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1973 Newsletter Delta Deuteron (Hampden-Sydney College)
1973 newsletter of the Delta Deuteron chapter at Hampden-Sydney College. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Delta Deuteron
Hampden-Sydney College
1973 Newsletter Delta Deuteron (Hampden-Sydney College)
Welil, another sehooH year 1» under way^ and we at the Delta
Ohuteron Chapter thou^t you might like to get the baeio ecoop on all
the activities at the house this year.
On September 10, 1973» the house gained two n^w brothersi
William Blackman, a soienoe lizard sophomore from Charalottesville.
Donald Caatla, another sophomore who is just a lizard from
We also pledged Mark Bell, a sophomore from Ashland Va. statting
the new rush with a ban^
It looks like a good year for Fiji, as
the brotherhood is perhaps tighter than it ever has been.
It could very
well be the year of the Phi Qamm,
Concerning the house itself^
Delta Deuteron's chapter house and grounde are in the best shape they
have been in for years.
The kitchen has been remodeled and supplied
with a beautiful set of hard wood cabinates designed and constructed
by Mr. Talent himself, graduate brother Bob Lissenden.
An accusticle
ceiling and a new tile floor were also added to make our kitchen the
most attractive and best equlpted facility of its kind on campus.
are indepted to many of last years graduates for this attractive
addition to our house.
In the early fall of this year, the brothers made a maximum effort
to completely repaint the downstairs living room and hall ai'eas.
Recently completed, the new coat of Sea Mist Green has added greatly
to our house's interior appearenco.
We have aquired additional
fiirniture for the T.V. room, featuring two rows of couches for your
lowing pleasure. The oommpliments have been flying during ruob and
i are happy to say that our house has been a definite plus for attracting
ospective members.
Last years hard work in the spring has yeilded a fine crop of grass
)r your viewing, not smoking, pleasure. TIjiq front find back yards
•e green and full, a condition which has not been apparent in past years.
» have done a landscaping job on the front shrubbury, and regraveled the
ilka, an aspect which greatly improves the appeorence of the house's
\r\nThe houee oommlttee would like to tharik both this years and last
years brothers for all the hard work, and would like to encourage you
all to stop by and see the best house on campus.
In intramurals, for the 1972-73 season, Fiji finished third with
a total of 434 points. Phi Oamm was ohampion is softball, bring home
the trophy, and missed a first in volleyball by a end of the season'
defeat by Lambda Chi.
Although muoh of our power graduated last year, this year looks
like it might be as good, if not better than last years.
The football
team coached by Chris "Vincent" West and quater-baoked by Dandy Don
Porkall, although losing the opener, feel that it will be a good year.
With the
gquisision of Hob "Tiina" LoTlgan and Dave "Brillo" Minor, the
front line gained in spped what it lost in beef.
With wwievers Bill
"Booim-Boom" Rue, John Hubbard, Mark Bell, and Warren "Wild Man" Keeling
the passing game should be able to break any seoondeiry,
Steve Bell,
main man on defense, although not as great as Paul Lindsey, adds greatly
to the depth in the secondary.
All in all, it should be a good season
on the grid-iron.
The Volley Ball Iiward of last year went out to
Sir Hoyce who broke
his own record by stopping three spikes.,,.with his head.
The softball
award belongs to Tuna, the only out fielder who dropped three easy pope
in a row, one of them twice.
In "A" basket ball Larry Bertram takes the
honors for his expertise in dribbling (off his feet) and his ablity to
hit the backboard and the rim,
a few baskets.
W© are hoping this year he might hit
Bill Hue wins the 1972-73 Flying Dutchman Award for his
remarkable ablity to leave his feet in any sport, including golf, end
manage to land on„ anything but his feet.
With the same psiTticipation we had during all of last years events,
we should be able to prove that Fiji is ohampion not only in books
but in sports.
In acederaicB, Fiji has always maintained high standards, and this
year proves to be no exception.
Last year we ended up with
a 3*057
ouralitive average rating highest among the social fraternities and
surpassing the previous years efforts of 2,72.
Brothers Peters, Donaldsdi
Lissenden, and Barnes led last years efforts with averages well over 3*0 ,
Yet,,returning to the ranks this year we have Larry Bertram, Pete Jordan,
\r\nRodger KLeiech, Bill Blackman, Hick Laupuo, John Hubbard, Bob Eedinger,
and Mark Bell pulling in well over the mighty 3.0. 'Phis year should be
another year of academic excellence for Phi Gamma Delta.
In social service to the oommiinity, during ^ril of last year,
the brothers worked on improving a playground located at Parmvill©
Elementary. In all, one hundred dollars of repair and construction
to the playground's baseball field was completed.
Brother Stan Oranberry, chairman of the social service committee,
plans to conclude repairs to the same playground within the next few weeks.
This time attention will be focused on improving the basketball court
whiok, due to lack of funds, the school has been tinable to maintain
in a playable condition.
Stan has also indicated other projects for
later in the year include the traditional Christmas Party for the
underpriviledged children of the oomunity, as well'' as organizing a
Christmas dinner program for needy families. This year the Fijis plan
on taking a more active role in service to the school and oomunity.
The social calendar for the rest of rush is as follows.
Fri, ftept 21 ...Road Trip
Sat. Sept 22 ... Flick Night
The phantom of the Opera, and Draoula has
Risen Prom the Grave
Fri. Sept28.., Homecoming Concert The Bruce Springsteen Band
Sat. Sept 29... 12.00 noon Bloody Marys and Screwdrivers at Gene's.
2|00 Homo coming ^'ootball Game H. S. C. vs.Bridgewater
Buffet Dinner at the house
The Sandcastlo irill play until one
Fri. Oot
House Party
Sat. Oct. 6
IJrip to Htf'f S.-G:. football game at lynohburg
Ij'ri. Oot 12 ... House Party
Sat. Oot 13 ••• Party at Hickok's farm
Thurs. Oot 18 ... Mixer
Oot 19 ... House Party
Oot 20 ... a bsmd,
Gold Rush
Prl. Oot 26 ... Silent Weekend
Sat. Dot 27 ...
Sun, Oot 28 ... Pledge Day
As you can see, there is a great deal happening at Phi Gamm, esp.
during HMMcoming, so why not wfite us and let us know if you can make
\r\nIt down for that, or any of oiir other functione.
We would really like to .
eee you again, and let you see what has happened to the houee over the
course of time.
We feel that what we have accomplished this year, even
in this short amount of time, will malce you very proud.
This section of the Shmiaa Qram is usually reserved for graduate news
and happenings, yet at this time, there really is very much in volume
to offer.
If you have heard any news or know of any, any thing from
a new address to a new arrival, please let us know so we can let the
rest of the brothers know.
We like to try to keep in touch, so please,
drop us a line.
On the marrage scene the following brothers are now offioally hooked.
Mike Moss finally married Karen the raven -haiaed knock-out,
Ernie Oibbs Finally married Anno Major
The Big "0" Gary O'Connell is now bound in Wedlock to Anne Lawler.
Brothers, basically, that is it.
Again we want to encourage you
to drop us a line, or better yet, drop by the house anytime, we
would truly like to see all of you again.
Hope to see you at Home-
coming for all the activities we have planaed just for you.
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1973 newsletter of the Delta Deuteron chapter at Hampden-Sydney College. The newsletter is four pages in length.