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1973 September Newsletter Chi Upsilon (University of Chicago)
September 1973 newsletter of the Chi Upsilon chapter at the University of Chicago. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Chi Upsilon
University of Chicago
1973 September Newsletter Chi Upsilon (University of Chicago)
Published jointly by Chi Upsilon Chapter
of Phi Gsimma Delta and Chi Upsilon
Graduate Association, 56I5 S. University
Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637,
Dear Brother Fiji«
This special summer issue of THE MIDWAY FIJIGRAM is to bring you up to
date on recent events and to advise you of current and future activities.
Saturday, June 2nd was another pleasant, exciting reunion for Fijis and
families gathered for the 71st Annual Pig Dinner-IF Sing festivities.
The largest Pig Dinner turn out in over a decade heard M.C. John R.
Stanek '57 conduct a humorous program. Following practice, Herbert V.
0* Toole *71 again led the chapter in the expected superb IF Sing
performance and finished the evening leading the chapter in leading the
University in the Alma Mater. After the Sing, the pleasant, traditional
beer blast and singing went on til 2 A.M.
At the annual business meeting held during the Pig Dinner, Clyde P.
Watkins '67 was re-elected House Corporation President; Alan K. Barlow
•31 treasurer; John A. McLees *69 Recording Secretary; Steven J.
Kiesling *69 Corresponding Secretary; and Ralph D. Davis *72 Historian.
1972-73 was one of the "vintage years" for Chi Upsilon of Phi Gamma
Delta. Academically, socially, financially, athletically, spiritually,
and organizationally, at the undergraduate and graduate level, the
inherent strength of the chapter manifested itself.
Starting out
the year with I3 undergrad members the chapter, under the leadership
of Junior President Donald M. Heinrich *7^, initiated six fall pledges
and 1^ freshmen pledges in the spring.
With only 4- graduates last
June, Chi Upsilon should begin the 1973-7^ year with 30 members, the
largest number in years. Financially, under treasurer Michael Dotsev
'7U', incredibly tight budgeting led to black ink operations (Mike
squeezes a nickel so hard it looks like a quarter. He is so tight he
has to grease his legs to get his pants on). With the refurbishing
work done last year and this summer, the house never looked better
or more comfortable. Members are honored for their service to the
University in many areas, and for their scholarship.
Record dues
contributions from graduates eind the very existence of a fund drive
are manifestations of graduate support, par excellence.
Among members performing services to the University in extra-curricular
activities during the coming year will bei Ivlaroon Key members Donald
Heinrich. Steve Smith. Doug Carden, and Rick Ravfield; Russ Dickerson.
Treasurer of the Order of the "C"; Donald Heinrich. Student Aide;
Russ Dickerson. Rick Ravfield. and Doug Carden. Student Government
Representatives; in addition to approximately 17 brothers who actively
participate in Varsity sports.
• ••
Mt'} -Jl
September 3, 1973
DR. JAMES J. MONGE '51 was married July 1,1972
to Miss Mary Ann Spang (Marquette Univ.,1970, Theta Phi Alpha Sorority)
of Duluth, Minnesota. Jim and Mary expect their first heir in July 1973*
Jim has been appointed Associate Professor of Surgery in the new Medical
School, Univ. of Minnesota at Duluth. He is doing Vascular and Thoracic
Surgery with a 55 nian multispecialty clinic, and is also breaking ground
for a new clinic building....GEORGE W. FURTADO *60 has changed his
address to 1830 Lake Shore Ave. Apt•#110, Oakland, California 9^606....
GERARD N.(NICK) KROST *11 is living alone and doing his own cooking and
washing. Nick suffered a fractured vertebrae and a coronary occlusion
in Oct. 1963 and now wears an uncomfortable brace.
He's trying to keep
his chin up and would enjoy hearing from some of the old gang....
died of cancer on March 10, 1973. He was a fully
qualified analyst at the time, having graduated June i972 from the
Western New Experimantal Psychanalytic Institute. He was also Assistant
Clinical Professor of psychiatry at Yale....GORDON A. GROEBE *71 is
working and enjoying the west coast. Well Gordon, here is Martha Elder,
your girlfriend, as a feature in the Fi3igram....WALLACE R. MYERS *52
was appointed to a new position on 5/1/73 as Controller of Alside,
Inc. of U.S. Steel.
His eldest daughter was married in June....
EDWARD W. ALLEN *07 celebrated his 89th birthday May 12th. His son
is a graduate of the University of Washington, where he belonged to
the chapter of Phi Gamma Delta....ARTHUR H. EDWARDS '39 has two
daughters who are now married, and a son who is a Certified Public
Accountant working with his father....WALTER A. BOWERS '18 will soon
celebrate his 76th birthday. He is very busy working for Street
Abstract Company, Inc., while looking after 300 head of cattle on
a 1000-acre farm. He is also busy lecturing to Rotary and Lions
Clubs and universities in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas, and a month
ago he appeared before the House and Senate Agricultural Committees.
Besides his heavy schedule, Walter keeps fit playing horseshoes and
challenges any brother who wants to stop there to the best two out
of three games on a regulation court. Walter would also like to
hear from Fred Law....LARRY WASSERMAN '69 recently moved to 1521 W.
Fargo Avenue, Chicago, 111. 60620. He was promoted to Product
Planning Supervisor. He gives his regard to all brothers....GILFORD
S. MOSS '38 was married to Mrs. Birtie Mae Harrell of Atlanta, Georgia
on Sept. 6, 1972....MTURIN B. BAY '28 toured Europe and the South
Seas, including Fiji. He also enjoyed his 5th year of happy retire
ment while taking an 86OO mile auto trip in the U.S. Gerald, one of
his Fiji sons, is with Exxon Associates in New York, and Kirby, his
other son, is working for Arco in Indonesia as a geologist....DAVID
R. LEONETTI '58, former Chapter President, is Assistant Director of
the Univ. of California Art Museum in Berkeley euid was recently
pictured in the Chicago Alumni Magazine helping host a function at
the Museum for U.C. Bay Area alumni....CONWAY G. IVY *61 was married
in Rockefeller Chapel May 25, 1973* Conway has been working with
HalseV-Stuart....GARY L. NAKARADO '71 worked in Chicago for a law
firm for the summer....JOHN A. McLEES '69 worked in Alabama for the
summer and will be an Assistant Resident Head in Hitchcock in the
Autumn Quarter....DOUGLAS E. OLLILA '72 has accepted a position with
Abraham & Straus in New York and now lives at 56I ^th Street in
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215. Doug likes N.Y.C. and welcomes visitors...,
STANLEY HUTCHINGS '6^ had a two-month trip around the world this
summer....GEORGE H. WATKINS '36 did the same thing this year but took
4 months. George has a new business addressi 333 N. Michigan Ave....
ARISTOTLE P. SARLAS '53 is back at Telis Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge
with live entertainment at lO^^th & Western in Beverly Hills, Chicago,
September 3, I973
DENNIS W. SPRINKEL *71 hosted a large group of brothers at a back
yard barbeque and volleyball party in July. Dennis is back at Bradley
Univ. finishing his degree....THEODORE B. TERPSTRA *69 went to Africa
for the great solar eclipse. Ted commented on the fine Pig Dinner IF Sing Function and says the chance to renew old friendships is well
worth the all night drive....RALPH J. HENKLE *59 is now with the law
firm of Nims, Howe, Collison & Isner at 60 E. i^2nd St. in N.Y.C. and
plans a month in Europe this fall....DR. ROBERT BRIER *69 spent the
summer working at a San Diego hospital after completing his internship
in San Francisco.
Bob cut his foot crawling over the rocks getting to
the La Jolla nude beach....LON C. PULSE *71 is working for the G.S.A.
Denver office....CHARLES J. GOUSE *57 is now with E. F. Hutton in
Syracuse, N.Y.
WILLIAM C. PETRYK *73 is now in Newport, Rhode Island in Naval Officers
Candidate Schoolr " Bill was one of the "most decorated" graduating
seniors. He received the Howell Murray Alumni Award for University
service in the area of campus activities.
He was the winner of the
Amos Alonzo Stagg Medal which honors the graduating athlete for
Scholarship, Character, Tesun Leadership. He was Chapter president
and House Manager. He was one of few undergraduates in the University
Orchestra. He was captain of the Varsity Soccer Team in his senior
year. His coach noted he had not missed a game or practice in four
years. In addition to membership in Maroon Key, he attained a B+
average in the difficult Chemistry program. Bill is one of the best
recent examples of the outstanding Fiji gentlemen who have been part
of Chi Upsilon Chapter. At the June Pig Dinner he received a standing
ovation when presented with his engraved gavel by the Chapter.
to Chicago this summer included H. HARDY ADASKO *67 from
New York City, DR. JAMES H. BLOCK *67 from California, and CHARLES
A. WRIGHT *57 from Peoria., and MICHAEL A. NEMOROFF *69 of Wash.,D.C.
ITEMI You will note that we print numerous address changes in the
FIJIGRAM as a service to brothers vdio may wish to contact old Fiji
If you ever lose track of a Fiji, write the House
Corporation President, Secretary, or Historian, or FIJIGRAM Editor
c/o 5615 S. University Ave. and we'll send you the brother's address
if we know it.
Although the fund drive
and house improvements are as yet unfinished, I wish to thank the
graduate and undergraduate brothers for their financial support. An
attractive chapter house makes all aspects of Fraternity life easier
and more enjoyable.
Attached to this newsletter is a schedule of related Fraternity
and campus events for the Autumn Quarter, Based on the proposed
University and chapter improvements, the Autumn Quarter should be an
excellent opportunity to become reacquainted with a changing campus
as well as an enjoyable occasion to visit the chapter house* The
Autumn Quarter is often the most crucial for the re-establishment of
an individual's dedication to the Fraternity.
We hope that the
enthusiasm developed during the first quarter will be self-sustaining
throughout the entire year.
With the help of an outstanding group
September 3. 1973
of undergraduate and graduate brothers this coming year will undoubted
ly be exciting.
As always, I am mighty glad to be a Fiji,
At the annual Pig Dinner in June, Clyde P. Watkins *6?, Chi
Upsilon Graduate Association president, announced a $6,000 fund
drive for House improvements.
The drive is designed to take account
of the momentum and success of the current chapter, and its theme
is "build on strength,"
The house corporation board, in cooperation with the undergraduate
chapter, has spent much of the past six months investigating and deter
mining the needs for the chapter house,
A special letter inviting
contributions to meet the needs has been mailed to all graduate and
undergraduate brothers.
One important aspect of the program has been the hiring of
undergraduate brother Paul Schuster, House Manager during the regular
year (and a skilled carpenter), to work on the house over the summer.
Another important aspect of the program is an integrated plan to
improve the dormitory.
Accompanying the fund drive letter was a special invitation to
graduates of the last few years to contribute to a retirement fund
for Mrs. Hattie Morris, chapter cook and house mother.
House corporation officers and members of the fund drive
committee expect to make personal contact with as many graduates
of the chapter as possible in the hope of producing a really generous
±ear«&_savfi ___________________________________ _
Sept, 29
Oct, 6
Oct, 13
SOCCER - Triton College
FOOTBALL - Loras College
SOCCER - Shimer College
2i00 pm
li30 pm
Fall Barbeque at the House
SOCCER - DuPage College
FOOTBALL - Lake Forest College
Oct, 19
FOOTBALL - Valparaiso
Oct. 20
SOCCER - Judson College
Thurs,-Sat„0ct.25-27 Dedication of Harper Library
Oct, 26
REUNION - Buffet dinner at the House
Oct, 2?
Nov. 3
Nov, 10
Nov, 17
FOOTBALL - Oberlin
FOOTBALL - University of the South
SOCCER - Wheaton College
FOOTBALL - Northeastern Illinois
Annual Spaghetti Dinner
All games are on Stagg Field—56th & Drexel,
2i00 pm
5iOO pm
lOiOO am
li30 pm
2i30 pm
2i00 pm
5i00 pm
Dates have not as
yet been finalized for the Christmas party as well as other activities.
Local Fijis will be advised as dates are set,
REMEMBER-SAVE THE SCHEDULE, Whether or not there is a game, the tradi
tional Fiji "Cocktail-Conversation" party will take place every Friday
afternoon at the chapter house. Courtesy of a Midway Educational Founda
tion grant, interesting, honored guests will frequently attend dinner and
speak afterwards, ALL brothers, dates and wives are invited. If you plan
to attend dinner, please call (753-2297) several days in advance for
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September 1973 newsletter of the Chi Upsilon chapter at the University of Chicago. The newsletter is four pages in length.