wisconsin 1912)
Henry A. Schlichting (University of Wisconsin 1954)
Raymond O. Schmidt (University of Wisconsin 1920)
Edward A. Schneider (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Harry Schneider (University of Wisconsin 1910)
Carter O. Schomberg (University of Wisconsin 1917)
Arno R. Schorer (University of Wisconsin 1906)
Oscar C. Schorer (University of Wisconsin 1908)
William R. Schranz (University of Wisconsin 1948)
Carl A. Schroeder (University of Wisconsin 1932)
Albert B. Schuette (University of Wisconsin 1895)
David J. Schuster (University of Wisconsin 1962)
James P. Searls (University of Wisconsin 1959)
Henry A. Sehring (University of Wisconsin 1942)
Carl J. Seifert (University of Wisconsin 1921)
John J. Selmer (University of Wisconsin 1905)
George W. Sexsmith (University of Wisconsin 1906)
Whitney N. Seymour (University of Wisconsin 1920)
George E. Shaffner (University of Wisconsin 1910)
William P. Sheaffer (University of Wisconsin 1957)
Charles E. Shearer (University of Wisconsin 1942)
Robert W. Shibley (University of Wisconsin 1969)
George H. Short (University of Wisconsin 1900)
Charles B. Shuff (University of Wisconsin 1945)
Kenneth D. Simmons (University of Wisconsin 1929)
John M. Sinclair (University of Wisconsin 1932)
John M. Singleton (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Norman F. Six (University of Wisconsin 1925)
Whedon Slater (University of Wisconsin 1932)
William G. Sloan (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Langley E. Smart (University of Wisconsin 1923)
Courtland Smith (University of Wisconsin 1907)
Gordon H. Smith (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Henry E. Smith (University of Wisconsin 1911)
Martin L. Smith (University of Wisconsin 1941)
William H. Smith (University of Wisconsin 1906)
Robert T. Smith (University of Wisconsin 1902)
Robert S. Snively (University of Wisconsin 1948)
Clarence L. Sovereign (University of Wisconsin 1897)
Henry A. Sprague (University of Wisconsin 1910)
Murray H. Sprague (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Drexel A. Sprecher (University of Wisconsin 1934)
Roscoe D. St John (University of Wisconsin 1928)
William S. Staehling (University of Wisconsin 1936)
Bartley Stanchfield (University of Wisconsin 1894)
Henry W. Stark (University of Wisconsin 1938)
Conrad L. Stephenson (University of Wisconsin 1930)
George E. Stevens (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Harold P. Stevens (University of Wisconsin 1927)
David J. Storm (University of Wisconsin 1966)
Clair R. Strain (University of Wisconsin 1934)
Earl E. Strain (University of Wisconsin 1940)
Marion E. Strain (University of Wisconsin 1924)
Morton P. Strain (University of Wisconsin 1938)
Arthur F. Strehlow (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Thomas F. Strong (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Andrew Sundene (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Paul Sunderland (University of Wisconsin 1920)
John P. Swansen (University of Wisconsin 1930)
Robert C. Swansen (University of Wisconsin 1938)
Theodore L. Swansen (University of Wisconsin 1928)
Richard L. Swanson (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Arthur M. Swasey (University of Wisconsin 1911)
Ronald W. Sylvan (University of Wisconsin 1956)
Mark M. Taber (University of Wisconsin 1900)
John M. Tait (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Roy M. Talbot (University of Wisconsin 1907)
Thomas P. Tammen (University of Wisconsin 1916)
Charles W. Tarbox (University of Wisconsin 1908)
William W. Tawse (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Douglas A. Taylor (University of Wisconsin 1943)
Eugene M. Taylor (University of Wisconsin 1922)
Fayette G. Taylor (University of Wisconsin 1948)
Lloyd R. Taylor (University of Wisconsin 1923)
David C. Teague (University of Wisconsin 1935)
Richard S. Terrill (University of Wisconsin 1967)
Thaxter C. Thayer (University of Wisconsin 1911)
Edward S. Thomas (University of Wisconsin 1902)
Dale R. Thompson (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Robert Thrun (University of Wisconsin 1936)
Charles A. Tibbals (University of Wisconsin 1904)
Jon N. Tilley (University of Wisconsin 1967)
Frank W. Tillman (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Robert F. Tillotson (University of Wisconsin 1919)
John R. Timmel (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Floyd G. Tindall (University of Wisconsin 1911)
Melville A. Tinkham (University of Wisconsin 1941)
Richard P. Tinkham (University of Wisconsin 1938)
James C. Tobin (University of Wisconsin 1948)
Henry H. Toms (University of Wisconsin 1934)
Chalmer B. Traver (University of Wisconsin 1911)
Burton C. Tremaine (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Paul W. Trousdale (University of Wisconsin 1911)
Neil F. Tuttle (University of Wisconsin 1925)
Louis F. Vaile (University of Wisconsin 1904)
John P. VanAltena (University of Wisconsin 1942)
Howard H. VanBriggle (University of Wisconsin 1939)
Francis A. Vaughn (University of Wisconsin 1895)
David M. Vea (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Frederick C. Venturelli (University of Wisconsin 1978)
James L. Vickers (University of Wisconsin 1919)
William B. Vilter (University of Wisconsin 1934)
Thomas A. Walbridge (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Clement L. Waldron (University of Wisconsin 1907)
Edward S. Walker (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Franklin W. Wallin (University of Wisconsin 1918)
J. L. Wallis (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Leonard G. Wallis (University of Wisconsin 1905)
Maxwell G. B. Walsh (University of Wisconsin 1914)
Joseph L. Walton (University of Wisconsin 1920)
Arthur G. Warner (University of Wisconsin 1931)
Henry M. Warner (University of Wisconsin 1904)
George R. Warrick Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1952)
George R. Watson (University of Wisconsin 1950)
Raymond R. Watson (University of Wisconsin 1948)
George H. Watters (University of Wisconsin 1920)
David B. Weihaupt (University of Wisconsin 1955)
Arthur A. Weiskopf (University of Wisconsin 1915)
Richard O. Weisman (University of Wisconsin 1954)
Stanley E. Welch (University of Wisconsin 1921)
Frank J. Wenban (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Jon H. Werrbach (University of Wisconsin 1956)
Eugene C. Wheary (University of Wisconsin 1933)
Fredric W. Wheary (University of Wisconsin 1938)
Kenneth J. Wheeler (University of Wisconsin 1934)
James D. Whiffen (University of Wisconsin 1952)
Donald O. White (University of Wisconsin 1928)
Herbert L. White (University of Wisconsin 1928)
Lawrence W. White (University of Wisconsin 1960)
William E. White (University of Wisconsin 1953)
James R. Whittier (University of Wisconsin 1909)
Robert O. Wierdsma (University of Wisconsin 1947)
Chester H. Wilcox (University of Wisconsin 1908)
Howard V. Wilcox (University of Wisconsin 1911)
Russell A. Wilcox (University of Wisconsin 1922)
Michael G. Wilhelm (University of Wisconsin 1966)
Merritt O. Wilkins (University of Wisconsin 1958)
Frank Wilkinson (University of Wisconsin 1897)
Frankwood E. Williams (University of Wisconsin 1907)
Fred T. Williams (University of Wisconsin 1932)
John S. Williams (University of Wisconsin 1973)
Milton B. Williams (University of Wisconsin 1914)
William C. Wilson (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Horace Winchell (University of Wisconsin 1936)
Loren H. Withey (University of Wisconsin 1941)
Thomas A. Withey (University of Wisconsin 1963)
Carl C. Wohlenberg (University of Wisconsin 1918)
Roger G. Wolcott (University of Wisconsin 1917)
Robert W. Wolfe (University of Wisconsin 1938)
John K. Wood (University of Wisconsin 1935)
John F. Woolard (University of Wisconsin 1961)
Frederick H. Wright (University of Wisconsin 1917)
Paul E. Wright (University of Wisconsin 1932)
Julian H. Youche (University of Wisconsin 1904)
John A. Ziebell (University of Wisconsin 1948)
Herbert F. Zimmerman (University of Wisconsin 1910)
Andrew B. Zwaska (University of Wisconsin 1935)
Matthew C. Bell (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1997)
Steven G. Haunschild (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1988)
Charles A. Johnson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1991)
Paul J. Kassis (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1992)
Robert A. Tilden (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1980)
Michael J. Ziehr (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1980)
Phil E. Chilcote (University of Wyoming 1970)
Paul A. Guse (University of Wyoming 1970)
James W. Harrison (University of Wyoming 1972)
Alan D. Irwin (University of Wyoming 1969)
Allen S. Livingston (University of Wyoming 1969)
Robert R. Mullally (University of Wyoming 1967)
Neil Okamoto (University of Wyoming 1971)
Charles C. Ramsden (University of Wyoming 1974)
Theodore P. Versteeg (University of Wyoming 1975)
Jay P. Whitney (University of Wyoming 1974)
Frederick C. Zimmerschied (University of Wyoming 1974)
Alexander L. Acheson (University of the South Sewanee 1955)
John V. Adams (University of the South Sewanee 1953)
Thomas E. Adams (University of the South Sewanee 1949)
Alfred T. Airth (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
George E. Airth (University of the South Sewanee 1928)
Sam J. Albritton (University of the South Sewanee 1955)
David R. Anderson (University of the South Sewanee 1958)
Kenneth T. Anderson (University of the South Sewanee 1931)
Lawrence K. Anthony (University of the South Sewanee 1928)
John Bacheller (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Charles F. Bacon (University of the South Sewanee 1931)
Alfred J. Banks (University of the South Sewanee 1914)
Julius P. Barclay (University of the South Sewanee 1946)
Harrison W. Barnes (University of the South Sewanee 1953)
Samuel M. Barton (University of the South Sewanee 1919)
Harry H. Baulch (University of the South Sewanee 1928)
Joseph S. Bean (University of the South Sewanee 1931)
Reuben C. Bean (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
Earl S. Bearden (University of the South Sewanee 1942)
Edgar E. Beaty (University of the South Sewanee 1926)
Ronald C. Beckett (University of the South Sewanee 1956)
James L. Beggs (University of the South Sewanee 1934)
Robert E. Bell (University of the South Sewanee 1939)
George P. Bennett (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
Michael J. Bennett (University of the South Sewanee 1927)
Alan A. Bergeron (University of the South Sewanee 1961)
Barron Bethea (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Charlton B. Bidwell (University of the South Sewanee 1953)
George F. Biehl (University of the South Sewanee 1936)
William K. Bien (University of the South Sewanee 1936)
Stephen F. Bishop (University of the South Sewanee 1973)
John M. Blanchard (University of the South Sewanee 1975)
Albert M. Bowles (University of the South Sewanee 1945)
Charles M. Boyd (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
James T. Boyd (University of the South Sewanee 1934)
John A. Bragg (University of the South Sewanee 1949)
James W. Brettman (University of the South Sewanee 1931)
Francis C. Brown (University of the South Sewanee 1923)
Edmond L. Browning (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Frank G. Brunner (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
Henry Burnett (University of the South Sewanee 1921)
Joe E. Bushong (University of the South Sewanee 1926)
Clifford J. Butler (University of the South Sewanee 1924)
Robert J. Calder (University of the South Sewanee 1937)
Montfort Calvit (University of the South Sewanee 1923)
Harry W. Camp (University of the South Sewanee 1954)
Archibald R. Campbell (University of the South Sewanee 1939)
Charles B. Carpenter Jr. (University of the South Sewanee 1924)
Perry J. Carroll (University of the South Sewanee 1993)
Bobby G. Carter (University of the South Sewanee 1953)
Edward H. Carter (University of the South Sewanee 1956)
James C. Carter (University of the South Sewanee 1920)
Richard S. Cate (University of the South Sewanee 1935)
Walter W. Cawthorne (University of the South Sewanee 1949)
Ralph J. Chandler (University of the South Sewanee 1967)
Chester C. Chattin (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
Ross B. Clark (University of the South Sewanee 1954)
Donald E. Cole (University of the South Sewanee 1924)
W. T. Colley (University of the South Sewanee 1968)
William T. Costen (University of the South Sewanee 1985)
Francis H. Craighill Jr. (University of the South Sewanee 1925)
Douglas C. Crane (University of the South Sewanee 1956)
Nathan Crawford (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
Anthony N. Creasy (University of the South Sewanee 1988)
James A. Cullum (University of the South Sewanee 1935)
Douglass Culp (University of the South Sewanee 1964)
Hartzell L. Dake (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
William H. Davis (University of the South Sewanee 1927)
James E. Dezell (University of the South Sewanee 1955)
Frank L. Dickson (University of the South Sewanee 1946)
Charles M. Dickson Jr. (University of the South Sewanee 1943)
Guy R. Dotson (University of the South Sewanee 1963)
Charles C. Dudley (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
William E. Duff (University of the South Sewanee 1950)
Walter D. Duffy (University of the South Sewanee 1928)
George L. Eckles (University of the South Sewanee 1943)
Paul A. Edwards (University of the South Sewanee 1963)
William Egleston (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
Joseph H. Elliott (University of the South Sewanee 1921)
Robert M. Fairleigh (University of the South Sewanee 1942)
James H. Farrimond (University of the South Sewanee 1955)
William S. Fast (University of the South Sewanee 1934)
William H. Fitch (University of the South Sewanee 1926)
Walter O. Fitch (University of the South Sewanee 1928)
Harry E. Flato (University of the South Sewanee 1933)
Victor E. Flodin (University of the South Sewanee 1953)
George D. Flood (University of the South Sewanee 1936)
Sam H. Floyd (University of the South Sewanee 1928)
George W. Forgy (University of the South Sewanee 1940)
John R. Foster (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
Samuel W. Frizzelle (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
Gant Gaither (University of the South Sewanee 1938)
Sothoron B. George (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Lee E. Gessner (University of the South Sewanee 1940)
Robert T. Gibson (University of the South Sewanee 1942)
John B. Golbach (University of the South Sewanee 1950)
Allan D. Gott (University of the South Sewanee 1945)
George S. Graham (University of the South Sewanee 1937)
William C. Greet (University of the South Sewanee 1920)
James Gregg (University of the South Sewanee 1943)
M. Leslie Grizzard (University of the South Sewanee 1920)
Thomas B. Grizzard (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
Allen E. Grubbs (University of the South Sewanee 1923)
Samuel D. Gwin (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
Ivan W. Hafley (University of the South Sewanee 1932)
Dennis M. Hall (University of the South Sewanee 1969)
L. H. Hamilton (University of the South Sewanee 1941)
Byron D. Harris (University of the South Sewanee 1927)
Jack L. Hatfield (University of the South Sewanee 1924)
Thomas R. Hatfield (University of the South Sewanee 1940)
Roscoe C. Hauser (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
Richard V. Hawkins (University of the South Sewanee 1946)
Harry G. Heaney (University of the South Sewanee 1897)
Harry G. Heaney (University of the South Sewanee 1928)
Hugh E. Hearn (University of the South Sewanee 1969)
Reginald H. Helvenston (University of the South Sewanee 1922)
Smith Hempstone (University of the South Sewanee 1950)
Charles L. Henry (University of the South Sewanee 1949)
John C. Herndon (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
Claude M. Hill (University of the South Sewanee 1941)
Douglas B. Hobbs (University of the South Sewanee 1920)
Michael J. Hoffman (University of the South Sewanee 1927)
Raymond H. Hollingsworth (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
Robert C. Hooker (University of the South Sewanee 1957)
William S. Houseman (University of the South Sewanee 1989)
Godfrey L. Howse (University of the South Sewanee 1931)
G. W. Hubbell (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
William P. Ijams (University of the South Sewanee 1940)
Donald M. Irvin (University of the South Sewanee 1953)
Joseph E. James (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
Robert E. Jenkins (University of the South Sewanee 1966)
James P. Jervey (University of the South Sewanee 1927)
Robert M. Johnson (University of the South Sewanee 1944)
Richard G. Johnson (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
William S. Keiser (University of the South Sewanee 1938)
Rogers C. Kelley (University of the South Sewanee 1924)
Paul R. Kelly (University of the South Sewanee 1922)
William P. Kelly (University of the South Sewanee 1931)
Richard King (University of the South Sewanee 1931)
William H. Knorr (University of the South Sewanee 1932)
James R. Lasater (University of the South Sewanee 1939)
Arleigh W. Lassiter (University of the South Sewanee 1941)
Malcolm S. Lattimore (University of the South Sewanee 1949)
Jim Lawhon (University of the South Sewanee 1967)
William E. Leech (University of the South Sewanee 1933)
Floyd W. Leonard (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Norman Lindgren (University of the South Sewanee 1927)
Thomas G. Linthicum (University of the South Sewanee 1923)
William H. Long (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
William R. Marshall (University of the South Sewanee 1923)
Clarence H. Martin (University of the South Sewanee 1922)
James P. Martin (University of the South Sewanee 1976)
Meredith S. Mason (University of the South Sewanee 1921)
Richard L. Mason (University of the South Sewanee 1964)
Walter Matthews (University of the South Sewanee 1931)
W. M. McCullough (University of the South Sewanee 1921)
Roy McCullough (University of the South Sewanee 1925)
James P. McHaney (University of the South Sewanee 1955)
Robert M. McKey (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Parr H. McQueen (University of the South Sewanee 1940)
Barton C. McSpadden (University of the South Sewanee 1990)
Frederick Menz (University of the South Sewanee 1949)
Edward N. Merriman (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
John A. Messinger (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Paul C. Miles (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
Merrill C. Miller (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Winfred P. Minter (University of the South Sewanee 1946)
Robert H. Mitchell (University of the South Sewanee 1923)
Val G. Mixon (University of the South Sewanee 1954)
Barry R. Moeser (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
William S. Moise (University of the South Sewanee 1943)
Theodric E. Moor (University of the South Sewanee 1954)
William B. Moore (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Thomas F. Morrell (University of the South Sewanee 1939)
Mason T. Morris (University of the South Sewanee 1956)
Thomas O. Moxcey (University of the South Sewanee 1935)
Dewitt T. Myers (University of the South Sewanee 1934)
James E. Nash (University of the South Sewanee 1920)
Beverly B. Neal (University of the South Sewanee 1927)
Robert J. Nejdl (University of the South Sewanee 1950)
Milton E. Nollau (University of the South Sewanee 1922)
Frank A. North (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Park H. Owen (University of the South Sewanee 1942)
Albert G. Pabst (University of the South Sewanee 1932)
Allen W. Palmer (University of the South Sewanee 1933)
Paul T. Pandolfi (University of the South Sewanee 1963)
William L. Parker (University of the South Sewanee 1920)
Thomas Parker (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
Frazier G. Patterson (University of the South Sewanee 1926)
Benjaman V. Pearman (University of the South Sewanee 1927)
Robert W. Pearman (University of the South Sewanee 1926)
John W. Peckham (University of the South Sewanee 1936)
Ernest W. Perry (University of the South Sewanee 1932)
Benjamin Phillips (University of the South Sewanee 1937)
Robert Phillips (University of the South Sewanee 1922)
Thomas Phillips (University of the South Sewanee 1941)
Peter R. Phillips (University of the South Sewanee 1935)
Thomas F. Pickard (University of the South Sewanee 1950)
William E. Pilcher (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
Henry E. Pitts (University of the South Sewanee 1945)
Jack P. Plumb (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
Russell S. Ponder (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
Robert K. Porter (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
Howard M. Powell (University of the South Sewanee 1921)
Ferdinand Powell (University of the South Sewanee 1937)
Julius A. Pratt (University of the South Sewanee 1935)
William E. Quarterman (University of the South Sewanee 1960)
George H. Quarterman (University of the South Sewanee 1956)
William F. Quesenberry (University of the South Sewanee 1943)
John W. Ramsay (University of the South Sewanee 1923)
Henry A. Ramsay Jr. (University of the South Sewanee 1928)
Ralph W. Reed (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Maurel N. Richard (University of the South Sewanee 1936)
John M. Richards (University of the South Sewanee 1964)
Ogden Robertson (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
Richard W. Robinson (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
Harvey A. Rogers (University of the South Sewanee 1950)
Hyland M. Rogers (University of the South Sewanee 1937)
Walter W. Ross (University of the South Sewanee 1958)
George F. Rupp (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
Brian W. Rushton (University of the South Sewanee 1963)
Charles M. Sample (University of the South Sewanee 1953)
Joseph W. Sanderson (University of the South Sewanee 1957)
Henry J. Sanford (University of the South Sewanee 1927)
Jack W. Sayles (University of the South Sewanee 1931)
William R. Schmutzer (University of the South Sewanee 1973)
Carl I. Schuessler (University of the South Sewanee 1938)
Charles H. Seaman Jr. (University of the South Sewanee 1938)
Richmond M. Searson (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Geo K. Seeber (University of the South Sewanee 1923)
John G. Seitz (University of the South Sewanee 1931)
Valentine H. Sessions (University of the South Sewanee 1919)
Edward C. Sharp (University of the South Sewanee 1953)
William W. Shaw (University of the South Sewanee 1925)
Henry H. Shear (University of the South Sewanee 1957)
George H. Shelton (University of the South Sewanee 1921)
Robert M. Simms (University of the South Sewanee 1972)
Sam P. Simpson (University of the South Sewanee 1926)
John E. Smith (University of the South Sewanee 1933)
Richard A. Smith (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
Francis P. Smith (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Joe P. Smith (University of the South Sewanee 1954)
Roy L. Smitherman (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
Milton V. Spencer (University of the South Sewanee 1931)
Alexander B. Spencer (University of the South Sewanee 1928)
Jerome W. Stallings (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
Dexter L. Stanphill (University of the South Sewanee 1938)
Carter Steele (University of the South Sewanee 1970)
R. D. Steigerwald (University of the South Sewanee 1961)
Chauncey B. Stevens (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
Douglas Stevens (University of the South Sewanee 1932)
Gladstone H. Stevens (University of the South Sewanee 1950)
Virgin P. Stewart (University of the South Sewanee 1931)
Martin C. Stone (University of the South Sewanee 1934)
Josiah W. Stout (University of the South Sewanee 1941)
Joseph Stras IV (University of the South Sewanee 1932)
W. L. Swift (University of the South Sewanee 1924)
Luther Swift (University of the South Sewanee 1926)
Paul A. Tate (University of the South Sewanee 1928)
Cecil M. Taylor (University of the South Sewanee 1949)
Charles J. Terrell (University of the South Sewanee 1963)
Robert R. Thomas (University of the South Sewanee 1949)
Henry J. Thompson (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
James E. Thorogood (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
George M. Thurmond (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
Roland A. Timberlake (University of the South Sewanee 1954)
Edmond M. Tipton (University of the South Sewanee 1942)
Alleyne R. Toothaker (University of the South Sewanee 1927)
Edwin S. Towle (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
Cornelius P. Treat (University of the South Sewanee 1921)
Daniel W. Tucker (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
Edward B. Tucker (University of the South Sewanee 1927)
Edward B. Tucker (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
Robinson B. Turbiville (University of the South Sewanee 1965)
Malcolm E. Turner (University of the South Sewanee 1923)
Weldon C. Twitty (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
James H. Vanzant (University of the South Sewanee 1943)
Francis H. Varino (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
John V. Waddy (University of the South Sewanee 1951)
George J. Wagner (University of the South Sewanee 1953)
Theodore J. Wagner (University of the South Sewanee 1934)
Rufus A. Walker (University of the South Sewanee 1925)
Benjamin F. Ward (University of the South Sewanee 1924)
Frank W. Ward (University of the South Sewanee 1924)
Alfred P. Ward Jr. (University of the South Sewanee 1932)
William T. Watkins (University of the South Sewanee 1956)
Jules C. Welch (University of the South Sewanee 1925)
Charles L. Wells (University of the South Sewanee 1915)
Milton V. West (University of the South Sewanee 1930)
George B. Wheelus (University of the South Sewanee 1957)
Kyle Wheelus (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
Harvey B. Whitaker (University of the South Sewanee 1928)
Arch L. Williams (University of the South Sewanee 1933)
John N. Williams (University of the South Sewanee 1935)
Melvin R. Williams (University of the South Sewanee 1926)
Leslie J. Williams (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
Thurman H. Williams (University of the South Sewanee 1924)
William F. Willien (University of the South Sewanee 1938)
Henry M. Willis (University of the South Sewanee 1922)
Herbert E. Winn (University of the South Sewanee 1943)
James R. Wisialowski (University of the South Sewanee 1961)
Walter D. Woodard (University of the South Sewanee 1957)
Richard H. Workman (University of the South Sewanee 1940)
James K. Wright (University of the South Sewanee 1929)
Jim T. Wright (University of the South Sewanee 1965)
Jerry E. Yates (University of the South Sewanee 1989)
Roy M. Tait (University of Toronto)
Jack S. Aldrich (Utah State University 1968)
James B. Bachus (Utah State University 1973)
Bradford D. Bell (Utah State University 1972)
Nolan K. Burnett (Utah State University 1969)
Joseph E. Dietz (Utah State University 1973)
John J. Dorr (Utah State University 1979)
Dennis E. Emerson (Utah State University 1968)
Gary R. Guernsey (Utah State University 1970)
David W. Guymon (Utah State University 1985)
Clyde M. Nelson (Utah State University 1972)
Charles G. Riddle (Utah State University 1973)
David W. Scott (Utah State University 1970)
George R. Sunada (Utah State University 1977)
Richard K. Taylor (Utah State University 1974)
Clinton E. Tobey (Utah State University 1967)
Frederick N. Weston (Utah State University 1986)
Judson B. Wiebe (Utah State University 1970)
Drew J. Yeager (Utah State University 1988)
Joseph J. Greco (Villanova University 1994)
Patrick C. Raines (Villanova University 2011)
Michael J. Renga (Villanova University 1991)
Brandon E. Dorns (Virginia Commonwealth University 2019)
Justin H. Brandon (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2001)
Sonny Darr (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1971)
Ben D. Eichelberger (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1988)
Michael S. Eland (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2021)
Hayward Farrar (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1971)
Michael L. Guilfoyle (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1978)
Mark E. Hardt (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989)
Warren H. Harne Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1972)
Michael J. Martirano (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1974)
Michael F. Mays (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1974)
E. G. Murphy (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1979)
Michael S. Robbins (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1977)
Arthur J. Vieira (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1995)
Ed L. Walski (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975)
Charles E. Acker (Wabash College 1888)
Andrew A. Adams (Wabash College 1884)
Harry C. Adams (Wabash College 1904)
John M. Adams (Wabash College 1923)
Jack E. Adamson (Wabash College 1948)
Raymond N. Aldred (Wabash College 1933)
Harry D. Alfrey (Wabash College 1938)
Charles W. Ames (Wabash College 1904)
David W. Ames (Wabash College 1944)
Edward E. Ames (Wabash College 1903)
Edward P. Ames (Wabash College 1871)
Edward R. Ames (Wabash College 1931)
Raymond H. Ames (Wabash College 1904)
Thurman C. Anderson (Wabash College 1950)
George W. Applegate (Wabash College 1958)
Harry L. Archey (Wabash College 1903)
Alvin W. Arkland (Wabash College 1930)
Charles B. Arnold (Wabash College 1914)
Constantine Arnold (Wabash College 1883)
William E. Arthur (Wabash College 1886)
William F. Atkinson (Wabash College 1932)
Kenneth A. Aulsebrook (Wabash College 1945)
Lewis G. Ayres (Wabash College 1940)
Charles D. Babcock (Wabash College 1923)
Henry H. Babcock (Wabash College 1871)
Richard C. Bachmann (Wabash College 1937)
William D. Backman (Wabash College 1953)
William D. Backman Sr. (Wabash College 1924)
Christopher Bailey (Wabash College 1880)
Frank Bailey (Wabash College 1880)
M. K. Baird (Wabash College 1956)
John H. Baity (Wabash College 1948)
Daniel P. Baldwin (Wabash College 1879)
Edmund F. Ball (Wabash College 1927)
Nicholas T. Bard (Wabash College 1927)
A. M. Barnes (Wabash College 1957)
Frank R. Barnett (Wabash College 1943)
Frederic C. Barnett (Wabash College 1946)
William H. Barnhart (Wabash College 1882)
Fred L. Barnhill (Wabash College 1917)
Wendell Barrett Jr. (Wabash College 1955)
Charles H. Bartlett (Wabash College 1877)
Albert E. Baur (Wabash College 1939)
J. R. Baur (Wabash College 1949)
Victor E. Beamer (Wabash College 1955)
Robert L. Beard (Wabash College 1919)
George W. Beers (Wabash College 1940)
George A. Bennett (Wabash College 1925)
George W. Benns (Wabash College 1890)
George W. Benton (Wabash College 1884)
Everett D. Bergen (Wabash College 1927)
John L. Berns (Wabash College 1939)
Herman E. Berns (Wabash College 1935)
Elmer G. Berol (Wabash College 1935)
Carl H. Billman (Wabash College 1919)
William F. Bird (Wabash College 1956)
Joseph W. Bird (Wabash College 1950)
Charles E. Blackwell (Wabash College 1938)
Donald D. Blair (Wabash College 1949)
James M. Blayney (Wabash College 1867)
M. S. Blish (Wabash College 1879)
Richard T. Blitz (Wabash College 1924)
Allan C. Bomberger (Wabash College 1934)
Charles G. Bomberger (Wabash College 1928)
Edmund S. Bomberger (Wabash College 1931)
James E. Bond (Wabash College 1943)
Barry P. Bone (Wabash College 1983)
Jack B. Bordner (Wabash College 1940)
Thomas E. Borton (Wabash College 1893)
Bradford R. Bott (Wabash College 1977)
William L. Boyce (Wabash College 1874)
Harry R. Boyd (Wabash College 1885)
William C. Boyd (Wabash College 1873)
Edward A. Boyle (Wabash College 1948)
Robert Bracken (Wabash College 1943)
Lafayette M. Bradley (Wabash College 1883)
Ralph B. Breckenridge (Wabash College 1942)
Roger L. Bremer (Wabash College 1961)
Ralph E. Britton (Wabash College 1922)
Arthur H. Brown (Wabash College 1903)
Arthur J. Brown (Wabash College 1880)
Edmund R. Brown (Wabash College 1868)
Edwin M. Brown (Wabash College 1903)
Elliott W. Brown (Wabash College 1885)
Halfred C. Brown (Wabash College 1921)
Halleck N. Brown (Wabash College 1948)
Mark A. Brown (Wabash College 1911)
Morris L. Brown (Wabash College 1933)
Raymond D. Brown (Wabash College 1909)
William T. Brown (Wabash College 1875)
Raymond D. Brown (Wabash College 1932)
Melvin C. Browning (Wabash College 1932)
Joseph L. Brubaker (Wabash College 1915)
John G. Brumbaugh (Wabash College 1940)
Louis M. Bubala (Wabash College 1966)
James P. Buchanan (Wabash College 1958)
William W. Buchanan (Wabash College 1900)
Gene P. Burks (Wabash College 1943)
Jess E. Burks (Wabash College 1941)
Henry G. Burnett (Wabash College 1985)
Rand Burnette (Wabash College 1958)
George K. Burton (Wabash College 1875)
Walter A. Caine (Wabash College 1925)
Louis J. Calabrese (Wabash College 1947)
Frank T. Caldwell (Wabash College 1920)
Robert C. Caldwell (Wabash College 1878)
Cyrus T. Calloway (Wabash College 1932)
Duncan S. Cameron (Wabash College 1881)
Gordon G. Campbell (Wabash College 1958)
James R. Campbell (Wabash College 1906)
Jean P. Campbell (Wabash College 1931)
George B. Cardwell (Wabash College 1871)
Robert G. Cargill (Wabash College 1926)
Robert W. Carman (Wabash College 1963)
Robert A. Carnahan (Wabash College 1879)
Thomas K. Carnes (Wabash College 1949)
John M. Carruthers (Wabash College 1948)
Ellis A. Carson (Wabash College 1931)
Charles R. Carter (Wabash College 1902)
Joseph B. Carter (Wabash College 1953)
Robert L. Carter (Wabash College 1961)
Harold A. Cash (Wabash College 1924)
Richard E. Cassels (Wabash College 1943)
Samuel T. Catlin (Wabash College 1921)
Oscar C. Catterlin (Wabash College 1912)
Lauren F. Chamberlain (Wabash College 1942)
John W. Chapman (Wabash College 1880)
Robert A. Chapman (Wabash College 1947)
Walter B. Cheney (Wabash College 1925)
Joseph S. Cheviron (Wabash College 1983)
Walter W. Chipman (Wabash College 1893)
William E. Chittick (Wabash College 1949)
Francis W. Chrisney (Wabash College 1898)
Wilmer F. Christian (Wabash College 1892)
Wilmer H. Christian (Wabash College 1916)
George O. Clifford (Wabash College 1919)
George O. Clifford (Wabash College 1946)
James L. Clifford (Wabash College 1923)
Richard A. Cloyd (Wabash College 1886)
Oliver C. Coen (Wabash College 1907)
Harrell W. Coers (Wabash College 1923)
Frederick G. Coffield (Wabash College 1942)
George H. Coffin (Wabash College 1873)
George L. Coffing (Wabash College 1918)
McMannomy Coffing (Wabash College 1913)
Julius A. Coleman (Wabash College 1870)
John D. Collett (Wabash College 1886)
John P. Collett (Wabash College 1924)
William J. Collignon (Wabash College 1925)
Blair F. Collings (Wabash College 2000)
J. R. Collings (Wabash College 1950)
Herbert D. Collyer (Wabash College 1942)
Victor B. Collyer (Wabash College 1950)
Homer L. Comer (Wabash College 1930)
George E. Compton (Wabash College 1931)
Martin E. Conway (Wabash College 1947)
Norman W. Cook (Wabash College 1910)
Harlan P. Cory (Wabash College 1874)
Isaac L. Cory (Wabash College 1876)
Robert W. Coulter (Wabash College 1888)
Charles A. Cox (Wabash College 1875)
James D. Cox (Wabash College 1952)
Robert W. Cox (Wabash College 1930)
Benjamin Crane (Wabash College 1873)
Kenneth C. Crossman (Wabash College 1955)
Albert B. Crowe (Wabash College 1892)
Charles T. Crumpacker (Wabash College 1906)
Harry T. Culver (Wabash College 1910)
Frank C. Cutter (Wabash College 1893)
Theodore F. Daggy (Wabash College 1871)
Samuel M. Dague (Wabash College 1896)
William H. Dague (Wabash College 1906)
Addison L. Daniels (Wabash College 1872)
John F. Danis (Wabash College 1948)
Alexander Danskin (Wabash College 1874)
Maynard C. Darnall (Wabash College 1939)
William L. Daves (Wabash College 1928)
Charles K. Davidson (Wabash College 1942)
James R. Davidson (Wabash College 1944)
Philip A. Davidson (Wabash College 1951)
George E. Davies (Wabash College 1915)
Warren T. Davies (Wabash College 1906)
William O. Davies (Wabash College 1910)
William O. Davies (Wabash College 1938)
Everett C. Davis (Wabash College 1923)
Herbert F. Davis (Wabash College 1919)
John F. Davis (Wabash College 1947)
Robert E. Davis (Wabash College 1938)
Wilford M. Davis (Wabash College 1922)
Herbert F. Day (Wabash College 1878)
Richard L. de Langlade (Wabash College 1955)
Charles C. Deming (Wabash College 1906)
Karl J. Deprez (Wabash College 1915)
John T. Detchon (Wabash College 1897)
Ray F. DeVaney (Wabash College 1929)
James R. Dewolfe (Wabash College 1868)
Robert E. Dickinson (Wabash College 1953)
James F. Dickson (Wabash College 1964)
Andrew G. Diddel (Wabash College 1943)
Andrew G. Diddel (Wabash College 1911)
William H. Diddel (Wabash College 1908)
Gene A. Dieken (Wabash College 1967)
Charles G. Dochterman (Wabash College 1895)
Lockwood G. Doench (Wabash College 1932)
Robert J. Doll (Wabash College 1948)
Albert M. Donato (Wabash College 1963)
Samuel R. Donnelly (Wabash College 1871)
James H. Dornburg (Wabash College 1946)
Ralph Douglass (Wabash College 1945)
William C. Droll (Wabash College 1932)
Harry W. Duckworth (Wabash College 1892)
Fred W. Dunihue (Wabash College 1929)
Henry W. Dunn (Wabash College 1946)
Joseph Durand (Wabash College 1876)
Robert R. Dyer (Wabash College 1937)
Charles F. Eagan (Wabash College 1908)
John S. Early (Wabash College 1927)
John L. Easthope (Wabash College 1934)
Ralph B. Eddy (Wabash College 1963)
Peter Edson (Wabash College 1919)
Millard F. Eggleston (Wabash College 1877)
Martin M. Ellingham (Wabash College 1923)
Forest M. Elliott (Wabash College 1926)
James R. Elliott (Wabash College 1934)
Morris E. Elliott (Wabash College 1913)
Pierre N. Elliott (Wabash College 1930)
R. S. Emerick (Wabash College 1943)
George H. Emerson (Wabash College 1939)
George H. Emery (Wabash College 1928)
Herbert C. Emery (Wabash College 1892)
John L. Emery (Wabash College 1927)
John R. Emery (Wabash College 1915)
Clayton S. Emmert (Wabash College 1959)
Edgar L. Engel (Wabash College 1932)
John M. Engle (Wabash College 1937)
Russell B. Engle (Wabash College 1920)
Richard J. Erber (Wabash College 1930)
Gordon S. Eslick (Wabash College 1960)
Daniel F. Evans (Wabash College 1943)
Thomas W. Evans (Wabash College 1960)
Benjamin C. Evans (Wabash College 1946)
Harry K. Eversull (Wabash College 1919)
Walter E. Eversull (Wabash College 1926)
Thomas B. Ewing (Wabash College 1874)
David W. Fahs (Wabash College 1897)
Grant H. Fairbanks (Wabash College 1898)
David V. Fauvre (Wabash College 1960)
John W. Feasel (Wabash College 1976)
Daniel A. Ferber (Wabash College 1951)
Frank A. Fickes (Wabash College 1938)
David R. Fink (Wabash College 1961)
William W. Fites (Wabash College 1932)
Paul F. Fix (Wabash College 1929)
William F. Fleig (Wabash College 1962)
Lawrence J. Flink (Wabash College 1956)
Rudy T. Folta (Wabash College 1961)
James C. Fordice (Wabash College 1872)
Lewis L. Forman (Wabash College 1877)
Joe C. Foster Jr. (Wabash College 1946)
John J. Foster (Wabash College 1955)
Walter S. Fowler (Wabash College 1913)
Francis M. Fox (Wabash College 1889)
Charles B. Frank (Wabash College 1906)
Charles F. Frank (Wabash College 1922)
Frederick R. Frankenfield (Wabash College 1935)
James R. Frazer (Wabash College 1899)
William D. Frazer (Wabash College 1873)
Kent L. Fredrick (Wabash College 1957)
Wade A. Fredrick (Wabash College 1954)
Richard L. Freeman (Wabash College 1959)
Franz P. Frurip (Wabash College 1932)
W. Y. Fulton (Wabash College 1924)
William B. Gargrave (Wabash College 1915)
Paul H. Garrett (Wabash College 1923)
James C. Gauld (Wabash College 1922)
Almon N. Gerard (Wabash College 1913)
Robert W. Gewecke (Wabash College 1936)
George A. Gilbert (Wabash College 1939)
John R. Gilbert (Wabash College 1980)
Oscar M. Gilbert (Wabash College 1939)
Charles A. Gilchrist (Wabash College 1877)
Edward P. Gilchrist (Wabash College 1889)
William S. Gilmore (Wabash College 1890)
John H. Gleason (Wabash College 1935)
Richard A. Gooding (Wabash College 1952)
Pierre F. Goodrich (Wabash College 1916)
Robert G. Goodwin (Wabash College 1930)
Robert A. Gorrell (Wabash College 1948)
William H. Gostlin (Wabash College 1940)
William H. Gostlin (Wabash College 1905)
Stanton W. Gould (Wabash College 1931)
Calvin W. Granger (Wabash College 1874)
Jay W. Gray (Wabash College 1950)
Stanley E. Gray (Wabash College 1926)
Richard R. Grayson (Wabash College 1946)
Frederick F. Greco (Wabash College 1952)
Nicholas N. Greenbaun (Wabash College 1957)
Robert J. Greene (Wabash College 1883)
William J. Greenwood (Wabash College 1887)
James L. Gregg (Wabash College 1959)
Wesley H. Gregor (Wabash College 1956)
Gordon T. Gregory (Wabash College 1948)
John W. Gridley (Wabash College 1948)
Karl S. Griffin (Wabash College 1906)
Ransom Griffin (Wabash College 1940)
Aquilla W. Groves (Wabash College 1931)
Karl D. Guenther (Wabash College 1911)
Phil S. Hack (Wabash College 1938)
Henry C. Hall (Wabash College 1895)
John T. Hall (Wabash College 1979)
Aaron B. Hallock (Wabash College 1898)
Charles B. Hamill (Wabash College 1906)
William W. Hammel (Wabash College 1895)
Eugene R. Hammes (Wabash College 1923)
John M. Handley (Wabash College 1924)
Charles F. Hanna (Wabash College 1932)
James T. Hanna (Wabash College 1936)
H. W. Hanscom (Wabash College 1939)
Clarence M. Hargrave (Wabash College 1909)
Palmer W. Hargrave (Wabash College 1909)
George S. Harney (Wabash College 1888)
James S. Harney (Wabash College 1933)
George R. Harrison (Wabash College 1905)
George W. Harrison (Wabash College 1882)
Eric L. Harvey (Wabash College 1986)
Charles E. Hauff (Wabash College 1950)
Benjamin O. Haugh (Wabash College 1881)
Willard C. Hawkins (Wabash College 1939)
Charles E. Hayes (Wabash College 1886)
John R. Hayes (Wabash College 1949)
George H. Headford (Wabash College 1951)
Jack L. Heim (Wabash College 1947)
Charles P. Heimbrodt (Wabash College 1940)
Reginald H. Heiser (Wabash College 1922)
Gordon H. Helm (Wabash College 1927)
George C. Hench (Wabash College 1897)
Albert W. Herdman (Wabash College 1906)
Ralph S. Hesler (Wabash College 1943)
Lawrence E. Hess (Wabash College 1909)
Norman W. Heysett (Wabash College 1926)
Joel W. Hiatt (Wabash College 1873)
William C. Hicklin (Wabash College 1883)
Isaac N. Hill (Wabash College 1915)
William M. Hill (Wabash College 1940)
Darrell D. Hipes (Wabash College 1950)
Harold N. Hobbs (Wabash College 1924)
Morris A. Hogue (Wabash College 1925)
Bert R. Hoobler (Wabash College 1901)
James G. Hopper (Wabash College 1921)
Orrie L. Houts (Wabash College 1891)
Richard B. Hovda (Wabash College 1947)
William H. Howard (Wabash College 1927)
Charles W. Hubbard (Wabash College 1882)
Richard L. Hubertz (Wabash College 1931)
Charles R. Huff (Wabash College 1912)
William C. Hughes (Wabash College 1932)
John D. Hull (Wabash College 1949)
Emory Hunt (Wabash College 1880)
William R. Hunter (Wabash College 1936)
Fred C. Hurt (Wabash College 1899)
Nolen F. Hurt (Wabash College 1955)
Paul T. Hurt (Wabash College 1909)
Paul T. Hurt (Wabash College 1937)
Paul J. Husting (Wabash College 1937)
Homer W. Hyatt (Wabash College 1912)
Peter D. Hyde (Wabash College 1950)
Robert B. Irons (Wabash College 1907)
Robert W. Irwin (Wabash College 1877)
Nevin S. James (Wabash College 1923)
Sherwin F. James (Wabash College 1929)
Oakley Jenks (Wabash College 1935)
William M. Jennings (Wabash College 1890)
William M. Jennings (Wabash College 1929)
Calvin G. Johnson (Wabash College 1948)
Marshall L. Johnson (Wabash College 1942)
Robert A. Johnston (Wabash College 1990)
William B. Johnston (Wabash College 1950)
Isaac N. Jones (Wabash College 1874)
Samuel M. Jones (Wabash College 1897)
G. R. Jordan (Wabash College 1942)
Frank E. Kahl (Wabash College 1947)
Richard A. Kappeler (Wabash College 1967)
Kurt D. Kaufman (Wabash College 1951)
Frederic C. Keal (Wabash College 1956)
John O. Kennedy (Wabash College 1935)
Webster R. Kennedy (Wabash College 1879)
Donald C. Kennon (Wabash College 1919)
James S. Kennon (Wabash College 1925)
James T. Kent (Wabash College 1939)
John T. Kenworthy (Wabash College 1922)
Bart H. Kercher (Wabash College 1982)
James M. Kerr (Wabash College 1922)
Richard W. Kingery (Wabash College 1944)
John W. Kingsbury (Wabash College 1937)
John R. Kinnally (Wabash College 1951)
Mark Kirby (Wabash College 1872)
William R. Kite (Wabash College 1960)
Albert E. Klamer (Wabash College 1938)
Charles H. Klamer (Wabash College 1937)
John H. Klamer (Wabash College 1945)
Theodore E. Klein (Wabash College 1934)
Douglas M. Klevorn (Wabash College 1935)
Donald L. Knutson (Wabash College 1948)
Daniel F. Korb (Wabash College 1953)
Franklin E. Krause (Wabash College 1931)
Ernest Kreiling (Wabash College 1945)
Virgil M. Krick (Wabash College 1917)
John N. Kroetz (Wabash College 1950)
Lewis B. Kuhn (Wabash College 1879)
Robert C. Landis (Wabash College 1958)
Henry S. Lane (Wabash College 1867)
Carl E. Lang (Wabash College 1930)
Frank J. Lanigan (Wabash College 1936)
Richard Lapp (Wabash College 1956)
Robert M. LaSalle (Wabash College 1923)
Thomas H. Lathrop (Wabash College 1928)
Joseph R. Lay (Wabash College 1948)
William T. Ledger (Wabash College 1925)
John S. Lee (Wabash College 1938)
Philip C. Leffel (Wabash College 1914)
Philip C. Leffel Jr. (Wabash College 1946)
Charles R. Ligon (Wabash College 1961)
James Linden (Wabash College 1870)
Byron S. Lingeman (Wabash College 1950)
Ernest S. Linville (Wabash College 1912)
George A. Lipsky (Wabash College 1967)
Theodore Livings (Wabash College 1868)
Edward J. Lloyd (Wabash College 1890)
Perry E. Loer (Wabash College 1928)
John S. Long (Wabash College 1943)
Robert H. Long (Wabash College 1939)
Robert H. Long (Wabash College 1971)
Robert W. Long (Wabash College 1946)
Jack J. Longnecker (Wabash College 1946)
Donald H. Loomis (Wabash College 1928)
Albert F. Lott (Wabash College 1885)
Wellington E. Loucks (Wabash College 1877)
Kenneth C. Lovgren (Wabash College 1933)
Arthur E. Lubeck (Wabash College 1907)
Robert T. Lucas (Wabash College 1920)
James A. Ludwig (Wabash College 1962)
Leo M. Ludwig (Wabash College 1935)
Charles M. MacRoberts (Wabash College 1925)
James E. Macy (Wabash College 1946)
John W. Macy (Wabash College 1908)
V. Walter Madson (Wabash College 1918)
Morris K. Magner (Wabash College 1888)
Philip G. Magner (Wabash College 1917)
Charles V. Manker (Wabash College 1931)
Clarence J. Manley (Wabash College 1921)
William W. Manning (Wabash College 1950)
Eugene B. Marlow (Wabash College 1919)
Charles T. Marsh (Wabash College 1946)
Thomas R. Marshall (Wabash College 1873)
Charles T. Martin (Wabash College 1937)
Claudius W. Martin (Wabash College 1882)
George L. Martin (Wabash College 1924)
John A. Martin (Wabash College 1927)
Ashbel G. Martyn (Wabash College 1868)
Thomas M. Mason (Wabash College 1947)
Clifford McBride (Wabash College 1894)
Frank McBride (Wabash College 1894)
Stanley McBride (Wabash College 1892)
David W. McCaughey (Wabash College 1887)
Tom G. McClain (Wabash College 1958)
James T. McClamroch (Wabash College 1923)
John C. McClamroch (Wabash College 1916)
Robert M. McClamroch (Wabash College 1919)
Bingham A. McClellan (Wabash College 1952)
Frank O. McClellan (Wabash College 1927)
Gaylord S. McCluer (Wabash College 1892)
Clarence D. McClure (Wabash College 1899)
Bailey C. McConnell (Wabash College 1927)
William R. McCord (Wabash College 1950)
Malcolm S. McDonald (Wabash College 1895)
John V. McEntee (Wabash College 1954)
Samuel M. McGregor (Wabash College 1874)
James M. McKay (Wabash College 1914)
Kelsey B. McKay (Wabash College 1949)
Neil A. McKay (Wabash College 1938)
John A. McKee (Wabash College 1894)
Karl A. McKee (Wabash College 1897)
Hugh A. McKinley (Wabash College 1914)
H. L. McKinney (Wabash College 1949)
Richard V. McLallen (Wabash College 1926)
E. L. McLallen (Wabash College 1916)
Andrew W. McMaken (Wabash College 1890)
Louis T. McMath (Wabash College 1924)
Robert R. McNagny (Wabash College 1905)
John P. McVey (Wabash College 1952)
David P. Meese (Wabash College 1932)
Edwin W. Meese (Wabash College 1934)
Louis R. Mehlig (Wabash College 1908)
Robert H. Memering (Wabash College 1934)
Darwin W. Merkley (Wabash College 1926)
Robert B. Merrifield (Wabash College 1950)
Wayne F. Middendorf (Wabash College 1970)
Philip J. Middleton (Wabash College 1917)
Charles N. Mikels (Wabash College 1883)
Algene S. Miles (Wabash College 1924)
John H. Miles (Wabash College 1929)
Fredrick M. Miller (Wabash College 1978)
Watson T. Miller (Wabash College 1899)
James E. Millican (Wabash College 1945)
Gregory B. Millis (Wabash College 1976)
Steven M. Millns (Wabash College 1978)
John N. Mills (Wabash College 1878)
Charles E. Milroy (Wabash College 1878)
Edward J. Mitchell (Wabash College 1964)
Robert B. Montgomery (Wabash College 1957)
Ronald E. Montgomery (Wabash College 1948)
William M. Mooney (Wabash College 1944)
Alfred Moore (Wabash College 1870)
Charles T. Moore (Wabash College 1951)
George T. Moore (Wabash College 1894)
Lewis Moore (Wabash College 1872)
Harold K. Morris (Wabash College 1884)
Robert C. Morris (Wabash College 1957)
Tobe L. Morris (Wabash College 1956)
Donald A. Morrison (Wabash College 1910)
Asa H. Morton (Wabash College 1882)
Wilbur J. Morton (Wabash College 1948)
Russell L. Moseley (Wabash College 1934)
Harry L. Moulder Jr. (Wabash College 1942)
Paul H. Mueller (Wabash College 1934)
John W. Murphy (Wabash College 1948)
Elias C. Murray (Wabash College 1875)
James H. Murray (Wabash College 1952)
Benjamin H. Myers (Wabash College 1916)
Franz O. Myers (Wabash College 1907)
Warren F. Myers (Wabash College 1907)
William E. Myers (Wabash College 1965)
Henry L. Nave (Wabash College 1872)
John L. Naylor (Wabash College 1922)
William F. Naylor (Wabash College 1931)
Harrison Q. Nebeker (Wabash College 1930)
Robert C. Newby (Wabash College 1931)
Philip B. Newcomb (Wabash College 1897)
Philip D. Newell (Wabash College 1934)
John C. Newell (Wabash College 1937)
Robert E. Newland (Wabash College 1945)
Philip L. Nicar (Wabash College 1915)
John W. Nicely (Wabash College 1893)
Meredith Nicholson (Wabash College 1892)
William M. Nickey (Wabash College 1927)
Richard F. Niebur (Wabash College 1947)
Jack M. Nixon (Wabash College 1947)
Robert P. Noble (Wabash College 1915)
David W. Norris (Wabash College 1875)
Jacob Norris (Wabash College 1871)
Robert D. Norris (Wabash College 1954)
Donald H. Northcutt (Wabash College 1935)
James L. Nugent (Wabash College 1939)
Holst W. Nyce (Wabash College 1919)
Norman S. Nyce (Wabash College 1923)
Edwin J. O'Boyle (Wabash College 1870)
Jack O'Brien (Wabash College 1944)
Richard A. O'Connor (Wabash College 1951)
Philip H. Ogden (Wabash College 1937)
James B. Ogle (Wabash College 1954)
Dewitt O'Kieffe (Wabash College 1926)
Donald A. O'Kieffe (Wabash College 1930)
Robert N. Olsen (Wabash College 1963)
Edgar H. O'Neall (Wabash College 1910)
Harry S. O'Neill (Wabash College 1947)
John M. Owens (Wabash College 1946)
Walter J. Owens (Wabash College 1916)
Thomas C. Parker (Wabash College 1967)
John C. Parkhurst (Wabash College 1942)
Clifford C. Parr (Wabash College 1927)
Joseph M. Parr (Wabash College 1922)
Robert B. Parrott (Wabash College 1911)
Donald E. Partridge (Wabash College 1951)
Thomas M. Patterson (Wabash College 1868)
Mark A. Paulson (Wabash College 1966)
Clarence J. Paulus (Wabash College 1914)
Edwin H. Payne (Wabash College 1909)
David W. Peck (Wabash College 1923)
Jack K. Pedigo (Wabash College 1936)
William H. Penhallegon (Wabash College 1913)
Fred S. Perdue (Wabash College 1949)
Charles A. Perkins (Wabash College 1875)
John O. Perrin (Wabash College 1878)
William H. Perrin (Wabash College 1878)
Frank R. Peters (Wabash College 1915)
Clifford V. Peterson (Wabash College 1900)
Roger K. Phillips (Wabash College 1938)
Walter N. Pickett (Wabash College 1929)
James K. Pierson (Wabash College 1925)
Joseph E. Pietzuch (Wabash College 1928)
Donald F. Pine (Wabash College 1949)
Franklin W. Plummer (Wabash College 1908)
Howard E. Plummer (Wabash College 1917)
John M. Plummer (Wabash College 1932)
Robert H. Plummer (Wabash College 1937)
Charles H. Poorman (Wabash College 1925)
Miles F. Porter III (Wabash College 1942)
Gene R. Potts (Wabash College 1950)
Arnold R. Poulsen (Wabash College 1919)
Ralph G. Powell (Wabash College 1955)
Edward T. Powers (Wabash College 1940)
Etheridge Powers (Wabash College 1918)
Heman R. Powers (Wabash College 1932)
Heman T. Powers (Wabash College 1910)
Irvin A. Powers (Wabash College 1935)
Robert T. Powers (Wabash College 1943)
Donald C. Pratt (Wabash College 1951)
H. William Prentice (Wabash College 1943)
Henry J. Preston (Wabash College 1947)
William K. Preston (Wabash College 1880)
William M. Pruett (Wabash College 1978)
Byron P. Prunk (Wabash College 1919)
William S. Pryse (Wabash College 1871)
Charles L. Pulliam (Wabash College 1887)
Don H. Purdy (Wabash College 1938)
Blair C. Radford (Wabash College 1957)
George E. Radford (Wabash College 1934)
Robert A. Raich (Wabash College 1953)
William S. Ramey (Wabash College 1934)
Lycurgus E. Rannells (Wabash College 1878)
Rawlings V. Ransom (Wabash College 1942)
Charles W. Raymond (Wabash College 1885)
Henry I. Raymond (Wabash College 1877)
Samuel J. Record (Wabash College 1903)
Warren A. Reeder (Wabash College 1934)
Lawson A. Reineking (Wabash College 1869)
James S. Revenaugh (Wabash College 1950)
Dwight S. Reynolds (Wabash College 1923)
Robert H. Rhodehamel (Wabash College 1934)
Eugene W. Rice (Wabash College 1949)
Roy F. Rich (Wabash College 1913)
Arthur D. Richey (Wabash College 1896)
William E. Rider (Wabash College 1916)
Richard W. Riedel (Wabash College 1947)
Charles F. Riley (Wabash College 1930)
Gordon L. Rindflish (Wabash College 1955)
Erwin L. Risk (Wabash College 1922)
Henry C. Ristine (Wabash College 1908)
Hosea Ristine (Wabash College 1869)
Clarke Rogers (Wabash College 1897)
John C. Rogers (Wabash College 1990)
Lynn Rogers (Wabash College 1897)
Benjamin A. Rogge (Wabash College 1966)
David M. Rogge (Wabash College 1962)
Edward C. Rohrs (Wabash College 1940)
Harold W. Ropiequet (Wabash College 1926)
Fred R. Rosebro (Wabash College 1883)
Walter E. Rosebro (Wabash College 1884)
James R. Roth (Wabash College 1938)
Rhiman A. Rotz (Wabash College 1965)
Meredith B. Roundtree (Wabash College 1904)
Frederick W. Russell (Wabash College 1920)
James H. Russell (Wabash College 1870)
Vaclav J. Sallak (Wabash College 1933)
Baird G. Saltzgaber (Wabash College 1898)
John W. Sandlewick (Wabash College 1960)
Allen Saunders (Wabash College 1966)
Burt E. Schell (Wabash College 1942)
Jack M. Schenck (Wabash College 1951)
James A. Schick (Wabash College 1975)
J. P. Schma (Wabash College 1953)
John L. Schmidt (Wabash College 1905)
Philip J. Schmith (Wabash College 1949)
Herbert W. Schnur (Wabash College 1936)
Jacob R. Schramm (Wabash College 1911)
John H. Schroeder (Wabash College 1942)
Dana T. Schubert (Wabash College 1957)
Arthur H. Schulze (Wabash College 1941)
Charles E. Scott (Wabash College 1950)
Edward D. Scott (Wabash College 1901)
Robert H. Scott (Wabash College 1924)
Thomas C. Scott (Wabash College 1921)
Robert P. Scott (Wabash College 1943)
Horatio D. Scribner (Wabash College 1868)
William C. Scribner (Wabash College 1891)
James M. Sears (Wabash College 1954)
Edgar W. Seawright (Wabash College 1902)
Robert R. Selis (Wabash College 1957)
Wayne G. Servies (Wabash College 1922)
Harry E. Settles (Wabash College 1963)
Harry H. Severson (Wabash College 1911)
Morris B. Shanks (Wabash College 1946)
Richard W. Sharpless (Wabash College 1925)
Richard E. Shaw (Wabash College 1957)
Harrie T. Shea (Wabash College 1928)
William H. Shearman (Wabash College 1943)
Vernon G. Sheller (Wabash College 1911)
Joel M. Shepherd (Wabash College 1932)
George A. Sheridan (Wabash College 1878)
Richard B. Shideler (Wabash College 1927)
Robert E. Shideler (Wabash College 1917)
Harlan W. Shields (Wabash College 1925)
Robert G. Shirley (Wabash College 1925)
David B. Siegle (Wabash College 1943)
Peteris M. Silins (Wabash College 1962)
Julian C. Simmons (Wabash College 1922)
George R. Sirko (Wabash College 1950)
William O. Skinner (Wabash College 1973)
Robert B. Slade (Wabash College 1945)
William F. Slattery (Wabash College 1917)
Albert W. Slaughter (Wabash College 1903)
Brainard F. Smith (Wabash College 1870)
Charles N. Smith (Wabash College 1922)
Donald E. Smith (Wabash College 1959)
Earl F. Smith (Wabash College 1917)
Gordon R. Smith (Wabash College 1955)
Howard E. Smith (Wabash College 1956)
James Q. Smith (Wabash College 1934)
Lucian A. Smith (Wabash College 1930)
Lucian R. Smith (Wabash College 1899)
Lyle M. Smith (Wabash College 1984)
Philip N. Smith (Wabash College 1954)
Walter L. Smith (Wabash College 1925)
William E. Smits (Wabash College 1939)
Ralph E. Smock (Wabash College 1912)
Richard L. Snideman (Wabash College 1928)
Thomas C. Snider (Wabash College 1968)
William A. Sorensen (Wabash College 1947)
Hudson R. Sours (Wabash College 1931)
Bouton F. Sowers (Wabash College 1927)
Ephriam K. Spade (Wabash College 1918)
Robert J. Spencer (Wabash College 1877)
Louis Spilman (Wabash College 1920)
William B. Spilman (Wabash College 1950)
J. C. Spooner (Wabash College 1940)
Anthony L. Springstun (Wabash College 1964)
Dean C. Stafford (Wabash College 1946)
Edward R. Standish (Wabash College 1946)
William R. Standish (Wabash College 1947)
Walter W. Stasey (Wabash College 1963)
Charles N. Stedman (Wabash College 1911)
Robert G. Steele (Wabash College 1931)
Theodore P. Stein (Wabash College 1911)
Edward B. Steiniger (Wabash College 1931)
James R. Stevenson (Wabash College 1973)
Robert M. Stevenson (Wabash College 1875)
George E. Stewart (Wabash College 1916)
Samuel G. Stewart (Wabash College 1919)
Kenneth W. Stilling (Wabash College 1936)
Merle B. Stokes (Wabash College 1905)
David G. Stoner (Wabash College 1942)
Gerald H. Stoner (Wabash College 1901)
Ben C. Storey (Wabash College 1955)
Harvey B. Stout (Wabash College 1908)
Charles H. Stuart (Wabash College 1898)
George M. Studebaker (Wabash College 1910)
Paul Stump (Wabash College 1911)
Jack A. Sullivan (Wabash College 1931)
Hugh R. Sutherland (Wabash College 1908)
George L. Swindt (Wabash College 1879)
Notria M. Talbert (Wabash College 1926)
Alan M. Taylor (Wabash College 1946)
Harold Taylor (Wabash College 1882)
John L. Taylor (Wabash College 1876)
David D. Terhune (Wabash College 1900)
Johnie N. Theobald (Wabash College 1933)
Robert B. Thieme (Wabash College 1916)
Archibald C. Thomas (Wabash College 1894)
James R. Thomas (Wabash College 1901)
Leslie D. Thomas (Wabash College 1873)
Paris P. Thomas (Wabash College 1885)
Claude L. Thompson (Wabash College 1891)
Edward A. Thompson (Wabash College 1958)
Glenn W. Thompson (Wabash College 1926)
Maurice Thompson (Wabash College 1878)
William W. Thomson (Wabash College 1917)
Otho S. Thornberry (Wabash College 1888)
Walter W. Thornburg (Wabash College 1929)
Andrew V. Thornell (Wabash College 1905)
John C. Thrapp (Wabash College 1956)
Robert H. Tinsley (Wabash College 1902)
James J. Tippy (Wabash College 1877)
E. P. Tischer (Wabash College 1934)
William O. Todd (Wabash College 1948)
Thomas E. Topper (Wabash College 1970)
John E. Trefz (Wabash College 1969)
Robert E. Trimble (Wabash College 1939)
Frost L. Trout (Wabash College 1896)
Gordon M. Trout (Wabash College 1931)
Roy H. Trout (Wabash College 1897)
Richard M. Tucker (Wabash College 1970)
Richard G. Tulley (Wabash College 1955)
Robert R. Tweedle (Wabash College 1937)
Stanley A. Tweedle (Wabash College 1932)
Max E. Underwood (Wabash College 1936)
George V. Underwood (Wabash College 1935)
John D. Vale (Wabash College 1946)
Milo F. Vale (Wabash College 1949)
Sheldon VanAuken (Wabash College 1938)
Daniel VanBuskirk (Wabash College 1952)
Fred Vanbuskirk (Wabash College 1918)
Volgen E. Vander (Wabash College 1903)
William L. Vaneaton (Wabash College 1896)
Larry C. VanTreese (Wabash College 1950)
John E. Vetterli (Wabash College 1954)
Rees H. Voorhees (Wabash College 1879)
Donald R. Vorce (Wabash College 1925)
Donald R. Vorce (Wabash College 1964)
Daniel P. Wachs (Wabash College 1935)
Eldo I. Wagner (Wabash College 1910)
Ervin C. Wagner (Wabash College 1908)
Harold C. Wagner (Wabash College 1929)
William B. Wagner (Wabash College 1946)
Clegg Walker (Wabash College 1939)
Henry L. Wallace (Wabash College 1874)
William C. Wallar (Wabash College 1885)
Marcus R. Warrender (Wabash College 1924)
George B. Washburn (Wabash College 1917)
John B. Washburn (Wabash College 1924)
E. W. Waterbury (Wabash College 1879)
A. D. Weaver (Wabash College 1951)
Clayton C. Weber (Wabash College 1927)
Elmer W. Weber (Wabash College 1923)
Hubbard S. Wells (Wabash College 1882)
E. R. Welsch (Wabash College 1943)
James E. Wenger (Wabash College 1956)
Robert F. Wernert (Wabash College 1947)
Donald S. White (Wabash College 1922)
Joe D. White (Wabash College 1954)
Claude Whitney (Wabash College 1911)
John A. Whitney (Wabash College 1943)
Franklin M. Wiles (Wabash College 1879)
Charles C. Williams (Wabash College 1951)
Raymond B. Williams (Wabash College 1913)
Richard A. Williams (Wabash College 1953)
Robert L. Willson (Wabash College 1940)
William A. Wilson (Wabash College 1935)
Harry D. Winnie (Wabash College 1912)
David B. Winton (Wabash College 1952)
Everett A. Woelfel (Wabash College 1920)
Lawrence B. Woelfel (Wabash College 1931)
Thomas E. Woerner (Wabash College 1953)
Eben H. Wolcott (Wabash College 1886)
Roger H. Wolcott (Wabash College 1915)
Ryland A. Wolcott (Wabash College 1912)
Russell J. Wolf (Wabash College 1929)
Arthur C. Wolff (Wabash College 1949)
Leonard R. Wolff (Wabash College 1937)
Louis A. Woltzen (Wabash College 1941)
Seth Woodruff (Wabash College 1868)
James H. Woods (Wabash College 1878)
Christopher Woolling (Wabash College 1968)
A. T. Wright (Wabash College 1872)
Elisha P. Wright (Wabash College 1886)
Jeremy R. Wright (Wabash College 1996)
John M. Wright (Wabash College 1866)
Prier B. Wright (Wabash College 1901)
Williamson S. Wright (Wabash College 1877)
Charles S. Wynn (Wabash College 1881)
William E. Yarling (Wabash College 1925)
Andrew S. Yount (Wabash College 1911)
Elston D. Yount (Wabash College 1913)
James R. Zeman (Wabash College 1948)
Clarence M. Zener (Wabash College 1893)
Edward H. Ziegner (Wabash College 1942)
Herman R. Ziegner (Wabash College 1937)
William E. Abbott (Washington & Jefferson College 1934)
William F. Abel (Washington & Jefferson College 1893)
Allen Abrams (Washington & Jefferson College 1910)
John M. Abrams (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
Richard H. Abrams (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
Davis Acheson (Washington & Jefferson College 1863)
John W. Acheson (Washington & Jefferson College 1857)
Marcus C. Acheson (Washington & Jefferson College 1865)
Marcus W. Acheson (Washington & Jefferson College 1894)
Andrew A. Adams (Washington & Jefferson College 1884)
C. D. Adams (Washington & Jefferson College 1866)
George H. Adams (Washington & Jefferson College 1884)
Robert A. Adams (Washington & Jefferson College 1913)
Harold E. Addis Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1952)
Franklin H. Agnew (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
Richard L. Aiken (Washington & Jefferson College 1940)
Ross J. Alexander (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
Willis A. Alexander (Washington & Jefferson College 1941)
James H. Alexandre (Washington & Jefferson College 1964)
William R. Algeo (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
Donald M. Allen (Washington & Jefferson College 1949)
John W. Allen (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
Samuel H. Allen (Washington & Jefferson College 1910)
Jonathan Allison (Washington & Jefferson College 1937)
Norman Allison (Washington & Jefferson College 1939)
William T. Allison (Washington & Jefferson College 1936)
David H. Anderson (Washington & Jefferson College 1933)
Dwight M. Anderson (Washington & Jefferson College 1909)
Harry O. Anderson (Washington & Jefferson College 1905)
James B. Anderson (Washington & Jefferson College 1912)
Merle H. Anderson (Washington & Jefferson College 1893)
Walter B. Anderson (Washington & Jefferson College 1905)
James N. Armstrong (Washington & Jefferson College 1888)
William G. Arnold (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
William O. Ash (Washington & Jefferson College 1940)
J. J. Atwell (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
George M. Augur (Washington & Jefferson College 1953)
Cassius C. Auld (Washington & Jefferson College 1881)
John M. Ayres (Washington & Jefferson College 1946)
J. S. Baily (Washington & Jefferson College 1914)
Edward P. Baird (Washington & Jefferson College 1858)
Edward W. Baker (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
Wilbur B. Baker (Washington & Jefferson College 1909)
Eugene J. Ball (Washington & Jefferson College 1868)
William W. Ballard (Washington & Jefferson College 1857)
Thomas M. Barber (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
William G. Barnes (Washington & Jefferson College 1863)
James E. Barnett (Washington & Jefferson College 1882)
John M. Barnett (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
J. Calvin Barr (Washington & Jefferson College 1855)
Walter L. Bartels (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
Edward R. Bartley (Washington & Jefferson College 1942)
Lyman G. Barton (Washington & Jefferson College 1966)
William H. Bastian (Washington & Jefferson College 1925)
Edward G. Bauer (Washington & Jefferson College 1920)
William K. Baughman (Washington & Jefferson College 1911)
David B. Baxter (Washington & Jefferson College 1933)
Robert O. Beach (Washington & Jefferson College 1959)
Charles A. Beatty (Washington & Jefferson College 1879)
Paul R. Beck (Washington & Jefferson College 1944)
Paul R. Beck (Washington & Jefferson College 1920)
Alexander C. Beeson (Washington & Jefferson College 1897)
Donald R. Beeson (Washington & Jefferson College 1902)
Henry R. Beeson (Washington & Jefferson College 1937)
William B. Beeson (Washington & Jefferson College 1899)
William B. Beeson (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
Harry A. Bell (Washington & Jefferson College 1894)
Bernard H. Belle (Washington & Jefferson College 1959)
Ianthus Bentley (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
John D. Bergundthal (Washington & Jefferson College 1913)
Charles B. Betts (Washington & Jefferson College 1957)
Henry S. Bieber (Washington & Jefferson College 1943)
Jos E. Bissell (Washington & Jefferson College 1891)
James Black (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
James S. Blackmore (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
John P. Blair (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
Warren J. Blanke (Washington & Jefferson College 1936)
Frederick H. Blayney (Washington & Jefferson College 1891)
John F. Bonnewitz (Washington & Jefferson College 1925)
J. S. Boreman (Washington & Jefferson College 1853)
Mark M. Borland (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
Theodore Bosshard III (Washington & Jefferson College 1949)
Theodore Bosshard (Washington & Jefferson College 1927)
John R. Bovard (Washington & Jefferson College 1917)
Paul G. Bovard (Washington & Jefferson College 1920)
David C. Boyce (Washington & Jefferson College 1889)
George E. Boyd (Washington & Jefferson College 1858)
Thomas S. Bracken (Washington & Jefferson College 1865)
Edward S. Bracken (Washington & Jefferson College 1949)
Cyrus G. Braddock (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
Alfred G. Braden (Washington & Jefferson College 1881)
Freeman Brady (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
John W. Brandon (Washington & Jefferson College 1902)
Robert R. Brenan (Washington & Jefferson College 1948)
Norman L. Brewster (Washington & Jefferson College 1903)
Albert H. Brown (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
David Brown (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
David P. Brown (Washington & Jefferson College 1893)
George W. Brown (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
James A. Brown (Washington & Jefferson College 1858)
James R. Brown (Washington & Jefferson College 1949)
Oliver P. Brown (Washington & Jefferson College 1903)
Samuel P. Brown (Washington & Jefferson College 1884)
T. P. Brown (Washington & Jefferson College 1863)
Frank J. Brown Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1935)
G. A. Brownlee (Washington & Jefferson College 1917)
John H. Brownlee (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
Jesse C. Bruce (Washington & Jefferson College 1866)
William C. Bryant (Washington & Jefferson College 1893)
Thomas N. Bucar (Washington & Jefferson College 1951)
Malcolm N. Buchanan (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
George L. Bullions (Washington & Jefferson College 1933)
Joseph J. Bunta (Washington & Jefferson College 1995)
Norman E. Bureau (Washington & Jefferson College 1946)
Ramon L. Burke (Washington & Jefferson College 1947)
William D. Butler (Washington & Jefferson College 1856)
John A. Byerly (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
Sidney A. Byrum (Washington & Jefferson College 1948)
John C. Caldwell (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
John D. Caldwell (Washington & Jefferson College 1896)
Thomas B. Caldwell (Washington & Jefferson College 1905)
Fred B. Calvin (Washington & Jefferson College 1903)
Bartley B. Campbell (Washington & Jefferson College 1905)
Charles R. Campbell (Washington & Jefferson College 1891)
Elgy V. Campbell (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
James H. Campbell (Washington & Jefferson College 1902)
James O. Campbell (Washington & Jefferson College 1902)
Rolston C. Campbell (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
William W. Campbell (Washington & Jefferson College 1853)
William B. Carr (Washington & Jefferson College 1863)
James W. Carroll (Washington & Jefferson College 1942)
Joseph H. Carroll (Washington & Jefferson College 1920)
Robert K. Castetter (Washington & Jefferson College 1941)
Franklin W. Caton (Washington & Jefferson College 1930)
Joseph L. Chaney (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
J. W. Chapman (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
James H. Chester (Washington & Jefferson College 1966)
Addison M. Clark (Washington & Jefferson College 1877)
David Clark (Washington & Jefferson College 1880)
James B. Clark (Washington & Jefferson College 1880)
John G. Clark (Washington & Jefferson College 1917)
Joseph L. Clark (Washington & Jefferson College 1935)
William O. Clark (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
William Clemens (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
George C. Clements (Washington & Jefferson College 1925)
Franklin S. Close (Washington & Jefferson College 1943)
James Coe (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
Francis J. Collier (Washington & Jefferson College 1858)
Philip C. Collins (Washington & Jefferson College 1924)
Josiah S. Colmery (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
Bruce Colwell (Washington & Jefferson College 1875)
Charles M. Colwell (Washington & Jefferson College 1875)
Ira M. Condit (Washington & Jefferson College 1855)
John Connell (Washington & Jefferson College 1910)
Willard G. Cook (Washington & Jefferson College 1952)
Duane W. Cooley (Washington & Jefferson College 1960)
James A. Cooper (Washington & Jefferson College 1926)
Ralph A. Cooper (Washington & Jefferson College 1923)
Edward M. Cooper (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
Lewis H. Cort (Washington & Jefferson College 1915)
George Cotts (Washington & Jefferson College 1865)
Harry M. Coulson (Washington & Jefferson College 1918)
William F. Cowden (Washington & Jefferson College 1858)
George K. Cracraft (Washington & Jefferson College 1857)
John H. Craig (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
William B. Craig (Washington & Jefferson College 1922)
William R. Craig (Washington & Jefferson College 1902)
Robert H. Crangle (Washington & Jefferson College 1885)
Thomas W. Crews (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
Robert A. Criswell (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
Daniel W. Crofts (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
Josiah B. Crow (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
William O. Cruciger (Washington & Jefferson College 1947)
Ben F. Culler (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
Paul E. Culley (Washington & Jefferson College 1924)
Joseph Z. Culver (Washington & Jefferson College 1864)
Jesse E. Cunningham (Washington & Jefferson College 1892)
Robert A. Cunningham (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
Robert H. Cunningham (Washington & Jefferson College 1864)
Thomas B. Cunningham (Washington & Jefferson College 1863)
Linford G. Curry (Washington & Jefferson College 1924)
Robert L. Curry (Washington & Jefferson College 1954)
Richard Y. Dalrymple (Washington & Jefferson College 1934)
David H. Dankworth (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
Charles N. Dannals (Washington & Jefferson College 1899)
Samuel Davenport (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
John H. Davidson (Washington & Jefferson College 1929)
Walter H. Davidson (Washington & Jefferson College 1903)
David M. Davis (Washington & Jefferson College 1949)
Harry F. Davis (Washington & Jefferson College 1920)
Lyon L. Davis (Washington & Jefferson College 1940)
Paul W. Davis (Washington & Jefferson College 1918)
Samuel P. Davis (Washington & Jefferson College 1903)
Thomas D. Davis (Washington & Jefferson College 1866)
Victor Davis (Washington & Jefferson College 1927)
William M. Davis (Washington & Jefferson College 1899)
Harry E. Dawe (Washington & Jefferson College 1918)
Alanson R. Day (Washington & Jefferson College 1858)
Charles S. Day (Washington & Jefferson College 1921)
Guy R. Day (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
Harold H. Day (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
John L. Deahl (Washington & Jefferson College 1893)
F. D. DeBolt (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
Carmen A. Dechesaro (Washington & Jefferson College 1960)
Robert N. Dick (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
George A. Dickson (Washington & Jefferson College 1894)
Joseph N. Dickson (Washington & Jefferson College 1866)
William B. Dickson (Washington & Jefferson College 1925)
John W. Dinsmore (Washington & Jefferson College 1859)
Frank Doak (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
Elias F. Dodd (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
John M. Dom (Washington & Jefferson College 1896)
William T. Dom (Washington & Jefferson College 1896)
William T. Dom (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
Charles C. Donaldson (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
Richard B. Donaldson (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
Alvin E. Donnan (Washington & Jefferson College 1909)
John D. Donnan (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
John H. Donnan (Washington & Jefferson College 1900)
Sydney B. Donnan (Washington & Jefferson College 1905)
Philip H. Drennen (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
George C. Driver (Washington & Jefferson College 1866)
James A. Duff (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
James B. Duff (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
Edward J. Duignan (Washington & Jefferson College 1956)
David M. Dunbar (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
John T. Dunbar (Washington & Jefferson College 1962)
Joseph S. Dunbar (Washington & Jefferson College 1934)
James Duncan (Washington & Jefferson College 1870)
Morrell P. Duncan (Washington & Jefferson College 1949)
W. P. S. Duncan (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
John Dunham (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
James G. S. Dunlap (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
Joseph H. Dunlap (Washington & Jefferson College 1942)
Joseph H. Dunlap (Washington & Jefferson College 1907)
Robert W. Dunlap (Washington & Jefferson College 1903)
Gordon S. Dunlop (Washington & Jefferson College 1963)
John C. Durfey (Washington & Jefferson College 1924)
Miles C. Durfey (Washington & Jefferson College 1952)
Harold E. Durie (Washington & Jefferson College 1935)
Christopher Dysart (Washington & Jefferson College 1879)
William S. Eagleson (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
William A. Easton (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
David Edmiston (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
John E. Eisaman (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
Wilson B. Elder (Washington & Jefferson College 1886)
Jesse D. Elliot (Washington & Jefferson College 1878)
James Elliott (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
Samuel W. Elliott (Washington & Jefferson College 1867)
Dennis C. Ellor (Washington & Jefferson College 1946)
Leonard A. Elwinger (Washington & Jefferson College 1930)
Richard R. Ely (Washington & Jefferson College 1915)
Frederick R. Emerson (Washington & Jefferson College 1942)
Boyd A. Emery (Washington & Jefferson College 1875)
Robert B. English (Washington & Jefferson College 1917)
Thomas F. Enster (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
T. R. Entress (Washington & Jefferson College 1958)
Robert C. Ertel (Washington & Jefferson College 1953)
David Q. Ewing (Washington & Jefferson College 1924)
John Ewing (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
Samuel B. Ewing (Washington & Jefferson College 1889)
Harry M. Fagan (Washington & Jefferson College 1921)
Andrew N. Farley (Washington & Jefferson College 1956)
A. B. Ferguson (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
William A. Ferguson (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
Charles S. Fetterman (Washington & Jefferson College 1909)
Austin J. Feuchtwanger (Washington & Jefferson College 1934)
William H. Ficken (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
Alexander B. Fields (Washington & Jefferson College 1857)
Richard C. File (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
Caleb W. Finley (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
Francis M. Finley (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
Elam M. Fisher (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
John W. Fisher (Washington & Jefferson College 1945)
Luther B. Flack (Washington & Jefferson College 1858)
James J. Flaherty (Washington & Jefferson College 1953)
William A. Fleming (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
Naaman Fletcher (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
William J. Flowers (Washington & Jefferson College 1940)
John M. Foote (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
James L. Ford (Washington & Jefferson College 1866)
Richard S. Ford (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
John E. Ford (Washington & Jefferson College 1973)
William L. Forgie (Washington & Jefferson College 1917)
James D. Forrest (Washington & Jefferson College 1864)
James C. Forsythe (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
James H. Forsythe (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
Thomas S. Foust (Washington & Jefferson College 1959)
William A. Fowler (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
Vincent S. Franz (Washington & Jefferson College 1957)
James T. Fredericks (Washington & Jefferson College 1855)
John M. Freeman (Washington & Jefferson College 1893)
Charles P. French (Washington & Jefferson College 1857)
Edward G. Fronko (Washington & Jefferson College 1945)
Harry W. Fuchs (Washington & Jefferson College 1958)
John D. Fulton (Washington & Jefferson College 1905)
William Fulton (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
A. P. Furst (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
George E. Gallagher (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
James M. Gallagher (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
James T. Gallagher (Washington & Jefferson College 1935)
James M. Galloway (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
Martin Gantz (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
Edgar W. Garbisch (Washington & Jefferson College 1921)
Norbert S. Garbisch (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
Paul D. Gardner (Washington & Jefferson College 1892)
James R. Garts (Washington & Jefferson College 1943)
Frank R. Garver (Washington & Jefferson College 1906)
George A. Gaston (Washington & Jefferson College 1899)
Mark H. Gathmann (Washington & Jefferson College 1942)
James A. Gault (Washington & Jefferson College 1940)
James A. Gault (Washington & Jefferson College 1915)
Kenneth S. Gay (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
James P. Geiger (Washington & Jefferson College 1947)
Austin L. George (Washington & Jefferson College 1909)
John George (Washington & Jefferson College 1945)
Lawrence E. Geraghty (Washington & Jefferson College 1926)
John M. Gibson (Washington & Jefferson College 1934)
John P. Gilchrist (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
Benjamin S. Gillespie (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
Samuel M. Gillespie (Washington & Jefferson College 1929)
Samuel S. Gilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1866)
David H. Goodwillie (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
Paul J. Goodwin (Washington & Jefferson College 1956)
William E. Gordon (Washington & Jefferson College 1903)
James Gow (Washington & Jefferson College 1857)
John L. Gow (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
Henry M. Graham (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
Joseph P. Graham (Washington & Jefferson College 1869)
Harry L. Graham (Washington & Jefferson College 1923)
T. W. Grayson (Washington & Jefferson College 1892)
David D. Green (Washington & Jefferson College 1856)
Richard W. Greer (Washington & Jefferson College 1922)
Ellis B. Gregg (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
Robert J. Grier (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
Arthur H. Grobe (Washington & Jefferson College 1939)
Thomas G. Grocott (Washington & Jefferson College 1956)
Charles H. Guy (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
A. D. Gwin (Washington & Jefferson College 1867)
George S. Hackett (Washington & Jefferson College 1879)
Edward W. Hahn (Washington & Jefferson College 1930)
David Hall (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
Max Hall (Washington & Jefferson College 1900)
William Hall (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
William M. Hall (Washington & Jefferson College 1899)
Thomas A. Halter (Washington & Jefferson College 1959)
John L. Hamilton (Washington & Jefferson College 1927)
John K. Hammitt (Washington & Jefferson College 1911)
Edward E. Hanlon (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
Charles T. Hanna (Washington & Jefferson College 1908)
Daniel W. Hanna (Washington & Jefferson College 1855)
Wilson A. Hanna (Washington & Jefferson College 1911)
Hugh W. Harding (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
James Harper (Washington & Jefferson College 1855)
George L. Harrison (Washington & Jefferson College 1898)
John A. Harrison (Washington & Jefferson College 1918)
John W. Harrison (Washington & Jefferson College 1947)
Samuel Harsh (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
Oliver L. Hart (Washington & Jefferson College 1864)
Edward G. Hartje (Washington & Jefferson College 1882)
Robert E. Hauser (Washington & Jefferson College 1949)
Edward M. Hawes (Washington & Jefferson College 1926)
George E. Hawes (Washington & Jefferson College 1885)
Melvin B. Hayes (Washington & Jefferson College 1964)
Calvin G. Hazlett (Washington & Jefferson College 1890)
Samuel Hazlett (Washington & Jefferson College 1878)
Julian G. Hearne (Washington & Jefferson College 1926)
Paul V. Hedden (Washington & Jefferson College 1929)
Ralph S. Heilman (Washington & Jefferson College 1902)
Ralph S. Heilman Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1936)
James T. Hemphill (Washington & Jefferson College 1926)
William M. Hemphill (Washington & Jefferson College 1968)
Paul N. Henderson (Washington & Jefferson College 1924)
Zeno F. Henninger (Washington & Jefferson College 1920)
Addison Henry (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
Frank H. Herrington (Washington & Jefferson College 1915)
George W. Herriott (Washington & Jefferson College 1888)
Edgar A. Herrman (Washington & Jefferson College 1943)
Roy E. Herrold (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
Dwight B. Hervey (Washington & Jefferson College 1858)
Joseph S. Hervey (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
Charles R. Hibbs (Washington & Jefferson College 1930)
Allan R. Highfield (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
Eugene A. Hildreth (Washington & Jefferson College 1945)
Frederic H. Hill (Washington & Jefferson College 1900)
Harrington R. Hill (Washington & Jefferson College 1858)
John K. Hill (Washington & Jefferson College 1942)
Peter L. Hill (Washington & Jefferson College 1957)
Thomas F. Hill (Washington & Jefferson College 1887)
Winfield E. Hill (Washington & Jefferson College 1864)
Benjamin B. Hoar (Washington & Jefferson College 1913)
Charles H. Hoar (Washington & Jefferson College 1907)
Newton S. Hoey (Washington & Jefferson College 1880)
John W. Hoffman (Washington & Jefferson College 1892)
Franklin D. Hoffman (Washington & Jefferson College 1935)
B. D. Holbrook (Washington & Jefferson College 1855)
Francis B. Hollister (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
William P. Hollister (Washington & Jefferson College 1889)
John B. Holman (Washington & Jefferson College 1921)
Richard A. Holman (Washington & Jefferson College 1923)
Byron W. Hoover (Washington & Jefferson College 1956)
Charles W. Hoover (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
James H. Hopkins (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
Max L. Hopkins (Washington & Jefferson College 1939)
John P. Hornish (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
James O. C. Howard Sr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1935)
Henry A. Hudson (Washington & Jefferson College 1936)
Clifton D. Hughes (Washington & Jefferson College 1902)
James B. Hughes (Washington & Jefferson College 1948)
David D. Hunter (Washington & Jefferson College 1955)
James K. Hunter (Washington & Jefferson College 1933)
William C. Hunter (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
James K. Hunter (Washington & Jefferson College 1966)
Francis J. Hupp (Washington & Jefferson College 1886)
Frank L. Hutchison (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
William Hutchison (Washington & Jefferson College 1855)
David E. Imbrie (Washington & Jefferson College 1944)
Joseph T. Inglefield (Washington & Jefferson College 1952)
George M. Inglis (Washington & Jefferson College 1959)
William Jack (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
George W. Jackson (Washington & Jefferson College 1859)
John H. Jackson (Washington & Jefferson College 1897)
Richard D. Jackson (Washington & Jefferson College 1942)
Albert G. Jenkins (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
Philip S. Jennings (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
Samuel D. Jennings (Washington & Jefferson College 1864)
Samuel L. Jepson (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
Gaylord A. Jersey (Washington & Jefferson College 1929)
Carl R. Johnson (Washington & Jefferson College 1933)
Edmund L. Jones (Washington & Jefferson College 1909)
Edmund L. Jones (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
Edward A. Jones (Washington & Jefferson College 1858)
Henry A. Jones (Washington & Jefferson College 1936)
Isaac F. Jones (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
Jerry B. Jones (Washington & Jefferson College 1937)
John Q. Jones (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
William A. Jones (Washington & Jefferson College 1886)
John H. Jordan (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
John R. Joyce (Washington & Jefferson College 1925)
Frederic C. Jussen (Washington & Jefferson College 1933)
A. S. Kaufman (Washington & Jefferson College 1955)
Albert R. Kaufman (Washington & Jefferson College 1918)
Richard L. Kaylor (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
William B. Keeling (Washington & Jefferson College 1865)
Paul A. Keightley (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
Ray M. Keightley (Washington & Jefferson College 1930)
John E. Keiser (Washington & Jefferson College 1947)
John Kelly (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
Michael R. Kelly (Washington & Jefferson College 1966)
Samuel M. Kelso (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
Francis H. Kennedy (Washington & Jefferson College 1857)
George M. Kennedy (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
George R. Kennedy (Washington & Jefferson College 1923)
John M. Kennedy (Washington & Jefferson College 1894)
Robert P. Kennedy (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
Frank D. Kerr (Washington & Jefferson College 1870)
William C. Ketterer (Washington & Jefferson College 1925)
John A. Keys (Washington & Jefferson College 1877)
James E. Killian (Washington & Jefferson College 1924)
James Kinkead (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
Louis O. Kirberger (Washington & Jefferson College 1910)
William R. Kirkwood (Washington & Jefferson College 1859)
Robert W. Kline MD (Washington & Jefferson College 1937)
Robert B. Koenig (Washington & Jefferson College 1949)
Walter G. Koenig (Washington & Jefferson College 1949)
Dean E. Krauter (Washington & Jefferson College 1946)
Boliver G. Krepps (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
George S. Kurtz Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1942)
Ira J. Lacock (Washington & Jefferson College 1856)
Robert V. Lacock (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
James Lafferty (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
James M. Lambie (Washington & Jefferson College 1936)
Charles P. Lang (Washington & Jefferson College 1886)
James J. Langhart (Washington & Jefferson College 1955)
Jacob W. Lanius (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
Joseph P. Lauff (Washington & Jefferson College 1956)
William W. Laverty (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
Francis W. Lawlor (Washington & Jefferson College 1984)
Millard N. Lawrence (Washington & Jefferson College 1934)
Thomas C. Lazear (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
Edwin H. Leavitt (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
Thomas K. Lee (Washington & Jefferson College 1876)
George H. Lee Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1936)
E. J. Leech (Washington & Jefferson College 1952)
Ira W. Leech (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
Alexander B. Lewis (Washington & Jefferson College 1856)
Robert P. Lewis (Washington & Jefferson College 1856)
George D. Lindsay (Washington & Jefferson College 1885)
W. A. List (Washington & Jefferson College 1870)
Robert B. Little (Washington & Jefferson College 1934)
William N. Lockhart (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
Arch H. Logan (Washington & Jefferson College 1897)
George B. Logan (Washington & Jefferson College 1930)
James W. Logan (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
John T. Logan (Washington & Jefferson College 1936)
Patton L. Logan (Washington & Jefferson College 1894)
William B. Logan (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
David H. Long (Washington & Jefferson College 1904)
Edward E. Long (Washington & Jefferson College 1947)
George S. Long (Washington & Jefferson College 1904)
Jay C. Long (Washington & Jefferson College 1907)
Leigh E. Longstreet (Washington & Jefferson College 1949)
George R. Loughry (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
John L. Lowes (Washington & Jefferson College 1888)
Abraham Lowman (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
Harold C. Lund (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
Todd Lunsford (Washington & Jefferson College 1892)
Roger O. Lupton (Washington & Jefferson College 1913)
Wilfred C. Lyle (Washington & Jefferson College 1941)
Paul M. Lynskey (Washington & Jefferson College 1948)
Peter S. Macaulay (Washington & Jefferson College 1923)
Russell A. MacCachran (Washington & Jefferson College 1945)
Frederick N. MacMillan (Washington & Jefferson College 1920)
James T. Maffett (Washington & Jefferson College 1859)
William J. Manko (Washington & Jefferson College 1959)
Louis W. Mardaga (Washington & Jefferson College 1945)
Cyrus P. Markle (Washington & Jefferson College 1885)
Philip W. Marks (Washington & Jefferson College 1945)
Phillip E. Marks (Washington & Jefferson College 1905)
John S. Marquis (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
Houston B. Marshall (Washington & Jefferson College 1970)
Houston B. Marshall (Washington & Jefferson College 1939)
Joseph I. Marshall (Washington & Jefferson College 1937)
William S. Marshall (Washington & Jefferson College 1856)
Loyal D. Martin (Washington & Jefferson College 1922)
Anthony S. Mastrian (Washington & Jefferson College 1956)
James Mathers (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
John H. Mathers (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
Joseph Matyi (Washington & Jefferson College 1959)
Robert A. May (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
James P. McArdle (Washington & Jefferson College 1965)
Archibald McBride (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
Cloud I. McBride (Washington & Jefferson College 1924)
James B. McBurney (Washington & Jefferson College 1948)
Gilpin M. McCain (Washington & Jefferson College 1908)
Russell H. McCain (Washington & Jefferson College 1924)
Hugh D. McCann (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
Ebenezer McCarrell (Washington & Jefferson College 1939)
Robert L. McCarrell (Washington & Jefferson College 1935)
Thomas C. McCarrell (Washington & Jefferson College 1907)
John T. McCarty (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
William B. McClelland (Washington & Jefferson College 1882)
John R. McClester (Washington & Jefferson College 1945)
Robert E. McClure (Washington & Jefferson College 1888)
William C. McConaughey (Washington & Jefferson College 1883)
Alex E. McConnell (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
James McConnell (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
Charles L. McCormick (Washington & Jefferson College 1926)
Edward B. McCormick (Washington & Jefferson College 1885)
Samuel B. McCormick (Washington & Jefferson College 1880)
William E. McDaid (Washington & Jefferson College 1946)
Francis C. McDivitt (Washington & Jefferson College 1918)
Charles H. McDonald (Washington & Jefferson College 1886)
Harry B. McDowell (Washington & Jefferson College 1904)
Harry B. McDowell (Washington & Jefferson College 1941)
Robert L. McElree (Washington & Jefferson College 1856)
John C. McEwan (Washington & Jefferson College 1958)
Joseph F. McFarland (Washington & Jefferson College 1876)
William McFarland (Washington & Jefferson College 1941)
J. M. McGiffin (Washington & Jefferson College 1897)
James Q. McGiffin (Washington & Jefferson College 1877)
Matthew N. McGiffin (Washington & Jefferson College 1896)
James S. McGill (Washington & Jefferson College 1908)
William D. McGill (Washington & Jefferson College 1913)
William H. McGoughran (Washington & Jefferson College 1951)
James R. McGregor (Washington & Jefferson College 1951)
John D. McGrew (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
Hugh K. McJunkin (Washington & Jefferson College 1868)
Edgar D. McKean (Washington & Jefferson College 1917)
Frank W. McKean (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
James W. McKean (Washington & Jefferson College 1859)
John McKean (Washington & Jefferson College 1859)
George C. McKee (Washington & Jefferson College 1880)
Robert L. McKee (Washington & Jefferson College 1906)
Worth H. McKee (Washington & Jefferson College 1936)
David W. McKennan (Washington & Jefferson College 1880)
Thomas T. McKennan (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
James W. McKennan Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1936)
Joseph L. McKnight (Washington & Jefferson College 1909)
James H. McLain (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
Roy H. McLain (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
William E. McLaren (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
Hugh W. McMarlin (Washington & Jefferson College 1943)
Gilbert B. McMaster (Washington & Jefferson College 1935)
Francis L. McNamee (Washington & Jefferson College 1915)
Hugh A. McNamee (Washington & Jefferson College 1917)
James E. McNary (Washington & Jefferson College 1892)
E. G. McNeely (Washington & Jefferson College 1855)
Demas L. McVay (Washington & Jefferson College 1955)
Raymond U. Mead (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
Thomas G. Mears (Washington & Jefferson College 1944)
Simon B. Mercer (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
George Meredith (Washington & Jefferson College 1855)
John C. Mettler (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
Lebbeus R. Metzgar (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
C. F. Meyer (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
Joseph H. Meyers (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
Christopher M. Mildenstein (Washington & Jefferson College 1983)
A. J. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1863)
Fauntley M. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1905)
James F. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1930)
James M. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1866)
John G. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1925)
Marion H. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1944)
R. T. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1959)
Richard G. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
Robert T. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
Samuel J. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1912)
Samuel W. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
U. G. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1907)
William S. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1866)
William W. Miller (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
Edward L. Minier (Washington & Jefferson College 1951)
David Minis (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
Howard H. Minor (Washington & Jefferson College 1927)
George H. Minton (Washington & Jefferson College 1914)
Stephen B. Minton (Washington & Jefferson College 1909)
Joseph I. Mitchell (Washington & Jefferson College 1914)
Ralph J. Mitchell (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
William Mitchell (Washington & Jefferson College 1853)
Charles M. Moffat (Washington & Jefferson College 1939)
James D. Moffat (Washington & Jefferson College 1869)
William A. Montgomery (Washington & Jefferson College 1857)
James H. Moore (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
James S. Moore (Washington & Jefferson College 1886)
John W. Moore (Washington & Jefferson College 1889)
Richard J. Moore (Washington & Jefferson College 1859)
T. C. Moore (Washington & Jefferson College 1895)
Cyrus W. Moorhead (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
Charles S. Morris (Washington & Jefferson College 1951)
John H. Morrow (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
John O. Morton (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
Alexander Murdoch (Washington & Jefferson College 1928)
William H. Murdoch Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1935)
Robert C. Murray (Washington & Jefferson College 1926)
John D. Musser (Washington & Jefferson College 1926)
Ronald F. Nau (Washington & Jefferson College 1948)
Allan G. Naylor (Washington & Jefferson College 1896)
Joseph R. Naylor (Washington & Jefferson College 1898)
Wilson Naylor (Washington & Jefferson College 1901)
Joseph R. Naylor (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
Robert B. Neely (Washington & Jefferson College 1856)
Joseph C. Nevin (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
Edward P. Newton (Washington & Jefferson College 1870)
Francis W. Niehaus (Washington & Jefferson College 1927)
Don S. Nissley (Washington & Jefferson College 1929)
Owen L. Ogle (Washington & Jefferson College 1949)
Samuel A. Oliver (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
E. R. Owens (Washington & Jefferson College 1944)
Lindsey E. Parcell (Washington & Jefferson College 1914)
James G. Patterson (Washington & Jefferson College 1865)
Raymond M. Patterson (Washington & Jefferson College 1927)
Thomas Patterson (Washington & Jefferson College 1901)
William S. Patterson (Washington & Jefferson College 1885)
Ormand R. Pendy (Washington & Jefferson College 1922)
John B. Penington (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
Charles C. Pennypacker (Washington & Jefferson College 1961)
Harold W. Perkins (Washington & Jefferson College 1941)
William K. Perkins (Washington & Jefferson College 1924)
Cyrus L. Pershing (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
Israel C. Pershing (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
Frank V. Petrone (Washington & Jefferson College 1947)
Richard H. Piatt (Washington & Jefferson College 1957)
Paul L. Pickens (Washington & Jefferson College 1922)
Robert W. Playford (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
Gordon N. Plumb (Washington & Jefferson College 1958)
Richard W. Plumb (Washington & Jefferson College 1955)
Thomas L. Pogue (Washington & Jefferson College 1937)
Thomas L. Pogue (Washington & Jefferson College 1891)
Samuel Polk (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
Lawrence V. Pollock (Washington & Jefferson College 1920)
David S. Porter (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
Edward C. Porter (Washington & Jefferson College 1966)
Robert G. Porter (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
James G. Potter (Washington & Jefferson College 1927)
James M. Potter (Washington & Jefferson College 1894)
Joseph M. Potter (Washington & Jefferson College 1929)
Carnahan N. Power (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
Francis H. Power (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
John F. Preston (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
David R. Pringle (Washington & Jefferson College 1966)
Joseph D. Purvis (Washington & Jefferson College 1904)
Samuel Ramsey (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
Samuel Ramsey (Washington & Jefferson College 1857)
Benjamin F. Ray (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
Alexander P. Reed (Washington & Jefferson College 1907)
Elmer N. Reed (Washington & Jefferson College 1934)
John P. Reed (Washington & Jefferson College 1966)
Malcolm W. Reed (Washington & Jefferson College 1954)
Clarence Rehn (Washington & Jefferson College 1892)
Philip L. Reinhard (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
Josiah S. Reppert (Washington & Jefferson College 1857)
Frank M. Rhodes (Washington & Jefferson College 1929)
George S. Rice (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
J. Wallace Richards (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
Paul C. Richards (Washington & Jefferson College 1920)
William B. Ricketts (Washington & Jefferson College 1914)
Henry A. Riddle (Washington & Jefferson College 1942)
Henry A. Riddle (Washington & Jefferson College 1907)
William R. Riddle II (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
Donald E. Rigby (Washington & Jefferson College 1923)
Alexander B. Riggs (Washington & Jefferson College 1863)
Elliott S. Riggs (Washington & Jefferson College 1863)
Samuel A. Riggs (Washington & Jefferson College 1856)
Ralph J. Ritchie (Washington & Jefferson College 1951)
Edward E. Robbins (Washington & Jefferson College 1881)
Oliphant P. Robertson (Washington & Jefferson College 1882)
Herbert F. Robertson Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1936)
Frank T. Robinson (Washington & Jefferson College 1911)
George T. Robinson (Washington & Jefferson College 1911)
James F. Robinson (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
Hugh A. Rodgers (Washington & Jefferson College 1878)
John W. Rohrer (Washington & Jefferson College 1908)
W. P. Rommel (Washington & Jefferson College 1954)
John A. Ross (Washington & Jefferson College 1957)
Lee A. Ross (Washington & Jefferson College 1955)
William Ross (Washington & Jefferson College 1866)
Rollin R. Rosselot (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
Daniel Roudebush (Washington & Jefferson College 1865)
George S. Roudebush (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
Harry H. Rowand Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1940)
Robert M. Rownd (Washington & Jefferson College 1907)
Moises Rubiano (Washington & Jefferson College 1945)
Stephen E. Ruscitto (Washington & Jefferson College 1976)
Robert B. Rush (Washington & Jefferson College 1925)
William P. Russell (Washington & Jefferson College 1912)
Thomas C. Scheets (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
William H. Scheid (Washington & Jefferson College 1970)
Wayne A. Scherz (Washington & Jefferson College 1956)
Edward H. Schlaudt (Washington & Jefferson College 1939)
Alan W. Schoeller (Washington & Jefferson College 1925)
John V. Schweppe (Washington & Jefferson College 1937)
Thomas B. Scollon (Washington & Jefferson College 1926)
David W. Scott (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
Floyd O. Scott (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
John C. Scott (Washington & Jefferson College 1864)
John F. Scott (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
Richard R. Scott (Washington & Jefferson College 1945)
Walter W. Scott (Washington & Jefferson College 1960)
Wilbur K. Seese (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
John L. Sehon (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
William T. Seitz (Washington & Jefferson College 1876)
W. E. Sell (Washington & Jefferson College 1944)
Fred A. Service (Washington & Jefferson College 1901)
George A. Shaffer (Washington & Jefferson College 1933)
John H. Shaffer (Washington & Jefferson College 1935)
Robert P. Shakely (Washington & Jefferson College 1943)
James D. Shanks (Washington & Jefferson College 1868)
Harold A. Shanor (Washington & Jefferson College 1921)
Samuel M. Sharp (Washington & Jefferson College 1855)
John H. Sharpe (Washington & Jefferson College 1863)
Dickson C. Shaw (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
Joseph H. Shepard (Washington & Jefferson College 1961)
Stephen A. Sheppard (Washington & Jefferson College 1942)
George W. Shields (Washington & Jefferson College 1881)
J. Willard Shields (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
Donald H. Shoop (Washington & Jefferson College 1914)
John E. Shoop (Washington & Jefferson College 1918)
Robert H. Shoop (Washington & Jefferson College 1927)
Victor Shoop (Washington & Jefferson College 1922)
William G. Shoop (Washington & Jefferson College 1941)
Thomas N. Sickels (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
Harry S. Silvey (Washington & Jefferson College 1901)
Charles H. Silvis (Washington & Jefferson College 1918)
John S. Silvis (Washington & Jefferson College 1920)
Earl L. Simpson (Washington & Jefferson College 1922)
James D. Sinclair (Washington & Jefferson College 1945)
John C. Sinclair (Washington & Jefferson College 1943)
Kenneth R. Sinclair (Washington & Jefferson College 1948)
George A. Singer (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
James A. Sitter (Washington & Jefferson College 1996)
Bernard W. Slagle (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
Nathaniel E. Slaymaker (Washington & Jefferson College 1866)
Alexander M. Sloan (Washington & Jefferson College 1876)
Carl E. Smith (Washington & Jefferson College 1934)
David N. Smith (Washington & Jefferson College 1941)
Stanley W. Smith (Washington & Jefferson College 1915)
Thomas S. Smith (Washington & Jefferson College 1964)
William Smith (Washington & Jefferson College 1957)
Robert L. Smith (Washington & Jefferson College 1921)
Benjamin R. Smyser (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
James M. Snowden (Washington & Jefferson College 1933)
James R. Sowash (Washington & Jefferson College 1914)
George M. Spargrove (Washington & Jefferson College 1855)
Harry G. Sparks (Washington & Jefferson College 1941)
Harry G. Sparks (Washington & Jefferson College 1903)
Caldwell B. Spates (Washington & Jefferson College 1909)
Breading Spear (Washington & Jefferson College 1885)
Charles F. Specht (Washington & Jefferson College 1909)
H. V. Speers (Washington & Jefferson College 1863)
Dennie W. Speidel (Washington & Jefferson College 1920)
John Spence (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
James D. Spriggs (Washington & Jefferson College 1873)
John G. Squibb (Washington & Jefferson College 1935)
Frederick W. St Clair (Washington & Jefferson College 1908)
Robert L. Steenrod (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
William S. Steiner (Washington & Jefferson College 1959)
James R. Sterrett (Washington & Jefferson College 1879)
Charles H. Stevenson (Washington & Jefferson College 1891)
Henry P. Stevenson (Washington & Jefferson College 1890)
Joseph R. Stevenson (Washington & Jefferson College 1886)
Thomas C. Stevenson (Washington & Jefferson College 1878)
James G. Stewart (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
John B. Stewart (Washington & Jefferson College 1902)
Robert L. Stewart (Washington & Jefferson College 1917)
George H. Stewart (Washington & Jefferson College 1911)
M. L. Stifel (Washington & Jefferson College 1943)
Thomas R. Stockdale (Washington & Jefferson College 1856)
James C. Stockton (Washington & Jefferson College 1853)
Howard W. Stratton (Washington & Jefferson College 1856)
James P. Streamo (Washington & Jefferson College 1961)
James G. Strean (Washington & Jefferson College 1921)
Kenneth D. Strickler (Washington & Jefferson College 1937)
William C. Sturgeon (Washington & Jefferson College 1943)
John E. Sweeney (Washington & Jefferson College 1896)
Julian M. Sweeney (Washington & Jefferson College 1899)
Thomas B. Sweeney (Washington & Jefferson College 1895)
Allen N. Sweeny (Washington & Jefferson College 1946)
William J. Sweger (Washington & Jefferson College 1949)
William E. Tague (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
Oliver P. Taylor (Washington & Jefferson College 1850)
Henry F. Teichmann (Washington & Jefferson College 1939)
Joseph L. Thistle (Washington & Jefferson College 1930)
John S. Thoma (Washington & Jefferson College 1939)
William L. Thomas (Washington & Jefferson College 1926)
Calvin C. Thompson (Washington & Jefferson College 1941)
Charles A. Thompson (Washington & Jefferson College 1911)
Joseph H. Thompson (Washington & Jefferson College 1903)
Robert W. Timothy (Washington & Jefferson College 1929)
Alexander M. Todd (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
Edward N. Todd (Washington & Jefferson College 1858)
Frank L. Todd (Washington & Jefferson College 1886)
Thomas M. Todd (Washington & Jefferson College 1862)
Francis H. Tomlin (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
W. P. Tranter (Washington & Jefferson College 1922)
James M. Travis (Washington & Jefferson College 1892)
Conrad W. Troll (Washington & Jefferson College 1878)
Albert C. Troutman (Washington & Jefferson College 1898)
William H. Truxal (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
John R. Tucker (Washington & Jefferson College 1901)
Thomas B. Tuell (Washington & Jefferson College 1962)
John M. Turner (Washington & Jefferson College 1921)
William P. Turner (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
Alfred Tuttle (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
Allan W. Urmson (Washington & Jefferson College 1894)
John L. Vance (Washington & Jefferson College 1887)
Sidney J. Vandusen (Washington & Jefferson College 1899)
John C. Varley (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
Michael D. Virgin (Washington & Jefferson College 2004)
Wendell H. Vodrey (Washington & Jefferson College 1926)
James S. Vrooman (Washington & Jefferson College 1953)
Joseph A. Walker (Washington & Jefferson College 1942)
Wilson D. Wallace (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
George P. Waller (Washington & Jefferson College 1878)
Charles Walters (Washington & Jefferson College 1933)
John M. Waltersdorf (Washington & Jefferson College 1947)
Frederick M. Waltz (Washington & Jefferson College 1965)
Bradish C. Ward (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
Donald A. Ward (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
John E. Warmington (Washington & Jefferson College 1944)
Thomas M. Warwick (Washington & Jefferson College 1975)
Albert Watson (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
Joseph D. Watson (Washington & Jefferson College 1917)
Robert L. Watt (Washington & Jefferson College 1921)
William L. Watt (Washington & Jefferson College 1915)
John W. Wayman (Washington & Jefferson College 1956)
Samuel Wead (Washington & Jefferson College 1855)
Joseph L. Weaver (Washington & Jefferson College 1880)
Charles H. Weaver (Washington & Jefferson College 1882)
John P. Wege (Washington & Jefferson College 1944)
David P. Weimer (Washington & Jefferson College 1929)
Howard R. Weirich (Washington & Jefferson College 1893)
Robert C. Welsh (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
George R. Welshons (Washington & Jefferson College 1878)
John F. Wentling (Washington & Jefferson College 1896)
Aloysius A. Wesbecher (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
Harold A. Westervelt (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
R. Stanton Wettich (Washington & Jefferson College 1932)
Edward M. Weyer Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1925)
Elliott R. Weyer (Washington & Jefferson College 1922)
Vincent D. Whelan (Washington & Jefferson College 1900)
Allan C. Whetstone (Washington & Jefferson College 1909)
Henry K. White (Washington & Jefferson College 1861)
William M. White (Washington & Jefferson College 1860)
Thomas C. White (Washington & Jefferson College 1922)
Francis E. Whitehead (Washington & Jefferson College 1911)
Henry R. Whitehill (Washington & Jefferson College 1870)
F. E. Whitesell (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
John D. Whitworth (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
Smith N. Whitworth (Washington & Jefferson College 1911)
William M. Wibel (Washington & Jefferson College 1940)
Thomas T. Wightman (Washington & Jefferson College 1869)
Thomas Wightman (Washington & Jefferson College 1890)
Charles S. Wilder (Washington & Jefferson College 1938)
James C. Wiley (Washington & Jefferson College 1882)
Judson Wiley (Washington & Jefferson College 1950)
Allan B. Williams (Washington & Jefferson College 1935)
Bradford R. Williams (Washington & Jefferson College 1916)
Cecil D. Williams (Washington & Jefferson College 1936)
Harding G. Williams (Washington & Jefferson College 1952)
Jonathan B. Williams (Washington & Jefferson College 1940)
Norman F. Williams (Washington & Jefferson College 1946)
Clinton L. Willson (Washington & Jefferson College 1925)
Calvin D. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1876)
Eugene M. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1852)
Frederick B. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1892)
George P. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1877)
Gill R. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1915)
Gordon A. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1946)
John C. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
Joseph V. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1918)
Robert D. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1882)
Robert S. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1934)
Samuel B. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
Thomas B. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
William R. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1886)
William S. Wilson (Washington & Jefferson College 1851)
Marcus Wishart (Washington & Jefferson College 1854)
William H. Woodburn (Washington & Jefferson College 1866)
James Woodrow (Washington & Jefferson College 1849)
Henry Woods (Washington & Jefferson College 1857)
Robert Woods (Washington & Jefferson College 1859)
Frederick R. Wotring (Washington & Jefferson College 1858)
Jonathan Wotring (Washington & Jefferson College 1848)
James M. Wray (Washington & Jefferson College 1912)
James M. Wyant (Washington & Jefferson College 1948)
Ralph H. Young (Washington & Jefferson College 1915)
David H. Young Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1946)
James M. Young (Washington & Jefferson College 1930)
J. K. Younkins (Washington & Jefferson College 1922)
Victor D. Younkins (Washington & Jefferson College 1915)
William M. Younkins (Washington & Jefferson College 1914)
Zachary J. Zatezalo (Washington & Jefferson College 2014)
Richard K. Zimmerman (Washington & Jefferson College 1959)
James A. Zurna (Washington & Jefferson College 1971)
Walter C. Aberg (Washington & Lee University 1942)
Harry L. Abrahart (Washington & Lee University 1936)
Daniel W. Alexander (Washington & Lee University 1903)
Garland Alexander (Washington & Lee University 1923)
William H. Alexander (Washington & Lee University 1935)
William Allan (Washington & Lee University 1902)
Carl D. Anderson (Washington & Lee University 1937)
John G. Anderson (Washington & Lee University 1920)
Charles P. Anderson (Washington & Lee University 1935)
Ralph N. Andrews (Washington & Lee University 1949)
Frank H. Anschutz (Washington & Lee University 1900)
William G. Armstrong (Washington & Lee University 1895)
Joseph L. Arnold (Washington & Lee University 1936)
C. A. Bailey (Washington & Lee University 1929)
John M. Baker (Washington & Lee University 1931)
Newton D. Baker (Washington & Lee University 1894)
Grover C. Baldwin (Washington & Lee University 1940)
John W. Ball (Washington & Lee University 1932)
Willis M. Ball (Washington & Lee University 1940)
Robert S. Banks (Washington & Lee University 1960)
George E. Barker (Washington & Lee University 1927)
Henry M. Barker (Washington & Lee University 1949)
Henry N. Barker (Washington & Lee University 1914)
Elbridge G. Barker III (Washington & Lee University 1926)
James M. Barker (Washington & Lee University 1911)
Christopher Barnekov (Washington & Lee University 1942)
Carl F. Barnes (Washington & Lee University 1957)
Peter S. Barrow (Washington & Lee University 1941)
Beverly H. Barrow (Washington & Lee University 1921)
John D. Bassett (Washington & Lee University 1924)
Jesse R. Bean (Washington & Lee University 1929)
William G. Bean (Washington & Lee University 1925)
William T. Beard (Washington & Lee University 1930)
Frank C. Bedinger (Washington & Lee University 1911)
F. C. Behle (Washington & Lee University 1936)
John H. Bell (Washington & Lee University 1905)
Dean Bender (Washington & Lee University 1955)
George M. Betty (Washington & Lee University 1914)
Henry H. Blackburn (Washington & Lee University 1895)
Alexander Blain (Washington & Lee University 1939)
Vaughan A. Blakemore (Washington & Lee University 1933)
Rosewell P. Bledsoe (Washington & Lee University 1909)
B. D. Bolt (Washington & Lee University 1958)
Charles C. Bonnett (Washington & Lee University 1965)
Richard A. Bowis (Washington & Lee University 1959)
William Brace (Washington & Lee University 1944)
Victor F. Bradley (Washington & Lee University 1876)
Thomas W. Bradley (Washington & Lee University 1939)
Kenneth J. Brethauer (Washington & Lee University 1961)
Andrew G. Briggs (Washington & Lee University 1926)
J. M. Bright (Washington & Lee University 1917)
Stuart A. Briscoe (Washington & Lee University 1920)
Ellis M. Bristow (Washington & Lee University 1915)
Frederick T. Bromm (Washington & Lee University 1942)
David W. Brown (Washington & Lee University 1905)
Lawrence W. Brown (Washington & Lee University 1919)
William E. Brown (Washington & Lee University 1949)
Donald F. Brown (Washington & Lee University 1950)
Kenneth D. Brown (Washington & Lee University 1953)
Herbert B. Bullene (Washington & Lee University 1934)
James B. Bullitt (Washington & Lee University 1891)
William S. Burns (Washington & Lee University 1938)
Richard I. Butler (Washington & Lee University 1932)
Charles S. Butts (Washington & Lee University 1960)
Franklin J. Byrd (Washington & Lee University 1938)
Jack W. Campbell (Washington & Lee University 1941)
Roger L. Campbell (Washington & Lee University 1947)
Stephen A. Campbell (Washington & Lee University 1934)
John G. Cargill (Washington & Lee University 1954)
Barton F. Carter (Washington & Lee University 1958)
William B. Carver (Washington & Lee University 1933)
Gray Castle (Washington & Lee University 1953)
Harvey G. Chaffer (Washington & Lee University 1949)
William F. Chew (Washington & Lee University 1968)
Fredric N. Clark (Washington & Lee University 1940)
Donald Clark (Washington & Lee University 1936)
Robert R. Cockrell (Washington & Lee University 1940)
Richard M. Coe (Washington & Lee University 1932)
Walter E. Coe (Washington & Lee University 1931)
John V. Coe (Washington & Lee University 1925)
Mathew D. Coiner (Washington & Lee University 1913)
William B. F. Cole (Washington & Lee University 1920)
Matthew W. Cook (Washington & Lee University 1993)
Joseph B. Copper (Washington & Lee University 1928)
John W. Corfield (Washington & Lee University 1928)
Roland E. Cote (Washington & Lee University 1949)
Mark V. Couy (Washington & Lee University 1975)
John W. Cover (Washington & Lee University 1922)
Douglas T. Cowart (Washington & Lee University 1924)
Berkeley Cox (Washington & Lee University 1914)
William J. Cox (Washington & Lee University 1917)
Nelson E. Cranford (Washington & Lee University 1919)
Donald K. Crawford (Washington & Lee University 1932)
Robert T. Crawford (Washington & Lee University 1939)
Ollinger Crenshaw (Washington & Lee University 1925)
Arthur M. Cromwell (Washington & Lee University 1919)
David S. Croyder (Washington & Lee University 1950)
Alfred C. Crymble (Washington & Lee University 1918)
Ellis K. Crymble (Washington & Lee University 1925)
William S. Currell (Washington & Lee University 1874)
Samuel F. Darnall (Washington & Lee University 1896)
William E. Darnall (Washington & Lee University 1892)
William E. Darnall (Washington & Lee University 1932)
Albert W. Daub (Washington & Lee University 1953)
John J. Davis (Washington & Lee University 1892)
Roy G. Davis (Washington & Lee University 1958)
Somers Davis (Washington & Lee University 1909)
Hayward F. Day (Washington & Lee University 1962)
H. C. Dearborn (Washington & Lee University 1924)
Roger S. Denu (Washington & Lee University 1955)
Lewis Deschler (Washington & Lee University 1953)
Chas A. Deshon (Washington & Lee University 1895)
William B. Dew (Washington & Lee University 1919)
John W. Deyo (Washington & Lee University 1942)
Paul O. Dickey (Washington & Lee University 1931)
Charles R. Disharoon (Washington & Lee University 1940)
Frank F. Dixon (Washington & Lee University 1937)
Winfield B. Donham (Washington & Lee University 1933)
Wilmer J. Dorsey (Washington & Lee University 1927)
Stanley A. Douglas (Washington & Lee University 1939)
Andrew B. Drafts (Washington & Lee University 1896)
Atwell Dugger (Washington & Lee University 1950)
Robert F. Duguay (Washington & Lee University 1953)
Edwin T. Dumble (Washington & Lee University 1868)
James H. Duncan (Washington & Lee University 1935)
Francis M. Durrance (Washington & Lee University 1907)
Thomas D. Durrance (Washington & Lee University 1938)
Hugh E. Eagan (Washington & Lee University 1928)
John C. Earle (Washington & Lee University 1950)
Everett C. Easter (Washington & Lee University 1949)
William J. Edmonds (Washington & Lee University 1868)
Anselm J. Eiband (Washington & Lee University 1930)
John L. Elliott (Washington & Lee University 1957)
Peyton D. English (Washington & Lee University 1870)
David C. Ennis (Washington & Lee University 1969)
George R. Eshelman (Washington & Lee University 1943)
W. C. Evans (Washington & Lee University 1944)
James R. Fain (Washington & Lee University 1919)
E. M. Faris (Washington & Lee University 1949)
W. W. Farrow (Washington & Lee University 1903)
Charles J. Faulkner (Washington & Lee University 1898)
Noah B. Feagin (Washington & Lee University 1870)
Thomas J. Fellin (Washington & Lee University 1986)
Harvey B. Fergusson (Washington & Lee University 1874)
Arthur L. Fern (Washington & Lee University 1955)
Robert H. Fields (Washington & Lee University 1951)
Dorsey S. Flagg (Washington & Lee University 1922)
Robert H. Flanagan (Washington & Lee University 1946)
William L. Flanagan (Washington & Lee University 1949)
Benjamin C. Flournoy (Washington & Lee University 1897)
Francis R. Flournoy (Washington & Lee University 1905)
Richard W. Flournoy (Washington & Lee University 1900)
Stephen A. Foley (Washington & Lee University 1983)
Wiley D. Forbus (Washington & Lee University 1916)
Louis L. Ford (Washington & Lee University 1903)
Guy N. Forrester (Washington & Lee University 1901)
Clarke C. Foster (Washington & Lee University 1941)
Earle R. Foster (Washington & Lee University 1954)
John M. Fowlkes (Washington & Lee University 1919)
Hamilton P. Fox (Washington & Lee University 1941)
William B. Fray (Washington & Lee University 1954)
William D. Frazier (Washington & Lee University 1925)
Edward W. Freeman (Washington & Lee University 1905)
Richard S. Freeman (Washington & Lee University 1943)
Roland S. Freeman (Washington & Lee University 1940)
Sherwin B. French (Washington & Lee University 1939)
Gustave A. Fritchie (Washington & Lee University 1919)
Gustavus D. Funk (Washington & Lee University 1927)
Walter P. Gaines (Washington & Lee University 1868)
Luther A. Galyon (Washington & Lee University 1934)
Christopher Garrett (Washington & Lee University 1868)
T. Graham Gibson (Washington & Lee University 1929)
Robert R. Giebel (Washington & Lee University 1944)
Bryant W. Gillespie (Washington & Lee University 1944)
Walter S. Gilmer (Washington & Lee University 1942)
John F. Ginestra (Washington & Lee University 1944)
Charles S. Glasgow (Washington & Lee University 1909)
Samuel M. Glasgow (Washington & Lee University 1903)
Robert Glasgow (Washington & Lee University 1900)
Robert O. Glasier (Washington & Lee University 1954)
Paul W. Glenn (Washington & Lee University 1923)
Bruce W. Godfrey (Washington & Lee University 1953)
Watson P. Gooch (Washington & Lee University 1896)
Ralph P. Grant (Washington & Lee University 1931)
John Green (Washington & Lee University 1868)
Robert L. Gregory (Washington & Lee University 1914)
Columbus D. Griffith (Washington & Lee University 1910)
Henry A. Grubbs (Washington & Lee University 1890)
Frank M. Guenther (Washington & Lee University 1956)
Julius C. Gunter (Washington & Lee University 1874)
Robert W. Guthrie (Washington & Lee University 1939)
Willis C. Hagan (Washington & Lee University 1914)
Reuben D. Haislip (Washington & Lee University 1875)
Henry Hall (Washington & Lee University 1902)
Augustus H. Hamilton (Washington & Lee University 1868)
William M. Hampton (Washington & Lee University 1923)
Ossie D. Hamrick (Washington & Lee University 1948)
Craig M. Hankins (Washington & Lee University 1974)
John A. Hanley (Washington & Lee University 1934)
Joseph J. Harding (Washington & Lee University 1936)
D. C. Harman (Washington & Lee University 1914)
Preston Hatcher (Washington & Lee University 1924)
William H. Hawkins (Washington & Lee University 1930)
Sargent Heath (Washington & Lee University 1958)
Charles M. Hecker (Washington & Lee University 1937)
Wyatt C. Hedrick (Washington & Lee University 1910)
Charles S. Heilig (Washington & Lee University 1925)
T. K. Helm (Washington & Lee University 1940)
William B. Henderson (Washington & Lee University 1893)
John F. Hendon (Washington & Lee University 1924)
James R. Hendrix (Washington & Lee University 1926)
Carroll G. Henkel (Washington & Lee University 1910)
W. G. Henkel (Washington & Lee University 1907)
Morris H. Hester (Washington & Lee University 1920)
Howard C. Hicks (Washington & Lee University 1914)
H. M. Hicks (Washington & Lee University 1952)
E. W. Higgins (Washington & Lee University 1958)
Stanley C. Higgins (Washington & Lee University 1935)
Robert J. Hiltabrand (Washington & Lee University 1944)
Kenneth E. Hines (Washington & Lee University 1922)
George C. Hixon (Washington & Lee University 1959)
Lloyd W. Hoagland (Washington & Lee University 1937)
Anderson D. Hodgdon (Washington & Lee University 1911)
W. R. Hoffman (Washington & Lee University 1950)
Cyrus D. Hogue (Washington & Lee University 1868)
Paul L. Holden (Washington & Lee University 1938)
Joseph E. Holladay (Washington & Lee University 1903)
John B. Holley (Washington & Lee University 1946)
Edgar F. Hollister (Washington & Lee University 1888)
V. A. Hollomon (Washington & Lee University 1965)
V. Van Alen Hollomon (Washington & Lee University 1928)
William O. Holmes (Washington & Lee University 1922)
John S. Hopewell (Washington & Lee University 1960)
John H. Hopkins (Washington & Lee University 1960)
William L. Hopkins (Washington & Lee University 1948)
Richard M. Hornaday (Washington & Lee University 1956)
Willis Houston (Washington & Lee University 1909)
Henry T. Howard (Washington & Lee University 1873)
Richard F. Hughes (Washington & Lee University 1992)
Fleet S. Hughlett (Washington & Lee University 1946)
David C. Humphreys (Washington & Lee University 1878)
Tucker G. Humphries (Washington & Lee University 1923)
Samuel A. Hundley (Washington & Lee University 1923)
Charles E. Hunt (Washington & Lee University 1955)
William C. Ingalls (Washington & Lee University 1949)
George J. Irwin (Washington & Lee University 1917)
John L. Jacob (Washington & Lee University 1931)
Lawrence E. Jarchow (Washington & Lee University 1950)
John H. Johnson (Washington & Lee University 1912)
Homer A. Jones (Washington & Lee University 1917)
Landon Y. Jones (Washington & Lee University 1938)
M. A. Jones (Washington & Lee University 1934)
Robert A. Jones (Washington & Lee University 1910)
Homer A. Jones (Washington & Lee University 1941)
H. T. Jordan (Washington & Lee University 1961)
James P. Jordan (Washington & Lee University 1935)
Russell W. Jordan (Washington & Lee University 1928)
Robert R. Kane (Washington & Lee University 1917)
Robert H. Keim (Washington & Lee University 1941)
D. P. Kelley (Washington & Lee University 1952)
Emmett R. Kelley (Washington & Lee University 1956)
Richard T. Kelley (Washington & Lee University 1935)
James F. Kelly (Washington & Lee University 1987)
William H. Kennedy (Washington & Lee University 1950)
Jack W. Kenney (Washington & Lee University 1929)
William C. Kern (Washington & Lee University 1923)
John W. Kern (Washington & Lee University 1921)
Thomas J. Kernan (Washington & Lee University 1874)
Raymond E. Kershner (Washington & Lee University 1922)
John M. Key (Washington & Lee University 1871)
Eldon P. King (Washington & Lee University 1916)
John F. King (Washington & Lee University 1929)
Benjamin F. Kirkpatrick (Washington & Lee University 1877)
John Kirkpatrick (Washington & Lee University 1914)
John L. Kirkpatrick (Washington & Lee University 1943)
Edward M. Kowal (Washington & Lee University 1974)
Eugene E. Krewson (Washington & Lee University 1935)
John F. Kuck (Washington & Lee University 1909)
Walter L. Kunau (Washington & Lee University 1951)
Allan O. Lambert (Washington & Lee University 1922)
E. C. Landis (Washington & Lee University 1904)
Michael W. Lau (Washington & Lee University 1942)
Edmund P. Lawrence (Washington & Lee University 1944)
Robert M. Lawrence (Washington & Lee University 1942)
James F. Ledbetter (Washington & Lee University 1965)
Willard E. Lee (Washington & Lee University 1922)
John R. Leggate (Washington & Lee University 1925)
R. S. Leonard (Washington & Lee University 1922)
Ainsley J. Lester (Washington & Lee University 1923)
Frank W. Lewis (Washington & Lee University 1871)
Carl E. Lischer (Washington & Lee University 1933)
Gordon R. Lloyd (Washington & Lee University 1942)
Floyd L. Lockett (Washington & Lee University 1922)
Robert P. London (Washington & Lee University 1926)
Frank H. Lovette (Washington & Lee University 1921)
Mark Lyons Jr. (Washington & Lee University 1928)
John I. Macey (Washington & Lee University 1937)
James D. Mahoney (Washington & Lee University 1928)
John A. Mahoney (Washington & Lee University 1917)
Basil M. Manly (Washington & Lee University 1907)
Edward L. Markham (Washington & Lee University 1936)
Russell V. Marler (Washington & Lee University 1950)
Echol S. Marshall (Washington & Lee University 1916)
Andrew B. Martin (Washington & Lee University 1925)
Robert W. Martin (Washington & Lee University 1926)
William T. Martin (Washington & Lee University 1931)
James M. Mason (Washington & Lee University 1898)
Robert F. Maver (Washington & Lee University 1952)
Wallace L. Maxwell (Washington & Lee University 1896)
D. E. Maxwell (Washington & Lee University 1901)
Robert B. Mayo (Washington & Lee University 1935)
Walter J. Maytham (Washington & Lee University 1952)
Robert L. McBride (Washington & Lee University 1932)
Neil McBrien (Washington & Lee University 1955)
Joy Y. McCandless (Washington & Lee University 1927)
Daniel McCarthy (Washington & Lee University 1963)
James B. McCeney (Washington & Lee University 1964)
John L. McChord (Washington & Lee University 1918)
J. M. McCrum (Washington & Lee University 1920)
Robert W. McCrum (Washington & Lee University 1905)
Frank McCutchan (Washington & Lee University 1909)
William D. McDavid (Washington & Lee University 1935)
James N. McKay (Washington & Lee University 1930)
Henry E. McLaughlin (Washington & Lee University 1940)
James H. McLeary (Washington & Lee University 1869)
C. J. McPheeters (Washington & Lee University 1904)
Samuel B. McPheeters (Washington & Lee University 1900)
T. S. McPheeters (Washington & Lee University 1904)
Robert A. McPherrin (Washington & Lee University 1954)
Charles A. Mead (Washington & Lee University 1944)
Max Meadors (Washington & Lee University 1910)
George A. Mears (Washington & Lee University 1919)
William P. Medcalf (Washington & Lee University 1934)
Frederick C. Mellen (Washington & Lee University 1928)
Neol C. Mellen (Washington & Lee University 1931)
Kenneth R. Merrill (Washington & Lee University 1943)
Henry T. Merritt (Washington & Lee University 1938)
Guy H. Michael (Washington & Lee University 1920)
Joseph R. Mighell III (Washington & Lee University 1940)
Francis P. Miller (Washington & Lee University 1914)
Henry W. Miller (Washington & Lee University 1907)
John G. Miller (Washington & Lee University 1917)
William F. Miller (Washington & Lee University 1877)
William M. Miller (Washington & Lee University 1912)
Cecil H. Minnich (Washington & Lee University 1924)
Charles A. Mixson (Washington & Lee University 1954)
Cary A. Moomaw (Washington & Lee University 1925)
James E. Moore (Washington & Lee University 1919)
Peter T. Moore (Washington & Lee University 1977)
William W. Moores (Washington & Lee University 1868)
George C. Moorhead (Washington & Lee University 1935)
Seth B. Moorhead (Washington & Lee University 1915)
Sidney T. Moreland (Washington & Lee University 1876)
H. G. Morison (Washington & Lee University 1930)
Turner Morison (Washington & Lee University 1936)
Gabriel L. Morton (Washington & Lee University 1871)
Hubert Moss (Washington & Lee University 1868)
Robert C. Moss (Washington & Lee University 1937)
William H. Mourning (Washington & Lee University 1892)
Grant E. Mouser (Washington & Lee University 1943)
Harold G. Mouser (Washington & Lee University 1946)
William C. Mulligan (Washington & Lee University 1932)
Dickson S. Mullin (Washington & Lee University 1935)
Joseph J. Mullins (Washington & Lee University 1952)
Peter W. Mullins (Washington & Lee University 1925)
Nelson C. Munger (Washington & Lee University 1874)
Houston C. Munson (Washington & Lee University 1957)
Ernest C. Muse (Washington & Lee University 1911)
Charles F. Myers (Washington & Lee University 1897)
Robert B. Myers (Washington & Lee University 1943)
John C. Nagle (Washington & Lee University 1936)
Henry C. Nall (Washington & Lee University 1904)
Matthew M. Neil (Washington & Lee University 1869)
John W. Nickels (Washington & Lee University 1950)
John H. Norberg (Washington & Lee University 1979)
Alvin J. Nye (Washington & Lee University 1930)
Willard W. Oliver (Washington & Lee University 1909)
George F. Ordeman (Washington & Lee University 1913)
Guy C. Oswalt (Washington & Lee University 1940)
Justin C. Owen (Washington & Lee University 1925)
A. C. Pagenstecher (Washington & Lee University 1933)
Frank M. Paget (Washington & Lee University 1922)
L. Secord Palmer (Washington & Lee University 1931)
Louis H. Palmer (Washington & Lee University 1928)
Philip E. Palmer (Washington & Lee University 1959)
William W. Palmer (Washington & Lee University 1927)
Rodes S. Parrish (Washington & Lee University 1939)
Donald H. Patterson (Washington & Lee University 1967)
Julian P. Patterson (Washington & Lee University 1931)
William D. Patterson (Washington & Lee University 1928)
Gorrell V. Patterson (Washington & Lee University 1933)
Alexander G. Paxton (Washington & Lee University 1878)
William K. Payne (Washington & Lee University 1925)
Frederick K. Pearman (Washington & Lee University 1931)
Prosper W. Peden (Washington & Lee University 1924)
John C. Peebles (Washington & Lee University 1984)
Robert K. Peffer (Washington & Lee University 1937)
Giles M. Penick (Washington & Lee University 1915)
Thomas B. Perkins (Washington & Lee University 1953)
Robert P. Perrin (Washington & Lee University 1942)
Bernard P. Peters (Washington & Lee University 1924)
Herbert G. Peters (Washington & Lee University 1917)
Pietro M. Petino (Washington & Lee University 1989)
James O. Phelps (Washington & Lee University 1934)
Charles H. Phillips (Washington & Lee University 1923)
Wilbur C. Pickett (Washington & Lee University 1952)
Andrew W. Pierpont (Washington & Lee University 1928)
Charles R. Pilkington (Washington & Lee University 1907)
John L. Porter (Washington & Lee University 1936)
Robert C. Potts (Washington & Lee University 1923)
Junius L. Powell (Washington & Lee University 1912)
Ralph E. Powell (Washington & Lee University 1909)
William L. Prather (Washington & Lee University 1871)
Thomas H. Pratt (Washington & Lee University 1916)
Ferdinand B. Price (Washington & Lee University 1929)
A. M. Pullen (Washington & Lee University 1936)
Joseph G. Pyle (Washington & Lee University 1912)
James W. Rainer (Washington & Lee University 1929)
John H. Randolph (Washington & Lee University 1929)
John B. Ranson (Washington & Lee University 1894)
Thomas D. Ranson (Washington & Lee University 1914)
Ronnie R. Ray (Washington & Lee University 1955)
Craig T. Reilly (Washington & Lee University 1984)
Robert W. Reinhold (Washington & Lee University 1932)
Luther E. Reynolds (Washington & Lee University 1925)
W. D. Rhinesmith (Washington & Lee University 1961)
H. E. Rietze (Washington & Lee University 1960)
H. E. Rietze (Washington & Lee University 1925)
William T. Riley (Washington & Lee University 1936)
Charles H. Ripple (Washington & Lee University 1905)
Littleton W. Roberts (Washington & Lee University 1953)
Rowan S. Robinson (Washington & Lee University 1934)
William H. Robinson (Washington & Lee University 1873)
Raymond R. Robrecht (Washington & Lee University 1959)
Milton B. Rogers (Washington & Lee University 1917)
Robert A. Rogers (Washington & Lee University 1876)
Cortlandt R. Rosebro (Washington & Lee University 1896)
Walter V. Ross (Washington & Lee University 1922)
James B. Rountree (Washington & Lee University 1924)
Dick B. Rouse (Washington & Lee University 1928)
Frank S. Royster (Washington & Lee University 1912)
Robert M. Russell (Washington & Lee University 1943)
Roscoe S. Russell (Washington & Lee University 1917)
Marion S. Sanders (Washington & Lee University 1917)
D. Cummins Satterwhite (Washington & Lee University 1899)
J. Richard Saunders (Washington & Lee University 1933)
Edward C. Schmidt (Washington & Lee University 1934)
Louis C. Schultz (Washington & Lee University 1940)
Harvey L. Sellers (Washington & Lee University 1877)
Eugene D. Seraphine (Washington & Lee University 1941)
William K. Sevier (Washington & Lee University 1943)
Robert W. Sharer (Washington & Lee University 1949)
Burrell L. Shaw (Washington & Lee University 1940)
Randolph C. Shaw (Washington & Lee University 1915)
Fred D. Shellabarger (Washington & Lee University 1940)
Seth Shepard (Washington & Lee University 1868)
James. F. Shepherd (Washington & Lee University 1954)
William B. Sheppard (Washington & Lee University 1931)
John H. Sherrill (Washington & Lee University 1939)
Franklin L. Shipman (Washington & Lee University 1954)
A. C. Sholl (Washington & Lee University 1945)
Edwin B. Shultz (Washington & Lee University 1916)
Lewis H. Shumate (Washington & Lee University 1932)
Jack B. Simmons (Washington & Lee University 1936)
Ewing D. Sloan (Washington & Lee University 1896)
Edward W. Smith (Washington & Lee University 1874)
Emerson V. Smith (Washington & Lee University 1921)
John R. Smith (Washington & Lee University 1926)
Kenneth G. Smith (Washington & Lee University 1941)
Milton H. Smith (Washington & Lee University 1945)
Robert A. Smith (Washington & Lee University 1919)
Robert C. Smith (Washington & Lee University 1950)
Samuel W. Smith (Washington & Lee University 1925)
Thomas C. Smith (Washington & Lee University 1933)
John J. Speight (Washington & Lee University 1908)
Hugh B. Sproul (Washington & Lee University 1894)
Mason M. Sproul (Washington & Lee University 1929)
Philip D. Sprouse (Washington & Lee University 1928)
John W. Stanley (Washington & Lee University 1943)
Donald T. Stant (Washington & Lee University 1910)
John J. Steitz (Washington & Lee University 1946)
Guy T. Steuart (Washington & Lee University 1953)
Mellor W. Stevenson (Washington & Lee University 1942)
George C. Stone (Washington & Lee University 1895)
David C. Storey (Washington & Lee University 1920)
Charles R. Stribling (Washington & Lee University 1917)
Ramon M. Suarez (Washington & Lee University 1942)
John L. Summers (Washington & Lee University 1935)
James S. Sutherland (Washington & Lee University 1943)
C. W. Swinford (Washington & Lee University 1943)
Arthur Tabb (Washington & Lee University 1904)
Rene L. Tallichet (Washington & Lee University 1936)
Russell B. Tarleton (Washington & Lee University 1916)
Donald J. Taylor (Washington & Lee University 1926)
William T. Thom (Washington & Lee University 1913)
Dudley B. Thomas (Washington & Lee University 1955)
James Thomas (Washington & Lee University 1914)
C. W. Thompson (Washington & Lee University 1922)
K. R. Thompson (Washington & Lee University 1949)
Stephen L. Thompson (Washington & Lee University 1961)
Wilbur L. Tilden (Washington & Lee University 1910)
Burnell B. Tips (Washington & Lee University 1928)
Albert C. Tipton (Washington & Lee University 1926)
Edward J. Tognetti (Washington & Lee University 1973)
J. P. Toles (Washington & Lee University 1952)
William W. Topp (Washington & Lee University 1872)
William J. Towler (Washington & Lee University 1931)
Earl M. Tucker (Washington & Lee University 1962)
Lenox B. Turnbull (Washington & Lee University 1906)
Martin R. Turnbull (Washington & Lee University 1906)
Walter H. Turpin (Washington & Lee University 1891)
Donald D. Vandling (Washington & Lee University 1937)
Charles P. VanSwearingen (Washington & Lee University 1921)
J. M. Vaught (Washington & Lee University 1930)
Hugh T. Verano (Washington & Lee University 1945)
William D. Vinson (Washington & Lee University 1870)
William E. Waddell (Washington & Lee University 1930)
Louis M. Walker (Washington & Lee University 1940)
James P. Walker (Washington & Lee University 1933)
Stanley A. Walton (Washington & Lee University 1962)
W. D. Ward (Washington & Lee University 1958)
Gerald H. Warthen (Washington & Lee University 1911)
Thomas E. Watkins (Washington & Lee University 1868)
James W. Watson (Washington & Lee University 1932)
Lansing S. T. Webb (Washington & Lee University 1930)
Stephenson Wells (Washington & Lee University 1938)
William E. Whaley (Washington & Lee University 1940)
Hugh S. White (Washington & Lee University 1899)
William White (Washington & Lee University 1932)
Archibald S. White (Washington & Lee University 1914)
Thomas S. White (Washington & Lee University 1913)
Eugene S. Wiggins (Washington & Lee University 1944)
Mont S. Williams (Washington & Lee University 1931)
Robert B. Williams (Washington & Lee University 1873)
Alfred B. Williams Jr. (Washington & Lee University 1910)
Lewis C. Williamson (Washington & Lee University 1950)
Beverly R. Wilson Jr. (Washington & Lee University 1932)
James D. Wilson (Washington & Lee University 1938)
John S. Wilson (Washington & Lee University 1877)
William E. Wilson (Washington & Lee University 1932)
Harry M. Wilson (Washington & Lee University 1929)
Davis B. Winfrey (Washington & Lee University 1911)
Walter J. Wingate (Washington & Lee University 1874)
William B. Wisdom (Washington & Lee University 1921)
Joseph E. Wolfe (Washington & Lee University 1929)
Austin V. Wood (Washington & Lee University 1942)
James A. Wood (Washington & Lee University 1924)
John D. Worthington (Washington & Lee University 1913)
Wiley R. Wright (Washington & Lee University 1954)
Newman M. Yeilding (Washington & Lee University 1951)
Alfred Caldwell (Washington College In Tennessee 1852)
N. B. Goforth (Washington College In Tennessee 1852)
F. N. Gorry (Washington College In Tennessee 1852)
J. H. Lovelace (Washington College In Tennessee 1852)
William McCampbell (Washington College In Tennessee 1852)
J. D. Thomas (Washington College In Tennessee 1852)
William H. Vernor (Washington College In Tennessee 1853)
Berkeley R. Bailey (Washington State University 1957)
James C. Bargelt (Washington State University 1991)
Peter S. Bidlake (Washington State University 1952)
Charles A. Bowers Jr. (Washington State University 1991)
John B. Camealy (Washington State University 1951)
Wallace S. Campbell (Washington State University 1956)
Newton Clark III (Washington State University 1959)
William H. Clarke (Washington State University 1965)
Daniel W. Clem (Washington State University 1958)
George T. Conn (Washington State University 1951)
Edward T. Cooney (Washington State University 1955)
Gerald P. Corderman (Washington State University 1964)
Wayne H. Crathorne (Washington State University 1961)
Jerry L. Cutshall (Washington State University 1966)
Gerald K. Dahmen (Washington State University 1955)
Kenneth G. David (Washington State University 1952)
James H. Duncan (Washington State University 1953)
Ronald M. Evans (Washington State University 1968)
Roy V. Felstad (Washington State University 1964)
Robert B. Flewelling (Washington State University 1953)
Sheldon R. Forest (Washington State University 1955)
John H. Foss (Washington State University 1951)
Gerald R. Fox (Washington State University 1959)
Karl M. Froula (Washington State University 1962)
Allan T. Goodwin (Washington State University 1950)
Alan A. Grant (Washington State University 1955)
John E. Grigsby (Washington State University 1978)
Ray E. Hard (Washington State University 1957)
Eric D. Hedeen (Washington State University 1987)
Michael P. Hickman (Washington State University 1995)
Leigh R. Higgins (Washington State University 1953)
Donald A. Holmes (Washington State University 1954)
Keith G. Hoyt (Washington State University 1994)
David L. Irving (Washington State University 1959)
Richard W. Jensen (Washington State University 1959)
Kevin R. Johnson (Washington State University 1978)
Thomas H. Johnson (Washington State University 1993)
Michael L. Keel (Washington State University 1971)
Gary Kellard (Washington State University 1959)
David L. Kludt (Washington State University 1966)
Carl G. Kretschmar (Washington State University 1965)
DeWayne R. Krueger (Washington State University 1952)
Alfred C. Lange (Washington State University 1955)
Robert L. Lean (Washington State University 1960)
Herbert V. Levinsky (Washington State University 1964)
Robert M. Martin (Washington State University 1965)
Dwain H. McIntosh (Washington State University 1954)
James H. McMahan (Washington State University 1956)
Earl L. Muir (Washington State University 1954)
Don O. Owens (Washington State University 1963)
Robert E. Potts (Washington State University 1963)
Earl F. Pratt (Washington State University 1951)
Thomas R. Proctor (Washington State University 1966)
Ralph R. Rawson (Washington State University 1951)
David B. Raymond (Washington State University 1950)
Donald R. Repp (Washington State University 1954)
Karl J. Schmid (Washington State University 1993)
Mark F. Schons (Washington State University 1977)
Charles E. Seim (Washington State University 1952)
William R. Shelchuk (Washington State University 1952)
Warren A. Starr (Washington State University 1958)
Warren D. Starr (Washington State University 1957)
Ronald D. Thue (Washington State University 1960)
Leo F. Trainer (Washington State University 1953)
Paul R. Troeh (Washington State University 1959)
Eugene B. Turner (Washington State University 1953)
Lewis F. Turner (Washington State University 1957)
Dale H. Walker (Washington State University 1964)
Wallace A. Walker (Washington State University 1950)
Mitchell L. Weiss (Washington State University 1949)
Peter A. Yager (Washington State University 1975)
David D. Zaback (Washington State University 1980)
John H. Brown (West Virginia University 1925)
William P. Burdette (West Virginia University 1930)
Raymond A. Burnham (West Virginia University 1977)
Carleton P. Dorsey (West Virginia University 1927)
James R. Doyle (West Virginia University 1988)
Earle L. Elmore (West Virginia University 1932)
Michael W. Gillum (West Virginia University 1986)
Thomas L. Hall (West Virginia University 1925)
Carroll R. Hawkins (West Virginia University 1936)
Herchel E. Henry (West Virginia University 1927)
William C. Holcomb (West Virginia University 1977)
Howard M. Kuehner (West Virginia University 1930)
Kermit A. Locke (West Virginia University 1929)
Edward J. Loy (West Virginia University 1931)
Frank M. Martin (West Virginia University 1926)
Kermit R. Mason (West Virginia University 1927)
Norman G. Mathieson (West Virginia University 1934)
Theodore M. McMillion (West Virginia University 1926)
Chad D. O'Dell (West Virginia University 1998)
Roger D. Oldaker (West Virginia University 1986)
Ralph W. Ryan (West Virginia University 1934)
William J. Seiber (West Virginia University 1999)
Ward D. Stone (West Virginia University 1930)
Harry G. Straw (West Virginia University 1933)
Alan E. Swinler (West Virginia University 1928)
Brian M. Weithenauer (West Virginia University 2014)
Edward J. Williams (West Virginia University 1935)
Kirk G. Barker (Western Michigan University 1980)
Robert L. Brown (Western Michigan University 1974)
Steven B. Buchanan (Western Michigan University 1977)
Eric A. Burgess (Western Michigan University 1997)
Jeffrey A. Carter (Western Michigan University 1977)
Mark A. Case (Western Michigan University 1980)
Patrick C. Flanigan (Western Michigan University 1994)
Mark H. Gall (Western Michigan University 1990)
Todd L. Minbiole (Western Michigan University 1993)
Joseph H. O'Connor (Western Michigan University 1979)
Richard T. Poppert (Western Michigan University 1978)
Warren A. Puggini (Western Michigan University 1988)
Glenn A. Rahn (Western Michigan University 1975)
Bruce A. Szewc (Western Michigan University 1980)
Brian Thornhill (Western Michigan University 1980)
Carl E. Trimble (Western Michigan University 1980)
Charles A. VanDoren (Western Michigan University 1975)
William E. Allen (Westminster College 1959)
James L. Anderson (Westminster College 1983)
David C. Baue (Westminster College 1956)
Thomas E. Baumgardner (Westminster College 1960)
Ray D. Berringer (Westminster College 1959)
William C. Berry (Westminster College 1950)
Richard C. Bexten (Westminster College 1953)
Paul A. Blessing (Westminster College 1951)
Roger W. Blumer (Westminster College 1956)
William P. Borcherding (Westminster College 1961)
Clark C. Bradshaw (Westminster College 1966)
George E. Brethauer (Westminster College 1949)
Orville L. Brotherton (Westminster College 1961)
Robert H. Calhoun (Westminster College 1974)
Albert B. Callaway (Westminster College 1948)
John A. Cameron (Westminster College 1953)
James A. Clarkson (Westminster College 1962)
Bruce H. Cleaver (Westminster College 1957)
James E. Coyle (Westminster College 1950)
Robert G. Cram (Westminster College 1953)
Walter W. Dalton (Westminster College 1930)
James C. Davis (Westminster College 1967)
William R. Dew (Westminster College 1960)
Harold D. Dickson (Westminster College 1957)
Russell E. Dillon (Westminster College 1983)
Ronald J. Donaldson (Westminster College 1959)
Billy W. Dunavant (Westminster College 1933)
Ray B. Duncan (Westminster College 1957)
Richard O. Edwards (Westminster College 1950)
William Emerson (Westminster College 1959)
James F. Fellingham (Westminster College 1961)
Walter N. Freeman (Westminster College 1968)
Lee L. Garner (Westminster College 1961)
David W. Gauss (Westminster College 1958)
Stanley L. Gelbach (Westminster College 1954)
John C. Gross (Westminster College 1953)
William W. Hall (Westminster College 1948)
William P. Harper Jr. (Westminster College 1964)
John P. Heideman (Westminster College 1957)
Alvah G. Heideman (Westminster College 1953)
Roy L. Herren (Westminster College 1959)
Maurice J. Hine (Westminster College 1950)
Henry B. Housh (Westminster College 1958)
Bert O. Howerton (Westminster College 1953)
Robert A. Jacobsmeyer (Westminster College 1952)
Robert S. Johnson (Westminster College 1962)
Howard R. Jones (Westminster College 1952)
John T. Kennish (Westminster College 1959)
Carl M. Kester (Westminster College 1950)
Adolph H. Kuhlman (Westminster College 1952)
Larry R. Lankard (Westminster College 1957)
Brainerd W. LaTourette (Westminster College 1952)
George H. Latta (Westminster College 1956)
Robert H. Lingenfelter (Westminster College 1956)
William P. Locke (Westminster College 1956)
David R. Mace (Westminster College 1950)
William B. Macfarlane (Westminster College 1957)
John T. Mackey (Westminster College 1960)
William H. Malone (Westminster College 1953)
Roy D. Manning (Westminster College 1956)
Charles M. McCann (Westminster College 1960)
Richard F. McCarter (Westminster College 1957)
Herbert V. McCoy (Westminster College 1950)
William J. McCudden (Westminster College 1965)
Thomas L. McDonald (Westminster College 1960)
William V. McKnelly (Westminster College 1951)
Robert N. Miller (Westminster College 1952)
Marvin W. Mills (Westminster College 1971)
David W. Minard (Westminster College 1952)
David B. Mitchell (Westminster College 1964)
James D. Moore (Westminster College 1956)
Evan L. Moser (Westminster College 1951)
Warren L. Moser (Westminster College 1952)
Carl R. Mueller (Westminster College 1965)
Robert J. Nemer (Westminster College 1956)
George V. Nichols (Westminster College 1955)
Robert I. Nicholson (Westminster College 1969)
Terry D. O'Neal (Westminster College 1968)
John B. Pedersen (Westminster College 1952)
Karl B. Pieper (Westminster College 1953)
William J. Raby (Westminster College 1965)
John W. Randolph (Westminster College 1948)
Allen N. Ray (Westminster College 1984)
Ralph F. Reeder (Westminster College 1949)
William P. Remick (Westminster College 1969)
Phillip L. Reynolds (Westminster College 1961)
Paul J. Ritter (Westminster College 1950)
Philip H. Sauer (Westminster College 1965)
Abraham J. Schippers (Westminster College 1948)
Robert L. Schmidt (Westminster College 1950)
Robert C. Schoenfeld (Westminster College 1960)
Henry N. Schweppe (Westminster College 1953)
Thomas R. Setzer (Westminster College 1963)
James A. Shaw (Westminster College 1971)
John G. Simpson (Westminster College 1961)
William M. Smith (Westminster College 1956)
Ernest L. Smithson (Westminster College 1960)
George T. Snelling II (Westminster College 1957)
Jeffrey G. Sonewald (Westminster College 1988)
W. J. Steakley (Westminster College 1973)
John W. Steinbeck (Westminster College 1952)
Ben B. Tarwater (Westminster College 1955)
Barry L. Tate (Westminster College 1978)
Francis J. Taylor (Westminster College 1951)
Laurence G. Tharp (Westminster College 1954)
Thomas S. Thomas (Westminster College 1966)
Frederick Wark (Westminster College 1975)
David J. Wiethop (Westminster College 1984)
Frank A. Wiley (Westminster College 1950)
Rhys A. Williams (Westminster College 1949)
John H. Witt (Westminster College 1952)
William W. Woehler (Westminster College 1954)
Douglas K. Zimmerman III (Westminster College 1976)
Edward C. Zimmerman (Westminster College 1952)
Claude F. Acree (William Jewell College 1912)
Howard D. Adams (William Jewell College 1959)
John W. Agee (William Jewell College 1947)
Jerome D. Alexander (William Jewell College 1926)
Charles G. Allen (William Jewell College 1910)
Thomas B. Allen (William Jewell College 1923)
Richard D. Alspaugh (William Jewell College 1948)
Carroll M. Amerine (William Jewell College 1949)
Lon G. Amick (William Jewell College 1942)
Eugene E. Amick (William Jewell College 1941)
Arvel F. Anderson (William Jewell College 1906)
Christopher Anderson (William Jewell College 1922)
Thomas J. Anderson (William Jewell College 1944)
John L. Anderson (William Jewell College 1926)
Francis D. Andrews (William Jewell College 1954)
Francis Gilbert Antoine (William Jewell College 1917)
Frank P. Armato (William Jewell College 1990)
James C. Armstrong (William Jewell College 1874)
Ara R. Ash (William Jewell College 1907)
Lee D. Ash (William Jewell College 1910)
Ara R. Ash (William Jewell College 1934)
Frank E. Atwood (William Jewell College 1902)
George F. Aull (William Jewell College 1937)
Angus B. Avery (William Jewell College 1888)
Cyrus S. Avery (William Jewell College 1897)
Howard G. Avery (William Jewell College 1888)
Walter W. Avery (William Jewell College 1893)
Samuel E. Babb (William Jewell College 1912)
George T. Babcock (William Jewell College 1908)
Clifford M. Bachman (William Jewell College 1962)
John R. Bagby (William Jewell College 1929)
Lew W. Bagby (William Jewell College 1915)
Oliver W. Bagby (William Jewell College 1911)
Ralph B. Bagby (William Jewell College 1914)
Robert E. Bagby (William Jewell College 1917)
Walter J. Bagby (William Jewell College 1923)
Edward O. Bailey (William Jewell College 1939)
George W. Bailey (William Jewell College 1937)
Alexander F. Baker (William Jewell College 1911)
Harry R. Bane (William Jewell College 1913)
Joseph W. Barfield (William Jewell College 1944)
Raymond U. Barr (William Jewell College 1932)
Stanley R. Barski (William Jewell College 1951)
John A. Barsness (William Jewell College 1946)
William D. Baskett (William Jewell College 1927)
Francis G. Bauer (William Jewell College 1948)
John L. Bean (William Jewell College 1966)
Jonathan D. Bean (William Jewell College 1996)
Frank C. Beck (William Jewell College 1935)
William F. Bell (William Jewell College 1915)
Hermon R. Benjamin (William Jewell College 1915)
James G. Berry (William Jewell College 1957)
J. B. Bethune (William Jewell College 1905)
William W. Billings (William Jewell College 1917)
D. H. Black (William Jewell College 1894)
Calvin B. Blair (William Jewell College 1952)
Chester M. Blythe (William Jewell College 1929)
Owen J. Boggess (William Jewell College 1934)
William D. Bolton (William Jewell College 1896)
Edwin R. Boswell (William Jewell College 1894)
H. V. Bower (William Jewell College 1933)
Alan H. Boyer (William Jewell College 1942)
James H. Bradshaw (William Jewell College 1951)
William O. Bradsher (William Jewell College 1929)
Joseph T. Brandom (William Jewell College 1946)
Alten C. Brewer (William Jewell College 1936)
Robert W. Bridges (William Jewell College 1917)
William C. Bridges (William Jewell College 1950)
Henry L. Bright (William Jewell College 1893)
Sterling P. Brite (William Jewell College 1889)
James A. Broaddus (William Jewell College 1946)
C. E. Brown (William Jewell College 1921)
Charles E. Brown (William Jewell College 1954)
Charles E. Brown (William Jewell College 1919)
William J. Bryan (William Jewell College 1954)
Clarence A. Buchanan (William Jewell College 1882)
Henry S. Burnham (William Jewell College 1891)
William A. Burns (William Jewell College 1939)
William L. Byars Jr. (William Jewell College 1929)
William C. Callis (William Jewell College 1961)
William A. Caneer (William Jewell College 1940)
Lawrence H. Carleton (William Jewell College 1911)
Thomas Carleton (William Jewell College 1905)
Forrest M. Carmack (William Jewell College 1928)
James S. Carpenter (William Jewell College 1909)
E. Y. Carter (William Jewell College 1898)
Hamly N. Carter (William Jewell College 1932)
Tyler H. Carter (William Jewell College 1920)
John M. Casebolt (William Jewell College 1951)
Charles J. Chaffee Jr. (William Jewell College 1952)
Charles C. Chandler (William Jewell College 1891)
Frank L. Chandler (William Jewell College 1929)
Campbell Chapman (William Jewell College 1929)
Samuel C. Chapman (William Jewell College 1943)
J. F. Charlesworth (William Jewell College 1938)
John S. Cheavens (William Jewell College 1894)
Guy B. Chenoweth (William Jewell College 1903)
Myron E. Clark (William Jewell College 1955)
James M. Cobb (William Jewell College 1894)
Rinaldo L. Cober (William Jewell College 1918)
Ralph V. Coder (William Jewell College 1926)
Walter I. Cole (William Jewell College 1890)
Allen B. Colfry (William Jewell College 1944)
Jesse B. Collins (William Jewell College 1898)
Lee S. Conner (William Jewell College 1917)
Marshall D. Conrad (William Jewell College 1945)
Everett F. Corwin (William Jewell College 1950)
Fred D. Courtney (William Jewell College 1949)
Donald L. Crain (William Jewell College 1954)
Donald C. Crawford (William Jewell College 1954)
Isaiah T. Creek (William Jewell College 1886)
Robert O. Criger (William Jewell College 1946)
Mark E. Crouch (William Jewell College 1964)
James G. Crowley (William Jewell College 1961)
Franklin F. Cunningham (William Jewell College 1921)
John A. Cunningham (William Jewell College 1925)
Robert J. Cunningham (William Jewell College 1925)
John S. Custer (William Jewell College 1907)
Donald W. Damer (William Jewell College 1962)
Harrison A. Daugherty (William Jewell College 1910)
John A. Daugherty (William Jewell College 1903)
Jennings R. David (William Jewell College 1940)
Christopher Davidson (William Jewell College 1968)
Thad C. Davidson (William Jewell College 1932)
David F. Davis (William Jewell College 1919)
Ennis D. Davis (William Jewell College 1923)
J. K. Davis (William Jewell College 1936)
John E. Davis (William Jewell College 1907)
John R. Davis (William Jewell College 1969)
Lewis A. Davis (William Jewell College 1921)
Richard C. Davis (William Jewell College 1956)
William E. Davis (William Jewell College 1934)
Cecil F. Dawson (William Jewell College 1915)
Hugh E. Dawson (William Jewell College 1924)
John E. Dietrich (William Jewell College 1949)
Lowell R. Ditzen (William Jewell College 1933)
Frank G. Dollis (William Jewell College 1907)
William P. Donnell (William Jewell College 1931)
Richard P. Dorris (William Jewell College 1915)
John R. Dow (William Jewell College 1922)
Charles W. Downing (William Jewell College 1889)
Herbert Doyle (William Jewell College 1894)
David A. Drinnin (William Jewell College 1972)
Oliver F. Duffy (William Jewell College 1928)
John C. Duggins (William Jewell College 1959)
Albert B. Duncan (William Jewell College 1886)
Donald K. Duncan (William Jewell College 1945)
Donald N. Duncan (William Jewell College 1935)
William M. Duncan (William Jewell College 1889)
Thomas E. Durden (William Jewell College 1941)
Alexander V. Dye (William Jewell College 1901)
Dowis L. Dyer (William Jewell College 1925)
Robert B. Echols (William Jewell College 1949)
John M. Edmund (William Jewell College 1940)
Ward H. Edwards (William Jewell College 1903)
Dean E. Ellenberger (William Jewell College 1950)
Lance F. Ellis (William Jewell College 1909)
Lance F. Ellis Jr. (William Jewell College 1937)
Lloyd A. Elrod (William Jewell College 1948)
Grant H. Emery (William Jewell College 1950)
J. R. Epperson (William Jewell College 1950)
Samuel E. Ewing (William Jewell College 1893)
John B. Ewing Jr. (William Jewell College 1942)
Rawlin C. Fear (William Jewell College 1891)
Keith D. Fenton (William Jewell College 1953)
Benjamin B. Few (William Jewell College 1926)
Thomas E. Fields (William Jewell College 1961)
Paul A. Findley (William Jewell College 1962)
Basil P. Finley (William Jewell College 1887)
William M. Fitch (William Jewell College 1893)
Merry D. Fleet (William Jewell College 1914)
Forest E. Fleming (William Jewell College 1919)
Robert T. Fletcher (William Jewell College 1928)
William B. Floyd (William Jewell College 1917)
Robert J. Flynn (William Jewell College 1945)
Richard M. Foote (William Jewell College 1946)
Charles E. Fowler (William Jewell College 1922)
Alan K. Fox (William Jewell College 1961)
John E. Franklin (William Jewell College 1884)
Edgar R. Frantz (William Jewell College 1962)
Larry L. Frazier (William Jewell College 1968)
Henry P. Fruit (William Jewell College 1907)
Herman Y. Gard (William Jewell College 1906)
Robert L. Gates (William Jewell College 1929)
David R. Gaumer (William Jewell College 1955)
Albert C. Gaw (William Jewell College 1894)
Edgar J. Gibbs (William Jewell College 1920)
George C. Giessing (William Jewell College 1915)
Charles F. Gill (William Jewell College 1918)
Everett Gill (William Jewell College 1920)
Everett Gill (William Jewell College 1890)
Clarence R. Gillespie (William Jewell College 1950)
Henry W. Gilliam (William Jewell College 1927)
James P. Gilmore (William Jewell College 1896)
Stephen D. Glidewell (William Jewell College 1974)
Emile O. Godfriaux (William Jewell College 1926)
Henry R. Godfriaux (William Jewell College 1915)
Marcel R. Godfriaux (William Jewell College 1926)
L. R. Godsey (William Jewell College 1906)
J. C. Goldman (William Jewell College 1897)
Steve B. Goodman (William Jewell College 1993)
Walter Goodnow (William Jewell College 1907)
Paul G. Gordon (William Jewell College 1925)
Lewis C. Gray (William Jewell College 1900)
Ennis E. Green (William Jewell College 1910)
Jesse R. Green (William Jewell College 1920)
William J. Green (William Jewell College 1921)
Elmer C. Griffith (William Jewell College 1898)
Harold W. Griffith (William Jewell College 1950)
Charles L. Guinn (William Jewell College 1941)
J. W. Gurley (William Jewell College 1902)
George C. Haas (William Jewell College 1911)
Kenneth C. Hadley (William Jewell College 1933)
Frank B. Haggard (William Jewell College 1909)
Billy D. Hahn (William Jewell College 1949)
Lewis M. Hale (William Jewell College 1910)
Jack W. Hall (William Jewell College 1938)
John M. Hall (William Jewell College 1934)
Wilford R. Hall (William Jewell College 1913)
William O. Hamilton (William Jewell College 1898)
Guy M. Hamm Jr. (William Jewell College 1931)
Albert R. Hammen (William Jewell College 1915)
Albert G. Hammett (William Jewell College 1930)
William C. Hankins (William Jewell College 1975)
Lee D. Hansen (William Jewell College 1962)
Jack L. Hanson (William Jewell College 1961)
Frank B. Harding (William Jewell College 1966)
Norton Hardwicke (William Jewell College 1903)
Baldwin E. Harl (William Jewell College 1879)
Maple T. Harl (William Jewell College 1914)
Robert L. Harman (William Jewell College 1959)
Roger B. Harmon (William Jewell College 1950)
Ben Harrelson (William Jewell College 1911)
Carrol E. Harris (William Jewell College 1919)
George E. Harris (William Jewell College 1915)
Phillip L. Harris (William Jewell College 1944)
William L. Harris (William Jewell College 1917)
David T. Harrison (William Jewell College 1946)
Le R. Harrison (William Jewell College 1942)
Benjamin L. Hart (William Jewell College 1933)
John E. Harvey (William Jewell College 1920)
Lashley G. Harvey (William Jewell College 1923)
Truman A. Harvey (William Jewell College 1914)
William W. Harvey (William Jewell College 1917)
David C. Hawley (William Jewell College 1940)
Robert S. Hays (William Jewell College 1922)
William P. Hays (William Jewell College 1953)
David E. Head (William Jewell College 1975)
Donald R. Head (William Jewell College 1961)
Le R. Heaton (William Jewell College 1948)
Don J. Henderson (William Jewell College 1962)
William B. Hennon (William Jewell College 1939)
Jack D. Henry (William Jewell College 1925)
James R. Henry (William Jewell College 1932)
John F. Herget (William Jewell College 1895)
Justin J. Hertling (William Jewell College 1996)
Robert F. Hessel (William Jewell College 1946)
Victor E. Hessel (William Jewell College 1920)
Frank W. Hester (William Jewell College 1967)
John R. Hickerson (William Jewell College 1914)
Joseph H. Hill (William Jewell College 1962)
Joseph R. Hill (William Jewell College 1950)
Richard C. Hilton (William Jewell College 1936)
Wallace A. Hilton (William Jewell College 1933)
J. F. Hipple (William Jewell College 1928)
Selden B. Hirni (William Jewell College 1963)
Leland B. Hirst (William Jewell College 1923)
Walter H. Hoefener (William Jewell College 1950)
Robert C. Hoel (William Jewell College 1940)
Alexander L. Holden (William Jewell College 2017)
Robert N. Holder (William Jewell College 1948)
Robert J. Holmes (William Jewell College 1890)
Mark D. Holtze (William Jewell College 1986)
Charles J. Hoover (William Jewell College 1928)
Louis A. House (William Jewell College 1920)
Bob R. Howard (William Jewell College 1960)
Charles R. Howard (William Jewell College 1900)
E. L. Howard (William Jewell College 1894)
Herbert L. Howard (William Jewell College 1897)
John C. Howard (William Jewell College 1940)
John M. Howard (William Jewell College 1938)
Richard Y. Howard (William Jewell College 1940)
Warren M. Huff (William Jewell College 1941)
A. M. Hull (William Jewell College 1938)
William B. Hull (William Jewell College 1943)
H. H. Hulten (William Jewell College 1897)
Harold G. Hungate (William Jewell College 1933)
Arthur B. Hunt (William Jewell College 1924)
Edward L. Hunt (William Jewell College 1945)
Howard J. Huntsberry (William Jewell College 1930)
Frederick W. Hurd (William Jewell College 1930)
Frederick A. Huse (William Jewell College 1908)
Bennett C. Hyde (William Jewell College 1892)
Flave G. Ingram (William Jewell College 1892)
Phillip L. Isley (William Jewell College 1956)
Thurston F. Isley (William Jewell College 1927)
Walter E. Jackson (William Jewell College 1893)
Marvin F. James Jr. (William Jewell College 1974)
William R. Jaques (William Jewell College 1955)
Carl C. Jenkins (William Jewell College 1918)
Richard A. Jenkins Jr. (William Jewell College 1930)
Williston L. Jennings (William Jewell College 1889)
James T. Jesse (William Jewell College 1897)
Norman L. Jeter (William Jewell College 1921)
William H. Jewell (William Jewell College 1954)
Francis B. Johnson (William Jewell College 1949)
George S. Johnson (William Jewell College 1921)
Gordon M. Johnson (William Jewell College 1957)
Phillip F. Johnson (William Jewell College 1924)
Robert C. Johnson (William Jewell College 1929)
William H. Johnson (William Jewell College 1929)
Charles R. Johnston (William Jewell College 1922)
Rufus P. Johnston (William Jewell College 1888)
Charles W. Jones (William Jewell College 1948)
George T. Jones (William Jewell College 1948)
John P. Jones (William Jewell College 1942)
Lawrence E. Jones (William Jewell College 1911)
Paul Lucas Jones (William Jewell College 1916)
Robert O. Jones (William Jewell College 1951)
John P. Jurco (William Jewell College 1964)
Ernst M. Justus (William Jewell College 1925)
Forist R. Keith (William Jewell College 1933)
Scott P. Kellogg (William Jewell College 1943)
Claude D. Kelly (William Jewell College 1891)
Robert W. Kelly (William Jewell College 1940)
Richard W. Kerlin (William Jewell College 1928)
F. R. Kerns (William Jewell College 1962)
Royal F. Ketchum (William Jewell College 1930)
Fred Kevetter (William Jewell College 1949)
James L. Kiely (William Jewell College 1925)
Herbert P. Kimzey (William Jewell College 1913)
Charles A. Kindred (William Jewell College 1937)
Stephen O. Kinnard (William Jewell College 1968)
Kenneth N. Kirby (William Jewell College 1961)
Lorin B. Kirtley (William Jewell College 1910)
George Kriehn (William Jewell College 1887)
Adolf H. Kunz (William Jewell College 1924)
J. L. Kyle (William Jewell College 1904)
Leonard J. Lang (William Jewell College 1941)
J. Lawson Laprelle (William Jewell College 1916)
Lyle H. Laughlin (William Jewell College 1948)
Raymond O. Lavery (William Jewell College 1948)
Charles S. Lemons (William Jewell College 1909)
Richard E. Lewis (William Jewell College 1916)
William M. Lewis (William Jewell College 1891)
Leo E. Liegerot (William Jewell College 1902)
John D. Liljestrand (William Jewell College 1948)
Lorenzo H. Lindau (William Jewell College 1918)
S. Paul Lindau (William Jewell College 1909)
Arthur R. Lindburg (William Jewell College 1915)
Richard H. Lindsay (William Jewell College 1886)
Philip M. Linneer (William Jewell College 1931)
George E. Lipe (William Jewell College 1927)
Milan B. Littell (William Jewell College 1931)
Earl J. Long (William Jewell College 1904)
Forrest E. Long (William Jewell College 1917)
John G. Long (William Jewell College 1900)
Lee B. Long (William Jewell College 1934)
William E. Long (William Jewell College 1912)
H. Robert Loughrey (William Jewell College 1950)
Elmer A. Love (William Jewell College 1919)
Franklin H. Love (William Jewell College 1923)
William L. Love (William Jewell College 1921)
George F. Lowe (William Jewell College 1931)
James R. Lowe (William Jewell College 1946)
William A. Lowery (William Jewell College 1925)
Harold D. Mabrey (William Jewell College 1920)
John P. Mabrey (William Jewell College 1949)
Robert E. Mabrey (William Jewell College 1939)
Malcolm A. MacDonald (William Jewell College 1931)
Chester T. Magill (William Jewell College 1917)
Robert T. Magill (William Jewell College 1946)
F. L. Major (William Jewell College 1941)
Frederick L. Major (William Jewell College 1911)
Samuel S. Major (William Jewell College 1917)
Stephen S. Major (William Jewell College 1891)
Marens Maltby (William Jewell College 1941)
Ben R. Mantz (William Jewell College 1943)
Floyd D. Marriott (William Jewell College 1932)
James T. Marsh (William Jewell College 1887)
William H. Marsh (William Jewell College 1949)
Charles F. Martin (William Jewell College 1904)
Charles W. Martin (William Jewell College 1901)
Christopher H. Martin (William Jewell College 1926)
Henry L. Martin (William Jewell College 1918)
Chester L. Maul (William Jewell College 1931)
Hugh H. Mayberry (William Jewell College 1952)
Hugh T. Mayberry (William Jewell College 1915)
Myers M. Mayberry (William Jewell College 1919)
Robert J. Mayfield (William Jewell College 1960)
J. E. McAtee (William Jewell College 1907)
Elmer A. McCaskill (William Jewell College 1909)
Oscar W. McCaskill (William Jewell College 1910)
Donald L. McClain (William Jewell College 1947)
Edward F. McClain (William Jewell College 1914)
Robert W. McClelland (William Jewell College 1887)
Thomas J. McClelland (William Jewell College 1897)
William W. McClintic (William Jewell College 1921)
Milburn P. McComas (William Jewell College 1922)
Bertrand L. McConn (William Jewell College 1921)
Luke W. McCrory (William Jewell College 1903)
Kirk McDaniel (William Jewell College 1926)
Lex McDaniel (William Jewell College 1899)
Wesley Z. McKellar (William Jewell College 2015)
Marion K. McKinney (William Jewell College 1927)
W. F. McLawry (William Jewell College 1908)
Walter D. McQuie (William Jewell College 1921)
Homer McWilliams (William Jewell College 1891)
Donald P. Meffert (William Jewell College 1955)
Arthur B. Merritt (William Jewell College 1914)
James S. Merritt (William Jewell College 1939)
Ralph E. Merritt (William Jewell College 1918)
Harry E. Messick (William Jewell College 1892)
Clarence J. Miller (William Jewell College 1915)
Enoch H. Miller (William Jewell College 1872)
James A. Miller (William Jewell College 1899)
Jesse W. Miller Jr. (William Jewell College 1916)
J. W. Million (William Jewell College 1887)
William F. Million (William Jewell College 1928)
Edward C. Modes (William Jewell College 1938)
William F. Modes (William Jewell College 1940)
William H. Momyer (William Jewell College 1893)
Thomas Monroe (William Jewell College 1911)
Herman L. Montgomery (William Jewell College 1925)
Charles W. Moore (William Jewell College 1887)
Lynn W. Moore (William Jewell College 1927)
Vernon E. Moore (William Jewell College 1928)
Robert P. Morf (William Jewell College 1939)
Joseph E. Morgan (William Jewell College 1942)
Stephen W. Morris (William Jewell College 1967)
James J. Morrow (William Jewell College 1886)
Leon M. Morton (William Jewell College 1949)
James H. Mosley (William Jewell College 1944)
Carey L. Motley (William Jewell College 1912)
Guy C. Motley (William Jewell College 1909)
Marion Y. Motley (William Jewell College 1908)
Robert C. Mount (William Jewell College 1950)
Willard B. Moyer (William Jewell College 1941)
Kevin L. Muhs (William Jewell College 1978)
Robert E. Murphy Jr. (William Jewell College 1965)
Robert A. Murray (William Jewell College 1976)
Richard R. Myall (William Jewell College 1944)
William L. Nash (William Jewell College 1891)
Paul D. Neidig (William Jewell College 1928)
Robert L. Neighbor (William Jewell College 1955)
Charles O. Nelson (William Jewell College 1896)
Edgar C. Nelson (William Jewell College 1907)
Robert T. Nelson (William Jewell College 1958)
Robert W. Nelson (William Jewell College 1910)
Thomas A. Nelson (William Jewell College 1956)
Raymond L. Neth (William Jewell College 1947)
Harold L. Neubert (William Jewell College 1946)
Charles P. Newman (William Jewell College 1922)
Harris R. Newman (William Jewell College 1923)
Irvin M. Newman (William Jewell College 1921)
Lance W. Newman (William Jewell College 1881)
Dean G. Nicholson (William Jewell College 1982)
Robert R. Nigh (William Jewell College 1947)
Hugh H. Norris (William Jewell College 1929)
George E. Norton (William Jewell College 1888)
John W. Norton (William Jewell College 1878)
Arthur J. Norvell (William Jewell College 1888)
Samuel S. Nowlin (William Jewell College 1897)
William F. Ogg (William Jewell College 1895)
Elmer F. Ogilvie (William Jewell College 1898)
John E. Oliver (William Jewell College 1882)
Charles S. Osgood (William Jewell College 1926)
Gilbert F. Palmer (William Jewell College 1954)
Judson L. Palmer (William Jewell College 1937)
Harry G. Parker (William Jewell College 1892)
William E. Partee (William Jewell College 1925)
Sharon J. Pate (William Jewell College 1921)
William A. Pearce (William Jewell College 1912)
William J. Peterman (William Jewell College 1920)
Gary D. Phelps (William Jewell College 1970)
Hampson P. Philbrick (William Jewell College 1939)
David A. Pierce (William Jewell College 1926)
Walker Pierce (William Jewell College 1924)
Alfred W. Pitts (William Jewell College 1888)
John A. Pitts (William Jewell College 1917)
Sam Y. Pitts (William Jewell College 1914)
Samuel H. Pitts (William Jewell College 1897)
Winston M. Pitts (William Jewell College 1925)
Allen C. Pixlee (William Jewell College 1926)
James E. Pixlee (William Jewell College 1932)
Stonewall J. Plummer (William Jewell College 1891)
James S. Polk (William Jewell College 1918)
John W. Porter (William Jewell College 1903)
Jerome D. Potts (William Jewell College 1953)
Frank M. Powell Sr. (William Jewell College 1912)
William H. Price (William Jewell College 1915)
Arthur W. Prince (William Jewell College 1904)
Chester J. Prince (William Jewell College 1906)
C. Columbus Proctor (William Jewell College 1891)
David P. Proctor (William Jewell College 1918)
David R. Pulliam (William Jewell College 1922)
Richard D. Quisenberry (William Jewell College 1889)
Hubert H. Raborn (William Jewell College 1950)
Bobby R. Raines (William Jewell College 1949)
Richard B. Ramage (William Jewell College 1956)
Francis W. Randolph (William Jewell College 1884)
Allen M. Ransdell (William Jewell College 1955)
Julius C. Rathmann (William Jewell College 1935)
Harvey C. Ray (William Jewell College 1944)
Harvey E. Raymond Jr. (William Jewell College 1965)
William N. Reagan (William Jewell College 1944)
Ralph G. Reames (William Jewell College 1950)
Lawrence C. Reasor (William Jewell College 1921)
John T. Rector (William Jewell College 1922)
Don C. Redding (William Jewell College 1944)
Carroll E. Reed (William Jewell College 1961)
Frank Reed (William Jewell College 1898)
Gene Reed (William Jewell College 1950)
Stephen T. Reed (William Jewell College 1989)
Forrest L. Rhoades (William Jewell College 1913)
Herbert Rhoades (William Jewell College 1902)
Lloyd F. Richardson (William Jewell College 1941)
Richard P. Rider (William Jewell College 1900)
Julian C. Risk (William Jewell College 1911)
William P. Risk (William Jewell College 1911)
Charles W. Rixey (William Jewell College 1948)
William R. Roane (William Jewell College 1951)
Leslie F. Robbins (William Jewell College 1921)
Braxton L. Roberts (William Jewell College 1916)
Charles A. Robins (William Jewell College 1907)
Archie C. Robinson (William Jewell College 1920)
Conrad L. Robinson (William Jewell College 1916)
Robert E. Rogers (William Jewell College 1963)
James H. Rone (William Jewell College 1949)
William P. Rose (William Jewell College 1954)
Marion H. Ross (William Jewell College 1918)
Gideon F. Rothwell (William Jewell College 1883)
John H. Rothwell (William Jewell College 1880)
Younger P. Rothwell (William Jewell College 1886)
Albert Rowell (William Jewell College 1900)
David G. Rowland (William Jewell College 1954)
George M. Royster (William Jewell College 1909)
X. R. Royster (William Jewell College 1910)
Robert M. Rude (William Jewell College 1930)
Donald M. Rusk (William Jewell College 1945)
Harvey W. Rusk (William Jewell College 1942)
Robert F. Rusk (William Jewell College 1946)
Edward J. Rychel (William Jewell College 1929)
P. A. Salveter (William Jewell College 1985)
Roy G. Sanders (William Jewell College 1915)
William J. Sanderson (William Jewell College 1956)
L. D. Sands (William Jewell College 1907)
Edwin B. Sanger (William Jewell College 1933)
David W. Sarver (William Jewell College 1959)
J. H. Satterfield (William Jewell College 1913)
John W. Sawyer (William Jewell College 1931)
William G. Schaefer (William Jewell College 1936)
George C. Schafer (William Jewell College 1948)
Frederick P. Schell (William Jewell College 1944)
Harold R. Schmidt (William Jewell College 1948)
Gary G. Schneider (William Jewell College 1963)
Herbert H. Schwamb (William Jewell College 1919)
Theodore W. Schwamb (William Jewell College 1926)
Jerald G. Scofield (William Jewell College 1950)
D. Dana Scrivner (William Jewell College 1961)
James M. Semple (William Jewell College 1891)
Nathaniel M. Semple (William Jewell College 1894)
Richard C. Semple (William Jewell College 1897)
Robert B. Semple (William Jewell College 1860)
William T. Semple (William Jewell College 1900)
John R. Seward (William Jewell College 1935)
Harvey R. Shanklin (William Jewell College 1948)
Mark B. Sharp (William Jewell College 1986)
Edward B. Shaw (William Jewell College 1892)
Charles L. Shiner (William Jewell College 1952)
Rueben H. Shipp Jr. (William Jewell College 1926)
Carl B. Short (William Jewell College 1971)
Carl B. Short (William Jewell College 1943)
Frank O. Shouse (William Jewell College 1906)
Louis W. Shouse (William Jewell College 1887)
Lynn W. Shouse (William Jewell College 1904)
Thomas J. Shouse (William Jewell College 1938)
A. Beatty Silvius (William Jewell College 1931)
George A. Silvius (William Jewell College 1929)
Richard C. Sims (William Jewell College 1950)
Calvin R. Skeen (William Jewell College 1951)
Floyd I. Skirvin (William Jewell College 1909)
William L. Slater (William Jewell College 1975)
Charles L. Smith (William Jewell College 1950)
Gervis D. Smith (William Jewell College 1920)
Stanley L. Smith (William Jewell College 1922)
Rolla N. Soper (William Jewell College 1895)
John W. Sowers (William Jewell College 1950)
Wilber B. Spalding (William Jewell College 1952)
Medford E. Speaker (William Jewell College 1946)
James W. Spelman (William Jewell College 1953)
A. G. Spizzirri (William Jewell College 1943)
Berry W. Stanley (William Jewell College 1934)
Richard B. Stanton (William Jewell College 1963)
Cecil E. Stemmons Jr. (William Jewell College 1913)
Gary R. Stevens (William Jewell College 1956)
Charles M. Stevenson Sr. (William Jewell College 1925)
James W. Stockton (William Jewell College 1887)
Truman A. Stockton (William Jewell College 1902)
Robert W. Stogdale (William Jewell College 1894)
Edwin W. Stone (William Jewell College 1897)
Miller S. Stone (William Jewell College 1900)
Eugene B. Street (William Jewell College 1907)
James A. Street (William Jewell College 1924)
John D. Street (William Jewell College 1923)
Charles D. Strickler (William Jewell College 1941)
George R. Stroud (William Jewell College 1922)
Henry C. Stubbs (William Jewell College 1922)
Buddy R. Sumpter (William Jewell College 1961)
Walter C. Swarner (William Jewell College 1912)
William A. Swink (William Jewell College 1924)
John J. Swinney (William Jewell College 1920)
Frederick Sykes (William Jewell College 1916)
Raymond M. Symonds (William Jewell College 1931)
Foster L. Talge (William Jewell College 1934)
Kenneth L. Tapp (William Jewell College 1960)
Lewis W. Tapp (William Jewell College 1951)
Marion S. Taylor (William Jewell College 1909)
Lowry M. Terry (William Jewell College 1930)
Benjamin B. Thomas (William Jewell College 1919)
Robert H. Thomas (William Jewell College 1913)
Robert S. Thomas (William Jewell College 1933)
Arthur M. Thornhill (William Jewell College 1942)
Winn M. Thurman (William Jewell College 1949)
Claude H. Tinsley Jr. (William Jewell College 1932)
Paul C. Todd (William Jewell College 1949)
William J. Todd (William Jewell College 1909)
Richard A. Treat (William Jewell College 1955)
Francis H. Trimble (William Jewell College 1889)
Frank H. Trimble (William Jewell College 1926)
Keith B. Trotter (William Jewell College 1942)
Aubrey P. Truex (William Jewell College 1923)
Eldone H. Truex (William Jewell College 1917)
Harvey E. Truex (William Jewell College 1887)
Emmett C. Tucker (William Jewell College 1909)
Robert C. Turner (William Jewell College 1964)
Wayne S. Turner (William Jewell College 1915)
Robert D. Turpin (William Jewell College 1908)
William J. Turpin (William Jewell College 1941)
Arthur C. Tutt (William Jewell College 1917)
Edward N. Tutt (William Jewell College 1917)
Robert M. Tutt (William Jewell College 1920)
William VanNote (William Jewell College 1966)
Corwin H. Vencill (William Jewell College 1928)
Paul Vinyard (William Jewell College 1937)
Hopkins Wade (William Jewell College 1914)
George E. Wainscott (William Jewell College 1926)
Donald C. Waits (William Jewell College 1958)
George A. Wallace (William Jewell College 1931)
Hugh A. Wallace (William Jewell College 1932)
Thomas E. Wardell (William Jewell College 1926)
Jerry L. Warman (William Jewell College 1957)
Robert S. Warren (William Jewell College 1929)
Lloyd S. Waterman (William Jewell College 1918)
Robert J. Waters (William Jewell College 1915)
William B. Waters (William Jewell College 1937)
Edwin C. Watson (William Jewell College 1945)
William A. Watson (William Jewell College 1933)
Willis H. Watson (William Jewell College 1931)
Eran A. Weaver (William Jewell College 1945)
Albert E. Webb (William Jewell College 1914)
Robert A. Weber (William Jewell College 1942)
Edwin D. Weir (William Jewell College 1957)
Samuel B. Wells (William Jewell College 1922)
Wellington M. Westbrook (William Jewell College 1909)
Cornelius A. Westbrook (William Jewell College 1933)
Theodore S. Wheat (William Jewell College 1947)
Price H. Wheeler (William Jewell College 1914)
Alan F. Wherritt (William Jewell College 1917)
Kenneth E. White (William Jewell College 1966)
Mont H. Widener (William Jewell College 1934)
Odis O. Wilkerson (William Jewell College 1909)
Albert B. Wilkinson (William Jewell College 1917)
Ferdinand J. Wilkinson Jr. (William Jewell College 1920)
Byron E. Williams (William Jewell College 1926)
Harold V. Williams (William Jewell College 1921)
John W. Williams (William Jewell College 1926)
Ramoth P. Williams (William Jewell College 1917)
Robert L. Williams (William Jewell College 1941)
Roger Williams (William Jewell College 1910)
Barnett R. Williams (William Jewell College 1928)
Louis K. Williamson (William Jewell College 1896)
William J. Williamson (William Jewell College 1893)
Albert M. Wilson (William Jewell College 1912)
Bayard C. Wilson (William Jewell College 1914)
Gordon C. Wilson (William Jewell College 1913)
William A. Wilson (William Jewell College 1877)
Brig Gen. Robert F. Winger (William Jewell College 1950)
Maurice H. Winger (William Jewell College 1897)
Gerald V. Wingo (William Jewell College 1957)
James H. Winn (William Jewell College 1906)
John W. Wiseman (William Jewell College 1952)
Conn Withers (William Jewell College 1928)
Robert S. Withers (William Jewell College 1897)
Webster Withers (William Jewell College 1900)
Charles T. Witthaus (William Jewell College 1947)
E. H. Wood (William Jewell College 1940)
James F. Wood (William Jewell College 1931)
Kemp M. Woods (William Jewell College 1933)
Samuel C. Woodson (William Jewell College 1921)
Earl G. Woolf (William Jewell College 1916)
Francis C. Wornall (William Jewell College 1876)
John B. Wornall (William Jewell College 1925)
John B. Wornall (William Jewell College 1893)
David D. Wright (William Jewell College 1980)
Gordon D. Wright (William Jewell College 1894)
E. M. Wymore (William Jewell College 1898)
Charles E. Yancey (William Jewell College 1890)
Leighton B. Yancey (William Jewell College 1891)
William B. Yancey (William Jewell College 1899)
William B. Yancey (William Jewell College 1912)
Ronald S. Yates (William Jewell College 1941)
Allan W. Zimmerman (William Jewell College 1963)
William E. Abbott (Williams College 1936)
Alexander E. W. Ada Jr. (Williams College 1955)
H. B. Adams (Williams College 1922)
Harold M. Adams (Williams College 1915)
Archibald J. Allen (Williams College 1907)
John F. Allen (Williams College 1930)
Robert H. Allen (Williams College 1943)
Samuel E. Allen (Williams College 1903)
John D. Altobello (Williams College 1945)
Charles H. Amerling Jr. (Williams College 1930)
Stanley H. Andrews (Williams College 1929)
Ferris M. Angevin (Williams College 1916)
John J. Angevin (Williams College 1945)
Ernest G. Angevine (Williams College 1923)
Jay B. Angevine (Williams College 1911)
Howard A. Appell (Williams College 1933)
Leland T. Arthur (Williams College 1929)
Thomas C. Atchison (Williams College 1914)
A. E. Aub (Williams College 1908)
Howard C. Babbitt (Williams College 1926)
Edward L. Bacher (Williams College 1911)
Charles L. Bacon (Williams College 1946)
Henry R. Bacon (Williams College 1913)
James F. Bacon (Williams College 1898)
John L. Bacon (Williams College 1948)
Bierce Bailey (Williams College 1910)
Edward S. Baker (Williams College 1943)
Herman O. Baker (Williams College 1944)
John A. Baldinger (Williams College 1938)
Peter Ball (Williams College 1935)
Philip W. Bange (Williams College 1941)
Evan M. Barton (Williams College 1924)
Gilbert R. Barton (Williams College 1930)
Malcolm S. Barton (Williams College 1924)
John G. Bartram (Williams College 1914)
Briggs Baugh (Williams College 1949)
Harland W. Baxter (Williams College 1923)
John W. Beal (Williams College 1939)
William N. Becker (Williams College 1926)
Richard W. Beckler (Williams College 1961)
Merrill C. Behre (Williams College 1950)
James R. Beirnes (Williams College 1944)
Wilmot K. Bell (Williams College 1925)
Rulef C. Bennett (Williams College 1924)
David M. Benson (Williams College 1940)
Hughes M. Benson (Williams College 1907)
Jeffrey P. Bergstein (Williams College 1965)
Herbert L. Betham (Williams College 1926)
Robert M. Bilder (Williams College 1933)
Edmond W. Billetdoux (Williams College 1901)
C. Coleman Bird (Williams College 1966)
Leonard W. Blake (Williams College 1927)
Edward S. Bliss (Williams College 1926)
George W. Bliss Jr. (Williams College 1920)
William B. Bliss (Williams College 1897)
John K. Blitz (Williams College 1920)
Charles W. Bonner (Williams College 1918)
Hoyt C. Bonner (Williams College 1920)
Albert Bonynge (Williams College 1924)
Robert W. Booth (Williams College 1937)
Richard S. Bowers (Williams College 1950)
Roger W. Brace (Williams College 1926)
John T. Brainard (Williams College 1929)
Malcolm E. Bramley (Williams College 1932)
Clement A. Bramley (Williams College 1928)
Ronald Bratches (Williams College 1956)
Howard A. Briggs (Williams College 1897)
Daniel M. Brigham (Williams College 1921)
George W. Brodie (Williams College 1915)
Donald A. Brown (Williams College 1938)
Fred L. Brown (Williams College 1899)
Horace H. Brown (Williams College 1920)
Ross M. Brown (Williams College 1940)
John E. Brownell (Williams College 1954)
Harold L. Bruce (Williams College 1908)
George F. Bryant (Williams College 1953)
Trescott A. Buell (Williams College 1922)
William H. Bulkeley (Williams College 1920)
Miles G. Burford (Williams College 1941)
John H. Burr (Williams College 1954)
Frank E. Burrows (Williams College 1920)
Frederick A. Burwell (Williams College 1920)
Robert M. Busselle (Williams College 1926)
Edward B. Butler (Williams College 1933)
George R. Cain (Williams College 1933)
David W. Calhoun (Williams College 1946)
Philo C. Calhoun (Williams College 1910)
Cornelius M. Callahan (Williams College 1898)
Edmund J. Callahan (Williams College 1942)
Lester L. Callan (Williams College 1903)
William H. Callender (Williams College 1941)
Ford C. Carlisle (Williams College 1926)
Lyndall F. Carter (Williams College 1924)
William B. Case (Williams College 1947)
James J. Cashmore (Williams College 1953)
Robert J. Catherall (Williams College 1933)
Eustace D. Cavanagh (Williams College 1931)
Robert R. Cave (Williams College 1940)
Robert H. Chamberlin (Williams College 1926)
Donald H. Chapin (Williams College 1950)
Stuart Chapin (Williams College 1929)
Mitchell V. Charnley (Williams College 1919)
John H. Chipman (Williams College 1933)
Alfred R. Clark (Williams College 1930)
Edward R. Clarke (Williams College 1902)
Freeman Clarkson (Williams College 1914)
Lloyd Clarkson (Williams College 1921)
Robert H. Clarkson (Williams College 1945)
Herdman F. Cleland (Williams College 1914)
George H. Clyde (Williams College 1939)
Frank S. Coan (Williams College 1911)
Stuart F. Coan (Williams College 1945)
Andrew H. Cochran (Williams College 1917)
Joseph P. Cochran (Williams College 1914)
James E. Cochrane (Williams College 1936)
Harry L. Coderre (Williams College 1937)
W. Donald Coleman (Williams College 1922)
Rutgers R. Coles (Williams College 1919)
William W. Collins (Williams College 1941)
Thomas W. Condron (Williams College 1961)
Douglas D. Connah (Williams College 1927)
Walter T. Cook (Williams College 1950)
William H. Cooke (Williams College 1928)
Lewis C. Copeland (Williams College 1924)
Edward F. Cordial (Williams College 1927)
Clarence M. Cossum (Williams College 1912)
Richard C. Coughlin (Williams College 1966)
Harold C. Cowell (Williams College 1914)
Robert H. Cremin (Williams College 1951)
Harold B. Crowther Jr. (Williams College 1966)
Winterton C. Curtis (Williams College 1897)
Joseph Cushing (Williams College 1924)
Richard F. Dalton (Williams College 1952)
Arthur J. Daly (Williams College 1913)
John W. Danforth (Williams College 1943)
Newton P. Darling (Williams College 1948)
William C. Davis (Williams College 1950)
John M. Deely (Williams College 1915)
John M. Deely Jr. (Williams College 1938)
Robert A. DeVilbiss (Williams College 1933)
F. R. Dickerson (Williams College 1931)
Thomas W. Doan (Williams College 1912)
Michael Doctoroff (Williams College 1956)
Daniel A. Donegan (Williams College 1953)
George Doscher (Williams College 1931)
Albert M. Doty (Williams College 1901)
John E. Dowling (Williams College 1925)
Harry P. Downs (Williams College 1944)
Walter F. Duff (Williams College 1939)
Norman Duffield (Williams College 1914)
Stuart Duffield (Williams College 1918)
Frank L. Duley (Williams College 1897)
Frederick J. Dunn (Williams College 1903)
Howard E. Duryea Jr. (Williams College 1942)
George B. Dutton (Williams College 1907)
William K. DuVal (Williams College 1952)
Robert F. Ebinger (Williams College 1934)
Stephen M. Edson (Williams College 1936)
Stuart F. Edson (Williams College 1920)
Thomas A. Edwards (Williams College 1950)
Arvie Eldred (Williams College 1905)
Lewis Eldred (Williams College 1933)
James F. Elliman (Williams College 1922)
Robert R. Ellis (Williams College 1953)
Hugh R. Ennis (Williams College 1957)
Morris L. Ernst (Williams College 1909)
Reinhold H. Ernst (Williams College 1904)
Warfield B. Everett (Williams College 1933)
William Finder (Williams College 1920)
John H. Finn (Williams College 1921)
John M. Finn (Williams College 1936)
Ronald P. Fish (Williams College 1961)
Charles F. Fitter (Williams College 1939)
David F. Fitzgerald (Williams College 1941)
Talbot Flanders (Williams College 1913)
William M. Fletcher (Williams College 1953)
Reginald D. Forbes (Williams College 1911)
George A. Ford (Williams College 1933)
James B. Ford (Williams College 1936)
Esty Foster (Williams College 1917)
Andrew J. Foster (Williams College 1924)
Hubert W. Fowle (Williams College 1910)
Edson F. Fowler (Williams College 1937)
William N. Fraser (Williams College 1939)
Oakley M. Frost (Williams College 1953)
Vincent J. Fuller (Williams College 1952)
Walter A. Fullerton (Williams College 1908)
Harry E. Funk (Williams College 1917)
Daniel F. Gardner (Williams College 1906)
Robert E. Garton (Williams College 1964)
William B. Gates (Williams College 1939)
David W. Gibson (Williams College 1946)
John B. Gibson (Williams College 1913)
William A. Gibson (Williams College 1941)
Robert S. Glover (Williams College 1962)
Howard B. Goodrich (Williams College 1920)
Gurdon W. Gordon (Williams College 1897)
Norman Gordon (Williams College 1960)
Ernest T. Greeff (Williams College 1949)
Carleton G. Green (Williams College 1924)
Harmon Green (Williams College 1928)
David Gregory (Williams College 1936)
F. Gilbert Gregory (Williams College 1924)
James L. Gregory (Williams College 1939)
Russell S. Gregory (Williams College 1905)
W. L. Hadley Griffin (Williams College 1940)
Peter S. Griggs (Williams College 1950)
George H. Hadley (Williams College 1939)
John Hadley (Williams College 1950)
Lindsay S. Hadley (Williams College 1905)
Damon E. Hall (Williams College 1897)
Charles F. Hamilton (Williams College 1933)
John R. Hamilton (Williams College 1910)
John S. Hamilton (Williams College 1904)
Wood C. Hamilton (Williams College 1917)
Jonathan A. Hammond (Williams College 1948)
Russell P. Harding (Williams College 1924)
William A. Harris (Williams College 1927)
Charles F. Hawkins (Williams College 1912)
Charles F. Hawkins (Williams College 1950)
Ira A. Hawkins (Williams College 1916)
John M. Hawkins (Williams College 1954)
David R. Heaton (Williams College 1930)
Albert H. Hedden (Williams College 1918)
Charles L. Hedden (Williams College 1912)
Ernest M. Hedden (Williams College 1915)
Walter P. Hedden (Williams College 1920)
Richard F. Heine (Williams College 1931)
Howard T. Heister (Williams College 1912)
Reagan C. Helm (Williams College 1963)
Harold E. Hemstreet (Williams College 1918)
Robert F. Herguth (Williams College 1941)
Philip F. Herrick (Williams College 1929)
Sterling J. Hiles (Williams College 1931)
Rowland S. Hill (Williams College 1910)
Charles W. Hinton (Williams College 1925)
Longstreet Hinton (Williams College 1923)
Clarence W. Hodges (Williams College 1900)
Clarence W. Hodges (Williams College 1931)
Marvin H. Hoffman (Williams College 1955)
William G. Holmes (Williams College 1933)
Harry W. Horn (Williams College 1930)
Fred A. Hornaday Jr. (Williams College 1933)
Richard I. Hornbeck (Williams College 1947)
Earl D. Howard (Williams College 1961)
Newton H. Hoyt (Williams College 1935)
J. A. Humes (Williams College 1922)
George F. Hummel (Williams College 1902)
James P. Humphreys (Williams College 1919)
Otho F. Humphreys Jr. (Williams College 1920)
Charles F. Hurd (Williams College 1910)
Bert E. Hurlbut (Williams College 1907)
Robert C. Husband (Williams College 1931)
William B. Ingmire (Williams College 1939)
Edward C. Janes (Williams College 1931)
James B. Johnson (Williams College 1942)
Walter E. Johnson (Williams College 1914)
A. Jones (Williams College 1895)
Kenneth L. Jones (Williams College 1928)
Daniel S. Keller (Williams College 1915)
Oliver J. Keller (Williams College 1918)
Harold R. Keller (Williams College 1939)
Gerald P. Kelley (Williams College 1946)
Jerrold T. Kelly (Williams College 1934)
Kenneth E. Kepner (Williams College 1928)
Lewson C. Kepner (Williams College 1919)
Charles D. Kepner (Williams College 1916)
Oliver A. Kimberly (Williams College 1956)
Charles G. King (Williams College 1925)
H. S. Kinkaid (Williams College 1935)
Finley B. Krause (Williams College 1924)
Panos M. Kyrtsis (Williams College 1956)
John K. Lagemann (Williams College 1931)
James N. Lambert (Williams College 1938)
Harold H. Lament (Williams College 1908)
James H. Lament (Williams College 1942)
Edward A. Lane (Williams College 1912)
Charles S. Langdon (Williams College 1928)
Dean Langmuir (Williams College 1910)
Edwin M. Lanham (Williams College 1927)
Albert A. Laplante (Williams College 1917)
Bay S. Leber (Williams College 1931)
William F. L'Ecluse (Williams College 1935)
Herbert H. Lehman (Williams College 1898)
Peter G. Lehman (Williams College 1940)
Erwin B. Leland (Williams College 1906)
Burton A. Lewis (Williams College 1938)
Edward M. Lewis (Williams College 1896)
Robert T. Littell (Williams College 1959)
John T. Logan (Williams College 1950)
Robert N. Lord (Williams College 1937)
Edwin R. Loughrey (Williams College 1926)
Edward L. Lowe (Williams College 1962)
Rupert B. Lowe (Williams College 1957)
Walter E. Lowles (Williams College 1933)
Robert J. Lyle (Williams College 1944)
Henry L. Mace (Williams College 1935)
Sydney N. Macinnis (Williams College 1916)
Alexander I. Mackenzie (Williams College 1929)
William C. MacMillen (Williams College 1935)
Donald E. MacNutt (Williams College 1934)
Jeb S. Magruder (Williams College 1958)
Lawrence F. Mahoney (Williams College 1961)
Merrill M. Manning Jr. (Williams College 1944)
Strother B. Marshall (Williams College 1945)
Malcolm S. Martin (Williams College 1927)
Peter Max (Williams College 1955)
Frank W. McCulloch (Williams College 1926)
Willis McDonald (Williams College 1920)
Bruce C. McEldowney (Williams College 1959)
George F. McKay (Williams College 1940)
John W. Meehan (Williams College 1941)
John H. Meeker (Williams College 1913)
Dick O. Meierdierks (Williams College 1964)
Charles M. Merrill (Williams College 1926)
Richard N. Miles (Williams College 1954)
Donald J. Miller (Williams College 1950)
Joseph L. Miller Jr. (Williams College 1931)
Abbot P. Mills (Williams College 1911)
Charles W. Mills (Williams College 1902)
R. W. Mist (Williams College 1944)
M. A. Moore (Williams College 1917)
Barry L. Morgan (Williams College 1915)
Joseph L. Morrow (Williams College 1934)
Gilbert L. Morse (Williams College 1911)
Robert E. Morse (Williams College 1942)
Lewis C. Murdock (Williams College 1919)
Frederick M. Myers (Williams College 1909)
Robert H. Myers (Williams College 1945)
John E. Nelson (Williams College 1909)
Robert S. Nevin (Williams College 1930)
Sidney Newborg (Williams College 1904)
Richard A. Newhall (Williams College 1925)
Herbert C. Nicholls (Williams College 1925)
Charles C. Noble (Williams College 1921)
Henry H. Noble (Williams College 1929)
John R. Norton (Williams College 1925)
John W. Notman (Williams College 1941)
Frank L. Nye (Williams College 1930)
James L. Nye (Williams College 1930)
George L. Nye (Williams College 1929)
Prescott S. Olmsted (Williams College 1929)
William F. Olmsted (Williams College 1922)
John M. Olmsted (Williams College 1931)
Paul W. Orvis (Williams College 1930)
Donald F. Osenkop (Williams College 1941)
Albert V. Osterhout (Williams College 1906)
Clarence B. Osterhout (Williams College 1908)
Paul F. Otis (Williams College 1912)
Eric E. Oulashin (Williams College 1936)
Carl S. Oxtoby (Williams College 1931)
Elwin L. Page (Williams College 1900)
Leroy A. Page Jr. (Williams College 1925)
Walter V. Palmer (Williams College 1952)
William S. Parker (Williams College 1927)
Herbert R. Pease (Williams College 1922)
George A. Peck (Williams College 1936)
Edward T. Perry (Williams College 1918)
A. W. Pettibone (Williams College 1942)
Arthur J. Pierce (Williams College 1907)
George H. Pierce (Williams College 1932)
C. S. Pike (Williams College 1920)
William S. Pinkett (Williams College 1931)
William D. Pinkham (Williams College 1951)
Paul L. Poole (Williams College 1936)
Hugh M. Potter III (Williams College 1953)
Richard H. Power (Williams College 1958)
Thomas B. Powers (Williams College 1943)
John E. Pratt (Williams College 1938)
Ernest R. Preston (Williams College 1911)
John C. Prizer (Williams College 1941)
Arthur W. Procter (Williams College 1952)
Wallace Rand (Williams College 1913)
Edward C. Reuter (Williams College 1928)
Hadwin H. Richardson (Williams College 1918)
Hugh Riddle (Williams College 1954)
Lawrence S. Roberts (Williams College 1915)
Wallace S. Roberts (Williams College 1923)
Albert W. Rockwood (Williams College 1914)
David Rockwood (Williams College 1949)
Donald P. Rogers (Williams College 1950)
Herbert F. Rogers (Williams College 1943)
James P. Rogers (Williams College 1914)
Philip H. Rogers (Williams College 1918)
Walter S. Rooney (Williams College 1910)
John B. Rosenquest (Williams College 1944)
John B. Rosenthal (Williams College 1960)
Frank C. Rowley (Williams College 1928)
Shipley Rudolph (Williams College 1945)
Daniel M. Rugg (Williams College 1944)
Milton D. Sanford (Williams College 1924)
Philip S. Sayles (Williams College 1917)
Tennyson Schad (Williams College 1952)
Robert S. Schoedinger (Williams College 1934)
Howard A. Scholle (Williams College 1906)
Walter R. Schott (Williams College 1929)
John P. Sedgwick (Williams College 1920)
Boudinot Seeley (Williams College 1900)
Tyler W. Seeley (Williams College 1929)
Hartzell S. Seem (Williams College 1928)
Edward P. Selden (Williams College 1924)
William M. Shannon (Williams College 1950)
Paul C. Shattuck (Williams College 1916)
Alan K. Shaw (Williams College 1924)
David H. Shawan (Williams College 1942)
Francis H. Sherry (Williams College 1934)
Theodore M. Shipherd (Williams College 1899)
George M. Shipton (Williams College 1913)
Richard E. Shope (Williams College 1949)
Willard W. Shuart (Williams College 1963)
Humphrey B. Simpson (Williams College 1947)
George F. Simson (Williams College 1912)
George M. Simson (Williams College 1943)
John B. Sisley (Williams College 1931)
Edward S. Skillin (Williams College 1925)
Denys R. Slater (Williams College 1925)
Carleton L. Smith (Williams College 1944)
Dean Smith (Williams College 1934)
Gordon R. Smith (Williams College 1946)
H. P. Smith (Williams College 1945)
Kayton Smith (Williams College 1928)
Lewis H. Smith (Williams College 1914)
Loren C. Smith (Williams College 1947)
Richard M. Smith (Williams College 1903)
Tom K. Smith (Williams College 1939)
Donald J. Speck (Williams College 1951)
William L. Spencer (Williams College 1902)
Louis F. Sperry (Williams College 1919)
Herbert A. Spring (Williams College 1943)
Francis Stabler (Williams College 1920)
Walter Stabler (Williams College 1950)
John D. Steele (Williams College 1926)
Alexander M. Stewart (Williams College 1933)
Charles A. Stiles (Williams College 1904)
Oscar D. Street (Williams College 1901)
William P. Sutherland (Williams College 1951)
John S. Sutphen (Williams College 1942)
David W. Swetland (Williams College 1938)
John J. Szufnarowski (Williams College 1959)
Edward P. Taylor (Williams College 1921)
J. L. Thompson (Williams College 1954)
Pardon E. Tillinghast (Williams College 1942)
John B. Tittmann (Williams College 1929)
A. G. Tobey (Williams College 1941)
Theodore L. Tolles (Williams College 1957)
Oswald Tower (Williams College 1907)
James F. Townsend (Williams College 1912)
Jerome K. Travers (Williams College 1947)
George B. Trout (Williams College 1933)
George L. Trumbull (Williams College 1912)
Russell E. Tucker (Williams College 1945)
Edward S. Underwood (Williams College 1938)
Damon Valentine (Williams College 1926)
Harold R. VanGilder (Williams College 1917)
Johannes B. Vanmesdag (Williams College 1945)
Horace A. Wadsworth (Williams College 1932)
David Walsh (Williams College 1937)
William F. Walsh (Williams College 1898)
John R. Walters (Williams College 1950)
Hall Warren (Williams College 1957)
Ralph Waycott (Williams College 1943)
Parker C. Webb (Williams College 1925)
Robert D. Welchli (Williams College 1953)
Clarence E. Wells (Williams College 1905)
William H. Wells (Williams College 1929)
Lamar D. Whitcher (Williams College 1939)
George A. White (Williams College 1919)
George M. White (Williams College 1920)
Norman U. White (Williams College 1917)
Wilbert W. White (Williams College 1938)
Daniel A. Wilcox (Williams College 1928)
John C. Wiley (Williams College 1919)
Albert G. Wilkinson (Williams College 1921)
Chester A. Willets (Williams College 1943)
Andrew W. Williamson (Williams College 1929)
L. W. Willson (Williams College 1930)
George B. Wilson (Williams College 1917)
James M. Wilson (Williams College 1946)
John E. Wilson (Williams College 1944)
John E. Wilson (Williams College 1922)
Keith S. Wilson (Williams College 1930)
Philo C. Wilson (Williams College 1945)
Robert K. Wilson Jr. (Williams College 1965)
Henry F. Wolf (Williams College 1929)
Roy M. Wood (Williams College 1926)
W. K. Wood (Williams College 1950)
Maurice B. Woodhall (Williams College 1926)
Arthur L. Woodruff (Williams College 1883)
John B. Wornall (Williams College 1925)
William J. Yates (Williams College 1950)
Robert C. Zabor (Williams College 1946)
Herbert F. Zimmerman (Williams College 1910)
Boyd E. Abrams (Wittenberg University 1938)
Ernest F. Adelberger (Wittenberg University 1922)
David E. Albl (Wittenberg University 1955)
George G. Alinkas (Wittenberg University 1958)
George W. Allf (Wittenberg University 1951)
James A. Alyn (Wittenberg University 1958)
Howard A. Anspach (Wittenberg University 1908)
Paul P. Anspach (Wittenberg University 1915)
Willard D. Anspach (Wittenberg University 1908)
Raymond W. Apple (Wittenberg University 1930)
Robert E. Arthur (Wittenberg University 1960)
Ned T. Artman (Wittenberg University 1966)
Mark C. Ausenheimer (Wittenberg University 1976)
Carl V. Backus (Wittenberg University 1898)
Carl A. Baden (Wittenberg University 1928)
Robert M. Baer (Wittenberg University 1933)
Ralph L. Bailey (Wittenberg University 1914)
George L. Baker (Wittenberg University 1922)
George W. Baker (Wittenberg University 1922)
William E. Baker (Wittenberg University 1908)
Carl L. Balbach (Wittenberg University 1929)
James R. Baldwin (Wittenberg University 1937)
Leonard A. Baltzer (Wittenberg University 1949)
Norbert J. Baltzer (Wittenberg University 1950)
Arthur F. Barge (Wittenberg University 1955)
Bruce T. Barkley (Wittenberg University 1960)
Charles F. Barlow (Wittenberg University 1933)
Jay W. Barnard (Wittenberg University 1906)
Robert E. Barnhart (Wittenberg University 1950)
Lloyd S. Barr (Wittenberg University 1912)
Mark P. Barren (Wittenberg University 1983)
George C. Batten (Wittenberg University 1932)
Lowell W. Baumgardner (Wittenberg University 1924)
Lowell C. Baxter (Wittenberg University 1930)
Robert N. Bayless (Wittenberg University 1928)
Guy D. Bayley (Wittenberg University 1899)
Glenn L. Beach (Wittenberg University 1944)
Richard E. Beard (Wittenberg University 1962)
William C. Beaver (Wittenberg University 1929)
Howard S. Bechtolt (Wittenberg University 1907)
Walter C. Bechtolt (Wittenberg University 1907)
Lester A. Beck (Wittenberg University 1938)
Walter P. Beck (Wittenberg University 1934)
Charles W. Beck (Wittenberg University 1944)
George N. Becker (Wittenberg University 1948)
Harold Becker (Wittenberg University 1923)
Russel C. Becker (Wittenberg University 1923)
E. M. Belden (Wittenberg University 1955)
Frank W. Bell (Wittenberg University 1893)
Alex E. Bellak (Wittenberg University 1947)
A. G. Belles (Wittenberg University 1962)
William M. Benner (Wittenberg University 1906)
Scott R. Benson (Wittenberg University 1980)
Ernest F. Berger (Wittenberg University 1918)
William H. Berk (Wittenberg University 1897)
Paul W. Bertschy (Wittenberg University 1921)
William H. Beuleke (Wittenberg University 1927)
Richard F. Binnig (Wittenberg University 1950)
William L. Binnig (Wittenberg University 1953)
Anton J. Bjorklund (Wittenberg University 1928)
Elmer H. Bjorklund (Wittenberg University 1935)
Robert R. Blesch (Wittenberg University 1951)
John H. Blough Jr. (Wittenberg University 1951)
Raymond H. Boarts (Wittenberg University 1931)
Waldo W. Boesel (Wittenberg University 1918)
Kenna J. Boeshaar (Wittenberg University 1920)
Ernest W. Bolla (Wittenberg University 1948)
George M. Borchers (Wittenberg University 1939)
Edwin O. Borman (Wittenberg University 1924)
Roger C. Bowlus (Wittenberg University 1908)
Terrence E. Bradley (Wittenberg University 1947)
Gwilym S. Braun (Wittenberg University 1927)
Charles H. Bray (Wittenberg University 1922)
John E. Brecht (Wittenberg University 1962)
Minton B. Brees (Wittenberg University 1951)
Robert W. Brehm (Wittenberg University 1947)
Bayard R. Brenan (Wittenberg University 1926)
Ralph C. Bretney (Wittenberg University 1903)
John L. Brickels (Wittenberg University 1930)
Douglas M. Brown (Wittenberg University 1964)
John S. Brown (Wittenberg University 1922)
Richard C. Browne (Wittenberg University 1951)
Elber R. Brubaker (Wittenberg University 1907)
George S. Brubaker (Wittenberg University 1905)
Joseph E. Bruchie (Wittenberg University 1889)
W. Mason Bruner (Wittenberg University 1903)
George Buck (Wittenberg University 1891)
Avery Buckingham (Wittenberg University 1899)
William Buckingham (Wittenberg University 1901)
Theodore J. Budach (Wittenberg University 1956)
Fred E. Buescher (Wittenberg University 1934)
Robert W. Bullock (Wittenberg University 1925)
Harold F. Bunnelle (Wittenberg University 1947)
Billy B. Burk (Wittenberg University 1938)
James A. Buzzelli (Wittenberg University 1961)
Henry B. Caldwell (Wittenberg University 1942)
Richard M. Cano (Wittenberg University 1947)
James S. Cantrell (Wittenberg University 1956)
Keith J. Carey (Wittenberg University 1953)
Norman C. Carey (Wittenberg University 1940)
Roderick A. Carnarius (Wittenberg University 1957)
Clyde W. Carr (Wittenberg University 1930)
Christie H. Carter (Wittenberg University 1950)
E. Patterson Cartmell (Wittenberg University 1901)
John R. Casad (Wittenberg University 1901)
John F. Casper (Wittenberg University 1896)
James H. Chaney (Wittenberg University 1942)
J. W. Charlesworth (Wittenberg University 1938)
Thomas J. Charlesworth (Wittenberg University 1934)
M. E. Chatlain (Wittenberg University 1941)
Harold E. Christler (Wittenberg University 1930)
Warren D. Clapp (Wittenberg University 1954)
Louis B. Clason (Wittenberg University 1904)
John M. Cole (Wittenberg University 1900)
James E. Coleman (Wittenberg University 1953)
Thomas R. Collette (Wittenberg University 1906)
W. C. Collette (Wittenberg University 1906)
David R. Collins (Wittenberg University 1954)
Dorwin H. Colvin (Wittenberg University 1926)
John L. Conklin (Wittenberg University 1895)
Robert W. Conklin (Wittenberg University 1898)
Frank M. Connable (Wittenberg University 1902)
Howard P. Connable (Wittenberg University 1907)
Harry A. Conover (Wittenberg University 1914)
Clarence Conrad (Wittenberg University 1946)
Henry D. Cook (Wittenberg University 1942)
Howard C. Cook (Wittenberg University 1939)
John E. Cook (Wittenberg University 1968)
Thomas W. Cook (Wittenberg University 1907)
Charles J. Cooper (Wittenberg University 1954)
John A. Coram (Wittenberg University 1896)
Campbell L. Cory (Wittenberg University 1907)
Roger C. Crabill (Wittenberg University 1929)
Charles E. Crain (Wittenberg University 1898)
Albert F. Craver (Wittenberg University 1924)
David S. Creager (Wittenberg University 1997)
E. R. Criss (Wittenberg University 1924)
Thomas W. Crites (Wittenberg University 1942)
Herman W. Crotzer (Wittenberg University 1892)
David W. Cummins (Wittenberg University 1890)
Lawrence B. Cummins (Wittenberg University 1960)
James L. Currie (Wittenberg University 1919)
Joseph H. Dancy (Wittenberg University 1943)
Ralph W. Darner (Wittenberg University 1905)
James L. Daugherty (Wittenberg University 1982)
Robert G. Davies (Wittenberg University 1896)
Paul P. Davis (Wittenberg University 1953)
Frank R. Dean (Wittenberg University 1885)
Donald G. Deer (Wittenberg University 1952)
Cecil B. Delph (Wittenberg University 1917)
Charles K. Delsig (Wittenberg University 1932)
Frank T. Demmitt (Wittenberg University 1889)
Richard B. Dence (Wittenberg University 1950)
Charles G. Depew (Wittenberg University 1952)
David E. Detrick (Wittenberg University 1928)
George H. Detwiler (Wittenberg University 1895)
Thomas W. Dickerson (Wittenberg University 1935)
Lewis W. Digel (Wittenberg University 1950)
John B. Dixon (Wittenberg University 1950)
Robert S. Dixon (Wittenberg University 1951)
Allan C. Doctor (Wittenberg University 1958)
Lester E. Dotts (Wittenberg University 1950)
Lloyd C. Douglas (Wittenberg University 1900)
Charles C. Downey (Wittenberg University 1930)
Roldon F. Dressler (Wittenberg University 1914)
Theodore G. Duncan (Wittenberg University 1909)
Carl W. Dysinger (Wittenberg University 1919)
Wendell S. Dysinger (Wittenberg University 1918)
Herbert W. Eakins (Wittenberg University 1937)
W. H. Edwards (Wittenberg University 1962)
Lester L. Eidemiller (Wittenberg University 1941)
Erwin C. Eisemann (Wittenberg University 1937)
Robert S. Elkin (Wittenberg University 1939)
Gurdon G. Elster (Wittenberg University 1904)
Harland E. Erf (Wittenberg University 1929)
Herbert A. Erf (Wittenberg University 1924)
Charles H. Etter (Wittenberg University 1919)
Wilbur G. Etter (Wittenberg University 1921)
Herbert C. Evans (Wittenberg University 1908)
Roland C. Eyears (Wittenberg University 1925)
Wayne I. Fanta (Wittenberg University 1961)
William J. Farmer (Wittenberg University 1923)
Donald R. Fauble (Wittenberg University 1946)
John E. Feighner (Wittenberg University 1894)
Dale R. Finley (Wittenberg University 1958)
Robert C. Fischer (Wittenberg University 1957)
Robert W. Fiser (Wittenberg University 1943)
George U. Fisher (Wittenberg University 1961)
Gerald B. Fisher (Wittenberg University 1937)
John E. Fisher (Wittenberg University 1940)
Ralph K. Fisher (Wittenberg University 1907)
Richard K. Fisher (Wittenberg University 1942)
Alfred K. Foreman (Wittenberg University 1946)
Herbert W. Forsberg (Wittenberg University 1942)
James M. Fortney (Wittenberg University 1963)
Henry R. Fowler (Wittenberg University 1945)
Donald G. Freed (Wittenberg University 1932)
Edwin E. Freshney (Wittenberg University 1949)
William K. Freshney (Wittenberg University 1951)
William G. Frick (Wittenberg University 1936)
Robert G. Frye (Wittenberg University 1912)
Donald M. Funk (Wittenberg University 1941)
Glen F. Gadiano (Wittenberg University 1992)
Charles Q. Gage (Wittenberg University 2017)
Herbert M. Gallagher (Wittenberg University 1907)
Paul M. Gallagher (Wittenberg University 1924)
Clarence E. Gardner (Wittenberg University 1892)
David S. Gardner (Wittenberg University 1892)
George H. Gardner (Wittenberg University 1917)
Clarence E. Gardner (Wittenberg University 1924)
James F. Garver (Wittenberg University 1938)
Robert C. Garver (Wittenberg University 1931)
James R. Gatchell (Wittenberg University 1950)
Frederick P. Geib (Wittenberg University 1964)
Michael T. George (Wittenberg University 1966)
Samuel D. Gerrish (Wittenberg University 1962)
Herman C. Getter (Wittenberg University 1911)
Paul R. Getter (Wittenberg University 1940)
Boyd Gibson (Wittenberg University 1950)
John W. Gillette (Wittenberg University 1945)
Russell P. Gilmore (Wittenberg University 1926)
Charles F. Gladfelter (Wittenberg University 1894)
George C. Glenn (Wittenberg University 1951)
Robert L. Glennan (Wittenberg University 1941)
Nelson P. Glessner (Wittenberg University 1930)
Philip R. Goers (Wittenberg University 1967)
Russell E. Goetze (Wittenberg University 1920)
Albert E. Good (Wittenberg University 1943)
Frederick C. Gosewisch (Wittenberg University 1944)
William J. Gosewisch (Wittenberg University 1942)
Thomas N. Gotro (Wittenberg University 1950)
John V. Graham (Wittenberg University 1935)
William T. Graham (Wittenberg University 1936)
Harry G. Gram (Wittenberg University 1901)
Theodore M. Gray (Wittenberg University 1927)
Merritt W. Green (Wittenberg University 1929)
Ross M. Greenawalt (Wittenberg University 1959)
Charles P. Gribler (Wittenberg University 1949)
Brady L. Griffith (Wittenberg University 1949)
William H. Griffith (Wittenberg University 1883)
Elmore E. Grim (Wittenberg University 1885)
Robert E. Gross (Wittenberg University 1940)
Albert W. Gruner (Wittenberg University 1930)
William L. Guard (Wittenberg University 1890)
William G. Guard (Wittenberg University 1926)
John W. Gunsett (Wittenberg University 1953)
C.E. Harlow Haas (Wittenberg University 1918)
Charles A. Hackenberg (Wittenberg University 1934)
Harold F. Hackenberg (Wittenberg University 1938)
Herbert W. Hackenberg (Wittenberg University 1930)
Howard E. Halderman (Wittenberg University 1930)
David T. Halkola (Wittenberg University 1944)
Jackson J. Hall (Wittenberg University 1951)
Richard L. Halpin (Wittenberg University 1947)
Frederick G. Haman (Wittenberg University 1953)
John A. Hand (Wittenberg University 1933)
Collin A. Hanley (Wittenberg University 1917)
John F. Hanley (Wittenberg University 1950)
Merwin A. Hanley (Wittenberg University 1922)
Miles L. Hanley (Wittenberg University 1914)
Stanley M. Hanley (Wittenberg University 1923)
George W. Harman (Wittenberg University 1888)
John R. Harner (Wittenberg University 1928)
Myron D. Harnly (Wittenberg University 1924)
Myron D. Harnly (Wittenberg University 1954)
Benjamin A. Harris (Wittenberg University 1956)
Corwin D. Harris (Wittenberg University 1924)
John A. Harris (Wittenberg University 1991)
Richard O. Harrison (Wittenberg University 1952)
Robert B. Harrison (Wittenberg University 1951)
George B. Hart (Wittenberg University 1933)
Henry J. Hart (Wittenberg University 1941)
John R. Hartenfels (Wittenberg University 1922)
Nathan W. Harter (Wittenberg University 1908)
Leonard A. Hautzenroeder (Wittenberg University 1930)
Luther C. Havice (Wittenberg University 1894)
Malcolm H. Hawk (Wittenberg University 1930)
Ronald D. Hayden (Wittenberg University 1960)
Joseph F. Hayes (Wittenberg University 1889)
David R. Hayward (Wittenberg University 1898)
Randolph F. Hayward (Wittenberg University 1927)
Eugene S. Heckathorn (Wittenberg University 1941)
James A. Hedges (Wittenberg University 1890)
Terrence C. Heil (Wittenberg University 1950)
Robert N. Henderson (Wittenberg University 1957)
Ellsworth C. Henn (Wittenberg University 1943)
Horace D. Hetzel (Wittenberg University 1937)
Charles T. Heusch (Wittenberg University 1935)
Robert A. Heydenreich (Wittenberg University 1963)
Clarence R. Hien (Wittenberg University 1927)
Victor G. Hileman (Wittenberg University 1923)
Charles E. Hill (Wittenberg University 1950)
Hart B. Hill (Wittenberg University 1907)
Richard L. Hillard (Wittenberg University 1959)
Bart A. Hillerich (Wittenberg University 1987)
William N. Hodge (Wittenberg University 1929)
Andrew R. Hoffman (Wittenberg University 2011)
Edwin S. Hoffman (Wittenberg University 1885)
John R. Hoffmeister (Wittenberg University 1967)
Ellis M. Holser (Wittenberg University 1903)
Albert H. Homrighaus (Wittenberg University 1936)
Orville C. Hoover (Wittenberg University 1943)
George Hopper (Wittenberg University 1932)
Robert C. Horn (Wittenberg University 1964)
Arnold F. Horstmann (Wittenberg University 1943)
Robert W. Hoskins (Wittenberg University 1946)
Edwin S. Houck (Wittenberg University 1886)
Steve B. Houck (Wittenberg University 1975)
Frederick B. Houk (Wittenberg University 1917)
John B. Houston (Wittenberg University 1918)
David B. Howell (Wittenberg University 1943)
Jack R. Howell (Wittenberg University 1955)
Lee C. Howley (Wittenberg University 1932)
Christopher Howley (Wittenberg University 1937)
Harold W. Hulshizer (Wittenberg University 1922)
Michael J. Humphrey (Wittenberg University 1982)
Robert E. Humphreys (Wittenberg University 1894)
G. C. Hunt (Wittenberg University 1974)
Harold A. Hutchison (Wittenberg University 1930)
Dennis T. Igou (Wittenberg University 1933)
Hobart B. Ingle (Wittenberg University 1951)
Wilber E. Irvine (Wittenberg University 1890)
Clarence R. Isley (Wittenberg University 1910)
Brian A. Izzo (Wittenberg University 2006)
Dale H. Jackson (Wittenberg University 1950)
Gerald W. Janosek (Wittenberg University 1952)
Eugene F. Jefferies (Wittenberg University 1898)
John R. Johnson (Wittenberg University 1941)
Clarence L. Jones (Wittenberg University 1922)
James R. Jones (Wittenberg University 1950)
Reid W. Jordan (Wittenberg University 1922)
Harold F. Jordan (Wittenberg University 1950)
Jon L. Joyce (Wittenberg University 1959)
Joe L. Juergens (Wittenberg University 1924)
Louis A. Jung (Wittenberg University 1958)
Clement T. Kain (Wittenberg University 1894)
Donald H. Kaiser (Wittenberg University 1943)
Emerson W. Kaler (Wittenberg University 1941)
James B. Kaler (Wittenberg University 1927)
Walpole P. Kaler (Wittenberg University 1899)
Taito A. Kantonen (Wittenberg University 1933)
Howard L. Kany (Wittenberg University 1933)
George F. Karpinski (Wittenberg University 1972)
Edgar M. Kauffman (Wittenberg University 1913)
Harry N. Kauffman (Wittenberg University 1911)
John W. Kauffman (Wittenberg University 1917)
Stanley A. Kauffman (Wittenberg University 1913)
Jack P. Keil (Wittenberg University 1940)
Paul L. Keil (Wittenberg University 1944)
Armin L. Kelly (Wittenberg University 1898)
Leslie Kennedy (Wittenberg University 1956)
Kenneth L. Kent (Wittenberg University 1949)
Albert R. Kepler (Wittenberg University 1922)
James W. Kester (Wittenberg University 1949)
Charles A. Kiester (Wittenberg University 1934)
Stanley L. Kiley (Wittenberg University 1921)
Noble C. King (Wittenberg University 1885)
William S. Kirkpatrick (Wittenberg University 1908)
George E. Klenk (Wittenberg University 1967)
Robert E. Klute (Wittenberg University 1926)
Edwin P. Knight (Wittenberg University 1938)
Elmer J. Knisely (Wittenberg University 1923)
George H. Koch (Wittenberg University 1932)
Harland W. Kochheiser (Wittenberg University 1924)
Robert E. Kochheiser (Wittenberg University 1950)
W. M. Koehl (Wittenberg University 1965)
Walter C. Koehler (Wittenberg University 1948)
George M. Koehnlein (Wittenberg University 1927)
John F. Kostyo USA (R) (Wittenberg University 1941)
John F. Kramer (Wittenberg University 1922)
Edward A. Krapp (Wittenberg University 1895)
George P. Krapp (Wittenberg University 1894)
Daniel T. Krauss (Wittenberg University 1936)
Alan Kriegbaum (Wittenberg University 1944)
Keith C. Krieger (Wittenberg University 1980)
C. Lawrence Kuhlman (Wittenberg University 1894)
Charles O. Kuhlman (Wittenberg University 1897)
John A. Kuhlman (Wittenberg University 1888)
Ralph W. Kumler (Wittenberg University 1913)
Frank E. Kurth (Wittenberg University 1934)
Allan A. Kuusisto (Wittenberg University 1942)
Torance K. Lamb (Wittenberg University 1934)
Gerald F. Lambdin (Wittenberg University 1933)
James W. Lamborn (Wittenberg University 1953)
Ronald L. Lancaster (Wittenberg University 1960)
William H. Lane (Wittenberg University 1950)
Otto M. Lang (Wittenberg University 1930)
Duane F. Lantz (Wittenberg University 1952)
Peter D. Larson (Wittenberg University 1944)
John A. Laughbaum (Wittenberg University 1911)
Jacob G. Lazarus (Wittenberg University 1887)
Daniel E. Leary (Wittenberg University 1977)
Arthur C. Leedle (Wittenberg University 1908)
Robert W. Leffingwell (Wittenberg University 1947)
William E. Lehman (Wittenberg University 1965)
Morris J. Lehmann (Wittenberg University 1932)
Lawrence H. Lentz (Wittenberg University 1920)
Grover C. Leonard (Wittenberg University 1910)
Verne D. Lersch (Wittenberg University 1907)
Gerald J. Lesser (Wittenberg University 1951)
William A. Leuby (Wittenberg University 1951)
Charles P. Libby (Wittenberg University 1929)
Jan F. Lindberg (Wittenberg University 1963)
Donald B. Lindsley (Wittenberg University 1929)
C. R. Little (Wittenberg University 1931)
Herbert A. Littleton (Wittenberg University 1920)
Howard K. Littleton (Wittenberg University 1916)
John L. Littleton (Wittenberg University 1922)
John L. Littleton (Wittenberg University 1942)
George R. Lloyd (Wittenberg University 1949)
Geoffrey P. Lodge (Wittenberg University 1962)
John E. Loehr (Wittenberg University 1921)
Roland H. Loehr (Wittenberg University 1925)
John P. Long (Wittenberg University 1957)
Burton M. Lowman (Wittenberg University 1889)
A. P. Ludlow (Wittenberg University 1898)
Donald L. Lumadue (Wittenberg University 1949)
James L. Lumadue (Wittenberg University 1947)
Philip M. Luther (Wittenberg University 1913)
Charles H. Lynch (Wittenberg University 1938)
Robert C. Lynch (Wittenberg University 1951)
William J. MacAdam (Wittenberg University 1963)
Charles E. Macmillen (Wittenberg University 1899)
Stanley V. Malcuit (Wittenberg University 1943)
Charles B. Maple (Wittenberg University 1931)
David Marsalka (Wittenberg University 1977)
Charles C. Martin (Wittenberg University 1914)
Fred T. Martin (Wittenberg University 1948)
Harrie B. Martin (Wittenberg University 1898)
John C. Martin (Wittenberg University 1944)
Alpheus B. Marty (Wittenberg University 1930)
Theodore S. Marty (Wittenberg University 1957)
Theodore S. Marty (Wittenberg University 1930)
Kenneth A. Mast (Wittenberg University 1934)
John B. Mattson (Wittenberg University 1939)
William R. Mattson (Wittenberg University 1944)
John M. McCabe (Wittenberg University 1937)
Joseph A. McCampbell (Wittenberg University 1907)
Raymond F. McCoy (Wittenberg University 1938)
Bertis R. McCullough (Wittenberg University 1912)
Robert C. McDonald (Wittenberg University 1964)
Homer A. McFadden (Wittenberg University 1929)
Robert W. McFarren (Wittenberg University 1929)
Harry C. McKenzie (Wittenberg University 1938)
Gerlad D. McMahon (Wittenberg University 1972)
Edward D. Meacham (Wittenberg University 1942)
Thomas M. Meadows (Wittenberg University 1966)
Adolph D. Meder (Wittenberg University 1938)
John F. Meier (Wittenberg University 1969)
John H. Meister (Wittenberg University 1938)
Robert L. Meister (Wittenberg University 1936)
William J. Merzke (Wittenberg University 1953)
Robert M. Metcalf (Wittenberg University 1925)
Carl W. Meyer (Wittenberg University 1941)
Ronald E. Meyer (Wittenberg University 1962)
Walter H. Meyer (Wittenberg University 1968)
Charles W. Middaugh (Wittenberg University 1949)
Greeley G. Miklashek (Wittenberg University 1931)
August H. Miller (Wittenberg University 1911)
David H. Miller (Wittenberg University 1969)
Fred P. Miller (Wittenberg University 1958)
Henry G. Miller (Wittenberg University 1904)
John H. Miller (Wittenberg University 1897)
Keith L. Miller (Wittenberg University 1952)
L. D. Miller (Wittenberg University 1961)
Paul E. Miller (Wittenberg University 1914)
Robert H. Miller (Wittenberg University 1951)
Sylvan P. Miller (Wittenberg University 1920)
W. R. Miller (Wittenberg University 1931)
William A. Miller (Wittenberg University 1959)
David E. Moeller (Wittenberg University 1963)
John W. Moellering (Wittenberg University 1950)
Victor W. Moellering (Wittenberg University 1950)
Walter E. Moll (Wittenberg University 1950)
Gerald R. Mong (Wittenberg University 1924)
Thaddeus J. Montgomery (Wittenberg University 1948)
Robert C. Moore (Wittenberg University 1916)
Harry C. Moran (Wittenberg University 1925)
Joseph W. Morgan (Wittenberg University 1944)
William S. Morgan (Wittenberg University 1949)
Paul W. Morgridge (Wittenberg University 1919)
John R. Morris (Wittenberg University 1922)
Larry B. Morris (Wittenberg University 1961)
Paul J. Morsches (Wittenberg University 1926)
Harrison P. Moss (Wittenberg University 1934)
John E. Mullen Jr. (Wittenberg University 1943)
Elwood A. Mullendore (Wittenberg University 1916)
Lawson E. Mumma (Wittenberg University 1922)
Robert J. Murphy (Wittenberg University 1948)
William C. Musselman (Wittenberg University 1962)
Jacob N. Myers (Wittenberg University 1890)
James T. Myers (Wittenberg University 1933)
Richard E. Neal (Wittenberg University 1954)
Sterling L. Neale (Wittenberg University 1932)
Robert M. Neer (Wittenberg University 1928)
Edgar R. Neff (Wittenberg University 1926)
Richard P. Neiding (Wittenberg University 1956)
Andrew J. Nelson (Wittenberg University 1995)
Lawrence R. Nelson (Wittenberg University 1941)
Thomas M. Nelson (Wittenberg University 1961)
Robert J. Neumeier (Wittenberg University 1937)
John R. Newlin (Wittenberg University 1942)
Henry J. Nickerson (Wittenberg University 1940)
Robert W. Niemeyer (Wittenberg University 1951)
Walter J. Niepert (Wittenberg University 1930)
Gerald E. Noe (Wittenberg University 1928)
Allan A. Nolte (Wittenberg University 1907)
Homer A. Obenauf (Wittenberg University 1913)
Maurice S. Obenauf (Wittenberg University 1918)
Morris C. Oldham (Wittenberg University 1908)
Robert W. Oldham (Wittenberg University 1939)
Roger F. Organ (Wittenberg University 1936)
Richard D. Osborne (Wittenberg University 1951)
George R. Palmer (Wittenberg University 1916)
Frank E. Parker (Wittenberg University 1950)
Thano C. Pasalis (Wittenberg University 1968)
John H. Paschold (Wittenberg University 1937)
A. Edward Patmos (Wittenberg University 1941)
Charles W. Payne (Wittenberg University 1932)
James E. Pearce (Wittenberg University 1958)
Karl S. Pearman (Wittenberg University 1923)
William A. Pearman (Wittenberg University 1896)
William F. Pekruhn (Wittenberg University 1934)
David M. Peters (Wittenberg University 1965)
Clarence G. Peterson (Wittenberg University 1932)
John A. Pettit (Wittenberg University 1929)
Paul Pfeiffer (Wittenberg University 1935)
Leon G. Pflieger (Wittenberg University 1920)
Clay E. Phillips (Wittenberg University 1922)
Quentin C. Pinner (Wittenberg University 1942)
James Pitcher (Wittenberg University 1911)
Elwood G. Pitzer (Wittenberg University 1934)
John L. Plank (Wittenberg University 1933)
Arthur C. Poe (Wittenberg University 1926)
Arthur G. Portz (Wittenberg University 1938)
Matthew H. Portz (Wittenberg University 1942)
Joseph A. Poss (Wittenberg University 1930)
Jeffrey M. Postman (Wittenberg University 1975)
Luther V. Powell (Wittenberg University 1935)
Owen B. Powell (Wittenberg University 1937)
Richard W. Powell (Wittenberg University 1945)
Warren W. Powell (Wittenberg University 1943)
Oliver W. Powers (Wittenberg University 1930)
David W. Prescott (Wittenberg University 1941)
Benjamin G. Printz (Wittenberg University 1898)
Harry W. Pursell (Wittenberg University 1897)
Robert R. Pyle (Wittenberg University 1960)
Marion M. Racer (Wittenberg University 1918)
David W. Ramey (Wittenberg University 1890)
Clarence S. Ramsey (Wittenberg University 1895)
Ralph V. Randall (Wittenberg University 1920)
Edward C. Rasmussen (Wittenberg University 1929)
James P. Rasmussen (Wittenberg University 1920)
Devon M. Ratchford (Wittenberg University 1995)
Clifford S. Raymond (Wittenberg University 1895)
Otis R. Reed (Wittenberg University 1932)
Jeffery T. Reel (Wittenberg University 1988)
James W. Reinhardt (Wittenberg University 1947)
Frank C. Remsberg (Wittenberg University 1899)
David L. Renk (Wittenberg University 1962)
Nelson F. Reublin (Wittenberg University 1938)
Charles S. Revenaugh (Wittenberg University 1924)
Elmer E. Reynard (Wittenberg University 1915)
Jack P. Reynard (Wittenberg University 1961)
Robert C. Rheineck (Wittenberg University 1941)
Harry O. Rhodes (Wittenberg University 1895)
Robert J. Rice (Wittenberg University 1919)
Jim F. Richards (Wittenberg University 1951)
Carl J. Richardson (Wittenberg University 1917)
Harry F. Richmann (Wittenberg University 1946)
Hildreth A. Rider (Wittenberg University 1919)
William H. Rider (Wittenberg University 1938)
Melvin P. Riehm (Wittenberg University 1928)
Ray C. Rigney (Wittenberg University 1940)
John F. Rilling (Wittenberg University 1956)
William E. Rinker (Wittenberg University 1950)
Douglas R. Robbins (Wittenberg University 1904)
William H. Robbins (Wittenberg University 1900)
John E. Robinson (Wittenberg University 1951)
William H. Robinson (Wittenberg University 1890)
John D. Rockel (Wittenberg University 1950)
Peter C. Rockel (Wittenberg University 1921)
W. M. Rockel (Wittenberg University 1922)
Luther O. Roehner (Wittenberg University 1926)
Richard W. Rogge (Wittenberg University 1945)
Alexander H. Rohde (Wittenberg University 1942)
John F. Root (Wittenberg University 1933)
Gordon S. Rose (Wittenberg University 1929)
Luther S. Rose (Wittenberg University 1892)
Alex V. Ross (Wittenberg University 1964)
Jack W. Ross (Wittenberg University 1951)
Vergil W. Rothe (Wittenberg University 1917)
William S. Rothe (Wittenberg University 1940)
Lloyd L. Rubsam (Wittenberg University 1903)
Lloyd H. Ruese (Wittenberg University 1926)
Walter A. Rumbarger (Wittenberg University 1918)
Linus E. Russell (Wittenberg University 1871)
Linus E. Russell (Wittenberg University 1922)
Charles P. Scarborough (Wittenberg University 1947)
Theodore F. Schaefer (Wittenberg University 1904)
Adam Schafer (Wittenberg University 1885)
Carl A. Schafer (Wittenberg University 1947)
Henry H. Schell (Wittenberg University 1892)
William T. Schell (Wittenberg University 1893)
Robert F. Schirmer (Wittenberg University 1936)
Kenneth S. Schoening (Wittenberg University 1950)
Thomas D. Schofield (Wittenberg University 1980)
William R. Scholle (Wittenberg University 1937)
Ottis I. Schreiber (Wittenberg University 1943)
Robert J. Schreiber (Wittenberg University 1953)
Robert R. Schroeder (Wittenberg University 1940)
Edward G. Schultz (Wittenberg University 1959)
John F. Schweizer (Wittenberg University 1980)
Richard A. Scoon (Wittenberg University 1951)
Robert Scoon (Wittenberg University 1949)
Philip B. Sekola (Wittenberg University 1950)
George R. Shaffer (Wittenberg University 1926)
Harry E. Shaffer (Wittenberg University 1915)
Michael R. Shaffer (Wittenberg University 1949)
Robert L. Shannon (Wittenberg University 1950)
John W. Sharrer (Wittenberg University 1936)
William E. Shaw (Wittenberg University 1952)
Charles L. Shellabarger (Wittenberg University 1922)
Rufus C. Shellenbarger (Wittenberg University 1896)
Charles R. Sherck (Wittenberg University 1892)
Charles F. Sheriff (Wittenberg University 1912)
Virgil S. Sides (Wittenberg University 1919)
William T. Simmons (Wittenberg University 1988)
Karl M. Sims (Wittenberg University 1930)
Barry H. Slaughter (Wittenberg University 1961)
Leal K. Slote (Wittenberg University 1899)
Boyd Smith (Wittenberg University 1905)
Danna K. Smith (Wittenberg University 1912)
Donald C. Smith (Wittenberg University 1905)
Henry E. Smith (Wittenberg University 1907)
Fred B. Snyder (Wittenberg University 1897)
William H. Sorn (Wittenberg University 1915)
Harry M. Sowash (Wittenberg University 1925)
John R. Spahr (Wittenberg University 1921)
Larry K. Sperry (Wittenberg University 1961)
Robert J. Spicer (Wittenberg University 1958)
Harry R. Stafford (Wittenberg University 1908)
Roger B. Stafford (Wittenberg University 1913)
Raymond R. Stasco (Wittenberg University 1950)
Gordon J. Staub (Wittenberg University 1940)
Frederick I. Stauffer (Wittenberg University 1958)
John N. Stauffer (Wittenberg University 1955)
Morrison C. Stayer (Wittenberg University 1903)
William R. Steckler (Wittenberg University 1963)
David I. Stoffel (Wittenberg University 1940)
Lester L. Stoffel (Wittenberg University 1942)
Hamilton Stone (Wittenberg University 1932)
John W. Story (Wittenberg University 1928)
Dean E. Stroup (Wittenberg University 1944)
Ralph M. Stutz (Wittenberg University 1922)
Roscoe D. Sullivan (Wittenberg University 1927)
Eugene H. Swartz (Wittenberg University 1925)
Edgar G. Swingle (Wittenberg University 1917)
Frederick B. Swingle (Wittenberg University 1927)
Robert F. Swingle (Wittenberg University 1920)
Donald W. Switzer (Wittenberg University 1924)
Reid L. Switzer (Wittenberg University 1924)
Charles H. Sword (Wittenberg University 1924)
Grover B. Swoyer (Wittenberg University 1943)
Joseph W. Tafaro (Wittenberg University 1979)
Gordon E. Taylor (Wittenberg University 1945)
Lloyd E. Taylor (Wittenberg University 1941)
James N. Tehan (Wittenberg University 1936)
Fred Thacker (Wittenberg University 1902)
Henry L. Thoman (Wittenberg University 1898)
Lloyd T. Thomas (Wittenberg University 1895)
Ralph J. Thomas (Wittenberg University 1950)
William S. Thompson (Wittenberg University 1909)
Herman H. Thornton (Wittenberg University 1918)
Hugh E. Thurlow (Wittenberg University 1975)
James E. Timpe (Wittenberg University 1948)
Karl E. Titus (Wittenberg University 1894)
Arthur J. Todd (Wittenberg University 1902)
Harry D. Todd (Wittenberg University 1897)
Arthur J. Todd (Wittenberg University 1943)
George N. Torlina (Wittenberg University 1933)
Robert R. Tracht (Wittenberg University 1923)
Raul E. Tramontana Jr. (Wittenberg University 1986)
Elmer K. Trauger (Wittenberg University 1886)
Dan L. Tritch (Wittenberg University 1964)
Erwin M. Trittschuh (Wittenberg University 1922)
J. F. Trump (Wittenberg University 1902)
John K. Turner (Wittenberg University 1899)
Ehrhardt D. Ulrich (Wittenberg University 1934)
George B. Ulrich (Wittenberg University 1929)
James O. Umbaugh (Wittenberg University 1947)
William P. VanBuren (Wittenberg University 1960)
Charles W. Vandegrift (Wittenberg University 1888)
Augustus A. Vanmatre (Wittenberg University 1891)
Benjamin C. VanMatre (Wittenberg University 1928)
Cassius E. Vanmatre (Wittenberg University 1893)
Edgar S. Vanmeter (Wittenberg University 1907)
Thomas W. Vaughn (Wittenberg University 1940)
Richard P. Veler (Wittenberg University 1958)
Otto E. Voigt (Wittenberg University 1916)
Lawrence O. Votaw (Wittenberg University 1953)
Frederick W. Wackernagel (Wittenberg University 1935)
John A. Wagner (Wittenberg University 1949)
Le Roy J. Wagner (Wittenberg University 1951)
Harold E. Walker (Wittenberg University 1955)
Richard T. Walker (Wittenberg University 1962)
Fred M. Wallace (Wittenberg University 1902)
Gale C. Wallace (Wittenberg University 1904)
David M. Wappner (Wittenberg University 1953)
Don R. Watson (Wittenberg University 1949)
John P. Weaver (Wittenberg University 1929)
William H. Weaver (Wittenberg University 1929)
Robert L. Weekly (Wittenberg University 1949)
Jon A. Weideling (Wittenberg University 1960)
Robert F. Weinig (Wittenberg University 1925)
Mark J. Weller (Wittenberg University 1967)
James W. Welsh (Wittenberg University 1900)
Donald L. Wentz (Wittenberg University 1935)
Clarence B. Wentzel (Wittenberg University 1922)
H. J. Wermund (Wittenberg University 1951)
Carl D. Werner (Wittenberg University 1921)
Richard D. Wessel (Wittenberg University 1946)
Charles H. Wessels (Wittenberg University 1962)
Henry A. Wheldon (Wittenberg University 1897)
Millard A. Whipple (Wittenberg University 1913)
Ralph J. White (Wittenberg University 1907)
Windsor D. Whitmer (Wittenberg University 1917)
Richard G. Whonsetler (Wittenberg University 1955)
Charles R. Wibright (Wittenberg University 1954)
James F. Wickemeyer (Wittenberg University 1946)
Kenneth W. Wickemeyer (Wittenberg University 1951)
Niles A. Williams (Wittenberg University 1934)
Carl Willmeth (Wittenberg University 1950)
George H. Wilson (Wittenberg University 1939)
John L. Wilson (Wittenberg University 1922)
John W. Wilson (Wittenberg University 1932)
Robert E. Wing (Wittenberg University 1955)
Myron E. Wirick (Wittenberg University 1944)
George D. Wisler (Wittenberg University 1950)
Henry H. Witten (Wittenberg University 1933)
Harry E. Witwer (Wittenberg University 1912)
E. D. Woellner (Wittenberg University 1943)
John D. Woide (Wittenberg University 1938)
Edward A. Woleslagel (Wittenberg University 1938)
Richard H. Wolford (Wittenberg University 1941)
Robert W. Wolford (Wittenberg University 1937)
Thomas E. Wolford (Wittenberg University 1946)
William H. Wolford (Wittenberg University 1949)
Kenneth E. Wray (Wittenberg University 1937)
Foster E. Wyant (Wittenberg University 1920)
Lloyd R. Wylie (Wittenberg University 1947)
Dennis L. Yarnell (Wittenberg University 1963)
Harlan K. Young (Wittenberg University 1949)
Paul E. Young (Wittenberg University 1929)
Paul R. Young (Wittenberg University 1952)
Robert L. Young (Wittenberg University 1903)
William J. Young (Wittenberg University 1950)
Edward W. Zalewski (Wittenberg University 1960)
John W. Ziegler (Wittenberg University 1941)
Irvin E. Zimmerman (Wittenberg University 1939)
Lester I. Zimmerman (Wittenberg University 1909)
Norman F. Zuck (Wittenberg University 1930)
Harold V. Alexander (Wooster College 1914)
Robert F. Alexander (Wooster College 1893)
Ernest C. Amos (Wooster College 1893)
Frank C. Amos (Wooster College 1899)
William T. Amos (Wooster College 1891)
Charles F. Annat (Wooster College 1917)
William H. Annat (Wooster College 1913)
Frank P. Atkinson (Wooster College 1900)
John A. Bassett (Wooster College 1892)
George P. Bassett (Wooster College 1892)
Theodore M. Beal (Wooster College 1916)
Allen C. Beck (Wooster College 1909)
Lester A. Beck (Wooster College 1912)
Torrence B. Beck (Wooster College 1911)
Harry C. Beer (Wooster College 1898)
Livingston C. Bell (Wooster College 1885)
Verne D. Benedict (Wooster College 1906)
Howard C. Black (Wooster College 1883)
A. W. Blackburn (Wooster College 1907)
Henry W. Blackburn (Wooster College 1904)
Wayne Blackburn (Wooster College 1907)
Frederick H. Bodman (Wooster College 1894)
George A. Brewer (Wooster College 1902)
Albert H. Brown (Wooster College 1891)
Harry A. Brown (Wooster College 1915)
Thomas W. Brown (Wooster College 1892)
George F. Browne (Wooster College 1909)
George F. Byal (Wooster College 1892)
George H. Calhoun (Wooster College 1907)
Martin W. Cameron (Wooster College 1911)
Carey S. Campbell (Wooster College 1912)
Louis J. Campbell (Wooster College 1909)
Richard J. Carleton (Wooster College 1915)
Mark T. Cartwright (Wooster College 1913)
Wilson S. Chamberlain (Wooster College 1910)
Charles E. Chidester (Wooster College 1907)
Allen Clark (Wooster College 1900)
David M. Colwell (Wooster College 1909)
Henry B. Cooper (Wooster College 1888)
Kenneth G. Cooper (Wooster College 1909)
Charles H. Corbett (Wooster College 1901)
J. H. Coulter (Wooster College 1883)
James D. Coupland (Wooster College 1907)
John C. Coupland (Wooster College 1910)
W. Ralph Cox (Wooster College 1896)
Paul S. Craig (Wooster College 1903)
Robert A. Crawford (Wooster College 1897)
Meade E. Crooks (Wooster College 1914)
Rowland A. Curry (Wooster College 1906)
William R. Curry (Wooster College 1897)
William B. Davidson (Wooster College 1895)
Perry J. Davis (Wooster College 1914)
James R. Dunn (Wooster College 1897)
William A. Dunn (Wooster College 1893)
John Q. Durfey (Wooster College 1894)
Stuart Eagleson (Wooster College 1891)
Thomas A. Elder (Wooster College 1904)
Norris R. Elliott (Wooster College 1913)
John L. Erb (Wooster College 1912)
Myers L. Feiser (Wooster College 1914)
Walter G. Filer (Wooster College 1890)
Ernest L. Finley (Wooster College 1891)
Clifford P. Foss (Wooster College 1908)
Donald J. Foss (Wooster College 1906)
Oscar H. Foss (Wooster College 1902)
Byron A. Fouche (Wooster College 1883)
William B. Fuller (Wooster College 1891)
Ross W. Funk (Wooster College 1883)
Harry M. Gage (Wooster College 1900)
George A. Gaston (Wooster College 1899)
Walter F. Gifford (Wooster College 1895)
Ellis B. Gill (Wooster College 1901)
Ray R. Gill (Wooster College 1904)
Ralph H. Graham (Wooster College 1905)
Carey E. Gregory (Wooster College 1897)
Lee J. Gregory (Wooster College 1901)
Elmer F. Griesinger (Wooster College 1910)
Charles C. Grove (Wooster College 1890)
Howard L. Guss (Wooster College 1897)
Edward A. Harrington (Wooster College 1912)
Herbert R. Harrington (Wooster College 1892)
John W. Harrington (Wooster College 1890)
Marshall Harrington (Wooster College 1893)
Wilson D. Hartman (Wooster College 1907)
Harry S. Hatch (Wooster College 1889)
W. H. Hayden (Wooster College 1890)
Henry C. Heasley (Wooster College 1896)
James M. Henry (Wooster College 1901)
John P. Henry (Wooster College 1914)
Robert S. Henry (Wooster College 1909)
Roberst S. Hinchmam (Wooster College 1903)
Edward A. Hoffman (Wooster College 1898)
William H. Hoover (Wooster College 1909)
Harry W. Horn (Wooster College 1895)
Frank A. Hosmer (Wooster College 1894)
Leslie R. Houston (Wooster College 1904)
J. Crete Hubbard (Wooster College 1904)
Rodney B. Hume (Wooster College 1912)
Charles E. Jameson (Wooster College 1887)
Percy F. Jamieson (Wooster College 1892)
Myron J. Jones (Wooster College 1893)
Jay W. Kelly (Wooster College 1887)
Gordon D. Kinder (Wooster College 1900)
George H. Kious (Wooster College 1889)
Lewis R. Kious (Wooster College 1887)
Walter C. Klein (Wooster College 1915)
John W. Kunneke (Wooster College 1910)
Clair B. Latimer (Wooster College 1897)
Frank C. Leavitt (Wooster College 1895)
Paul W. Lee (Wooster College 1898)
Carl B. Lehmann (Wooster College 1907)
Francis S. Lehmann (Wooster College 1909)
John R. Lehmann (Wooster College 1902)
Peter A. Lemley (Wooster College 1912)
Frank K. Leslie (Wooster College 1890)
George D. Lindsay (Wooster College 1885)
Campbell L. Mackay (Wooster College 1901)
Chalmers Martin (Wooster College 1909)
James S. Martin (Wooster College 1887)
Horace C. Maurer (Wooster College 1913)
Carey E. McAfee (Wooster College 1893)
Allen W. McCann (Wooster College 1915)
E. C. McCann (Wooster College 1912)
James D. McCaughtry (Wooster College 1888)
John W. McClaran (Wooster College 1909)
James E. McClelland (Wooster College 1897)
Howard S. McClure (Wooster College 1915)
Joseph E. McClure (Wooster College 1908)
Samuel G. McClure (Wooster College 1886)
Walter C. McClure (Wooster College 1901)
Edward W. McClusky (Wooster College 1892)
Edward B. McDowell (Wooster College 1890)
Robert N. McGraw (Wooster College 1913)
John W. McGregor (Wooster College 1900)
Anderson McKean (Wooster College 1906)
Edward M. McMillin (Wooster College 1888)
Frederick N. McMillin (Wooster College 1895)
James M. McSweeney (Wooster College 1908)
John McSweeney (Wooster College 1912)
Edwin W. Meese (Wooster College 1904)
David D. Miller (Wooster College 1905)
Frank W. Miller (Wooster College 1909)
Hurd J. Miller (Wooster College 1912)
William H. Miller (Wooster College 1902)
Robert H. Moore (Wooster College 1893)
Frank S. O'Neil (Wooster College 1903)
William F. Orbison (Wooster College 1914)
Alfred C. Ormond (Wooster College 1893)
John M. Ormond (Wooster College 1887)
John D. Overholt (Wooster College 1907)
Karl F. Overholt (Wooster College 1897)
Fred B. Paisley (Wooster College 1904)
Robert S. Parks (Wooster College 1893)
Clark S. Parrett (Wooster College 1897)
John E. Rahm (Wooster College 1897)
William B. Ramsey (Wooster College 1897)
Alfred E. Rankin (Wooster College 1904)
William E. Ransom (Wooster College 1890)
Clair S. Reed (Wooster College 1908)
Lynn E. Revenaugh (Wooster College 1912)
Guy A. Richardson (Wooster College 1909)
William M. Ritchey (Wooster College 1903)
Robert F. Routson (Wooster College 1913)
James A. Rummell (Wooster College 1887)
George W. Ryall (Wooster College 1915)
Emmett L. Savage (Wooster College 1894)
William F. Saybolt (Wooster College 1899)
Frank C. Schroeder (Wooster College 1896)
Calvin F. Selfridge (Wooster College 1914)
Oliver B. Selfridge (Wooster College 1912)
Albert R. Sheldon (Wooster College 1898)
Thomas P. Shupe (Wooster College 1907)
William J. Simpson (Wooster College 1906)
Robert W. Skinner (Wooster College 1910)
Jacob F. Slagle (Wooster College 1890)
Arthur L. Slemmons (Wooster College 1886)
Wilbert I. Slemmons (Wooster College 1884)
W. H. Slutz (Wooster College 1919)
Frank M. Smith (Wooster College 1889)
Lewis H. Smith (Wooster College 1892)
Frank B. Snodgrass (Wooster College 1895)
Homer E. Snyder (Wooster College 1889)
James E. Snyder (Wooster College 1893)
George Sowash (Wooster College 1901)
Benjamin Spearman (Wooster College 1888)
Lawrence E. Sperry (Wooster College 1912)
John D. Steele (Wooster College 1915)
William W. Steele (Wooster College 1912)
William C. Stockton (Wooster College 1898)
William J. Stuart (Wooster College 1894)
Myron G. Swaller (Wooster College 1915)
Hiram L. Tate (Wooster College 1908)
Wade A. Taylor (Wooster College 1891)
J. Winters Thomas (Wooster College 1907)
James C. Thompson (Wooster College 1912)
William H. Thompson (Wooster College 1899)
James C. Todd (Wooster College 1897)
William S. Todd (Wooster College 1893)
Earl L. Triffit (Wooster College 1904)
J. F. Tyler (Wooster College 1906)
Clarence M. Ustick (Wooster College 1887)
Robert E. Vail (Wooster College 1893)
Charles W. Vandegrift (Wooster College 1891)
Alfred N. Vandeman (Wooster College 1888)
Harris Waite (Wooster College 1910)
Walter H. Warren (Wooster College 1900)
Charles F. Watts (Wooster College 1884)
James S. Weaver (Wooster College 1905)
Paul Q. White (Wooster College 1909)
William W. White (Wooster College 1886)
Herbert M. Willson (Wooster College 1890)
John R. Willson (Wooster College 1913)
Frederick B. Wishard (Wooster College 1915)
Roland B. Woodward (Wooster College 1895)
Thomas C. Woodward (Wooster College 1898)
Andrew D. Wright (Wooster College 1913)
Curtis Wright Jr. (Wooster College 1898)
Charles C. Yanquell (Wooster College 1915)
John C. Abbott (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1894)
Walter L. Abel (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1939)
Donald H. Adams (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1952)
Robert H. Adams (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
William S. Allan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1943)
Dwight B. Allen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1972)
Lucian T. Allen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
William L. Ames (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1942)
Edward D. Amsden (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Calvin H. Andrews (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1893)
Joseph A. Anglada (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
John O. Archibald (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
Kenneth R. Archibald (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
James H. Arnold (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1922)
Clarence W. Ashcroft (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1941)
Paul G. Atkinson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1937)
Leland L. Atwood (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Richard A. Atwood (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
Louie A. Bacon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1903)
William J. Baldwin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1894)
Allison P. Ball (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
Harry E. Ballard (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
Thomas Bamford (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1947)
Lawrence B. Barnard (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1929)
Richard D. Barnard (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Roy A. Barnard (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1897)
Joseph P. Bartholomew (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1899)
Lyman Bartlett (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1899)
Walter B. Bauer (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1937)
Frederick C. Baxter (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1902)
E. D. Beach (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1911)
Desha M. Beamer (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1965)
Adolphe E. Becker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
G. S. Beebe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Ralph S. Beers (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Eric G. Benedict (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Franklin A. Bent (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Nathan R. Birge (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Aarne M. Bishop (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1921)
Donald R. Bishop (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
Harold S. Bloch (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1904)
Jesse A. Bloch (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1901)
Richard W. Bonnet (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1943)
Charles A. Booth (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
Paul W. Booth (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Eustis Bosson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1907)
Charles M. Boutell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
Frank S. Bowker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1901)
George A. Bowker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1905)
Earle L. Bowman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
Patrick R. Boyle (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1987)
Francis C. Bragg (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
John W. Braley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1957)
Harry O. Breaker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1905)
Stuart W. Briggs (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
Alden I. Brigham (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1922)
Frederick H. Brigham (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
Howard L. Brooks (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
Walter P. Brooks (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1903)
Warren E. Brooks (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1894)
Arthur R. Brown (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1925)
Charles A. Brown (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
Edwin H. Brown (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
John L. Brown (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
John L. Brown (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1945)
Le R. Brown (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Marshall E. Brown (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1951)
Theophilus Brown (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1901)
Elisha L. Buffington (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
Newman Bumstead (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Robert Bumstead (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Martin J. Burden (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1955)
Harold E. Burdette (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
William R. Burford (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1901)
William F. Burleigh (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1892)
Charles A. Burt (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1894)
John W. Burt (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
Anson C. Burwell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1913)
Robert A. Busch (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1951)
Alonzo O. Bush (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1925)
William S. Bushell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1937)
Freeman P. Butler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
John L. Buzzi (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1957)
Edward C. Cadwell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1907)
Herbert R. Cahoon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1949)
Arthur B. Calef III (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Russell H. Callahan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
Hector L. Cameron (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1940)
Ernest P. Capozzi (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1985)
Thomas B. Card (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1920)
Horace C. Carpenter (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1896)
Roy Carrick (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1923)
Allan R. Catheron (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Charles C. Chalfant (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1897)
John W. Chalfant (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1896)
Malcolm R. Chandler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1939)
Robert K. Chandler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
Philip A. Charron (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1953)
Richard F. Charron (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1957)
George L. Chase (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1936)
Paul M. Chase (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Laurence B. Cheney (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Raymond F. Cherenzia (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1973)
Erford W. Chesley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
Horace G. Chickering (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1905)
John E. Church (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1933)
Roswell J. Clapp (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1893)
Burton S. Clark (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Paul H. Clark (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1973)
Robert N. Clark (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1933)
Carl T. Clarke (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
Alvah W. Clement (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1895)
F. B. Cleveland (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Harold A. Cleveland (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
Richard C. Cleveland (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1893)
Stanley C. Clevenger (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1955)
Philip F. Coe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Thomas H. Coe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1923)
Loring Coes (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Edwin B. Coghlin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1923)
Edwin B. Coghlin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1956)
John W. Coghlin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
Albert N. Cole (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1905)
John H. Conant (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1913)
Frederick R. Cook (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1927)
Edmund B. Cooper (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Lee G. Cordier (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1944)
Robert G. Cornell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1957)
EL M. Corujo (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1954)
Rollin K. Corwin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1965)
Andrew D. Costa Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1947)
Richard D. Cox (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1964)
Frank E. Craig (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
Walter E. Crandall (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1940)
Fred D. Crawshaw (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1896)
John A. Crosier (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1927)
George W. Cross (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1929)
Gordon S. Cruickshank (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Albert E. Culley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1892)
Henry S. Cummings (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1950)
Philip N. Curtis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1902)
Victor N. Cushman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1894)
Harry L. Dadmun (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1891)
Timothy F. Daley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1981)
William S. B. Dana (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1897)
Clarence W. Daniels (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
C. M. Dann (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1935)
Russell S. Davenport (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
John J. Davidson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1979)
Carl J. Davis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1950)
Frederic R. Davis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
George P. Davis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1895)
Matthew J. Davis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1982)
Norman C. Davis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1904)
Thomas W. Davis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1930)
William O. Davis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1920)
Winsor R. Davis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Robert O. Dawson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
Manuel A. DeCarvalho (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1977)
Edward R. Delano (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1930)
Phillip R. Delphos (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Percival D. Deming (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1917)
Benjamin B. Dewart (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Harold B. Dick (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1925)
Clement A. Didden (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1930)
Arthur S. Dinsmore (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1940)
Merrill Dix (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1929)
George P. Dixon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Ivan M. Dockham (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
Frank A. Dorman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
Howard E. Drake (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1921)
William F. Drake (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1933)
Robert H. Dunbar (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1925)
Warren W. Dutcher (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1904)
Robert R. Dutkiewicz (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1971)
Clifton H. Dwinnell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1894)
George W. Eddy (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1896)
William D. Edwards (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1897)
Robert E. Eilertson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
William F. Elliott (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1964)
Warren A. Ellsworth (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1922)
Ralph W. Emerson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1894)
Robert P. Engvall (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1957)
John Y. Estabrook (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Robert A. Evans (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
William H. Evans (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Richard Farraher (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1952)
Herbert H. Ferris (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1943)
Horace H. Field (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
Clifford C. Fifield (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Howard R. Finn (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1932)
Ralph E. Fish (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1897)
Joseph P. Flemming (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Joseph H. Fogg (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1933)
Robert Foisie (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1956)
Edward J. Foley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1957)
Dana L. Forbes (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
Blair Foster (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Charles S. Fowler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Everett H. Francis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
Jordan Franklin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
Eric T. Franzen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1913)
Ernest B. Freeman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1901)
Charles R. French (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1947)
Conrad P. Frey (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1921)
Frank H. Frissell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1923)
Carl F. Fritch (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1940)
Kenneth V. Fryer (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
Henry J. Fuller (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1895)
Henry S. Fuller (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1937)
George A. Gabriel (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1899)
David L. Gallup (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1901)
Goddard K. Garrison (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1906)
William H. Gates (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1923)
William T. Gaul (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Evander H. Ginn (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Ralph C. Glazier (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1899)
Paul W. Glover (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Charles F. Goodrich (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1911)
Richard E. Goodwin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1955)
Albert A. Gordon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1922)
Robert J. Grant (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1943)
L. W. Graves (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1901)
Walter S. Greacen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1907)
David E. Green (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1981)
Arthur Greenwood (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1909)
Allen H. Gridley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
Paul S. Grierson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
George C. Griffith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
Allen K. Griggs (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1949)
Peter T. Grosch (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1969)
J. W. Hackett (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1907)
Lawrence J. Hadley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
Leon E. Hadley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1923)
Preston H. Hadley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Alfred L. Haffner (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1950)
Samuel F. Hall (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
W. B. Hall (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
William W. Hall (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
Walter E. Haller (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1961)
Caleb D. Hammond (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1937)
Robert C. Hanckel (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1943)
Thomas W. Hansen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1956)
Roswell T. Hapgood (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1901)
Albert Hardaker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1949)
Frank W. Harding (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1949)
Edwin R. Harper (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Lewis L. Harr (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
Whitney Hastings (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1920)
Henry H. Hay (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
Roger C. Hay (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Ronald K. Hayden (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1989)
William J. Hayden (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1929)
Howard W. Haynes (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
James K. Healy (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1935)
Charles W. Heath (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
Albin Hedlund (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Alfred C. Hellig (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1944)
Frederick F. Hering (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1955)
Karl E. Herrick (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1910)
Raymond E. Herzog (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1944)
Ogden B. Hewitt (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Merrill W. Higgins (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1942)
Paul E. Higgins (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
George G. Hill (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1953)
William H. Hinchliffe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1932)
John H. Hinchliffe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Malcolm S. Hinckley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1949)
Alfred O. Hitchcock (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
Carl K. Hitchon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1939)
Thomas Hodgett (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1951)
Gerald C. Hodgkins (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
Charles L. Hoebel (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1941)
Frank S. Holby (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
Robert M. Holby (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1941)
William D. Holcomb (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
George S. Hollister (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Alfred H. Holway (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1929)
Harry A. Hosmer (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1901)
Warren C. Hotchkiss (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1940)
Donald E. Houser (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1939)
Alan F. Howe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1947)
George K. Howe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1949)
Wilfred H. Howe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1922)
William C. Howe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1893)
Mark O. Hoyt (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1972)
Charles N. Huggins (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
Earl C. Hughes (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Frank A. Hughes (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1923)
Stanley F. Hunt (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1913)
Harold S. Hunting (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
Thomas A. Hyde (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1933)
Chester M. Inman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Harvey C. Irving (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1909)
Leighton Jackson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1933)
Ralph J. Jencks (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Harding B. Jenkins (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1940)
Walter H. Jenks (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1907)
Winfield S. Jewell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Alden C. Johnson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1966)
Carl G. Johnson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1940)
Paul E. Johnson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1932)
William M. Johnson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1899)
Chandler W. Jones (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1925)
Edward Jones (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Everett M. Jones (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1932)
William A. Jordan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1902)
Richard C. Joslin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
Edmond H. Judd (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1950)
Charles F. Keith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1946)
Richard L. Keith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Russell Keith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
Wayne E. Keith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1922)
Burton E. Kelley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1927)
Clifford W. Kennedy (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1917)
Raymond F. Kimball (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
Warren B. King (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1911)
Leonard P. Kinnicutt (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1875)
Arthur S. Kloss (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Theodore E. Kloss (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
Melvin H. Knapp (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1940)
Walter E. Knapp (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
Anton L. Knipping (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
Thomas P. Kohanski (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1957)
Fred J. Kraemer (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1939)
Frederick Krauss (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1949)
David A. Kuniholm (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1940)
Martin L. Kuniholm (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
Arthur J. Lacroix (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1907)
C. M. Lane (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Walter E. Lang Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1939)
Armand C. Langdon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1904)
Arthur R. Larocque (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1957)
Henry P. Latham (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1922)
John G. Lawrence (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
Levi Lawrence (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
Roger H. Lawton (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1935)
Ernest J. Lawton (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1940)
Harold A. LeDuc (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1935)
William M. Lee (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1977)
George W. Lee (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
Philip C. Lenz (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1958)
Harthan F. Leslie (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1904)
Arthur L. Lewis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
Merrick Lincoln (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1894)
Kenneth E. Linell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1966)
Clifford S. Livermore (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
Robert S. Lloyd (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1939)
Harold H. Lockey (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
Ernest A. Loeffler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1930)
Philip Loff (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1902)
Stirling M. Logan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1923)
Harvey F. Lorenzen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Hugh C. Lovell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1951)
Charles L. Loveridge (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
Frank E. Lowe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
James B. Lowell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1907)
David A. Luoma (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1962)
Frederick H. Lutze (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1959)
Richard T. Lyman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Charles E. Lyman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Walter T. MacAdam (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
Gordon L. MacDonald (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
Harry L. Macgregory (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1910)
William A. Mackenzie (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1903)
Frederick H. Magoun (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
Charles F. Malecky (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1970)
Harold J. Manning (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1909)
Wright H. Manvel (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1933)
Elwood L. Marble (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
Clifford H. Marsh (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1906)
Norman W. Martin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1950)
Donald L. Mattes (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1956)
Raymond H. Matthews (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1942)
Edward B. Maynard (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1921)
Edward W. Maynard (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1901)
William A. McAloon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Gordon N. McColley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
Thomas A. McComiskey (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1951)
Michael D. McCormick (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1970)
David McEwan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1939)
Frederick J. McGowan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1929)
Duncan McInnes (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1925)
George W. McKenna (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
Robert D. Meeker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Albert D. Mellor (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1906)
Merritt B. Merwin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1906)
John C. Metzger (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1946)
George A. Midwood (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1920)
Arthur L. Miller (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Bertrand C. Mills (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1945)
Charles E. Millsback (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1969)
John H. Minnick (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
Richard M. Mitchell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1901)
Edward J. Moffat (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Laurence L. Moore (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
Percival Moore (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1895)
Herbert S. Moores (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1961)
Harry W. Morehouse (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1903)
Charles F. Morgan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Ralph L. Morgan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1894)
Huber L. Morrison (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1909)
Arthur W. Morse (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1905)
Fred A. Morse (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1892)
Herbert H. Morse (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1897)
Howard M. Morse (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1902)
Richard S. Morse (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
Richard W. Morse (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
Charles D. Morton (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1904)
Abram C. Mott (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Robert A. Muir (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1941)
H. E. Munz (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
David C. Murdock (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1904)
Theodore J. Murphy (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1946)
Philip F. Murray (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
William C. Napier Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
Alexander L. Naylor (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
Charles H. Needham (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1920)
Donald C. Nelson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
James S. Nelson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1932)
Richard A. Nelson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
Thomas L. Nelson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1897)
William Nelson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1892)
Arthur S. Newcomb (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
Frank K. Newkirk (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1922)
Eric H. Nickerson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1969)
Hugo L. Norige (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1945)
David A. Nye (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1943)
Daniel F. O'Regan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1891)
Harry W. Osgood (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Paul S. Otis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Percy W. Page (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1902)
Hilliard W. Paige (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1941)
Frank E. Palmer (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1899)
Donald F. Palmer Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1941)
Ivan Panin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Joseph F. Paparella (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1956)
Alfred G. Parker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1933)
Allan E. Parker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1963)
Frederick W. Parks (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1896)
Howard M. Parks (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1902)
Russell W. Parks (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1941)
Albert N. Parry (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1935)
Donald K. Pattilloch (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
George K. Peck (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1941)
John W. Peirce (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1950)
Karl W. Penney (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
Fred C. Perkins (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Edmund A. Perry (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1933)
Edward H. Peterson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1943)
Alan F. Petit (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1955)
Halsey R. Philbrick (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1906)
Earl B. Pickering (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1921)
George W. Pickering (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Robert N. Pim (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1944)
A. T. Ponds (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1952)
Richard D. Popp (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1954)
Charles E. Porter (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1930)
Oscar S. Porter (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1913)
Whitney S. Porter (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1910)
John H. Porteus (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1932)
A. H. Powell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1937)
Douglas J. Powers (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1983)
Franklin J. Powers (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
Winthrop S. Pratt (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
Howard P. Putnam (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1922)
Donald P. Ramaker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1940)
Allan D. Ramsay (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1942)
Arthur H. Rand (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1939)
James L. Rathbun (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Frederick A. Rauppius (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1953)
Rollin T. Read (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1911)
Robert E. Reed (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1960)
Richard L. Rees (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Sidney A. Reeve (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1920)
Lester J. Reynolds (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1950)
Charles L. Richardson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1927)
John W. Riley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1984)
Roger P. Roberge (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1945)
William W. Robinson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1945)
Robert H. Roden (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Richard L. Rodier (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1946)
Robert W. Rodier (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1951)
John C. Rogers (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1962)
Howard B. Ross (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
Philip J. Rowell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
Stephen E. Rubin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974)
John T. Rushton (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1939)
Robert H. Russell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Thomas B. Rutherford (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
William C. Rutter (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975)
John H. Rylands (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1904)
Richard Sanderson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1911)
Anders B. Sandquist (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1936)
Carleton R. Sanford (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1927)
Howard C. Sargent (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
Lester H. Sarty (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
Harry M. Sawyer (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Harold T. Schaller (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1941)
Frank H. Schopfer (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1913)
Robert E. Scott (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1945)
Robert P. Seaton (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1943)
Ryan O. Sebastian (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2010)
Fred B. Seely (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1907)
Everett F. Sellew (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Paul S. Sessions (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1921)
Robert C. Sessions (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
Norman L. Shaw (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1930)
Raymond E. Shaw (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1903)
Joseph P. Sheehan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
Alan F. Shepardson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1936)
William J. Shepherd (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1962)
Paul R. Shepler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1935)
Herbert P. Shreeve (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
Albert T. Sibley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
Edward H. Simpson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Henry Y. Simpson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
William Sinclair Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Raymond B. Sjostrom (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
Leon D. Skuropat (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1932)
George Slonczewski (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1949)
Harold F. Smith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1956)
Harry C. Smith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
Irving R. Smith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1921)
Lyman M. Smith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Myron M. Smith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Robert L. Somerville (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
Hugh M. Southgate (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1892)
Clifton G. Spaulding (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1909)
Ralph E. Spaulding (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1909)
Raymond L. Spaulding (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
John C. Spence (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1903)
John C. Spence (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1933)
Stanley A. Spencer (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Earl M. Spinks (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1969)
Fred L. Sprague (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
John C. Spurr (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1925)
Frederick S. Stallknecht (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1917)
Lucien C. Stanley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1914)
Hubert G. Stanton (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1953)
William M. Stark (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1893)
Raymond F. Starrett (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1935)
Maurice G. Steele (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1915)
Walter H. Steenstra (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Thornton R. Stenberg (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1917)
Carl G. Stenz (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1906)
Legrand E. Sterling (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1904)
Jackson K. Sterrett (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1925)
George A. Stevens (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
James S. Stevens (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1946)
Wilbert E. Stevenson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1925)
Alanson E. Stewart (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1911)
Roy E. Stillwagon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1947)
Albert C. Stone (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1939)
Joseph W. Stone (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1905)
Edward L. Stone (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1903)
Edwin I. Storer (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1897)
Alfred P. Storms (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
C. L. Storms (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
Douglas G. Stotz (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1959)
Roger K. Stoughton (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1929)
Charles P. Stowell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1944)
Wilfred A. Streeter (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1902)
Francis E. Streiffert (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
Donald G. Striby (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1957)
David B. Sullivan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1959)
Robert E. Sullivan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1952)
John B. Sutliffe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1937)
Frederick W. Swan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1935)
Donald L. Swanson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1947)
Aymar H. Taber (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1930)
Philip V. Tarr (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1942)
John Taylor (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1947)
Raymond E. Taylor (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
Roland H. Taylor (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
Fielding Taylor (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1937)
Alfred R. Tenny (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1943)
Dan B. Thomas (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1913)
Alvan M. Thompson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1905)
Charles F. Thompson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1944)
James F. Thompson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1910)
Edward C. Thrasher (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
George H. Throop (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1897)
Edgar F. Tierney (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1913)
Ronald E. Tillberg (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1966)
William S. Titcomb (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
William H. Titley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1936)
Harold M. Toombs (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
Noel Totti (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1942)
Clarence M. Toucey (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1906)
Ralph E. Toucey (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1909)
Lloyd L. Tower (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1920)
A. F. Townsend (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
William R. Traill (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Curtis A. Tucker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1892)
Frederick C. Tucker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Carlos W. Tyler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1908)
Ivan L. Underwood (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1925)
George H. Upton (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
Herbert H. Upton (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1920)
Edward P. Usher (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1913)
Adolph J. Varrelmann (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1902)
Henry P. Vaughan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1922)
Richard L. Verville (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1928)
Peter J. Vozzola (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1946)
Charles L. Waddell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
Otto A. Wahlrab (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1954)
Chandler C. Walker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1941)
Henry F. Walker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1894)
Howard T. Walsh (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Henry C. Walter (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Theodore L. Wanstall (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
F. H. Waring (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Harold E. Waring (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1910)
Alba H. Warren (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1895)
Albert E. Warren (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Bruce W. Watson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1941)
Burl S. Watson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1949)
Francis X. Watson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1965)
Wesleyan Watson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1930)
Philip M. Way (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1934)
Dean B. Webster (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
Robert F. Webster (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1937)
Donald G. Weikman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1949)
William J. Weir (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1910)
William H. Welch (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
Ralph A. Wellington (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1917)
Axel H. Wendin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Sigurd R. Wendin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1925)
John Wenzel (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1923)
Sidney E. Wenzell (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948)
John R. Wheeler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1917)
Robert H. Wheeler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1933)
Carl W. Wheelock (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1909)
Joseph W. Whitaker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1941)
Fred B. White (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Clifford C. Whiting (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1917)
Ralph D. Whitmore Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1942)
Gregory D. Whitney (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1989)
Leslie C. Whitney (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1921)
Morgan M. Whitney (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1922)
Matthew P. Whittall (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1896)
Matthew P. Whittall (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1896)
Frederick W. Whittemore (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
George S. Whittemore (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1898)
David T. Whittle (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1969)
Grayson W. Wilcox (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1931)
Harold F. Wilcox (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1918)
Ralph M. Wilder (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Richard B. Will (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1952)
C. A. Willard (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1917)
John B. Willard (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1937)
Harlan B. Williams (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1950)
Robert W. Williams (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1912)
Charles S. Williams (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
William J. Williamson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Hiram R. Willson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1895)
Ernest D. Wilson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1949)
Daniel Winchester (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1988)
Gunnar A. Winckler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1925)
Chester E. Wing (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1910)
George H. Wise (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1902)
Elijah S. Wood (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1893)
Ernest P. Wood (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1926)
Everett S. Wood (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Pliny W. Wood (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1942)
Dana W. Woodward (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1937)
John F. Woodward (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1924)
Julian S. Wooster (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1900)
Albert L. Worthen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1910)
Robert C. Wright (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1936)
William Yates (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1932)
Frederick L. Yeo (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1936)
Roger G. Young (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
Richard A. Zeleny (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1952)
H. E. Adams (Yale University 1902)
Louis W. Adams Jr. (Yale University 1929)
Samuel P. Adams (Yale University 1915)
Thornton S. Adams (Yale University 1923)
William R. Adams (Yale University 1894)
Hubert H. Aimes (Yale University 1897)
James R. Alexander (Yale University 1905)
John M. Allderige (Yale University 1945)
Charles E. Allen (Yale University 1958)
Gerard B. Allen (Yale University 1903)
Russell B. Allen (Yale University 1923)
Stuart R. Allen (Yale University 1917)
W. L. Allen (Yale University 1910)
Whitlaw R. Allen (Yale University 1914)
Wilbur M. Alling (Yale University 1898)
Clarence H. Allis (Yale University 1909)
Robert L. Allyn (Yale University 1920)
A. R. Amos (Yale University 1918)
William L. Anderson (Yale University 1906)
Launcelot W. Andrews (Yale University 1875)
A. J. Anlyan (Yale University 1943)
William G. Anlyan (Yale University 1945)
Shreve M. Archer (Yale University 1910)
Adolph H. Armbruster (Yale University 1926)
David R. Arpin (Yale University 1950)
James L. Ash (Yale University 1924)
Mahlon H. Atkinson (Yale University 1954)
Frederick V. Austin Jr. (Yale University 1928)
James A. Babbitt (Yale University 1893)
H. N. Babcock (Yale University 1945)
Oscar H. Babcock (Yale University 1927)
Fredrick C. Bachman (Yale University 1924)
John S. Bachman (Yale University 1933)
William H. Backus (Yale University 1877)
Alfred J. Bailey (Yale University 1920)
Collier W. Baird (Yale University 1910)
Charles P. Baither (Yale University 1952)
Carl C. Baker (Yale University 1908)
Frank A. Baker (Yale University 1910)
Arthur D. Baldwin (Yale University 1955)
Linton H. Baldwin (Yale University 1949)
Rosecrans Baldwin (Yale University 1935)
William H. Baldwin (Yale University 1915)
Charles B. Ball (Yale University 1880)
Richard A. Balsam (Yale University 1946)
John R. Bamford (Yale University 1944)
Richard C. Bannon (Yale University 1923)
Ettore Barbatelli (Yale University 1947)
Walter Bareiss (Yale University 1940)
Robert C. Barker (Yale University 1963)
Edward L. Barker Jr. (Yale University 1945)
Stephen C. Barlow (Yale University 1964)
Stanley G. Barnett (Yale University 1924)
Andrew Barr (Yale University 1930)
James R. Barracks (Yale University 1947)
Joseph T. Barry (Yale University 1946)
Philip C. Bartlett (Yale University 1908)
Richard S. Bartley (Yale University 1961)
Robert K. Barton (Yale University 1954)
Russell B. Bass (Yale University 1931)
Frederick P. Bassett (Yale University 1900)
William C. Bates (Yale University 1903)
Lewis R. Baxter (Yale University 1937)
Charles T. Beach (Yale University 1921)
John J. Beattie (Yale University 1912)
Edward H. Beavers (Yale University 1941)
Harold W. Beder (Yale University 1932)
Robert T. Beers (Yale University 1935)
Harry G. Beggs (Yale University 1932)
Morris B. Belknap (Yale University 1877)
Gary G. Bellow (Yale University 1957)
Angelo H. Bennell (Yale University 1912)
Claude G. Bennethum (Yale University 1903)
George S. Bennethum (Yale University 1917)
Ralph C. Bennett (Yale University 1901)
Thomas J. Bergin (Yale University 1896)
Frank D. Berrien (Yale University 1925)
Arthur Y. Berry (Yale University 1936)
Reed Bertolette (Yale University 1944)
William W. Betteridge (Yale University 1948)
Harrison H. Bickford (Yale University 1938)
William S. Bidle Jr. (Yale University 1932)
Frank L. Bidwell (Yale University 1877)
Philip T. Billard (Yale University 1963)
Clyde H. Bingham (Yale University 1929)
Robert S. Binkerd (Yale University 1904)
Avard L. Bishop (Yale University 1906)
Richard E. Bishop (Yale University 1912)
Webster Bishop (Yale University 1921)
Clinton T. Bissell (Yale University 1897)
Richard A. Bixby (Yale University 1912)
Harvey W. Black (Yale University 1913)
William F. Blackman (Yale University 1880)
Carlton D. Blanchard (Yale University 1947)
Bradford M. Blanchard (Yale University 1950)
Robert E. Blesskany (Yale University 1959)
Henry H. Blundin (Yale University 1956)
Frank A. Boder (Yale University 1908)
Henry A. Bodwell (Yale University 1930)
Nelson R. Boice (Yale University 1943)
Charles P. Bondurant (Yale University 1951)
Alfred G. Bookwalter (Yale University 1897)
John F. Bookwalter (Yale University 1924)
William J. Boone (Yale University 1945)
Malcolm D. Booth (Yale University 1904)
Warren S. Booth (Yale University 1916)
William H. Booth (Yale University 1939)
Fred L. Born (Yale University 1942)
Charles A. Bosworth (Yale University 1933)
William J. Bowe (Yale University 1964)
Henry M. Bowen (Yale University 1945)
Whitman W. Bowers (Yale University 1930)
William C. Bowles (Yale University 1961)
Richard L. Boyle (Yale University 1952)
Frank E. Bradley (Yale University 1890)
Truman L. Bradley (Yale University 1941)
Arthur A. Brady (Yale University 1927)
Brewster C. Brainard (Yale University 1894)
Irving E. Brainard (Yale University 1902)
Morgan H. Brewster (Yale University 1923)
Arthur E. Brides (Yale University 1909)
Allen K. Bridges (Yale University 1965)
Daniel B. Brinsmade (Yale University 1896)
Delos J. Bristol (Yale University 1909)
Halbert H. Britan (Yale University 1902)
Donald C. Brock (Yale University 1920)
Lawrence B. Brockett (Yale University 1944)
Charles M. Brooks Jr. (Yale University 1919)
William H. Brotherton (Yale University 1915)
Benjamin W. Brown (Yale University 1891)
Frank W. Brown (Yale University 1895)
Gordon D. Brown (Yale University 1920)
Lawrence E. Brown (Yale University 1893)
Willard E. Brown (Yale University 1921)
Edwin H. Brown (Yale University 1914)
Forrest W. Brown (Yale University 1936)
James F. Brown (Yale University 1912)
Amos A. Browning (Yale University 1875)
George G. Browning (Yale University 1942)
William Browning (Yale University 1876)
Thomas W. Bryant (Yale University 1936)
Chambers F. Bryson (Yale University 1920)
Edward S. Buckley (Yale University 1945)
Edwin F. Bugbee (Yale University 1890)
Chester B. Bulkley (Yale University 1928)
Robert W. Bullock (Yale University 1926)
John B. Bunker (Yale University 1950)
Samuel E. Bunker (Yale University 1950)
George L. Bunnell (Yale University 1896)
Clinton M. Burbank (Yale University 1914)
Edward C. Burgard (Yale University 1951)
Van V. Burger (Yale University 1926)
Clarence C. Burger (Yale University 1925)
Charles F. Burhans (Yale University 1935)
Howard F. Burke (Yale University 1933)
Peter G. Burnett (Yale University 1942)
Dalton F. Burns (Yale University 1923)
Leroy W. Burns (Yale University 1905)
Horace R. Burritt (Yale University 1890)
William D. Burrows (Yale University 1947)
Leland H. Burt (Yale University 1930)
James M. Burt III (Yale University 1954)
Louis R. Burton (Yale University 1903)
Robert Burton (Yale University 1907)
Edgar B. Butler (Yale University 1931)
William R. Butler (Yale University 1925)
Nils F. Bylund (Yale University 1912)
David G. Cahill (Yale University 1933)
Frank Caldwell (Yale University 1877)
Edward R. Callaway (Yale University 1934)
Alexander B. Campbell (Yale University 1910)
George H. Campbell (Yale University 1910)
Harry D. Campbell (Yale University 1946)
James N. Campbell (Yale University 1903)
John L. Campbell (Yale University 1919)
Louis J. Campbell (Yale University 1910)
Charles W. Canfield (Yale University 1878)
John K. Cannon (Yale University 1954)
Walter J. Cantley (Yale University 1956)
Pitt F. Carl (Yale University 1917)
Harold S. Carnahan (Yale University 1917)
Edwin L. Carpenter (Yale University 1911)
Alan G. Carr (Yale University 1957)
Richard C. Carr (Yale University 1924)
Henry S. Carrington (Yale University 1911)
Howard B. Carroll (Yale University 1947)
Frederic D. Carter (Yale University 1945)
John P. Cassilly (Yale University 1941)
Theodore C. Castle (Yale University 1928)
Harold M. Cathcart (Yale University 1909)
Sheldon Catlin (Yale University 1894)
Daniel B. Cellar (Yale University 1911)
W. H. Chamberlain (Yale University 1914)
John Champlin (Yale University 1918)
William H. Champlin (Yale University 1938)
Robert K. Chandler (Yale University 1916)
William G. Chapin (Yale University 1878)
Nathan E. Chapman (Yale University 1923)
Frederick W. Charles (Yale University 1904)
William G. Chase (Yale University 1961)
Arthur E. Chatterton (Yale University 1916)
Roy A. Cheney (Yale University 1944)
Willoughby F. Chesley (Yale University 1948)
William C. Chester (Yale University 1937)
Richard S. Childs (Yale University 1904)
Herman J. Chilton (Yale University 1935)
Henry Chisholm Jr. (Yale University 1931)
Milton E. Churchill (Yale University 1883)
William Churchill (Yale University 1897)
George H. Clark (Yale University 1880)
Hallett F. Clark (Yale University 1917)
Wilfred A. Clark (Yale University 1890)
Winthrop A. Clark (Yale University 1903)
John D. Clemens (Yale University 1935)
William R. Clendinning (Yale University 1915)
Richard F. Cloutman (Yale University 1929)
Horace E. Clute (Yale University 1902)
John L. Coates (Yale University 1883)
Alexander R. Cochran (Yale University 1938)
James E. Coddington (Yale University 1909)
Delos M. Coen (Yale University 1905)
Glen H. Colby (Yale University 1936)
Guy I. Colby (Yale University 1935)
Arthur W. Colton (Yale University 1890)
George E. Comte (Yale University 1941)
Kenyon S. Congdon (Yale University 1916)
William E. Conklin (Yale University 1899)
Charles H. Connor (Yale University 1920)
Harmon J. Cook (Yale University 1911)
Randolph H. Cook (Yale University 1930)
Winthrop O. Cook (Yale University 1932)
Darrah Corbet (Yale University 1940)
Donald G. Corbett (Yale University 1954)
Russell E. Corey (Yale University 1918)
Robert H. Cornell (Yale University 1912)
Walter E. Cornett (Yale University 1931)
Andrew P. Cornwall (Yale University 1904)
Frank C. Corry (Yale University 1918)
Thomas F. Cosgrove (Yale University 1923)
Bradford M. Couch (Yale University 1903)
George A. Cowee (Yale University 1934)
John W. Cowper (Yale University 1932)
John E. Cox (Yale University 1952)
Albert B. Coxe (Yale University 1911)
William E. Coykendall (Yale University 1942)
George A. Crane (Yale University 1916)
William E. Cranston (Yale University 1925)
Jack R. Crawford (Yale University 1901)
Francis H. Crockard (Yale University 1925)
Lathrop Crosby (Yale University 1904)
William Crosby (Yale University 1911)
Thomas N. Crowley (Yale University 1947)
Robert J. Curley (Yale University 1938)
Albert Curry Jr. (Yale University 1937)
Eugene J. Curtis Jr. (Yale University 1942)
Sidney R. Curtis (Yale University 1925)
Edward L. Cussler (Yale University 1932)
James E. Cutler (Yale University 1903)
George B. Cutten (Yale University 1897)
John A. Czaja (Yale University 1967)
Walter J. Daily (Yale University 1917)
Alexander S. Dalton (Yale University 1923)
Andrew C. Dana (Yale University 1930)
Bruce G. Daniels (Yale University 1948)
Dwight C. Daniels (Yale University 1914)
Fred H. Daniels (Yale University 1909)
George W. Darmstaedter (Yale University 1956)
Lee V. Dauler (Yale University 1935)
Martin L. Davey (Yale University 1940)
Paul H. Davey (Yale University 1948)
W. T. Davidson (Yale University 1910)
Avery B. Davis (Yale University 1920)
Carl W. Davis (Yale University 1902)
David P. Davoll (Yale University 1929)
Walter D. Day (Yale University 1932)
Benjamin H. Deacon Jr. (Yale University 1948)
George P. Deacon (Yale University 1927)
David L. Dean (Yale University 1943)
Middleton Decamp Jr. (Yale University 1950)
Alvin W. Declerque (Yale University 1913)
John M. Degnon (Yale University 1918)
Oscar L. Delano (Yale University 1918)
John R. Dellenback (Yale University 1940)
Hawthorne Deming (Yale University 1926)
Frederick W. Dempsey (Yale University 1935)
Philander G. Derby (Yale University 1931)
Stephen A. Derby (Yale University 1927)
Alphonse G. Deriesthal (Yale University 1892)
Stewart L. DeVausney (Yale University 1928)
John Dickenson (Yale University 1941)
Ferdinand H. Diebold (Yale University 1930)
Marshall R. Diggs (Yale University 1947)
Henry N. Dikeman (Yale University 1891)
Walter A. Dionne (Yale University 1961)
Norman E. Ditman (Yale University 1896)
Laurence A. Divine (Yale University 1917)
Alfred B. Dixon (Yale University 1937)
Robert C. Dobson (Yale University 1906)
Robert M. Dodsworth (Yale University 1891)
Dudley H. Dommerich (Yale University 1938)
Charles Donelan (Yale University 1953)
John J. Donnelly (Yale University 1919)
Paul Donovan (Yale University 1928)
Charles C. Donworth (Yale University 1945)
Robert B. Donworth (Yale University 1947)
Paul R. Dotterrer (Yale University 1926)
John H. Dougherty (Yale University 1906)
Delano F. Douglas (Yale University 1909)
Harold K. Douthit (Yale University 1950)
Alan H. Dowd (Yale University 1949)
Frederick G. Draper (Yale University 1931)
Harry E. Drevenstedt (Yale University 1913)
Charles M. Driggs (Yale University 1945)
Charles D. Drynan (Yale University 1910)
George D. Dulaney (Yale University 1950)
Donald A. Dunham (Yale University 1903)
George M. Dunham (Yale University 1882)
Richard B. Dunning (Yale University 1932)
George C. Durant (Yale University 1919)
Thomas P. Durell (Yale University 1909)
Willard H. Durham (Yale University 1904)
Donald K. Duvall (Yale University 1949)
Harold S. Dwight (Yale University 1913)
Edward F. Eagan (Yale University 1962)
John F. Easterbrook (Yale University 1888)
Hamilton C. Eastman (Yale University 1931)
John N. Eckle (Yale University 1910)
James H. Eddy (Yale University 1930)
Charles M. Edwards (Yale University 1894)
William E. Edwards (Yale University 1906)
Augustus H. Eggers (Yale University 1896)
Donald R. Eglee (Yale University 1948)
Christopher Elkus (Yale University 1963)
Edward C. Ellis (Yale University 1899)
James R. Ellis (Yale University 1943)
Lewis E. Elsey (Yale University 1962)
Roger G. Emrich (Yale University 1963)
Richard L. Engel (Yale University 1958)
Alexander England (Yale University 1957)
George H. Erwin (Yale University 1921)
August C. Esenwein (Yale University 1927)
David R. Evans (Yale University 1955)
George M. Evans (Yale University 1919)
Thomas H. Evans (Yale University 1931)
Wilber L. Evans (Yale University 1894)
Robert A. Ewing (Yale University 1949)
Francis M. Fahy (Yale University 1937)
Richard M. Fairbanks (Yale University 1962)
Frederick R. Fairchild (Yale University 1904)
John J. Faissler (Yale University 1931)
Raymond J. Farrell (Yale University 1916)
Robert T. Farrell (Yale University 1944)
Charles L. Farrington III (Yale University 1966)
Stanley B. Farwell (Yale University 1920)
John E. Fasick (Yale University 1917)
Charles W. Fenn (Yale University 1875)
Charles B. Fennell (Yale University 1911)
Paul Field (Yale University 1919)
Thomas V. Firth (Yale University 1961)
Hubert W. Fischer (Yale University 1921)
Clark W. Fisher (Yale University 1944)
Lawrence S. Fisher (Yale University 1962)
Walter J. Fleming Jr. (Yale University 1946)
John H. Flood (Yale University 1905)
William A. Fluty (Yale University 1952)
Forrest L. Forbes (Yale University 1908)
Ellsworth Ford (Yale University 1906)
Henry P. Forker (Yale University 1919)
Allyn K. Foster (Yale University 1901)
Edward M. Fowler (Yale University 1896)
Norman N. Fowler (Yale University 1879)
William S. Fowler (Yale University 1914)
William E. Fowler (Yale University 1942)
Joaquin J. Francke (Yale University 1877)
Henry S. Frank (Yale University 1905)
Paul E. Franklin (Yale University 1953)
Philip M. Freeman (Yale University 1910)
Edward R. Frisby (Yale University 1942)
Denison C. Fuller (Yale University 1944)
Lucius D. Fuller (Yale University 1938)
Howard I. Fullerton (Yale University 1912)
John R. Fulton (Yale University 1935)
A. Oram Fulton Jr. (Yale University 1937)
William L. Funk (Yale University 1930)
Warren L. Gabler (Yale University 1948)
Eugene E. Gaffey (Yale University 1950)
Allen Gard (Yale University 1901)
William E. Gard (Yale University 1877)
Cyrus A. Gardner (Yale University 1899)
Charles H. Garnett (Yale University 1899)
Edmund A. Garrett (Yale University 1904)
John D. Garrison (Yale University 1961)
Richard N. Gaylord (Yale University 1953)
Joseph H. Geoghegan (Yale University 1948)
Daniel G. Gibbens (Yale University 1954)
Robert M. Gignoux (Yale University 1893)
Horace D. Gilbert (Yale University 1933)
Alfred C. Gilbert Jr. (Yale University 1941)
James F. Gilkinson (Yale University 1915)
George E. Gillespie (Yale University 1909)
John L. Gilson (Yale University 1902)
Thomas R. Good (Yale University 1947)
Harold B. Goodwin (Yale University 1934)
Lewis S. Gordon Jr. (Yale University 1916)
Edward N. Gosselin (Yale University 1915)
Hubert A. Gosselin (Yale University 1932)
Donald K. Goudey (Yale University 1925)
Frederick W. Grau (Yale University 1891)
Edmund K. Gravely (Yale University 1942)
Amos M. Graves (Yale University 1920)
Bradley C. Gray (Yale University 1919)
H. L. Gray (Yale University 1914)
Robert A. Gray (Yale University 1905)
John S. Greacen (Yale University 1944)
Gervase Green (Yale University 1894)
Lucien B. Green (Yale University 1927)
Charles A. Greene (Yale University 1899)
Justin W. Griess (Yale University 1919)
William E. Griess (Yale University 1921)
Jack M. Griffin (Yale University 1926)
Robert L. Griffin (Yale University 1929)
Charles J. Griggs (Yale University 1929)
Edward A. Griggs (Yale University 1950)
Joseph A. Grimes (Yale University 1920)
Thomas F. Griswold (Yale University 1933)
George T. Guernsey (Yale University 1907)
William J. Gunn (Yale University 1904)
Hugh Haddow (Yale University 1929)
George F. Hadley (Yale University 1911)
David B. Haerle (Yale University 1950)
Albert H. Hague (Yale University 1914)
William B. Hague (Yale University 1879)
Robert A. Hahn (Yale University 1950)
Robert E. Hahn (Yale University 1953)
Anthony Haines (Yale University 1910)
Titus S. Hale (Yale University 1915)
Arthur B. Hall (Yale University 1902)
John T. Hall (Yale University 1933)
Daniel H. Hamilton (Yale University 1917)
Frank W. Hamilton (Yale University 1940)
David Q. Hammond (Yale University 1916)
Grayson G. Hanahan (Yale University 1959)
James P. Hancock (Yale University 1952)
Paul S. Hand (Yale University 1900)
Proctor W. Hansl (Yale University 1901)
Henry Hanson (Yale University 1928)
William H. Hardie (Yale University 1926)
Jesse M. Harding (Yale University 1909)
Woodward L. Harlow (Yale University 1914)
Kenneth A. Harmon (Yale University 1925)
John C. Harrington (Yale University 1952)
David V. Harris (Yale University 1947)
Thomas S. Harrison (Yale University 1934)
Francis Hartley (Yale University 1917)
John H. Hartman (Yale University 1941)
David N. Hartshorn (Yale University 1923)
Joseph C. Hartzell (Yale University 1899)
Richard M. Haskell (Yale University 1923)
Winthrop A. Haviland (Yale University 1941)
John R. Hayes (Yale University 1911)
Sidney H. Haysler (Yale University 1921)
James J. Healy (Yale University 1908)
Carlos C. Heard (Yale University 1896)
Joseph E. Hedges (Yale University 1891)
Frank H. Hedges (Yale University 1926)
L. C. Heist (Yale University 1953)
Robert L. Helmreich (Yale University 1959)
Samuel B. Hemingway (Yale University 1904)
Richard P. Herman (Yale University 1944)
Roth F. Herrlinger (Yale University 1926)
Louis Hewlett (Yale University 1895)
F. Austin Heywood Jr. (Yale University 1945)
Edward S. Hidden (Yale University 1921)
Cedric S. Hill (Yale University 1920)
Edgar G. Hill (Yale University 1904)
George W. Hill (Yale University 1952)
Edward H. Hilliard (Yale University 1945)
James L. Hiney (Yale University 1962)
Herbert Hirsche (Yale University 1921)
Waldemar C. Hirschfield (Yale University 1903)
Henry W. Hiss (Yale University 1905)
Walter Hitchcock (Yale University 1880)
George W. Hitner (Yale University 1902)
Richard W. Hocker (Yale University 1931)
Harold D. Hodgkinson (Yale University 1912)
Alfred J. Hoffman (Yale University 1920)
Frank S. Hoffman (Yale University 1880)
Harry L. Hoffman (Yale University 1897)
Jerome I. Hogan (Yale University 1949)
William L. Hoge (Yale University 1945)
Michael J. Holahan (Yale University 1936)
Richard V. Holahan (Yale University 1933)
Robert D. Holbrook (Yale University 1923)
Walter Holcomb (Yale University 1877)
Richard B. Hollaman (Yale University 1945)
Robert J. Holland (Yale University 1958)
Burr C. Hollister (Yale University 1963)
William C. Holmes (Yale University 1877)
Robert W. Holmes (Yale University 1941)
Albert H. Hoopes (Yale University 1937)
Richard O. Horning (Yale University 1936)
McDowell Hosley (Yale University 1920)
Samuel S. Hotchkiss (Yale University 1891)
Henry L. Houghton (Yale University 1925)
John B. Houston (Yale University 1942)
Horace C. Howard (Yale University 1877)
Van D. Howbert (Yale University 1913)
Kimbark W. Howell (Yale University 1951)
Edward L. Howes (Yale University 1925)
Preston S. Hoyt (Yale University 1910)
John A. Huffman (Yale University 1953)
William G. Hulbert (Yale University 1913)
Samuel H. Hun (Yale University 1920)
Alva M. Hunt (Yale University 1896)
Henry L. Hunt (Yale University 1907)
John W. Hunt (Yale University 1904)
Richard E. Hurgren (Yale University 1893)
Elmer J. Huss (Yale University 1928)
Robert F. Hustead (Yale University 1950)
Henry G. Husted (Yale University 1938)
Franklyn L. Hutton (Yale University 1900)
Herbert G. Hyman (Yale University 1955)
Joseph P. Iddings (Yale University 1877)
Thomas P. Ineson (Yale University 1946)
Howard P. Ingels (Yale University 1943)
Robert S. Ingersoll (Yale University 1937)
George Ingram (Yale University 1913)
George Ingram (Yale University 1942)
Albert B. Irwin (Yale University 1875)
Seikichi Iwasaki (Yale University 1889)
Ralph W. Jack (Yale University 1926)
Robert N. Jackson (Yale University 1946)
Thomas F. Jackson (Yale University 1944)
Hamilton R. James (Yale University 1945)
Rodney L. James (Yale University 1952)
Robert C. James (Yale University 1926)
Floyd M. Jamieson (Yale University 1919)
John V. Jamison (Yale University 1933)
Frederick T. Jarman (Yale University 1902)
Charles M. Jarvis (Yale University 1877)
John L. Jeffers (Yale University 1964)
Richard Jennings (Yale University 1918)
Richard N. Jennings (Yale University 1947)
Harry B. Johansen (Yale University 1933)
Allen M. Johnson (Yale University 1909)
Benjamin P. Johnson (Yale University 1943)
Berkeley Johnson (Yale University 1916)
Edgar M. Johnson (Yale University 1908)
James R. Johnson (Yale University 1939)
Lincoln Johnson (Yale University 1914)
Sidney V. Johnson (Yale University 1947)
Thomas R. Johnson (Yale University 1903)
Logan T. Johnston (Yale University 1945)
Hugh M. Jones (Yale University 1966)
Kenneth B. Jones (Yale University 1914)
Robert E. Jones (Yale University 1941)
Stanley H. Jones (Yale University 1908)
Walter A. Jones (Yale University 1902)
Paul H. Jordan (Yale University 1952)
Riverda H. Jordan (Yale University 1893)
Loring K. Jordon (Yale University 1909)
William B. Joyce (Yale University 1913)
Mortimer N. Judd (Yale University 1902)
Christopher T. Kastner (Yale University 1946)
Charles E. Kaufman (Yale University 1909)
Harvey W. Kausel (Yale University 1942)
Rudolph L. Kautz Jr. (Yale University 1931)
Walter E. Keach (Yale University 1905)
Kim A. Keeley (Yale University 1960)
Kendall Keely (Yale University 1920)
David L. Kellems (Yale University 1934)
Wayne W. Keller (Yale University 1961)
Charles H. Kelley (Yale University 1913)
Augustus W. Kelley (Yale University 1906)
Emery W. Kellogg (Yale University 1932)
John F. Kelly (Yale University 1947)
John N. Kelly (Yale University 1930)
Arthur C. Kelsey (Yale University 1934)
George R. Kelsey (Yale University 1906)
Edward B. Kemble (Yale University 1907)
Robert A. Kendall (Yale University 1942)
George S. Kendrick (Yale University 1921)
Harry D. Kendrick (Yale University 1916)
James M. Kennedy (Yale University 1949)
John D. Kennedy (Yale University 1952)
John J. Kennedy Jr. (Yale University 1942)
Joseph W. Kennedy Jr. (Yale University 1932)
Frank F. Keppler (Yale University 1914)
Nicholas S. Kerr (Yale University 1939)
John S. Kilner (Yale University 1906)
Herbert L. Kinsolving (Yale University 1928)
Edmund T. Kittleman (Yale University 1950)
George D. Kittredge (Yale University 1909)
Lawrence Kneeland (Yale University 1877)
Gordon F. Knight (Yale University 1945)
Oscar A. Knipe II (Yale University 1925)
Carl W. Knobloch Jr. (Yale University 1951)
Donald B. Knowlton (Yale University 1931)
Jerome H. Koehler (Yale University 1898)
Herbert V. Kohler (Yale University 1913)
Leroy E. Koons (Yale University 1916)
H. Martin Kopp Jr. (Yale University 1947)
Denman Kountze (Yale University 1953)
Henry C. Kranichfeld (Yale University 1942)
Clement H. Kreider (Yale University 1917)
George L. Kreider (Yale University 1929)
Arthur T. Lacey (Yale University 1915)
Paul L. Lafrance (Yale University 1925)
Elijah T. Laisun (Yale University 1877)
William H. Lamprecht (Yale University 1902)
Frederick C. Lanstrum (Yale University 1927)
Robert Lanyon (Yale University 1911)
Norman S. Latham (Yale University 1882)
Chester M. Latimer (Yale University 1915)
Richard B. Latimer (Yale University 1937)
Albert H. Laub (Yale University 1928)
John W. Leahey (Yale University 1928)
Clifford W. Leavenworth (Yale University 1891)
Frank Lee (Yale University 1894)
George P. Lee (Yale University 1916)
Harold A. Lee (Yale University 1920)
Richard A. Lee (Yale University 1953)
Malcolm W. Leech (Yale University 1914)
Edwin C. Leedy Jr. (Yale University 1931)
Richard G. Legge (Yale University 1961)
John E. LeGros (Yale University 1944)
Herbert J. Leimbach (Yale University 1917)
Stewart L. Leonard (Yale University 1939)
Manuel R. Leroux (Yale University 1918)
Rafael R. Leroux (Yale University 1918)
Harold J. Lestrade (Yale University 1916)
Geoffrey J. Letchworth (Yale University 1937)
Ernest W. Levering (Yale University 1906)
John E. Leverone (Yale University 1900)
Harold C. Levett (Yale University 1919)
Huber B. Lewis (Yale University 1905)
Richard P. Lewis (Yale University 1957)
Arthur R. Lewis (Yale University 1932)
William A. Liley (Yale University 1903)
Joseph L. Lilienthal (Yale University 1933)
Walter W. Littell (Yale University 1932)
David C. Little (Yale University 1924)
Kenneth K. Littlejohn (Yale University 1949)
Peter K. Loeb (Yale University 1958)
Peter S. Loft (Yale University 1954)
Arthur C. Long (Yale University 1903)
Godfrey M. Long (Yale University 1935)
A. W. Loomis (Yale University 1945)
Richard A. Loomis (Yale University 1924)
Mark A. Lothrop (Yale University 1965)
Donald C. Lott (Yale University 1935)
Joseph B. Lovett (Yale University 1948)
Douglas H. Ludeman (Yale University 1952)
Friedrich K. Lutz (Yale University 1955)
Cassius S. Lyman (Yale University 1882)
Stanley Lyon (Yale University 1908)
Charles P. MacArthur (Yale University 1917)
George D. Macbeth (Yale University 1913)
Robert E. MacCarthy (Yale University 1932)
Edward S. Mackendrick (Yale University 1921)
Lawrence W. MacQuarrie (Yale University 1927)
Arthur C. Madden (Yale University 1942)
Karl H. Maercklein (Yale University 1920)
Lloyd B. Makepeace (Yale University 1937)
Charles F. Malcolm (Yale University 1941)
Guy H. Mallam (Yale University 1904)
Keith R. Manville (Yale University 1907)
Walter F. Marcus (Yale University 1951)
Carleton L. Marsh (Yale University 1914)
Arthur Martin (Yale University 1877)
David B. H. Martin (Yale University 1945)
Ferrier J. Martin (Yale University 1877)
Sanford B. Martin (Yale University 1894)
Frank L. Marting (Yale University 1930)
Wister H. Marting (Yale University 1926)
Stanley W. Mase (Yale University 1939)
Richard A. Mashburn (Yale University 1961)
Benjamin H. Matkins (Yale University 1912)
Charles H. Matthews (Yale University 1916)
Gaston C. Maurin (Yale University 1961)
Thayer T. May (Yale University 1926)
Frederick A. Mayer (Yale University 1907)
Drayton A. Mayers (Yale University 1923)
Cloyd N. McAllister (Yale University 1892)
Peter J. McAndrews (Yale University 1929)
Samuel P. McCalmont (Yale University 1958)
Callaghan J. McCarthy Jr. (Yale University 1930)
Russell J. McCaughey (Yale University 1922)
Harry W. McCauley (Yale University 1888)
Samuel G. McClure (Yale University 1923)
Robert S. McConnell (Yale University 1928)
Edwin R. McCormick (Yale University 1919)
Samuel H. McCrea (Yale University 1914)
James A. McCurdy (Yale University 1944)
Frederick A. McDevitt (Yale University 1925)
William A. McFadden (Yale University 1896)
Richard McFee (Yale University 1947)
James P. McGowan (Yale University 1942)
John F. McGuire Jr. (Yale University 1933)
James E. McIlvain (Yale University 1967)
Harry W. McIntosh (Yale University 1892)
Randall P. McIntyre (Yale University 1945)
David D. McKenney (Yale University 1946)
Kenneth C. McKenzie (Yale University 1917)
Joseph G. McMahon (Yale University 1923)
Allen A. McMartin (Yale University 1924)
Hugh J. McMenamin (Yale University 1938)
William E. McMicken (Yale University 1911)
William B. McMillan (Yale University 1949)
John E. McPhee (Yale University 1939)
John J. McSorley (Yale University 1949)
Roland T. McSweeney (Yale University 1950)
S. C. Mead (Yale University 1890)
Walter E. Medford (Yale University 1955)
Charles H. Mee Jr. (Yale University 1957)
Amedee M. Mellier (Yale University 1907)
Austin A. Mendenhall (Yale University 1892)
William A. Merkel (Yale University 1927)
George W. Merrow (Yale University 1914)
Merritt B. Merwin (Yale University 1907)
Stuart C. Merwin (Yale University 1908)
Francis M. Metcalf (Yale University 1916)
Joseph Metcalf II (Yale University 1926)
Chester A. Meyer (Yale University 1920)
William K. Meyers (Yale University 1891)
Bradley Middlebrook (Yale University 1953)
Alexander C. Middleton (Yale University 1897)
Steven R. Mihalic (Yale University 1946)
David W. Miller (Yale University 1938)
Allan C. Milliken (Yale University 1926)
Edwin C. Mills (Yale University 1924)
Frank G. Minor (Yale University 1919)
Thomas M. Mints (Yale University 1950)
Albert H. Mitchell (Yale University 1936)
Charles R. Mitchell (Yale University 1906)
Charles T. Mitchell (Yale University 1901)
John M. Mitchell (Yale University 1952)
Thomas S. Mohr (Yale University 1939)
David J. Molloy (Yale University 1919)
David P. Monheimer (Yale University 1926)
Frank G. Montgomery (Yale University 1915)
George R. Montgomery (Yale University 1892)
Don L. Moore (Yale University 1906)
James E. Moore (Yale University 1956)
John A. Moore (Yale University 1951)
William J. Moore (Yale University 1878)
Albert A. Moore (Yale University 1894)
Thomas B. Moorhead (Yale University 1956)
John T. Morris (Yale University 1942)
Anthony Morse (Yale University 1943)
Norman K. Morse (Yale University 1921)
John R. Moses (Yale University 1945)
C. S. Harding Mott (Yale University 1930)
Fay R. Moulton (Yale University 1903)
Joseph J. Mullen (Yale University 1923)
Newman Mullen (Yale University 1919)
Alfred P. Murrah (Yale University 1955)
James P. Murray (Yale University 1949)
Lowell T. Murray (Yale University 1946)
Walter Murray (Yale University 1896)
Frank B. Myers (Yale University 1920)
Frederic E. Mygatt (Yale University 1891)
Theodore C. Naedele (Yale University 1910)
Robert L. Nase (Yale University 1906)
Ralph C. Needham (Yale University 1904)
William H. Nelson (Yale University 1900)
Almer M. Newhall (Yale University 1903)
Robert E. Newman (Yale University 1918)
John B. Nichols (Yale University 1911)
John O. Nicklis (Yale University 1931)
Arthur Nilsen (Yale University 1904)
George R. Norris (Yale University 1906)
John H. North Jr. (Yale University 1926)
Edmund Ocumpaugh (Yale University 1941)
Harry J. O'Donnell (Yale University 1929)
Ralph E. Ogden (Yale University 1916)
Ernst Ohnell (Yale University 1924)
Negamoto Okabe (Yale University 1882)
Raphael P. O'Kelley (Yale University 1919)
Charles M. Olcott (Yale University 1909)
Diedrick C. Oldenborg (Yale University 1912)
Peter G. Oldham (Yale University 1949)
Joyce F. Oliver (Yale University 1921)
Karl J. Ondricek (Yale University 1932)
John Opladen (Yale University 1962)
Robert F. Ordway (Yale University 1954)
Douglas W. Orr (Yale University 1919)
Paul A. Ortiz (Yale University 1930)
Ernest L. Osborne (Yale University 1912)
Alexander T. Ovenshine (Yale University 1958)
Albert W. Paddock (Yale University 1933)
David L. Page (Yale University 1962)
Edward D. Page (Yale University 1875)
Leigh Page (Yale University 1904)
Scott I. Paradise (Yale University 1950)
Henry W. Paret (Yale University 1917)
John S. Parke Jr. (Yale University 1932)
Herbert G. Parker (Yale University 1906)
Howard L. Parker (Yale University 1956)
Roy T. Parker (Yale University 1907)
Terry Parker (Yale University 1893)
Thomas M. Parker (Yale University 1919)
Thomas S. Parker (Yale University 1916)
Henry A. Parkin (Yale University 1933)
Allan E. Parmelee (Yale University 1914)
Peter C. Parnell (Yale University 1952)
Roderic A. Parnell (Yale University 1950)
Carlo M. Paterno (Yale University 1930)
Joseph D. Patton (Yale University 1923)
Stansbury Peacock (Yale University 1950)
Clifford G. Pearce (Yale University 1901)
Howard D. Peck (Yale University 1948)
Edgar W. Peck (Yale University 1955)
Charles W. Penrose (Yale University 1897)
Richard T. Percy (Yale University 1890)
John S. Perry (Yale University 1920)
Eric N. Perryman (Yale University 1939)
Clarence H. Peters (Yale University 1918)
George Peterson Jr. (Yale University 1930)
Clinton M. Pettis (Yale University 1896)
John R. Pettit (Yale University 1941)
Clifton W. Phalen (Yale University 1928)
Horace F. Phelps (Yale University 1921)
Peter B. Phelps (Yale University 1955)
Ziba B. Phelps (Yale University 1928)
George V. Phillips (Yale University 1929)
Edward H. Phipps (Yale University 1876)
John K. Pickrell (Yale University 1908)
F. F. Pickslay (Yale University 1908)
Noble K. Pierce (Yale University 1949)
Oliver C. Pittman (Yale University 1931)
William M. Poindexter (Yale University 1946)
Maxwell S. Porter (Yale University 1918)
James M. Potter (Yale University 1895)
William L. Potter (Yale University 1915)
Robert F. Powell (Yale University 1946)
William F. Powell (Yale University 1945)
Nelson P. Poynter (Yale University 1927)
Harry E. Pratt (Yale University 1890)
Ellsworth S. Prentice (Yale University 1908)
William F. Prestley (Yale University 1936)
William F. Preston (Yale University 1927)
E. B. Prettyman (Yale University 1949)
Harry B. Price (Yale University 1919)
Henry O. Price (Yale University 1900)
David D. Prince (Yale University 1952)
Samuel J. Prince (Yale University 1916)
Macmillan Pringle (Yale University 1946)
David A. Pugh (Yale University 1947)
William T. Quimby (Yale University 1925)
John K. Quinn (Yale University 1945)
Robert N. Quinn Jr. (Yale University 1955)
Brooks G. Ragen (Yale University 1955)
William C. Ramage (Yale University 1943)
Elmer R. Ramsey (Yale University 1938)
John B. Randolph (Yale University 1933)
Wayne Rawley Jr. (Yale University 1930)
Deforest G. Raymond (Yale University 1913)
Dudley E. Raymond (Yale University 1911)
Ely Raymond (Yale University 1913)
Richard E. Regan (Yale University 1949)
Melven J. Reibert (Yale University 1933)
James D. Reid (Yale University 1915)
Kenneth A. Reid (Yale University 1917)
Ogden R. Reid (Yale University 1949)
Maurice C. Reinecke (Yale University 1926)
John L. Reith (Yale University 1948)
Leo F. Rettger (Yale University 1902)
Charles E. Reutter (Yale University 1939)
Nathaniel R. Reyburn (Yale University 1935)
Henry J. Riblet (Yale University 1935)
H. L. Richardson (Yale University 1949)
James P. Richardson (Yale University 1891)
Joseph A. Richardson (Yale University 1948)
Ernest D. Richmond (Yale University 1923)
Joseph P. Ringland (Yale University 1929)
Roger C. Robbins (Yale University 1954)
Edward E. Robbins (Yale University 1921)
Frank S. Robbins Jr. (Yale University 1930)
John A. Robertshaw (Yale University 1949)
Walter B. Robinson (Yale University 1890)
George W. Robinson (Yale University 1914)
Stanley P. Rockwell (Yale University 1907)
Walter G. Rodiger (Yale University 1943)
Edwin M. Rogers (Yale University 1880)
John Rogers Jr. (Yale University 1920)
John B. Rogers (Yale University 1933)
George F. Romney (Yale University 1919)
Wilford L. Romney (Yale University 1923)
Vandling D. Rose (Yale University 1915)
Frederic H. Roth (Yale University 1963)
Thomas Rowen (Yale University 1944)
Thomas F. Rowland (Yale University 1877)
John E. Ruby (Yale University 1928)
Augustus G. Ruggles (Yale University 1897)
Francis A. Ruggles (Yale University 1900)
Sabin S. Russell (Yale University 1907)
William H. Ryland (Yale University 1957)
Newell B. Safford (Yale University 1951)
George H. Sager (Yale University 1917)
Willard D. Saulnier (Yale University 1918)
Louis B. Savard (Yale University 1953)
John P. Sawyer (Yale University 1966)
O. G. Saxon (Yale University 1932)
Frederick M. Scaife (Yale University 1919)
Otto Schaefer (Yale University 1920)
Louis J. Schiller (Yale University 1881)
Paul F. Schlick (Yale University 1917)
James L. Schultz (Yale University 1967)
Paul Schulze (Yale University 1916)
Alfred C. Schwab (Yale University 1889)
Charles W. Schwartz (Yale University 1914)
Ashton T. Scott (Yale University 1929)
Henry S. Scott (Yale University 1908)
Robert B. Seabury (Yale University 1925)
Kenneth M. Searle (Yale University 1918)
Raymond B. Searle (Yale University 1915)
John H. Sears (Yale University 1904)
Richard W. Sears (Yale University 1919)
Edward W. Seaton (Yale University 1916)
John M. Seaton (Yale University 1913)
Kendall G. Seaton (Yale University 1914)
William T. Sedgwick (Yale University 1877)
Herbert F. Seward (Yale University 1900)
Herbert L. Seward (Yale University 1906)
Robert J. Shallenberger (Yale University 1936)
Richard P. Shapiro (Yale University 1964)
Howard R. Sharkey (Yale University 1900)
Robert P. Sharp (Yale University 1953)
Albert H. Sharpe (Yale University 1902)
Nelson Sharpe (Yale University 1936)
Lucien R. Shattuck (Yale University 1930)
Edward M. Sheehy (Yale University 1961)
Hugh C. Sherwood (Yale University 1948)
George E. Shipway (Yale University 1908)
Sidney E. Short (Yale University 1910)
Reinhard Siedenburg (Yale University 1955)
Carl M. Siemon (Yale University 1918)
Nelson F. Sievering Jr. (Yale University 1945)
Robert Simkins (Yale University 1926)
Albert P. Simmonds (Yale University 1896)
John B. Simmons (Yale University 1916)
Frank R. Simon (Yale University 1938)
William C. Simon (Yale University 1952)
Oswald L. Simpson (Yale University 1897)
Edward C. Sisson (Yale University 1891)
Charles R. Skinker (Yale University 1936)
George W. Skinner (Yale University 1899)
George N. Slade (Yale University 1924)
Hiram C. Slavens (Yale University 1883)
John E. Sloane (Yale University 1940)
Brainard S. Smith (Yale University 1950)
C. H. Smith (Yale University 1951)
Charles D. Smith (Yale University 1877)
Clarence M. Smith (Yale University 1897)
Clement G. Smith (Yale University 1891)
Everett W. Smith (Yale University 1936)
Frank A. Smith (Yale University 1881)
Goodrich T. Smith (Yale University 1908)
Irving T. Smith (Yale University 1916)
J. C. Smith (Yale University 1927)
James S. Smith (Yale University 1940)
Jay L. Smith (Yale University 1911)
John R. Smith (Yale University 1947)
Kenneth G. Smith (Yale University 1941)
Lawrence R. Smith (Yale University 1924)
Walter C. Smith (Yale University 1913)
Wendell L. Smith (Yale University 1943)
William H. Smith (Yale University 1909)
Forrest C. Smithson (Yale University 1910)
Walter W. Smyth (Yale University 1917)
John G. Snavely (Yale University 1938)
John E. Snyder (Yale University 1927)
George W. Sonntag (Yale University 1929)
Henry V. Soper (Yale University 1966)
Laurence B. Soper Jr. (Yale University 1947)
Hugh S. Souther (Yale University 1914)
Sherman S. Spear (Yale University 1917)
John G. Speiden (Yale University 1922)
Thaddeus H. Spencer (Yale University 1879)
Thaddeus H. Spencer (Yale University 1911)
Ralph A. Spiegel (Yale University 1917)
Mason M. Sproul (Yale University 1961)
Joseph J. Spurr (Yale University 1918)
George I. Staber (Yale University 1929)
Robert F. Stansberry (Yale University 1947)
Thomas C. Stearns (Yale University 1886)
Samuel F. Stephenson (Yale University 1919)
Harry L. Stern (Yale University 1952)
William S. Stevenson (Yale University 1926)
Alanson E. Stewart (Yale University 1912)
Lucian H. Stewart (Yale University 1900)
Edward A. Stillman (Yale University 1903)
Chester B. Stilson (Yale University 1918)
Henry B. Stimson (Yale University 1940)
Robert W. Stokes (Yale University 1929)
Charles L. Stone (Yale University 1933)
Frederic L. Stone (Yale University 1905)
Caleb S. Stone (Yale University 1920)
William L. Stoops (Yale University 1951)
Leslie E. Strobel (Yale University 1921)
Alva G. Strong (Yale University 1921)
John D. Stubbs (Yale University 1939)
John J. Stubbs (Yale University 1964)
John J. Sullivan (Yale University 1930)
Joseph T. Sullivan (Yale University 1916)
Patrick H. Sullivan (Yale University 1933)
Harold E. Sutcliffe (Yale University 1947)
Robert D. Sutherland (Yale University 1965)
Frederick C. Sutro (Yale University 1943)
Ogden W. Sutro (Yale University 1936)
Walter M. Swann (Yale University 1901)
Paul M. Sweeny (Yale University 1936)
Paul Symonds (Yale University 1900)
George S. Talcott (Yale University 1891)
Henry D. Tallman (Yale University 1937)
Edward H. Tatum (Yale University 1900)
Manuel E. Tavares (Yale University 1945)
Edgar H. Taylor (Yale University 1904)
Frank E. Taylor (Yale University 1954)
James H. Temple (Yale University 1902)
Kenneth L. Terrell (Yale University 1931)
David B. Thayer (Yale University 1936)
Oscar C. Thayer (Yale University 1920)
Peter F. Theis (Yale University 1958)
Dudley S. Thomas (Yale University 1926)
J. P. Thomas (Yale University 1929)
Paul J. Thomas (Yale University 1936)
Thomas P. Thomas (Yale University 1885)
Howard D. Thompson (Yale University 1913)
Peter R. Thompson (Yale University 1945)
S. W. Thompson (Yale University 1914)
Dwight J. Thomson (Yale University 1938)
William H. Thrall (Yale University 1881)
Richard Thurston (Yale University 1945)
John B. Titcomb (Yale University 1929)
Norman E. Titus (Yale University 1910)
Paul Titus (Yale University 1908)
Joseph O. Tobin (Yale University 1902)
William K. Tobin (Yale University 1959)
James Tod (Yale University 1913)
Carl P. Tomlinson (Yale University 1907)
Edward D. Toole (Yale University 1926)
Thomas E. Tossberg (Yale University 1956)
John C. Tracy (Yale University 1931)
Raymond E. Tracy (Yale University 1926)
Edward G. Trasel Jr. (Yale University 1926)
Robert H. Trask (Yale University 1915)
James D. Trask (Yale University 1911)
Franklin G. Treat (Yale University 1928)
Roger C. Tredwell (Yale University 1907)
Edson N. Tuckey (Yale University 1904)
Charles P. Turnbaugh (Yale University 1936)
Oscar R. Turner (Yale University 1913)
Thomas B. Turner (Yale University 1942)
Joseph L. Tweedy (Yale University 1941)
Ralph A. Uihlein (Yale University 1918)
Knox S. Ulrich (Yale University 1917)
Andrew F. Underhill (Yale University 1915)
L. G. Underwood (Yale University 1944)
Warren W. Upson (Yale University 1910)
Louis F. Vaile (Yale University 1903)
William T. Vanalstyne (Yale University 1910)
Joseph C. Vance (Yale University 1921)
Norman D. Vea (Yale University 1923)
Henry Veeder (Yale University 1890)
Ruppert Vernon (Yale University 1951)
T. A. Vernon (Yale University 1875)
Harry S. Vested (Yale University 1933)
Robert A. Vested (Yale University 1938)
Brice T. Voran (Yale University 1964)
John K. Vulte (Yale University 1938)
George H. Wade (Yale University 1904)
Harry H. Wadsworth (Yale University 1881)
Adrain R. Wadsworth (Yale University 1880)
Adrian R. Wadsworth Jr. (Yale University 1916)
Mark S. Waggener (Yale University 1925)
David V. Walker (Yale University 1919)
Donald G. Walker (Yale University 1931)
John G. Walker (Yale University 1927)
William T. Walker (Yale University 1948)
Willard F. Walker (Yale University 1944)
John H. Wallace (Yale University 1920)
William K. Wallace (Yale University 1908)
Walter V. Walsh (Yale University 1952)
Paul D. Ward (Yale University 1967)
John M. Warder (Yale University 1921)
Howard T. Ware (Yale University 1909)
Frank C. Warner (Yale University 1881)
John M. Warner (Yale University 1936)
Karl D. Warner (Yale University 1934)
W. Duncan Waterman (Yale University 1950)
Thomas G. Waterous (Yale University 1890)
Charles A. Watson (Yale University 1876)
Eben P. Watson (Yale University 1901)
George B. Watterson (Yale University 1915)
Donald F. Way (Yale University 1912)
William W. Weare (Yale University 1890)
Robert B. Webber (Yale University 1945)
Arthur W. Weber (Yale University 1933)
Valentine A. Weber (Yale University 1955)
Henry G. Webster (Yale University 1892)
Morton Weeks (Yale University 1909)
Carlyle T. Weichmann (Yale University 1948)
Harold H. Weicker (Yale University 1956)
Albert F. Welles (Yale University 1884)
Thomas M. Wells (Yale University 1937)
Warren A. Wells (Yale University 1911)
Paul M. Welton (Yale University 1904)
S. Welty (Yale University 1883)
G. P. West (Yale University 1919)
John P. West (Yale University 1916)
Wendell M. Weston (Yale University 1921)
Thomas F. Wettstein (Yale University 1912)
Wilmot F. Wheeler (Yale University 1903)
John W. Wheeler (Yale University 1921)
George A. Whelan (Yale University 1943)
Harry L. White (Yale University 1912)
Charles H. Whitley (Yale University 1935)
Abbot M. Whitman (Yale University 1923)
Richard H. Whitney (Yale University 1927)
Willis S. Whittlesey (Yale University 1935)
George R. Wieland (Yale University 1900)
Thomas W. Wilbor (Yale University 1914)
Leland H. Wiley (Yale University 1919)
Eugene R. Willard (Yale University 1893)
Breckinridge L. Willcox (Yale University 1966)
Albert M. Williams (Yale University 1929)
Douglas A. Williams (Yale University 1952)
G. B. Williams (Yale University 1951)
Norman F. Williams (Yale University 1920)
Robert T. Williams (Yale University 1916)
Roger T. Williams (Yale University 1927)
William L. Williams (Yale University 1914)
Albert J. Willson (Yale University 1890)
Walter S. Wilmot (Yale University 1921)
George R. Wilson (Yale University 1940)
Clyde A. Winchell (Yale University 1911)
Frank D. Winder (Yale University 1943)
Orrin A. Wing (Yale University 1907)
Kirkpatrick Winston (Yale University 1916)
Andrew L. Winters (Yale University 1889)
Harold A. Wintjen (Yale University 1913)
Albert J. Wise (Yale University 1889)
George R. Wislar (Yale University 1954)
Samuel C. Witherspoon (Yale University 1912)
Joseph C. Wittenberg (Yale University 1920)
Victor A. Wolff (Yale University 1919)
Robert L. Wood (Yale University 1945)
Thomas J. Wood (Yale University 1896)
Franklin Woodruff (Yale University 1916)
Robert J. Woodruff (Yale University 1896)
Thomas E. Woodward (Yale University 1954)
Lewis Woolsey (Yale University 1928)
Bertram Work (Yale University 1926)
Edward H. Worthington (Yale University 1908)
Jacob L. Wortman (Yale University 1901)
Frank A. Wrensch (Yale University 1919)
Donald G. Wright (Yale University 1938)
Willis B. Wright (Yale University 1881)
John E. Wulbern (Yale University 1929)
Arthur O. Wurtmann (Yale University 1949)
James Wyckoff (Yale University 1918)
William M. Wylie (Yale University 1892)
Thomas A. Yawkey (Yale University 1925)
Mark C. Yellin (Yale University 1955)
Thomas H. York (Yale University 1954)
Andrew H. Young (Yale University 1870)
Frederick H. Zahn (Yale University 1938)
Reginald R. Zisette (Yale University 1921)