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1949 December Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
December 1949 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Lambda Nu
University of Nebraska
1949 December Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
LAMBDajnTU today
Hi gamma"x)elta^
university of NEBRASKA
VOL. 2, NO. 2
Time, and my increasingly large family of Fiji Sons, makes sending
individual holiday greetings impossible so I'm most grateful for this means
ot conveying my sincere well wishes, not only for this holy and happy season
but throughout the coming year.
} consider myself a particularly privileged person to have been a fra-
ernity Mom" all these years, for it has meant wonderful and unforgetable
ties of friendship and affection.
A Merry Christmas, the best of New Years, and as Tiny Tim said,"God
You everyone."
Mae Renard Minier
Fiji Float Wins
Homecoming 1949
Fijis came through homeflying colors, by winning
n.?. n ®
float parade.
lanH o
built around a Fiji Ismpj 3mibal theme. It consisted of one
caiHr-r,vy^^^°,^ which carried a boiling
L po r?
King of the Cannibals,
^he pot
a stewing
ynawk. The wagon
freshly cleaned bones.
The winning feature of the float was
its simplicity, for the wagon was pulled
by cannibals. The biggest part of the
whole thing was the fact that we had
such a large amount of active support.
About forty-flve actives and pledges par
ticipated by dressing up in weird cos
tumes and prancing about in front and
in back of the wagon. It showed much
untiy within the chapter.
We were by no means lax in the
building of a homecoming decoration.
It consisted of a huge spider web upoii
which rode a large spider and Jayhawk.
The spider would slide down to the
bottom of the web, pick up the Jayhawk, and carry it to the center where
Lambda Nu Today, Phi Gamma Delta, a bi-monthly publication
published by the fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, Lambda Nu Chapter,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
EdRacely ('50)
Sev Harkson ('51)
Mrs. Mae Minier
Asst. Editor
Society Editor
the helpless victim was dropped through
the center. The display was definitely
watched in awe as the massive spider
moved down upon his prey. Complica
tions arose, however, because three other
houses on the campus came out with
a similar spider web theme.
All in all, 1 would say that homecom
ing at Nebraska was a success at
Lambda Nu.
From the President
Bowling - 1st. Place
Football - 2nd. Place
Swimming - 4th. Place
Wasn't it Will Rogers who said, "Half
our life is spent trying to find something
to do with the time we have rushed
through life trying to save"?
I wish someone would tell me what
has happened to the past three months.
Full to the brim with activities and par
ties and incidently some studying
dull and drab after visiting our beautiful
house for a few short hours. We agree
that this is much wiser.
scarcely out of the way until up goes the
With the biggest and best of all holi
days upon us, it gives me a lot of satis
Once again, a Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year from the boys at
faction to sit down and offer the most
cordial and fraternal best wishes from
1425 R.
Leo E. Geier
us (the undergrads) to you (the alumni).
It's a great feeling at Christmas time
to be able to get away from the en-
from the material things and pay our
respects to the good provider for our
gifts of fraternal spirit and fellowship.
The Fiji boys have had a good year so
far at Nebraska. We have captured our
share of the campus honors with a first
in the homecoming parade, first in the
fall Kosmet Klub show, and a satisfying
victory for Don Bloom as Prince Kosmet.
Our main chore now seems to be the de
velopment and maintenance of stronger
interfraternity relations on the campus.
played Kansas. Several Phi Gams from
Phi Gams Cop Double
Kosmet Klub Victory
The men from the Fiji Isles swept the
field in a double victory at Nebraska's
annual fall Kosmet Klub presentation,
Friday night, Nov. 20. A capacity crowd
was on hand to witness the triumph and
acclaim the winners.
Highlighting the evening's entertain
ment was the crowning of Phi Gam
Don Bloom as Prince Kosmet.
Sweetheart" slowly died away, Roxie
Alias and Don Bloom stepped through a
the loss of the unclaimed reservations
large red cellophane heart and were pre
at the Pig Dinner; however it was re
grettable that no adjustment could be
sented to the Student Body as Miss Ne
braska Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet.
It is most pleasing for the undergrads
to see the Lincoln alumni organization
blossoming into an active organization.
The group is being organized under the
direction of John Binning with the best
interests of the undergraduates at heart
and we feel it will be invaluable to us
and to the alumni in the future. We
hope the organization will continue to
grow because the undergrads realize the
strength without such support.
Our efforts to hold a Christmas party
for the underprivileged children of Lin
coln have been channeled in another di
rection. In contacting the Lincoln Com
munity Chest we discovered that our
contributions could be used for a better
purpose and so we decided to give the
help to needy individuals through prac
tical gifts rather than to have a party,
which would likely make the children
feel that perhaps their life is much too
Homecoming and the annual Pig Din
ner brought in several guests and quite
a few of my boys of past years, but not
nearly as many as I had hoped to see.
that state accepted our hospitality over
the weekend and apparently enjoyed
Financially we are still operating with
our heads above water far enough that
we can breathe easily. The house stood
made with the cafe.
Christmas tree.
Former Governor Alf Landon and his
daughter were among our luncheon and
open house guests the day Nebraska
snarled race of life for a little while and
wish our fellow men a good day, as we
should throughout the year. It's a time
when we glance away for a moment
thrown in. We just finished shooting
firecrackers when its turkey and pump
kin pie season, then the turkey hash is
their visit.
Among those who came in for the
"Pig" Dinner and spent some time at
the house with us were Harold "Yak"
Jacabsen and Ualdo Deck from Sioux
City, Gene "Pud" Schroeder, Bud
Thompson, Claude Unglit from western
Nebraska and Dale Rusere, Don Pallock.
Pin-hanging has gone into somewhat
of a slump the past month. There are
only three to report, all informal an
nouncements. Lura Lee Best is wearing
Fred Herzog's pin, Lorraine Nielsen is
the happy possessor of Bruce Barton's
Fiji badge. And our confirmed bachelor,
John Dierks, passed cigars, accusing
Sally Sipple of using undue influence.
As the strains of "Sweet Nebraska
Don, beside being a very active man
in House function, is a member of the
starting eleven on the Varsity football
squad, an "N" Club man and Sports Edi
tor of the Cornhusker.
The competition for the winning skit
was keen and close all the way with the
Phi Gams Can-Canning their way to
victory. Second place was awarded to
the Sigma Alpha Mu's "History of Mu
sic" and third place honors went to the
ZBT's and their skit, "How Music Came
Fiji Bowlers
Cop Another Ist
The Fiji keglers bowled their way
to the 1949 Fraternity Bowling Cham
pionship. Phi Gam gained its recogni
tion in an 18 final playoff among the
top two teams in each Fraternity league.
Building up the Phi Gam winning total
of 2372 points were Fiji Jack Bryan,
Devron Hartkson, Harold Holmquist,
John Skinner, Ted Weigner. Skinner
led his mates in the scoring, getting
529 pins in his favor. Holmquist got
second highest total with 514 pins.
to the U. of N."
The Phi Gam Skit was aptly named
"There's Something About Paree." The
set was typical Parisian sidewalk Cafe,
the story was that of an honest but
starving artist in love. The plot was
punctuated by a wild Apache dance, a
"girl of the streets" modeling of new
French bathing suits, and climaxed by
a seven "girl" chorus line that left the
audience rolling in the aisles.
A Publication, The History
of Lambda Nu, will soon
be published.
Write Harold Holmquist
for details.
Lambda Nu Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta
Extends Best
Wishes For The
Coming Year
JO AjjsjaATUfi
Avaox riN vaawvT
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December 1949 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.