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1974 April Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
April 1974 newsletter for the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman. The newsletter is 4 pages in length.
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Rho Phi
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
1974 April Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
VOL.6 NO。 1
The close of one administration
and the advent of another is a time
for reflection of the achievements
of the chapter in the past year
and, more importantly, for assessment of the challenges facing us
in the year to come. '
1973-1 97 4 was a year " of tem pests for Rho Phi. The center of this
storm of activity was the infatigueable Don Nolan and his sidekick,
kickee, and kicker Bill Gibson.
These men led the group of five to
take charge of a chapter whose
outward spirit appeared on
the downward slope and recharged
it with confidence which the close
ties of Phi Gamma Delta
This regeneration of spirit was
widespread and snowballed
throughout the active membership
during the past year. All of
suddeh, each member began to
realize it was the litile things
which make a bhapter better. A
cleaner house was marshalled by
Dave Myers; lM picked up with a
little better talent and greater
chapter participation; membership
in campus organizations mushroomed in response to a field
secretary's suggest ion and F IJ I S
began to reap the satisfaction of
achievement outside of the conf
ines of the chapter.
ln scholarsh ip, the chapter
continued the progress Of the
previous year when the chapter
struggled to come back from the
disaster of fall of '71 . Now, for six
straight quarters, the chapter has
istered an im proved g rade
point. ln 72-73, Rho Phi was
ApRIL 1974
ByJimTribЫ e
second on campus and second each
quarter of the year. This fall, Rho
Phi was again second; however,
due to non-returnees in other
ities we ranked fourth in
fifth year in
the chapter's drive to be over
all-mens five years in a row. We
accums. This is the
were not above all-mens last fall
essence, the chapter was
regenerating itself from within,
unknown to other fraternities. Dan
Jackson put together a Graduate
Relations program wh ich ranked
Callahan and Dennis paustenbach
put together a series of publica-
tions wh ich kept the chapter
informed formally while numerous
brothers contributed posters and
Ed Doerflein and the face-men
were just beginning to bring forth
the spontaneous ingenuity which
has made FIJ I the place to be
Jim Tribble and
Nolan were venturing nighily into
the dark confines of Lincoln euad
setting up ' trade parties with
sororities which eventually proved
major successes.
This inward regeneration burst
forth at Greek Weekend 'Tg. Rho
Phi proved it could compete with
what before had labeled itself as
"The Big Three." ln some ways,
it was a frustrating day: ATO's
falling on our cart, o f lat tire in the
bike race, and Cecil's attempt at
digging a canoe canal ; however, it
was a day that FlJl spirit
blossomed and bore f ruit.
APRIL 1974
United VVay were estab‖ shed。
Fina‖ y,
the chapter cOnducted
Retreat which, hOpefu‖ y,
quainted our new Pledges with the
goals of this fraternity and its
James D. Tribble
Daniel G. Jackson
M ichael N isbet
David Steinbock
Robert D. Carter
David 'Narc' Myers
it、 has been a year of achieve―
ment, spearheaded by a group of
dedicated officers and made pos―
sible by a chapter w‖ ‖ng toitake a
back seat to no oneo But every
achievement brings forth greater
cha‖ engeso VVhen something good
:s estab‖ shed, no イ
progress is
made by mere:y maintaining the
operation at that!eve:, but rather,
the group must :earn to achieve
that goal more efficiently and
move on to other cha‖ enges which
irnprove its contribution to the
school, to society, and to its own
which concerns our newly elected
officerso Steve, lChuck, N iz, Mark
cha‖ enge
It was a proud moment for
face a far greater
than the group a year
agoo lt is much more difficult to
maintain a concerted effort of
and us all wheo, after being a foot
f rom defeat, a group of 170 pound
Rho Ph i men def eated ATO.
M in utes later, we repeated that
win and formed what must have
been a premon ition of th ings to
come as f ifty ecstatic FIJIS formed
a mountain pf humanity of celebration of their win with the Sigma
N us yell ing ' 'Those Toads are da
wimps, ya, they're da wimps."
Fall came, and a chapter which
continous exce‖ ence thaハ it is to
succeeded in
attracting a number of f ine men to
in itself
itself . Th is ef f ort was chapter
wide, but, in my estimation,
several men deserve personal
recognition. Bailey and Huhnke
organized, but it was Morris who
made us realize what a challenge
we had and what a good organization we had to sell. ln the tradition
of Rho Phi, w€ dirty rushed no one
and made true lriends with those
men who pledged here and those
who pledged elsewhere.
The chapter expanded the front
of social service in several areas.
Traditional efforts like assisting
the Boys' Club continued and new
efforts at helping the Hospital and
their own contribution can
:t is this new:eve:of cha‖ enges
arouse that effort initia‖ y. 丁hese
men can do no more than point the
chapter's energ:es in the right
direction; they cannot carry the
load by themselves. :t is our
cha‖ enge never to be satisfied
It is a time for the chapter to
past; it is our responsibHity to
chapter into new areas wh‖ e not
previous strong
VVhat are the areas which need
much work should be done. Each
member would der:ve benefit from
some degree of participation and
better attendance at games when
we are not actua‖ y involved wou:d
do much to boost both player
morale and chapterimage.
:n social service, we cannot be
cOntent with the programs we
丁he indiv:dua: must take
stock of his talents ut‖ ize them to
the best of his a麟 :ity.:Dan Jackson
wi‖ be leaving as Biddy Ba‖
coach;Mike Callahan wil:not be
back to coach the YMCA swim
of the responsibility
for its own f unctioning f inancially.
With a new financial organizalion,
we stand on the threshhold of
attaining a complete understanding of where our chapter stands
f inancially at all times.
assume, more
suggest ideas and prod the
great strides in :M― :F, but st‖
made by no one else but them
personally. We must continue to
remember that blowing our own
horn doesn't make us a solid
organization, but rather it is each
and every man performing to the
best of his abilities. Not only can
we not afford to let a new group of
officers down; we cannot afford to
Iet ourselves down.
with what we have done in the
neglecting our
Dresser and Hyte need tutors.
It is time that we as individuals
and as a chapter reaped more of
the satisfaction derived from really
helping others.
Scholastically, there is still room
f or improvement. The chapter
must buckle down and get well
above all men's the next two
quarters to reestablish our position
as the number one academic
f ratern ity at Rose-wh ich is on ly
consistent with the ideals of our
organ ization.
Organizationally, new men must
come to the f ront realizing that
even though they are not officers
mode of operation.
Published throughout the
school year by the Rho Phi
Chapter of the Fraternity of
Phi Gamma Relta at RoseHulman Institute of Technology for the enjoyment of its
alumni and friends.
Editor: Michael A. Callahan
Contributors: M ichael R. Goler
. Trib won't be arou nd
coach H igh School Frosh. The
community needs people with
talents wh ich we have to of fer:
Even though we rolled to a high
Brightman ranking, it is time we
considered methods of improving
our graduate relations. ln particular, this means getting from Dan
Jackson the wealth of knowledge
he has gathered in this field and
catalogueing it'for future usage.
We are reaching a new state of
maturity as the chapter grows in
age and new techniques must be
adopted to maintain good graduate
contact and to let the new
members know of the achieve-
.ments aM personalities of the
g rad uates.
Th is goal p6rhaps suggests a
chapter f ile of biographies periodically updated by the grads which
\r\ncould be incorporated into a more
complete chapterり iStOry。
lt is a tirne for each of us as
a greater
financial responsibHity to the
chapter so thatr never again wi‖
the chapter be paralyzed by eco―
individua:s to aSsume′
nomic uncertainty。
lt is most irnportantly a tirne
when we shou:d be goa: and
achievement oriented。
goals should be lo have a good
tirne and enloy our fraternity ‖fe,
but St‖ l to work to achieve within
the framework of the fraternity
what our ab‖ ities a‖ ow.
And yet, let us nOt close our
eyes to good men who know ‖tt:e
of Phi Gamma Delta and uso Rho
Phi is a:ways on the !ook out for
good men who are suitable in
character and persona‖ tyo Let us
work to improve ourselves so that
others w‖ !know immediate:y that;
if you wantto accept th6 cha‖ enge
of being a member of the best
organized, hardest― working , and
most fun‐ loving fraternity at Rose,
then there is only one p:ace to be,
now and in the future.
By MiKe Goler and Jim Tribble
Rho Phi Chapter is moving to
the forefront in establishing better
relations with the community
through an ambitious social service proiect involving the Terre
Haute Union Hospital Woman's
Service League.
The project involves the loaning
of the f ratern ity house to the
Service group for a full decorting
and subsequent exhibition. The
become a
"Decorator's Show Home" which
chapter house
APRIL]旧 74
persons of the community can visit
for a nominal charge. The proceeds from the exhibition will
benefit the obstetrical department
of Union Hospital .
This idea, new to Terre Haute,
has been used in other cities. A
home with some historical significance is selected f rom the community. lt must exhibit unique
arch itecture, possess decorative
potential , and be well maintained.
The Rho Phi Chapter house was
selected from many in the Terre
Haute area.
Rho 'Phi, a chapter since
November 22, 1969, became the
- possessors
of the former Barhydt′ Fhrmann residence in the fall of
1970. The h istoricat bu ild ing,
situated among a series of classic
homes on what is now "Fraternity
Row" for the combined Greek
systems of Rose-Hulman lnstitute
of Technology and lndiana State
for the actives and
itable meeting hall , and aduate housing f acil it ies were
agreed upon with the Administration by the chapter.
The retu rn f rom Ch rist mas
nd the men of
University, underwent extensive
renovation by an active group of
Gamma Delta engaged on completing the movement of personal
possessions f rom the Chapter
house to the second f loor of
Deming Hall which previously had
young FlJlS.
been vacant.
Four years of concerted ef fort
transformed the house and ground
from the road to the eye-catcher of
Sotrth Sixth Street. lmprovements
covered extensive repai nt ing , recarpeting, developing a formal
gardeos, digging out of a crawl
space f or personal storage, dnd
the overall regeneration of neglected residence into a home for
twenty-five men. This active pro-
Only time will tell whether or
not the effort put into this project
by so many peopte has produced
achievements to be proud, but
right now an already proud Rho
Phi is on the move.
environment had yielded an unexpected benef it with the onset of
this ambitious project.
The Barhydt-Ehrmann house,
originally owned by the builder of
Mav3and 4 F:JI:SLAN D
grarn of creating a
the maiestic lndiana Theater in
Terre Haute, contains countless
p les of beaut if u I carved
woodwork and intricately designed
ceilings. These traits coupled with
the ,care which the men of Phi
Gamma Delta have shown in
deve*oping this inherent beauty
led to the selection of Rho Phi's
home for participation in this
The selection process took many
weeks but finally the great
potential which professional interior decorators found within the
walls of the h istoric
bu ild ing
The f inal decision to
forward with the proiect culminated an intensive program by
President Donald Nolan and Project Director Charles Sch illing .
Schilling coordinated the details of
moving onto campus into Deming
Hall while an ever active
Nolan was bringing together the
Ladies groUp, the School Administration, our housing corporatioo,
and the chapter itself .
Arrangements for private dining
Apri1 20 (Dpen Bar Party
Apr‖ 27 Fili :sland work Session
and Rose Parents'Day
Bruce P. Williams is a senior
medical student and is doing his
internship at St. Vincent and La
Rue Carter hospitals. Bruce has
been accepted into Pediatric Residency at the Riley Hospitals for
Children, after whioh he plans to
go into private practice.
His current address is:
591 7 Beachview Dr. A31 1
lnd ianapolis, I nd iana 46224
" Stog ie" Hend rickson is
working in Sales Eng ineering
promoting electronic message sys-
tems and says he doesn't do a
dam n bit of eng ineering. Stog ie
claims to be gaining his subsistence by being the local gigolo. He
claims that there is no future in
the company he is with, so he is
ployment with
suggested we depledge Dan Jack-
avionics manufacturer.
Stogie's present address is:
2061/z N. California
Danville, lllinois 61 832
Gary "Garbo" Bowman, now 2nd
Lt. U.S. Army Chemical Corps., is
the lnstallation
Chem ical
Officer at Fort Rucker, Alabama.
Garbo is planning on making the
Army h is career and
going back to z sGhool for his
M . B.A. M ichelle recently had a
baby so, Garbo/is adding changing
diapers, getting up at 2:00 E.ffi.,
and learn ing ine com plex language of baby talk to h is Iist of
APRIL 1974
hobb i es
Their present add ress is:
104 Weeks Dr. , Apt 13 /
Enterprise, Alabama 36330
of 1973, Barhydt
House has undergone many
changes. ln the three scheduled
work sessions, during the summer, the brothers who were able
to make it back to Pride City
completed many projects.
These projects included painting
all of the white trim on the house's
exterior, giving the three upstairs
washrooms a faceliftinq (including
new tile f loors and a pdinting), and
add ing a new three-man study
room on the south wall of the
Through the financial support of
our graduates, Bill Gibson was
able to complete much of the
graduate room improvements sing le-handed ly. By Aug ust the
ex-sunroom had a new paint job, a
suspended ceiling, and a revamped fireplace
Well, August has a way of
disappearing and, with only three
days lef t before classes resu med ,
it was obvious that there were still
many finishing touches left to be
done: the house was not clean,
nobody had moved into the house,
and Nolan was putting together
the plans for the walk in the
f ormal gardens.
When the dust cleared Monday
morn ing, f orty men had accomplished all of the above mentioned
miracles, and had managed to
throw a m ixer party with the
f reshman on Sunday in their spare
Hard work made Barhydt House
the f inest home in Terre Haute
and hard work has kept it that
Since May
Once again this year, Rho Phi
Fijis traveled to McCorm ick's
Creek State Park near Spencer,
lndiana for our annual Pledge
Retreat. The morning of January
twelfth saw 37 actives , 26 pledges
and seven graduate brothers leave
Deming-Fiii Hall and arrive at the
scen ic Canyon I n n . Af ter lu nch,
the traditional pledge-active football game and tug-o-war proved
the actives were best again,
extending their winning streaks to
f ive years straight!
The evening started with a fine
dinner, talks by Graduate Brothers
Bob Harker, Section Chief Joe
Carney, and Purple Legionnaire
Dr. Fran k G uth rie. A short sl ide
presentat ion was narrated by
Graduate Brothers J im Graham
and Al Smock. The chapter then
divided up into small discussion
groups until the time when pledge
fathers were announced. The
ing proceeded with a round
robin ping-pong tournament that
yielded Pledge J im Krogstie the
champion. The usual card playing
and chatting eontinued into the
early hours of the morning.
The great chapter and graduate
participation regenerated the en-
Rho Phi Chapter
South Sixth Street
Terre Haute, Indiana 47802
carry on the
again made retreat an occasion to
be remembered.
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April 1974 newsletter for the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman. The newsletter is 4 pages in length.