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1973 January Newsletter Kappa Mu (Western Michigan University)
January 1973 newsletter of the Kappa Mu chapter at Western Michigan University. The newsletter is two pages in length.
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Kappa Mu
Western Michigan University
1973 January Newsletter Kappa Mu (Western Michigan University)
January, 1973
Kappa Mu Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
For the first time at Western Michigan University
the Inter-Fraternity Council held an awards banquet.
Various awards are given to the Fraternities who have
excelled in such areas as public relations, campus in
volvement, and scholarship.
This year we were very proud to receive the award
for the most involved Fraternity on campus. Needless
to say the whole FIJI Chapter was extremely honored
to receive this award.
The criterion for this award is not campus involve
ment alone, but community involvement as well. The
Kappa Mu Chapter has held a variety of community
activities such as Christmas and Easter parties for
underprivileged children, collecting for Muscular Dys
trophy and working with veterans residing in half-way
houses. Our campus involvement includes having one
of the brothers as the new President of the Inter-Fra
ternity Council, a brother as an off-campus senator and
a brother serving on the Consumer Complaint Council.
Some other organizations that include members of our
chapter are the yearbook, as one of the editors, the
yearbook advisory board and the Greek Week Planning
Both campus and community involvement has been
one of our main concerns ever since we were founded.
These activities are prime ingredients in building a
strong working relationship among the brothers.
As in past seasons the Bronco Fiji's didnt fair too
well in the sports department.
In basketball we managed to compile a 0 wins and
5 losses record, which was partially due to the loss of
twoofourbestplayers to part-time jobs for the season.
Bowling was a little brighter, as the kegglers missed the
playoff's by one point and faired a strong third place.
Hopefully we canavenge ourselves inourbestsport,
volleyball, which has yet to start. Last year we made
the playoffs, and are hoping for a repeat performance.
Kalamazoo, Michigan
The Kappa Mu Fijis have a new approach to im
proving scholarship in our ranks. We have a reward
system which works as follows. The chapter is divided
into three segments of Technical, Business, and Arts
other than Business. The person with the highest
scholarship at mid semester in each area will receive a
steak dinner compliments of the brothers. The same
will hold for the end of the semester and to encourage
the brothers to work each week, cupcake papers full of
a variety of candy are distributed to those receiving an
A on a test or quiz that week or improving on a grade
previously received in that class. At the end of the
year, trophies will be engraved with the names of the
brother with the best grade point average, the most
improved average, and a special award for the poorest
grade point. This promises to be an interesting pro
Rush was two-phased this semester. The 18 actives
and the pledges were initially broken down into two 9
man teams. On five different nights each team roamed
through the halls of their assigned dorm interviewing
rushees. The rushees were asked their feelings about
fraternities in general and also if they wished to rush
Kappa Mu Fiji. After the five night tallies were in,
Team II had canvassed the most "yes" responses to the
Fiji rush questionnaire and received 2 large pizzas and
a quarter-barrel for their efforts.
Phase II involved following up on the rushees who
responded favorably during Phase I. Follow-up teams
consisting of two men each were given 8-12 rushees to
talk to and bring to the house. After two weeks, the
team of Brothers Dix and Chase had bidded the most
pledges (3) for a single team. Their motivational re
ward was dinner for four at the Whistle Stop Restaur
Six pledges resulted from formal rush. Informal
rush resulted in one more pledge.
\r\nJanuary, 1973
Kappa Mu Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
On February 11, 1973 Kappa Mu formally pledged
six men. This is our first pledge class as a chapter and
we have high hopes for these men. Their names are
Bruce Liscombe, Rich Kunkel, Randy Gowen, Rurt
Garavaglia, Tom Robinson and Glenn Rahn.
Kalamazoo, Michigan
The graduate activities that have been presented so
far include the annual Norris Pig Dinner and a Gradu
ate Card Party. Although the attendance by graduates
were only minimal on both occasions, we did manage
to see a few new faces.
We were all pleasantly surprised to see the only two
graduates that have graduated thus far from Kappa
Mu attend the Pig Dinner. Don Barnes, who traveled
from East Tawas, MI and Dan DeGood. Roth are pre
sently teaching.
Our officers for the coming year were installed at
the February 5, 1973 meeting. Our new president has
organized the chapter along the committee system as
suggested by National. Our committee chairmen are:
Rush, Tim Macaddino, Pledge Education, Gary Dix,
Scholai'ship, Jim Ramp, Finance, Tim Macaddino,
Communications, Gary Dix, Campus Relations, Gary
Nave, Parliamentarian, Rob Brown, Graduate Rela
We are trying a different idea this year with having
a Pledgemaster, Gary Dix, and an assistant, Gary
tions, Paul Mills, Administrative, Larry Chase, and
Senior Council, Jerry Williams.
Because of our tradition, we have kept chapter
DeLiso, We feel that two men can do more, with
officers secret and cannot disclose the names.
better efficiency. The active members will also be
involved in the pledge education program, whereby
tLey may be ,calledupon to explain their particular field
of .expertise, to the .pledges.
•]: The,pledges will be doing a social project, service
projects, and an activation project. We have two re
treats planned and also expect a few raids on the actives
from our spirited neophytes.
• We expect that through many activities between
the pledges and actives, the pledge period will be
beneficial as well as enjoyable.
This semester the Kappa Mu chapter is presenting
two movies as major money making projects.
• During the first part of February "Little Rig Man"
was presented, and realized a good profit. In March
the movie "Airport" was shown, and had a poor turn
out because of an unexpected fourteen inch snowfall
the day before.
Lately we have been very successful with our
movies, so much so that we have found ourselves tmrn-
ing people away.
Next fall we are planning to show "Rutch Gassidy
and the Sundance Kid" and "The French Connection."
The Fiji's here in Kalamazoo have been hoping for
substantial graduate support, and last November they
found out that our local graduates do care about the
chapter here at Western. Last November we had our
formal installation ceremonies, and although all the
graduates weren't present at the festivities, they cer
tainly showed their concern by means of financial
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January 1973 newsletter of the Kappa Mu chapter at Western Michigan University. The newsletter is two pages in length.