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1942 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
April 1942 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1942 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
Page Two
April, 1942
Alpha Phiji News
Cannibal Short Cuts.
By Buck Dawson
The chapter boasts a new mascot appreciated. We got rid of all the
Published quarterly by Alpha Phi in the form of a real live alligator Rex Beach and Zane Grey books
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
which Mrs. Dawson sent the house that dated back to the days of that
707 Oxford Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. from Florida. Sam Emmons is the chapter literary master, Pat Crow
keeper of the Eppigladus Bander- 14.
Buck Dawson '43
snatch McWheelbase. Sam claims
we can come back for our 25th
reunion and carve our initials in
William Schoedinger
President Eppi's back.
Robert Norwich
Bob Norwich '43 and Art Upton
'45 were the chapter's representa
tives at the recent Section Conven
tion held in Columbus. Charlie Hall
Lyons Howland
Rec. Secretary
Wm. Loughborough-Cor. Secretary
Buck Dawson
James Snodgrass
Five Fijis are now driving cabs and Bill Houle, two Fijis now in
as a dearth of capable taxi handlers war work for the duration, attended
hits Ann Arbor. Brother Lyman from Lakewood and Belview, Ohio.
Fijis Are Tops On
has driven for some time with Cam
pus Cab and now Brothers Mays,
Bill Schoedinger '43, new E, was
Titus, Chamberlin and Call sport elected to the Interfratemity Coun
Classy Chassis Number 10 for Var cil's Executive Council as district
sity Taxi. The two companies are chief.
For the second straight year the combined, but the house has a
Purple carried away first honors in charge account with another. Com
The wife of Old Joe,famous chap
the Interfratemity track meet. Hal plications!
ter rat, was asphyxiated the other
Whittemore, Tom Kuzma and Buck
night when Sam Emmons trapped
Dawson starred for the Fijis as
In rebuttal to a recent decree by the innocent rodent in the oven and
they out-stepped runner-up Sigma one of the local ROTC officers that turned on the gas. Emmons made a
Phi Epsilon by four points.
all college men are soft, the seniors public apology to Old Joe and all
Even more outstanding than the have started an exercise club. The was forgiven.
chapter's showing in the fraternity alumni will have to fix that ceiling
meet is our representation on the that's been bad so long if Peasbury
Vital Statistics: Norm Call '42
freshman cinder squad. Six out of Pilcher doesn't stop dropping the just had his engagement to Miss
23 numeral winners wear the White bar bell on the floor of his second Mary Lou Ewing '43 (Pi Phi) re
'M Cinder Paths
story gymnasium.
vealed. Also soon to wed are Hank
Fielding Jr. '42E and Miss JacqueThe Hume twins are especially
Norman Call '42, senior class lyn Glair '42 (Alpha Phi).
outstanding. Already they have
split virtually all the middle dis president, has been appointed to the
tance records in the frosh book. Art new War Board, which guides stu
Evashevski To Coach
Upton is second only to the Humes dent war efforts.
Pitfs Backfield
in distances from the half-mile up.
A1 Darling,
In the shorter distances, Mancl and
Fiji's Forest Evashevski '41, cap
Kamin are outstanding quarter mil- Jack Vaughn and Harry Anderson tain of Michigan's great 1940 team
all passed their physicals and were
ers and Larry Alberti stretches his
inducted as reserve officers in the and last fall head football coach at
long frame over the 220.
Hamilton College, resigned the lat
In a recent varsity meet with Marines. When they graduate they ter position in February to become
will depart for further training at
Notre Dame, Ross Hume led broth
backfield coach at the University of
er Bob and Upton to the tape in Quantico, Va.t. ^ ^
that order in an exhibition half-mile
Two Fiji members of Alpha Phi "Ewie" led the Hamilton eleven
that bettered the varsity time that Omega, national service fraternity. to five victories in seven games last
Claude Thompson '05L
Is Standard Oil Counsel
Claude A. Thompson '05L, noted
attorney, is general counsel for the
Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., 26 Broad
way, New York City. He has also
served as an attorney for the Dept.
of Justice (1911-15), the U. S. Rail
road Administration (1920-21), and
Bob Eich and Buck Dawson, were fall, Hamilton's
paign. "707" was first among the
fraternities donating 90 books to
start the drive rolling. Any best
sellers you might like to send us for
our empty library would be greatly
Here's New Addresses
For Michigan Fijis
the U. S. Shipping Board (1921).
He was very active while an under
graduate as business manager of
the Daily and in other organiza
tions. Mrs. Thompson is the former
Nellie Hoffman (Welles alumna)
and they have a grown son and
daughter. Their home is at 3 Ridge
Rd., Bronxville, N. Y.
best record
in charge of a recent book drive years. His place there will be taken
which gathered more than 1,000 by Campbell Dickson, former Mich
books for the Victory Book Cam igan end coach, who also is dean of
students there.
At Pittsburgh he.will work under
Head Coach Charles Bowser, a
former Pitt star. He began his new
job March 15.
Brother Evashevski, who started
at Michigan as a center and was
shifted to quarterback his sopho
more year, has had few peers as a
New addresses of Michigan Fijis: blocking back. In his last two sea
James F. Temple '33, 3 Sylvan Ave., sons he gained national attention as
Pleasant Ridge, Mich.; Cecil M. Mc the man who cleared the way for
Cutcheon '33, 316 N. Alexander, Tom Harmon.
Royal Oak; John P. Anderson '24,
"Coach" Evashevski is married to
115 N. Wisner, Jackson; Alfred P. the daughter of Michigan's Senator
Chambe '10, 8100 E. Jefferson, De Prentiss Brown, who recently pre
sented him with a baby boy.
\r\nPage Four
April, 1942
News From Alumni Everywhere
More news from and about
brothers in the service appears
below and we're always anxious
to have more. If you are in
uniform and that news hasn't
yet appeared here, please send
it in! Of course, we're still
Dr. Charles B. Darner '33, for
merly a physician (obstetrics and
gynecology) at University Hospi
tal, left Ann Arbor last summer for
Fargo, N. D., where he can be ad
dressed at 807 Broadway.
Orrin A. Eames Jr. '31 is an ad
vertising salesman for Shopping
News, Inc., Chicago. The Eames
have two children, Orrin III, eight,
and Adrienne, six. They live in Chi
cago at 11100 Hermosa Ave.
anxious to hear from our civ
Edward G. Martin '40, whose in
ilian brothers-—so return your
teresting letter appeared in a re
blue questionnaire.
cent issue, sends more complete in
formation on himself via his ques
Forrest Jordan '39, former Wol tionnaire. "Mart" is a safety en
verine wrestling and football star, gineer for the Standard Accident
recently entered Annapolis for a Insurance Co., stationed at the
training course preparatory to get Navy Yard at Charleston, S. C.
ting a commission as a Navy officer His mail can be sent to his home
in the physical fitness division. He address, 366 Glenhurst, Birming
will eventually be attached to a ham, Mich.
Navy pilot training school as a
physical training officer.
Lewis L. Forsythe '04 has been
Corp. Stanley Swinton '40, for principal at Ann Arbor high school
mer A.P. news man in Detroit, is
Harvey W. Clarke '39 will receive
his degree from the University's
law school at Commencement, May
30. "Scurv" is married (July 14)
to the former Harriet Thom, Mich
igan Kappa Alpha Theta, daughter
of William B. Thom '15. His other
Phi Gam relatives include his
grandfather. Prof. Henry E. Riggs,
Kansas '86; two uncles, Joe Riggs
'22, and Sam Riggs '22L; and two
cousins. Jack Thom '38, and Ben
Douglas '43. The Clarkes live at
415 Forest, Ann Arbor.
since 1917. He has been a school
George M.Davison '03 is a lawyer
of the Headquarters Company, 1609 having previously served in schools in Vancouver, Wash., where he lives
now attached to the Morale office executive ever since his graduation,
Corps Area Service Unit at Fort at Mt. Clemens, St. Louis (Mich.),
and Ionia. He has served as pres
Corp. Walter S. Peckinpaugh '39, ident of the Michigan Principals'
who starred on Michigan's baseball Assoc., the Michigan High School
team and later played professional Athletic Assn., the Michigan School
baseball, is now at Camp Wolters, masters' club and the Ann Arbor
Texas, with Co. C, 53d Training Bn. Rotary club. He has also been vice-
at 2221 H. St. A widower, he has
one daughter, now married. An af
filiate from Kansas, he volunteered
in the Spanish-American War be
fore coming to Michigan.
James R. McCollum '35 wrote in
January:"I want to express my ap
He hopes to be sent to Fort Penn
president of the National Federa
ing, Ga., for infantry officers' train
tion of State Athletic Associations.
preciation of the 'News,' since it's
ing. "Peck" was a salesman for The Forsythe home is at 2870 Overthe Scybrjrte Co., Cleveland, until ridge Dr., Ann Arbor, and the fam
ily includes four grown children.
he entered the Army.
Franklin, Robert, Josephine, and
Edward A. Southard '38 is at Margaret.
tached to the Medical Detachment
about the only word I receive of
most of the fellows with whom I
spent so many pleasant years. I
spent a very pleasant evening in
Chicago recently with Robert Finn
'34 and Pete Brunt '35. Heard from
(M and DS), Whiteside Station
H. Leslie Carroll '17E is mechan Pete that A1 Plummer '35 was mar
Hospital, Fort Riley, Kans.
ical superintendent of Parke, Davis ried last month. Pete, who is a sec
Hamilton F. Morris '39, sent in & Co., Detroit. While in school here ond lieutenant in the Reserve, ex
his questionnaire in February with he was a trackman and class secre pects to be called in the very near
the notation: "I'm taking my phys tary. He is married to a Michigan future." Brother McCollum is as
ical for the Air Corps next week." alumna, the former Lona Belyea, sistant sales manager of the St.
His job at that time was with the
McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New
York City. He adds: "It's really
surprising the quick and happy
memories that are brought back by
seeing familiar names and places in
The Alpha Phiji News." His ad
dress is 5 Orsini Dr., Larchmont,
and they live in Grosse Pointe Park Johns Table Co., Cadillac, Mich. He
became a father last year when Jim
at 1146 Yorkshire.
George P. Bailey '16 is assistant
classified advertising manager for
II was born.
Jerry C. Barker '37, is project
engineer for the Menasco Mfg. Co.,
the Cleveland Plain Dealer. He is
married and the father of three Burbank, Calif., and lives in that
sons: Richard, 22; William, 21; and city at 310 E. Cedar. He is married
N. Y.
George T., 11. The Bailey home is to the former Betty Ramage, Whit
From his home at 126 N. Covona at 543 Morewood Pkwy., Rocky Riv
man College Delta Gamma, who
St., Elkhart, Ind., comes a ques er, O.
tionnaire from Keith Yoder '41,
Walter P. Hickey '30 is an archi
with the description of his occupa
tion as simply "soldier."
tect for the Detroit firm of Smith,
It's now 2nd Lt. Lynn C. Reiss Jr. Hinchman & Grylls. He also stud
'41 since this former varsity golfer ied in the Cranbrook Academy of
won his wings as a flyer in the Art under Professor Saarinen (1932
writes that Jerry is so busy work
ing and traveling that he asked her
to send in his questionnaire!
From Arthur E. Zigler '21 comes
news that he is a drug manufactur
er (Lav 0 Din Co.) in Oakland,
to 34) and his wife, the former Vio Calif. "Zig" is not married and
missioned at Stockton Field, Calif., la Shepherd, also studied there lives at 150 Highland Ave., Pied
in February, but we haven't yet They live in Birmingham, Mich., at mont, Calif. For his war record he
writes,"Flew Jennies on this side."
learned his new location.
287 E. Brown St.
Army's Air Corps. He was com
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April 1942 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.