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1970 Fall Newsletter Alpha Upsilon (Auburn University)
Fall 1970 newsletter for the Alpha Upsilon chapter at Auburn University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Upsilon
Auburn University
1970 Fall Newsletter Alpha Upsilon (Auburn University)
Phi Gamma Delta, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
Phi Gamma Delta's chain of
Brotherhood was further strength
ened this Fall by bringing in another
new chapter to the Heart of Dixie.
Sigma Mu Chapter at Mississippi
State University in Starkville, Mis
sissippi, was formally chartered and
its colony brothers initiated on Nov
ember 20,1970. Alpha Upsilon had
the distinct honor of aiding in this
milestone by having Brothers Tidwell Gamston and Don Haisten be
a part of the initiation team.
Jim Yeaman is pictured here on the right.
Brother Gamston who headed
the initiation team did an excellerit
job in this most meaningful and im
portant process. Along with Bro
thers Gamston and Haisten were
Brothers from Theta Chapter, Gam
ma. Supervising the initiation and
When a young man takes the
big step of initiation into a fratern
ity, how is his sincerity and dedi
conducting further organization
were Brothers William Zerman,
ity mean anything to him? Will he
Alsph Upsilon's own Dr. Tommy
improve the fraternity and its im
age? The old adage "You get out
ma Tau, Beta Rho, and Delta Gam
Williams, Archon President Dr. Wil
liam Hauser, Archon Ellis Busse,
and Ritualist Bud Mangels.
The chartering and festivities
surrounding it was very rewarding
for those who had a privilege of
being a part. We truly have a fine
chapter in Starkville and we should
all be extremely proud of our rep
resentative there.
Already this
young chapter has a very close
brotherhood and all the earmarks
of what it takes to be a truly great
cation evaluated? Does the fratern
of it what you put into it," holds
true even in fraternity life; and
James Oscar Yeaman exemplifies
this truth in every sense of the word.
James O. Yeaman is a Super
Alumnus, not only of Auburn Uni
versity, but also of the Alphs Up
silon Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
Since graduation, James' dedi
cation and loyalty to his fraternity.
University,and State have flourished
even more. He has become very
active in the Graduate Chapter at
Auburn and is presently the Assist
ant Graduate Secretary for Section
14. His knowledge and experience
are a great asset to the fraternity.
He serves as a member of the Board
of Chapter Advisors. But James
does not quit here; he is in the mid
dle of our struggle for a new house
as he works diligently as a member
of the House Committee.
Our Super Alumnus is presently
Even as an undergraduate, James
was al leader. In the fraternity, he
the Director of Public Relations for
was Pledge Class and Chapter Pres
ident, and a member of the BPC
the Alabama Education Association,
and the Advisor to Phi Eta Sigma
chapter. The Chapter ranks high in
On campus, he was the epitomy of
academics, social service, and in
character and leadership associated
with the word Fiji. He was a mem
of Auburn University.
He also works on the Alabama
Public Relations Committee and is
as capable a group of men that can
ber ofSquires, Spades, and ODK,as
chairman of the Area FISH Program.
be found and the young chapter can
also boast the Interfraternity
well as being a member of the Stu
dent Senate for two years.
As we reflect on the life of
James Oscar Yeaman, we realize
leadership. The chapter officers are
Council president among its ranks.
After graduation in the summer
that as long as there are young men
Alpha Upsilon welcomes our
of 1966, James settled down in
Montgomery with his wife, the for
mer Miss Carole Coniff of Birming
ham, Alabama, and his two daugh
in the fraternity of Phi Gamma
newest sister chapter and is greatful
for the opportunity for having even
a small hand in bringing them into
the fraternity.
Delta with the character and dedi
cation of James, the respect and ad
miration to Fijis will always live on.
\r\nPage 2
Fall, 1970
Editor: Dave Thornbury
Don Haisten
Barry Rush, Paul McWhorter
Scott Morrow
The War Eagle Fiji is published
three times yearly for graduates
and friends.
Bobby Wiggins is pictured here third from the left in the 1963 Cabinet.
Bobby Wiggins has been elected the president of the newly formed
Auburn Graduate Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. Bobby who is a 1965
Auburn graduate now makes his home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He pre
sently holds the position of Publications Director at the University
W.H. Garrett
of Alabama. Also, Bobby has started
his graduate work in the field of
G.S. Morrow
with a problem which seriously
threatens the superior existence of
J.D. Crawford
C.L. Ferrell
During this past Fall Quarter,
four young men were initiated into
the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
They are Wayne Garret who is a
junior in Predentistry from Trussville, Alabama, Curt Ferrell who is
our chapter. At the end of spring
public relations in journalism,
Bobby's plans concerning the
graduate chapter at Auhum are
quarter, nearly forty brothers will
still undefined at the present mo-
join the ranks of the graduate. This
ment. However, he does hope to
represents about sixty per cent of
get the activities of the graduate
our chapter. Therefore, it is important that during the next two quar-
chapter organized at this year's Norris Pig Dinner during the Spring,
ters that we rush twice as hard as
This past quarter also saw the grad-
ever before. Also this summer, we
uate chapter hold a joint meeting
need to meet the prime rushees
coming out of high school. It is in
this area that we need your help as
brothers of Alpha Upsilon. We need
your recommendations, your ideas,
and help in this year's rush which
with the Montgomery Graduate
Chapter. They held a dinner honoring the retiring Chief Justice of
the Alabama Supreme Court, Judge
J. Edward Livingston who was the
speaker at the first Norris Pig Din-
could secure the fate of our chapter.
We would greatly appreciate any
help you could give us.
ner at Auburn.
a sophomore majoring in Marine
Biology from Huntsville, Johnny
Crawford a sophomore in Business
Administration from Birmingham,
and Scott Morrow who is also a
In the hustle and pressures that
sophomore in Business Administra
tion from Birmingham. The initi
surround our daily college lives, its
easy to become caught up in our
ation ceremonies which were held
immediate business of the day and
the week prior to the Mississippi
State football game brought the
never stop to realize what the Fra
ternity means and in what direction
total number of brothers for the
our lives are heading.
fall quarter to sixty.
tried to prevent this from happen
ing by renewing a custom in Alpha
Upsilon known as Day's End. This
is a fraternity devotional period
Although Alpha Up.silon has a
fine pledge class to initiate during
the winliT (|uarter, we an> faced
We have
where we gather together on Sun
day night and share with each other
things which are important and
meaningful to us as individuals and
as a group. Even though times are
changing rapidly and old standards
are being challenged all around us,
we realize there is still something
in the words brotherhood and love
for each other.
\r\nPage 3
Fall, 1970
R.A. Capell, Jr
J.P. Rankin
J.R. Fitzpatrick
G.A. Moon
P.K. McWhorter Ml
D.G. Cosper
M.J. Woodham
C.R. Ellington
R.L. Caruthers
G.E. West
M.B. Hackney
J.A. Vilece
M.D. Smith
W.T. Waters
J.L. Sartin, Jr.
J.S. White
W.F. Dean
W.E. Kendrick
The 1970 pledge class of Alpha
Upsilon chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
has twenty-two members, nineteen
of which were pledged this Fall.
The pledge class has been very active
this fall with many activities. They
placed second in the "Wreck Tech"
parade and eight of our pledges en
tered the Wilbur Hutsell Cake Race.
Alpha Upsilon Has
In the race Billy Waters won a cake
for finishing in the top twenty.
Socially, the pledges have had two
very successful parties and a pledge
An Eventful Fall
swap with the Phi Mu's. In the
schedule for the future there are
Fall quarter has just flown by
all of us here at Alpha Upsilon
Many of the brothers spent most of
the quarter trying to catch up as
they fell a week behind during rush
which was held the first week of
school. The brothers are still unde
Much has also happened within
the chapter itself. This year's Miss
Rat Hat is no exception to a long
line of quality Phi Gamm Girls. She
several more parties planned, a rush
weekend in January, and a pledge
swap with the Chi O's.
members of this year's
is Miss Lee Moore, an ADPi from
pledge class are: Bob Capell, Mobile;
Montgomery. The house is still
dry after action was defeated to
Bob Caruthers (John's brother),
Lanett;Don Cosper, Bessemer; Fred
die Dean, Lineville; Randy Elling
ton, Sylacauga; Billy Kendrick, Co
lumbus, Pat Fitzpatrick, St. Louis,
Missouri;Mitchell Hackney, Dalton,
Ga.; Paul McWhorter, Cedar Bluff;
George Allen Moon. Leesburg; Larry
Norris, Opp; Robert Price, Newville; Pat Rankin, Faunsdale; Roger
cided as to the effectiveness of the
make it wet. Brother John 'Hootie'
Interfraternity Council's idea of
having rush during the first week of
school. However, in spite of the
unusual methods, Alpha Upsilon
pledged 19 of the best men on
Wallace has taken over as treasurer
as Brother Buselender was forced to
resign because of his job of Business
Manager for the Plainsman. Also
Alpha Upsilon made national radio
when she pledged Bob Hope during
The chapter with its new pledges
has been very busy this fall keeping
his stay in Auburn.
up the high ideals of the Fratern
ity of Phi Gamma Delta. The Thun
dering Herd ended the 1970 foot
goes to the musclebound genius.
(Randell's brother), Dutton; Jim
Brother Reed Edwards.
Sartin, Auburn; Mike Smith, Bir
ball season with a 4-2 record after
being upset by the SAE's in the
final game. The Herd this year
averaged 18.6 points a game while
only allowing their opponents 3.1
points a game. Also, the pledges
have shown their winning abilities
by placing second in this year s
Wreck Tech float comiretition.
This year's 'suck wind' award
Edwards was slyly caught last sum
mer by one of those feminine type
people (Miss Karen Mullins) and
Robbins, Montgomery; Barry Rush
Brother Bill Coons, Randell Rush,
mingham; Jimmy Valece, Birming
ham; Billy Waters, Auburn; Gary
West, Huntsville; John White,Spring
field, Missouri; and Skipper Woodham, Opp. Also Alpha Upsilon has
just recently pledged three new men
Johnny Williams, and Hub Harring
ton who will take the gas this sum
Zweigler from Millbrook, and Bobby
mer and Brother 'Fat Jack' Gamston whose time will come in March.
Braddock (John's brother) from
Jacksonville, Florida.
took his vows this December. Close
runners up in the competition are
who are Richard Mullins and Mike
\r\nPage 4
Fall, 1970
Early on the morning of Octo
ber 17, several of the brothers and
pledges of Alpha Upsilon were stand
ing outside the chapter house dis
cussing the party that had taken
place that night. Then,from no
ry.'U r'
where, a man and a women came
walkin'g out of the darkness and one
of our pledges who recognized them
yelled "There's Bob Hope!" With
in minutes, Mr. Hope was shown
into our empty house at 3:00 A.M.
However, seconds later, the dining
room was alive and thriving with
the entire chapter. Mr. Hope later
commented at the Show he gave at
the Memorial Coliseum"They came
out of nowhere, they seemed to
come out of the walls." Mr. Hope
then proceded to tell some jokes and
was immediately pledged.
As a
result of Bob Hope's visit, several
weeks later Alpha Upsilon made
national radio as Paul Harvey men
tioned our activities concerning Mr.
Bob Hope is surrounded by the brothers and pledges of Alpha Upsilon moments after his
pledging at 3:00 AM in the morning.
YOUR CLASSMATES WANT NEWS FROM '/OU. Please use this slip to pass along current personal news
about yourself, your family, or other chapter members you've seen or heard from recently.
new homes,
new jobs,
vacations or
business trips,
civic and
church work,
events you
attend, or
members you see,
Return to the Fraternity, 275 South College Street
Auburn, Alabama 36830
The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
General Headquarters
1757 N Street, N. W.
Woshington, D. C. 20036
Non Profit Org.
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Fall 1970 newsletter for the Alpha Upsilon chapter at Auburn University. The newsletter is four pages in length.