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1970 April Newsletter Chi (Union College)
April 1970 newsletter of the Chi chapter at Union College. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Union College
1970 April Newsletter Chi (Union College)
rn![?Rf7nD nipnri
Volume 6970 #4
il 21, 1970
MtA^HiMGrON. U. C. 200111
Saturday, April llth, will go down in the history of Chi Fiji
as the date of one the most successful Pig Dinners ever held. All
of those present who survived this occasion will attest to the fan
tastic amount of amusement and gaiety everyone experienced.
Our graduate brothers started arriving Friday night and con
tinued coming in all day Saturday. The Chi Association meeting
was held at two o'clock with President Dave Case presiding. The
minutes of the meeting will be published in the next "Chi Tama."
A cocktail party was held at five o'clock and everyone eager
ly started putting themselves in the proper state of mind for the
festivities and feasting which would soon occur. By the time six
o'clock rolled around, everyone was more than happy. Now all the
Fijis present, graduates and undergraduates, united in a common
state (or dis-state) of mind as will as in brotherhood, marched en
masse to Hale House, their voices echoing throughout the campus,
and prepared their stomachs to receive some solid food for a change.
After the turkey dinner, the Pig was brought in and the members of
each class present individually paid their compliments to the Pig,
Tom VanNorstrand, our Purple Le g:ionnaire, did an excellent job
as Master of Ceremonies and Steven Pierce presented the awards.
Senior Richard Adams of Duluth, Minnesota, received the Hothckiss
Award and Sophomore William V/erner of Torrington, Conneticut, re
ceived the Ed Seitz Award. Our Wilkinson Award nominee this year
is Walter Hennings of Croton-on-Hudson, Ne\w York. VJally has a 3.2
index, is a member of two engineering honor societies, RGTC, the
Yearbook Staff, and the Rugby team. He also was a delegate to the
Fiji Academy, and he has served as house Scholarship chairman,
"Chi Tama" editor and \-jas a member of the Wrestling team.
The Library Award, a monetary award which is presented annual
ly to the Union College Library for the purchasing of books, was
accepted by Dean Malloy, Dean of Students, on behalf of Union Col-
Stan Krejci (Northwestern, '5A), our Guest Speaker, delivered
a very enlightening and entertaining talk.
Stan discussed what he
has observed in Chi Fiji and what should be done to improve our
graduate relations. Stan, who was our guest for three days and who
entertained us constantly, was so impressed with Chi Fiji that he
wrote a letter to the Executive Secretary in which he enthusiasti
cally praised our house.
Although the dinner itself was over around seven, (con't p. 2)
\r\n'festivities continued into early Sunday morning. Almost all the
graduate brothers returned to the house and everyone had a grand
time, 'The fantastic fingers of Jerry "Bake" Baker flew over the
keys of the Fiji piano as thirty or more undergraduates and gradu
ates gathered 'round and sang tunes long into the night. And we
must admit that our graduate brothers taught us a few verses which
we had never heard, Sverj^one really had a great tiiue and we sin
cerely hope that many more or our graduate brothers will join us
in the fun and festivities of Pig Dinner 1971»
Those present were:
David Plummer
Chip Noe
Robert Pike
Donald McKibbin MD
Livingston Coulter
Jerry Baker
Peter Skeffington (Rhode Is.) '64
Kenneth LaBarge
Cliff Bowdish
Don Smith
Bob Farnum
A1 Bangert
John Seay
Ed Grover
Dave Case
Roy Hershey
Stan Krejci (Nl/U) '64
Dave Fitzgerald
Tom VanKorstrand
Richard Fitzgerald
Tom Dempster
Bob Gresham
Anthony Condi
Marston Ames
'68, '71, '
Editor: Richard Adams '70
Co-Editor: John Calender '75
Graduate Nev/s: Steven Pierce
Wf-i/iT A Pi6
Campus Hews: Ed Calamai ''73
Undergraduate Hev/s: John Calender
Contributors: Garry Ljmch
'Jilliam Kuchta
All correspondence should be
mailed to:
W. . I 14 '
Editor-Chi Tama
Phi Gamma Delta
Union College
Schenectady, Nev; York
The Union College Chronicle
of March 1970, records the passing
rolled up cloths, Dan's remark
on viewing this mess was typi
of two Chi Pijis,
cal of our brother: 'Boys will
Robert Blair
Davis, H2, served our chapter as
sometimes be Little Little
Historian, and Wiley C. Wilson,
'43, better known as "^y," held
the position of Treasurer,
"Big Ed" adds that he has a
mourn the loss of these two Eijis.
few more choice stories inclu
George Buckbee, '50, past Pre
sident of Chi Association, has
table fiasco" which he will send
ding one about "the ^600 pool
been mamed manager of the White
Plains (N.J.) branch of the Burns
International Detective Agency,
Congratulations, George!
upon request. Many thanks to
Brother Seitz for this example
of his continuing interest in
Brother Davee Parnsworth
David Hall, '67, was wed
March 28 to Miss Linda George,
Best of luck, Dave and Linda!
('61) could not answer our trivia-question-of-the-month of
hov; Albany got its name, but he
did offer this interesting tid
Two undergraduates recently
"An old man once told me
spent a pleasant afternoon at the
how Schenectady was named.
home of Leroy P, Collins, '05,
Brig, Gen,, USA^ret,), Brother
v/as there at the massacre and
at that time an Indian who was
Collins, who lives with his wife
on their pecturesque farm in Pow—
hatan, Virginia, takes an active
interest in Chi Chapter,
lifting a scalp said, 'This
guy had a skinny-neck-didn't-
In response to the recent re
quest for anecdotes from "ancient
times" at the Piji house, Brother
Edward P, Seitz, '32, sends this
amusing taTeT "Circa 1928-32.
Brother Daniel Weeks (professor
emeritus) owned an ancient Model
A Pord touring car, recently
painted dove gray. Being a loyal
alumnus, he parked the car nearby
the walk to our old Piji lodge.
Some naughty brethren moved the
car up five steps on the front
porch while he was teaching clas
ses. These same brothers — me,
"Ken" Cermak, "Squeak" Watson,
"Little Duke" Knight, "Prango"
Gates, and another prankster took assorted cans of paint - pur
ple, fire red, light green, orange
and black - and gave his car the
measles treatment with sponges and
Somehow the name was adop
ted in memorial to either the
Indian, the scalped white man,
or my friend,"
We do not have up-to-date
addresses on the following bro
John H, Mirschel Jr.
Vincent P. Russo
Paul J. Canton
Joseph H. Cerrone
Arnold Gray Holden
Ulysses Grant Warren II
Richard Kellock Rosa
We would much appreciate
any assistance in' locating
these Pijis,
\r\nThe Field Secretary Report
On February 10-15 of this
year v/e were visited by Field
Secretary Carl R. Sahlberg from
the General Headquarters.
Brother Sahlberg was well re
ceived and many of his recom
mendations and criticisms have
already been acted upon.
chapter here at union has ex
hibited improvements in so many
areas that we may well be in the
running for the Condon Cup this
(If you do not have your
trusty Purple Pilgrim handy, the
Condon Cup is awarded annually
to the chapter showing the most
The strong points of our
chapter in order of their res
pective strength are: l)Hospitality, 2) Care of house and
grounds, 5) Chapter administ
ration and organization and 4-)
the pledge program.
ie were
also praised for our excellent
financial bookkeeping.
Rugby, a dormant club sport
at Union College, is experien
cing a rude awakening. It began
with the fall season turnout of
25 men although one team of 15
was kept. The potential was
there even though its record
was one tie and 4 losses.
spring season, starting this
week, received an overwhelming
outcome of 45. This season
will open with a 4 club tour
nament on April 18 at home.
On Pay 2 the team hosts another
tournament to help entertain
Our last
bout is at the University of
Mass, on May 23.
, at FIJI,
are proud to see that 30/^ of
this team is composed of Fiji's,
The range of participation has
been; 1 senior, ialt Hennings;
3 juniors. Bob Teittinen(captain)
However, the only weak
point that Carl Sahlberg cited in
his summary of strengths and
Dave McKoewn,Drew Hamelink;
2 sophomores, Doug Tosh, Paul
Spurgas; and 4 freshmen, Garry
Ljmch, Charlie -ells, John
Witherspoon, Dave Benko. This
and other campus activities
weaknesses is the absence of
fill the schedules of the
strong graduate relations.
already taken steps to all
eviate this problem and we hope
that you will feel the effects
FIJIs' at Union College.
of this soon.
Yet no matter how
hard we work, nothing can be
accomplished unless our grad
uate brothers respond. We urge
axi. of -jou to stop in and visit
Louis A. "Bud" Mangels (In
diana, '56), Fraternity Ritual
ist, participated in the initia
us, especially those of you who
live in and around ck>iiQtigctady
tion ceremony of our new brothers.
In the February issue of "The
and are able to journey with ease.
Phi Gamma Delta" he discusses
If you cannot visit us, drop us
a line; v/e'll be more than happy
to hear from you. Or if you have
a tale or story concerning your
drop here at FIJI, send it to us
and we'll publish it for the
rest of you brothers. This is a
fraternity of graduate and under
graduate brothers, ^-^"^lember
"Phi Gamma Delta is not foj. n,
days alone."
the Ritual and presents his ob
servations as gathered from ex
perience and from conversations
with other brothers.
Ed Grover ('68) asks us to
announce that he and the little
lady are the proud parents of a
three month old baby girl, Miohele Marie. Happy family build
ing, Ed!
On April 5? 1970, Chi chap
ter welcomed fourteen members
into the Brotherhood, The new
initiates are;
David A. Benko
Binghampton, N,Y.
Dennis F. Dodds
Hillsdale, N.Y.
Paul T. Kabb
class with a 5.95 index.
The nev; Treasurer is Roger
Springfield, Mass.
Michael F, Raab
Elections were recently held
for the I97O-7I year and the newly
elected officers have already ta
ken office. Not only are o\ir of
ficers active in fraternity func
tions, but they also participate
heavily in campus affairs.
Steve Pierce of Westfield,
Mass., is our new President. A
member of the class of '71» Steve
is vying for valedictorian of his
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Davi^ C. V/illiams
Rochester, N.Y.
(EE &. LA)
Edward G. Calamai
Anderson of Fishkill, N.Y. Rog,
also a member of the class of "71»
has already had much experience
in bookkeeping since he is rooming
with some of the past and present
officers of the house.
Historian Drev/ Hamelink, Wycoff, N.J., is one of the most
Pleasantville, N.Y.
industrious and versatile bro
John G. Calender
thers in the house. Drew, v/ho is
a member of the class of '71» was
unanimouslj'" elected to his posi
(Pol. Sci.)
Watertown, N.Y.
Garry R. Lynch
Bill Kuchta of Westfield,
Plieasantville, N.Y.
Paul J. Pfingst
(Pol. Sci.)
Babylon, N.Y.
be.: of the class of '72 and has
Kenneth G. Schwenk
East Hampton, N.Y.
Charles C. Wells
Pittsburgh, Pa.
John M. Witherspoon
(Pol. Sci.)
Austin, Texas
already contributed a great deal
of time and energy to our cam
pus and our fraternity.
Correspohding Sedretary is
Mike McCarthy of Hazlet, N.J.
Mike, also a member of the class
of "72, is one of the more active
brothers in the house and devotes
much of himself to our college
and our fraternity.
Michael A. Perrino
Schenec-tady, N.Y.
Douglas S. Tosh
Mass., is our new Recording Se
cretary. Bill, who has just com
pleted a service stint, is a mem-
(Pol. Sci.)
Nevj Hartford, N.Y.
Tom VanNorstrand, '59» was
elected as our Purple Legionnaire.
Our IFC Bill
Thurston of Fairfield, Pa., and
George Geer of South Portland,
Maine is our representative to
the Student Senate,
The Black Alliance of Union College took a bold step forward
last month when they submitted to President Harold Martin a list
of four major grievances and their possible remedies. The four
grievances concern the problems of Housing, Activities, Transpor
tation and Attitudes, According to President Martin, the first
three grievances are already being dealt with by college agencies,
but he expressed a strong concern over the black student's alien
ation from other students. This problem of campus racism was put
before the faculty and a policy statement was unanimously adopted
to make all. efforts to rid Union of racism. This can only be done,
however, by the students themselves for their attitudes will deter
mine whether Union will have a serious racist problem. In the past
few years. Union College, as is characteristic of institutions of
its type, has been moving toward what it feels are better and more
realistic ideas about integration. As an example, the College has
recently instituted an Upward Bound program to aid college bound
students. It is the hope of everyone that a racial problem can
and will be avoided at Union and that all minorities will come to
feel more a part of the college community.
If you knov/ of a friend or relative who has a son entering
Union this fall, p'lease try to contact him and tell him about Phi
Gamma Delta, Try to interest him in Fiji so when he comes here he
will have some familiarity with us and he more responsive to our
rush. Also, kindly fill out the form below and tell us your im
pressions of the rushee. We would greatly appreciate your active
aid and we will report to you the results of your information.
Thanks a Lot!
Name of rushee;
Home address:
Age in September;
Impressions or remarks;
1 recommend him:
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April 1970 newsletter of the Chi chapter at Union College. The newsletter is six pages in length.