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1969 December Newsletter Sigma Omicron (Oklahoma State University)
December 1969 newsletter for the Sigma Omicron chapter at Oklahoma State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Sigma Omicron
Oklahoma State University
1969 December Newsletter Sigma Omicron (Oklahoma State University)
Sigma Omicron Chapter
Stiiiwa+er, Oklahoma 74074
Vol. 2, No. I
December, 1969
Alum Selected National Field Secretary
Anarchy Is Just for Today
(Editorial reprint from The Tulsa Tribune by Jenkin Lloyd Jones)
On August 27, 1969 the board of directors of the national college fraternity,
Phi Gamma Delta, unanimously passed the following resolution:
"Whereas, this fraternity views with strong disapproval the tendency
of some colleges and universities to acquiesce in a general lowering of
standards of conduct among their students: and
"Whereas, the affirmative action of some college and university ad
ministrators in approving the use of intoxicants on the campus, abolishing
curfew time for women students, permitting visitations by members of the
opposite sex in sleeping rooms and condoning the use of narcotics results
Phil Williams
Sigma Omicron FIJI has been
.selected as the Fraternity's 50th Field
Enna (Oregon State '65) and Char
les H. Graham (Brithsh Columbia '67).
Phil Williams, who majored in Hotel
and Restaurant Administration, calls
Bartlesville, Oklahoma, home. He
School in that city.
During his four years at OSU, he
was an active leader in campus ac
tivities. Phil was a member of the Ho
tel and Restaurant Society, past pres
ident of the Fraternity Consultant
Committee, a member of the Young
Republican Club, and listed on the
Dean's Honor Roll.
Not only was Phil a campus leader,
but he also was a dedicated FIJI. He
was selected to attend the 10th FIJI
Academy and the 120th Grand Ba
hama Ekklesia. Because of his capable
management of the Kitchen as Kit
chen Steward, Phil was elevated to
the position of Chapter Treasurer.
During his senior year, Phil was elect
ed President of Sigma Omicron Chap
in the destruction of morals; and
"Whereas, some of these same administrators have allowed anarchy
to prevail on the campus to the irreparable loss and damage to the col
lege or university and the majority of the students; and
"Now, therefore, be it resolved that this fraternity calls upon these
administrations to recognize that morals are not out of date, but that they
are basic standards of human conduct, divinely inspired to promote the
dignity of man and the sanctity of the family relationship."
Square? Sure. Thirty years ago who would have thnught roHege fratem.ities
would be looked upon as square?
But that was before the age of swinging professors and militants bearing
guns. It was before the idea that the administration should serve as servants to
ad hoc committees and the theory that pot and casual sex were estensions of
the Bill of Rights. In contrast to this high trapeze work, the average college
fraternity swings low.
The Phi Gamma Delta directors have put their fingers on a truth. A college
that sucumbs to the bullying of the loud, the violent and the ignorant gets out
of the education business. And the majority of students, who come, not to con
front the pigs, but to learn a lot of pretty complicated stuff in a very short time
are robbed of the promise of the catalog.
The college that is bluffed out of laying down reasonable rules of conduct
peddles the idea that at the animal level of behavior there is happiness, ful
fillment and a flowering of the personality. If so, the court of Caligula was the
golden age of Rome and the alleys off the Ginza represent the acme of Japanese
You ve got to have rules—even if you are bent on revolution.
For most interesting is the discovery by the New'Left, itself, that anarchy
doesn't work.
(Continued on Page Two)
\r\nSigma Omicron Cabinet
Serving as the 1969-70 Sigma Omi
cron Cabinet are five very capable and
dedicated FIJIs.
Sigma Omicronical
Fowler, a senior from Chicago, Illinois.
Bill is a business major who has con
tributed much to the office which he
holds. In addition, he is one of our
"stars" on the Intramural Football
Published during the school year by the men of
Phi Gamma Delta for our alumni and friends.
In formal initiation on September
21, nine men received their black dia
monds at OSU. Those to be congrat
ulated are: Stephen Craig Bowersox,
James Christopher Cole, Stephen Hale
Dennehy, James Joseph Gilliland,
James Michael Gober, Ralph Orville
Heatly, Craig Howard Hicks, Charles
John Hill, Phillip Dean Webb.
PRESIDENT — Randy Lee Whitaker, a senior from Mangum, Okla
homa. He is majoring in English and
plans to attend Law school. "Whit"
has served as chapter Historian and
Treasurer before his election as Pres
ident. Other campus activities include
IFC, Student Union Activities Board,
Student Senate.
ald Eugene Greenamyer, a sophomore
from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Don
is a mechanical engineering major.
Anarchy Is Just for Today
While still a pledge, he was selected
Model Pledge of the class.
(Continued from Page One)
The September issue of Ramparts magazine, the voice of what is hopefully
described as a Third World (something about communism with complete hu
manity), carries an article about this summer's riotous convention of the Stu
dents for a Democratic Society at the Chicago Coliseum.
The writer, Paul Glusman, a Berkeley SDS activist, sadly described the
three days of splits, seccessions, excommunications and walk-outs.
According to Glusman the Progressive Labor Party had been infiltrating
the SDS and planned to seize the convention. Alarmed, the SDS National Office
formed som.ething called the Revolutionary Youth Movement to give PL
At the Chicago affairs PL sympathizers kept drowning out SDS speakers
by chanting, "Mao, Mao, Mao Tse-Tung!" Whereupon RYM shouters bawled
"Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh, Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win!"
This intelligent debate ended only after SDS threw out PL by resolution,
but then marched huffily away, leaving PL in possession of the hall.
Criticizing the SDS for lacking discipline and often behaving merely "as
William Patrick Fry, a junior from
Hugo, Oklahoma. Pat is a business ma
jor and is very active in fraternity af
a debating society", Glusman expressed worry tliat PL might drain away many
SDS members because it offered the iron regimentation of the old Communist
It is worth noting that the archons of Phi Gamma Delta and Mr. Glusman
of SDS, although they have utterly conflicting aims, seem to agree on one
fundamental thing:
Chaos is a temporary condition that must destroy itself.
Man abhors confusion. He can take it only for a little while. Either our
colleges are going to have to show the guts to teach school in the face of patent
sabotage and lay down some reasonable value judgments for the guidance of the
young, or a confused and generation will look around for its new
ois. "Cookie" is a hotel and restaurant
major and another "star" on our In
Anarchy is just for today.
HISTORIAN — Stephen Allan Grass-
field, a junior from Northfield, Illin
tramural teams.
Off to a good start in 1968 intra-
murals, FIJI'S ended up in 11th place
in Ail-Fraternity standings. We took
second place in tennis and narrowly
missed winning our league in football
and basketball. This higher ranking
moved us up into a higher division.
The new season of intramurals be
gan with Brothers Murphy and Dennehy taking third place in tennis in a
heartbreaking loss in the finals. Our
football team posted only one loss
and tied for the league title. How
ever, we lost play-off by about four
yards, as that game ended in a tie
We are proud of Brother Ronnie
Harp who was named All-Fraternity
quarterback this year.
Basketball season began with a vic
tory over Delta Chi. This is one of
the best teams we have had in many
years, and we are confident of a vic
torious season and a championship!
John Gearhart is attending OU Medical School, still single ....
Charlie Powers is serving his basic training with the Reserves and will marry
Susan Phillips, KD, upon his arrival back home ....
Bill Teel is still pinned to Gayle Childers, Pi Phi, and is working in Stillwater.
Harlan Colt married Kay Dell Rhodes, Chi O, and is serving his basic training
in the National Guard . . . .
Dan Lucas married Susan Woodward, Pi Phi, and preparing to go into basic
training with the Reserves ....
Hayes Greenwood is engaged to Olive Ann Parrot, Theta, and working out of
Chicago . . . .
Bob Curtis married Mary Siebel and is employed by an insurance firm in
Conneticut . . . .
Roy Hoke is serving his country in the Army ....
Phil Williams is serving his fraternity as National Field Secretary ....
FIJIs Welcome Mom
David Hall, democratic candidate
for Governor in 1970, was the guest
speaker for the preferential dates at
Sigma Omicron during formal rush
in August. Mr. Hall, a Phi Gam from
Oklahoma University, cancelled sev
eral touring engagements in Little
Dixie to come to OSU.
He spoke to the group of rushees
about making a fraternity selection
that would benefit them most. He en
couraged the group to choose a house
that could do the most for them, not
only in the four years of college, but
in the many years to come.
As a personal testimonial, he said
that Phi Gams had been the most in
strumental in his career and that six
Arrangements are now being made
for Sigma Omicron's 8th annual Norris Pig Dinner, to be held in Okla
homa City in early March.
In the past, we have accented a cor
dial atmosphere for FIJIs far and
near, and this year promises to be no
exception. There will be a cocktail
party, dinner, and dance, all centraliz
ed in a major hotel, in the heart of
Our speaker this year will be a na
tional officer, and there will certainly
be plenty as FIJI spirit there to wel
come him.
So prepare yourself for a real mem
orable experience.
In order to fulfill the purpose of our
graduate newspaper, we would ap
preciate it if you would fill out and
return the back page of this news
letter. In this way, we can let everyone
know what the Brothers are doing.
out of the eight men who had launch
ed his political career had been Phi
Oklahoma State FIJIs are proud to
introduce our new housemother, Mrs.
Jeanne Dodge. She came to us last
February from her home in Bartlesville. Mom Dodge has quickly ad
justed to the university community
and Greek life.
Mom has one son. Skip, who is a
sophomore Phi Gam at OSU, and a
daughter Daphne who has two child
Pledge Sneak
Sigma Omicron is very proud of
On September 20, 1969, the pledges
the 14 men we received on Bid House
of Sigma Omicron, accompanied by
Pledge Trainer, Phil Bowersox, ven
Day and the five that we have obtain
ed since that time. Our grand total
is now 17 pledges. Their names and
tured to Enid for their annual "sneak".
Early that morning they visited the
hometowns are: Lyle Dean Bellmon,
Enid State School where they lended
a helping hand with painting blea
chers at the ball park, scrubbing out
the swimming pool, replacing light
bulbs in the cottages, and various
Yukon; Frank Ray Crabtree, Stone
wall; Gregory Randall Dennis, Edmond; Robert Gregg Francis, Mangum.
ground-keeping and farm chores.
Thomas Lee Hardesty, Shawnee;
Robert McMahon Heatly, Mangum;
After completing the work project,
the group requested a tour of the fa
cilities at the school. Many thought
Albert Lucas, Oklahoma City; Paul
ful questions were asked by interested
Don Kirk Hudson, Tulsa; Michael
Davis Parson, Bartlesville.
John Thomas Prince, Oklahoma
members of the pledge class.
That evening they were entertained
by a party with music provided by
The Changing Times.
Those making the trip returned with
the gratification of having completed
a worthwhile service project for those
much less fortunate than they.
Kenneth Wesley Silk, Mangum;
Robert Hailey Thomas, Altus; Scott
Robert Turnbull, Oklahoma City; An
thony Alton Tweedy, Ada.
City; Marshall Scott Roach, Texhoma;
Terry Gardner Sanger, Oklahoma
t^ity; Patrick Thomas Sears, Bartles
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December 1969 newsletter for the Sigma Omicron chapter at Oklahoma State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.