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1912 February Newsletter Omicron Deuteron (Ohio State University)
February 1912 newsletter of the Omicron Deuteron chapter at Ohio State University. The newsletter is two pages in length.
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Omicron Deuteron
Ohio State University
1912 February Newsletter Omicron Deuteron (Ohio State University)
The Fiji Wahoo
No. 1.
Published by
C. M. SMnn,'13
H. C. Morford, '13..Business Manager
It would seem ungrateful to call for
payments in advance from subscrib
ers, where there are still some who
have not subscribed at all. We are not
the least bit ungrateful, but we are so
in need of immediate funds that $10
now is worth thirty dollars in two or
three years. If you can send us twentyfive, fifteen, ten dollars in advance on
your notes or subscriptions, our heart
goes out to you. Mail us the ten-spot!
"The Omicron Deuteron Association
of Phi Gamma Delta Company." They
ask, "What is in a name?" There are
fifty-one letters in this one. Pity the
Chapter take this opportunity to ex
tend their heartiest greetings to her
alumni, and to all the other chapters
of our fraternity. "May you all live
long and prosper."
In the language of the much-ma
ligned Hebrews, who said, as they en
tered for the first time the office of a
physician whose charges were less
for the second than the first visit,
"Here we are again."
The length of time that has elapsed
since the last edition of the Wahoo
was sent out from the sanctum sanc
Phi Game do not leave things half
done. Neither do they build fraternity
houses without money.
Don't say, "WeU, we didn't have
fraternity houses when I was in
school, and we got along all right."
Air ships were unknown then, too.
When some of us were in college we
didn't even have street cars, and we
got along all right—on foot. "The
world do move!" Heaven help us
when it stops.
We also have progressed to a point
where we have a chapter house for
old Omicron Deuteron at Columbus.
That is, the house is under roof and
ready for plaster as soon as warmer
weather comes. It Is neither preten
tious nor insignificant; neither expen
sive nor cheap. It is' a modest, sub
stantial, practical home for future gen
erations of young men who may come
Association, providing
that no chapter shall initiate before
the end of the first semester, and then
only such men as have passed a pre
scribed percentage of their school
work. Another provision, which also
zation, is directed against the practice
of pledging men before their matricu
lation in the university.
have already found in its pages, and
which we have been promised will ap
pear in the future.
Brother Alumnus, you have here the
opportunity to help make our maga
zine .the best in the country, place old
Omicron Deuteron's name at the top
in this campaign, and, most impor
tant, get back in touch with your fra
ternity and her men. Don't neglect it.
Address your subscriptions to
Commonwealth Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.
than they now can be. We intend to
send forth another issue before the ex
piration of the present school year,
and should we fail to carry out our in
tentions, the reason will be found in
circumstances, now unforseen, which
will make It impossible. We are in
terested and we trust our alumni are
enough concerned that they will ap
preciate our efforts.
In the fraternity world of the uni
their more fortunate fellow students.
Such unpleasantness has found ex
pression in the formation of an anti-
Some of our young alumni who
organization, which has directed its
never made over $75 a month have
efforts against fraternity men in uni
versity elections. Whatever good it
has accomplished in its alleged object
of making student life more demo
cratic has been overshadowed by the
widened breach between the students
timent will compel you to mail a sub
who comprise the respective organiza
scription, payable as you wish, or a
Again, there has been a steady in*
orease in the number of organizations
bearing Greek letters until there are
how located here thirty-three chapters
the world's record of 5^ seconds for
the Indoor 40-j'ard high hurdles. Geissman, also a sophomore, put the shot
42 feet and 2 inches, a more remark
able feat since he has been training
for the event only a few months.
be put into effect within a short time.
A committee has been investigating
the manner in which athletics are gov
erned in other universities, and from
mission into the Wesern Conference.
At a recent meeting of the officials of
list of our alumni.
Some time ago we started a card
catalog. Quite a number of letters
were sent out to our alumni. These
letters contained blanks which were
to be filled out and returned to be
used in compiling this catalog. About
seventy were returned. We expect to
start work soon again on this catalog
and earnestly request your coopera
tion in this matter.
three years there has existed a gen
eral dissatisfaction with the athletic
system in general and with the man
agement in particular. Thanks to
the various plans in vogue have de
vised a system which, if adopted, will
put affairs in a much more satisfac
tory condition. The new plan pro
vides a board of nine, five to be fac
ulty members, two alumni, and two
This board will have com
plete charge of athletics.
Thus the
athletics will be separated from the
department of Physical Education.
Both of these are at present under the
same head, and, practically, under the
control of one man, the director of
On last September a campaign was
Physical Education Department. The
started for one thousand new alumni
representative of the new board will
subscriptions to our national maga
zine, during the current collegiate
be an athletic manager who is ap
pointed by and directly responsible to
year. At last report only half of this
number had been secured. Our chap
the board, for a certain branch of ath
letics. The object of the above is
ter, with an alumni list of over two
hundred, had fourteen subscribers.
principally to take too much power
Surely we can Increase this. If you
have not already sent in your two dol
lars when this reaches you, let us ap
cooperation between the management
peal to you to do so.
few years. The new board will have
complete charge oi the coaching staff.
There remains
only a few months to get the rest of
the hands of one man and insure
and the coaching force, a thing which
has been sadly lacking during the past
the thousand new subscribers.
This foregoing plan has been passed
If you have not seen our magazine
since it was taken in charge by Brother
E. B. Holley, you have a unique sur
prise awaiting you when you receive
upon favorably by the faculty and is
now before the Board of Trustees.
Ohio State's basket-ball team has
been doing very creditable work. Only
that about two hundred of our fellow
students had flunked out of school. We
are happy to say, however, that none
of our chapter were among these un
fortunates. Every man passed his
work in good shape.
Chester C. Sedgwick, Martins Ferry,
Harold L. Schieber, Bucyrus, O.
Arthur S. Albright, Detroit, 'Mich.
Lorm Thompson, Columbus, O.
R. Linn Clare, Columbus, o'.
Sheldon B. Shepard, Ilion, N. Y.
Charles M. Shinn, Fairmont, W. Va.
Harold C. Morford, Sabina, O.
Carl E. Congdon, Dayton, O.
These are two events in which we
President Thompson, a new plan may
college in the United States, stated
the ones who once were more active
in fraternity and chapter associations
hands of Wesleyan at Delaware, it
brought forth a number of surprises
for us. Kessler, a sophomore, equalled
known college Y. M. C. A. evangelist,
whose work takes him to almost every
reliable source his remarks are prop
erly the cause of considerable gratifi
So we are issuing this second num
Although the result of our first in
door track meet was a defeat at the
In the next issue of this little pamph
let, which we hope to see in print in
April next, we will have a complete
On the occasion of his recent visit
to the chapter, Ted Mercer, the well-
our alumni.
ber in the continued hope of establish
ing more intimate acquaintance with
one "O" was eligible when the first
practice was called, but a fast team
has been developed nevertheless. To
date we have won five games and lost
three, two of these latter went to our
opponents by a margin of one point
each. With only three more games
to play, our chances for the champion
ship in the Ohio Conference look very
have been particularly weak for the
past few years.
With the change in the athletic man
agement, the student body is very
earnestly awaiting the news of Harry
Vaughn's return as foot-ball coach.
With Vaughn back, the prospect for
1912 is unusually bright. Although
quite a few "O" men will not be back,
the host of good material developed
last fall, with which Vaughn is more
or less acquainted, will furnish an ex
cellent foundation from which to build
a winning team.
Another thing in which all Ohio
State men will be interested is the
ing the interest and acquaintance of
complete it. We can not fail now; we
must not, and we WILL not if you
will subscribe something.
Are you with us? Are you?
Athletic affairs are brightening up
at Ohio State. For the past two or
has there been a failure to appreciate
the value of promoting and encourag
grown up considerable antipathy
among non-fraternity men against
to have an interest in the new house.
to investigate the scholarship standing
of fraternity men has prompted the
introduction of a proposal into the
to contribute something toward build
ing it. We will need $1700 more to
ciations worth to you? Do you want
"The tendency of university trustees
made more progress during the last
few years. For Instance, there has
What are the fraternity asso
three or four years than any other na
tional fraternity. Coming from such a
We want every alumnus
Surely your Fraternity sen
of that organization is against expan
than from any lack of material. Nor
save it.
at present constituted the sentiment
that he believed Phi Gamma Delta had
versity many changes—some of them
radical—have taken place in the last
fail and something from each one will
Ohio State, have been unavailing. As
the next issue. It is no longer the
old, stereotyped book with whose form
you were no doubt familiar while m
school yourself. Under the efficient
direction of Brother Holley it has be
come a publication which more nearly,
and justly, represents our national or
ganization. From cover to cover it is
filled with most interesting reading,
and fairly "breathes" enthusiasm and
In every issue there are articles by
and concerning the brothers of whom
we are righteously proud. Lack of
time and space prevents the enumera
tion of the many good things that we
torum of the chapter publication com
mittee has been due rather to neglect
to Ohio State University and join the
paid $100! We do not ask any such
proportionate sacrifice from the older
men, but this proposition must not
posed of the fifteen oldest chapters of
national fraternities in existence
will probably be passed by the organi
The members of Omicron Deuteron
of national fraternities. Their efforts
to secure membership in the Pan-Hel
lenic Association, which is still com
application of the University for ad
this body our admission was strongly
recommended and at their meeting in
June the matter will be decided.
though if admitted our annual game
with Michigan would necessarily be
dropped, this would be easily offset by
games with the other large western
Ashtabula, O.
Ralph W. Shafor, Hamilton, O.
Frederick Winkler, Orrvilie, O.
C. Ray Arnold, Ilion, N Y
William Havens, Columbus, O.
Paul Ewing, Columbus O
Harry Minister, Columbus', O.
Wesley Myers, Columbus, O
l!o"o^ay, Columbus, O.
Charles Houck, Franklin, O.
Freshmen (Law).
Robert Dunn, Bowling Green,
Green, O.
Pledges in School.
Carl MartiU' Watertown, N Y
w P. Brown,
Smith, Hamilton,
Columbus o'
O '
tRenneth Fulton, Portland,'ind.
universities who are in the Confer
vresment Pan-Hellenic
Frank A. Ray, Omicron Deuteron,
Professor of Mine Engineering.
Edward Orton, Jr., Omicron Deu
teron, Head of Department of Cer
amics and Dean of College of Engi
Charles S. Prosser, Chi, Professor of
George B. Kaufman, Omicron Deu-
eron. Head of Pharmacy Department.
Judge Samuel Black, Theta Deu
teron, and William B. Cockley, Omi
cron Deuteron, Instructors in Law
When the reports of the final ex
amination, at the close of the first
semester, were sent in, it was found
WarsitTpIot-Ba^ll T^am, sSf^nd
&'enr°of «cS
^Albright-Mandolin Club, Eta Kappa
Shafor—Foot-Ball Souart
Ball, Track.
^ffuad.Class Base-
^lass Base-
Brown-Manager Freshman Basket•Affiliated.
t Sophomore.
Ball Team, Editorial Staff of the "Sun
Ray Brock, Dayton, O., Lambda
agreement that at a date ten years
hence, no matter where he might be,
furnished and we all are mighty proud
finest looking buildings on our cam
ruary 1 was employed by the Consoli
dation Coal Co. at Fairmont, W. Va., in
the capacity of division engineer of
mines, is now in charge of the mining
interests of the T. & O. C. R. R., with
he would come back to the Chapter
House and participate in a grand re
union. "Here's hoping that at that
The new Library Building is near-
time nobody will have to walk back."
headquarters at Columbus.
We at last have a steward and a
house-manager who are really "on the
job." Brother Schieber, the steward,
Harold Bell, Mt. Vemon, O., Lambda
Kenneth Cooper, Martins Perry, O.,
Rho Deuteron.
William Davis, Greenfield, O., Theta
E. A. Harrington, Bowling Green,
O., Rho Deuteron.
Robert Prye, Millersburg, O., Sigma.
Charles Nicely, Watsontown, Pa.,
received his training in his father's
grocery store at bucyrus. Brother
Arnold, house-manager, is a born jackof-all-trades, from plumbing to paint
Edward W. Mix, Ohio State, '88, was
drowned while crossing the English
channel to Prance, Sunday night, No
vember 12th. Prom contents of let
His brother-in-
law, Henry R. French, of Lynn, Mass.,
is disposed to believe that Mix's death
Our social "doings" thus far this
year have been confined to small in
formal dances and an occasional din
is the result of foul play. Brother
Mix was a balloonist of international
ner party at the Chapter House. The
he made many bitter enemies.
annual formal party will not be given
this year, on account of the time, en
ergy and money which have to be
gaven to our new house. After get
ting in our new home we will be able
to entertain excluivsely and at small
expense in it.
We regret to announce that Brother
Charles J. Bartels left school at Christ
mas time. He has accepted a position
in the Engineering Department of the
Pulaski Iron Co. at Eckman, W. Va.
Brother Carl Congdon has returned
to school after an absence of about
During this time
repute. Through his many victories
Rev. R. H. Cunningham (Alpha '66),
one of the oldest members in our fra
ternity, died at his home, 1462 Worthington Street, Columbus, Saturday
evening, December 2d. He had been
ill of heart disease for a long time.
Although his death was a distinct
shock to his family and friends, it was
not unexpected.
In 1868, Rev. Cunningham was mar
ried to Miss Virginia Toy, of Pitts
burgh. Of this union, three sons, Ed
ward W., John P., managing editor
Ohio Farmer, of Cleveland, Omicron
Deuteron,'97, and Robert H., Jr., sales
man for the Ingersoll-Rand Co., Omi
cron Deuteron, '05, were born. These
and their mother survive.
has been employed in the laboratories
of an iron mining company in north
ern Minnesota.
Brother Ralph Abbott was with us
for a short time at the first of the
school year. During his stay he as
sisted very ably in rushing.
There has been an epidemic of sick
ness during he past few weeks. Broth
ers Schieber and Winkler had mumps.
Brother Ewing had a severe attack of
la grippe, Brother Sedgwick had a se
vere swelling in the glands in the
Brother Ewing is our representative
in the Freshman Pan-Hellenic Council.
Our meetings are held on Saturday
nights at 8 o'clock. There are usually
a few of our younger alumni with us
at these times. We would be glad if
more of you would drop in occasion
ally. It would surely help us and you
would perhaps enjoy getting back with
the "boys" again.
Last year a Reunion Club was or-
ganizeo here in the house. It consists
of the men who were in the chapter at
that time. Each man signed an
ing completion.
During the past year our University
has lost two of her most efficient and
well-known professors. Last summer
"Dad" Thomas, who for a long time
was head of the Physics Department,
died of Bright's disease.
It will be one of the
It is constructed of white sand
It is situated south of Uni
versity Hall and faces east.
Shortly after the close of the foot
ball season, the annual Pan-Hellenic
smoker was held in the Ohio Union,
or Students' Building. Judge Dillon,
of the Law School, was toastm aster.
There were some mighty fine talks by
Vaughn, football coach, "Billy" Page,
of the Law School, and others of the
faculty and alumni.
ters left by him on board the packet, it
is thought that he jumped overboard
and drowned himself.
of it.
Bro. Leo Gleichauf, '13, is studying
medicine at Chicago University.
Bro. Orlando Miller, '07, is with the
P. L. Packard Co., architects, Colum
bus, O.
Bro. Carl Baldwin, '07, is with the
Dominion Land Co. of Columbus, O.
Bro. Howard P. Bell, '09, was mar
ried to Miss Nell Thompson, of Co
lumbus, O.
Earl S. McAllister, '02, and Miss
Anna Shannon, of Columbus, O., were
married November 9, 1911. They have
returned from a tour to Washington
and New York, and are at 196 Miller
Warren D. Rounsavell, '08, and Miss
Elizabeth Bell Chamberlain, of Co
lumbus, O., were married on December
6, 1911, at Puyallup, Wash. They are
at home at 1419 West Seventh avenue,
Spokane, Wash.
Bro. E. S. Norton, '96, has accepted
a postion as electrical engineer with
the Knox Furnace and Welding Co.,
at Niles, O.
Bro. Lawrence Douglas, '10, is with
the R. G. Dunn Co. at Columbus, O.
Bro. A. L. Scheber, 11, has accepted
a position with the Westinghouse
Electric and Manufacturing Co. of
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Bro. Howard Connable, '11, is trav
eling for the Rat Biscuit Co. of Spring
In the early part of last fall, N. W.
Lord, better known as "Nat," head of
the Department of Metallurgy and
Mineralogy, died at his home in Co
field, O.
Bro. Howard Upson, '11, is located
in Brooklyn, N. Y.
lumbus. He died as the result of a
sunstroke received while working on
his farm near Columbus. He was be
in New Jersey.
loved by all who ever had the pleas
ure of knowing him, and his deah was
a calamity to our school and to the
mining profession.
The student building was completed
during the past summer and it cer
tainly fills a long-felt want among the
students here. It contains an excel
lent restaurant, bowling alleys, bar
ber shop, pool and billiard room, read
ing rooms and other attractions too
numerous to mention. It is perfectly
Bro. Steinbarger, '10, is an engineer
Bro. Will, '10, is with the Niagara
Palls Power Co.
Bro. Talmage, '10, is traveling for
Hydraulic Press Manufacturing
Co. of Mt. Gilead, O.
Bro. Douglas was best man at Bro.
Rainey's wedding, and Bros. Sedgwick
and Schieber were ushers.
Charles L. Loos, Jr., who has been
purchasing agent for the Detroit Ship
Building Co. has recently been ap
pointed purchasing agent for the Uni
versity of Michigan.
Edwin S. Bonnet, '09, who until Feb
Prank H. Bonnet, '09, is still in the
employ of the Buckeye Steel Castings
Co. at Columbus.
No. 1,
H. A. MacAllister, '09, is still teach
ing metallurgy and assaying at the
University of North Dakota.
Fred Eckley is employed by the
Bell Telephone Co. headquarters at
Toledo, O.
Charles H. Lake is principal of the
High School at Hamilton, O.
H. S. Smith (Doc) is reported to be
holding down an important position at
Portland, Ore.
Lloyd B. Rainey, '10, "Pat," dropped
in on us last week on his way to To
ronto, O., where he is in charge of a
plant for the American Tile Co.
William Bancroft, "Buzz," is in the
employ of the M. C. Lilley Co. at Co
lumbus, O.
George H. Cooley is now superin
tendent of construction
for the Ni
agara Palls Power Co.
•- V-
'i 1
P. J. Waddell, '79, one of our oldest
alumni, visited us early in the fall. He
is district manager for the Keystone
National Powder Co. of Emporium, Pa.
His headquarters are at Huntington,
W. Va. He told us many interesting
things about the early days of our
Brother Houck's parents took din
ner with us some time in December.
They reside in Franklin, O.
Pledge-Brother Pulton's mother took
dinner with us on last Thursday. We
don't know what sort of an impres
sion the brothers made, but anyhow
Pulton still wears the little star.
Brother Talmage was with us for a
few days last week.
Quite a number of the Wesleyan and
Dennison brothers have dropped in on
us in the past month or two. We are
always mighty glad to see them.
Brother Baldwin, our section chief,
who resides in Columbus, is a frequent
^ ft, •»
practicing medicine in Paris, Prance,
stopped in to see us while visiting his
1 H a
parents in Columbus last fall.
Bother Fred Eckley is a frequent
visitor here.
Brother Karl Overholt, Ex-Lay
Ajrchon, attended one of our meetings
last fall.
We are very fortunate in having a
large number of young alumni who re
side in Columbus. They are frequent
visitors at the Chapter House.
§"1 -2
visitor to the house.
Brother Shirley Wing, who is now
S ^
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February 1912 newsletter of the Omicron Deuteron chapter at Ohio State University. The newsletter is two pages in length.