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1970 November Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
November 1970 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. This newsletter is four pages in length.
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University of Alabama
1970 November Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
In looking over the past four years,
we must admit that the general feel
ing toward our graduate relations has
unconcern. We
agree, however, that our active broth
ers together with our graduate broth
ers have too much potential to let this
apathetical feeling continue. We owe
much more to Theta than has recently
been displayed; therefore, it is in the
best interest of our beloved chapter
that we unite and work together.
Without reservation, we want to
start right now by doing everything
we can to make all of us feel more
of an active part in our fraternity.
We are determined to reach a bet
ter understanding with our gradu
ate brothers, but to fulfill this goal
we need your help. If there is any
thing at all that you feel needs dis
cussion, please write us. If your opin
ions are not expressed, no real ac
complishment can be made.
Bottom row L to R; Heard, Rembert, Barnes, Thompson, Nichol, Christopher
Center L to R: Nichols, Orman, Mills, Hodo, Whitinger, Fuchs
Top row: Curry, Moore, Sims, Brabston, Winford, Carpenter, Neighbors,
Fall rush went exceptionally well
this year with the pledging of twentyfour of the finest young men on cam
Also, our chapter mailing list is
not as up-to-date as we would like it
to be. If you know any brother who
pus. If you haven't had a chance to
come by and meet the pledges as
yet, then the following list should
serve as some introduction.
not receive this newsletter, or
who is not receiving his issue of the
Phi Gamma Delta four times yearly,
William Edward Hodo
jjlease send us his name and address.
Andrew Dillard Barnes
If this letter was forwarded to you,
Alexander City
Father: Fiji Theta
please send us your present address.
We are hopeful about the possibili
ties of our new and better relation
ship. Surely it will enhance for each
of us our true feeling for Phi Gam
ma Delta.
Alexander City
Michael Don Moore
George Winford Whitinger
Billy Amos Christopher
William Smythe Orman
Sam E. Stutts 71
William Steidjen Carpenter
Scott Miller Rembert
Jesse Alwin Sasser, Jr.
James Alan Fuchs
Steven Ralph Nichols
Eugene Willis Brabston
Carey Moore Thompson
Alexander City
Hugh Anderson Neighbors III
Alexander City
Donald Henry Bevill
Rex Vinson Alexander
Pell City
Kent Knight Winford
Father: Fiji Chi Mu
(Continued on page 3)
\r\nPage 2
Graduaf-e Brothers
Here, There, and
Due to the fact that this is the
first newsletter of the year, we have
not as yet been able to request that
\ou send news of graduate brothers.
Therefore, there is not a great deal
Dr. V. H. Ragsdale '04 is living in
Anna Maria, Florida. Brother Ragsdale is one of our oldest living grad
tion board. His son, Murray Whitman
Beasley is part of our active chapter.
uate brothers. In fact, he was a char
Robert B. Stewart '39 is living in
Montgomery where he is an attorney
ter member of Theta chapter when
it was reactivated in 1901.
with the firm of Jones, Murray, and
Dr. Donald F. Fletcher, Jr. '43, is
practicing medicine in Atlantic, Vir
ginia. He is also chairman of the
county board of education and an of
Stewart. Brother Stewart has done a
of information in this printing. How
ficer in the state medical society.
Brother Fletcher was preceede^4 in
ever, we hope that hereafter we will
be able to print news that you send
us. If you don't send a few names
in, then this most important area will
Phi Gamma Delta by his father. Dr.
Donald F. Fletcher, Sr. (Hampton
Sidney 1909). He is being followed by
not be what it should be.
William Sceares Barnes, Sr. '36,
and his wife Alice, live at 207 Semmes
St., Alexander City, Ala., where he
has an engineering position with Tallapoosa County. His oldest son, Wil
liam Sceares Barnes, Jr. '65 and his
wife Carol have recently moved to
his son, Charlie, who is an' active
He also does volunteer medical work
Upsilon House corporation. He is
past president of the Montgomery
Graduate Chapter.
Richard S. Brooks '39 is an attor
ney for the state of Alabama De
partment of Industrial Relations.
member of Theta chapter. Charlie
Brother Brooks also has done con
siderable work with the Alpha Upsi
lon House Corporation. He is now the
wearing the same badge that his
grandfather wore over sixty years
active President of our Montgomery
Graduate Chapter.
Frederick Walter Nicol '34 is now
Brislin is President of the First State
Hunter is practicing dentistry in Rye.
great deal of work with the Alpha
was initiated last month and is now
residing at 14 Monnish Place, Tuscaloosa, and is at present the TusBrewton, Alabama, where Sceares, caloosa Circuit Judge. Brother Nicol
Jr. is practicing law. Brother Barnes, was previously the Tuscaloosa County
Sr. has two other sons, Bruce '72 and District Attorney. His son, Robert, is
Andy '73, both are active members a member of our pledge class.
of our chapter. Theta is proud of this
Henry Judson Brislin '49 lives at
long heritage which was started with
11 Coventry, Tuscaloosa. Brother
John Sceares Barnes, Theta '02.
Dr. Robert E. Hunter, Jr. '48 and
his wife Beege are living in Rye, New
5"ork at 44 Stuyvesant Ave. Brother
November, 1970
Bank and is also Purple Legionaire
for our chapter. Brother Brislin has
been a great help in advising us on
matters in the past, and we shall con
tinue to look to him for guidance in
Haynes C. Byrne '41 is practicing
medicine in Montgomery where he is
director of the Montgomery City
County Clinic.
Dr. T. H. Williams, Jr. '41 lives
at 2199 Allendale Road in Montgom
ery. Brother Williams is one of our
most dedicated and interested grad
uate brothers. He was recently made
chief of Section XIV of Phi Gamma
Delta. This is certainly a position of
great responsibility, and to our way
of thinking there is no graduate broth
throughout parts of Appalachia. His
son, Tripp '73, is an active member
of Theta chapter, while his mother,
Mrs. Rachael Smith, is going on her
at 1609 Dealing Place, Tuscaloosa.
se\enth year as our house mother.
Brother Maxwell is a retired Naval
has to say in the "Graduate Corner."
The Hunter family has certainly been
a fine asset to our chapter for many
Captain and has also retired from his
engineering position with the Univer
sity of Alabama. He is an active mem
Johnny Floyd "Squirrel" Dunn '70,
has recently completed an intensive
ber of the Kiwanis club.
course in used-car salesmanship. If
the future.
er more capable of handling it. Be
Frederick Richard Maxwell '10, lives
\V. A. Edwards '50 is living at 207
Elm St., S)lacauga, Alabama, with
his wife, son, and younger daughter.
His older daughter is here at the Uni\ersit\. Brother Edwards is quite
strong in graduate relations with both
Probate Judge and past President of
the Exchange Club.
our chapter and our unisersity. He
Murray David Beasley '47 is prac
has been selected Ity the University
to ije part of se\eral round table dis
cussions with Dr. .Matthews and asso(iates.
David Minge Cochrane '35 is living
at 1700 Deal ing Place, Tuscaloosa.
Brother Cochrane is the Tuscaloosa
sure to read what Brother Williams
you happen to be in the general area
of Roanoke, drop by Dunn Chevrolet
and check out one of Squirrel's creampuffs.
Andrew "Drop" Jackson is proutlly
going on his fifty-seventh year as head
ticing law in Tuscumlria, Alalaama,
butler here at the FIJI house. Drop
while he also has an active part with
state politics and the state construc
still holds true to the conviction that
"he's here and he's glad to be here.
\r\nNovember, 1970
Page 3
(Cominiiccl from page 1)
fames Davitl Mills
Michael Anthony Heard
Bin ton King Curry
Robert Frederick Nicol
Steve Etigene Sims
\\alliam Bell Robertson, Jr.
T uscaloosa
Father: Fiji Theta
Dodge Smith
T uscaloosa
^Ve send sincere thanks to all who
sent recommendations this fall. AVbth-
out those recontmendations, rush cer
tainly woidd not have been the out
standing success that it was.
September 25, past, Theta Chapter
opened the doois of her chapter
Seated L to R: "Verneuille, Robertson, Renilo, Sellers, Smotherman
Standing L to R: Beasley, Fletcher, Hunter, Edwards
room to eleven new brothers.
Charles Richard Fletcher
AVilliam Thomas Edwards, Jr.
William Dexter Reese
Vernon Lee Sellers
"William McCollum Smotherman
Robert Etlward Hunter III
Steven Carl Renilo
Murray Whitman Beasley
Robert John Robertson
Toirey Jamison Cochrane
joe Ollinger Verneuille, Jr.
^Ve are proud of them antl feel
sure that they will carry on our great
tradition here at the Universitv.
New Officers
were elected and have been installed
to serve through May of 1971.
Our new president is Sam Stutts.
Sam is well t|ualified for the job as
he has alreacly had a great deal of
experience through the office he pre\iously held as treasurer.
John Barelare is Theta's new treas
urer. John was house manager last
year. His hard work as house man
ager showed the chapter that he was
the Brother best suited for the time
as Historian.
Published by the active chapter at
Theta of Phi Gamma Delta
Editor: Bill Field
Assisted by: Richard Teel
his new
These officers want to make this
The new officers for Theta chajrter
consuming job of treasurer.
Jimbo Saxton was electetl to the
office of Historian. Jimbo was our
corresponding secretary last year
and did such an outstanding job that
the chapter felt he tvoidd serve well
The Theta Fiji
a well respected member and is very
Eddie McDonough is onr new cor
responding secretary. Etldie was as
sistant treasurer last year, so he also
is experienced and capable of dealing
tvith our chairter's corres]5ondence.
The chapter chose Da\ id Baird to
be our recording secretary. David is
the best year ever for Theta in both
the active and graduate chapters.
Please feel free to call on them when
ever you feel it necessary.
\r\nT H ET A
Page 4
Pig Dinner
November, 1970
\Ve need to win the support of col
lege administrations for fraternities.
I personally know the fraternity sys
tem is a stabilizing influence in the
midst of campus turmoil today. We
Plans are already being made to
must convince our colleges and uni
make this year's Pig Dinner the best
ever. To accomplish this, however,
versity faculties of this. We need their
I appreciate the honor and privilege support for future existence on the
tve need your help in choosing a date
on which the greatest number of to initiate this new feature in the university campus. I urge you to use
Brothers coidd attend and your sug "Theta Fiji". I bring to you news your influence in this behalf.
gestions as to possible speakers. The of Section XIV of Phi Gamma Del
Fraternities are changing rapidly
ta. Oru Chapters at Alabama, Au
most convenient time for us is in the
the basic principles of friendship,
burn, Louisiana State, and Mississip
last half of March or the first half
service, scholarship, and char
of April, but we are not bound to pi State are strong and represent ex acter development are still the im
this and would be perfectly willing cellence in fraternity. Mississippi portant features of our Fraternity
to change if you so wish. We would State will be formally Chartered No program. The hazing is gone and we
vember 21, 1970. A new colony has
also like to have some volunteers who
now substitute i)ledge education. Our
are genuinely interested in seeing the just been installed at Memphis State pledges are more mature and better
Pig Dinner reach its true potential. University and we expect great things educated than ever. We must contin
The volunteers woidd be responsible of them also. I urge graduate broth
ue to gear our program to interest
for forming riding groups, prodding ers to visit these fine Chapters and
type of man in joining us. We
forgetful Brothers, and for creating give them your support as much as
be campus leatlers and strive
interest for the Pig Dinner in their possible.
to make an important contribution to
respective areas. Remember, the Pig
The campus atmosphere of today ward the betterment of the campus
Dinner is for all of us. It will be
is not as healthy for fraternities as community.
what all of us, working together,
it used to be. Fewer men go out for
All of these ])rograms demand con
make it. Don't wait, send your sug
rush each year and it becomes more tinuity from year to year. The congestions or encouragement to:
difficidt to fill our fraternity houses timnty in Phi Camma Delta is its I
Richard Teel
and to balance our budgets. We, as Graduate Brother participation in un
Box 2253
graduates, need to actively engage in dergraduate chapter sujjport. Without
University, Alabama
efforts in increase interest in our
this our Chapters decline, with grad
Fraternity and in the Creek system. uate support we prosper. Join
with me in insuring the future of our
I Full Name
Tommy Williams, Ala. '41
Chief, Section XIV
I Name of Wife:
! Children's Names and Ages:_
"The Graduate Corner" is a new
column designed to give our graduate
brothers an opportunity to voice their
opinions and to have those opin
I Occupation:
-Title if any:_
' Firm:
-Nature of Business:-
^ I
! Home Address:
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November 1970 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. This newsletter is four pages in length.