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1907 December Newsletter Psi (Wabash College)
December 1907 newsletter of the Psi chapter at Wabash College. The newsletter is 10 pages in length.
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Wabash College
1907 December Newsletter Psi (Wabash College)
The Wabash Fiji
VOL. Ill
'1. :
Subncriptlon I'rico
Your Inl.crcBt
207 South Grnnt Avenue
Adrtrowi III! oomimmlottlloiiN 10 rtAV I), IJiiOWU
EDII'IOD iiinrt piiliIlMliixl Oy i.h« mitlvo miiniimrN nt i'nI aiiiiptnr, TMil Onuonn itnltn, nii
pioniiii of lottliiH our nliiiiinl know wlitit wouro
(lOltiK(md 1.0 I'fliolnii Uioni nf our oxlnuinoo.
Omit)» [Mil Cliiin, nlwuyit u Iflji,
Wn urfl ulWByw Kkiil to rot^olvo piponi from
otlior Ohnpioni. Wo oro Inl-oriiHtod Iti thorn,
mill tiiiiildiiM now Idonti holp «h.
Wliori you (mid yniir ivlfo) niovn, HOiid uii your
now nddromi with H lotlor. Mow orn wo to linow
your wlioroiiboutii wlion iiiikod, iiiilrmH you toll
UN, mid wo oiijoy Icllnrn.
HidiiiorllHi for 1.I10 I'hi (/inninii fHllii.
only twodollnron your, mid llio limit fnitornlly
iiiiiimiiinn piiPllNlirU. Wrltii l« llio iidllor, Moon
P. I.nwlii, or to Mr. VVIIuini'Olirlritlmi, for proof,
nna Nowton lllnypool Miilldliii;, Iiidlminpolln,
'I'hoiiiili tlilii III not our llrNt sttoiiipt nt tlin
Ohiiptor iiiipiir, wo know It In by iio;inoiinii pnrfnot. It mill tin luiprovml nrontly, but, iiu to
how iiitinh It will bo, only ruiiiiiliio with Itii roudorn. Orltlolnni mid niiiinoiitloiiN from thiiui will
bo duly ooniildiirod, iind will no doubt holp It to
mi nriuiil ntiindlnit with othorii thivt wp rooolvo.
It In tlin tmrpoNOof tlilii Ohiiptor pnpor itoiilvo
thn nliimnl mi Idoit of till) work wo iiro oitrryliiK
on, both 111 fi'ivtoriilty nnd 111 ooIIoko olrulon. It
mm hardly bo dono without tlio ropnatml iino of
"OKO," but by It, wo do hot wliili to(five o wroiiK
linprmiidoii. Wo rpiillr.o that too iiiiioh (nilfpralmi aad ovor noiilbliinao In rldhiiiloun, laiid In
Hh liiitiodliiiiiiit to the bont dovolopiiiont of a
wroupof liullvldiialn. Wo hopii, thorcforo, that
wo will not h»ni|iiundnriitoiHl In illnolnnliin only
what huiiiini wn oaptnro or what fnalu wo pnr
form. Thorn mo otliorM In tho Nohool- you
hiuiw It mid .10 do wn - and for fear of trio iiyll
that over otitloiatliiK oiiritiilvnn will brtiiu atioiit,
let UN nut for«ot that tlioy are hflre,
\r\nWho We Arc
WulKiih Oollo«n tniN Imif? 1)oon rooorrnly.tNt un n
(lulIOKO of iwitlvUy mill vllivllty. TntoiiHtJ ntin1n»l>
JiiMuohI, hivM ivlwtiyH ohivrmilorho'il oil diiportmnnm of oiiir liifiitiuiloo ami iimnly oivtloiMluHm
Imn cvor boon ovlih'tii. In uvory o^^rmll5'.lalon.
Thhi your (o no oxonptloH to I ho nilo, mid with
fiHtudont lifHiy InoroiiJiod hy ton i»«r oent. over
nil provlouM vrnni mid now iiuimltorn iwldi'd U>
tho fiuMiUy, Mm proMpooi. for VVulmnh iippuurH
hrhrhior tlmu ovor. Kvory brtinoh of Htndciit
uoMvll-y In l^ndlnp forwiu'il Our uMdotlo hUiuP
liiK of Mm pimt )mn hisui mridn iiplmid ivnd now
plorlnn ttddnd. In fooihull, our tymn him mot tho
inUthi.y Mlohlumi, ond Mm plimliy ll«ht wo put
upmmlmd,Imr idmito him liroiiuhl. Mm ihihluif
)>. Drown,.,
liullmmpoHH, luU.
W. n. Diddio
imllmiupoiin. Uui.
•>*»!. W. Miimy..
D. It. Mcldip.
.... Wlnclicntor, liid.
. Kolionio, Ind.
h', W. Phiniiimr..,.
WuhUNh. Ind.
II. It JtlhMim
OruwronhivUlo, Iml.
M. It. Hiitliiu'lmul
Now (UuuCinv, Nuvn htooilu
lil. 0. Wunimr
liulhihupollM, lad.
1*. W. Htu'Hruvc
1o hold la Now
Yoi II (Hlv dai Dm Mm wiuili of tho DHoruullonlato
huiit riutua at DoiiKhhootnilo.
inoio or loHH Mtoiiitiii'o oonooriilMM the InorimMcd
oodowrnont. fund of Mm flolloifo
In nooonanry to Im imid of Mm nocd of n iiirffor
Ohdownmnt, it In too plulnly ovldont. Thinwin
tor iind MprliiK li oarivuH will ho nuotn of tho
Recotnrnendation Blftnka
hoHinmin limn und roitldcnht of rtmwfordHVtllo-
Tim national fraternity. In hmt nmnumr'h lUiU
vontlon. ndoptiKi a foitu of iociunnmadaMon
Ifi propariiMon for huoIi a niovo Mm HtudonfJi
mid ftuMdty nminhorn uro holiiH notloitnd ThO
himdm which aro to ho iihimI whoa nonio
I'llMidl now rdiown Mint over IH.f^OO hun boon
nuhniirlhod mid Dr. MiinlMntoiih oxpoolri tho
mini to no nhovo #'1,000. WImn one utopn lo
(Mimildor ihut of Mm U'JO Htiidoni« n llttio inoro
thmi 00 p«'i omit, nrn olthnru hoily or pm tly
tmlf nuppnrlliiu, Mm Mum ncoiiiM ijiilto lurwo At
Hny rut" It fihowii Miiit. Mm nmn who iit Mm
pi-oHoot Mum niuUc up Wuhmdi Oollouo mn tnlorCHUid In hor wclfuro.
wlNlmn to rocoinmoml a man lo any idiaptcr. If
Uliy of yon ahiioid tenow of hl({h raUiooi hoya who
uro CoiitoMu)latDi|f oapuinn cidlunc wtaco tjmrc
arc Ahapiorc of Did Umnioa Delta, wo would ho
only too plad to ^oad ymi an tiumy roiHuaitmiida"
tlcu hhioUn an you would oiirc to Uho, Thoy w(«rc
provnii to ho of vahiu durhiK ihiM hint fidi'n runli
Aiid UmaiuuMd cuh do mimh to nphidid notoidy
I'nl uhnpior hut iho iiftMoaai
no won
\r\nJiiM'iiOf Hum IiiKt. 'I'lm oiith'o iiiinpKii' wuu Iiavo
liy Biiiultiy liUfdi'O I'ollui'o imicikuI iiii Mmulii.v,
iilnmnk oiiMroly noitlootod, but It Imii boon litlton
11(1 iipnln Miki your mid Hioiudi wo do not Impo to
onl.lvoly uoinploti) tlm work Imforo .liino, wo do
Impo thiit ninoli will bo iioooinpllulmd. If yon
kinnv of miy Intoroiitlni! oouiirroiicon or blui of
itiul ihu liouiui wiiii iimvrlod to M|iii!
■ 'n'lfiioiieo j-iiiilib, of BiiHtli lioiiil, Jiiil., ilnnp 'JOi
It In ropnl' Unit Hoi Myoi'a hon alincoiidoil
Into Hio uonlli with a prnat ft irionnt of trnnl
bniiuiy. No roivard han mi yol hoon olToiod for
IiIh oaptnro.
Wo havo at hod. rooalvod our irrmid trophy for
liinl yoar'ii liitor-fintoridly hiino hall ohiiioploii(dilp, In tho form of a inirpio ooat of ariiuinn
whito loatlior.
ilijw Uldillo, tlio woU Unnwn pnii. and W, llap-
I6d. Hoult, '01, Iiiovod to bin old homo In
doluinbla Oily., lani,.liino. h'roin all roiiortH bo
oiitpipiirt on Nil luway Hi ho ontltliul, "f'liraulliia
III enjoyliii! Ilfo on iho rann.
and thiilr Hnhliu."
Il'hn laid, nown wo linvo hail of Aiiilrow Mn
,J}^',M»ltnn, '00, 111 that ho wan In oharnu of thn
ll^ l'T'toulivlorlBii oliiiroh at dual Vulhiy, lllluohi.
Nod Aliion, 'Oil, wail inado flhlnf of ,401111(10 *
por I'uym'i tho yoUoW-loni'milhit, ui'o luiully
All lily of our ji'rriihnnni aro id livit In tlio
fold, tiudiKllUK dm diiiiimiHvo dimntlior, ro-
(joiitiv oliplnloiiod "inuoh." Hob I'ariot Miliikn
lib lionalit too iiiiiob tidtlathin.
at Iho dkhloNla l.hln laat oiiionior. Ho nnw
■nfeUoH hill hoadiiiiarl.nrn In dritwfnrdiivlllo an
iiuiuirlnloiidont of tho VVIro ilniiMd lion do.
Hliollor, a (I in top wi olin liiooiihuiit laliiir, .liaii
at lant inanMTOd itio loohiihiilo of "lui Hwont til
Win. II. Ilaifoii, 11* 'Oil, hail iiiado it iiroai. nauio
In football at Amiiinolln l.hln yoar.
Ilo wan
Uliint bo III ddlnp nm/iothliui to I tie pliiiio,
Moi Kill" mid III now iviiridnu mi iiypronnloii', all
iihonoo by oionl orltlon loi all llliinlern onil, mid
wan iiinntloiiiid by it WaiihliiitUin pitvOr fbr tUll
I'iul. Wiiiirm.y, iiKrcrolly bi'iinhimi liln inapH
apd iipi'uUliiij 111 iv vi'dim Iniiiliy with (mmthm;
"I wliili to iiiiHiU ymi all tin' dm ihltlatlmi yun
alt'Aiuurhian Uiaw
f(wioi yopy lilKll (If ,V(ilt."
Appbii|i(o. •
\r\n, i"
> M CM
oil to hlH Miimmur'H
o( lOiMlor or ttio "ifliort piiHtii" brlijiulo.
Wonrly ovory (cllow In tlio liiinnli 1iun vlnliinl
i- §!«
llio J'ur'rtuo oliniitdr thin roll nnil hoiiio of thij
l.iinKi throu or four tliiio'i- Wo ({Ut iiuoli our
lUul troutuioiit up thoro tliiit wo ouii't htuy
Stuillo mint u l(tr(!0 tinleoy to tlio tow who
(Ihln'i huvo imoihiU nipiiiiy to not out of town
for 'I'hiuiltiiiflvliiK viioiitlOM, with whlohuiiti'lfltly
propor fount wuii hold, 1. o., ouhuhB, KliiKUr ulo
iitiil ryo hrimd.
jMuiiiiMor. on orutuhou Hlmm Ihu ulnnooftho
roforniiid foot hull houhoii, uliiiont uominlttoil
murdurtliooihornlKht hy poUliiy. ii wouhl-ho
hiiritlurlii tho nliilH. It Im Koriorully holluvml
ihut tho iLiiiir thlcf WUII u "HOuiin" 111 dhiiflihiO.
Mohlhtuud WiiKUOr drovo Hurt iiiul Olihllo,
tho ooiillriiioij wouiuu hiitorn, lulu dliKsunioJ
rollriiBiCut tho other iiluhl hy hrliiulriK hidloii
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December 1907 newsletter of the Psi chapter at Wabash College. The newsletter is 10 pages in length.