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1973 October-November Newsletter Pi Gamma (University of British Columbia)
October-November 1973 newsletter of the Pi Gamma chapter at the University of British Columbia. This newsletter is five pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
10/00/1973 - 11/00/1973
Pi Gamma
University of British Columbia
1973 October-November Newsletter Pi Gamma (University of British Columbia)
r7// J
Ctrc. z^o
Editor; K. Hlggins
Greetings Brothers I Once again off the
presses, the Hooter has arrived at your
door. In this newsletter we will impart
some news that will probably make you
happy and that might make you grimace.
The response on "LETTING US KNOW WHAT
YOU'RE DOING" vjas close to v/hat we
expected but nowhere near what it can
This newsletter will contain most
of the suggestions and stories given us
since our last nex^sletter. With that,
grab your favourite chair and a liquid
and read on.
The house has been eagerly awaiting the
arrival of its nev7 furniture since September.
The reason for this lengthly delay was
given to rail strikes. However, \7ith
things beit-g the way they were in September
it was felt that this was a lame excuse
for if a few 7 ur; Is ha I
-ir,way World
War II V70uld be blamed on the rail strike!
The surprising turn about is, that the
furniture was actually lost by the CPR.
As a result, barring a strike by truck
drivers, new furniture will arrive at the
house shortly. In other areas, the House
Manager has hired a first class cook. He
cooks our evening meal and makes bagged
lunches for the following day. Breakfast
is left up to the individual v/hich means
the majority of us who are helpless in a
kitchen are learning fast or starving.
Such is life!
. Ut.L'i
The rejuvenated look in Pi Gamma is re
flected in almost everything it touches.
We 1 egan by changing the traditional Wed
nesday night meeting to Tuesday night. We
felt that it was just too hard to compete
with Danny Gallwan and the boys of Hockey
Night in Canada, Also, the bulletin board
is used for its designed purpose and every
thing the Chapter does is posted there,
from meeting agendae to Social events. So,
if you're out at the house, see the bulle
tin board.
Academics is being emphasized this year as
we feel that in order to attain continuity
it is necessary to pass each year. Shortly,
we'll be electing a Scholarship Committee
and the chapter further intends to stay
above the all meii's average for U.B.C. and
if possible the All-Fiji average.
Perhaps the biggest :5teek event of the year
the Pheonix (the old Mardi Gras) is being
planned right now and our representatives
are Tim Ellen '76 and Pledge Norm Roaf.
Now let's turn to Fiji Sports at the intra
mural level. We have had teams compete
in Slo-pitch (a form of softball). Football,
basketball and shortly V7ill begin soccer.
Slo-pitch — it is the opinion of the elitor
(cont* d..)
of the Hooter that the nine who attempted
to play baseball should be shot (including
myself). In the first game we dropped a
7-6 loss to the Foresters. However, we
and, at least, walking again. We are sad
to see him go but we feel he is leaving
the post in the very good hands of Jack
Lavan '69.
rebounded in the next game to blank the
opposition (They failed to show up) In our
third game we were clinging to a 0-0 tie at
the topoof the first inning when the Engineers
scored sixteen runs, but we struggled back
to lose a 16-2 decision and afterv/ard de
cided to try and forget about it.
record ended 1-2.
Football — The Ram football club lacked
its usual sparkling offense but had a de
fence good enough to attain an undefeated
season — two wins and two ties.
In our
final game we beat the Bfita's 7-2 and so
incensed them that they protested the game.
The game stood and Beta's returned to their
This year we capped a strong rush program
by pledging ten exceptional young men.
Since then the pledge class has shown a
strong desire to become involved in Chapter
Business and policies and has been meeting
twice weekly in an effort to cover the
basic pledging materials as rapidly as
possible. One unifying aspect of the
pledge program has been the fact that seven
of the ten pledges are currently living
home to drown their sorrows in some of
in the house, with another to move in
Dairyland's finest old milks. Our touch
down was scored on a 5 yeard end sweep by
shortly. Also, the pledge class revived
the challenge English Rugger match with
the Alpha Delts this year and, although
we lost, the pledges gave a purple effort.
Q.Bo Brian Higgins '74, who told the Beta's
to imitate the Miller in the Canterbury
Fiji football has advanced to the
We are confident we can bring
(Of course, the pledges wondered why all
the A.D.'s spoke with an English accent,
the championship home.
Basketball — the Ram squad is literally
destroying all comers. In our first game
against the Theological College, Dave Mills
'76 and Pledge Ralph Switch led the way to
a 39-22 victory. In the second game we
played the economics grads and so we lost
of Pi Gamma and the alumni organization.
our star guard Rug Stoddard to them.
Currently, the pledges are working on a
chapter marker for our front y .d as their
project. Certainly one of the highlights
of the pledge program to date is the talk
given by Brian McGaii!^ '63 on the history
fact, all but two of our players were
different and yet we destroyed the old
timers 44-25. The third game was to take
place on Oct. 21 against Carey Hall but it
never took place. It was rumored that they
couldn't get the courage to come out and
face us. All in all it looks as though we
are heading to a Fiji basketball champion
The Current class is:
Ian Tostenson '78 - Pledge Tostenson is in
pre-commerce. He's from Kelowna,
waterskis and is trying to form a
waterski club here.
Norm Roaf '75 - Pledge Roaf is A1 Roaf's
cousin. He's a political science "i"specializing in Canadian politics,
is also the Mama Skunk.
The Chapter wishes to publish
that Dave R. Smith '62 has stepped down as
our Purple Legionaire. Over the years
Rothwell's efforts have helped
best of a poor situation. His
agement, and guidance over the
.-^..Lhs did much in getting the
to make the
help, encour
past few
Chapter off
Bob Riddell '77 - Pledge Riddell is from
Kelowna and is in first year commerce.
He enjoys hockey and played for Okanagan
College last year.
Darwin Crowther '77 - Pledge Crowther is
from Red Deer, Alberta in 1st year science
We feel he is Fiji's answer to Lloyd
Bridges. He is beginning to instruct
Scuba diving with the Campus Scuba Club.
Laurie Kadar '78 - Pledge Kadar is from
Kitimat, B.C. He is in first year
Applied Science.
He jumps out of air
Terry Dunn *74 - T.D. is married. He is
finding his degree and playing pong.
At present he is on top of the board.
planes and drives cab.
Ken Sawatsky '77 - Pledge Sawatsky is in 1st
year Arts.
He enjoys fast cars and fast
Kevin Higgins '75 - Kevin is Publications
Chairman and just finished heading the
Fiji Food & Prices Commission.
Doug Eakins * 71 - is looking forvrard to the
Mark Simpson *77 - Pledge Simpson is in 1st
year commerce. He enjoys riding and
has volunteered to become assistant ed
itor of the Hooter.
opening of intramural soccer (AND the
Welcome aboard!
Don Hamilton '76 - Pledge Hamilton - The
bearded one - is in 3rd year Bio
chemistry. He is a well travelled
fellov7, having been to Europe and parts
of Canada.
gr7\d bits
Mike Biggs '71 - Big^sy actually graduated!
Only now he is in law school.
He stops
in often. He's trying to teach the
editor bridge but isn't having much
Ralph Switch *76 - Pledge Sv7itch is in his
3rd year of Phys. Ed. and coarches the
Douglas College Basketball team in his
spare time. A big reason for our
basketball success.
Monte Crouch '76 - Pledge Crouch is in 2nd
year Phys. Ed. and working on his snow
skiing instructor's qualification.
Mark Alexander *68 - is married.
He travels and skis and re
ports. that an informed source has it
Dick Reid still plays with himself.
Nigel Clark '48 - Brother Clark is practising
medicine in Vancouver.
These are our pledges and shortly they*11
He is
working for Air Canada Personnel in
He is married
be our brothers, with V7hom the future of
and,is the father of 3 teenage girls
who possess a well developed sense of
Pi Gamma will rest.
We know we made the
fight choices and xje hope they feel the
same way.
Steve Vraka '72 - A "Commie" is working for
IPEC in dov7ntov7n Vancouver and reports
that he might?? marry Laurie in April.
. i
Dave Mills '76 - unfortunately. Brother Mills
Good Luck!
Duncan Campbell '71 - is working for the
Royal Bank. Presently, he is working
cut himself .ifrom the Birds Basketball
out of the sixth and sixth branch in
team and is devoting his time to Dogwood
Kev7 Westminster.
Junior Basketball and the Ram team.
Charles Hulton * 70 - Brother Hulton is
Kyle Raymond *75 - Kyle's Lomas just lost
to Regina in the National championship
married and self-employed in Vancouver
as a financial consultant,
Kyle played an outstanding
game. Now, the Cookie Monster is
conditioning for U.B.C. wrestling .
Terry McMillan *74 - Savage is finishing his
degree this year and he is back living
in the Ram house.
Bov Lawrie '71
"Boarder Bob" is working
at Margetsen Lee Tailors in Vancouver.
Rob McDonald '69 - "Big Train" is practising
law with Boughton Street and a reliable
source compliments him on his neatness.
\r\n- 4
A1 Roaf '67 - is reported working his butt,
off promoting Carlsberg beer forCarlings.
He's still single so far and coaches
If you have any news about yourself, another
Brother or would like to knov? where someone
is, let us knoxi7.
regret that the Hallowe'en Party was
moved aheado
the U.B.C, crews«
This is a very
important time for our ten pledges
if you wish tp drop in at 8:00 P.M.
We'll be glad to see you.
We'll be glad to help.
I'm sure
they will be too.
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October-November 1973 newsletter of the Pi Gamma chapter at the University of British Columbia. This newsletter is five pages in length.