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1970 Febuary Newsletter Pi (Allegheny College)
February 1970 newsletter of the Pi chapter at Allegheny College. This newsletter is three pages in length.
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Allegheny College
1970 Febuary Newsletter Pi (Allegheny College)
FEB 1310
The active brothers at Pi are making great strides to better graduate
relations. In the past year^ we have published a directory of
all living graduate brothers and two issues of "The Pi Crust".
function for our graduates at home coming and are planning The
Pig Dinner at a time this Spring when you will be able to meet
addresses for
We had a
Annual Morris
all of the
undergraduates. Soon, you will be receiving a formal invitation card. If
by some chance you v/ill not be able to make it this Spring, we vrould apprec
iate a note from you as to what you are ciirrently doing. We will take your
note and read it to the members of your class that attend the Pig Dinner and
also try and publish that information in the next "Pi Crust".
There are several good reasons for you to attend Pig Dinner this year.
First and foremost, we intend to have greater attendance than we have had
in the past. This will be due largely to the efforts of our Board of
Chapter Advisors. These graduates will be working to bring members from
all classes back and letting you know who v/ill attend from yoiir class. A
prompt reply from you, then, would be appreciated. Secondly, as you are all
aware, fraternity systems have been under some vei*y tough criticism, and
Allegheny's is no exception. We are proud to say that our Chapter is strong
er than ever, evidenced by pledging of some of the finest men possible. Too,
you may be interested to see how the college has expanded its facilities with
a new recreation building and fine arts center.
We ask you to attend Pig Dinner to see your class mates and find out what
your Chapter is now doing. Fraternity has not lost its relevancy and it is
certainly "not for coll.ege -daya aJ oue".
Fr-aternally yours,
Crispin T, Lachner
Your Board of Chapter Advisers has been active during the past year in
working with the active brothers at Pi Chapter. As most of you laiow, an^area
we have been striving to improve is the area of Alumni Relations. Alumni
interest in the Pig Dinner and Homecoming functions has been dwindling yearly
and we, as alumni, should look a little more closely at our ties with Pi
Chapter. It appears as though once we make that final walk across Bentley
lawn to pick up the sheepskin we tend to leave the world of Allegheny and
Pi Chapter to seek our fortunes, whatever they might be. We should remember
the phrase "Mot for college days alone," when we leave the status of the
active brother.
To improve the area of graduate relations requires effort on both sides
of the fence. The active brothers have accepted their responsibility to
strive and keep the alumni better informed in the area of happenings at
454 and now we as alimini should also do our part. If you cannot attend
the Pig Dinner this April, it would be helpful if you would drop a note
with your reply telling what you are doing and where you are at the
present time. Also list your class on your reply. This will give us
as advisers and the active alumni chairman the capability to place these
replies in class folders and the brothers who do return will be able to
catch up on lost brothers. These folders will be available on Pig Dinner
One other area that we appear to have forgotten is the area of finance.
Recalling the days at Pi Chapter will allow us to remember the furniture
and other items which need periodic replacement. The House Corporation is
doing an excellent job in keeping the house general in condition but the
alumni can help out greatly in this area.
This is the time of the year when the Christmas bills are paid and we
are all getting those refund checks from the IRS, A check sent to the
house would be a gesture on our part as a alumni to show our support to
the active chapter, I can assure you that it will be put to good use, I
do not propose a fund drive, but ask all of you as alumni to remember the
house, V/e should give them the support we are capable of giving. See you
at the Pig Dinner,
George Hagstrom
Board of Chapter Advisers
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Pi Chapter began its 1970 formal rush program on January 8th with the
appearance of the aniazing Dick Hasley, a hjrpnotist. Rush continued through
Sunday, January 11, packed with such entertainment as a magician, W,C,
Fields flicks, a smoker, and the Super Bowl, More important than the
entertainment was the quality of the rushees who are now our new pledges.
Rush Chairman, Charles Scholer, did an excellent job of leading the brothers
in the recrxiitment and selection of the pledges. We are very proud of oiir
12 new pledges and feel that once again Pi Chapter has taken the best
pledge class on campus. They are all fine gentlemen and what they lack
in numbers they more than make up for by quality.
Two of Pi Chapters new pledges are sophomores, Ruxton Dellecese and
Derek Doeffinger. Ruxton, a drama major from Ludlow, Mass., plays on the
varsity soccer team and enjoys such hobbies as scuba diving, hunting, and
riding, Derek is a Biology major from Pittsburgh whose one main interest
is basketball and he plays it constantly, Derek transferred from Marietta
College in Ohio and has to sit out this bs.sketball season. The remaining
ten pledges are all Frosh and are as yet undecided on majors, John Anderjack,
from Pittsburgh, enjoys most sports and is waiting for Spring so he can start
getting ready for the Allegheny baseball season, Jonathan Cox, from Haddon
Township, New Jersey, was a letter winner on the Gator's football team.
Kevin Cochrane is from V/illianisvilla. New York, and participates in both
football and wrestling. Douglas Denning, from Fabius, New York, has
interests ranging frora football to playing his guitar. John Dingess is
a football player, hunter, and fishernian frora VJarehouse Point, Conn,
Fron Fabius, New York, comes Robert Engst who enjoys football, hunting,
and skiing, both water and snow. Steven Lanier, from Erie, Pa., is a
skier and handball player now and will be a baseball player in the Spring.
William Watson 11, frora Wooster, Ohio, participates in many sports, foot
ball, sailing, and skiing. Donald Wilkinson, from Havertown, Pa., played
tackle for the football team. Peter Winkert is a football player, and
skier from Manlius, New York. The brothers and pledges are very anxious
to get the new revised pledge progrc?jn under way and are looking for another
productive and enjoyable year at Pi Chapter.
See you at the Pig Dinner
— - Satui^day, April 4» 1970.
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February 1970 newsletter of the Pi chapter at Allegheny College. This newsletter is three pages in length.