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1908 March Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
March 1908 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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University of Alabama
1908 March Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
The THETA Fiji
Volume I
Number 2
aside formality and reserve so received an expression of thanks
evening began under the from each Fiji present that must
All,"Sons of AlabatDii." are now
have made their hearts feelgood.
looking eagerly
towards the most favorable conditions.
Crimson and White flag on the
Class Football.
baseball diamond. It's baseball ing in its decoration of crimson
season is over,
time. We can feel it in the air,
are the cham
and for better proof of it, witness
the crowds of students,including
coeds, that daily throng to the
practi ^e field.
As now arranged, Varsitv will
play twenty six games, all being
These are against
Mississippi, Texas, Au
^^hwTTi^Ieorgia Tech., Central of
used with appropriate effect. In pions. The first game played
the dining room royal purple was was between Juniors and Sen
the color employed in the deco iors, the former winning 10 to 0,
ration. The table was beautiful thanks to the coaching of Brice
with purple satin ribbon and Jones. On the Junior squad
bowls of violets, and their beauty were DuBose and Wood. When
v/as enhanced by the purple '09 met '10, '10 won 6 to 0 in a
shades used on the chandelier. muddy field, Bethea, Abbott and
The handpainted place cards Monnish being on this team. '10
were the artistic work of Mrs. in one game tied '11, 0-0, but
Brantly's mother. On each was finally lost to them 6 to 10.
twcky and Louisiana, with
one open series. Of last year's
championship team, seven men
are back, including one pitcher. painted a dainty maiden in fancy Brother J. E. Brantly represen
But vei-y many capable new men colors, while at the top of each ted us on that team. The games
are out trying for positions, and card were the names of the fra were well played and well at
ternity and chapter in purple.
every place is hotly contested,
Brice Jones is back again in his
old place in the left garden, and
Sage Monnish is out for catcher.
Bethea is one of the Sophomore
assistant managers.
After the season, Coach Pollard
will probably take his team for a
second tour (jf the North, and
gant seven course dinner was
was served in faultless style,
Theta Entertains.
In honor of their young lady
while the spirits of the boys rose fi'iends of Tuscaloosa the mem
with each succeeding course. bers of Theta Chapter of Phi
Finally followed the cigars, and Gamma Delta entertained at
their club rooms on the evening
in the heart to heart bits of con
of February 15th. The members
versation that came with them
living in town had decorated the
the West. We expect big things fraternal love was indeed made
manifest. We say bits of con rooms- most appropriately for
of this year's team.
the occasion, purple and white
versation for each member was
too anxious to say something being in evidence in a variety of
A Delightful Evening.
himself to permitany one tomake ways. The nature of the enter
tainment was an informal recep
On the evening of the 7th of a long speech. The present and
future welfare of the chapter
were discussed, and business
plans were mingled with the
hours of fun and p." isure.
Bros. Brantly proved them
February Theta Pijis were enter
tained at dinner by Bros. E. C.
and J. E. Brantly at the home
of their parents Mr. and Mrs. A.
M. McGhee on 22nd
From the first every one threw selves mo^t gracious hosts and
tion, and towards the latter part
of the evening a very amusing
and enjoyable contest was intro
duced. The prize, a Phi Gamma
Delta pennant, was won by Miss
Continued on page 4
\r\nThe Theta Fiji;
FBANKL.GROVE, '09 Editor In
WOOD. '09;
hope to be jibje to contfnue the
publication, and to give our ab
Mr. and Mrs. Evan R, Jones
sent bi'others ne wg of interestin announce the engagementof their
regard to the condition of the daughter,-Miss Agnes Mortimer,
local chapter.
to Mr. Walter Richard Sanders,
Business Manager
the wedding to talse place Thurs
SAGE A.MONNISH,'10 Associate Editor
Just here let us call the atten
day April 23rd, at Christ Church,
tion, of our alumni to the fact that Tuscaloosa, A.labama,
now is the time to be looking
Subscription price $1,00 per year
around for new
Published quarteriy by Theta Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta
Send ail communications to the Editor
or Business Manager,Box 5. University,
men for
The above announcement will
next be of interest to all Theta Fiji's.
year. If there is a young man The members of recent years
in your home town who intends know Bro, Sanders, and doubt
coming to Alabama next Sep less the older ones have heard of
tember let us know about . him. him. His connection with the
We have blanks for that expi-ess fraternity has been one of worth,
purpose and would be glad , to
Chapter Officers
and his interest in the life of our
E. Benjamin. W. DuBose, '09, , mail any alumnus a number of chapter one that stim.ulates and
them if he could use them. This encourages. The bride-to-be has
T. E,.C. Brantley. '10,
G. Clement Richardson Wood, is not a matter to be postponed, always been a Fiji girl, eveip be
but act now.
. Eg. Prank L. Grove, '09.
I, i James B. Abbott, '10.
fore becoming the fiancee pi Bra.l
Sanders, as she is the sister of
The Chapter's Hislery.
one of our prominent members,
. We are glad to state that active Bro. Brice Jones. As such slie
work on Theta's history has been is all that we might say of her.
The chapter extends to Bro,
'Pagulty—James Rice, M.S. '06, begun and is well under,way. In
Sanders the heartiest congratu
Senior—Brice S. Jones..
order that the work might be lations,
Junior—Prank L. Grove, Glem- more easily and speedily accornExchanees.
erit Richardson Wood, Ben-, plished it was divided into three
We desire to acUnowledge re
jamih W. DuBose, C. H. periods, each pei'iod being as
of the Gamma Phi Piji,from
Glasgow, J. S. Glasgow.
signed to a historian and one as
College • of Penn.sylvania;
Sophomore—E. C. Brantley, D. sistant as follows: Prom 1855 to
Cyclone, from ~ Illinois,
H. Maxwell, J. B. Bethea, S. 1865 was given to Bi'o. Wood as
Active Members
the Pijistine from Amherst; and
sistant; from'65 to '85 to Bro, the Wabash Fiji, from Psi Chap
C). G. Pinkston, MiloLong.
Preshmen—J.E. Brantley.
Grove, with Bro. Monnishas as ter, All are well gotten up, well
sistant, and from '85 to the pres edited, and good reading.
We appreciate the happy re ent time to Bro. Collier with Bro.
The February Phi Gamma
B. Abbott, S. A. Monniish.
historian and Bro, Bethea as as
sponse our initial number of the Du Bose as.assistant. yWe appre Delta has found us. That colored
Theta Piji brought forth from a ciate the prompt replies to in frohtpiece of Father KnicUernumber of our alumni and from
quiries made in regard to the bocker welcoming the Pijis to
our sister chapters. Especially
do we feel proud of the fact that
it is the first paper of its kind to
be published in the South as was
stated by the editor of the Phi
history of the different periods New York made us feel niighly
that we have received from a good.
number of our alumni, and with
Debate—Resolved, that the
their continued interest and help
we hope to accomplish a great heroine's course in "Three
Gamma Delta in the December deal of the work before the close
Weeks" was justifiable,- Fiji Cy
number of the magazine.
We of the present session.
\r\nDuBose's Diurnal Diversion.
IE it takes two quarts of butter
milk,to make an apron for a baby
elephant, how long will it take a
. cockroach with a wooden leg to
mash thirteen bushels
of Irish
potatoes in a cut glass bowl with
ery is a darn sight better.
But something is wrong with my
When I practice a scale.
Clayt is wearing his pin again.
The listeners quail
We have an awful good joke on
Milo Long, but it's too good to
If you want further par
And flee at the very first note.
Bro. S. E. Neilson caused us a
a diamond in the centre?
ticulars, write without delay, to very pleasant surprise when he
The answer appears, in the the Business Manager.
unexpectedly happened in upon
ninety-second Psalm, verse six.
us last Saturday night. We en
joyed his brief visit, for he al
ways brings with him good cheer.
Jack and Jill went up the hill.
Br. Neilson is employed at De-Ye gods and diminutive aquat
To fetch a pail of watermopolis, Ala. He was so de
ics! Honk Honk Monnish's mous
Jack fell down and broke a two
lighted with last year's Ekklesia
dollar bill.
he intends going again in July.
And Jill got a dollar and a
As a result of inquiries made
Sister Grove is ailing these
in regard to the chapter history
days. She had grippe some time
*The above verse was handed
we haTe received some very in
ago, and looks positively flabber
anonymously to the board of edi teresting letters from several of
tors. But we have a very good
our older
Get Ben DuBose to tell you idea as to who wrote
about "who,sir, me sir? No, sir, sembles closely the
It re
alumni. Bro, A. ■ P.
Fatten '79 of Knoxville, Ala., sent
style of
us some important informaticn,
brother Clement C. Cross '06,
not I, sir. ■ It, sir, was number
and Bro. Edwin Shield '78 -of
and after cai-eful consideration
two, sir."
New York,answered us promptly
and due deliberation we ascribe'
with useful details of the chapter
it to him, altho he blushingly
Rosie Jones, the boy farmer,
wfiile he 'was at Alabam'a.- He
denied the authorship when taxed
says that down at his farm he
extends a hea rty welcome to all
with it. It is in brother Cross'
saw a cow stumble and strain her
happiest style, combining stateliness, humor and pathos.
Theta Pijis who may visit New
York during the Ekklesia.
Bro. Sterling A. Wood, '77,
was appointed special master and
and an eraser several days ago.
special referee ^ in the Southern
Uncle Pete was so very benighted Steel Company Bankruptcy case,
Skinny Maxwell says he likes He never knew when he was the largest in the South as yet.
Legs Brantley bought a pencil
Geology very well; except for the
Rat Betbea is very cross these
And out at a party
Bro. R. W. Barnes '05
He'd eat just as hearty
As if he'd
been promoted to the position of
the First
really iiivited.- National Bank, of Eutaw, Alav
Bro. August M. Donalioe '03 is
days. Some say its the mess There was a young man named the proud posessor of a fine
halt food; some say he's in love.
young boy.
It makes him frenetic and poetic, Who sported a large false nose—
Any one knowing of the pres
so we incline to the latter view.
When asked why he done it
He said, for the fun it
Jim t3. says Tuscaloosa is a Afforded
ent whereabouts of the following
bretheren will please communi
goes. cate with the alumni editor;
Bros. R. J. Raney, Ploy., Hall,
™ighty fine place, but Montgom Said Wood, "On music I dote. I John PieMer.
\r\nTheta Entertains.
to Phi Gamma Delta".
Continued from page i
has received compliments from
every quarter.
Bros. Cross and Monnish en
Bro. B. T. Collier '06, our sec
joyed a two days hunt at MoundHonnor Monnish.
chief of I'hule X, has just
ville during the Washingtonthe evening frappe was served
from the Kappa Tau
birthday holidays.
by Misses Lucile Hester and
chapter at Knoxville, Tenn. He
Louise Maxwell. The young
President and Mrs. Abercrom- had a delightful visit and reports
men were graciously assisted in bie will entertain our chapter at the Tennessee boys in a most
receiving by Mrs. C. N. Maxwell their home or the evening of the prosperous condition.
and Mrs. W. H. Alston.
At 10:30 a sandwich and salad
course was served
which was
Bro. DuBose and Collier atten
followed by charlotte russe and ded the basket ball game between
the Wabash team
and the Bir
The evening was thoroughly mingham Athletic Club in Bir
We mingham on the 4th inst. They
would commend our rats on their had the pleasure of meeting Bro.
initial bow into fraternal social Diddel and Yontfrom the Wabash
life. They acquitted themselves chapter. It is always pleasing
with dignity, even if one did for us to meet any brethern
come to the point of nearly losing from other chapters, and we
would be glad if they would
his heart.
Besides the active chapter notify us whenever they i;ome in
there was present Bros. Collier, hailing distance of Tuscaloosa.
Sanders and Henagan.
Farraginous Facts About FIjis.
The catalogue issue of the Phi
Gamma Delta is certainly a cred
itable production. With its three
different arrangements of the
names and addresses of the long
list of members it will prove of
great value in matters of corres
pondence with alumni and active
The Kappa Delta sorority pub
lished the first number of their
magazine for the present session
in Januai-y. "i'he Angelos at the
present is edited entirely by the
The Kappa Delta, one of Ala Alabama chapter and the current
bama's two.sororities,entertained issue reflects ci-edit upon the
board of young lady editors.
at the home of Miss Adele Harri
In the January issue of the
son on the afternoon of the 12th,
Angelos, the official publication
inst. Thelargenuinberofyoung
of the Kappa Delta sororiety, ap
brought together as
peared a poem entitled "Olive guests of this popular societ.y of
and White," by Bro. Clement
college girls were charmingly en
Richardson Wrod. Bro. Wood's
tertained, the occasion proving
Gremio will
shortly make his appearance as
an actor of comedy when the
Blackfriars, the University Dra
matic Club, presents The Taming
of the Shrew.
poem has received favorable com
altogether pleasing. The Fijis
Three Weeks.
ment from a number of sources.
present were Bros. Collier, Cross, (ur business mismanager,
We desire to express our thanks J. E. Brantly, Monnish, Wood, Clement Wood spent three weeks
to "our sisters'' who helped to Du Bose, Abbott, Grove.
at Birmingham a short time ago,
make our entertainment such a
Brother DuBose
was elected
holding down the lid while his
great success. A more loyal Junior Assistant Manager of the father. Brother Sterling A. Wood
and enthusiastic number of Fiji track team. He will make a good was at Washington in the inter
girls could hardly be found than
those claimed by Theta. The
est of Federal Judge Hundley's
confirmation. Clement reports
social life of the chapter is de
A charming short story by our that the moving picture shows
lightfully maintained by their editor-in-chief entitled "Cupid's are in full blast and that four
charming personalities and their Importunity," appeared in the new skyscrapers will shortly
interest in everything pertaining Crimson-White for Feb. 26. It appear on 20th, street.
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March 1908 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. The newsletter is four pages in length.