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1939 February Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
February 1939 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1939 February Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
The Alpha Phiji News
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series Vol. IV
Jack Bremiaii '39
Named 'Qoeeii'
Reigns As'Queen' Ralpli Heikkiiien
Tells Experiences
Of Ice Carnival
Of East-West Game
We h-jve pointed to a lot of things
with pride. We have said, 'Xook
what the Alpha Phi fellows have
done." However, when a rugged
bunch of fellows point to Queenie
write-ups in the scrapbook and say
this is Brother Brennan, what kind
of rushing will this be ?
The Phi Gam's had a queen—the
ball with numerous experiences and
a definite decision not to play pro
Michigan Ice Carnival Queen —
fessional football.
Brother Jack "Searface" Brennan.
He has hustled from Chicago to
San Francisco to Los Angeles to
New Orleans and home in 20 days
fl at. He has made speeches, munched
banquet delicacies, hob-nobbed with
movie stars, seen mirages, sweated
under a 90 degree sun, read three
plays, and decided to go to Law
All-American Ralph Heikkinen,
still the unassuming Ramsay g'entleman of two years ago when he
was "too slow" to be a running
guard, returned from some 8,000
miles of transcontinental adventure
and 51 minutes of East-West foot
It's a new kind of publieity for
Jack and it's so new to us and the
campus that it was a complete
A. P. Covers Story
Following is an Associated Press
account of Brother Brennan's ac
"Husky Jack Brennan, gridiron
and wrestling hero who astonished
the "sinister
when he was chosen "queen" of the
University of Michigan ice carni
val, came up with another surprise
"The six-foot-one 200-pound-plus
guard announced his engagement to
Dorothea Staebler of Ann Arbor,
women's editor of the Michigan
Daily, student newspaper.
Four Out of Five
"That doesn't apply to Dorothea,"
he replied hastily when asked about
now famous remark
JOHN BRENNAN '39 who reigned
as "queen" of the Michigan Ice
Carnival, is a member of Michigamua, senior honor society;
Druids, senior honor society
(Lit.); Sphinx, junior honor so
ciety, and has won three varsity
Chapter Holds 7th
Place In I-M Race
At the present time we are in
of two seventh place in the race for the
years ago that 'four out of five Intramural championship. During
the past month the basketball team
the past month the baskethall teams
comes to Michigan.'
"Brennan apparently had recov- -from "707" have seen quite a bit of
crcd from his 15-minute reign as iactivity.
queen of the ice carnival last
The "A" basketball team has won
night. The reason the sinister six 1two out of the thi'ee games played
Dislikes Chicken Feed
"I definitely am not going to play
professional ball," he admits, "I
figure to be far ahead in the long
run by going to Law School. The
pro club owners this year are offer
letters as guard in football. His ing chicken feed salaries, and many
home is Port Huron, Mich.
of the players that I talked to are
telling them to go fl y a kite."
v/omsn are beautiful and the fifth
'■ asn't
Selected for the East-West foot
ball classic, Heik got down to foot
ball business Dec. 19 in Chicago as
Coaches Bernie Bierman and Andy
Kerr began whipping their squad
into shape.
"Heik" Tells Story
"After a short practice in Chi
cago we headed west working out
at Des Moines, Cheyenne, and Carlin, Nev. We fi nally hit San Fran
cisco and beg-an a round of ban
quets and speeches to boost the
game. Visited the Shriners' Hos
was 1thus far. There is one more game pital for crippled children, and I
'elected' was because the unofficial
before the playoffs and every
fi rst became aware what a I'eally
campus organization admitted that one
is expecting a victory in this worth while project this game is.
It's the only post-season affair that
Brennan was chosen beforehand (contest for a fi nal .750 rating.
end the co-eds who participated in
The "B" team has won all three does any real good.
the supposed contest never had a of
( its games played to date. Last
"We moved to the Grand Hotel
3year the "B" team came home with in Berkeley and began practicing in
"Garbed in a maize gown with a the
fi rst place trophy in their re earnest. We used half of Bierman's
(ContiuHcd on page S)
(Continued on page 2)
\r\nPage Two
February, 1939
Alpha Phiji News
From the Isle
Published quarterly by Alpha Phi
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
707 Oxford Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Bill Crowe
Assoc. Editor
Stan Swinton
Thank you. Brother Searing! Last
issue a request was sent out ask
ing alumni to ship any old books
that were hanging around, to "707."
William Layhe
Hamilton Morris.-Recording Sec'y
Robert Angley
Cor. Sec'y
Bill Crowe
stocked library would be an ad
vantage to the house, and Fred L.
Searing '94 was the first to help us
toward that goal.
Plan Broadcast for
Edward Tripp '41 received the
ALL AMERICA is the title prac
"Michigan Day"
Wilson Smith Trophy this
tically every sports writer in the
Preparation for the national radio
country has given to Brother year. It is given to the freshman
broadcast over the Columbia Broad
Ralph 1. Heikkinen '39. Ralph is of the year before who has shown
casting System which will be a fea
from Ramsay, Mich., and hopes the most outstanding improvement.
ture of the National Michigan Day
to enter Law School following his Last year this cup was won by
Norman Kewley '40E.
celebration on March 18 is going
graduation from Lit. School.
forward rapidly on the campus.
It is with pleasure that the chap
It is anticipated that the exact
ter announces the initiation of
hour for the program will be an Ralph Heikkinen
Robert Parker '40. Bob is spending
nounced in the near future and that
Tells Experiences his time at the music school. He is
all University of Michigan Clubs,
quite well known for the mean
Alumnae Chapters, and other
(Continued from page 1)
groups of alumni will then be able plays, which are almost identical trumpet he plays.
to complete their plans for the local to Crisler's and half of Kerr's, who
meetings which will be held in uses a double wing. I liked BierA few weeks ago Robert Hauser
every city in the United States.
man especially well; he has a '40 was affiliated by Alpha Phi. Bob
Director Carl G. Brandt has just strength of character and a quiet, came from Omicron Chapter (Uni
appointed a special committee head modest way that reminds me partic versity of Virginia.) Already Bob
ed by Professor Herbert Kenyon, ularly of Fritz (Crisler).
has his place in the heart of each
Director of Lydia Mendelssohn
"The West was all hopped-up for of the undergraduate members.
Theater, and charged with the task the game, and they beat us on two
of working up the outline for the long passes by Bullet Bill Patter
Old faces go; new faces come.
radio program. The music to be son of Baylor, who they say is as Jack Brennan and James J. Harri
played, the organizations to take good as Davey O'Brien. We had son are moving out and will make
part and the continuity which will much better players, but they had their homes elsewhere during the
better teamwork. I had to play coming semester. Mauritz Ander
tie the hour's broadcast together
are all problems being handled by
this group.
Working with Chairman Kenyon
are William P. Halstead, Assistant
Professor of Speech; Allan Seager,
Insti'uctor in English, and Karl Lit-
zenberg. Assistant Professor
This celebration will be the first
of its kind ever staged for the
benefit of Michigan alumni. It
really will be the concluding event
in the large program which marked
the observance of the close of the
first hundred years on the Ann Ar
bor campus and the beginning of
the second century of the Univer
sity as at present constituted.
A large number of Michigan's
alumni organizations are planning
to make it the occasion for the
longer than any man on our team son '41 is moving to help fill the
since I worked at both guards.
gapping hole.
"From San Francisco we went to
Hollywood and naturally spent most
of our time visiting the studios.
Went through MGM and met Robert
Montgomery, Reginald Owens, and
Rosalind Russell, all fine people.
Then we went in Warner Brothers,
which is really big, and saw a lot
of stars. Had my picture taken
with Pat O'Brien, a real football
fan, met Joan Blondell, Jane Wyman, and Frank McHugh.
"Took the pullman to New Or
leans, stopping off at El Paso long
enough to pick up the sombrero and
toy gun, and outside of a magnifi
cent mirage we spotted in the des
ert, spent a quiet time at hearts.
"It was a great experience—see ■
Bill Coffman '42 received recog
nition for his excellent track rec
ord his senior year in high school.
He was put on the National Interscholastic Honor Roll for turning
in the best time for the 440 yard
run — 49.0 seconds. Keep up the
good work. Bill!
cently moved back to his "alma
mater state" of Michigan when he
left Lake Bluff, 111., to go to Law-
ton, Mich., where he is residing.
Some time ago the chapter rereived a card from ARTHUR LIT-
largest local meetings of the year, ing the country, basking in hot. TLE '12 giving us his new address.
while every group will hold some weather, and meeting a fine bunch. Art may be reached at the Silver
Mine Falls, Norwalk, Conn.
I'ii never forget it."
sort of a meeting.
\r\nFebruary, 1939
Presenting Alpha Phi's Undergraduate Chapter
MEET THE UNDERGRADUATE MEMBERS: They are, front row (left to right): R. Heikkinen, H. Clark,
M. Stoddard, R. Lueking, W. Layhe, E. Gedeon, H. Morris, R. Angley, R. Holt, J. Rinek, G. Seymour. Second
row: L. Rinek, R. Parker, H. Egert, N. Kewley, S. Swinton, J. Hulbert, J. Knecht, B. Vial, J. Gelder, F.
Evashevski. Third row: C. Spooner, R. Hauser, J. Roberts, J. R. Harrison, E. King, M. Anderson, E. O'Connell, M, Rea, O, Mays, Fourth row: H. Fielding, W. Coffman, J. J, Harrison, J. Nicols, R. Darden, J.
Palmer, E. Tripp, J, Halligan. Fifth row: D. Fitting, W. Starn, R, Titus, D. Chamberlain, N, Call, A,
Darling, D. Ott, K. Yoder, Bill Crowe was not present for the picture.
Jack Brennan '39
Named 1939'Queen'
(Continued from page 1)
16-foot blue train and puffing on a
cigar,'Queen Jack' was hauled onto
the ice in a sleigh pulled by four
cheerleaders. A quarter of an hour
later he departed by skating olT
So there you have the story of
"Queen" Jack. Remember those
name plates you stuck on the door
of the room you stayed in as a
Senior—we now have one reading
"Jack 'Queenie' Brennan '39."
Win J-Hop Election
The chapter has recently
learned of the marriage of two
Alpha Fiji brothers. William W.
Spain '38 was married to Miss
Martha Miller of Memphis, Tenn.
The Spain's are residing in Tru
man, Arkansas.
the ice and hurried to Detroit to
participate in a broadcast.
"The campus horseplay in choos
ing a male queen was said to be
part of a student movement to end
the festival and carnival queen
Two Alpha Phi's
News of Marriages
The other brother who recent
ly vowed "I do" was Henry J.
Brother Larry Rinek '40E and
pledge-brother James Halligan '40
F&C were both elected by campus
vote to a place on the Annual JHop committee. The dance was held
on February 10, and over 1,000
couples enjoyed the music of Henry
Cawthra '37 who married Miss
Busse and Count Basie.
Martha Reidel, a former student
at Michigan State College.
"Jordy" is a test engineer at
General Motors. The couple re
side in Milford, Mich.
Brother Rinek was in charge of
the Fraternity Booths, and saw to
it that we got one of the best
Recently the engagement of Jack
lounging spots at the dance. Jim
my Halligan was publicity chair
man, and gave the dance such a
big boost that the 1,375 tickets were
sold within three hours.
The party started on Friday eve
ning- with dinner at the house fol
lowed by the big dance at the In-
to Dorothea Staebler, daughter of
John C. Thom '38 has gathered
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Staebler, Ann one more honor to add to a long list ti-amural Building. The 'Hop lasted
Arbor was announced.
until three a. m. and was followed
been by a breakfast at the house.
Miss Staebler is women's editor awai'ded the Efficiency Scroll. This
of the Daily and a member of Alpha goes to the senior of the past year
Chi Omega sorority. She is a for who did the most for the fraternity
mer member of Wyvern, junior
during his college career. Jack is
women's honor society and was en
gaged in many campus activities now engaged in a fine position with
Chaperons for the party were
Brother Jerry Barkei- and wife
(Jerry graduated two years ago
and has a good job with Chrysler
Motors in Detroit) and Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Myers.
during her freshman and sophomore
A number of the fellows "im
years. No date has been set for the agency in Detroit, with offices in
ported" dates for the occasion.
the National Bank Building.
\r\nPage Four
Febiniary, 1939
News From Brothers Everywhere
B. KLINE '30 is
Presbyterian minister in Maywood,
N. J., and lives with his family
at 401 Maywood Ave., in the above
city. After graduating from Michi
gan Brother Kline studied for three
years at the Theological Seminary
in Princeton, N. J. He was married
in 1932 to Ruth Lower (Temple
alumna) and they have three chil
dren: John, 5; Ellen, 3; and Wil
liam, 9 months. Brother Kline is
interested in psychology as a means
of helping people solve their per
sonal problems such as fear, etc.
At present he is writing a book
which will be ready for publica
tion in the near future.
ex-'38 comes news that he is fin
ishing his civil engineering study
at the University of Wyoming this
year. "Ed" gives his address as
803 Fremont St., Laramie, Wyo.,
and states that he would "appre
ciate any letters from the brothers."
PAUL B. JENKINS '15 is a sur
geon in Binghamton, N. Y., and
may be reached at 141 Main St.
It's Been SO Long..!
Engaged as editor and writer
for Paramount News, F. MERLE
JOHNSON '21 has left New York
. . . Yes, "It's Been So-o-o-o
Long" since we have heard from
a number of the brothers that
we are again asking those "Si
lent Ones" to please send us
some news pertaining to their
whereabouts, work, family, or
any other information they care
to have us pass on to the broth
ers. Why there's Durwin Algyer
'29, Willis Blakeslee '21, Donald
D. Conn '17E, George Davison
'03, Alfred Eckert '14, F. Wal
ker Flanagin '13, Frank Gaethke
'21, E. Hulse '29, F. Merle John
City and resides at 84 Franklin
Ave., Merrick, N. Y.
in asking that the "Phiji News" be
sent to him at 3323 S. Flogler
Drive, West Palm Beach, Fla.
Another address from sunny Cali
fornia is that of WILLIAM E.
PETRITZ '12. Bill lives at 2515 S.
Bronson, Los Angeles, Calif.
makes his business headquarters in
son '21, Charles E. Keeler '04,
Bill Lovering '17, Warren Mayo
'34, Carl Nissler '08, Harold Ol
son '30, George Perrin '23, Ed
Stagg '36, Walt Thiele '30, and
the Farm Credit Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
a few others who have not writ
ten or sent a questionnaire to us
given at the League by the latter's
parents on January 21. Miss Boni-
for some time. Let's hear from
steel is a member of Kappa Alpha
you fellows—we want some news
from every brother. Remember
Theta and from Ann Arbor. "Bill's"
ing at Harvard law school. No date
for the wedding has been set.
Send YOUR questionnaire today.
The engagement of WILLIAM C.
KNECHT '38 to Jean Ellen Bonisteel '38 was announced at a tea
home is Evanston, 111. He is study
Paul received his M.D. from the
neering end of the business which
New York Medical College where
he studied from 1913-17, and was Alfred Stoddard *31
married to Alma Wells following
Victorious in *Race*
graduation. The Jenkins have two
children, Robert, 19, and Dorothy,
Recently an interesting letter and
17. Son Robert is attending Col
gate where he is a Phi Gamma clipping v/as received from Brother
continues to prove interesting. Fol
Delta and a member of the class "Hoi" Mabley
the letter:
of '41.
'31. We quote from
lowing is the clipping:
"'Perhaps clients were scarce
when AL STODDARD (Mich. '31)
young Bisbee attorney, conceived
the idea of wagering $15 the other
day that he could leave the business
district in the mining city, climb to
the top of Bucky O'Neill hill, touch
"I am sending this amusing clip :he flagpole there, and return to hii
EDWIN J. MERCER '13 is a ping from the Phoenix, Ariz., paper starting point in 30 minutes.
member of the law firm of Slyfield, which was sent to me by a friend in
"'Even attorneys must eat, so
Hartman, MERCER & Reitz in that city. A1 Stoddard and I were Stoddard located an acquaintance.
Detroit with offices at 2205 Dime classmates in 1931 and I hear from
Bank Bldg. "Hap," Past President
of the Detroit Boat Club, was mar
ried to Margaret Nesbitt and they
have a daughter named for her
mother. Hap was a first lieutenant
in the infantry during the World
Bob Whitmeyer, who had $15 to
him now and then. He is makin x a wager Stoddard couldn't accom
good name for himself in the com plish the climb in 30 minutes.
munity and in politics in Bixby, "'From the comfort afforded by
he hotel veranda a curious and
"It was a great pleasure to see somewhat excited group watched
what had been done to the upstairs as the attorney scrambed up the
of the house when I stopped in last steep slopes of the rugged hill.
Washington Road, Grosse Pointe, fall.
"'In 15 minutes, 20 seconds Stod
dard reached the summit and circled
ham, Mich., (2323 Yorkshire Rd.) the flag pole twice.
"We have been here in Birming
THOMAS E. BARNUM '92 has and see Walt Hickey '30 frequently.
"'Naturally, the downhill trip
retired from the active business Walt is back at Cranbrook Archi was speedier, and he was back at
world in Milwaukee, Wis., and has tectural Office doing some special
the hotel in 10:01 for a total elapsed
recently moved into 1035 E. Ogden work for Saarinen who is now in time of 25 minutes, 21 seconds.
Ave., in that city.
volved on some big city planning "'He declared it was his first at
tempt at hill climbing'."
Over in the Windy City of Chi
"I am still with Mechanical Heat
We send sincerest thanks to
cago, GEORGE S. MARTIN has and Cold, Inc., (Westinghouse Air Brother Mabley (and congratula
his offices at Room 536, 11 S. La- Conditioning) Detroit, and still a tions to Brother Stoddard) for the
fool enough to stick to the engi- interesting letter and clipping.
Salle St.
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February 1939 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.