Fraternity Headquarters and Buildings


Proposed Headquarters Temple

Corbett's proposal for the Headquarters "temple," from The Phi Gamma Delta.

The property was purchased in the spring of 1928 for an ambitious headquarters plan. Noted architect Harvey Wiley Corbett (California at Berkeley 1895) designed a small three-story building specifically for the triangular lot of 2,995 square feet. However, the Depression stalled fundraising and the 1936 Ekklesia suspended the project. The neighborhood went downhill, and the lot was sold in the 1940s. Today the top of the lot is landscaped with an apartment building on the rest.
Harvey Wiley Corbett also designed the imposing George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia, just outside Washington.
The site only: Southwest corner, the intersection of Sixteenth Street, U Street, and New Hampshire Avenue.           
Twelve blocks north of the White House.
photo: from The Phi Gamma Delta
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