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1938 March Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
March 1938 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1938 March Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
'The -(ilpka
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series Vol. Ill
Alpha Phi Chapter
Initiates Eight Men
On Sunday, Mar.14
Phi Gam Honor Roll
Following are listed the names
of the brothers who have so gen
erously contributed to the Bath
room Fund. The goal of $4,000
is still a long way off.
Fred 31. 3Dirble '15
Shirley 3V. Smith '97
Edmond 3Iadden '25
Raymond C. Smith '20
Kenry E. Riggs
On Sunday, March 14, eight neo
phytes were introduced to the sec
John 31. Omiond '89L
No. 3
Chapter Must Have
More Contributions
For Bathroom Fund
Jiiines F. Temple '33
The time when the chapter must
begin work on the new bathrooms
is drawing very close and the num
Alpha chapter held its annual spring
George 31. Da vison '03
ber of contributions from alumni
initiation ceremonies. The new in
Frank T. 3rcCorniick '15
Steven B. 3311son '15
K. 3V. Vance '16
T. Giistafson '21
itiates, who successfully survived
their probation period and are now
completely within the realm of Al
pha Phi chapter, are as follows:
3raiiritz G. Anderson '41, Evanston, 111., who is enrolled in engi
neering school.
Saniiiel S. Bickford '39, Ann Ar
bor, enrolled in the school of for
estry and conservation.
Robert H. Darden '41, Raton, New
Mexico, lit school student.
James J. Harrison '41, Masssillon,
Joseph A. Riggs '22
A. K. Kraiise '22
W. B. Thoiii '15
Ralph T. Sayles '10
ask you for financial aid at such a
Robert E. Driscoll '11
Donald D. Smith '04
Alfred P. Chambe '10
crucial time.
Leland E. Phipps '08
Charles F. 3Ieyer
3Valter W. Calkins '15
Chas. 3V. Lewis, Jr.'22
Ohio, an engineering student.
Edward A. King '41, Albany, N.Y.,
also studying engineering.
H. 331Ilis Heidbreder '23
Foomian L. 3Iueller '27
James 31. Palmer '41, Cleveland,
Ohio, enrolled in lit school.
Benjamin Gower '22
F. C. Stevens '03
John G. Roberts '41, Chicago, 111.,
Charles B. Emery '25
Nelson A. Kellogg '04
also enrolled in lit school.
Edward S. Trlpp '41, Allegan,
Mich., another lit school student.
We followed the precedent estab
C. B. Hughes '14L
3V. Reed Orr '31
Clarence 3V. Hannon '15
lished last year of substituting a
IVilliam A. Hart '14
concentrated work week for the
traditional "hell week." To those
of us in the chapter who have seen
Lawrence G. Clayton '35
Stewart H. Hulse '25
Thomas E. Siinderland '28
"hell weeks" this new program
seems to be a very drastic change.
D. D. Algyer '29
John R. McFie, Jr. '14
Nevertheless, the work week seems
Bill 31ullin '27
to wjork out well enough, and the
Bill Harrison '21
change was necessary because of
carried through.
or drive in inclement weather.
Appreciate Any Amount
Nevertheless, it is a known fact
that the bathrooms of Alpha Phi
chapter are in a disgraceful condi
tion and something must be done
about them.
We are afraid that
many of the brothers are holding
back in sending their contribution,
fearing that a small check would
not be of much aid.
If each brother in Alpha Phi
chapter would contribute some
small part, the worry of collecting
$4,000, the amount necessary for
the new changes, would be entirely
over. Thus far only about 10 per
cent of the alumni have come to
our aid in this project.
33"ork Must Be Done
This is in the form of an urgent
request that all of our alumni get
behind this drive and send in what
ever amount their pocketbook can
afford. Because of our present bath
rooms the accommodations of "707"
We are very anxious for all of are anything but inviting to the
the brothers to return on this date.
To Hold Pig Dinner
brothers at the present, are com
ing in very slowly.
Perhaps many of the brothers
have delayed sending in check be
cause of the present business re
cession and we of the undergrad
uate chapter regret that we must
new Freshmen each year.
Living conditions and general ap
It promises to be a great affair, a
The third annual Norris Fig Din
grand get-together, so leCs all make pearances of our house are of para
ner will come later in the Spring, it a point to get to Ann Arbor, mount importance in making the
and Saturday, May 14 has been set meet the new initiates and renew first impression which is the es
aside for the gala occasion. The old times with classmates, room
sence of successful rushing. There
annual Pig Dinner offers the alum
mates and cronies.
fore, we plead, "Please, Fiji, we
ni another opportunity to return
It so happens that for this Pig need your help!"
to Ann Arbor for a visit with the Dinner we will have Field Secre
In the adjoining column you will
chapter. We have scheduled the tary Bill Robb with us. The active find a complete list of the loyal
dinner for late Spring in order that chapter has begun plans for an Fiji brothers who have already an
it will be easier for the brothers other great celebration this Spring swered our plea. We sincerely hope
to travel back to the old town once and we want to see yoii in Ann that the remainder of the brothers
again and thus not have to travel Arbor on Saturday, May 14.
(Continued on Page 3)
\r\nPage Two
March, 1938
Questions from Goodenow
Marb!e, Ernest Hughitt.
Seated, second row: "Bunk" McCormick, Herb
Jussen, "Dog"
Knapp, Woddy Metcalf, Lyman,
Nels Boice, Babe Fisher.
Standing, third row: Clarence
Hannon, Pat Crowe, "Snick" Fred
erick, "Banty" Eckert, "Pip" Far
ley, Bernie Fallon, Bill Hart, Hap
Mercer, Jerry Madden, Paul Jen
kins, Bill McCormick,"Gov" Hughes.
•^Ij/aka J^hiji A/euti
Published quarterly by Alpha Phi
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
707 Oxford Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Bill Crowe
Assoc. Editor
Stan Swinton
My wife just forwarded your Jan
uary issue of the Alpha Phiji (why
not Fiji?) News to me down here
in sunny San Antonio, Tex., where
I am a few days on a business trip.
Elmer Gedeon
Please allow me to compliment
William Layhe
Treasurer you on the way you "get up" the
Hamilton Morris...Recording Sec'y paper. I think it's a real improve
Robert Angley...Correspond. 'Secy ment, and I'm sure all of the alum
Bill Crowe
Historian ni who get it will endorse my
approval lOO^r. More power to you.
Elect New OflScers
Alpha Phi chapter recently elect
ed a new group of officers to take
over the government of Phi Gamma
Delta at Michigan. Elmer Gedeon
'39, Cleveland, Ohio, was elected to
the presidency of the chanter. Wil
liam Layhe '39, Buffalo, Wyo., is
the newly elected treasurer; Ham
ilton F. Morris '39, Chicago, 111., is
recording secretary; Robert Ang
ley '39E, Marshall, Mich., is corre
sponding secretary, and C. Willett
Crowe '39E, Grand Rapids, Mich.,
is historian. All of the officers are
new but the elected men are all
I guess I'm the only Fiji who was
initiated by two chapters at the
same time—Chi Upsilon and Alpha
Phi—back in the old days when
Michigan and Chicago really had
football teams, but I hold my
thoughts of both chapters in my
heart with great pride, and am al
I helped pledge Carl Nissler, what's
become of him?
Haven't the La-
come of Dick Cosset? He and Jack
Scholarship Is Better
Whitehead were great pals, but I
have since learned that Jack has
The chapter has pushed its schol passed away—he was a great boy!
arship somewhat above its standing
My eldest son, George I, is also a
for the same semester of last year. Fiji. He went through the Univer
Last year we ended above the all sity of Texas, Lit-Law, and is now
men's average and above the ma in the legal department of the Hum
jority of the other major fraterni ble Oil Co. in Houston, Tex. I have
ties on the campus. We are quite another boy, 10 years old, and he
proud of the chapter's scholarship is so anxious to grow up and be a
attainments in the past two years Fiji he can hardly stand it. I hope
and know it is a fine rushing point he will be!
versity that our existence is justi
fied for some reason other than so
cial activities. C. Willett Crowe
'39 E, newly elected historian and
editor of the "Phiji News" for the
coming year, was recently elected
to Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineer
Pledge New Man
James R. Harrison '41 of Mem
phis, Tennessee
was pledged
Alpha Phi chapter
1938. He is not to be confused with
the James J. Harrison '41 of Mas-
sillon, Ohio recently initiated by
the chapter. The two Harrisons are
not related.
James R. (newly
pledged) is enrolled in the lit
12 Cleveland PI., Buffalo, N. Y., a
salesman for Buffalo Motors, Inc.,
1245 Main, Buffalo, also sent in a
list of names for the picture. The
two lists were the same except for
two particulars: Brother Hughitt
did not give the men's first names,
fifth man in the first row he incor
rectly listed
them were able to identify the end
man on the left hand side of the
first row, whose name is Spencer.
DONALD S. SMITH '29E, 2621
Clement St., Flint, Mich., is with
the General Exchange Insurance
Corp. (A General Motors unit) at
9-39 Union Industrial Bldg., Flint.
Don married Sarah J. Goodale, a
Delta Gamma alumna of Michigan
in 1933. They have two children,
David, 3V^, and Ross 1^.
Notice has been received that the
address of MILTON C. SMITH '35
is Newaygo, Mich., where it is be
lieved that he is a high school
teacher. He recently married Ellen
Conover, a Delta Gamma alumna.
Keep sending me the Phiji News
—I appreciate it greatly, and all
best wishes to the chapter—along
with the brothers away.
Earle A. Goodenow '09
Almost Perfect
ing fraternity.
ways interested in knowing about and instead of Truesdale for the
the fellows—what they're doing,
etc., etc.—that were my classmates
and brothers in the old days. What
has become of "Rocky" Haddon?
Tell "Doc" Phipps to answer my
letter. Where is Charlie Spooner?
hard and diligent workers. We are Grange, 111., family of Fijis sent
certain that they will be able to more in the recent years to wear
keep pushing Alpha Phi toward the and honor the Purple? What's be
in addition to proving to the Uni
Hughitt Missed Two
During the past few months the
chapter has received a number of
new addresses proving the fact that
the Alpha Fiji brothers are con
stantly on the move. Here are a
changes: Kenneth E. Morgaridge
WILLIAM A. HART '14, 2301 N. '26 is at 5517 Kenmore Ave., Chi
Grant Ave., Wilmington, Del., hos cago. Joseph H. Moore '13 is in
sent in his list of names for the Berkley, Calif, at 2289 Vine St.
unidentified chapter picture from Charles B. Lawton '17 lives in Lake
Bluff, 111. Norman T. Harrington
1911-12 which appeared in the Jan
uary issue of the Alpha Phiji News. receives mail at The Harrington
Paint Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Walter
Bill's list is as follows:
Seated, first row, reading from R. Clayton '95 is in Chicago at 1144
left to right: first man (?), George W. 14th Place. Charles M. DrinkCaron, Mayo Hadden, Steve Wilson, j water '10 is also in Chicago at 9215
Steve Truesdale, Billy Thom, Fred I S. Marshfield Ave.
\r\nMarch, 1938
Page Three
Ray B. Wiggins'11
Did You Guess Them Correctly?
Dies of Pneumonia
'Tt ■
In Owosso, Mich.
A- ■
It is with the greatest sorrow
that the chapter announces the
death of Ray B. Wiggins TIE, who
died of pneumonia in the Memorial
hospital at Owosso, Mich., on Jan
uary 24, He was ill only five day.5,
and blood transfusions were re
sorted to in a last but futile attempt
to save his life.
Brother Wiggins, who would have
been 51 January 28, is survived by
four children, the oldest 14. His
wife died in 1935.
He studied for one year at Mich
igan Agricultural School, now Mich
igan State College, and for another
Eoilowiiig are the names of the above pictured group of Fiji mem
year at the University of Michigan, bers of 1911-12 and itreseiited to you in January for identiflciition. First
after which he went to Boston to row: (left to riglit) Spencer, Caron, Haddcn, Wilson, Truesdale, Thom,
.llarbie, Hughitt. Second row: JlcCormick, Jussen, Knapp, Aletciilf, Lywork for the Velie Motor Co.
man, Iloice, Fislier. Tliird Row; Hannon, Crowe, Frederick, Eckert,
Interested In Antos
Farley, Faiion, Hart, Jlercer, Madden, Jenkins, McComiick and Hnghes.
Both Brother Wiggins and his
father were natural mechanics and
became interested in the automobile
iudustry when it was still in its
infancy. The elder Wiggins was
the first to drive an automobile
from Detroit to Owosso, more than
30 years ago.
During his life Wiggins held im
May We Remind You—
That the chapter is very anxions for each Fiji member to
iVIlXeS I WO ijpOrtS
send his contribution for the
Elmer Gedeon '39, Alpha Phi
new bathroom fund, whether it
chapter's newly elected president
be large or small it will be of
Michigan's phenomenal hurd-
great aid. (see page 1, column 3)
decided to combine outdoor
Remember the old house that
holds so many pleasant memories of by-gone college days?
track with baseball this Spring, af|.gj, consulting with Coaches Charlie
jjoyt and Ray Fisher.
That old house gave you many
happy hours of delight while
Gedeon's decision solves a dilemwhich has harried him for sev-
his mother in 1927 he returned to
you lived in it. Now that same
"old house" is asking that you
gral weeks, and which, because
importance in his athletic
Owosso to be with his aging par
ents. Thirteen months ago he en
give your contribution in order
that the "run down parts" may
scheme, had provoked more than a
mtle campus interest,
portant positions with several of
the larger automobile concerns, in
cluding General Motors, the Velie
Co., and the Chrysler Corp. He had
headquarters in Chicago and Bos
ton. Shortly before the death of
Motor Co. at Flint.
Enlists in Air Coi-i)s
be replaced. Will your name go
Gedeon, Big Ten hurdles cham-
on the Honor Roll in tbe next
issue of The Alpha Phiji NewsJ
pion indoors in his first year of
competition and holder of Ameri-
When America became involved
in the World War, he went from
Boston to the Texas border to con
duct truck tests for the Army. Af
ter finishing that work he returned
— can record in the 70-yard and 75,vard high hurdles, had previously
ChoLpter IVltlSt rlove
i •!. jL*
Upon the completion of several
months of training in America and
England, he was assigned to the
might gain the advantages
iviore i^ontrioutions of Ray Ptsher's baseball coaching
Royal Plying Corps of the British
decided to forego track in order
with an ultimate ambition of play-
(Continued From Page 1)
send in their check today, regard-
iug professional ball,
schedule which he has
less of size, in order that we may w'orked out, and which has the full
be able to have the work done this approval of both Fisher and track
spring and place the house in A-1
203rd Camel Squadron, under the
condition for rushing next fall.
command of Canada's topflight aces.
Start sending them in fellows—
While at patrol duty with four oth
let's give the Phi Gam mailman a
er planes, Wiggins' ship was hit by
real workout in the next few days!
an enemy anti-aircraft gun and his The address: 707 Oxford Road.
plane crashed into a shell hole. Have your name on the Honor Roll
coach Charlie Hoyt, Gedeon will
miss no Conference baseball games
and will miss only the Penn Relays
and the Ohio State dual meet in
May 7 will in-ovide a full afteruoon for the big football end from
Wiggins was not hurt and had soon
crawled back to his own lines,
Cleveland, as he will run against
(Continued on Page 4)
in the next "Phiji News."
Illinois in a dual track meet and
Return Your Questionnaire!
then play baseball against Indiana,
\r\nPage Four
March, 1938
An apology to KEN G. SMILES
'26, whose name was omitted from
last Spring's Alpha Phi directory^
whose address was listed after the
name of Slyfield. Ken's address is
51 Skinner Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
N. BARNUM '22E, who filled out
his questionnaire Dec. 9, 1935, but
didn't mail it until February, 1938.
Charlie is a special service engi
neer with the Wisconsin Telephone
Co., 722 N. Broadway, Milwaukee,
Wis. In 1930 he married Marguer
ite M. Grossenback, from Milwau
kee Downer college. The Barnums
have two children, Thomas 6, and
Jerusha S., 3^4. After May 1, 1938,
Charlie's home will be at 1035 E.
Ogden Ave., Milwaukee.
temporarily "lost," may be reached
either at the Harrington Paint Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio, or at 2548 Euclid
Blvd., Cleveland.
Send Us NEWS!
'24E is a salesman for the Allith-
In the January issue of "The
Alpha Phiji News" we asked that
every alumnus join our repor-
Prouty, Inc. located in Danville,
Illinois. "Slab," wife and daughter,
Betty—age 10, make their residence
at 210 N. Center, Howell, Mich.
torial staff.
Believe it or not! writes CHARLES
Ifotit -(ilpka
attorney in Detroit and a member
of the firm of Lightner, Crawford,
Sweeny, Dodd & Toohy with busi
ness offices located at 1601-13 Dime
Bank Bldg. "Bugs" is married to
Helen Beall and they have two
of the brothers from
have not received such a blank.
From the number of requests we
have had asking that we print
more "alumni news" it is appar
ent that you get the greatest
enjoyment out of reading this
material. But in order to give
you most of what you like best
—it is necessary that you keep
sending us more. So if you re
ceived one of the blue question
naire blanks with this issue,
won't you sit down now, fill it
out and retuni it to the chapter?
Tell us where YOU are, what
YOU'RE doing and any other
the brothers.
versity Athletic Association, has
Bank Bldg., Albuquerque, N. M.
Henry was married in 1934 to Rowena Shook (University of New Mex
ico alumna and a member of Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority) and they
have a 20-month-old son, Henry G.
IV. Brother Coors was assistant
Ray B. Wiggins *11
Dies of Pneumonia
(Continued From Page Three)
evading capture.
Two distinct honors were shown
U. S. Attorney from 1913 to 1920 him during his service. An appoint
and served as member and presi
dent of the University of New Mex
ico Board of Regents from 1931 to
1935. He is also chairman of the
board of the First National Bank of
ment making him a second lieuten
children, George, Jr. and Frank,
aged seven and five respectively.
The Abbotts
residence at
make their Detroit
1086 Seyburn Ave.
Bugs is a member of the Detroit
Boat Club.
engaged as engineer for the Me
chanical Heat & Cold, Inc. of De
troit. "Hoi" was former business
manager of the Michigan Daily,
and a member of Michigamua, Tri
angles, and Tail Beta Pi (engineer
ing honorary). In 1935 Hoi mar
ried Albertina Maslen (Michigan
alumna and a member of Alpha
Omicron Pi). Brother Mabley is the
author of "How to Select and In
stall Air Conditioning Systems."
Mableys live at 2323 Yorkshire Rd.,
Birmingham, Mich.
JOHN M. STOKELY '34 writes
from Berkeley, Calif, stating that
he is employed as metallurgist for
the Standard Oil Company of Cali
fornia. John makes his residence
at 1653 California St., Berkeley, and
commutes to his business headquar
home, at 417 N. Park St.
ters located at the Materials Labor
atory, Richmond, Calif.
It was
attended Michigan for one year as
ant and signed by George V, King
of England, was always one of his
most sacred possessions and still
hangs on the wall of the Wiggins
also during his service under Brit
naire blanks have come pouring
director and treasurer of the Uni
law offices at 702 First National
in—but there are still a number
news that will be of interest to
HENRY G. COORS '07L, former
Since that time a
number of the
ish colors that the then Prince of
HENRY S. BOOTH '22 is presi
Wales, now Duke of Windsor, in
spected the airdrome in France dent of the Oakland Citizens League
a pre-med student has his business
where Wiggins was stationed and in Pontiac, Mich, and resides at
offices at 11803 Buckeye Road,
Thornlea, B'oomfield Hills, Mich,
remained for "tea" with the offi
Cleveland, Ohio. "Al" studied at
cers, including Lieut. Wiggins. He with his w^fe and four children:
Western Reserve University in
Stephen, 12; David, 10: Cynthia, 5,
was still flying with the 203rd
Squadron when the Armistice went and Melinda, 3 months. Besides
at St. Louis University School of
"Scripps" above interests he is also
into effect.
^4s 45 ^
After working a few years hi director of the Booth Investment
JORDON CAWTHRA '37, former America, he went to England in the Co., and is a member of the Detroit
Michigan wrestler, should be inter interests of the General Motors club. Orchard Lake Country club,
and the Bloomfield Open Hunt.
ested to know that Michigan won Corp. It was there he met and
1930-32 and then spent four years
the Big-Ten Wrestling meet held in married Elizabeth Meighan in 1922.
Western Re
Chicago the second week-end of Their first child, Jane was born in
serve University is the occupation
March. Indiana and Illinois placed England.
From England he returned to of PETER ROWE '34, 1906 Forestsecond
"Jordy" is test engineer for General Owosso. He was a member of the view Dr., Cleveland Hts., Ohio. In
Motors Co. and mail reaches him at
American Legion and Kappa Phi, 1934 he married Betty Geist, a Phi
Milford, as well as of the Alpha Phi cha))- Kappa Zeta
ter of Phi Gamma Delta.
alumna of
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March 1938 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.