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1973 October Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
October 1973 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Indiana University
1973 October Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
B冒l! Jenkin Awarded
By Robert J. M組Ier,
Once again Zeta chapter started o鯖
the new school year with the popular
Fiji Isle. The dance is something the
brothers Iook forward to on their
arrival back at school. It all took place
during the evening hours of Septem‑
ber eighth.
The house is sIowly transformed
into a south sea island. During the
early days of construction many
PaSSerSby wonder and inquire what
kind of addition is being added to the
house. After explaining it to be a
dance they wonder if the described
construction is possible.
To begin with the fi‑Ont lawn was
組Ied with an enormous pod. Rope
For Bi11 Jenkin, Phi Gamma Delta
Accompanying him at the presenta.
has indeed become a way of life. Just
tion‑dinner were his wife Jo Sue and
hut to straw hut. One of the main
last spring, Zeta honored the well‑
two sons, Dave and Robbie. AIso in
attractions was the slide extending
attendance was Bnl Reed, Chairman of
the Alumni Advisory Board and Secre‑
tary‑Treasurer of Alumni.
59 graduate with the out‑
Standing alumni award for 1972‑73. On
Monday evening, September 17,
Beechwood presented Bill with The
Francis M. Durrance Award as Phi
Gamma Delta
s outstanding Purple
s a wonder how B皿can keep up
with his business interests consider‑
ing the long hours he has spent on
In accepting the award, Bill spoke of
freedom and the responsi上皿ity of the
brothers of Zeta to make the right
choices in a co11ege environment
Where persona=iberties are many.
Certainly, the dedication to Zeta that
house improvements and advice to the
B皿has exhibited through his sacri‑
Cabinet. Although working for North‑
fices and contributions exemplify the
WeStern Mutual L並e Insurance Co.,
Bi11 is also owner of several local
rental firms and apartments and, On
many occasions, WaS On his hands and
knees at Beechwood. He helped con‑
struct a new sundeck, reCarPet the
best qualities of an outstanding Purple
Le gionnaire.
to give Zeta an additional study‑
lounge off the Oak Room. Through
from the roof of the sundeck to a point
just above the water. This whole
SCene is being overlooked by a large
ten to fifteen foot Fiji God on the roof.
With large red eyes it is very
impressive looking. The front lawn
With burning torches and coIored
lights has a serene and peaceful
Downstairs the brothers and their
dates danced to the music of Mayhem
and had pictures taken so the evening
Will be remembered for a long time.
The back patio was a good place to
In the weeks and months ahead
there will be important decisions of
POlicy as we11 as of maintenance and
Bi11 Jenkin will most assuredly be a
first and second floor halls, and even
knock out a wall in the Powder Room
bridges spanned the pool from straw
get away from the excitement for a
Listening to all of the happy people in
the background and watching the
COIorful waterfall coming o鯖the roof
Part Of Zeta
s efforts to strive toward
the ideals established 125 years ago.
All undergraduate, graduate, and
gave one a good feeling.
While filling the pool in preparation
at five o
dock in the morning Friday a
s Maintenance, Inc., Zeta has been
alumni brothers congratulate Bill once
few of us were surprised when no less
SaVed untold donars in expenses for
again and thank him for a job excep‑
than eight police cars and three紐.e
house remodeling.
tionally well done.
trucks came racing from a11 directions
By Robert J. Rogers,
Quest for Exce皿ence
Iege Fraternity th認諾諒蒜sha.l
was the
Zeta once again showed its strength
theme of the 13th F卸Academy held
at the awaI
at Eastern Kentucky University lo‑
cated in Richmond, Kentucky. The
Academy, Which is a schooI of
leadership for Phi Gamma Delta, WaS
the chapter was recognized for being
ds banquet. In scholarship,
above the a11‑men
s fratemity average
fourteen years in a row, mOre than
any other chapter in the nation. The
held August 12‑15・ Zeta chapter was
Durannce Award, given for outstand‑
represented at the academy by David
ing Purple Legionnaire, WaS aWarded
G. King, PreSident; John M. Wallace,
to Zeta
Treasurer; Robert J. Rogers, Histor‑
result of his hard work and sacrifice
ian; Scott A. MiⅡer, Rush Chairman;
for the house. The, Cheney Cup, the
and Jon C. Bames, Delegate.
COVeted honor for most outstanding
Chapters from around the country
s own William E. Jenkin, aS a
chapter, Slipped by Zeta this year, but
met to discuss common prd)lems,
the brothers were extremely pleased
COmPare ideas, and aid one another in
With the honor of second place. Zeta
future undertakings. Through this
also grabbed honors in the Brightman
三豊‡譜嘉n慧enjoyment of its
COmParing of thoughts, all were able
Award, the award for best graduate
to take back to their chapter
relations, reCelVlng an honorable
Contributions of news of alumni are
Shively, 631 E. Third Street, BIoom‑
ington, Indiana 47401.
Pγe S竜わ砺;
Darrall R. Parsons
26 … … Muncie
s a little
more insight on d聯erent possible
approaches to fraterna=ife. Various
As the academy came to a cIose, the
discussion topics included public rela‑
five delegates headed back to Beech‑
tions, ruSh, Pledge education, and
wood, With great pride. We had done
graduate I.elations・ The conclusion of
we11, We realized, but also it was
the convention was the model Norris
Pig Dinner highlighted by Apollo
astronaut Eugene A. Cernan who
evident that we would not be satisfied.
gave a very moving account of his
SPaCe adventures and showed despite
on an even better showing at the
Vわe PγeS胸e7諦:
his fame, had tremendous feeling for
the fraternity.
So as we start this year, We Strive for
further improvement‑With sights set
Atlanta Ekklesia next summer.
D加e cめγS ;
Frank O
52. … …. Corylon
Orville W. NichoIs, Jr.
41 ‥... Knox
Douglas H. White, Jr. ,47 Indianapolis
FUl lSLE (COn†.)
Only to stop in front of the house. We
were relieved to find it was a false
alarm across the street. Later when
Wilham S. Reed, JI.., Chairman
William E. Jenkin, Ex‑officio P.L.
the pooI was about full with twenty‑
Dr. Edwin H. Cady
John A. Hoadley
SeCtion of wall partially collapsed and
available, it had to be drained, fixed
eight thousand gallons of water a
after a valient effort of the brothers
and re組led the next moming at the
same time.
Ernest H. Andres
During the week before the dance
dates received coconuts as invitations,
and started making coIorful Hawaiian
outfits for the occasion.
Pγe S読め祝
David G. King
74. … ‥ Indianapolis
All of these great times can be
John M. Wallace
74.. ‥ Indianapolis
Robert J. Rogers
75 … ‥ Ft. Wayne
brought about by many hours of
Planning well in advance. We must
thank this years chairman Rick Ba11
for his time and effort. We must also
thank those who worked and made
Fiji Isle, the success it was.
By John Stewart,
While the brothers were on vacation
every day since we arrived this fall,
SurrOundings and we thank all the
this summer, the physical structure of
and eliminated a11 the leakage prob‑
alumni who helped us financia11y. We
Beechwood underwent an exceptional
lems. Another great improvement Bfll
would also like to thank the House
number of improvements to get ready
and his men worked on changed the
Corporation for a11 the time they spent
inside appearance of Beechwood so
Organizing the improvements and we
SeVenty‑four schod year. Probably
much that you feel like you
hope that each and everyone of you
the most expensive prQject was the
in the halls of the Grand Hotel. I
Can take time in your busy schedule to
replacement of the plumbing from the
SPeaking of the new black and red
come see Beechwood some time this
furnace room to the kitchen and
CarPet in sophomore, junior and senior
fall. Please come see PGD, have lunch
Various auxiliary pipes. The spring of
and attend a Hoosier football game.
re walking
1973 brought many leaks in the old
With all this, it is hard to believe
(The Hoosiers play Northwestern Nov.
Plumbing and suspeeted repair bills
made it a necessity to replace the
that there is more, but it is true. The
10, and PurdTe N9V・ 24.) Feel free to
Pipes. The new pipes brought equal
enough money this year to buy their
PreSSure tO the heads and ended a tra‑
boys the greatest addition this year.
dition of yelling
We have already received many
flushing the urinal to prevent the
COmPliments on the new fumiture our
brothers from getting scalded.
ParentS PurChased for Oakroom. The
s club and ̄ Dad
s club d6nated
Other improvements include new
fuI.niture is a sturdy, dark, elm with a
SCreenS for the kitchen and dining
Plaid Herculon material and black
Naugahide. The items purchased in‑
room, and remodeling the powder
Stdp by anytime though. Zeta Alumni
are always welcome at Beechwood.
This year at Zeta finds many of not
room into two separate rooms. The
Clude:tWO COuChes, tWO Iove seats,
ladies powder room is now one half the
three lounge chairs, POker table with
Only the seniors but also the graduate
Size it use to be, SeParated from the
matching captain
brothers either engaged or married.
Other half by a permanent partition. A
and lamps. We thank all the parents
Some of the graduate brothers who
new door has been installed fi
Who donated last year and invite you
Were married this past summer
to come see the furniture any time.
include David Gephardt who married
Om the
Oakroom to the new room. This new
s chairs, endtables,
room gives additional space for
Major improvements such as these
the former Beth Faris (KKG), Charles
Studying with sma11 groups of brothers
have given incentive to the underclass‑
or individual study in∴ complete
men to take on many projects
Byrnes who married the former Mary
Ann Mathews (KKG), Cleve Skelton
pnV acy・
themselves. Some of the projects
who married the former Barb Petti‑
brothers participated in last year
bone, and Phillip Gardner who married
include: Painting of the dining room,
Susan Shoup (Kappa AIpha Theta).
AIso junior Jeff Gray was wed to
Chris Zorbideian (KKG).
The sundeck has been a constant
PrOblem in the past. The tar covered
floor over the T. V. room for many
Oakroom, Oakhall, SOPhomore, JumOr
and senior hall, Paneling and carpeting
years has been ineffective as far as
keeping the water from leaking
the ladies bathroom, Cleaning the attic
downstairs. Under Bill Jenkin
and re‑finishing the piano.
s leader‑
Ship, his crew installed a redwood sun‑
The men of Phi Gamma Delta, Zeta
deck which has been used almost
Chapter, are PrOud to live in such fine
The seniors who have recently
decided to take the big step inc獲ude
Eric Wilson, engaged to Sandy Kr∞tZ
(AIpha Chi Omega).
Doug Keller, SerVed as trainers for
By Paul Cox
Fiji Kid:
Friar got o鮮to a good start, Staying
It was September ll, 1973. The
in the thick of the race and leading at
SCene WaS the Frangipani Room of the
times until Jameson began to pull
I.U. Memorial Union, Where a crowd
away with about ten minutes left in
Of well over a hundred waited eagerly
the contest. Jameson became an utter
for the beginning of the First Annual
eating machine as he downed eighteen
Wimpy Burger Contest which would
burgers in thirty minutes. The
decide which man on campus could
devour the most hamburgers in thirty
Off eleven before time ran out, We11
minutes. The three contestants, Paul
ahead of third place finisher Schultz.
Schultz and Larry Jameson‑both of
the I.U. football team, and the pride of
Beechwoed, Gary (Friar) Dunn
74, all
for victory as head
football coach Lee Corso conducted
the opening ceremonies. Brother
Brent Meyers
74 and Gary
s apart‑
ment roommates, Dane Logan and
performed very we11 ‑ finishing
Looking back on the contest Gary
renected, ̀̀It was a fantastic experi‑
ence. I faced great opponents. I have
nothing but pride in my performance
and the backing of the house:
Thanks to Friar for representing
Beechwood well in this competition.
\r\nCong「a†u8a†ions †o new in帥a†es
by Whit Grayson
Fall is finally here膏nd with it come
majoring in Business, and a member of
business, Mark Ricky McGee from
usual changes, leaves dropping from
also a member of I. U. Wrestling,
air, and the inevitable sound. of toe
the I.U. Wrestling Team.
Ft. Wayne and Muncie both pro‑
duced three pledges. From Ft. Wayne
meeting pigskin. However, fan has
COme: Thomas MurTy Kimbrough, Ft.
ton, majoring in BioIogical Science,
trees, a SHght chill creeping into the
Chesterton, majoring in business and
Richard Frederick Sch皿ng, BIooming‑
brought an added change to Zeta, the
Wayne South H. S., majoring in busi‑
Robert William Weller Jr., Richmond,
arrival of a new pledge class. Twenty‑
ness, Keith Warren M皿ler, maJOnng
majoring in BioIogical Science, Joseph
eight new faces waⅨing the tradition
in BioIogical Science; Mark Wayne
蝕1ed halls of Beechwood, hoping to
Stewart Wi11er, Logansporte, major‑
ing in Business, Walter Bayard Huey
SOmeday become an active part of this
Reitdorff, majoring in business; Mun‑
Cie North pledges are: James Robert
IⅡ, majoring in Business and John
Clark, majoring in business; Thomas
Patrick Holloway, LaFayette, major‑
Doyle Stevning, majoring in business;
and Charles Vaught Sursa II, majoring
ing in Finance.
This year
s pledge class hails
many different places and has interests
in business.
Out of Anderson and LaPorte come
apolis claims seven Fiji pledges as
two Fiji pledges from each town.
native sons: James Joseph Collison,
FrOm Anderson: Kevin William Luther
Brebeuf H. S., majoring in AnthI.O‑
majoring in business; and Michael Lee
McNabney, Majoring in PsychoIogy.
poIogy: Newton Terry Dick, Broad‑
ripple H. S., Majoring in business;
Richard Wmiam Dyar, North Central
Two LaPorte Pledges are: Thomas
H.S., BioIogical Science; Kevin Ed‑
and Charles Oliver Turk, majoring in
ward Green, Warren Central H.S.,
BioIogical Science.
Majoring in BioIogical Science; An‑
drew Kenneth Light, North Central
H.S., majoring in English; and Patrick
David Henry Smith III, Howe H.S.,
Out of state boys are: Mark Anton
Laesch, BIoomington, Ill., majoring in
ranging from skiing to acting. Indian‑
Lee RepIogle, majoring in business,
From individual cities all over the
Business, and James Stanley Crews,
Normal, Ill., majoring in Business and
also a member of I. U. Varsity Basket‑
ball, and Timothy Jay Milburn Colum‑
bus, Ohio, majoring in recreation. Our
most recent pledge is John Watkins
from Kentucky.
And there you have it the 1973 Fiji
Pledge Class. A class that is ambitious,
State COme; James Bradley Cook,
Optimistic, and sure to someday
majoring in Business Law, Whitney
become an integral part of the Fiji
Brent Grayson Tipton, maJOrmg ln
experie n ce.
Dr. T. Charles Smiley (Indiana
died August 25, 1973. Dr. Smiley was
from Washington, Indiana and had
By Bill Silvey,
been a well known dentist in the
Daviess County area for many years.
Zeta once again opens another Intra‑
mural season and once again assumes
the role of defending champion. Last
s championship was the effect of
is a fantastic record. Luckfly for Zeta,
is back this year and is ready
to prove his talents once again.
Last years I.aCe for the champion‑
Ship was the classic battle between
In addition to being a member of
Zeta Chapter, Phi Gamma Delta, he
WaS a 32nd member of the
Scottish Rite Va11ey of Evansvnle,
the FIJI house and our perennial rival,
PaSt PreSident of the Chamber of
Commerce, Past PreSident of the
the 1972‑73 season Zeta competed in
Sigma Nu. Softball turned out to be
Dental Alumni Assooiation, Past Vice‑
36 of the 37 sports activities o鯖ered
the spoI.t that won the championship
and finished fourth or better in 18 of
With a strong turnout by the house.
SPearheaded by one great athlete. In
which may only be topped by this
been reorganized and detaned for each
PreSident of the Indiana State Dental
Association, Past PreSident of the
First District Dental Association, a
member of Delta Sigma Delta Dental
years house teams.
them. This is a unbelievable feat
This years
intramural program has
organization to the point that the
fratemity, member of the PieFTe
However, the IntI.amural Champion‑
entiI.e CamPuS Will have an equal
Fauchard Academy. He was also a
Ship was not the only thing that Zeta
OPPOrtunity to participate. This will
PaSt PreSident of the Washington
WOn. Jon Ruppert (
74) won the First
make our job as defending champs a
Rotary Club, a member of the board of
Annual Most Outstanding Intramural
Athlete of the Year. The decision for
tough one, but the enthusiasm to
directors of Home Buflding Savings
and Loan Assooiation, a member of
repeat as champs is high.
intramural program is
the board of directors at Carnegie
being handled within the house by
Public Library, a director of the
in football, basketball, gOIf, Vdleyball,
CO‑Chairmen Tom Mensch (
75) and Bill
YMCA and Boy Scouts, and past
SOftball, WaterPOIo, bowling, soCCer,
Silvey (
74). They both are optimistic
table tennis, and track. To participate
for the future and are totally confident
president of the Daviess County
Board of Health.
is one thing, but to win all‑CamPuS
that this will once again be a champion‑
recognition in seven of the ten sports
Ship year for Zeta.
the intramural department must have
been an easy one as ̀̀Rupe
This years
We shall all miss this outstanding
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October 1973 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.