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1940 December Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
December 1940 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1940 December Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
JhjL dlfikcL fflkijL TIqwa,
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series Vol. VI
No. 1
Alpha Phi Fledges
Here's The 1940 Fiji Pledge Class
Class of 21 Men;
Five Are Legacies
Once again the White Star of
Phi Gamma Delta has been put to
the test and it has come through
in the usual grand fashion. This
last fall, which incidentally saw
one of the fastest rushing seasons
ever seen in Ann Arbor, the Alpha
Phi chapter pledged 21 men, the
third largest pledge class on cam
The chapter feels that this group
represents one of the most attrac
tive classes on the campus. Here's
your preliminary introduction to
the future Fijis. The new pledges
MICHIGAN PHI GAMS OF THE FUTURE is this bunch of 1940
CHARLES ADAMS '44, Jackson,
pledges. The picture above was taken shortly after their formal pledg
ing on October 14. In the front row, left to right, are Gelston, Osborn,
Pilcher and Dixon. Second row; Lyman, Mahon, Corson, Adams, Cady
and Kerr. Standing: Hokans, Slater, DePuy, Tiedeman, Emmons, Downey
and Brown. Not in the picture are Pledges Fors, Anderson, Wakefield
Mich. He hopes to work into the
naval service or possibly enter An
cago. Harry is a candidate for the
and Whittemore.
sophomore tryout on the Michigan
Campus Honoraries
Tap Many Phi Gams
Seven Are Initiated
On October 13 the chapter
rolls were augmented by the
Never so long as the memory of
initiation of the following men:
man runneth has the Phi Gam
house at "707" been overlooked
William F. Dawson, '43, Evanston, 111.; Lyons M. Howland, '43,
when the various honorary groups
of the campus have .gone seeking
new members.
To the list of Alpha Phi Vulcans
has been added the name of Howie
Egert, '41E, Rocky River, Ohio,
while the junior engineers extended
their Phi Gam membership with
the election of Hank Fielding-, '42E,
Plainfield, N. J., to Triangles.
The national honorary music so
ciety also drew upon Fiji blood
Detroit; Glen
V. Ireland, '43,
Benton Harbor; William 0.
Schoedinger, '43, Columbus, 0.;
Edward F. Steele, '43, Elmira,
N. Y.; and Wayne Wright, Jr.,
'43, Coldwater, Mich. Cecil Dawson, Zeta Phi '15, was present
for his son's initiation.
At a
later initiation, October 21, Ro
bert F. He.xt, '41, Grand Rapids,
was initiated.
with the election of two Phi Gams.
They are Owen Mays, '42, and
George Irwin, '42, both of Quincy, has accepted Maury Anderson, '41,
BROWN '44E, Lynd-
hurst, N. J. Bruce is concentrating
in chemical engineering.
naw, Mich. Fred plans to enter the
University's medical school even
tually. In high school he was an
outstanding basketball player.
BRUCE CORSON '43E, Birming
ham, Mich. Pledge Corson plays a
fine game of hockey and hopes to
land a berth on the University's
ice squad.
JIM DePUY '43, Jamestown, N.
D. Jim spent his first two years at
Carleton college in Minnesota be
fore transferring to Michig-an. He
is another medical aspirant, and
the son of Dr. Thomas DePuy '10,
a Jamestown physician.
RAY DIXON '44, Buffalo, Wyo.
Evanston, 111.; Dale Chamberlin, Ray is another of a long line of
Les Voyageurs, that bunch of '42, Bethlehem, Pa.; Buck Dawson, Fijis, his father and other relatives
"regular guys" who associate close '43, Evanston, and Jim Snodgrass, being members of other chapters.
(Continued on page 4)
ly with the natural fauna and flora. '43, Cincinnati, Ohio.
\r\nPage Two
December, 1940
Alpha Fiji News
Letter Column
Death Takes Two
Chapter Alumni
Published quarterly by Alpha Phi
EDITOR'S NOTE: We'd like to
In Recent Months
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
make this column a regular feature
in subsequent issues. The chapter
Ann Arbor, Michigan
hopes you will take pen in hand
and let us and your classmates hear F. C. STEVENS '03, PRINTING
Jim Harrison
from you.
707 Oxford Road
Edward King
Sends New Address
President Dear Editor:
The chapter is sorry to announce
On page two of the June issue
Rec. Secretary of The Alpha Phiji News there the deaths of two of its alumni
Cor. Secretary were orchids for Brother Barnum members, Frederic C. Stevens, Sr.,
James Harrison
Historian for giving information as to the '03E, and Walter R. Clayton '95.
Brother Clayton, one of Alpha
whereabouts of Brothers Lane and
Martin. I see Charlie is as accur Phi's oldest living alumni, died
Football Brings Many
ate now as he was when designing July 18, 1940, at his home in EvansAlumni Back
boats in Naval Engineering. I'm ton, 111. Notice of his death came
A large number of alumni visited glad to know where Minot Lane is from Melvin A. Hardies, Chi Up-
Edward Tripp
Robert Darden
John Clarke
the chapter house during the four located and hope he is doing very silon '32. No further information
is available.
football week-ends this fall.
Jim Temple,'33, Detroit; Bob Brad
ley, '38, Gary, Ind.; Jim Halligan,
'40, Detroit; Jack B. Nicolls, '40,
and his wife, of Pontiac; Jim McCracken, '40, Cleveland, Ohio; Dick
Woodward, '18E, and two daugh
ters, Virginia and Priscilla, of Riverton, N. J., and many others.
The Northwestern game Novem
ber 16, last on the home schedule,
of school he practiced law and is
now with the Chicago Plating Com
pany, located at 1714 West Division
Street, Chicago . . . All kidding
aside, I presume that the reference
Brother Stevens, the father of
As to Brother George S. Martin,
On hand for the Homecoming
Frederic C., Jr., '31E, New York
game with Illinois, October 19, were
to Brother George Martin was con
fused with Brother Bob Martin, of
Bedford, who, according to the dir
ectory published in 1936, died De
cember 23, 1934. I assure you,
brought Ham Morris, '39, West- Brother George S. Martin, of the
chester, N. Y.; Walt Peckinpaugh, Class of 1925, is very much alive.
City, died recently in Columbus,
Ohio, following an operation in the
University hospital there. Surviv
ing, besides his son, are his widow
and one daughter who lives in
Brother Stevens had held prom
inent posts in the printing industry
in New York City where he lived
most of his life. He was president
of Chilton Company of New York
and Philadelphia, publishers of Iron
Age and 70 other trade publications.
Permit me to join Brother Bar
'39, Cleveland; Bob Mueller, '38,
He had held executive posts in
in his comments on The Alpha
and his brother, Forman Mueller,
several other printing companies.
Phiji News. Do keep up the good
'37, both of Chicago.
Brother Stevens was founder of
—John Madden '22.
Social Activities Take
the Printers' League, which con
solidated with the Master Printers
Association and the Printers Board
The chapter is gratefid to Broth
er Madden for his help in locating of Trade. He served as its presi
"Social?" Why,just a few years Brother George S. Martin. Brother dent in 1918 and 1919. He was also
ago that word would have caused Madden is associated with .James president of the New York Em
Alpha Phijis to ponder deeply as to B. Clow & Sons, Chicago, mana- ploying Printers Ass'n 1922-23.
its meaning. Now it rates space in factiirers of cast iron pipe, water
"the press." Yessir, under the en works plumbing and other supplies.
The Limelight
ergetic direction of Chuck Hall and His address is 201-299 N. Talman
Larry Hulbert, "707" has definitely Ave., Chicago.
Matt Rea And Jim
McCracken Marry
gone social.
'Ged' Coaches Freshmen
Two of Alpha Phi's last June
ELMER GEDEON '39, who play graduates left the bachelor ranks
western game at which time we ed with the Washington Senators during the summer months. They
wondered if by chance or design baseball team last summer, return are Matthew Rea, '40, and James
the Phi boys had transferred their ed to Ann Arbor in the fall in the McCracken, '40.
Parties were held after the Penn
sylvania game and after the North
charter to Ann Arbor.
role of assistant coach. He assist
The plans now are to have a ed Coach Bennie Oosterbaan with Jane Leisy were married November
series of exchange dinners with the ends and now is an assistant
with the freshman squads. "Ged,"
cated a desire to swap table talk a former three-sport athlete, be
with the Phi Gams. With these came famous two years ago when
dinners in mind. Steward Bob Dar he doubled in baseball and track
den is slowly worrying himself in the same season. He is also
gray. And then there is the annual working for his master's degree and
pledge formal which was held De awaiting his call for military train
cember 7.
several sororities who have indi
30 in the Denison Avenue Congre
gational Church in Cleveland. The
couple is living in Cleveland.
August 17 was the date of Broth
er Rea's marriage to the former
Miss Bette Sark. They were mar
ried in London, Ohio. The newlyweds are now at home in Corning,
N. Y.
\r\nDecember, 1940
Page Three
Phi Gams Still Rate
Looking Back On A Great Year?
At Top In Campus
Honors, Activities
The Phi Gams at "707" are wide
ly known on campus and one word
will give the reason for this high
The most recent achievement of
a Fiji was the election of Football
Captain Forest Evashevski as pres
ident of the Senior class of the lit
erary college. This highest honor
was bestowed upon "Evvy" at the
class election
November 13
and shows the high esteem in which
he is held by his classmates.
Since way before the McFate
boys, the local cannibals have been
trying to control the 'Ensian. At
present. Buck Dawson and Ben
Douglas are both working on the
sophomore staffs, editorial and
business, respectively. In the same
building,Lyons Rowland and Pledge
Han-y Anderson are working hard
to win appointments to the junior
staff of The Daily.
Over at the Union, Bill Schoed- FOREST EVASHEVSKI'41—From Football Captain to Class President.
inger and Pledge Bob Gelston are
working diligently to please the
new executive board. Buck Dawson
is a member of the Soph Prom
In the engine school, popular
Hank Fielding has been elected to
the post of vice-prexy of the Insti
tute of Aeronautical Sciences, the
post of secretary already being fill
ed by Ed King,"E" of the chapter.
Ed is also vice-president of the
Engineering Council and chairman
of the forthcoming Engineers' ball.
When the Union Opera, "Take A
Number," is held the middle of
December, several Fijis will apply
the g'reasepaint. These men include
Bob Titus, who gained fame in
last year's op(>ra, Ben Douglas,
Jim Harrison and Pledge Dick Sla
ter. Five Alpha Phijis are mem
bers of Mimes, tbe fostering spirit
behind the Opera. They are Bob
Titus, Dale Chamberlin, Owen
Mays, Hank Fielding and Jim Har
Winding up tbis list is a job
which a Phi Gam has not held for
many years, for Jim Harrison '41,
Memphis, Tenn., was recently elect
ed president of the Interfraternity
Council at a fall election to fill that
U. of M. Cage Team Opens
19-Game Schedule Dec. 7
Chapter Receives
Address Changes
varsity basketball team will
open its 19-game schedule Dec. 7.
The schedule:
Address changes for Alpha Phi
alumni continue to pour into the
chapter and here are more that ar
rived in the late summer:
7—Michigan State, here
19—Notre Dame, there
21—Butler, there
28—Pittsburgh at Columbus
30—Princeton at Columbus
6—Ohio State, here
11—Purdue, there
13—Illinois, there
18—Wisconsin, here
20—Minnesota, here
25—Northwestern, there
27—Indiana, here
12—Michigan State, there
15—Iowa, there
17—Chicago, there
22—Illinois, here
24—Northwestern, here
1—Ohio State, there
Wendell T. Fitzgerald, '21, '24L,
Crocker Building, San Francisco,
Calif.; Edward L. Hulse, '29, 265
Washington Avenue, Bridgeport,
Conn.; William J. McFate, '35, Oil
City, Pa.; Dr. Herbert S. Breyfogle,
'33, 813 University Ave., S.E., Min
neapolis, Minn.; J. M. Stedman, '22,
735 N. 26th St., Allentown, Pa.
Martin W. Tanner, Jr., '27, 714
Van Buren St., Saginaw, Mich.;
William C. Carrier, '34, 37 W. 14th
Place, Chicago Heights, 111.; Fred
erick Riebel III, '32, 2239 Cadillac
Blvd., Detroit, Mich.; Walter E.
Heimerdinger, '13, C.R.I.&P. Rail
way, Ft. Worth, Texas; Harry F.
Hamlin, '06L, 105 W. Monroe St.,
Chicago, 111.
left San Diego, Calif., and is living
at 1035 E. 0.gden Ave., Milwaukee,
\r\nPage Four
December, 1940
Alpha Phi Again Alpha Phi Pledges Big Class of 21
Well Represented
Men; Five Have Phi Gam Relatives
On Varsity Teams GROUP IS THIRD LARGEST ON in Bowling Green. He is already
active on campus, having a part in
the forthcoming Union Opera.
WALTER TIEDEMAN '44E, Elsmere, N. Y. Pledge Tiedman comes
(Continued from page 1)
from a family of Phi Gams and is
RUSSELL DOWNEY '44, EvansHats off to one of the greatest ton, 111. Another Alpha Phi son, well acquainted with the fraternity.
football teams that the University
his father is Hubert A. Downey
has had in many years! There are '14L. Handsome Russ' chief hobby Chicago. Dick is a strong contender
for the varsity squad, although
no doubt many reasons for this
is music.
only a sophomore.
greatness, about 50 of them, but
Janeiro, Brazil. Pledge Emmons'
Ann Arbor. Last on the list alphehome is the farthest off of any of
betically, we hope he will not be
the new pledges. A Fiji son, his
shevski *41 has been hailed as one
father is Samuel E. Emmons '16, the last Ann Arbor Phi Gam.
we know that two of these reasons
are spelled Evashevski and Call.
Retiring Captain Forest Eva
of the best quarterbacks in the
country since his first game as a
The new pledges received their
manager of street railways in the
pledge buttons October 14 at the
Brazilian city. Sam is one of the
sophomore against Michigan State.
house's strongest hopes in the close of the two-week formal rush
His fierce blocking and tackling
ing period.
swimming competition.
and brainy signal calling have again
The chapter is anxious to thank
won him a berth on the All-Con
many alumni who sent in the
land Park, Mich. Bob is another
ference team.
Injured In September
junior transfer, coming from the
Highland Park Junior College. He
Junior Norm Call, Norwalk, Ohio,
is planning on entering the minis
who won his first letter this year,
try and becoming a missionary.
knows what it means to be a victim
of fate. He was playing first string
halfback until a severe ankle in
jury in the first game against Cal
names of rushees to
Chairman Bob Titus.
Brennan Is Coaching
CARL HOKANS '44E, Holly,
JACK BRENNAN '39, former
Mich. College is especially inter varsity guard, returned to Ann
esting to Pledge Hogans because Arbor November 16 to see his
he has been out of school for sev
former teammates beat Northwest
hardwood courts as a member of
the freshman basketball team.
ler, Michigan Alpha Chi Omega,
and they have two small daughters.
ifornia put him out of action until
eral years.
ern. Jack is coaching at Manistee
the last few games. As a conse
ROBERT KERR '44, Coldwater, (Mich.) High School. He is mar
quence, he saw little service, but
Mich. Bob has already taken to the ried to the former Dorothea Staebwe are sure that next year will be
kinder to him.
Another member of the moleskin
WILLIAM LYMAN '43, Westmighties is Pledge Brother Harry
field, N. J. Still another transfer,
Anderson, a guard. He, too, suffer
Awaits Draft Call
coming from Principia College in
Elseh, 111.
handicapped throughout the season. HENRY MAHON '44E, Mans '40, captain of the wrestling team
Carrying on as an associate of the
field, Ohio. Pledge Mahon is an while on campus and a football
ed from a twisted ankle and was
athletes is Lyons Howland who is
trying out for the position of Head
Two On Cage Squad
Now that the moleskins have
been stowed away, the hardwood
lads are coming into the limelight.
Bill Houle, of Bellevue, Ohio, has
an inside lane for one of the regular
positions and Norm Call is ex
pected to put in an appearance on
other of the freshman class who is
out for frosh basketball.
field Ohio. Like his fellow Ohioan,
A1 is also seeking a berth on the
yearling cage squad.
ROBERT FORS '43E, Muskegon,
Mich. This is Bob's second year of
college work.
JIM PILCHER '42, Fort Dodge,
Jim has a fine scholastic
letterman, is now coaching at
Wakefield (Mich.) High School.
"Butch" drew Number 1 in his
community's selective service reg
istration and expects to be called to
arms in the near future.
B. McGee '16 is a
structural engineer in the Bureau
of Engineering of the City of Los
Angeles. "Art" and his family live
at 1487 No. Los Robles Ave., Pasa
Meanwhile, Howie Egert, varsity average and should help to keep dena. He has two sons, Gilbert,
the chapter's scholarship high.
half-miler, is busy conditionning
eight years lod, and David, five.
the court.
himself for things to come. Also
Green, Ohio. Dick is another trans
getting in shape for the indoor
JOHN McFATE,'38, former Entrack season is Buck Dawson, who fer, having enrolled at the college sian editor, is now taking his final
year in the University's law school.
was a member of the record-break
ing freshman relay team last year.
Another cannibal looking toward
the future is Dale Chamberlin, who
is faithfully putting in his time at
the natatorium where Michigan's
championship tank teams are born.
Phil Detwiler is a candidate for His address is 833 Tappan Court,
the varsity wrestling team this Ann Arbor.
year and should stand an excellent
chance inasmuch as he won his
varsity letter at Amherst last year in Los Angeles, Calif., at 4015 W.
28th Street.
before transferring to Michigan.
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December 1940 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.