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1966 Spring Newsletter Omicron (University of Virginia)
Spring 1966 newsletter for the Omicron chapter at University of Virginia. The newsletter is six pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
University of Virginia
1966 Spring Newsletter Omicron (University of Virginia)
o H t C R.O hi
Fol. III-No. 2
The annual choice of a new group
of leaders to replace the retiring
cabinet has once again been completed,
and six men with new ideas, great
Spring, 1966
University of Virginia
President of his first and third year
class in the Architecture School, and
presently serves as Secretary; was a
dormitory councilor for two years, and
representative. Chairman of Publi
cations, and a member of the Govern
ing Board. He is a member of the
Varsity Swimming Team and has
has served Phi Gam as past Pledge
lettered, is a member of the V-Club
Trainer and Historian.
and Naval R.O.T.C., and has produced
an excellent Rush Booklet for the past
two years.
CUSACK, whose duties will be to
ROBBIE SMITH, entering the po
potential, and the spirit necessary to
guide and lead this fraternity have
stepped into their new positions. The
coordinate all committee heads and to
be in direct contact with the President
in all matters. He will be second in
difficult transition to new personalities
and an entirely different method of
authority in the house, and be able to
fill in for the President, should he not
evploiting the abilities of the brother
be on hand. He is presently a member
of the P.K. Dance Society, Subscrip
tions Manager of the Corks and Curls,
Staff member of the Cavalier Daily,
co-Captain of the cheerleaders, and
enrolled in the Newman Club; he also
hood has been taken on by men who
we know are capable of handling the
job both efficiently and thoroughly.
An old cabinet is always hard to
replace, for the new one must spon
taneously instill authority and gain
TARY, is a second-year man who is
active in Theta Tau Engineering Fra
ternity, the American Society of Civil
Engineers, Naval R.O.T.C., and has
plaved first year Lacrosse.
has been elected to the tradition-
guarding position of HISTORIAN,
Football and was assistant Rush and
was first year I.M. manager, recipient
of the Most Valuable Pledge award,
member of Army R.O.T.C. and past
Social Chairman in his second year.
respect from a brotherhood which is
slow to switch allegiances. The con
stant contrast of policy and personality
Recording Secretary for Phi Gam.
House Improvements
is slowly lessening, and the brother
hood is settling back to another year
of leadership.
Springfield, has been elected to the
most exacting and responsibility de
manding position on the new cabinet,
and as PRESIDENT we are sure he
will do a fine job. He is a Dean's List
student, a member of the Raven So
ciety, has served the IFC as VicePresident and as a member of the
Governing Board, and is currently a
member of the 3-3-3 Committee; was
The financial section of Phi Gam
has been taken over by TONY
During the past two years, a great
BOHANNON, who, as TREASURER, deal of time and money have been
has planned to institute a new system spent to improve and modernize the
of efficiency into the house's book
chapter house. Late last spring, the
keeping by combining the house and room at the south end of the basement
kitchen books. He is a dormitory was paneled and a new ceiling added.
councilor, IFC Chairman of Social During the summer, a new furnace
Services and member of the Housing was installed and the kitchen was
Committee, and is presently a member modernized. More recently, with the
of the Governing Board.
helpful guidance of Mrs. McDiarmid
and Mrs. Dunlap, of Charlottesville,
CORDING SECRETARY, is also the house purchased a rug, three tables,
active in the IFC: he is the house two lamps, and some pictures for the
living room, in addition to an oriental
rug for the entrance room. Tliese
furnishings were purchased with the
contributions of both parents and
alumni. Also, a patio is now being
completed behind the house.
Under the chairmanship of second-
- -Jf
year-man John Moritz, the House Im
provements Committee is now work
ing with the House Corporation on a
long range plan directed at improving
the first floor of the house.
It is
planned that the library at the north
end of the house will be paneled and
a new lower ceiling added. Also, the
floors are to be sanded and refinished,
and the woodwork is to be replaced.
This project will cost approximately
$5,000 and will be completed during
the summer of 1967. A more detailed
procedure of what is planned and its
FIRST ROW: T. Dilley, W. Albertolli, T. Bohannon. SECOND ROW: S.
Standing, R. Cusack, R. Smith.
semester to all alumni.
\r\nCavalier Phi Gam
Nine Fijis Graduate
To Our Past President Social Services
A fraternity improves only so far
The Social Service Committee, led
as its President's term of office is
successful. This fact is surely validated by noticing the improvements
Omicron has seen in the period while
Jim McDiarmid served as President.
by Hener Seaks, will prove to be a
strong contender for the prized Baker
Cup, which is awarded annually to
the chapter which has "excelled in
religious, ethical, and social service
17 ,
u u
r m • /->
Each year
year the
the brothers
brothers of
of Phi
Phi Gam
^ diversified pledge class which
hope will contribute to the house.
importance of this diversity lies
much in the personalities of
During his tenure of office, the activities." The brotherhood has
members of the house, but in the
pitched in wholeheartedly as is exemplian acoustic
acoustic ceiling
ceiling installed.
installed. The
The liv
liv- fied by the invitation of orphans from
the house. The following
ing room
room has
has been
been enhanced
enhanced with
with new
new the Charlottesville Welfare Society to ^^e those brothers, graduating this
basement has been pine panelled and
furnishings, and a brick patio has been
built in the backyard.
the house for a Christmas Party. This
activity was later followed in January
diversity of character and who
orphans at the have contributed in innumerable ways
In addition
addition to
to the
the physical
improve- with dinner for thethey
improvewere enterPhi Gam:
ments, Omicron has seen several ad- tained at the Virginia-Maryland HENRY H
ministrative innovations. Not only has
Basketball game. March again saw
tuted to provide direction to the many
the grounds with 100% participation
d ur"
-j 4. u
4/-> •
tiouse ivianager and Publications
ofr Vice-President
been •instiOmicron as one ofi- the
six■ ,houses on Photographer
Skip is in the A F R .
r, • , •
ni j TV •
c u j 1 j p
house committees,
but also
our Social
m 4?
the Blood
Drive. Scheduled
Service program has been reorganized
j •
u.1 .L-. program and is a member of
Arnold Air Society
early May is an IFC Carnival for
to function more efficiently, with the crippled children in which all fraterni- CHARLES H. DUNLAP HI—Dean's
result that we have a good chance of
Pft^cipate. Hener has planned to
receiving the I.F.C. award for Social dress two pledges in a horse s costume
Service this vear The once dormant ^id have them pull a wagon in which
Alumni Pro^am"
Brogram has been revamped Ibrothers
tk and
T pledges
i'^ 'adressed as clowns
List T.I.L.K.A., Z Society, "13" Society and is Editor of Cor/^s
Charlie has also been Vice-President
^^e College
as Recordine
and has
served the
so that not only are our files up to will roam about the area, and a will attend the London School of
date, but we have also provided Alumni trampoline act is also planned. Tenta- Economics next fall
cocktail parties in the fall and the
tively scheduled for May is another
spring, and send out three newsletters
outing for the orphans, who will have
during the academic year.
e ,house ,has .improved, as
lunch at the house followed by a Vir- T.I.L.K.A.
^ -t.L.K.A. Z Society, Raven Society,
CHARLES K. FOX — Dean's List,
ginia Baseball game.
in all, the dent
and "13"
Stua result brotherhood's
strongAll enthusiasm,
and iswas
of the conscientious effort of one coupled with a good Social Service Manager. He will receive his Naval
brother. From the brothers of Phi program, has produced an excellent Commission upon graduation.
Gam: Thanks, Jim, for a job well
winning combination which will pro-
vide tough competition for the cup
of Raven Society, I.F.C. Scholarship
T> ^
t * _
Committee, and Trident Society, Dick
fv V: ..y*' ■
also received Intermediate Honors in
economics. He plans to attend the
Naval Supply School in Athens,
Georgia, after graduation.
TIMOTHY B. MATZ-a Dean's List
student and member of the varsity
football team, Tim also served as
Treasurer of Omicron. He will marry
in July and attend George Washington
Law School in the fall.
tory Counselor and member of the
lacrosse and rugby teams, he has also
served on the I.F.C. Rush Board and
as Pledge Trainer and President of
Omicron. Jim plans a career in busi
leader, Dorm Counselor, Dean's List,
and member of Student Council, Tony
was also Corresponding Secretary and
Rush Chairman for two years. He
will attend the Naval Supply School
in Athens, Georgia.
1966 I. F. C. Children's Carnival
(Contiyiued on Page 3)
\r\nSection VI Gathers
Members of the Phi Gam chapters
of Section VI gathered together on
Saturday, March 12, for the first Sec
tion Convention in five years. Delegates
from five chapters (Davidson, North
Carolina, Richmond, Washington and
Lee, and Virginia) gathered informally
Friday evening for cocktails and dinner
at Omicron. This afforded an oppor
tunity for the delegates to become
acquainted with each other before the
Convention began formally the follow
ing morning.
The officers of the five chapters,
along with Phil Morrow, Assistant to
the Executive Secretary, began their
discussion at 10:00 A.M. on Saturday.
The morning seminar dealt with both
the problems of financial management
and the various aspects of rush.. At
luncheon, addresses were made by both
Dean Runk, Dean of The University
of Virginia, and Ted Feinour, Presi
dent of the I.F.C. at Virginia. The
lunch, along with each chapter's
problems and solutions for scholarship
and graduate relations. The relaxed
atmosphere and exchange of ideas
between members of widely varying
chapters made the Section Convention
interesting and helpful for all who
attended. Because of its success, it
will be held again early next spring
at Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Pig Dinner: 1966
Tony Muir (past Corresponding Secre
tary ), also graduating brothers, were
recipients of Service Awards.
Late in the afternoon of April 2nd,
parents and alumni gathered together
Second-year man Dave Nardi re
ceived the Outstanding Pledge Award.
The recipient of the Intramural Award,
given to the brother who has con
at the Thomas Jefferson Inn, in Charlottesville, for a cocktail party followed
by dinner, an address by Dr. Raymond
tributed the most to the house as a
C. Bice, Dean of the Psychology De
partment, and the presentation of the
participant in Intramurals, is also a
second-year man. Bill Smith.
annual awards.
The Hildreth
Award, donated in
the honor of William S. Hildreth and
Eugene A. Hildreth for many years
of dedicated service to Omicron, was
this year given to Lewis M. Costello
of Winchester, Virginia, for his advice
and leadership as a member of the
House Corporation.
The ceremonies were followed by
an informal cocktail party at the
house. The relaxed atmosphere, along
M'ith the opportunity for parents to get
acquainted with other parents and
members of the house, and for alumni
to see old friends, made the weekend
enjoyable for both the brothers and
their guests.
Silver Owl Awards, for Phi Gams
who have seiwed our fraternity for
twenty-five years, were given to Marvin
B. Perry, Jr. (Va. '41), Dean of
Admissions at Virginia, Robert
Simmons (Va. '49), Charles H. Dunlap H, (Va. '41), and Robert L.
Smith H, (Washington and Jefferson,
new shortened rush period in
October, the
Jim McDiarmid, graduating Presi
dent of Omicron Chapter, received the
Zimmerman Award, which is given to
the outstanding graduating brother
With the installation of the
greatly appreciate your submitt
ing to us the names of prospective
first year-men whom you would
who has contributed the most to the
recommend. Please send this list
house in his four years at the Uni
Ray Cusack
Matz (past Treasurer) and
128 Madison Lane
Charlottesville, Va.
or, if sent after June 1st,
Herb Soles
8 Grant Drive
Newport News, Va.
Also, there will be an Alumni
Cocktail Party Friday evening of
Homecomings (October 15 —
VMI). Keep this date open!
- m
(Continued from Page 2)
MARTIN V. SAFFER—a Dean's List
student and I.F.C. Tutor in philosophy,
Marty is also past Publications Chair
Goat Court. He plans Law School.
member of the P-K German Dance
team. His future plans are presently
1966 Section Convention Luncheon
\r\nCavalier Phi Gam
Page 4
Robert L. Smith
David R. McWilliams
Branch Manager for Sales and Service
Currently he is active in the Wings
ing the last six years taking it easy
after retiring from his position as
Judge of the 8th Judicial District of
West Virginia, and now resides at 4A
Garden Apts., Bluefield, Virginia.
Office ELquipment. In his spare time
he is active in the University Club
Club at the Hotel Biltmore in New
York City.
William S. Hildreth '11 was one of
our Alumni who returned for the
Nacogcloches, Texas, where he makes
Otis E. St Clair '08 has been spend
and the Virginia Alumni Association.
Jack R. McKinney '35 is President
Crawford T. Johnston, HI and his
wife, Virginia, make their home at
of the McKinney Drilling Company in
3829 Forest Glen in Birmingham,
his home with Claudine, his wife, at
Norris Pig Dinner this year. Bill now
resides at 2115 Minor Rd. here in
Kinney was one of those, along with
Logansport Rd.
Charlottesville. Besides being active
in many civic affairs, he maintains an
active interest in University athletics
as well as a never ending loyality to
a few years ago.
Eugene A. Hildreth^ Wisconsin '18
has adopted the Omicron Chapter after
leaving his own alma mater, and we
sician specializing in Internal Medicine
in Odessa, Texas, where he resides
Gene), Black, Darden, and many
others, who were instrumental in rais
ing money to get Omicron out of debt,
Clayton Brantly, Jr. '37 is a phy
consider him one of our own. We send
with his wife, Perdita. We hope to
our best wishes to Gene for a speedy
see Brother Brantly this fall if his
son, Clayton, decides to come to the
University next year. His address is
Box 253 Rd. ^1, Odessa, Texas.
recovery from his recent operation.
Frank McCutchan '20 lives with his
wife, Mary, at 1616 Wiltshire Dr. in
Salisbury, North Carolina. Dr.
McCutchan is on the Staff of Rowan
Memorial Hospital and also a trustee
of Davidson College.
W. William Herberich '38 and his
wife, Mildred, live at 426 Somerset
Rd. in Akron, Ohio, where Bill is the
Brother Johnston
is the
President of Crawford Johnston & Co.,
Inc. which is the distributor of bottled
Coca-Cola in the Birmingham area,
as well as being President of associated
Coke bottling companys in neighboring
areas. In his spare time, he has acted
as President of the Chamber of Com
merce and Chairman of the United
William H. Tinsley, Law '49 and
his wife, Janet, live at 4911 Brookview
in Dallas, Texas, where Bill is a
partner in the law firm of Wynne,
Jaffe, & Tinsley.
William M. Ballard '50 is the Presi
dent of Wards Corner Insurance
Agency in Norfolk, Virginia. He and
his wife, Nell, live at 4448 Blackbeard
Rd. in Virginia Beach, where he is
Vice-President of the Herberich, Hall, active in the Lafayette Yacht Club and
Insurance Firm. In his spare the Exchange Club. Recently Bill has
Harris Davenport '25, former
maintains his interest in the been in contact with Jim Flemming
Omicron Chapter President, is now
as the Treasurer of the 51, Jim Freeman '51, Allan Reynolds
living on Skyline Farm in Converse,
Akron Graduate Chapter.
'52, Jim Marable '50, and Ed Brooks
Texas, with his wife, Martha Louise.
Henry Fitzhugh, Jr. '27 and his
wife, Mary, reside on Wolf Pen
Branch Rd. in Harrods Creek,
Kentucky. This past summer, he had
a reunion with J. T. E. Crump '25 and
they both spent two weeks together
cruising around Florida with their
wives. Brother Fitzhugh is a member
of the Gaunt and Fitzhugh Insurance
Firm in Louisville.
Charles F. Lloyd, Jr. '42 is the
General Sales Manager of the Fort
Duquesne Steel Company in Pitts
Robert A. Brent '50, former
Omicron Chapter President, lives at
burgh. Chuck and his wife, Nancy, 1904 Fuller Street, Hattiesburg,
Mississippi with wife, Loree. Currently
live on Squaw Run Road in Fox
being an avid golfer. Chuck is the
Chapel, Pa. In his spare time, besides
President of the Fox Chapel District
Association and active in the Vestry
of the Fox Chapel Episcopal Church.
Clarence B. Hanson., Jr. '29 is one
Edward T. Phillips '42 and his wife,
of our illustrious Alumni who is listed
in Who'^s Who. Brother Hanson is
Dorothy, live at 1125 Summit St. in
McKeesport, Pa., where Ed is the
living in Birmingham with his wife,
Elizabeth, at 4055 Old Leeds Rd.
Among many noteworthy positions, he
is currently the President and Publish
er of the Birmingham News., and VicePresident and Director of Mercury
Express, Inc.
Vice-President of Thurman's, Inc., a
chocolate manufacturing company.
Waverly W. Dickson '32 lives with
his wife, Margaret, at 2101 Connecti
Airways at JFK International Airport
in New York. Brother Denison and his
cut Ave., Washington, D.C. Brother
wife, Margaret, reside at 7 Mayfair
Dickson is employed by Friden Inc. as
Currently he is on the Board of the
YMCA, and active in the Chamber of
Edward H. Brooks, Jr. '50 and his
wife, Betty, live on Linden Street in
Courtland, Va., where Ed is the Presi
dent of L. L. Manry & Sons, Inc.,
which is a general insurance agency.
He has been active in many civic
affairs, serving as both Mayor and
Town Councilman of Courtland, and
Trustee of the Tidewater Virginia De
velopment Council. He is also active
George Denison '43 is the Manager
of Payload Control for Pan American
Bob is the Fulbright Professor of
History at the University of the
Huntington, New
in the Virginia Alumni Association.
David M. Wakelee '51, former
Omicron Chapter President, is VicePresident of the Electronic Assistance
Corporation in Red Bank, New Jersey.
Dave makes his home with Connie, his
\r\nCavalier Phi Gam
wife, at 19 Highland Ave. in Fair
Haven, New Jersey. He is also active
in the American Marketing Associ
ation and the Harbor Light Beach
Richard L. Williams '51 and his
wife, Eugenia, make their home at
2038 Montauban Circle in Bon Air,
Va. Dick is currently a lawyer with
the Battle, Neal, Harris, Minor, and
Williams Firm in Richmond.
Page 5
he has visited with Charles Foster '56,
ate School, studying Engineering Elec
Phil Miller '54, Lou Hargraves '56,
Bill Bishop '58, Nick Goldsborough
'56, and Jim McGrath '54.
Philip B, Hopkins, Jr, '60 is an
Internal Auditor with the Phoenix of
Carroll M, Bemdt '56 and his wife,
Mamie, live on Timber Lane in
Glencoe, Maryland. "Bo" is the Sales
Hartford, Insurance Co. in Hartford,
Conn. He lives with his wife, Betty,
Representative for
Hills Rd. in Granby, Conn. Currently
he is attending the University of
Hartford's night school.
Corp. in
Baltimore, where he is in close contact
with many Omicron Fijis.
and their three children at 26 Barndoor
Nicholas Goldsborough '56 is an
Ronald L, Fancher '61 and his wife,
Thomas B, Slade '53 Law '54 is an
attorney with the firm of McWilliams
attorney with the firm of Bryant,
Freeman, Richardson, and Watson in
& Melvin in Annapolis, where he also
lives with his wife, Florence. His
Jacksonville, Florida, where he lives
with his wife, Sunya, at 4268 Venetia
Elizabeth, are living at 614V^ West
Ferry St. in Fuffalo, N.Y., where he
is a attorney with the firm of Phillips,
Lytle, Yorkey, Letchworth, Hitchcock,
address is Amberly, Rt. 2, Annapolis,
Md. Nick is currently active in the and Blaine. He is also serving as
American Bar Association, the Mary Counsel to the Minority of the 1966
land Bar Association, and the Session of the New York State Legis
Blvd. Tom is active in the Young
Lawyers of Florida, is President of
the Duval County Legal Aid Associ
Annaplois Yacht Club and also in
lature. We really want to thank Ron
ation, and is active in the Virginia
contact with many UVa Fijis.
Alumni Association of Jacksonville.
Richard C, McCahan '57 is an Improvement Fund.
Editor and Publisher with W. W.
Caleb C, Ewing '62 is currently the
Norton & Co. in New York City. Dick
W, Scott Harvin '53 and Sue, his
wife, live at 220 N. Georgia Ave. in
Martinsburg, West Virginia, where he
is the Rector of the Trinity Episcopal
Church. Scott reports that he is deeply
involved in church activities, which
take up most of his spare time. We
all enjoyed his letter and want to thank
him for his generous contribution to
Arthur B, Heuer '53 is the Sales
Manager of Engel Equipment in St.
Louis, Missouri. Art and his wife,
Norma, reside at 751 Harvest Lane in
Olivette, Missouri. Besides being Past
President of the Virginia Alumni As
sociation of St. Louis, he is also active
with the Boys Canoeing Camp in
Ontario, Canada. We are looking
forward to visit with Art when he
comes back for a football game this
and his wife, Ann's, mailing address "chief cook and bottle washer"
is Box 476, Main Street, Woodberry, (actually Vice-President) of the Ewing
Conn. We hope to see Dick next year Oil Co., Inc. in Hagerstown, Md.,
Attorney-at-Law in Annapolis. Ben
where he will live as of May 20th with
wife, Jackie, and their three kids.
Cal's new address will be Preston Ave.,
Fountain Head Heights, Hagerstown,
and his wife, Wendy, live at 103 St.
at commencement.
Benjamin Michaelson, Jr, '57 is an
Ives Drive in Severaa Park, Md. We
would like to congratulate him for
being listed in the 1965 Edition of
Outstanding Young of America,
Posey B, HoweII, Jr, '58 and his
wife, Betty Ann, have just finished
building a new home in Manassas, Va.
The mailing address is Rt. #1, Box
307-1 Manassas, Va. "Flower" is now
a Grants Administrator with the Na
tional Institute of Health in Wash
ington and also on the Board of Di
rectors of the N.I.H. Federal Credit
Henry W, Holt HI '53 and his wife,
Lulee, live at 6000 Howard Rd. in
Richmond where he is the Assistant
wife, Kay, live at 13 Effingham Place
Vice-President of the State Planters
Bank. Brother Holt is also active in
the Virginia Division of the American
Cancer Society, the Country Club of
Virginia, and the Richmond Cotillian.
Bruce A. Talmadge '53 and his
wife, Susan, reside at 1430 Spear St.
in Burlington, Vermont. Currently
Bruce is a physician at Mary Fletcher
Hospital in Burlington, specializing in
Cardiology. We are looking forward
to see him at next years Pig Dinner.
Peter M. Ten Broeck '55 is a
Merchandizing Representative for the
Allied Chemical Corp. in New York
City. He lives with his wife, "Briggs",
at 20 Dickison Rd. in Darien, Conn,
where he moved last summer. Recently
for his fine contribution to the House
Gordon L, Gentry, Jr, '59 and his
in Newport News, Va., where he is the
James H, Laird '62 is now a Gradu
ate Student here at the University in
the Engineering School and the Com
puter Science Department. His new
address is 809 Rugby Rd., here in
Charlottesville. "Blinky" hasn't made
any definite plans as yet except to get
his graduate degree and from there
work either in Washington, or on the
West Coast.
Anthony R, Ulehla '62 and his wife,
Virginia Lee, are living at 8113B
Colorado St., Wurtsmith AFB,
Michigan, where he is the Co-Pilot of
a KC-135 Strato-Tanker.
Philip G. Yates '62 is currently an
Planner with the Fairfax
Assistant Vice-President and Manager County Planning
Office in Fairfax, Va.,
of the Main Office and the branches
of the Bank of Warwick. Gordon is
currently active in the Hampton Roads
Jaycees and the American Institute of
Banking. Also, he has enrolled in the
Rutgers Graduate School of Banking
and will graduate in 1968. He empha
sizes that he did not participate in
the "Black Thursday" of 1958.
Samuel K, McKee HI, U. S. Naval
Academy '60 (originally UVa '59)
lives with his wife, Carol, and their
after receiving his discharge from the
Army. He and his wife, Barbara, live
with their two children at 1635 Ripon
Place, Alexandria, Virginia.
Hugh P. Francis '63 is currently a
Law Student at Rutgers Law School
and lives at 9 Keasly Rd. in South
Orange, New Jersey. Before attending
Rutgers, Hugh was a staff writer for
the Paris Edition of the New York
Times until December of 1963.
two children at 1166 Soruance Rd. in
William H. Spencer IV '63 and his
Monterey, Calif., where he is currently
a Captain in the Marine Corps and
attending the U. S. Navy Post-Gradu-
wife, Betsy, are now living at 54
Dunkirk Rd. in Baltimore. "Spence"
is now in a stock broker training
\r\nCavalier Phi Gam
Page 6
program with Alex Brown & Sons of
Baltimore and is also attending Gradu
ate Business School at American Uni
versity in the evenings. In his spare
time he is playing semi-pro baseball
with an Oriole sponsored club.
Gamett 2*. Clark '63 and his wife,
Bonnie Lee, live at 4629 Rokeby Rd.
in Baltimore. Gary is currently a
Real Estate Salesman with Await Inc.,
Jon K. Piper '64 is in the process of
finishing up an Air Force Combat
Qualification Course at Cannon AFB
in New Mexico, and he will soon be
flying the F-lOO Super Saber Jet in
Viet Nam for a year. He lists his
address as 1019 Magala Ave., Coral
Gables, Florida.
Theodore W. Price '64 We all want
to wish Ted the best of everything
in his coming marriage to Carol Bayne
Realtors in Ellicott City. We hope to
in Naples, Italy on June 17th. That
see him sometime this fall for a football
day is also the day that he will be
released from active duty. His address
a pilot in the Air Force, stationed at
Sawyer AFB in Michigan. He lists
his address as 353 S. Drexel Ave.,
Columbus, Ohio. Currently he is fly
ing a KC-I35 Air Refueling Tanker
after graduating from Pilot Training
planning to go to graduate business
Theodore D. Torok '65 is currently
playing Pro Football with the Norfolk
Neptunes. In the off-season, Ted is an
Insurance Agent with the Massachutes
Mutual Life Insurance Company in
(DD871), Fleet Post Office, New
York, N.Y. and after that will be 150
best of luck on his recent marriage to
Beverly Bond of Lynchburg, Va., on
Plainview Rd., Woodbury, N.Y.
March 12.
Richard M. Jacoby '64 is currently
a student at the George Washington
Medical School in Washington, from
which he will graduate in 1969. He
Pete still lists his address as
7918 Winston Rd., Philadelphia, Pa.
After he gets out of the service, he is
Norfolk. We want to wish him the
School in October of 1965.
17) is
missioned a 2nd Lieutenant on August
Stephen M. Roster '64 is currently
R. Peter Smithy II ^65 is currently
at the Army Artillery OCS in Fort
Sill, Oklahoma, and will be com
John B. Purcell '64 has begun Navy
DCS at Newport, R.I., as of April 16,
Richard E. Evans '65 has just
returned from a tour of Europe and
North Africa which was cut short due
to his Draft Board. The "Prince" still
lives at 4410 Atwick Rd. in Baltimore
Editor: Dick Topping
Associate Editor: Rick Cusack
lists his address as 3806 47th St.
and will finally receive his degree at
Alumni Chairman: Rob Smith
N.W., Washington, D.C.
the end of this semester.
Publication Advisor: Ray Cusack
128 Madison Lane
Charlottesville, Va. 22903
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Spring 1966 newsletter for the Omicron chapter at University of Virginia. The newsletter is six pages in length.