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1954 November Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
November 1954 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. This newsletter is four pages.
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Chi Iota
University of Illinois
1954 November Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
Published by Chi lota Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
News Series Vol. XX
No. 1
You're Invited For Homecoming November 13
Rushing Brings 76
Top-Notch hAen
If you received a Homecoming
alumni was
if you can't come, we'd like a
word from you!
Excitement of the soon-to-start
modernizing of the chapter house
will spark another great Chi Iota
Homecoming on Saturday, Nov. 13.
Chairman Sam Jenkins '29, pi'om-
there are more Chi Iota alums in
inent Quincy, 111. lawyer, will head
a memorable welcome program in
the state of Illinois than there are
undergraduate members, we depend
a great deal upon you alumni to
cluding the traditional Homecom
ing banquet at the chapter house
recommend candidates to us.
after the game.
Main speaker will be one of Chi
lota's most illustrious brothers, Er
nie Lovejoy '20, Chicago, who was
Through your help (e.g., Phil
Horton gave an able assist to the
program by holding rush parties at
ter to let us know whether or not
you'll be on hand Nov. 13. Even
have pledged sixteen men.
Since successful rushing depends
largely upon the number of con
tacts made and since obviously
have you send it back to the chap
co-operative efforts of Peoria's
John Littler '44, our alumni rush
chairman, and Ken Pawlak '56, the
undergraduate rush chairman, we
home in
To Greet Alumni
again evidenced during Chi lota's
1954 rushing season. Through the
Chapter Waiting
by Jim Kahlert
The importance of close
with the active
Homecoming Speaker
pledge class is composed of men
named an Archon of the national
who are active in church foundation
C. E. (ERNIE) LOVEJOY JR. '20, fraternity at the recent Ekklesia in
and Y. M. C. A. work, not to men
named an Archon of the Frater
tion the standard I-M sports, major
nity at the recent Los Angeles
activities, etc. As Greek letter or
Ekklesia, will be the Homecom
ganizations such as ours are known
ing banquet speaker at Chi lota's
as "social fraternities," we feel
cele'oration on Nov. 13.
that these men will help us place
more emphasis on the fraternal as
pect of "social" and less on the
"Every issue of The Illinois Fiji
"partying" side, which the term
"social" seems to imply in our gen seems to bring news of a new baby
Los Angeles.
This will be a "Jenkins" Home
coming, too, inasmuch as the chair
man's son. Bob, is a member of the
undergraduate chapter and his ne
phew John, from Elmhurst, 111., is
a 1954 pledge.
buffet luncheon will start at
11:30 at the house before the game.
The banquet will begin at 6 p.m.
from the Class of '49," is the com Ken Means '40 will review the im
WALT BAKER, Mattoon, an en ment from Jack L. Pihl '49, 110.9 portant 1954 activities of the Phi
gineering student, is active in Star Jackson, Apt. 9-G, Anderson, Ind., Gamma Delta Association of Illi
Course, which brings celebrities to and adds: "Sorry, I have none to nois, of which he is president, in
campus, and the Ceramics Society. report—in fact, I am still hunting cluding the planning that led to the
DAN BARRY, Quincy, a com- for a wife! The only change in sta changes in the house.
Another high spot at the banquet
mei'cc major, i.s working on the II- tus is a new joli with Thomson and
lini Union Pep Rally Committee McKiiinon, brokerage firm. After will be the presentation of the eight
7 months training here in Ander scholarsliips awarded by the David
and Star Course.
DAN DAMON, Peoria, in elec
son, Ind., I will be assigned to an
trical engineering, is also working other office, possibly in Wisconsin,
with Star Course.
as a
registered representative of
Kinley Educational Foundation.
Tee Watson '50 reports a new ad
FRANK HEDGECOCK, Urbana, the New York Stock Exchange—a dress in Chicago at 2600 Wilson.
has entered the College of L.A.S. fancy name foi' a stock broker. It Tee is with the J. Walter Thompson
Frank expects his numerals from seems to offer a bright future." advertising agency at 410 North
(Continued on page It)
Jack's business address is Box 1057.
Michigan avenue, Chicago.
\r\nPage Two
November, 1954
Chi lof-a's House Remodeling Fund Drive
Solicitation Work Underway Across U. S.
Alumni Association of Chi Iota of
David Kinley Educational Founda
Phi Gamma Delta fraternity for
Now in progress among Chi Io tion. Willard B. (Bill) Curtis '24,
its members and friends of the
living alumni members is a Joliet is chairman of this commit
concerted fund drive with its goal tee.
The Special Gifts Committee, un
that of raising .$100,000 to help fi
James H. Kahlert, Jr.
der the chairmanship of C. E. (Er
Carl W. Ostrand
largement and remodeling describ nie) Lovejoy, Jr. '20, has mailed
Send contributions,
of ed at length in the July issue of copies of the Campaign Brochure
alumni, and changes of address to
the Publication office. Box 713, Sta
tion A, Champaign, 111., Chapter
House: 401 East John street. Cham
paign, llinois.
Fiji Moving Day
New addresses have been report
The Illinois Fiji. The Fund Drive to 150 special prospects being soli
general chairman is Walter C. Leek cited by his committee. Other
l.nvni who have not received a
'34 of Chicago.
should expect to receive a
Georgraphical Solicitors in key
areas all over the U. S. have been copy shortly. We hope you will
sent assignments that involve mak i-ead it carefully and become famil
ing personal calls on Chi Iota alum iar with our problem and what can
ni in their localities in a personal be done to cope with the situation
request for contributions to the —that of giving Chi Iota a chapter
Fund, either through gifts to Phi house that will adequately serve
the fraternity in its present size.
Gamma Delta Association or to the
ed for these alumni since the last
issue of The Illinois Fiji:
Gilbert H. Turner '28 has 207
West 31st street, Kansas City 8,
Mo., as his business address. Tur
ner Industrial Products is the name
Despite the cold weather, love is
still flourishing, for we have had
Frank A. Gougler '47, formerly several pinnings since September.
in the armed forces, is connected Carl Ostrand '57 has given his
with the H. M. Harper company of Black Diamond to Marian Angster
Morton Grove, 111., as a metallurgi of Kappa Kappa Gamma; Ken
of the firm.
cal engineer, and lives at 809 Michi
Pawlak '56 to Joann Kircher from
Berwyn, 111.; Bob Jenkins '56 to
gan avenue in Evanston, 111.
Burleigh A. Randolph '52, for- Nancy Glidden, Alpha Xi Delta;
me)-ly in the armed forces, is a law Don Bowers '57 to Sue Howarth,
student at the University of Wis also a Kappa Kappa Gamma; and
Tom Felke '55 to Mary Hartray of
consin, and lives at 1809 Keyes
Pi Beta Phi.
avenue in Madison.
James D. Lothrop '42 now resides
in Ossining, N. Y., on Tuttle Road.
He is with the architectural firm of
and Will,
White Plains,
N. Y.
Frank W. Hilliard '04 advised us
Fiji's Going Great Guns
En Campus Activities
One way to push the fraternity
name on campus seems to be
through major activities. If this be
true, "Phi Gamma Delta" must be
coming out of everybodys' ears by
Tom Felke '55 has been elected
president of MA-WAN-DA (senior
honorary for outstanding men in
activities) and will be present at
the Senior "100" Banquet (100 top
seniors on campus). Tom Ainsley
'57 is a member of Inter-fraternity
Council and of Student Senate.
Jack Armstrong '57 is Sophomore
Star Course Manager (aha! maybe
Robert E. Garnett '08, 2131 N.
W. 16th street, Oklahoma City, that's how those pledges got in . .).
Okla., sends us this note:
Jeff Austin '55 is also a member of
"The Garnett family, whose at MA-WAN-DA and is famed for his
in July that his new address is 13
York Hills, Brentwood 17, Mo. He tendance at Illinois covers a span reputation as top trampolinist in
is retired.
Alfred W. Barkson '51 of Cleve
land, Ohio, was cited in the Cleve
land Plain Dealer with the follow
ing story:
celebrated the country.
their annual reunion for 1954 with
a South American tour. The mem
Sachem (Junior honorary for acti
bers are Charles H. Garnett, '96, vities) and also shines in gymnas
and wife, and Robert E. Garnett, tics. Dan is one of the two men in
'08, and wife, all of Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, and Elmer L. Garnett,
'04, and wife Lela Barnard, '05, of
Altus, Oklahoma, Percie Garnett
Atkins, '09, of Pratt, Kansas, and
Harriet Garnett Hobble, '11, and
hei- daughter Grace, of El Paso,
the country who can execute a dou
ble-back-flip and has consequently
received much publicity. Ralph Nel
son '57 has been playing regularly,
behind Jan Smid, as left guard for
and the Korean War, also has been
the mini. To Rob Little '57; Father
doing his bit as a blood donor. He
"Chick" XI '16, and binther, Ed, XI
was cited for having given a gal
'50, came the high honor of being
lon to the Red Cross since the Ko Texas.
"They left New Orleans, August elected the undergi-aduate membeirean fighting began. He received a
scroll from this newspaper and the 12 on the SS Del Norte of the Dixie of the University of Illinois Alum
Navigation Company. Their stops ni Association Board of Directors.
cily of Cleveland.
"Alfred W. Barkson, who served
in the army in both World War II
"Employed as an industrial engi
going were St. Thomas, Rio, San
Our thanks to E. T. Colton '17 of
tos, Montevideo and Buenos Aires.
gineering Co., 1088 Ivanhoe Road They returned by plane on the Pan , 317 Baronne street. New Orleans,
neer at the Reliance Electric & En
N. E., Barkson also is working for Am and Braniff lines with stops at ILa., for his News Blank and comhis master's degree at Case Insti Rio, I.ima, Panama and Havana. Iment regarding our chapter house
The trip took 35 days' time."
tute of Technology."
\r\nNovember, 1954
Page Three
Presenting Chi lota's New Pledge Class Members
VW.4*- .V , j h
this fall. Front row, left to right, Dan Damon, Walt Raker, Neil McDonald, Greg Voros, John Jenkins,
George Smith, Ed Nagle. Back Row: Pete Koeppen, Dan Barry, Paul Priebe, Ron Westbrook, Dick Hill, Jim
Solomon, Tom Johnston.
Chi lota Again Fields
Strong l-M Grid Team
Not previously reported in The
Recent Grads Embark
On Military Careers
Illinois Fiji is the passing of two
Chi Iota alumni.
Julian L. Fish '15, formerly with
by Bill leuter
"The Fijis are the team to beat" Otis Elevator company in New
can be heard around the intramural York City, died in March 30, 1954.
We are advised by his wife that
ranks again this year. Phi Gamma
Delta, having lost only two games Stephen Wallace Cook '19 of 825
in six years in I.M. football, is once S. E. Riverside Drive, Evansville,
more undefeated and has won its Ind., died on August 10, 1954. Bro
league championship for the eighth ther Cook was owner of the Peter
consecutive year. Harry Childress, Htadley Brass Foundry in Evans
back after a year at DeKalh, is
leading all passers in the league
and was voted "1.
Hagenaur, Delta Gamma, on
November 6. Also married recent
ly were Gordon "Mort" Leach '54
to Cynthia Young of Aurora on
tober 23, and Harry Burr '54 to
Nelson, of Alpha Omicron Pi,
June 19. Harry was hired by
Chance-Vought aircraft company in
Texas shortly before he left for
Delta duty in the Air P orce.
M. Athlete of piers of the Phi Gamma
wrestling team are working
the Week" for his prowess. Frank
Strachota, also hack again, shares
the passing role with Childress,
giving the Fijis a double threat.
Other members of the "Fighting
Fijis" are Jack Arnold, Paul Bec
nightly and are also counted upon
heavily for valuable points.
Phi Gamma Delta has long been
a strong contender for the intramu
ral crown, and this year may be the
ker, Dick Lacy, Dick Little, Bill one that will bring that four-foot
leuter, Jim Bahcock and Don trophy into the chapter house.
The Fijis gained no points in
swimming or tennis hut are making
up for this deficit with an out
standing volleyball squad. Water
polo, long a sore spot in the Fijis'
quest for the I.M. championship, is
being counted upon heavily this
season to Imng some
points hack to
Recent letters and rumors indi
cate the following: Boh Hayes '54
is in the Navy and was married to
John Thompson '54, ever the stu
Our thanks to Harry H. Boggs dent, is studying economics at the
'02 of (5032 Main street, Kansas Harvard Graduate School of Busi
City 13, Mo., for sending us his ness.
News Blank. Bro. Boggs retired
We would like very much to hear
July 1, 1953, after 39 years as edi more from you men, not to mention
important tor of the American Hereford Jour
"401." The grap-
Gene Wallace '54, also serving
with the Air Force, will return to
the General Electric Company in
Schenectady, N. Y., after his term
is up.
Dick McCarthy '54 is situated
comfortably with General Motors
in Michigan.
a little more news from our alum
ni of previous classes.
\r\nPage Four
Rushing Brings
16 Top-Notch Men
(Continued from Page 1)
November, 1954
Chi lofa Alumni News Notes
Our thanks to John R. Littler '44
who has law offices at 1218 Jeff
Married Anne Goodell during the
war and after the war moved to
erson Bldg., Peoria, 111., for supply Seattle, Wash. Was transferred
DICK HILL, Kankakee, is pledge ing us with addresses of two of our back to New York about a year and
social chairman and a student in "lost" alumni listed in the last Il a half ago, and now live at the
linois Fiji. They are William F. above address with our two boys,
the College of Commerce.
JOHN JENKINS, Elmhurst, an Schefelbein, 8 Sherman Terrace, Bradley and Todd."
Parker is with The Borden com
other commerce student, was elect Madison, Wise., and Robert E.
ed University Freshmen Council al Lowry '44 of 2214 Catherwood, In pany, chemical Division, 350 Madi
son avenue. New York 17, N.Y., as
ternate. (Nephew of Sam Jenkins, dianapolis. Ind.
purchasing agent.
XI '29, and cousin of Bob Jenkins,
the cross-country team.
XI '56).
News from Charles F. Edwards
TOM JOHNSTON, Shelbyville, '30: "On July 15 was appointed Su
We expect that the 1954 Home
an L.A.S. student, is also partici perintendent of Agencies of the coming at Chi Iota will be some
pating in Star Course (we must North Pacific division of New York thing out of this world, now that
run the darn thing), Illini Union Life Insurance company. Have been we know that Charles R. Clubber)
Pep Rally Committee and Junior the manager of the Seattle branch Gibbs '43 has announced his inten
Men's Glee Club.
for the past nine years. My home tion of being on hand, for as he
PETE KOEPPEN, Park Ridge, will remain in Seattle, although I says:
"I expect to arrive about Thurs
plans on a law career. Pete has will spend the next 4 months in
New York city. I am taking Tom, day the 11th in order to select the
our 16 year old, and Miss Nell, the softest cot in the south dorm (PresNEIL McDonald, Arthur splits 10 year old, and my wife. The by side, pledge!). Let me tell you,
his time between the University Queen, to the Big City with me. it will be the biggest reunion A. D.
Second Regimental Band and the Charles, the, is a Marine and since Dave Kinley played left half,
is at the present time with the 3rd when Clubber returns to celebrate
College of Engineering.
Division in Japan."
his 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th. If
ED NAGEL, Elmhurst, has made
The Edwards home is at 6318 old age has craped up on you, stand
commerce his field of endeavor. Ed Hampton Road in Seattle, and
clear: There'll be moonshine on
plays alongside of Neil in the Sec Chuck has his office at 619 Secur
John Street from Wright to Rod
ond Regimental Band. (Brother, ities Bldg., Seattle 1.
been elected to the office of Stu
dent Senator.
Don, XI '55)
JOHN PETTIT, Marietta, Ohio,
Another Fiji alumnus we've
in the College of L.A.S., devotes all able to take off our "lost" list
of his spare time to the Theater the last issue of The Fiji is
Guild, University Choir, Illini Un G. Fox '98, residing at 808
ion Barbershoppers and the Ora
torio Society. (Son of John Pettit,
Wittenberg '29)
PAUL PRIEBE, Ft. Worth, Tex
as, is taking up aeronautical engi
neering and is interested in Y. M.
C. A. work. (Brother, Brad Priebe,
Missouri '56, and Uncle, Ray Fish
er, XI '30)
GEORGE SMITH, Peoria, is
"We just finished the biggest and
been best Ekklesia ever (sounds like it
since was in Dallas), and wbat a sham
Fred bles we made of the Ambassador.
For Even the junkman refused it. Chi
ward .street, LaJolla, Calif. A clew lotans attending were Jim Beam,
to his whereabouts was sent to us
Gordy Benson, Gordon Bryon, A1
by Robert B. Otis '08, of 930 Alba Dc Varennes, Chuck Eastman, Er
Drive, Orlando, Fla.
nie Lovejoy, Dan McCaskill (a
brain surgeon with 6 kids—scrab
ble anyone?). Stew Marquis, John
Here's the good word from Har
ry E. Jacoby '39, 5009 Woodland in ny Martin, B. I. Norton, Frank
Western Springs, 111.:
Oakes, Gil Roberts, Ralph Seely,
"Ralph Stoetzel and I (along Durl Winterroth, Stew Zuck, and
with our respective wives) made a old Club. Real cool affair except foi'
trip out to Cedar Falls, Iowa, for tbe temperature. You would have
Council. a week end visit ( weak-end) been proud of Ernie as a banquet
George is studying to become an with Don Titus and family. Don is speaker, talking Fiji and Rose Bowl
doing well for himself and will no at the same time. Whadda Guy!!
doubt want to underwrite quite a
"It was great to visit on my trip
JIM SOLOMON, Peoria, is the
bit of the chapter bouse remodeling last April with Jones, Nickell, Hale,
chapter's sole agriculture student
costs. There are 11 kids between us Graven (via AT&T), Fletemeyer,
this year. Jim works with the Uni
so you can see that things have de
versity Y.M.C.A., Junior Men's Glee veloped."
Club, and is a member of the
Fi'eshmen Council.
GREG VOROS, Peoria, is anoth
er engineering student and is shoot
Horning, Fred & Bob Vance, Lun-
dahl and Thomas. Their rates are
no higbei' than the Hilton (even
Parkei' Block Smith '3.3, (i Green with
Jones on the payroll), and
Lane, Norwalk, Conn: "I note that most of them are now listed by
I am listed as 'lost, strayed or sto
ing for his freshman numerals on len' in the July Illinois Fiji. I must
Duncan Hines."
admit that I have strayed and been
the golf team.
Chalmers Marquis '49 reporting:
RON WESTBROOK, Peoria, you lax in keeping the chapter advised
"Had a baby boy named Bruce on
Peoria Alumni must have really
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November 1954 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. This newsletter is four pages.