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1967 June Newsletter Epsilon (University of North Carolina)
June 1967 newsletter of the Epsilon chapter at the University of North Carolina. This newsletter is six pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
University of North Carolina
1967 June Newsletter Epsilon (University of North Carolina)
Miller Reviews Alumni Supporl'
swing, seen by the fine turnout of close
to fifty for Pig Dinner. We now have 6
new and energetic House Corporation
directors with President Bob Hines, '46
replacing a loyal and outstanding out
going group headed by Berry French, '31.
The new directors have already initiated
Alumni dues and a system of Alumni
dues and "class agents" who will strive
to unite each Epsilon pledge class and
aid the directors.
Next year they plan to have the exterior
woodwork repainted, purchase new mat
all recommendations to Jack Hughes, 30
Kimberly Drive, Durham, N.C. or to
Vance HaU.
dining room
The pledges of this Fali and Spring
have furthered the Corporation's work by
rebuilding the backyard arbor and re
painting the dining room.
Epsilon continues its "onward and up
ward" march through rush. Spring and
Fall rushes brought us eighteen fine men,
pushing the number of actives to 59.
The House Corporation financed this
year's repainting of Vance Hall's front
door and bought new outdoor shutters.
John Home have planned a summer rush
party and will issue a brochure on Epsilon
for the incoming freshmen. Please send
Under the auspices of the IFC, a co
operative purchasing firm will be formed
next year to obtain food house supplies,
and perhaps entertainment at about a
25% decrease over previous years. Also,
our treasurer Ron MiUer \is sending a
questionairre to local merchants for bids
on prices of products we use.
With improvement in scholarship, we
now rank ninth, well above the all men's
average; in intramurals—where we hold
7th place; in campus participation—^we
have provided many more student gov
ernment leaders; in view of aU this, we
feel Epsilon has an excellent chance to
cop the Condon Cup for the most improved
chapter nationally.
Epsilon looks forward to seeing all the
alumni in Chapel Hill for Homecoming,
Oct. 21, 1967.
R. J. Miller, Pres.
JUNE, 1967
Pig Dinner Highlighted By
Dean Smith, Large Turnout
Graduate Chapter News
The newly formed Cape Fear Valley
Graduate chapter held a meeting early
in March to elect new officers. Eleven
undergraduate brothers attended. Brother
Ed Kerr was elected as the new presi
dent to succeed Clifford Ewart.
Epsilon's 1967 Norris Pig Dinner proved
Prior to the business meeting Brother
to be one of the most successful feasts in
the chapter's long history.
Ewart scheduled
Held at the Durham Holiday Inn on May
7, Pig Dinner was the occasion for the
renewal of many old friendships. That
Cape Fear Country Club. Following this
meeting was held. Past president, Dave
Bickel, expresses his thanks on behalf of
the chapter to the Cape Fear VaUey
chapter for the warm reception they ex
tended to the undergraduate brothers that
attended the meeting -and oyster roast.
head football coach
was an
Dooley saw his Blue team achieve vic
tory in the annual Blue-White footbaU
game. After the game a cocktail party
was held, followed by Pig Dinner.
Dean Smith, head basketball coach at
Carolina, was the featured speaker. A
Fiji at the University of Kansas, Coach
Smith talked of his college days. A former
rush chairman, he related how his ex
perience gained there had aided him in
later life. About the 1967 Tar Heel Basket
ball team. Smith said that he had been
particullarly impressed with the team's
clutch playing through the season. At
Holland, '67, receives award
the NCAA finals in Louisville he said
that although the Tar Heels lost, they
displayed courage and poise. He felt they
were the best represented team fan-wise
of the four participating teams. Pointing
to the future, he said that he was greatly
anticipating the start of the coming sea
The following awards were presented by
President Rick MiUer; Most Improved
Scholastically, Sherrill R- Holland, III,
Statesville, N.C.: Best Athlete, Harry
Scherr III, Huntington, W.Va.: and Most
Outstanding Senior, Sherrill Holland.
In conclusion President Miller thanked
all the alumni for their past support and
attendance at the dinner. He said that
much of the credit for the "Renaissance"
of Epsilon Chapter should go to the loyal
Fiji alumni.
Judge L. J. Phipps served as master
Miller, '68, Coach Smith, Lamm, '68
of ceremonies.
a social hour at the
oyster roast at Uncle
In The Red For Year
At the end of March, 1967, Epsilon found
itself $801.20 in the red for the current
fiscal year. However, the month of March
brought a net gain of $293.00, indicating
that Epsilon is back on the right track.
It is our hope that this trend will con
tinue so that we may liquidate this fi
nancial problem by September. A simpli
fied cumulative and monthly operating
statement follows.
Chapter, house
Dining room
Total all income
$11,706.45 $1,678.40
$17,120.89 $3,062.61
$28,827.34 $4,741.01
Chapter, house
$13,379.79 $2,079.31
Dining room
$16,248.75 $2,368.69
Total all expenses . .. $29,628.54 $4,448.00
Net gain or loss
for period
— $ 801.20 $ 293.01
\r\nMinutes: Board of Directors
Epsilon of Phi Gamma Delta
The newly elected officers and directors
of the House Corporation met in the clubroom of the Carolina Inn at Chapel HiU,
N.C. on February 18, 1967 at 10 a.m. The
following officers and directors were
present; Robert L. Hines, G. I. Kimball,
James C. Lanier, Jr. and Alex S. Watkins.
In addition, Undergraduate President Rick
Miller, Undergraduate Treasurer Ron Mil
ler and Purple Legionnaire Archie Croxton were present. President Hines called
the meeting to order. The minutes of the
last meeting were not available to be read.
The February 4, 1967 meeting of the
House Corporation was reviewed and it
was announced that the following officers
at the
February 4 meeting:
The Board then prepared a list of neces
sary, needed and derired repairs to the
House as follows:
1. Ten dining room chairs
2. Paint exterior woodwork
3. Purchase 38 mattresses
4. Purchase pads for oriental rugs
5. Brace third floor banister
1. Pictures for dining room walls
2. Additional electrical outlets
3. Entrance hall coat room (pledge
4. Tile on housemother's terrace
5. Chapter room ceiling
1. Replace sofas in basement area
Bob Hines
2. Arbor (pledge project)
Robert L. Hines, President
L. J. Phipps, Vice-President
James C. Lanier, Jr., Secretary
G. I. "Gip" Kimball, Treasurer
Bob Hines Writes Us
3. Paint interior of House in 1968.
The treasurer reported the bank account
L. Bradford Tillery, Director
Alexander S. Watkins, Jr., Director
Pat Patterson, Director
It was recorded that Judge Phipps had
totaled the amount of $5.04, and upon mo
tion duly seconded it was unanimously
voted that the North Carolina National
Dear Brothers of Epsilon:
All of us owe a great debt to Berry
French, Judge Howard Hubbard, Bickett
Idol and Judge L. J. Phipps for the job
they have done in managing the House
Corporation for many years. We are for
tunate to have Judge Phipps continuing
The First Federal Savings & Loan, Chapel
HiU, N.C. during the summer of 1966 to
Bank be designated as depository for
funds of the Corporation, that the signa
tures of two board members be required
for checks, that new bank signature cards
be obtained and that the treasurer notify
on the Board of Directors.
avoid mortgage foreclosure on the house
the mortgage holder of the change in of
next few years, the officers and directors
and that these funds would be repaid out
of the first monies available; it was also
recorded that the Undergraduate Chapter
ficers and directors.
hope to be able, with your assistance in
the program of graduate gifts, to pay off
unanimously voted that monies be bor
all indebtedness
paid the August mortgage payment of
$409 upon the opening of the school year
in September, 1966 and that this money is
to be repaid to the Undergraduate Chap
rowed in the name of the Corporation
needed improvements in the House, in
cluding the necessary rewiring and pro
tection to eliminate any fire hazards,
painting—for preservation as well as ap
pearance—the outside woodwork, replace
advanced the sum of $800 for payment at
It was announced that the Chapter has
bills totaling approximately $2634 for re
pairs and improvements to the Chapter
Upon motion duly seconded it was
unanimously voted that the House Corpora
tion encourage alumni giving to the Fra
ternity by annually mailing brochures
soliciting funds for mortgage reduction
and permanent repairs and improvements
to the House to ail Epsiion alumni whose
addresses are known; that the brochure
suggest $5 a year dues for the first four
years out of college and giving in denom
inations of $10, $25, $50, $100, $250 and $500,
to be listed in. reverse order. President
Upon motion duly seconded, it was
only on the signatures of two of the of
ficers after the approval of a majority ff£
the Board of Directors.
It was reported by Undergraduate
President Miller that the Undergraduate
Brothers pay monthly for meals $68, for
room rent $25, and for dues $7.50.
Upon motion duly seconded, it was
unanimously voted that the Undergradu
ate Chapter make no further mortgage
payments directly to the mortgage holder
but it pay rent in the amount of $550 per
months September
through May, inclusive, to the House
Corporation as rent; that the House Cor
poration during the months September
through May shall make the mortgage
accumulate the exces over and above the
mortgage. No action was deemed neces
Undergraduate Chapter.
Hines requested that the secretary mail
for the alumni giving program.
Following a discussion of continuation
of the present mortgage or refinancing
the mortgage the Board decided that it
would be in the best interest of the Fra
Treasurer Kimball stated that he would
investigate the fire insurance coverage
make further
ment of mattresses and continued up
grading of the House condition.
We are fortunate to have a fine group
of brothers at the House and also to have
good leadership for 1967-68. Your support
through the graduate gifts program will
be the key to making the Phi Gam House
the No. 1 physical property on campus.
Many thanks; let me have any sug
gestions you wish.
payments directly to the lien holder and
monthly mortgage payments to be used
for mortgage payments during the months
of June, July and August; that any profit
that the Undergraduate Chapter makes in
keeping the House open during the sum
mer months will be paid to the House
Corporation as rent to be used for mort
gage reduction.
President Hines appointed Alex Wat
kins as Board Liaison Officer with the
to him a list of prospective class agents
Within the
on the House and would see that same is
Bayard Clark
insured for the full appraised value.
George Wirth
News Editor
President Hines stated that he
write letters of appreciation to retiring
officers and directors expressing the
gratitude of the Fraternity for the fine
job that was done throughout the years.
A copy of these minutes is to be sent to
Undergraduate Secretary Dale Bruce and
to all officers and Board members.
It was reported that the outstanding in
debtedness of mortgage after the February
payment is $24,432.69.
And there being no further business, the
meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
James C. Lanier, Jr., Secretary
\r\nEngrag-ements - Pinnings
Since November two brothers have mar
ried, two have become engaged and five
Page Clark Keel, Jr., was married to
ii • --b"JR
ii 4^
Kathryn Ann Asbell, Rocky Mount, N.C.,
on November 14, 1966. The former Miss
Asbell attended Peace College in Raleigh.
The Keels will move to Chapel HUl this
^ ^ ^
-'5 tP !^ ^
summer as Brother Keel returns to UNC
after serving in the Coast Guard for a
Ronald Wilford Sparrow and Mary
Evelyn Manning, Williamston, N.C., also
were married in November. The Sparrows
are living in Rocky Mount where Brother
Sparrow is an insurance salesman.
The engagement of William Jerome
to Patricia Lee Daves of Kan-
napolis, N.C., was announced December
21, 1966. Miss Daves is a sophomore
English major at Greensboro Women's
Harry Scherr III is engaged to Barbara
Gayle Nadel of Newburgh, N.Y. The an
nouncement was made December 29. She
is a senior majoring in Speech Therapy at
Emerson College in Boston, Mass.
James Mahan Tanner pinned Sarah Ann
j• mtKkpr'r- j,:
L-R above, Hughes, McCall, Caldroney, Howard, Weed, Griffin, Wallace, Woodward, Beall,
Elmore, Boseman, Kelly.
Spring Rush Nets Twelve
Twelve new brothers were initiated into
Epsilon May 17 after a successful Spring
rush and pledge training.
John Barclay Beall—from Lenoir, N.C.
Tarboro, N.C. in several years, was voted
most popular, friendliest, and best all
around senior by his contemporaries. Rob
was treasurer of the student council and
where he attended Lenoir H. S. and later
president of the Key Club. He also played
the Darlington School in Rome, Ga. At
Lenoir John played golf and was on the
basketball team, as well as being sopho
more class treasurer. He participated in
Glee club and Pep club at Darlington.
basketball and was voted most valuable
Robert Rieks Boseman—an All-Confer
ence halfback from Rocky Mount, N.C.,
was president of his junior class, presi
player on the golf team. His father Rob
ert, Sr., is an Epsilon graduate.
James Phillip Hughes—went to Jordan
H.S. in Durham, N.C. where he was Senior
Class President and sergeant-at-arms of
the student body his sophomore year. Jim
The Moorehead Scholarship nominee was
played varsity football, basketball and
tennis for four years. His older brother
Jack is recording secretary of Epsilon.
dent of the Beta club, and yearbook editor.
an honor student and received the Ameri
John Ellison Kelly—from Beaumont, Texas
can Legion Boy of the Year award for
is the younger brother of Jim, class of '68.
A National Honor Society member, John
was parlimentarian for his student council
and belonged to the Key Club and the golf
team. John was recently inducted into
Phi Eta Sigma freshman honorary and is
Thomas Leo Caldroney—from Newport
News Va. was president of his senior class
and captained the tennis and basketball
teams. Tom is one of Carolina's top
freshman tennis players.
John Archer Elmore — of Wilmington
N.C. was the speaker of his schooi's house
of representatives. He was a member of
the Interact Club and played varsity tennis
3 years.
Henry Erving Griffin—comes from Williamston, N.C. and attended the Fort Union
military academy where he reached the
rank of cadet major. "Buzzy'' was a mem
ber of the National Honor Society, the
Quill and Scroll Society and edited the
school yearbook. He also started on the
basketball and tennis teams.
in the freshman honors program.
Jack Orville McCall—another Texan, is
from Midland and is president of his
pledge class. "J. O." transferred from New
Mexico Military Institute where he was
a battalion commander, dean's list stu
dent, honor graduate and member of the
golf team.
Loring Scott Wallace — rounds out the
"Texas trio". Scott's from Beaumont and
attended Baylor School in Chatanooga,
Tenn. He was an honor student, squad
sergeant, and a member of the Lettermen's Club for his varsity soccer play.
Fernside, Anniston, Alabama, in January.
Miss Fearnside is a junior majoring in
History and a member of Delta Delta
Delta sorority at UNC.
A second January pinning was James
Bryce Moore to Patricia Anne Sawyer of
Washington, N.C. "Tish'' a freshman at
East Carolina College, is an Education
major and belongs to Alpha Delta Pi
Richard William Wood was pinned to
Janis Margaret Findeisen, Coral Gables,
Fla., on March 28. Miss Findeisen trans
ferred to Carolina from Emory University
in Atlanta, Ga., and is a junior Bacteri
ology major. Janis belongs to Alpha Delta
Pi sorority
James Arthur Branch, Jr. pinned Mary
Jamieson Evins of Oxford, N.C. in March.
Miss Evins, a junior, transferred from
Converse College in Spartanburg, S.C.,
and is a Primary Education major and
a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority
at UNC
Finally, Charles Marion Vincent pinned
Janet Ann Blake, Burgaw, N.C., in March.
A Psychology major transfer from St.
Andrews College, Laurinburg, N.C., Miss
Blake is a senior Kappa Kappa Gamma
sorority member and a Yak Beauty
William Edwin Bowman still anxiously
waits for his day.
Frank Charles Weed—hails from Colum
bia, S.C. He was active in student gov
ernment and a member of the Key Club.
Frank played varsity basketball, base
ball and golf and found time to be sports
editor of the school newspaper and year
Edgar "Woody" Woodward—was vicepresident of his senior class in Fredricksburg, Va. He participated in basketball,
tennis, football and track. Woody was a
member of UNC's outstanding freshman
track team.
\r\nJUNE, 1967
House Corporation Directors In Profile
The House Corporation has elected six
maintenence and regulate the business
of Epsilon. The election took place on
February 4.
The president is Robert L. Hines, '47
of Charlotte, N. C. Brother Hines was
born and educated in Mount Airy, N. C.
Entering UNC in 1942 he pledged Epsilon
in 1943. After service with the Navy dur
ing World War II, he graduated Phi Beta
Kappa in 1947. In 1950 he received his
LLB from the UNC Law School, soon
American Trust Co., of Charlotte. He re-
News of Our Alumni
1935, '37 — Rob Howard, Sr., Tarboro,
N.C. and Billy Lamm, Wilson, N.C. at
tended Pig Dinner to see their sons Rob
Jr. and Averette take part in the "kiss
ing ceremony".
1948—Jim Lanier, Greenville, N.C., was
elected to the new Board of Directors of
the House Corporation. Brother Lanier is
practicing law in Greenville.
1949—Dick Green is now in the automo
bile business in Greenville. Brother Green
reports that Pontiacs are the best cars
for 1967 and fully supports East Carolina
College in tts fight for University standing!
1951—Alex Watkins, Henderson, N.C., is
the new vice president of the House Cor
mained with them until 1954.
came to UNC in 1944. He was initiated
Brother Hines is presently a partner in
the law firm, Thispen and Hines, special
izing in taxation, corporation, estate
planning and probate law. He is married
to the former Miss Patricia Williams;
they have three children: Cecily, Patricia
into Epsilon that Spring and then spent
a year with the Navy. Brother Lanier re
turned to Chapel Hill to receive an A.B.
degree in 1949 and an LLB from UNC Law
School in 1952. He is practicing law in
Greenville. The former MiMss Eugenia
Truelove of Wilmington, N.C. is his wife:
and Robert, Jr.
Luther James Phipps of Chapel Hill is
the Corporation vice-president. Brother
Phipps was bom in Orange County and
went to school in Carrboro and Chapel
Hill. In 1918 he entered UNC. While here
Brother Phipps was Business Manager of
the Yackety Yack and President of the
Senior Class. His other honors include the
Order of the Golden Fleece and Phi Beta
Kappa. In 1922 he received his B.S. in
Civil Engineering and then went on to the
UNC Law School, graduating in 1924.
Since that time, while practicing law in
Chapel Hill, he has served as Judge of
Chapel Hill Recorder's Court and the
Orange County Recorder's Court. In 1963
he filled an unexpired term in the House
of Representatives of the N.C. Legislature.
That same year he was elected chairman
of the N.C. Department of the American
The new secretary is James C. Lanier.
A native of Greenville, N.C., Brother
Lanier attended high school there and
their children are four in number.
Assuming the treasurer's duties is G. 1.
"Gip" Kimball. Residing in Charlotte now.
Brother Kimball attended Reynolds High
School in Winston-Salem before entering
UNC in 1938. He pledged Epsilon in the
fall of his senior year, graduating the fol
lowing Spring with a B.S. in Commerce.
After graduation Brother Kimball en
tered the Navy for three years. Since then
he has become a CPA, joining the Ter
rell Machine Co. in
Charlotte of which
he is now secretary and controller. He is
married to the former Irene Gidson of
Folkston, Ga.; they have three children:
Bill, Cynthia and Katherine. Bill enters
UNC as a freshman next fall.
From Wilmington, N.C., L. Bradford Tillery joined the House Corporation as a
director. A graduate of the MeCallie School
in 1941, he served as a Lt. j.g. in the Navy
during the Second World War. He returned
Continued on page four
poration. Brother Watkins was one of
many alumni at Epsilon's successful Pig
1960 — Dick Pattisall is a lawyer in
Roanoke, Va., representing the American
Title Insurance Company.
1961—John Schroderer, Greensboro, N.C.,
is now an executive with the Burlington
Mills Company.
1962—Dick Evans has begun a dental
practice In Groton, Conn.
1963—Ward Marslender is working for
the N.C. Department of Conservation and
Development in Raleigh and is consider
ing law school next year. Cleve Cherry is
practicing law in Rocky Mount, N.C.
1964—Barry Westfall will return from
Danang, Viet Nam on June 1 after a year's
service with the Marines. Willie Hobson
leaves for Korea this summer for a one
year period. Mokey Lassiter left for South
Vietnam May 29 for a year.
1965—Bill Stanley, Greensboro, is work
ing with his father representing John Han
cock Life Insurance.
managing a cotton plantation in Wheel
ing, Ala. Dudley Pearson will resume
Business School
Philadelphia, Pa. after serving with the
Air National Guard.
1966—Jack Peay is now employed by
Dominic & Dominic Stock Brokers in At
lanta, Ga. John Titchener, Harry Bethea,
Tommy Riser and William Nelson ('651 are
all in Flight Training at Pensacola, Fla.
L-R above. Home, Hughes, Tanner, Miller, R.W., Miller, R.J.
On the 18th. of February the new cabinet for the coming year was installed. The newly
elected officers are Richard J. Miller, from Milwaukee, Wis. as president, his twin brother,
Ronald W. Miller as treasurer, John S. Hughes, Durham, N.C. as recording secretary,
John H. Home, Greenville, N.C. as corresponding secretary, and James M. Tanner, Bir
mingham, Ala. as historian. All new officers are members of the class of 1968.
\r\nEPSILON 'owl
JUNE, 1967
Past President Reports On Year
When last year's cabinet took office,
we set forth our objectives to concentrate
on during the year. These were: improv
ing the house physically, raising our intra
mural and scholarship standings, provid
ing more funds for rush and improving
our graduate relations. In each of these
areas Epsilon made successful gains.
While the graduates raised the money
for renovating the basement and first
floor, the undergaduates did what they
could also. These improvements were:
installing a locking chain on the drive
way, painting the basement and 2nd.
floor bathrooms, the woodwork through
out the house and the housemother's room,
The Charlotte Graduate Chapter provided
one during the summer.
We spent more money on the Norris
Pig Dinner last year than ever before.
H. Pat Taylor, Speaker of the N.C. House
of Representatives spoke to us. We sought
greater participation from the alumni in
our affairs; Epsilon has tried to provide
a cordial atmosphere for all Phi Gamma
Delta graduate brothers at Vance HaU.
Needless to say this has been a good
year for Epsilon. In the future I hope that
the graduate brothers will continue their
increasing interest in the chapter by
recommending good men for the white
star, lending advice to the undergraduate
brothers, attending Pig Dinner and giving
replacing the timbers on the backyard
arbor, and rebuilding the dining room
support to the new officers of the House
Corporation. Epsilon will maintain her
In intramurals where the Greek system
has not challenged the tripartite monopoly
of the Phi Delts, Dekes and Chi Psis,
Epsilon has risen from the middle of the
pack into a strong threat. In scholarship
Epsilon finished ninth last year and plans
to finish higher this year.
high place on the Carolina campus with
her graduate brothers help.
Henry N. Patterson, a director, is a
native of High Point, N.C. He graduated
from UNC in 1931 with a B.S. in Com
merce, while serving as President of the
Senior Class. Brother Patterson was a
member of the Order of the Golden Fleece
and the Order of the Grail, business man
ager of the Daily Tar Heel, a three year
student council member, and President of
Since graduation he has worked exten
sively with the UNC Alumni Foundation.
Presently he is Vice-President and Secre
tary of Acme-McCrary Sales Corp. of New
York and director of Acme-McCrary
Corp. in Asheboro, N.C. He is married to
the former Miss Madeline Thompson and
now they reside in Manhasset, N.Y. There
are three sons: Stewart, Henry, Jr. (Ep
silon '62) and Bill (Epsilon '69).
Alex. S. Watkins, Henderson, N.C. was
elected a director. Brother Watkins en
tered UNC in the fall of 1947 after gradu
ation from Randolph Macon Military
Academy. While working toward a B.S.
degree in Business Administration at
Carolina, he found time to represent
Epsilon in intramurals and serve as house
manager. He later became Vice-president
of the IFC and during his senior year was
President of the chapter.
Brother Watkins served with Army in
telligence for two years after graduation,
and is presently President of the Building
Supply Co. of Henderson, N.C. and a mem
"Epsilon Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
invites you to the Annual Faculty Cock
tail Party, Thursday, May 4, from 4:30
to 6:00, 108 West Cameron Ave."
So read the invitation to a recent gath
ering of faculty and brothers. After an
interim of five years, Epsilon has resum
ed the practice of entertaining the fac
ulty, a function which has gained in popu
larity at UNC over the past few years
Each brother and pledge submitted sev
eral names of the faculty members they
had a particular interest or connection
with. Over one hundred invitations were
sent out.
Dark skies invaded Chapel Hill on the
day of the party and heavy rainfall came
late in the afternoon. But the faculty
came. Over fifty men spent the after
The Brothers, pleased with the attend
ance, are planning two such events this
coming year.
Views From The Sidelines
Continued from page three
to UNC to graduate in 1947. In 1950 he re
ceived his LLB degree from UNC Law
Faculty Cocktail Party
noon at Vance Hall with the Brothers.
David R. Bickel
Past President
In rush we provided for three fall semester rush parites instead of the usual two.
Epsilon Holds Annual
Off to its best start in many years,
Epsilon looked forward to a successful
spring in intramurals. At the publication
of the first point standings this year, (in
cluding football, horseshoes, track volley
ball, and wrestling Phi Gamma Delta
was seventh out of the twenty eight
league teams.
Playing in one of the stronger divisions,
the Fiji basketball team had its poorest
record in three years, 4-2. After sweeping
victories over Lambda Chi Alpha and
Phi Sigma Kappa, the Fiji five fell to
Alpha by a close 51-46 score. The defeat
was especially disheartening after losing
par 3 fifth hole at Finnely Golf Course.
The baseball team won six straight
games, with victories over ATO, KA,
AKPsi, ZBT, SAE, and DKE, before los
ing to Phi Kappa Sigma in the semi
finals. Phi Gam was the only undefeated
league team in the regular season and
had badly beaten several top contenders,
such as the DKE's, an 18-5 win. The Fijis
have finished in the top four for the past
3 years in baseball, but disappointingly
failed to take the top spot this Spring.
Spring Social Finds
Phi Gams Most Active
a 10 point lead in the first half.
With two starters ill, the team then
lost to a tall Chi Psi squad, 49-38. The
Fijis closed out their season with runaway
victories over St. Anthony Hall and Beta
Theta Pi.
For the first time in years, Epsilon's
voUeyball team came through with a fine
3-1 record and a berth in the fraternity
division playoffs. The only regular sea
son loss was to the Phi Delts. In the play
offs, the Fijis challenged Zeta Beta Tau,
and took the best of three series down to
the wire before losing 10-6 the last game.
The ZBT's went on to win the champion
Epsilon stood 9th in the league going
into the final month and a half of the
intramural season. The tennis and golf
teams failed to make the playoffs while
the badmitton and ping pong teams were
defeated in the second round. A bright
ber of the Board of Directors of Citizen
Bank and Trust Co. He is married to the
former Mis Sarah Fonertle. Their children
spot on the golf team, however, was
are Beth and Alex III.
senior John Shepherd's hole-in-one on the
The Phi Gams enjoyed an excellent
spring social program under the direc
tion of social chairman Jerome Venters.
A formal mixer with the Pi Phi's and
an ADPi keg party kicked off the season,
with a highly successful Hell's AngePs
weekend following in March. Fiji Island
came soon after Spring vacation; two
combos and a Saturday afternoon cham
pagne cocktail party kept the Fijis in
high spirits.
The Germans Club, with Hubert Parrott
representing Epsilon, brought Glenn Yarborough, Sam and Dave, and the Im
pressions to Chapel Hill the following
weekend. Another keg party preceeded
Jubilee—a campus-wide weekend with the
Temptations, Petula Clark and the Asso
weekend came two weeks be
fore final exams to give the Phi Gams
time to recuperate before the "inevitable
\r\nThe Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Chapter Mailing Service, Third Class
1757 N St., N.W.
Washington, D. C. 20036
Vance Hall
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June 1967 newsletter of the Epsilon chapter at the University of North Carolina. This newsletter is six pages in length.