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1948 April Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
April 1948 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Lambda Nu
University of Nebraska
1948 April Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
APRIL, 1948
VOL. 1. NO. 4
Len E. Hurtz ('03)
Principal Speaker
For twenty-two pledges of Lambda
Nu, April 3 marked the end of their
pledge training and heralded the begin
ning of their new role as brother Fijis.
This momentous event was held in the
Paxton Hotel in Omaha. Three hundred
Fijis, young and old, enjoyed the initia
tion and banquet.
New brother, John Skinner, won the
E. G. Houston Memorial Award for
Scholarship. Winning the "Doc" Hansen
award for the outstanding pledge was
Don Bloom. The freshman Activities
cup bears the newly engraved name of
George Coupe.
The initiation of Don and Wayne
Chuck Thoene Heads
Gay Ninety Party
New Fiji Cabinet
At the recent election of the new
officers of Lambda Nu for the forth
Deemed Success
coming year, Charles Thoene ('46), Bill
McCarty ('45), Gordon Rouze ('48),
Kim Lukens ('48), and Bruce McMichael
('49) were chosen to make up the new
The pledge class of '51 took the
Lambda Nu Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta back through the years to cele
brate the festivities of the "Gay Nine
ties" at their house party April 10th.
The Fiji house was decorated in the
traditional fashion of the late 90's and
"Chuck" Thoene was elected presi
dent and will guide the chapter and its
Eisenhart brought to eight the number
of Eisenhart blood brothers who are
members of Phi Gamma Delta. Don
was a member of Delta Sigma Lambda
before its absorption by Phi Gamma
Delta. He is a Colonel in the AAF sta
tioned in Omaha.
The cannibal feast was held in the
Blue Room of the Paxton as was the
entertainment which followed. Merle
Werkhoven, Iowa ('31), well-known an
nouncer for radio station WOW, was
the master of ceremonies. Leonard E
Hurtz ('03), president of the Fairmont
policies to new heights. Chuck is a
.iunior in Law College and hails from
Hartington. The chapter is confident
that the "Judge" is capable and worthy
the atmosphere helped to make the
party a huge success. Dancing was held
Creamery Company and reigning King
on the first floor while the candle-lit
basement afforded an excellent place
of fulfilling the heavy responsibilities
placed upon him.
■ The duties of the treasurer for next
year fall on the able shoulders of Bill
ivicCarty. Bill is from Mitchell and is
studying Bus. Ad. here at the university.
Imperial is the home of the new
Recording Secretary, Gordon Rouze.
Gordy will keep the chapter minutes
and also aid the cabinet in making the
decisions that will govern Lambda Nu.
Gordy is also in Bus. Ad. College.
Kim Lukens will be kept busy next
year tending to the chapter's corre
spondence. Kim is from Tekamah and
will welcome all letters and suggestions
from you alums.
Bruce McMichael, journalism major
from Omaha, will assume the duties of
Keeping the history ol
Lambda Nu is an important job and
one that Bruce will carry out to the
best of his abilities.
Retiring officers for the year "47""48" are John
Binning ('45), A. T
Hinds ('48), Bill Moorhouse ('49), and
Bob Jordan ('49). Lambda Nu has had
The highlight of the evening was the
presentation of a floor show consisting
of an all Fiji band, a barber shop quar
of Ak Sar Ben, was the principal
Highlighting the entertainment was
brother Hal Easter's monologue on
the mythical hog-calling hero, Elmer
Wurtz. Madeline King, Miss Omaha of
1947, did the tap dance which won her
a $1,000 prize at Atlantic City last year
tet and a soft shoe dance.
and a clever mimicry of movie star
A large can-can girl covered the front
door of the house, and all couples enter
ing the party had to pass through a
section of the structure. Everyone at
tending was dressed in appropriate 1890
costumes which added to campus-wide
In accordance with the
spirit of the theme, loyal Fijis adorned
theii' countenances (naturally or other
wise) with sideburns, mustaches and
beards of all colors and descriptions.
The party was deemed a great suc
cess by everyone and the chapter ex
tends many thanks for the work and
planning put in by brother Bob Yarwood ('51) and his able pledge brothers.
Betty Hutton. One of the new initiates
John Carson, who is widely known in
one of its most successful years under
their leadership, and it i's assumed that
the new cabinet will follow in their
foot.step.s and make the next year even
more eventful and successful.
this area for his sleight of hand feats
gave a polished exhibition of his reper
toire of magic.
The new wearers of the black dia
mond are: Don Bloom, Omaha; Kenny
Brown, Columbus; Jerry Calhoun, North
Platte; John Carson, Lincoln; George
Coupe Nebraska City; Bob Duis, Sid-
nev; Don Eisenhart, Omaha; Wayne
Eisenhart, Culbertson; Rod Fletcher, St.
Joseph, Mo.; Duane Funk, NorfolhGene Gessner, Lincoln; Harold HolmJ
quist, Oakland; Carter Iddings, Ham
mond, Ind.; Keith Meininger, Cam
bridge; Harold Partridge, Alliance; John
Peck, Tekamah: Tom Peterson, OmahaRandy Renkcn, Lincoln; John Skinner'
North Piatu-: Walter Stephen.soii'
Omaha: Jei iy Tomsik, Lineoln;
Bob Yarwood, Omaha.
Plans Announced
For 100th Ekkiesia
Friday, June 25
10:00 A.M.
2:00 P.M.
kiesia in the
Tuesday, June 22
9:00 A.M.
12:30 P.M.
Business sessions
Reunion luncheons
Grand Ekkiesia Ball
Saturday, .Tune 26
9:00 A.M.
Business sessions
2:00 P.M.
Business sessions
4:00 P.M.
Sine die adjournment
The William Penn Hotel will be the
2:00 P.M. Business sessions
8:00 P.M. Stag smoker
Wednesday, June 23
9:00 A.M. Business sessions
12:30 P.M. Fiji Sires and Sons lunch
2:00 P.M.
9:00 P.M.
William Penn Hotel in
Pittsburgh Pa., on June 22-26 1948.
Centennial 'exercises
campus of Washington
and Jefferson College.
Crowning a centenary of history, Phi
Gamma Delta will have its 100th Ek
Motor pilgrimage to Cannonsburg. Pa.
Business sessions
Stunt night;' open to ladies
Thursday, June 24
9:00 A.M. Business sessions
12:30 P.M. Ekkiesia photograph
8:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
Business sessions
7:00 P.M.
100th Ekkiesia banquet,
followed by centennial
pageant. Pageant open to
official Ekkiesia headquarters. Reser
hotel, using, if possible, the form which
appears in The Phi Gamma Delta.
Single rooms may be had from $4 to $7
per day. Double rooms are priced from
$6.25 to $10 per day. Twin-bedded
rooms are available from $7 to $13 per
day. Suites range from $14 to $21 per
day. There is a charge of $2.50 addi
tional for a third person in a room.
The registration fee. covering all the
social events, will be approximately $20.
Inquiries may be addressed to Execu
tive Secretary Cecil J. Wilkinson, 40
Rust Bldg., Washington, D.C.
Chuck Thoene
A Word from Chuck
During the past year, Lambda Nu
has been undergoing a major recon
struction program. It has been in the
process of reconversion from wartime
status to a peacetime fraternity. Most
of the credit for the remarkable success
of this transition should be given to my
very capable predecessor, John Binning,
the retiring president.
Through his diligent efforts, we are a
much closer knit unit, and we now, to a
much .greater
extent, appreciate the
great care of all Phi' Gamma Deltas.
Externally and internally, John has ac
complished notable progress in rekind
ling the fraternal spirit of Lambda Nu.
For a job superbly done, many rounds
of snaps to John.
It is very true that the maintenance
Gamma Delta boasts a national record.
Eight Eisenhart brothers of Culbertson,
Nebr., are members of the chapter. Two
of them, Don and Wayne, were initiated
into the fraternity on April 3. Pictured
above are the Eisenharts, left to right:
Front row, Don 37. Russell 23, Charles
34, Hugh 32. Back row, Wayne 21, Car
roll 35, Warren 22, and Edward 38.
Charles is not a Fiji. Warren was a
track man on the Husker squad and is
now attending West Point. Kerwin (pic
tured below), who hails from Los An
geles. is also a Phi Gam, He is a past
"E", All Big Six fullback in 1942, and
a member of the varsity track team.
Their mother, Mrs. Marion H. Eisen
hart, lives in Culbertson.
Our thanks to V. E. Gaddis of the
Omaha World-Herald for donating this
Don Bloom ('51)
Jerry Johnston ('49)
Personal Editor
Chuck Thoene ('46)
Allen T. O'Connor ('42)
Special Editor
Advisory Editor
William Moorhouse ('49)
Photography Editor
Robert Jordan ('49)
Bob Yarwood ('51)
Feature Editor
News Editor
Rewi'ite Editor
Jack Schii'mer ('46)
Tom Petei'son ('51)
Mrs. Mae Mmier
Chaptei- Editor
Society Editor
of a strong fraternity should fall largely
on the shoulders of the undergraduate
members. However, one thing we would
like to see more of is a closer relation
ship between the alumni and the under
graduate chapter. If at anytime you are
in the vicinity, drop in at 1425 "R" and
say hello to Mom Minier and the gang.
If you have any suggestions for the
benefit of the house, let us have them;
and, of course, write our rush chairman.
Jack Bryant, on any prospective pledges.
An excellent time for you to renew
your interests and acquaintances would
be at the fiftieth anniversary celebra
tion, which is going to be held Novem
ber, 20, 1948. Make your reservations
with Jack Palmer immediately! You
alumni are the men of experience. By
all means drop around and see what
your chapter is doing.
Fraternally yours,
father, and two uncles, Jim and Tom,
wear the coveted emblem.
The Robert Tollefsen's daughter, Ann
Veronica, arrived just in time (Jan.
19th), to say goodbye to father Bob
who left for Lincoln. He spent the first
week of February here as attorney for
the anti-trust division in the U. S.
action against 47 western railroads and
two Wall Street banking firms.
First semester exams out of the way,
everyone was in the proper mood for
our annual winter formal dinner and
dance which was held in the Cornhusker ballroom the evening of Feb. 7th.
It was an outstanding party with the
girls lovely in their prevailing style
formals and their handsome escorts in
tuxedos and tails. The favors were
gardenia corsages and attractive silver
slave bracelets with crest charms.
The Lincoln mothers club entertained
the Omaha club at a 1;30 luncheon
Monday, April 5th in the chapter house.
Spring flowers and yellow candles cen
"Mom" Miniei-
tered the buffet table while daffodils
and candles were used on the serving
tables. Forty guests enjoyed a delight
ful afternoon.
From Jack Bryant
Rush Chairman
According To A1
Saturday, November 20, 1948, may
seem like a long time away, but it isn't
too soon to be making your plans to
attend the Fijis 50th Anniversary Pig
Dinner which is to be held at the Lin
There's a bit of a slump in the social
news for this issue, but here goes. Pin
hangings have been on the wave; either
all eligibles are pinned and the remain
ing ones are wary or someone is putting
We here at Lambda Nu send forth a
call to you, our alumni, to help us in
our rushing program. Please assist us
in finding potential "links" with the
something over on us.
same co-operative spirit that you have
Palmer, ('50) (for you older members
Only two have come through with
cigars and candy this month, namely:
shown in the past.
Your recommendations will be given
Jim Worcester to Wendy Corkin and
Gordon Rouze to Gloria Way; both in
formal engagements.
Just one wedding announcement has
top consideration!
If you know of
someone you would like to see as a
member of your fraternity, drop me a
he is a son of "Sod" Palmer ('19) from
Tekamah) asking for important infor
mation concerning your attendance at
come to my desk; that of Priscilla Cra
mer to Keith Manning on March 29th,
at Leigh, Nebraska. The young couple
will make their home in Lincoln.
In the bassinet department, business
Allen T. O'Conner
has picked up a trifle. Two Sioux City
bo,ys, who have been close friends
through the years and were residents
line at 1425 "R" as soon as possible.
flock of very capable Phi Gam
graduates are about to start their search
for permanent positions in the business
world. Any correspondence from the
alumni or their associates concerning
possible openings this June would be
greatly appreciated. Any information
regarding the above graduates may be
ery in their Sioux City home in which
their little Miss Julie now occupies,
having arrived on Tuesday, March 9th.
The Tekamah Chatts, Elaine and Bob,
presented their two year old daughter
Lambda Nu a note at 1425 "R" St.
thony on March 11th. Little Steve has
fallen into a nest of Phi Gam relatives.
Besides his father, he has a great uncle
Orville Chatt and two uncles, Jim and
Orville, who wear the diamond.
From down Kentucky way, Louisville
to be specific, comes word of the birth
of a son, William Thomas, born on
April 8th to Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
McGeachin. Young William's father is
assistant professor of chemistry at
Louisville University and his mother
the former Margaret DeLong of Ur-
bana, Illinois. His grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Win. H, McGcachin of
Ijincoln. The little lellow has a rich
Phi Gam heritage since, father, grand
from the reservation
chairman. Jack
this gala affair.
Always a thriller, the Missouri-Ne
braska game will be played that after
noon in Nebraska's Memorial Stadium.
of 1425 R Street at the same time, have
announced their parenthood in March.
John and Alice Call (the former Alice
Christiansen) have established a nurs
Suzan with a tiny brother, Steven An
coln Hotel, Lincoln, Nebraska. In the
near future you will receive ^ card
secured by dropping the president of
It will be possible to secure seats for
you if we know the correct number far
enough in advance.
If you wish hotel or game reserva
tions, please fill out this card and re
turn it immediately as we will make
accommodating plans.
Bill Aitken ('18), one of Lincoln's
more prominent attorneys, will be our
toastmaster, and we can promise you a
program far better than any previous
Pig Dinner.
At this time I would like to thank
the many alums that have written in
Lambda Nu of Phi Gamma Delta
wishes to extend its appreciation to the
alumni for assisting us in locating our
missing brothers. Due to your splendid
co-operation, we are only missing in
formation on the following six men,
thej' are: Robert L. Harris ('38), J. W.
Lichenstiger ('24), Albert Malder, Jr.,
('47), Homer M. Martyn ('07), Harold
C. Shubert ('19), and John M. Whalen
Any information regarding the above
alumni will be greatly appreciated if
sent to Bruce McMichael, 1425 "R"
Street, Lincoln.
you will wanl to see thfiii and leiiew
many oUl ;icqLialnlance.s.
expressing their appreciation of Lambda
Nu Today. We welcome your letters,
and we also would welcome any sug
gestions you might have concerning our
publication. This paper is published
to keep you alums informed as to what
we at Lambda Nu are doing, and to
inform you of your brothers.
I was just informed that J. Alan
Klein ('30) is none other than the
famous Jay Alan, author of the syndi
cated cartoon, "Modest Maidens," which
is published from coast to coast. Thanks
to Oliver W. DeWolf ('32) for his in
formation on the Associated Press boys
who once lived at Lambda Nu.
Again I want to emphasize the im
portance of making your plans to at_
lend oLU- SOlh anniversary lelebralioi,.
Many alums have already written i,,
saying they are coming, and I know
likes it very much and who wouldn't,
seeing as business is good. He's also
Alum Chatter
taking a prominent part in social and
club activities in the town.
This month's alumni news has been
It's now Dr. John R. Hornberger ('46)
running on the short side so please send
in any information you know about
since April 3rd when he received his
degree of medicine at Joslyn Memorial
your Fiji brothers. Thanks.
in Omaha. If we aren't mistaken, he
Sherman Welpton ('30), one of our
missing alums, wrote us from Los An
geles where he is a member of a large
law firm. While he was very reluctant
about himself, he was most helpful giv
abouts of men in our missing alumns
will serve his internship in the Iowa
City University Hospital.
Dr. George Larson is in general prac
tice in Warren, Ohio and is doing excep
tionally well.
"Mom" Minier recently remarked that
column. We are very grateful to Sher
she would like to take a census of her
ing us information as to the where
man for his interest in our publications.
How about a line from you and your
M.D.'s. She claims that she might need
them at any time!
Bob Dunn ('39) is in charge of one
of the departments of an insurance firm
in Los Angeles. In addition to this he is
brother Fijis!! •
A. C. "Augie" Holmquist ('27) of
Oakland also sent us an excellent sug
gestion for finding our missing alums.
We're putting your suggestion jo work
continuing his study of law at night
school. He's married and has a four
year old daughter.
with splendid results. Thanks, "Augie".
Dr. William Wagner ('40), affection
We have been informed that Bill (and
Lois) Graves ('39) are now residing in
dubbed "Grandma" while in
school because of his concern for every
one's welfare, brought us up to date
Denver, and a very happy one it must
be judging from the pictures of their
two youngsters. Tommy and Carolyn,
about himself and a few of his brothers.
Dr. Bill has a residency at the New
which "Mom" received
York Eye and Ear Infirmary which,
by the way, is the oldest eye and ear
Orville Chatt ('48), who is studying
art and design at Northwestern Univer
hospital in the new world. Bill expects
to remain there until 1950 in order to
sity, must be progressing most satisfactorly judging from his fine grades.
do extensive eye surgery. Incidentally,
he's still a bachelor, humm!! Through
Bill we learned that Bill Williams ('39),
who has been on our missing list, is
married and living in Palmyra, New
If an
additional address is
available may we have it?
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hillman ('40)
paid us a visit Sunday, March 14th,
with their sons. Tommy and Johnnie.
Herb is an instructor with the Van Sant
School of Business in Omaha and, ac
cording to Mrs. Hillman, he is happier
Orville has the natural ability and
should give a good account of himself.
Fijis In Sports
Dick Piderit, prominent Fiji sports
man, took first place in the shot put at
the Texas Relays with a heave of 49
feet 6 inches.
Dick also took another first in throw
ing the pellet 49 feet 1 inch in a dual
with his work than he has ever been.
Reid DeVoe ('47), whose address is
Shamokin, Pennsylvania, is in a floor
meet with Kansas last week.
covering business. From all reports he
a vault of 12 feet.
Squat Myers, famous Fiji scatback,
won second place in the pole vault with
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April 1948 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.