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1970 December Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
December 1970 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Indiana University
1970 December Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity at Indiana University
B看o冒he「 Michael Scha富z漢ein
Besides these activities in the
house, Mike held two of the most
PreStigious positions on campus.
Second Broすher In A RoW臆園
丁o Win Wiikinson Awa「d
He was President of臆the I. U.
Student Foundation which spon‑
SOrS and organizes Little 500 and
WaS a member of the Board of
On August 28 at the 122nd Ek‑
klesia held in Cleveland, Ohio,
AeonsJ an elite group of upper‑
Michael Hoover Schlatzlein be‑
President of the University on
came the
maJOr CamPuS issues
Class students who advise the
2nd Zeta Brother in a
row to win the coveted Wilkinson
In his
spare,, time, Mike built a
Award given to the Phi Gam who
StereO SyStem for the house and
best exemplifies the ideals of schol‑
arship, fratemity service, PerSOn‑
Played several musical instruments
entertaining many times at rush
ality, and extra‑Curricular acti‑
Vity. Richard Handley, Of course,
COntinued to show through as he
WOn the award last year and David
helped out on I・ U. Sing.
His musical talents
Mike was also interested in pol‑
Frick was Zet掛,s other winner in
, aS Mike was
itics. This is evident as he was
known throughout his undergrad‑
Director of Students for Nixon̲
Agnew at I. U. during the 1968
CamPaign. He was further honor‑
uate days, WaS the tenth man to
I.eCeive the Fratemity
s annual
award for the outstanding senior.
ed by being named to a Presiden‑
We at Zeta had no doubt about
tial Commit七ee which expressed
Student opinions on and altema‑
s qualifications for the
award because his list of awards
tives臆tO the draft.
云hd ̄ contributionS̲ both ̄inside and
After his junior year, Brother
OutSide of the house seem end‑
Schatzlein could have headed for
less. Although he was only 17
When he enrolled at I. U., Mike
s Wilkinson
Åward W王nner
Mike Schatzlein
Medical School, but he chose to
remain in the house one more year.
immediateIy put his talents to
he continued his high academic
good use in several activi七ies and
PrOWeSS later becoming a member
PrOVed himself scholastically.
Throughout his freshman yeaI.,
Of Blue Key. He was also a Na‑
tional Merit Scholar and he held a
MicrobioIogy Fellowship.
member of the Delta Gamma Sor̲
hold over a 3.5 grade point aver‑
Far from being just a 〃student,,,
in Indianapolis.りSlingshot,, has
age while at the same time being
Mike was a we11‑rOunded individual
COntinued to remain active out̲
a leader in pledge activities. As
With campus and house activities
Side of academic life by founding
worked diligently to up‑
Fo11owing graduation Mike married
the former Mary Danielson, a
Ority. He is now attending the
I. U. Medical and MBA SchooIs
a result of his scholastic excel̲
OCCuPying equal time in his busy
a rock band talent agency called
1ence, Mike was elected into Phi
SChedule. In the house, he served
Contemporary Talent Ågency.
Eta Sigma, a freshman honorary
as Rush Chairman, Treasurer, and
fratemity, and chosen as its treas‑
Chapter President He modemiz‑
s accomplishments both on
CamPuS and at Zeta will not be
urer. During his sophomore year,
ed the committee system, reWrOte
forgotten by the brothers who
Brother Schatzlein was chosen as
the By‑Laws, and modernized our
had the opportunity to live with
One Of the 25 top sophomores and
Pledge program
This year∴Zeta has pledged
Gregor King, all majoring in Bus‑
outstanding freshmen whose
iness; William Wayne Thompson
qualifications assure them of being
冒he forces that have been great‑
est in my life have been God and
the Co11ege Fratemity that mould‑
ed me.
一骨homas R. Marshall
and Larry Reeve Lett, both ZooL
outstanding brothers. One unus‑
Ogy majors; Donald Ray Mar‑
ual note about this year,s class is
quette in Pre‑Dent; and Michael
that there are no pledges from out○
Charles Sechrist, majoring in Po‑
1itical Science.
The growing list of Fiji legacies
goes on in the class of )74 with
Other付Fiji Freshmen
are Jon
Michael Ruppert, an Optometry
eight of its members having ties
major fr。m Elkhart; Jon Michae喜
in Phi Gamma Delta. hTese men
Maier, from Anderson maJOrlng m
Chemistry; Jeffrey Maxwe11 Lan‑
are Daniel Granger Auer, a bus葛
iness major from Ft. Wayne; Tim‑
dis coming from LaPorte and
Published regularly throughout
othy James Sto.ry from Indiana‑
WOrking in the ExpIoratory Pro‑
polis majoring in Pre‑Med; Tim‑
othy Keith Frank from Ander‑
gram; Gary Keith Dunn, a Busin‑
ess major from Greenwood; Alan
son, a ZooIogy major; Thomas
Jay Dansker, in ExpIoratory from
Morton Jones who is from Ft.
Wayne and is in the ExpIoratory
BIoomington ; and Warren Galeliel
Indiana University for the enjoy‑
ment of its alumni and friends.
Contributions of news of alumni
are welcomed and encouraged at
all times. Let us know what you
are doing. Address all communica‑
tions to: Eric J. Mishler or John
S. Myrland, 631 E. Third Street,
BIoomington, Indiana
Program; Richard Burgan Ha11, a
Meinshein, also from BIoomington
and a Pre‑Med major.
business major from BIoomington ;
Two sophomores round out this
Douglas Hoadley Tyte, also from
fine class : Sechrist, a tranSfer stu‑
BIoomington and majoring in Pre‑
Dent; James Garner Sinclair, from
1ege in FIorida, and Richard CarL
Su11ivan majoring in Business ; and
ton Turk, an English Literature
Brent Frederick Meyers, a Political
and Pre‑Med from LaPorte, a
transfer student from Northwest‑
Science ma音jor from South Bend.
dent from Pensacola Junior Col‑
A total of ten pledges hail from
nearby Indianapolis.
They are
Tim Story is the current Presi‑
Story and William Richard Silvey,
dent of the class which has two
an Education major; Charles Scott
baseball players ‑ AI Dansker, a
catcher, and Dave King, a SOuth‑
Galbreath III, John Manifold Wal‑
1ace, Eric Ris Wilson, and David
Pa WPitcher.
The Rush Chairmen Of this past
year, Steve FIoyd and Sam Wade,
program rests in your hands. It
is with this in mind that Beech‑
wouId like to thank the graduate
brothers for the cooperation and
Delaney and Ken Haynie, urge
s new Rush Chairmen, Steve
assistance shown them in making
graduates to submit the names of
this another fine Zeta pledge class.
PrOSPeC七ive freshmen as soon as
It would have been impossible to
possible. The rush weekends, ten‑
put together such a fine group of
men without your support.
tatively four in number, Will be
As you all well realize, a great
is imperative that the rush materia]
part of the success of next year
in the spring months; however, it
be sent out early.
Fijis on the G「idiron
Steve Sparks worked his way
from being a non‑SCholarship ath‑
lete up to the receiver spot behind
The men of Zeta Chapter extend
Brother Byrnes.
There was another Fiji who
WOrked behind the scenes to get
their most sincere condolences to
the fI.iends and family of Zora B.
the players prepared for games
and practices. Brother Phil
Hill was a student manager and
Clevenger, a Zeta Fiji and former
Indiana University Athletic Direc‑
helped Coach Pont keep his play‑
tor, Who passed away in late No‑
ers and equipment intact.
In the next issue of the 〃Hoos‑
Zeta is once again in the midst
Of another outstanding Inter‑Mural
雪eaSOn. After four sports have
ier Fiji
, an article will be devoted
to the life and achievements of
this outstanding graduate brother.
been completed a而the points of‑
軌e ̄
ficia11y reported, the Fiji
Pleasant surprise
s were in
third place, 42%
points behind
the lst place Beta
s and 18 points
behind the SAE,s out of 33 frater‑
feated the B‑2
game waS̲ ̄畜
the B‑1
s de‑
s for lst place; the
Pledges also contributed by bring‑
ing home a 3rd place tie. When
these point standings are officially
In touch football the A‑1,s
figured into the total which will
Placed 2nd after an overtime loss
in the championship game while
be done shortly, the Fijis should
the pledges finished in a tie for
OnCe again be on top.
3rd place. Fijis were also strong
in badminton and cross country.
Phi Gam volleyba11 teams have
been especia11y strong this year.
The A‑1
Looking ahead to the final lst
SemeSter SPOrtS, basketball, hand‑
ball, and table tennis, Phi Gamma
Delta will gamer its share of
s won the crimson (big
house) division and they defeated
the Sigma Pi
s for the overa11
Championship. In the B league,
POints and should enter the
semester in first place or very
cIose to it.
Friday, November 20, WaS COld
and windy, and weathermen had
forecast rain for the entire night.
report that about l15 miles were
SOId, and the goal of ?1000
But somehow, despite all these ad葛
VerSities, eighteen stalwart Zeta
Fijis began their long trek to West
Lafay ette.
Those eighteen brothers were
running a football to the Purdue
been passed.
To top‑Off the program, three
footba11s autographed by the I. U.
Players and coaches will be auc‑
tioned off at the various service
Clubs in B置oomington.
Baker, and John Bucher a11 con‑
tributed one mile.
With a successful Cancer and
United Fund Drive under its belt,
both of which amsased more than
$1000, Zeta Chapter appears to be
in the driver
s seat in Baker Cup
On Oct. 21 Zeta Fijis in con‑
Chapter in the culmination of
The run itself took about 14
raising drive sponsored by the
hours with the eighteen hearty
Sorority took upon themselves a
participants running equal distan‑
PrOject to raise money for the
Monroe County Cancer Society.
s uRun for the Money,, fund
Monroe County United Fund.
junction with the Sigma Delta Tau
Lambda Iota at Purdue had done
man wouId run a segme教書t While an
The idea was presented as an al‑
the same thing last year, and Zeta
18 foot truck donated to the cause
temative to building a float for the
Was Out tO better the Boilermak‑
by Ryder Truck Rentals drove
homecoming celebration because it
outpir.冒he purpose of the
ahead with the other brothers and
WaS felt by both chapters to be
CamPaign was to se11 the distance
Waited until the runner∴Caught‑uP
more constructive.
between BIoomington and West
and made the exchange with the
Lfayette, apPrOXimateIy lO5 miles,
next man.
The project co‑Chairman Linda
Schwartz of SD冒and Ross Jacob̲
Several contributions were made
SOn Of Zeta organized both chap‑
Orities and fraternities on campus,
by Fijis, alums and undergrads
ters at various positions around
businesses in the community, and
CamPuS tO aSk for donations in the
any interested individuals.
Myrland thank the following broth‑
ers for their support: Air Rights
name of the Cancer Society. The
at $9 per mile to the various sor‑
As a result of much hard work,
PrOject lasted from lO:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. and $1,161.5O was raised.
ing to various businessmen and
Building, Roger W. Eisinger (10
miles); WiIliam C. Reed, Jr. (3
making phone calls to the Greek
miles) ; Jenkin and Jomar Rentals,
houses on campus, the project was
William Jenkin (3
a big success. With all the money
Class of
Sti11 not received, CO‑Chairmen
Doug Witham and John Myrland
Tyte, John Hoadley, Robert L.
including walking around and talk‑
74 (2
The check was forma11y present‑
miles); Zeta
ed to the Monroe County Cancer
Society at their November meet‑
67 (2 miles); Zeta Class
ing and, by the measure of their
miles); Dr. Donald C.
applause, it was greatly appreciat‑
\r\nWe would appreciate it if you would take Kindly Fill Out and Mail Today To:
the time to fill out this insert and send
it back to us for our records. We will use Eric Mishler
this information to inform you of the Phi Gamma Delta
whereabouts and activities of your fellow 631 East Third Street
graduate brothers in our "Fijis Around the Bloomington, Indiana 47401
World" column,
Name Class,
first middle last
Nickname_____________Do you go by: First Name? Middle Name? Nickname? Initials? (Circle)
Occupation Title if any.
Tr a EE ete ok nue ieee ee
Business Address. OO o_o ———E
Home: Addr opm Clty, Zorg Cte te
Names of other Business Enterprises With Which You Are Associated and Your Titles, if Any
Present or Past Federal, State, Civic or Other Public Services Performed (Show Dates)
Clubs, Professional Societies and Special Associations of Which You are a Member (Titles, if any, with dates)
Author, Composer, Designer, Inventor of
Chapter or National Fraternity Activities as an Alumnus
Your Hobby or Hobbies.
Are You Active in Politics? In What Ways?.
Major Subject
Birth Date
Birth Date
Birth Date
Date of B│r七h
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December 1970 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is six pages in length.