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1973 November Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Tech)
November 1973 newsletter of the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Tech. This newsletter is one page in length.
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Rho Alpha
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
1973 November Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Tech)
202 Church Street
Dlacksburg, Virginia 24060 ;
RHO ALPHA chapter'. .„
]3, 1973
Thought for now:
Well, take this newsletter for what it is...either a late October gossip
note or a half way through the quarter informer...We aim to please...Homecoming
this year was a goody, except that we missed a lot of out-of-toxm faces...We had
a float entered in the parade for the first time in our history - whether
or FIJI...A biggy...A haywagon loaded with a neat purple pot - brown hut - a
gross palm tree - and even ^^grosser'^ brothers hanging onto the wagon.. .Pulled by
a convertible and followed by three dune buggies loaded with women.. .Pant...
Tom payne's gone home to Lovettsville (Leesburg) - working with his father...It's
a sad quarter for fraternity news...As I'm sure you all are aware ofT
Rich Rau and H.B.Harne were involved in an automobile accident in Hagerstown, Md.
in Mid-October...H.B. lost his life and Rich was moved from a hospital in HagerstOTO to a hospital in Cranford, N.J., Rich's home town...My last phone call to
Rich found him at home and in good physical condition and extremely good mental
condition...He mentioned the new job in Ocean City, Md. is waiting for him and
hoping to visit us here at the Mansion sometime after Thanksgiving - if the doctor
permits, of course...Tom, his brother, plans to bring him down...For those of you
who want to gab with him, his home phone is 201-276-3724...H.B. •s funeral was sad
but appropriate for such a fine man...I need not say more except please drive care
fully over the holidays...Kathy and Heather, their 21/2 year old daughter, are fine
as of this writing...Both in Hagerstown...Another sad note to pass along is the
loss of Brad Abrams father a few weeks back...No word from Brad or Bev...Just
sorting out their thoughts...That's all anyone can do...On a happier note - Rich
Fine got married. . .Yep... In Roanoke on October 27th.. .Married Angie Steward;, who
has visited us here many times...Our best wishes to the Texas Terror and his missus.
..Ronnie Hill decided after four weeks to call it quits in school and packed up his
gear, resigned his cabinet post, smooched all his women good-bye, drank a few beers,
and headed east to Virginia Beach...Gonna do some sole searchin' about what school'^s
all about and then will probably come back and find out...We all at one time gotta
take the time to think "Whaaaat am I doing here"...Don whittaker, realizing his Corps
obligations were tighting his time up, relinquished his cabinet post also...Don't
panic though as this joint's still in good shape...Never thought we needed officers
anyways...We had five pledges at the beginning of the Quarter but are down to three
as two of them decided the grades weren't up to par...Their decision.-.Back to "Why
are you here" question again...Jim ShowAlter, Phil Jessop, and George Sakell...More
on them later...That Polyurethane Dome monster for our back yard passes the
Blacksburg Establishment, so let me compose something pretty and send it to you guys
and I won't hold my breath for donations...Bad time to ask anyways with the holidays
fast approaching...FIJI Basketball team did well - won everything but the finals...
FIJI Football team is on the way to a great year also...Good chances of entering the
playoffs...Just like Atlanta Falcons...Two casualties to report: Ronnie Hill did
manage to break his arm before leaving school and COACH Stacey Cole lost his two
front teeth...Ain't it a bitch...His wife, Cheryl, sure as hell didn't think so...
Happy Turkey Day to everyone...Sure hope you can afford to buy one...Energy Crisis
or whatever you want to call it, has affected us here...Low on fuel...No problem just means our bar bills will be higher than usual...ooohhhhh, pass me another one.
..Hay, put on your Social Calender - December 1st, COMBO PARTY at the Mansion...
December 8th, will be our annual X-mas Party...Let us know if you're coming in so
we can help you with any arrangements you might need - number at the Mansion is
703—552—9880 ...o^ee ya soon.
Rambling Griff, your respondin' sec....
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November 1973 newsletter of the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Tech. This newsletter is one page in length.