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1974 April Newsletter Chi (Union College)
April 1974 newsletter of the Chi chapter at Union College. This newsletter is three pages in length.
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Union College
1974 April Newsletter Chi (Union College)
// '
737^U 2
April 19, 197^-
After a dull, dark winter terra filled v/ith theses, exams and
papers, Chi Chapter is looking forward to an active spring Jerm and
v^e are hoping you can join us for some of it. For seniors A. Henry
Riehl and Gary "ilarvinY Lauver relief was just a thesis a\?ay as
Gary finished a few (?) hours past the deadline of his extension,
while Hank finished with hours to spare.Steve Schutzer finished his
undergraduate career last terra, while George Apostolou, Gary Lauver,
Hank Riehl, Pat . ardell and I have a fe\'f more courses to complete
before graduation. Gerardo del Olmo is in a five year two-degree
programra and will have to suffer through another year of engineering
and economics courses including a thesis. He sometimes wonder
whether masochism may not be one of Venezuela's national pastimes.
VJith the >}ob market as tough as it is some of our seniors are having
trouble getting placed in a job,so if you have any inforaiation as to
job openings
ivould appreciate hearing from you.
For our spring social calendar, we have initiation scheduled
for Sunday, April 21 when v/e will initiate four of our fiiwe pledges.
Our rig Dinner will be on Saturday, r.ay 4 with Tim Kilduff speaking
and John C. Robbins('71), The Hinz, as symposiarch. Parents
weekend is April 2? and we will be having a cocktail party and
dinner that Saturday. Other social events are either tentative or
not yet scheduled so if you think you might be able to drop by s
sometiiae this snring give us a call at 372-0172 and we v/ill let you
know What is going on.
peter Y. Roosa, Editor
\r\n- I i:
FlaaBe let us !cno'.7 and v;s v.lll inforia the colle-se and
national fratermty of your no'; address. /;rop a line tos
Correcponding Secretary
Phi :i-aia-aa P/elta
Union College
Schenectady, ' en Yorv 1230'"'
ihe srorts scone at Union this v.dnter v?aB a'ain dominated by
the basbetball tooj:i. The 20-b capers v/ere ranVed number 1 in the
state for aost of the season, an.d finished second in the upstate
l ev.' iOrU: ;gAC tournament, losin'": to
rocbport ./tate in the finals.
Coach "ill Scanlon v.-as voted Coach of the Year for
CM jeyion III,
ov York, •• ev; Jersey and Pennsylvania, while junior dll
Cariaody iiade the first team squad.
In other saorts, the . arnot trac^ivaen finally, cantured their
ov;n invitational .veet this 'inter, lad by FIJI
overy (*75)
in the yhot-:ut. Lacrosse openec' vith a. 12-11 victory over '"artvdck,
fea-turinp Fiji
il;:G larone at crease defense. ' rother Joel iuckberg
(•76) is ca.ntain of the JF lacrossa teajn, which also '•■on its
3i d.efeatin,';- the ' artvicF: J 's.
Around the house, the big sv-riny sport is Softball, with
"strsa.k.i"n{ " a close second. Yhe softball squad is an.':ious for the
"aiio as an e7!-.>3rianco(^ -"roup atte.mpts to better last
scayon's 7-3 iiar'"s.
ome • ■rothers are also lookin' : forward to the
j.-li-ot 'vnminl ^ nior.. Folia e frisbee chairinioDs'iips, to be held in
■ iurin'-: the 'dnter ~iji fi.v)ished third in intra;riural S'lMimin;^
led by Jandy
hor. Jay Yun";: and ; 'cith
ott. "rother Lave "ernat
also • on r;cco::d varsity ci;,: letter. The house basketball
teaiii, sufferiij ■ fro
a distinct lack of si-ze finis.hied a dismal
Jew In.sler ('7'3)
rxi i
Jack Burwell '^M lives in Scotia,
4.-I -
i/jo ,
Dick Butler 63 has been promoted
for G.E
across the Mohawk and v/orks
to /ice President of tne Hartford
National BanJc.
and is a branch manager for
^nd Jim Forbes '31 are active in U
Roy liershey '68 lives in Niskayuna
Dennison |37» Don Hudson
"the BanJc"
Union's Hartford Alumni Club.
Gary DeLuca '72 is a health inspec-
Joel Buckberg *76
tor for the city of Schenecta-
LiMeade Bundy *ko works for IBxI
in Essex Junction, Vt,
vJanted- Bits, Pieces, Tidbits,
novels, and/or any t5'pe of
John Calender*73 is a law clerk for
inforraation and nev/s of
Clark Clifford in Washington
what is happening v/ith Chi
Alumni for inclusion in the
and is attending Lav;
School there.
next Chi Taraa.
Paul Pfinqst '73 is at St. John's
Law School/
Dave V/illiains '73 is at Albany Law
A new, revised AlumniT Directory is
Joe Quinn *68 is at University of
in its final stages of production.
Puget Sound Law School after
Watch jrour mail soon for this 197'^
a stint with Hyatt House.
Dave "Heaven" Benl^o '73 is working
niirngTArmTFa YOUNG i-Srw>
toward a Ph D. in Chemistry
if you know of any outstanding
OJ V '73 is alive and
J v/ell
man vdio should
Ken Sdwenlc
in PhibeGaimna
p. , ^
u .. 1- be a part
of inform
the Union
'o7 Khasc moved^^^^^vdll 1978.
Louisville, x-xj;.
„ 4., Rush Chairman.
D. Chip Hoe '69 runs coxnputers in
XRichmond Ys,.
x.xike Rabb and Bill Clayton '73 ai*®
slaving through U. of Buffalo
xledicai School.
Ed Calamai '73 is at UNC for a
.Masters in BacteriolO;gyImiiiunol Ovgy,
Drev/ Hamelink '71 lives in
Ballston La^ie and works for
Charlie"iells '73 was havin| "fun"
in Baltimore with B'estingh
house, last we heard.
Gary Lynch '73 is an electrical
engineer for V/estchester
Paul Kabb '73 works for Kodak in
PxOchester and is married to
the i&or-i.ier Ci-ystal .marquis,
A1 Britton '7^-!* vdll start in a
program in Chemistry
at the School of Environmen
tal ScicncG and Forestry at
Syracuse University,
x.ark X elson *71 is now a police
officer in rrenville, I BY.
Bob Truxfoull '68 is the proud
father of son, Benjamin, who
arrived in Hovember.
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April 1974 newsletter of the Chi chapter at Union College. This newsletter is three pages in length.