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1955 December Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
December 1955 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. This newsletter is six pages.
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Chi Iota
University of Illinois
1955 December Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
Published by Chi lota Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
News Series Vol. XXI
No. 2
Homecoming—1955 A Great Day For Fijis
Re-Dedicafion of '401'
Highlight of Celebration
By Field Beam
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 28 and
29—shines in the glorious history
of Chi Iota as perhaps no other
single occasion since the founding
of the chapter.
The events were closely alike.
Each marked the start of a new era
for Chi Iota. This year it was the
formal re-dedication of the chapter
house with its spacious additions,
up-to-date equipment and bright
new furnishings.
It was
usually warm "welcome home" for
PRINCIPALS AT THE RE-DEDICATION CEREiMONV Saturday alumni and their friends drawn in
morning, Oct. 29, in the chapter house, from left; Bill Hingham '56, large numbers to see the fruits of
chapter president; Rev. Ralph Dunlop '.19, Evanston, chaplain of North theii- efforst to insure Chi lota's
western University; Ralph Cake, Portland, Ore., national president of continuing leadership. Here was a
Phi Gamma Delta; William J. Carmichael '12, Evanston, president of modernization
the Phi Gamma Delta Assn. of Illinois; Corliss .Anderson '26, Harrington, smoothly and needfully brought to
master of ceremonies; Henning Larsen, provost of the University and a remarkable climax. Chi Iota was
formerly of Iowa chapter of Phi Gamma Delta; Mrs. Janet Kinley
Howell, New York City, Illinois alumna and daughter of the late Uni
versity president and founder of Chi Iota, David Kinley; C. E. (Ernie)
Lovejoy Jr, '20, Chicago, senior councilor (national) of Phi Gamma
Delta; and Corliss Anderson Jr, '56, Homecoming chairman.
in fact a shining panorama by
which her sons could quickly gauge
how well they had come through
for her—and just at the right time.
It was a gay and happy time;
and there were plenty of serious
moments that tugged at stout Fiji
There've Been Some Changes f^ade Af '401'
Chapter men I'ose to the occasion
with a frantic week of houseclean-
by Tom Johnston
luxurious carpeting make the house ing and decorating that not only
Chi Iota certainly can't trace its so quiet for studying. The new put 401 East John in good order
(Co}itiiiHcd (III jxifjc d)
(Coiiiiiiiiccl nil page 2)
illustrious past to sujierior physical
But there've
changes made. No longer are we
faced with an overcrowded, deca
brick front has l)een I'eplaced witli
seven beautiful lullars and a mas
sive colonial doorway.
The inside is great too. Our 24
pledges are thankful for tiu' buzzer
system that's just l)een installed.
No longer does the pledge on phone
duty have to run all over the house.
Greetings From Our Association President
Those of us alumni
hack for
Homecoming and our re-dedication
wi'i e thrilled with and are i)i ()ud of our monumental enlarging and face
lifting job! It's the talk of tlie campus!
We also saw the finest post-wai' chapter Chi Iota has developed!
It all adds u)) to justify our investment in dollars ami faith in the
tuture of the University, the fraternity system in general, and this n of Ihe Christmas Spirit!
Bill Carmichael
\r\nPage Two
Alumni Association of Chi Iota of
Phi Gamma Delta fraternity for
December, 1955
Honiecoming-1955 a Great Day for Chi lota;
Rededication of '401' Celebration Highlight
(Continued front page 1)
the for the Homecomers, but gave the
lads all the jet propulsion they
needed to cop first prize in their
James Solomon
class for originality in Homecom
Tom Johnston
ing finery.
Chi Iota began to fill up with
Send contributions, news of
alumni, and changes of address to visitors Friday night, Oct. 28. At
the Publication office, Box 713, Sta 10 o'clock next morning the direc
tion A, Champaign, 111., Chapter tors of The Phi Gamma Delta As
House: 401 East John street. Cham sociation of Illinois had their usual
Homecoming meeting in the li
paign, llinois.
followed when Brother Carmichael
presented to
the Chapter a por
trait of C. E. (Ernie) Lovejoy
'20, Chicago, which was a com
plete surprise to Ernie and all
the others in the large audience
except for a
handful of Chicago
alumni who had commissioned the
work by the outstanding Chicago
artist, Paul Strayer. The portrait
is beautifully done and is a singu
lar tribute to Brother Lovejoy's
By the time the re-dedication tireless work on the building pro
services began at 11:15, more than gram, together with countless other
contributions he has made to the
The following new addresses for 250 alumni, undergraduates, par
and national organization,
Fijis have been received since the ents and friends had crowded into
of which he is senioi- councilor.
last issue of the ILLINOIS FIJI the game room, sun room and liv
Ernie Deeply Touched
ing room for the impressive rites.
was published:
Brother Lovejoy was deeply
Chalmers Marquis, Jr. '50, 6839 Corliss D. Anderson '26, Barringtouched by this presentation and
ton, was master of ceremonies.
East End Ave., Chicago 49, 111.
Mrs. Janet Kinley Howell, spoke his appreciation. The por
Ensign Charles A. Brown, Jr. '52,
4406 Gladwyn Drive, Bethesda 14, daughter of our late Brother David trait hangs in the chapter library—
Kinley, who long before he became one of the few instances in which
P. Marshall Smith '37, 504 Mc- University president in 1920 had such high expression is made in
Kinley Terrace, Huntington, N. Y. taken the key role in starting Chi the presence of the subject.
To close the ceremony the Rev.
Theodore J. Himes '50, Rt. 2, Iota chapter, came from her New
Box 34, Dundee, 111.
York City home with her husband Ralph G. Dunlop '39, Evanston,
James E. Johnson '49, 314 Euclid, as a guest of honor and was in chaplain of Northwestern Univer
sity, offered a prayer of re-dedica
Geneva, 111.
troduced by Brother Anderson.
George H. Clark '43, 310 Harri
Presents '401' To Chapter
son, West Chicago, 111.
Next William J. Carmichael '42,
Then came luncheon for the en
Donald T. Fullerton '54, 1425 S. Evanston, president of the associa tire entourage, and by the time
Benson Blvd., Freeport, 111.
tion, formally presented the re-ded evei-yone had faced the bleak, driz
Robert M. Vance '41, 3380 Ar- icated house to the chapter on be zly and chilly Blomecoming game
1 yo Chico, Tucson, Ariz.
half of the association. He referred and its equally bleak result (13 to
Harry L. Farrar '11, 2230 Oak- to
Kinley's 0 in favor of Purdue) they wei-e
dale Rd., Hillsborough (Burling- gentle, dignified influence felt ready for the warmth of the house
ame), Calif.
upon this chapter for half a cen again, with refreshments and the
tury" and pointed out the Chi very special music of a barbership
Harvey H. Smith '34, 18 Sunset Iota modernizing is the first major quartet comprised of Don DrumDr., Berkeley 7, Calif, writes, "Life fiaternity building program in 20 mond, John Pettit, Jim Keehner,
and Tom Johnson, and a dixie jazz
here centers around my two fine years at the University.
Brother Carmichael also present combo including Bill leuter, John
boys (4 and 10, both adopted), the
new house we are building (if my ed to the chapter on behalf of the Pettit, Jim Keehner. Tom Bayha,
hack holds out!), my job with the association a large, beautiful vol Tom Snow, Larry Kindle, and Dick
lumber industries ume in purple binding, in which ' Peterson.
Candlelight Banquet
throughout the state—as a tech are listed names of all alumni and j
nologist for the U. S. Forest Ser
At 6 p.m. Satui'day more than
vice with offices at the University liuilding program. As others con 140 alumni and undergraduates
of Califoi'iiia School of Forestry— tribute their names will he added gathered by candlelight in the new
comfortably large dining room for
in the jjermanent I'ecord.
and our activities in the Interna
House Association here
Brother Anderson next introduc
the U. of C. campus.
ed Brothel- Ralph Cake of Portland,
"I'm not keeping up with the Oi-egon, national president of Phi
Seeley's or the Jones'—in fact, I'm Gamma Delta, who came by plane
having a rough time keeping up especially for the memorable Chi
with the Smiths! An earthquake Iota weekend. Brother Henning
shook us up last night, but we like 1 arsen, University provost and
alumnus of the Iowa chapter, ac
Harvey was soi'ry that he wasn't cepted the house on behalf of the
able to have the pleasui'e of join University.
ing with the Betas on Homecoming
Bill Bingham '5(i president of the
foi- the I'e-dedication of the house, chapter, accepted the house on be
liut apiDreciates the invitation none half of the active niendieiship.
the less.
One of the unexpected thrills
the annual Homecoming banquet.
Corliss Anderson, Jr. '56 Homecom
ing chairman, welcomed the thi-ong
and introduced Brothei- Carmichael
as master of ceremonies, who in
tui-n pi-esented honoi-ed guests.
Among these were several who had
come a long way for the big week
end. including Dan McCaskill '43,
Santa Rosa, California; Chris Lar
imer '20, Troy, New York; and Jim
Kelt '42,
Boston- a
(( ontitiui'd 1)11 jjttgc Jf)
\r\nDecember, 1955
Page Three
Gathering 'Round The Board At Homecoming
starting lower left, alumni present include Bob Diel'enthaler "38, Ken Means '40, Ralph Stoetzel '39, Corliss
Anderson '2(5, Milton Haas '26, Corliss Anderson .Ir. '56, Bill Bingham '56, IValter Leek '34, William Carmichael '12, Ralph Cake of Portland, Ore., national president of Phi Gamma Delta, Ernie Lovejoy '20, as
well as members of the chapter. The banquet was the highlight of our great 1955 Homecoming celebration.
that's impossible to outdo. We're Dick McCarthy '49 Seeks
sorry we can't buy you a $165,000
Made at'401'—You Bet! house. What we can give you is
Fortune in Tulsa, Okla.
{Coufi)iiicd fi'oiii page 1)
something quite old, 108 years old.
study rooms are, without a doubt, Its something that will never need
Dick McCarthey '49, 20 E. 26th
changing, and that's the indomin- Place, Tulsa, Okla. has taken the
the best on campus.
Our "Changed" house also offers able Fiji siiirit that instigated the time to say, "Am enclosing a check
many advantages of a much differ new Chi Iota home and will con for the 1955-56 subscription to the
ent nature. It was rumored that in tinue to keep Phi Gamma Delta ILLINOIS FIJI. Certainly do look
previous years many of the gals on tops at Illinois.
forward to each issue for the past
campus were afraid to come in our
years have been spent in isolation
house on weekends because of the NEW CHAPTER ROOM SCENE by thousands of miles from The
ahva.vs present danger that it
401 House.
might cave in. Now the girls ask us
"-4.111 now embarking on a civilian
to take them in. Oh man, it's great.
The first chapter meeting to be career since niy I'elease from the
In fact, at our Christmas Dance held in the new and bigger chapter Navy in September. Am planning
this year, the girls are going to room at '401' was for the initiation to settle here in Tulsa, at least
temporarily, and seek my fortune
.stay all night. The iiarty starts at of nine men.
4:00 l).m. on Decemlier 17 when
The new brothers are Corliss in the woild of American business.
the gals move in oui' rooms. A buf Anderson, Walt Baker, Tom Bayha, At this writing, our family consists
There've Been Changes
fet suppei- follows and then, of Fank Hedgecock, Joe Kuhar, George of 1 and 8/9 children, with the
course, the dance.
Smith, Tom Snow, Ken Sutter, and fraction growing daily.
And then there's the i-est of the Dave Walker.
night and tlie next morning—when
be sleei)ing in the
all Fi.i'®
After a very impressive cere
mony, held on December
gignia Cdii dorm or whei'evei' they one adjoui'iied to the dining room
can. Church dates and Sunday
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December 1955 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. This newsletter is six pages.