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1950 December Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
December 1950 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Lambda Nu
University of Nebraska
1950 December Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
VOL. 1, NO. 2
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The age old greeting goes out to all of
my boys of Phi Gamma Delta with love and
good wishes during the holy season.
A joyful Christmas and a peaceful Happy
New Year.
^ Affectionately yours,
( "Mom" Mae Minier
Third Place Winner—Homecoming- House Decoration
Fijis again -won fall honors.
After working long and hard in prep
aration for the big fall competitive fra
of the Phi Gam entry in the Homecom
ing parade Saturday morning. The col
ternity events, Homecoming and Kosmet
orful circus featured a tiger and the
tamer in a cage. Following the cage
Klub, the Phi Gams again came out
with winners. This year it was third
clowns, fat
place in Homecoming decorations and
popcorn salesmen.
men, bearded ladies
Participation in both events was high.
Both pledges and actives helped in both
A giant pinball machine, extending
up to fourth floor of the Fiji hut was
proj ects.
Lambda Nu—Kosmet Klub show win
constructed by the Phi Gam pledges un
der the direction of Ed Gross. As a
football traveled down a football field
ners for three out of the last four years—
first place in the Kosmet Klub Fall Re
through snarling tiger heads, colored
walked off with three trophies at the
1950 Kosmet Klub show. They are (1)
Participation trophy, given to the six
lights lit up the slogan, "Tilt the Tiger!"
fraternities whose acts were selected to
Bill Glassford's Circus was the title
appear in the show, (2) the retiring
trophy, given to Lambda Nu as the fra
ternity. which has won first place the
most times and (3) first place trophv
given to Lambda Nu for producing th^
first-place skit this year.
The skit, entitled "Manhattan MerrvGo-Round," was directed by Jerry
mon. The show was composed of ^hort
sketches of such Broadway musicales as
"As the Girls Go,_ Ziegfejfj pQUies,"
and "South Pacific.
Hula dancers, Charleston dancers and
a quartet singing Happy Days Are Here
Again" were on the program
The Lambda Nu Phi Gams took first
place, the ATO s second, and Beta Theta
pi TGceived th6 third pl9[;'0 cup.
Society News
(Omaha) have a little .daughter about
help which they may have available
upon the subjects. In the event any of
our alumni have ideas or suggestions, I
would appreciate their communicating
two months old at this writing.
them to me.
ceived when she came to live with Dale
and Maxine Ruser on October 27th.
Charles "Chuck" and Marti Petersen
The past month has seen each week
end packed full of activities; due mainly
The Alumni Advisors Council, which
to home games with the enthusiastic
is made up of representatives of all fra
following of fans.
Homecoming and the pig dinner high
ternities on the Nebraska campus, is
dealing with some important problems
lighted one week-end, and the usual
open house with coffee and doughnuts
after the game was an incentive for a
Charles "Chuck" Thoene, corporation
clerk in the Secretary of State's office,
had the honor of introducing the digni
social hour.
Anyone looking for extended excite
ment could have found it here the week
before Thanksgiving. Friday nite your
fraternity copped top honors for the
second consecutive year in Kosmet
Club's "Fall Revue," with "Manhattan
Merry-Go-Round" directed by Solomon.
Last year's skit—"There's Something
about Paree"—also with Jerry as skit-
master, won over seven other skits.
Doesn't take much imagination to figure
out what went on until the wee small
hours. I know that sleep was not on the
Saturday evening the pledges' ' Kiddie
of University and Fraternity relation
taries: Brig. Gen. Guy N. iHenninger
who appeared on the Armistice Day pro
gram here in Lincoln, Col. James H.
Workman, Lt. Col. John W. Thomas and
several others.
Bernard E. Ingram, now a practicing
attorney in Venice, California, has mar
ried since our last contact with him. He
is Purple Legionaire for the U. S. C.
chapter and takes an active part in the
Los Angeles Graduate activities. He said
he sees Vaughn Gaddis and Bob Dunn
Bill Griffin is with the McDonnel Air
Party" apparently was most successful.
craft Corporation in St. Louis who are
building fighter planes for both the
tive of that type party.
Army and the Navy.
Costumes were the only things indica
Sunday noon we had our traditional
Thanksgiving dinner and I assume you
no one was particularly active after
ward, at least for a few hours.
Monday evening the internationally
famous Sadler's Wells Ballet appeared in
Lincoln and your fraternity acquired
quite a bit of publicity through their
cordial hospitality to them before and
after their performance. We were hosts
to two of the members, Jane Edgworth
and Brian Shaw, and ten of the baller
inas; Robert Irving, the orchestra con
ductor; Frederick Ashton, chorographei,
and three of the men in the cast^ were
evening guests. American fraternities
have been a legend to the British, so the
invitation to visit and be entertained in
nities and their campus functions, but is
very critical of some of the practices
carried on by organized groups which
result in adverse publicity.
In January, the 1951 Nebraska State
Legislature will be in session. At that
time the budget for the University of
plans to spend Christmas at home in
Tom Cornish is in the Army and sta
tioned at Fort Riley, Kansas. His wife
is continuing to live in Sioux Falls,
South Dakota.
pointed program director of Radio Sta
tion KFAB. Congratulations!
Homecoming is an annual event an
ticipated by all loyal Phi Gams and one
which we at the house enjoy immensely.
encountered the sincere cordial hospi
Underwriters Department of Equitable
Life Assurance Society of New York in
New York City, spent Thanksgiving with
his parents in Omaha.
Space does not permit a list of all who
John Carr who is associated with the
Mae Renard Minier
noon broadcast, thought the incident oi
trict. This letter will be in your hands
some time in January.
John H. Binning
given a physical discharge.
Charley Orr, who is with the Peter
Kiewit and Sons Co. in Lowell, Oregon,
taken it upon myself to prepare a letter
to all alumni dealing with this matter
and requesting your support of the Uni
versity appropriation by contacting the
Nebraska State Senator from your Dis
hear that Bruce McMichael has been
renewed old friendships and met their
new prospective fraternity brothers.
tality shown them by the P^i Gam .
"Your University Speaks, a Sunday
versity is extremely receptive to frater
Larry Cook, who was inducted into
service again the last of October has
been discharged, fortunately. We also
a typical group excited both their curi
osity and interest. The boys were in
their very best form, singing with un
usual gusto and showing th®ir foreig
guests every courtesy. Mr. Ashton tMd
me that they were entertained often ana
by prominent people, but never had they
ships. "The Administration of the Uni
With the Christmas Season once again
near, the undergraduates of Lambda Nu
bids Merry Christmas to all of its alums.
We have had the opportunity to see
many of you this fall, and hope to see
more before the year ends. The popular
football team of the current year has
drawn alum faithful from all parts of
the midwest to the games. We hope that
the future seasons will bring like suc
cess on the gridiron, so we may continue
seeing a large alum delegation. We have
several players from the Fiji Hut in the
regular lineup this fall. Phi Gams on the
varsity squad are Don Strasheim, Don
Bloom, Jim Godfrey, Bear Handshy,
Dick Goll, and Nick Adduci.
The night set aside especially for
alum-pledge acquaintances, the Norris
Pig Dinner, was the evening of the
homecoming game with Missouri. The
event saw a large turnout by alums.
The pledges were introduced by this
year's pledge trainer, Jerry Berigan. Sod
sufficient importance to feature it in -
Palmer officiated at the regular cere
mony as he has done in several previous
Show Ballet Dancers College Tradition,
was Doctor Adams of Lincoln, who is
vember 26th. The Daily Nebraskan ot
the 29th headlined it "Fraternity Men
so it apparently smacked of the unusual.
Cigar and candy passings hU an all-
time low since our last issue,
were of the typical college X®"
James loaned his pin to Barbara You B,
Gamma Phi Beta, and Dick Carson
Tri-Delt's Pat Gundy are serious for rne
time being.
Harold Holmquist of Oakland,
father of Harold, Jr., ^nd
Holmquist, sent in cigars but for a
ferent reason; his appreciation °t
coffee and doughnut sessions and gen
eral hospitality which he and his wire
have enjoyed when they drop in to visu
their sons. A very nice gesture. Phi
Professor "Jake" Geier announced the
arrival of a little daughter in their home
by a cigar-passing.
We are happy
you that Lynn
Ellen could not have found a more lov
ing welcome than that which she re
years. The main speaker for the evening
one of our oldest alums.
The Quarterly Purple Legionnaire Re
The Fijis have begun the year suc
cessfully, capturing third place in home
port has just been compiled with copies
coming house decoration, and first place
the Executive Secretary of the Frater
show, Jerry Solomon was given a cup
being sent to our Section Chief and to
nity, Washington, D. C. This report con
sists' of some one hundred odd questions
dealing with conduct of the Chapter and
internal functioning.
For the most part, favorable answers
in Kosmet Klub. After the Kosmet Klub
from the men of the house for his excel
lent leadership in directing the Phi
Gams to first place in last year's and this
Kosmet Klub
can be honestly made to all inquiries
regarding conduct of Lambda Nu. A
place in the Ivy Day Sing last spring. He
is directing the sing again next spring.
1 would like at this time to cordially
regard to
invite all alums to stop and see us. The
door at 1425 R is wide open to you now
summary of this report discloses that in
activities, freshman training, and interfraternity relations, our Chapter is in
excellent condition. Our only weakness
lies in some Chapter mechanics, alumni
relations, and scholarship. A request has
been sent to National Headquarters con
cerning the possibility of that office ex
tending to our Chapter any additional
as it has always been. The chapter hopes
that more of you will make it a point to
come in the next time that you are in
Lincoln so we may become better ac
Wayne R. Eisenhart
Finale scene from the first place Phi Gam skit, "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round," in
the 1950 Kosmet Klub show.
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December 1950 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.