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1953 June Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
June 1953 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1953 June Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
Alpha Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Volume XIX
Alpha Phi To Get
Addition to Chapter
House by Autumn
next fall
No. 4
Meet the Spring '53 Pledges
around "the house on the hill" will
have acquired a new addition.
That at least is the present indi
cation, with the Alpha Phi Board
scheduled to approve final plans for
an extension of the living and din
ing rooms at their meeting June 4.
* _
The proposed enlargement of the
southwest corner of the house calls
for a 16 and one-half foot extension
of the dining room and a similar
increase in the size of the living
room. When it is completed the
living room and present music
room will have been joined to form
one large "L" shaped room.
Large crowds, such as for Pig
Dinner, football week-ends and
CAUGHT IN THE ACT—The spring pledge class from left to
right; Ed Lewis, Don Mattran, Ernie McCoy, John McMahon, Jim
Kruther.s, Keith Coats, John Wine, Larry Cox, Pledge Trainer Paul
Geiger, Frank Zinn, John Hodgman, Jim Hodgman, Tom Brush,
Kaye Mercer, Bruce Smith, Jim DeLand, Bob Knutson, and Doug
other social functions will be much
easier to accomodate under the new
For those who may fear that
the building will take on the ap
pearance of a sophisticated
boarding house, the architects
Second Semester Rushing Session
Nets Chdpter 17 Budding Phi Gams
Seventeen "red hots" are wear
ing the white star of pledgeship in basketball and baseball teams an d
Phi Gamma Delta this spring as was chairman of the senior com
decor and style will be main
the result of a stepped up rushing mittee. At Michigan Frank is look
tained throughout.
ing forward to a career with The
session and some excellent recom
Most instrumental in initiating mendations from the alumni.
the expansion project was Brother
Ray Smith, '20, who proposed that
KAYE MERCER, '5fiE, Flushing,
JOHN HODGMAN, '5CE, Fenthe extension be erected in consid
ton, comes from a long line of carved out a very versatile career
eration of the excellent shewing
Hodgmans in Alpha Phi Chapter, for himself while in high school,
the house made both in scholarship
(See "SECOND," Page 3)
being a cousin of Dick, '53, and
and over-all activities during the
pledge brother Jim, '56. John was
past year.
editor of his yearbook, a sports
Brother Smith also pointed out writer on his high school paper and 15 Attend Denison
in making his suggestion that there sang in the church choir. At Michi
will be a large number of men mov gan his chief interest is Phi Section Convention
ing into the house next year and Gamma Delta.
Alpha Phi sent 15 of her Fijis
that present conditions around the
to the section convention at the
board table are overcrowded.
TOM BRUSH, '56, Detroit, is the Denison Chapter in Granville the
With construction due to start trackman of the class, having co- week-end of April 11 this year,
immediately following termination captained his high school team and supplying the largest contingent
of this semester, all work on the run three years varsity track and of any chapter in the section.
addition should be completed by cross country. He was also senior
In addition to the usual festiv
have assured us that the present
class secretary and a member of
E.stimated cost of the project will the student council. Tom is now
be $5,500 according to the contrac running freshman track for Michi
tors. Present plans call for the gan.
Alpha Phi Board to underwrite
ities attendant upon good hospital
ity, the brothers gave and took a
number of good suggestions in the
individual discussion sessions and
heard one of the finest fraternity
Marshall, talks of the year by Brother Ban
ficient funds can be gathered to was associate editor of his high ner Mahood, national historian of
school paper, played on the varsity the fraternity.
pay for it in full.
the cost of the addition until suf
\r\nPage 2
June, 1953
Chapter Names House Officers for New Year
Officers to carry on the work of
the active chapter at 707 Oxford
Road were elected this spring to
head the house in one of the most
promising years of its 68 year his
Tinker, '54, takes over the post of
head of the house from outgoing
president Joe Middleton, '53 BAd.
Tom, who makes his home in East
Lansing, is majoring in geology,
and says he plans to make Phi
Gamma Delta his full-time job dur
ing the following year.
THE CABINET—Officers of Alpha Phi Chapter are shown
seated from left to right, Tom Tinker, president; Eugene Hartwig,
historian; Bob Wells, recording secretary; Pepper Holt, treasurer;
and John Shaefer, corresponding secretary.
TREASURER—Harold (Pepper)
Holt, '54E, assumes financial mas
tery of the house as treasurer for
the year '53-'54. Pepper is from
Niles, Michigan, is on the wrest
ling team and is a member of
Triangles and Vulcans engineering
Easterner Bob
Wells, '55, from
As the school year comes to a
New Haven, Connecticut, lifts the
pen as the chapter's minute taker
Activities-wise we again found during the coming year. Bob is
close here at Alpha Phi, I look
back with great pride on the suc ourselves well represented in the
cesses we have had and the pro top posts on campus this year.
gress that has been made in bring Within the last month 14 brothers
ing the chapter to the place that have been tapped by the various
it ought to be among the 81. The campus honoraries. Three were
scholarship has been excellent and taken into Michigamua, two into
Vulcans, five into Sphinx, and four
the men in the house have con
tributed to chapter functions with into Druids.
a spirit that was good to see.
Pig Dinner was in my mind
a tremendous success this year
and was thoroughly enjoyed by
Tom Hail Pledg^e
Award Established
Shortly after the tragic automo
bile accident which took the life
of pledge brother Tom Hail, '56E,
early this spring, the active chap
ter decided to establish the "Tom
Hail Award" for the most out
standing pledge, an award to be
voted upon and presented by the
pledge class itself.
A plaque is being secured as a
token of the award and a commit
tee has been set up to arrive at
the criteria for awarding the
plaque. The award has been es
tablished as a fitting memorial to
pledge brother Hail and as a trib
ute to the pledge who in the eyes
of his own class is voted most out
all those who were able to at
business manager of the 'Ensian
and a recently-initiated member of
TARY—A former Navy Air Force
Lieutenant and now corresponding
secretary of the chapter, John
Shaefer, '54E, calls Toledo, Ohio,
his home and is one of the slide-
rulo men of the engineering col
tend. There was a representative
group from every class from
1897 to 1957. I only wish more
of you brothers could have been
'55, will be the historian of Alpha
here at 707 with us.
Phi in the new cabinet. Gene man
Cleveland crew, Eugene Hartwig,
As some of you may know we ages to keep busy as a night edi
are building a now addition to the tor of The Daily and is also a
house this summer and the active newly-initiated member of Sphinx.
chapter is looking forward with
expectation to the fall when it will
The Alpha Phiji News
be completed.
for alumni members
Now I would like to personally and friends quarterly
by Alpha Phi Chapter of Phi
wish you all a very happy summer (Jamma Delta at the University of Michiand again extend to you a cordial p:an.
invitation to stop in at the "house
on the hill" at any time you are
in the vicinity of Ann Arbor.
News and chanpres of address should be
Tom Tinker, '54,
sent to the Editor, 707 Oxford, Ann Arbor,
\r\nJune, 1953
Page 3
Glimpse of Pig Dinner
Second Semester
Pledg-es Display
Bountiful Talent
(Continued from Page 1)
playing football, basketball, run
ning track and playing in the band
as well as working on the year
book. At Michigan, Kaye has al
ready enlisted in the legions of the
marching band.
JOHN WINE, '56, Detroit, fron;
Redford high school, was on the
track and swimming teams as well
as being a member o fthe Key Club
and Hi-Y. John has already made
something of a name for himself
0,t the^University as station man
ager of the West Quad radio.
^ s*
PIG DINNER—Taking that after dinner stretch foiiowing a
meal of succulent roast pig with all the trimmings arc left to right;
Section Chief Harry L. Davis, Jr., Western Reserve, '37; Alpha Phi
Board President Burgess Vial, '40; Chapter President Tom Tinker,
'54; guest speaker Congressman Frazier Reams, Tenn., '19; Purple
Legionnaire Bill Zerman, '49; and Field Secretary Jordan Knikkeberg, Idaho, '51.
BOB KNUTSON,'56, Grand Ra
pids, is pledge king of the spring
class and in addition to being the
valedictorian of his graduating
class was on the football, baseball
and basketball teams.
Bob's out
side activities at Michigan center
around the IFC and the freshman
wrestling team.
KEITH COATS, '56E, Pitts
burgh, Pa., the 4-point man in the
class, played football and basket
ball in high school as well as win
ning a number of scholastic awards
and being a member of the drama
and debate clubs. Keith, here at
Michigan, is on the Engineering
GEORGE R. HARPER, '98, was Honor Council and is working with
News From Fijis Everywhere
now with the Carbide and Carbon
Chemicals Co. in New York City,
writes us that he hopes The Alpha
Phiji News can get around to do
ing a complete story on the war
years at Alpha Phi. Count on it
in one of the early issues next fall.
Ill Sympathy ...
the oldest Fiji at this year's Pig the IFC.
Dinner and did the honors royally.
Brother Harper, now a retired but
not inactive lawyer in Goshen, Farms, the sophomore of the
Indiana, tells us how he helped pledge class, ran on the track and
build the Big Bonfire on campus cross country _ teams in. his -senior
when the Maine was sunk in 1898 year as well as working on the
at the beginning of the Spanish- senior annual staff. Ed plans to
go into medical school after gradu
American War.
Within the last three months Phi
Gamma Delta and Alpha Phi Chap
ter has lost three brothers, Daniel
Auer, '46, Martin Cranston, '47,
and John Parker, '01, all of whom
have passed on.
Brother Auer was killed in an
automobile accident in April while
JOHN G. WHITE, '23, is now
living at 105 East Delaware Place,
Chicago 11, 111. Brother White, a
resident partner in Reynolds &
Co., is a member of the Chicago
Golf Club, the Executives Club and
the Saddle and Cycle.
Brother Cranston was involved in
an airplane crash the same month.
STANLEY E. BETZ, '32, now
Brother Parker, vice-president of a resident of Palos Verdes Estates,
the Consolidated Edison Co. of New Calif., on the west coast, is presi
York City and a former teacher at dent of Auto and Marine Electric,
the University died in March.
Inc., and has a family of three
The chapter and the fraternity children: Susan 15, Karen 10, and
extends their sincerest sympathy a budding Fiji, Stuart 12.
to parents and friends.
(See "NEWS," Page 4)
JOHN McMAHON, '56, Chicago,
111., was vice-president of his high
school class, captain of the wrest
ling team and played for four years
on the football team. Red-haired
and modest, John has been out for
the freshman wrestling team here
at Michigan.
DOUG MURRAY, '56, Muskegon, an outstanding athlete in high
school playing varsity football,
basketball and baseball, was also
editor of his school paper and an
nual and president of the student
council. Here at the University,
(See "SPORTS," Page 4)
\r\nPage 4
June, 1953
News From Fijis Everywhere
ARTHUR E. MANCL, '45, has
tumed to the teaching profession
in his new position as assistant
professor of architecture at the
University of Arkansas in Fayettcville. Says Brother Mancl, "I still
consider myself primarily an archi
tect, not a teacher."
JAMES B. BRILL, '49E, is now
living at 5775 Hillside Ave., In
dianapolis 20, Ind. Brother Brill
is an engineer with the National
Engineering Co. of Indianapolis.
vada. Brother Rowe is a former
coach and athletic director in
various Cleveland and Ohio schools
as well as a former chairman of
WILLIAM W. COON, '46, has a the National Basketball Rules
year-old son, Christopher Warner Committee.
if. . . keep those legacies coming.
JACK ROHRBAUGH,'47, claims Giving instruction in surgery keeps
these bureaucrats in Washington Brother Coon busy in University
are "strange animals and must be Hospital, Ann Arbor.
handled carefully to avoid break
ROBERT B. OTIS, '03, writes
ing or soiling." Brother Rohrbaugh,
just recently released to inactive that he is planning to attend the
duty from the Navy, is now a trial 50th reunion of the class of '03 on
attorney for the Naional Labor Re June 11 and will be looking for
lations Board in D. C. and says ward to meeting any of the broth
that he will be happy to shed the ers at that time. Brother Otis is
light of his experience on any of now living in Orlando, Fla.
the brothers who might be con
In order to insure receiving
sidering Washington as a job seek
your copy of The Alpha Phiji
ing area in the near future.
News keep those changes of
B. WILLIAM CURRY, JR., '48, address flowing into our arch
ives here at 707 Oxford Road.
For our 700 alumni the aver
is now an "accountant with the
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
in Lima, Ohio, He tells us that
there may be an addition to the
family in the fall.
age rate of address change per
month is about 20.
FRANK W. LONG, JR., '49, now
living in Los Angeles, let us know
that he is rooming with George
Spaulding, '47. Brother Long says
several of the brothers of '49 and
'50 have dropped in on them lately
including George Eckerle, '49, Bob
Orth, and DeWolf Stanley, '49.
THOMAS J. McCANN, '52, is
living in Van Dyke, Mich., now
and married to the former D. Pa
tricia McClean, a Gamma Phi Beta,
at Michigan.
zone retail manager for Shell Oil
Co., in Palo Alto, Calif., now has
two sons: Paul, 2, and Charles, 4.
A successful war record has lead
Brother Adams into taking an ac
Sports Popular with Pledge Class
(Continued from Page 3)
FLOYD A. ROWE, '08E, is re
tired now and living in Reno, Ne
tive part in the organized naval
reserve at Oakland, Calif.
a brother of Dick, '53, and gradu
Doug has been out for freshman ated from Redford High School. He
BRUCE SMITH, '56, Hamilton,
Ont., is another of the great Can
adians in the house.
Bruce was
an outstanding track man in high
DALE S. COENEN, '51, with
participated in tennis and track and the famous advertising firm of
was a member of the Hi-Y and Batten, Burton, Durstine & Osborn
National Honor Society. He tells in New York City, tells us he is a
member of the Michigan Club and
us he is "purple" all the way.
the Young Republicans Club of the
JIM KRUTHERS, '56E, Dear big city.
born, the swimmer in the class, was
school, captained the basketball
team and played football for two state champion in high school in
years. He also served on the Boy's the iOO-yard backstroke, in addi
Athletic Association.
GEORGE M, TRWIN, '43. active
as always Brother Irwin, lists al
tion to captaining his team. He
most community posts he is now
is out for the swimming team at holding many of them connected
LARRY COX, '56E, Dowagiac, the University and holds an with the Quincy, 111. symphony
another ifine high school athlete, NROTC scholarship.
orchestra and other musical and
was captain of the football team,
cultural organizations.
on the track team and won the best
ERNIE McCOY,'56E, State Col
all-around athlete award in his lege, Pa., is the son of Michigan's
Summer is here again and
senior year. Here at Michigan former basketball coach now at
with fall not too far off Alpha
Larry is out for varsity football Penn State. In high school and
Phi Chapter is again looking
having won his freshman numerals. prep school Ernie participated in
forward to a very vigorous and
football, basketball and swimming. competitive rushing session.
JAMES DeLAND, '56, Detroit, At Michigan he is a member of the
was a member of the glee club in Freshman Engineering Council.
school, in the cast of the senior
play and president of the science
club. So far this year he has Arbor, is originally from Chicago
been president of his house in the where he attended high school and
quad and is working with the was very active in music activities.
Union social committee.
Here at Michigan Don is in the
Marching Band where he plays a
JIM HODGMAN, '56, Detroit, is very mean clarinet.
With this in mind the active
chapter is very anxious to hear
of any recommends you alumni
may have of men planning to
come to Michigan in the fall
from your home towns. Send all
recommendations to Ruedi Gin-
grass, 7837 Mary
Wawatosa, Wis.
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June 1953 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.