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1949 June Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
June 1949 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Lambda Nu
University of Nebraska
1949 June Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
June, 1949
Vol. 1, No. 8
University of Nebraska
Ceier Tapped
Innocent on ivy Day
In what may well prove to be one of
the most untraditional Ivy Day cere
monies in the history of the University,
Leo Geier ('50), our new prexy, was
tapped vice-president of Innocents, the
Senior men's honorary. In its 46 years
Innocents has never tapped more nor
less than 13 men. For reasons too nu
merous to mention only eleven men
were tapped this year. Phi Gamma
Delta was fortunate enough to have
among its ranks one of these eleven.
This honor is only further proof of
Leo's outstanding ability, scholastically
and in campus activities.
The tapping of brother Geier was not
the only reason for justifiable fraternity
pride. A group of 25 Fijis under the di
rection of Cal Gloor rattled their way
through Fred Waring's arrangement of
"Dry Bones" to bring home third place
in the Ivy Day inter-fi-aternity sing
Ivy Day evening saw 1425 R trans
formed into an island paradise, the
scene of the Fiji-Island party. The party
was a huge success.
Johnston Acclaimed
By "Rag'' Staff
Jerry Johnston ('49) has been named
"Man of the Year" by the staff of The
Daily Nehraskan. Jerry, who is gradu
ating this June, is completing one of the
most outstanding college careers of all
graduating seniors.
In addition to serving as the editor of
the Cornhusker, which is predicted by
the majority of campus journalists to
take an Ail-American rating hSnds
down, Jerry has rendered the fraternity
•outstanding service. When Lambda Nu
walked off with the"honors in two suc-
Lambda Nu Wins
Fiji Tau Tussle
9th Consecutive Year
As Spring approached, the thoughts of
the Phi Gams turned once again to the
biggest inter-fraternity event of the
year: the Fiji-Tau Tussle, which took
place this year on April 30th.
An exchange dinner between the two
houses started the events, with about
twenty-five Phi Gams visiting the Tau
house. The parade of Fiji and Tau cars
got under way at 12:30, travelling
around the campus and down town. At
the head of the parade were the two
pif^s who were kings for the day.
After finally meandering to the scene
of the battle, the contests began.
The Softball game, the tug o' war,
and the pledges' beer-drinking contest
were all won by Phi Gamma Delta. We
lost only the three-legged race and the
actives' beer-drinking contest. At the
end of the afternoon came the highlight
of the activities . . . the Pig Race. Only
picked teams of pledges of the two
houses were eligible for this deciding
event of the Tussle. Fiji again won the
Race through the efforts of Ed Bruere,
Bill Keebler, Harold Kreizinger, Jim
Woodworth, Don Strasheim, and Don
Bedker. Outside of the tremendous task
of trying to dunk everybody in the
1949 Cabinet
Takes Over
The new rulers of the Fiji hut were
announced following their election
March 25th, Leo Geier '50, Lincoln,
was elected to the presidency. Leo isT
the first Lincoln man to be elected to
this important job in several years. It
was deemed advisable that Leo move
into the house and he did so two weeks
ago. Leo is well known on the campus
and very prominent in campus activi
ties. He is in the N Club, Secretary of
the Inter-Fraternity Council, President
of the Journalism Honorary, Sports Ed
itor of the Cornhusker. He is in Gym
nastics and a member of Kappa Alpha
Mu, the photographic honorary.
Jim Goll C50), Tekamah, succeeded
Bill McCarty as Treasurer some time
before the election and he will continue
in that office. Jim is an accounting
major in the College of Business Ad
Gaybert (Pud) Schroeder ('50), Im
perial, a student in the College of Busi
ness Administration is the very compe
tent choice for Recording Secretary.
Pud has been active in house work and
it goes without saying that he is one of
the most popular boys in the house.
John Skinner ('51), was elected to the
fossive Kosmet Klub fall revues, Man
creek, this contest marked the end of
of the Year Johnston was in no small
the afternoon.
Besides being on the Student Union
Committee John maintains a high av
way responsible for the honors won.
However, the activities were far from
When Lambda Nu took first place in
Homecoming decorations for the last
two years, the Johnston touch and hours
of hard work were most decidedly the
determining factor. A former Navy
•cadet who hails from Galesburg, Illi
over, for that evening came the big FijiTau Tussle Dance. The spotlight here
fell on the crowning of the prince and
princess of the Tussle. The princess was
Marilyn Coupe, Alpha Phi, elected by
the Phi Gams, while the prince was Bob
nois, Jerry will not end his service to
Las^en, ATO.
the University when graduation rolls
around. He plans to join the art de
The Tussle has been held between
Fijis and Taus since 1939. To the win
partment staff and share his creative
ner each year goes a shiny brass cuspi
talent with more students than ever.
This news is welcomed by Jerry's fra
dor known as "the Golden Gaboon".
The first Tussle was won by the Phi
of Corresponding Secretary.
erage in the College of Pharmacy. In
fact he is a member of Kappa Psi the
Pharmacy Honorary.
Harold Holmquist ('51), the former
scholarship chairman is our new His
torian. Harold is in Law College and is
a member of Phi Alpha Delta, the Law
Honorary. He is also in the University
The Chapter is indeed fortunate to
have a cabinet composed of such out
standing men. With this type of leader
ship we can understandably expect ex
ternity brothers as well as the innumer
Gams, but the next year the Taus took
able friends Jerry has on the University
the trophy. In 1941 Fiji recaptured the
ceptional progress from Lambda Nu of
Gaboon and has held it ever since.
Phi Gamma Delta.
Here'n There
After quite a lull in pin hanging
announcements, cigar and candy pass
ings suddenly took on a great spurt,
due to spring we surmise—Anyway the
gagement of Darlene Pothast to Jerry
Tomsik—and the informal pinnings of:
Janis Crilly and Dutch Meyers, Donna
Blankenship and Jack Palmer, Jean-
nette Tomsik and Don Hodder.
Another year of activity is coming
to an end for the men of 1425 R Street,
and a good year it v/as. Along with
other accomplishments the "Golden
Gaboon" has been replaced in our
trophy case. As I watched prepara
tions for the Fiji-Tau Tussle I was
aware that it was one of the many days
that will live long in our memories.
The activities of the day were an indi
cation that fraternity spirit was high—
pigs were squealing in their pen on
the front lawn, cars were being washed
and painted with libelous remarks
about A.T.O.'s. Comments were circu
lating about recapturing the "Golden
Gaboon."—it was the kind of spirit that
makes a fraternity strong. The thou
sands of little tasks that go into the
building of that spirit, however, are
of the utmost importance, and are often
forgotten. Much of this building in
the past year has been done by my
most worthy predecessor Chuck Thoene.
He has worked untiringly for the fra
ternity and deserves the highest praise.
Men like
Invitations to the marriage of Dr. H.
Curtis Merrick and Margaret Anne
Paul came to the Chapter house early
in April.
The ceremony took place
late in the afternoon on April 10th in
the First Baptist Church in Beaufort,
Mjss Betty
Lou Mauch
of Bassett,
Nebraska, and Dr. Gordon Sawyers of
Ainsworth were married April 10th at
Sawyers has been interning at the
Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago since
The A1 Brouns, who call Columbus,
Ohio their home, are richer by a daugh
ter, Dennise Carol, who added a branch
to their family tree on March 4th. The
little lady weighed in at 6 lbs. 2 oz.
I want especially to thank Mac Harding
for his enlightening speech, Russ Leger
for his work as M. C. RoHie Thomas,
Clay Thomas and the many others who
took part in the work.
But now we must look to the future.
Next fall we want to have an even
better pledge class. In order to do this
■we must have the support of our alum
ni; our summer rushing program de
pends on it.
Forms have been sent
closest contact we have is the Alumni.
You have a first hand glance at the
prospective rushee's high school career,
achievements, and character. Your im
portance is felt most in communities
and cities where we have no member
the Alumni contact is the only one we
George Eugene is the second son in
the Nelson family.
Bob and Mary Durrie presented their
daughter, Mary Lynn,
with a brand
man and his mother will be at Lincoln
General for a few days.
We now have a good crew of newly
Attention is called
especially in reference to rushing. Next
to our newly initiates, who still have
contact with incoming freshmen the
Lu Ree Nelson out MiUard way. Young
that "Mom" Minier will be back with
us again next year. She has been a
initiates and I should like to take this
opportunity to thank those men who
made the Omaha initiation a success.
over the summer.
in the active chapter to represent it.
In such cases Hastings, Fremont, Wahoo,
new brother on April 30th.
won the love and respect of everyone
who knows her.
As this will be the last issue of the
Lambda Nu for the ensuing school
year 1 wish to remind the Alumni not
to lose contact with the active chapter
Congratulations also go to Grove and
Delta a truly great fraternity.
It is a pleasure for me to announce
mother to Fijis for 11 years and has
The front lawn is in the process of
being sodded in hopes of greeting you
with a green lawn next fall.
improvements are in contemplation to
gether with the annual summer repairs.
and Mrs.
The little
David Blanchard and
children, Diane and Danny, arrived in
New York, April 18th from Geneva,
Switzerland, where Dave is employed
by the International Labor Organiza
Mrs. Blanchard arrived in Lincoln
April 21st to spend the summer with
her parents. Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Bentz.
Dave went on to attend a conference
in Montevideo, Uraguay, after which
he will visit Chile, then return home
by way of the west coast of South
America through the Panama Canal to
New York and
on to Lincoln where
he will rejoin his family on June 1st
Grand Island, Scottsbluff, for example,
have. Unless we get your support Phi
Gamma Delta is going to remain inac
tive in such places. Thus, we solicit
your support in advising us of prospec
tive rushees in your territory.
We would appreciate a whole-hearted
effort to secure promising candidates.
That means of course not just a high
school Senior you know personally, but
try to acquaint yourself with the out
standing graduates of your territory
those you think will make good Phi
Gam material, and that Phi Gam can
do a lot of good in return.
It is reaUzed that in the past, in spite
of hard efforts, action has been taken
at the chapter, or merely action to re
main non-active on candidates without
even acknowledgement of Alumni let
ters regarding a rushee. We are sorry
that in the landslide of correspondence
and rush week such interest has gone
for a visit with his parents. Dr. and
Mrs. Charles Blanchard.
This was not intentional
and we will try to acknowledge your
low-up on your rushee.
know about them.
A marriage which took place last
December 18th was just announced. It
was that of Beverly Jean Goldensteln
to De'Wayne Wolf, both of Kearney.
Mrs. 'Wolf is a Wesleyan University and
Kearney State Teachers graduate and
Through the work of Chuck Thoene,
John Binning, and our energetic Purple
burg public schools.
out requesting information on possible
rushees. It is imperative that these
forms be filled in and returned immed
Many good men have been
missed in the past because we did not
Legionnaire, A1 O'Connor, the Lincoln
alumni are forming an active organ
ization. Meetings of the Lincoln alumni
are held the first Wednesday in each
month at the chapter house. Such a
move is encouraging since it will form
a closer bond between the undergra
duate chapter and the alumni, which
is invaluable to the fraternity.
Leo E. Geier
at present is teaching in the Gothen
correspondence and give you the fol
Material is being prepared to be sent
out to prospective rushees; parties and
meetings are being planned. To give
your rushees effective rushing, please
notify us of your prospective rushees.
An early and continued approach is
noticed and remembered.
The following men may be contacted
during the summer on any business.
Mother's Club to Omaha
The Lincoln Mothers were guests of
luncheon and Style Show held in the
First Presbyterian Church parlors on
April 20th. The afternoon was spent
chatting infoimally.
John Skinner
Rush Chairman and
Secretary, 409 Reynolds, North Platte.
Walt Stephenson
Omaha Rushing,
5010 Hamilton, Omaha.
Don Hodder
Lincoln Rushing, 2221
B Street, Lincoln.
Jim Goll
Treasurer, 719 So. 16th,
Apt. 10, Lincoln.
Let's provide for a top pledge class
by early, conscientious,
Editor in Chief
John Gilligan
Jim Cornish
Feature Editor
Bob Wolf
Gerald Robertson
News Editor
rushing by all!!!
Sports Editor
Purple Legionnaire.
Augustus Theodore (Ole) Olson ('27)
Concluding Chapter
of Alumni Record
by Jim Cornish
Donald G. Bell (T8) was District
Manager of the Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company at Lincoln. He re
signed the telephone business and is
now associated with W.E. Bell & Com
pany, Hastings, Nebraska. He served
as President of the Hastings Lions Club
in 1944-45, and was elected an Interna
tional Counsellor of Lions International
in 1947.
Lewis R. Leigh ('39) L.L.B. is an at
torney in Omaha, Nebraska. He is
Secretary, Kiwanis Club and a Member
of the Omaha Board of Education. He
is married and has one daughter.
Willard N. Mertz ('41) A.B., M.B.A.
Roscoe Rex Stotts ('44) is a mer
chant at Cody, Nebraska. He is mar
ried to Marie Yeast.
Arthur 0. Faneoast ('01) B.A., M.A.,
L.L.B. is a lawyer in Omaha, Nebraska.
He is married and living at 4810 Dav
enport Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
T. A. (Tiny) Parriott ('28) B.Sci. is
the District Sales Manager for the Dupont Company. He is married and his
William (Bird Dog) A. Metzger ('38)
is a farmer and stockman at Cedar
Creek. He has been an outstanding
state senator during the years 19411947-1948. He is married to the former
Katharine Wegner.
Edward R. Melker ('32) B.Sci. is the
Reservations Agent, for the United Air
John D. (Jack) Provost ('49) is a
student; salesman of "Electronic Serv
icemen." He is married and residing at
Avenue, Lincoln, Ne
Girard M. (Put) Putnam ('38) A.B.
is Credit Manager for Sears, Roebuck
and Company at Sioux City, Iowa. He
is married and lives at 1008 Pierce,
Apt. 102, Sioux City, Iowa.
A. Grant (Senator) Reed ('42) B.Sci.
is Chief Home Office Underwriter for
Union National Life Insurance Com
pany. He is married and has two
daughters. He lives at 2744 Sumner
Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
N. Dale Ruser ('41) is a livestock
dealer and feeder. He is married and
lives at 86 & Q Street, Omaha, Ne
W. D. (Bill) Schneiderwind ('37)
B.Sci. is manager of the Will-Weld
Manufacturing Company and owner
of the Snack Shack in Omaha. He is
married, has two sons and one daugh
ter, and lives at 5224 William, Omaha,
Glenn D. Schwenker ('31) B.A. is
Assistant Dean for Insurance Society
of New York School of Insurance. He
rado. He is married and lives at 801
Avenue, Apt. B, Denver,
Bernard (Barney) T. Moore ('11)
Rollin B. (Ike) Smith ('24) A.B. is
A.B. is in the Operator Business and
Organization Service. He was Manager
Regional Supervisor of the Great
Northern Life Insurance Co. His office
of the Department of Agriculture for
is at the Petroleum
homa City. He is married and lives at
1925. He is married and lives at 2126
Rucker Avenue, Everett, Washington.
Paul N. Morrow ('32) A.B., B.Sci.,
M.D. is a pediatric physician in Omaha,
Nebraska. He is married and lives at
5118 Webster Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
Grove Nelson ('42) is Assistant
Cashier at the Farmers State Bank in
809 NW 41. Oklahoma City.
Alher (Al) J. Smullin ('32) is the
president of the Smullin Confections,
Incorporated, Wholesale Confections.
Millard, Nebraska. He is married.
Max T. Nigh ('45) B.Sci. is a Chemi
cal Engineer and employed by the Cali
Building, Okla
He is married and lives at 607 W. Colo
rado Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo
Emory D. (Deae) Stanley ('22) A.B.,
L.L.B. is a Rear Admiral USN (ret).
He received the Distinguished Service
Medal in 1943. He is also listed in
Who's Who in America 1944-45. He is
married and lives at 316 Casine, Cranford. New Jersey.
Ralph Pierre (Stew) Stewart, Jr.
('48) is a Sports Writer in Alliance,
B.A. is a Publicist, Western Electric
Company Incorporated (Lincoln Plant).
Journalism and was a member of Sig
ma Delta Chi honorary journalism
fraternity. He is married and lives at
He is married and lives at 140 So. Cot-
Dr. Bowen E. Taylor ('43) A.B., M.D.
is a physician and now Fellowship at
N.E., Rochester,
Clay H. Thomas ('14) is a Realtor in
His office is in 228 Keeline
Building, Omaha, Nebraska.
Fred W. Thomas ('08) A.B. is the
President of the First National Bank of
Omaha. He is married and lives at
6414 Underwood Avenue, Omaha, Nebr.
Rowland (Rowly) P. Thomas ('13)
L.L.B. is an insurance salesman and
Department Manager for the Foster
Barker Insurance Company. He has
been the Alumni Secretary for the
Omaha Graduate Chapter since 1920.
He is married and lives at 4542 Hick
ory Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
Marvin D. (Bud) Thompson ('43)
B.Sci. is a merchant at Mitchell, Ne
He is married.
Robert (Bob) L. Tollefson ('40)
L.L.B. is an Attorney in the Justice
Department in Alexandria, Virginia. He
is married, has a son and daughter,
and lives at 3238 Gunston Road, Alex
andria, Virginia.
John R. Vogler ('40) B.Sci. is a Gen
eral Engineer for the Federal Govern
ment. He is in the Foreign Engineer
Intelligence. He is married and lives
at 2304 Hildarose Drive Silver Spring,
William F. (Grandma) Wagner ('43)
A.B., B.S., M.D. is a Resident Ophthal
mologist, New York Eye & Ear Infirm
He lives at 218 Second Avenue,
New York 3, New York.
Clement L. (Clem) Waldron ('41) is
a Retail Credit Supervisor for the Sears,
Roebuck Company. He is married and
lives at 5364 Shoreview Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Taylor C. Waldron ('38) B.S.E., L.L.B.
is a cattle rancher at Carlyle, Montana!
Randall K. (Randy) Weeth ('24) is
in the Property Management, Byron
Reed Company 2nd floor Farnam Bldg.,
Omaha. He is married and lives at
736 No. 58th Street, Omaha 3, Nebraska.
Sherman S. Welpton, Jr. ('31) L.L.b!
is a lawyer in Los Angeles, California.
He is married and lives at 515 North
Cliffwood Avenue, West Los Angeles 24,
Richard Van Westover, Jr. ('49) B.A.
fornia Research Corporation subsidiary
of S&D Oil Compan.y of California. He
lives at 261 South 4th Street Apt. 2-D
Richmond, California.
Carl F. (Olie) Olenherger, Jr. ('41)
ner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
He is married and has one son.
Mayo Clinic. He is married and lives
in Lincoln, Nebraska. He is married
and living at 2426 Sewell, Lincoln, Ne
at 625
Andrew Lee (Pat) Minier ('37)
B.Sci., L.L.B. is an insurance broker
Air Force. He is married and lives at
office is at 613 Midland Bank Build
is married and lives at Box 208, Tabor,
New Jersey.
Raynold J. Sedlak (Jake) ('46) B.Sci.
is a Design Engineer at Denver, Colo
Lines. He is married and lives at 6540
No. 33rd Street, Omaha 11. Nebraska.
Major Clarence E (C. E.) Summers
('38) A.B. is a member of the Regular
ing, Denver, Colorado.
Charles Andrew (Pete) Peterson
('48) is a salesman for the Peterson
Lithographing & Printing Company,
1309 Howard Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
uated from the University of Nebraska
and then received his M.A. degree at
the University of Chicago. He is Busi
ness Manager and a teacher in a school
in Houston, Texas. He is married and
lives at 2401 Claremont Lane, Houston,
5106 Leighton
Max Albert Mertz ('43) B.A. grad
Avenue, Alliance,
pital. He is married and lives at 307
North E. Sti-eet, Toppenish, Washing
braska and then received his M.B.A.
from the University of Pennsylvania.
He is the Administrator of the Nicais W. N. Mertz Administration de
Aduana Managua, Nicaragua.
H. Curtiss (Curt) Merrick, Jr. ('47)
M.D. is a Doctor of Medicine at the
Norfolk General Hospital, Norfolk, Vir
graduated from the University of Ne
raguan Customs Service. His address
B.Sci. is the owner of the Bozarth Hos
A.B. in
was Business manager of the Kosmet
Klub, on the Board of Governors of
Nebraska Masquers, University Theatre,
Corn Cobs, National Collegiate Players,
and a member of Pi Epsilon Delta.
Stuart P. (Stu) Wiley ('43) B.S.,
M.D. is a physician and surgeon at
Gering, Nebraska.
He is married and
lives at 1410 P Street.
Franklin M. White ('43) B.Sci., E.E.
was Corn Cob President in 1942-43,
Kosmet Klub Business Manager 1942!
and A.l.E.E. Vice President in 1943.
Message From
Another year has sped by with the
speed of a top, and for some of our
big family June 6th will mean the end
of their college preparation for careers.
Others have just completed their first
year and are anticipating returning to
their college home in the fall. ,
Management of a fraternity is by no
means a trivial undertaking and the
officers who have so successfully con
ducted it the past year deserve high
praise and commendation.
President efficiently, with dignity and
mature judgment meriting and winning
the respect of not only the chapter but
the entire campus. Leo Geier, who
succeeds him, has some pretty big shoes
to fill but none of us doubt his ability
to do so.
We've been fortunate in securing the
services of Mrs. Agnes Lewis, who will
take over the kitchen management and
t"i 11y'ri'^
keep the boys happy by satisfying their
very substantial appeties.
New Innocent Leo Geier Is Led to the
I will be back—the Lord willing—
Vice-President's Chair Following His Tapping
Ranger at Yellowstone National Park.
and I hope He will be, for somehow
being a college "Mom" gets a mighty
is the Assistant Treasurer of the Na
He is married and his address is Yel
firm hold on one.
tional Council, Protestant Church. He
is married and lives at 54 Morningside
Drive, New York 25, New York.
Earle B. Wilson ('09) A.B. is married
and living at 3000 Summit, Lincoln,
lowstone Park, Wyoming.
James (Jim) K. MeGeachin ('34) is
now a pipeline engineer. He is living
at Rm. 4001 20 No. Wacker Drive, Chi
on me; bones may creak but the spirit
stays young as it will while living
James (Jim) Edward Whitney ('10)
He is now retired.
Eldon (Eldie) Otis Wise ('48) B.Sci.
is living at 1231 Park Avenue, Norfolk,
cago, Illinois.
Robert (Mac) L. MeGeachin ('42)
B.Sci., M.S., Ph.D. is an assistant pro
fessor of Biochemistry at the University
of Louisville School of Medicine.
John DeWayne Wolf ('48) L.L.B. is
a lawyer practising iti Kearney, Ne
He was recently elected to
the position of Police Judge. He is
married and living at 2110 Fifth Ave
nue, Kearney, Nebraska.
Claude R. (Valley) Wright ('43)
B.Sci. is farming at Mitchell, Nebraska.
is married and lives at 728 South 36th
He is married.
Paul V. Wykert ('47) B.Sci. is a Park
Street, Louisville, Kentucky.
Cloyd C. (Mac) McWilliams ('07)
B.Sci., E.E., was an innocent while in
school. He is an engineer at Long
Beach, California. He was Chief of
Water Bureau, Schenectady, New York
for several years. He is married and
living at 4740 E. 15th, Long Beach,
Years are piling up
close to the buoyant enthusiasm that
only carefree youth possesses.
My blessings and good wishes go
with the boys who are leaving this
June with their sheepskins under their
arms. To them I would ask to keep
as their creed the following:
I will not yield to discouxagements,
I will trample them under foot and
make them serve as stepping stones to
success, I will conquer my obstacles and
turn them into opportunities. In all
things I will do best and leave the rest
to the Infinite.
Cordial wishes to all of my big
"Mom" Mae Renard Minier.
p A;isJ9Aiun.
Avaox nw vaai^vq
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June 1949 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.