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1940 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
April 1940 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1940 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
JhsL dlfikcL fihijL TbiwA,
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series Vol. V
No. 2
Alpha Phi Plays Host For Seventh District
Chapter's Annual
Norris Pig Dinner
To Be Held May 18
Hark, all loyal sons of Phi Gam
ma Delta! Look to your calendars
and reserve May 18th.
For on that day. Chairman Ro
bert Ulrich has announced, the Al
pha Phi chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta will serve its annual Norris
Pig Dinner.
The house will be
decked out in all its finery.
Announces Plans
Bob has been a bit
reticent when approached for an
early revelation, but he has a few
pertinent facts for publication.
Brother Shirley Smith *97, who
performed so capably last year,
will again be toastmaster. It*s go
ing to be hard on him because he
won*t be able to use the same jokes.
Edward King Elected
President Of Chapter
Edward King '41E, Elsmere,
N. Y., was elected to lead Alpha
Phi chapter during the ensuing
school year at the annual elec
tion held March 4. He succeeds
Jack Gelder who held the office
during the past year.
Other new officers elected to
serve with the new president
are Edward Tripp *41, Allegan,
Mich., treasurer; Robert Darden
*41, Raton, N. Mex., recording
secretary; John Clarke *41, Sault
Ste. Marie, Mich., correspond
ing secretary, and James R. Har
rison *41, Memphis, Tenn., his
Phi Gam Chapters
To Hold Meeting
Here April 25-26
Plans for the convention of the
Seventh District of the fraternity,
which will be held April 25 and 26
in Ann Arbor, are rapidly nearing
completion under the direction of
Ed Tripp *41. With the help of
section chief A1 Williams, every
thing seems to point to a gathering
the likes of which has never been
The rudimentary project includes
a smoker on Friday evening with
such informal entertainment as the
Double Initiations
Add 13 Phi Gams
fellows may devise. Saturday at
9 a. m.(we hope this isn*t too early)
the general assembly will convene
and following that the group dis
cussions will begin.
Gets First Chance
Panel Discussions
The names of ten men were add
Also, it is evident that Jerry
These panels will include the fol
Miller, the son of Brother Henry ed to the rolls of Alpha Phi chapter
lowing subjects: alumni relations,
Miller, is the youngest newly ini Sunday, February 25.
The initiation came at the begin rushing, chapter administration, fi
tiated, so he will have the honor of
being the first active member to ning of the second semester and nances, pledgeship and initiation,
taste the succulent pig in the ac was followed three weeks later by and scholarship.
the initiation of three additional
customed manner.
Lunch, of course, will be at the
As yet, the principal speakers of
the evening have not been selected,
Nine of the ten men initiated close the discussions and the final
but the next news letter will be Feb. 25 are freshmen, the remain reports of the convocation.
more informative. Don*t forget to ing one a sophomore. The three
mark May 18 down on your calen later initiations are all juniors. The
To Hold Dance
A big dinner is scheduled for
names of the earlier initiates are:
Frederick Thomas Anderson *43E, Saturday evening and we may en
Detroit, Mich.; Benjamin Henry joy this meal in relative comfort
Phi Gam Undergraduates
Douglas *43, Loudenville, N. Y.; Pe
Oppose East Lansing Coeds ter Grant *42A, Detroit; William
because there will be a minimum of
speaking, if any. As a result of
Boyd Houle *43, Bellevue, Ohio; the efforts of Chuck Hall, there will
Proof that Phi Gam undergradu Lawrence Adams Hulbert *43, Bir be a dance at the Barton Hills
ates know their questions and an mingham, Mich.; George MacCau- Country Club with music by one of
swers, especially when opposing a ley Irwin *43, Quincy, 111.; Jerome the campus* best bands.
This meeting is going to afford
group of Michigan State coeds, will Stapleton Miller *43E, Ann Arbor;
go over the air waves this week Stuart James Miller *43, Watkins a good opportunity for a test of in-
when two Alpha Phi men will join
three other Michigan men in an
"aerial Blitzkrieg of knowledge**
over an East Lansing radio station.
The two Phi Gam representatives
selected from the speech department
are Jack Gelder *40, former chapter
Glen, N. Y.; Robert James Norwick
*43, Shaker Heights, Ohio, and
James Dodd Snodgrass *43, Cincin
nati, Ohio.
The March initiates were William
Joseph Hastie *41, Grand Rapids,
Mich.; David Edward Ott *41, Mans
president, and Stan Swinton *40, field, Ohio, and Lynn Chester Riess,
city editor of The Michigan Daily. Jr. *41, Ypsilanti, Mich.
tei-fraternity relations because sev
eral of the fraternities on campus
are helping to house many of the
The convention should be one of
the largest section meetings of the
fraternity and everyone is utilizing
every resource to make it one of
the most successful.
\r\nPage Two
Alpha Phiji News
Published quarterly by Alpha Phi
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
707 Oxford Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan
April, 1940
Stan Swinton
Edward King
Edward Tripp
Robert Harden
John Clarke
Rec. Secretary
Cor. Secretary
James Harrison
Chapter Pledges Three
Freshmen This Spring
Three new wearers of the orders
of the fraternity were welcomed
recently when Glen V. Ireland '43,
Benton Harbor, Mich.; Robert Van
Buren '41E, Canajoharie, N. Y., and
Wayne Wright, Jr. '43, Coldwater,
Mi^h., were pledged.
Glen is one of the football poten
tialities of next year and Wayne,
who is planning on pursuing a ca
reer in medicine, is a boxer of no
mean ability.
Second semester rushing is being
carried on in earnest at the house
this spring. If you know of any
young men who you think will make
70od Phi Gams, send their names
The many Michigan Fiji alumni in to Bob Titus '42, Evanston, 111.,
living on the West Coast will have rushing chairman.
an opportunity to hold a reunion
of their own next Sept. 26-28 when
Michigan's Western Round-Up will
Room Is Remodeled
be held in San Francisco in conjunc
tion with the Michigan-California
"707" has been undergoing many
football game.
Michigan's West Coast
Alumni To Gather
Chapter's Meeting
Several Phi Gams
Participate In
Spring Athletics
Now that or Sol has passed the
vernal equinox everyone's attention
is focused
spring football training.
In the former field we find foot
ball captain-elect Forest Evashevski sharing the catching duties for
Ray Fisher's title-minded baseballers. This is Evy's third and last
year on the squad.
Also sweating in the sun of Fer
ry Field are the aspiring gridders
of Fritz Crisler and Company.
Strolling across the cleat-scarred
turf are Norm Call, who hopes that
next fall everyone will be saying
more than "he plays Tom Harmon's
position." Helping Norm cany out
these plans are Pledge Brothers
Glen Ireland, Louis Kasamis and
husky Bud Peters.
Visits Track Oval
Taking advantage of the first ap changes within the last few years.
Wanderino- away from these pil
pearance of a Wolverine football The meeting room of the Clan has
finally fallen in the way of that lars of football society we come
team on the West Coast since the
upon a section of Ferry Field where
memorable first Tournament of
The greatest share of the credit they seem to be continually going
Roses game in 1902 (when Michi
seems to go to Jake Harrison '41, in circles. Closer inspection shows
gan beat Stanford), thousands of
for being the spirit that supplied these animated figures to be Michi
Michigan alumni throughout the
the initial enthusiasm and action. gan's squad of thinclads propping
Far West are expected to attend
the affair.
Plans for the weekend program
have already been developed and
preliminary arrangements complet
ed. Committees have been set up
and the first announcement
After the project was brought up for their umpteenth Big Ten out
before the Alpha Phi Association door title.
and approved, money was advancAwakening from a trance soon
-^d. Under the superintendance of enough to jump from the track,
Jake, the more capable carpenters your meandering reporter narrow
canned out the work in short order.
ly misses being trampled under the
Everyone remembers the pui*ple
soon be sent to the 6,000 Michigan simplicity supplied by the purple flashing spikes of half-miler Howie
alumni in the territory west of the drapes that prevailed in the room. Egert. This bids fair to be Howie's
l^est vear on the squad. In the Big
That has been changed. The Tri Ten indoor meet at Chicago, Howie
Highlight of the Round-Up will angle has been enlarged to take
was barely nosed out by a team
be a banquet Friday night in the care of the larger active chapter
Gold Ballroom of San Francisco's by removing the curtains and mov
Palace Hotel. Distinguished alum ing the angles laterad.
ni and Ann Arbor guests will be on
The drapes have been replaced
the program. Informal gatherings by a fabricated material which was
and class reunions will also be held. used to form the walls and ceiling.
mate for a money position.
So much for the varsity sports.
Let's take a look at the standing
of the royal house of Fiji in intra
mural competition. The last read
ing of the announcements shows
the purple banner in eighth place
Finally, a lighted mount of the in
signia of the fraternity has been within breathing distance of the
added to the chapter room and is fourth position which was relin
to figure in the ritual.
quished as a result of a reversal of
a biennial basis as circumstances
form in the last interfraternity
permit. These Conferences will take
track meet.
The 'Lits' Have It
The big West Coast celebration
is planned to be the first of a series
of Regional Alumni Conferences,
scheduled to be held on as nearly
the place of triennials — national
alumni meetings held every three
At least one member of every
years in different cities of the Mid graduating class in the literary col
lege of the University from 1868
According to Michigan's "Grand to 1928, with the exception of six
Old Man", Fielding Yost, the mov classes, won a place in Who's Who
ing force behind the scheduling of In America for 1938, members of
the California game was to provide the staff of the Alumni Catalogue
the Michigan alumni in that area Office found recently in a study of
an opportunity to get together the volume listing distinguished
But now that the Softball season
is underway and the Phi Gams are
in their usual winning stride, the
gap separating "707" from the
leaders will be eliminated.
As usual this spring, one of the
mainstays of the golf squad will be
Lynn Riess, who can stroke a ball
smoother than a cat's back. Lynn
is one of the more consistent low
scorers on the team.
\r\nApril, 1940
Page Three
Wrestling Captain 'Butch^ Jordan Ends Career
wrestling captain, leaves behind him an enviable record as a star
performer on the mat and the gridiron. Although Hutch's soft,
high voice does not bespeak a muscular athlete, he looks the part and
has made a fine record in football and wrestling.
In his sophomore year. Hutch started out as a regular tackle on
the varsit)' and plaj'ed until he was injured in the Indiana game of
that year.
Hut injuries did not daunt him, operations did not dim
his enthusiasm and finally this determination began to pay dividends
as he saw action on the football squads of '38 and '39.
In the 1938-39 wrestling season, he enjoyed phenomenal success
until a serious arm injury ruined his possibilities in the Big Ten
and National Intercollegiate tournaments.
In spite of this mis
fortune, his teammates thought enough of his ability and spirit to
elect him their leader for the 1939-10 wrestling campaign.
After earning his letter in football this year. Butch took over
his wrestling duties without an intermission, winning every dual
match. He climaxed this bj" winning the Big Ten heavyweight title.
In the following National Intercollegiates he bowed out after being
pinned by George Hooper, Eastern Collegiate champion.
Here's Remaining Games
On Michigan Schedules
Fifteen Phi Gams
For the use of some of you
alumni in distant cities who may
want to watch Michigan athletic
teams in action this Spring—
versity of Michigan Opera was re
vived for the first time in years
Well, things are different at the
and get a glimpse of a few Phi
with the presentation of "Four Out
Phi Gam manor, for here the Alpha
Phijis find the apprehensions of
fci'thcoming senior appointments
more pressing than thoughts of the
Gam athletes—we list here the
remaining contests for Michi
of Five." its title based on foot
Spring Appointments
Occupy Alpha Phijis
Tennyson once said that in the
spring a young man's fancy turns
to thoughts of love.
fairer sex.
After all, it would be
nice to be the heads of the Ensian.
1—Notre Dame, here
3-4—Illinois at Champaign
7—Western State Teachers'
College, here
8—Hillsdale College at Hillsdale
24-25—Minnesota at Minneap
while the Union Board of Directors
goes into a huddle concerning next
27—Notre Dame at So. Bend
Keep your fingers crossed! Mumbo-jumbo.
was a tremendous success and we
claim a very important factor in
this effort was the presence of 15
or so Fijis (to .give it color). Phi
Gam parts I'an.gad from the chorus
to the heavy part of "Daddy" Mays,
all 220 pounds of him.
10—Ohio State, here
15—Michigan Normal College
at Ypsilanti
17-18—Purdue, here
Meanwhile, Bob Ulrich has al
ready written his petition for the
presidency of the Union. All that
he has to do now is to try to refrain
fi'om biting his finger nails off
year's officers.
And Jim Harrison is hoping that
his political star is in the ascendan
cy, because elections for the two
senior positions on the Interfraternity Council take place next
baller and Alpha Phiji Jack Brennan's widely quoted remark: "Four
out of five girls are beautiful and
the fifth comes to Michigan."
As everyone knows, the opera
(lent Publications over on its collec
tive ears.
Less than a month ago the Uni
gan's baseball, track and golf
For instance, Ed King and Ed
Ti'ipp are buzzing inside with plans
for a petition that will knock the
Board of Control in Charge of Stu-
In Opera Revival
As a result of their efforts, the
following men were tapped by
Mimes, honorary dramatic society:
21—Western State Teachers'
College at Kalamazoo
James McCracken. Edward O'Connel, Robert Smolenski. Robert
Parker, James Harrison, Robert Ti
tus, Hem-y Fielding, Dale Chamber-
30—Michigan State at East
4—Ohio State at Ann Ar
G—Noi'thwestern at Ann Ar
13—Illinois at Ann Arbor
{Continued on page A)
lin and Owen Mays,
Add these names to the ones al
ready in Mimes and you can see
that the Phi Gams almost create
a quorum.
The opera was so well received
that all seats for the foui' evening
performances were sold out days
in advance.
\r\nPage Four
April, 1940
News From Brothers Everywhere
DONALD S. SMITH '29E, is in
the general insurance business in
We Want News
Detroit with the Alexander H. Sib-
ley Co., 2306 Dime Bank Building.
with this issue of
Don is married to the former Sarah
The Alpha Phiji News for those
Goodale, Michigan Delta Gamma,
and the have two sons, David, five
years old, and Ross, three. The
Smiths live at 9220 Manor Ave.,
members who have never filled
it in or have moved since last
Detroit. Don comes from a Phi Gam
cal sheets are our chief means
family which includes three other
of keeping correct addresses in
our files and supplying alumni
news notes for the chapter pa
Alpha Phi men, his father, Shirley
W. Smith *97, vice-president and
secretary of the University; Dr.
Clement A. Smith *23, and Donald
D. Smith *04.
doing that is a blue "Who*s
Who** blank.
name of Harman & Harman. Dick
per. You will make our job
easier and our paper more in
teresting if you will take a few
you are receiving one, won*t you
please mail it in at once to the
editor at the chapter house, 707
Oxford Rd., Ann Arbor?
was taken into the partnership in
January, 1939, after getting his de
gree from Indiana University. Un
married, he is a member of the
University Club in Elkhart and the
Elkhart County Bar Association.
He lives with his family at 646 W.
Lexington Ave., Elkhart.
Engineering College
These biographi
minutes to fill in this sheet.
now practicing law with his father
in Elkhart, Ind., under the firm
lotte, N. C. "Ged** got a taste of
big league ball when he finished
the season last year with the Wash
ington Senators. The Charlotte
club is owned by the Senators.
Gets A New Dean
The Alpha Phiji News has been
asked by an alumnus to give the
name of the new dean of the col
lege of engineering who was ap
pointed to fill the vacancy caused
by the death last October 14 of
Dean Henry C. Anderson.
The new dean will be Ivan C.
Crawford, at present dean of the
School of Engineering and Archi
tecture and professor of civil en
gineering at the University of Kan
ver, Colo. Ralph is married to
Carolyn Tinieblood, University of
Wyoming Kappa. With their oneyear-old son, Ralph D., Ill, the
Goodrichs live at 3454 Tijon, Den
ver. Ralph*s Phi Gam relatives
Professor Crawford will take
over his new duties July 1 and will
become the fifth dean of the college
since its formation in 1895.
Another important change in
campus administration that has
taken place recently was the ap
are his father, Ralph D. Goodrich, pointment of Prof. Hayward KenMILTON C. SMITH *35, is still Sr. *03, professor at the University
iston as chairman of the romance
continuing his studies in the Uni of Wyoming, and Edward P. Goodlanguages department. He will suc
versity and lives at 715 S. Forest rich *38, and F. L. D. Goodrich *03.
ceed Prof. Hugo P. Thieme, who
Ave., Ann Arbor.
Milt has been
married since August, 1937, to the
former Ellen Conover, Michigan
Delta Gamma. He is a winner of
the Marsh Scholarship.
not a member of Phi Gam*s most
famous Smith family, he has one
relative who is a member of Alpha
Phi, Guy C. Conkle, Jr. *36.
gional director for the Public Works
Administration in Omaha, Nebr.,
maintains his permanent home at
1524 31st St., Washington, D. C.
The Radfords have three daughters,
Antoinette, Rebecca and Rosemaiy.
Two new address that have come
is a junior engineer with the United in for Alpha Phi alumni place Jack
States Bureau of Reclamation, Den- Thom *38, at 278 Pawtucket Ave.,
Rumford, R. I., and James P. Ward,
Chapter Is Seeking
Correct Addesses
will retire in June after 42 years
on the faculty.
Professor Keniston comes from
the University of Chicago where
he has been professor of the Span
ish language since 1925. He is
former dean of the graduate school
of Cornell University.
A vacancy in the faculty of the
medical school caused by the death
last Jan. 27 of Dr. D. Murray Cowie
has been filled by the appointment
of Dr. Charles F. McKhann, associ
ate professor of pediatrics and com
Jr. *22, at 6317 Bryan Parkway,
Dallas, Texas.
municable diseases at Harvard Uni
versity Medical School.
A. BURGESS VIAL *40, now in
the medical school of the Universi
Keeping corect addresses for all ty, was elected to Phi Beta Kappa SPORTS— SCHEDULE—
(Continued from page 3)
alumni is a big job that never ends. this spring. Burg, who hails from
Listed below are the names of seven LaGrange, 111., spent the fall after
17—Michigan State at East
alumni on whom the chapter lacks noons on the football squad during
good addresses.
If you can give us any informa
tion on where any of these men
can be located, or the name of
which time he earned his Jayvee
20-21—Big Ten Meet at Co
We were pleased to note in the
4—Illinois at Ann Arbor
someone who might know, please "Orange Fiji** that Bill Coffman,
11—Ohio State at Columbus
notify the editor. The names of who transferred from here, is going
the temporarily "lost** brothers are: like a house afire on the Syracuse
F. Walker Flanagin *13; Robert track squad.
18—Pittsburgh at Ann Arbor
24-25—Big Ten Meet at Ev-
L. Hall *27E; Minot E. Lane *20E;
George S. Martin; David A. Price;
ELMER GEDEON *39, just out
Albert E. Stell *17, and Emmett P. of college baseball, is now with the
Updegraff *94.
Charlotte baseball team in Char
June 17—Big Ten-Pacific Coast
Meet at Evanston
21-23—N.C.A.A. Meet at Min
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April 1940 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.