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1938 November Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
November 1938 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1938 November Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
The Alpha Phiji News
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series Vol. IV
Meet Alpha Phiji's New Pledges
Chapter Pledges
Seventeen Men
As Rushing Ends
Following a summer of intensive
rushing and ten days of inish week,
17 men on the campus of the Uni
versity of Michigan had the lapels
of their coats graced
with the
white pledge button of Phi Gamma
A great deal of credit for the
pledging of such a fine group goes
to Jack Gelder, Rushing Chairman,
for his fine work throughout the
summer and rushing campaign. We
also wish to thank the alumni for
f a-
their cooperation in sending rush
cards and prospective names to the
chapter. Without this assistance
rushing would indeed be far more
r rJ
Five From Ohio
Of the 17 men pledged six are
natives of the state of Michigan,
five come as representatives from
THE CHAPTER'S NEW PLEDGE CLASS pose for a picture in the
chapter house shortly after rushing. They are, (left to right), front
row: Ott and Coffman. Second row: Hall, Titus, Fitting, Yoder, Starn,
Call. Back row: Darling, Nicolls, Chamberlin, Fielding and Mays.
Halligan, Heikkinen, Nelson and Vander Vort were absent at the time
of the picture.
Chapter Receives
Many New Repairs
At the recent Alpha Phi Associ
ation, it was decided to make sev
eral changes in the house. For
many years, it has been realized
that the dormitory was somewhat
of a fire trap.
Sevei'al makeshift fire escapes
have been tried, such as chain lad
ders, ropes and cables hanging
from the windows. Knowing these
to be inadequate the Association
Appreciate Contribs
We of the undergraduate
chapter send our sincerest thanks
to those alumni who have con
tributed their checks towards
the Bathroom Fund. Many of
the alumni aided in this project
and only a few remain unheard
from. If you are among the
few who have not sent your
check, please do so today. Any
amount you are able to send
will indeed be appreciated.
Ohio, two from Pennsylvania, two
from Illinois, and one each from
New Jersey and Indiana. There
follows a brief description about
each man as a means of introduc
ing the men to you.
NORMAN D. CALL '42, Norwalk, Ohio. Norm has entered prebusiness at Michigan. While at
tending Norwalk High he partici
pated in football, basketball, ten
nis, track, was president of Hi-Y
and both his junior and senior
classes. He hopes to find time to
report for football, basketball and
track at Michigan.
Is From Pennsylvania
Bethlehem, Pa. Dale prepped at
the Blair Academy where he took
an active part in varsity track and
swimming. He plans to be out for
freshman track and swimming.
is now in ured up to everyone's expectations. Rocky River, Ohio. Bill's brother
Shortly after their installation was a Phi Gam at Syracuse Uni
know, last the showers became temperamental versity. He was track captain at
decided to put up a substantial pipe tures installed. They have meas
escape and this work
As many already
summei" the much talked of bath and about half the time no water Lakewood High besides being a
{Continued on page 2)
{Continued on page 3)
rooms were built and all new fix-
\r\nPage Tv o
Alpha Phiji News
Published quarterly by Alpha Phi
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Ann Arbor, Michigan
November, 1938
Five Men Initiated
On October 9, the regular fall
initiation was held leng;:hening
the Golden Chapter Chain by
five links. The newly initiated
Chapter's Athletic
Teams LookStrong;
Win Track Trophy
men included: John C. Brennan
Assoc. Editor
Bill Crowe
Stan Swinton
*39, Chicago; Forrest R. Jordan
*40, Clare, Mich.; Forest Evashevski *41, Detroit, and James
Elmer Gedeon
R. Harrison *41, Memphis, Tenn.
William Layhe
Brennan and Jordan were tack
Hamilton Morris.-Recording SecV
Robert Angley..Correspond. Sec*y
Bill Crowe
les on this year*s successful
football team and are in the
School of Education.
shevski, Michigan*s outstanding
Letter To Alumni—
It was openly admitted by Bill
Robb, section chief, that had the
Alpha Phi chapter met higher
scholarship requirements we would
quarterback, and Brother Harri
son are both in Lit school.
November 15, Robert Parker *39,
Ann Arbor, was initiated. Bob
is studying in the School of
This year the Chapter*s stand
ing in intramural sports is far
ahead of that held at this same
time a year ago.
We have a very
good chance of winning first place
or at least of having a high stand
ing at the end of the season if the
chapter teams continue in their
winning strides.
have won either the Baker or the
Our high standing is in a great
Cheney Cup.
We are qualified in every respect
but this, and so it is naturally our
purpose to do everything possible
part due to the splendid efforts of
this year*s pledge class. Many of
Two Fiji Members
Bum Through Europe
in improving our scholarship.
The Alpha Phi Association has
heartily endorsed our proposed
plan to establish a library in the
Chapter House itself, and we hope
Fijis Louis Staudt *39M and Stan
Swinton *40 gathered together the
proverbial shoe-string last summer
and bummed their way all over
Western Europe.
Traveling on cycles and living
in Youth Hostels, the pair managed
to eventually have shelves in the
present Trophy room with an es
tablished text book loan library
to accumulate a store of adven
for undergraduates.
tures that, according to Louis,
This would cost us little if we
can obtain books from outside
sources, and so we appeal to you
on these grounds: Do you have any
best athletes are
among those men who were pledg
ed this fall.
Make Fine Start
We got off to a fine start by win
ning the title of Interfraternity
Track Champs which was the first
athletic contest of the year. The
team garnered together 23i points
to take the title. Sigma Chi made
19 points for second place honors.
'Sound swell now but had us wor
Anderson, Chamberlin, Holt, Coffried at the time.*'
man, and Hall were all point win
Stsn tells of living in a Geneva
poor house, killing bed bugs at the ners for the chapter*s winning
old books, even your old text books,
famous "Fatty*s** in Naples, seeing
which you can no longer use ? They
the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
In speedball the chapter team
need not be fine books—what we
at Capri, cycling ten hours in the was champions of their own league,
need now is to establish the library,
rain to get out of Germany before but were downed in the first game
later we can improve upon the
their last mark (25 cents) was of the playoffs. However, by win
quality of the literature.
gone, and to cap the summer, ning the league championship the
Already we have a few books
having their passports temporarily team made enough points to keep
contributed by members of the ac
seized by a fascist secret policeman us well in the running.
tive chapter, but we need many in Bologna.
more. We, of course, realize that
we have but recently asked our
All told, the two Phi Gams were
gone for over three months—but
alumni for funds for the bath
their biggest surprise in the whole
rooms. Many have generously con
period, they*ll tell you, was that
tributed, but perhaps there are
neither got sea-sick.
those who are at present unable
to contribute cash, but who wish
Enter Quarter-Finals
Track and speedball are the only
two events that have been complet
ed on the intramural calendar thus
far. At present time the chapter
is in the quarter-finals of the hand
ball and swimming competition and
to help the chapter. This can be CHAPTER RECEIVES REPAIRS have an excellent chance of win
ning the championship in both
(Continued from page 1)
done by wrapping your old books
and sending them to us. ANY old could be had. This was due to the events.
Volleyball has just begun and we
book will help—our idea is to fill insufficient supply from the street
and therefore a new pipe line re have taken three of the first four
the shelves and improve later.
Look in the cellar or attic NOW placed the old one. The new line games played.
Our intramural
and send us a few of those old now furnishes an adequate supply prospects look very good at this
books you never use. An establish
ed library will help us to improve
of water whenever it is desired.
Also during the past summer a
our scholarship rating, and it is number of study rooms were re
only through your help that we can painted. With the completion of
establish this library. Please!— the fire escape the house will once
again be in tip-top condition.
stage of the year and the chapter
is anxious to have the Intramural
Championship trophy adorning the
trophy room. Further reports on
the team's progress will be given
in future issues.
\r\nNovember, 1938
Chapter Pledges
Seventeen Men
{Continued from page 1)
member of Hi-Y, National Honor
Society, Student Council and presi
dent of the activities council. Bill
will report for track next semester.
troit. Milt graduated from De
troit's Northwestern High school
with high honors and has entered
a pre-law curricula at Michigan. He
is a brother to Chuck Darling '38
who was graduated last June. In
high school Pledge Darling was a
member of Hi-Y and the Student
Many Alumni Return
The football week-ends this
fall have been th3 most success
ful enjoyed by the Chapter for
a number of years. With the
advent of the improved football
team,"alums" have been coming
back in droves. Homecoming
week-end it was necessary to
move all sophomores out of the
house in order to make room
for all the brothers, and even
then a few were unable to find
an empty davenport on which
In high school Paul was active in
water-polo, swimming and national
Athletic Honor society. He has en
tered the engineering school and
will be out for swimming and base
ball in the spring.
CHARLES A. HALL '42, Lake-
wood, Ohio. Chuck attended Lakewood High school and won many
high school honors in swimming
Council, a member of Forestry
Honor society, and a member of
Sphinx. He is studying forestry
and conservation at Michigan.
Fledge Ail-American
sey, Mich.
Undoubtedly you all
know something of Ralph if you
have been following the reports of
the Michigan football games this
fall. "Heik" played superb foot
ball this fall and has already won
Honors cascaded upon Alpha
Phijis more than any other period
in recent years this fall.
Take football for instance—Jack
tion on All-Conference teams this
the football season.
year. Ralph Heikkinen '39, the
greatest guard to come out of Mich
igan in years, was a unanimous
All-Conference choice and won a
berth on three-quarters of the AllAmerican outfits.
DAVID NELSON '42, Detroit.
Dave was an honor student in high
school and was president of his
senior class, and was a member of
the varsity baseball and football
teams. He is studying in Lit school
at Michigan.
JOHN B. NICOLLS, Jr.'40. John
comes from Pontiac, Mich., and
while in high school played foot
ball and did some swimming. He
is in is junior year at Michigan
and is studying mechanical engin
and track. He is studying chem eering.
ical engineering and will be out for
DAVID E. OTT '41, Mansfield,
swimming, track, and the Michigan Ohio. Dave enters his second year
at Michigan and is out for interJAMES V. HALLIGAN '40, East fraternity council and football
Tawas, Mich. Jim is entering his managership. He is studying phar
junior year at Michigan and has
already won campus honors, being
ation for the donations received
for the gym team and also the
Enters Engineering
PAUL D. FITTING '42, Erie, Pa.
Men Win Honors
In Ouside Activities
from various alumni throughout
dent of his senior class, a member
of the Student Council and in the
the famed Michigan band and fol
dramatics club. He plans to go out
lowing a pre-legal course.
Glider club at Michigan.
Many Alpha Phiji
Brennan '39, on Ted Husing's AllAmerican last year, gained men
wishes to express its appreci
Plainfield, N. J. Henry was presi
Page Three
Is Only a Sophomore
Forrest Eveshevski '41 won All-
Conference quarterback honors as
a sophomore, the first time the feat
has been accomplished in years.
Elmer Gedeon '39, end, was uni
versally praised for his fieet endarounds.
Forrest Jordan, guard,
proved stellar undestudy to "Hike."
Burgess Vial'40, hampered through
out his football career by injuries,
still kept up the Fiji tradition and
won a secondary letter.
But not alone in football did the
star of Phi Gamma Delta gleam
bright. Two Fijis, John Hulbert,
junior business manager of the
Michiganensian, and Jim Hallagan,
Union junior committeeman, were
taken into the exclusive junior se
cret society of Sphinx.
WILLIAM F. STARN '42E, NorWins Engineering Honors
walk, Ohio, played football, basket
Over in the Engineering college,
ball, and tennis in high school. Bill Nowm Kewley '40 has been gain
plans to make football his activity ing his share of honors for Phi
at Michigan.
Gamma Delta and won recognition
ROBERT W. TITUS '42, Evans- when he was taken into Triangles,
ton, 111. Bob was president of his junior engineering honor society.
renior class at Evanston Township Triangle members are chosen with
High school, an honor student, of regard to outstanding scholastic
ficer in Hi-Y, and interested in and extracurricular activity in their
track and politics. He is studying freshman and sophomore years
and only ten men are selected each
a pre-business course.
spring and fall.
The "Alpha Phiji News" has
a place on the All-Conference team Rapids, Mich. Dan has entered his previously listed the other activi
as well as several All-American second year at Michigan where he ties men. Space does not permit
s studying in Lit school.
our listing all of these men again
KEITH A. YODER '41, Elkhart, at this time, so just remember this
OWEN MAYS '42, Quincy, 111.
At Quincy High school, Owen was Ind. At Elkhart High, Keith played —Phi Gams at Michigan are doinga member of National Honor soci basketball and baseball. He plans far more in activities than they
ety, band, and the debating team. to be out for the Michigan baseball ever have before and more than is
At present time he is a member of team next spring.
any other fraternity on campus.
\r\nPage Four
November, 1938
News of Your Alpha Phiji Brothers
MILTON C. SMITH *32('35Law)
lists his occupation as Educator
with offices at 642 North Main St.,
Evart, Mich., at which address he
prefers his mail delivered. "Milt"
married Ellen Conover (Michigan
alumna and
member of Delta
Gamma Sorority) in
August of
Brother Smith studied
and Education at Michigan and has
his Life Teaching Certificate. Milt
and wife reside at No. 302 Wash-
tenaw Apts., Ann Arbor.
A questionnaire from BURTON
D. FLOYD states that he is en
gaged as assistant traffic engineer
for the city of Cleveland, Ohio.
"Bud" studied at Michigan's Busi
ness Administration school for two
years and was married to Virginia
Roberts in 1929. They have a 17month-old daughter, Patricia, and
reside at 17834 Windward Rd. in
Cleveland. Bud was awarded the
Carnegie Hero medal a few years
ago but because of his modesty he
refrained from telling us for what
act of bravery he received the
medal. Perhaps a later question
PAUL R. BRUNT '35 is sales
Tell Us About Yourself
As we stai-t a new publication
year, we are again reminding
Alpha Phiji alumni to help keep
us posted on the whereabouts
and doings of all the members
by sending in the "Who's Who"
questionnaire blank if one is
enclosed with this issue.
questionnaire is enclosed only if
you have never filled one out,
or if we have received a change
of address for you since you fill
ed out the last one. Help us to
continue to publish the large
representative for Brunt and Com
pany with offices in Chicago."Pete"
former editor of the "Alpha Phiji
News", prefers his mail sent to his
office address at 6935 W. 65th St.,
Chicago. He is still single and is
a member of the Minneapolis Ath
letic club.
ord in our files
be com
plete kindly fill out and retuni
the questionnaire form to the
Chapter House immediately.
We're just as interested in you
and what you do as you are in
the Chapter and your brother
alumni. Remember the address:
Chapter Editor, 707 Oxford Rd.,
Ann Arbor.
staff (campus publication) is living
at his home in Boyne City, Mich.
Mail reaches Guy at 501 S. Lake
St. in the above city.
amount of alumni news notes
in each issue by writing to the
chapter. In order that your rec
GUY C. CONKLE '36, former
chapter corresponding secretary
and a member of the "Gargoyle"
VERNON BISHOP '35 is doing
right well working in the chem.
laboratory of the Sterling Products
Co. in Easten, Pa. Vernon gradu
ated with his Ch.E. from Chemical
Engineering and during his under
graduate days was a member of
the Michigan Daily staff and also
served on the Board of Student
Publications. He makes his resi
dence at 33 Prospect Hill Ave.,
Summit, N. J.
naire will tell?
BURTON C. COFFEY '37 sends
writes, "I appreciate the considera
tion and courtesy which Alpha Phi
Chapter Notified
Of Address Changes
has extended to
me in the nine
During the past summer months
years since graduating, and wish we have received numerous postal
to express my appreciation. Your notices, letters and cards asking
acts and actions prove the rule,
'Once a Fiji, always a Fiji'." "Bob"
is working as a civil engineer for
the Detroit Edison company in De
that we make necessary changes
in our alumni address files for the
various brothers. For your infor
mation we give as many of the
contribution for the
fund along with his questionnaire
for which the chapter is vei*y grate
ful. "Burt" graduated a year ago
from Chem. & Met. Engineering
and is at present engaged as chemi
cal engineer for the Socony-Vacuum
Oil Co. in Paulsboro, N. J. Burt,
former corresponding secretai'y for
Alpha Phi, prefers mail delivered
to his address at 207 Delaware
troit. He was married in 1930 and new Phiji addresses as space will
Ave., Woodbury, N. J.
lives with his wife at 14662 Forrer permit.
Ave., Detroit.
Down in Miami Beach, Florida,
engao^ed in investment banking in
BENJAMIN R. FULLERTON New York City and his new ad NELSON R. BOICE '12 keeps busy
'19 who studied for four years at dress is 12 Peckman Place, N.Y.C. as a building contractor. His latest
Michigan's Lit school, is secretary
MAYO A. HADDEN '15E has address is 120 W. DiLido Drive,
and assistant general manager of taken new quarters in Holland, DiLido Isle in Miami Beach.
the S. H. Sherman M. D., Inc., in Mich., and may be contacted at 276
Detroit. "Ben" has an 8-year-old Pine Ave. in that city.
working with Sears, Roebuck &
daughter and resides at 182 S.
The address of EDWARD P. Co. in Lorain, Ohio. George's new
Chalmers, Detroit.
GOODRICH ex-*38 is 803 Fremont address is 954 E. Erie, Lorain.
St., Laramie, Wyo. The chapter
Brothers wishing to coiTespond
WALTER C. CALKINS '15 is would appreciate receiving a ques with DONALD D. CONN '17E may
married and has a son, John W., tionnaire blank from Ed telling us address him at 400 W. Madison,
St., Chicago, 111.
11 years old. (Can we count on this more about himself.
In August we received word
In the distant state of Washing
as a rushing tip for 1945, "Doc?")
Doc is sales engineer for the Inger- from JOSEPH H. MOORE '13 who ton, GEORGE M. DAVISON '03
soll-Rand Company and has busi is a partner in the firm of Jones- has moved his law offices to 212
ness headquarters at 285 Columbus Moore (wholesale drugs) in Berke Arts Bldg., Vancouver, Wash.
Brothers in Cleveland, Ohio, may
Ave., Boston, Mass. The Calkins ley, Calif. Joe asked that we change
family make their residence at 76 his address to read 1328 Oxford,
Poplar St., Watertown, Mass.
contact ROBERT C. LOOMIS '17
at Quad Hall, 7500 Euclid Ave.
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November 1938 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.