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1909 February Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
February 1909 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Lambda Nu
University of Nebraska
1909 February Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
Pig Dinner March 13
Don't Forget March 13
"Fritz" Albertson, of K. U., is in business
the art of taxidermy, rejoices in the acquisition
of a finely mounted specimen of the "Hoo-hoo
Bird," a very scarce species, which according
with his father in Kansas City, Mo.
"Win" Kimball, secretary of the University
Conservatory of Music, has been ill tor the past few
him is a tasty and suitable decoration for"fratern^^
and other club houses."
The engagement of CHyde Bullock to Miss
Nellie Bridge of Norfolk, Nebr., has been recently
announced. Miss Bridge is a member of Delta
Emory D. Stanley, '04, and Miss Eva Cooper
were married during the holidays at the home of
Miss Cooper at Humboldt. Miss Cooper is a member
of Pi Beta Phi sorority. A number of the brothers
took advantage of the Christmas recess to attend
We have a new acquisition, a bull dog. Scrappy
Dan by name, who is the gift of Martin Shalknberger ("Shelley"). The dog certainly lives
up to his name and has kept the Freshmen bu^y
restraining his belligerent impulses. So far none
of the dogs he has attacked have been valuable
and we are still free from damage suits.
the ceremony.
John Simms
Raymond L. Hill, '07; died of small pox Febru
ary the third, 1909, at Huachinango, Mexico
where he was engaged in engineering work.
"Hugg.s" Husb
"Pope" Bocken
"Ras" Racely
"Boar" Blish
"Pard" Walcott
"Jake" Pence has left school to take charge
of his father's hardware store at Madison, Nebr
Rowland P. Thomas, 1912, is a candidate for
President of the Freshman class for the second
Harry Ewing has left school to accept a position
"J. B." Johnson
"Dave" Summer
"Bruce" Proupy
"Professor" Johnson
"Brainless" Brain
"Hash" D.avenport
"Dick" Paddock
"Jim" Thom-as
"Tubby" Coulter "Tommy" Thomas
"Van" Van Dusen "Cad" Stanley
"Hairy" Cheek
"Percy" Perry
"Pink" Holmes
"Runt" Wilson
"Little Van" Van Dusen
as solicitor for the Missouri Pacific Railway Co
We have added a new name to our list of pledcpB
Lloyd Burdic of Herman, Nebr.
Bro. Crosby, Yale '04, visited at the Chapter
house for a few days recently on his way to W
Bros. Cheek and Henry visited the Chapter at
Lambda Nu will hold its Pig Dinner Saturday
evening, March the thirteenth, at the Lincoln
Hotel. This promises to be a great affair, as the
committee has already begun its search tor M
Minnesota during the examination interim. Th
porker of sufficient size and tenderness to servt^
report a royal entertainment.
tained afterwards with a select song program '
as the piece de resistance. He will be acconjpanied
by suitable trimmings and a royal time is assured.
Begin at once to make your arrangements to
attend. If you can come, Oliver M. Walcott
eluding "Baby Doll" and the Majestic hits.
care Phi Gamma Delta House, not later than
The active Chapter took lunch Sunday evenins
January 17, with the Kappas whom we enter
"Tubby"Coulter,1911,eandidate for Preside
of the Sophomore class, in his quest of votes and
his attempt to win over the good will of the"barbs "
has a pleasant look continually upon his ordinari'l
severe face, and a kind word for everybody
John Brain, 1911, Freshman Law, specialist o
■ Fiji
.4.* 'il
March 6.
The Annual Party will be held April 30, at the
Lincoln Hotel Annex. The Banquet will take
place the following night.
} -^'3'T' '■ '<
I .
■ ,• ' ,!•
orinthology and special patron and propagator o"
Remember the Pig Dinner^
P. S. Don't Forget the Pig Dinner"
pig Dinner, March 13
/ kI
\r\nPig Dinner—March 13
Lambda Nu Pig Dinner
To accomplish all these results, however, it will
be necessary that everyone interested in the
Chapter shall do his utmost to promote this good
The Cornhusker Fiji
Vol. 1,
Lincoln, Neb., February 1909.
Published from time to time by the Lambc^Jh
Chapter of the Phi Gamma Delta.
Harry G. Huse, '10
Richard B. Paddock, '12,
Ralph W. Sant
No. 1.
This is Lambda Nu's first attempt at a Chapter
paper and we crave a consideration of this fact
before judgment is passed upon it. We hope there
will be succeeding numbers. We would be very
glad to hear from all the alumni and to receive
items of interest from them for our next edition.
We will gladly send the address of any alumnus
Ralph Wood
Lloyd Buhdic
The house has just undergone a number of
decided improvements. A set of new curtains has
been hung throughout the downstairs, several new
pieces of furniture have been bought and new
carpet has been laid in the halls to deaden the noise
of the footsteps of late-returning brothers, so that
sleep and study may go on undisturbed. The
kitchen has received a number of labor-saving
devices and we arc now in all round shape to do
some real "living."
upon request.
"Ike" Cra.mer is in Mandalay, India.
"iL\o" McWilliams is working in Boulder,
John Burkbtt is cashier of a bank at Bridge
port, Nebr.
Charley I.eplbr is in the real estate business
in South Omaha.
Chas. Sunderlin is inspector of public land
frauds at Seattle.
Roy B. Adams, otherwise known as "Doc", is
practicing here in Lincoln.
"Tate" Matters, alias "Matty", is entered
Lambda Nu experienced a very successful
rushing season this year. We came back with
sixteen active men, ten of whom lived in the house.
The rushing of new men was prohibited by the
Inter-Fraternity Council until October 16, when we
devoted ourselves to the task with great vigor
after having picked our men in the enforced interim.
There followed six weeks of smokers, dinners,
rushing parties, and similar stunts terminating in a
grand finale by a party given at Walsh Hall,
November 20, the night before Pledging Day.
Following the party, we had a rather informal feed
Several years ago the Graduates of our Chapter
Val Kendall is with the Kawneer Mfg. Co. of
Niles, Michigan.
Chas. and Ed. Ad.ams are the proprietors of a
organized a building company for the purpose of
buying a lot and building a frat house. Consider
able stock sold at the organization of the
company and a part of the money was paid in and
hotel in Seattle.
has been invested in interest bearing securities.
engineer of South Omaha.
For several years the house proposition has not
been pushed actively.
The Graduate Chapter of Lincoln has again
started the movement by writing letters to the
Alumni and requesting each of them to make
inspire our would-be pledges with a little of tho
contributions which will bo credited to their stock
account, one share of stock to be issued for each
SIO paid.
enthusiasm that we had ourselves for Phi Gai^H
Delta. The next day at high noon the ban^K>'
and each one has expressed a desire that the move
at the house, where we made merry and strove to
as a Freshman Law at Harvard.
The Alumni have responded very generously
officially raised and we proceeded to put stars on
ment may be successful and has pledged as much
eight men, all good fellows. Besides these there
further support as his circumstances will permit.
Jay Lepler is holding down the position of city
Sam Buck is a reporter on the Seattle Star,
Seattle, Wash.
"•Fritz" Thoxlvs has a position with the
Nebraska Stone Co. of Omaha.
"Bob" Decou is with the Woodruff-Collins
Printing Co. of this city.
"Russ" Burket was recently married to a
Miss Able of Springfield, 111.
'Bill" F.imilton has a position with the
Nebraska Paper and Bag Co. of this city.
'Bud" Lott is working for the Omaha and
Council Bluffs Railway Co. of Omaha.
Len" Kurtz is general manager of the Lincoln
The local Chapter, seeing the generous replies
made by the Alumni, have agreed to pay S25 per
Telephone Co. of this city.
now eligible. Initiation was held December 10,
month out of the treasury toward the building
when the eight men were received into the mysteries
fund and seventeen of the active members have
Co. of Chicago.
of Phi Gamma Delta.
agreed to take stock.
were two men whom we were unable to pledge on
account of the rule on delinquency, but who are
List of Initiates
John B. Brain
IT. Cadet Stanley
Harrison W. Davenport Dana B. Van Dush''
Richard B. Paddock
Rowland P. Thomas
William H. Cheek
Seaele F. Holmes
Remember the Pig Dinner.
Since the Alumni and active Chapter are taking
such an interest in the proposition wo may well
expect something tangible in the form of the
purchase of a lot or a completed house by the time
school begins in the fall.
Don't Forget the Pig Dinner
Harry Quigley is working for the A. C. McGlurg
Fred Saunders is with the Bankers Life
Insurance Co. of this city.
Earle K. Wiltse, alias "Tough", is cashier of
the M'innehago State Bank, Winnebago, Nebr.
J-\C'K WuiTEPORD is Connected with the en
gineering department of the Lincoln Telephone Co.
Remember March 13
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February 1909 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is six pages in length.