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1966 Winter Newsletter Psi (Wabash College)
Winter 1966 newsletter for the Psi chapter at Wabash College. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Wabash College
1966 Winter Newsletter Psi (Wabash College)
''is 7
'"i' 'y®
Pa of Pni Qamma3)elta at Waba^k CoUeg^e
Volume 15, Numueh 1
Phi Gamma Delta, Wabash College, Chaweoudsville, Indian/
WlNTEH, 1966
On Saturday, Fchruary 18, Psi will host its annual Norris Pig Dinner with Archon
President Daiiner Lee Mahood as the featured speaker.
Brother Mahood was horn in Brookewood, Virginia, in 1901. He prepared for college
at the St. Alban's School for Boys in Washington, D.C.
Receiving his undergraduate degree from Davidson College in 1922, Mahood was
president of The Bachelor's Club, a group wlheli sueeessfiilly petitioned Phi Gamma Delta
for a charter. Later, he was affiliated with Omieron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at the
University of Virginia while pursuing his master of science degree. Brother Mahood con
tinued his studies at The Johns Hopkins
University, and then became Phi Gamma
PSI ofF to good
Delta's sixth Field Secretary, serving from
IM start
1925 until 1927.
In 1927, he joined the faculty of Denison
University where he was Associate Profes
Things are looking good for Psi Chapter
again this year in the field of intramurals.
As the figures stand at the end of the first
sor of English until his retirement in Feb
semeater. Phi
ruary 1966. He also serx ed a brief term as
second among the txveixe teams competing.
The Fiji elexen starti'd olf the x'ear bv
Ghainnan of the Department of English
easilv xvinniiig the IM tootball champion
ship, tying only the Dells and beating all
from 1954 to 1957.
Brother Mahood has served the Fraternity
other teams in the league. The Phi Gams
as Purple Legionnaire and Section Chief in
then xvent on to overwhelm the hapless
Delts in the final playolF for the champion
addition to his two years as Field Secretary.
In 1949, he was appointed Historian of the
Fraternity, a post he held until his election
as Arehon Secretary in 1960. In 1964, he
was elected
Viee-President. The
118th Ekklesia in Denver selected him as
ship, 28 to 7.
Although tlu> Fiji jocks didn't fare ipiite
so xx'cll in the next three sports, thex'
managed to rack up a second place in
eountrv, a third place in tennis, and a ninth
place in the golf competition. At the end
Danner Lee Mahood
start, Irom
eonldn't reeox ur,
thus taking fifth place in the xolleyball
competition. In wrestling, the grapplers did
not make an outstanding record either, tak
ing sixth place. This puts ns xxhere xve are
noxv, in a threatening position close behind
the Betas.
The IM basketball season has jnst started,
and his wile Ida currently reside in Greens
of this first period of competition. Phi Gam
ma Delta xvas holding the lead in the IM
standings, txx'o points ahead of Beta Theta
look good for a winning basketball season
boro, Alabama.
for ns.
Next, the Fiji handballer managed to take
a third place in his sport to help our intra
other sports axx'aiting ns in the spring, the
Arehon President this past September, He
Phil Green, \orris Pig Dinner Chairman,
encourages excryone to attend the festixities
xvhieh begin at 6:.30 p.m.
mural effort exen further. Hoxvcvcr, in xolleyhall, the Psi netmen got off to a sloxv
and the Fiji ronndballers began it right In
winning their first game .Ih-'lo. Prospects
Thus, xvith track, soitball. and sexi'ial
future looks bright for Psi's 1966-67 intramnral endeaxors.
Page Two
Winter 1966
PSi Among Top
Fiji Chapters
This fall Psi appointed an undergraduate eoininittee to study the feasihility of re
modeling or adding to the present ehapter house.
Working under the guiding hand of the House Corporation, this building eominittee,
headed by sophomore Rick Campbell, has been gathering gripes and ideas from the under
graduate brothers. Heading the list of grij)e.s is the lack of .space in the house itself.
Specifically, while the dining room is able to aeeommodate all the brothers for regular
meals, it is far too small for comfortable use on dance weekends or during rush. The
Psi Chapter received a great deal of rec
ognition at the llSth Ekklesia held in Den
fact that there are only four toilets, five wash basins, and four showers in the house
makes trying to get dressed in the morning a fight for sur\ival. Approximately twent)'
of the brothers are forced to li\e away from tlie house because there just aren't enough
study rooms to accommodate them. Furthennore, the beds of forty-four of the brothers
who do li\e in are crammed into four small dormitories.
The ideas presented so far favor tlie construction of a dining-sleeping-study wing on
the back of the present chapter house. The present dining room would he converted partly
into a den and partly into an extension of the kitchen. In addition, the present back stairs
would be modified to comply with fire department specifications.
ver, Colorado, August 30 to September 2.
In the competition for the Orion H.
Clieney ElFiieeney Cup, Psi received an
honorable mention, placing her among the
top six eliapters of Fijidom. The Cheney
Cup is awarded annually to the ehapter
adjudged most efficient in the conduct of
its aHairs as e\idenced bv "exeellenee in
scholarship, fraternity relations and extraeurrienlar affairs."
Psi also finished a close second in the
race for the Herbert T. Condon, Sr. Cup,
which is given anniialh' to the ehapter
"which achieves the greatest all-around im
As far as can be seen these improvements would cost between one hundred and one
hundred-fifty thousand dollars. Right here the problem begins. The chapter would have
no hope of initiating tliese plans anytime in the future without the help of our graduate
brothers. According to the questionnaires filled out last .spring, forty-two per cent of the
alumni favored a building project, sixteen per cent opposed, and another forty-two per
cent gave no opinion. As to the possibility of borrowing from the college, this same
questionnaire showed that sixty-seven per cent favored financial independence from the
college, eight per cent opposed, and and twenty-five per cent listed no opinion.
We consider these results encouraging but we would like to hear opinions from the
graduate brothers. So if yxni have any suggestions or comments concerning this matter,
please write to; Chairman of the Building Committee, Phi Camma Delta, Crawfordsville,
Indiana, 479.3.3.
Editorial Note
As yon may already have noticed, the
LITTLE CIANT FIJI has changed its style,
preferring to switch rather than fight. This
change is primarily a result of a General
Headquarters edict that all chapter news
papers should conform to a standard eightand-one-half by eleven inch size.
Last year's ten-and-one-half by thirteen
LITTLE CIANT FIJI was disqualified from
the Coon Plaque competition because it
was adjudged to be oversized. We feel that
the LITTLE CIANT FIJI is an excellent
publication; and, now that we have "con
formed," we hope to gain more than the
continued applause of our readers.
The LITTLE CIANT FIJI still endeavors
to report the news which we feel will in
terest our graduate brothers and friends.
Anyone having news about himself or the
Fraternity in general is cordially invited to
send such to the editors of the LITTLE
The Editors
'I ho LI'I'ILK GIANT FIJI is published three
times yearly by Psi Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta, Wabsish College, for the enjoyment of
alumni, undergraduate
friends of Psi Chapter.
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Winter 1966 newsletter for the Psi chapter at Wabash College. The newsletter is six pages in length.