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1970 Summer Newsletter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson University)
Summer 1970 newsletter of the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Washington & Jefferson College
1970 Summer Newsletter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson University)
Vol. 46, No. 1
Summer Edition 1970
Amendments to the
Constitution and Acts of
the Ekklesiai Filed
Under the leadership of Mike Fite,
Alpha's president, several amendments
to the
Faternity for consideration at the 122nd
Ekklesia to be held August 24-29th. It
is the hope of Alpha that some of these
amendments will be adopted. These
amendments were introduced and modi
fied at a joint section convention of sec
tions VII and VIII held at W & J on
May 2, 1970.
The first four amendments deal with
the often talked about blackball system
in voting procedures. It is necessary to
the Constitution and
Acts of
Ekklesiai this many times because all
four places are concerned with the voting
procedure. The proposed amendment
gives each chapter local atonomy to
decide how it votes.
At a joint section meeting of frater
nity sections VII and VIII on May
2nd, Houston B. Marshall (Alpha '39)
was nominated for the archonate by the
Alpha Chapter. It was felt by the chap
ters present that a representative was
needed from these sections to carry un
dergraduate ideas to the Archons and
the General Fraternity. Brother Mar
shall's nomination will be voted upon
during the Ekklesia to be held in Cleve
land August 26-29, 1970. If elected Mr.
Marshall will serve as a Councilor on
the Archonate.
After graduating from Washington
and Jefferson College, Mr. Marshall
went to Pennsylvania State University
and received his certificate in Metal
lurgy in 1940. He then attended the
Alumni Association, Mr. Marshall is
Each chapter shall include in their
rules and by-laws a section on voting
procedure for membership in the Frater
now a lifetime trustee of Washington
and Jefferson College.
nity and when any person shall have
A well respected professional business
chapter shall vote on the nominee using
man, Mr. Marshall is listed in Who's
Who in America, Who's Who in the
Fast and Who's Who in Commerce and
Industry. He is also presently Chairman
of the Board of Kleiner Aletal Special
ties, Inc., a director of Bloom Engineer
ing, Inc, and a Fellow on the Presidents
for membership the
the si'stem specified in these rules and
by-laws. Each undergraduate chapter
shall submit to the headquarters of the
Fraternity copies of its by-laws and rules
and shall promptly submit all changes
Council of American Institute of Man
Alpha Chapter is also supporting Fred
L. Dixon, who is running for President
of the Archonate. He has been a past
Archon Secretary, elected in 1964, and
has served as Chairman of the Ekklesia
United States Naval A^cademy and is
Organization Committee and Commit
a 1942 graduate. Mr. Marshall is now
tee on Charters. He was also a member
of the Board of Directors of the Educa
The general fraternity has a standard
set of rules by which votes are supposed
to be conducted, but most chapters vote
as they please. It is thought that this
amendment would bring things more in
line with present day practice.
tronics Corporation of Kane, Pa. and
Kansas City, Kansas, a position which
tional Foundation. Alpha Chapter hopes
he has held since 1960. Formerlv past
president of the Allegheny County
Chapter and Detroit Chapter of the
Washington and Jefferson College
porary leaders will make our Fraternity
thrive. We feel these two men exemplify
The last amendment deals with billing
procedure. It asks for a thirty day pay
period for all bills payable to the general
fraternity instead of the fifteen days now
allowed. This will give chapter treas
urers more time to acquire the necessary
such characteristics.
President and owner of Houston Elec
that the Alumni will back our choices
for the Archonate. Vital and contem
\r\nWiji Fiji 2
Vice President-
Alpha Chapter Selects 1970-1971 Cabinet
President's Message
Dear Alumni,
At a meeting on Februart' 16, 1970,
Alpha of Phi Gamma Delta elected
officers for the year 1970-1971. Elected
to office were James ]\I. Fite, ('71)
President; Kenneth K. Steinweg, ('71)
Vice President and Treasurer; James A.
Zurna, ('71) Corresponding Secretary;
D. Lawrence Wickerham, ('72) Rec
ording Secretary; John S. Hastings
('71) Historian and Richard G. Pedrick, ('71) Steward.
Alpha's new president is a language
major and is currently President of the
Spanish Honorary and Vice President of
the Council on Fraternity Relations. He
is also one of Alpha's first string men on
the gridiron playing guard. Mike has no
permanent home as his father is with the
Air Force, hut he can always he reached
in State College, Pa. where his pinmate
resides. Mike was the Corresponding
Secretary of the previous Cabinet.
Ken Steinweg is a biology major and
intends to enter medical school when he
graduates. He replaces W. Graham
Irwin as the Vice President and Treas
urer as he was known around the house.
include Business Manager of The Red
and Black, the Biology Honorary, Jour
nalism Honorary and Buskin club.
The new Corresponding Secretary is
I'm happy to say that through the
combined efforts of Section Chief Dixon
Shrum (Denison '59), Purple Legion
naire Robert Shoop (W & J '59) and
an economics major from McMurray,
the undergraduate chapter, we here at
Alpha are getting back on our feet, mem
Pa. Jim Zurna belongs to the Pre-Legal
Society and was co-chairman of last years
ond semester and have seven acceptances
rush program which provided ten pledges
for first semester next year. After having
last semester and seven this semester.
a combined pledge class of nine for last
year, this looked pretty good to us.
For the first time in many years we
have participated in community projects
around Washington, and received thanks
from the United Fund, the Washington
County Heart Association, the Washing
ton APall, the Washington Home for
Under Priviledged Children and others.
Recording Secretary D. Lawrence
Wickerham is from Gettysburg, Pa. Also
a biology major, Larry is active in the
Buskin Club and Pre-Med society.
Alpha's Historian, John Hastings, is
from Wheeling, West Virginia. At last
check, John was a psychology major with
with hopes of going to graduate school.
John is captain of the famous "round
bership-wise. We took ten pledges sec
We have also taken an active interest in
team" that takes over intramurals when
the General Fraternity as a whole and
have submitted several changes which
the going gets impossible and keeps it
that way.
we think will be beneficial.
Completing the cabinet as Steward is
Rick Pedrick of York, Pa. Like Mike,
Rick is also a member of Alpha's gridiron
squad. Rick hopes to graduate with a
double major in psychology and eco-
A native of Baltimore, Ken's activities
Our brothers have participated in a
number of college projects and extra
curricular activities ranging from the
Pandora to the Washington and Jeffer
son football team. I am also happy to
say that, though we are not radicals by
any means, we have given our support
to various campus movements which we
felt were in the best interests of the
college and nation.
Ten Pledges Finish Up New Pledge Program
Ten pledges have finished their pledg
ing and will become members of Phi
Gamma Delta next fall. These ten men
were pledged after Rush Week in Feb
ruary and have completed Alpha's 12
week pledging program. Those men to
be initiated soon are Jonathan S. Emley
from New Castle, Pa.; Thomas W.
Ladley from Pittsburgh, Pa.; Scott B.
Babcox from Akron, Ohio; Ronald A.
Cohen from Chelterham, Pa.; James A.
Bell from IMountaintop, Pa.; Daniel N.
Kosanovich from Pittsburgh, Pa.; John
E. Ford from McKeesport, Pa.; Norman
E. McHolme from Elizabeth, Pa.; Gary
C. Spinks from McMurray, Pa. and
Robert B. Loos from Carnegie, Pa.
A conscious effort was made this year
to change the pledge program away from
past methods. Emphasis was placed on
learning the material without unneces
sary persuasion and to strive for unity
in the pledge class. Pledges and actives
One thing we have not been pleased
with was the amount of alumni partici
pation here at the chapter. Each one of
you could do something for Alpha, if
you would only try. This is not a plea
for financial support. We feel that the
alumni have vital experience which could
made several suggestions during the
pledge program to try to improve it. Al
though the brothers have mixed emotions
benefit our chapter and you should, "de
light to renew your own youth by con
about the results of the changed pledge
program, the real test of the program
will be in the years to come. It will also
take several more years for the modified
program to take permanent shape. Our
past year, many alumni have stopped
back to chat with the undergraduates
over a pleasant meal at the chapter
house, and we've enjoyed having every
one of them. After all, they did it, "in
experiment was not without its failures
and successes, but there is a growing
trend among fraternities to alter their
pledging programs. The primary pur
pose of pledging is to integrate a person
part payment of the debt with they feel
themselves to owe to the fraternity for
what it gave them in their formative
years." So, let's have all of you stop hack
and pay us a visit whenever you are in
into the house. Fraternities as a whole
the area.
seem to be shifting in the methods in
accomplishing this end.
tinued association with it." Over the
Fraternally yours,
Mike Fite
\r\nWiji Fiji 3
Took Office July 1 st
A 40 year-old New York State educa
tor and former businessman has become
the tenth President of Washington and
Jefferson College.
Dr. Howard J. Burnett has been
elected by the Board of Trustees to head
the nation's eleventh oldest college. He
will succeed Dr. Boyd C. Patterson,
who retired on June 30 after 20 vears
as president of W & J.
Dr. Burnett comes to W & J after
having served for the past six vears as
President of the College Center of the
Finger Lakes, an association of colleges
in up-state New York devoted to devel-
oping cooperative programs. Colleges
forming the association arc Alfred Uni
versity, Cazenovia College, Corning
Community College, Eimira College,
Hartwick College, Hobart and AV^illiam
Smith Colleges, Ithaca College, Keuka
College, St. Bonaventure Universitv and
Wells College.
A native of Holyoke, Massachusetts,
Dr. Brunett was graduated from Am-
herst College in 1952 with Magna Cum
Laude honors in political science. He
was elected to Phi Beta Kappa national
honorary society. While at Amherst, he
The Old and the New
Outgoing President Dr. Boyd C. Patterson and
Incoming President Dr. Howard J. Burnett
was captain of the soccer team and was
named an Ail-American in soccer in both
his junior and senior years. He also was
a member of the varsity basketball and
baseball teams and served as class presi
He received a Rhodes Scholarship and
studied at Oxford University where he
received the B.A. and M.A. degrees with
major work in philosophy, politics, and
After serving as a Lieutenant in the
Hamilton in New York City, and later
Summer Programs, and as Assistant Pro
was a member of the staff of the in
fessor of Government.
ternational Economics Department of
Texaco, Inc.
He was named Assistant to the Presi
Dr. Burnett received his Ph.D. degree
in government and international rela
tions from New "V ork Universiti" in
U.S. Navy Supply Corps from 1955 to
dent of Corning Community College,
1965. He also was awarded the honorary
1958, Dr. Burnett joined the manage
Corning, New York in 1962, also serv
degree of Doctor of Laws by Ithaca
ment consultant firm of Booz, Allen and
ing as Dean of Admissions, Evening and
College in the same year.
\r\nWiji Fiji 4
Robert Shoop/ Dixon Shrum,to Leave Posts
Alumni Donates Stereo
Many alumni have contributed to a
fund honoring Richard K. Zimmerman
VIH Section
Chief Dixon
Shrum, and Alpha's Purple Legionnaire
(Alpha '59) to buy the fraternity house
Robert Shoop will be leaving their posts
a stereo system. Dick Zimmerman was
soon due to business pressures.
killed while flying a helicopter on a mis
sion over Vietnam. He had just returned
to Vietnam for his second tour of duty
after overcoming a series of operations
for cancer here in the states. A gold plate
will be presented at the Pig Dinner in
honor of him. The brothers of Alpha
Chapter would like to thank all those
who have contributed in the memory of
brother Zimmerman.
Dixon Shrum has been Section Chief
from 1967-1970 and has served as an
advisor at Ekklesiai and Fiji Academies.
He has also been past Secretary, Treas
urer and
President of the
(Dcnison '59)
Graduate Chapter. A graduate of Denison '59, Dixon attended the graduate
school fo Business at the University of
Pittsburgh before joining Walston &
The following people have contributed
toward this gift.
Section Chief
Both of these men have been of in
valuable service to Alpha chapter as well
as the General Fraternity. Their leaving
will be a great loss for us all.
Robert Shoop has been Alpha's Purple
Legionnaire for five years. A member of
Alpha Association
Phi Gamma Delta Frateriiily
Robert O. Beach, D.D.S.'59
from W & J in 1969.
Robert W. Dunlap '03
Henry W. Fulton, Jr., Esq. '56
Zeno F. Henninger '20
Thomas G. Grocott '56
Allen Abrams '10
Thomas A. Halter '59
George A. Gaston '99
H. King Hartman, M.D.'59
Richard K. Zimmerman '59
George M. Inglis '59
Raymond P. Johnston '58
John H. Davidson '29
Major Lee W. Borden '60
Duane W. Cooley '60
C. A. DeChesaro, AI.D.'60
R. C. Donell '60
Edward J. Duigan, Esq.'56
T. Roger Entress, D.D.S.'58
Basil W.Lockhart '57
Andrew N. Farley, Esq. '56
Robert S. Fleming, II, M.D.'57
Anthony J. Franty, Jr.'59
Harry W.Fuchs, III '58
David B. Baxter '33
Ralph A. Cooper '23
Bernard H. Belle, Jr.'59
J. Randolph Birch, M.D.'58
Toll of the Years
a Pittsburgh law firm. Bob graduated
At the memorial services for Brother
Davidson, the officers and undergrad
William J. Manko '59
uates of Alpha Chapter served as honor
David C. Martz, Jr.'59
ary pallbearers. We all have been in
Warren F. Mazek '60
Ronald F. Miller '59
spired by the devotion and foresight
which he and the others possessed and
A. Talbott Miller '59
the present chapter house bears witness
Wilfred J. McAloon, Jr.'57
to their unselfishness. Their continued
John C. McEwan '58
interest in the Fraternity throughout
Richard F. Perrault '57
their lives makes their death a loss to
Fiji's everywhere. The influence which
William M. Pfohl '57
they exerted upon the Fraternity will
William L. McEwan '56
Gordon N. Plumb '58
long be remembered.
Major Frederick A. Schrader '57
Walter W. Scott '60
Box 253
Joseph H. Shephard, Jr. '61
John E. Shoop '58
Anthony Spallone '61
Dr. James P. Streamo '61
Johnson L. Thistle, M.D.'60
James D. Thompson '61
A. H. Tsigas '60
Published by the Alumni Relations and
Publications Committee of Alpha Chap
ter of Phil Gamma Delta.
W.Fred W.Winey '58
John R. Wycoff '59
Keneth K. Steinweg
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Summer 1970 newsletter of the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson University. The newsletter is four pages in length.