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1970 June Newsletter Chi (Union College)
June 1970 newsletter of the Chi chapter at Union College. This newsletter is four pages in length.
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Union College
1970 June Newsletter Chi (Union College)
^^EcrKXfS. W£'
Campus News: Peter Starkweather *"70
Editor: John Calender '75
Graduate News: Steven Pierce ';71
We would greatly appreciate any
information from our graduate
Please mail all summer
correspondence to;
John Calender
918 Franklin St,
Watertown, New York
Alumni help is desperately
needed for the 69-70 dues appeal.
The mortgage was met in large
In spite of Union College's
notable apathy toward things other than itself; in spite of the
part due to Tom Dempster's ('^3)
gift to the College, part of which Union man's m3'-opic world view
was allocated to the fraternity
which perceives little but eco
mortgage reduction.
books §.nd the nearest bar, the
College did participate in the
William U, Light ('30) has
been serving as Historian of the
Xi Graduate Chapter in New York
City, Xi Chapter was founded in
Student Strike of the last few
1898 and currently has 66 active
brothers in its membership,
entailed, rather than a shutdown
Ltd, of Cleveland, E. Paterson,
to provide alternatives for com
N.J., and New York, N.Y.
pletion of the academic year;
weeks. The Union "Strike," which
was handled responsibly, openly
and non-violently at all stages,
of classes, the assumption of ad
ditional physical and mental bur
dens by the participants. The
Junius W, Stephenson ('4^)
has become a member of the engin
students, faculty and administra
eering firm of Havens and Emerson, tion acted swiftly and in concert
Edmund P, Henk ('49), who
has been named manager of re
cruiting and placement for the
Mobil Oil Corp., is pictured in
the January Journal of Collegb
including reduced class loads and
pass-fail options. The Strike
Committee coordinates activities
including DITDO (a draft resis
tance movement), campaigning for
lo9al peace-oriented candidates,
a speakers' bureau, a regional
apolitical short-wave information
The President has nominated
David Anderson ('58) for promo
tion to Class 3 in the Foreign
Service of the United States.,
The promotion resulted from the
recommendation by the 23nd For
eign Service Selections Board,
He is presently assigned to the
U.S. Mission, Berlin, as a Poli
tical Officer,
Capt, Louis G. Bruhn, Jr,
('64), has been decorated with
net, a Washington lobby, a peti
tion and letter writing campaign
directed at the Administration
and! Congress and an information
center on repression and civil
More conservative
elements on campus have contribu
ted to community dialogue by es
tablishing a newsletter "View
point" to counter the Strike Com
mittee's "Union Press." The pro-
Nixon group (SCAV; Student Com
mittee for an Alternative View
the U.S. Air Force Commendation
point) has also initiated a ser
Medal at Otis ilFB (Mass.).
ies of forums on international
received the medal for meritori
ous service as a personnel offi
cer at Richards-Gebaur AFB (Mo.).
of the last three weeks has wanec
The furious activity
the passing of two Chi Fmjis.
Henry Sears Brown, Jr. ('2?) and
John Earle Vaughn ('21),
but there seems to be continuing
at Union a more active political
"The Phi Gamma Delta" records dialogue then could be detected
We are proud to announce that
Chi Chapter is ranked fourth in
the 53-69 Brown Cup Standings.
The Brown Cup is awarded to the
best all-around fraternity on cam
pus. With sixteen fraternities in
the running, Chi FIJI earned a
third place in scholarship, a fifth
place in athletics and a seventh
place in activities to give us an
over-all rank of fourth place.
Delta Phi was ranked number one,
but txiere is a very go^'d possibil
ity that our standing will improvefor the 69-70 academic year.
Richard M. Adams ('70), for
mer .president of Chi, was awarded
the Frederick B. Hawley Jr. Me
morial Cup for "outstanding con
tributions in the fields of Schol
arship, Activities and Fraternity
Participation" at the College's
Prize Day activities on Saturday,
May 2. Besides being president
of the house, he has also served
as treasurer, assistant treasurer,
publications chairman and public
relations chairman within the
He has served as pre
sident of the IFC and chairman
of its Goals Committee, president
H. Reid Schv^enk ('71) was e-
and treasurer of the IFC Purchas
lected to Tau Beta Pi, a profes
sional engineering society, and is
currently serivng as treasurer of
that organization,
ing Association, and is a member
of the golf team and Block U So
ciety. As a delegate to the FIJI
Academj'" in 1969 he was chosen as
one of the five participants on
Robert Herron ('>70) was elect
the Model"Initiation Ritual Team,
ed to Eta Kappa Nu, an honorary
engineering society.
a position he also held at t se
Installation of our "Vermont Chap
ter last October.
Steve Pierce ('71) has been
elected to Phi Beta Kappa,
Walter Hennings ('70) has
Tv/enty-five members of Chi
Chapter recently spent a day
cleaning YHCA's Camp Tippecanoe.
Award for being" the senior in en
We swept and craned the camp's
lodge, raked the grounds, and emp
gineering who exhibits the great
tied and cleaned the pool.
est potential for social serivce
through economfc methods.
hope to build and improve rela
been awarded the Shankar Gokhale
tions betv;een students and the
community through efforts such
Robert Teittinen ('71) is cur
rently serving as President of the
IFC (Inter-Praternity Council).
as this one.
For Parents' Weekend this
year, Chi Chapter held a cocktail
Paul Pfingst ('73) was elected party and a dinner. Many of the
Secretary of the Student Senate,
parents who attended were very
impressed with the house and its
Ten members of Chi Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta will be gradu
ating this year and we all v;ish
them the best of luck in the fu
To all our graduate brothers;
Needless to say, every
one had a real good time.
Please mail all rushing in
formation to:
John Robbins
645 Hyslip Ave.
Westfield, N.J.
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June 1970 newsletter of the Chi chapter at Union College. This newsletter is four pages in length.