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1966 October Lambda (DePauw University)
October 1966 newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages.
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DePauw University
1966 October Lambda (DePauw University)
Norris Pig Dinner. Old Gold Day -
Vol. CXII, No. l
October 8
Phi Gamma Delta, DePauw University, Greencasile, Indiana
t~ORRIS P 1\1
On Saturday, October 8, the Lambda Fijis will hold thefr annual Norris Pig Dinner in honor of the late
Frank Norris, who was an important
figure in helping Phi Gamma Delta
to its present prominent status.
Following th e DePauw-Evansville
football game there will be a short
reunion for all alumni in the living
room of the new house. This gathering will last until approximately 6:00
p.m. when the Norris Dinner w i 11
commence in the chapter house . As
our honored guest this year we have
invited Dr. Richard Crowder to be
our speaker. Dr. Crowder, a professor
uf Engli~h al Purdue University and
Historian of the national fraternity ,
spoke at the l 18th Ekklesia where he
was well accepted.
Bob Palmer, Chapter President, will
f o 11 o w Dr. Crowder with a brief
sum mar y of Lambda's last year's
achievements and our plans for the
new 1966-67 sch o o 1 year. Lambda
Chapter will also be proud to announce its Silver and Gold Owl candidates, signifying twenty-five and
fifty y e a rs of membership in Phi
Gamma Delta. Several undergraduate awards will also be presented.
Eric Lortz, Chairman of the Norris Pig Dinner Committee said, 'I
would like to encourage everyone to
attend this year and witness the best
Pig Dinner yet. "
., •• ~.~~I\
October 4, 1966
Diversification of the Fijis at DePauw was this year's central rush
theme, and the result is a very div ersified pledge class.
Twenty -three men were pledgedliving from Washington , D. C., to
Boulder, Colorado, to Ethiopia a n d
Th a i 1 a n d . The class has all-state
athlet es, Student Council Presidents,
newspaper editors and photographers,
dramatists, and most importantly
honor roll scholars.
The two sophomores pledging are
Dick Marvin, Aurora, Illinois; and
Ron Oehler, Birmingham, Michigan.
Freshmen pledges are Frank Lowery,
Worthington, Ohio; Jerry Hoffman,
Indianapolis, Indiana; Mark Turner,
Kirklin, Indiana; Doug Mitchell, In-
dianapolis, Indiana; Jim Yoder, Bangkok, Th ailand; Bruce Menk, Boulder, Colorado; Bob Kleinops, Indianapolis, Indiana ; Larry Downs, Decatur, Illinois; Kirby Whyte, Washington, D.C.; Tom Bowman, Monmouth, Illinois; Mike Bridger, Princeton, Indiana; Steve Pope, Wilmette,
Illinois; Scott Robey, Colfax, Indiana;
D ave Norris, New Canaan, Connecti
cut ; Randy Isham, Kenilworth, Illinois; Rudy Hokanson, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin; Scott Norris, Ethiopia ;
Craig Johnson, Kenilworth, Illinois;
Jim Dietz, Lacrosse, Wisconsin ; Pat
Grady, Upper Arlington, Ohio; Mike
Scalzo, Lombard, Illinois.
The Fiji C 1 a s s of 1970 will undoubt edly help maintain Lambda as
the top house on campus.
PLEDGE CLASS-lST ROW, lefi io righi, Mike Scalzo, Mike Bridger,
ScoU Norris, Ron Oehler, Dave Norris. 2ND ROW, Doug Mitchell. Pai
Grady, Tom Bowman, ScoU Robey, Kirby Whyie, Jim Dieiz. 3RD ROW,
Sieve Pope, Bruce Menk, Mark Turner, Bob Kleinops, Craig Johnson. TOP
ROW, Jerry Hoffman, Randy Isham, Jim Yoder, Dick Marvin, Larry
Downs, Rudy Hokanson.
\r\nOld Gold Day
Features Football,
Norris Dinner, Dance
The alumni's annual chance to renew DePauw memories falls this year
on Saturday, October 8, as the entire
campus takes part in Old Gold Day.
A full day of activities has been
planned for visitors and students.
Following registration on the lawn
of East College, the alumni will attend Old Gold Day Chapel. Due to
illness Dr. Raymond Pence, himself
a DePauw tradition, will not be the
s!;)eaker as previously announced. It
is expected that a suitable replacement will be found, and the alumni
will be able to relive fond memories
and also gain new insights into DePauw' s future.
Next on the schedule is the pregame luncheon and following that is
the Old Gold Day game, with the
Tigers facing Evansville . Dan Breckenridge, quarterback, and Eric Lortz,
halfback, both Fiji's, will be leading
the potent Bengal offense in what is
sure to be one of the season's finest
contests. After the game, Mondaym or n in g quarterbacks can trade
strategy at the Open House at the
Union Building.
For Fiji graduate brothers, another
highlight will be the annual Norris
Pig Dinner, held at the chapter
house. Following this dinner, guests
can go to the Old Gold Day Dance,
featuring the Chuck Holden Orchestra, signalling the conclusion of another m emory-packed day for alumni
and students alike.
Old Gold Day
9-12 noon- Registration,
lege Lawn
10 :45 a.m.- Old Gold Day Chapel,
Meharry Hall
12 :00
noon- Lunch,
2:00 p.m.
October 4, 1966
Page Two
p.m. -Open
Dear Graduate Broth ers :
Fiiis Stand Out
In Fall Sports
Placing third in the Snavely Cup
competition last year, an award
based on the number of varsity lettermen and freshman numeral winners, Phi Garns are on their way to
an even better record with an impressive list of participants in fall
In cross country this year, the Fiji's
are w P, 11 represented by sophomore
Dan Spear, who took first place in
the first meet of the year with Wabash, and senior Steve Norris, who
was voted the outstanding runner on
both the track and c r o s s country
teams last year. Pledge Scott Norris is running for the freshman tea~ .
Returning lettermen Dan Breckinridge and Eric Lortz, who alternated
at the quarterback spot last year, are
both assured of starting berths. Dan
will remain at quarterback w hi 1 e
Eric has been moved to halfback.
Towering sophomore Bill Scaife, last
year's defensive captain of the fresh man team, has a 1 r e a d y earned a
starting s p o t at linebacker. Sophomores Gary Taylor and Warren Onken have a good chance of playing at
f u 11 back and tackle respectively.
Scott Robey, Bob Kleinops, Jerry
Hoffman, Mike Scalzo, and F r a n k
Lowry represent the Fiji's on the
freshman t e a m and are promising
varsity players.
Soccer, in its second year as an
intercollegiate sport at DePauw, is
fast becoming a popular sport. Junior Doug Smith, last year's starting
forward , and sophomore John Current, who looks especially strong this
season , represent the Fiji's well.
As the fall semester steadily picks
up speed, the men of Lambda find
themselves more and more involved
in the rout in es of classes, intramurals and varsity sports. We also
find time to look back proudly at
the record compiled last year. L et's
take a brief look.
The Fiji's were second in scholarship of all the fraternities, with a
2.78 grade point average . Behind this
r e c o r d we had three Phi Beta
Kappa's, three per f e c t 4.00's and
fourteen men on the D ean's List. In
IM's, we didn't measure up to our
first place the year before, but held
a solid second when the final points
were tallied. Again, Fiji copped off
a third among fraternities in competition for having the most varsity
lettermen. We are looking now for
a year comparable to our past.
On the national level, Lambda was
recognized at the Ekklesia with the
following three awards: (1) Honorable Mention for the Cheney Cup, (2)
second place in the Coon Plaque, and,
(3) fourth place in the Baker Cup.
As the first delegate, I was extremely pleased to accept these awards for
our achievements.
At the Ekklesia we, the delegates,
gained more respect for the quality
of men in our chapters across the
nation. It is a respect that compels
us to unify solidly our own chapter
in order to gain the goals we desire. We are looking hopefully at the
day when we will all live under
the same roof. For then, we will have
the best possible living conditions for
true fraternity. But until that time,
we'll a 1 ways maintain that at DePauw, Fiji is fraterity living at its
Robert G. Palmer
OCTOBER 8 ------------------------------------- EVANSVILLE
OCTOBER 22 ---------------------------------------- EARLHAM
6:00 p.m.- Norris Pig Dinner
OCTOBER 29 ------ - ----------------------------------- BUTLER
9:00 p.m.- Old
Student Union
D ay
\r\nOctober 4, 1966
Ambler Garne tt is in fairly good
health a ft e r two operations and a
long recovery period. He is happy to
announce that he is now back at his
interim preaching.
James Morton House Jr. died November 8, 1965 in Vincennes, I ndiana.
He had been superintendent and director of a construction co. and was
staff member of t h e Naval Ammunition Depot, Crane, Ind., at the time
of his death.
Albert W. Goldsberry received an
award for his fifty year membership
in the Chemical Society. He had just
completed eight years as a chemistry
i n s tr u c to r (in retirement) at the
Mansfield, Ohio b r a n ch of Ohio
State U.
Mark Pinkerman has sold his home
in Newton, Conn. and is moving to
5711 Monitor Place, Sarasota, Fla.
Ro ber t Caldwell Anderson from
Indianapolis, Indiana passed aw a y
June 22, 1965.
Glen Funk was unopposed in the
May 3 primaries and will be a candidate for re-election as Judge of Indiana's Superior Court Room 3, in the
November election.
Dr. Merrill B. McFall, p a s t or of
First Methodist Church at Columbus,
Ind., delivered the Baccalaureate sermon for the 1966 graduating class at
Indiana Central College.
Page 3
Bernard Kilgore. chairman of t h e
board of D ow Jones and Co., has been
named recipien t of the 1966 "Golden
Plate Award" in the field of publish ing by the American A cademy of
Achievement. The a w a r d was presented June 18 in the awards dinner
in D allas.
Howard C. Petersen. presiden t of
F idelity-Philadelphia Trust Co. since
1950, has become board chairman and
chief executive officer of the Philadelphia bank. H e is also chairman of
th e A dvisory Committee on the E x port-Import Bank and · a director of
the Philadelphia Federal R e s e r v e
Robert P . Small has been chosen to
serve as a d irector of tiie A lumni A ssociation b o a rd of directors for a
three-year term .
Richard Crowder. Professor of English at Purdue U n iversity, has w r itten several books an d is working on
a new one.
Tristram Coffin. au thor, has been
added to th e distinquished 1 i s t of
names in the newest edition of Who's
Who In American.
James F. Thornburg. attorney, also
h as had his name added to the distinquished list of A mericans in the new
edit ion of Who's Who In America.
Richard 0. Stock. executive director of the Clevelan d Family Service,
Ass'n., has been chosen for several
important jobs in celebration of the
50th anniversary of his graduate
school, Western Reserve U. He is
chairman of the Alumni Education
Committee, member of the Colloquium Committee and member of the
Citizens Sponsoring Committee for the
three -day celebration in September.
Charles A. Threlkeld passed away
at his home in Greenwood, Indiana.
He had been Superintendent of production at Arwin Indu stries in Greenwood, where he had been associated
for thirty-one years. He was a 1 s o
treasurer of Greenwood Chamber of
Commerce and was the first President of the Greenwood Chamber of
John F . Olson, President of Oklahoma City U., has been p laced on
the list of distinquished Americans
in the new edition of Who'.s Who In
A m e rica.
Lambda Among Top
Chapters In Phi Gam
L ambda Chapter received considerable rec o g nit ion at the 118th
Ekklesia in Denver, Colorado, August 30 to September 3.
In the C h e n e y Cup competition,
Lambda received honorable mention.
The Cheney Cu p is awarded to the
chapter in Phi Gamma Delta adjudged best in all aspects of fratern ity living. T h is means L ambda is
among the top six chapters in th e
For its social service record of the
past year, Lambda took fourth in the
fight for the Baker Social Service
Cup. As reported in a past issue of
the Tiger Fiji. our social service projects in cluded donating blood, collecting for the Can cer Society, and
organizing a show for t h e Indiana
State Prison Farm.
Finally, the Tiger Fiji received a
second place for the Coon Plaque, a
trophy presented to the chapter with
the best newspaper.
Charles Beardsley. f o rm e r vicepresident of th e Columbus D ePauw
Alu mni club, has been elected th e
new president for 1966-67.
Dr. Robert F. Slutz, a foreign service officer for th e Department of
State in Bangkok, Thailand, has been
promoted to class 3 in the Foreign
Service and is presently assigned to
the department as Officer in charge
of Laos Affairs .
Fredrich Veach, Vice-President of
Montgomery Ward Co., has been
placed in the new edition of Who's
Who In America.
Douglas F. Stevenson has b e e n
elected President of Better Government Association. He had previously
s2rved a as vice-president for two
years. Brother Stevenson is a partner
in the Stevenson, Congham, Hackbert, Rooks, and Pitts, Chicago, Ill.,
law firm.
Donald H. Long ley died October 16,
1965 in his home of Rochester, Minnesota.
Charles Hall and his family have
moved to 6709 Bedford Lane, Louisville, Ky., where he is assistant Real
Estate Manager with the Kroger Co .
in the Louisville Division.
(Conti nued on Page 4)
\r\nPage 4
3 Find Ekklesia Exciting
by Chuck Jenkins
On S eptember 30, L a mbda' s three
delegates to the 118th Ekklesia- Bob
Palm er, Wa y n e Nelson , and Chuck
Jenkins- arrived in D enver, Colorado,
and settled in the f am o u s Brown
P a lace Hotel a 1 on g with approxi mately 500 grad u at e and undergraduate brothers from th ~ w h ole coun try and Canada.
Business session or committee
m eetings w ere held each morning and
afternoon except for one. On t h a t
afternoon- a caravan of ab o ut ten
bu ses took the brothers to the Air
F o r c e A cademy for a tour of the
grounds, including the three impressive chapels. From the Academy the
caravan h eaded via the Garden of the
Gods to the Flying W Ranch where
a chuckwagon meal and Western entertainment rounded out the way.
A Grand Ball (for which girls
were bused down from Colorado University at Boulder, Colorado and a
banquet featuring United States Senator Gordon L. Allott (Colorado, '27)
as gu est sp eaker highlighted the evenin g's social activities.
Since this was the first Ekklesia
for the three of u s, it was especially
interesting and beneficial. It is impossible to comprehend the scope of
the gen eral fraternity u n ti 1 you've
been to an Ekklesia . Its vastness and
yet its corresponding unity are indeed
impressive characteristics. And equally impressive are our fraternity of-
Fraternity of Phi Gamma D e lta
Chapter Mailing Service
1757 N Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Re turn Requested
October 4, 1966
ficers. I'm sure no one h as the least
doubt of the su ccess of Phi Ga mma
D elta with a staff like w e have at
t he helm. Th e friendlin ess of a ll the
g uy s along with the general atmosphere and tone of the Ekklesia sen t
u s back to Greencastle with renewed
enth usiasm a nd enco urageme nt for
the upcoming year.
K er ry Moskop ______ ______ __ Editor
Dan Swift ______ ___ A ssistant Edi tor
Eric L ortz, Chuck J enkins, Dick
Marvin, Bob Palmer _ Contrib uto rs
Publish ed fo u r ti m es yearly by
Lambda Chapter of Phi G amma Delta
at D ePauw University for its Graduate Member s and Friends.
Pleas2 send su ggestion s, n e w s, or
change of address to : Tiger F iji Editor; Phi Gamma Delta; Greencastle,
Indiana 46135 .
Ge ne C. Geohart . t eacher of Engli sh at A shtabula High School, participated in the Institute for Ad va nced' Study , in English at DePauw
this summer. H e also serves as head
coach of basketball and assistant
coach of football at Ashtabula.
Bruce Nixon and his wife Carolyn
were the proud parents of a new
daughter on May 31. Susan is their
second daughter.
Capt. Michael C. Tennery is with
the United States Combat Air Forces,
Vietnam, as a helicopter rescue crew
commander. He received his commission upon completion of the Air Force
R.O. T.C. program and r eceipt of his
Bachelor's degree in economics.
Shannon Van Wey has been at!tending the University of No ·~ th
Carolina g r a d u a t e school and is
working toward his Ph. D. in clinical
See you at
Norris Pig Dinner
Old Gold Day
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October 1966 newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages.