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1907 December Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
December 1907 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1907 December Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
The Fiji War Cry
Alpha Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Vol. I.
■ :) I
* .
No. 1.
Alpha Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, Ann Arbor Mich.,
Founded A. D. 1907, at Ann Arbor,
Published any old time at all.
Telephone Calls.
Bell "Phone 357. Private exchange
connecting all departments.
jestic Cafe, and they extend an invita
Ellen E. Riggs, Maumee, 0.; Gene-
tion to join them to any Fiji being in
their city on those days. Their busi
ness meetings are held at the home of
vieve L. Riggs, Maumec, O.; Vernon
mediately. "Bill" Lee, who had hereto
C. Randolph, Chicago, 111.; Florence fore been a faithful and loyal member,
Martin, Detroit, Mich.; Robert H. was exiled simply because he was ob
High, DePauw University; 'Fred C. served in the most deg;-ading act of
Morgan, Saginaw, Mich.; Douglas Mc- exchanging smiles with the "FairyContiick, Cleveland, O.; Dr. Francis Queen" who sings at the Theatoriuiu.
T. McCorrnick, Detroit, Mich.; Ger
"Clem" Flannigan, "S(iuine" O'Brien,
trude J. Smith, Hastings, Mich.; and "Pat" Kelly were expelled on gen
Roy W. Hadden, Englewood, La.; eral principles, the Club members feel
Harold R. Crusoe, Detroit, Mich.; J. ing that any one of French ancestry
L. Claghorn, Tacoma, Wash.; Clement could not be a loyal member.
W. Bissell, Mu., Madison, Wis.; Wil
So at last the Club was returned to
liam P. Wilson, Detroit, Mich.; Wm. its original size of three. All of the
T. Spooner, Detroit, Mich.; Grace members have been guilty of misde
Bamford, Detroit, Mich.; John W. meanors, but no charter member may
Seens, Detroit, Mich.; George PI. Cal
be expelled without a full vote of all
houn, Detroit, Mich.; F. D. Cossitt, charter members. Hence, the Bache
Jr., La Grange, 111.; Harold W. lor's Club will continue in its nefar
Houghton, Detroit, Mich.; Earl Mont
ious way to mar the happiness of
gomery, Detroit, Mich.; F. C. Solms, many a fair damsel, but as Shake
Saginaw, Mich.; Kemp Smiley, Battle speare says
one of the members the first Friday
of each month and a banquet is given
annually in the early spring.
On Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
Nov. 15-16-17, we turned our house
into a veritable nest of good cheer, as
this was the time of our house party
and Alumni re-union for the MichiganPennsylvania game. To say evctyone
Free to any Fiji sending us his name
had a glorious time would be putting
and address.
it in a meager wa}' indeed. It seemed
that everyone who was here during
those three days tried to outdo every
one else in lending a hand to the
prevalent sentiment of good cheer.
The girls arrived during Friday af
ternoon and proceeded to get ac
quainted with the house and/ those
with whom they were going to asso
ciate the next couple of days. It was
Capt. "Bud" Bohn, Managing Editor.
Lieut. "Doc" Phipps,
Lieut. "Pickles" Heinz,
Associate Editors.
CoTpotai "Wood" MetcaU,
Printer's Devil.
the first visit of most of them to Ann
Arbor and the fellows made the most
The whole Chapter and .\lumni.
of Phi Gamma Delta starts a new
of the opportunity by showing them
what a true college town it is. At
night we held an informal dance and
"tripped the light fantastic" long after
the Fiji's in the real Fiji land were
policy of issuing this paper instead of
our former alumni letter.
Of course, the game was the domi
nating feature of the next day and
the cause of bringing together a host
of our Alumni long to be remembered.
It seemed mighty good to the mem
bers of the active chapter as well as
to those who have graduated, to .see
Beginning with this issue of "The
Fiji War Cry," the Alpha Phi Chapter
As with
the latter, no regular dates will mark
its issuance, but we hope to publish it
four or five times during the college
year and send it to all the chapters,
besides to our Alumni. We feel that
this change will allow us to give our
readers more 'comprehensive informa
tion of the activities of the chapter
and also the most important news of
the University at large. Furthermore
it will be our aim to give any bit of
news of our Alumni that we possibly
can and we hope that the men not now
in the active crowd will co-operate
with us in this endeavor. This paper
will be sent to any Fiji other than our
Alumni by sending us his name and
again those familiar faces that grace's
our table in former years. Never be
fore has our house been so full of
people at one time as on that day.
Michigan's defeat in the afternoon did
not cast a spirit of gloom over our
gathering in the least. The "old
grads" seemed to find as much pleas
ure holding "post mortems" after it
was all over as they would have found
in celebrating a victory if we had
To our Alumni:
We try to keep ourselves posted as
to the whereabouts of our Alumni and
what they are doing, and for this we
have kept a complete card system with
a card for each one, for the past three
years. The body of our brothers not
now in college is a rapidly growing
■ one and to keep track of each and
every one we must be constantly on
the alert if we want to keep our record
up to date. Manifestly we cannot do
this by ourselves. Some of the broth
ers write us letters regularly, telling
us about themselves and others. Why
cannot everyone do this? We wel
come every bit of news about you.
Not only can we impart some of this
information to others but our records
will be kept complete. Above all
things notify u.s of any change of your
address so we may reach you by mail
whenever desired.
It probably will be interesting to
our Alumni to know that the tempo
rary Michigan Union Club House is
now open and ready to receive any
Michigan man who returns here to
againlook over the place of his college
days. In it are to be found an up-todate cafe, smoking, lounging, writing
and billiard rooms, besides a parlor
for the ladies.
In February the Union will produce
the "Michigunda," an opera in which
all parts will be taken by male mem
bers of the University. Also in April
will be held the triennial county fair.
It will probably be out of doors and
in "Sleepy Hollow," which will be
surrounded by a canvas fence.
The Delta Mu Graduate Chapter of
Detroit, contains more Alph Phi grads.
than any of our graduate chapters.
They meet at luncheon weekly, on
Thursdays at l.?:30 p. m., at the Ma
No. 1.
Creek, Mich.; Mrs. Arthur Rowe, Bat
tle Creek, Mich.
Alpha Phi's calendar was brightened
not a little by an event which we will
look back upon with unusual pleasure.
We entertained on Nov. 20, Athletic
Manager Baird, Trainer Fitzpatrick,
Coach Yost, and his husky bunch of
braves to a venison dinner. After par
taking of the hospitality of our stew
ard we assembled in little groups
about the fire to review the season of
the pigskin.
The coach felt inclined to tell us all
"his plays" and would frequently ex
plain by a diagram of "the play." It
was just four days after the Pennsy
game; discussion naturally followed
that line. Nevertheless, "dope" on the
whole season was freely discussed. It
apears from the coach's remarks that
the prospect for next season are even
brighter than they were this.
Michigan has been scored on but
twice during the season, once by the
scrubs, the other time by Pennsyl
The 'Varsity used substantially its
regular line-up in each game.
laws permitted. He was expelled im
So Bachelor's Club, Beware!
There was a man named Calhoun
Who sewed crops by the full moon.
Fie pulled dandelions
Till we couldn't spy 'cm
But what will we do next June?
Bro. George Calhoun, 08, expects
to re-enter the University next fall.
Bro. H. Coors, Jr., '07, is now prac
ticing law in Las Vegas, New Mexico.
Bro. Floyd Deah '07, is practicing
law in South Bend, Ind.
Bros. Robert Fisher ex. '09, and Ray
Rcplogle ex. '10, will again be with
us in February.
Bro. Ray Hadden ex. 08, who is en
gaged in business at Englewood, La.,
was compelled, on account of sickness,
to return north for several weeks.
Bro. Donald Magill ex. '10, is now
traveling with the "At Yale" Co.
Bro. A. A. Chambe,'10, succeeded in
giving his fraternity badge to Miss
Ruth Delzell of Bay Citj', Mich., dur
ing the house party. Congratulations
now in order.
Bro. J. T. Whitehead ex. '08, is now
studying law at Northwestern Univer
The season's review is:
Bros. Read and Calhoun, our "offi
Bro. Arthur Jones '05, fs practicing
Oct. 2—Mich
32; Reserves
cial dopesters" of course got due rec
medicine in Stoughtcn, Mich., as is
ognition by exploiting their masterful
Oct. 9—Mich
29; Reserves
0 Bro. F. T. McCorrnick "05, in Detroit.
opinions. ^
Bro. J. W. Seens '04, is with the
46; M. A. C
ful opinions. While a great many left Oct. 12—Mich
26; Reserves
0 Canadian Bridge Co., at Walkerville,
for their homes Saturday night a few Oct. 16—Mich
22; Wabash
0 Ont.
staid and spent Sunday with us. At Oct. 19—Mich
Bro. Charles W. Spooner '06, is do
22; O. S. U
night the majority of the girls were Oct. 26—Mich
ing engineering work for Prcif. G. S.
entertained with a card party, while
0; Pennsy
6 Williams at Ann Arbor.
a few were taken to Granger's, where
Bro. E. R. Ailes '04, is with the
they jostled for room with numerous
Hugh Wallace Robe Co., of Detroit.
others to dance.
Bro. C. Post '08, was recently elect
Sunday was spent in driving and
ed to the "Sphinx," a junior literary
saying farewell to our visitors, all of
whom were gone by night.
Bro. Floyd Rowe '08, at the recent
The good old times are not what
The following is a list of those with they used to be. There was a time Michigan Union banquet was pre
us during those three lively days;
when President Roosevelt's theory of sented with a medal by the Pittsburgh
Guests at House Party
marriage had many advocates in Michigan Alumni Asociation for hav
Chaperons—Mrs. Paul Engleman, our chapter, but now all is changed. ing broken the two mile record at •
Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. Chas. Dennen, De
Last year 60 per cent of the fellows ' Pliiladelphia last spring. Me was also
troit Mich. Nina O. Withercll, Chi
recently elected librarian of the "Quarnot a few of whom were in the fresh
cago, 111.; Marie Osburn, Detroit, man class, proudly vaunted the fact teu Deck- Club," an organization of
Mich,; Louise Reeve, Detroit, Mich.; that their fraternity badges were being student.s who arc studying marine en
Ruth E. Delzell, Bay City, Mich.; lola
worn by the fairest of the fair. Our gineering.
C. Heinz, Dayton, O.; Olivia Stengel, fraternity jeweler was getting gray
Bro. .Shirley Smith '97, has been
Dayton, O.; Florence Encsson, Chi
with overwork and our credit with the taking care of twins since last summer.
cago, 111.; Elise Ellwood, De Kalb, local florists was being terrjbly taxed.
Bro. Fred Walker ex. '07, is in the
111.; Jean F. Cossitt, Chicago, 111.; But now—well, the simple fact that stone business at Ozark, Mich.
Lois Jones, Wash. C. H., O.; Barbara a Bachelors' Club has been organized
Bro. H. W. Holmes '06, is with his
Walsh, Detroit, Mich.
speaks for itself. The Club began father at Detroit.
Guests for Pennsy Game.
H. P. Ramey, Chicago, 111.; Don T.
Hastings, Detroit, Mich.; Mayme A.
Slyfieltl, Detroit, Mich.; Henry Slyfi eld, Detroit, Miclr.; Henry Read,
Shenandoah, Iowa; Arthur B. Conner,
Detroit, Mich.; John F. Bresnahan,
Beta, Pennsylvania; H. E. Riggs, Pi
Deuteron '86, Kansas; Richard E. Vernor, Detroit, Mich.; J. Frich Tyler,
Wooster, O.; Roy Parker, Lansing,
Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ailes, De
troit, Mich.; C. J'. Harvey, Detroit,
Mich.; Clara Harvey, Detroit, Mich.;
H. W. Holmes, Detroit, Mich.; Sam
uel A. Riggs, "Old Alpha" Jeff. '56;
with three members, o,jie of whom up
to this year has been loud in his
praises of femininity, the other two
having been girl haters since the
youthful age of two years. Although
small, the Club at once began to make
its terrible influence felt and there was
soon a clamor for admission, where
upon several new men were taken in
and duly initiated into the workings
of the mysterious society. Then
trouble began. "Pickles" Heinz was
found not to be a fit member of the
society, this fact being sleuthed out
by President Nissler, who discovered
that "Heine" was receiving a larger
feminine correspondence than the by
Bro. W. A. Hall '04, has removed to
Allentown, Pa., and is in the motor
car business.
Bro. P. M. Hickey '88, is practicing
medicine in Detroit and is nationally
prominent in X Ray circles.
'Bro. F. C. Solms, '06, re in the hard
ware business at Saginaw, Mich.
We wish to announce the pledgirig
of Harold W. Houghton of Detroit,
who will enter the University next
, ,
Bro. C. E. Skinner '95, who last
year taught English in the Literary
Department of the University, is now
holding a similar position in the En
gineering Department.
\r\nThe Fiji War Cry'
We guarantee that this paper ■will
reach more Alpha Phi Alumni thca
any other in existence.
fl oor walker for night work. Ad
dress F. Solms '06, Saginaw, Mich.
WANTED—By the Alphi Phi Bache
lor's Club, any three desirable girls
not co-eds in the University of
Michigan. Kindly send any pos
sibilities to Carl Nissler, "Perk"
Spalding or "DaU' Sayles, care the
Phe Comma Delta House, City.
WANTED—By R. D. Williamson '02,
Granville, O., any good anti-fat rem
edy that will work quick.
WANTED—By "Sqainn" O'Brien.
Position of choosing all faculty
members of the b. of M. Literary
WANTED—Divorce suits a specialty.
Extra low fees to any Fiji. Call or
write to H. Slyfield, attorney, 5002-
5014 Jurisprudence Bldg., Detroit,
WAffTED—By Alpha Phi Chapter.
That fraternity song E. E. Keeler
'04, was going to write for us.
WANTED—Everyone to know that
no Harvard man can put it over
Mich-i-gan. Wm. Mutschler '06.
WANTED—By F. Engelhart '08.
Special mail service between Chi
cago and Ann Arbor.
WANTED—By "Jimmy" Lewis '10.
Some one to show me how to man
ipulate the intricate workings of a
girl's lace night cap and for what
they are used.
WANTED—Someone to publish and
fi nancially back my latest publica
You quickly roll and swing at him.
He laughs and runs away.
You curse your luck and then arise
To start another day.
You bolt a bit of breakfast
While you're putting on a sock.
Then grab your books and beat it
For that gol-dam eight o'clock.
"Sheney" Reed '05, Shenandoah, la.
You're lying in your downy bed
Up in the breezy dorm.
Sweet dreams are sizzling in your
You do not mind the storm
When suddenly you give a start.
Your bed begins to rock.
And someone yells "Get out of this.
You have an eight o'clock."
You're breakfast doesn't taste good.
And everything goes wrong. ^
You seem to walk upon your jaw.
Your face it is so long.
The troubles seem to take delight
Around your head to fl ock,
When you get up in the morning
For that blooming eight o'clock.
—^The Printer's De'viL
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December 1907 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.