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1966 December Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
December 20, 1966, newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages long.
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DePauw University
1966 December Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
Vol. CXII, No. 2
Phi Gamma Delta, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
December 20. 1966
This year's Pig Dinner experiment,
to hold the dinner on Old Gold Day,
proved successful both in terms of attendance and activity. Almost seventy
graduate brothers returned to watch
DePauw play Evansville. Unfortunately Old Gold Day games of late have
proven unsuccessful, this year DePauw
losing 7 to 14 to the Purple Aces.
The somewhat dubious h o n o r of
initiating the pig into the "Fraternal
Order of the Pig Dinner" fell to the
lips of Brother Roy Schmalzried, '14,
the oldest brother present and John
Current, '69, the youngest active in the
chapter. With the assuredness that
comes with practice (for Roy has had
this honor for the past eight years),
B r o t h e r Schmalzried confidently
placed the seal of approval, a kiss, upon the anterior of the pig. Considerably shaken, Brother Current nevertheless fell to his task of kissing the
posterior of the pig.
Speaking of fraternity as a dynamic
influence on p er sonality in a medium
of hi story, Dr. Richard H. Crowder,
'3 1, professor of English at Purdue
University and Historian of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, presented
a thought-provoking dinner message.
Concluding the evening with the presentation of Golden and Silver Membership Certificates, the dinner adj o u r n e d to the new hou se where
pledge, active, and graduate brothers
formed informal discussion groups.
At the time and now in retrospect,
the Pig Dinner seems to have been
the most successful in n early a decade. To those graduate brothers who
attended, the m en of Lambda certainly express their appreciation. And to
those who found the distance too
great or the date inappropriate, we
heartily extend an invitation for you
to visit us during the year or at next
year's dinner in October.
Fiiis_Take Sixth Pumpkin Pie Victory
Fiji freshm en emerged victorious
from the annual Pumpkin Pie Race
for the sixth straight year in a row,
retiring a second race trophy for P hi
Gamma D elta. The trophy is given
permanently to a house after its teams
have won the race three times. Paced
by pledges Steve Pope, Mike Bridger,
Scott Norris, Larry D owns, and J im
Yoder; the pledges gained a narrow
victory over the fastest and largest
field in th e history of the 2 1h mil-=
cross country race. The victory resulted from the capable coaching of
Sophomore Dan Swift and the tremendou s t eam effort and class spirit
displayed by the freshm en.
Other pledges who helped to win the
trophy were Rudy Hokanson, D o u g
Mitchell, Jim D i e t z , Bruce Menk,
Mark Turner, Dave Norris, Randy
Isham, Craig Johnson, and Tom Bowman.
Grader levels foundation for new asphat parking lot completed in early
November. Work and materials for the 100 by 50 feet lot was donated by
Graduate Brother Edwin C. Boswell and the McMahan Construction Co.
\r\nPage 2
The men of Phi Gamma Delta got
off to a slowu start in intramurals
this year than in previous years. Despite this disappointment, there were
many excellent individual and team
accomplishments. The best of these
was Chuck Jenkins' win of th2 golf
tournament with a 71.
Led by the doubles team of captain
Dan Swift and Greg Kell2r who narrowly lost the first doubles competition, the tennis team finished second
in a traditionally strong Fiji sport. IM
football composed of alrnost aj.l fresbmen and sophomores was handicapped
by inexperience and finished low in
the standings.
Fijis copped a third in bowling. The
four bowlers were led by Don Lovelace whose 1039 (173 average) placed
him as fourth best bowler in the
tournament. Jon Penn's first in the
60 yard freestyle and Bill Stoner's
second in diving as well as places in
other events gave Phi Garn a third
in swimming.
With the advent of the winter
sports, the Phi Garns look for additional points in the competition in
which traditionally we have been
Committees Busy With
Dad's Day, Dance,
Blotters, Social Service
During the past two months, various standing committee have finished
several projects and have more plans
for the future. The two most important projects completed were Dad's
Day and the house dance.
Dad's Day was held the weekend of
October 29, and was highlighted by
the attendance of 52 Fiji fathers and
53 other guests. Besides the university -planned activities, the dads were
spe"Cial guests at a father -son banquet
held Saturday night. After the meal,
the freshmen entertained with a skit
depicting a "typical" day in the life of
a pledge.
The Purple Garter Dance took place
November 12 and was well attended
both by the brothers and the campu s
as a whole. Music was by The Herd
December 20, 1966
Mark Fraser executes backhand return to win IM tennis game.
from Indiana University. This was
the first dance ever held in the bumroom of the new house.
A lesser known project is the printing and free distribution of 1500 blotters. This year, advertising space on
the blotters was sold to 37 local merchants, and then the blotters w e re
printed and distributed to the whole
campus. Also included on the blotters is a complete football and basketball schedule. The p r o fit realized
from this project goes into the new
house improvement fund.
In the area of community service,
Lambda has not been inactive. On
Halloween night, the freshmen, along
with the Kappa Alpha Theta p ledges,
went trick-or-treating around campus,
and then took all the candy to the
Greencastle orphanage. Thanksgiving
found Phi Gamma Delta going hungry
one meal for the Fast For Freedom,
sponsored by the Stu dent Senate. The
money which would have bought the
meal was instead given to the Senate
to be distributed to needy Negro families in the South. Other plans in the
future include a talent show at the
prison farm and a Christmas party
for needy children.
Dear Graduate Brothers:
I would like to take this opportunity to answer many of your questions
regarding Lambda Corporation's financial standing and the new r e a r
wing to the house.
Brother George Dirks, '29, Secretary-Treasurer of the Corporation, informs me that our real estate position is currently sound, thanks to the
continued support of the brothers who
have subscribed to the "Building
Lambda" program. We have already
r e d u c e d the original mortgage by
some $25,000. This larger reduction
was made possible by pledges amounting to some $18,000. Since the threeyear pledge program is coming to an
end, he hopes that an additional $25,000 will be received. Presently, the
campaign committee is preparing a
"status of pledge" report to be sent
to all who have subscribed to the
building fund .
It is evident that in order to complete the new wing in the near future
additional a 1 um n i support will be
needed. In this connection I would
like to remind you of Lambda's gift
arrangement with the university. Gifts
to DePauw, which are tax-deductible,
may be designated for use by Phi
Gamma Delta. The fraternity then
gets use of the money at nominal interest cost for twenty-five years. DePauw gets full credit for such gifts
under the terms of the recently announced Ford Foundation grant.
If anyone has questions concerning
an existing or proposed pledge he
should feel free to w r i t e Brother
Dirks at 510 Fidelity Building, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204.
I hope this brief resume of the status
quo is helpful. Speaking for the chapters, I extend wishes for a most enjoyable Christmas and New Year.
Robert G. Palmer
The Graduate Relations Committee
of Lambda will be sending a letter to
all graduate brothers in January. Included in this letter will be a questionnaire. It is imperative that they be
sent back to us. We need them, first,
to correct our graduate files and, secondly, to use for material for news
and feature articles in future issues of
the Tiger Fiji. Your return of these
questionnaires will be much appreciated.
\r\nDecember 20, 1966
Our heartfelt sympathy goes to
Brother Ralph Hudson whose wife,
Inis, died August 23 at the age of 77.
Mr. Hudson is a retired YMCA executive and is employed at Park National
Bank in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Ambler Garneii has been vacationing at his cottage in Ocean Park.
19 14
Brother Mike Ogle was e 1 e c t e d
president of the North Carolina Press
Association at its 94th annual meeting. He is presently president and
publisher of The Times-New s in Hendersonville, N.C. Brother Ogle has
served as president of the Associated
Dailies, president of th North Carolina
Association of Afternoon Dailies, and
a trustee of the School of Journalism
at the University of North Carolina.
Bernard Kilgore was one of fifteen
new directors of the Inter-American
Press Association elected at the 22nd
annual assembly of the association in
Lima, Peru.
Floyd M. Call, executive vice president of the Florida Bankers Association, fulfilled his long ambition and
planning with the dedication of the
association's new building at Orlando,
Brother Call has recently
moved to a new house on the Bu tler
Chain of Lakes w ith his wife Shirley.
He serves as treasurer and director of
the Florida Council for Economic E ducation and is chairman of the board
of trustees for the School of Banking
of the South in Baton Rouge, L ouisiana.
Page 3
Joseph J. Coffin has been elected
chairman of the Detergent and Cleaning compounds D i vi s i o n Executive
B o a rd of the Chemical Specialties
Manufacturers Association, Inc. Brother Coffin is president of J. I. Holcomb
Manufacturing Company.
John L. Ohmans has returned to his
post as Labor Attache in the United
States Embassy at Caracas, Venezuela,
this month after a home leave during
which he and Mrs. Ohmans traveled
throughout the United States.
Dr. John F. ~O lsort, president of Oklahoma City University, was awarded
an honorary doctorate at the summer
commencement at McMurry College,
Abilene, Texas.
Jerome Sh11J1dy wq.s named D irector- Community R ·e 1 a t i on s for the
Associates Corporate S ervices Company, Inc., last August. He is a member of the South Bend-Mishawaka area
Chamber of Commerce, is past president of the chamber's Key Club, and
was on the consolidation committee
w h i c h developed the organizational
structure of the present chamber. He
is assistant treasurer and executive
secretary of the Citizens' National
Committee for Higher Education, Inc.,
and is a member of the Committee on
Higher Education in Northern Indiana
and the Education Committee of the
Urban League of South Bend.
Douglas F. Stevenson, a Chicago attorney, is the current president of the
Better Government Association of that
H. L. Jim Grace has been appoined
president of National Millis Division,
United States Industries, Ind., one of
the nation's leading hosiery manufacturer.s Brother Grace, his w i f e ,
and two children live in Huntington,
New York.
J. Kurt. Mahrdt, Jr. has recently
been named as a co-partner of the
Commercial-Industrial D ivision of F.
C. Tucker, C o m p a n y , Indianapolis
realtors and developers. B r o t h e r
Mahrdt, a member of the Indianapolis
Junior Chamber of Commerce and the
Indianapolis Real E state Board, is currently vice president of the Central
Indiana-D ePauw Alumni A ssociation.
Captain Owen Heeters is a helicopter pilot on duty with the United
States combat air forces in Sou theast
Tribute To
by George Dirks for
Directors of Lambda Corporation
Much of the really important work
of our civilization is done by men who
work and move quietly, and without
fanfare, but who, with a strong sense
of loyalty, dedication and p u r p o s e
p r e s s forward toward their chosen
goals, and by their inspiration carry
forward those around them.
Such a man was Willard J. Gambold, whose untimely p a s s i n g on
March 30, 1966, left the world a little
poorer for its loss.
As members of Phi Gamma Delta,
we are proud to have known him as a
brother. From the time of initiation in
1938, as a member of Lambda Chapter, to the day of his death, he was
an untiring worker, and an inspiration
to all whose privilege it was to work
with him. As an undergraduate he
was chosen chapter president. As a
graduate brother he served long and
faithfully. He was Purple Legionnaire
during the difficult years following
World War II, when rebuilding of
decimated fraternity chapters was a
trying task, and carried on through
the great Lambda Centennial celebration of 1956. Thereafter he became
a director of Lambda Corporation,
holding several offices until finally he
undertook the presidency of the Corporation when it was faced with its
greatest challenge the planning,
fund -raising, construction and dedication of a new fraternity home. Because of his great pride in this work,
and his devotion to it, he undoubtedly would have remained at the helm
to see its ultimate completion, had it
been his privilege.
His service to his fraternity was
typical of his life - in his chosen career as a teacher and school administrator, a willing worker in numerous
community affairs, and above all as a
leader in the work of his church.
Willard J. Gambold, we miss you,
and we salute your memory. May we
always think of you when we look
upon the brightest white star in the
Dr. Larry Rose has completed his
requirements for his Ph.D. at Claremont Graduate School and is a member of the faculty at Rose Polytechnic
Institute in T erre Haute, Indiana, as
an assistant professor in the humanities and social sciences.
(Continu ed on P age 4)
\r\nPage 4
The DePauw Fijis were very strong
in the fall sports this year. Several
brothers p 1 a y e d significant roles in
football, cross country, and soccer.
Eric L o rt z , a junior quarterback,
opened the season at halfback due to
his size (200 pounds), and his running
ab ility. But aft er three games he
found himself sharing his more familiar quarterbacking chores w i t h
brother Dan Breckenridge, a strong
armed junior. Eric was named Player of the Week twice for his efforts
against Earlham, and Ball State. D a n
was awarded the honor for passing
DePauw to a last minute win over
hated rival, Wabash. Sophomores Bill
Scaife and Warren Onken saw action,
Bill as a starting linebacker, and W arr en being groomed for an offensive
tackle position.
Our soccer p 1 a y e r s were Doug
Smith, and John Current. Doug, a
junior, was awarded Player of the
Week for his exceptional work against
a powerful Indiana t eam. John filled
in as a defensive expert.
For the past two years the Fijis have
had the most valuable cross country
runner. Last year it was Steve N.
Norris, who surrendered the h o n o r
this year to Dan Spear, one of the
fin est runners to ever attend D ePauw.
Both of them led DePauw to a 4th
place finish in the Indiana Collegiate
Conference. Steve is gone, but Dan
is back next year as a junior.
Rush Recommendations Needed
Lambda is starting to work on r ush
now. W e would like to enlist your
help by your sending us recommendations of any future DePauwites who
could be an asset to Phi Gamma Delta.
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Chapter Mailing Service
1757 N Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Return Requested
December 20, 1966
Kerry Moskop --------- -- ---- Editor
Dan Swift ____ _____ Assistant Editor
Mark Fraser, Dick Marvin
Bob Palmer, Bill Scaife,
Dan Winters _ __ __ __ _ Contributors
Doug Mitchell ________ Photographer
Published four tim es yearly by
Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
at DePauw University for its Graduate Members and Friends.
Please send sugges tions, news, or
change of address to: Tiger Fiji Editor ; Phi Gamma D elta ; Greencastle,
Indiana 46135.
Laura McClure on August 20. They
are living at 1045 South Birch St., Apt.
209, D enver, Colorado, where Dave is
-assigned to the -USAF Accounting and
Finance Center. Ushers at D ave's
wedding were brothers Rod Wolfcale,
'64, and Jim Claflin, '63.
Dorn Younger is teaching at the
Unted Township High School, East
Moline, Illinois.
Quarterback Eric Lortz, amidst EarlK i r by Bay and Marcia Romstead
ham defenders, gets off a successful
were married June 11. They are livpass, one of the many that game
ing at 363 N. 5th, Laramie, Wyoming,
which won for him Football Player
where he is working toward the Ph.D.
of the Week.
in geology at the University of Wyoming.
Jeff Lortz, entered Army OCS at
Fort Dix, New Jersey, last month.
Dr. Richard French is a doctor at
Terry Chappell was a volunteer with
th e 93rd Evacuation H ospital, APO VISTA, and had completed a six-week
S an F rancisco, 96227.
training program. However, he re1961
turned to medical school at the UniCongratulations to Mr. and Mrs. versity of Michigan.
John W. Hatcher on the birth of their
David Rossiter, is a Peace Corps
dau ghter Elizabeth, who joins h er big Volunteer, working with credit unions
brother Mark.
and credit cooperations, training officers and managers for Latin Amer1963
Lt. David D i r k s was married to ican countries.
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December 20, 1966, newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages long.