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1970 April Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
April 1970 newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is six pages.
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DePauw University
1970 April Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
Vol. CXV, No. 2
Phi Gamma Delta, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
April, 1970
Lambda Fijis Fill DPU Board
The Board of Trustees of DePauw
contains eight Fijis of Lambda Chapter. These men were active while at
DePauw and have made many contributions to their community. Phi
Gamma Delta is proud to provide the
leadership within the University and
salute the following .
Edwin C. Boswell '31 has been instrumental in developing the athletic
facilities of DePauw University which
include tennis courts, the track, and
intramu ral fields. His many contributions were repayed in part when
Boswell Field, a new soccer facility,
was dedicated in his honor on Old Gold
D ay, 1969. H e is the President of
McMahan Construction Company of
Rochester, Indiana , and has been a
trustee of DePauw since 1956. Boswell
was honored by being named De Pauw Universi ty's "Alumnus-of-theYear" in 1966.
Edwin C. Boswell
William Cooling '36 is President of
the Indiana Insurance Company, the
Consolidated Insurance Company, and
the Cooling-Grumme Mumford Company, Incorporated. He also serves as
Vice-President and Director of the
Inco-Finance Incm:porated and the
Aero M ayflow~.r Transit Company.
His other varied activities include the
Central Indiana Council, the Boy
Scouts, the United Fund of Greater
Indianapolis, the Indianapolis Hospi ..
tal Developmen t A ssociat ion , and the
D irector of the Indianapolis Goodwill.
He is also a member of the Board of
Directors of the American Fletcher
National Bank and Tru st Company .
Dr. Merrill McFall '27 is considered
one of the most popular and stimulating speakers ·to youth in colleges and
universities throughout America. H e
graduated from the Garrett Biblical
Institute in 1935 and has held a variety of offices which include VicePresident of the Indiana Council of
Churches, President of the Board of
Education of the Indiana Conference
Methodist Church , the Goodwill Am-
Reverend Robert W. Fribley '35 was
president of his senior class at DePau w
in 1934-35. He was a member of Blue
K ey, Kappa T au Kappa, and received
the Walker Cup in 1935. His athletic
activities included membership on the
undefeated, conference champion football team in 1933 and the track team.
Rev . Fribley was an All-State Back
in 1934. He is a former member of
the Board of Trustees and Visitors
and the Board of Directors of the
Alumni Association and was Presid ent
of the Alu mni Association for four
years. After attending DePauw he
was graduated from the Boston University School of Theology. His naval earner included bein g the Naval
Reserve Chaplain in the Pacific in
World War II and attaining the rank
of Commander in the United States
Naval Reserve. Brother Fribley's diverse clerical activities include holding many positions in the North Indiana C o n f e r e n c e of the Methodist
Church including Missionary Secretary, D istrict D irector of Youth Work,
and Conference Youth Director. He
waS' dean of the Epworth Forest Institute and Director o.f the Wesley
Foundation at Purdue University. H e
has been Chairman of the Commission
on World Service and Finance of the
North Indiana Conference since 1956,
and is honored by being listed in
Who's Who in Me·t hodism. D r. F ribley is the minister of the First Methodist Church of Anderson, Indiana.
J. Stanford Smith
bassador of Methodist Churches in Indiana to Methodist Churches in Germany, membership on the Commission on Structure of Methodism Overseas, and President of the Bloomington Church Federation. H e has been
pastor of the First Methodist Church
of Bloomington, India na since 1941.
While at DePauw he was an economics
major and a member of Phi Beta K appa. He was named a trustee of DePau w in 1947 and received an honorary D.D . Degree from DePauw in
J. Kurt Mahrdt '28 has served as
cashier and auditor for the Indiana
National Bank. In 1963 he was named
(Continued on Page 3)
April. 1970
Grad Help
Needed Now
We are anticipating great success
in rush for the upcoming year.
However, t h is is partly dependent
on your own efforts. Past years
have been fill ed with alumni guidance. Your help is needed again
this year to locate q u alified individuals for D ePauw University and
Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta . We need your interest and
Please note that rush will end by
the first week in September. Please
submit your advice before that
Mike Bleck. Rush Chairman
The George Lortz family posed in Greencastle last year on Alumni Day.
Left to right are Jeff Kit and his son. Rear. Becky Lortz. and Mr. and
Mrs. Lortz. Above are Eric and Linda Lortz.
1933 Gridder Makes
Century All Fiji Pick
Lortz is listed in Who's Who in the
On October 26th of last year, DePau w University President W . E. Kerstetter presented Alumnus (Class of
'34) George E. Lortz with a special
plaque recogmzmg his outstanding
contributions to DePauw athletics.
Lortz, a member o.f Lambda Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta, was starting
center and co-captain of Coach "Gaumy" Neal's famous 1933 football team
which finished the season undefeated,
untied and unscored upon.
that same year, Lortz broke a longstanding National Colleg'iate Record
by returning a blocked Ball State field
goal attempt for ninety-nine yards
(breaking the old record of 95 yards
set by Sanford White of Princeton).
In addition to his own accomplishments on and off the p laying field,
Mr. Lortz and his w ife, Christine, (an
Honorary Alumna of DPU) have contributed three sons to DePauw Athletics, the eldest George "Kit" Lortz
was an All ICC tackle on the 1959-61
teams. "Kit" is now married and has
one son . Following "Kit" is brother
Jeff. a running back on the 1963-1964
squad. Third son of the Lortz clan is
Eric. who is norw married and living
in Fowler, Indiana. Like his two
brothers and father, Eric was an outstanding ath lete - quarterback on D ePauw's '65, '66 and '67 teams. E ric
was elected All ICC and set a D ePauw
total offense record of 1101 yards in
the 1967 season.
Since his footba ll years, George
Lortz has become a successful bu siness man serving several years as
Executive Vice-Preident and General
Manager of Walker Martin, Inc., an
apiplia n ce distributing subsidiary of
G.E. Also a member of the Raleigh ,
N.C. City Planning Commission. Mr.
Without doubt, these extremely significant contributions by Mr. George
Lortz and his three sons rank highly
in the annals of D ePauw University
a nd establish a precedent of participation and su ccess for which all persons
conn ected with DePauw University
cannot help b ut respect and admire.
Reviewing my years as Lambda
President, I'm sorry I did not do more .
I am quite su re that I learned more
about myself as a p erson than I returned to Lambda in leadership and
organization. The most valuable lesson I learned is about myself as a
l ~a der.
If a group of people elects
someon e to head their organization,
they expect a rath er active leader.
'I1his was my biggest failure; what
leadership I did offer was too passive.
Lambda's biggest weakness is still
poor internal organization. I recognized this problem when I took office,
but I was never able to correct this
fault. My leadership was not forceful
enough. However, I do feel we made
gains in other areas. For example,
our "n o fines" system is a success as
was our new Pig Dinner format.
Lambda's new cabinet will be a
good one. President Jim Sanford is
quite capable of rectifying our organizational problems. In addition, he has
extensive plans formulated and designed to further involve the undergradu ates in the buildin g fund drive
and social service projects.
I would like to thank every alum
for the cooperation I r eceived durin g
the past year. When talking with you
at variou s times, all of you made an
honest and sincere effort to understand L ambda of 1969-70. Thank you
all for your understanding and for letting me be your president.
Larry R. Downs
P erg
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April 1970 newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is six pages.