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1970 October Newsletter Pi Sigma (University of Pittsburgh)
October 1970 newsletter of the Pi Sigma chapter at the University of Pittsburgh. The newsletter is two pages in length.
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Pi Sigma
University of Pittsburgh
1970 October Newsletter Pi Sigma (University of Pittsburgh)
pgh, pa.
pi Sigma
Dear Brothers,
Once again,Homecoming looms on the near horizon,(Oct.17);and,once
again,an examination of this traditional event is in order.What purpose
does Homecoming serve?
Generally,Homecoming is a day sponsored by the University and its
undergraduates for those men and women who have graduated into other lives.
"Other lives"because there can be no question that college life is itself
a unique and rather singular experience for most people.Therefore,the
university seeks to bring you,the graduate,back for one day,or even a
few hours,to regenerate some of the uniqueness,excitement, and emotion
of your college experiences.Unfortunately,many graduates feel little,if
any,link between their present and past lives.
Yet,those men,such as yourselves,who have been privileged enough to
be a part of a college fraternity have before them a constant living link
with their college experience.Therefore,we the undergraduates of the
Pi Sigma Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta cordially invite each of you and your
families to an open reception after the football game with WVU.The reception
will include food,drinks,pleasant music and the undergraduate brothers eager
to welcome you.This is a rare opportunity to renew old ties,seek new
friendships,and view the old house at 4725 Wallingford.This is our day for
you,you are under no obligation to us for it.Please take advantage of it.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Oct.17.
Charles N.DeCarlo
Chapter President
pig dinner
feb' 20
This issue of the Panther Fiji is
dedicated to Laurence David Sklarew.
Brother Sklarew,while enrolled, in Pitt's
Dental School,was killed in an auto
mobile accident last summer.In.keeping
with the wishes of his family and
friends,a memorial to him was established
in the Dental School.In addition to a wall
placque,an "educating"memorial was est
ablished Sklarew's instrument
The Panther Fi.ji is published
quarterly by the Undergraduate members
of the Pi Sigma Chapter of Phi Gamma
Clint Kohberger
Contributors....Dan Davis,
Chuck deCarlo,and Carl Luft.
case,a necessity in Dental School,is
being loaned to Foreign students who can
not afford one of their own.A small
commerative placque,on the side of the
case,identifies it as having belonged to
Brother Sklarew.All Fijis,Graduate and
Undergraduate,can take pride in this
effective memorial to Tiaurence David.
This past year has been one of change for the brothers of Pi
Sigma.Throughout last year the Fijis were striving for excellence,both
on campus and within the fraternity.The result of our efforts can be seen
in our trophy case.Pi Sigma takes great pride in being the recip
ient of four new awards to add to the ones we have acquired.
The Horace Brightman Trophy (certificate of Honorable Mention),
awarded to the chapter having done the most to maintain and improve
Graduate Relations.Realizing the importance of our Graduate Relations,
the brotherhood placed emphasis on improving the communication between the
Graduates and Undergraduates.This was accomplished by attending the
Graduate luncheons,and. by sponsoring two successful functions,Homecoming
and the Norris Pig Dinner.
The Omicron Graduate Chapter Cup for Section Eight-This cup ia a very
welcome addition to our trophy case.It represents Pi Sigma's excellence in
Ail-Round Achievements.This is the third year we have won this cup,having
previously won it in *63 and '67.
Pi Sigma also received a certificate for Academic Achievement,during
the school year '68-*69.This certificate was received at the Ekklesia in
Cleveland this su.!^raer.We,the brothers of Pi Sigma, are aware of the im
portance of Schlorship and are trying to maintain a high scholastic average.
One award,in which we all take pride,is the nomination of Bruce Stephen
Barr for the Cecil J.Wilkinson award.As a nom.inee from Section Eight,Brother
Barr certainly fufills the criteria for this award i.e.outstanding in
Scholarship,Personality,Fraternity service and extra-curricular activities.,.
We,the Fiji undergraduates,urge all our graduates to stop over at
the House at Homecoming,and share our pride in the awards.
The road to success is beginning to swing our way this year as we
have already finished in a tie for the league lead in softball.The soft-
ball standouts included:Van Kraus (the leading hitter),Bill Hull (most
runs batted in),Phil Sherbuck (pitcher),and Jim Ayers (most assists).
Incidently,the competition involving the fraternities this year is
broken down into three leagues,instead of the usual two.The Chapter
also expects a winning football team,as we have only lost one player
from last year.Those players returning include defensive standout
Wayne Pile,Bill Hull and quarterback Jim Ayers.The Volleyball champ
ionship should be easy to take as Bill Snee and Dave Emery return for
their last season.The Basketball and Track teams should post winning
records for most of the players are returning.Carl Luft,Atheletic
Chairman,has confidence in Vince Corsi and Bob Thompson(Allfratemity wrestling champs)and Bill Kaczynski in building an excel
lent nucleus for the wrestling squad.As far as swimming goes,we have
lost some good competitors and expect to see some new faces in the
water for us this year.
Other extra-curricular activities planned for the brothers are
as follows:an intra-Fiji Softball game (all brothers involved),a
pool tournament, and a pledge vs. brother football game.The Chapter has
also invested in four trophies:three for the Most Valuable Players in
Softball,basketball and football,and one for the best athelete of the
We urge all Graduates to fill out tke enclosed information sheet.
Please mail these to the Editor so that,in our next issue,we have
some Graduate News to nrint.Thank You.
^4725 Wallingford St.
Pittsburgh,Pa. 15213
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October 1970 newsletter of the Pi Sigma chapter at the University of Pittsburgh. The newsletter is two pages in length.