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1909 October Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
October 1909 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. The newsletter is ten pages in length.
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University of Alabama
1909 October Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
Published Semi-occasionally by Theta Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta.
able to make a fine showing this
year and the fruit of their lahoi",
united with ours, will be reported
and William Webb Crawford of Bir
mingham. They are loyal Fiji's and
true to the purple.
No. 1
Oct. 1909
Frei> R. Maxwell
John M. Bradley
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
John F. Land
Business Manager
Ed Wadsworth
E—E. C. Brantly, '10.
T—J. E. Brantly, *11.
Eg—F. R. Maxwell, Jr., *11.
G—Milo S. Long, '10.
'I—Charles W. Moffett, Law '10.
A third year for the Theta Fiji
begins with this issue. We have had
two years in which to test it and we
think that it has past its experi
mental stage and has now become
an established feature for Theta
With so many of the old board
away, the new board will have its
hands full trying to keep up the high
standard already set, but they will
endeavor to keep the alumni posted
as to "what's doing" at old Alabama
in a fraternal way.
With such a host of loyal alumni,
it is only with this sheet that we
have a way to communicate with all
and we trust that it will reach every
one and meet with their approval.
Moreover, we would like to throw
open these columns to our alumni
We have succeeded in procuring
for our Chapter rooms, the OliverVerner Hall. As is known to nearly
all, this is the spacious dance hall
that was so popular for the precommencement dances last year.
This hall is especially adapted for
fraternity uses, consisting of a large
dance hall, and three adjoining
The first of these rooms is
used as a library or living room and
is fixed up in cozy style. Numerous
pennants and pictures adorn the
walls, while the sofas and couches,
lost in pillows, the piano, the book
case, tables, and art square, all com
bine to make the room very attrac
tive. In the event of a dance, this
is used as the ladies dressing room.
The next is used for divers purposes,
serving as a writing room, commit
tee-room, or gentlemen's dressing
room. The third is the room of mys
tery where none but Fijis are allow
ed to enter and where our meetings
are conducted.
Tliere was a young lad named Roger,
A mysterious and wise old Codger,
Who left this college.
Without our knowledge.
Indeed he's a very good dodger.
"Rat" Bradley returned from Bir
mingham minus his pin. I wonder
how he lost (?) it.
not yet materialized.
the feature of the evening. Many
times the girls were caught stealing
ter. His address is Kent HaU, New
admiring (?) glances at him, and as
"Lawyer" Hearui is an expert
Ask Ned how long it takes to build
launch trip to Lock 14 to see Bro.
Cross. While there a dispute arose
as to which was the taller John or
"Swester" finds it quite a pleasant
occupation as there are a number of
yoimg ladies in the class and you
ply next time.
stantial. The fun lasted imtil a late
hour and all expressed themselves
as eager for dance No. 2, which we
Voice Culture—Professor "Caruso"
Swmdle will soon he prepared to
give instructions on singing from his
know Frank's failing. He even con
fesses that he has already fallen a
victim to the charms of one of them.
We miss Grove very much this year.
Jim B. Abbott,'09, who has been
down at Lock 3 on the Tombigbee
is now located at Holt, Ala., and is
engaged in construction work. He
will resume his course at the Uni
versity shortly.
"Doc" Pippen '12, has a responsi
encyclopedia on Voice Cul
ble position in Chattanooga, Tenn.
His address is 837 E. 8th St. We
Lost, Strayed or Stolen—One 20
wish you well "Doc."
T. B. Daves, '10, came up from
Clem, and upon measuring them,
they were found to be the same
height—6 ft. 5 3-4 in.—so neither
can look down upon the other.
year old boy. Answers to the name
Mobile and rendered valuable as
of Roger or "Bat." Last seen at
sistance in rushing.
Most enjoyable was the one given
by the "Theta Fijis" on October 1st
in their cozy hall. This was the
Physics Lab. No other clue. Ap
Among the alumni that dropped
pearance, medium height, blond,
c.urly hair, very bright. A suitable
in for opening were the following:
Neilson, Ben DuBose,Clement Wood,
Frank Grove, Reg. Barnes and Al
ston Maxwell. We were glad to
see every one of them.
In conclusion we wish to thank
It is with great pleasure that we
introduce to the fraternity our new
first of a series of informal dances
every one that has helped us during
this rushing season. We are de
pendent upon our alumni for assist
ance in reporting prospective mem
members who were initiated into
to be given by them, and others will
ball professionals for my art gallery.
the mysteries of Phi Gamma Delta
near the middle of September. They
are Molette Ulmer Hearin,of Mobile,
John Miller Bradley of Birmingham,
follow from time to time throughout
the year.
The grand march was gracefully
led by Bro. Williams and Miss- Cole-
Lost—"I've Lost My Little Brown
With their aid we have been
F. L. Grove,'09, is now engaged in
requested to dance together but de
reward will be given for any infor
mation concerning his whereabouts.
Wanted—Pictures of famous base
Haven, Conn.
envy. Bros. Cross and O'Rear were
Ned Brantly, John Bradley, Roger
Williams and Fred Maxwell took a
ever we are glad to send such a good
representative to Nu Deuteron Chap
teaching in the Gadsden High School.
hope to have in the near future.
a canoe.
was with much regret that we gave
up Clement for he was such a
for the boys, they were green with
Punch was served throughout the
evening, and, during one of the in
termissions, something more sub
guide in the woods, near the river.
Clement R. Wood, '09, is now
studying Junior Law at Yale. It
staimch and enthusiastic Fiji. How
I love, I love, I love my H
but Oh! you J
at intervals by the Tuskaloosa boys,
alumni, visiting and town girls, Bir
mingham boys and the "Rats".
(Lawyer?) Moffet's new two step
and barn dance was unquestionably
clined, promising, however, to com
this year as our Chapter house has
as a means for them to reach all
were called out and were followed
I wonder why Fred is so interest
ed in "Miss Agnes Scott."
We think that we are indeed for
tunate in being so pleasantly located
man. Many unique and intricate
figures were introduced. The "Fijis"
Clem Cross, Bryce Jones, Sam
"Thoisday" O'Rear.
Bear."—Jack Land.
Wanted—A Chapter House.
One of the events of the rushing
season was the informal affair given
by the Fijis at the home of Fred
Maxwell, at which several "rats"
were present. Refreshments, cigars,
music and stunts by the Freshmen
filled out the evening.
V/e are ably represented on the
Glee Club this year by Bros. Land,
Swindle and Bradley. They are a
trio of "stars."
at the University and has been ac
cused of studying.
Robert Hemphill has a responsi
ble position in the Frisco office in
Birmingham. We miss Bob and
hope to have him with us after
One of the most delightful events
of the vacation was a house party,
given by Ned and Clayton Brantly
our plans and the outlhie for work.
When you receive this, read it, con
Alabama 14; Howard 0.
Alabama 16; Union 0.
Alabama 0; Mississippi 0.
sider it carefully, and then write us
about it. We wish to hear from you
on the subject and know what you
Among those who went to Bir
mingham to see the game were:
"Lawyer" Hearin and Fred Maxwell
who were the guests of "Rat" Brad
ley; "Bat" Williams, "Thoisday"
O'Rear, "Carus" Swindle, "Doc"
Wadsworth, "Rat" Crawford, "Law
yer" Moffet, "Jack" Land.
and F. R. Maxwell were thrown open
for visi'dng Fiji's and "prorpecti' es."
ture of Fiji boys, Georgia peaches,
come to Theta Chapter—We must
Both houses were filled and lively
times were enjoyed at each.
automobiles, moonlight nights and
good times generally,
have a Chapter house. There is no
He fpcnt five thousand dollars.
And got a quarter back."
The homes of Bro, B. T. Collier
"He who Mrs. to take a kiss,
Has Mr, thing he should not Mi s."
The Phi Gam's gave a launch ride
fcr their freshmen to meet the Fiji
girls. Rat Crawford wore pumps to
keep the boat dry. We went to Tide
water v/here lunch was served on
Alabama 3—Clemson 0.
The result of the foot ball game
between Alabama and Clemson, at
Birmingham, on the 16th, goes to
show what kind of team we have
At some period of a man's life
there comes a critical time when he
must choose his course and act ac
cordingly. Now such a crisis has
alternative or imtermediate ground
to stand upon, v/e must go forward
or backward—which step shall we
Brother Alumni, we do not ask
you to give us a house; we only ask
that you cooperate with us in our
ernest effort to obtain one.
We will
do our part faithfully and hope to
receive some encouragement from
the "dam" walls. On the way back
this year. Clemson has a strong
we drifted along for a while, singing
team and the odds were against Ala
bama, but v/hen it came to the test,
Last year we sent out letters, stat
ing to you our proposition and our
plans. Did you receive one? If so,
college songs and giving yells.
The rats furnished the fan for the
we were not found wanting.
Of course such a victory had to be
celebrated so after the game, we had
Milo Long, who has been up the
a snake dance down the Midv/ay."
river on a Government survey ts
Up and down we marched singing
"Glory Glory Alabama," "Hail, Hail,
the gang's all here," and other ap
propriate songs. WJierever Clem-
now back and has re-entered the
"Jack" Land has returned^ fr-K^
New York, and reports the Phi Gam
ma Delta Club House there the
"swellest thing ever." Jack is bacK
son's colors Vv'ere in evidence we sur
rounded them and gave Alabama
did you answer it?
o 2*
And the thing it takes to get it
We could build a dandy Chapter
And furnish it—and we mean to.
If an alumnus should visit the
university now, he would see many
changes and great improvements.
Woods Hall has been remodeled-the number of rooms increased, and
steam heat (?) installed, while the
stucco on. the exterior is quite an
improvement ■ over the old brick
The Engineering building. Comer
Hall, is completed and practically all
the machinery has been installed.
The power plant has been in opera
tion for some time, furnishing the
University with her own lights and
power. The Mining Laboratory,
v;hich is also completed, is being
temporarily operated by the Ten
nessee Company while they are car
coal, llie inechanicjffjla^^ry is
thoroughly equipped anckl^a^ally
all the machines
Oply the exterioiG^
fini4iMf(>bt#'t|liitKoL^'work has been done. Ground was recently broken for
thusiasm by v/riting us what you
think of oiu' plan and perhaps offer
the new Academic buildii^. The
some suggestions.
to be erected on th|
active interest and an energetic part
in getting a Chapter house.
A letter will follow shortly stating
w li
So if every loyal Fiji
Would work with this end m view.
financially at present, you can at
least show your mterest and en
and every one of you to take an
< :?<
Is just a little "dough.
even if you are unable to assist us
We want each
> 33
For Theta wants a Chapter house
As you already know.
rying on extensive tests of Alabama
Now Brothers,
plans callfor a magn^fieait^i^qtuve
occimied by "Person
V/ith such an eq
an able lacuity the
mujfi^^qf H ^r^at ni
think of our methods.
at the home of their aunt, Mrs. S. B.
Byrom in Byromville, Ga. Those
present were Miss Mattie Lewis Dodson of Americus, Ga.; Miss Beulah
Gibson of Macon, Ga.; Miss Odelle
Allison of Bromwood, Ga.; Messrs.
Ned pnd Clayton Brantly and Fred
Maxwell of Tuscaloosa, Ala. A mix
"He sent his son to college,
But, alas alack.
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October 1909 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. The newsletter is ten pages in length.