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1973 October Newsletter Pi Gamma (University of British Columbia)
October 1973 newsletter of the Pi Gamma chapter at the University of British Columbia. This newsletter is two pages in length.
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Pi Gamma
University of British Columbia
1973 October Newsletter Pi Gamma (University of British Columbia)
Pit3(^ iSfVeh
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No. 1
October 1973
Editor: Kevin Higgins
Greetings Brothers. This newsletter is
the first of a continuing series. In it
you will find chapter news, grad news and
perhaps a few amusing stories. Contribu
tions or suggestions will be gratefully
accepted plus any address you may have
for a Fiji who you feel would like to be
included in our mailing list. As it
stands now our mailing list is a patchy
affair and we hope this can be remedied
with your assistance.
little down from our goal, but very
pleasing none the less. This was
accomplished through the hard efforts of
both actives and grads & Brother Dave
Mills as Rush Chairman.
The first
official function was at the house where
there were some thirty rushees present
and an equal number of Fijis. Beer was
served plus the usual tremundous Fiji
Perhaps a lot of the success at the
beginning of this year is due to the
efforts by several people in repairing
and painting the old Ram House. The
living area and dining room has been
painted, as have all the hallways. The
kitchen has been repainted to look like
new and its tile floor has been repaired.
There is a new stove, fridge, and dish
washer and all the house plumbing works
without water spouts appearing in tiny
nooks and crannies throughout the house.
Almost all bedrooms have been repainted
and fixed up by the roomers in each.
The second function took place
at Brother John Mackay's lovely home on
Laurier. A tremendous time was had by
all. The food was superb, the band
great and a special note of thanks is
given to Brother Mackay and his wife who
so willingly gave their house for the
night. The entire evening was a resound
ing success!
The third function v/as a dinner at the
house. The famous Fiji tradition of good
food and wine was upheld and afterwards
a bus took the party to the Grandview
Hotel for a pub night. The Grandview will
Carpeting has been added to the halls
never be the same.
and,other areas.
functions plus informal gatherings. Pi
Gamma pledged ten of the finest young men
on campus. The entire rush culminated in
a super party with a live band on Oct. 3,
Comments have ranged
from "Gawd!" to "Its the best the house
has looked in years . . . "
And so from these three
A special note of thanks to all Graduate
An added note is that for the first time
Brothers who gave a tremendous amount of
time and support in helping renovate the
in years anyone fought a Beta function
and won. By twelve o'clock the Fiji house
had several Betas "dropping by." We
suppose they got tired of drinking milk
house and assist in rush.
At the time of this printing we have ten
eager pledges; seven of which are living
or will live in the house.
This is a
and writing letters to Ann Landers.
\r\nJim Vilvang - articling with Harry Rankin
in Vancouver. Doing well. Donated
Brother Ray Wiseman - known as "Abe" for
a car??? to the house.
his managing of house funds. Handy
man in his spare time. Take a look
Bob Jamieson - articling as a C.A.
at his room for his construction
Tony Mandl — is President of Josef
Miltz International. If you'd like
Brother Kyle Raj^mond .r the cookie
monster. He
playing Loma football
and doing very well. Sports Chairman.
to know about wines look him up.
If you have any news about yourself or
another Brother or would like to contact
Brother Dave Mills - trying out for
"Birds" basketball. We're very hope
ful for him. He's still trying to
someone, let us know.
We'll be glad to
find out who knocked on his door last
Wednesday night.
Rush chairman.
Brother Dal Jessiman - in his final year,
and doing well with his new van. ;
10 Oct.
PONG NIGHT - to establish the
present board. Drop out and see.
some pong.
Brother Greg Stoddat - the old pro from
Lamda Omega. Working on his Phd.
Pledge trainer.
12 Oct.
19 Oct.
Brother Tim Elian - our newest brother
and can probably claim the longest
pledge period. Social Chairman.
31 Oct. HALLOWE'EN DANCE. Full Bar,
Band. ALL Fijis welcome. Let us
Brother Doug Eakins - in commerce again
and always a good source for advice
Mid Feb.' - PIG DINNER..
on almost any matter.,
0'! < ' •
Brother Larry Waters - attended Academy,
last summer at Lexington Kentucky. . ,
Working on his Phd.
:-. •
A luscious coed majoring in sociology
decided to write,her thesis on campus
sexual behavior and she ended up work
ing under the greatest minds on campus.
Brother Mike Fr^ith - married and living
on the shore. Will be sel'ling
pharmaceutical supplies.
A conservative business man saw his
in Worth Burnaby.
voluptuous secretary wearing a buttph"!.
Brother John Mills - married and living
/ ; . '' ;
on her chest with the words "I Like Dick."
*•. \
"Miss Jones" he said, "Don't you know
the election is over and Nixon won. She
Brother Stu Hensmah - last seen heading
East to make his' fortune in the
smiled coyly and said "I know."
wilds of Manitoba.
Brother MurrayiJeakins - teaching high ■
• !?■
and.fighting off,Groupies.
This is the first of our newsletters and
- teaching
we hope you can help us by providing us.
With names and addresses of Fijis or
.. f'
Rob Hunter - is putting his degree to
good use tending bar at the Richmond
Key n Cleave.
information about your class.
More to come,
Kevin Higgins
Publications Chairman
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October 1973 newsletter of the Pi Gamma chapter at the University of British Columbia. This newsletter is two pages in length.